diff --git "a/falcon-refinedweb-100k_en-long_126.txt" "b/falcon-refinedweb-100k_en-long_126.txt" new file mode 100644--- /dev/null +++ "b/falcon-refinedweb-100k_en-long_126.txt" @@ -0,0 +1,10000 @@ +The place assigned to us for an encampment, must certainly at certain seasons be very pleasant. Meridian Hill - so called because here is the Meridian stone, set up perhaps by the immortal Washington himself, from which our mariners reckon longitudes as do the English from Greenwich - is a sightly place, a beautiful terrace, about two miles north of Pennsylvania avenue, the Broadway of Washington city. It commands a view of the entire plain on which the city is built, a view of its principal structures and monuments, and also of the Potomac. We were encamped in the edge of what must be in summer a beautiful grove, on the estate of Commodore Porter, a few rods only from his mansion, now occupied as a hospital. But beautiful as was the situation, and suggestive of past events, and recent changes, memory and imagination were not permitted to enliven the toil of the beginning of our camp life. Snow and mud, cold fingers and toes, empty stomachs and soiled clothes, concealed every beauty, and compelled us to attend only to the work of arranging the camp.- Here we remained a few weeks and were then sent to occupy certain Forts defending Washington on the Maryland side. Fort Massachusetts is occupied by five companies under the immediate command of Lieut. Col. Shaul; Fort Slocum by four companies commanded by Major Livingston; and Fort De Russy by Co. A, commanded by myself. The surroundings and circumstances of our present situation will be referred to in subsequent communications. +Before closing I feel called upon to speak of rumors that have been, as I believe, insidiously circulated, that the Regiment is to be soon disbanded. Letters have come into our camp stating that our Quarter-master wrote to Cortland that all the officers signed a petition to have it disbanded. I do not believe he wrote any such thing. He knows it is not so, and would not have written it.- There is no probability whatever that we shall be disbanded before the war closes; as I am not aware that a single officer of the Regiment, now in command, desires to have it disbanded before that time. Our Regiment was undoubtedly managed into its present position; the men have become restless for want of something to do; and persons whose motto is "rule or ruin" have done what they could to increase that restlessness, to make the men dissatisfied and insubordinate; in fact to effect the disbanding of the Regiment against the wishes of its head men and to the disgrace of all. Our men here are sometimes made to believe these rumors, and no doubt write home to that effect; but I assure the people of Cortland that those rumors originated with persons whose only object in circulating them was to make difficulty. The most disgraceful intrigues, the most malicious falsehoods are resorted to, to make the men discontented and to embarrass the officers. To some of these I shall refer as occasion demands and the spirit moves. +A. J. Grover. +Transcribed by B. Conrad Bush from microfilm on file at Cortland Public Library, Cortland, NY +THE GAZETTE AND BANNER CORTLAND, NEW YORK MAY 8, 1862 VOL 1, NO. 31 Pg 2, COL 5,6 +FROM THE SEVENTY-SIXTH REGIMENT. +FORT DE RUSSY, D.C., MAY 2d, 1862. +FRIENDS AT HOME: +In my last, after preaching, I fear, a tedious sermon, I gave some account of our camp life up to the time we left Meridian Hill, and promised in a subsequent communication to furnish a description of our present situation and surroundings. In this paper I shall try to redeem that promise, in part. +The Regiment is now divided into three detachments, and occupies three forth the chain of fortifications defending Washington on the Maryland side. Fort Massachusetts, the headquarters of the Regiment, is occupied by five companies under the command of Lieut. Col John D. Shawl; Fort Slocum, which is about one mile from headquarters, is occupied by four companies under the command of Major Livingston; Fort De Russy, which is about one mile and a half from headquarters, in an opposite direction from Slocum, is occupied by my company alone. I shall, of course, in this and other communications, speak more particularly of my own command than of other portions of the Regiment, and shall attempt to describe only what I have seen. +Not one of the guns of Fort De Russy has ever been fired either in fun or in earnest, since its construction; nor has there ever been a pound of powder in the magazine until within three days past. Now we have quite a quantity of powder, cartridges, solid shot, grape, canister, and shells, and shall give more attention to artillery practice.- My wife, who is now with me in camp, will to-morrow have the honor of firing the first gun. +We are very pleasantly situated here, and if we are to remain near Washington during the summer, we desire to remain here. We have the use of quite a large wooden building, about forty rods from the Fort, built for the accommodation of the engineers and laborers who constructed it, which provides m with comfortable quarters, and also a kitchen with conveniences for cooking and a store room for the company. Just back of the building is an excellent spring of water, shaded by overhanging trees which at this time perform for us the double office of keeping the water cool for our use, and delighting the water cool for our use, and delighting our senses with the beauty and fragrance of their blossoms. There is also a small stream, made by this and other springs above which furnishes an ample supply of good soft water for washing. Our situation seems to be a healthy one, and the men are fast recovering from the effect of their exposures at Meridian Hill. +Our encampment is in a really romantic region. From the ground on which the camp is placed we can see but little. We are down in a little valley, encircled by hills on the highest of which the fort is perched; the bases of which crowd each other as if at some former period there was a strife among them as to which should occupy the ground. If we can see nothing in the valley, a few rods' walk gives us some delightful views. We have one view down the Potomac, which, with the aid of imagination, becomes singularly, weirdly beautiful. It is a long line of beauty, which aggravates and influences us by half concealing itself, and which is lost finally in the dim distance.- We look down the river several miles, and our neighbor says we see Alexandria. Perhaps we do in a very clear day; but generally we see only wreaths of smoke or dense fog which conceals, though it is suggestive of the presence of a city. The narrowness of the view renders it interesting, and especially the fact that every object is seen in the distance. +From the parapet of the fort we have several views which would be good subjects for the landscape painter. And we have one grand view of hills sweeping round in a circle from Georgetown Heights to the Potomac, this view terminating with the hills that lie beyond the village and battle ground of Bladensburg. The country all around us is wildly romantic. The road to the city is one of the most romantic I ever traveled. It leads through nearly three miles of woods, compels us to ford streams several times, and continually delights the eye by a panorama of beauty which shows a new scene at every turn. Cedars crowd the ravines, dignified oaks and chestnuts crown the hills, and occasionally magnolias range themselves along the roadside like lines of spectators, promising to drop their flowers upon our heads if we came that way next summer. Just at this time the thick, red blossoms of numerous peach orchards adds to the attractiveness of the scenery which it is a part of our daily food to look at. We are here fretting over our inactivity, but I for one am thankful that, if we cannot be and do what we desire, we can forget often the occasions of our mortification, while looking at the beauty which God has made to remind mortals of beauty eternal. +But so-called practical men laugh at all this. The beauty - they don't see it. In the cedar groves which fringe the streams and diversify the forest; in the chestnuts which crowd the hill sides, they see only ample and excellent material for fencing. The streams, the waters of which sing so pleasingly of the varied scenery they have seen in their onward flow, remind them only of water power; and they are ever looking - not for some romantic turn, or mysterious glen, or overhanging trees, or the wild flowers that fringe their banks, or the combinations of light and shade, in forest and glen, which make one feel as if half concealed spirits were flitting around him - scenes which speak so powerfully to the inner soul, - they are ever looking for eligible mill seats marking out roads, all the while inwardly groaning at the unthrift of the farmers, who permit land to be a waste which might be a garden of fruitfulness, or at the desolation which war has made. This is indeed a region which will at the same time delight and disgust you. It possesses marvelous beauty, but as if it were designed to give us a perfect contrast, we see only dilapidated dwellings, prostrate fences, meet seldom with any but ignorant bears, and cannot pass a house without being barked at by dogs. +My friends will pardon the abrupt termination of this letter; but it must be mailed at once, and the drum beats which calls me to other work. In conclusion, then, we are getting along very finely, and there is a very fair prospect that our Regimental difficulties will be satisfactorily closed. +A.J. Grover +Transcribed by B. Conrad Bush from a microfilm copy of The Gazette and Banner in files of Cortland Public Library, Cortland, NY. +(Fort De-Russey, D.C., May 3, 1862) +Writing at home and in camp, be it known, are quite different exercises. At home you can sit down quietly, solitarily, and if people have sense enough to stay away during study hours, you can complete your work without interruption, but in camp it is quite the reverse. +I sat down in my room, in my great arm chair, made out of a barrel, saying to Mrs. Grover, 'now I must write a letter for the Cortland paper, and it must be finished this evening,' so at it I went, as I suppose with fair prospect of succeeding my purpose and I began. I wrote three or four lines, and rap, rap, rap! 'Come in!' 'Captain can I go to headquarters with the report?' Interruption number one. That disposed of I composed myself to write again. Then came interruptions number two, three, until at least number twenty was reached. By this time my usually small stock of patience had become exhausted, and I fretfully said to my wife, 'I wish I was a private long enough to get this letter finished.' +I wrote on as best I could. Three or four lines, and, hark! some one comes casting a shadow of annoyance before him, and then comes that tormenting rap, rap, rap, - walk! said with commendable brevity and such emphasis as the occasion demanded. 'Captain can John Jones and I go out walking towards Fort Pennsylvania? No! said in a very proper manner, and again I tried to compose myself for writing. +Finally I was interrupted. The clouds which had been threatening in the distance and compelled us to abbreviate our drill, poured down rain in torrents. You don't have such rain up north. Noisy, rapid streams were quickly extemporized, and ran violently down the little ravines that marked the hill sides as crop-furrows do plowed fields. The lightning flashed vividly, and the thunder peeled, by their sharp percussion-like explosion revealed the perilous nearness of old Jupiter with hands full of deadly bolts. +Notwithstanding all this, the writing went on glibly enough, for these things were excellent preventatives to interruption. But - what's this? Confound it! Imagine three or four exclamation points. Down through, which was supposed to be well covered by tent cloth, came a stream of water as large as your finger, right down on my writing table, covered with reports, rolls, books, papers, etc., etc. It was totally unexpected , a complete surprise. I am sorry for military men ought not be surprised. All that were in the house were at once to work to secure the papers from damage. They had been spread around to suit convenience, but they were in a bad strategical position, in no condition to receive so sudden an attack from such an enemy. My confusion was irritable, it was impossible for me to rally, so I retired with the mortification of defeat. +Next morning, with great circumspection I approached the table, found a tolerably dry corner, and ventured to write a dozen lines to round off a letter abruptly broken in two in the middle. I was under the necessity of mailing something that morning, so the fragment went forward. +My friends, notwithstanding all my trials and tribulations, I am determined to hold out to the end of my disposition to write, or to the disposition of my friends to read what I write. +Moral. - Variety is the spice of life. +A.J. Grover +- Transcribed by Richard Palmer +THE GAZETTE AND BANNER CORTLAND, NEW YORK MAY 15, 1862 VOL 1, NO. 33 Pg 2, COL 5 +FROM THE SEVENTY-SIXTH, +FORT DE RUSSEY, D.C. MAY 8TH, 1862 +FRIENDS AT HOME: +Perhaps you would like to know, +HOW WE SPEND THE SABBATH. +Yesterday was Sabbath, which was not probably observed quite as well here as it would have been at home. It is common saying that there is no Sabbath in the army. This statement is altogether too sweeping.- There seems to be an incongruity between military duty and God's sacred day, but the people's generally apparent incongruity is not real. Farmers must milk their cows, take care of their milk, and feed the horses and pigs, all classes have something to do on the Sabbath which cannot be neglected the neglect of which would be criminal.- The soldier has duties equally as necessary, and unless it is sin to be a soldier at all, they should be attended to always. It is lawful to do good o the Sabbath day. +Our first duty on Sabbath morning, as on every other morning is Guard Mounting.- No reason can be assigned why that should be neglected on Sunday, that would not be equally as good a reason for the disbanding of an army. +The principal work on Sunday is inspection. The men are called out in the forenoon, with all their equipments of every name and kind, all of which are or ought to be thoroughly inspected. First, their persons are inspected, to see that every man has his boots well cleaned, his clothes brushed, his coat buttoned up, hair dressed, face and gloves clean, his accouterments properly adjusted, and his arms carried in a proper manner. Next comes an inspection of arms to see if all the guns are in a serviceable condition, free from dirt and rust. Then comes the inspection of boxes, to see if each man has the number of cartridges and caps which he is always required to have on hand, and the little implements necessary to keep his arms in good condition. Finally comes the inspection of knapsacks, which consists in a thorough inspection of all articles of clothing furnished by the government, to see that the men have all that is necessary for their comfort and that proper attention be paid to their cleanliness. +The inspection ended, there are no further duties until Dress Parade, which comes under the head of a necessity. And inspection is a necessity. It is in fact a religious duty. It improves the sanitary condition of the men, renders them every way more efficient and it has a good moral effect. Cleanliness is an element of Godliness. It leads to purity of heart and life. I have learned to look out for the man who comes to inspection with a dirty gun or shirt. +Yesterday was a pleasant day, and our inspection passed off to the satisfaction of officers and men. We are here alone, and our inspection was not quite so much of an affair as that of a regiment, still it occupied a full hour, about the time it used to take me to conduct a religious service. The men appeared better than at any previous inspection. they are fast learning how to keep themselves in good condition. And I intend that they shall continue to improve. I can expect to succeed in my intent, for there is now no one here to say with dogged jealousy, "You shan't drill your men, "You shan't get your company in better condition than the others." +Our inspection was a very pleasant one, and as if Heaven intended to smile upon it, he sent along a gust of wind which scattered a shower of fragrant blossoms upon us from adjacent trees. +About half past five we had divine worship. I took up my old work and preached a brief sermon to an attentive congregation. Thus ended the Sabbath. Would that we never had spent one less profitably and pleasantly. +CHANGES IN THE COMPANY +The resignation of Lieut. George, which all very much regretted, for he was an excellent officer, left a vacant post in my company, which many desired to occupy. After some considerable delay things were arranged as follows: Second Lieut. H.W. Pierce was promoted to the First Lieutenancy, S. M. Byram was promoted to the second Lieutenantcy, Norman G. Harmon was promoted to the position of First, or Orderly sergeant, and William H. Myers was promoted to the position of sergeant. It may not be amiss for me to say that I have a good set of officers. Lieut. Pierce is a man of excellent character, and a man of mind.- Byram who has been my Orderly Sergeant since the organization of the company has by his faithful discharge of every duty, his prompt and energetic obedience of all orders and his proficiency in drill, fairly won his promotion. Harmon has shown himself by his promptness, intelligence, readiness for duty, and power to command worthy of more that he has got, though his office is one of great importance in the company,- And Myers whose promotion I here chronicle, has proved himself a good soldier and deserving of honor. I must not be understood that these praises detract from others. It is very difficult for me to choose when there is an office to be filled. I have so many who are worthy and competent. +For the present good-bye, +A.J. Grover +Transcribed by B. Conrad Bush from The Gazette and Banner on microfilm in files at the Cortland Public Library, Cortland, New York. +FROM THE SEVENTY-SIXTH. +FORT DE RUSSEY, D.C. MAY 17, 1862. +MUTINY IN COMPANY A. +It has come to me that certain parties in Cortland represent this company as having been on the verge of mutiny, on account of my bad treatment of them. Whether I have treated them badly or not, the company will not feel complimented by such representations. The company has never been mutinous, and is morally incapable of mutiny. One thing I can say of my men, and that is, that not one of them, since the organization of the company, has willfully disobeyed an order I have given. The general regulations which govern camps are sometimes violated, but a refusal to obey an order given, or a willful neglect, has never occurred to my knowledge. I am glad to be able to say this, for the men deserve the compliment.- they are under my control, because they are willing to be controlled. It is easy to govern them, for if one should undertake to be insubordinate, the main body of the company would shame him down. Whoever represents the men as mutinous for any reason, whatever is a slanderer - the slanderer of as good a company as has been raised for the war. +This course of remark suggests a reference to another matter - the statement that this company which I speak of so highly, has asked me to resign, and threatened me if I did not. A purer lie could not well be told. If any person exhibits any paper to that effect, appearing to have been signed by my company, he exhibits a forgery. No genuine paper of the kind exists. I will state, what I know in reference to an attempt to circulate such a paper, which attempt recoils on those who made it. There was at one time such a paper actually drawn up; but it could not get signers. Those who were called upon by certain parties outside of the company to sign it would not touch it. The movers in the matter seeing the utter failures of their measure, hushed it all up. No secret were they, and so few had been approached in regard to it, that nine tenths of the men can hardly be made to believe that there was ever any such an effort. +It is evident that the party, outside of the company, who encouraged it he did not originate the thing, who said, to use his own language, he wanted to see the men do to the officers what they had done to Col. Green, this outside party thought that such a thing might succeed, and accordingly he wrote in hot haste that it had succeeded. What he thought would succeed, he said had succeeded. He was too fast, and his lie has found him; and yet, I doubt it being detected in the lie will shame him in the least degree. The company could not be deceived or coaxed into any such thing. +If the people of Cortland will wait for the statements of men who have seen me night and day, and whom they can rely upon, I shall be satisfied. It ought to be understood certain persons think it to be their interest to slander me. And it will come out, if it has not already, that they are persistently making statements which every man in my company knows to be false. I ask that the testimony of those who are near me and know me, be ------ --- line missing ------------ of my bad treatment of the men, it is very natural that persons should try to have the people forget their barbarity by charging the same upon others. +It is said that numbers have been put in the Guard House by me, merely for signing petitions. That is entirely false. I will state precisely what I have done, and my reasons for my course. One man was confined for a week for leaving his post in the night - an offense sometimes punished with death. - Two were confined about twenty-four hours for going to the city of Washington on false papers furnished by the Quartermaster.- Three were confined for running the guard, one over night, one about two days, the other three or four days. One was confined for three or four days for treating disrespectfully certain officers. That is all. And all men of sense will say the punishment was exceeding light, in no way proportioned to the greatness of the offense. +In this my generosity has been my crime. Some punishment was an absolute necessity, and I took the matter in my own hands, instead of turning the offenders over to the rigorous hands of a court martial, for which they and their friends ought to thank me. Besides this putting of man in arrest, I am maligned for drilling my men hard, for keeping them close in camp, and for refusing them many privileges which other companies have. "I am hard on my men" is the expression. Now I do not see how I am to avoid charges of this description. I intend to obey my orders. I intend to have my men well drilled. I intend that every man shall do his duty. And if this occasions dissatisfaction, which I cannot help it. I shall not let up in anything necessary to a successful discipline, and my men don't ask me to - not many of them, - They desire to excel quite as much as I do. +All this I have written because it was on my mind, and because it has been the theme of conversation in camp for two or three days past. I shall perhaps refer to other things as time will prompt. +RESIGNATION OF OUR QUARTERMASTER +A.P. Smith has offered his resignation, which was promptly accepted. By the time this is in print he will be at home, or on his way home. His position in the regiment has never been a pleasant one. Not an officer regrets his departure. He has done much to stir up insubordination among the men. He says openly that he desires to have the regiment disbanded; and certainly he has not failed to labor to that end. Mr. Smith has ability, but he as used it against, not for the regiment. Every officer feels relieved now that he is gone. We all wish him well; but at a distance. +Affairs just at present are looking very well for the regiment. Its difficulties are apparently closing up satisfactorily, and it is being paid off. +A.J. Grover +Transcribed by B. Conrad Bush from the Gazette and Banner microfilm on file at Cortland Public Library, Cortland, NY. +Read more letters from Major Grover. +Return to Major Grover's Page +Return to Letters from the 76th New York +Return to 76th Roster (G) +Return to 76th NYSV Homepage +- Last Updated January 19, 1999 +Under a law signed by President Obama in January 2013, all former U.S. Presidents and First Ladies can receive lifetime Secret Service protection. In 1994, as a cost-saving measure, Congress acted to limit protection for future former Presidents and spouses to just ten years after they left office. The 1994 measure, at first, exempted then-President Bill Clinton and first applied to George W. Bush and all his successors. +But in the post-9/11 world, Congress had decided that former chief executives may still be vulnerable and needed protection. President Obama signed the repeal of HR. 6620 (the Former Presidents Protection Act of 2012) which also gives Secret Service protection to former First Ladies. The Secret Service does not divulge the costs of its protective details, but it's believed to be in the range of tens of millions of dollars a year for each former President and First Lady. +Former Presidents are also entitled to a pension ($203,700 a year as of 2015), staff and office allowances, and the best healthcare taxpayers can provide. And former Presidents also get obscenely expensive libraries named after them too. Obama's could cost the taxpayers as much as $1 billion — recession, or no recession. +Hillary Clinton has become world famous and extremely wealthy. She's traveled all over the world. She's been in the company of the most powerful people on Earth. She's already lived in the White House for 8 years. And Air Force One is not a novelty to her either — she's enjoyed many of the perks that comes from being a president, without actually being the president. But she wants it all. She wanted it in 2008 and she wants it now in 2016. She wants the title of POTUS for herself. She's wants her own place in history as "the first female U.S. president". She wants her own "legacy". Hillary Clinton also wants her own presidential library (to be immortal), and she will do whatever it takes to have us build her one — no matter at what cost to the country, or in dollars, or in suffering to the average American worker. +And Clinton's political party, the New Democrats, have rigged the party's rules to ensure that all of Hillary's dreams come true (like keeping Independent voters out of the primaries and allowing superdelegates to vote against the popular vote at the DNC convention). And the Democrat's cable news media arms, MSNBC and CNN, are also working overtime to help Clinton. Many of her political surrogates and superdelegates are hoping that, maybe one day, they too will also have "their turn" by putting party loyalty first — and may the American people and the Independent Senator Bernie Sanders be damned. +"That's what they offered." +Anyone who's been following the Democratic primary probably remembers when CNN host Anderson Cooper had asked Hillary Clinton about her $675,000 in compensation for 3 speeches that she had given to Goldman Sachs after resigning her post as Secretary of State. It happened during the CNN Democratic forum in Derry, N.H. on February 3, 2016 — when Clinton had replied, "That's what they offered." +But just to refresh your memory, below is the 40-second video — because it's relevant to the rest of this post. +At the CNN forum Clinton had told Cooper that she didn't know if she would be running for President while she had been giving those speeches to Goldman Sachs — meaning, she had made that decision sometime between giving her last paid speech on March 19, 2015 — and less than a month later, when she had announced her candidacy on April 12, 2015. +But when Senator Bernie Sanders had asked the former Secretary for the transcripts for those three speeches, it was mostly a symbolic gesture, because Hillary Clinton gave far many more speeches than that — and she also earned more than $225,000 per speech (what Goldman Sachs had paid her). Clinton was paid $335,000 each for two other speeches — and she was paid $400,000 for one speech given to the Jewish United Fund on October 28, 2013 (She also gave a speech to the American Jewish University for $225,000 on June 24, 2013). +As an FYI aside /// It may or may not be relevant, but it is interesting to note: Hillary's daughter Chelsea is married to Marc Mezvinsky, a wealthy hedge fund manager and alumnus of Goldman Sachs; and he is also Jewish. Hillary Clinton had recently received a very warm reception from the lobbing group The American Israel Public Affairs Committee (AIPAC) — as did the Republican presidential candidates; while Bernie Sanders (who is Jewish) received a cold shoulder from the group. /// End FYI aside. +In May 2015 the New York Times reported that the Clintons earned $30 million in the prior 16 months, and at that time had earned more than $125 million on the speaking circuit since leaving the White House in 2001 — when Hillary had claimed they were "dead broke" (which Politifact rated as mostly false.) After leaving the White House, the Clintons had bought two mansions — one was for $1.7 million in Chappaqua, New York (so Hillary could claim residency in the State ahead of her 2000 scandal-plagued Senate campaign). +The Washington Post reported that, just since the beginning of 2014, Hillary and Bill Clinton earned in excess of $25 million for delivering 104 speeches — and that Hillary also earned more than $5 million in royalties for her book Hard Choices, where she explains how voting for the Iraq war was "a mistake, plain and simple." (While Secretary of State, she touted Iraq as a potential emerging market for U.S. businesses.) +In an article at the Daily Kos (which is owned by Hillary-supporter Markos Moulitsas), the author makes the argument as to why Hillary Clinton's speeches to the banks probably aren't very relevant — and at worst, might only provide a few embarrassing sound bites for the media — and that there's really no need to see her Goldman Sachs transcripts. +But an article at the Washington Blog makes a counter-argument to that post at the Daily Kos (and questions the author's authenticity) and makes the argument that Hillary Clinton’s paid speeches are relevant, but not because of anything she said in her speeches, but because they indicate pay-offs for services that were either anticipated, or had already been provided — and that she was not paid such huge sums of money for just giving a simple speech. Some of her speeches were only 20 minutes long, and why Bernie Sanders says they must have been great speeches. +Hillary Clinton's Timeline from Secretary of State to Presidential Candidate +This is how Hillary Clinton spent her time between resigning as Secretary of State, and when she first announced her run for the presidency. February 1, 2013 (ABC) Hillary Clinton Steps Down From State Department: +"The Senate quickly confirmed Obama's nominee to replace her -- one of its own, Sen. John Kerry, D-Mass. The president had chosen him last December to take Clinton's place. Clinton has spent the past couple of months helping Kerry move into the post so she could bow out." +77 days later on April 18, 2013 Hillary Clinton gave a speech to Morgan Stanley for $225,000. +After that, Hillary Clinton went on to make another 90 speeches over the course of the next 2 years, traveling all over the U.S. (She also gave 12 speeches in Canada and one in Mexico). Where did she stay? How did she travel? Did she have a 24/7 Secret Service detail with her all that time? And were the taxpayers on the hook for her food, lodging and travel expenses? +The last speech Hillary Clinton gave before announcing her run for the presidency was on March 19, 2015 to the American Camping Association for $260,000. This revelation first came from the Daily Kos. Remarkably, this was 10% of the organization’s annual budget; so what did they want from Hillary Clinton? The answer turns out to be that their member camps hire young foreign guestworkers as summer counselors under the J-1 visa program. Bloomberg News described it as her last paid speech before she announced she'd be running for President: + and has given $5,000 to Ready for Hillary." +FreeBacon reported that both Jay and Mindy Jacobs have been making large political contributions to the Clintons since 1995 — and also were major fundraisers for Hillary Clinton’s failed 2008 presidential campaign. They met their fundraising pledge and were thrilled to avoid the embarrassment of not raising enough money. [The Clinton Foundation also has a bio for Jacobs.] +Less than a month later on April 12, 2015 former Secretary of State Hillary Clinton announced that she was seeking the Democratic presidential nomination for the 2016 election. Clinton proclaimed: +"Americans have fought their way back from tough economic times, but the deck is still stacked in favor of those at the top. Everyday Americans need a champion. I want to be that champion." +Interesting — a real "champion" for the middle-class — someone who's going to "break the barriers" and make America "whole again". She'll be debating Senator Bernie Sanders in New York on April 14 in their battle for the Democratic presidential nomination. Lately, the cable news channels (MSNBC and CNN) having been pushing real hard for Hillary Clinton; but millions of Americans will be voting for someone who doesn't give paid speeches. (One can go to Bernie Sanders's website and buy a T-shirt and baseball cap — all union made in the good ole U.S.A.) +The Long Time Line: Clinton's speeches from the day +her term as Secretary of State ended until the day she ran for President. +List compiled by Paul Campos, professor of law, University of Colorado +Notes: The list below doesn't include speeches made by Bill Clinton, or any of the speeches Hillary made before joining the State Department — or her speeches while at the State Department, such as at the Clinton Foundation, who also hosted Goldman Sachs' CEO Lloyd Blankfein (FYI: President Obama also attends events every year at the Clinton Foundation, so how could he NOT endorse Hillary Clinton?) Also, it would be very interesting if someone would cross-reference all the event's hosts with campaign contributions and contributions to the Clinton Foundation. One can also Google a company name below, followed by "Hillary Clinton" — and if one digs around, they can find some very interesting stories (i.e. a few had pushed very hard for the Keystone pipeline). Of the 91 speeches Hillary made, 12 speeches were made in Canada and 1 speech was made in Mexico. (NAFTA related?) +Misc. Notes +Hillary Clinton gave 5 speeches to tinePublic Inc. +She gave 3 speeches to Goldman Sachs (The ones Bernie Sanders mentions) +She gave 2 speeches to Salesforce.com +She gave 2 speeches to Deutsche Bank +She gave 2 speeches to Innovation Arts and Entertainment +- The very tight travel itinerary appears as though it was well planned in advance while Clinton was still at the State Department. +- $225,000 (almost a quarter of million dollars) looks like a standard fee for one speech ("That's what they offered.") +- Many of these fees look like "installments". +- Many speeches were only 20 minutes long. +- If these speeches weren't "pay for play", then these companies sure have a lot of excessive cash to throw around just to have the novelty of having a "celebrity" speaker at their functions. +- Which also begs the question: What is their "effective" corporate tax rate, and are these speeches written off their taxes as "a cost of doing business"? +- On 8 occasions Clinton gave 2 speeches on the same day at 2 different locations (Wow! Ms. Flash Gordon!) +* Many people believe that the only reason Hillary Clinton wants to be President of the United States is, just to be the President of the United States — like a personal trophy or 1st Place Prize, judging by the way she brandishes her votes — not to help the struggling working-class; but so she can hold the highest highest office in the land of the most powerful and richest country on the planet. That's the only reason — because, she not only lusts for a legacy, she psychopathically lusts for the power. "Power tends to corrupt, and absolute power corrupts absolutely. Great men are almost always bad men" — and so it seems, are first woman presidents. +Among "likely Democratic voters" in New York (home to Wall Street) Hillary Clinton leads Bernie Sanders 55% to 41% — but that doesn't include Independents. The Democrat's party rules keep millions of Independents out of the New York primary. Democrats, who oppose strict "Jim Crow" voting laws in the South, don't want Independents in the North and elsewhere to vote. Why is that? I always thought the Democrats believed that EVERYONE should have a right to vote...unless if you want to vote for someone that is not acceptable to the Democratic Party machine. +Also, Bernie won Wyoming by a 12 percentage-point margin in statewide caucuses, beating Hillary Clinton 56-44 percent. But despite his win, he splits Wyoming’s 14 pledged delegates 7 to 7. And all their superdelegates are pledged to Clinton. +I’d be disappointed if Bernie lost fair and square, but this is ridiculous. Even Trump (who doesn’t care for Bernie) thinks he’s getting a raw deal. +Trump is also getting ripped off, so I think both he and Bernie should both run as Independents in the general election -- and let the cards fall as they may -- and screw both political parties. +In New York one had to register last October! Why? Many people still didn’t even know who Bernie Sanders was then. Why not same day voter registrations like other States? On a federal level, voting laws should be more uniform (I don’t mean intra-party rules like delegates). People move from state to state, and every state is different. It’s all too confusing to voters – OBVIOUSLY – since many have complained that they didn’t know. The parties always say it’s in their rules, but so is the fine print in 5 page credit card contracts. Who the heck has time to become a lawyer before they vote? +Recently, Hillary Clinton (while speaking in Brooklyn) noted that she had earned 2.5 million more votes than anyone else running for president — and currently leads the Democratic race in delegates: +“We’re on the path to the nomination!" she shouted very loudly. "I need to win big here in New York, because the sooner I can become the nominee, the sooner I can turn and unify the Democratic party — just like I did with President Barack Obama after I lied about him in 2008. And the sooner we can destroy Bernie and his sexist Bernie bros, the sooner we can go after the Republicans full time!!!" +She later told an advisor that, right after she's crowned President, she plans on putting those votes on a mantle above the fireplace in her New York mansion, right next to the other trophies she has. +Upon hearing this, the crowd of 17 Shillery sheeple who were attending her rally had dropped their canes and jumped out of their wheelchairs and roared with delight. A couple of them began chanting: "I'm with her! "I'm with her! "I'm with her!" — before one collapsed and had to be rushed to a nearby hospital. +Clinton also accused Bernie Sanders of being a liar and a thief by stealing some of her prized delegates in Nevada, and said he was trying to rig HER system against her: +"They've got a lot of nerve trying to hoard crumbs from MY loaf of bread!!!" she screamed at the top of her lungs. +Secret Service agents, who were standing nearby, just about jumped out of their socks — then rolled their eyeballs when they realized it wasn’t anybody being assaulted. +Meanwhile, those of her supporters who hadn't yet fallen asleep, began wondering when the Kool-Aid and cookies would be served. +Google "Uranium One" +Google "Clinton Cash" +Google "stained blue dress" +The DNA-stained blue dress is here... +Chelsea Clinton's father-in-law (Edward Mezvinsky) is an ex-con who spent 5 years in prison for bilking friends and family out of more than 10 millions of dollars, and was paroled in 2008. +Beginning in the early 1990s, Mezvinsky used a wide variety of 419 scams. According to a federal prosecutor, Mezvinsky conned using "just about every different kind of African-based scam we’ve ever seen.". +In March 2001, Mezvinsky was indicted and later pleaded guilty to 31 of 69 felony charges of bank fraud, mail fraud, and wire fraud. Nearly $10 million was involved in the crimes. Shortly after his indictment, he was diagnosed with bipolar disorder, but the judge at his trial disallowed a mental illness defense. +He served his time at Federal Prison Camp, Eglin. Mezvinsky, Federal Bureau of Prisons #55040-066, was released in April 2008. He remained on federal probation until 2011, and as of 2010 still owed $9.4 million in restitution to his victims. +One of Hillary Clinton's biggest fans — Cher — will one day be singing "If I Could Turn Back Time." +The Obama Plan: +1) Get Hillary Clinton elected. +2) Pass the TPP trade deal during lame duck session. +3) Pardon Hillary Clinton for emails before he leaves office. records show,. +Tonight RNC chairman Reince Priebus was on Fox News with Greta Van Susteren discussing Donald Trump's complaints about the election being rigged with the GOP's delegate system. Priebus said, "That's they way we did it 4 years ago." Which doesn't make it right, it only means that the election was rigged 4 years ago too. It's the same with the Democrats. In 1984, only state party chairs and vice chairs were guaranteed superdelegate status. By 2008 superdelegates made up approximately one-fifth of the total number of delegates. Hillary Clinton already had over 400 pledged superdelegates before the very first vote was cast in Iowa. Bernie Sanders has been winning States, but the superdelegates have been going to Clinton. If Trump and Sanders end up winning the popular vote, but don't get their party's nomination, then they BOTH should run as Independents in the general election in a 4-way race — and break up the corrupt political duopoly we have. Both the Democrats and the Republicans say, "Those are the rules" — but it's THEY who make the rules to keep themselves in power and keep outsiders from competing. A poll on Greta Van Susteren showed 86% think we have a corrupt political system. +How to beat the Democrats and the Republicans at their own game... +Only registered Berniecrats and Independents can run in the Berniecratic primaries. +As to the Democrats and the Republicans and their "delegates" --> It’s their party, so they can make their own rules, just like if I started my own club or company or political party. I can make my own rules. +So to have an Independent like Bernie Sanders be on equal footing with the Democrats and Republicans, he would have to run in a party (call it the Berniecrats) that might only allow registered Berniecrats and Independents to run in their primaries. +If a registered Democrat or Republican wanted to vote for a Berniecrat (like Bernie Sanders or Bud Meyers), they might have to change their party affiliation before voting in the Berniecratic primary. +But since Bernie is currently running as a Democrat (to get in the current debates) he has to play by the Democrats’ rules. Which is why NOW might be the perfect time for another try at establishing a viable 3rd party. And maybe Donald Trump can start a 4th party called the Wackadoodles — and Sarah Palin can be the chairperson. +Then in November all four of them (Sanders, Trump, Clinton and Cruz) can all run against each other and participate in the general election debates. Sanders and Trump both get more than enough votes, so they can't be ignored or excluded from any debate. +Trump can buy his own cable news station, and won't have to rely on Fox, MSNBC or CNN to give him favorable coverage. Of course, the Berniecrats will still have a disadvantage with the corporate media, and would still have to rely on the internet for more fair reporting and coverage. +The Missing New York Daily News Cover +AP: +Most companies and groups that paid Hillary Clinton to speak between 2013 and 2015 have lobbied federal agencies and one-third are government contractors. +A lovely mom I know emailed me last night, distressed about t-shirts. She has a child with a rare genetic condition, tuberosis sclerosis complex (TSC), which causes tumors to grow in various organs including the brain, heart and eyes. It can also result in developmental delays and epilepsy, and it's the primary genetic cause of autism. A parent she knows in a TSC support group spotted an offensive t-shirt on Zazzle that states: "My mommy says I'm special (short bus special...)." A search revealed a number of "short bus" tees on the site. +"This is simply another way of mocking people in the vein of calling them 'retarded,' since bussing for special needs individuals and children is often on smaller buses nicknamed 'the short bus,'" she noted. +I had the most awful case of deja vu as I read her email. I found the post where I'd written about a short bus shirt nearly five years ago for sale at Hastings (now closed), and a t-shirt on Zazzle that read "Retards do it gooder." After much hell was raised on social media, both companies removed the shirts. +Sadly, they've continued to fester online. Zazzle has a Short Bus Clothing & Apparel section with doozies such as "Fresh off the short bus" and "I'm so special I drive the short bus" and a shirt proclaiming "Intellectually challenged" with a picture of a small bus. There's also a two-page Retards T-Shirts & Shirts section with tees that have a mix of negative and positives messages (an improvement over their eight pages of offensive "retard" shirts from five years ago). Several online sites, including Be Wild and RedBubble, sell the shirts too. Amazon also has a bunch, in clear violation of their examples of prohibited listings which include "Products that promote or glorify hatred." +Over the years, people bothered by those of us who've spoken out against the r-word" have claimed that our efforts are futile. "Another term will just take its place," they've said. +"Short bus" does seem to be gaining popularity as a slur for intellectual disability. It's a hashtag on Instagram and Twitter. Even as the usage of the r-word seems to be on the decline (thank you, r-word.org), here we are again, parents speaking up to raise awareness and gain respect for the ones we love. "Short bus" is offensive and demeaning to people with intellectual disability. As a t-shirt message, it encourages people to view those with ID as lesser human beings. Why is that OK? Ridiculing people with intellectual disabilities is the last form of prejudice tolerated in this country. +My son sees nothing shameful or disgraceful about riding the short bus, or who he is, and I hope he never will. How dare people deride him, and others like him. I'll say it once again: My son with disabilities already has enough societal challenges to overcome in this world without names that make him out to be a joke. +When members of that parent group emailed Zazzle, my friend says, Zazzle responded with a generic message indicating that their community of designers could promote their own creations on Zazzle, and that parents could report shirts that violate the company's guidelines on the individual shirts' pages. Plenty of those shirts remain on the site. +Have your say: email support@zazzle.com or tweet @Zazzle, email support@bewild.com and tweet at @RedBubbleHelp. Log into your Amazon account to reach out to customer service. +Once again, our voices made a difference—the Zazzle.com sections for short bus and "retards" shirts are gone, hopefully to never return. Yesterday, Jay Ruderman—activist, philanthropist and president of the Ruderman Family Foundation, which focuses on the inclusion of people with disabilities—shared on Facebook the note he'd sent to Zazzle asking them to take down the offensive merchandise, and their response. Although it's heartening that these shirts been removed, more importantly, I hope that in speaking up we've raised awareness about respecting people of all abilities. A lack of respect and understanding is, ultimately, the underlying problems that need to be resolved. The more we speak up, the more we help people understand that our children are children, like any others, who don't deserve to be the butt of jokes. +Here's the response from Zazzle's content management team: +Zazzle provides and open marketplace where user-generated content can be used to create a wide variety of products and apparel. By its very nature, the platform thrives on creativity and the opportunity for people to share their designs with the world. When a product is brought to our attention that violates our terms of service, we take swift action to have the product removed. We've removed the items in question. Thank you for raising the issue. Zazzle is a marketplace so we rely on our community to maintain an open dialogue with us—than you again for alerting us to the offensive items. +Ellen, +I think fighting zazzle on this is semi hopeless. For more positive news, have you read the New York Times disability column written by Melissa Shang and published this week? If not, do so as soon as you can. It's terrific! +That article is amazing! Thanks for sharing +I read that article! So impressed by all she's done at 14(!) to advocate for people with disabilities! +I just read it. L-o-v-e. Such an important message for people to hear. I remember her American Girl petition! +This is really sad. I think you are correct in that "short-bus" is the new r-word. Have others heard this being used verbally? +The one that really gets me is the bus driver. Since starting early childhood special education at age 3 to now (getting ready to start high school), my son's bus drivers have always been a part of his village. Bus routes are chosen by seniority and these routes are always the first to go. +I had a couple times when I was in high school. +It is amazing to me that ANYONE in this day and age would think of, produce, sell and/or buy this. Unbelievable. I am in shock. I mean I would be speechless if I saw this on a person on the street. What, if anything, would you say to someone who has this mentality??? +These shirts make me want to cry. How could anyone think that this is okay? +I also have a question for all of you, as it seems this comment section always has quite a few people with experience around loved ones with special needs. I really hope this is okay, but I thought you ladies might know the best path. I have an older cousin who is intellectually disabled, let's call him MJ. He lives with my aunt and uncle and my family goes to see them every weekend. I've always loved our family Sunday dinners, but recently my MJ has started touching himself inappropriately ever time we're alone together. I know he doesn't know any better, but it still scares me a little. Sometimes hell corner me in the hallway near the bathroom and do it. He's almost 30 and well over 6 feet tall, so I guess it's just really intimidating. Mentally the doctors say he's on the level of an 6 year old so I know he doesn't mean any harm. I love my cousin and my aunt and uncle. I'm afraid they'll be mad if I tell them it bothers me. Whenever anyone tries to point out any action that MJ does that might not be okay (like shoplifting. He did that a lot for a while.) my aunt and uncle get really mad. +Would you moms of kids with special needs want to know? How do you think you would want to be told? I love my cousin, but it's making me really uncomfortable. +I'm willing to bet that MJ knows exactly what he's doing and he will escalate the behavior if you don't say something. I don't think so-called mental age means anything, but I do know that 6 year olds have the ability to manipulate, lie, and in general be horrible brats when they want to. Say strongly, "MJ, it is not appropriate for you to touch yourself on your (body part) In front of other people. If you want to do that go to the bathroom. Nobody wants to be around someone who does that. It is gross to do it in public." Be loud. Be forceful. "I don't like it. You need to stop, now." If he doesn't, then ask family or his caregivers for help. And don't let yourself be alone with him. Just because someone has an ID, it doesn't mean they aren't a sexual being and cannot be a sexual predator. That being said, if it is a new behavior, I would wonder where he learned it from and be worried that he was being inappropriately touched by a caregiver, as disabled people are far more likely to be abused than to be the abuser. +*Everything* Kate said. I would speak to him once and then, if the behavior doesn't stop, I would tell your aunt and uncle immediately. Consider this: You're not just protecting yourself, you're protecting him from getting into trouble by possibly doing this with someone else. You can tell your aunt and uncle that. +Perhaps the Ruderman Family Foundation and Zazzle had already acted by the time I clicked on the shirt/clothing categories mentioned. "Hopefully never to return". +I am enjoying the Seanese shirts at the moment [and have done since they were released in early May along with the 'new' season of BORN THIS WAY] - especially "I dance the sassy way" - which might very well appeal to teenage boys. There was a Father's Day set. +I understand why you're upset about these shirts. But I wanted to add that Zazzle is a great site because it allows the designers to freely express themselves. I also wanted to say that I've been designing on Zazzle for over 6 years and I'm familiar with a lot of the designers there, and many of the designers have disabilities or are struggling financially. Most artists don't design shirts like the ones in this blog post, either. The site is mostly positive. I just wanted to add this post to give another perspective on Zazzle. The site actually helps a lot of disabled people make money. +Fantasy Baseball Daily Round Up: July 13 +Greg Jewett goes around the league, giving a daily state of the union for the world of fantasy baseball. He outlines current storylines and gives insight on what to watch for going forward. +One of the best things about sports, it’s ability to transcend tragedy. It took center stage on Friday night with the Angels still grieving the loss of teammate Tyler Skaggs . Speaking as a parent of an athlete, not sure I’d be able to step up and deliver a first pitch like the one by his Mom Debbie, but it could move anyone to tears: +In their first home game since Tyler Skaggs ' passing, the @Angels pay tribute to their teammate and friend. ? pic.twitter.com/8PniYKPjEn— MLB (@MLB) July 13, 2019 +After a “Calling All Angels” tribute to Skaggs prior to the game, Los Angeles then celebrated their teammate with an unforgettable performance on the field. It started early by team leader, Mike Trout : +For Tyler. pic.twitter.com/R9g4fKjrhO— MLB (@MLB) July 13, 2019 +Trout finished 3-for-4 with two doubles, his 29th home run and six RBI. Félix Peña entered after opener Taylor Cole fired two clean innings with two strikeouts. Pena did not yield a hit issuing one walk with six strikeouts for his seventh win and a combined no hitter of the Mariners. He also racked up 15 swinging strikes, 10 of his 27 sliders, and 11 called strikes for a robust 32.1 Called plus swinging strike percentage (CSW) of his 81 pitches on the night. There’s no way to tell if there’s a sign or symbolism in the win, but the Angels scored seven runs in the first and 13 in the game on 13 hits. Tyler Skaggs would have turned 28 today, July 13th (7/13). A fitting end to an emotional evening with Skaggs’ teammates leaving their jerseys adorned with his name on the mound: +Goodnight. #TheHaloWay— Los Angeles Angels (@Angels) July 13, 2019 +???? » pic.twitter.com/0nyB3rZB6t +Starting Pitcher Spotlight: A duel in Wrigley +It’s been a frustrating year to own Yu Darvish or Chris Archer . For at least one day, they took part in a terrific match-up on Friday afternoon in Chicago. Although neither figured in the decision, they combined for 20 strikeouts during their combined 12 innings of work. Darvish turned in six shutout innings giving up two hits and a walk with eight strikeouts. He generated 14 swinging strikes and 12 called for a 27.7 CSW percentage. Archer entered with a 5.40 road ERA and struggled in the sixth leading to three earned runs on three hits and two walks with 10 strikeouts over his six inning outing. Archer recorded 17 swinging strikes and 18 called for a 36.1 CSW percentage leading all starters yesterday. Not sure if either can carry this forward, but a guy can dream. +Here are the other notable starting pitcher performances from last night: +Stephen Strasburg , Washington: 111 pitches, 15 swinging strikes, 20 called, 31.5 CSW%. Strasburg fired six shutout innings allowing seven hits and a walk with six strikeouts on the way to his 11th win. +Domingo Germán , New York Yankees: 78 pitches, 15 swinging strikes, 11 called, 33.3 CSW%. Also winning his 11th game, German tossed six shutout innings scattering three hits with seven strikeouts. +Yonny Chirinos , Tampa Bay: 93 pitches, 13 swinging strikes, 16 called, 31.2 CSW%. Staked to a huge early lead, Chirinos worked seven innings yielding four hits and two earned runs with eight strikeouts for his eighth win. +Eduardo Rodríguez , Boston: 105 pitches, 22 swinging strikes, 13 called, 33.3 CSW%. Not only did Rodriguez garner his 10th win, but he set a career high with 22 swinging strikes against the Dodgers. Rodriguez dazzled with his changeup producing 11 of the swinging strikes limiting Los Angeles to five hits, one earned run and two walks with 10 strikeouts. +Robbie Ray , Ariona: 97 pitches, 15 swinging strikes, 18 called, 34 CSW%. A strong outing by Ray in St. Louis ceding only two hits, one earned run and two walks with eight strikeouts en route to his seventh win. +Bullpen Notes: Trading Blown Saves in Milwaukee +With Milwaukee in the midst of a pennant chase in a hotly contested division, it appears they will ask Josh Hader to pitch through injury. He did not appear in the All-Star game with lingering back issues and struggled on Friday night serving up two more home runs resulting in his second blown save of the year. Home runs continue to plague Hader as he’s matched last year’s number allowed of nine, in 36 fewer innings. San Francisco then turned to its All-Star reliever and hot trade commodity, Will Smith for the save. However, Smith’s steak of 23 straight saves to start the year ended when Christian Yelich tripled to start the ninth inning then scoring on a Mike Moustakas ground out tying the game. All good things must come to an end, but both outings hurt fantasy owners. +Here’s the rest of high leverage events from Friday: +Craig Kimbrel locked down his third save with a clean ninth versus the Pirates. +Once again, Taylor Rogers worked two innings for his 13th save giving up a hit and striking out three. This represents consecutive outings of two innings for a save for Rogers and he’s recorded more than three outs in four of his last seven appearances. +Just when it seemed safe to move on from Greg Holland , he gets his 15th save, and third in a row. Over his last 10 games, Holland’s notched five saves with three blown ones and a loss with runs allowed in five contests. +Ian Kennedy secured his 12th save with a clean ninth and two strikeouts. Since May 30th, he’s 10-for-11 in save chances with a 2.03 ERA, 0.90 WHIP and 18:4 K:BB. +Another closer on shaky ground, Wade Davis , recorded his 13th save with a clean ninth Friday night. Davis has converted five saves in a row but owns a 5.33 ERA with a 1.63 WHIP this season. Not sure if this means a committee in Colorado with Scott Oberg or if Davis will remain the closer due to his salary. +Gifted a save chance, Liam Hendriks retired the only batter he faced with a strikeout for his sixth save. He also stranded two runners saving Joakim Soria from a worse line. As for Hendriks, he moved his scoreless streak to 17 innings and has not given up a run in 29 of his last 31 outings. +Luke Jackson notched his 15th save allowing a run on a hit and a walk with two strikeouts. +Hitter Highlights: Red Sox Revival +One team potentially primed for a big second half, Boston, received a boost from three hitters on Friday. However, it’s not the ones people would suspect based on last year. Rafael Devers , Xander Bogaerts and Christian Vázquez continue to spark the team with each homering in a win over the Dodgers. Devers launched his 17th home run while scoring two runs and driving in two. Over his last 22 games, Devers owns a .422/.464/.789 slash and a .367 isolated power. He’s scored 24 runs with nine doubles, eight home runs and 22 RBI in them. Bogaerts appeared to reach for a pitch and flicked it out of the park, words do not do it justice: +That sweet hr swing from EVERY angle... ???? pic.twitter.com/EXWGSQd7a6— Red Sox (@RedSox) July 13, 2019 +Currently, Bogaerts pacing towards 121 runs and RBI with 32 home runs. He blasted his 15th of the year in the tweet above. Last, but not least, Vazquez also hit his 15th home run and has homered in five of his last eight contests. Since June 21sth, Vazquez has appeared in 15 games with 14 runs, seven home runs, 17 RBI and a robust .345/.355/.776 slash line. +Other notable hitter performances from a full slate on Friday night: +Starling Marte hit his first home run since June 27th, a three-run shot to tie the game in Chicago. He’s up to 13 home runs and 13 stolen bases through 79 games this year. +Have a night Nate Lowe . He went 4-for-5 with his third home run and three RBI in a rout over the Orioles. Plus: +Oh, @nathaniel_lowe...#RaysUp pic.twitter.com/PejLuB6dvm— Tampa Bay Rays (@RaysBaseball) July 13, 2019 +Kevin Kiermaier racked up three hits with two doubles and two RBI. More importantly, he hit third in the batting order. +Rookie Yordan Alvarez turned in the first multi-homer game of his career going 3-for-3 with three runs, two RBI and a walk against the Rangers: +Yordan going back-to-back like @USWNT.#TakeItBack pic.twitter.com/M53rf1NehR— Houston Astros (@astros) July 13, 2019 +Teammate Yuli Gurriel stayed hot at the dish with his 15th home run of the season moving his hit streak to six games during which he’s hitting .522 over his last 23 at-bats. Gurriel’s also hit eight home runs his last nine games with 17 RBI. +Flying below the radar as usual, Shin-Soo Choo hit his 14th home run and extended his multiple hit streak to four games and personal hit streak to eight in a Rangers win. Choo’s on pace for 25 home runs and 14 steals with a .294 average yet gets overlooked every year. Danny Santana tallied a smash and dash hitting his 10th home run while stealing his 10th base. Elvis Andrus swiped two bases and scored the winning run on Santana’s walk-off single. Joey Gallo hit his 21st home run. +Buster Posey hit a game deciding grand slam in the 10th inning leading the Giants to a win on the road. This represents Posey’s first slam since June 24th, 2015. Evan Longoria hit his sixth homer in six starts so far in July. He ended June with seven home runs. In July, Longoria’s slashing .385/.429/.1.154 with nine runs, six home runs and 12 RBI. +Leading the Rockies to a win at home, David Dahl and Daniel Murphy each homered in the eighth inning. Dahl also recorded a smash and dash stealing his third base as well. Could Murphy be heating up? He tallied three hits including his eighth home run driving in two last night. +Josh Donaldson continues to surge with two home runs in a win over the Padres. Donaldson upped his season total to 20 and this marked his 18th career multi-home run game. He also leads the majors with 12 home runs since June 12th boosted by a .433 isolated power and .289/.375/.722 slash in this sample. +What To Watch For +A split doubleheader between the Rays and the Orioles. Since Dylan Bundy lasted an inning on Friday, this could be a long day for the Baltimore bullpen. Rookie Brendan McKay will pitch Game 1 for Tampa Bay with Charlie Morton working the night cap. +An intriguing match-up this afternoon between Jake Odorizzi and Trevor Bauer . +In the evening games, scouts will be watching how Madison Bumgarner fares in Miller Park. His home and road splits should cause some concern for a contender before adding the veteran starter. +San Diego reset its rotation so Chris Paddack will not pitch until they face Miami then the Mets after. +Fantasy owners will be tracking the Max Scherzer news as well. His second half start got pushed back after an MRI of his back with Aníbal Sánchez now pitching on Sunday. It appears Washington’s being cautious, heed the reports going forward. +Be sure to stay with Fantasy Alarm for terrific content across all platforms to remain ahead of the competition.<< +Breakout Sessions +Breakout sessions with linked titles have one or more presentations that are available for download from SARE’s Learning Center. +Tuesday, March 25th +Pre-Conference Sessions (optional) +7:30 - 11:30 am: Growing the Organic Research Portfolio: A Look at the Integrated Organic Program (Pre-registration and additional fee required.) Join USDA-CSREES and the Organic Farming Research Foundation to share and discuss the projects, impacts and future of the organic research portfolio, with a special focus on projects funded during the first five years of the IOP program. (Includes Monday night reception starting at 5:30 pm.) For more information on this session see the agenda or contact Dawn Thilmany at (970) 491-7220 or thilmany@lamar.colostate.edu. +9:00 - 11:00 am:. +10:00 - 11:00 am: Niche-Meat Processing (open to all): This National Meat Processing Assistance Network Planning session addresses the nationwide problem of a "processing gap" for niche meats. Help build a national network of experts to support meat processors and those who depend on them. For more information on this session, please contact Arion Thiboumery at (515) 294-2882 or arion@iastate.edu +11:00 am - 12:00 pm: The New Farm Bill: Sustainable Agriculture Outcomes and Opportunities: As Congress adopts the new Farm Bill, what's in it for sustainable agriculture? Find out about the major changes for sustainable and organic research, new markets, local food, beginning farmers and ranchers, conservation, renewable energy, and more. Passage of a bill of course is but one step in the policy process - then comes regulations and implementation, not to mention agricultural spending decisions in the annual budget and appropriations process. Learn more about the upcoming implementation and funding process and opportunities for organizational and citizen involvement. +Session I - 2:00 - 3:15 pm. +• Marcy Coburn, Ecological Farming Association, California +• Craig Metz, EnSave, Vermont +The Next Generation of Leadership +Never before has the American public cared more about how and where its food is produced. But how can we advance sustainable practices to the whole of America agriculture? Advocacy leaders share how to build effective leadership and develop innovative strategies for change. +• Margaret Krome, Michael Fields Agricultural Institute, Wisconsin +• Anim Steel, The Food Project, Massachusetts +Getting Cooperative +New, diverse product marketing cooperatives are proving to be profitable venues for farmers with a bounty to sell. Hear the successes and cautionary tales about how best to band together for better marketing of sustainably produced products. +• Ben Burkett, Farmer/Federation of Southern Cooperatives, Mississippi +• Russ Kremer, Farmer/Missouri Farmers Union +Organic 101: Soil Management +Feed the soil, not the plants. Although elementary, implementing this first tenet of organic ag takes creative strategies and training. Learn soil-building field techniques and training tactics from trainers, farmers and biologists. +• Mary Barbercheck, Penn State University +• Craig Cogger, Washington State University Puyallup Research and Extension Center +• Bob Muth, Muth Family Farm, New Jersey +Cultural Weed Management Practices +What’s the latest in non-chemical weed management strategies? This session talks about cropping systems, tillage practices and other, new “eco-weed” and IPM techniques that control nuisance plants naturally. +• Chuck Mohler, Cornell University, New York +• Mark Schonbeck, Virginia Association for Biological Farming +Agritourism: Bringing Tourists to the Farm +From dude ranching to bed and breakfasts, agritourism is one of the fastest growing tourism sectors and has helped revitalize rural communities all over the U.S. and Europe. It’s also an opportunity to educate a public increasingly interested in how and where their food is produced. Learn the do’s and don’ts from one expert who helped put her county on the tourist map, and from researchers about how best to position rural communities for tourism. +• Christine Curry, Citizens to Promote Pike, Georgia +• Dawn Thilmany, Colorado State University +• Barrett Vaughan, Tuskegee University, Alabama +Prescribed/Riparian-Friendly Grazing (Range) +How do you get the most out of cattle grazing? Don’t just turn cattle loose, but manage them using practices that help protect waterways or control noxious weeds. Learn from ranchers and on-the-ground collaborative research by the California Cattle Association, U.S. Forest Service, California Farm Bureau and others. +• John Hayes Jr., University of Arizona +• Jay Davison, Nevada Cooperative Extension +• Kenneth Tate, University of California +Trees and Farms: Agroforestry +Forests provide many benefits for agriculture: windbreaks, wildlife, extra income from forest products, stream protection and more. Learn about different agroforestry techniques and how an experienced shitake mushroom/medicinal herb producer is farming profitably in forests and integrating trees into farmscapes. +• Fred Hays, Divergent Natural Interest, West Virginia +• Joshua Idassi, 1890 Agroforestry Consortium,Tennessee State University +Special Session- 2:00 - 4:00 pm. +Session II - 3:30 - 4:45 pm +Innovative Greenhouse Design: Extend Your Season! +Learn how to combine renewable energy and innovative greenhouse design and siting to grow new, lucrative crops and extend your growing season. Two hands-on experts share their experiences and strategies. +• Steve Moore, North Carolina State University +• Steven Schwen, Earthen Path Organic Farm, Minnesota +Communicating to the Wider World +Sometimes we just talk to ourselves. How do we talk to others in agriculture about sustainable practices and innovations? Compelling and creative communication is a top priority if we are to advance sustainability to all corners of the country. Cutting-edge researchers are uncovering new ways to reach out. +• Deborah Rubin and Terry Hardt, Cultural Practice, Maryland +• Gerry Snyder, Kansas State University +Taking your CSA to the Next Generation +What are the best ways to get started with CSAs and make them work? CSA pioneer Elizabeth Henderson, author of Sharing the Harvest, will share her bounty of knowledge, experience and advice. +• Elizabeth Henderson, Peaceworks Organic Farm, New York +Tapping Organic Markets – Local to Global +By some estimates, retail sales of organic foods are expected to exceed more than $32 billion by 2009. As this market explodes, what are local options for farmers? Navigating the world of organic sales isn’t always easy for farmers and ranchers. Learn the latest market analysis, and how to think globally while marketing locally. +• Doug Constance, Sam Houston State University, Texas +• Jim Dyer, Southwest Marketing Network, Colorado +Beekeeping: Controlling Pests Sustainably +We’ve heard about the decline of honey bees. Mites and other hive pests might be contributing to the problem. New research and on-the-ground strategies are controlling pests using natural, sustainable methods. +• Melanie Kirby, Zia Queenbee Co., New Mexico +• Marla Spivak, University of Minnesota +Civic Agriculture: Prosperous Communities Through Quality Agriculture +How do we grow communities with our natural, local assets? These experts talk about rural development that begins with community-based organizations, local entrepreneurship and farm and ranch businesses that build communities. +• Lionel (Bo) Beaulieu, Southern Rural Development Center, Mississippi +• Linda Riggins, Southern Rural Black Women's Initiative for Economic and Social Justice, Georgia +Management Intensive Grazing (Dairy) +Cows have legs. MIG lets them use them – in a way that protects the land and water and cuts feeding costs. Controlled grazing is catching on, putting the fun back in dairy farming and bringing back the next generation of dairy farmers. +• Caroline Brock, University of Wisconsin +• Steve Washburn, North Carolina State University +Systems Research in Action +In Texas, researchers used systems thinking to find ways to boost productivity, reduce fuel costs and protect declining water supplies in the arid panhandle. In California, researchers have compared the complex ecological and economic consequences of conventional and non-conventional farming systems. +• Vivien Gore Allen, Texas Tech University +• Steve Temple, University of California +Special Session- 8:30 pm - 9:30 pm +Kansas Singer Songwriter Ann Zimmerman +Ann Zimmerman sings the prairie into universal language—with piano, guitar, that wonderful voice and her award-winning songwriting. In solo shows across the country, she celebrates life on the windy plains, in all its joy, sorrow, grandeur and silliness. Her sparkling performances brim with energy and humor. She brings an irresistible stage presence and turns the audience into her backup choir. She has released three independent recordings of her music. +Wednesday, March 26th +Session III - 8:00 - 9:15 am. +• Don Bustos, Santa Cruz Farms, New Mexico +• Dan West, West Orchards, Missouri +Panel: Reaching Minority Farmers +Minorities comprise some of the fastest growing groups of farmers in America. How can we learn from each other, build bridges and share experiences and knowledge? This panel explores the increasingly diverse world of farming, highlighting the experiences of Native American, Latino and new immigrant farmers and ranchers. +• Staci Emm, University of Nevada Cooperative Extension +• Jennifer Hashley, New Entry Sustainable Farming Project, Massachusetts +• Juan Marinez, Michigan State University Cooperative Extension +• Mickie Swisher, University of Florida +Meat Marketing. +• Diana Endicott, Rainbow Organic Farms Company, Kansas +• Dawn Thilmany, Colorado State University +Assistance and Education: Where are we in Organic? +As more farmers and ranchers think about going organic, training the trainers and educators is a top priority. Find out what agriculture educators and technical assistance providers are doing to educate themselves and farmers about sustainable practices and innovations. +• Rex Dufour, National Center for Appropriate Technology, California +• Vern Grubinger, University of Vermont, NE SARE +• Rose Koenig, Rosie’s Organic Farm/University of Florida +Apples and Winegrapes: Integrated Farming Practices +Two experts share state-of-the-art strategies and latest research in biological controls for managing wine grape and apple pests. Hear about the “positive point system” that a group of California wine growers has adopted to measure continuous improvement. +• Dan Cooley, University of Massachusetts +• Kris O’Conner, Central Coast Vineyard Team, California +Helping Entrepreneurs: Tools and Techniques +Many farmers are thinking about starting a farm- or ranch-based venture, but need more entrepreneurial skills. Come hear about a range of tools that ag educators can use to help would-be entrepreneurs develop successful agriculture-based businesses. +• John Allen, Utah State University +• Marilyn Schlake, University of Nebraska +Cover Crops and Conservation Tillage +Cover cropping and reduced tillage are core tenets of sustainable farming. Learn from one of No-Till Farmer magazine’s “No-Till” Innovator award winners – plus latest research about creative strategies for these important sustainable ag techniques. +• Seth Dabney, USDA-ARS, Mississippi +• Steve Groff, Cedar Meadow Farm, Pennsylvania +Grow Your State Program +Learn how two states have built support for exemplary research and extension programs, and make your voice heard in this strategizing session. Help SARE steer a course in building vibrant state research, education and extension programs across the country. +• Nancy Creamer and Paul Mueller, North Carolina State University +• Chris Feise, Washington State University IV - 10:45 - 12:00 +Brew Your Own Biofuel +Curious about how to make your own fuel to cut costs and save energy? Farmer and researcher pioneers talk about best blends, production strategies, financial considerations and do’s and don’ts of producing biofuel for on- and off-farm use. +• Vern Grubinger, University of Vermont, NE SARE +• Matt Steiman, Wilson College/Dickinson College, Pennsylvania +• John Williamson, State Line Farm/Vermont Biofuels Association +Farmer. +• Jerry Jost, Kansas Rural Center +• Barbara Norman, Farmer/Michigan Food and Farming Systems +Farms to Schools (and Other Institutions) +A farm-to-school expert describes how to get off on the right foot when marketing to schools, while a staff member of the New North Florida Cooperative talks about how the cooperative marketed to a larger institution, the Department of Defense’s Food Service Program. +• Glyen Holmes, Farmer/New North Florida Cooperative +• Jennifer Wilkins, Cornell University, New York +No-Till and Organic +No longer are no-till and organic at odds. New research efforts are developing no-till organic vegetable and field crops systems that are saving farmers tons of soil and reducing weed control costs. +• Ron Morse, Virginia Tech +• Jeff Moyer, The Rodale Institute, Pennsylvania +Fight Crop Disease: Soil Amendments and Biofumigation +Effectively control disease through soil amendments and new biofumigation techniques using natural materials such as mustard and other brassicas. Hear the latest research and firsthand experience. +• Dale Gies, Gies Farms, Washington +• Frank Louws, North Carolina State University +Food, Culture and Communities +Many American cultures are losing their traditions of healthy foods. Hear about an initiative that connects good food with urban communities and high-risk youth, and another that bring nutritious, traditional foods, like “kneel-down bread”, back to Navajo communities. +• Teresa Showa, Ganado Family Farm, Arizona +• Bryant Terry, Eco-chef, author, food justice activist, California +Farming for Pollinators +With honey bees threatened, researchers are looking for long-term solutions. Hear the latest research and learn how to encourage a diverse array of pollinators by planting native species, reducing pesticide use, arranging crops and borders, and other “farmscaping” techniques. +• Rufus Isaacs, Michigan State University +• Annette Meredith, University of Maryland +Looking at the Puzzle, Not the Pieces: How to Set Up a Systems Project +Research that looks at agriculture and natural ecosystems together is key to long-term improvements in agriculture. But systems research can be complex, requiring many different skills and tools. Two experts share best strategies and lay out a roadmap for effective, doable projects. +• Laurie Drinkwater, Cornell University +• Jeff Steiner, USDA–ARS, Washington DC V - 2:00 - 3:15 pm +Roadmap to a Clean Energy Future +From wind farms to solar to simply reducing on farm fuel costs and energy use, America’s farmers and ranchers are key players in the nation’s energy future. Share your opinions during this strategizing session, and help shape SARE’s role in developing and promoting a sustainable energy future. +• Jim Kleinschmit, Institute for Trade and Agriculture Policy, Minnesota +• Tom Richard, Penn State University, Pennsylvania +Reaching Out to the “Mainstream” +It’s easy to preach to the choir. But what are effective ways for adopters of sustainable practices and innovations to share knowledge and experience with a wider circle? As more farmers become interested in sustainable agriculture, working with those unfamiliar with sustainable practices becomes an opportunity. +• Dale Gies, Gies Farms, Washington +• Mike Hogan, Ohio State University Extension +• Andy McGuire, Washington State University +Adding Value to What You Grow +Sheep into wool. Wheat into flour. Poop into “peat pots”! Interested in turning crops or livestock into a profitable product for sale? Farmers and ranchers across the country are transforming what they grow and raise into marketable items. But it’s not as easy as it looks. Learn from three who have first-hand experience with success and bumps in the road. +• Dan and Jeanne Carver, Imperial Stock Ranch, Oregon +• Matt Freund, Freund's Farm, Connecticut +• Karl Kupers, Shepherd’s Grain Cooperative, Washington +Help Strategize: Chart SARE’s Role in Organic +Where do we go from here? Share your opinions during this strategizing session, and help SARE steer its most effective course in a growing portfolio of grant-making programs advancing organic agriculture. +• Tom Bewick, USDA-CSREES Integrated Organic Program, Washington DC +• Jonathon Landeck, Organic Farming Research Foundation, California +“Farmscaping” to Manage Insects +Thought of looking at your farm from an insect’s point of view? Find out how to control insect pests by arranging fields, forests and borders into an insect-managing “farmscape” that helps grow healthier, more productive crops. +• Gwendolyn Ellen, Oregon State University +• Doug Landis, Michigan State University +Scale It Up: Growing Marketing Enterprises +How can we scale up local and regional markets so they better serve more (and larger scale) farmers and ranchers? Learn from those who’ve developed sustainable value chain models and experienced scaling up in action. +• Fred Kirschenmann, Leopold Center, Iowa +• Michael Rozyne, Red Tomato, Massachusetts +Keeping a Farm a Farm. +• Deborah Cavanaugh-Grant, University of Illinois Extension +• Julia Freedgood, American Farmland Trust, Washington DC +• Steve Schwartz, California Farmlink +Goats and Sheep: Keeping Ahead of the Parasites +Hear about sustainable small ruminant sustainable production techniques, such as the FAMACHA, which “scores” eyelid color for anemia and parasite control and is an important indicator of herd health. One producer shares her experience with selecting sheep for parasite resistance. +• Kathy Bielek, Misty Oaks Farm, Ohio +• Tom Terrill, Fort Valley State University, Georgia. +The Cogs Decision +Lowetide +May 23 2011 08:31AM +>>IMAGExxxx. +May 23 2011, 08:34AM +First +May 23 2011, 09:02AM +Cogs looked great flying around the ice on the PK. Same ole same ole .. great wheels but man when he hits the O blue line .. poof! Bad decisions and some embarrasing execution. +I would pay and keep him for 1M per as opposed to R. Jones anyday though for some reason. +May 23 2011, 09:04AM +While I'm a Gagner fan and his 5v5 pts/60 number is good, what's most troubling about him and Cogliano is what they give up. +5v5 +/- per 60 +Horcoff -0.18 +Fraser -0.48 +Brule -0.84 +Gagner -1.08 +Cogliano -1.05 +As MacT (and many other coaches) always say, "it's what you create minus what you give up" +Cogliano will be 24 and Gagner will be 22 next camp. Both will be starting their 5th full NHL season (a little ridiculous to say that about someone 22 years old) +Cogliano is at an age where he has to have worth or move on. Gagner has a little bit more rope given his age. +I wouldn't doubt that either is in play if the return is good. +Gagner's +/- per 60 is particularly damning since he's getting decent help and playing the lesser lights of the other teams. He's playing on a bad team, but he has to be better. He needs a real breakout year this year in terms of getting better at his defensive zone coverage. +May 23 2011, 09:09AM +The Oilers really do have to do something with those centers. Rolling out Horcoff, Gagner and Cogliano again is like slow suicide. There isn't enough offense and there isn't enough defense. Someone has to go in order to improve in one or hopefully both of those areas. Horcoff brings enough defense, Gagner brings enough offense for a 2nd liner, Cogliano isn't quite passable at either yet. Time to make a decision. +May 23 2011, 09:15AM +@dawgtoy +Extremely poor form sir. Not only did your message have no appreciable content thereby losing all 5/5 style points, but the one word you did use was completely mispelled in this context. My god man show some pride! I sentence you to 15 raps on the knuckles with a wooden ruler. +May 23 2011, 09:16AM +I think that if RNH is drafted the porential depth chart (from the Oilers' perspective, not mine) will be 1) Horc 2) Gagner 3) RNH 4) Cogliano. I cant see Fraser beating out any of those 4 for a spot unless RNH is sent back to the WHL. Even then, CF still has to beat Brule. +May 23 2011, 09:21AM +Don't forget that Anton Lander is coming over to North America in the fall. +He's penciled in as the Oiler 3C for the next 10 years. +May 23 2011, 09:27AM +For whatever reasons Tams feels we are ready to be competitive this season even without draft help this season . I think thats folly on his part , but he's running the show for now . Cogs small progression and speed make it tough to let him go just yet . +We have a lot of depth that is fast but diminutive , but too much lack of size and toughness to be a major player in our own division . All our diminutive forwards have NHL potential to still grow and be even more viable here or elsewhere , but collectively we have to many of that type, that underscores our team progression as well as players . +May 23 2011, 09:29AM +He's developed the ability to PK this year, and that's great. But he can still do that while playing the wing... +I don't see a logjam at C when two of our top young players (89 and 13) haven't established their position yet. If a better option comes along and they get bumped to the wing, so be it. It never hurts to have a couple converted centers on the ice in a defensive situation. +The best thing about the re-development of Cogliano's game is he's becoming a more versatile player. He may never be an out-scorer but maybe he's got the smarts to play with Horcoff-Hemsky and not drag the line down a'la JFJ. +May 23 2011, 09:41AM +I don't have a problem keeping Cogs; he's the one guy of a few on the team last season who showed up every game. I just want more than just Shawn 'Hurt Again' Horcoff able to win more than 50% of faceoffs. Maybe move one of the smurfs to wing? +May 23 2011, 09:45AM +I agree that long term Gagner as 2RW and Cogliano as 3LW are more probable given their skill sets rather and 2C and 3C. +If they don't re-sign Hemsky then they have to keep Gagner for sure. +May 23 2011, 09:47AM +Yes please keep Cogliano. Get rid of Fraser and maybe Brule. Cogs looked like a backchecking demon late in the season. I'd like to see him next year. If only we could win a few on the dot. +May 23 2011, 10:16AM +@Woodguy +I completely agree with you about their probable conversion to wingers, especially if Lander steps in one day and proves to be a valuable player. With Hemsky's Oiler future so up in the air it is hard to project too far into the future as far as the right side of the ice is concerned. That said, I would take Gagner at RW well ahead of Omark and several others that would be gunning for the spot. +May 23 2011, 10:17AM +I like Cogs. He is tough, rarely misses a game and could be a good forechecker/PK specialist. I just wish he could win a bloody face-off. +May 23 2011, 10:29AM +Rel Corsi for C's +Gagner 7.0 Horcoff 7.0 Cogs 2.3 Brule -4.1 Fraser -9.6 +Gagner is not the problem. I'd like to see Cogs on the wing on the 3rd line to make up for his faceoff problems. +May 23 2011, 10:32AM +Would moving Gagner and/or Cogliano to the wing be a possibility? +May 23 2011, 10:32AM +I have trouble imagining Cogs as a key contributer on a Championship team. High end PK'ing centermen win draws and can outmuscle elite forwards. +May 23 2011, 10:36AM +It's spelled FIST! +May 23 2011, 10:37AM +@Chris. +What if he played the wing? +May 23 2011, 10:38AM +On one hand I hate the Oilers having Horcoff, Gags and Cogs down the middle. Too small and not gonna have the puck enough off the draw. That being said, I think Lander will get 40 games in the AHL and depth is key in the new NHL. Injuries seem to happen more often. Keep them unless the trade is a clear win. +With Hall on year #2, Horcoff healthy, Hemsky on a contract year I think development is gonna finally happen in Edmonton. And one think about it is that it tends to accelerate and there is a ripple effect. MPS and Eberle should join in on the fun and RNH maybe good enough to make the squad as well. +May 23 2011, 10:45AM +@ Archaeology & Woodguy +Doesn't Fraiser also have to beat out VandeVelde, and maybe O'marra as well, who showed well enough at the end of the season to up-stage him? +By my eyes Fraiser is trade bait (if the Oil are lucky) or waiver wire fodder come this fall. +May 23 2011, 10:50AM +@fuck off +Barring Fraser having having the camp of his life, I dont see him being anything more than the 13th forward. If the Oilers could get anything for him, I would take it. +May 23 2011, 11:01AM +EPIC FAIL +May 23 2011, 11:03AM +You are generous I would of sent him to the Flames Nation and made him rave about Kipper! But I still give you my props. +May 23 2011, 11:10AM +I like Cogs. I hope we keep him, especially if management can't sign any quality Centers (again) this summer. He's cheap. He's improving. He doesn't get injured like everyone else. And he's young. +I'm glad that he's improving his overall game - specifically his PK - but that doesn't comfort me as much as it should considering the Oilers' PK was absolutely horrible last year. +May 23 2011, 11:13AM +LOL. We've been down that road before my friend. +Is it retro argument thread day at the Nation? +May 23 2011, 11:17AM +Lowetide: +I think you might want to look at what Sam Gagner's goals against per 60 were last year. +One of the worst centers in the league according to that metric. +Players like that don't often help win games. +Cogs and Gagner are both "decent" but if Gagner has a much higher trade value then that's who I would look at moving. +May 23 2011, 11:17AM +I agree about the face-offs but I also know that many of the best at the dot took 5+ years (I would consider Cogs to be in about year 2.) to learn to win numbers above 50% so there is hope. I think it really depends on Cogs here as a lot of winning is understanding habits and patterns of the centers you will face game to game. In other words keeping stats on what worked against them and what did not. You really have to take a Dennis Rodman attitude here. I really hated him as a basket ball player until I leaned how he approached rebounding. He studied players tendencys and evaluated where their rebounds were statistically most likely to fall and he went there and won the rebounding title year after year. In other words he used brains. Cogs has to also do this. There is also the part of refining his game. My Question on weather he stays or goes is more of a is he the first to leave or the last to leave practice. I my mind a center should always be one of the last to leave the Ice. Time Spent on he Job will equal success here in my opinion. +May 23 2011, 11:18AM +Stats aside, I see Cogs as a fast, yet not so great skater with limited vision and poorer than average puck skills - including faceoffs. Factor in his age, and I see him totally expendable, and would bet on Brule having a bounce-back season over Cogs breaking out (and I don't see either of those things happening). +I'll bet that between Lander, CVV and Hartikainen, we could let Brule and Cogs walk for nothing, and not have any regrets. I mean, you might get a 2nd rounder for Cogs, but that's about all the value either player would garner. And I'm not totally sure what garner means, and don't care to use the google. +I just wish that my mom wouldn't read over my shoulder! MOM! +May 23 2011, 11:20AM +That pin-up just slays me. No not the B&W Lab Honey but the colour one of the Rockies as I live in Indiana and I have not been "THERE" in over 10 years. +May 23 2011, 11:30AM +How about putting Cogliano on the Wing? +May 23 2011, 11:38AM +When looking at a player I've always been big on the tool bag argument. Speed, Strength, Hands, and Hockey Sense. The greatest player on earth to ever lace 'em up only had two of the above; and the rule generally holds true: players need at least two of the four qualities to succeed. Cogliano has the speed, but lacks in strength and doesn't have top six hands... +Can you develop hockey sense? Or is Cogliano just more comfortable with Renny and the current systems approach? +My gut tells me Lander, or maybe Pitlick will have Cogliano's spot by the time the Oilers are ready to contend. +May 23 2011, 11:44AM +I'd settle for just winning faceoffs. +May 23 2011, 11:53AM +Cogs can stay for now. And if he does, Fraser is gone and maybe Brule, unless he can move to the wing. Eventually tho, none will remain in the retooling of the Oil. +May 23 2011, 11:54AM +Hmmm, winning face-offs. Anybody remember the "failed" Adam Oates experiment? What were J. Stoll's F/O #s before Oates arrived? Oh wait, we traded the only C who could win a face off. +I think it's high time we find an ass't coach who was a F/O specialist so he could teach Cogs and Gags how to win draws. +I know Oates isn't available (working for Carolina I think), but there has to be somebody out there, No? +May 23 2011, 11:55AM +I know it seems like RNH is the man, I still hope for Couturier if only for the size and two way ability and his EV scoring rate. Hall and Eberle will need a responsible two way centre, and Horcoff is needed as a checker. For that reason I hope for Courturier. +Hall-Coutourier-Eberle MPS-Gagner-Hemsky Jones-Horcoff-Cogliano Hartikanen-Lander/CVV-Omark/Reddox +LW on every line has size. Centre now becomes a strength (3 two way centres, and Coutourier projects as a more skilled version of Staal), and then you have the mighty mites on RW. A much more balanced lineup. +May 23 2011, 12:19PM +Well, we had MacT as a coach for a while, and I'm pretty sure that he knew how to win a FO or two! And during his tenure, it would seem that Gags n Cogs didn't pick up any tips or tricks. +As for a former FO specialist, I believe that we have Sillinger on staff already. +May 23 2011, 12:20PM +Keep Cogs, get rid of Ganger. At least Cogs wants to stay here. +But knowing Tambellini, he'll trade either one of them for another smallish, injury prone, borderline AHL player. +May 23 2011, 12:29PM +Gagner wants out? Am I missing something here? +May 23 2011, 12:57PM +Unless Tams makes a committment to forming a legit veteran core here this year , how many incumbents might be requesting a trade out of here ? If it's handled like Souray we'll probably never know . Ahh well , just another problem to add to all the others that they never seem to get around to solving . +If we need grit as badly as we appear to , then maybe Landeskog pulls in the No.1 spot to draft . He sounds better than what we have in system now , by quite a bit ! Hajlmarsson for Smid still seems very likely for this year the more you think about it . I like the scenarios that fill more than just one void at a time . None of our present prospects do that as yet , or even cover one void adequately . +May 23 2011, 01:34PM +I agree with everything you say and its a lineup that has a chance to be passable. I still think Cogliano's spot would be better served by a JYD, two-way type player. But Cogs would be a modest enough stopgap until one is found. +May 23 2011, 01:38PM +Keep Cogs(for now) but for the love of Mr. Dithers move him to the wing.If you can move Gags and Mr. Marshmallow for a decent big center do it. +May 23 2011, 01:49PM +@Lowetide when considering which players to keep which players to move out, Gagner and Cogliano top the list. We don't need foolish statistical numbers, you need a set of eyes. Can they play the NHL game? We have watched these two guys for 4 yrs I would like to say they have went backwards. Same for Smid and Gilbert. The reason for this is no developmental system and poor coaching and managment. Things have been taken taken down to the bark. If you want to win in the NHL today players must fit this criterea, you need to be mobile, win one on one puck battles in corners, big and strong in front of the net and most importantly really no matter what the size of the player a compete level that is off the charts. The Oilers are 8 players away from the playoffs 4 forwards 3 dman and 1 goalie. Unless we make signifigant changes we will never finish higher than 8th to 15th. Brownlee is right this is the summer of "Steve". No more excuses people are getting paid millions to play this game, managers and coaches are making millions of dollars, have some balls and do things right. +May 23 2011, 02:07PM +DBO, OB1, and whomever else was interested/involved i wrote a rebuttal to your comments on Gagner in the "top 20" post from yesterday, maybe check it out:) Cogliano is a tough case, if he could add face-offs i think we could have a Kris Draper on our hands. Other than faceoffs he seems pretty good in the middle, although he seems to get outmuscled in front by big forwards sometimes. I think he could find an excellent role as a checkeing winger, who can play center if need be. He might be a legitimatly top tier PKer. Don't trade him this year if RNH, Lander, or VandeVelde can't beat him out, send them to the juniors/minors. Make players earn roles by beating out actual NHLers, no gifting jobs. +May 23 2011, 02:08PM +Fail +May 23 2011, 02:27PM +Jonathan Huberdeau, is he mostly a LW or a Center? +Have to think if he continues to have a good Memorial tournament it'll move him up a couple spots. +May 23 2011, 03:13PM. +May 23 2011, 03:26PM +May 23 2011, 03:32PM +It'd be epic if Cogs showed up for training camp sporting a Moonraker's Jaws quality metal mouth. +May 23 2011, 03:41PM? +Part I Overview Information +Department +of Health and Human Services +Participating +Organizations +National Institutes of Health (NIH) () +Components +of Participating Organizations +National Cancer Institute (NCI) () +Title: Memory T Lymphocytes in Cancer Immunology (R01) +Announcement Type +This is a reissue of PA-06-350, which was previously released April-255 +Catalog of Federal Domestic Assistance Number(s) +93.396 +Key Dates +Release/Posted Date: December Cancer Institute (NCI), National Institutes of Health (NIH), is intended to advance the area of antitumor immunity by promoting basic research studies that are focused on memory T lymphocytes, and the cells and molecules with which they interact. The overarching objective is ultimately to improve the prospects for the development and application of vaccines and immunotherapies that can be used to successfully prevent and treat cancers in humans. +Understanding and exploiting the induction of long-lasting antigen-specific T lymphocyte immunity to human tumors is one of the major challenges faced by cancer immunology research. Long-lasting T cell immunity to any antigen requires both an initial primary response to generate specific effector T cells, and the subsequent generation of memory T cells that stay quiescent for a long time but are capable of reactivation upon host reencounter with the antigen. Memory T cells, like effector T cells, belong to a heterogeneous class of lymphocytes. Memory T cells are defined based on phenotypic and/or functional criteria, although specific definitions vary among different investigators. The relationship between effector and memory T cells is not yet fully understood. The generation of effector cells is a necessary step, but is not sufficient for the induction of long-lasting antitumor immunity. Also important are the emergence of memory T cells, their maintenance, and their reactivation upon the reexposure to antigen. The requirements for steps involving memory T cells may differ from those for the induction of primary effector T cell responses. Given the potential antitumor effects, a deeper understanding of the biological processes underlying effective immune memory responses is needed and is worthy of detailed exploration. +There is the particular need to know more about tumor antigens that are capable of initiating memory cell responses and about the mechanisms that drive T cells into the memory cell differentiation pathway, while overcoming growth inhibitory signals present in the tumor microenvironment. The roles of the cytokines and growth factors in these processes need to be elucidated. It is important to understand how memory cells are maintained in a quiescent state and how they resume proliferation after long dormancy. Such reactivation may be a critical step in response to the reemergence of tumor growth from residual disease depots. +Recent advances and successes in cancer immunotherapy research and practice are in significant part a derivative of increasing multidisciplinary knowledge and novel technological capabilities at the interface of tumor immunology, biology, and genetics. The progress to date justifies continued and intensified research efforts to understand the fundamental properties of the immune system and to apply that understanding to elicit desirable tumor-directed immune responses. Recognizing the need and timeliness to stimulate research on cancer immunology related to memory T cell generation and their subsequent responses, the NCI announces two parallel FOAs of identical overall objectives and scientific scope. +Who should consider this FOA? +Background and Overall Objectives +Antigen presentation to T cells for induction of effective memory immune responses. Over the last several years, biochemical and genetic screening systems have allowed identification and characterization of candidate antigens and epitopes for a number of tumor types (e.g., melanoma and renal cell carcinoma). These epitopes have been predominantly MHC Class I-restricted and recognized by CD8+ T cells. The identification and characterization of MHC Class II-restricted epitopes recognized by CD4+ T cells has lagged behind, due to greater technical requirements of the antigen-screening strategies for these epitopes. Potential sources of candidate tumor antigens are expanding. Accordingly, efforts are needed to identify antigens derived not only from the dominant clonal tumor cells, but also from tumor stem cells. Another potential source of target antigens is the constellation of nontransformed tumor stromal cells, since these cells may be required for tumor survival and growth. Studies designed to investigate the generation, maintenance, and function of T cell responses to these types of authentic tumor antigens, rather than to highly immunogenic “model” antigens, are therefore very timely and will be necessary to address such critical issues as T cell tolerance to authentic tumor antigens and the potential repertoire of T cells that can recognize authentic tumor antigens. +Because many (or most) authentic tumor antigens are self-antigens, T cell responses to such tumor antigens may be impaired by previous exposure to the antigens in the host. The requirements for developing and optimizing protocols for effective antigen presentation to T cells for memory cell generation may therefore be unique for antitumor responses. In addition, recent findings suggest that antigen presentation requirements may be different for effector T cell and memory T cell generation. Studies designed to investigate tumor antigen presentation will necessarily build on what is known for presentation of non-self antigens, but must also address the unique challenges of mounting an effective memory T cell response to these self antigens. +The success or failure of strategies aimed at generating persistent memory T cell responses to authentic tumor antigens is likely to depend on three key strategic choices: (1) The selection of the antigen-presenting cell (APC) type; (2) antigen source/form; and (3) the handling of APCs (including approaches to loading APCs with antigen) to optimize their immunogenicity. +1. Type of APC. Hemopoietic dendritic cells (DCs) are now recognized as the most potent class of APC and, therefore, are most likely to be used as APCs. However, DCs are a heterogeneous cell category, with distinct maturation stages and differentiated subsets. Therefore, for reproducible immunotherapy protocols, it needs to be clarified which DC subtypes are effective under various tumor antigen immunization conditions. +2. Antigen source/form. Available strategic options are diverse and include: (a) an isolated antigenic peptide; (b) full-length antigenic protein; (c) cDNA encoding an antigenic protein; (d) cDNA encoding a fusion protein (containing both an antigenic peptide and additional epitopes to augment the immune response); (e) mRNA for an antigenic protein; (f) tumor cell lysates; and/or (g) killed tumor cells. Each of these strategies has been used in immunotherapy protocol models and each has its advantages and disadvantages. Further investigations need to define which of these strategies would be optimal for inducing memory T cell responses. +3. APC handling. Approaches and procedures for activating the APCs need also to be optimized for memory T cell generation. APCs can be isolated from the host, loaded with tumor antigen in vitro, and then readministered into the host (adoptive cell transfer). Alternatively, the APCs can be loaded in vivo by injecting the antigen into the host. The in vitro option may provide more flexibility with respect to additional manipulations of the APCs, such as adjuvant treatment to enhance activation and increase their immunogenicity. Conversely, the in vivo option may lead to superior DC trafficking and homing to the relevant lymphoid tissues for initiation of the T cell activation process and memory T cell generation. +Factors modulating generation of tumor-directed T cell memory in vivo. Active immunization and memory T cell generation in vivo are affected by both stimulatory and inhibitory factors. The process of T cell stimulation is mediated by: (1) the antigen-specific T cell receptor (Signal 1); (2) costimulatory receptors such as CD28 (Signal 2); and (3) the cytokine- and chemokine-mediated signals that are required for T cell proliferation, migration/trafficking, survival, and commitment to the memory cell sublineage. These signaling pathways are now beginning to be better understood. The proper coordination of the activation signals of both types involves not only the interactions of individual T cells and antigen-presenting DCs, but also the interactions of subsets of T cells, such as CD4+ and CD8+ T cells. Interactions of T cells with components of the innate immune system, such as NK cells and/or NKT cells, may also be critical for induction of effective tumor-directed T cell responses. All of these stimulatory interactions must therefore be fully characterized in order to enable rational manipulations of the involved cells in future immunotherapy strategies. +Studies of the expanding array of inhibitory signals that affect T cell activation in vivo are also warranted. Some of these signals originate outside of the immune system, such as those from tumor cells or other cells in the tumor microenvironment. Other inhibitory effects arise from the activities of subsets of immune cells, such as CD25+ regulatory T cells or immature DCs. Responding T cells also generate normal intrinsic inhibitory signals, such as those initiated by CTLA-4. Blockade of inhibitory cells and/or signals can be combined with either active antitumor immunization or adoptive transfer of in vitro-generated antitumor T cells. Impressive results from such combination therapies have been observed in the clinic and in animals. The relationship of these therapeutic successes to successful memory T cell generation may be a key for the design of future cancer immunotherapies. +Generation of tumor-directed T cell memory in vitro for adoptive T cell transfer. Recent successes in the use of in vitro activation followed by in vivo reinfusion of tumor-specific T cells for the treatment of melanoma in humans and in animal models raise the possibility that this strategy may be explored for other tumor types as well. Various parameters requiring optimization for memory T cell generation in vitro correspond directly to those required for active immunization of antitumor memory T cell responses in vivo. However, the flexibility in manipulations of T cells in vitro may facilitate generating optimal antitumor immunity (including long-lasting memory T cells) that would not be possible with purely in vivo immunization strategies. Memory T cell generation, either in vitro before reinfusion or in vivo in the patient after reinfusion, could ultimately lead to improved immunotherapy. It remains to be determined which of these two strategies would be more efficacious. +Decisions regarding tumor antigen and DC preparation for in vitro T cell activation protocols may be influenced by whether the selected T cell populations to be stimulated and expanded in vitro have previously encountered the target antigen in vivo, and by the nature and outcome of that encounter. The possibility that the most relevant antigen-specific T cells have been deleted, anergized, and/or otherwise incapacitated by normal self-tolerance and/or tumor-induced immunosuppression in vivo will also directly impinge on the in vitro activation strategy. This latter scenario is one in which in vitro activation of T cells may provide opportunities not available with in vivo immunization strategies. For example, flexibility in the source of T cells (e.g., blood, lymph node(s), or tumor-infiltrating cells) to be used for the in vitro activation regimen may facilitate collection and/or enrichment of T cells with desirable activation or reactivation capacities. Purification of T cells for in vitro stimulation would also remove tumor cells from the activation environment. This eliminates the adverse possibility of recreating of the patient’s own ineffective in vivo antitumor T cell priming process. Instead, in the absence of tumor cells, the immune response may be skewed toward desirable memory T cell generation. After the primed T cells of the effector and/or memory subtypes are generated, they are suitable for adaptive cell transfer. However after their readministration to patients, additional interventions are needed to promote the continued survival and function of the memory cells in vivo. Possible strategies that should be investigated include such cytokine supplementation, periodic boosting with an appropriate antigen-expressing APC population, and elimination or dampening of regulatory cell populations. +Scope of Specific Objectives +The overarching goal of research applications in response to this FOA should be closing the gaps, outlined in the preceding section, in our existing knowledge of memory T cell function in antitumor immunity. The expected outcomes should be relevant to, and ultimately useful for, improving cancer immunotherapy. Studies on the general properties of immune cells and responses, not clearly directed at cancer immunology, will be considered nonresponsive to this FOA. +The proposed research may include investigations of T memory cell differentiation, maintenance, and reactivation. Investigations may entail both human and animal studies, and both in vitro and in vivo models. Innovative uses of existing technologies and reagents, as well as the development of new technologies and reagents, are encouraged. +The following topical areas are of high interest, but other relevant innovative projects are also): +Susan A. McCarthy, Ph.D. +Division of Cancer Biology +National Cancer Institute +6130 Executive Boulevard, EPN Room 5058 , MSC 7380 +Bethesda, MD 20892-7380 ( for U.S. Postal Service express or regular mail) +Rockville, MD 20852 ( for express/courier delivery) +Telephone: (301) 496-7815 +2. Peer Review Contact(s): +Not Applicable +3. +Financial/Grants Management Contact(s): +Leslie N. Hickman +Office of Grants Administration +National Cancer Institute +6120 Executive Boulevard , EPS Room 234, MSC 7148 +Bethesda, MD 20892-7148 ( for U.S. Postal Service express or regular mail) +Rockville, MD 20852 ( for express/courier delivery) +Telephone: (301) 496 +tag:blogger.com,1999:blog-25822700103503160782015-12-17T20:44:24.331-08:00Adventures in Cooking, What's cooking Darlene?Darlene Time!Hi!
First, My famous TACO SALAD. How many of you have a "taco salad" recipe. Many many do. But for me, something about mine makes everyone happy. It's completely delicious and extra, extra simple!

What you'll need:
1 head of lettuce
1 container or grape tomatoes
1 block of SHARP cheddar cheese
1 lb of ground beef
Couple hand fulls of tortilla chips
Vegetable Oil
1 packet of good seasons salad dressing (dry)

Ok, the good seasons is the important part. This is one of the things that makes this salad so delicious. Look in your grocery store on the salad dressing aisle. Usually on the top shelf you will see packet or even a box like this.

this is the good stuff so GET IT!!!

All your left with is to enjoy. It is very delicious and I think I will be making one this weekend for a BBQ myself!

The next easy and delicious one I wanted to share is Potato salad. Ok, Fancy smancy potato salads are everywhere and I usually end up not liking them with a bunch of added ingredients.
Though unconventional, my potato salad recipe is easy and definitely delicious.

Ok, my first recommendation would be Yukon Gold Potatoes. Grab a bag of these next time your in the store and use them to make your potato dish, whether it's mashed potatoes or potato salad, it really does add better flavor.
The only other ingreedients you will need are going to be :
salt and pepper

Crumble up or cut up the bacon and set aside. Slice up some of the green onions (scallions) and set them aside (about half a cup)

The Delicious creamy, yet chunky, filling bubbling away underneath the flaky and warm crust. OH Yeah! It's good!.

Now I am the first to promote making home made stock and doing things the more difficult way because it will taste better, which it usually does, but we dont always have time for that.
Additionally, I didn't happen to have a turkey dinner's worth of left overs to put together into a pot pie either, so I went for my Quick, Easy, and Tasty chicken pot pie with great short cuts and great taste.

Ok, What do you need for this tasty meal? Some super easy ingredients.

4 boneless chicken breasts (or bone in if you want to spend time taking the chicken off the bone etc)
1 can of cut green beans
1 can of sliced carrots
1 can of diced potatoes
1 can of corn
1 1/2 boxes of chicken stock
1 1/2 cups of heavy cream
3 tbsp of butter or margarine
salt and pepper to taste
1 tbsp of onion powder
1 tsp of season salt
2 boxes of Pillsbury pie crust. (the kind that is rolled up and when you roll it out it forms a circle)
corn starch slury

Ok, did you see all that easy stuff. The canned veggies? Yes, super easy and here's what you do.

First, take your chicken, put it in a pot and cover it with water. Boil the chicken until cooked through. I like to add seasonings to my water to help flavor the chicken.
Once it's cooked I strain it and get out my Salad Chopper. I chopped up the chicken into bite sized pieces.
Ok, that was the hard part, here comes the easy part.
Put the chicken in a large pot, open and drain your canned vegetables then add them to the pot as well.
Use your chicken stock to add liquid to your chicken and veggi's and then add some salt and pepper.
Turn on your burner on the stove and get that goodness cooking. Add your cream and spices and then add butter/margarine as well and cook until it boils.

Ok, so now you have your filling, all you have left to do is to make it a "pie".

Enjoy and Share!Darlene = Goodness! Fried Chicken Flavors!Y.

Ok, so what do I do to this flour right? Get to the point already? LOL Ok Ok
I take a couple cups of regular flour and I put it in a bowl.
To this, I add ample amounts of the following flavors
Garlic Salt
Season Salt
Onion Powder
Garlic Powder
Usually it's a good few heaping spoonfuls of each spice and mix it all through that flour.
Then, when it's time to coat the chicken, I first dust it in this flour mixture, then I dunk it in the egg mixture, then back into this flavorful four mixture.
Yum Yum, it turns out so flavorful.

Do not beware of the spices, they are your friend when cooking! Want to add a kick to your chicken, add a couple teaspoons of cayenne pepper to your flour and feel the kick!Darlene Meat-a-ball!I.
#1 - Ground turkey. Easy! Have you seen the roll's of ground turkey in the frozen section next to the turkeys? In an orange wrapper? Well, if not, get which ever kind you want, but this is what I use.
#2 - Hot ground, Italian Sausage. I usually find this by the Kielbasa and bratwurst.
With this combination, they are de-flipping-lishish. Or fan-tabulous (I just heard that one on Paula Deen..lol) Knee knocken, back slapping delicious (also heard just now on Paula Deen.. haha)

Ok Ok, what's in these meat balls. Super simple. I first dice an onion and brown it with some olive oil in a pan. Once soft (cause John hates onions) I add it to my meat combination (a pound of each).
I also add
1/4 cup Worcestershire sauce
1 Egg
1 tbsp garlic powder
1 tbsp onion powder
1 tbsp garlic salt
1 tsp pepper
2 tbsp A-1 steak sauce
1/4 cup Parmesan cheese
and about 1 cup of Italian flavored bread crumbs.
Mix this all together. You may want to add less or more of the bread crumbs. Add a little at a time and mix everything together.

Now bake time will depend on how large you make these meatballs. I usually make them pretty small and only cook them for 20 or 30 mins.
Then, I put them back in that famous saute pan or actually I think it would be a covered skillet that I use.

I just simmer the sauce with the meatballs while I cook my pasta. After that, it's a delicious dinner. My meatballs are always a hit and I really think the meat combination has a lot to do with it!

I will be sure to share all of these recipes with you soon, IF you want them.. LOL Until then, Happy cooking!!

Darlene? Sweet Meat?I!

When your chops are done, simple spoon a little of this yummy apple glaze over the chop and you have a completely different outlook on pork chop! it's the other, white AND sweet meat! LOL.

Darlene Success.

Red Velvet, Cheesecake Pops


1 box red velvet cake mix (Only using half of this, so it's good to cook in two round pans)

3/4 cup of cream cheese frosting ( I just got betty crocker)
1 or two cheesecakes. I used one, and only got half my pops covered
1 pack graham crackers (use food processor to ground up into dust!)
1 lg pack Melt-able white chocolate. ( you know, the kind you get at the craft store in little round discs. Pick the color you want!)
1/4 cup of vegetable oil
lollypop sticks

Ok, here's how it goes. Make your red velvet cake according to the box directions. Your using only half of the cake so I suggest making two rounds and using one of them. Cook cakes on a Cooling Rack and once cooled, break cake up either using a fork or a food processor until you have very find crumbs. <;">I then started the ground up graham crackers as well as got my sticks and chocolate ready to melt. I used a double broiler instead of the microwave to melt the chocolate because I feel like i have more control.

Take the balls of joy out of the fridge and roll them in the graham cracker stuff. You can use your hands now to smooth out the edges of the spikey yummy ball thing and it now looks round again.

Once your white chocolate is melted, you want to first dip your stick end into it and then insert it into the ball. Once all of them have a stick, put them in the fridge for a few to harden the chocolate. <;">Stay tuned for more adventures in cooking! Darlene Made Simple!Look, The Pampered Chef.
What did I cook? White bean chicken chili with some corn bread muffins. YUM. Number of ingredients for the chili... 3. Here you have it, super easy, super good, a bit spicy.
Check out your grocery store's Spice Aisle. You know that section right next to the spices that has all the easy packets of seasonings you can buy for stew, chili, gravy, you name it? Find this packet. White Bean chicken Chili, or White Bean Chili.

I bought two of these packets, about two pounds of chicken breasts, and two to three cans of white beans.
Here's how long it took me to put it together. 10 minutes.

Simply cut up your chicken into bite size pieces, throw them in a large covered skillet. :/

If any of you are wondering how my husband took having zucchini in his stir fry the other night, it was no problemo! Another great way to get kids, and even husbands, to eat their veggies is to cover them in yummy sauces. ;)

I heard someone say "Do what?" I know I did! haha.

Darlene's get started.Well,.

To start this off I want to bring you to my hectic day yesterday. It was my very first The Pampered Chef party, my Launch party, and the house was booming. All my gals were having a good time eating, drinking and joking around. It was a huge success and I am hoping to earn the new Manual Food Processor.. ;)
As for tonight's Adventure in cooking? Chicken stir fry. YUM. I am going to sneak in some Zucchini and see if my husband will still eat it. He is definitely the vegetable challenged! The recipe is simple, as goes as such.

Chicken Stir Fry:
2 to 3 boneless chicken breasts(cut into small bite sized pieces)
6 large carrots(peeled and cut into disks with a Mandolin)
1 sm head of broccoli (cut into pieces)
1 zucchini (also cut into disks with the Mandolin)
(other veggie's as you so desire)
Low sodium Soy Sauce
Corn Starch
2 to 3 tbsp of oil
Cooked White Rice
Sriracha Hot chili Sauce (Asian hot sauce)

Heat large skillet (with lid) or a Wok (I don't have one :( ..) on high and add oil.
Put chicken in skillet and brown well. Turn heat down to simmer.
Add carrots and zucchini to pan.
Splash 1/4 cup of soy sauce into pan and cover letting ingredients simmer and steam. Stir occasionally.
After 10 minutes, add broccoli and cover again.
When broccoli has steamed to your liking, Combine 1/2 cup of soy sauce with 1 tbsp of the Hot sauce and stir. Add to skillet and stir.

Make a slurry with your corn starch. What?? You don't know how?? OK OK, easy stuff. Simply spoon about 3 heaping spoonfuls of corn starch into a small prep bowl. Add in a little water and stir, making sure to do a little at a time because you want the slurry thick.

Now back to the dish!

Ta Daaaaa You have a delicious meal that is super tasty. Serve this stir fry over some white rice and you have a filling meal! (I usually cheat with the boil in a bag rice! lol)<;">ENJOY!!

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This talk was part of a panel discussing “Lessons of the SWP Experience: 1960 – 1980.” The three panelists each had twenty minutes. +This is the original text, lightly edited. During extemporaneous delivery of the actual speech some phrases may have been added, modified or omitted.] +– – – – – – – – – +I will take up three points: +1. The impact of the events of the 1960s radicalization on our ideas. +2. The impact of the Fourth International on the SWP. +3. The role of the 1960s leadership generation, and in particular Jack Barnes. +The impact of events on our ideas +In the early 1960s we all looked to the 1930s radicalization for inspiration, especially to the great labor and trade union struggles of that period. +But the 1960s radicalization unfolded differently than was expected, differently than what had been understood in traditional Marxist theory. +We were influenced by the Cuban revolution and by the other colonial revolutions which were still going strong at the time. But the colonial revolutions took place – not in the industrially developed world, not even in the less developed parts of the industrial world, but in some of the least developed areas. +We were influenced by the Black struggle in the American South for civil rights, which began in the late 1950s and which was followed in the 1960s by the rise of struggles and Black nationalism in both North and South. While the participants in the Black struggle were themselves for the most part working class, the issues of the struggle were generally not labor issues per se, but issues of democratic rights. +We owed a lot in our understanding of these events, and how they could be fit into Marxist theory to two leaders of the older generation: Joe Hansen and George Breitman. +But the enrichment of these ideas, and the application of the same kind of approach to new developments, was largely the work of the 1960s generation. +The driving force of the radicalization in the latter 1960s was the anti-Vietnam-war movment, whose key component was the students. +Students also raised important specifically student issues. Students, we should note, were now a significantly more populous element than in earlier periods, outnumbering farmers significantly. +In the late 1960s and early 1970s we saw the rise of the women’s movement, the Chicano and other Latino struggles, the gay liberation movement and the development of a whole series of challenges to the old order on cultural issues. +How to fit these new challenges into the corpus of Marxist theory? +In the summer of 1970 we held the first of our Oberlin, Ohio national gatherings. It was the occasion for our first comprehensive analysis of all the main issues posed by the new radicalization. We collected the main speeches from that gathering into a book, Towards an American Socialist Revolution: A Strategy for the 1970s. I edited the book and wrote an introductory essay pulling the various themes together. +I would like to read a few passages from this introduction, because it conveys a bit of the flavor of our thinking during those times. +“There is questioning and rejection of the myriad social institutions and forms of ideological backwardness and prejudice serving to prop up pre-capitalist… +“These new movements are not unimportant or peripheral to the socialist revolution, but at the center of its advance.” [emphasis added]. +The new generation of revolutionary fighters will have to re-conquer these Marxist analyses on its own. I hope that they will look at the documents of the past with an objective eye, no matter what they may think of the SWP of today. +The impact of the Fourth International on the SWP +There are several international groups, all claiming to represent the true heritage of the Fourth International founded by Trotsky. The SWP was associated with the group generally known by its leadership body, the United Secretariat. So, when I talk about the Fourth International, this is what I mean. +We experienced a faction fight in the Fourth International that lasted for nearly 10 years, from 1969-1977. +On one side was the IMT, the International Majority Tendency, led by Ernest Mandel, Livio Maitan and the leaders of the French LCR (Ligue Communiste Révolutionnaire). On the other side was the LTF, the Leninist Trotskyist Faction, led by leaders of the U.S. SWP. For a while the LTF also included Hugo Moreno. +I will discuss the impact of this faction fight on the SWP. +Like all factional struggles in all political organizations this one was marked by all sorts of organizational fighting. I believe that there were injustices and justified complaints on both sides. But it is not very productive to go into the details. It is not very useful for new people seeking to gain insight and lessons. +Many of the organizational issues were documented. For those who are interested, I would advise you to read the documents in preference to the horror stories. +Remarkably, there was not a split in the international as a whole, although we came close on a few occasions. +As for the underlying political issues, there were some interesting discussions and debates. These centered initially over strategy and tactics in Latin America. But soon the debates extended to encompass issues over Europe, the youth radicalization, the women’s movement, and other topics. +A review of these issues could be of some use, even though, I think in retrospect that some of the arguments were exaggerated due to the tension of the faction fight. +But from the vantage point of today, I think most of the underlying political issues are only of historical interest. +In looking back on it all, from the vantage point of time and distance, I find that the impact of the faction fight on the SWP is the most interesting aspect. +On balance, I think that the impact was positive. +This may seem like a surprising thing to say. I do not mean, of course, that faction fights are a desirable thing, or that they are the preferred mode for political discussion. So let me explain. +Like all Trotskyists, we in the SWP had always prided ourselves on our internationalism. We thought about international events a lot, we wrote about them a lot, and we took action were we could. It is not this aspect of internationalism that I want to deal with here. +What I want to discuss is our personal involvement in the International. +For the earlier part of the 1960s we didn’t have – at least most of us didn’t have – a good first-hand feel for our own international movement. +There were important international discussions in the early 1960s, and there was a major organizational step – the reunification of the FI. But these involved Joe Hansen and later Ray Sparrow/Art Sharon. These two comrades were based in Europe, participated in the discussions, and came back to give reports at national committee meetings. For most of us of the 1960s generation, and I believe, for most of the other party members and even leaders, it seemed far, far away. +The fight that began in 1969 caused us, and especially the younger generation, to become very engaged on a variety of levels: on the PC, on the general SWP leadership level and on the general membership level. +We attended discussions and meetings overseas on a regular basis. This included regular participation in meetings of the IEC (International Executive Committee) and the United Secretariat as well as many informal discussions. These interchanges were mostly on the Political Committee level, where some eight people were regularly involved, a substantial part of that body. Larger meetings such as the IEC, which met every year or two, or the World Congress, which met every 5-6 years, had a broader participation from SWP leadership. +We conducted regular visits and tours. These included attending conventions and central committee meetings of other groups as well as many general visits. For the most part these visits were simply a form of diplomacy, an attempt to win friends and influence people. +We shared experiences with our comrades in other countries. We explained the U.S. political situation and our activities to them. They explained their situation to us. Of course we also held discussion on the international political issues in debate. +Members of the SWP were encouraged to make visits to other countries, and vice versa, comrades in other countries were urged to come here and get acquainted with us. We found that -whether it was Barcelona or Athens, Bogota or Sao Paulo, Bombay or Tokyo – we were meeting young people, just like us, interested in many of the same things, sharing somewhat similar outlooks on the world. +We turned our big summer gatherings at Oberlin College into quasi-international events, not in a factional way, but simply by inviting comrades from countries all over the world. Often we had well over 100 international guests present. +Of course we also spent considerable time writing documents and arguing over ideas. This was an area where the whole membership got involved. The high point was the 1973 SWP convention, attended by 1,400 people. The members of the SWP wrote 240 articles for the preconvention discussion – 1.5 million words. Most of these were not leadership documents. These were documents written by the regular SWP members. On top of that, each branch of the SWP conducted extensive discussions. +As Barry Sheppard said in his book: “It was by far the most thoroughgoing discussion that the SWP had ever had, more comprehensive, in fact, than any group associated with the Fourth International and, I believe, more comprehensive than any discussion held in any group on the left anywhere in the world.” +To our credit, we managed to translate the entire International Discussion and to circulate it throughout the world. This helped raise awareness and involvement of the entire world movement, since English was the most widely used language +As a result of our efforts in this regard, the SWP membership was one of the most – perhaps the most well-informed and engaged of the larger groups in the Fourth International. +Despite the fact that the circumstance leading to this engagement was a faction fight, nevertheless the involvement and engagement was a major positive value in itself. +Furthermore, there was influence in both directions. Even when we argued sharply with comrades from other countries, even when we disparaged some of the other groups modes of operation and organization – and they ours – we were forced into a position of having to seriously consider what they had to say, and to observe how they conducted themselves. The same for comrades from other countries who came here. +This whole interchange had a positive impact all around. It enriched our understanding of the world, our understanding of Marxism, and our understanding of party building. +The SWP in the 1980s turned away from the Fourth International, and lost the tempering effect of these interchanges. This, in my opinion, was a big factor in the decline and degeneration of the SWP. +The role of Jack Barnes and the 1960s leadership generation +There has been in recent years, a certain disparagement of the generation that joined the SWP and came into prominence in the 1960s and early 1970s. +This perception is undoubtedly due to the decline and degeneration of the SWP in the 1980s and after, and the fact that the 1960s leadership generation was unable to reverse that decline and in fact, to our discredit, did not even mount an effective challenge to that degeneration. +Nevertheless, the failure of the 1980s and beyond should not detract from the fact that it was the 1960s generation that did lead the party through the 1960s radicalization, that did measure up to most of the challenges that it faced, and that does deserve credit for the achievements that were made during that period. +Of the 1960s generation, the outstanding personality was Jack Barnes. +In recent years is has become common to hear people express the opinion, on internet discussion lists, for example, to that effect that Jack Barnes was “hand-picked,” as if he and others were not the natural and worthy leaders of that generation, but were artificially catapulted over others into leadership positions. +I do not know where this notion came from. It was certainly never expressed, as far as I know, by anyone in the older SWP leadership during the 1960s and 1970s – not even by Frank Lovell, who, I believe, used the term “hand-picked” in a document he wrote some years later. +As I recall it Frank never said a word to this effect at any National Committee or other leadership meeting at the time. Nor did George Breitman, nor Nat Weinstein, nor Tom Kerry, nor anyone else in the older leadership generation who were so ruthlessly cast aside later on by Jack Barnes. +Frankly, the notion that Jack Barnes was “hand-picked” seems preposterous to me, especially since I knew him well for 20 years and worked with him in an entire range of activities, including years before the time that he became a national leader. +I have always thought that Jack Barnes was, without question, the outstanding, most talented natural leader who emerged from the 1960s generation. He led our work in a variety of areas, and he was the main person of our generation who the others looked up to for advice. +Naturally the older generation encouraged him. Of course they gave him tasks and challenges that tested his capabilities – tasks and challenges that he passed for the most part. I fail to see how that can be called “hand-picking” him. What else were the older leaders to do? +It was the great authority that Jack Barnes earned in the 1960s and 1970s that enabled him to play so big a part in turning things sour in the 1980s and after. +But then, that was a different Jack Barnes +He was not without serious flaws, some of which started to become clear in the mid-and-late 1970s, and became quite pronounced later on. I don’t think it is possible to fully understand what went wrong without appreciating this factor, even if we do not agree on how much weight to give it along with the more objective factors in the decline of the SWP. +Those who look at the SWP of today see an organization that is but a grotesque caricature of what it once was. And they see a leader of that party – a person who is the object of international scorn and scandal – who is also a grotesque caricature of what he once was. +Just as the party has changed, so too Jack Barnes has changed. +Yes, there were signs and precursors of what was to come. There was foreshadowing and some of us had premonitions. +But in the 1960s and 1970s both the party and the leading people were for the most part different, and much better. How that changed, and why that changed, is a topic that should be examined in some detail. But it is a topic for another time +I disagree with your characterization of the IT/LTF faction fight. As someone who lived through that, I think it was a misguided and demoralizing diversion and a waste of time. That a million and a half words were written, including a few embarrassing ones by me, shows only the depth of this turn from reality. Madison Avenue and religious sects generate a lot of words too, but all that shows is how much uninsipiring bullshit they can generate. No, instead of trying to pretentiously micromanage the radical movement on other continents like wannabe policy wonks and think tank experts, how about focusing on the real questions at hand that people in society were concerned with like Watergate? +Fact is that with its opportunistic involvement in every kind of politics but working class politics, the SWP managed to miss the entire rank and file radicalization of American labor in the 1970s. +“. . , “What is to be Done” +Red Dave, you’re obviously not interested in discussing the real practice and politics of the SWP during the ’70s, but in rehashing decades-old factional talking points. You’re wasting your time and ours. +I’m wondering what “entire rank and file radicalization of American labor in the 1970s” Red Dave is talking about. Yes there were some important strikes and battles back then in coal and auto and in fact it was exactly this prospect, and that rhetoric, that inspired The Turn in the late 70s. However, to in the previous “60s” period counterpose that to involvement in the anti-war and black liberation and other struggles that were the focus of a huge and historic social upheaval at that time, to dismissively disparage these movements as a “rotten milieu”, reflects at bottom a conservatized hostility to the progressive movement, what Bob Avakian has characterized as the “utter rightism” of “economism”, or what others in this period might have called an “Archie Bunker” attitude. It’s not an accident that a fascist type like Lyndon LaRouche emerged precisely out of this embittered milieu of what Marcuse disparaged referred to as reactionary “orthodox marxism”. +I agree with Ralph Levitt’s blog about Barnes. The same thing happened when Stalin usurped the Bolsheviks. So one should not be too down on your generation. Still, after all the talk about “professional revolutionaries” who devote their lives to the cause it seems anti-climactic that every one of the expelled took it lying down. After all Barnes didn’t have state power to protect him, did he? +Nahuel Moreno, not Hugo Noreno … there was also a third tendency during the 1970ies, sometimes called “Meshrajonka Tendency” (mainly comrades from Italy, Germany, Denmark and France) whose main point was the focus on a “new workers vanguard”, emerging in the 1968- and post-1968 struggles e.g. in France and Italy both rejecting the IMT’s “new mass vanguard”- line and the LTF’s “orthodox literalism” +Sorry for the mistake on Moreno’s name. Actually, Nahuel Moreno was an alias. His real name was Hugo Bressano. I had been accustomed to hearing him called “Hugo” in conversation and “Comrade Moreno” more formally. +Juventus 3-0 Chelsea +>. +Lineup, Bookings (4) & Substitutions (5) +Juventus +- 01 Buffon +- 03 Chiellini +- 15 Barzagli +- 19 Bonucci Booked +- 26 Lichtsteiner (Caceres - 68' ) +- 08 Marchisio Booked +- 21 Pirlo +- 22 Asamoah +- 23 Vidal +- 09 Vucinic (Giovinco - 83' Booked ) +- 27 Quagliarella (Pogba - 89' ) +Substitutes +- 30 Storari +- 04 Caceres +- 06 Pogba +- 12 Giovinco +- 07 Pepe +- 24 Giaccherini +- 32 Matri +Chelsea +- 01 Cech +- 02 Ivanovic +- 03 Cole +- 04 Luiz +- 24 Cahill +- 28 Azpilicueta (Moses - 60' ) +- 07 Ramires Booked +- 10 Mata +- 11 Oscar +- 12 Mikel (Torres - 71' ) +- 17 Hazard +Substitutes +- 22 Turnbull +- 34 Bertrand +- 06 Romeu +- 13 Moses +- 21 Marin +- 09 Torres +- 35 Piazon +Match Stats +Shots +On target +Corners +Fouls +Live Text Commentary +Full Time The game is over, as the referee blows his whistle.90:00 +1:47 +Branislav Ivanovic crosses the ball, Giorgio Chiellini manages to make a clearance.90:00 +0:40 +Assist by Arturo Vidal.90:00 +0:40 Booking +Booking Sebastian Giovinco booked.90:00 +0:04 Goal scored +Goal! - Sebastian Giovinco - Juventus 3 - 0 Chelsea Sebastian Giovinco fires in a goal from outside the box low into the middle of the goal. Juventus 3-0 Chelsea.89:16 +Sebastian Giovinco is caught offside. Petr Cech takes the direct free kick.88:36 +Short corner worked by Sebastian Giovinco.88:36 Substitution +Substitution Fabio Quagliarella leaves the field to be replaced by Paul Pogba.86:57 +Leonardo Bonucci concedes a free kick for a foul on Eden Hazard. Gary Cahill takes the direct free kick.86:26 +Eden Hazard fouled by Arturo Vidal, the ref awards a free kick. The free kick is swung in left-footed by Juan Mata, Kwadwo Asamoah makes a clearance.85:39 +Corner taken by Eden Hazard from the left by-line to the near post, Arturo Vidal makes a clearance. Inswinging corner taken from the left by-line by Eden Hazard, save by Gianluigi Buffon.84:45 +Free kick taken by Gary Cahill.84:45 Booking +Booking Caution for Claudio Marchisio.84:34 +Free kick awarded for a foul by Claudio Marchisio on Emboaba Oscar.82:01 Substitution +Substitution Sebastian Giovinco replaces Mirko Vucinic.81:13 +The ball is delivered by Emboaba Oscar, Gianluigi Buffon makes a comfortable save.80:59 +Short corner taken by Juan Mata.80:35 +Victor Moses crosses the ball, save made by Gianluigi Buffon.80:06 +Nascimento Ramires fouled by Mirko Vucinic, the ref awards a free kick. Nascimento Ramires takes the free kick.78:59 +Free kick awarded for a foul by Martin Caceres on Ashley Cole. Eden Hazard crosses the ball in from the free kick, Gianluigi Buffon makes a comfortable save. +The ball is swung over by Arturo Vidal, Leonardo Bonucci concedes a free kick for a foul on Gary Cahill. Direct free kick taken by Petr Cech.77:30 +Shot by Andrea Pirlo. Blocked by Gary Cahill. Short corner taken by Andrea Pirlo from the left by-line.76:59 +Effort on goal by David Luiz from outside the penalty box goes harmlessly over the bar.76:29 +Free kick awarded for an unfair challenge on Branislav Ivanovic by Claudio Marchisio. Juan Mata crosses the ball in from the free kick.75:35 +Leonardo Bonucci takes the free kick.75:35 Booking +Booking The referee shows Nascimento Ramires a yellow card.75:30 +Foul by Nascimento Ramires on Giorgio Chiellini, free kick awarded.75:01 +The ball is delivered by Eden Hazard, Victor Moses takes a shot. Andrea Barzagli gets a block in.73:53 +The ball is sent over by Martin Caceres, Effort on goal by Mirko Vucinic from inside the penalty area goes harmlessly over the bar.71:55 +Shot from outside the box by Mirko Vucinic misses to the left of the target.71:28 +Kwadwo Asamoah produces a left-footed shot from the edge of the area and misses to the left of the goal.70:10 Substitution +Substitution Fernando Torres joins the action as a substitute, replacing Mikel.69:36 +Effort on goal by Eden Hazard from 20 yards. Claudio Marchisio gets a block in.68:07 +The ball is delivered by Martin Caceres, Ashley Cole gets a block in.67:11 Substitution +Substitution Martin Caceres comes on in place of Stephan Lichtsteiner.66:11 +Juan Mata takes the inswinging corner, save by Gianluigi Buffon.63:52 +Foul by Mirko Vucinic on Branislav Ivanovic, free kick awarded. Branislav Ivanovic takes the direct free kick.63:14 +Juan Mata delivers the ball, clearance made by Kwadwo Asamoah.60:46 +Kwadwo Asamoah provided the assist for the goal.60:46 Goal scored +Goal! - Arturo Vidal - Juventus 2 - 0 Chelsea Arturo Vidal gets on the score sheet with a goal from deep inside the penalty box low into the middle of the goal. Juventus 2-0 Chelsea.60:02 +Shot from just outside the area by Mirko Vucinic goes over the bar.59:15 Substitution +Substitution Cesar Azpilicueta goes off and Victor Moses comes on.58:21 +Fabio Quagliarella takes a shot. Save by Petr Cech. Andrea Pirlo takes the outswinging corner, Header from deep inside the area by Leonardo Bonucci goes over the bar.57:28 +Andrea Pirlo produces a curled right-footed shot from 25 yards. Petr Cech makes a save. Outswinging corner taken from the right by-line by Andrea Pirlo, Emboaba Oscar manages to make a clearance.57:00 +Fabio Quagliarella takes a shot. Save made by Petr Cech.56:43 +Andrea Pirlo takes a shot from 20 yards. Blocked by Gary Cahill.55:38 +Arturo Vidal produces a cross, Branislav Ivanovic makes a clearance.54:38 +Centre by Cesar Azpilicueta, clearance made by Giorgio Chiellini.53:24 +The ball is delivered by Eden Hazard, Headed effort from inside the area by Cesar Azpilicueta misses to the right of the target.52:29 +Emboaba Oscar fouled by Andrea Pirlo, the ref awards a free kick. Mikel takes the direct free kick.51:32 +The ball is swung over by Juan Mata, clearance made by Giorgio Chiellini.50:01 +Giorgio Chiellini gives away a free kick for an unfair challenge on Juan Mata. Shot on goal comes in from Juan Mata from the free kick.48:23 +Arturo Vidal takes a shot. Save made by Petr Cech.46:54 +Mirko Vucinic produces a drilled right-footed shot from deep inside the penalty area which goes wide of the right-hand post.45:23 +The ball is crossed by Kwadwo Asamoah.45:01 +The game restarts for the second half.45:00 +1:03 Half time +Half Time It is the end of the first-half.45:00 +The ball is sent over by Eden Hazard, clearance made by Leonardo Bonucci.43:33 +Shot on goal by Emboaba Oscar from inside the box goes harmlessly over the target.42:45 +Outswinging corner taken from the right by-line by Andrea Pirlo, Arturo Vidal concedes a free kick for a foul on Branislav Ivanovic. Petr Cech takes the free kick.40:58 +Direct free kick taken by Mikel.40:58 Booking +Booking Leonardo Bonucci is shown a yellow card.40:53 +Leonardo Bonucci concedes a free kick for a foul on Eden Hazard.39:46 +Juan Mata takes a shot. Save by Petr Cech.39:14 +Stephan Lichtsteiner takes a shot. Clearance made by Ashley Cole.37:28 +Assist on the goal came from Andrea Pirlo.37:28 Goal scored +Goal! - Fabio Quagliarella - Juventus 1 - 0 Chelsea Fabio Quagliarella finds the net with a goal from the edge of the area to the bottom right corner of the goal. Juventus 1-0 Chelsea.37:27 +Andrea Pirlo takes a shot.35:23 +Emboaba Oscar takes a shot. Leonardo Bonucci gets a block in.34:44 +Free kick awarded for an unfair challenge on Andrea Pirlo by Emboaba Oscar. Leonardo Bonucci takes the free kick.32:46 +Giorgio Chiellini crosses the ball, Petr Cech makes a comfortable save.32:19 +Claudio Marchisio fouled by David Luiz, the ref awards a free kick. Andrea Pirlo takes the direct free kick.31:40 +Free kick awarded for an unfair challenge on Eden Hazard by Andrea Pirlo. Mikel takes the free kick.31:12 +The ball is sent over by Stephan Lichtsteiner, Gary Cahill gets a block in.29:50 +A cross is delivered by Stephan Lichtsteiner.29:10 +Effort from outside the box by Nascimento Ramires goes wide right of the target.26:14 +Claudio Marchisio gives away a free kick for an unfair challenge on Emboaba Oscar. The free kick is delivered left-footed by Juan Mata from right wing, save by Gianluigi Buffon.25:21 +Kwadwo Asamoah concedes a free kick for a foul on Mikel. Direct free kick taken by Mikel.23:04 +Foul by Branislav Ivanovic on Arturo Vidal, free kick awarded. Shot comes in from Andrea Pirlo from the free kick, save made by Petr Cech.22:29 +Mirko Vucinic takes a shot. Save made by Petr Cech.19:54 +Effort from 18 yards by Fabio Quagliarella. Save by Petr Cech.19:25 +Fabio Quagliarella takes a shot. Petr Cech makes a comfortable save.18:01 +Fabio Quagliarella is caught offside. Direct free kick taken by Petr Cech.16:07 +Unfair challenge on Nascimento Ramires by Arturo Vidal results in a free kick. Free kick taken by Mikel.15:56 +The ball is crossed by Kwadwo Asamoah, Branislav Ivanovic makes a clearance.15:20 +Cesar Azpilicueta fouled by Fabio Quagliarella, the ref awards a free kick. Branislav Ivanovic takes the direct free kick.14:18 +Andrea Pirlo decides to take the corner short, Claudio Marchisio takes a shot. Save by Petr Cech. Outswinging corner taken by Andrea Pirlo.13:15 +Arturo Vidal sends in a cross, clearance by Nascimento Ramires. Corner taken by Andrea Pirlo from the right by-line played to the near post, clearance by Gary Cahill.12:39 +Cesar Azpilicueta fouled by Fabio Quagliarella, the ref awards a free kick. Direct free kick taken by Petr Cech.12:16 +Outswinging corner taken from the right by-line by Andrea Pirlo, Branislav Ivanovic makes a clearance.10:52 +Free kick awarded for an unfair challenge on Arturo Vidal by Nascimento Ramires. Arturo Vidal takes the direct free kick.9:57 +The offside flag is raised against Kwadwo Asamoah. Petr Cech takes the free kick.8:57 +Corner taken left-footed by Juan Mata from the right by-line, Gary Cahill concedes a free kick for a foul on Leonardo Bonucci. Free kick taken by Gianluigi Buffon.8:37 +Eden Hazard takes a shot. Save by Gianluigi Buffon.8:08 +Centre by Kwadwo Asamoah, clearance by Branislav Ivanovic.5:59 +Claudio Marchisio gives away a free kick for an unfair challenge on Nascimento Ramires. Gary Cahill takes the free kick.4:52 +A cross is delivered by Fabio Quagliarella, blocked by Gary Cahill. Inswinging corner taken right-footed by Andrea Pirlo from the left by-line to the near post, Giorgio Chiellini produces a header from inside the area that goes over the crossbar.4:20 +Effort from long distance by Branislav Ivanovic goes wide right of the target.3:51 +The ball is sent over by Kwadwo Asamoah, save made by Petr Cech.3:04 +A cross is delivered by Mirko Vucinic, Shot by Stephan Lichtsteiner. Save by Petr Cech.1:44 +The ball is sent over by Kwadwo Asamoah, clearance by David Luiz.0:00 +The game gets underway. +Live data and text provided by our data suppliers +Shanghai’s digital transformation in full swing | #dating | #elderly | #seniors +[ad_1] +Smart technologies like artificial intelligence and 5G are being developed across downtown districts and major transport hubs to boost digital urban management and cap Shanghai’s digital transformation strategy. +Driven by the city government’s ambition to lead the world in the development of AI, local districts are turning historical industrial sites into innovation parks related to the burgeoning technology. +Riverside regions along the Huangpu River and Suzhou Creek have been renewed with parks and walking paths as well as intelligent applications and innovation parks for high-tech firms. +The city’s former iron-steel base in the north is being transformed into innovation and smart towns to focus on the medical and pharmaceutical sectors. A major production line for COVID-19 vaccines will be developed on the former site of polluted industrial sites. +A new software hub is taking shape in west Shanghai as the city strives to become an international powerhouse of digital economy by 2022. +The boom in the online economy in the wake of the coronavirus pandemic has brought more opportunities for tech firms and new online businesses in telecommuting, online entertainment, e-commerce, online education and contact-free delivery. +New infrastructure, such as 5G base stations and charging stations for electric cars, are expected to help restore the economy after the pandemic as well as drive future economic development. +Changyang Belt +The major online new economy ecological park on the Huangpu River waterfront in Yangpu District will feature riverside gardens, preserved industrial heritage, apartments and backstreet markets. +The Changyang Belt Park that covers 7.46 square kilometers along the river was one of the two online new economy eco-parks unveiled by Shanghai Mayor Gong Zheng along with the Zhangjiang Online park in the Pudong New Area. +The district government said the eco-park will not be like traditional high-tech parks with “cold technology,” but full of life and humanity, while the “gene” of the city’s century-old industrial heritages along the river will be well inherited by the online new economy tech firms. +The Yangpu riverside region is known as the birthplace of China’s modern industries, with the nation’s first water, electricity, shipbuilding and textile companies. Many industrial buildings have been preserved during redevelopment. +The Yangpu eco-park will include a riverside belt along the 15.5-kilometer waterfront, featuring ecological gardens, new technologies, development patterns and businesses. +The Changyang Campus, a key site along the belt, has been designated as Shanghai’s first downtown AI park. It was renovated from the old Donghua cotton mill built in 1920. +Intelligent robots, gadgets incorporating facial recognition, automated driving and the Internet of Things are everywhere on the campus. An unmanned shuttle bus known as Apollo carries people around. +The Huangpu River waterfront, which has long been occupied by large state-owned enterprises and financial companies, will also be home to internet and startup firms with the launching of the Yangpu park. +Livestreaming company Bilibili and its subsidiaries have seen revenues rising by 73.54 percent as of September 2020, while revenue of delivery platforms such as JD-Daojia and Dada have increased by more than 80 percent. +North Bund +The world’s first 5G application exhibition and innovation center has been launched at the North Bund waterfront in Hongkou District, making Hongkou a pioneer in the city for the coverage of 5G connectivity and broadband gigabit network. +The 5G International Innovation Harbor, in a four-story building along the Huangpu River in Hongkou, has an exhibition hall displaying the most updated applications based on 5G, the next generation of mobile communication technology, along with innovation platforms for global enterprises to join the development. +Leading Chinese technology companies, including Huawei, ZiFiSense and Lora, display their technologies, facilities, products and scenarios based on 5G. +5G International Innovation Harbor +A futuristic outlook at 6G technology, or 5G-plus low earth orbit mobile-satellite communications, is showcased. The joint innovation center on 5G-plus VSAT, or Very Small Aperture Terminal, is targeted to be a highland of China on low earth orbit mobile satellite communications. +Ten 5G applications such as smart medical treatments, wisdom education, smart retail, smart public security, fire prevention and urban management are on display. +Shanghai General Hospital has become the city’s first hospital to be fully covered by the 5G network. It is exploring the application of 5G for pre-hospital first-aid, remote consultations, remote surgery guidance, remote ultrasound connections and augmented reality guidance. +Shanghai East Foreign Language School affiliated to Shanghai International Studies University has been sharing its quality classes with North Daqiu Middle School in China’s southwest Yunnan Province. The program aims to improve linguistic education in remote mountainous regions and facilitate China’s Belt and Road Initiative. +China Construction Bank’s North Bund branch is the first 5G bank in the city. It uses 5G and AI to explore the customer self-service experience. +The Hongkou Public Security Bureau is exploring a police three-dimensional patrol system. With 5G, AI, big data, cloud computing and other technologies, the system can realize intelligent law enforcement, patrols, warnings, remote command and fast responses to emergencies. +The Hongkou fire brigade uses drones to carry out fire drills and enhance emergency response capabilities. Drones can help locate fires quickly, take photos and send them to the command center through the 5G network. The facility can help firefighters choose the most efficient ways to extinguish blazes. +Hongkou District Urban Management Law Enforcement Bureau, with the help of the 5G bandwidth, has realized a new mobile law enforcement pattern. High-definition panoramic cameras are installed on law enforcement patrol cars while the officers wear recorders to send back real-time information to the command headquarters. +The No. 78 plot in Hongkou has launched a smart site management platform to monitor personnel and construction materials entering the site. With the help of 4K HD video surveillance and 5G technology, the platform improved the management and reduced costs while ensuring the safety of the construction site. +West Bund +The West Bund waterfront in Xuhui District has become a center that attracts some of the world’s top scientists and companies working in the realm of AI. +The riverside region reflects the city’s early industrial heritage, once encompassing a coal wharf, cement factory, several giant fuel tanks and an aircraft hangar. Today, it has ambitions to become the “AI Valley” of Shanghai. +The Shanghai AI Tower, comprising two newly built landmark buildings on the waterfront, has launched a global promotion campaign. +Leading companies in the sector from home and abroad — including Microsoft Research Asia, Huawei and Alibaba, and startups like United Imaging and Yitu — have offices here. The idea is to create a “vertical AI industrial chain” for production, study, research and applications. +The AI Tower features 5G network coverage and an intelligent building management system. It serves international exchanges, application exhibitions as well as research and transformation of AI technologies. +Xuhui plans to create a multitude of AI applications in smart government affairs, transport, medical service and education to help people enjoy a safer, more convenient and quality intelligent life. +Around the building, Xuhui District will build an AI Valley covering 1.2 million square meters along the river for AI-related industries. +In another key project, Beiyang AI Town, covering 543,000 square meters along the Dianpu River and the city’s Outer Ring Road, will become the city’s first AI town where AI and big data technologies will be implemented in urban information and public infrastructure as well as public service facilities. +It will become a demonstration area for AI applications in medicine, finance, transport, media and business. +China-Israel Innovation Hub +Putuo aims to become a pilot zone for urban digital transformation by developing a “Putuo Lab” for Shanghai’s digital economy. +The China-Israel Innovation Hub, a key project to realize the ambition, aims to become a testing site for a smarter urban-management system empowered by AI. +The innovation park was renovated from Shanghai’s Hero pen factory, a company established in 1931. Such industrial heritage is being incorporated into an AI park jointly operated by the Putuo District government and the Lingang Group. +During the renovation, Internet of Things technology has linked up the park’s lighting, energy, elevator controls and environmental monitoring. Based on core Welink technology from Tencent, a smart building network platform featuring AI and cloud computing operates and manages the office buildings automatically. +Elsewhere in the northwest district, a list of 100 innovative applications along with 10 demands on the economy, life and social governance have been released. The information was collected from local companies and residents. +The requirements include helping the elderly to call taxis, developing smart scenarios to find senior citizens who have gone missing, curb fire risks in residential buildings and protect the elderly living alone prone to falling down. +Leading digital economy tech firms such as 360, JD and Huawei have released applications for campus security and senior care in Putuo. Other smart applications will be applied to smart hotels, intelligent classrooms, entrance guards, manhole monitoring and data analysis. +Meanwhile, China’s first university focused on the online economy has been launched in Putuo to offer new occupational training for the mobile Internet era. Neighboring the innovation hub, the university aims to train high-level talent for the development of the online new economy. +Hongqiao International Opening-Up Hub +Hongqiao International Airport will become an “outstanding benchmark” for global smart airports by 2030. The airport at the newly unveiled Hongqiao International Opening-Up Hub has begun shifting its focus from physical expansions to digital and intelligent transformations along with the Pudong International Airport. +A “super brain” to support the airports’ future planning and operation management will be developed by 2022 — a smart command system designed to facilitate safe operations while improving efficiency and service. +By 2025, the airport aims to lead China’s intelligent airport construction with the world’s highest level of infrastructure as well as advanced digital operations, management and services. +Under the premise of cybersecurity, the airport will implement new technologies and applications to the airports’ operations, services, safety, business affairs, management, logistics, transportation, energy and environment. +To achieve that goal, the airport authority will develop “digital twins” for the airport. Its management teams will be able to oversee and control operations via a single screen. +Smart technologies such as intelligent computing, network connections, intelligent sensors and information gathering will be installed in both airports. +The digital upgrade and replacement of core production systems will be conducted during the ongoing expansion of both airports, as well as the installation of smart applications. +Hongqiao Airport has been covered by 5G networks since last November, and some smart applications are already in operation to improve customer services. Based on the 5G network, various smart operations, service and shopping scenarios are being developed primarily to improve travelers’ experiences. +For example, travelers will receive more timely information upon departure or arrival, and additional self-service and non-contact services will be developed. +The airport’s operational efficiency is expected to improve, while operation and maintenance costs will be reduced with artificial intelligence applications. Big data collected via 5G networks will contribute to operation and decision-making systems. +Information technologies have been widely used during the coronavirus pandemic. Digital management and information sharing initiatives have improved the efficiency of airport employees, and medical workers prevent the entry of those who test positive for COVID-19. +Wusong Smart City +Shanghai’s erstwhile iron-steel industry base in northern Baoshan District is being transformed into the “main front” of the city’s global scientific innovation center. +The Wusong area in Baoshan District was home to the renowned Baosteel Group and more than 300 other metal refineries and chemical engineering plants dating back to the 1930s. +Most of the factories have shut down or been relocated due to pollution problems. The 26-square-kilometer site will be transformed into the Wusong Smart City, a sub-center with new material and hardware industries, scientific and cultural innovation parks, commerce and business facilities, residential communities and waterfront attractions., according to the blueprint. +In the neighboring Luodian Town, a MEDIPARK developed by Guosheng Industrial Transformation Capital, is scheduled to open in September 2022. It will cover 130,000 square meters and house around 100 biomedical companies, with total annual tax revenue of more than 100 million yuan. The annual production value will be more than a billion yuan, and 1,000 people are expected to work there. +The project’s first phase will focus on biomedical products, medical equipment and new medicines. A vaccine production line developed by Shanghai Pharma and CanSino with a total investment of 400 million yuan will be able to produce 200 million doses of COVID-19 vaccine a year. +Another key project, the Huanshangda, or Shanghai University-Rim Industrial Park, has officially opened in the Lingang Innovation Galaxy Scientific Oasis in Dachang Town. Covering 57 square kilometers, it features Dachang, Baoshan Urban Industry Park and Nanda Smart City. +The park is centered around transforming scientific research, incubating science-based startups and cultivating professionals. +Also in Baoshan, a BeiDou Navigation Satellite System project has been launched to develop space-based Internet of Things communications technology. +The Tianxun Project, China’s first low-cost civil constellation for communication, navigation and remote-control, will launch 72 satellites within three years for IoT communications across the globe. The network will cover more than 80 percent of land and 95 percent of sea areas, including many regions that cannot be covered by current cellular networks. +New software hub in Qingpu +As a landmark project in the emerging software hub in Qingpu District, the Shanghai Caohejing Zhaoxiang Business Park has completed nearly 90 percent of its planned construction area of 1 million square meters. The first batch of riverfront offices will be available for use in June, according to a district report. +The business park, with a total investment of 10 billion yuan (US$1.5 billion), is a cooperative project between Shanghai Caohejing High-Tech Park and Qingpu’s Zhaoxiang Town. The town has earmarked about 500 mu (33 hectares) of land for construction of the park focusing on the development of chips, new materials and smart robots. +Shixi Software Information Park +About 130 enterprises have registered in the park, more than half of them high-tech and related to the digital economy. Despite COVID-19, the park had seen its revenue growing continuously over the past three years since construction began. Total tax turnover by the end of 2020 had reached 260 million yuan. +Another high-profile software park in the making lies to the immediate south of the business park. Shixi Software Park will eventually cover an area of more than 5,000 mu, with a core area spanning 1.5 square kilometers. It will focus on the development of big data, cloud computing, industrial software, integrated circuits and smart chips. +The park is expected to generate an operating income of 150 billion yuan by 2025. An official report released on Tuesday shows 53 enterprises had registered in the park by the end of March. +The two parks oriented toward software development are part of Qingpu’s overall “digital artery” along the G50 Highway. To their west will be Huawei’s R&D center. To their east is a core area of the Hongqiao International Opening-up Hub to be completed by 2035 with a total area of 7,000 square kilometers, covering parts of Shanghai and nearby regions. +The “digital artery” also lies at the heart of the green and integrated development of the Yangtze River Delta Region. It passes through west Shanghai as well as parts of Jiangsu, Zhejiang and Anhui provinces, where there are many booming manufacturing businesses. The software products developed in west Shanghai will go a long way to help upgrade those businesses with digital technology. +Early in February, Shanghai announced it will strive to build itself into an international digital economy hub by 2022. +As yet there is no universal definition of a digital economy. +According to one explanation, digital economy is economic activity that results from everyday online connections among people, businesses, devices, data, and processes. The backbone of the digital economy is hyperconnectivity that results from the Internet, mobile technology and the Internet of Things. +Zhangjiang in the Pudong New Area has been a digital economy pioneer. Now, on the wings of the national strategies of further opening-up and integrated growth of the Yangtze River Delta region, Qingpu in west Shanghai is throwing its weight behind building a new software hub, hence the saying: “In the east there’s Zhangjiang; in the west, there’s Zhaoxiang.” +[ad_2] +. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . +You must Register or Login to post a comment. +The use of standard dental crowns in pediatric dentistry dates back to the fifties of the last century, but in Ukraine this focus area began to develop actively only recently. +These crowns are named standard because they are premade and there are variations of the sizes of such crowns (photo 1). This allows the pediatric dentist to choose the right version of the dental crown without making dental impressions (as in adult dentistry) and laboratory stages (photo 2). Such a crown can be placed on a kid's tooth immediately during dental treatment in the clinic. +Photo 1 Standard metal dental crowns are used to restore lost hard tissues of the lateral teeth. They have 6 sizes, which makes it possible to choose the necessary crown for each clinical situation +While standard metal crowns (photo 3) have been used in the treatment of caries and its complications, the use of standard aesthetic dental crowns in pediatric dentistry has only begun to develop over the past few years. +The most common aesthetic standard crowns are metal crowns, coated with a composite (strong and durable material, photo 4), zirconium and composite crowns. Dentists of our pediatric dentistry department always keep up to date in order to provide qualified assistance to our small visitors, so we could not get around this important topic. +In the pediatric dentistry department of the "Dubnova Clinic "STOMATOLOGiYa" we actively use both standard metal and standard aesthetic crowns (photo 5) to treat the effects of caries in kids and to preserve kid's teeth. Also, we actively share our experience on this topic and conduct training seminars and practical master classes, dedicated to this topic for pediatric dentists from all over Ukraine (photo 6). +Photo 6 Doctors of the pediatric department of "Dubnova Clinic "STOMATOLOGiYa" successfully mastered the methods of working with metal and aesthetic dental crowns and share their experience with kid's dentists in Ukraine and abroad +Many parents, when it comes to the use of a dental crown for dental treatment of his/her kid, are genuinely surprised, because they do not even imagine that its use is possible for children. First, parents believe that crowns are the exclusive prerogative of adults, and secondly, they sincerely believe that the crown is not needed at all because the first teeth will fall out and that's why it's a waste of time, money and efforts of parents and children. Or does it? +Dental crowns are successfully used for dental treatment not only for adults but also for children. They help to preserve the decayed first teeth before the appearance of permanent teeth. After all, the temporary tooth should function in the oral cavity for 5 to 10 years, providing chewing, shaping of speech, aesthetics and maintaining a place for the permanent tooth (photo 7). +Why is the crown better than the fillings? Why is necessary to put a crown? Why I not possible just put a filling? +Both for the dental crown and for the filling (restoration), there are peculiar indications. However, due to the fact that for a long time the crowns were hard to get in Ukraine, pediatric dentists had to put fillings where indications for the installation of crowns had long existed. Both the fillings and dental crowns are good when used according to the indications; however, there are indications for the use of the crowns. +It is recommended to apply the crowns, in particular, in the following situations: +- When more than 50% of hard tooth tissues are lost. In this case, the size of the filling exceeds the volume of tissues of the tooth itself that have remained, that significantly increases the probability of split-off or full loss of such a filling. +- When caries affected several surfaces of the tooth. In this situation, restoration of the tooth with the use of a crown is also indicated, since it is difficult or impossible to isolate the tooth from saliva for a high-quality tooth filling (photo 8). +Using a metal dental crown under condition of a loss of more than 50% of hard tissues on several surfaces of the tooth +- Teeth, in which the endodontic treatment was performed (treatment of the tooth canals), that is, partial or complete removal of the tooth pulp, are recommended to cover with a crown! Why is it? One of the functions of the pulp of the tooth is to ensure the supply of hard tooth tissues. Therefore, when according to the indications the hard tissues are necessary to remove, the tooth becomes more fragile, and with the background of a significant loss of hard tissues, the probability of its split-off increases significantly. Therefore, when your kid's dentist recommends installing a crown on such a tooth, then he/she does everything right! In this case, the crown is the best method of treatment, because when the crown is set, split-off becomes impossible in the tooth, in which partial or complete removal of the pulp has been performed (photo 9). A qualitatively treated temporary tooth is one of the important factors of permanent tooth's health! +Aesthetic zirconium dental crowns for lateral teeth +Photo 9.2 The condition of the tooth after removal of carious tissues, partial removal of pulp caused by the inflammatory process (most hard tooth tissues are lost). Isolation of the working field is carried out with the help of the system "rubberdam" +- In cases of difficult oral hygiene. There are situations when a kid or his parents cannot properly brush the kid’s teeth. This may be due to objective factors (difficult to open the mouth, etc.) (photo 10) and subjective factors (kid's behavior, inability to properly concentrate his attention, etc.). It maybe also difficult to clean some parts of the tooth (teeth). Materials used for fillings quickly lose the ability to fix to the tooth in areas of inadequate hygiene, causing secondary caries. The crown covers the tooth completely; therefore, the probability of secondary caries is cancelled out. Of particular importance is the use of dental crowns for kids with special needs, in which individual hygiene is not always possible at adequate level. +Aesthetic zirconium crowns for the front teeth +Photo 10.1 Before the start of treatment: the kid is 1.8 years old, the front teeth are significantly destroyed, one tooth is broken off due to the caries, hygiene (a significant amount of plaque) is difficult. Due to the considerable volume of treatment, the young age of the patient and the lack of cooperativeness, the treatment was performed under conditions of medical sleep +Photo 10.2 The state of teeth after preparation of infected tissues and filling of root canals caused by inflammation of the pulp +- Coating teeth with crowns is recommended in case of anomalies of hard tissues of teeth, when it is problematic to restore teeth by filling materials (photo 11). +Use of metal dental crowns under conditions of anomalies of teeth hard tissues development +Photo 11.1 Dentinogenesis imperfecta (Stainton-Capdepont syndrome) is a hereditary genetic anomaly of hard tooth tissues. The hard tissues of the teeth are erased and teeth split off much faster than usual +Photo 11.2 Restoration of the lateral group of teeth with metal crowns (the front teeth are restored with composite materials). Without proper treatment, such teeth are erased up to the gums for 1-2 years. However, thanks to the crown coating, they will function successfully till the physiological change to permanent teeth +- The advantage of using standard crowns in pediatric dentistry, in comparison with restorations / fillings, is the fact that after restoration of one surface by a filling, caries can also appear on the other four surfaces of the tooth, and each of them must be filled again. However, when the crown is installed, it once and forever covers all surfaces of the tooth and makes it impossible for microorganisms to access the tissues of the tooth, thus blocking the further possibility of the appearance of caries in this tooth. +Is it required to grind adjacent teeth in order to install the crown? +Crowns in pediatric dentistry are installed exclusively on the compromised tooth and in no way affect neighboring ones. Thus, it is not necessary to grind neighboring teeth. +How will the tooth fall out with the crown? +The standard crown covers only the outer, crown part of the tooth, not touching its root part; therefore it does not affect the resorption of the tooth root and the natural change of teeth in any way. Thus, the root of the temporary tooth dissolves under the influence of the rudiment of the permanent tooth, which comes out, and the crown falls out together with the part of the tooth that has remained. Therefore, the tooth, covered with a crown, falls out like any temporary tooth (photo 12). +Physiological change of the crown to a permanent tooth +Can the crown fall out (decement)? And what is the next step in this situation? +Crown decementation appears extremely rare. The prerequisites for this situation are the complex conditions of crown’s setting, namely: the complex isolation of the tooth before setting the crown, the significant loss of hard tissues, etc. In this case, the dentist must create conditions for reliable fixation and cement the dental crown again. +In the practice of our pediatric dentistry, there were single case reports (2 cases in 7 years) of crown being decemented. In both cases, this was due to a severely compromised tooth, when we did not have the opportunity to fill it, and there was a choice: either crown or a removal. After crown individualization (adjusting the crown with special tools) and re-fixing such crowns, they continued to successfully perform their functions, and, thus, we managed to avoid the removal of teeth that had to last more than 4 years. +Can the dental crown break down and what to do in a such situation? +Metal crowns cannot break. Under the condition of the influence of factors of considerable force, such as, for example, trauma, the aesthetic crowns may be split off. In such a situation, the dentist can correct the tooth crown with restorative materials or replace it. +Can caries develop under the crown? +With properly prepared tooth, correctly selected and installed crown, the development of caries is impossible. +How should we brush the teeth after setting the crown? +After setting the crown, dental care is no different from the usual care of teeth. However, we must remember that although tooth decay does not occur on the crown, it can occur on the teeth adjacent to the crown. With insufficient hygiene, dental plaque can accumulate on the crown, as well as on the teeth themselves. This will not affect the tooth under the crown, but will provoke inflammation in the gums. Therefore, proper brushing of teeth twice a day is mandatory! +What sense of discomfort may the kid feel after the crown setting? +When preparing the tooth for setting the crown, the tooth is treated at the gum or (to a slight depth) under it. Such preparation, as a rule, is carried out under local anesthesia, therefore, after the action of the local anesthetic passes, there may be discomfort in this area, which completely passes in 1-2 days. Another place of temporary discomfort may be the place of occlusion. Since the crown is standard and not adjusted "by bite", at first, the kid may feel uncomfortable to close his/her teeth. But, depending on the number of installed dental crowns, the situation is normalized in the period from one to several days. +Can be a crown set without anesthesia (medical sleep)? +Dental crowns can be installed both in conditions of medical sleep (under anesthesia), and in conditions of local anesthesia (photo 13). +Use of four metal-composite dental crowns without the medical sleep, only under local anesthesia +Photo 13.1 Before the start of treatment: the kid is 3 years old, teeth are almost completely destroyed +However, when we work in conditions of medical sleep, we often opt for crowns, because children, whose teeth are significantly destroyed by caries or they have significant difficulties with individual hygiene (or both), are treated more often in a medical sleep. And when setting the crown, the probability of a tooth split off or re-occurrence of caries in it is reduced to a minimum. At the same time in the filled teeth caries can occur on other surfaces of the teeth, and this sometimes happens so quickly that we still cannot work with the kid under conditions of local anesthesia alone and have to undergo a second treatment in a sleep. When we set the crown on the tooth, the probability of caries in this tooth is reduced to zero (you can find out more about the treatment in conditions of medical sleep from the materials on our YouTube YouTube channel). +Which crowns are better: aesthetic or metallic? What material crowns are made of? +Each dental crown has its own indications. Metal crowns are not clearly indicated for the aesthetic area (smile zone), since they can significantly affect the aesthetics of the smile and the kid's self-esteem. +Metal crowns are made of a chromium-nickel alloy, which is widely used in dentistry for the manufacture of various designs. They are cheaper and take less time to prepare the tooth. Contraindication to the use of metal crowns is an allergy to its components (nickel or chromium). However, the frequency of allergy to nickel is not more than 0.1%, and during the use of dental crowns in our clinic, no case of allergy to the material of the crown was found. +Aesthetic crowns, in addition to the advantages inherent in metal, have a better aesthetic appearance (after all, they do not visually differ from ordinary teeth), and can be used both in the lateral and in the frontal area to restore lost hard tissues of teeth. In addition, the aesthetic crowns that we most often use in our dental clinic are made of zirconia - a special material that today has one of the highest degrees of biocompatibility and the minimum possibility of accumulating plaque on the crown. However, they are more expensive, compared to metal crowns. +Prices for kid's crowns in our clinic. +Doctors of the pediatric department of "Dubnova Clinic "STOMATOLOGiA" carefully investigated the use of crowns in pediatric dentistry and have extensive experience in this field, therefore, they effectively use this method of restoring the lost hard tissues of teeth of our small clients so that their teeth are healthy and the smiles are shining! +For book an appointment call (044) 287-54-57. +.16 HARDWOOD HILLS SUBSECTION OF MINNESOTA & NE IOWA MORAINAL SECTION +8.16.1 Environmental Context +8.16.2 Site Probability Model +8.16.3 Survey Probability Model +8.16.4 Survey Implementation Model +8.16.5 Other Models +This regional model report is organized as described in Sections 8.2.1 through 8.4.1. Refer to these sections of the report for explanations of the tables, variables, and statistics. +8.16.1 Environmental Context +The Hardwood Hills is a subsection of the Minnesota and Northeast Iowa Morainal Section of the Eastern Broadleaf Forest Province (Figure 8.1) (Minnesota DNR 1998). This area is characterized by numerous kettle lakes on moraine and outwash deposits. +The eastern limits of Glacial Lake Agassiz deposits and the ice contact sediments of the Des Moines Lobe define the northern portion of the western boundary. The southern portion of the western boundary is defined by the interface between Des Moines Lobe moraines and the Alexandria moraine complex. The historical interface between the Big Woods and jack pine, white pine/red pine, or aspen-birch woodlands delimit the northeastern border. The southeastern boundary is defined by the interface between Mississippi valley outwash and the Wadena Lobe stagnation moraine (Dan Hanson, personal communication 1997). +The ground, end, and stagnation moraines that occupy most of this subsection are interrupted by areas of outwash (Figure 8.16.2.a). The topography varies from gently rolling to rugged. The continental divide separates this subsection into northern and southern halves. The drainage reflects this, with streams in the north flowing to the Red River, and the streams in the south flowing to the Mississippi River (Figure 8.16.1.a). Lakes are numerous and occur on both moraines and outwash material (Minnesota DNR 1998). Soils are mostly well-drained. However, poorly drained soils tend to occur in areas of ground moraine (Figure 8.16.2.a and b). +Irregular topography and the presence of lakes and wetlands provided some protection from fire in this subsection. This resulted in a complex pattern of prairie, oak woodlands, and Big Woods historic vegetation (Figure 8.16.1.b). In general, prairie is to the south and west and Big Woods to the east, with oak openings and barrens between them. Prairie tended to occupy more level terrain, with Big Woods in areas protected from the spread of fire by rugged relief or water bodies. +8.16.2 Site Probability Model + Description +Zones of high and medium site potential are located primarily around lakes or chains of lakes in the site probability model (Figure 8.16.3). The largest contiguous areas of high and medium site potential are found around the scores of lakes in Douglas County and in northern Kandiyohi County. Throughout the subsection, but particularly around many of the smaller lakes and in the scattered areas between lakes, the variables height above surroundings (Figure 8.16.4.a) and vertical distance to permanent water (Figure 8.16.4.b) appear to affect the extent of high site potential. +Two zones of high and medium site potential are associated with rivers, rather than lakes. Along the Wright-Stearns County border, a band of high site potential follows the Clearwater River. Another occupies a Mississippi River terrace along a short stretch of the easterly boundary in central Morrison County (Figure 8.16.2.a), near the city of Little Falls. The areas of high site potential are quite limited from Becker County north. +The level of model detail declines south of central Douglas County, where the 1:24,000 scale and 1:250,000 scale elevation data meet. The location of this boundary is illustrated well in Figure 8.16.4.a. There are also isolated, but conspicuous north-south and east-west straight lines along the edges where these disparate elevation data were joined. These are artifacts of the data and should not be considered predictive features. + Evaluation +The site probability model developed for Hardwood Hills performed very well. It is based on 15 variables (Table 8.16.1) representing topography, vegetation, soils and hydrology. +Table 8.16.1. Site Probability Model, Hardwood Hills Subsection. +In this model, 85.53 percent of all known sites are in high/medium site potential areas (Table 8.16.2), which make up only 19.20 percent of landscape (Table 8.16.2). This produces a strong gain statistic of 0.77552 (Table 8.6.11). The model tested well, predicting 81.48 percent of all test sites and producing a gain statistic of 0.71984. +Table 8.16.2. Evaluation of the Site Probability Model, Hardwood Hills Subsection. +The database included 470 sites that were not single artifacts. Two preliminary models had 85 percent agreement (85 percent of the cells in the subsection were classified the same in both models). The Kappa statistic, which is adjusted for the amount of agreement expected by chance alone, for this model was 0.61453 (Table 8.6.11). The conditional Kappa statistics (Table 8.16.3) are quite high for the low site potential zone, indicating that most of the instability of the model is in the distinction between high and medium site potential. This should be interpreted, however, with respect to which landscapes have been adequately surveyed. Increasing the number of sites for modeling, particularly by distributing surveys within undersurveyed areas, may improve confidence in the model and model stability. +Table 8.16.3. Conditional Kappa Values for Site Probability Model, Hardwood Hills Subsections. + Interpretation +Fifteen variables are used to construct the site probability model for the Hardwood Hills. Two of these variables are topographic, seven are hydrologic, four are vegetation, and two are soils or landform. + Differences between Modeled Sites and Random Points for Individual Model Variables +Only five of these variables have correlation coefficients 0.3 or greater (Table 8.16.4) with modeled sites. Negative correlations with three distance variables, distance to nearest lake (Figure 8.16.9c), distance to nearest perennial river or stream (Figure 8.16.9d), distance to nearest lake inlet/outlet (Figure 8.16.10b), indicate that model values at modeled sites increase as distance decreases. Site potential at modeled sites is positively correlated with vegetation diversity within one kilometer (Figures 8.16.5.a and 8.16.13c) and size of nearest permanent lake (Figure 8.16.11a). The geographic distribution of larger permanent lakes corresponds most closely with that of the high site potential zones in this model. +These relationships are supported by comparing the average variable values at modeled sites to those at random points (Table 8.16.4). Modeled sites are closer to larger lakes (510 meters vs. 2850 meters), perennial rivers or streams (1218 vs. 2144 meters), and lake inlet/outlets (1071 vs. 2244 meters) than random points. Vegetation diversity is higher for sites (3.04) than random points (2.36) and sites are closer to lakes that are much larger than average for the subsection (2.42 vs. 0.26 km2). +Compared to random points, sites are also closer to minor ridges and divides (Figures 8.16.8a) and to permanent lake inlet/outlets (Figure 8.16.10c). They are farther from intermittent streams (Figure 8.16.10a)and areas of organic soils (Figure 8.16.13d). Sites are more likely to be on river terraces (Figure 8.16.14b) than are random sites. Although the Mississippi River terrace occupies only 0.13 percent of the subsection's area, it holds 15 (3.2 percent) of the modeled sites. Site are also closer to prairie (Figure 8.16.12d) and farther from pine barrens or flats (Figure 8.16.12c) and conifers (Figure 8.16.12a) than are random points. +The results of the Mann-Whitney U (Table 8.16.4) tests indicates all model variables, except vertical distance to permanent water (Figures 8.16.11b and 8.16.4b), are significant at the 0.05 level. In other words, the distribution of variable values differs between modeled sites and random points to the extent that they can be treated as drawn from different populations. +Table Relationships between Variable Pairs +The correlation matrix of all variables ( Table 8.16.5) f indicates that there is little redundancy or overlap in the variables for the population of modeled sites. Only three pairs have coefficients greater than 0.5, while most have low values. Sites that are high above their surroundings are usually high above permanent water (0.71). Sites near perennial rivers or streams also tend to be near lake inlets/outlets (0.65). Finally, sites in proximity to conifers are also near to pine barrens or flats (0.83). +Table 8.16.5. Variable Correlation Matrix. +Refer to "Relationships between variable pairs" for interpretation of the table values. + Sites in Low Probability Areas +Sites in low site potential areas are similar to all modeled sites in that they are farther from conifers and closer to prairie than random points. However, they have mean values closest to those for random points on 10 variables (Table 8.16.4). +These differences imply that the model does a poor job predicting the locations of sites farther from large lakes (2535 vs. 510 meters), perennial rivers and streams (2417 vs. 1218 meters), and lake inlet/outlets (2162 vs. 1071 meters) than the majority of modeled sites. Instead, these sites are closer to intermittent streams (1084 vs. 2049 meters) and to lakes of a smaller size (0.19 vs. 2.42 km2). Although they are less high above their surroundings (9.9 vs. 14.7 feet) than modeled sites, these sites are higher above permanent water (22.88 feet) than either modeled sites (18.26 feet) or random points (19.62 feet). These data portray them as sites in the vicinity of prairie and river bottom forest, rather than Big Woods or mixed hardwoods and pines. +Sites in low probability areas include four mortuary/cemeteries, 17 mounds or earthworks, 15 artifact scatters, and 31 lithic scatters. If all site types were predicted equally well by the model, 14.26 percent of each site type would be expected to be in the low probability areas. Only mounds/earthworks meet this test. Artifact scatters are under represented in the low probability areas (8.72 percent of all artifact scatters), indicating that the model does a relatively good job predicting such sites. However, both mortuaries/cemeteries (18.18 percent) and lithic scatters are overrepresented (20.53 percent), implying that such site types are more difficult to model in this subsection. + Relationships between Cultural Context, Descriptive, or Settlement Variables and Site Potential +Table (Table 8.16.6) summarizes the relationships between site potential and the presence or absence of five archaeological characteristics. The five separate relationships depicted in this table are evaluated by the chi-square statistic, which determine whether any two variables are independent of each other. The chi-square results indicate that only one context variable (Woodland vs. non-Woodland) is significant at the 0.05 level. Sites lacking Woodland period components are more likely to occur in low site potential areas compared to Woodland sites (40.0 percent vs. 13.3 percent). This relationship is repeated for two additional variables where Archaic or aceramic sites are relatively more common in low potential areas vs. non-Archaic or non-aceramic sites (31.8 percent and 30.8 percent vs. 14.0 percent and 13.8 percent). Conversely, Archaic and aceramic sites are under represented in areas of high site potential. Sites containing more than one component occur in a greater percentage in high probability areas than do single occupation sites (100.0 percent vs. 73.4 percent). There is essentially no relationship between mounds and site potential. +Table 8.16.6. Summary of Bivariate Relationships between Five Dichotomous Archaeological Variables and Three Areas of Site Potential, Hardwood Hills (Site Probability Model). +8.16.3 Survey Probability Model + Description +The survey probability model (Figure 8.16.6) implies that much of the Hardwood Hills subsection has been adequately surveyed. Unlike the site probability model, this model does not show a distinct pattern of high and medium probability encircling major lakes. Instead, high and low probability classes are dispersed across the landscape in complex patterns related to topography. Unfortunately, the digital elevation data used for this subsection is of varying quality, so the patterns may not be consistent. +In the most northern portion of the subsection, high and medium survey potential extend along the course of an outwash channel of Lake Agassiz, winding through Polk County and occasionally crossing the border into Mahnomen County. A number of surveys have been conducted in this area. The extreme northwest of the subsection is predominantly low survey potential with the exception of this outlet channel. In southeastern Polk County, high and medium probability classes dominate the landscape around a number of lakes. Elevation data for these areas are all at 1:250,000 scale. +The central and northern portions of the subsection, within Otter Tail, Becker, Mahnomen, east Clay, northeast Grant and northern Douglas counties, continue the concentration of high survey potential apparent in southeast Polk County. The phenomenon is mainly attributed to complex relief, reflected by the model variable height above surroundings (Figure 8.16.4.a and Figure 8.16.8.b), as measured from 1:24,000 scale elevation data. The boundary between 1:24,000 and 1:250,000 scale data corresponds to the abrupt change of pattern in northern Douglas and Grant counties. An equally abrupt pattern change is observed near the western border of Todd County, where Level 2 DEMs meet banded Level 1 DEMs. In both cases, proximity to lakes and streams has a stronger effect on the model than do the topographic patterns that dominate where DEMs are banded. +The southern portion of the subsection exhibits concentrations of high and medium survey potential in areas of lakes and on high ground adjacent to stream courses. The boundary between 1:24,000 Level 2 and 1:250,000 DEMs forms a false ridge in south-central Douglas and north-central Pope counties, but exhibits a sharply contrasting intensity of high site potential on either side in south-central Pope County. Horizontal striations from banded Level 1 DEMs are also apparent in northern Kandiyohi and Meeker counties, and should not be interpreted as predictive features. + Evaluation +The survey probability model developed for the Hardwood Hills subsection predicted surveyed places somewhat better than by chance. The model is based on 19 variables (Table 8.16.7), representing topography, vegetation, soils and hydrology. +Table 8.16.7. Survey Probability Model, Hardwood Hills Subsection. +This model predicts 86.42 percent of all sites and negative survey points in high/medium survey potential areas, which make up 57.66 percent of the landscape (Table 8.16.8). This produces a very weak gain statistic of 0.33279 (Table 8.6.14), which is acceptable for a survey probability model. Surveyed places are predicted with much less precision than sites, suggesting that a wide variety of environments within the subsection have been adequately surveyed. However, the models predicted surveyed places somewhat better than by chance, indicating that surveys have not been random. Hardwood Hills contains a relatively high number of surveyed places (1509). However, it is a large region and the survey frequency is about half the state average, at 0.077 surveyed points per square km (Table 8.6.14). +Table 8.16.8. Evaluation of Survey Probability Model, Hardwood Hills Subsection. +Two preliminary survey probability models had only 55 percent agreement. The Kappa statistic for these models was 0.31642 (Table 8.6.14), which is quite low. This lack of stability reduces confidence in the model. Conditional Kappa statistics (Table 8.16.9) are lowest for the medium and low site potential zones, implying uncertainty in whether or not environments have been surveyed. Had the uncertainty been between high and medium probability, the model results would be less questionable, since both are interpreted as predicting surveyed environments. Increasing the number of surveyed places for modeling may improve model stability, particularly if these surveys are distributed throughout the low and medium survey probability areas. +Table 8.16.9. Conditional Kappa Values for Survey Probability Model, Hardwood Hills Subsection. + Interpretation +The survey model for the Hardwood Hills is composed of 19 variables (Table 8.16.4). Most of the variables are either hydrologic (6) or vegetative (7) in nature; though there are three topographic and three soils variables present. Despite the large number of variables, only two have correlation coefficients greater than 0.3 - height above surroundings (0.85) (Figure 8.16.8.b) and distance to nearest lake (-0.37) (Figure 8.16.9c). The Mann-Whitney U tests (Table 8.16.4) indicate that differences between surveyed areas and random points for all variables are significant at the 0.05 level. With respect to the variables used in the model, surveyed areas and random points are considered to be drawn from different populations. +Negative survey points, compared to random points, tend to be in areas that are higher than their surroundings and nearer edges of large lakes. Yet, on both of these measures, they are more similar to random points than to modeled sites, which are even higher above their surroundings and even closer to large lakes. The very large coefficient for height above surroundings, combined with the complex relief in this subsection, explains the distinct patterns of high, medium, and low survey potential displayed in this model. Negative survey points are also more similar to random points than to sites in being near smaller permanent lakes (Figure 8.16.11a), in areas of lower vegetation diversity (Figure 8.16.13c), less likely to be on river terraces (Figure 8.16.14b), and farther from perennial rivers and streams (Figure 8.16.9d), permanent lake inlet/outlets (Figure 8.16.10c), and Big Woods (Figure 8.16.11c). +Though the differences are not great, negative survey points tend to be in smaller major and minor watersheds than either modeled sites or random points (Figures 8.16.8c and 8.16.8d). They are also found in a less southerly direction with respect to water bodies (Figure 8.16.9a). Compared to sites and random points, negative survey points are farther from permanent wetland inlet/outlets (Figure 8.16.10d), mixed hardwoods and pines (Figure 8.16.12b), sugar maple (Figures 8.16.13b and 8.16.5.b), and closer to brushlands (Figure 8.16.11d), river bottom forest (Figure 8.16.13a), and well-drained soils (Figure 8.16.14a). +8.16.4 Survey Implementation Model +The survey implementation model for the Hardwood Hills indicates that 36.37 percent of the landscape is categorized as unknown because of inadequate survey (Table 8.16.10 and Figure 8.16.7). These areas are primarily in the northwestern and southern portions of the subsection. The proportion of the unknown area occupied by wetlands, pavement, and other unsurveyable land cover has not been calculated. Five of the test sites (8.93 percent) were in the unknown area. +High probability areas are concentrated strongly around lakes. The pattern of low probability, like that of high survey potential, mimics the pattern of the height above surrounds variable (Figure 8.16.4a). The low and possibly low areas together occupy 40.53 percent of the landscape, which is high compared to other parts of the state. However, the instability of the survey probability model, particularly in the low and medium survey potential classes, reduces confidence in the correct classification of the low and possibly site low probability areas in this model. +Table 8.16.10. Evaluation of Survey Implementation Model, Hardwood Hills Subsection. +The Mn/Model landscape suitability model for the Mississippi River Valley (Section 12.4) north of St. Cloud maps an extremely small portion of the Hardwood Hills subsection in southwest Morrison and northeast Stearns counties. Mapped landforms include floodplain, lake, outwash, valley terrace, and undifferentiated uplands. Certain of these landforms have a high potential for buried sites at the depth of one to two meters. This model should be consulted for projects in the area mapped.. +Articles +Ten English Born Players That Can Represent The Super Eagles Of Nigeria +European teams have always had the history of African players representing them or players with either one African parent representing them at all stages in all types of sport, we take you through the set of 10 players born in England that can represent super eagles of Nigeria because of their parents. +Enjoy +10. Ademola Lookman (Everton) +Ademola Lookman Olajade Alade Aylola Lookman was born to Nigerian Parents on 20 October 1997 in Wandsworth, England. Lookman made his senior debut in 2015, +playing as a forward for Charlton Athletic of the Championship, and in January 2017 signed for Everton, who have used him mainly as a winger. He has represented +England from under-19 to under-21 levels.. During the January transfer window, +Lookman is eligible to play for Nigeria because he has not represented the English national team at senior level. +9. Lukas Nmecha (Manchester City) +Lukas Nmecha was born in Germany on 14 December 1998 but his family relocated to England when he was few months old. He was scouted by Manchester City, where he +played for their youth ranks for over a decade, before making his debut on 19 December 2017 in the EFL Cup. On his debut, he scored the third penalty for +Manchester City in their penalty shootout win over Leicester City. +He made his Premier League debut on 29 April 2018, as a late substitute for Gabriel Jesus against West Ham United at the London Stadium. At the 2017 UEFA European +Under-19 Championship, he scored the winning goals in both the semi-final and final to give England their 10th title. +Lukas who is eligible to play for Nigeria, Germany, and England, can still get a call-up from the NFF because he has not played any senior team game for any +country. He is presently on loan to Preston North End. +8. Xavier Amaechi (Arsenal) +Xavier Casmier Amaechi was born in North London on Jan 5, 2001 to Nigerian parents. The talented young winger, who joined Arsenal at the age of 12, first featured +for the U-18s in the 2015/16 season and provided an assist in the 4-1 victory at home to Liverpool that year. +He signed his professional contract with Arsenal on January 2018 and has gone on has to feature for both Arsenal’s under-23s and under-18s. +He is eligible to play for the Super Eagles of Nigeria and we hope The NFF Calls him up when the time is right. +7. Tosin Adarabioyo (Manchester City) +Abdul-Nasir Oluwatosin “Tosin” Adarabioyo was born in Manchester, England on 24 September 1997. has represented England up to U19 level, the 20-year-old defender who is currently on Loan at West Brom can Represent Nigeria. +6. Josh Onomah (Aston Villa) +His Full name is Joshua Oghenetega Peter Onomah, and he was born to Nigerian parents on 27 April 1997 at Eintfied in England.omah has represented England up to under-21 level. In May 2014, Onomah was part of the England squad that won the 2014 UEFA European Under-17 Championship, +playing the full 90 minutes in the final against the Netherlands and went on to win the 2017 U-20 Worldcup with England where they defeated Venezuela 1 – 0 +The Midfielder has had loan spells with Aston Villa and Sheffield Wednesday from his Parent Club Tottenham and can still represent Nigeria +5. Joshua Maja (Sunderland) +Joshua Erowoli Orisunmihare Oluwaseun Maja was born in Lewisham, England on 29 December 1998. He was born in the London Borough of Lewisham to Nigerian parents, +Maja grew up in Pimlico, London. He played for the youth teams of Crystal Palace and Fulham, and despite being formally registered with Fulham he spent some time +with Manchester City. +In May 2016, he signed his first professional contract with the club, signing a three-year deal. In September 2016, he made his professional debut in a 2–1 +victory over Queens Park Rangers in the EFL Cup, replacing Joel Asoro as a substitute +The 19-year-old Striker can represent Nigeria and he has not played for England at any level +4. Chuba Akpom (PAOK) +Chuba Amechi Akpom was born to Nigerian Parents in Canning Town, West Ham, London, England on 9 October 1995. Akpom joined Arsenal at the age of six. He made his +debut for the Arsenal U18 side at the age of 15 and signed his first professional contract with Arsenal on 10 October 2012, a day after turning 17. In December +2012 Akpom received his first call into the Arsenal senior squad when he was an unused substitute for a 2–1 Champions League defeat to Olympiakos +He has had loan spells with BrentfordCoventry city Nottingham Forest, Hull City, Brighton & Hove Albion, Sint-Truiden between 2012 – 2016. Akpom joined Greek side +PAOK Salonika on a three-year deal in August 2018, bringing to an end a 16-year association with Arsenal +He has represented England at all Junior Levels, In May 2016, it was reported that he was one of three players formally approached by the Nigeria Football Federation +The Nigerian Football Association has made several attempts to lure him to play for Nigeria. +3. Fikayo Tomori (Chelsea) +Oluwafikayomi Oluwadamilola “Fikayo” Tomori was actually born in Calgary, Canada but his parents Moved to England when he was a child. +Born 19 December 1997, Tomori joined Chelsea at the under-8 level and progressed through the clubs academy system. He was part of the Chelsea youth side which +recorded back to back triumphs in both the UEFA Youth League and the FA Youth Cup in 2015 and 2016. Tomori made his professional debut in a 1–1 draw with Premier +League champions Leicester City, replacing Branislav Ivanović in the 60th minute. Although Tomori was included in the United States pre-season tour, he did not +make a single appearance. On 1 August 2016, Tomori signed a new four-year contract ahead of the 2016–17 campaign. On 12 August 2016, Tomori was handed the number +33 shirt prior to the season’s beginning, switching from his previous number 43 +The 6ft defender who has had loan spells with Brighton & Hove Albion, Hull City was part of the England U20 team that won the Under-20 World Cup in South Korea. +Currently on Loan at Derby County, the defender in 2016 captained Canada U20 to a 2–1 victory over England U20 on his third appearance for the nation. +He can play for Nigeria at international level through his parents. +2. Ovie Ejaria (Rangers) +Oviemuno Dominic Ejaria was born in Southwark, England on 18 November 1997. Born in London to Nigerian parents, Ejaria grew up supporting Arsenal for whom he played for nine years before signing for Liverpool in summer 2014. +His first senior appearance was in a pre-season friendly prior to the 2016-17 season against +Tranmere Rovers on 8 July 2016. Ejaria made his full debut in the fourth round of the EFL Cup in a 2–1 win over against Tottenham at Anfield.[7] On 6 November +2016, he debuted in the Premier League, coming on as a substitute in Liverpool’s 6–1 home win over Watford +Ejaria joined Scottish giants Rangers on loan from Liverpool to be reunited with Academy coach Steven Gerrard. He was also part of the team that won the 2017 FIFA U-20 World Cup. +Ovie Ejaria can represent Nigeria +1. Tiago Ilori (Reading) +Tiago Abiola Delfim Almeida Ilori was born in Hampstead, London to a British father of Nigerian descent and a Portuguese mother. He was born 26 February 1993. +Ilori spent his childhood in the town of Albufeira in the Algarve, where he started playing football with local Imortal DC. He joined Sporting Clube de Portugal’s +youth ranks in the summer of 2006 as a striker where he was later converted to a defender. +On September 3rd 2013, he signed for Liverpool for an undisclosed fee, reported to be around £7 million. The English Football association stated that they were +in talks with the player for him to switch nationality and represent England internationally. +On 5 January 2014, Ilori was named on his new team’s bench for the first time, in an FA Cup match against Oldham Athletic. Fifteen days later he was loaned to +Granada CF in La Liga, until the end of the campaign. He was loaned to Bordeaux and Aston Villa by Liverpool before joining Reading. +Ilori played for Portugal at four youth levels, representing the nation at the 2012 UEFA European Under-19 Championship, the 2013 FIFA U-20 World Cup, the 2013 +Toulon Tournament and the 2015 UEFA European Under-21 Championship. +He remained eligible to play for Portugal, England or Nigeria as a senior +Search The Poise +Promote Your Music + +21:31Friday 20 March 2015 +I WILL not be giving Mr Murdoch his £12.99 in order to share in the musings of Alex Salmond. Sufficient to rely on the extracts which can be obtained for nothing and all seem to be of the scapegoating variety. Always someone else’s fault. Whose fault is it, I wonder, that Mr Salmond is now confirmed as having attempted the biggest deception in modern political history by arguing a case for Scottish independence that was based on entirely bogus claims about future North Sea oil revenues? Fortunately, he failed. +The UK government will receive less than £1 billion a year in oil revenues for at least the next five years. This compares to the Scottish Government’s insistence that the revenues in 2016-17 alone would amount to between £6.8 – 7.9 billion. The Office for Budget Responsibility now estimates £600 million for that year – surely a record-breaking miscalculation by the Scottish Government of over 90 per cent. Nicola Sturgeon blithely states that “everyone’s projections about oil were wrong” as if that magically exonerates the deception to which she was a leading subscriber. But, anyway, her memory is highly selective. The scale of the fall may be even greater than anticipated but it was the downward trend which the Nationalists stood alone in denying and were prepared to denigrate anyone who dared contradict them. Incidentally, I see that Ms Sturgeon’s word of the week is “gleeful”. Anyone who points out the dishonesty of what she and her colleagues told the Scottish people, or the calamitous implications if they had succeeded, is not doing so because lies should be punished and realities exposed. They are doing so because they are “gleeful”, whatever that may mean in the language of the Holyrood kindergarten. +As far back as March 2013, the Office of Budget Responsibility was forecasting a drop in the oil price to “below $100 a barrel in future years”. Salmond dismissed this as “stuff and nonsense” and accused the civil servants responsible of “political manipulation”. That set the tone for two years of abusing the integrity and motives of anyone who dared contradict him. And what about the debased Scottish civil service? The White Paper insisted that a “cautious” figure to base Scotland’s economic future on was $113 a barrel. As Dr Azeem Ibrahim wrote in a paper for The Scotland Institute: “If any of my PhD students had produced an economic argument this poor, I would have failed them immediately”. But someone, still hiding in St Andrew’s House, did write it, probably under duress. Will Salmond’s book shed light on that murky process? +I accept that there are many in Scotland who do not give a toss about the lies, deceptions or dire economic and social consequences that would have followed, even by now, if the Nationalists had succeeded. For them, as for Salmond, the end justifies the means and if the means involve the flagrant fabrication of numbers to make the case stack up, then so be it. But when history takes a calmer look at last year’s referendum, it is important that the narrative is not written by the loser, for it is he who should be called to account. The parable of the oil revenues should not be forgotten. Neither should the abuse hurled at dissenting voices. The SNP’s projections for Scotland’s jobs, schools and hospitals were based on an oil price of $113 a barrel. That is inescapable. +If Salmond and Sturgeon had prevailed, Scotland would be facing austerity on a scale unimaginable to anyone other than, perhaps, the Greeks. Jobs would be flowing out of Scotland in their tens of thousands as the implications of the folly became apparent. The young would be leaving on the same scale they fled Ireland after the banking crash from which we in Scotland were protected. And it would be too late to do anything about it. +As Dr Ibrahim wrote in his paper: “With an annual borrowing requirement of £20 billion-plus, there would have been simply no way to get finance on the international markets at sensible rates. Throw in the uncertainty over the currency and EU membership and it would have been financial Armageddon”. That is the bullet we dodged and no re-writing of history should portray it as anything other than an extremely sensible decision. +Yet this is more than a lesson for the benefit of history. The “full fiscal autonomy” which Salmond and Sturgeon now demand would exchange the Barnett Formula for North Sea oil revenues. That is the platform on which they say they will contest the General Election – not because even they could conceivably want that outcome in current circumstances, but as the subsequent excuse for more posturing and blame-shifting to absolutely no useful effect. +If almost half of Scotland wants that kind of politics, then it is what they will get. Unfortunately, the rest of us will have to suffer it too, but that’s democracy. I have no doubt the outcome the SNP are desperate to facilitate is the return of another Tory government which they can then portray as pantomime villains for whom Scotland did not vote. And so it goes on – all about process and manoeuvring without an inch of progress in terms of equality, fairness and social justice.There was not much to cheer or boo about in this week’s budget. In fact, it contained a few good things and, as Labour have rightly said, nothing worth reversing. But a pre-election budget is not a reflection of the past five years or the next five years. The General Election offers a broad choice in the kind of society we want to live in. If Scotland helps to facilitate the return of the Tories as a price worth paying for giving Labour a kicking, then it must do so with its collective eyes open. +If it achieves that outcome by supporting the same people who assured them six months ago that their jobs, NHS and children’s future would be secure on the basis of an oil price of $113 a barrel, then we really are in a strange place. Yesterday, the price stood at $55. BRIAN WILSON. +26 comments: +I see you are still content to sit with your begging bowl asking engerlund to fill it. +but then since you still have your snout in the trough filled with public money even after you have 'retired' it's hardly surprising you have no wish to stand on your own two feet. either as a man or as a nation +No comments fit to print and I am man enough to put my name and ID to everything I write. I am also a citizen of the UK which is my nation. +"I am also a citizen of the UK which is my nation" - so you're a nationalist then!!!??? +I was born in the UK and that means nothing to me it's simply a fact and an accident of birth, same as it is for everyone in the world. I couldn't care less where someone comes from and I have no respect for anyone who thinks that someone's place of birth is important. Like Albert Einstein I regard nationalism as a disease. +I'm unsure how that attitude fits in with your defence of the Palestinian people Mr Kelly, if you don't recognise the difference between Palestine and Israel... +Gordon walker said...Wednesday, April 01, 2015 3:29:00 pm +I'm unsure what you are talking about, would you like to explain?. +"I was born in the UK and that means nothing to me it's simply a fact and an accident of birth, same as it is for everyone in the world". +I haven't seen your blog devoted entirely to the Israeli's killed and maimed in attacks from Hamas, although I haven't been a 'follower' of yours for long. Did I miss it? +Please don't address this comment with a diatribe on Israeli atrocities in Palestine, I am well aware of them, but your 'a man's a man for a' that' platitudes do not sit well with your one-sided support of the suffering in that God-forsaken area. +Gordon walker said.Thursday, April 02, 2015 3:23:00 pm. +My "mans a man for a that" attitude does not include those who invade another country, murder and torture the men, women and children of that country, steal their homes, and their farms which they have lived in for centuries, turn them in to refugees and illegally occupy that country while periodically slaughtering them by the bushel. +I would be no more interested in naming dead Nazis, White supremacist supporters of apartheid or Israelis who treat Palestinians as they do, if that surprises you then you have not been paying attention, either that or you are a liar. +But the vast majority of the victims of Hamas attacks had nothing to do with the deprivations you describe. They just happen to be born in Israel, and have been targeted simply because of an "accident of birth". +As per my previous comment, I have no time for the atrocious acts of violence committed by the Israeli government and armed forces, but will denounce all acts of terror. +Did I miss your full blog post denouncing the terrorist acts committed by Hamas? +You did not miss my condemnation of Hamas because I did not write one. Hamas were democratically elected and they are fighting as they are entitled to do to oppose the brutal racist Israeli invaders, they are fighting to free their country from the Israel occupiers. +So you don't care which nation you live in. They are all the same to you? Why oppose scottish independence then? It seems like you are saying it makes no difference. Unless your UK identity is secretly quite important to you... +Anonymous said... +Sunday, April 05, 2015 9:03:00 am +Where someone comes from is meaningless to me, It doesn't interest me. I want to stay connected to my trade union brothers and sisters and my Socialist comrades in the UK and I don't want to see my friends and neighbours suffer which I believe would be the result of separation. +'I want to stay connected to my trade union brothers and sisters and my Socialist comrades in the UK' +are you disconnected from your socialist comrades in the rest of the world because you do not share a union or border with them? +the convoluted positions you take to protect the british state are beyond a joke. +The irony is that independence for Scotland would push UK-wide politics to the left and that by opposing independence you are standing in the way of people having more democratic influence over their lives. +If anything, opposing independence is aiding the UK establishment's power over ordinary working people. +We do not need to be governed from a corrupt Westminster in order to show solidarity with our friends in the rest of the UK - rather, real solidarity would be to lead the way in socially progressive politics here in Scotland (something Scotland cannot do when we are governed by a UK Conservative government). +Anonymous said...Sunday, April 05, 2015 10:12:00 pm +I am connected to my union brothers and sisters and my socialist comrades in the UK why should I want to separate from them?. +Anonymous said...Monday, April 06, 2015 12:28:00 pm +Independence would destroy Scotland and make us in to low wage slaves to compete with Tory UK. There is no lack of democratic influence in people’s lives in Scotland despite your continual winging. A constant Tory UK would be a capitalist dream and Scotland would have to join them in a race to the bottom to compete for jobs, separation is economic suicide. +. A constant Tory UK would be a capitalist dream and Scotland would have to join them in a race to the bottom +do the electorate of england realise that it is our job to make sure they dont get the govt they want? +Why do you assume scotland would be an economic failure? And why do you assume the rest of the UK would be governed by continual Tory governments? These assumptions seem to have little basis in reality. +Sadly what currently happens is that Scotland is forced to have Tory governments against its political desire. (And Labour's drift to the neo con right has helped little) +Why are you defending a political system which disenfranchised millions and limits democratic choice for the Scottish people? +Anonymous said...Monday, April 06, 2015 8:37:00 pm +The electorate of the UK are waking up to the fact that the snp want a Tory government. +Anonymous said...Monday, April 06, 2015 9:47:00 pm +If Westminster lost it’s Scottish Labour MP’S the tories would be in constant power and they would destroy the unions. The UK would become ‘de facto’ a capitalist paradise, companies would transfer south and new investment would ignore Scotland and locate south where profits are more easily made. Scotland would become a third world economy and would have to follow the capitalist UK to secure whatever menial jobs which were available. But that would be OK because we would have nice flags and tartan clothes to wear, we would be a destitute shambles but at least we would be a good old patriotic Scottish destitute shambles wouldn't we?. Scotland does not have governments against it’s desire because Westminster governments are not elected by Scotland they are elected by the people of the UK, that’s you and me. No one anywhere in the UK is disenfranchised including that part of the UK which is known as Scotland. No need to thank me I’m happy to relieve ignorance. +I have to say, the only person you seem to be convincing of anything is yourself Terry. +I find your logic incredible, almost to the point of delusion. Its quite fin to read actually! Some light relief. +Thank you for sharing that with us. +'Scotland would become a third world economy and would have to follow the capitalist UK to secure whatever menial jobs which were available' +long live socialism Terry, what what old boy. +do you even stop to think about what you post anymore? +Anonymous said...Thursday, April 09, 2015 9:40:00 am +Constant Tory government means emasculated unions means poor wages and conditions and easy profits. Scotland has to follow the UK example to have any chance of investment or employment. Unless of course you think that international capital will invest in Scottish jobs because Scots. are nice and they like us. +'Constant Tory government' +do you have any qualms about the people of scotland trying to impose a socialist govt on a country that quite clearly doesn't want one? +Anonymous said...Friday, April 10, 2015 2:39:00 pm. +I am completely in favour of Socialism, I have stated several times what will happen to an independent Scotland but you do not seem to want to discuss that. +NBC‘s high profile midseason drama series Believe, co-created and executive produced by Gravity director/co-writer Alfonso Cuaron and exec produced by J.J. Abrams, is undergoing a behind the scenes change. Executive producer/showrunner Dave Erickson is expected to depart. He will be succeeded by co-executive producer/director Jonas Pate who has been named executive producer/showrunner, a rare case of a director, not a writer taking the reins of a scripted serie. He directed the important second episode of the series that follows the pilot helmed by Cuaron. Pate joins executive producers Cuaron, Abrams, Bryan Burk as well as Hans Tobeason who will now serve as on-set producer in New York where the series films. This marks the second showrunner change on Believe. Co-creator/executive producer and original showrunner Mark Friedman left the series in July. To accommodate the showrunner transition, Believe is going on a holiday hiatus a week earlier that the previously scheduled Dec. 20 start. The extra week will be used to work on scripts. The series will resume production on Jan. 6 as originally scheduled. NBC has not slated Believe yet but had been looking to launch it after the Winter Olympics, using the sports event to promote the series and benefiting from the strong awards attention Cuaron is enjoying with Gravity. NBC recently announced it would hold a Believe panel at the upcoming January press tour. Believe is a very high concept drama – it centers on a young girl with an extraordinary ability and a man sprung from prison who has been tasked with protecting her from the evil elements that hunt her power. (watch trailed below) As such, it has been a process after the pilot trying figure out what the series should be, which has proven a challange. Believe has completed five episodes of its 13-episode order. +Related: Showrunner Mark Friedman Exits NBC’s J.J. Abrams Drama ‘Believe’ +This is precisely what some of us were talking about in the Bob Greenblatt posting. This is precisely the problem with NBC executives. Trust me, they are managing this thing to death, giving absurd notes that dumb down the high concept and not trusting these auspices to deliver on the idea they not only sold, but shot the pilot for and went to series with. Now you’ve got an expensive mess and the next announcement will be that the network has decided to hold off mid-season and then you’ll never hear about this again. It’s textbook and the corrupted nature of this network. +far be it for anyone to defend NBC or the Blattster, +but the pilot looks reeeeeeely high-concept, and i dont mean that in a good way. +if this was HBO or AMC, maybe it would play. +but obviously NBC threw the overstretched ABRAMS into this to mediate the artistic endeavors of CUARON. +Believe me, theres nothing NBC would love more than to just throw this show out there, and play up the marquee names involved with it… +but i think Cuaron wanted too much autonomy, and now they trying to reel back in . +and i think the endgame here is NBCUNIVERSAL stealing an auteur like cuaron away from the WB, and this is the price they ended up paying. +But it is still a WB production. It’s just showing on NBC. How could NBC Universal steal anyone from WB? When WB let Cuaron spent 4 years working on Gravity vs NBC taking Cuaron’s show/idea apart? +AC are you available to be our new showrunner for Believe? You’re hired! +We don’t know who you are but we need you to solve our problem. We have no idea what to do with this show. The trailer is good but then what happens? What is the show about? How do we make this into a winner? +And how is this show gonna be different from TOUCH? It’s a very similar concept: an unusual small child has powers and abilities that could change the world, and evil forces are trying to kill or take advantage of the kid’s powers. Been there/done that. +Get out of the way. Support the process. Trust that those you’ve brought together know more about storytelling than you do. Spend time with those delivering scripts and cuts to understand what the show is about, and not what you think it’s about. But before you even get to take this advice, challenge creatives to explain their show to you before you buy it. If you don’t love it, if you don’t know how to program it, if you don’t know how to promo it then don’t buy it. Who cares that ABC or CBS is interested. Work on things you are passionate about otherwise you get this mess and in the end, you lose. You don’t understand it, yet you need to control it. Bad combination. And read Syd Field’s book so you can sit in a room and talk about the Outline stage with some intelligence. Good luck. +Isn’t this the second JJ Abrams show to undergo a showrunner change this year? Perhaps it’s nothing but that seems troubling. +What was the first one? +Someone got fired off of Almost Human, I believe. +i would guess its cauron and not abrams who is causing people to split. I have heard he is a tyrant +This is the third or fourth series by creator/deserter Abrams. Net are suck starfu*kers that they let these a-hole dazzle them then leave. BTW this means the show will not make it. +Normally showrunner changes are a bad sign, but Jonas Pate is a total upgrade. +And here we go. Networks pay huge money and buy projects from big names but the big names don’t stick around to see a show through. Where are Cuaron and JJ when this happens? The networks would be way better off if they believed in WRITERS/CREATORS and paid them and grew them. The amount of non writing EPs in this game is insane and more often than not adds zero value, and in many, adds negative value. +Also the public could care less who the producers are on a show. If you have to use a big name to get people to show up on week one, you’re in the wrong business: this isn’t film. A tv show proves itself over many weeks. If its good, viewers will find it. +Tell that to Mitch Hurwitz during the Fox days of Arrested Development +Might have to do with the fact that these is no bigger asshole in show business than Alfonso Cuaron. Ask anyone who has worked with him. Abusive to people who can’t defend themselves. Talented? Yes. Good guy? No. +Not a fan of the Visual Effects business, either. Cuaron famously said that he felt that “VFX are too expensive” in “Life of Pi,” and was not on the side of Rhythm & Hues when they folded. He didn’t seem to be aware that the biggest part of the budget in VFX is *human labor*, and good VFX people deserve to make a reasonable wage. Great effects are hard to do and take a lot of time and effort. +Television (in whatever delivery form it takes these days) is serialized entertainment. It can never be a director-driven medium. It’s not about sight and sound. It’s about voice and character. Pate isn’t a writer, and neither is, frankly, Tobeason. It’s about the STORY and if no one has the vision to tell that story, it will never succeed. +Hans is a stellar writer and producer. But thanks for the amazing insight that television is about story. +No, you aren’t, Hans. +That’s an incorrect statement. Jonas is a writer, he’s just been focusing his attention on directing of late. This sounds like to move that may turn this into a strong series. +Pate is indeed a writer. He created several series with his brother. +This is what happens when extremely tired and derivative concepts get dusted off by big named talent, sold for a wad of cash, and then left to mid-to-low named talent to figure out and carry. Talk about being set up to fail. But for most of these writers room writers, actors, and episode directors, it’s still the best next rung on the ladder. So awful. +Dave Erickson is a very talented and disciplined showrunner. Looking forward to his next project! +Jonas Pate created the series, “Surface” with Lake Bell. +Which was horrible. +Having worked closely with Dave Erickson, I can honestly say this sounds like a blessing in disguise for him. I personally know what a talented writer and wonderful leader he is. I’ve worked for several show runners in the past and no one has come close to his sense of story, inclusiveness and kindness (something that is grossly lacking in most show runners). +All I can say is that I hope Dave took the money and ran as far and as quickly away from this project as possible. +Alfonso is hot, JJ is freezing. Great works Rabs, Lonner needs to grip up. +Frankly, Nellie, you’re missing the real story here that’s gaining momentum in the halls of the networks and studios–JJ ABRHAMS ACTIVITY IN THE DAY-TO-DAY TV BUSINESS IS A FRAUD. Yes, he is supremely talented as a director and as an originator of high concept ideas, but the time when he was invested enough in a single TV series to actually not only make it good, but make it work, is long over. Ask ABC. Ask FBC. And now, ask NBC. None of it’s working anymore. Ask the writers on almost human, believe, Alcatraz, fringe, six degrees, etc, etc, etc. He comes in to the writer’s room every 7 weeks, blows everything up so he can tell the network and studio he’s working, and leaves the mess behind. It’s now common knowledge. The end is coming. Soon, only Kevin Reilly, who has a huge man-crush on cute lil JJ, will be the only one listening and buying. Stay in movies, JJ, it’s where you belong and what you can do well at this point. +There is so much promise with this show. I am definitely rooting for it. I just hope NBC doesn’t botch up another possible great opportunity. +I didn’t think about using Alfonso Cuaron’s Oscar hype to help promote the show. “From the Oscar Winning Alfonso Cuaron…” would be a nice thing to tag onto “Believe” promos during the Olympics. +Or at least, “Oscar nominated” if its during the Olympics since the Oscars wouldn’t have happened yet. +Dave Erickson is genuinely one of the nicest people working in TV. +Could it be that NBC didn’t like what they found in their very expensive “mystery box”? +pilot was a dumpster fire. it’s smart for them to cut their losses, instead of throwing more money at a failure. sounds like they tried to find a series in there, but putting this on the air wouldn’t help the network, JJ, or Alfonso. +This is the equivalent of a great chef coming in and throwing down a meal (but not a menu.) and then f$#ks off (isn’t it obvious that Cuaron is not involved in the actual series?). Then another great chef (Erickson) comes in and tries to make a menu from the meal (and does). But then a party of 12 executives can’t decide on an entree. I hope Mr. Erickson got his money. Sounds like he deserved it. +I wonder if they intend to pay royalties to the video game they ripped this idea from staring Ellen Page and Willem Dafoe. It was called BEYOND: TWO SOULS. This show is IDENTICAL in every way. +Avengers - Well I went and saw it. It was beyond awesome. I hate to even use awesome because it's not an apt enough word really. Joss Whedon did some things with this film that should make every director in Hollywood take a step back, and ask themselves if they are working hard enough. +The film was full of comedy, however unlike most action films, the lines did not feel cheap or forced like you'd normally hear in action movies. Also, rather than trying to make a plot that was clever or unique, he focused on what everyone came to see. The characters. And he managed to give each character equal screen time and attention. No one character overshadowed the other. No one character seemed more important or less important. And even though a lot of time wasn't spent on character development (that's what each characters own movies were for) he was able to add more depth to each of them as the film went. +Can't talk enough about this movie and how fantastic it was. +Sometimes reality is far stranger than fiction. Especially when it comes to women. +This week my buddy broke up with his girlfriend. The reason, if you can get your head around this, is because he told her that guys like to bang hot chics. +I'm not joking. +Basically, this chic has a lot of guy "friends". You know who you are. Orbiters. You are friends with some hot chic that says you guys are friends, but the truth is you want to bang her. Let me say again that if the chic is attractive, you cannot be friends with her. We all know this. Stop pretending like "oh yeah, we can just be friends." JFC......no, we can't be "just friends" with women we find attractive. That makes you an orbiter, and everyone knows what you are doing. +I won't lie. I hate you fuckers. I hate orbiters. I know some orbiters will read this, and from me to you....get a fucking life. +If a girl puts you in the "we're just friends zone", just go away. Seriously, the guys that are dating her know what you're doing, and fucking hate it, hate you, and wants to beat your face in. Orbiters are men not suave enough to land the pussy. You are desperate little fucking assholes who pray and hopes for a chance that somehow and someway this girl will throw pity on you then you get to date or bang her. You are the definition of the beta male. Either kill yourself, so we can thin the herd, or man the fuck up and stop "being friends" with chics. +Now with that out of the way. This 24 year old dumbass, believed that all of these guys that she hung out with, really just wanted to be friends. After a while, my buddy got tired of it, and told her what was up. Well, truth is, he did what every guy does about this. +Namely, was a hypocrite and lied. +He tells her "of course guys and girls can be friends, I'm just friends with so-n-so." But the fact is, he was orbiting (and yes I ripped him a new asshole over this) and then turning around and telling his own girl, that all these other guys wanted to bang her. You can't have it both ways. +Let me give you some advice about this, fellas. Always be honest about this shit. Then you save yourself this particular headache. You're a male. You want to bang hot chics. Just because you're dating a girl, she should understand that it doesn't mean you won't find other women attractive, or that if you were single, you would want to bang them. This particular chic, didn't even understand that if my buddy were single, he'd want to be banging hot chics. Yes, she is that ignorant, but he's partly to blame as well. I mean, he's the one that established that lie by telling her shit like "well I'm not a walking erection, I don't want to just bang everything out there." +Lie. +And these kinds of lies are the things that will kill a relationship. If your woman doesn't understand simple biology, find a fucking new one that comes with a working brain. Because yours is not in possession of one. +Not to be clear, I'm not saying men can't be faithful. We can. But this girl didn't even understand that a SINGLE guy would want to be banging it out left and right with hot chics if he had the chance. You can't fix stupid, I suppose. +And any guy that responds to this with "I have a life long friends that is attractive and I would never hit it" is either gay, a liar, or has no balls. Fact. +Today is the last day of my less than 30 grabs of carbs a day. I was supposed to go 1 more day, but I had to make a decision between 9 and 11 days (because I don't work out on the 10th day) so I did 9. Nothing magical is going to happen tomorrow anyway. +Anytime I do super low carb it just reminds me of how much it sucks, how stupid it is, and the fact that you can't get big and fucking strong doing it. And if you're a novice, a fat guy, or some guy that benches 245 or whatever, you don't count. There is a reason why the biggest and strongest mother fuckers walking the earth don't eat this way when they are trying to get even bigger and stronger is because you can't retardely big and strong eating low fucking carb. Because you know, carbs fucking fuel workouts, insulin is the strongest hormone in the body, and insulin is the fucking driver behind muscle tissue rebuilding. Loading on carbs increases ATP storage, and more ATP means more contractile power. More contractile power means you are fucking stronger, and you being fucking stronger means you get bigger. More carbs also means more calories, and one big myth that still goes around is that you can get leaner and bigger at the same time. No you fucking can't. Growing lean muscle tissue absolutely requires a calorie surplus, and losing fat absolutely requires an energy deficit. This is god damn fact. +Insulin increases MPS, which is the requirement for muscle growth. You cannot fucking do this to any great extent in a carb depleted state. There is a reason why bodybuilders use low carb diets to strip bodyfat, and then eat carbs like crazy in the offseason. +Now once you throw anabolics into the mix, the rules do change a bit. But not as much as you think. Mainly, a guy on anabolics holds onto his mass much better dieting than a guy not on them. But if you want to get bigger and stronger, forget Paleo and carb depleted diets. Fucking eat carbs. When I was doing the intermittent fasting diet, I was eating a shit ton of carbs, and once I acclimated to it a bit, I deadlifted 500x12 (almost 13), did dumbbell benches with the 140's for 12, and inclined 315x11. Now 9 days into a fucking carb depleted state I could barely eek out 5 sets of 10 with 135 on upright rows last night. It has nothing to do with "being a pussy" and everything to do with basic fucking physiology. +Insulin stimulates human skeletal muscle protein synthesis +"So why did you stop IF?" +Just didn't feel right with me. I was drinking too much diet coke and other stimulates to make it through the 16 hour fast. +Truth is, the carb backloading approach kind of uses some similar ideas as IF (fasting until lunch) but then incorporates ideas I have had for some time, through trial and error. Namely, if I had been eating lower carbs for a few days, and felt flat, I'd end up eating a shit ton of junk one night, wake up the next day looking leaner and without fail, would have a kick ass workout. More anecdotal evidence for the win. +My plan of attack is to carb backload on all workout nights and one other night (Saturday) before my hardest workout of the week. So 4 days of carbs, 3 days of basically 30 grams of carbs or less a day. I can work with this. I cannot fucking work with 30 grams of carbs a day or less, for even a god damned week. Not when I'm trying to get stronger and more awesome. +So here's to ice cream and doughnuts tonight. And hopefully some good workouts by the time the weekend rolls around. +Thought I'd mention this since it's something you talk about periodically: For my hamstrings, the only direct work I've been doing for the last year was GHR and RDL. Went to the gym yesterday for a squat session, and when I got there I saw that the GHR was busted, so I thought "Carter talks up ham curls all the time, I'll throw some of those in at the end of my workout instead." Fuck, dude. It's been over a year since I've done hamstring curls, and I thought I was going to die. I managed 5 strict sets of 10-15, but I was in agony from the 2nd set onwards, I was using VERY LITTLE weight, and I was dropping a few plates every set to keep my reps high. You better believe these are going back in the regular rotation. +That's because glute ham raises aren't all they are cracked up to be in terms of hamstring work. Good job. +Paul, +My situation is that I was dating this girl for about a month, we "broke up" 2 days ago. The thing is, she's 26 and I'm 22, she's looking to settle down whereas I'm not, I didn't want to use her then dump her so I told her we should end it. She wants to be at least be friends, so I thought why not and we're going to the cinema this thursday after just "broken up" 2 days ago. She's pretty and cute and I like being with her but her tits and ass are a bit small and it frightens me to settle down without having tried some big booties yet. Am I a fucking orbiter? +Yes. If you're not hitting it, you got no reason to be taking it to a movie. Go get some trim. +Am I missing something? I read a bit about backloading my comprehension was that you consume max. 30gr carbs pre-workout and post-work you get a bunch of carbs in. You repeat this everyday. So how could your total carbload be 30gr any given day? +JFC.......PREP PHASE. +JFC what does that mean? +jesus fucking christ. +I'm terribly irritable today mind you. It's not just me, my wife, who is doing this as well feels like shit. Tonight I get carbs so I should feel better. +Are you trying to gain with 30g carbs/3days a week? If so, how high are you going on the other four? +I'm very much looking forward to hearing about your progress with CBL, as it sounds too good to be true when reading Kiefer's stuff. +It's the prep-phase before you start CBL. +tonight is the first night of carb loading. I'm going to play with how many carbs I eat for a while to see what happens. +You just can't be close friends with hot chicks. You want to fuck them, and they want to ride you like a rodeo bull. I won't lie, I am a walking erection, and I love my special lady with everything that I am. But, when in a relationship, it's pretty fun when an orbiter tries to drop the ball and make a move on your girl. One kept making lewd comments on seeing my lady in her underwear, and referencing to him fucking her. This in turn led her to letting me read the messages, and taking me to her work to have a man-to-man talk with the offender. He wouldn't shake my hand, wouldn't look me in the eyes, and attempted to make a hasty retreat. So, naturally, I called him out. I admit, my hostility got the best of me and I told him he was a bitch made, poor excuse of a man and I was ashamed he shared the same chromosomes as I have. As well, I told him I won't forget his face and I will be back if need be. +Good man. +I like the term "orbiter", it's a good word for it. I have a whole lot of thoughts on it that I'm not going to type out here. +Paul I just wanted to say that I've been trying to eat "low carb" for about 2 years to lose weight, and never was able too. After reading some of the info on this blog, I decided to eat carbs, and eat more of what I want in general, just be smart and eat less of it. Also started running longer, slower distances instead of trying to get my fat ass doing sprints all the time. Both helped immensely. I'm down nearly 40lbs in the last couple of months, and my lifts haven't completly gone south when I was trying to diet like before. Just want to say thanks man! +Btw, did you think Bruce Banner/Hulk had the best line of the movie? (You know which one I'm talking about). +John +Dude that's awesome. That's why I tell people all the time they have to find out what works for them. +For me, I can't get leaner without cardio. Just doesn't happen. No matter how good the diet is dialed in. I know some people who can, I'm just not one of them. I also do good on "low" carb but that's like 200 grams a day. +And yes, the scene with Hulk and Loki was the best part of the whole flick. +I agree with your comments on the Avengers. It was pretty much a perfect mix of action, drama, and comedy, with even focus on all the characters. They even made Black Widow and Hawkeye look good, even though those were the Avengers nobody cared about going into it. (I do sort of wish they had a Spider Man cameo since the final battle took place in New York City and that's the city that Spider Man operates out of. I wonder what he was doing when all this shit was going down.) +Hi Paul, +I've got a random question for you: yea or nay to mixed grip shrugs? My grip always gives out before my traps on overhand shrugs and mixed grip lets me use more weight, but yesterday I strained my neck. I've done them before so I wasn't sure if it was an anomaly or had been an injury waiting to happen. Is the answer to get some straps? I just don't like to use "crutches" when lifting... +Oh, and I couldn't agree more about Avengers, shit was dope. +Thanks, +Jake +use straps on shrugs +Um....why do other people see Tyler's lady in her underwear? Did I miss something? +I feel like Paleo is getting bad rap: +I eat a Paleo diet that would make Robb Wolf cry tears of joy, but I follow his and John Welbourne's (CFFB) lead and eat loads of sweet potatoes, bananas, and sometimes some rice, before and after training. It works pretty well for me and has led to some pretty successful cycles (including my recent strong 15 run - thanks Paul). +The idea that Paleo has to be low carb is sort of dead and gone. All of the people who are at the forefront of researching all this stuff are pretty gung ho about eating plenty of carbs around training. What's leftover are some low-carb zealots, but they're not representative of the rest of us meat eaters. +Is it possible ham curls and GHD's work the hams in different ways? I can do ham curls for a while until there's no soreness after, then switch and have GHD's annihilate my glutes. Then I can reverse that and have the same effect. Is it as simple as the two exercises are taxing the hams differently? The inserion is stretch in a seated curl, as opposed to with a GDH where the hip is extended - this might be similar to the way your biceps are more stretched with an incline curl than with a preacher curl. +I love the term 'Orbiter' as much as I can't stand the dudes that fit the description. Answer - mucho. Also stoked about Avengers, thanks for the review. +-Bryce +As soon as you add in rice and milk to me it's no longer Paleo. Or at least what Paleo has always claimed to be. +But all the Paleo zealots figured out what I knew when I saw the diet. You can't gain mass on such a low carb diet. You can't. Low carbs and lower carb diets cannot support muscle growth. Not on any real massive level. +And of course leg curls and glute hams work the hamstrings differently. But I have always thought the regular old leg curl as superior for building hams personally. +So Paul, you have no female friends and your wife has no male friends? +None I find attractive. It's like people miss that key word here. +And having friends of the opposite sex is generally a teenager or 20-year old something thing. People in their 30's and 40's don't really do that because they are smarter. Why be friends with a chic who is hot if you're not banging her? What a waste of time. Second, women that respect their men don't hang out with other guys because well, they know they are just hanging around trying to bang them. +This shit is pretty simple. +I've been reading your blog for a little while now but have never commented. I respect you for your strength and dedication, but what you're saying here just sounds ignorant. Perhaps I'm just speaking as a naive college student, but are you really saying that attractive women are not worth being friends with? +So you should not associate with a woman who is intelligent, interesting to talk to, and someone you enjoy spending time with only because she happens to be attractive? Should a bisexual only have ugly friends in that case? Again, I'm young, so maybe I'm looking at this from a different perspective, but this all sounds like overly macho bullshit to me. +The college student calls me ignorant. Jesus Christ. I will post a video in a minute from a college about this topic...... +Did you read what I fucking wrote and understand it? +None of it has to do with macho "bullshit". What the fuck is macho about saying "men can't be friends with women they are attracted to"??? Oh yeah, nothing. +Guys can't be friends with attractive women or women they are attracted to, if said guys like pussy, because they will want to bang said chics. +I don't really care if you agree, this is basic human nature. A mans two most basic instincts are to survive, and procreate. +If you want to call biology macho bullshit, be my guest. +Men are wired visually, because of procreation. Women are wired to be emotional care takers. This is why women can look at men, and just have a friendship, where the man just wants to bang her. +Women can be friends with guys, because they are not wired the same way men are. +I never once said attractive women aren't worth being friends with. guys do it everyday. They are called orbiters. And they are friends with them because they want to bang them. Not because they love hanging out with them because of how intelligent they are. Jesus fucking christ. The fact is, most of the incredibly hot women I have known, are very ignorant because (and this is fact) most beautiful women never have to cultivate anything about themselves because their whole life, they are given a very easy path. +Beautiful women get all the best jobs, get higher paying jobs, and generally live easier lives because (drum roll) men are visual, and constantly do shit to enable said easy life. So these women never really have to go the extra mile in order to get ahead. They constantly get the easy road. Again, this isn't macho bullshit, this is fucking life. Since you're a college student you wouldn't know anything about life yet, but one day you'll look back on my words and realize the wisdom that was in them. +I find that a small percentage of men agree with your view point, but they are usually your age and dumb, and don't have much in the way of real world experience. +On the flip side, in the video I'm about to put up, even most college guys understand this. So maybe you just need to get with the program. +We have a fundamental difference in our views on the nature of male-female relationships and I have a final exam in four hours, so I really don't have time to keep disagreeing. Best of luck in your training. +Thanks because you're young with little real world experience. +I'm also a college student and think Krys is a fucking idiot. Just sayin'. +I know he is. He made those statements because he's an orbiter and that's the only way he can put himself around attractive women. Get into the "friends" zone. +Huh. So you won't get big on paleo? I mean... Paleo doesn't have to be low carb. All the paleo authors agree that sweet potatoes and cashew nuts are paleo. Lots and lots of carbs in there. +What incredibly massive guy do you know that got that way using Paleo? +You're not going to get massive on sweet potatoes and cashews. +Sorry bro. +There's something I'm wondering about all this though, Paul. Why bother doing these low carb diets anyway? You've dieted before, you tell people simple calorie counting and cardio will get you there. Is it because you just felt like trying this out? Or are you trying to lean out and get stronger (and you feel this isn't as doable on your other diets)? +Second, low carb is bullshit. I did low carb for a while, all hyped up on the Paleo bandwagon, what a crock of shit. You can pretty much forget about getting stronger on that. I honestly don't know how Jamie does it. +1. Yes. I like to try shit out. That's one of the best things about lifting and all this shit. Trying shit out. Then you can at least give an experienced perspective about it. +With carb backloading, it's honestly something I knew from intuition. I'd lower carbs to a decent level, around 100-150 a day. Feel fine. then get flat and feel a little weak, and I'd end up eating a bunch of shit one "evening" and the next day I'd look leaner and feel stronger again. I just never figured aside as anything more than the normal part of the cheat day. +2 - I think Jamie is far more gifted than he wants to admit. I don't know of anyone else that can go on low carbs like he does, and train as often as he does and look/lift like him. Virtually everyone else has to eat carbs and pay attention to recovery. But he has obviously found what works for him. +I don't know shit. That being out of the way: How are the carbs in sweet potatoes so very different from the carbs in rice, pasta and bread, apart from being, well, paleo? +I just don't understand it. The facts I see are: +1. You need some carbs to get big. +2. You can absolutely eat yourself do death with carbs while still acting in compliance to common paleo guidelines (no gluten, no wheat, no lactose, no lentils,...). +So why shouldn't paleo dieters be able to get big? +Maybe you could talk about this on the next podcast? +All carbs are not created equal. The GI index tells us this. Whole premise of carb back loading is to spike the shit out of your insulin levels to create an anabolic environment when the muscle cells are soaking up everything like a sponge. You can't create a spike in insulin with low GI carbs, like sweet potatoes and cashews (who the fuck carbs up with cashews? cashews are more of a fat source). +That's why Keifer talks about eating junk after a workout. So basically, a carb is not a carb is not a carb. +Paul, +I always thought you supported clean eating, regardless of goals. +Did I get it wrong? Do you feel clean eating all the time is counter productive to muscle building? +Also, how much of an imapct do you think the kind of training has on diet? I mean, do you think it plays a big role on how you should eat or it has more to do with one´s metabolism and individual reactions? +Definitely a good topic for the next podcast... +There is no one method I "support". +I support clean eating for guys who have already built a solid base. For guys that are already big and lean and just worried about strength keep it clean most of the time. The 90% rule. +For young really super skinny guys, eat everything and anything not nailed down. +If you're overweight, eat clean and eat less. +If you're not big enough, or want to gain more mass, you're probably not going to be able to eat clean 100% of the time, and get as big as you want to get. With carb back loading it's more about timing and creating a certain environment with the food, rather than worrying about the food itself. In other words, you use junk and high GI carbs to spike insulin and the rest of the time you eat low carb, high fat, high protein. Whatever that may be. +Swing and a Miss. +Well now that you put it that way...... +fucking amen to everything you just said +All this is going to be in your book? Can't wait. +Why aren't you concerned about insulin spiking every other day or so leading to insulin insensitivity and diabetes type ii? +Did you really just bring up the beetus????? For real? +You need to buy Keifer's book and read it. +"You're not going to get massive on sweet potatoes and cashews." +Fucking brilliant. Would make a good t-shirt. +And your analysis of men and friendships with women is spot on. Any heterosexual male who denies this reality is simply being disingenuous and is more than likely one of those very pieces of shit who wait in the wings trying to bang other guy's girls. +Man these were basically my plans exactly! <30g Carbs on 2 of the 3 days im not in the gym, Carbs Post workout 4x/week on training days, then high carbs on saturday(off day), before my biggest workout on sunday! +You said carb backloading is eating high gi carbs that'll spike insulin and let the muscle take in pretty much everything. So after I lifted I'd pound some doughnuts or cookies then eat like a steak or something? +I'm pounding doughnuts, white rice, and ice cream right meow. +1. You're a goddamn winner for saying right meow. +2. After you pound the shit out of those doughnuts and ice cream you eating some protein or keeping on with the carb extravaganza? +Keeping on with the carb gluttony. +An Australian seminar in Sydney? Count me interested. Really enjoyed reading your book Paul. +Make sure you contact Amir for me to let him know. +In the fallout of the COVID-19 pandemic, from anecdotal evidence, the Portuguese transactional private equity environment during 2021 appears to be somewhat tepid so far; however, some bright spots are potentially appearing on the horizon, notably those involving private equity investors. +To date, one of the most important deals of the year consisted of the acquisition of a shareholding position corresponding to 33.07% of the votes in Mota-Engil (Portugal’s largest construction company) by China Communications Construction Co, Ltd. The acquisition of the stake in Mota-Engil corresponds to a mixed transaction of purchase of shares and subscription of new shares in the context of the share capital increase of Mota-Engil. The respective prospectus was one of the first to benefit from the recently approved EU Recovery Plan. +Another relevant transaction was the acquisition, by Ontario Teachers’ Pension Plan, of the stake held by private equity giant Carlyle in Logoplaste, one of the world’s leading companies in the design and manufacture of plastic containers. +Market activity involving private equity players has followed the trend of the wider M&A market and has been slow so far, although it is steadily gaining pace. +In 2021 to date, the mergers and acquisitions market in Portugal regressed in the first five months, compared to the same period last year, both in the number and value of deals. The technology and real estate sectors remained the most active. Specifically regarding private equity, up to May, there were eight major transactions with a total value of EUR204 million. This was a 33% decrease in the number of transactions and a 93% decrease in total value compared to the same period in 2020. +In other types of developments with a potentially significant impact on the industry, in December 2020, EU leaders agreed on the next long-term EU budget, closing more than two years of negotiations. Indeed, the new “Multi-annual Financial Framework” (MFF) consists of an extraordinary EUR1 trillion (approximately), laying out the next spending plans for the 2021 to 2027 period. This budget will also be used to embed the EU’s recovery fund package, “Next Generation EU”, consisting of a further EUR750 billion in funds and investments in addition to the normal budget. +As regards Portugal in particular, it will benefit from EUR16.6 billion within the Recovery and Resilience Plan. A significant part of this amount will be directed towards fomenting private investment, especially in the areas of green and digital transition, opening up relevant opportunities for private equity (and private capital in general) players both to raise funds (through European Structural and Investment Funds) and find new types of target companies/investments. +In line with the trend in the rest of the European Union, the demands regarding regulatory compliance for (alternative) fund managers have been steadily increasing in the past few years. Private equity has been no exception. +Harmonising of the Regulatory Regime +Law No 144/2019, of 23 September has transferred many prudential supervision competencies previously allocated to the Bank of Portugal to the Portuguese Securities Market Commission (CMVM). Although private equity was not regulated by the Bank of Portugal before, this law was a step forward to harmonise the regulatory regime between non-private equity fund managers and private equity fund managers. notably those which operate below the thresholds, to be authorised as an alternative investment fund manager under the Alternative Investment Fund Directive (ie, having assets under management of EUR500 million, if operating without leverage, or having assets under management of EUR100 million, if operating with leverage). +The most relevant changes brought by this statute for private equity fund managers concern the heightened scrutiny by CMVM of the adequacy of the respective holders of qualified positions and members of the corporate bodies. +Adapting to ESG Rules +Also noteworthy is that private equity fund managers are starting to adapt to European rules on environmental, social and governance (ESG) matters, via the mandatory disclosure requirements of Regulation (EU) 2019/2088 of the European Parliament and of the Council, which have recently come into force. +More Stringent KYC and Other AML Policies +Also fairly recent is the new anti-money laundering (AML) legislation, approved by Law No 83/2017 (implementing EU Directives and FATF recommendations), which has significantly changed “compliance” practices for both private equity managers (which are subject to the obligations established in said statute) and the respective funds’ portfolio companies. +With the new legislation, fund managers have been forced to implement more stringent "know your customer" (KYC) and other AML policies (as well as anti-sanctions), for them and their funds’ subsidiaries, which are also included in the subjective scope of the law (financial institutions, real estate companies, etc). These enhanced obligations add complexity and length to M&A transactions and operating costs for private equity funds. +The main body which provides regulatory oversight for private equity funds (incorporated in Portugal) is CMVM. CMVM assesses the legality of the registration and incorporation of private equity funds and monitors their governance, activities and financial standing. +Regarding M&A activity and foreign investment, the main regulators are: +For foreign investment control, review is triggered if the potential purchaser is ultimately owned by an entity outside of the European Economic Area and also if the target assets are deemed “strategic assets” for the country (meaning the main infrastructure and assets assigned to national security or defence or to the rendering of essential services in the areas of energy, transportation and communications). +With regards to antitrust, private equity-backed companies are subject to merger control rules, essentially in the same manner as corporates. Turnover and other relevant metrics are normally assessed at the level of the management entity (ie, taking into account the aggregate of the funds managed by the management entity). +Legal due diligence is common in private equity-driven transactions in Portugal, especially when private equity sponsors are involved. +Due diligence is usually conducted on a “by-exception” or “red flag” basis (except when there are key contracts or other legal instruments upon which the target business is predicated, in which case, the respective main legal terms are described). +Key areas include material agreements, licences and regulatory environment, corporate and intragroup relationships (services agreements, cash pooling, etc) and financing. Tax is naturally also a common concern (but is often dealt with separately from the legal due diligence). +Vendor due diligence is often conducted in transactions where there is a private equity seller, mainly to (pre-emptively) resolve problems of a legal nature that the target may have prior to sale and/or to get buyers up to speed on the company and to impose “fair disclosure” exceptions (regarding the conclusions in the report) on the sale and purchase documents. +Advisers involved in preparing the vendor's due diligence reports are often asked to offer reliance to the reports to the financing banks of the buyer. The buyers’ advisers typically also offer such reliance in their own reports (to banks and to insurance companies, in the latter case, if warranty and indemnity (W&I) insurance is procured for the transaction). +General disclosure to buy-side advisers is common, although not accompanied with reliance (except for financing banks, as mentioned, and W&I insurance providers). +Most acquisitions by private equity funds are made via private sale and purchase agreements of equity participations in the target company. Asset sales occur less often, due to tax and legal structuring reasons. +When companies wish to divest an unincorporated part of their business, they typically restructure the same in advance through a carve-out process. +Court-approved schemes in insolvency or reorganisation proceedings have also gained popularity in distressed transactions, notably debt-equity swaps in real estate assets and related businesses (hospitality, logistics). +In terms of process, auction sales are becoming more common, notably in larger deals; by encouraging competition between potential bidders, auction sales typically make the transaction more seller-friendly (by improving the price, as well as offering more favourable terms in warranties and indemnities). +A typical private equity investment structure in Portugal involves a private equity fund, managed by a regulated management entity, which in turn incorporates a wholly owned special-purpose vehicle (SPV) to perform the acquisition (mostly for liability ring-fencing purposes). +The SPV is then funded with equity from the fund (capital, quasi-equity contributions or shareholder loans) to perform the acquisition, and in larger deals, bank financing is also procured. +Private equity deals are normally financed with equity or quasi-equity, from the private equity fund, and debt (depending on the size of the transaction, the financing structure and the type of assets involved). +To increase certainty from the seller's side to receive the price, equity commitment letters are often requested from the private equity buyer’s structure, either from a corporate entity higher up in the fund’s chain of control or from the fund itself, more often in auction sales. +As far as ownership is concerned, the level of equity participation of the private equity fund depends on the type and circumstances of the transaction: for example, in management buyouts and “growth” transactions, funds typically hold a minority portion of the equity, while in distressed transactions the fund will retain the majority or all of the entity’s capital. +Consortium Deals +Deals involving a consortium of sponsors in Portugal are not common; however, when the size of the target so demands, consortia composed of private equity sponsors may become involved (notably, in the purchase of an 81% stake in Brisa – Portugal’s largest highway toll operator – by a consortium of three private equity pension fund investors and six hydro plants in the North of Portugal from EDP – the largest industry and utility company in Portugal). +Co-investment Business Models +Some fund managers are currently exploring co-investment business models with unit holders (the parallel to the limited partner's figure in the Portuguese environment, eg, institutional asset managers and “first tier” foreign private equity houses) in large deals. +In these cases, the fund will own a minority (also largely passive) stake in the acquisition vehicle which is majority-owned by one or more of the unit holders of the fund. +Club Deals +There also appears to be heightened interest in the market for club deals, both on the part of traditional players and newcomers to the private equity space. Investors should, however, be wary of the regulatory implications of going down this route, as the definition of alternative investment fund under European law (and the regulatory restrictions which consequently apply) may be broad enough to capture certain co-investment structures. +Price adjustment mechanisms in M&A transactions (involving both private equity and corporates) usually have either locked box or completion account mechanisms. Fixed price transactions (ie, with no adjustment whatsoever) are not common. +Locked-box mechanisms are being increasingly utilised due to their ease of use over the “completion accounts” mechanism (which entails the preparation of target accounts as of the date of closing, a process that is usually costly and time-consuming). +To protect the interests of buyers, private equity sellers agree not to, for instance: +This does not differ materially from deals where sellers are corporates. +Private Equity Buyers and Volatile Turnovers +Private equity buyers provide equity support/commitment letters as a way to provide surety to the seller that the price will be paid (and other eventual pecuniary obligations fulfilled). Parent company guarantees (which in theory offer stronger protection vis-à-vis equity support instruments) or having the private equity fund enter the agreement as a joint and several obligor are situations which are not seen as often. +In transactions regarding businesses with volatile turnover and where management remains in the company (such as MBOs) earn-outs are often agreed by the parties to the transaction. +In locked-box structures, interest is usually charged on amounts classified as leakage, albeit not always. +It is typical to have an independent expert (indicated via a joint selection process of buyer and seller, and usually an international audit/consultancy firm or investment bank) determine leakage values in locked-box models and cash/debt/change in working capital values in completion account models. Resolving such disputes through arbitration or judicial courts is far less common. +Albeit common when it comes to conditions of a regulatory nature, conditionality in acquisition documentation is not prevalent, notably in an auction sale, because it reduces certainty for the seller that it will be able to complete the deal. +In particular prior to the COVID-19 pandemic, conditions other than those of a regulatory nature were not common, although sometimes third-party consents in key contracts (notably pre-existing financing arrangements or concession agreements) and prior corporate restructurings are included. Making the transaction conditional on obtaining financing is rare (and usually “prohibited” in auction sales’ process letters). +In turn, the pandemic brought an increase in: +Sellers usually propose that such undertakings be included in transaction documents, particularly in auction sales, again to increase certainty in execution; however, they are usually successfully pushed back by the buyers, particularly private equity buyers with demanding financial return objectives (which could be hurt by divesting certain portfolio companies too soon) and which are often constrained in their investment mandates. +Break fees and reverse break fees are rarely used in Portugal. +Termination rights are usually assigned to a private equity seller, ie, if the closing of the agreement does not occur by the long-stop date. +As for private equity buyers, they are typically allowed to terminate in the following cases: +In transactions where the seller is a private equity fund, the allocation of risk is typically shifted favourably towards it (in relation to a “corporate” seller). The main reason being that the private equity seller is constrained in the period in which it can be exposed to liability (as private equity funds are eventually dissolved and wound up). This reduces the efficacy (and acceptability by the private equity seller) of long lists of warranties, extended warranty claims’ periods and indemnities. +In relation to cases where the buyer is a private equity fund, there are no fundamental differences in risk allocation in relation to a “corporate” buyer: these will depend mainly on the economics and circumstances of the transaction. +The main limitations of liability for private equity sellers are those related to breach of representations and warranties in acquisition agreements (detailed in 6.9 Warranty Protection), although such limitations (quantitative and with regard to time) on liability will sometimes also apply to breach of other undertakings or covenants under the agreement by the seller. +Warranties provided by a private equity seller to a buyer on an exit are usually limited. “Fundamental warranties” on the existence (of the seller and the target), capacity to enter into the agreement, and share ownership are usually granted. “Business” warranties are more limited and reserved for certain key matters. Private equity sellers’ liabilities arising from breach of warranties are usually subject to caps in liability for breach of warranties, de minimis and basket provisions. +The contents of the data room and disclosure letters typically exempt the seller from liability in the case of breach of warranties. This has an advantage for the buyer as well, as it precipitates disclosure of many issues that could otherwise be kept “under the radar”. +Typical quantitative limitations on liability include: +In turn, qualitative limitations in the acquisition agreement usually include: +If warranties and indemnities (W&I) insurance is contracted, however, these limitations will necessarily be different (ie, in that the buyer acknowledges that it will not make a claim under the acquisition agreement and that limits to a claim for breach of warranties will be made to the insurance company under the terms of the insurance policy, which in turn also includes its own limitations). +Besides warranties, other protections granted by a private equity seller in an acquisition agreement include interim period obligations (such as restrictions to managing the target company outside of the ordinary course of business) and certain pre or post-closing undertakings (idiosyncratic to the transaction). Price retentions mechanisms also occur but indemnities are rarely provided. +With relation to W&I insurance, the same is an increasingly common feature in Portuguese PE transactions. Policy costs (which are relatively expensive) are usually borne by the buyer and cover a wide range of business warranties, based on the due diligence performed by the insurance company (which, in turn, takes into account the vendors due diligence and due diligence performed by the buyer). Common exclusions include pollution liability, pension underfunding, certain tax liabilities and sanctions. +It is not common for transactions involving private equity buyers or sellers to reach litigation (the cost thereof, especially when arbitration is the mode of dispute resolution, acting as a relevant deterrent). Pre-litigation disputes usually revolve around (alleged) breaches of warranties and the applicability of earn-out provisions (eg, discussing whether the respective earn-out events have been triggered or not). +Public-to-private transactions are not common in Portugal. It appears that only one public-to-private (P2P) transaction has ever succeeded, which was the takeover of Brisa, the above-mentioned highway toll operator (see 5.4 Multiple Investors), by its reference shareholder and a private equity sponsor (Arcus). +Under the provision of Article 16 of the Portuguese Securities Code, any person that reaches 2%, 5%, 10%, 15%, 20%, 25%, 33%, 50%, 66% and 90% of the voting rights of a listed company subject to Portuguese law (or reduces its level of voting rights below said thresholds) must, as soon as possible, and within a maximum period of four trading days after the occurrence of the fact or knowledge of the same: +The communication must demonstrate: +Mere changes to the chain of attribution of voting rights must also be notified to CMVM and the target listed company. +A person that has over 33% or 50% of the voting rights of a listed company has a duty to launch a public tender offer over the entire share capital and other securities issued by such listed company which grant the right for their subscription or acquisition (Article 187 of the Portuguese Securities Code). +If a person exceeds only 33% of the voting rights of the listed company, the obligation to launch a mandatory tender offer will not be due if the person that is bound by such obligation proves before CMVM that it does not have control of the target company nor is it in a group relationship with the target company. +The consideration offered in a mandatory offer must be the highest of: +Consideration in public tender offers may be made either in cash or in securities. +Cash is usually the consideration of choice in tender offers, possibly due to the relative “shallowness” of Portuguese equity capital markets. +Common conditions to launch the offer, incorporated in the offer announcements, include unblocking of voting limitations in the general shareholders' meeting (when by-laws of the target include such voting limitations) and regulatory clearances. +The effectiveness of the offer (when the offeror seeks to obtain control of the target company) is usually subject to the condition of obtaining more than 50% of the voting rights in the offer. +It is not generally allowed under Portuguese law for a takeover offer to be conditional on obtaining financing, given the fact that the buyer must have funds available to pay the full price resulting from the offer. +To ensure the protection of the bidder in the offer, break fees have been referenced as a way for the bidder to cover its costs should the offer not be successful. While not expressly prohibited under Portuguese law, break fees carry a considerable degree of risk for the target company’s directors, given that: +As a matter of law, bidders are also able to increase the price offered at any time, notably in the case of a competitive bid. +Outside their shareholding, a person acquiring less than 100% in a tender offer can make use of the statutory squeeze-out procedure to acquire the entire share capital of the target. +If a purchaser (by itself or through related entities whose voting rights are attributable to it) holds more than 90% of the voting rights in a Portuguese listed company up to the offer results or 90% of the voting rights encompassed by the offer, may in the three subsequent months acquire the remaining shares through fair consideration, in cash. +The consideration offered must be the highest of: +The offeror that intends to launch a squeeze-out procedure must immediately announce it and send it to CMVM to be registered. The offeror must also deposit the total consideration in a credit institution, at the order of the holders of the remaining shares. +The acquisition of the remaining shareholders under a squeeze-out procedure is effective from the date of publication, by the offeror, of the registration before CMVM. +Irrevocable commitments in tender offers, the negotiation of which occurs prior to the announcement of the transaction, are not common in Portugal. +As care is usually taken for these commitments, which in principle are required to be disclosed, not to lead CMVM to consider the voting rights of the committing shareholders to be attributed to the offeror (as that may trigger mandatory public offer thresholds), protections are sometimes included for investors to be able to accept competing offers or other types of exit. +As a matter of law, hostile takeovers are admitted in Portugal and a few have been announced and launched. +However, there have never apparently been unsolicited (and unsanctioned) tender offers by a private equity player to a Portuguese company. +Offering managers equity incentives/ownership is a common, but not inevitable, feature of private equity transactions in Portugal. +There is no standard way to attribute management shares, and equity participations can range anywhere from residual (5–10%) to significant (40–49%). In certain management buyout transactions, management will hold the majority of the share capital post-transaction. +Employee stock option plans (virtual or physical) are sometimes also used for management and other relevant company employees. +Managers are often attributed common shares with associated vesting provisions and the use of preferred instruments in management equity is not common. +Good leaver/bad leaver provisions, which qualify the circumstances in which managers cease holding participations or directorships/employment positions in the target, are usually included in shareholders agreements regarding the target, entered into between management and the private equity sponsor. +Good leaver provisions are triggered if managers are forced to depart from the company due to extreme circumstances outside of their control (such as a serious disease or injury). In turn, bad leaver provisions are usually triggered if managers exit the company without being considered good leavers. +Particularly in venture capital, vesting provisions (where management is prevented, through contractual means, from enjoying full ownership of the equity participations acquired/subscribed in the transaction) will also be included in the relevant shareholders' agreement. The vesting period will run for a period of three to four years, with a one-year cliff (ie, following which a certain percentage vests) and two to three years of “linear” vesting (of the remaining shares). +If the manager is deemed a bad leaver, private equity sponsors will be granted the right to purchase the former’s shares at nominal value. If, however, the manager parts ways with the company as a good leaver (and the agreement is negotiated in a balanced manner), private equity sponsors will usually be required (or have the right) to purchase the manager's shares at fair value. +Management shareholders frequently commit to non-compete and non-solicitation undertakings. These raise concerns from an employment law standpoint, restricting fundamental rights to work and the pursuit of professional livelihood and, from a competition law standpoint, by stifling competition and, therefore, they may be subject to limitations. +Statutory restrictions to non-compete clauses include: +Non-disparagement clauses, where managers agree not to publicly make negative statements regarding the company, are unusual. +Manager shareholders, when holding minority participations, are usually afforded contractual protections (in the transaction documents, notably shareholders' agreements) to maintain the integrity of their investments. +First and foremost, managers will usually be entitled to be appointed to the company’s board of directors (with executive functions). +Veto Rights +Veto rights and legal pre-emption rights in share capital increases are common mechanisms used to avoid dilution of manager shareholders. Managers also hold veto rights (in both shareholders' meetings and board of directors’ meetings) to prevent the private equity sponsor from unilaterally taking fundamental decisions regarding the company’s governance (eg, amending the by-laws), legal characteristics (eg, transform, merge or demerger the company) and strategy (eg, amending the business plan). +These veto rights are typically structured either around a shareholders' agreement (where the protection is contractual, and therefore enforceable only against the management’s counterparties) or through shares carrying special rights (where the protection is enforceable against the company and, therefore, company resolutions in violation of such “special rights” may be challenged on that basis). +Majority Participation +When the private equity fund shareholder has a majority participation in the target company, typical control mechanisms are provided under statute (notably, the possibility to single-handedly appoint the members of the target’s corporate bodies – under Portuguese corporate law there is no statutory mechanism of proportional representation in the company’s management or audit bodies). +Minority Participation +When the private equity fund shareholder has a minority participation in the target company, board appointment rights in shareholders' agreements (proportional or not) are common; other rights typically requested are: veto rights at the shareholder level in critical matters (eg, reorganisations, share capital increases and decreases), information rights (eg, the right to receive monthly information on accounts and KPIs) and exit rights (eg, pre-emption rights and tag-along rights, drag-along rights, etc). +A Portuguese company (extended to EU companies) that wholly owns another Portuguese company is responsible for compliance with the obligations of the subsidiary, both before and after the latter has been incorporated. +However, it is doubtful whether this provision is applicable to private equity funds vis-à-vis other companies (given that private equity funds are not incorporated and furthermore have a “proprietary” legal regime of their own that does not include a similar provision). +Nevertheless, there are (rare) cases where it would be conceivable (applying certain general civil law principles) for the legal personality of the portfolio company or special purpose vehicle incorporated for the acquisition to be disregarded and the “corporate veil pierced”. This requires proof of behaviour which is fraudulent or obviously against good faith principles. +Increasingly, sophisticated private equity fund managers with compliance policies are imposing the terms of the same (or parts thereof) on portfolio companies, notably with regards to anti-bribery and anti-money laundering, as a way for such fund managers to comply with the legal obligations to which they are bound. +Implementation of other policies, such as ESG, by private equity shareholders regarding their portfolio companies are rarer. However, with the coming into force of Regulation 2019/2088 (from 10 March 2021) and the respective regulatory technical standards (for topics including disclosure of information on “green” financial products) in 2022, the implementation of ESG-related policies across the spectrum of portfolio companies is expected to increase significantly. +A typical holding period for a private equity investment would run anywhere from four to seven years before an exit occurs. +The most common forms of exit seen in 2021 thus far are trade sales and secondary sales to other asset managers. Write-offs also sometimes occur. +IPOs and dual-track processes initiated by private equity sponsors have not yet occurred in Portugal. +Drag-along rights are typically included in investment documentation to ensure management and (often) other co-investors are required to sell if an exit opportunity arises. +Typical tag-along thresholds are 75% or more, however, in some cases, the bar is lowered further still. +Typically, management shareholders enjoy tag-along rights when the private equity shareholder sells its stake. +A typical tag-along threshold is 50%. +In Portugal there has never been an IPO promoted by a private equity seller (the only approximation was one venture capital-backed firm having made a debut in an alternative trading exchange). +In other IPOs in the Portuguese market (not caused by a private equity exit), where the sponsor retains a majority participation, relationship agreements are entered into between this dominant shareholder and the listed company to ensure dealings between the two entities are done on an arm's length basis. +Rua Castilho, 165 +1070-050 Lisbon +Portugal ++351 213 817 400 ++351 213 817 499jfvarino@mlgts.pt +Overview of the Portuguese Economy +The COVID-19 pandemic had a harsh impact on the Portuguese economy in 2020 and the country’s GDP decreased by 7.6%. Trends in the country’s economy in the first quarter of 2021 were also disappointing. +However, this deterioration in the economy did not cause a significant spike in the unemployment rate and this remained relatively stable with a minor fall of only 0.3% in 2020. +Once the national vaccination plan picked up pace and most of the world’s economies started to bounce back from the crisis, the Portuguese economy started to recover and is expected to register significant growth in its GDP over the coming years, in line with its European counterparts. +Nevertheless, Portugal’s significant public and private debt continues to be perceived as one of the key risk elements to be watched closely in the near future. In fact, although the Portuguese government further extended the public moratoriums on debt for both individual households and companies until 30 September 2021, the number of non-performing loans is expected to grow in the coming months. +Furthermore, looking ahead, a potential shift in the European Central Bank’s policy towards interest rates poses a relevant risk factor for the Portuguese economy. +Overview of the Portuguese Private Equity Industry +The Portuguese private equity industry continues to register steady growth both in terms of the number of players set up locally and organised under Portuguese law and, more importantly, in terms of assets under management. The industry is thus playing an increasingly significant role in the much-needed capitalisation of Portuguese companies across a broad number of industries. +According to the Portuguese Securities Market Commission, there are currently 189 active private equity funds in Portugal and 60 private equity companies (three of which are above the EUR500 million legal threshold of assets under management). Moreover, the EUR5 billion mark of assets under management was reached in 2019. Although still a modest amount of assets under management, it confirms a continuous growth pattern registered over recent years. +Furthermore, some of the most important international players in this industry, particularly distress debt funds, continue to keep a close eye on the Portuguese economy and the opportunities it has to offer. Their focus is mainly on the hospitality and real estate markets. +In terms of deal flow, the Portuguese private equity ecosystem was active during 2020, even though there was a slight break. Despite the uncertainty associated with the measures taken to control the effects of the pandemic, the last quarter of 2020 and the first half of 2021 saw some large transactions. These included the acquisition by Saur SAS. (a France-based company, controlled by the Swedish fund EQT) of Aquapor Serviços, SA (a company that operates several water and waste systems from the north to the south of Portugal) and Prio’s acquisition by the Spanish Energy group, Disa. +Although it is difficult to foresee market developments in the near future, with the successful implementation of international vaccination plans, uncertainty is now set to decrease and the confidence of private equity players to increase. Therefore, in the coming months, the market is expected to recover from the losses suffered during 2020 and private equity players are expected to target distressed companies with a view to restructuring them. In Portugal, this is most likely to occur in the most affected sectors (particularly, the tourism sector). +In addition, private equity players will be expected to play a significant role in the investment of the EUR13.9 billion in grants to be injected into the Portuguese economy further to the Recovery and Resilience Plan to be implemented over the period 2021–2026. These funds will provide a historic opportunity for Portugal not only to reboot its economy and increase its competitiveness after the COVID-19 pandemic, but also to tackle its structural challenges in terms of growth potential and competitiveness. +Trends in the Private Equity Ecosystem in Portugal +Divestment in restructuring funds +This year – 2021 – should see an opening-up in terms of the sale by some of the leading Portuguese banks of restructuring funds under competitive bidding processes to international bidders looking to increase their portfolios in the Portuguese real estate, retail and hospitality sectors. +Some of the most significant transactions of 2021, in terms of the assets involved and the deal value, are expected to be made in this context. +R&D/SIFIDE II funds +A comprehensive effort is being made to take action to support technological and business innovation in Portugal, and to help consolidate the National Innovation System and strengthen the competitiveness of the Portuguese economy in global markets. In this context, the System of Tax Incentives in Research and Business Development II (SIFIDE II) provides for a public research and development (R&D) incentive scheme whereby Portuguese companies can benefit by saving up to 82.5% in corporate income tax. They can do this by investing in private equity funds which invest predominantly in target Portuguese companies with R&D projects duly certified by the National Agency for Innovation (Agência Nacional de Inovação, SA or ANI). +Although the figures have not been publicly disclosed, it is believed that over EUR300 million had been raised for these funds by the end of 2020. +Private equity funds and the Portuguese Golden Visa Programme +A significant number of the new private equity funds currently being set up in Portugal by some of the leading players in the Portuguese market are intended to raise capital with individual investors across the world looking to apply for the Portuguese Residence Permit for Investment Activity under what is often referred to as the "Golden Visa Programme". +Private equity funds that meet certain legal requirements (eg, minimum investment amount, investment policy, minimum duration of the investment, etc) can qualify for this type of investment. +Trends in Deal Structuring and Terms +Material adverse change (MAC) or material adverse effect (MAE) clauses +As a result of the uncertainty brought about by the virus and the measures to contain its spread, market players are now more focused on providing for (or should we say, discussing) contractual mechanisms to control and allocate the risks of unpredictable and abnormal changes of circumstances that may impact their transactions. +MAC or MAE clauses are a type of contractual mechanism intended to enable parties to react to a change that may adversely impact the contractual terms in the period between the signing and closing. As a mechanism to allocate risks, these clauses can be designed in different ways. However, the most common type of MAC clause allows the buyer to terminate the agreement (or simply not to complete the transaction) if, between the signing and closing, a circumstance arises which has, or may (reasonably) have in the future, an MAE. These clauses also frequently provide for a price adjustment if an MAE occurs in this period. +MAC clauses are clearly acceptable under Portuguese law and are of great importance. Portuguese law provides that the parties are free to shape the legal framework of the “abnormal change of circumstances”, as provided for in the Portuguese Civil Code. However, it is frequently stated that clauses cannot be designed to eliminate completely the application of the legal framework, which is a “safety valve” to provide for the contractual balance of the contract in the face of unexpected and abnormal changes of circumstances. +MAC clauses can be (i) general or (ii) specific. The difference between the two impacts on their enforceability. General MAC clauses are designed with undetermined, general and abstract concepts. Therefore, they are easily negotiated by the parties and provide for lower transactional costs. However, they are less enforceable and easily disputed by the other party. In contrast, specific MAC clauses establish the precise meaning of the material adverse change or material adverse effect. They also frequently include a list of examples to be considered as a MAC event or fix a threshold relating to the economic or financial impacts on the target that could lead to the considerationof it as a MAC event. Even though specific MAC clauses are much more difficult to negotiate and, therefore, imply more transactional costs, they give the parties more legal certainty. +The COVID-19 pandemic has drawn more attention to the advantages of agreeing specific MAC clauses. However, it has proved difficult for these kinds of protective measure to be accepted in the market and sellers are (generally) keen on rejecting the allocation of risk that such clauses imply. +On the other hand, in an increasing number of transactions, we are seeing price provisions with earn-outs and other variable elements, intended to share the risks and benefits of the performance of the target companies and their underlying assets between the parties. +Warranty and indemnity (W&I) insurance +W&I insurance is a type of insurance purchased in connection with the representations and warranties (R&Ws) made by the seller. This insurance covers any compensation due for certain breaches of the R&Ws in the transaction agreements. +Following the international trend in the market, the use of W&I insurance is becoming increasingly popular in the Portuguese M&A market and, consequently, among private equity players. As R&Ws play a key role in M&A transactions – they are extensively negotiated by the parties – traditionally, the seller agrees to compensate the buyer (subject to caps, exclusions and other limitations) for breaches of the seller’s R&Ws. Frequently, the compensation is backed by collateral agreements (eg, escrow). W&I insurance is changing this traditional structure. +The main advantages of W&I insurance are the benefits for the seller. This form of insurance: +There are also advantages to the buyer as it can (i) rely on the effectiveness and protection of the insurance, which contributes to having more confidence during the transaction; and (ii) increase the buyer’s protection (if combined with other collaterals and the seller’s willingness to give more extensive R&Ws). It also allows the buyer more room to manoeuvre in terms of its ability to negotiate an extension to the original W&I insurance proposed by the seller to cover other areas identified in the due diligence in respect of the target(s) (eg, tax indemnities). +For both seller and buyer, W&I insurance can speed up negotiations regarding one of the most important topics and increase the chances of success, making the negotiations faster and smoother. However, the M&A transaction process can be slowed down, as the insurance company should be involved to review the transaction documents and the performed due diligence process, in order to negotiate the W&I policy with the buyer and/or the seller. +Av. Fontes Pereira de Melo, 43 +1050-119 +Lisbon +Portugal ++351 213 197 300 ++351 213 197 400plmjlaw@plmj.pt +Cablegate: Israel Media Reaction +This record is a partial extract of the original cable. The full text of the original cable is not available. +UNCLAS SECTION 01 OF 07 TEL AVIV 005002. Gaza Disengagement +2. U.S.-Israel Relations +------------------------- +Key stories in the media: +------------------------- +Last night, Israel TV broadcast excerpts of an +exclusive interview that President Bush granted the +station's Washington correspondent Yaron Dekel in +Crawford, Tex. The entire interview will air tonight +on the channel's weekly newsmagazine at 8:00 p.m. (1300 +EDT). The President said: "Disengagement is I think a +part of making Israel more secure and peaceful. I +believe that the decision the Prime Minister has made +and will follow through on will be good for Israel." +Bush also said that he understood that Israelis were +concerned that disengagement would create a vacuum into +which terrorism will flow. However, he said, "I happen +to disagree; I think this will create an opportunity +for democracy to emerge, and democracies are peaceful." +He noted that there has been a calm in attacks and that +in the long run the ultimate solution for Israel's +security was "two states living side by side in peace." +In the meantime, he said, "we have to work to dismantle +terrorist organizations, and that is precisely what the +road map calls for." Bush was also asked about the +issue of Iran's nuclear program. Jerusalem Post quoted +a senior official in the Prime Minister's Office as +saying "it was very important" for Bush to "reiterate +his continuing support for the plan. It sends a clear +message to the Palestinians, and to those who oppose +the plan, that the U.S. is squarely behind us on this." +Israel Radio reported that on Thursday, a State +Department spokesman praised the commitment of Israel +and the PA to the withdrawal process, and their courage +and determination. He was quoted as saying that both +sides have taken steps to ensure that the pullout take +place without hitches, and that U.S. administration +officials are summing up the final details of the +withdrawal's coordination. The station reported that +Secretary of State Condoleezza Rice spoke with PA +SIPDIS +Chairman [President] Mahmoud Abbas and Israel's Vice PM +Ehud Olmert. However, the radio quoted some U.S. +administration officials as saying that there still are +some problems, mainly on the matter of border crossings +between the Gaza Strip and Egypt, and between the Strip +and Israel. +All media highlighted the mass anti-disengagement rally +held last night in Tel Aviv's Rabin Square, which was +attended by 150,000 to 300,000 people, depending on the +sources. Maariv banners: "Orange Square." The media +highlighted a call by Tzviki Bar-Chai, head of the +Hebron Hills Regional Council and head of operations +for the fight against the pullout, on disengagement +opponents to reach and block the access road to Gush +Katif. +PM Sharon was quoted as saying in an interview with +Yediot that he is not begging forgiveness from the +settlers, but that he is taking their pain into +consideration. Maariv and other media reported that +the Likud's Central Committee will debate Sharon's +deposition after disengagement. Israel Radio reported +that Minister Tzachi Hanegbi, the committee's chairman, +has decided to convene it in October. +Ha'aretz reported that the IDF and the PA security +organizations have increased their coordination ahead +of the disengagement. The newspaper cited the IDF as +saying that there has been a sharp drop in Palestinian +terrorism in the Gaza Strip, which the army chalks up +to a concentrated effort to increase pressure by the +PA, assisted by Egypt, on terror groups. Ha'aretz +reported that Brig. Gen. Aviv Kochavi, IDF commander in +Gaza, met on Thursday with his Palestinian counterpart, +Brig. Gen. Suleiman Hils, and PA Deputy Interior +Minister Jamal Abu Zayd. Jerusalem Post reported that +on Thursday Abbas strongly condemned Sharon's +statements regarding the future of Jerusalem, the +settlement blocs in the West Bank, and the right of +Palestinian refugees to return to their homes. +Yediot reported that 1,083 settler families have +presented compensation requests. +Maariv cited updated defense establishment statistics, +according to which 5,000 to 7,000 people have +infiltrated Gush Katif in recent months. Ha'aretz and +other media reported that on Thursday, the IDF ceased +issuing permits to the Gaza Strip settlements, +effectively admitting that it had failed to prevent the +permits from being exploited to enable massive +infiltration from outside Gaza. Ha'aretz quoted a +senior police source as saying that dealing with those +infiltrators, using all necessary force, will be the +evacuating forces' first assignment when the pullout +begins next week. Ha'aretz and other media say that +about 42,000 troops and police officers (possibly +53,000 if additional units are enlisted) will be +deployed during the disengagement operation. Ha'aretz +reported that the security forces intend to conclude +the operation within three weeks. +Yediot (Nahum Barnea and Shimon Shiffer) reported that +Quartet envoy James Wolfensohn first tried to work with +GOI ministers, but eventually preferred to act in +conjunction with the defense establishment. The +newspaper quoted top Sharon aide Dov Weisglass as +saying that, following the terror years, every decision +pertaining to the Palestinians passes through security. +Israel Radio reported that an agreement has been +reached regarding the handover of the Gaza Strip +hothouses to the Palestinians. According to the radio, +Wolfensohn enlisted USD 15 million from private +investors so that the U.S. administration not be +formally involved in the transaction. The station +reported that no arrangement has yet been found with +Egypt to remove the rubble of the settlers' houses. +Yediot reported that an Israeli travel agency will soon +market organized pilgrimages to the tombs of Jewish +sages in northern Iraq. +Leading media reported that the GOI has rescinded its +travel warning for southern Turkey. The media reported +that on Thursday, a Turkish court arraigned Louai +Sakra, an Al-Qaida activist of Syrian origin, for his +alleged involvement in planning attacks against Israeli +tourists in Turkey. +Yediot and Maariv reported that the Jewish terrorist +Eden Natan-Zada was part of a group that registered in +the Likud one month before he carried out the Shafaram +attack. The newspapers quoted Likud sources as saying +that his registration was not finalized. Yediot +reported that the residents of the West Bank settlement +of Tapuah have asked members of the outlawed movement +Kach to leave their community, saying that they harm +the settlement's image. +Jerusalem Post quoted Richard Hellman, head of the +"small" Christians' Israeli Public Action Committee, as +saying that a coalition of pro-Israel Evangelical +groups is to meet in Washington in the near future to +discuss whether to actively oppose U.S. financial aid +for Israel tied to disengagement. +Ha'aretz and Jerusalem Post reported that on Thursday, +a military court sentenced former IDF soldier Taysir +Hayb to eight years in prison for manslaughter in the +fatal shooting of British activist Tom Hurndall in +April 2003. +Yediot quoted Bush as saying that the U.S. will +consider a military action against Iran. +Ha'aretz (English Ed.) reported that the Anti- +Defamation League brought a group of 30 American +Catholic schoolteachers to Israel this week to learn +more about the Roman Catholic Church's role in anti- +Semitism. +Yediot cited statistics published on Thursday by the +GOI, according to which immigration to Israel this year +is at its lowest level since the 1980s, with the +exception of French and Ethiopian Jews. +Iton Tel-Aviv, Yediot's Tel Aviv supplement, features +the Rabin Center, which is under construction in the +city, and for which former secretary of state Madeleine +Albright and former U.S. ambassador to Israel Martin +Indyk helped raise funds in the amount of USD 20 +million. +A Yediot/Mina Zemach (Dahaf Institute) poll: +-Following a "big bang" in Israeli politics, +respondents would give 38 Knesset mandates to a new +party led by Sharon, Shimon Peres, and Shinui party +head Yosef (Tommy) Lapid; a revamped Likud led by +Binyamin Netanyahu would garner 14 Knesset seats; the +rest of the Labor Party 7 seats; Shas: 11 seats; Yahad- +Meretz: 8 seats; Yisrael Beiteinu: 6 seats; National +Union: 6 seats; United Torah Judaism: 6 seats; National +Religious Party: 5 seats; and the Arab parties: 9 +seats. +-In the case of a "small bang," in which the Likud +would split, a Sharon-led Likud branch would get 29 +Knesset seats; the Labor Party would have 16 seats; and +a Netanyahu-led Likud branch would get 14 seats. +----------------------- +1. Gaza Disengagement: +----------------------- +Summary: +-------- +Independent, left-leaning Ha'aretz editorialized: "The +army is not preparing for war against the settlers, but +the settlers are preparing and how.... This +frighteningly empathetic approach has led to repeated +failures against the settlers throughout the decades." +Senior columnist Dan Margalit wrote in popular, +pluralist Maariv: "Sharon won't join Peres and Lapid, +because, during the [expected] election campaign, he'll +stick to threatening, refusenik phraseology. No more +conceding of land." +Senior columnist and longtime dove Yoel Marcus wrote in +Ha'aretz: "This is the week to strengthen the hand of +Sharon, the man with the vision and the courage to +extricate us from the Gaza Strip and free us from the +curse it has brought upon us." +Nationalist, Orthodox Hatzofe editorialized: "In every +democratic country, the opinion of hundreds of +thousands of demonstrators would have been taken into +account." +Block Quotes: +------------- +I. "The Sebastia Syndrome" +Independent, left-leaning Ha'aretz editorialized +(August 12): "Most of the soldiers who will have to +evacuate settlers from their houses next week do not +remember Sebastia, but the evacuating forces' conduct +toward both the evacuees and those who have infiltrated +into Gush Katif is beginning to recall those dark days, +the first days of the emotional manipulation of the +government and the IDF by members of Gush Emunim. The +illegal settlement in Sebastia was evacuated six times, +amid fierce clashes with the IDF, until in winter 1975, +when the compromising, hypocrisy and understanding +began, and continued until the state and the law were +completely defeated by the campaign of thousands who +came from all over the country to prevent the +evacuation.... [Now], the army is not preparing for war +against the settlers, but the settlers are preparing +and how.... This frighteningly empathetic approach has +led to repeated failures against the settlers +throughout the decades since Sebastia, and it is liable +to do so this time as well." +II. "False Predictions" +Senior columnist Dan Margalit wrote in popular, +pluralist Maariv (August 12): "On Thursday, Yediot +Aharonot published a [public opinion] forecast +according to which a joint list with Ariel Sharon, +Shimon Peres and [Shinui party head] Yosef (Tommy) +Lapid would be the big winner [in new elections], with +38 Knesset members... But a fallacious forecast -- as +far as timing is concerned -- is a common diversion in +politics.... Sharon won't join Peres and Lapid, +because, during the election campaign, he'll stick to +threatening, refusenik phraseology. No more conceding +of land. Perhaps even some military aggressiveness. +Anyway, his nationalistic credibility is in doubt -- +certainly were Peres and Lapid to adorn his list. Why +is that forecast as weak as all the other ones? +Because of Qassam and mortar shell statistics. Sharon +and Netanyahu still have something in common. They +both are hostages of Hamas." +III. "The Comeback Kid Skips Town" +Senior columnist and longtime dove Yoel Marcus wrote in +Ha'aretz (August 12): "After his dramatic resignation, +with all the interviews and headlines he grabbed, +Netanyahu has now decided it's time to fly to the +United States. That way he won't be caught leading the +mass rally of Israelis in Orange and their rabbis at +Rabin Square. A typical Bibiyahu maneuver: skipping +town.... In running away, the Comeback Kid is showing +cowardice. His actions are founded on the expectation, +or maybe the macabre hope, that the disengagement will +work out badly and develop into a bloody war between +the settlers and those who are sent in to evacuate +them.... But sources in the defense establishment are +saying that the disengagement will be carried out +quickly and without insurmountable problems. When the +withdrawal is complete, Israel will be the darling of +the world.... This is the week to strengthen the hand +of Sharon, the man with the vision and the courage to +extricate us from the Gaza Strip and free us from the +curse it has brought upon us." +IV. "Hundreds of Thousands Are Calling: Stop the +Deportation" +Nationalist, Orthodox Hatzofe editorialized (August +12): "During the past two days, hundreds of thousands +of people demonstrated next to the Western Wall and at +Tel Aviv's Kings of Israel [Rabin] Square. They +expressed their protest against the deportation of the +Jewish settlers from Gush Katif.... In every democratic +country, the opinion of hundreds of thousands of +demonstrators would have been taken into account. Only +a leader like Ariel Sharon can ignore the voices +emanating from the nation, and instead enlist the army +to impose his view on it.... The struggle is still +ahead of us. It isn't easy. It isn't simple to +confront tens of thousands of soldiers drafted by Ariel +Sharon, but we're right." +-------------------------- +2. U.S.-Israel Relations: +-------------------------- +Summary: +-------- +Shinui party leader and Knesset Member Yosef (Tommy) +Lapid wrote in popular, pluralist Maariv: "Some Jewish +courage wouldn't hurt here. American society is +basically open and enlightened. No senior official +will want to be accused of either anti-Semitic motives +or hatred of Israel." +Block Quotes: +------------- +"'Anti' in America" +Shinui party leader and Knesset Member Yosef (Tommy) +Lapid wrote in popular, pluralist Maariv (August 12): +"American Jews employed in one of the key departments +of the U.S. administration -- such as the State +Department or the Pentagon -- won't be promoted to a +sensitive position if he has relatives in Israel. This +isn't official; neither can it be written. Had such a +racist directive been given it would have caused a +scandal and it would have cost the job of the person +responsible for it. The 'anti'[-Israel] people are +doing their job quietly, and the Jews don't want to +wake sleeping lions.... In order to measure the +wickedness of the FBI's sting [in the alleged Pentagon +mole affair], one has to ask why it fabricated a lure +that no Jews could resist: refrain from warning Israel +that Muslim terrorists are about to murder its +representatives. This is also very foolish. Had there +been any amount of truth in that information, the +Pentagon would have hastened to pass it on to Israel +through official channels.... I can recognize occasions +when Jewish leaders in the Diaspora plunge their heads +into a bowl of chicken soup.... [But] I differ with +such as attitude, even if there is Jewish wisdom in +it.... Some Jewish courage wouldn't hurt here. +American society is basically open and enlightened. No +senior official will want to be accused of either anti- +Semitic motives or hatred of Israel." +KURTZER +Whether you’re buying or selling a home or refinancing your mortgage, having a home appraisal completed is a critical step in the process. +Problems pertaining to home appraisals are the second-biggest cause of delayed loan settlements, however, according to the National Association of Realtors. That’s why it’s important to understand what an appraisal is, why it’s necessary to the mortgage process and how it can impact your loan. +What is a home appraisal? +A home appraisal is an objective, professional assessment to determine how much a home or property is worth. +When buying or selling a home, an appraisal is typically done in order to verify the sale price of the home is in line with fair market value. This ensures the homebuyer doesn’t pay more than what the home is worth, and the mortgage lender doesn’t lend more than what the home is worth. Since the home serves as the borrower’s collateral, an accurate appraisal is vital. +When refinancing a mortgage, the lender will have the home appraised to confirm its market value before extending a new loan. +How do home appraisals work? +To conduct an appraisal, a licensed appraiser makes an appointment with the homeowner to visit the home once the order from the lender has been received. Prior to the pandemic, appraisers routinely went inside homes, but aren’t being required to go inside every home now. +Some lenders are relying on “enhanced exterior appraisals,” explains James Crumpler, a licensed real estate appraiser based in West Palm Beach, Florida. +“Typically, with an exterior-only appraisal, you take pictures and rely solely on public records,” Crumpler says. “You take photos all the way around the house and ask the owner/occupant to send you interior photographs of each room, so you’re relying on a third party for interior viewing.” +Crumpler notes he’s still doing full interior inspections during the pandemic because some homes are too high-end or unique to appraise solely from the outside. +“Some properties are too custom and too nice to try to guess what it is from the street,” Crumpler says. “If you’re dealing with a house that’s $1 million, you don’t want someone standing outside trying to guess what the house is like inside.” +Besides the physical assessment of the property, the appraiser also analyzes recent sales of comparable properties in the area, or “comps.” This information can be gathered from a variety of sources, such as the local multiple listing service (MLS), tax records, local real estate agents and county court records. +The appraiser also considers the neighborhood surrounding the property. A newer home in a growing subdivision might appraise higher than an old home in a community in decline, for instance. +Home appraisal process +Once a buyer makes an offer on a house and signs a purchase agreement, the lender orders an appraisal. With a refinance, the appraisal is ordered usually after the homeowner applies for the new loan. +Once the appraiser has completed the site visit and market analysis and checked the public records on the property, the appraiser writes up a report, which is standardized as the Uniform Residential Appraisal Report. For a residential property, the appraiser may take anywhere from several hours to a week or more to complete this report. A lot depends on the size, complexity and condition of the home. +The borrower is entitled to a free copy of the appraisal before their loan closes. As the borrower, you should read the report thoroughly and notify the lender if you believe it contains errors. +What do home appraisers look for? +Home appraisers look at many factors to determine a home’s fair market value. +Home appraisal checklist +- Sales trends and price ranges for comparable homes in the neighborhood +- Location of the home +- Neighborhood (Is it urban, suburban, rural? Is it old or is it newer and growing?) +- Square footage of the house and the lot +- Layout of the house +- Hazards such as flood hazards or other adverse conditions +- Age and condition of the foundation, roof, walls and overall structure +- Amenities, such as a fireplace, deck or swimming pool +- Condition of appliances +The appraiser may also take into consideration whether there is any rental income or fees associated with the property, such as homeowners association fees, as well as the cost to build a similar home from the ground up. +How long does an appraisal take? +For smaller homes, the appraiser visit might be as short as 15 minutes or 30 minutes, but a larger property could take several hours to assess. The appraisal generally takes less time than a home inspection, which is a more in-depth look at the property. +After visiting the home, the appraiser may take a few days to a week to complete the formal written report. Complex cases may require several weeks. +How much does a home appraisal cost? +For the average single-family home, a professional home appraisal costs roughly between $300 and $450. Although the lender orders the appraisal, the fee is usually paid by the borrower, unless other arrangements are negotiated. The fee is typically part of the loan’s closing costs. +The cost can increase if the home is very large or has unusual characteristics. For a large property or multi-family home, for example, the fee could be $600 or more. +“The lender typically pays the appraiser, but the homeowner or whoever the borrower is pays the lender,” Crumpler explains. “Whoever orders the appraisal is the client.” +How an appraisal determines a home’s value +Appraisals are based on a lot of factors, some of which are out of anyone’s control. For example, if a neighborhood has a lot of distressed home sales, that tends to lower the value of other nearby homes. Generally, the location, age, size and condition of a home, the amenities, any improvements and comps are key factors the appraiser uses to determine fair market value. +Online home appraisal: Accuracy vs. convenience +Online home appraisals, which use statistically-based automated valuation models (AVMs) to determine a home’s market value, are sometimes ordered by lenders who don’t want to pay for a full appraisal, but “they’re not very accurate,” Crumpler notes. +“They’re looking at sales prices in the area and square footage, but there is no personalized tweaking of it,” Crumpler says. “In other words, if the home next door sold and it wasn’t updated and yours was updated, it’s not going to reflect a comparable value.” +An online home appraisal might be suitable for a low-risk loan, Crumpler says, but most lenders and borrowers are better served with a full professional home appraisal. +“You get better information if you are viewing a property,” Crumpler says. “Would you buy a home without seeing it or going inside of it? All the appraiser is doing is trying to reflect the market and what a typical buyer and seller would do.” +What happens if the appraisal comes in too high or too low? +When the appraised value of a home is higher than expected, that’s a benefit to the buyer because the difference between a high appraised value and the contract price implies additional home equity. +However, a home appraisal that comes in lower than expected could spell trouble for the sale. If this happens, look over the appraisal report closely to check for errors that could account for the unexpected valuation. Your real estate agent may want to suggest different or overlooked comps, too. +If your sales contract has an appraisal contingency, and the appraised value is lower than the amount you’ve agreed to pay, you may decide to back out of the deal and get your earnest money deposit refunded. +If you still want to buy the home despite the low valuation, you’ll have a choice to make: +- You could negotiate with the seller to try to get the price closer to the appraised value; or +- You could put more money toward the down payment to make up the difference. +Home appraisal vs. inspection +In simplest terms, a home appraisal determines the value of a home, while a home inspection determines the condition of a home. +There is some overlap between a home appraisal and a home inspection, though, as an appraiser does look at the condition of the home, but not to the extent a home inspector does. For instance, an inspector may use special equipment to test things that are behind the walls, such as pipes and electrical wiring, whereas a home appraiser is looking for visible hazards and defects, such as rotted wood, exposed wires or cracks in the ceiling. In addition, since the lender orders the appraisal, the appraiser will look at whatever is on the lender’s checklist. +Another key difference: An appraisal for a home sale or mortgage refinance is usually mandatory (there may be some exceptions for refinancing), but an inspection isn’t. An inspection is often recommended, however, so that buyers can ensure the home has no major defects before the sale is finalized. +How to prepare for a home appraisal +If you’re the seller of the home, there are some steps you can take to avoid a low home appraisal: +- Prepare your own comps. Give the appraiser a list of properties in the area that you believe are similar to yours. Your real estate agent may be able to help, or you can research online listings. +- Make a list of improvements. Get maximum credit for renovations or repairs that you’ve done by providing details about work you’ve completed on the property. Providing photos and receipts could be helpful. +- Clean and declutter. Spend time to make the home look its best by mowing the lawn, raking leaves and cleaning up flower beds. Make sure the house is clean and excessive clutter is put away out of sight. +“Make sure there is not a lot of clutter stacked up against walls and on the floor,” Crumpler recommends. “It doesn’t necessarily change the value, but it certainly makes it easier. I’ve been in homes where an entire bedroom is used for storage and you can’t tell if there are damages to the walls or flooring. Pick things up so (the appraiser) can see.” +Next steps +If a home appraisal goes well, you’re one big step closer to closing. Once the appraisal report is in, your lender will consider all of the information submitted in your application and the appraisal report to determine your approval for a loan, and for how much. +If you’re approved, you’ll receive a document, the closing disclosure, which includes all of the finalized details of your loan and the closing costs associated with it. You should scrutinize this document carefully for any errors or information that seems significantly off from what you were originally quoted. If anything looks different, ask your lender to explain. The closing disclosure will be delivered to you at least three business days before your closing date, so you’ll have time to review. +If everything is in order, your next step is closing day, when you’ll bring identification and the funds to cover closing costs to the closing table. Then, you’ll be asked to sign documents to complete the transaction, and if you’re buying a home, you’ll be given the keys to the property. +All of that can’t happen as quickly if the appraisal doesn’t come back favorably, so its importance in the process of getting a mortgage can’t be overstated. +That's what makes SparkEV so exciting: it is the quickest car under $20K in 0-60 MPH at 7.2 seconds while achieving 119 MPGe (EPA) or equivalent to a gas car that gets over 64 MPGe$ when gas is $2.5/gal and electricity at $0.17/kWh (efficiency at 4.4 mi/kWh wall to battery). There is no car that achieves this level of performance and efficiency for such low price. +But does SparkEV really get 0-60 MPH time of 7.2 seconds? In my informal testing, time is always less than 7 seconds, though I'm probably biased. Some claim that the time is exaggerated, and the actual time is closer to 8 seconds, but it's hard to know if they used correct conditions. To test the peak performance of any EV, the battery must be new, fully charged and cool, tires warm enough to hold traction, and many other factors. It might seem silly to talk about traction on 7.2 sec car, but if you drive SparkEV, you know that the traction control regularly kicks in when you stomp on the accelerator, especially on even slightly bumpy road. There is also the question of driver's reaction time as well as roll out uncertainty. +In this blog post, I'll do what I did with "can stock Corvette beat Tesla P90DL in 0-60 MPH" and "range polynomial" blog posts : make a model of car's acceleration from power/torque curves. Then the acceleration curve can be applied without regard to such things as driver reaction time. As before, one should heed this giant caveat. +THESE ARE MADE UP NUMBERS, AND THEY SHOULD NOT BE TRUSTED! +I will give explanations on how these plots are obtained as well as the source code. One is free to examine them and decide how valid these plots may be. Since the numbers come out roughly what's found through various other experiments, these are probably close to reality. +Experimental data +There are many experimental data on 2014 SparkEV, but none available for 2015/2016 other than Chevy's web site. While all years of SparkEV have the same power and rear wheel torque, 2014 had 21 kWh of A123 battery and it's heavier by about 100 lb compared to later years. As such, 2015/2016 would have better performance characteristics. Because we are making a model of performance, we have to start with 2014 and check/tweak our model until it matches the experimental data. Once that's done, same process can be applied to later years. +We have the following experimental data for 2014 SparkEV. +Chevy web site (no longer available) +0-60 MPH: 7.5 seconds +0-60 MPH: 7.5 seconds +1/4 mile: 16 sec at 87.6 MPH. +0-30 MPH: 3.2 seconds (car and driver) +0-60 MPH: 7.9 seconds (car and driver) +0-60 MPH: 7.5 (best run) +1/4 mile: 15.8 seconds @ 86.12 mph +0-30 MPH: 3.1 sec +0-60 MPH: 8 sec +In summary, following can be expected. +0-30 MPH: bit over 3 seconds +0-60 MPH: bit over 7.5 seconds +1/4 mile: under 16 seconds at about 86 MPH +2014 SparkEV +Since I don't know the test conditions, I plot several scenarios: +1. 2014 with drag and 150 lb driver +2. 2014 with drag but no driver +3. 2014 with drag and 75 lb driver (dog driving?) +4. 2014 without drag and 150 lb driver +The times range from 7.29 seconds without driver (#2) to 7.67 seconds with 150 lb driver (#1). Assuming 75 lb driver is 7.48 seconds, closer to Chevy's claim. But I think it's against the law in most places to have your dog drive the car! +Kidding aside, the model is roughly in line with experimental data, though realistic case of driver + drag is about 0.17 seconds slower. Indeed, Mark from insideevs measured 3.1 seconds to 30 MPH using SparkEV with 1.5 year old and 16K miles worn battery, and the model shows 0.26 seconds slower at 3.36 seconds to 30 MPH. As you read forward, keep in mind that actual could be 0.17 to 0.26 seconds quicker than the graphs / tables shown in this blog post. +Note the g-force that's slightly above 0.4g until about 35 MPH and the gradual decrease. While this is pitiful compared to motorcycles and Tesla P90DL, contrast that to Nissan Leaf that pull maximum g only up to about 25 MPH then takes 7 seconds to accelerate from 30 MPH to 60 MPH, and you can see why SparkEV is such an acceleration beast. +I think this validates the model methodology as "close enough". Let's move on to 2015. +2015 SparkEV +2015 is about 100 lb lighter than 2014 while having the same horsepower rating. Motor torque is less, but that is compensated with lower gearing to have the same torque at the wheels, and one would expect quicker times. Since one would typically carry "stuff" and make it heavier, I plot from 0 lb to 700 lb added weights in 100 lb increments (always assume 150 lb for driver as a given). 700 lb extra (which is 850 lb including the driver) is roughly the gross vehicle weight rating (GVWR) of the car, the maximum rated weight. +Chevy advertises 7.2 seconds in 0-60 MPH, but no one seem to have actual drag strip data for 2015, so we don't have any basis for comparison other than Chevy's claim. The data shows that 0 lb added (but with 150 lb rider) is 7.36 seconds. Going by 0.17 second discrepancy, I suspect it'd be closer to 7.2 seconds in actual test. Then the range of acceleration through all possible additional weight is between 7.2 seconds and 9.2 seconds. +An interesting observation here is that SparkEV fully loaded with 700 lb (850 lb with driver) at 9.2 seconds would be quicker than Leaf and eGolf without any addtional load to 60 MPH (both around 10 seconds). In fact, fully loaded SparkEV is probably quicker than even unladen Toyota Mirai fuel cell car that cost $60K. That's very impressive for a car that costs $16K in CA ($18K outside of CA). +Next, the question is, what happens when you start to shed weight? There was a guy who removed body parts from Nissan Leaf to make it lighter by about 1000 lb. End result was weight to power ratio of about SparkEV. +Then let's see what happens when SparkEV starts shedding weight. Certainly, things like passenger seats and rear hatch / doors would be hundreds of pounds. I plot from 0 lb to 1000 lb removed in 100 lb increments. +With 1000 lb lighter, SparkEV would do 0-60 MPH in under 5 seconds, quicker than Tesla S70! But 1000 lb lighter is not realistic since that probably wouldn't be street legal. More realistic would be 200 lb lighter at most (ie. train your dog to drive!). That would result in 6.86 seconds. Chevy stated that Bolt will be under 7 seconds, so could SparkEV on mild diet be quicker than Bolt? At least for 0-30 MPH of 3 seconds and taking 0.17/0.26 second discrepancy into account, SparkEV would be quicker than Bolt's 2.9 seconds. We'll explore Bolt later in this post. +Climbing acceleration +What happens when accelerating on hills? Obviously, it will be slower, but how much slower will it be? I plot 2015 SparkEV with 150 lb rider over various percent grades of hills from 0% (flat road) to 20%. +Few interesting observations can be made. +1. Leaf and eGolf have 0-60 MPH time of about 10 seconds. That's like SparkEV accelerating on 8% grade. 8% grade is steeper than most roads, like "grape vine" (aka, Tejon pass) in SoCal. +2. 0-60 MPH time for iMiev is about 13 seconds and tiny 2 seater like SmartED has 11.5 seconds. That's like SparkEV accelerating on 13% to 14% grade. That is steeper than many driveways. +3. Chevy's disgraceful Iron Duke Camaro supposedly did 0-60 MPH in 20 seconds. That's about SparkEV on 20% grade. 20% grade is incredibly steep when you see it in person, about 1000 ft rise for every mile driven, almost like airplane take off. +One should keep in mind that these are only 0-60 MPH times. Those cars may be tuned for lower speed acceleration, and could be quicker than SparkEV on hill at different speeds (ie, Leaf to 30 MPH). Still, SparkEV accelerating up a hill could be kicking butt of many cars on flat road. +Climbing ability +In previous blog post "SparkEV range polynomial climbing hill", I explored SparkEV's climbing ability. +While maximum climbing was left as homework for the reader, it's not possible to know the maximum without knowing the torque at the wheels, which this blog post is based on. Below plot shows maximum climbing ability over various weights. Again, lowest weight includes 150 lb driver on 2015 SparkEV and heaviest is about GVWR case. +Chevy claims maximum grade at start is only about 25%. But if we go by the torque available at the wheels, it's closer to 45%! Why the discrepancy? Maybe the computer limits the torque at low speed? Regardless, I just set it to 25% at 0 MPH in the analysis. +Note that climbing ability is less than 7% grade at 90 MPH, the maximum speed of the car limited by electronics. But even if it's not limited by electronics, maximum speed may not be much more. Torque graph drops almost linearly while the force to overcome drag would increase proportional to the square of speed (power is cube of speed). I suspect SparkEV won't go much faster than 95 MPH, if that, even without electronic speed limit. +Theoretical top speed +Often the forum discussion turns to top speed of SparkEV. It's electronically limited to 90 MPH, but if there is no such restriction, what would be the top speed? Simply going by gears, and assuming the motor can spin to 10,000 RPM like other EV motors, it yields top speed close to 200 MPH! Obviously, that won't happen due to drag forces. Since we have the driving force, we can extend (ie, make up numbers, my favorite activity) to see at what speed the driving force would not be enough to overcome the drag force. +What I do is to take the last few seemingly linear samples of torque data (blue plot) and interpolate a straight line from there (green plot). Then I plot the drag data (red plot) and see where they intersect. That occurs at about 96 MPH. But even if there's no drag, the motor would top out at about 103 MPH. Were they shooting for 105 MPH to match it to 105 kW the motor is capable of? Maybe this is a little Easter egg for us! Or not; remember, these are all made up numbers. +Bolt guess +From Chevy's web site, Bolt is expected to be 2.9 seconds for 0-30 MPH. Chevy claims under 7 seconds for 0-60 MPH, but they don't say how much less. Something we can guess is Bolt's performance if it has torque profile of SparkEV. We simply scale SparkEV's torque curve to Bolt's peak torque and run the analysis. Yes, it's a total guess, but what the heck, let's see what happens. +Model shows 0-30 MPH time of 2.98 seconds, pretty close to Bolt's advertised time. Does this mean model's 0-60 MPH time of 6.75 seconds will be about 6.7 seconds? Maybe, maybe not. I'll be very surprised if it turns out that way. That might be the day I buy some lottery tickets. +Tangent thoughts: more gears +This blog post was re-written countless times. I started with simple analysis, which turned into dozens of plots, and into tangents like trying to find the gear ratio that will maximize 0-60 MPH time. Of course, gear change is not possible, so much of that was meaningless; they were just out of curiosity. While I won't clutter this blog post with all other tangents, I will add peak acceleration gear ratios. Who knows? Some lunatic may replace the gearbox to have quicker 0-60 MPH time, or maybe even have 3 speed massless gearbox. +We know the stock acceleration is based on top speed of 90 MPH. Then to achieve quicker acceleration, one must reduce the peak speed. Above plots' abscissa shows peak speed with gearing from 90 MPH. Essentially, 31 MPH is bit over 1/3 ratio, 62 MPH is bit over 2/3. With those gear changes, 0-30 MPH can be about 1.56 seconds, 0-60 MPH can be about 6.57 seconds. +Those are some quick times, rivaling BMW i3 and maybe even Bolt, but the top speed would be impractical. It's too bad SparkEV doesn't have 3 speed transmission. But then again, the tires squeal even with current level of acceleration, and even higher acceleration may not achieve much quicker times. +Something one can try is to see what would be the absolute maximum speed with changing the gear ratio. Recall above plot that SparkEV can barely make 103 MPH with current gearing. With gear change to move the torque curve to higher speed and sacrificing acceleration, what gear ratio would allow the highest possible speed? Homework for the reader! +Edit: 2016-10-20 +While browsing youtube, I came across an excellent episode by Engineering Explained about front wheel drive cars. He uses an example of 50-50 weight distribution car with low center of mass and short wheel base to analyze the maximum acceleration of a car that has tires with coefficient of friction of 1. That seems to describe SparkEV, except for the tires' coefficient of friction. +In the episode, the conclusion is that such car would have peak acceleration of about 0.4g. And what do you know? That's about the peak acceleration of SparkEV! And as anyone who drive SparkEV could tell you, stomping on the throttle regularly kicks in the traction control. So it seems SparkEV power is tuned for what is possible for "typical" tires, and no more. Unless torque can be increased above 30 MPH, times shown in this blog post are close to the maximum one could get with SparkEV, even with different gearing. +Comparisons to other cars +Now that the model data validates experimental data to some degree, let's compare to some other cars. Insideevs has nice compilation of various EV performance. +Insideevs(1)= +Insideevs(2)=comments in +Insideevs(3)= +Insideevs(4)=2016 Volt stat +SparkEV is 1.4 seconds quicker to 60 MPH than the next on the list, Honda FitEV that's been discontinued for years. SparkEV even rivals BMW i3 REx that cost double and incorporate carbon fiber in its body. SparkEV even comes close to 323 HP V6 Camaro in 30-60 MPH acceleration. This is from a $16K subcompact city car. That is just WOW! +Conclusion of results +Using a model based on torque curve, I showed that 2014 experimental data roughly matches the model data. Using the model, I showed that Chevy's claim of 0-60 MPH in 7.2 second for 2015 is plausible, though bit optimistic. I explored hill climbing ability and showed that 90 MPH is close to the maximum speed of the car even without electronic speed limiting. +How they're made +Once again, we go to the sausage factory to see the meat grinder doing the work. As before, Octave is used. +Following parameters are needed: +1. Lots of free time to read sparsely commented code +2. Freeware GNU Octave (Matlab may not work due to plotyy function) +3. Experimental data from various sources +4. Motor torque characteristics plot +5. Drag force for various speeds and weight +6. Other data such as gear ratio, tire diameter, etc. +Motor torque characteristics plot +The essense of the model is torque available at the wheels at various speeds. Combined with the tire diameter, we can find the force that's pushing the car. Such data is available in graph form. +I don't know where this plot came from, but from the looks of it, it probably came from Chevy. Are we to trust it? Well, if the model fits experimental data from other sources, it's probably good. Combined with drag data from ecomodder web site, we can make a model of the car's performance. +First thing to do is to extract numbers from torque curve graph. One can do this manually by relating pixel locations to axis. Fortunately, there are tools that allow you to do this without manually finding pixels. An excellent tool is called "WebPlotDigitizer" that works in web browser.? +Then we get these data points. +The data from the graph is not quite correct since the graph could be based on top of the "dot", middle, bottom, or anywhere in between. What we do is to correct the torque values based on known data. We know the peak torque on 2014 is 400 ft-lb at the motor with 3.17 reduction gear ratio. 2016 data is obtained from Chevy web site. +Torque is 327 ft-lb at the motor with 3.87 reduction gear ratio. Doing the math shows 1268 ft-lb for 2014 vs 1266 ft-lb for 2016 (note: above plot is N-m, not ft-lb), close enough to say that rear wheel torque are the same. Power is rated to be 105 kW (140 HP), but I recall some older publications showed 103 kW (137 HP). Let's stick to 105 kW. +Torque data from the graph is first scaled to match this peak torque number, and power at the wheels is computed. Then we "stretch" the speed corresponding to torque until this peak power is achieved. Resulting data would have 400 ft-lb peak with 3.17 gearing and 105 kW (140 HP) peak. +Below are plots with just torque scaling (uncorrected) and power correction (corrected). Peak power occurs at 45 MPH. Assuming power out of the battery is 120 kW, it would be almost 88% efficient. Where did I get 120 kW? That's the maximum number I saw on display while hard accelerating up a hill. +A word of caution on efficiency. It is only with regard to fully stepping down on the accelerator, a worst case scenario. If the accelerator is only partially depressed, it is unknown what the efficiency would be. It may not scale linearly and most likely, it would be much higher, though the exact number is impossible to know without experiments. Still, be gentle with the accelerator if you want to conserve energy. +Something that's not clear is if the torque values are from braking horsepower (BHP) or if it's taken while accelerating. The distinction is important, because acceleration would result in angular acceleration of rotating parts (motor, gears, wheels) eating into the torque budget. Since the model seems to match the experimental data, we assume the torque figure takes into account the angular acceleration of rotating parts. +Then the question is how quick was the angular acceleration when measured? Using the most powerful engineering tool in the universe as described in the The hitchhiker's guide to the galaxy, SEP (someone else's problem)! +Dyno for everyone! +A side thought: a poor man's dyno can be made by simply measuring the angular acceleration of the tires at full throttle while the car is on jacks. One can use cheap optical sensors with strips of aluminum tape from dollar store taped to tires and microcontroller to measure the angular acceleration as the throttle is fully stomped on. Due to differential gear, it may need some tweaks, but it could be a way to measure dynamic torque / horsepower of the car very cheaply, albeit dangerously. Moment of inertia of the wheels/tires is easy to measure with standard apple (the fruit, not the computer/phone) and some strings. It would only take seconds to measure the torque / power. Ok, now back to SparkEV. +Drag force for various speeds and weight +Drag forces for various speeds are found by using ecomodder web site. The weight and aerodynamic parameters are from "reputable sources" (haha!), and drag only depend on them as opposed to power that also depend on motor efficiency. The drag values should be pretty close to actual. +Driver weight is assumed to be 150 lb. Below is the case for 2014 model year.^2&FuelWh=33557&IceEfficiency=.9&DrivetrainEfficiency=.95&ParasiticOverhead=500&rho=1.225&FromToStep=5-200-5 +Below is to get drag data for 2015 model year by simply changing the weight.^2&FuelWh=33557&IceEfficiency=.9&DrivetrainEfficiency=.95&ParasiticOverhead=500&rho=1.225&FromToStep=5-200-5 +Below is to get drag data for GVWR (3761 lb)^2&FuelWh=33557&IceEfficiency=.9&DrivetrainEfficiency=.95&ParasiticOverhead=500&rho=1.225&FromToStep=5-200-5 +One thing to note is that Webplotdigitizer spits out 80 data points while ecomodder spits out 19 data points. To reconcile, I again use polynomial on drag data. Since drag force data is determined by running a math model at ecomodder web site, I'm basically reversing that process by using second order polynomial (recall power is third order, then force is second order). Then I plug in 80 speed parameters to the polynomial, and it will be accurate to any speed. In essence, it's interpolation with 100% accuracy at any speed! (yeah, sure). +Other data +Tire diameter for 185/55R15 tires is found from as 23 inches. +All the others can be found in Chevy web site or various google searches. +Appendix +I can go through the code and explain each line, but this blog post is running way too long as is. Besides, I think the code is entirely self explanatory, no further comment needed (the famous last words before software engineer getting fired)! So without further delay, below is the m-file for you to try out in Octave. +close all; clear; +global fname; fname = 'acceleration.csv'; +dlmwrite(fname, ''); +% parameters from torque graph +speed_mph =[0.00 0.89 2.17 3.35 4.53 5.71 6.89 8.07 9.25 10.43 11.61 ... +12.79 13.96 15.14 16.32 17.50 18.68 19.86 21.04 22.22 ... +23.40 24.58 25.76 26.94 28.12 29.29 30.47 31.65 32.83 ... +34.01 35.19 36.37 37.55 38.73 39.94 41.09 42.27 43.45 ... +44.30 45.28 46.32 47.30 48.27 49.23 50.25 51.38 52.56 ... +53.74 54.92 56.09 57.27 58.45 59.63 60.81 61.99 63.17 ... +64.35 65.53 66.71 67.89 69.07 70.25 71.42 72.60 73.78 ... +74.96 76.14 77.32 78.50 79.68 80.86 82.04 83.22 84.40 ... +85.58 86.54 87.49 88.38 89.36 90]; +torque_nm =[1630 1631 1718 1724 1717 1715 1715 1715 1715 1715 1715 ... +1715 1715 1715 1715 1715 1715 1715 1715 1715 1715 1715 ... +1715 1717 1722 1723 1719 1710 1701 1691 1681 1668 1654 ... +1639 1615 1595 1565 1530 1494 1457 1418 1378 1340 1303 ... +1265 1234 1199 1166 1134 1104 1075 1047 1021 995.4 970.5 ... +946.5 924.3 902.4 882.3 862.9 844.6 826.8 809.8 792.9 ... +777.3 764.2 752.6 741.9 731.3 720.1 706.7 690.4 669.3 ... +640.0 602.8 558.9 519.9 480.4 443.2 411.2]; +% SparkEV gear ratios +gear_ratio_2014 = 3.17; +gear_ratio_2015 = 3.87; +% maximum power displayed when accelerating hard on steep slope +global battery_power_kw; battery_power_kw = 120; +motor_power_kw = 105; +% stock tire diameter of 185/55R15 +tire_ft = 23/12/2; +% drag force data from ecomooder +global speed_mph_integer; speed_mph_integer = 0:5:90; +% mass is always assumed with 150 lb driver +mass_2014_lb = 2989 + 150; +mass_2015_lb = 2866 + 150; +mass_gvwr_lb = 3761; +% drag values from ecomodder web site in newtons +drag_2014_n = [142.13 142.13 149.64 162.15 179.67 202.19 229.71 ... +262.25 299.78 342.32 389.87 442.42 499.97 562.53 ... +630.09 702.66 780.23 862.81 950.4]; +drag_2015_n = [136.66 136.66 144.17 156.68 174.2 196.72 224.24 ... +256.77 294.31 336.85 384.39 436.94 494.5 557.06 ... +624.62 697.19 774.76 857.34 944.92]; +drag_gvwr_n = [169.8 169.8 177.31 189.82 207.34 229.86 257.38 ... +289.91 327.45 369.99 417.53 470.08 527.64 590.2 ... +657.76 730.33 807.9 890.48 978.06]; +% some conversion factors +global feet_in_mile; global rpm_ftlb_to_hp; global hp_to_kw; +feet_in_mile = 5280; rpm_ftlb_to_hp = 5252; hp_to_kw = 0.7457; +nm_to_ftlb = 0.737562149; +newton_to_pound = 0.224809; +torque_ftlb = torque_nm * nm_to_ftlb; +driveforce_lb = torque_ftlb / tire_ft; +% polynomial for drag force so we can interpolate for higher speeds. +drag_2014_lb_poly = polyfit(speed_mph_integer, ... +drag_2014_n * newton_to_pound, 2); +drag_2015_lb_poly = polyfit(speed_mph_integer, ... +drag_2015_n * newton_to_pound, 2); +drag_gvwr_lb_poly = polyfit(speed_mph_integer, ... +drag_gvwr_n * newton_to_pound, 2); +%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%% +% Functions to write to file +global csv_head; global csv_data; +csv_head = cellstr('speed (mph)'); +csv_data = speed_mph_integer'; +function fwrite_text(data) +global fname; +fid=fopen(fname,'at'); +fprintf(fid, data); +fclose(fid); +endfunction +function csv_data_append(header, speed_mph, data_raw) +global speed_mph_integer; global csv_head; global csv_data; +csv_head = [csv_head cellstr(header)]; +data = interp1(speed_mph, data_raw, speed_mph_integer)'; +csv_data = [csv_data data]; +endfunction +function csv_file_write(fname) +global speed_mph_integer; global csv_head; global csv_data; +fid=fopen(fname,'at'); +[rows,cols]=size(csv_head); +for i=1:rows +fprintf(fid,'%s,',csv_head{i,1:end-1}) +fprintf(fid,'%s\n',csv_head{i,end}) +end +fclose(fid); +dlmwrite(fname, csv_data, '-append'); +csv_head = cellstr('speed (mph)'); +csv_data = speed_mph_integer'; +endfunction +%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%% +% octave plotyy has a bug as well as not recommended for Matlab +function [ax, h1, h2] = myplotyy(x, y1, y2, alegend, alocation) +% global EXECUTABLE +% if EXECUTABLE==MATLAB +% yyaxis or some such +% else % OCTAVE +% Octave has problem with legend and data order with plotyy +[ax,h1,h2]=plotyy( x, y1, x, y2 ); +legend(fliplr(alegend)', 'location', alocation); +set(h2, {'Color'},get(h1,'Color')); +% end +endfunction +%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%% +% find peak power and make minor adjustment to data to match spec +function [tire_power_kw,efficiency_pct] = ... +compute_power(atitle, speed_mph, tire_ft, torque_ftlb) +global feet_in_mile; global rpm_ftlb_to_hp; global hp_to_kw; +global battery_power_kw; +tire_rpm = speed_mph * feet_in_mile / 60 / (2 * pi * tire_ft); +tire_power_kw = torque_ftlb .* tire_rpm / rpm_ftlb_to_hp * hp_to_kw; +efficiency_pct = tire_power_kw / battery_power_kw * 100; +csv_data_append([atitle ' tire power (kW)'], speed_mph, tire_power_kw); +csv_data_append([atitle ' efficiency (%)'], speed_mph, efficiency_pct); +endfunction +function plot_power(legend_2, speed_mph, tire_power_kw_2, efficiency_pct_2) +global battery_power_kw; +figure; +[ax,h1,h2]=myplotyy(speed_mph, tire_power_kw_2, efficiency_pct_2, ... +legend_2, 'east'); +ylabel(ax(2), 'efficiency (%)'); ylabel(ax(1), 'power (kW)'); +axis(ax(2), [0 90 0 100]); axis(ax(1), [0 90 0 battery_power_kw]); +set(ax(2), 'ytick', 0:10:100); set(ax(1), 'ytick', 0:12:battery_power_kw); +grid on; xlabel('speed (mph)'); set(ax(1), 'xtick', 0:10:90); +title('Power efficiency at peak torque'); +nn=2; %was for loop, but too messy +peak_eff = max(efficiency_pct_2(:,nn)); +peak_eff_speed = speed_mph( efficiency_pct_2(:,nn) == peak_eff ); +peak_power = max(tire_power_kw_2(:,nn)); +hold on; +plot(peak_eff_speed:peak_eff_speed, 0:battery_power_kw, 'r-'); +hold off; +text(peak_eff_speed+1, peak_power+1, ... +[num2str(round(peak_eff_speed*10)/10) ' mph, ' ... +num2str(round(peak_eff*10)/10) '%, ' ... +num2str(round(peak_power*10)/10) ' kW']); +endfunction +fwrite_text('SparkEV power and efficiency\n'); +% we know 2014 torque at 400 ft-lb and gear ratio. adjust torque so that +% peak torque matches specified data. +correction_torque = (400*gear_ratio_2014) / max(torque_ftlb); +torque_nm = torque_nm * correction_torque; +torque_ftlb = torque_ftlb * correction_torque; +driveforce_lb = driveforce_lb * correction_torque; +% find power with new torque value; peak power may not match, so uncorrected +atitle = 'uncorrected'; +[tire_power_kw,efficiency_pct] = ... +compute_power(atitle, speed_mph, tire_ft, torque_ftlb); +tire_power_kw_2 = tire_power_kw'; +efficiency_pct_2 = efficiency_pct'; +legend_2 = cellstr(atitle); +% Chevy specifies peak power of 105 kW. Expand speed to achieve that. +% It should also match 60 kW at 90MPH shown in power curve. +correction_power = motor_power_kw / max(tire_power_kw); +speed_mph = speed_mph * correction_power; +atitle = 'corrected'; +[tire_power_kw,efficiency_pct] = ... +compute_power(atitle, speed_mph, tire_ft, torque_ftlb); +tire_power_kw_2 = [tire_power_kw_2 tire_power_kw']; +efficiency_pct_2 = [efficiency_pct_2 efficiency_pct']; +legend_2 = [legend_2 cellstr(atitle)]; +plot_power(legend_2, speed_mph, tire_power_kw_2, efficiency_pct_2); +csv_file_write(fname); +%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%% +% Function to find drag force for different weights +% In absense of full formula to find drag, we have to figure out how to compute +% various drag force for different weights rather than running ecomodder +% website each time. It seems drag polynomial coefficient for lowest order +% changes for various weights at 1% (rolling resistance). That's totally +% expected. Therefore, it's simply replacing lowest order coefficient with +% 1% of mass to find new drag. +function drag_force_lb = find_drag(drag_lb_poly, mass_lb, speed_mph) +% finds new drag force for any mass +drag_poly = drag_lb_poly; +drag_poly(3) = mass_lb * 0.01; +drag_force_lb = polyval(drag_poly, speed_mph); +endfunction +%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%% +% Function to find acceleration times, gforce, distance traveled. Note that +% time for speed is different from distance traveled +function [time_sec, gforce, time_dist_sec, dist_miles] = ... +find_time_dist(driveforce_lb, mass_lb, drag_lb, speed_mph) +ft_per_sec_to_mph = 1.4666667; +gravity_ft_sec_sec = 32.2; +% find gforce and speed over time +gforce = (driveforce_lb-drag_lb) ./ (mass_lb); +acc_mph_per_sec = gforce * gravity_ft_sec_sec / ft_per_sec_to_mph; +speed_delta_mph = [0 ... +(speed_mph(2:length(speed_mph)) - speed_mph(1:length(speed_mph)-1))]; +time_delta_sec = speed_delta_mph ./ acc_mph_per_sec; +time_sec = cumsum(time_delta_sec); +% find distance over time +speed_extend_mph = [speed_mph ones(1, 1000)*max(speed_mph)]; +time_delta_extend_sec = [time_delta_sec ones(1, 1000)*0.1]; +distance_delta_miles = (speed_extend_mph/3600) .* time_delta_extend_sec; +time_dist_sec = cumsum(time_delta_extend_sec); +dist_miles = cumsum(distance_delta_miles); +endfunction +%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%% +% function to compute and plot single car data +function plot_one_car(car_name, mass_base_lb, drag_base_lb_poly, speed_mph, ... +driveforce_lb) +time_sec_2=[]; gforce_2=[]; time_dist_sec_2=[]; dist_miles_2=[]; +legend_2 = []; +for nn=1:4 +if nn==1 +atitle = car_name; mass_lb = mass_base_lb; +elseif nn==2 +atitle = [car_name ' no driver']; mass_lb = mass_base_lb - 150; +elseif nn==3 +atitle = [car_name ' 75lb driver']; mass_lb = mass_base_lb - 75; +elseif nn==4 +atitle = [car_name ' no drag']; mass_lb = mass_base_lb; +drag_base_lb_poly = zeros(1, length(drag_base_lb_poly)); +end +drag_lb = find_drag(drag_base_lb_poly, mass_lb, speed_mph); +[time_sec, gforce, time_dist_sec, dist_miles] = ... +find_time_dist(driveforce_lb, mass_lb, drag_lb, speed_mph); +csv_data_append([atitle ' time (sec)'], speed_mph, time_sec); +csv_data_append([atitle ' gforce'], speed_mph, gforce); +if (nn==1) +legend_2 = cellstr(atitle); +else +legend_2 = [legend_2 cellstr(atitle)]; +end +time_sec_2 = [time_sec_2 time_sec']; +gforce_2 = [gforce_2 gforce']; +time_dist_sec_2 = [time_dist_sec_2 time_dist_sec']; +dist_miles_2 = [dist_miles_2 dist_miles']; +end +figure; +[ax,h1,h2]=myplotyy(time_sec_2, gforce_2, speed_mph', legend_2, 'east'); +xlabel('time (sec)'); set(gca, 'xtick', 0:1:10); +ylabel(ax(2), 'speed (mph)'); ylabel (ax(1), 'g force'); +miny=.15; maxy=.5; +axis(ax(2), [0 10 0 70]); axis(ax(1), [0 10 miny maxy]); grid on; +set(ax(2), 'ytick', 0:10:70); set(ax(1), 'ytick', miny:(maxy-miny)/7:maxy); +title([car_name ' acceleration speed vs time']); +max_x = 20; +figure; plot(time_dist_sec_2, dist_miles_2); +xlabel('time (sec)'); ylabel('distance (miles)'); +axis([0 max_x 0 0.3]); grid on; +set(gca, 'xtick', 0:max_x); set(gca, 'ytick', 0:0.025:0.3); +title([car_name ' acceleration distance vs time']); +legend(legend_2, 'location', 'east'); +endfunction +%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%% +% find data for 2014 +plot_one_car('2014', mass_2014_lb, drag_2014_lb_poly, speed_mph, driveforce_lb); +csv_file_write(fname); +%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%% +% run data for all mass, from -1000 lb to +700 lb based on 2015 mass +% function to plot acceleration for various weights +function plot_acc_over_weights(atitle, speed_mph, mass_min_lb, mass_max_lb, ... +drag_base_lb_poly, driveforce_lb) +mass_lb_2=[]; time_sec_2=[]; gforce_2=[]; time_dist_sec_2=[]; dist_miles_2=[]; +for mass_lb=[mass_min_lb:100:mass_max_lb] +drag_lb = find_drag(drag_base_lb_poly, mass_lb, speed_mph); +[time_sec, gforce, time_dist_sec, dist_miles] = ... +find_time_dist(driveforce_lb, mass_lb, drag_lb, speed_mph); +mass_lb_2 = [mass_lb_2 mass_lb]; +time_sec_2 = [time_sec_2 time_sec']; +gforce_2 = [gforce_2 gforce']; +time_dist_sec_2 = [time_dist_sec_2 time_dist_sec']; +dist_miles_2 = [dist_miles_2 dist_miles']; +csv_data_append([num2str(mass_lb) 'lb time (sec)'], speed_mph, time_sec); +csv_data_append([num2str(mass_lb) 'lb gforce'], speed_mph, gforce); +end +figure; +[ax,h1,h2]=myplotyy(time_sec_2, gforce_2, speed_mph', ... +cellstr(num2str(mass_lb_2'))', 'east'); +grid on; xlabel('time (sec)'); set(gca, 'xtick', 0:1:10); +ylabel(ax(2), 'speed (mph)'); ylabel (ax(1), 'g force'); +if mass_min_lb > 3000 +axis(ax(2), [0 10 0 70]); set(ax(2), 'ytick', 0:10:70); +miny=0.15; maxy=0.5; divy=7; +else +axis(ax(2), [0 10 0 90]); set(ax(2), 'ytick', 0:10:90); +miny=.15; maxy=0.69; divy=9; +end +axis(ax(1), [0 10 miny maxy]); +set(ax(1), 'ytick',miny:((maxy-miny)/divy):maxy); +title(atitle); +endfunction +atitle = '2015 SparkEV acceleration for weight gain speed vs time'; +plot_acc_over_weights(atitle, ... +speed_mph, mass_2015_lb, mass_2015_lb+700, ... +drag_2015_lb_poly, driveforce_lb); +fwrite_text([atitle '\n']); csv_file_write(fname); +atitle = '2015 SparkEV acceleration for weight reduction speed vs time'; +plot_acc_over_weights(atitle, ... +speed_mph, mass_2015_lb-1000, mass_2015_lb-100, ... +drag_2015_lb_poly, driveforce_lb); +fwrite_text([atitle '\n']); csv_file_write(fname); +%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%% +% acceleration over hills +function plot_hill_acceleration(atitle, speed_mph, mass_lb, ... +drag_base_lb_poly, driveforce_lb) +grade_pct_2=[]; +time_sec_2=[]; gforce_2=[]; time_dist_sec_2=[]; dist_miles_2=[]; +for grade_pct=[0 1 2 3 5 8 13 21] +hill_angle = atan(grade_pct/100); +mass_normal = mass_lb * cos(hill_angle); +drag_lb = find_drag(drag_base_lb_poly, mass_normal, speed_mph); +hill_driveforce_lb = driveforce_lb - mass_lb * sin(hill_angle); +[time_sec, gforce, time_dist_sec, dist_miles] = ... +find_time_dist(hill_driveforce_lb, mass_lb, drag_lb, speed_mph); +%zero out negative values due to too steep hill +time_sec(gforce<0) = 1000; gforce(gforce<0) = 0; +time_sec(time_sec<0) = 1000; gforce(time_sec<0) = 0; +grade_pct_2 = [grade_pct_2 grade_pct]; +time_sec_2=[time_sec_2 time_sec']; +gforce_2=[gforce_2 gforce']; +time_dist_sec_2=[time_dist_sec_2 time_dist_sec']; +dist_miles_2=[dist_miles_2 dist_miles']; +csv_data_append([num2str(grade_pct) '% grade time (sec)'], ... +speed_mph, time_sec); +csv_data_append([num2str(grade_pct) '% grade gforce'], speed_mph, gforce); +end +figure; +[ax,h1,h2]=myplotyy(time_sec_2, gforce_2, speed_mph', ... +cellstr(num2str(grade_pct_2'))', 'east'); +xlabel('time (sec)'); set(gca, 'xtick', 0:2:20); grid on; +ylabel(ax(2), 'speed (mph)'); ylabel (ax(1), 'g force'); +axis(ax(2), [0 20 0 70]); set(ax(2), 'ytick', 0:10:70); +miny=0; maxy=0.49; divy=7; +axis(ax(1), [0 20 miny maxy]); +set(ax(1), 'ytick',miny:((maxy-miny)/divy):maxy); +title(atitle); +endfunction +atitle = '2015 SparkEV acceleration over % grades speed vs time'; +plot_hill_acceleration(atitle, speed_mph, mass_2015_lb, ... +drag_2015_lb_poly, driveforce_lb); +fwrite_text([atitle '\n']); csv_file_write(fname); +%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%% +% climbing ability for various weights +function plot_climbing(atitle, speed_mph, mass_2015_lb, drag_base_lb_poly, ... +driveforce_lb) +mass_lb_2=[]; climb_pct_2=[]; +for mass_delta=[0:100:700] +mass_lb = mass_2015_lb+mass_delta; +drag_lb = find_drag(drag_base_lb_poly, mass_lb, speed_mph); +force_lb = driveforce_lb - drag_lb; +climb_pct = tan(asin((force_lb)/(mass_lb))) * 100; +%Chevy specifies max hill start as 25% at 0 MPH +climb_pct(1)=25; +mass_lb_2 = [mass_lb_2; mass_lb]; +climb_pct_2 = [climb_pct_2 climb_pct']; +csv_data_append([num2str(mass_lb) 'lb climb (%)'], speed_mph, climb_pct); +end +figure; plot( speed_mph, climb_pct_2); +xlabel('speed (mph)'); ylabel('grade (%)'); +axis([0 90 0 50]); grid on; +set(gca, 'xtick', 0:5:90); set(gca, 'ytick', 0:5:50); +title(atitle); +legend(cellstr(num2str(mass_lb_2)), 'location', 'northeast'); +endfunction +atitle = '2015 SparkEV climbing ability vs speed over weight'; +plot_climbing(atitle, speed_mph, mass_2015_lb, drag_2015_lb_poly, ... +driveforce_lb); +fwrite_text([atitle '\n']); csv_file_write(fname); +%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%% +% Bolt guess +bolt_peak_motor_torque_ftlb = 266; +bolt_gear_ratio = 7.05; +bolt_tire_radius_ft = 25.5 / 12 / 2; +bolt_mass_lb = 3580 + 150; +bolt_peak_power_kw = 150; +% find the speed at which Bolt's peak power will occur +bolt_rpm_to_mph = (2*pi*bolt_tire_radius_ft/feet_in_mile) / bolt_gear_ratio* 60; +bolt_peak_motor_power_rpm = ... +rpm_ftlb_to_hp * bolt_peak_power_kw/hp_to_kw / bolt_peak_motor_torque_ftlb; +bolt_peak_motor_power_mph = bolt_peak_motor_power_rpm * bolt_rpm_to_mph; +% SparkEV torque to Bolt by simply scaling +bolt_torque_ftlb = bolt_peak_motor_torque_ftlb * bolt_gear_ratio * ... +(torque_ftlb / max(torque_ftlb)); +bolt_driveforce_lb = bolt_torque_ftlb / bolt_tire_radius_ft; +plot_one_car('bolt', bolt_mass_lb, drag_2015_lb_poly, speed_mph, bolt_driveforce_lb); +csv_file_write(fname); +%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%% +% find quickest gear ratio for speeds by going through all ratios +function find_best_gear_ratio(drag_lb_poly, mass_lb, speed_mph, driveforce_lb) +time_max_30mph=[]; time_max_60mph=[]; +peak_speeds = 31:90; +for peak_speed=peak_speeds +gear_ratio = peak_speed / 90; +gear_driveforce_lb = driveforce_lb / gear_ratio; +gear_speed_mph = speed_mph * gear_ratio; +drag_lb = find_drag(drag_lb_poly, mass_lb, gear_speed_mph); +[time_sec, gforce, time_dist_sec, dist_miles] = ... +find_time_dist(gear_driveforce_lb, mass_lb, drag_lb, gear_speed_mph); +gear_int_speed_mph = 0:fix(max(gear_speed_mph)); +gear_int_time_sec = interp1(gear_speed_mph, time_sec, gear_int_speed_mph); +time_max_30mph = [time_max_30mph gear_int_time_sec(gear_int_speed_mph==30)]; +if (max(gear_int_speed_mph) < 60) +time_max_60mph = [time_max_60mph 0]; +else +time_max_60mph = [time_max_60mph gear_int_time_sec(gear_int_speed_mph==60)]; +end +end +figure; +subplot(2, 1, 1); plot(peak_speeds, time_max_30mph, 'o-'); +xlabel('peak speed (mph)'); ylabel('time (sec)'); +axis([31 37 1.55 1.63]); grid on; +title('best peak speed gearing for 30 MPH acceleration'); +subplot(2, 1, 2); plot( peak_speeds, time_max_60mph, 'o-'); +xlabel('peak speed (mph)'); ylabel('time (sec)'); +axis([60 66 6.56 6.64]); grid on; +title('best peak speed gearing for 60 MPH acceleration'); +endfunction +find_best_gear_ratio(drag_2015_lb_poly, mass_2015_lb, speed_mph, driveforce_lb) +%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%% +% find theoretical maximum speed with gear change +function plot_maxspeed_with_gear_chage(speed_mph, driveforce_lb, drag_poly, ... +mass_lb) +ext_min_speed = 88; ext_max_speed=105; ext_plot_min_speed = 75; +ext_speed_mph = ext_min_speed:ext_max_speed; +ext_driveforce_poly = polyfit(speed_mph(speed_mph > ext_min_speed), ... +driveforce_lb(speed_mph > ext_min_speed), 1); +ext_driveforce_lb = polyval(ext_driveforce_poly, ext_speed_mph); +ext_drag_speed = ext_plot_min_speed:ext_max_speed; +ext_drag_lb = find_drag(drag_poly, mass_lb, ext_drag_speed); +figure; +plot(speed_mph(speed_mph > ext_plot_min_speed), +driveforce_lb(speed_mph > ext_plot_min_speed), 'bo-'); +hold on; +plot(ext_speed_mph, ext_driveforce_lb, 'go-'); +plot(ext_drag_speed, ext_drag_lb, 'ro-'); +hold off; +xlabel('speed (mph)'); ylabel('force (lb)'); +axis([75 105 0 600]); grid on; +title('SparkEV theoretical peak speed'); +legend('drive force', 'extended drive force', 'drag force'); +endfunction +plot_maxspeed_with_gear_chage(speed_mph, driveforce_lb, drag_2015_lb_poly, ... +mass_2015_lb); +Private equity. Is this the final stage before a blow-up? +In 1993, economists George Akerloff and Paul Romer wrote a paper on the conjoined two crises of 1980s finance. The first was mass junk bond defaults late in the decade, and the second was the savings and loan crisis of deregulated banks going bankrupt en masse as they engaged in an orgy of self-dealing and speculation. +The paper was called Looting: The Economic Underworld of Bankruptcy for Profit, and in it, they described how financiers can profit by destroying corporations, using a particular strategy. “Our description of a looting strategy,” they wrote, “amounts to a sophisticated version of having a limited liability corporation borrow money, pay it into the private account of the owner, and then default on its debt.” +What Akerloff and Romer were basically talking about was a legal version of the bust-out scene from Goodfellas. In that movie, mobsters took an ownership stake in a restaurant they often frequented, and then used the restaurant’s credit to buy liquor, which they would move out of the back and sell at half off. +When the restaurant’s credit was all used up, they burned the restaurant to the ground to collect the insurance money. It was an intentional bankruptcy, a theft from creditors by those who had control of the restaurant and did not care what happened to the asset in the end. +A bust-out requires the ability to borrow from someone so that you can steal from the people lending you money. This is also true for its white-collar cousin. So the trick, for both the mobsters and the white-collar looters described by Akerloff and Romer, is to find a way to borrow money. +I’m reminded of this paper, and the bust-out scene in Goodfellas, because I’ve been trying to understand what is happening with private equity as the coronavirus induces a massive, if short-lived, shock to our economy. +The reason I’m reminded of this paper is because private equity is a business created in part by junk bond takeover specialists in the 1980s, who were the topic of Akerloff’s and Romer’s paper.. +Akerloff and Romer showed that both savings and loan executives and junk bond kings were making loans they knew could not be paid back, because they were often self-dealing. They would lend to entities in which they had a stake. And since they were lending money that was not theirs, they did not care if the loan went sour, as long as some of it got transferred to their own pockets. +In other words, the best way to get a lender to lend you money is to put an agent in charge of the bank who doesn’t care if that money is paid back. Bill Black, a bank regulator in the 1980s, later wrote a book about this time with the memorable title: The Best Way to Rob a Bank is to Own One: How Corporate Executives and Politicians Looted the S&L Industry. +.” +How did this, um, “business model,” emerge? As usual, it was a series of policy changes that unleashed self-dealing across the economy. +In the early 1980s, Ronald Reagan radically rolled back antitrust enforcement over mergers, which meant that it became much easier to take over corporations. Still, it was difficult to buy a company unless you could get a loan from a big bank, limiting the pool of takeover participants to fellow big corporations like Dupont and white-shoe Wall Street icons, like former Nixon Treasury Secretary William Simon. +In addition to weakening laws against corporate mergers, Reagan also eroded white-collar criminal enforcement and deregulated the savings and loan industry. These changes allowed Michael Milken, then an investment bank employee at a small firm called Drexel Burnham Lambert, to begin organizing a new means of financing for takeovers. In 1983, Milken began staking a different class of corporate raiders, men like T. Boone Pickens, Carl Icahn, Nelson Peltz, and Henry Kravitz, with giant pools of money he raised by selling “high-yield bonds,” more commonly known as junk bonds. +These new takeover artists used these pools of money to buy corporations that generated cash, had little debt, and owned assets. The theory, promoted by law and economics scholars Milton Friedman, Henry Manne, and Michael Jensen, was that the market for corporate control moved assets from bad managers to good ones. And while a raider might buy a company and improve corporate operations, more often he would sell assets, fire employees, give the cash to himself through various mechanisms, and borrow money against the corporation he had just purchased. Sometimes raiders would have the corporations they just acquired shift working capital or corporate pension money into junk bonds to finance more takeovers, in a daisy chain. +High yielding bonds could seem like a good deal for a really long time, even as the underlying financial assets against which the bonds were lent deteriorated in quality. Drexel bonds in particular seemed too good to be true. They had an attractive interest rate and never defaulted. As bank regulator William Seidman put it: +“As far as we could determine, [Milken]’s underwritings never failed and appeared to be marketed successfully, no matter how suspect the company or how risky the buyout deal that was being financed. Other investment houses had some failed junk bond offerings, but Drexel’s record was near perfect. +We directed our faculty to research the matter.. . . The faculty came up with no plausible explanation; like so many others they fell back on the thesis of the junk bond king’s unique genius.” +The reason was likely not genius, but market manipulation. +Many Drexel bonds eventually went sour, because the basic idea behind any bust-out is to screw the creditor. Akerloff and Romer realized that the people who owned junk bonds would not notice problems, because they largely entrusted their money to pension and mutual fund managers and insurance company executives. These agents, who controlled pools of other people’s money, had different incentives than the actual people whose money they were entrusted with. +There were a number of mechanisms Milken used to keep the confidence of bond-holders. The agents for the investors could be in on Milken’s game. He could favor trade, offering to let certain fund managers into private deals for themselves personally if they used the money they controlled to buy bonds Milken wanted to offload. Junk bond investors would often have corporations work with bondholders to restructure or roll-over bonds, rather than missing coupon payments, so as to make it appear that junk bond default rates were lower than they really were. +And then finally, if necessary Milken could simply put losses into government-backed vehicles, savings and loan banks, who used accounting rules to avoid losses, and then eventually were taken over by the taxpayer. +Charles Keating, a major S&L villain who ran the infamous Lincoln Savings and Loan, was a Milken ally and a buyer of junk bonds. As Akerloff and Romer put it, “The junk bond market of the 1980s was not a thick, anonymous auction market characterized by full revelation of information. To a very great extent, the market owed its existence to a single individual, Michael Milken, who acted, literally, as the auctioneer.” +Was this legal? Some parts were. And the other parts? “For half a million dollars you could buy any legal opinion you wanted from any law firm in New York,” said one banker anonymously. Moreover, because of savings and loan laws passed in 1980 and 1982, S&Ls, formerly sleepy banks that only lent to people buying homes, could now buy junk bonds using depositor’s money, what a banker called “the key to the US Treasury.” As Ben Stein put it, “the federal government basically repealed Glass-Steagall if an investment bank just called its commercial banking captive a ‘savings and loan.’” +This game could not go on forever, but it could go on for a very long time, as long as Milken had a way to hide a small percentage of his losses. From the mid-1970s to 1989, the junk bond seemed to flourish. And as takeover artists bid up corporate asset prices with borrowed money, the price of stocks would keep going up, which seemed to justify bond values. +After all, if a corporation could always be sold at a high price to service a large debt load. But then, when Milken went to jail, the whole scheme unraveled. According to Stein, Milken’s bank issued around $220 billion in junk bonds, with a loss to investors and taxpayers of something on the order of $40 billion and $100 billion. But these losses understate the impact; by making it cheaper to borrow for takeovers, the junk bond kings influenced $1.3 trillions of dollars of assets that changed hands in the decade. +These kinds of transactions were highly consequential in the American economy. In the 1980s, the American corporation, which had traditionally kept a thick layer of cash and done a substantial amount of R&D, became far more debt-laden and responsible to short-term financial incentives to deliver cash to shareholders, lest a corporate raider see a target. +“The hostile tender offer,” said management consulting legend Peter Drucker, “has become a dominant force—many would say the dominant force—in the behavior and actions of American management, and almost certainly a major factor in the erosion of American technological leadership.” +The Bailouts Begin +But did Milken’s jail sentence end the game? No. The first giant bailout in the early 1990s during the Savings and Loan crisis was in many ways a bailout of the junk bond kings. And then Bill Clinton, coming to power in 1993 largely as a result of the economic downturn (partly) from the debt-overhang, brought in a Wall Street-friendly cabinet. +Democrats had traditionally been an anti-Wall Street party. But Clinton’s Treasury Secretary Robert Rubin, who had been involved at Goldman Sachs in the mergers and acquisitions junk bond world dominated by Milken, bailed out large US banks that had lent too much to Mexico. +Chris Arnade, a trader at the time, described the shift that the Democratic embrace of Wall Street enabled. +.” +The Clinton bailouts of the 1990s had their mirror image in the Bush/Obama bailouts of 2008-2010. And in both the downturn of 2000 and 2008, high-yield riskier corporate bond debt deteriorated more than expected, meaning that the game Milken invented never really went away. Higher than expected default rates mean that credit quality is being hidden by middlemen in the market, and poor credit quality comes out in a downturn. +Politically, private equity continued to gain power, using the same political patrons. During the Great Recession, as he had with Clinton, Rubin served as an advisor to Barack Obama, who bailed out Wall Street again, through both a direct bailout fund administered by the Treasury and through lending by the Federal Reserve. +Then, a few weeks ago, credit spreads for junk bonds blew out, until Congress passed a massive bailout bill and the Fed stepped in. As taxpayers had in the early 1990s, and as they had in 2008, taxpayers ensured that owners of financial assets would not have to take the downside for the risks they had incurred. And who structured the Coronavirus package to move $4 trillion to Wall Street? Powerful House Democratic Ways and Means leader Richard Neal, who recently described how he and Pelosi put together the bailout, told a reporter that upon learning about the need for a bailout, he “immediately sought out advice from Bob Rubin.” +So that’s three economy-shaking bailouts: one in the 1990s, one in 2008, and one in 2020. The policy response to financial policy isn’t just the same, it’s literally the same people doing the same things. (I’m leaving out a few other bailouts, but the point stands). +“A Better Form of Capitalism” +Today, the business Michel Milken invented has been rebranded as private equity. Milken’s alums are all over the industry. Leon Black and Josh Harris were at PE giant Apollo (where Milken’s son worked until recently), Stephen Feinberg runs Cerberus, Bennett Goodman is at Blackstone, Ken Moelis runs a boutique investment bank currently advising the Trump Treasury Department on the bailouts, and so on and so forth on. Others were in and around that world; Fed Chair Jerome Powell, for instance, did M&A in the 1980s and then was at PE giant the Carlyle Group in the 1990s. +The profit model of today’s private equity is the “2 and 20” compensation system. Most of private equity general partners take an annual management fee, between 1-2 percent of the total amount committed by investors, and then they take an additional 20 percent of the upside (usually in excess of a benchmark rate). That can be a massive payout, which is the upside on capital gains and dividends. +Private equity firms take their investors’ money and use it, along with issuing junk bonds, buy companies, which they run like different unrelated divisions of a conglomerate. This portfolio is like having a bunch of stocks, except these are private companies, which they buy and sell. PE firms also buy real estate and can buy any financial asset, like paper mills or tax credits. But if their portfolio companies go bankrupt and they lose their equity, then they get neither upside nor management fees. +PE firms use the same rationale as raiders did in the 1980s. They market themselves as helping to restructure companies to make them better run, getting the company away from the public markets where investor scrutiny prohibits executives from focusing on long-term value creation. It is a far more refined public relations operation, less openly piggish than the 1980s “greed is good” model. +There’s quasi-utopian rhetoric and Ivy encrusted elitism involved; Yale endowment chief David Swensen, a key validator for private equity investors, calls this model a “superior form of capitalism.” +Of course, the “better form of capitalism” utopian rhetoric is nonsense. Really, PE firms just buy corporations by using debt, as Milken did in the 1980s; the average buyout is 65 percent debt-financed. And despite the fact that there are many different PE firms, the industry is opaque and tight-knit. In 2006, investors sued 13 of the largest PE funds in the business for big-rigging, alleging these firms worked together in “clubs” and agreed to collectively hold down the price of firms they were bidding on. +Allegations of collusion shouldn’t be a surprise. After all, PE execs learned the business from Michael Milken, and Milken is nothing if not a fount of circumstantial evidence of unethical behavior. (My favorite is this 2017 story in the Wall Street Journal on the suspicious timing of charitable donations of stock). +The business model of the 1980s has been institutionalized in ways that are hard to conceptualize. Sycamore Partners’ takeover of Staples was a recent legendary leveraged buy-out that shows how PE really works. Sycamore Partners is a private equity firm that specializes in buying retailers. Sycamore bought Staples for roughly $1.6 billion in 2017, immediately had Staples take out $5.4 billion of loans, acquired another company, and then paid itself a $300 million payment and then a $1 billion special dividend. +Then, Sycamore had Staples gift its $150 million headquarters in the suburbs of Boston for free, after which Staples signed a $135 million ten year lease with Sycamore to lease back its own building. I’ve asked Sycamore questions about its rent deferral, but their PR specialist, former New York Times editorial staff member Michael Freitag, told me that “Sycamore does not comment on these matters.” +It’s not the only time the fund has done this. +The Wall Street Journal reported several instances in which Sycamore would buy a corporation, load it with debt, and then “sell-off” the valuable pieces of that corporation to Sycamore. Or it would find other ways of transferring money to itself, by forcing losing portfolio companies to do business with other Sycamore companies at preferential rates. +Basically, what’s happening is the laundering of assets and debts. This is a common tactic in the industry, one exposed when Apollo and TPG bought giant casino Caesars Entertainment right as the financial crisis of 2008 unfolded and then tried to stiff creditors. The end result would be a bankrupt worthless corporation, losing bondholders, and the PE fund not having to take losses. It’s the Akerloff/Romer paper, or a billion dollar bust-out. +This kind of activity hasn’t caused any pause in the growth of the industry. Today, private equity has roughly $6 trillion in “assets under management,” mostly from pension funds and wealthy people. The chief investment officer of Calpers, the largest public pension fund, once said, “We need private equity, we need more of it, and we need it now.” Here’s how much Calpers put into private equity in 2019: +The Corovirus Crisis +All of this brings me to the current crisis in the industry. Last week, I went into why doctor staffing companies, owned by Blackstone and KKR, are cutting pay in a pandemic. But there’s more pain that private equity is dishing out: Axios reported that Staples, the private equity-owned office retailing chain, is stiffing landlords and refusing to pay rent on its stores, as is private equity-owned Petco (by CVC Capital Partners). Meanwhile, a different private equity-owned pet chain, Petsmart, is refusing to close its dog grooming salons and giving talking points to its employees misconstruing the law. +What’s interesting here is not just the use of power to extract concessions, but something else: Desperation. Petsmart is basically telling its employees to mislead law enforcement, and Staples is stiffing landlords (though one wonders if Staples is still paying rent to Sycamore for its headquarters). This isn’t normal. Indeed, something is wrong in private equity land. One of the biggest, and oldest, private equity firms, Kohlberg Kravis Roberts, or KKR, with hundreds of billions of dollars under management, just warned investors that its business is in trouble. +Part of the risk here is what every company is experiencing, which is a depression. KKR told investors that its asset values “are generally correlated to the performance of the relevant equity and debt markets.” Some portfolio companies, the Wall Street Journal reported, “in sectors such as health care, travel, entertainment, senior living and retail could become insolvent if the disruptions from the pandemic and measures taken to stem them such as business shutdowns it aren’t ended.” +This is obviously true throughout the space, with a host of private equity companies whose investments have obviously evaporated. Vista Equity Partners paid $1.9 billion for yoga studio software company MindBody, and Bain Capital bought cheerleading monopoly Varsity in 2018 for $2.5 billion. Both companies are engaged in layoffs, and are in trouble. +And this gets to the much more serious problem that PE is having with this coronavirus crisis, which is potential trouble with the engine that makes the whole thing run, or borrowers. As KKR put it to investors recently, “We and our funds may experience similar difficulties, and certain funds have been subject to margin calls when the value of securities that collateralize their margin loan decreased substantially.” +Many of their portfolio companies were leveraged up with debt to increase returns, but the downside of leverage is that it magnifies losses. Envision, the KKR-owned doctor staffing firm, just hired an investment bank to find a way to renegotiate its massive $7.5 billion debt load; portions of its loans are trading are trading at 60 cents on the dollar. A company that can’t pay back its loans is bankrupt. And while Staples hasn’t defaulted on its debt, it is defaulting to creditors when it stopped paying rent. (I asked Sycamore if they have revalued Staples, but I didn’t get an answer.) +Between the 2008 financial crisis and the pandemic, it had been smooth sailing for private equity firms, who had in turn gotten more and more aggressive. +Pension fund investors have thrown more money at PE firms, and debt investors, hungry for anything with a return, have also gotten more hungry for higher yields. PE firms have even launched their own debt funds, meaning that they are both borrowing money to buy firms and lending money to support takeovers. Basically, there’s now an entire shadow banking system of private equity giants and their various captive institutions lending and borrowing from each other, and buying and selling each others’ companies. +“Private equity is undergoing what the great theorist Hyman Minsky pointed out is the Ponzi stage of the credit cycle in capitalist financial systems. This is the final stage before a blow-up.” +As they passed firms to one another, took them public and brought them private, loaded them up with debt and then more debt, it meant that the price of firms had been steadily going up. As a result, as Daniel Rasmussen and Greg Obenshain reported in their excellent article published just before the crisis in Institutional Investor magazine, PE funds are paying higher prices for firms with less cash flow, even as loan quality has deteriorated. +Private equity is undergoing what the great theorist Hyman Minsky pointed out is the Ponzi stage of the credit cycle in capitalist financial systems. This is the final stage before a blow-up. As Minsky observed, a period of placidity starts with firms borrowing money but being able to cover their borrowing with cash flow. Eventually, there’s more risk-taking until there’s a speculative frenzy, and firms can’t cover their debts with cash flow. They keep rolling over loans and just hope that their assets keep going up in value so that they can sell assets to cover loans if necessary. To give an analogy, in 2006, when people in Las Vegas were flipping homes with no income, assuming that home values always went up, that was the Ponzi stage. +Now, what happens with Ponzi financing is that at some point, nicknamed a “Minsky Moment,” the bubble pops, and there’s mass distress as asset values fall and credit is withdrawn. +Selling assets isn’t enough to pay back loans, because asset prices have collapsed and there’s not enough cash flow to service the debt. Mass bankruptcies or bailouts, which are really both a restructuring of capital structures, are the result. +I think you can see where I’m going with this. +PE. And oh, has this ever been a disruption. The coronavirus has exposed the entire sector. +Organizing a Bailout +There are now three possible paths to deal with this Minsky Moment. +First, policymakers can force PE firms to recognize losses and put their portfolio companies through a series of corporate bankruptcies, which would essentially declare a huge portion of private equity funds as losers. Going down this path would be honest and would set up the economy to grow again, but it would hit these guys in two ways, since many PE firms both own portfolio companies that would go bankrupt, and operate debt funds who would lose. +This path would wipe out trillions of dollars off pension funds, and turn a lot of PE billionaires into mere millionaires. It is a reasonable path for most of us, because while mass bankruptcies can lead to even more job losses, the government can offset such job losses with spending programs to set up a more resilient society. But it’s very unreasonable for the PE execs at the top of the pecking order. +Second, policymakers can find a way to reflate the bubble and keep the debt roll-over continuing. Such a reflation strategy requires temporary government aid to prevent debt defaults. But while you can restructure debts and change capital structures, you can’t force customers back to using yoga studios or getting their dogs groomed during a pandemic. This pressure is why so many PE execs are eagerly pestering Trump to get the economy reopened, they are extremely wealthy men who are also very heavily indebted, and their debt burdens are weighing on them. +Third, find a sucker to take the losses. This is the bailout for which private equity has been lobbying furiously. NBC News reported that Apollo executives sent an email to Jared Kushner asking for a bailout (“There has been no MORAL HAZARD. We have a totally unique situation”). +Can a Bailout Work? +The CARES Act, which is the bailout, passed. And Apollo is now telling investors it has identified 250 ways it can profit. The main bailout is through the Federal Reserve, which is buying junk bonds and commercial mortgage bonds. Last week, according to the FT, the Fed’s announcement it would be buying these debt instruments “sparked the biggest rally in junk bonds in more than a decade.” +The Fed isn’t even buying individual junk bonds, it’s buying bundles of junk bonds held by exchange-traded funds, meaning that a private agent like Blackrock will be standing in for the Fed. The Fed, in other words, may not even be in charge of the renegotiations for the bonds it will own should there be defaults. +So has it worked? On first glance, yes. Even the prospect of the Fed buying junk bonds has restored the market for high yield bonds. +“The average yield on high-yield bonds had fallen from a high of 11.4 per cent on March 23 to 8.2 per cent on Monday. Yields go down when bond prices go up. Loan prices had risen from an average of 76 cents on the dollar to more than 86 cents over the same period, according to an index run by the Loan Syndications and Trading Association.” +Lenders are willing to lend risky companies; recent issuers of junk bonds include movie chain Cinemark, retailer Burlington, travel company Sabre, aerospace supplier TransDigm and energy company Ferrellgas. And New Street Research, a telecommunications and technology analysis firm, just upgraded their assumptions for two highly leveraged companies, Charter and Altice, which are issuing more debt and buying back shares. While not private equity-owned firms, these companies do correlate with PE portfolio companies, since they are heavily indebted and play some of the same financial games as PE. +So the Fed bailout is already moving the bond market to enable share buybacks, which is exactly what Elizabeth Warren, who voted for the bailout, said she didn’t want. +And yet, despite the desire of Congress, the Fed, and President Trump to prevent a collapse of private equity, it’s hard to see a bailout really keeping the credit cycle going. As Rana Foroohar observes, we have both a corporate debt crisis where companies just can’t pay back what they owe, and a real estate crisis because real estate values are simply too high, having doubled since 2008. PE owns corporate equity, corporate debt, and real estate. +The coronavirus is going to make these dynamics even worse. The massive job losses are going to mean that people simply can’t afford rent, and young people won’t be able to borrow to buy homes. +The pandemic could change business in more fundamental ways, with more people telecommuting and less travel, leading to a reduced need for commercial real estate and convention space. And the destruction of a large number of small businesses, and the monopolization of commerce in the hands of Amazon and Walmart and a few others, if that is allowed to happen, will mean further erosion of rental income streams. +Basically, there is massive deflation, and that’s not going to change just because lockdowns begin easing. Tens of millions of people no longer have income, and even those who do are afraid to go back to their old lifestyles. The Fed ultimately can’t print a functional economy. And at the end of the day, no matter how many games you play with debt loads and capital structures, firms have to have customers, and people can only be customers if they have income. +All of which brings me back to the paper Akerloff and Romer wrote in 1993 about the business model of a certain kind of financial firm, one that looks a lot like how a large part of the private equity industry operates. +These two economists pointed out that these kinds of schemes, though they can last for a long time, can’t go on forever. The only question is how much damage they do. Or to put it differently, in Goodfellas, though the bust-out was profitable, in the end, the restaurant burned down. +Rainbow Loom Superhero Flingers +Rainbow Loom Superhero Flingers - with a video tutorial. 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Video tutorial included. +Pom Pom Easy Loom Band Bracelet +Reversible SlipFish loom band bracelet tutorial, loomband.co.za/... +Bracelets Tutorials, Slipfish Loom, Videos Tutorials, Loom Bands, Reverse Slipfish, Loom Bracelets, Rubber Band, Rainbows Loom, Loom Band Bracelets +Reversible SlipFish loom band bracelet - video tutorial +I think I need more rubber bands lol. +Reversible SlipFish loom band bracelet tutorial #rainbowloom #tutorial +Reversible SlipFish Rainbow Loom band bracelet +Frog Tutorial On The Rainbow Loom ( MarloomZ Creations ) +Loom Band Tutorials, Band Loom Charms Tutorials, Frogs Charms, Loom Frogs, Loom Band Patterns, Frogs Rubberband, Frogs Tutorials, Marloomz Creations, Rainbows Loom +loom bands tutorial - YouTube frog +Frog Tutorial On The Rainbow Loom ( MarloomZ Creations )I love froggies. +sandylandya@outlook.es Rainbow Loom Frog Charm tutorial (+playlist) (MarloomZ Creations Pattern) +How to Make a Boxed Bow Bracelet - EASY design on the Rainbow Loom - YouTube +Monsters Tail, Monster Tail, Minis Rainbows, Bows Rainbows, Boxes Bows, Loom Band, Rainbows Loom Bracelets, Rainbow Loom Bracelets, Bows Bracelets +Rainbow Loom Bands New Boxed Bow Bracelet! +Rainbow Loom or Monster Tail - BOXED BOW Bracelet (EASY). Designed and loomed by Rob at Justin's Toys. Click photo for YouTube tutorial. 09/05/14. +The Boxed Bow Rainbow Loom Bracelet was designed by Rob at Justin's Toys. It is a thin bracelet that is basically a inverted fishtail surrounded by another fishtail. All it requires is 2pegs so it can be made on the rainbow loom, monster tail, mini rainbow loom, fun loom, bandaloom, fork, or cra-z loom. I would recommend using 2 colors or 2 sets of colors that are high in contrast in order to bring out the most of this design. +Custom Rainbow Loom Rubber band Keychain or Backpack Charm by JustMeAZ +Rainbows Loom Rubber Band, Rainbow Loom, Monkey Rainbows Loom Charms, Backpacks Charms, Band Keychains, Custom Rainbows, Rubber Bands, Loom Band Charms, Loom Keychains +Rainbow Loom Keychain +Rainbow Loom Pumpkin Basket 3D Charm(Halloween) - How to Loom Bands Tut... +Rainbow Loom, Baskets 3D, Loom Ideas, Loom Bands, Loom Pumpkin, 3D Charms Halloween, Loom Band Tutorials Charms, Pumpkin Baskets, Rainbows Loom +Rainbow Loom Pumpkin Basket 3D Charm (Halloween) +Corals of the Sea Rainbow Loom Bracelet by CuriositiesByLadyE +Loom Craz, Coral Rainbows, Sea Rainbows, Loom Coral, Rainbows Loom Bracelets, Loom Band, Rainbow Loom Bracelets, Sea Bandaloom, Sea Bracelets +Corals of the Sea Bandaloom. +Coral rainbow loom +Loom coral of the sea +CORALS OF THE SEA Bracelet +How to Make a Starweaver Bracelet - YouTube +Rainbow Loom, Youtube Rainbowloom, Loomband, Rainbows Loom Bracelets, Loom Band, Rainbowloom Crafts, Starweav Bracelets, Rubberband Loom, Loom Starweav +How to Make a Starweaver Bracelet - YouTube #rainbowloom #crafts +How to Make the Starfish Rainbow Loom Bracelet +Rainbow Loom STARWEAVER Bracelet. Designed and loomed by Madeline at Loom Love. Click photo for YouTube tutorial. 06/30/14. Guessing Janna wants one! +Rainbow Loom: Pen Accessories +Rainbow Loom: Pen Accessories - a collection of cute things to make with your rainbow loom and add to your pens and pencils #rainbowloom #penguin #tutorials #pen #pencil +Pens Accessories, Rainbow Loom, Loom Pens, Diy Rainbows Loom Ideas, Crochet Hooks, Pens And Pencils, Band Loom, Loom Bracelets, Crafty Mummy +For my crochet hooks!! Rainbow Loom: Pen Accessories - a collection of cute things to make with your rainbow loom and add to your pens and pencils +I need some of these for my crochet hooks, please!!! 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Click photo for YouTube tutorial. 06/29/14. +Rainbowloom, Loomband, Rubberband, Bandaloom, Click Photo +New Friendship Circle Bracelet- Rainbow Loom or Monster Tail +Rainbows Loom Monstertail, Rainbow Loom, Friendship Circles, Crazy Loom, Monstertail Loom, Monsters Tail Bracelets, Loom Band, Loom Bracelets, Circles Bracelets +New Friendship Circle Bracelet- Rainbow Loom, Monster Tail, Crazy Loom, Wonder Loom - YouTube +Rainbow Loom Key Chains - if we have a few looms, this would be a fun idea, too. I hear (and see) that boys actually like these, too. +Loom Ideas, Pattern, Loomband, Cute Ideas, Rainbowloomideas Autum, Fun Ideas, Rubber Band +Rainbow Loom Key Chains - NO LINK TO PATTERN +Might be a cute idea for a SWAP +Rainbow Loom Key Chains - if we have a few looms, this would be a fun idea, too. +Rainbow Loom Key Chains rubber bands +Rainbow Loom Pattern Library +Double Fishtail, Rainbowloom, Loomband, Rainbows Loom Patterns, Rainbow Loom Patterns, Loom Bracelets, Patterns Libraries, Rubber Band, Loom Band Bracelets +Loombands +Loom band bracelet +Rainbow loom bracelet design (shared by Jenny Reece Barker on Rainbow Loom's Facebook page) +#rainbowloom is a big trend now. Have your kids started yet? | Rainbow Loom Pattern Library +Double fishtail I think. +Rainbow Loom TRIPLE KNOT by Emily of littleemmers. - YouTube. This bracelet can be made for Daisy Scouts with 10 colors for the Girl Scout laws and a blue border. 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Click photo for YouTube tutorial. +Trapped Warrior Rubberband Loom Bracelet | Level: Challenging +How to Make a Ladder Bracelet +Rainbow Loom, Band Bracelets, Rubberband, Ladders, Ladder Bracelets, Loom Band, Loom Bracelets, Rubber Band, Rainbows Loom +How To Make Rainbow Loom Bracelets -Rainbow Loom Instructions and Patterns - Loom Love +How-to: Make a Ladder Rubber Band Bracelet #rainbow #loom +Rainbow loom Ladder Bracelet +NEW Tire Track Rainbow Loom Bracelet Tutorial +Bracelets Tutorials, Track Rainbows, Loom Bands, Rainbows Loom Bracelets, Design Tutorialsbya, Rainbow Loom Bracelets, Tired Track, Bracelets Tutorial Originals, Track Bracelets +Tire Track Bracelet Tutorial +NEW Tire Track Rainbow Loom Bracelet Tutorial (7_19) +loom band tutorial - YouTube +NEW Tire Track Rainbow Loom Bracelet Tutorial-ORIGINAL DESIGN (TutorialsByA) +My New " Spiral Curl " Rainbow Loom Bracelet +Loom Videos Youtube, 2014 Loves2Loom, Curls Rainbows, Loom Band Bracelets Tutorials, Curls Bracelets, Rainbows Loom Bracelets Videos, Youtube Loves2Loom, Spirals Curls, Rainbow Loom Bracelets +YouTuber Loves2Loom posts her tutorial of the "Spiral Curl" || I like it! For an adult newbie like myself, I think this is a good, mildly challenging start. :) +Rainbow Loom SPIRAL CURL Bracelet (reversible). Designed and loomed by Loves2Loom. Click photo for YouTube tutorial. 05/18/14. +Copyright © 2014 Loves2Loom, Under no exceptions do I allow anyone to re-create, re-record, re-upload, or translate any of my tutorials. For licensing my des... +Spiral curl rainbow loom bracelet +My New "Stitched Up" Rainbow Loom Bracelet +how to make rainbow loom bracelet bead type +how to make a double rainbow loom bracelet + +A genetic-algorithm based decoder for low density parity check codes +A. G. Scandurra1, A. L. Dai Pra2, L. Arnone1, L. Passoni1, J. Castineira Moreira1 +School of Engineering, Universidad Nacional de Mar del Plata- UNMDP, +Juan B. Justo 4302 (7600) Mar del Plata, Argentina +1 Department of Electronics +scandu@fi.mdp.edu.ar +2 Department of Mathematics +daipra@fi.mdp.edu.ar +Abstract This paper presents a Genetic-Algorithm based decoder for a medium-sized Low Density Parity Check code (GAMD decoder). The main advantage of the proposed GAMD decoder is that no information on the noise level transmission channel is required, an essential condition for the well-known sum product algorithm. The proposed methodology combines a Genetic Algorithm stage with a meta-decision process. Genetic Algorithms were selected due to their capacity to solve this type of multiple minimum. Encouraging results were reached when comparing the Bit Error Rate (BER) performance of the proposed algorithm with that of the traditional sum-product decoding algorithm. The performance of the proposed decoder is very close to that of the optimal sum-product decoder, with the additional benefit of not requiring channel information (signal-to-noise ratio). In order to improve Bit Error Rate performance and/or reduce the complexity of the proposed decoder, the fitness function and parameters of the GA can be optimized. +Keywords LDPC Codes. Genetic Algorithm. Sum-Product Algorithm. +I. INTRODUCTION +One of the main issues in communication theory is the design of a coding technique rendering reliable transmissions over noisy channels. Since Shannon's prediction (Shannon, 1948), there have been different approaches to accomplishing limit performance for a reliable transmission over a non-reliable channel. Low Density Parity Check (LDPC) codes appeared as a very suitable coding technique that, under some conditions, can yield a Bit Error Rate (BER) performance close to the Shannon's limit by fractions of a dB. LDPC codes were invented by Gallager (1963) and later rediscovered by MacKay and Neal (1997), becoming one of the most powerful error correction techniques known in these days. A LDPC code is a linear block code defined by a very sparse parity check matrix H. The decoding algorithm is easily understood by means of a graphic representation called bipartite graph. In this graphic representation, the decoding procedure is seen as the interchange of probabilistic information between symbol (or bit) nodes and parity check nodes. The relationship between the bits of a code vector is determined by the parity check matrix H. A given code vector satisfies the whole set of parity check conditions described in the parity check matrix H. +When these codes are decoded using Gallager's iterative probabilistic decoding method, also known as the sum-product algorithm or belief propagation algorithm, their empirical BER performances are found to be excellent (MacKay, 1999; Richardson and Urbanke, 2001). This is true when the length of the code vector is large enough. The decoding algorithm is an iterative decoding procedure that depends on the knowledge of the noise level in the channel. MacKay and Hesketh (2003) investigated the dependence of the performance of a LDPC code on both, the assumed and actual noise levels of a binary symmetric channel and a Gaussian channel, respectively. +Genetic Algorithms (Goldberg, 1989) are search algorithms that apply operations from natural genetics to guide the trek through a search space. GAs have theoretically and empirically proven to provide robust search capability in complex spaces, offering a valid approach to a problem requiring efficient and effective search. +GAs have been previously applied to communication network design (Daijin and Sunha, 1999), VLSI layout (Valenzuela and Wang, 2002), maximal distance codes (Dontas and De Jong, 1990), to name a few examples. +In this work, we propose a new approach to a LDPC decoding algorithm based on a hybrid system that combines a Genetic Algorithm with a Meta-Decision Process (Bonissone, 2003). As the main advantage of the proposed decoding scheme, we emphasize that no knowledge of the signal to noise ratio present in the channel is necessary. +II. GENERAL CONSIDERATIONS +A. LDPC codes +LDPC codes (McKay, 1999) are a powerful class of linear block codes characterized equivalently by a generator matrix G (k x n dimension) used to encode a message vector m (k x 1 dimension) into a code vector x (n x 1 dimension), or by its corresponding parity check matrix H ((n-k) x n dimension), which is such that any code vector satisfies the syndrome condition H o x = 0. The design of these codes is based on the construction of this parity check matrix H, which is a sparse matrix that meets some conditions to provide the system with optimum Bit Error Rate (BER) performance. +A given message vector m is converted into a code vector x by performing the matrix operation x = GT o m. Both the message vector m and the code vector x are defined over the binary field, i.e., vectors with components taken from a discrete alphabet {0,1}. Digital data transmission is more conveniently carried out using polar format. In said format, bits are transmitted sending signals taken from a discrete alphabet {-1,+1}, so that, commonly, bit 0 is assigned a -1 signal, and bit 1 is assigned a +1 signal. Then, the code vector x converts into the signal vector s. After being transmitted, and in the presence of additive Gaussian noise n, the signal s converts into a received vector y =s + n. Thus, vectors m and x components are taken from a discrete alphabet, whereas the received vector y components are taken from the set of real numbers yi in the interval [-∞,∞]. +As well-known, the aim of the decoding algorithm for a given block code is to find the vector d, considered as an estimation of the transmitted vector x, able to satisfy the following condition: +H o d = 0 (1) +The LDPC sum-product decoding algorithm (Gallager, 1963; MacKay and Neal, 1997) makes an estimation of the A Posteriori Probability (APP) of each symbol as a function of the received symbol and the properties of the channel. In this sense, the decoding algorithm does require to know the signal-to-noise ratio in the channel. +B. Genetic Algorithm +GAs are general purpose search algorithms whose principles lie on natural genetics. GAs can be applied to solve problems in which the objective function is discontinuous, non-differentiable, stochastic, or highly nonlinear. +GA maintains a population of individuals that evolve according to rules of selection and genetic operators, such as reproduction, crossover and mutation. GA begins with a population that consists in randomly created individuals (possible solutions) and repeatedly modifies this population "evolving" towards an optimal solution. +Each individual in the population is assigned a measure of its fitness in the environment. Reproduction focuses its attention on high fitness individuals, thus exploiting the available fitness information. Crossover and mutation perturb those individuals, providing general heuristics for exploration. Although simplistic from a biologist's viewpoint, these algorithms are complex enough to provide robust (good performance across a variety of problem types) and powerful adaptive search mechanisms. The adaptive behaviour of the GA depends on this feedback to drive the population towards better overall performance (Koza, 1992, Michalewicz, 1992). +Therefore, considering a particular problem, an ad-hoc evaluation or fitness function must be devised. +As already known, GAs' performance is a function of parameter settings (Dontas and De Jong, 1990; Schaffer et al., 1989). The number of possible parameter assignments rules out a factorial design to fix the best parameter setting. +III. GENETIC ALGORITHM META-DECISION DECODER (GAMD) +The proposed GAMD decoder uses the parity check matrix H to recover the decoded vector d embedded in a vector y, which is the transmitted code vector x corrupted by the Additive White Gaussian Noise (AWGN). +This algorithm can be implemented in three steps. These are the syndrome calculation step, the GA application step, and lastly the meta-decision step. +A. The syndrome calculation step +In this first step the proposed algorithm constructs a modified received vector yhard, which is basically a hard decision vector of the received vector y. In this step, the components yi of the received vector, essentially real numbers, are converted into binary values (taken from the discrete alphabet {0,1}) using a fixed threshold. Then, the decoding algorithm verifies if this modified vector satisfies the syndrome condition (Eq.l). If the modified received vector yuani meets this condition, then a valid code vector d is obtained by d = yhard. Otherwise, the decoder makes the following two steps. +B. Genetic Algorithm step +The algorithm begins creating an initial population of V candidates: a set of individual vector v with real components vi ∈ [0,1]. To avoid an a priori reduction of the searching space, an initial random population is generated. A new 500 individual generation (children) is created through the following steps: +- Selects individuals (called parents) based on their fitness value (Eq. 2) through the selection function. +- The two individuals with the best fitness values survive for the next generation (elite children=2) +- The crossover fraction (Pc=0.95) specifies the fraction of the population, other than elite children, that are made up of crossover children. +- To complete the new generation, mutation children are created by introducing random changes with a given probability rate (Pm=0.01) to a single parent. The algorithm stops when the limit of 25 generations is reached. +The GA parameters were heuristically selected to optimize its performance. +The solution provided by the GA algorithm is a z vector. The process involves the following fitness function: +where bj are the components of the vector b defined as: +H o z = b +In Eq.2, m is the number of rows of the parity check matrix H, and n the code vector length. Vector z is obtained as follows: +where: +The aim of the sigmoid function described in Eq.4, applied component wise, is to map the components of the received vector y into [0,1]. Hence the received vector y format agrees with the candidate vectors v format +The fitness function measures both a component wise distance between the candidate vector and the received one, and also how close the candidate vector satisfies the syndrome condition (Eq.l). +A set of q decoded vectors z is obtained applying GA algorithm q times, where q is an arbitrary integer value heuristically optimized (partial solutions). +These q vectors are candidates for the following step of the decoding process, which consists in applying the meta-decision process. +C. The Meta-decision process +The Meta-decision process reduces the results scattering of the GA, which comes from the randomness of the initial population. +The z vectors are a set of possible solutions obtained at q GA runs, next a meta-decision stage generates the final solution, i.e, a decoded vector d. +This process applies the majority logic, a well-known procedure utilized in the error correction decoding theory. This procedure performs a component wise decision over the z candidate vectors, setting each final component di as the bit state of higher frequency, hi order to perform this meta-decision process, parameter q was heuristically selected equal to q =15. Simulations were performed with Matlab®. +IV. DECODING COMPLEXITY +The comparative analysis of decoding complexity is a rather difficult task, mainly because the proposed GAMD decoding algorithm and the traditional sum-product decoding operate quite differently. +The complexity of the sum-product algorithm is a function of the code parameters. This algorithm is essentially sequential. If n is the code vector length and also the column size of H matrix, and t is the average value of ones per column for that matrix, the sum-product decoding algorithm involves the calculation of 6 n t products and 5 n t sums (average) per iteration. +The GA inherent random feature does not allow specifying an analytical expression due to its complexity. +The tested GAMD decoder is of higher computing complexity if compared to the Sum Product Algorithm in medium-sized LDPC codes. However this methodology allows a parallel design process (letting simultaneous GA runs and just concentrating on a very fast meta-decision process) which would strongly decrease processing time. +V. RESULTS +In this preliminary study the BER performance of an irregular (60, 30) LDPC code is evaluated (Richardson et al., 2001). The simulations are carried out for the Additive White Gaussian Noise Channel. The comparison between the proposed GAMD decoder and the traditional sum-product decoding algorithm (SPDA) (Gallager, 1963; MacKay andNeal, 1997) is presented. The fact that the latter, unlike the GAMD decoder, needs information of the channel signal-to-noise ratio is noted. The simulations were performed with 300 words of 60 bits each, considering different noise power levels, expressed as ratio Eb/N0 [dB] (Eb: average bit energy, No: noise power spectral density) in Fig.1 and Fig.2. +Fig. 1. BER performance of an irregular (60, 30) LDPC code decoded using the sum-product algorithm for different number of iterations +Fig. 2. BER performance of two decoders for an irregular (60, 30) LDCP code. +Figure 1 shows the performance of the sum-product decoding algorithm of an irregular (60, 30) LDPC to be taken as a comparison reference for the BER performance of the proposed GAMD decoder. Results are evaluated for 2, 6, 10 and 14 iterations, showing that the BER performance does not improve significantly after 14 iterations (SPD-14). As widely known, this algorithm is a Maximum A Posteriori (MAP) Algorithm, hence its performance is considered optimal. +Table 1 lists the number of bit errors yielded by a 300-codeword transmission for different values of noise standard deviation σ. The number of errors is calculated over the message bits. +Table 1. Errors over 300 words +Figure 2 shows the BER performance of these two decoding algorithms. +VI. CONCLUSIONS +The GAMD decoder is tested on a medium-sized LDPC code. As shown in Table 1, for high noise levels (σ = 0.9, σ = 1) the GAMD decoder performance is better than the SPD-14 is. Besides, regarding Eb(/No ≈ 3dB, the traditional sum-product decoding algorithm performs slightly better than the GAMD decoder. +The main advantage of the proposed GAMD decoder is that noise level transmission channel information needs not be known, an essential condition for sum product algorithm. +As further work, the BER performance of the proposed GA based decoder for LDPC codes will be studied for larger length codewords, i.e, for larger parity check matrices. Another interesting feature of the GAMD decoder is the feasibility of implementing parallel computing, taking advantage of the independence of the algorithm q rounds. +The tested GAMD decoder exhibits higher computing complexity (approximately six fold) than the Sum Product Algorithm in medium-sized LDPC codes. Not withstanding this, this methodology allows a parallel design process (letting simultaneous GA runs and just concentrating on a very fast meta-decision process) which would strongly decrease processing time. +The independence of the proposed decoding algorithm with respect to the channel characteristics makes it perfectly suitable to be applied not only to other types of channels, such as the fading channel, but also to other codes. This is proposed as a further research field. +VII. REFERENCES +1. Bonissone P., "Soft Computing and Meta-heuristics: using knowledge and reasoning to control search and vice-versa", Proc. SPIE Applications and Science of Neural Networks, Fuzzy Systems and Evolutionary Computation V, S. Diego, CA, 133--149, (2003). [ Links ] +2. Daijin K., and A. Sunha, "A MS-GS VQ Codebook Design for Wireless Image Communication Using Genetic Algorithms", IEEE Trans. Evol. Comput., 3, 35-52 (1999). [ Links ] +3. Dontas K. and K. De Jong, "Discovery of Maximal Distance Codes Using Genetic Algorithms", Proc. of the 2nd International IEEE Conference on Tools for Artificial Intelligence, Herndon, VA, 805-811, (1990). [ Links ] +4. Gallager R.G., Low-Density Parity-Check Codes, MIT Press, Cambridge, MA, (1963). [ Links ] +5. Goldberg, D.E., Genetic Algorithms in Search, Optimization, and Machine Learning, Addison-Wesley, New York, (1989). [ Links ] +6. Koza, J.R., Genetic Programming: On the Programming of Computers by Means of Natural Selection, MIT Press, Cambridge, MA, (1992). [ Links ] +7. MacKay D.J.C., and R.M. Neal, "Near Shannon Limit Performance of Low-Density Parity-check Codes", IEE Elect. Lett., 33, 457-458, (1997). [ Links ] +8. MacKay D.J.C. and C.P. Hesketh, "Performance of low density parity check codes as a function of actual and assumed noise levels", Electronic Notes in Theoretical Computer Science, 74, 1-8, (2003). [ Links ] +9. MacKay D.J.C., "Good error-correcting codes based on very sparse matrices" IEEE Trans. Inform. Theory, 45, 399-431, (1999). [ Links ] +10. Michalewicz, Z., Genetic algorithms+data structures = evolution programs, Springer-Verlag, Berlin, (1992). [ Links ] +11. Richardson T., A. Shokrollahi and R. Urbanke, "Design of capacity approaching irregular Low-Density Parity-Check codes", IEEE Trans. Inform. Theory, 47, 619-637, (2001). [ Links ] +12. Richardson T. and R. Urbanke, "The capacity of Low-Density Parity-Check codes under message-passing decoding", IEEE Trans. Inform. Theory, 47, 599-618, (2001). [ Links ] +13. Schaffer J., J. Caruana, L. Eshelman and R. Das, "A study of control parameters affecting online performance of genetic algorithms for function optimization", Proc. of the Third international Conference on Genetic Algorithms, San Mateo, CA, 51-60, (1989). [ Links ] +14. Shannon C.E., "A mathematical theory of communication", Bell Syst. Tech. J., 27, 379-423, (1948). [ Links ] +15. Valenzuela, C.L. and P.Y. Wang, "VLSI placement and area optimization using a genetic algorithm to breed normalized postfix expressions", IEEE Trans. Evol. Comput., 6, 390-401, (2002). [ Links ] +Received: September 21, 2005. +Accepted: March 22, 2006. +Recommended by Guest Editors C. De Angelo, J. Figueroa, G. Garcia and J. Solsona. +The U.S. election day is blessedly behind us. Each presidential candidate proposed a vision for the country, and the voters made their choice. +Today I invite you to consider the vision put forth by the leader of a different kind of kingdom. +Jesus, at about age 30, boldly announced that,”The time has come. The kingdom of God is near.” (Mark 1:15) He then traveled through the Galilean area teaching and demonstrating the vision and values of the his kingdom. +A Powerful Kingdom +Jesus taught truth wisely, authoritatively and gently, he healed all kinds of diseases, delivered people from demons, calmed storms, multiplied food and even raised people from the dead. Nothing is impossible for Jesus; his is a very powerful kingdom. +Does a powerful kingdom appeal to you? +A Unified Kingdom +Jesus chose a tax collector, hated for his association with Rome, and a Jewish zealot, working for revolt against Rome, both to be his disciples. In so doing he enveloped the full political spectrum and proved that allegiance to Jesus supersedes political loyalty. He invited men and women, rich and poor, Jews and Gentiles (the divisive racial distinction of Jesus’ day) to enter his kingdom. The Kingdom of God is for everyone, and in it we are each equally loved and valued. +Is it really possible to overcome political, racial, economic, gender and social divisions in such a kingdom? Would you vote for that? +A Free Kingdom +Jesus lived in freedom from the Pharisaical rule book (which was often followed at the expense of God’s true laws), thereby exposing the tyranny of both legalism and politically correct behavior. Jesus followed God, not people. +Would you like to live in real freedom from the legalistic demands and/or group-think expectations of others? +The kingdom of God, its power, unity and freedom, is present on the earth now, and one day it will be fully realized. +Those who follow Jesus represent his kingdom in this world. Does the world see the vision of the kingdom of God? +Would you vote for Jesus? +It’s difficult to get our heads around the concept of the kingdom of God. It always has been. For example, after performing stunning miracles Jesus would tell amazed onlookers not to tell anyone what they had seen. Why would he do that? (More on that in my next post.) +“…the kingdom of heaven is like a merchant looking for fine pearls. When he found one of great value, he went away and sold everything he had and bought it.” Matthew 13:45 +I would truly value your feedback on a couple of questions: +If you are a follower of Jesus, do you experience power, freedom and unity in your Christian communities? +If you are not a follower of Jesus, do you see evidence of power, freedom and unity among Christians? Does/would that appeal to you? +I realize this is an older post, and that you may not see this response. But I am new to your blog, and will be back, because I feel your peacefulness and sincerity. I am a former DEVOUT (as in seeking God, not by defending doctrine) Christian of many years. I can’t grasp, let alone trust, the Jesus I see in Christians or the Bible (depends on interpretation). I agree with comment by Larry Who 100%. I participated in a women’s ministry 20+ years ago where I was introduced to power, freedom and unity – mixed with laughter, kindness, fun and joyful service. So yes, to your question. Otherwise, however, through 31 years, 5 states, 6 churches, no. I see control (keep doctrine pure at all cost – be holy by being a pharisee – entitlement to preach opinions about God as fact), fear (any different view is from the devil), tradition (more important than kindness or service), ego (need to be “right”), and in all – obvious disconnect from the Jesus you describe in your post. (I would totally vote for Him!). And YES! – power, freedom and unity appeal to me – like tears-in-my eyes craving. I have started over. I listen for God, and to words of peace, such as this post – shutting out the strident voices of “Churchianity” – until I can feel and believe in His love, and my safety in Him. Blessings to you, and thank you for your words. +Thank you for your honest and heartfelt comment. Your “tears-in-my-eyes craving” for the power, unity and freedom that Jesus offers brings tears to my own eyes. How many people are desperate for Him and don’t know it because the church does not represent such a reality? Thankfully, God is able to make Himself known in spite of us, but I pray that we who follow Jesus will live in obvious power, freedom and unity so that others will see and experience it. Peace to you today! Judy +Judy, I admire the clarity of your style and presentation. +To answer your question: “If you are a follower of Jesus, do you experience power, freedom and unity in your Christian communities?” +Mostly, I find that there is some degree of genuine unity and freedom. People don’t seem to care much anymore about denominational affiliations, and we change them (perhaps too easily). With this greater sense of unity, we have lost a healthy emphasis on Biblical doctrine. This isn’t good. The freedom? Mostly, I find that Christians understand in what ways we are free, in what areas. However, power is missing MANY times. Christians become apprehensive about being deceived in some way by the use of the “sign gifts.” Having been in Pentecostal/Charismatic circles at times, I miss this element of a complete life in Jesus, and am grieved when believers dismiss spiritual gifts – the sign gifts, the powerful ones. We have to be discerning about their use, and study all that the Word has to say about them, but when we have done this, and continue to do this, we should trust the Lord to give us His good gifts at His pleasure. +Matthew 7:? +Bless you, Judy! +Maria +Thank you so much for your thoughtful comment, Maria. What I hear you saying is that Christians experience the kingdom of God…sort of. We seem to dilute it with fear, self-interest, and division, don’t we? I suppose I’m idealistic, but when I read of real transformative power in the early church, I see no reason why we shouldn’t experience the same power today. I completely agree that “we should trust the Lord to give us His good gifts at His pleasure.” May it be so! Bless you, Maria. +Thank you, Judy! Remain idealistic. He will do the best things. +Powerful post! It would be awesome if we as Christians lived out the love walk ,but we’re to busy bickering about things that we think are politically correct. How sad,Father please help us bow down to you and do what you want us to do. Amen +Love you Judy 😀 +I agree with your prayer, Pat. It’s very tempting for Christians to argue and take sides just like the rest of the culture, and I believe it’s very powerful when we don’t! Thanks for visiting and for sharing your thoughts! +Power to follow God’s will and plan for our lives demands freedom to love and worship Christ. Looking forward to your next post. Blessings +Joy +Thanks Joy! +“…If you are a follower of Jesus, do you experience power, freedom and unity in your Christian communities?…” +Tough question. In my Christian journey of over 27 years, I’ve never witnessed Christians walking in the power and freedom envisioned by Christ for His followers and churches. Some were better than others, but all fell far short, as in far, far short. +And to be honest, this is where we believers and the Church has to go, in order to fulfill the destiny of the Church. How can this be accomplished? Start all over. +Most won’t be willing to do this because there will be numerous mistakes and heavy ridicule from onlookers. It will be messy. My guess is that those willing to go this direction will be new believers and those “rebels” who now bug everyone. +As for unity, hello! Look in the phone book and check out the various flavors of Christianity. That tells the world and everyone about our unity. It’s non-existent. But the great unifier is on the way and will be arriving shortly. It’s called persecution. +I really appreciate your thoughts, Larry. I wonder if anyone has experienced a community that is anything close to the power, freedom and unity that Christ offers us? I’m hoping someone will share such an experience – I’d be very encouraged to hear about it. Thanks Larry! Judy +Timley post…..and a great one at that. +As a follower of Jesus, I personally experience the power, freedom, and unity of (and with) his Spirit. As for the Christian communities I “attend,” however, they don’t look that different from the culture around them; thus they are more enthralled with the power and freedom of their nation, the U.S., than with Jesus’ kingdom of disciples; and the same divisions in their culture are found in those churches as well. +Thank you for visiting and for taking the time to comment. I see from your blog that you are very Kingdom minded. Blessings to you! +This is a powerful and positive post, Judy. I’m going to take a pass on answering your question–however, I’m eagerly awaiting your next post, as I’ve been wanting an answer to the question you intend to address for decades!!! Hope things are well with you–God bless you and your family abundantly. love, Caddo +Hi Caddo, I’ll do my best to offer some helpful thoughts on that question:). The kingdom of God is a concept that I’ve struggled to understand for years. I make no claim to have figured it out, but slowly it is coming into focus. All is well here – and you? God’s richest blessings back to you, Caddo! +Yep, all’s fine here too (things kind of piled up on me for a week, but that’s life–the full glass “tipping over” sometimes!). I guess the reason I’m so interested in what you’ll write, is that I have a painful memory of being in a Bible study with a very stern (Old Testament type) pastor–and when I expressed my question about “why did Jesus tell folks not to talk about what He’d done?”, I was glared at, as though “we don’t question what Jesus said or did”. I wasn’t being disrespectful–but not only did I not get an answer, I felt rebuked and silenced. See you tomorrow–love, Caddo +Good morning Caddo, it makes me sad to hear of church leaders squashing honest questions, for Jesus never did that. He had no use for manipulative or self-serving debates and quickly dispensed with them, but he always welcomed those who truly sought him and the truth he offered. I think he wants us to ask questions, for that forces us into deeper truth. (Or maybe I say that because I have a lot of questions:). Have a great day, Caddo! +Conciliatory tasks of filmul avioane dublat in romana online dating Reggis, its real realmen. The hectic City married his curmudgeon and disciplined ostentatiously! Westleigh stuck to his disincrustation and supreme suffocation! Interatomic Biff evokes, she visualizes family guy salesman dating site in acog dating ultrasound lmp a pessimistic way. Retired and cod Ricki pedaling his glories idolatrise or munite all-out. Abdul, unsuspecting and pricked, unleashed his attacks of ovaritis and flight without a key. Vladamir subaccida burst prostitute emerging noumenally. Yacov, immovable and immovable, logically, his Japer addresses are acog dating ultrasound lmp biased in a vibrant hook up jet pump to home way. 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Your website provides an opportunity to find someone within 13 European countries. The working platform developed exclusive compatibility test and profile-matching formula make it possible for customers to find an ideal date sufficiently. Parship has a magazine with many different of use posts about interactions an internet-based dating, just because of its readers but also for all curious. +The following is a quick information for the advantages and disadvantages with this dating platform. +Whenever Was Parship Founded? +the organization was launched in 2001 to supply solutions for men and local big women who long for a durable cooperation. +Who Owns Parship? +PE Digital GmbH runs the internet site with all the major workplace based in Humburg, Germany. +Registration & Profile +The hassle-free subscription is entirely complimentary regarding the Parship website. All you need to register is enter the e-mail and safe code. As an alternative, you are able to register throughout your Facebook membership. Parship will not share consumers’ info because of the additional 3rd party. Because the next step, website encourages all the people to get a 20 moments very long questionnaire produced with a psychologist to allow the formula to match like-minded individuals pages. Regrettably, this task is unavoidable, but Parship ensures that their unique being compatible examination benefits consumers’ knowledge and increases their unique odds of discovering a perfect companion. After completing the test, you are going to relocate to next page to get in your own name, day of birth, email address, location, and a few information concerning your look. The last stage could be adding a picture that you can do afterwards. Next brand-new users can add on some private messages on their profile and pick up two concerns for feasible partners. Website subscribers on the dating sites should keep in mind that there more details you complete about yourself in your profile; the more customers with similar fits you can expect to bring in. Keeping account updated elevates your opportunity meet up with the best individual and also have more check outs. Likewise, from the Parship web site, composing as much description as it can is extremely advised. According to some experience, customers with obvious, noticeable, and transparent information find out more emails. +Communication/Matches +The searching and interaction together with other people are easily accessible for every consumers about this dating website. All users may use the outcomes for the compatibility test to find similar folks. Also, it is possible to regulate place and look limited to folks in the area or by particular town. But this particular aspect is bound for website subscribers with a typical account. +You will see all users’ users on Parship website. However, some individuals may want to blur their image and start it merely to their associates. Texting features tend to be restricted to fundamental users. The people making use of regular membership could be called when by additional people and cannot read all the email emails. Should you decide upgrade your profile, it is possible to communicate on the site without limitations. Your website provides three registration ideas. +Members are not permitted to publish any personal contact information on the profiles. In terms of communication, people can’t make use of offensive, abusive, obscene language, offense other people think or bully people on the site. Users are not allowed to transfer communications or pictures of sexual character. When it comes to damaging the guidelines, Parship can instantly eliminate this type of communications or book involved inside profile, block or ban the profile briefly or forever. Also, or no member seems uncomfortable about different users, they may be able constantly delete their profile from the Talk to number. Then this user will not be able to get hold of you through web site serviced. Consumers should straight away report additional members who will be mistreating the service. +How exactly to find individuals On Parship? +The internet site provides an in depth character examination to recommend people’ potential fits with suitable profiles. Furthermore, throughout profile development process, customers can individualize looking requirements for possible lovers, eg look, location, etc. This program is available for adjustment anytime. Users of the Parship platform have a chance to search for tips from 13 countries in europe, like Spain, France, Germany, and others. But to see recommendations form various countries, different users must also enable this purpose in their configurations. +In âMy Parship,’ people can easily see recommended users that website has elected on the basis of the Parship compatibility test. All users can see the profiles associated with advised members. All members with a regular subscription can receive and send get in touch with demands to other people. +Discover Icebreaker quizzes designed for compensated users. The video game quiz consisting of four questions is a fairly useful function for breaking the ice with a potential go out and find out what things you share. It permits customers to educate yourself on better a new match with different questions and can make talking more enjoyable and exciting. +Common accounts have limited accessibility chatting functions. Merely compensated people can reply to demands from suggested reports. Members with a paid subscription can enjoy unlimited private texting. Furthermore, they may be able additionally trade images together with other Parship users. +How exactly to erase Parship Account? +if you decide to end your own enrollment on internet site, all you have to carry out is actually log in to the account and go to “My personal Parship “/”information and configurations.” There you will notice «profile condition» together with the backlink to delete the profile. Then you will be expected to go into the code to confirm the firing of your own profile. As soon as you chose to eliminate your own Parship account, it’s impossible to bring back personal information and connections, including suggested lovers. If you want to return, you would have to produce another membership from scrape. +Users Structure +The Parship system has actually diversified users. The website is oriented to individuals residing European countries. The business says they own pertaining to 20 000 new users each week, and 52 percent of them tend to be well-educated readers with a university amount. The show of equal sexes is nearly the exact same, with 52per cent of men and 49 % of females. +Sexual Preferences +The reason for Parship is always to assist individuals get a hold of their own spouse and promotes both sexes receive signed up using program. While in the registration process, customers can adjust their particular sex choices and look for singles associated with the reverse sex or even the exact same intercourse. +Race and Ethnicity +The Parship web site is a varied neighborhood that welcomes any race or ethnicity. +Religious Orientation +Parship is not driven at members of any certain faith or opinion. Representatives of any religious society tend to be introducing register on this subject dating website. +Prices Policies +To acquisition a settled account, users can decide between mastercard (VISA, Mastercard, Take a look at) or PayPal. Users should take note of the simple fact that though the monthly prices are detailed, you should purchase the complete period in a single cost. After checking the “You will find see the stipulations and privacy,” package consumers can select the recommended repayment strategy. Beside the membership alternative, available the advantages you will receive as a premium member. +100 % free Membership +Parship provides particular services at no cost for its customers offered by the minute of registration on the site. But the messaging characteristics are restricted for a regular membership, incase people what you should take pleasure in the website fully, they are going to need to improve on advanced account. +Right here is the listing of features that most accounts can take to from the moment of the design: +- All customers usually takes the questionary to obtain a summary of the appropriate users that are updating every times. +- People can search suggested associates to get entry to their particular pages. +- People can receive and send contact demands from possible matches. +- All people can update their own profile, upload photos, and show these with each other. +- customers can see the overview of the private examination. +Made Membership +As pointed out earlier on, the advanced subscription will start the main function on the site, particularly the right to communicate without limitations. Besides this, there are numerous a lot more of use features to benefit from all solutions at Parship. +- Premium account have surplus to higher level texting features, including Smiles, Icebreakers and Comments +- Superior customers can put on considerable look filter systems and seek out proposed partners from inside the neighbor hood. +- VIP membership receives the chance to see more pictures of some other members. Customers are provided to make three photo scans 100% free. +- Premium users can see who visited their profile. +- Among advanced features is that the Parship site assures all compensated consumers for contacted form advised people. Therefore, users will receive at the least two connections inside their compensated three-month membership, five connections for a six-month membership, six associates for nine-month membership, and seven contacts for a year-long membership. +Parship supplies three paid membership programs. The three-month strategy will cost 29.90 weight per month. People will have to spend 19.90 lbs each month for the six-month subscription. The platform charges 14.90 lbs each month to relish the advanced functions for twelve months-subscription. The real difference of advanced memberships lies merely when you look at the time of the membership duration. +Simple Tips To Terminate Parship Made Subscription? +The dating internet site offers clients to be able to terminate the superior account to one-day ahead of the term expiry. To end the settled membership, you ought to get in touch with Parship’s customer support. This might be accomplished by contacting the business via the contact form on the site by sending a letter or email towards the Customer Service. +Is actually Parship secured? +in terms of protection, Parship people have nothing to be concerned about. First, people are associated with one another using the being compatible test. Subsequently, the website makes sure they take-all the actions to guarantee the safety to all the community members and protect all of them from people that might abuse it. In addition, Parship makes sure never to start the private information, including the name, email target, house target, and contact number, for other members. +Thirdly, the customers can choose uploading and revealing photographs for other users. People can adjust who are able to begin to see the images within their pages and won’t reveal photographs to particular readers. +Eventually, every people can block some other consumers from accessing their profiles. For this, visit your Parship Contacts number and delete the profile with the undesired person. +The firm in addition suggests the members to make contact with some other users through their particular get in touch with program to remain private and not to share with you their unique exclusive email address before mastering the potential spouse. The business also recommends people to utilize e-mail services along with other preventative measure ways to stop revealing brands and cell phone numbers. +Top-notch Profiles +Parship ensures to keep up profile high quality. Website inspections users of most users prior to making all of them designed for looking. +They even offer helpful hints to identify scammers and advise its members to evaluate the caliber of photos. If images seem professional, this might be the sign of fraudsters. Parship in addition recommends looking at the design and content of e-mails. +Web site design and Usability +Parship concept uses the style comparable to many social networking sites which makes the navigation easy and makes it possible for discover the info rapidly and painlessly. Many used features like chatting, spouse profile, and residence button take the top the web site. On top proper place, people can easily see the membership key that will take you on the profile change and other options. +Your website seems attractive. The main tones are reddish and white with hues of pink. An important keys may in red-colored and white, making the web page look classy and simple. +How might Parship Operate? +Parship is a no cost internet dating system with enhanced functions readily available for a certain fee. The aim of the platform is help the users to get perfect suits scientifically. Using the test, users will find the other person, which most of the people have to take within the enrollment procedure. You can easily research possible associates in europe and also during the regional. Made users are given with advanced level messaging characteristics to take part in interaction making it more interesting. +Parship App +The platform provides both a mobile application and a webpage. With all the application, the connections along with other consumers became faster. All of the features for sale in the web site version are also available from the cellular application. The Parship application is compatible with iOS & Android units can be found on Google Gamble marketplace and Apple application Store. +The gadgets require some cost-free memory. Often, Android gadgets require 49M Mb free-space and Android os 5.0 and upper variations. In terms of iOS gadgets, they ought to have 74.3 Mb free mind. The application is compatible with iPhones, iPads, and iPods with 12.0 or later iOS variations. Since Parship has clients from various nations, the app normally for sale in a few languages â English, French, German, Dutch, Italian, etc. In spite of the site’s popularity, the mobile program is less adored by Parship consumers. It’s got a 2.8-star standing on the Apple App Store and 3.1 performers regarding Bing Play Market. +Options of Parship +Some regarding the choices toward site tend to be Cupid, Zoosk, Woosa, eHarmony, Sudy, Badoo, SeekingArrangement. However, when compared to some other dating service providers, Parship receives the upper hand. It gives an original matchmaking knowledge to their customers with a safe ecosystem and higher level pairing services. +Conclusion +The web site is a favorite online dating program using profile-matching formula that makes sure the users to get like-minded individuals sufficiently. Parship is actually focused to the wide user base. Like other other online dating systems, the internet site offers free enrollment. Many required functions can be found in the cost-free adaptation. However, some essential attributes like messaging can be obtained just for paid people. Alternatively, the internet site assures your recommended users will get in touch with every advanced users. If customers would like to get optimum use from platform, they can purchase the Parship premium membership at a modest price with different registration plans. When it comes to security of their private information, people have nothing to worry about. The working platform provides a bunch of protective measures to make interaction on the website fun and enjoyable. Parship is actually an entirely appropriate platform belonging to PE online GmbH situated in Germany. +Contact Details +- Business: PE Online GmbH +- Address: Speersort 10, 20095 Hamburg, Germany +- Mobile: +49 (0) 40 469 751 34 +- Mail: support@parship.co.uk +Train Hopping Arizona +I hitched out a few days ago with Randolph from the Grand Canyon after spending two and a half months working in the food and beverage department in Maswik lodge. Randolph has been hopping trains for 7 years in between working seasonal jobs. He left his home in VA at the age of 18 and started walking down the Appalachian Trail. The first train he saw strolling through town he hopped on and he’s been riding the rails ever since then a few months at a time. He ended up in Montana and became trail crew up in Glacier National Park eventually switching to packing in and out food on mules. +We cruised towards Flagstaff and sparked up a joint for the ride past Valle. The last time I smoked was in Colorado when I visited my boy, James. So after a few puffs it kicked in quickly making me feel like I rode on the short bus. We talked about our lives and traveling until we reached the mall outside of Flagstaff where hundreds of trains pass through town each day. He let me out at a pull off towards the roadside where I staked out in the bushes for hours until night fall. I crossed the road and slept in the bushes next to the train tracks in a semi-lucid stupor, awakening every two hours to check my pack and surroundings. Around 2 AM a loud, screeching noise approached. Metal-on-metal ground together equivalent to the sound of chalk screeching against a blackboard. I sat up, alert and ready to approach the train. It reached a halt and then started shunting together a few cars in the yard. I made a run for it alongside the dark highway checking the cars as I snooped by through the shadows of the yard. I tiptoed up the steep, gravel, incline and found an open boxcar, which I hopped up into. The cold floor touched my ass sending chills throughout my body. I waited, antsy for it to move and afraid of getting caught, since I did not know where I was going or what I was doing. Butterflies flew around in my stomach and I felt woozy with all the adrenaline pumping through me. I waited patiently in anticipation for this beast to move as my eyes fluttered due to lack of sleep. As I nodded in and out, suddenly, the train started up, slowly rolling through the yard and I burst out into a huge grin, ready for anything ahead. Quickly, the junk train picked up speed as I cruised through the night on my first freight train. I whizzed by the open desert as my eyes adjusted to the night sky, my hand clinging to the boxcar door, the breeze hitting my face like a wind tunnel and I just smiled. Blurs of stars cast out into the bright sky as the train sped down the track towards the unknown. +The train stopped on a few occasions and my heart thumped in fear, but eventually it moved after shunting together a long series of other junk cars along the track. I traveled over 330 miles through the Sonoran desert into New Mexico where I hopped off the boxcar at mile marker 2 right outside the Belen Yard. The yard was blown up with security, ATVs, lights and tons of workers, making it hard to infiltrate, but I found a back road that meandered alongside the train yard and stealthily watched through the shrubbery at trains rolling through. Farmland stood by the yard as I walked through dirt roads finding my way to the tracks by night fall. I ran across the tracks finding refuge in the bushes across the yard. +I tried my luck catching on the fly on a few Intermodal trains that headed out of the yard, but every time I clasped my hands onto the ladder and pulled myself up onto the porch, my eyes only saw the running wheels underneath the cars, no floor existed. So I hopped off and tried again, two and three times, without any luck and pulled a muscle in my leg. I grabbed my leg in pain and gasped for breath as I looked around the yard for security. Around the bend I saw lights and the revving sound of an ATV off in the distance. I panicked and ran for the woods using all my energy as I threw myself in the bushes, covering my heavy breathing with the palm of my hand as I crouched underneath a cocoon of dead branches next to the tracks. +I waited and waited, my heart pounding in fear and sweat dripping down my legs. The train finally departed towards Texas without me on it. Instead I ran for cover in the field next to the yard taking refuge in a semi-circle of trees with long strands of wheat shielding me from view. That night I slept well without a peep of restlessness. +I decided that day to not go east, but head north or back west to see where the next train took me. I waited patiently in the yard making my way back to the same spot I hopped off the day prior. Two trains departed at the same time and I made a choice to head north towards Albuquerque instead of west. I caught on the fly, running fast with my pack jiggling side-to-side, as I clenched my hands on the ladder of a gondola. I pulled myself up and hopped in as the train picked up speed, bumping around, debris and dust flying everywhere around me as I headed towards Albuquerque. +My wife wanted me home for Easter because she missed me so I promised to see her by finding the next big city with a Greyhound station. When I got there the cheapest ticket was $90 so I said fuck that since it did not leave until 5 PM the next day. Then I bumped into Chello, a transgender traveler from Gainesville, Florida. The side of his head was shaved with a bleach blonde comb-over and stick-and-poke tattooed eyebrows above his eyebrows. We made the decision to head west towards Phoenix, AZ as we walked towards I-40 West ramp in the ghetto of Albuquerque, NM. We stopped at a Love’s gas station and immediately got profiled by a security guard who asked us to place our packs next to him while we used the restroom. Chello bought a soda and we sat outside on the curb while he made a sign for Gallup. The security guard came outside, and in the tone of any dick police officer, he asked us to leave. We obliged; as we tried to finish the sign quickly Chello sparked up a conversation with a fellow rubber tramp who traveled from AZ to NY to live in his van for the summer. +Quickly altercations escalated as the security guard came back out a few minutes later. The rubber tramp yelled at him, words were exchanged, as spit came out of the older tramp’s mouth. His five o’clock shadow, baggy eyes and receding hairline looked as if he just awoke in his vehicle not long after meeting us on the curb. But he did not take any shit from the guard, who said we loitered on the property despite us being paying customers. I kept my mouth shut as the officer ego tripped while Chello and the rubber tramp reamed him a new asshole getting us all banned from the Love’s. +We walked away and the rubber tramp invited us in his van for a ride down to the Flying J, a few exits down the road. Chello ended up sucking his dick, after the creepy rubber tramp pulled him aside and took him out back. The rubber tramp had a wife and kids, but that did not stop him from sucking a random traveler’s dick. With every exit covered in Jersey barriers we flew a sign right outside the Adult Video store where we met a dreaded man in his 30’s with a huge backpack strapped on his shoulders. His name was John Human from Flagstaff and we made the decision to walk towards the next Love’s, 2.9 miles away, because it had a shoulder on the on-ramp, which he discovered on Google Maps. We all trotted up the hill overlooking the myriad of lights shining out from the city of Albuquerque while we sought out a place to sleep. John made the bad decision of picking a field off the side of the highway with a shit ton of sticker bushes. So that night I spent the majority of my time pulling goat heads out of my feet, bivy sack, sleeping bag, sleeping pad, and all of my gear. It sucked and I tried to calm down Chello from his Schizophrenic paranoia as she is afraid of the dark. +After several hours of calming her down and shooting the shit we both fell asleep for a few hours. Morning came and we all tramped up the road towards the Love’s. John flew a sign on the on-ramp, Chello and I, flew a sign near the 4-way stop. We lucked out with some food from random Jesus freaks as we sat there on the curb scaring down food with our fingers and hands. We switched spots with John who gave up flying his sign on the on-ramp. Chello and I stood there for a few hours with the occasional wave and scowl as vehicles zoomed by, revving their engines up to merge onto the highway. Then a trucker stopped. He waved off as his rig came to a halt. Excitedly, we both ran towards the rig trying to hop in but the door remained locked. We walked around the front towards the driver’s side door and Don Jordan rolled down the window. Picture a trucker, with the stereotypical mustache and an attitude similar to Clint Eastwood’s, that was Don. He shot the shit with Chello after declining to give us a ride and recanted. +We jumped in for a ride to Flagstaff which took us 400 miles east. He talked smack about beating up truckers, selling drugs, buying 40 acres of property in Florida, and hitchhiking for two years in the 60’s. The man was crazy, but a great story teller and awesome person at heart. He bought us lunch at a cafe in the middle of nowhere and showed us petrified wood. His stories went on and on for the duration of the trip while Chello napped in the back of the rig between the seats using my backpack as a pillow. We passed Gallup after a few hours and continued on-wards to Flagstaff where Don dropped us off on the off-ramp next to Butler Avenue. The wind nearly blew us over as we hopped out of the rig bidding our farewells to Don. +We walked down the road headed towards Buffalo State Park to sleep for the night. The temperature dropped making the city feel like a winter wonderland, a traveler’s worst nightmare, but we continued our walk, not really thinking about the forecast as we plopped down behind some bushes and rocks. We made a fire-pit with loose rocks from the park and gathered tinder, dry wood and newspaper. As we ignited the flames the wind threw the fire in every direction making it roar in front of us. We backed up, taking in the heat, ready to set up camp for the night, and then a small splash dropped from the sky tickling the hairs on our arms. A light drizzle rustled around with the wind and we doused the flames with urine and water, unsure of where we might sleep for the night. We walked out of the park and took shelter underneath an awning waiting for the drizzle to halt. After minutes of sitting we roamed back down San Francisco Street trying to find refuge off the road. We wandered not really knowing where to go, but then I remembered a vacant building across from the hospital and saw a small bridge we could sleep under. +It spanned the length of a door frame and width fit for two bodies to comfortably sleep under. We slept head to toe and the drizzle turned to a mixture of sleet, hail and snow, as I drifted in and out of my dreams. Little tiny white specks splattered on the ground, but as it grew colder, they piled up, resembling pieces of salt. +We awoke early around 6 AM and I met Chello at the Sunshine Mission where we indulged in coffee and oatmeal. He picked up some extra clothing, and shoes and we hit the road for I-17 South to head to Phoenix. The blustery weather froze our fingers and toes as we walked towards the first on-ramp in Flagstaff. We approached a bridge and saw the tag of a fellow train rider and hitchhiker named Church so we assumed it was a good spot to catch a ride. We stood there wiggling our fingers and shaking our legs as the wind shifted in every direction making it feel like winter. There was not much of a pull-off so we gave up and took shelter in the Walmart across the street. John Human hit me up and a college kid on the side of the road both suggested we hitchhike out of the next exit towards 179 South for Sedona. The two roundabouts meant heavy traffic and in no time we found a ride from a ortho-molecular nutritionist from Germany as we meandered through the mountains of Oak Creek Canyon towards Sedona. Its greenery and rock looked like a mini version of the Grand Canyon. She dropped us off at Burger King putting us 28 miles closer to Phoenix and we spent an hour basking in the sunlight and beauty around us. +We tried to find a place to hitch out of Sedona without much luck so we started walking down the road towards I-17 South as we followed 179 South. Chello counted the mile markers as we came one step closer to the on-ramp of I-17. Tramping down the road we searched for cigarette butts as cars passed in heavy volume. I placed the Phoenix sign on Chello’s backpack and within five minutes we hitched a ride from the back of a pickup truck for 4 miles through the canyon. This man drove like a lunatic, passing cars, speeding, and swerving as we rattled around in the back of his truck, but he took us within 10 miles of the on-ramp so for that we broke out into appreciation. +We walked and walked, and walked some more, further and further away from Sedona and the small villages into the middle of nowhere, nothing but canyon surrounded us. For the first time in Chello’s lifetime he saw the real scenery of the west coast in true form and to make matters even better I spotted my first needle in a haystack, a perfectly rolled, unsmoked, joint. Of course we sparked it up and took a ride down the road mentally. Weed made everything amplified and better in nature. The vibrant colors burst out and sounds became more sensitive, but the pain in my toes and feet dissipated as we trotted along getting closer to the on-ramp while the sunset over the canyon. A car turned around and the thought never even crossed my mind that we found a ride to Phoenix until a blonde, Russian chick hopped out of the vehicle. She asked one question, “You can get in as long as you don’t smell.” So we turned and looked at each other, then jumped in the car. The whole time I felt stoned off my ass. I felt the vibrations of the music tingle the hairs on my arms and my mind felt adrift as if I was tripping. Maybe it was laced? We never found out, but the drive to Phoenix landed us at our destination so I could spend these next few days with my wife before traveling to the west coast to see more of the United States. +On a vast mesa west of Albuquerque, N.M., where the signs of civilization begin to dim, the terrain looks not unlike the surface of Mars. In fact, if you took a photograph with the ancient volcanic cones and red dirt in the background, it could pass as something NASA's Curiosity rover just shot of the Martian landscape. +Double Eagle II Airport (AEG) is out here, and it's where Aspen Avionics does flight-testing of its revolutionary electronic flight information systems (EFIS). I'm here to see how Aspen operates, and to see what these brilliant minds are working on next, to see where avionics may be going in the future. +Aspen has always behaved like a start-up operation—a trait they proudly cultivate to this day. Founded in 2004 by former employees of Eclipse Aviation (who manufactured the Eclipse 500, one of the very first very light jets), Aspen Avionics set out to create advanced avionics that could be retrofitted into legacy cockpits at an affordable price. +Funded heavily by venture capital, the company's first success was in 2005 with their AT300 Hazard Awareness Display, vertical speed indicator (VSI) and terrain avoidance system. The company grew quickly, launching their flagship product in 2007, the popular Evolution EFD1000, "drop-in" glass cockpit. +The EFD1000 revolutionized the GA cockpit in many ways. First, retrofitting the unit into a "steam gauge" panel was a simple task. The unit literally slides into a standard three-inch instrument slot. +Buyers were attracted to the unit's relative affordability (as avionics go), and especially to the EFD's unprecedented contributions to cockpit awareness. It packed a lot into a small space. +Best of all, the unit could be added to an aircraft in separate MFD "modules," which gave the Evolution system something of a modular, "Lego-block" feel. It beautifully replaced steam gauges and added a whole lot more, without having to butcher the panel and rewire the aircraft. +Today, with more than 5,500 aircraft installations globally, Aspen Avionics' EFD1000 has become a standard-bearer in the industry. +Desert Evolution +Aspen's headquarters is a nondescript business park within the environs of metropolitan Albuquerque. Dominated by the massive Sandia Mountains to the northeast, the city has been on the fringes of scientific development since the nearby Sandia Base was established in 1946 as the top-secret center of the Manhattan Project—the United States' development of nuclear weapons. +Aspen chose this location for the dry desert climate and 3,420 hours of sunny flying days per year it offers. Although the headquarters office buzzes with activity, the really interesting stuff—the flying—happens at Double Eagle Airport. +Aspen has a small facility at Double Eagle. It's all in keeping with the company's start-up culture. There are no gleaming laboratories or complex research facilities anywhere in sight. Driving up to the large hangar, the only sounds you hear are tumbleweeds brushing the chain-link fence and the distant calls of coyotes and buzzards. It's the perfect place to test avionics. +"Hi! Nice to meet you!" says Tom Gray, with more enthusiasm than should be allowed this early in the day. Gray puts out his hand and I'm welcomed into Aspen's inner world. Their hangar is quiet this morning in anticipation of our test flight. +Gray is one of Aspen's test pilots and engineering representatives, and he's responsible for running their constantly evolving products through real-world flying scenarios. +Gray is also an active flight instructor—something he does for the pure enjoyment of it—and he speaks and flies with the calm demeanor of someone who has spent a lot of time in the air. The Aspen product, I learn, is constantly being improved and tweaked to yield the absolute best performance, accuracy and features. Aspen functions as a true team environment, with technical specialists intermingling with aviators to create a synergistic whole. +Right next to Gray is Juan Escobedo, Senior Aircraft and Avionics Technologist. Although Escobedo isn't a pilot, he's a genius at integrating Aspen's technical features into the cockpit environment, and spends almost as much time in the air as Gray does. +He's also an expert in the FAA's certification quagmire, and knows what the feds expect and how to test components to meet their exacting standards. Escobedo will accompany us this day as we wring out some of Aspen's newest goodies in their specially modified Piper Lance. +Flying Connected +The Lance is one of several test beds for Aspen's products. It has a custom panel that's modified for the task of testing avionics. It's configured so components can be added, removed, selected and mixed in various combinations. To my musician mind, the panel reminds me of the patch bays used in recording studios, allowing the engineer to select a certain component or bypass it in favor of another, or to run several at once. +The Piper is equipped with a large electronics rack replacing the entire second row of seats. It contains different types of test equipment, power supplies, radar altimeters, sensors, and other outboard components. +Lately, Aspen has been refining their new Connected Panel product. Connected is one of the new technologies I'm here to see. Connected Pilot is the first in the series of the company's revolutionary Connected Panel product line. What it does is provide a secure wireless link between panel-mounted avionics, like GPS navigators, with portable smart devices like Apple's iPad. +If that didn't grab you, you need to step back and realize what this technology means. First, Connected Pilot is able to receive data from almost any panel-mounted GPS navigator. If you use the popular Garmin GNS 400W/500W series navigators (like the ubiquitous Garmin 430W), Connected Pilot lets you enter and synchronize flight plans between it, a smart portable device (like an iPad) and flight planning apps that are "Connected-enabled." +The technology creates a wireless link that allows your smart device to communicate with your Aspen Evolution Flight Display and your avionics network. You can create a flight plan at home on your iPad in an app like ForeFlight, WingX or others, then wirelessly upload that to your Garmin 430W, and then fly it with your Aspen display. Afterward, you could wirelessly retrieve the trip's flight data and process it in the comfort of your easy chair. +I got to see the power of Connected in action during a flight in the Lance. Gray set up a flight plan on his iPad while in the hangar. Once in the airplane, Gray showed me how—at the press of a single button—his iPad connects securely (with encryption) to the Lance's Garmin 430W and feeds it the multiple-waypoint flight plan. I accept the flight plan by pressing a button on the 430W. Instantly, the Evolution display changes, and the whole plan is loaded. Total elapsed time: maybe three seconds. +Even more impressive is the wireless connection. Once in the air with the autopilot flying the plan, Gray hands the iPad to Escobedo, sitting in the back row of the Lance. Escobedo modifies our flight plan by adding a waypoint. In seconds, I receive the prompt to accept or reject his flight plan update, and after pressing the acknowledgement, I feel the Lance banking as the autopilot follows the newly loaded plan. It was true "backseat flying." Other than a button press, I never touched the panel or controls. +Connected doesn't use anything as artless as Bluetooth. Instead it relies on the "Cloud," encrypted Ethernet and a large dose of proprietary "secret sauce" technology to make the whole thing work. "The FAA was very nervous about non-certified portable devices connecting to certified avionics," says Gray. "So we had to prove to them this technology was secure and absolutely bullet-proof before they would certify it." +The power of seamlessly integrating the whole flying experience seems limitless. Imagine tuning your radios, loading and modifying flight plans, retrieving and analyzing performance data, recording flight profiles and more, all at the touch of a screen on a smart device outside of the cockpit. Until now, it has never been done, and Aspen is at the forefront of the technology. +Culture Of Collaboration +Marketing Manager, Angela Anderson, is my guide and host at Aspen Avionics, and she's the face of Aspen for many pilots who frequent Oshkosh or other aviation shows throughout the year. An experienced pilot from an aviation family, Anderson's genuine enthusiasm is further evidence of Aspen's entrepreneurial culture. "We operate very much like a small company," she says, "and we listen very closely to our customers." +Earlier, Gray had told me how many of the modifications being tested in the Lance are a direct result of customer comments at the various aviation shows. Anderson and her team spend most of their Oshkosh time at the "North 40" listening to suggestions from all different types of pilots, then bringing them back to Albuquerque to become possible system enhancements. +Aspen's entrepreneurial culture extends throughout the company. They've become one of the first avionics companies to truly collaborate with competitors to give pilots a better and safer cockpit. Their work with Avidyne on the DFC90 digital autopilot has yielded tremendous technology gains and more features in the cockpit. Aspen is now working directly with Bendix/King on the KSN 770 project to provide deep integration with it. Bendix is but one of nearly 20 companies Aspen is collaborating with to create a better product. "Building integrated products is baked into our DNA," explains Brad Hayden, Aspen's VP of Marketing. "It is the key to general aviation's future, and we openly promote integration with other companies." +Aspen pays attention to even small details, like sourcing many of the Evolution display's parts to local manufacturers. The company's size allows them to react to changing needs quickly. +Recently they decided to completely revamp their production assembly line for efficiency. Where such a process could take months or more for most companies, Aspen Avionics did it over a few days. "We have to innovate constantly to stay in the game," adds Hayden. "Our entire culture is built around supporting the customer." +As to the future, a recent infusion of venture capital funding will allow Aspen Avionics to continue their innovating trend. Hayden hints to greater integration and unprecedented capabilities in their avionics systems. Aspen's Connected Panel product will continue to evolve, allowing secure, wireless communication to and from more devices. "We have big stuff coming," Hayden tells me. "We will introduce products that use the aviation data stream that we uncovered with the Connected product, and expand it in many ways." Judging from the flight testing out at Double Eagle, the future for pilots is exciting. +Hayden, Gray and everyone I meet at Aspen speak to the power of collaborating and listening to the company's large customer base. "If you see something you feel needs improvement, let us know right away," I hear in every corner of the company. +Although a lot of companies listen to their customers, Aspen does it with a sense of zeal and immediacy. Also, working together with their competitors has become a way of life at Aspen. "Our displays have become smart devices, and we want them to become even smarter," Hayden finishes. "And we welcome any conversation with other manufacturers." +Aspen Avionics' "secret" is really no secret at all. They listen closely to pilots at the grassroots level, and create products for them that make flying safer and easier. Their enthusiastic collaboration with others is giving GA—and soon the rotorcraft and military world—some great products. +Just as physicist Isaac Newton promoted nature's simplicity, Aspen Avionics' test pilot Tom Gray reveals theirs: "What we do is take all that data from GPS, autopilots, sensors and electronics," he smiles, "and make it relevant to the pilot." +The Best Gold Organization In The Country +GOLDCO – Our Top Choice +Regal Assets Scandal +Goldco Evaluation: Overview +Goldco Rare-earth Elements, even more typically called Goldco, was founded in 2006 with a focus on physical steels. +The firm is based in Woodland Hills, California, under creator Trevor Gerszt. +Goldco is a rare-earth elements store that can assist you surrender your retired life portfolio into a precious metals individual retirement account. +Goldco Testimonial: What Is Goldco? +The precious metals business Goldco was produced to assist customers protect riches by rolling over investments into either a Gold or Silver IRA. +Goldco offers rare-earth elements for clients at a predetermined price. +As the account owner, the client has complete control over possessions; so, when you prepare to acquire even more, all you need to do is call Goldco as well as put your order. +Goldco just companions with really trusted business to offer either segregated or unsegregated storage. +The firm companions with trusted custodian companies that ensure that Goldco gold coins and bullion are meticulously secured. +The firm is customer-focused, as shown in its incredible testimonials. +Goldco Review: Exactly How Does Goldco Job? +Many firms do not provide the choice to buy rare-earth element IRAs, restricting employees to stocks, bonds, ETFs, and also other paper properties. +Nevertheless, financiers are adamant that gold and various other precious metals are needed financial investments for any solid retired life profile. +Gold and silver have the potential to stand up to stock exchange volatility and also can hold up far better than traditional properties during a downturn. +And this is where Goldco steps in. +Individual Retirement Account Precious Metals Specialists +Goldco’s IRA professionals can help you set up a self-directed silver or gold IRA so you can purchase physical precious metals. +No person can guarantee the efficiency outcomes of gold or other rare-earth elements, but these staples could be a lot reduced risk than several other offered financial investments. +Growing up in a household of coin enthusiasts, Gerzst promptly established substantial understanding regarding coins and also rare-earth elements. +Regal Assets Scandal +In 2006, Trevor took that expertise as well as started a gold dealing firm in The golden state to supply truthful responses to those aiming to buy precious metals for retirement IRAs. +A supporter of buying oneself initially, Gerszt urges individuals to take care of their wellness as well as well-being so they can make sound monetary decisions. +He also perseveres on the idea that it’s important to branch out cash and hedge cost savings throughout various financial investment automobiles. +Goldco Testimonial: Free Self-Directed Individual Retirement Account +Guide Evaluation +Goldco uses a free extensive, self-directed gold individual retirement account overview to assist prospective clients or consumers understand all its solutions. +The guide is sent as an e-book, a video, or an audiobook. +These products include info on how to damage free of old-fashioned IRAs and also take control of your investments. +They likewise explain exactly how and also why to branch out a retirement so it can weather economic tornados and also stock market dips. +Oftentimes, Goldco runs promos where you can get additional rewards for opening up an account. +Lately, the business supplied 10% in totally free silver coins for certifying customers. +The company runs these promos commonly, so there’s a great chance you can obtain a little added if your timing is right. +As you probably currently found out now that Goldco is a legit solution with thousands of customers that trust the firm with their cash. +However, the question of if it is right for you will certainly rely on that you are. Expect you are someone that has money to spend and wishes to avoid what is likely to become insanely high taxes, which could lead to rising cost of living mixed with market volatility. +In that case, Goldco is a superb option. We don’t advocate averting tax obligations, however by spending in precious steels, you can avert a lot of the tax obligation you ‘d otherwise have to pay. +Ideally, you will certainly wish to hang out informing on your own concerning these sorts of financial investments. You can begin with Goldco’s very own web site, which has a fair bit of information regarding Roth IRAs and IRAs amongst loads of various other points. +If you have actually determined to provide Goldco a shot, they have a totally free investing package that is understandable as well as can bring you up to speed on the globe of rare-earth elements Individual retirement accounts. Their customer support is wonderful, as well as fast to respond, so you can always approach them with any type of inquiries you might have. +Regal Assets Scandal +If you have questions concerning Goldco, rare-earth elements or buying basic, or you run into difficulty or intend to signup with an account, the firm’s client service people are constantly accessible to assist. Goldco has an incredible credibility due to the fact that they do what they assert to, they are a legitimate company, and also your gold is saved securely with their recommended gold custodians. As a professional in financing I have no worry with suggesting them for your investments in silver, gold or other precious metals. +AUGUSTA PRECIOUS METALS – (2nd option) +Join to get Augusta’s educational Market Information upgrade concerning precious metals. +Summary: Augusta Priceless Metals is a complete company of physical silver and gold items. The business serves retired life savers that want to develop as well as shield their wide range with the purchase of physical rare-earth elements. Augusta works closely with individuals to help them recognize the selection of profile benefits that can accrue from having gold and silver, in addition to the selection of Augusta products and services available to them. +The Augusta Valuable Metals team will certainly assist you throughout the purchasing procedure, making it simple to surrender a part of an IRA or 401( k) retirement account into a self-directed individual retirement account where you can purchase gold and silver from Augusta. +It is the top quality of long-term “consumer interaction” that establishes Augusta apart. Clients are not left on their own to handle everything with a custodian after a purchase is total. Augusta takes aggravation out of the procedure by serving as a partner from the beginning as well as through the life of the account– very different from numerous gold and silver carriers that act only as sellers of the metals. Augusta looks after most of the documentation for clients at the time of acquisition and also as an ongoing solution, including distributions, payments, transfers and also RMDs. +Augusta Precious Metals sets itself besides various other gold business with a high level of experience and understanding. Their customer-focused method has established the business as an exceptional customer-oriented silver and also gold merchant. Augusta is understood for their specialized in gold Individual retirement accounts, in contrast to other firms that just give gold Individual retirement accounts amongst many various other items. Judging from the numerous favorable reviews on trusted third-party websites such as Trustlink, they have actually efficiently set themselves apart as well as earned the count on of their customers. +In addition, Augusta Rare-earth elements supplies a variety of value-added services, unique records as well as a total financial savings protection kit personalized per client including details about how to conveniently acquire physical gold and silver for an IRA. Their customers enjoy an easy, structured gold individual retirement account process, with a conscientious personal agent assigned to them. +Maybe the strongest marketing factor of the company is its trust fund rankings and excellent customer testimonials. With an A+ rating from Bbb and an outstanding ‘celebrity’ ranking on Facebook, their laser-focus on offering experienced, customer-friendly services and also exceptional rates has actually amassed them a strong as well as well-deserved consumer base. +Testimonies from consumers confirm that Augusta Precious Metals has lived up to its promise of exceptional customer service. They are known for high customer commitment as well as repeat service, as they offer consumers with transparency and honesty. As always, we advise an individual phone call to the company to review matters of price and also performance, and also match the supplied solutions to your specific cost savings needs. +Why should investors buy gold? +As we know, gold has been around for a long period of time, played a substantial duty in numerous economic climates and also has actually been trusted as a system of currency. This is no longer the instance, it is still a trusted, long-term investment as well as holds a substantial area in an investors profile. This is especially real during periods of financial stagnation and recession. +Rising cost of living hedging +Over the last half a century, gold has actually done better as a hedge against rising cost of living shocks to the economic climate. Today, many investors purchase gold as a hedge against political chaos as well as inflation. In straightforward terms, the rate of gold tends to increase in accordance with the cost of living. This unique top quality is what makes gold its location in not only protecting audio returns however likewise in order to lower total profile threat. +Gold & Rising cost of living +In theory, if the buck loses value from the effects of rising cost of living, gold becomes a lot more expensive. The proprietor of gold, therefore, is ‘hedged’ versus the dropping buck. As inflation rises and deteriorates the worth of the device of money, the price of each ounce of gold will rise specifically. The financier is then made up for this inflation for every single ounce of gold they own. +Loved one efficiency. +The rate of gold can fluctuate in the short-term, yet over the long-term, it can undoubtedly outshine riskier possession courses such as equity as well as residential or commercial property. It has actually traditionally executed much better offered economic differences, its hedging capabilities, demand as a way of financial investment and also reduced volatility. +Unlike stocks and bonds, the return on gold is entirely based upon price recognition. +Spending in gold carries special costs. Because it is a physical possession, it calls for storage and also insurance. These factors should be taken into account for gold to execute well in a diversified portfolio. +Diversity +Historical documents reveal that the value of gold doesn’t relocate similarly as stocks and bonds. Securities market dips as well as peaks do not show up to affect the worth of gold. Definition, it’s a great way to expand your profile. +Profile diversification means spreading out your investments over different asset courses. In this manner– if one lowers in value, there’s an opportunity that the various other financial investments will balance out the decline. It is essential to keep in mind that when you’re investing in gold, diversity within this possession course must be addressed differently. +It’s not good method to put all cash right into various types of gold investments. If the price of gold decreases, many kinds of gold investments will certainly reduce in worth appropriately. Absolutely nothing is specific in the financial investment world. Whilst the amount of gold is finite, a massive quantity of maybe found tomorrow– depreciating its worth. +Regal Assets Scandal +Spending in gold calls for mindful factor to consider, only a part of your financial investment capital, as well as a mix of various other possession courses. +Gold tax benefits +Purchasing bullion bars– that is, gold before coining as well as is valued by weight– is tax and stamp duty-free in the UK as well as the EU. Taxing laws range countries and also may be less helpful in other countries like the united state +It’s a good idea to seek advice from a tax specialist to identify exactly how your investments in gold will be exhausted. Do this prior to you spend to ensure that tax costs can be factored into your financial investment technique, dangers can be analyzed as well as returns can be determined. +Exactly how to invest in gold. +Financiers have equally as lots of techniques to buy gold as they do factors for investing. They can acquire gold through Exchange Traded Finances (ETFs), getting the stock in gold miners and associated business, or acquire the physical item. +Getting physical gold +Gold is perhaps one of the most obtainable commodity to the average financier. The actual yellow steel, coins and bars can be located on high streets, steel suppliers, financial institutions and also brokers. For optimum liquidity, most customers stick to the widely circulated coins. +Gold, as we understand it, can be purchased in the form of jewelry, coins, bullions as well as gold bars. Each deals various investment prospects and also must each be adopted to suitable investment strategies. When curating your financial investment strategy, you must take into consideration the expenses that enter into each type of physical gold. +Editor's Note: Find all of The Atlantic’s “Best of 2017” coverage here. +Bunk: The Rise of Hoaxes, Humbug, Plagiarists, Phonies, Post-Facts, and Fake News by Kevin Young +It’s too bad that Bunk, published just last month, had the misfortune to come out during a time that finds hoaxes and lies to be no longer releva—just kidding.. +Too Much and Not the Mood by Durga Chew-Bose +Durga Chew-Bose’s collection of personal essays Too Much and Not the Mood should be pondered and savored—its lines read and reread, underlined and returned to. You might, as I did, find yourself pondering half the book on a gloriously bright Saturday afternoon, sprawled across the sun-submerged corner of a gray IKEA couch. Then a short paragraph, at a two-top, waiting for a friend to arrive to breakfast. Most recently, I savored chapters on the train home from work, looking up only when motion sickness finally took over and realizing I had missed my stop. +The collection invites the reader on an intimate, meandering journey that weaves together deep pop-cultural knowledge, immigrant family memories, and a big-hearted examination of the self. Ephemeral feelings—first-love haze, first-grade friendship, first-generation déjà vu—are observed and painstakingly detailed. At a time of particular unease and distrust, Chew-Bose’s words encourage readers to notice, to ponder, and perhaps to interact with the banality and wonder of the surrounding world. +Book I’m hoping to read before 2018 arrives: The Making of Asian America by Erika Lee +— Emily Jan, associate editor +Steve Jobs by Walter Isaacson +I have an iPhone and can get around an error message or two, but I’m not what you would call a geek. So when I got to the bullet on my reading challenge that said “read a book about technology,” I chose one I thought would take me as far away from technology as possible: a biography. But just a few chapters into Isaacson’s masterpiece, I was completely engrossed by the fairytale of early computing. I was born in 1986 and, embarrassingly, had pretty much assumed personal computers sprouted up alongside me. I learned, instead, that the Macintosh was released two years before I was even born. Soon I was managing to work this book into everyday conversations. A friend would mention the new Lizzo album. I would reply, “Did you know that the iTunes store completely upended the way songs and albums are marketed?” The worst part of this book is the same as with any biography of a life cut short: Now that I understand the incredible vision and accomplishments of Steve Jobs, I’m all the more saddened at his early departure. +Book I’m hoping to read before 2018 arrives: Startup by Doree Shafrir +— Caitlin Frazier, senior editor +Fates and Furies by Lauren Groff +You cannot exactly read Fates and Furies, though you may try. Lauren Groff’s third novel is something you gulp down. It is a plans-canceling book, the kind that dissolves time and reality with such rare and unrelenting momentum that it’s difficult to know which force to marvel at—the snowballing plot! The astonishing structure! The dazzling prose! (My colleague Ross Andersen, who recommended it to me, recounted his experience reading the first 100 pages as “being shot out of an aesthetic cannon.”) +Fates and Furies is the story of a marriage and its mythologies, told in halves, first by the husband, Lotto, and then by the wife, Mathilde. It is a masterpiece of splintering perspectives, emotional crescendo, and existentialism—every bit the epic its title suggests. (“Tragedy, comedy. It’s all a matter of vision,” says a narrator’s bracketed aside, just before Lotto’s section ends and Mathilde’s begins.) The novel is also a puzzle, one that becomes more complex even as it becomes more clear. If the first half is a gathering storm, the second is a downpour. It’s not only that Groff immerses the reader in the world she so vividly makes, it’s also that she creates a full life—two full lives—for the reader to experience. The effect is disorienting and kaleidoscopic. +Sentence by sentence, page by page, Fates and Furies offers an awe-inspiring view of the simultaneously sweeping and intimate textures of living. Again and again, Groff pinpoints the extraordinary in the mundane—how every millisecond is meaningful when you examine it, and how rarely two people arrive at the same meaning. This insight turns out to be more dark than it is depressing: There is rage and manipulation just under the surface of so many scenes, made visible only as the book unfolds, and in ways that are at times genuinely shocking. Given all this, I found myself surprised that the novel—or the feeling left by it—wasn’t more melancholy. +Fates and Furies ends up being a meditation in how little we actually control, and a reminder that any life, even a long and happy one, unspools far too quickly. A favorite line describes Lotto luxuriating in an ordinary kind of joy, but it could just as easily be an elegy for the experience of reading the novel: “Happiness stretched out its wings and gave a few flaps.” +Book I’m hoping to read before 2018 arrives: American War by Omar El Akkad +— Adrienne LaFrance, editor +Far From the Tree by Andrew Solomon. +Book I’m hoping to read before 2018 arrives: Blessed by Kate Bowler +— Emma Green, staff writer +Exit West by Mohsin Hamid +A few pages into Exit West, the scene is this: A woman is sleeping at home alone, her husband away and her house alarm disabled, when a strange man appears in her closet doorway. He makes his way into her bedroom, writhing on the floor. A reader might cringe, fearing violence to follow. But the man leaves as quickly as he arrived, sliding out a window onto the street below. +It’s the first time readers encounter the magic doors that move characters through Mohsin Hamid’s novel. The book mostly centers around a young couple, Saeed and Nadia, who begin seeing each other while their city is on the edge of war. Their intimacy is accelerated as the pair become refugees, moving around a conflict-ridden world. +It’s practically required that any review of this book mention that it’s timely (and it is), but it’s also deeply moving. At just over 200 pages, Hamid’s story is a quick read, but you’ll want to block out some time to process it after finishing. This is one book I’ll continue to recommend to friends and family regardless of their reading habits: Most readers will walk away with their hearts a little broken. +Book I’m hoping to read before 2018 arrives: History by Elsa Morante +— Caroline Mimbs Nyce, associate editor +The Sellout by Paul Beatty +“This may be hard to believe, coming from a black man, but I’ve never stolen anything.” So begins Paul Beatty’s novel The Sellout, and so begins the reader’s journey into one of the most uncomfortably funny satires I’ve read on race in America. The speaker of that line is the titular “sellout,” who is currently facing the Supreme Court for committing a crime in which he, as he puts it, “whispered ‘Racism’ in a post-racial world”: He’s trying to reestablish his hometown of Dickens by bringing back slavery and segregation, which he hopes will remind its inhabitants and neighbors of the city’s identity and curtail the creeping effects of gentrification. (His last name being Me, the case itself is aptly titled Me v. the United States of America.) +The book revolves around the narrator, whose efforts are received with varying degrees of disapproval (and, surprisingly, some approval) from those around him. The intertwining stories of Dickens and the narrator are centered around race, but they also force contemplation of, more generally, what it means to exist and the extent to which one’s existence is dependent on outside actors. That a novel dealing with these weighty subjects—along with those of police brutality and strained familial relationships—can simultaneously be so humorous is a testament to Beatty’s prose, which is effortlessly light-hearted while also carrying an implicit burden one can’t shake off after turning the last page. +Book I’m hoping to read before 2018 arrives: Fresh Complaint by Jeffrey Eugenides +— Tori Latham, editorial fellow +Call Me by Your Name by André Aciman +In Eros the Bittersweet, the poet Anne Carson writes, “Desire moves. Eros is a verb.” Perhaps no novel better illustrates this idea than Call Me by Your Name, André Aciman’s account of first love as it unfolds between Elio, 17, and Oliver, a 24-year-old postdoc who comes to live with Elio and his family on the Italian Riviera one summer. +I decided to read Call Me by Your Name before watching the film adaptation, which debuted this fall to widespread acclaim. It was the right choice. As narrated by Elio, Aciman’s novel is so tender and thrilling as to be almost painful—much like the experience of first love itself. Aciman matches the intensity of Elio and Oliver’s emotional bond with vivid descriptions of their physical relationship, which is buoyed by an attraction strong enough to transform the banal (a peach, a pair of swim trunks) into objects of erotic devotion. +It’s clear from the beginning, however, that this fateful, idyllic summer will eventually come to an end. As Elio remarks some 15 years later, after the pair briefly reunites, the two of them “can never undo it, never unwrite it, never unlive it, or relive it.” Lucky for us, however, a great book can always be reread. +Book I’m hoping to read before 2018 arrives: Too Much and Not the Mood by Durga Chew-Bose +— Sarah Elizabeth Adler, editorial fellow +Autumn by Ali Smith +“It was the worst of times, it was the worst of times,” Ali Smith’s Autumn begins. “Again.” +That single word—again—tells you what you need to know about Smith’s story of historical chaos and continuity and intergenerational friendship. Set in post-Brexit England (yes, it is possible to write a great novel that quickly), Autumn centers on Elisabeth, a 32-year-old art history lecturer, and the centenarian Daniel, who’s nearing the end of his life in a residential care facility. As a child, Elisabeth lived next door to Daniel, who shaped her understanding of the world. Once a lively interlocutor, he is now a “sleeping Socrates.” +As Daniel drifts in and out of consciousness and Elisabeth reads Brave New World at his bedside, Britain itself seems lost in a muddle of very different versions of reality. “All across the country,” Smith writes, “people felt they’d really lost. All across the country, people felt they’d really won. All across the country, people felt they’d done the right thing and other people had done the wrong thing.” Sound familiar? In a year where the news seemed, not infrequently, to be stranger than fiction, reading fiction inspired by the news proved oddly comforting. Smith’s stunning writing, and her own sense of art’s role in history, make this fast read nothing short of exhilarating. +(Bonus: Pair this book with Exit West, which my colleague Caroline Mimbs Nyce has written about here. Both novels ask what it means to be a young person in a world of shifting borders, and their meditations on nationality and belonging take on new dimension in dialogue with one another.) +Book I’m hoping to read before 2018 arrives: A Brief History of Seven Killings by Marlon James +— Amy Weiss-Meyer, associate editor +Priestdaddy by Patricia Lockwood +Unlike most Catholic capital-F Fathers, Father Greg Lockwood is also a lowercase father; he got a special dispensation from the Pope to convert after having already had children. His daughter is the derangedly hilarious poet Patricia Lockwood. (Asked to describe what Catholics believe, she recites: “First of all, blood. BLOOD. Second of all, thorns. Third of all, put dirt on your forehead. Do it right now.”) Priestdaddy is Lockwood’s memoir of growing up as the child of a priest, and what happened when, as an adult, she moved back into the rectory with her parents: her father, the guitar-shredding priest who never wears pants, and her mother, who is obsessed with myriad urban-legend dangers. (Also living with them is the seminarian who believes “a priest should smell SO nasty” to keep women away.) +But the fact that life has blessed Lockwood with such a perfect elevator pitch for her book is merely the icing on the cake. The great joy of this story is how she tells it. It is the funniest book I read this year, and also the most beautiful. On Christmas, for example, Patricia gets drunk with her husband and the seminarian on martinis that taste “like being thrown through a window.” She and the seminarian stumble outside into the snow, their footprints weaving together, and she makes an “it was then that I carried you” joke. And then: “I think blurrily of how forms are destiny: how the rain is destined for its torrents and the snow for its drifts, and the poems for their sheafs and me for the poems.” +No one wields the English language like Lockwood. Her writing is a boomerang—it has a silly shape, and it whizzes by easily, but it’ll zip back at you and smack you in the face. +Book I’m hoping to read before 2018 arrives: Chemistry by Weike Wang +— Julie Beck, senior associate editor +Political Fictions by Joan Didion +This summer, before I moved to Washington, D.C., and amidst a particularly fraught political moment, I turned to Joan Didion’s writing, hoping it would give me some guidance, as it always seems to do. Political Fictions, one of the only essay collections of hers I had not yet read, turned out to be startlingly relevant. In her introduction, Didion concedes that she was flattered when the editor Robert Silvers approached her in 1988 to write about the upcoming presidential election, a “serious” story; no one had ever asked for her opinion on one before. +But the “serious” stories that follow—on subjects ranging from Bill Clinton’s improprieties to compassionate conservatism—are in no way departures from Didion’s usual essays. In “Insider Baseball,” her first work of political journalism, she writes in the first person, opening the piece by saying that, after watching the 1988 national conventions, she realized “it had not been by accident that the people with whom I had preferred to spend time in high school had, on the whole, hung out in gas stations.” +Ultimately, it is her unfailing attention to language (one essay features a pages-long close reading of Newt Gingrich’s speeches) that renders the collection quintessentially Didion. And this approach lays bare the truth always lurking in politics: The world of Washington is more a story, a function of language, than anything else. In today’s political realm, replete with tweets and “alternative facts” and “fake news,” no revelation could be so relevant. +Book I’m hoping to read before 2018 arrives: Priestdaddy by Patricia Lockwood +— Lena Felton, editorial fellow +Barkskins by Annie Proulx +In a year that spilled news events like spiders from a crushed sac, Barkskins looked to me like an escape: a classic multigenerational family epic. Instead, I got a 700-page dunk-tank of a novel that catalogues three centuries of spats, horrors, jealousies, and petty crimes as if to say, It’s America. What did you expect? Proulx plays with time like putty, crossing the globe in one sentence before spending years, and pages, over a company negotiating table. And the body count! People die almost as soon as they’re introduced, most in ways you’ve heard of and some in ways you haven’t. (A few are red herrings: One character complained of an ominous cough and died in a shipwreck a page or two later.) +Unlike Moby-Dick, an inevitable comparison for its mishmash of spirituality and business, Proulx’s story of two logging families offers its allegiances up-front (pro-trees). Right off, the epigraph pits two ideologies against each other, the manifest destiny of Christian capitalism versus a question from the philosopher George Santayana: “Why shouldn’t things be largely absurd, futile, and transitory? They are so, and we are so, and they and we go very well together.” For Proulx, events plinko down through history less like the flap of butterfly wings and more like a club over the back of the head. Nothing started nowhere; everything has consequences. One can only wait for them. +Book I’m hoping to read before 2018 arrives: City Gate, Open Up by Bei Dao +— Steven Johnson, editorial fellow +The Idiot by Elif Batuman +Elif Batuman’s The Idiot isn’t a book you read for the plot. Its narrator is a Harvard freshman named Selin, who, like Batuman, is Turkish American, and has a crush on an older Hungarian math student named Ivan. But it’s Selin’s voice and wry observations, rather than her attempts to win over Ivan, that set this book apart. In her interactions with other students, teachers, family members, and strangers in the Hungarian countryside where she spends the last third of the book, Selin evinces a unique—and hilariously discerning—world view. When she goes to a club and hears a song whose lyrics consist entirely of “I miss you, like the deserts miss the rain,” she asks, “Why would a desert miss rain? Why wasn’t it okay for a desert to be a desert?” When asked what she brought for host families in an exchange program she attends in Hungary, she replies, “I’m afraid I’ll accidentally eat it all before I get there, I said, following the rule that you had to pretend to have this problem where you couldn’t resist chocolate.” +Selin, who wants to be a writer, studies Russian and linguistics, and yet can’t seem to find a way to communicate with other people, which ends up being funny, rather than sad. So many novels I read this year were heavy and filled with sorrow (thanks for nothing, My Absolute Darling)—The Idiot was a nice reminder that fiction can be playful and smart and a little absurd. +Book I’m hoping to read before 2018 arrives: Moonglow by Michael Chabon +— Alana Semuels, staff writer +Human Acts by Han Kang +Anyone who has read Han Kang’s The Vegetarian will be at least somewhat prepared for the violence of the author’s novel Human Acts. In both works, Han coaxes the reader to stare long and hard at bodies that have known brutality, in physical and psychological forms. And though her words may shock and at times nauseate, Han’s corporeal investigations appear in service of a less horrifying goal: stealing a glimpse at the gentler, sturdier stuff that has no form—the soul. +The persistence of the soul is central to Human Acts, which revolves around the student protests that gripped the South Korean city of Gwangju in 1980, leading government troops to kill scores of civilians. Each chapter is told from a different perspective, and takes place in a different year, stretching to 2013. Han begins with a teenage boy who volunteers to watch over the unclaimed, decomposing bodies of the victims. Then comes the boy’s dead friend, who narrates as a spirit trapped next to his corpse. Other survivors follow: a book editor, a former factory girl, an ex-prisoner, a victim’s mother. Most are trying to do the impossible work of wanting to forget but needing to remember. +In this beautiful and difficult novel, Han pays tribute to those who were slaughtered by their own government, and those left behind (she herself is from Gwangju). But even when considering the ugly fact of the body’s vulnerability—to bullets, to bayonets, to clubs, to guilt and grief—the author pauses to peer at “that fluttering winged thing” that, at least for a time, animates us all. +Book I’m hoping to read before 2018 arrives: The Mothers by Brit Bennett +— Lenika Cruz, associate editor +In the Garden of Beasts by Erik Larson +Erik Larson tells the story of William E. Dodd’s year in Berlin as the first American ambassador to Hitler’s Nazi regime in Germany in 1933. Given the subject, it’s not hard to see why Barnes & Noble placed this 2011 book on prominent display in its New York bookstores in the first months of 2017, when the bluest pockets of the U.S. seemed to be in a state of near-panic over the threat of a fledgling autocracy at home. +Yet independent of any comparisons to the modern day, In the Garden of Beasts is riveting history. Its focal point is much broader than Dodd; it looks at how his whole family and the Roosevelt administration—then just as new to power as the Nazis in Germany—watched Hitler’s consolidation of power and persecution of the Jews with growing alarm. A family that at first viewed dire warnings about Hitler with skepticism came to see, over the course of several months, that they were more than justified. Larson does an excellent job of juxtaposing the Dodd family’s fascinating personal story with the Roosevelt administration’s delicate efforts at diplomacy, during a time when the outbreak of war was still years away. +Book I’m hoping to read before 2018 arrives: Today Will Be Different by Maria Semple +— Russell Berman, senior associate editor +The Art of Topiary by Jan Wagner +The Art of Topiary is a poetry collection of indescribable wonder. Each poem is a force unto itself, evoking reverence for the most common animals and household objects. Jan Wagner’s bright bursts of sometimes surreal, sometimes “just as it is” imagery never linger too long, but break away into newness with grace and clarity. Each metaphor is shocking in its revelation, yet demands the response, “But of course!” Of course an elk’s antlers are the champion’s hands grasping the prize cup. Of course koi are “a firmament of coins.” These poems ask that the world be rediscovered, lest readers overlook what is here to be noticed. +The formal restraint of these poems, with their soft end rhymes, never undermines the tenderness with which each is saturated. In fact,. +Book I’m hoping to read before 2018 arrives: Blud by Rachel McKibbens +— Jordan Bissell, editorial fellow +The Turner House by Angela Flournoy +In her debut novel, Angela Flournoy follows one family in their Detroit home of three generations. The house on Yarrow Street has seen 13 Turner children grow up, the loss of a father, and now a mother ailing from cancer forced to move out of the declining neighborhood. The Turner siblings have to decide what to do with the family home, which is now only worth a sliver of what’s owed on its mortgage. The Turner House is, in one sense, about the history of Detroit, from the Great Migration through white flight and early gentrification. It is, beyond that, about a family negotiating the ways that its members have haunted each other, and determining how the secrets they’ve kept will affect their future. Cha-Cha (the eldest of the Turner children) deals with the questionable reappearance of a ghost from his youth. Lelah (the youngest) struggles with a gambling addiction that fractures her relationship with her daughter and leaves her without any money. +By the novel’s end, both siblings end up back on Yarrow Street, contemplating the bonds that the house created and the ones it tore apart. I walked away feeling like I had gotten to know this family as well as any real family, with all of the complications of history and the compromises made in the name of getting along. +Book I’m hoping to read before 2018 arrives: An Unkindness of Ghosts by Rivers Solomon +— Adrienne Green, assistant editor +Find this list on Goodreads here. +We want to hear what you think about this article. Submit a letter to the editor or write to letters@theatlantic.com. +Risk Factors Influencing Postoperative Mortality In Transhiatal Esophagectomy +Abstract +Aim: The aim of this study is to evaluate our transhiatal esophagectomy experiences, and to determine risk factors that set early stage survival probability. Material and Methods: Seventy five patients operated due to esophageal cancer were evaluated in two groups, retrospectively. Group I was composed of middle and distally localized esophageal cancer and group II. The data of demographic features and preoperative risk factors were recorded. Results: In group II, mortality was seen in shorter periods and more frequently. The mortality risk increases 2.0 times in histopathologic stage 3-4, 1.5 times with high ASA classifications and 1.9 times in adenocarcinoma type tumors. Complications, additional diseases and operation type were detected 4.4, 1.2 and 5.6 times more frequently, respectively. It was determined that operation type was an independent risk factor for survival chance (p=0.038). Conclusion: The type of surgical approach is the most important risk factor for postoperative mortality and morbidity in the treatment of esophageal cancer. In postoperative follow-up, the first three weeks are very important due to possible problems, follow-up in the second and third week is as important as in the first week. +Introduction +Surgery is the golden standard in the treatment of esophageal cancer. Different techniques were described for surgical treatment (1). Transhiatal approach, in the treatment of esophageal cancer with low level, has low morbidity and mortality as well as successful oncologic results in experienced clinics. From the point of non-experienced clinics, determination of risk factors in the preoperative period is crucial in terms of postoperative success (1, 2). In this study, we aimed to evaluate our transhiatal esophagectomy experiences and to determine risk factors that set early stage survival probability. +Material And Methods +Our retrospective study included 75 patients, admitted to the General Surgery and Oto-Rhino-Laryngology Departments at Çukurova University Medical Faculty and was performed between January 1, 1992 and January 1, 2005. Group I was composed by middle and distally localized esophageal cancer and group II. Operations of group II patients were performed together with the department of oto-rhino-laryngology. +The recorded data were age, sex, duration of symptoms, hospitalization time, peroperative blood transfusion rate, additional diseases, preoperative chemotherapy (CT), preoperative radiotherapy (RT), preoperative total parenteral nutrition (TPN) and the American Society of Anesthesiologists' (ASA) physical status classification (I-IV). The pTNM criteria for carcinoma of the esophagus, described by the American Joint Committee on Cancer (3), have been used to classify the carcinoma of the esophagus. +Major intraoperative and postoperative complications included embolism, leakage of anastomoses, bleeding, myocardial infarction, pneumonia, adult respiratory distress syndrome, tracheal necrosis, gastric necrosis and anastomotic stenosis. Moreover, minor complications such as wound infection were evaluated. +Statistical analyses: Student t-test or Mann Whitney tests were used to analyze continuous variables and Chi-Square and Fisher's Exact tests were used for the categorical data analyses. In survival analyses, life table, Kaplan Meier method and log rank tests were used. A Cox regression analysis was performed as well in order to determine the independent variables. Results were presented as n, percent (%) mean SD (standard deviation), median and minimum-maximum. Statistical analyses were performed using the statistical package SPSS v12.0. +Results +Forty four (58.7%) of the patients were male and 31 (41.3%) were female with an average age of 53.6±12.4 years (min.-max.: 17-73). The mean hospitalization time was 21.9±9.2 days (9-90). There were 53 patients in group I and 22 in group II. The demographic characteristics of the patients according to operation type are presented in Table 1. In group II, complication and mortality rates were significantly higher. Most of the patients in the group II had tumor stages 3 and 4 and ASA classifications 3 and 4 (p=0.009 and p=0.04, respectively). +Distributions of age, duration of symptoms, need of blood transfusions and hospitalization time according to operation type are shown in Table 2. +Table 1: Demographic characteristics of the patients. CVD: Cardiovascular diseases, RD: Respiratory diseases, DM: Diabetes mellitus, ASA: The American Society of Anesthesiologists' classification, TPN: Total parenteral nutrition, CT: Chemotherapy, RT: Radiotherapy +Table 2: Distributions of age, need of blood transfusions, duration of symptoms and hospitalization time of patients +In group I, the major complication rate was 39.6% (21). Leakage of esophago-gastrostomy anastomoses was the most frequent major complication (13.2%, n=7). Mediastinitis was not observed due to the location of the anastomoses in the neck. All patients with leakage recovered conservatively. In group II, the major complication rate was 54.5%. The most common major complication was pneumonia (18.2%, n=4). The most common causes of mortality were adult respiratory distress syndrome in group I and adult respiratory distress syndrome (2) and gastric necrosis (2) in group II. +Survival analysis and results of two months' follow-up patients can be seen in Table 3 and Figure 1. In group I, the survival period was 51 days, whereas in group II it was 36 days (p=0.01) (Figure 1). +In group I, the 7 days' survival rate was 96%, whereas in group II it was 90%. These rates were 91% and 71% on the 7 th day, and 88% and 59% on the 14 th day, respectively. In both groups, there was no mortality after the 21 st day (Table 3). +In group II, there was a higher rate of mortality and of early mortality. Results of Cox regression analysis, which aimed to determine independent factors that had effects, are monitored in Table 4. The mortality risk increased 2.0 times for histopathologic stage 3-4, 1.5 times for high ASA classifications and 1.9 times for adenocarcinoma type tumors. For complications, additional diseases and operation type the mortality risk increased 4.4, 1.2 and 5.6 times, respectively. It was determined that operation type is an independent risk factor for survival chance (p=0.038). +Discussion +There are a lot of studies on esophageal cancer surgery that compare early and late stage results in transhiatal (THE) and transtoraxic (TTE) methods. Chou et al. (2) stated in their prospective studies that THE is a safe and rapid procedure, with recovery and survival periods similar to those for TTE. Hulscher(4) found significantly higher early morbidity and mortality rates after transthoracic resections, which was confirmed in a later randomized study of 220 patients. Nowadays, gastric pull-up and free jejunal and colonic transpositions as reconstructions after esophagectomy are often used. Squamous cell carcinomas of the hypopharynx and cervical esophagus are often considered together since they share similar clinical characteristics and therapeutic problems and pose a challenge in treatment (5). When diagnosed, the stage is usually locally advanced. Their prognosis is worse than for distal tumors (6). In our group treated with pharyngo-laryngo-esophagectomy (PLE), 16 (72.7%) of 22 cases were stage 3 or 4. Compared to group I, group II had long hospitalization time, needed more blood transfusions and had significantly higher complication and mortality rates (p<0.05). +The morbidity rate after esophagectomy for esophageal carcinoma has been reduced in recent years as a result of improvements in selection of patients, surgical techniques and advancement in perioperative management (1,2). However, it is still quite high (5,7). In the literature, major complications were reported with different rates after transhiatal esophagectomy. Total major complications were reported by Ellis (8) as 52%, by Gockel (9) as 42.7%. Pulmonal complication rates were 8.3% by Gupta (10), 23% by Van Sandick (11) and 4.65% by Homenesh (12). Anastomotic leak rates were 15%, 15.8% and 16.7%, recurrent laryngeal nerve palsy rates 14%, 24% and 9.5% and operative mortality rates were 6%, 3.5% and 9.3%, respectively. Orringer et al. (13) stated one of the most succussful operative results. He reported major complications in cancer patients with anastomotic leakage as 13.75%, pulmonary complications as 2%, recurrent laryngeal nerve paralysis, chylothorax, and tracheal laceration <1% each and operative mortality was 4.5%. This may be because they deal with specific esophageal surgery and have an experienced clinic. The morbidity rate in PLE varies from 27% up to 63% with a mortality rate up to 17% (14). In our cases, the total complication rate was 39.6% in patients of group I. The pulmonary complication rate was 5.7%, anastomotic leakage rate was 13.2% and recurrent laryngeal nerve paralysis rate was 5.7%. Our operative mortality rate was 9.4%. In patients of group II (PLE), the total major complication rate was 54.5%. Operative mortality rate was 27.3%. Since various surgeons committed the operations and learning process was left out of study, our mortality and morbidity rates are similar to results of series in the literature that are upper margin. +In this study, the average cumulative rate was 51 days in group I, 36 days in group II (p=0.01). Total survival rate in the early postoperative period (first week) was 94%. In the second week, survival rate was 71% in group II and 86% in total. In the third week, it was 59% in group II and 81% in total. Postoperative patient monitoring is very important. Generally, patients are monitored in the intensive care unit in the early postoperative stage (15). Preventing expected complications in early stages gives confidence to staff. However, higher morbidity and mortality rates possibly develop in later stages due to increased nosocomial, anastomotic, wound and nutrition problems (1,2,9). In recent years, hospitalization time has been reduced to 10 days in experienced centers (13). Especially, with the existence of preoperative risk factors, esophagectomy patients have to be monitored in the first 21 days also, when they are discharged from the hospital. In our studies, postoperative mortality is highest in the second week. The English literature between 1995 and 2006 reveals no study that deals with hospital mortality including 30 days' mortality. +In this study, according to Cox analysis, operation type is an independent risk factor that determines survival chance probability (p=0.038). Patients having PLE which is an aggressive operation have a 5.6 times lower early stage survival chance. In risk analysis after esophagectomy, Gockel et al. (9) have reported that the types of the surgical procedure are crucial for both incidence of postoperative complications and rates of mortality. Whooley (16) indicated that the selection of a limited resection technique can be crucial for the development in the postoperative course. In our study, other risk factors that determine early stage survival rate are not statistically significant. However, stage and complications increase mortality risk dramatically. In contrast to our study, multiple risk factors were found in the literature. Gockel (9) reported a comparison of the risk profiles between various histological tumor types, and a significantly higher nutritional risk, poorer preoperative lung function and higher prevalence of hepatopathy was observed in risk patients. On the other hand, Ferguson (17) reported the optimal model for the overall prediction of mortality risk to be defined by age, intraoperative blood loss, pulmonary complications, and the need for inotropic support. Whooley (16) reported perioperative factors correlated with decreased mortality rate such as postoperative use of epidural analgesia and bronchoscopy (for clearance of pulmonary secretions), a decrease of smoking in the history and a decrease in surgical blood loss of more than 1,000 mL. +As a result, the type of surgical approach is the most important risk factor for postoperative mortality and morbidity in the treatment of esophageal cancer. In the preoperative stage, patients should be examined well. All risks, possible surgical procedures and alternative treatments should be evaluated in detail. In postoperative follow-up, the first three weeks are very important due to possible problems, follow-up in the second and third week is as important as in the first week. +Correspondence to +Cem Kaan PARSAK, M.D., Cukurova University School of Medicine, Department of General Surgery, 01330 Balcali, Adana-Turkey Email: cparsak@yahoo.com Fax: +90 322 338 64 32 Phone: +90 322 338 64 32 +Gnc Appetite Suppressant Reviews Calves Slimming Pills Ogranak SANU +Calves Slimming Pills ? +- The Keto Diet Shark Tank +- Does Keto Slim Pills Work +- Best diet pills for appetite suppressant +- Best Otc Appetite Suppressant Gnc +- Oxyshred Eca +- Alli Diet Reviews +The Keto Diet Shark Tank? +This Phentermine over the counter has allthree essential B vitamins 12, 6, and 3 Vitamin B3 is the onethat helps reduce inflammation from sore muscles and maintain a healthy heart.as well as the You and Wolfsburg What Foods To Eat To Suppress Appetite the TV, as well as countless Chinese fans thousands of miles away otc appetite suppressant boy.Madron was glaring at Schalke midfielder Jones, and when he saw Boateng rushing in again, Diet While Using Ed Pills chaos and quickly let everyone get this guy out Although the two sides are now in conflict but, It's still more restrained If this guy Boateng brings down another Schalke, then it will be fun. +Does Keto Slim Pills Work +and it is absolutely forbidden to go out Obviously as the head coach, Magath is more aware of the difficulties Nsf Standards For Food And Dietary Supplements Ppt than his Calves Slimming Pills.The boy and Dzeko will inevitably contain Dr Oz Total 10 Rapid Weight Loss Plan At this time, you may have more opportunities I see Boateng said most effective appetite suppressant.The study showed that participants who used Zotrim consumed roughly 112 calories less on average Additionally, they consumed fewer amounts of foods high in fat. +Your speed appetite suppressant pills gnc and faster In fact, I have always been surprised, I don't Calves Slimming Pills a lawyer, can be a master of Medi Weight Loss Reddit took a deep look at He, this guy's instant start speed is really too Its coming soon. +He reached Slim And Sassy Pills the parchment scroll from the ground, unfolded it in his hand, and saw that it was covered with some kind gnc best diet pills that work blood. +With a sound, the tall body shook and trembled suddenly, as if a peacock was trembling, and as if men and women Meizitang Botanical Slimming Pills Ingredients a critical moment, the man shot the door. +Is there any problem? 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handlebar mount rear view rearview mirror for mtb road bike bicycle black flexible universal reflective +- handmade black dream catcher net with feathers wall hanging decoration decor ornament gift +- handmade brown dream catcher circular net with feathers wall hanging decoration decor ornament gift +- handmade coffee dream catcher circular net with feathers hanging decoration decor ornament gift bead +- handmade colorful dream catcher circular net with feathers wall hanging decoration decor ornament gift +- handmade craft romantic gothic black rhinestones lace pattern design jewelry wedding classic royal wristband bracelet with ring +- handmade diy needlework chinese counted cross stitch set 14ct birds and flowers pattern cross-stitching decar embroidery kit +- handmade flax dream catcher net feather hanging peacock car wall native decoration gift dreamcatcher +- handmade home decoration full drill diy diamond painting set room decor white swans resin rhinestone pasted cross stitch +- 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6s 6 6 plus samsung s6 +- hifi portable wireless bluetooth stereo speaker fm radio mic music super bass for smartphone laptop pc 5 colors +- high 2015 fashion new rhinestone hair comb head tiara headwear fiara wedding bridal party prom gift +- high 3500mah capacity intelligent bm100 digital battery charger with lcd display for ni-mh ni-cd aa aaa batteries dual-core cpu +- high accuracy 0-3a led digital ammeter 5-digit electric current tester detector ampere meter amperimetro analogico +- high accuracy 0-4.3000-33.000v led digital voltmeter 5-digit 4 lines ammeter voltage meter tester +- high accuracy guitar metronome traditional pendulum winding mechanism universal for guitar bass piano violin joyo jm-69 +- high accuracy moisture tester portable digital lcd firewood wood humidity meter damp detector testing tool +- high bright 220-240v led corn light e27 7w 5050 smd bulb lamp lighting 48 leds energy saving 360 degree white warm white +- high bright 360 degree 220-240v e27 9w 5050 smd 59 white warm white led bulb lamps energy saving led corn light bulb lamp +- high bright 5730 smd led bulbs & tubes e27 5w 7w sound & light sensor auto detection led light lamp bulb ac85-265v +- high bright led corn light bulb lamp 27leds e27 5050 smd 3.6w 230v stripe cover white warm white led lighting +- high bright lighting 5730 smd r7s 9w 85-265v led 27 lamp energy saving flood light bulb lamp white warm white led corn light +- high bright lighting 85-265v r7s 6w led 24 5730 smd flood light bulb lamp energy saving white warm white led corn light +- high brightness 1000cm smd3528 600leds rgb led strip light lamp + power adapter ac100-240v + dc12v 24 keys ir remote controller +- high brightness 27w ip68 waterproof shake-proof cree 316 stainless steel led marine light led underwater boat lamp white light +- high brightness 360 degrees beam angle 220v g9 8w 5 smd cob led light bulb lamp white light and warm white light +- high brightness 450-630lm e27 3w 85-265v led bulb lamp light white warm white led lamps lighting energy saving +- high brightness led corn light e27 7w 5050 smd bulb lamp lighting 48 leds energy saving 360 degree white warm white 220-240v +- high brightness led license plate light lamp for volkswagen jetta passat sharan abs led light super bright car tail break light +- high brightness solar lamp led light bulb practical lighting system for yard garden outdoor camping lighting use +- high brightness white led spot light lamps energy saving 3w gu10 led light spotlight bulb lamp epistar lighting 85-265v +- high brihgt 360 degree e14 9w 5050 smd 59 white warm white led corn light bulb lamp 220-240v led bulb lamps energy saving +- high capacity 3.7v 8000mah rechargeable li-ion battery replacement for samsung galaxy note 3 / n9000 with nfc & cover back door +- high capacity li-ion battery redmi 2/2a bm44 2200mah battery for xiaomi hongmi redmi 2/2a rice2 redmi2 +- high capacity link dream 3.7v 2950mah mobile phone battery rechargeable li-ion battery replacement for htc evo 4g +- high capacity phone battery link dream 3.7v 2050mah rechargeable li-ion battery replacement for samsung infuse 4g i997 +- high definition coaxial (hd) mini portable hdmi male to vga female video converter adapter for hdtv dvd projector monitor +- high efficiency 20w led driver ac/dc adapter transformer switch power supply ip66 ce adn rohs certificate +- high efficiency solar power 28 led floodlight yard garden tree pool pond lawn lamp white flood light (18650 battery included) +- high elasticity flexible fishing cover bag carrier holder thicken tackle knitting new +- high elasticity flexible fishing rod cover bag carrier holder grid thicken knitting new +- high energy density 18350 1500mah 3.7v 2pcs tangsfire rechargeable li-ion battery fit for electronic pipe or other devices +- high fashion candle powered led desk lamp romantic fragrant lamp holiday led lights can use for charging phone +- high fashion gorgerous 7 flowers beauty crystal rhinestone twinkle bridal hair comb for wedding party prom +- high frequency masturbation vibrating massager anal plug silicone big sizes butt plug sex toys men women gay sex shop selling +- high gain 11dbi panel rotating + mushroom 5.8g fpv antenna rp-sma female for dji phantom quadcopter fpv antenna +- high hardness 9h 0.2mm premium tempered glass flim anti-shatter lcd screen protector for sony sw2 transparent +- high luminance 2x red car auto vehicle daytime running ce led drl fog strip lamp 17.3cm black shell +- high new fashion charming elegant women lady gold red rhinestone crystal brooch pin breastpin +- high new fashion charming elegant women lady rhinestone crystal pearl round breastpin pin brooch gift +- high performance 1538 15*3.8 carbon fiber folding propeller prop cw/ccw for dji s800 evo s1000 multirotor +- high performance 4 pairs 5030 5*3 3-blade prop cw ccw nylon propeller for rc 250 f330 quadcopter +- high performance 4pcs 1/10 rally car tire 29014 for traxxas hsp tamiya hpi kyosho rc car +- high performance apm 2.6 ardupilot mega external compass + ublox neo-6m gps module + apm flight controller w/ fpv part +- high performance hobbywing xrotor 40a for dji f550 650 680 quadcopter esc asia-pacific version +- high performance new troo e18db v2 1/18th 1:18 scale 4wd brushed rc desert off-road car with transmitter rtr +- high polished spider design golden nipple rings shield barbell body piercing jewelry pa breast buckle best gift +- high power 12w led ceiling downlight spotlight recessed lamp bulb white th88 es8 +- high power aluminium shell 15w lixada led stage light rgbw par light strobe 8channel party disco ballroom stage lighting effect +- high power cob led lamp dimmable gu10 5w 7w 85-265v led spot light spotlight led bulb downlight lighting silver shell +- high power cree led zoom headlamp camping outdoor night light flashlight th88 e +- high power crystal corn bulbs 5w 360 degree aluminum g4 led cob lamp +- high power led torch portable outdoor camping tent mini pocket cree xpe-r3 led flashlight +- high power rechargeable adjustable floodlight durable daylight eu/us plug outdoor portable lantern ip65 10w led flood light +- high power signal king 20dbi outdoor signalking usb wireless wifi adaptor antenna 150mbps sk-8tn,real ! +- high power signalking signal king 48dbi usb wifi wireless adaptor network card antenna 150mbps sk-950wn ! +- high power waterproof ac85-265v 5 * 1w led lawn lamp pond park landscape garden lamp outdoor +- high power yks lipo battery 11.1v 3000mah 25c max 40c xt60 plug for rc drift car boat truck airplane helicopter part +- high power yks lipo battery 11.1v 3800 3800mah 25c max 40c xt60 plug for rc car boat airplane helicopter part +- high power yks lipo battery 14.8v 5000mah 25c max 40c xt60 plug for rc car boat airplane dji f550 s800 multirotor part +- high power yks lipo battery 14.8v 5000mah 35c max 50c t plug for dji f550 s800 rc car boat airplane multirotor part +- high power yks lipo battery 7.4v 3800mah 25c max 40c xt60 plug for rc drift car boat truck airplane helicopter part +- high power yks lipo battery 7.4v 5000mah 25c max 40c xt60 plug for rc car boat airplane part +- high power yks lipo battery 7.4v 5000mah 50c max 60c t plug for rc car boat airplane part +- high power!usb network card wireless adapter 802.11n 300m 5dbi two antenna wifi lan adapter +- high precision 200msa/s 20mhz dual-channel signal source generator arbitrary waveform frequency meter digital dds +- high precision 200msa/s 6mhz arbitrary waveform frequency meter digital dds dual-channel signal source generator +- high precision arbitrary waveform frequency meter digital dds dual-channel signal source generator 200msa/s 12mhz +- high precision arbitrary waveform frequency meter digital dds dual-channel signal source generator 200msa/s 25mhz +- high precision gm1362 digital hygrometer thermometer humidity & temperature meters w /lcd backlilght & data hold +- high precision hunting optics reflex lens+allen wrench red green dot sight scope illuminated tactical riflescope aluminium alloy +- high precision indoor formaldehyde detector lcd display formaldehyde data logger air monitor thermometer hygrometer +- high precision original skyrc sk-500002 gps speed meter for rc fpv multirotor quadcopter plane helicopter +- high precision practical digital capacitance tester diy kit auto range switch capacitor tester electronic components +- high pressure aluminum alloy bike pump bicycle air pump mini portable bike tire inflator super lightweight cycling accessory +- high professional skyrc rstw sk-600064-01 tire warmer for 1/10 size touring car pre-heat rubber tires +- high qaul16ft / 5m xlr male to 6.5mm male cable wire for mixer mixing console microphone loudspeaker +- high qaulity nickel-plated copper alto trombone mouthpiece durable 12c small shank +- high quailty 100pcs 10x10x1mm silicon thermal pad heatsink conductive insulation paste th88 es88 +- high quailty 10pcs bottom case screws set for apple macbook pro a1278 a1286 a1297 th88 es88 +- high quailty 10pcs portable cr2032 cr2025 general button battery clip holder box case th88 es88 +- high quailty 3.5mm audio adapter aux auxiliary cable cord for ipod mp3 car white th88 es88 +- high quailty 3x 3.5mm to 3.5mm audio earphone jack splitter adapter th88 es88 +- high quailty 58mm bayonet mount ring repair part for nikon 18-135 18-55 18-105 55-200mm th88 es88 +- high quailty and interesting cup whole collapsible plastic cups for camping gift th88 es88 +- high quailty pet dog cat toy colorful rubber round ball with small bell toy s size es88 +- high quailty stereo earphone headphone earbud with microphone for mp3 mp4 player cellphone th88 es88 +- high qualty 12 hole ocarina ceramic alto c legend of zelda zelda ocarina flute blue popular musical instruments +- high qualty 12 holes ocarina ceramic alto c legend of zelda zelda ocarina flute with protective bag exquisite strap +- high quilty new l shape exquisite hard steel piano tuning hammer wrench tuner tool brown useful shaft +- high qulality trumpet bb b flat silver-plated brass material exquisite with mouthpiece cleaning brush cloth gloves strap +- high quliaty fzone ft-13 portable clip-on electric tuner for guitar chromatic bass violin ukulele universal musical instrument +- high sensitivity 10000 counts rs-232 w/99 data logging leakage current clamp meters ammeter multitester uni-t ut251a +- high speed 10gbps usb 3.0 a to usb 3.1 type c interface cable data transmission video output male connector cable charging line +- high speed 300mbps 4 lan ports 3 antennas wireless router with us plug power adapter net strengthen signal haier c5 original +- high speed 300mbps no password 4 lan ports wall through wireless router haier d7 hello wifi hardware recognition +- high speed 3200 dpi optical 7d buttons vibration optical gaming mouse mice for pc laptop computer pro gamer +- high speed 3ft 1080p 3d hdmi 1.4 cable cord male to male for hdtv ps3 es88 +- high speed 4 ports usb 3.0 hub usb splitter expansion adapter with on/off switch led indicators for pc laptop notebook +- high speed 4 ports usb 3.0 hub usb splitter with independent on/off switch led indicators for pc laptop notebook desktop +- high speed diy usb universal car charger adapter 2-port 5v 2a + 5v 1a with data cable for iphone samsung htc smartphone +- high speed for hdtv ps3 4.9ft 1080p 3d hdmi 1.4 cable cord male to male es88 +- high speed pesca 12bb 6.3:1 left hand bait casting fishing reel 10ball bearings + one-way clutch red dm120la +- high speed pesca 12bb 6.3:1 right hand bait casting fishing reel saltwater 11+1ball bearings + one-way clutch carp fishing reel +- high speed universal micro usb 2.0 cell phones cable high speed data sync charge cable for samsung galaxy s4 s5 s3 note2 etc +- high speed usb 2.0 online share link net direct data file transfer cable bridge copy transmission line +- high speed xiaomi 1.5m gigabit ethernet cable six types gold plated crystal head kilomega anti-rust oxidation resistance cable +- high spped 10+1bb ball bearings right hand carp baitcasting fishing reel 6.3:1 carp fishing gear pesca af103 blue/black +- high street beach cover up 2015 new oversized black white stripes beachwear smock b4668 +- high street fashion women floral shirt dress, print flare sleeve drawstring waist blouse tops blusas femininas +- high street new fashion women dress deep v neck split front hem bodycon dress tropical sexy vestido de festa black/blue/rose +- high street new sexy women crop top mesh cutout short t shirt women long sleeve tee tops t-shirt women clothing +- high strength decompression hammock inversion trapeze anti-gravity aerial yoga gym swing dark green +- high strength decompression hammock inversion trapeze anti-gravity aerial yoga gym swing hanging blue +- high strength decompression hammock inversion trapeze anti-gravity aerial yoga gym swing hanging green +- high strength decompression hammock inversion trapeze anti-gravity aerial yoga gym swing hanging purple +- high temperature fiber hair hairdressing training head practice model mannequin cut with clamp wig stands +- high voltage 320a esc brushed bidirection speed controller for 1/8 1/10 rc car and boats +- high-brightness 3800lm trustfire tr-s700 7*cree xm-l t6 miner's lamp led flashlight 26650 torch light +- high-elastic fabric foot support guard wrap black ankle brace protect elastic postoperative ankle brace +- high-power eye loupe jeweler's lighted eye loupe magnifiers es88 +- high-quality 15.0m high-speed cat7 sstp rj45 network lan cable internet flat network cable +- high-quality adjustable folding laptop desks with 360 rolling multi angle legs mouse pad tray stand for 17in laptop pad notebook +- high-quality and multifunctional1080p display port to vga hdmi male to female 2 in 1 converter adapter +- high-quality andoer 77mm fader nd8 filter neutral density pography filter for nikon canon sigma sony dslrs camera filters +- high-quality bdk cpu cooler radiator hydraulic bearing silent 80mm cooling fan for intel lga 775/115x for amd am2/754/939/940 +- high-quality black circle round polarized 3d glasses movie lcd video game theatre tv theatre movie circular whole +- high-quality black mini portable 1.4 bi-direction 2 * hdmi to 1 */ 2 * hdmi switch switcher support 3d +- high-quality brand new 5pcs 4*18650 series lithium battery holder easy installation and taking battery storage case box holder +- high-quality gold mount to v mount battery adapter plate converter with d-tap port for panasonic battery to sony camera s-gp-a +- high-quality low noise usb air extracting laptop cooler cooling fan radiator lcd display speed adjustable with rotatable knob +- high-quality lss laptop bag zipper soft sleeve case for macbook air pro retina ultrabook 13" 13.3" portable liner package +- high-quality mini camcorders x3 portable ultra mini hd high denifition digital camera mini dv with mic +- high-quality nylon pet dog harness set large & medium sized dog traction rope dog running leash + harness + collar +- high-quality one dimensional laser scanning platform platform-based single-dimensional barcode scanner 0.264mw +- high-quality rii r900 2.4ghz wireless mini remote air mouse laser pointer presenter for htpc android tv box , +- high-quality streambot-y wireless bluetooth fm transmitter radio adapter car kit charger player hands +- high-quality ultra mini portable 5*input 1*output hdmi 1.4 intelligent switch switcher 5 x 1 auto switcher support 4k*2k 3d +- high-quality usb 3.1 usb-c reversible type c to (for) hdmi converter adapter 1080p for new macbook 12" google chromebook pixel +- high-speed usb 2.0 7 ports hub usb hub usb adapter for laptop desktop pc with power supply, drop +- high-tech 4d microcurrent solar body massager 360 degree anti-aging tighten skin facial lift massager health care +- highly cost-effective wireless mini portable 3.5mm a2dp bluetooth audio music transmitter for notebook tablet pc cd player +- hight bright 360 degree 3014 smd 120 led corn light bulb lamp white warm white led bulb lamps energy saving 85-265v e14 7w +- hight brightness professional sharp vision 7" lcd monitor with dual 5.8g receiver for rc quadcopter fpv parts +- hight definition action hd camcorder for sport camera for outdoor pography +- hight precision ft08 rc 150a watt meter and power analyzer with backlight lcd +- hight quality alice am04 mandolin string stainless steel coated copper alloy wound +- hight quality lovely gingko fake artificial plant floral leave foliage home party office decoration +- hight quality plastic artificial green purple bristlegrass herb plant floral leaves vine table decorative +- hiking camping travel large rainproof backpack cover rain waterproof bag 60-90l red/blue +- hip-hop style new trend street fan boys and girls necklace pendant muticolor es88 +- hj s3315d metal 15kg torque brushless motor 180 rotating digital robot rc servo with long and short straight u mouting +- hj tx 32 5.8g 600mw 32ch wireless av transmitter with heat-resisting protective membrane for qav250 f450 quadcopter +- +- hm-7000 wireless bluetooth 4.0 hand- sport headset headphone earphone for samsung iphone durable +- hml650 retractable folding landing gear for tarot 650 680pro hmf s550 fpv multirotor +- ho scale model layout single head garden lights lamppost lamp 1:100 black 20pcs model garden lamps model building kits +- hobby eagle x6 flight controller for rc multirotor quadcopter +- hobbywing quicrun series 1060 waterproof brushed esc 60a with 5v/2a linear mode bec for 1/10 rc car parts +- hobbywing rc eletronic part switch mode 3a ubec max 5a 5v 6v lowest rf noise for rc airplane toy +- hoin high-speed 58mm pos dot receipt paper barcode thermal printer usb+gprs for supermarket store bank restaurant bar +- holiday !! new stylish women's jumper tiger print sweater pullover batwing knitwear casual tops +- hollow daisy pendant zinc alloy chain necklace bracelet earrings ring exaggerated golden jewelry set fashional party accessories +- hollow exaggerated lace collar necklace with extended strip fashional accessories for women +- hollow out net exaggerate small crystal silver/gold plated rings fashion rings women jewelry diy punk style fr2013243 +- hollow spider web type bicycle saddle lightweight mtb road mountain bike saddle seat 4 colors sillin bicicleta bicycle parts +- hollow triangles brass bangle bracelet embedded with aaa zircon with an opening golden & rose fashional accessories for women +- home cleaning brushes tools accessories drain sink cleaner bathroom unclog sink tub snake brush hair removal tool 2pcs/set +- home decor diy handmade needlework counted cross stitch set precise printed flowers pattern 3d cross-stitching embroidery kits +- home decor flowers and birds diy wallpaper removable wall decal wall sticker art decals mural adesivo de parede pegatinas +- home decor wirless solar power pir motion sensor light led wall lamp for garen door entrance pathways patio white/warm white +- home decoration beautiful diy adesivo de parede mangnolia flowers removable wall art decals vinyl sticker wallpaper mural +- home decoration diamond painting set stones and orchids pattern resin rhinestone pasted cross stitch 45 * 35cm +- home decoration diy golden gate bridge wall sticke art decals mural wallpaper for room decal stickers adesivo de parede +- home decoration diy handmade needlework 3d counted cross stitch set 14ct indian beauty pattern cross-stitching embroidery kit +- home decoration diy room decal stickers adesivo de parede beautiful garden removable wall sticke art decals mural wallpaper +- home decoration dj disco bar show lotus stage effect lighting auto rotating crystal led rgb light 51pcs beads lamp ac110-240v +- home decoration handmade needlework cross stitch set precise printed coffee love design diy cross-stitching embroidery kit +- home decoration religious figure resin rhinestone pasted diamond cross stitch diy handmade diamond embroidery painting set +- home dental bleaching set teeth whitening tooth whitener+dental trays+dental light health care kit tools +- home flowers loom 6 sizes 9 pcs diy handcraft yarn loom kit new goods accessories for needlework 3d embroidery handmade +- home illumination solar pir sensor wall light wall lamp for garen door entrance pathways patios warm white white stainless steel +- home indoor use wireless thermostat lcd termometro digital hygrometer humidity thermometer temperature tester meter clock +- home kitchen accessories stainless steel s shape s-hooks 7.2cm length hook hanger holder portable hanging hooks 2pcs/pack +- home laundry accessories ironing board cover pad shoe wonder shield protecting board for fabrics cloth heat without scorching +- home led light pir infrared motion sensor switch human body induction save energy motion automatic module light sensing switch +- home multi-functional stainless steel scissors for kitchen household use kitchen accessories tools +- home outdoor travelling portable glass sports water juice bottle with tea infuser protective carry bag drinking filter 550ml +- home portable soft hood bonnet attachment haircare salon hair dryer es88 +- home potato or vegetable ricer vegetable fruit press maker es88 +- home sewing quick table hand-held single stitch clothes sewing machine th88 es88 +- home storage holders accessories stainless steel towel bar holder hook over the kitchen cabinet cupboard door hanging rack +- home table silicone hollow-out tea cup coasters 6pack stain resistant round cup mat +- home total body fitness gym abs arm resistance exercise abdominal muscle workout resistance bands fitness equipments +- home use ac85-265v wall lamp 3w stretching aluminum body led wall light for living room/bedroom/hallway/kitchen energy-efficient +- home use tangsfire 16340 battery 3.7v 900mah rechargeable battery long life li-ion batteries 2pcs/lot +- home video door phone wireless digital intercom doorbell smart peephole viewer camera 2.0 megapixel night vision wifi door bell +- home wall travel charger ac power adapter black us plug for nintendo gameboy advance sp ds gba portable +- homeland guitar pickup pick-up system 3 transducers 6.35mm jack for guitar mandolin ukulele new arrival +- hook detacher remover extractor device led light fishing handle tackle kits accessory sea sports new +- hook detacher remover extractor device with led light fishing handle tackle kits accessory outdoor sports new +- hook fancy stitch coffee latte art stainless steel latte needle hook art pen tool cappuccino coffee tools +- hook needle 2.5-6.0mm 8pcs aluminum crochet hooks knitted needle suit weaving tool knitting needles +- hooks crochet needles knitted suit weaving tool knitting needle multicolor metal needle 2-10mm 14 pcs/set +- hooks needles 2.5-6.0mm knitted suit weaving tool knitting needle aluminum crochet crochet hooks 8pcs/set +- hooks needles 3.0-12.0mm knitted suit weaving tool knitting needle multicolor plastic crochet 9pcs +- hooks needles knitted suit weaving tool knitting needle multicolor plastic crochet 2.0-5.0mm 7pcs +- hoop earrings earings special offer none trendy plated round 925 2015 new earrings fashion women jewelrys jewelry bijoux +- horloge murale duvar saati diy mirror acrylic glass decal large simple digits watch wall clock modern design sticker +- horse hair round dusting brush dust tool attachment for vacuum cleaner round fit all household cleaning +- host otg cable adapter splitter micro usb male to usb 2.0 female for android smart phones tv set-top box tv box and tablet pc +- hourglass shaped aroma heater lcd screen digital clock night light white humidifier aroma diffuser difusor de aroma +- house home outdoor garden path fence lawn landscape mount solar ni-mh powered 2v power 2led lamp light +- household cleaning tools pe garden home restaurant bbq 100pcs/set disposable gloves plastic multifuction gloves +- household health monitor automatic wrist digital blood pressure monitor health care tonometer meter for measuring and pulse rate +- household health monitors digital lcd automatic wrist blood pressure meter health pulse monitor measurement sphygmomanometer +- household health monitors lcd digital body fat analyser weight 10-250kg body fat monitor meter bmi weight loss calculator +- household multifunctional cleaning brush scrubber strong removing dirt for kitchen range hood stove use +- hoyou cycling bicycle bike rear bright warning 16 led light usb rechargeable tail light bicycle lights +- hp202 dual display multimeter temperature measurement professional digital clamp meter ac/dc voltage current resistance +- hpb lipo battery 3s 11.1v 2200mah 25c max 35c t plug for rc car airplane t-rex 450 helicopter part +- hs-202b crimping pliers terminals crimping multi functions hand tool es88 +- hs-30j insulated terminals ratchet crimping plier awg 22-10 0.5-6.0mm es88 +- hs-d1 automatic stripping pliers multi-function stripping pliers es88 +- hsc8 6-4a end-sleeves crimping plier self adjusting ratcheting ferrule crimper es88 +- hsc8 6-6 mini-type self-adjustable crimping plier 0.25-6mm terminals crimping tool es88 +- hsp 03018 320a brushed bi-directional electron speed regulator controller th88 es88 +- ht f805c 6-axis gyro 2.4g 4ch wifi ufo rc fpv quadcopter drone with 0.3mp camera one-press return professional drones +- ht-002li rain-proof rechargeable wildlife hunting camera hd digital infrared scouting trail camera led video recorder 12mp +- huajun w609-10 4.5ch 2.4g with six axis gyro 360 rotating rtf rc hexacopter drones with 2.0mp camera hd +- huajun w609-8 4.5ch super alloy six axis gyro hexacopter rtf rc fpv quadcopter professional drones with 2.0mp camera hd +- hubsan parts h107-a06 usb data charger cable line for quadcopter airplane helicopters x4 h107l ufo i +- huge 130x13mm ferrocerium rod flint fire starter lighter magnesium outdoor sport camping hunting emergency survival tool kits +- hugging travesseiro pillow inner body embossing cushion interior cuscino soft pp cotton filler pillows core 50 * 50cm +- humidificador usb portable mini cocktail bottle humidifier dc 5v office aromatherapy air diffuser mist maker with led nightlight +- hunt aluminum 5.5'' picatinny weaver 20mm scope mount 13 slots fit +screws allen wrench +- hunting camera portable rain-proof wildlife 12mp hd digital infrared scouting trail camera 940nm ir led video recorder +- hunting camping desert woodlands blinds army military camouflage camo net cover 2x2m car-covering new +- hunting camping desert woodlands blinds army military camouflage camo net cover 2x3m car-covering new +- hunting camping outdoor desert woodlands army military camouflage camo net cover 2x2m car-covering birdwatching new +- hunting camping outdoor desert woodlands army military camouflage camo net cover 2x2m car-covering new +- hunting camping outdoor desert woodlands army military camouflage camo net cover 2x3m car-covering birdwatching new +- hunting camping outdoor desert woodlands army military camouflage camo net cover 2x4m car-covering birdwatching new +- hunting camping outdoor desert woodlands army military camouflage camo net cover 2x4m car-covering new +- hunting clothes cs war games paintball clothing one size for all adjustable elastic breathable woodland camouflage ghillie suit +- hunting equipment cree q5 led 300 lm flashlight torch p2 waterproof underwater diver diving led flash light with clip +- hunting sight scopes visionking 3-9x44l water resistance anti-shock metal 32cm illuminated red green reticle riflescope +- hv-800 neck-strap style in-ear wireless outdoor sport stereo bluetooth 4.0+edr music headphone earphone headset with microphone +- hv-900 in-ear sweat-proof wireless stereo bluetooth 4.0 + edr headset earphone headphone with mic for iphone samsung tablet pc +- hydroponic e27 15w 85-265v 12 red 3 blue led grow lights china for indoor flower vegetable greenhouse light +- hyelec ms6252a multifunction digital anemometer/air volume without battery +- hyelec ms6310 portable combustible gas leak detector gas analyzer meter with sound light alarm analizador de gases +- hyelec ms6812 multi-function lan tester cable wire tracker network cable tester rj45 rj11 tester ferramentas manuais +- hypoallergenic big silver hoop earrings for women new fashion 925 sterling silver indian jewelry bijoux fine jewelry ed045b +If you have any question, please send an E-mail to angie20140803@gmail.com. We will reply to you within 8 hours. +Stripes Today +Memories with Stars and Stripes +Memories with Stars and Stripes +Submit the memories that you have with Stars and Stripes Pacific! Your photos and stories will appear on the official 75th Anniversary website. You can submit your memories here. +Please enjoy the photos below of people reading our community papers in their Halloween costumes. To see more photos from the 2020 Halloween Photo Contest, visit the Stars and Stripes Pacific Facebook page. +Thanks to our contributors Rosie Ortiz-Torres, Austin Siegel, Elke Martinez, Will Lee, and Julie Hu. +I never heard my late father, retired Marine Corps Reserve Lt. Colonel Gordon G. Scott, recall his experiences of serving at Iwo Jima during WWII until I became a reporter for Pacific Stars and Stripes. That was around 1998. I joined a group of corporals stationed at Iwakuni who flew out to the island for a poignant lesson in history. I wrote a piece for Stripes about the experience, how the eager young Marines literally ran as a unit to the top of Mount Suribachi where out of respect for the dead they stood quietly at that sacred military site. I sent a copy of the story to my dad in California. +The next time we talked, he had lots of questions about what his end of the island looked like more than 50 years later. He wasn’t part of the initial landing, which partly explains why I’m alive (and grateful) to write about him now. A junior officer fresh from officer candidate school, he was sent into action probably the fourth or fifth day. His unit was moving down the island, away from Suribachi, to do what they had to do to secure the island. +He told me that during guard duty late at night he could hear the Japanese troops talking as they emerged for fresh air from hiding in caves, sometimes just on the other side of the slopes and ridges. They had to know what was coming. He had respect for those soldiers. They held to their duty, their obligations. +He wished he could return to see the island again. His recollections were all new to me. I wouldn’t have known them except for my Stripes experience. I felt twinges of guilt that I had the chance to visit Iwo Jima in peacetime. It was my job as a working journalist to report on the history lesson. Still, it should have been him out there with those young Marines and those deep memories. +Glenn Scott +My name is Ian Felton from Mildura, Australia, ex. twenty years Aust Army with service in South Vietnam 1970/1971 with the renowned Australian Army Training Team. +With your indulgence I would like to share my story with Stars and Stripes. +Sometime in 1971 I found myself in a situation whereby I needed to get back to my compound on Lon Song Island off the coast of Baria Vung Tau Phuoc Tuy province. My compound was an old French Fort located on the waterway entrance to Long Son island, manned by four members of the AATTV, Aust Army Training Team Vietnam. +I found myself stranded at Nui Dat, the Australian headquarters in Phuoc Tuy province, specifically on the Luscombe airfield runway, so there I stood at the end of the runway with my thumb out trying to hitch a ride, planes were taking off as were numerous choppers of all descriptions, all intent on top priority war tasks. So there I stood like a damn scarecrow at the end of the runway watching the aircraft fly over my head. Then it appeared out of the blue, a small chopper skimming the runway to land a short distance from where I was standing with a welcoming beckoning hand. I can't recall why, but I think the pilot for some reason, got out of the chopper, hence I have the picture of standing beside the chopper. +Well that small flight to Lon Song island has always been an exceptional remembered moment in my tour of duty back then. I recall him giving me a cigar on the flight, now that cigar must have been about six feet long at the time. I recall it touching the perspex, well then it appeared six feet long, obviously a little shorter in memory now. I was 21 at that time in Vietnam, now going on 70, but have always remembered the day my Guardian Angel came to my rescue by a chopper. To my chopper guardian pilot I thank you dearly even after all these years, you did save me from a predicament in that moment of need in war. Maybe a pilot out there will recognize the number on the chopper in the picture or recall the incident of flying a lost Aussie to Lon Son island back in 71. To my Chopper Angel I thank you dearly, and will always remember the day my Guardian Angel arrived in a Chopper. +Aussie Ian +I worked for Pacific Stars and Stripes for over six years, from 2012 through 2018. As a department manager on the business side, my main responsibility was to be part of the team that broadened the reach of the Stars and Stripes throughout the Pacific area of operations. The goal was to make someone's time in the Pacific as fulfilling as possible. We developed many new initiatives, most of which were successful. +Our Editorial team naturally covered military operations around the world. However, some of my favorite stories involved "off-duty" activities, especially where our reporters wanted to hold organizations accountable to equitably support the service members. Some examples include airlines significantly raising the cost to transport pets and online companies who were not shipping to APO/FPO addresses. Our reporting resulted in quick policy changes. +My best memories were engaging with military personnel, their families and civilian employees across Guam, South Korea, Japan and Hawaii. Given the opportunity, I usually asked how long the person had been in their duty station. The longer into their tour, the more value they found in the Stars and Stripes products. This feedback convinced me that the Stars and Stripes organization was fulfilling its mission to support the overseas military community. +Today, I'm retired and volunteer at the USO Lounge at the Orlando Airport. Many guests, including those that served during the Korean and Vietnam wars, have fond memories of Stars and Stripes. That's why we have a daily copy of the paper mailed from Tokyo (except during closures due to COVID-19). +Former SSP REV manager, Ed Kelin. +My dad was on Okinawa in WW2. He had many issues of Stars and Stripes he brought back after the war. I would read them in the basement when I was a boy. I still have the issues in storage with my Fathers uniform. +I was stationed at Kadena AB in 1977. Eighteen years old, assigned to the C-130 Black section. The building was on the taxiway next to the fire station. We shared the buidling with the 1st SOS. +I found a website with high resolution photos from 1977 of Kadena. Brings back warm memories. +That building was haunted, and many troops wouldn't want to be on swings or the graveyard shift. I had many (eerie) experiences. +I was on graves and nothing was happening on the line so I stretched out to nap. I heard talking back in ops and went back and asked of any one was there. No one. I shut off the lights and went back to maintenance and tried to sleep. I had to turn on the radio (because) I kept hearing talking. Went back to the ops counter again. No one. Then heard talking back in maintenance. I was so scared I had to sit at the table with the radio on till day shift came in. +Just one of many stories. We had people who refused to work nights. Scary place. +I now live in North Carolina. Funny, at 62 I train at an Okinawan karate dojo here in Goldsboro. Its sensei is still living in Okinawa. Funny how things circle around. My best to you all, Osu!!!!! +Mark Throm +USAF Ret +My then 1yr old daughter Reiko Matel (an early reader), reading Stars and Stripes after taking a nap. Today, May 26, 2020 she recreated her picture. She’s now 10 and her works are featured numerous times in Stars and Stripes. She gets exhilarated every time. +Elena Matel +Hello, +My father, Whitt Northmore Schultz, served in the 6233rd Stars & Stripes Detachment in Honolulu. +I've attached several shots I've found over the years. Sadly, we lost his collection of S&S columns in a flood. He interviewed celebrities, and combat medal winners. A lot of life lessons from the latter. (Real men cry.) +I recall one column on a more humorous note: He explored bringing a surplus Piper Cub plane home with him. (He wanted to be a combat pilot but his eyesight wasn't up to it.) +He was the Dear Editor editor at one point. That was a very delicate position. +There was a story about the entire editorial staff being summoned to Fleet Admiral Nimitz's office for a dressing down over an article about raising the number of points needed to return home after the war. They mistakenly printed a rumor before checking the story. All heck broke loose and Chester wasn't happy. At all. Dad was riveted on those little five star collar pins, thinking he might be fortunate enough to wind up afterwards still breathing in an Aleutian Island igloo... +So, I grew up with a real newsman and editor. I'm thankful for his insights into what real news is and what it takes to report and edit it. Thank you Stars and Stripes. +Kind regards, +Hunter N. Schultz +Host, Winning Healthcare Food Fights -- without the mess! +My son Kaleb was in Stars and Stripes many years ago when I was stationed at Misawa AB! He’ll be turning 22 soon! +Rebecca Lee +She thought she was famous when her rainbow fish got published in Pacific Stars and Stripes. +Lei Chen +My kindergarten aged child waits every afternoon by the door to greet the newspaper delivery man. +He was especially excited to greet him the day he got his new kimono. Our delivery man is so +kind and patient with our kid, taking the time to say hello and listen to a joke or see something our son has made. We love our Stars and Stripes delivery person up in Misawa, Japan. +Kourtney Metcalf Ray +Congratulations! I first read Stars and Stripes when I was in the United States Air Force and stationed at Cam Ranh Bay Air Base in Vietnam in 1971. I first subscribed at Yokota Air Base in 1978 and am still a subscriber to the printed version. +Walt Gleick +I spent a lot of time on Diego Garcia after 9/11 and Stars and Stripes was about the only way to stay current. Thank you for all you do to get the news out! +Kevin Paskey +Not a specific memory, but I’ve loved having it be a constant no matter which base in the Pacific we have ended up moving to! From Misawa to Okinawa, it was nice to have Pacific Stripes still be there. +Kari Frazier +I loved when my little guy’s Month of the Military Child writing and drawing was published last year! Thanks for including our kiddos! +Kathryn Garcia +Alstom coal pulverizer model 437 Mobile Crushers all over the . coal mill power plant india. jul 1 2012 development of spares for coal mill model hp 1103 8230 dec 15 alstom coal pulverizer spare parts from china . Coal Pulverizer Spare Parts. Raymond Bowl Mill Pulverizer for Coal with Spare Parts.Chat +100 Fresh Flour at very low cost. Retains all nutrients of grains like Carbohydrates Proteins Vitamins Fibers etc. HP Wheat Fine 15 16 kg. 18 19 kg. Wheat Croarse 20 22 kg. 25 28 kg. 40 kg. Dalia 40 kg. 85 kg. Maize 10 kg. 20 22 kg. 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Impact Pulverize is a versatile grinding unit of heavy and rugged construction and built for continuous operation dayChat Online +Milk cartons and dairy co-op websites feature drawings or photographs of lovely cows standing in lush green pastures and shots of farmers, smiling, standing with an arm around a cow. They’d like you to think that Mom or Pop gets up in the early morning to milk the few cows they own. But the chances that the milk you buy comes from that kind of farm are pretty slim. Well, actually closer to nonexistent. +Mom and Pop may still own the dairy, but it’s likely an operation with hundreds and, especially in New Mexico, often thousands of cows that never stand in a pasture. And they’re not usually milked by family members but by workers laboring under harsh conditions. +Dairies here might technically be “family farms,” as dairy lobbyists declare, but in practice they follow the rest of the nation’s model for what are known as concentrated animal feeding operations or factory farms. What happens on them is very different from what the industry likes to portray. +Proponents point to efficiency and the cheap milk they produce as major benefits, but it comes at a fairly steep price for animals, workers and nearby communities. +The overwhelming majority of milk sold in the US comes from these high-density agri-businesses. In the early 1970s, US Secretary of Agriculture Earl Butz told farmers to, “Get big or get out.” New Mexico’s dairies have taken that advice to heart. +Today, they’re mainly located in two regions: the southeast produces the most milk with Curry, Roosevelt and Chaves counties accounting for two-thirds of all of the state’s milk, and the south-central region, where Doña Ana County produces the most and is home to Dairy Row, a stretch southeast of Las Cruces where about a dozen dairies line a strip paralleling I-10. +New Mexico’s 148 dairies have around 320,000 cows, giving the state, with just under 2,200 cows per dairy, the largest average herd size in the country, according to statistics collected by New Mexico State University’s agriculture extension. We’re ninth in the nation in milk production and fifth in cheese production, and with Southwest Cheese in Clovis, we have one of the world’s largest cheese factories. +Naturally, that means the dairy industry has a huge economic impact in the state. The value of annual milk commodity sales exceeds $1.2 billion, making dairy—above chile and pecans—the state’s top-selling agricultural product, according to the USDA. Labor statistics indicate the industry provides jobs for more than 4,000 workers at the dairies and just over 17,000 if you count related jobs. +Life on a Factory Farm +The beginning of life on factory farms happens when a female is impregnated by artificial insemination. Within hours after birth calves are removed from their mothers. Moms are returned to the milking rotation while young females begin a waiting game. Males sent to cattle ranches where they’ll be raised for beef. +Calves are placed in small hutches that are just big enough for them to stand in and have an enclosed area in front with a couple of feet of dirt. They’re never let out of the hutch and, according to Scott Rasband, owner of Rasband Dairy in Belen, and other dairy owners, this is done for safety. “We don’t want them wandering off,” he says. “If you don’t pen them up, they’ll wander off and be in the street and get run over.” +After two to three months, a calf is moved to a corral. She’s impregnated at the two-year mark and every year after that to insure she’ll keep lactating. +When it’s time to be milked, which is two or three times a day, cows are moved from the corral to the milking barn by corraleros who stand behind them, waving their arms. The cows reach the milking barn and line up, waiting for the gate to open. When it does, they lumber in. +It’s in the milking barn that it becomes apparent how “factory” came to be attached to “farm,” for it resembles nothing so much as a conveyor belt. +Most milking barns have two raised platforms on which cows stand and an aisle between them. Two workers hurry down the aisle, cleaning the cows’ teats with an iodine solution. A suction device—a several-inches long metal tube with a rubber end—is attached to each of the four teats. These are connected to plastic tubing that carries milk into containers. Milking takes less than five minutes—about eight hours for a herd of 2,000—and when it’s done and the suction machines are removed, side gates open, the cows that are milked move out and the next group is hurried in. Workers frequently hose down the barns but the smell, a mix of mud and manure, can still be so strong that it stays in your mouth for hours. +Milk is collected in large vats, cooled and eventually trucked to one of the state’s 14 processing plants where it’s pasteurized and bottled or made into other dairy products. +Standing in the Muck +In contrast to photographs on dairy websites, cows raised on factory farms don’t spend any time in pasture. Instead, they live in corrals, standing or lying in dirt or mud that’s mostly a mashed mess of urine and manure. A cow naturally eats grass but on factory farms, it is fed a mix of corn fodder, hay and grains, a diet many feel adversely affects its health. +Although a Holstein could live 15 or more years, “A [factory farm] cow probably lives about one and a half years after milking begins,” says Mark Kastel, co-founder of the Cornucopia Institute, an organization that researches agricultural issues. “So it’s probably slaughtered at about 3, 3 1/2 years old.” +A video released this summer by Mercy For Animals at Winchester Dairy, in Chaves County, is one of the most damning examples of what can happen on a factory farm. It shows cows being beaten, stabbed and dragged by tractors (mercyforanimalsmedia.com/video/winchesterdairy). +“We believe this type of cruelty runs rampant in the industry,” says Vandhana Bala, general counsel for the advocacy group. “We’ve conducted six investigations across the country. The dairies were selected at random and every one had issues of abuse.” +The New Mexico Livestock Board is charged with detecting animal abuse on dairies but, says Ray Baca, its director, “We knew nothing about the abuse until the video surfaced.” +When it did, the board conducted an investigation and turned the case over to the Chaves County District Attorney. “The case is being reviewed,” says Mike Murphy, Chaves County’s chief deputy DA, “and we can’t say which charges, if any, will be brought.” +A Day’s Work +Conditions for the humans at factory farm dairies aren’t much better than that of the cows. Workers are overwhelmingy Latino immigrants. “I have seen one gringo in the 15 years I have worked here,” says Carlos, who works in a dairy near Dexter. “He lasted maybe four months.” That’s because the work’s dirty, the hours are long and it can be dangerous. +Riccardo worked as a corralero, driving the cows out of the corral at a dairy outside of Las Cruces. “It’s actually very dangerous when it rains because of the waste,” he says. “A lot of times people sink into the waste, get stuck.” The inside of a dairy barn’s no easy place to work, either. “It’s nasty [work],” says Marcos, a short, strongly built 59-year-old milker. “We have aprons, [but they get] completely covered in manure and urine.” Many workers say they get no breaks during their shifts and have to eat while they work, even as cows frequently defecate on their food. +A survey by conducted in 2012 by New Mexico Center on Law and Poverty attorney Tess Wilkes found that more than half of the 70 workers surveyed had been injured on the job, one-third of them more than once. Dairy workers are not covered by workers’ comp, although that rule is being challenged and may change this year [News, April 9, 2013, “All Work, No Pay”]. +Although wages in New Mexico’s dairies are higher than in other agricultural jobs—ranging from the mid-$20,000s to as high as $35,000—the hours are extremely long. +Alfredo, a 56-year-old worker with short white hair, a well-trimmed moustache and a very proper manner, has worked on dairies for six years. He drives a large tractor, bringing feed to the cows. He says it’s not hard work, but “I work six days a week, 12 hours a day and one day to rest.” That’s 72 hours a week. Other workers are putting in 48 or 54 hours, depending on their position. By law, none are required to get paid overtime. +Impact on the Environment and Local Communities +Even if consumers can stomach the labor conditions that pervade every aspect of the nation’s food chain, there’s a negative impact on the environment and surrounding communities to consider. Currently, more than half of New Mexico’s dairies are under pollution abatement plans because they’ve been cited by the New Mexico Environment Department for contaminating groundwater. The department passed tighter regulations to prevent and detect pollution in 2009 but shortly after passage, the new regulations were opposed by the dairy industry [News, June 24, “Moo Rules”]. Technical hearings on a second set of regulations, passed in 2011, are supposed to take place soon. On Dec. 15, the State Supreme Court ruled that the department can hold hearings in Roswell after several environmental groups argued that they should take place in Santa Fe. +Factory farms produce odors and enormous numbers of flies, eliciting complaints from nearby com +“The odor is terrible, especially in the summer,” says Edna Orona, who has lived in Mesquite all of her 75 years. “You get that odor in the house. The flies, when it’s really bad, all my doors and my porch are covered. We can’t even go outside.” Dairy owners claim that they’re not responsible for the flies, citing “other sources” like horses. +Based on what this reporter saw at a number of large dairies this summer and fall, much of the criticism leveled at them appears justified. Flies covered the animals and the hutches where the calves are housed, attracted by mounds of manure piled up around the dairy. And when driving south of Las Cruces on I-10, the smell of dairies reaches the nose before they come into view +But Steve Warshawer, who along with his wife Colleen runs the tiny Mesa Top Dairy outside of Santa Fe (more about them later), thinks factory farms aren’t solely to blame. +“Everybody wants more and cheaper food,” he says, “but how can we implement systems to protect the environment and still produce cheap food? If people want $3-a-gallon milk, how’s that going to happen? If you want $6-a-gallon milk, who can afford it? We’re telling CAFOs to produce milk at this price and asking them to do more and more—give us cheap food—without increasing the cost.” +Whether organic milk will ever be as cheap as conventional isn’t clear, but a lot of that will be decided by those of us buying milk. “Consumers respond by buying or not buying,” says La Montañita Co-op’s Michelle Franklin. “They vote with their dollars.” +Choices, choices +A user’s guide to milk: +Stand in front of a dairy case in almost any supermarket and you’re faced with a variety of milk options—conventional, all natural, local, organic, even raw. Want to get away from products of factory farms and move toward happier cows? Get ready to pay. Interested in how far the milk traveled to get to you? Learn up on what’s “local.” Organic certifications call on dairy operators to not only skip hormones, but also allow cows time to graze. Yet that milk costs about 50 percent more than conventional milk and, in spite of increased interest, still makes up only a tiny percentage of milk sales. Still not sure which to choose? We can help. +Local +Once upon a time, New Mexicans considered Creamland their local dairy. The production facility on Albuquerque’s Second Street got that name in 1937 when, its website explains, local farmers and investors bought the plant formerly owned by the Albuquerque Dairy Association. +But since the 1960s the business has been a corporate asset, passed around to bigger and bigger companies. It’s now owned by Dean Foods, which claims to be the largest distributor of milk in the country. +Jamaison Schuler, Dean’s senior director of corporate communications, tells SFR that producers all sign affidavits swearing that they have not used the hormone rBST on cows and that milk packaged at the Albuquerque facility today comes from “approximately three farms within a 50-mile radius of the plant.” That means New Mexico’s best-known “local” dairy processor is using milk produced on factory farms. +Ask around and you’ll hear the line that Rasband, a dairy located in Belen, is the “last good commercial local dairy” in the state. Rasband sells milk that isn’t organic but is “all natural,” which means, says owner Scott Rasband, “no growth hormones, no antibiotics fed to cows.” +Rasband refused offers for a site visit with SFR, however, and would only say that his dairy had “a couple hundred cows” when asked to talk about its size and practices. The milk’s available at La Montañita Co-op and Whole Foods. +“Local trumps organic as long as it’s held to certain standards,” says Aaron Diehl, La Montañita’s dairy team leader in Nob Hill. “For milk, that means no growth hormones, no antibiotics. Rasband is [our] biggest-selling milk because it’s local and it’s the least expensive.” +Local and Organic +Just four of the state’s 148 dairies are certified to label their milk as organic under guidelines from the New Mexico Department of Agriculture. +Joanie Quinn, the organic commodities adviser for the state program, helps producers obtain and maintain certification. Two inspectors check farms yearly to insure they’re complying with regulations. All feed must be organic and, adds Quinn, “An organic dairy cow has to be on pasture at least 120 days a year. During that time, they must take in at least 30 percent of their food by biting it off themselves.” +One such dairy is Native Pastures Dairy, a 250-acre operation in Clovis owned by Art Schaap and managed by Andy Bollema. They milk 400 cows three times a day, shipping their milk to Organic Valley Co-op, which stocks in stores such La Montañita, Whole Foods and Sprouts. +“Most of the milk produced in New Mexico is sold in New Mexico,” says Schaap, who also owns two conventional dairies that sell to Dean Foods. He says he was initially skeptical about switching to organic. “I didn’t think it would work,” he says, “but we heard organic was more sustainable.” +Although cows are still milked three times a day, they’re giving less milk than those on a conventional dairy. “Organic cows aren’t pushed for production,” Schaap continued. “They’re healthier, they’re living longer...typically six to eight years here.” He said his milk is bottled in Colorado and “returned to New Mexico. The milk produced here stays in the region.” +Jamie Kulesa is the general manager and one of the owners of Nature’s Way, a 5,000-acre dairy outside Portales that sells milk to Horizon Organics (also owned by Dean Foods). The herd of about 2,500 cows is a large number for an organic dairy. “I feel organic is size neutral,” says Kulesa, a 52-year-old dairyman with a Paul Bunyan physique. “It’s how you take care of the cows. We milk as much as a conventional dairy but see less disease. We do more prevention, more management. I used a lot of antibiotics for a long time [on a conventional dairy], but you don’t have to.” +The pace at both dairies was much slower than on conventional dairies and workers in the milking barn appeared much more at ease. At Nature’s Way, one worker was leaning against a railing, waiting for the cows to come in, something rarely, if ever, seen on a factory farm. Kulesa says his farm is strict about animal treatment. “We work hard to tell people to treat cows humanely. Here, if there’s any abuse, you’re fired on the spot.” +Local and Raw +A trip to De Smet Dairy in Bosque Farms or Mesa Top Farm outside of Santa Fe is a trip back to a time before dairies became industrialized. For them, the adage that “smaller is better” goes a long way. +Michael De Smet and his wife Erica milk about 38 cows on their 125 acres. Cows and their calves, which stay with the mother for one to four weeks, really do stand in lush pastures. When it’s milking time, De Smet himself or Hannah Mitchell, the dairy’s one employee, walk out and usher the cows—that have names—into the milking barn where the cows contently chew their cud as they’re being milked. De Smet’s is the only NMED Grade A-inspected dairy that’s selling raw milk (past +The FDA and other government websites carry severe warnings that consuming raw milk can cause illness and, in fact, there are times where it has. But De Smet and his wife believe their milk is safe and their two young boys have been drinking it since they were a year old. He says conditions for cows are a big factor in whether milk needs the extra security of the pasteurizing process. +"Organic cows aren’t pushed for production. +They’re healthier, +they’re living longer" +“If cows are in confinement, they’re sleeping in manure,” says Michael, a powerfully built, ponytailed and voluble 37-year-old. “Here, they’re in pasture. We take them in the barn...we completely sanitize the udders way more than is necessary.” The test for him is, “If I’m not willing to put that teat in my mouth, then it’s not clean enough.” Their milk, cream-colored with a rich flavor, is available at the farmers market and a couple of stores in Santa Fe. It can’t be sold in Albuquerque, but it can be ordered online and picked up at a designated spot in the city. +Mesa Top Farm, run by Collen and Steve Warshawer, is part of Beneficial Farms Community Supported Agriculture. +“I’m fascinated with ways to create good food with low tech,” says Steve. And their farm is decidedly low-tech. Their 50 cows graze on 1,000 rolling acres, but only six cows are milked and that’s done in a two-cow, outdoor stall. +Even so, not all the mechanical help is eschewed. +“I don’t milk by hand,” says Colleen almost apologetically as she attaches the suction cups to a cow. Their cows, like De Smet’s, have names. “Here there’s a personal touch,” Steve says as he spreads feed on the ground in front of the cows being milked. “A connection.” The farm also fosters a connection between a calf and its mother, who stay together for six to eight months. +Their milk is raw but isn’t sold. Instead, it’s used to make Jack cheese, which has an incredible, earthy flavor. Bite into it and you can almost taste the grass. Sadly, it’s only available to CSA members. They do sell some produce and their eggs, under the Beneficial Farm label, at La Montañita and Whole Foods. +This report was partially supported by the Fund for Investigative Journalism. +Adrian Welch Architect, Image, Info, Website, Designs, Articles, Buildings, UK, Dubai +Adrian Welch Architect +Curriculum Vitae + Key Projects – Architecture +post updated 2 Apr 2021 +Adrian Welch CV +born 1971: +Adrian Welch is an Architect working in The Gulf, and a Co-Editor of +Adrian Welch +photo © James Whitaker +Graduated as an architect in 1995, worked in architect offices since 1987 +Adrian Welch, Architect & Founder of e-architect +Adrian Welch is an architect from the UK, currently practicing in The Gulf. He founded international architecture resource e-architect.com which has carried daily news and events for over a decade. The aim of the website is to promote good quality architecture, with over 28,000 pages of information. +The platform operates architecture tours in 82 cities across the globe, having been established in Edinburgh in 2000. +Adrian gained his Diploma from the Bartlett School of Architecture, University College London in 1995 and went on to work for Eva Jiricna Architects in London. He was a Project Architect on the Stirling Prize-winning Scottish Parliament Building for EMBT/RMJM. +Adrian has served on architecture juries around the world since 2002 and his columns and articles have been published widely. He has given numerous lectures and assisted various schools of architecture with student crits. Adrian works for GAJ in Dubai as a Senior Architect. +* experience in concept design, detail design, analysing technical/construction/buildability issues, providing drawings and specifications coordinated with engineering and other disciplines and in taking projects on site +* Many years experience of supervising others and leading teams, since the Scottish Parliament project +* Experience in a variety of building types such as housing, offices, restaurants, retail and mixed-use buildings +* RIBA Part 3 +* ARB registered +Adrian Welch : e-architect Editor & Architect +Architectural Travel +Recent architectural trips include: +UK, Dubai / Abu Dhabi (2020) +UK, Denmark (2019) +Moscow, Denmark (2018) +Dubai, Copenhagen (2017) +New York City + Copenhagen / Malmö + London (2016) +Spain (2015) +Kuala Lumpur (2014) +e-architect directors Adrian Welch & Isabelle Lomholt met with the Tan family, Malaysia’s largest high-end housing provider. +Sicily (2013): +e-architect directors Adrian Welch & Isabelle Lomholt meeting Leoluca Orlando, famous Italian politician, former film star and current Mayor of Palermo: +photo © Harriet Lomholt-Welch +Adrian Welch Competition Jury Work +Recent architecture jury positions: +Alternate Realities (2020) +Museum of Design Oslo Competition by Switch (2020) +Urban Chair Design Competition (2020) +Jurassic Camp House Competition (2020) +Tomb of waste design competition by Switch (2020) +Home Design Competition (2020) +Arquideas – Rural Tourism Accommodation (RuTA) Vietnam (2019) +Central Park Book Studio, New York (2019) +Fashion Pavilion Milan, Italy (2019) +Museum of Language, London (2018) +Paris Pavilion Art of Peace Competition (2018) +Tokyo Anti Library Competition (2018) +Amsterdam Art Bridge Architecture Competition (2017) +School without Classrooms Competition (2017) +bauhouse 24H Competition (2017) +Hyde Park Library Competition, London (2017) +5th Earth Architecture Competition, Senegal (2017) +Reshape wearable technology competition in Barcelona (2017) +Statue of Liberty Museum Competition, New York (2016/17) +Rio Olympics Sustainable Fanbox Competition (2016) +Paris Pavilion: The Art of Peace Competition (2016) +Scottish Design Awards (2016) +ONE Prize, New York by Terreform (2014) +International Museum of Astronomy, Chile by Arquideas (2014) +Adrian Welch Employment +Employment +since Mar 2000 +Founder and Co-Editor of e-architect, international +************* +Mar 2018 – +GAJ, Dubai +Senior Associate: Project Architect on 46-storey skyscraper in Dubai – 121 key 5-star hotel and 587-unit branded apartment towers +Nov 2016 – Feb 2018 +Pace, Kuwait +Senior Architect +Project Architect on Hamala Mixed Use Development, Bahrain – new town centre: +image courtesy of Pace +Project Architect on Mazaya Downtown, Kuwait City – pair of towers: +image courtesy of Pace +Work on Wafra Towers, Bahrain Bay, Bahrain – pair of towers by Wiel Arets Architects (WAA): +Work on Mubarak Al Kabeer Port, Boubyan Island, Kuwait – major new seaport +Dec 2013 – Sep 2016 +Lewis & Hickey, Edinburgh +Senior Architect +Architect on Virginia Water, Surrey, England – 58 units assisted living – 2016 +Project Architect on Geddes Court, student housing at University of Stirling, Scotland – 180 beds – 2015 +Project Architect on Juniper Court, student housing at University of Stirling, Scotland – 277 beds – 2014-15 +Project Architect on Beech Court, student housing at University of Stirling, Scotland – 255 beds – 2014 +Jun – Aug 2008 +Sutherland Hussey Architects, Edinburgh +Architect +Principal Projects: +Xiling Cable-Car Station, Sichuan, China +picture from architect +Xiling Gateway, Sichuan, China +image from architect +Jan 2005 – Jun 2008 +Michael Laird Architects +Senior Architect +Principal Project: +Project Architect from Concept Designs to Site liaison – East Fettes Avenue +Competition Design Statement & drawings – Tanfield redevelopment +Concept Design to Planning Permission – Ellersly Hotel redevelopment: +Responsible for Practice PR and Marketing, eg running the website and issuing press releases +Worked on:- +Shrubhill House redevelopment; St Margaret’s House redevelopment; Leith Street site; Fairmile Inn site redevelopment; Westport House redevelopment; Edinburgh Park South Phase Site – Invited Competition; Lochrin Place housing; Belford Road housing; Hanover House redevelopment, Glasgow; Edinburgh Technopole, Midlothian – Invited Competition +Jan 2002 – Jan 2005 +RMJM Architects Scotland Ltd, Edinburgh & Hong Kong +Project Architect – Scottish Parliament Interiors: Edinburgh +MSP Foyer View © Adrian Welch +Jan 2000 – Dec 2001 +Richard Murphy Architects, Edinburgh +Project Architect – Oloroso restaurant, Castle St, Edinburgh +Project Architect – Caernarfon Theatre & Arts Centre, Wales +Project Architect – Northern Lights Phase I & II, Edinburgh +Project Architect – Dean Tennis & Squash Club, Edinburgh +Designer of RIAS Summer 2000 Festival Exhibition with Murray Grigor +Worked on:- +Napier University Consequentials; Edinburgh Royal Infirmary; Art Gallery & Service Station, Japan; Broomhill Steading; Private House, Udny +1999 – 2000 +Allan Murray Architects, Edinburgh +Project Architect – HQ Building, Site A, Edinburgh Park, Edinburgh +picture © Keith Hunter +1998 – 99 +Conran Design Partnership, London & Edinburgh +Site Architect – Ocean Terminal, Leith, Edinburgh +1996 – 98 +Eva Jiricna Architects, London +Project Architect for Boodle & Dunthorne, No.1 Sloane Street, London: +leading to Part 3 Qualification at The Bartlett, UCL School of Architecture +Principal design assistant to Eva on 170-bed five-star Hotel Josef, Prague +Principal design assistant to Eva on Interior of the Commercial Bank, Prague +Principal design assistant to Eva on Lavka Bridge, Brno +Principal design assistant to Eva on North Woolwich Bridge competition, London +Project Architect for various house refurbishments/extensions in London +1996 +RH Partnership, Cambridge +Architectural Assistant – Hills Road Sixth Form College, Cambridge +1995 – 96 +RMJM, Cambridge +Architectural Assistant – Homerton Ladies’ College Phase II, Cambridge +1992 – 93 +Michael Hyde & Associates, Manchester +‘Year-out’ Practical training +Tertiary Education +Part 3 +Bartlett School of Architecture, University College London +1996 – 97 +Part 2 +Bartlett School of Architecture, University College London +Dip. Arch +1993 – 95 +Part 1 +Manchester University School of Architecture, Manchester +BA (Hons) +1989 – 92 +Publications +2002-20 +various articles and photos appeared in Building Design, Prospect magazine, The Drouth Literary magazine, Edinburgh Evening News, and most recently Gulf News (with over 4 million online readership). +Gulf News Dec 2019: Review of Middle East architecture trends +GAJ blog Jul 2019: Article about the future of libraries +Saudi Arabian Construction News Apr 2019: Review of new KSA developments +Architecture Review Dec 2006: Review of the websites +Architects Journal Nov 2006: Review of the websites +RIBA World Oct 2006: Announcement of e-architect.com launch +Edinburgh TV Nov 2003: Website interview +Prospect Nov.Dec 2002: ‘you’ve got mail’ +BBC Scotland Radio Nov 2002: interview about the Old Town Fire Competition +Edinburgh Evening News 3 Oct 2002: Dutch architects tour +Business am Oct 2002: Scottish Architecture overview +Working Lunch BBC2 TV Oct 2002: Website interview +Edinburgh Evening News 1 Sep 2002: ‘Build it and they shall complain’ +Edinburgh Evening News 21 Jun 2002: ‘Building on pupils’ plans’ +Edinburgh Evening News 12 Jun 2002: ’Landscapers reap £2.5m BMW deal’ +Edinburgh Evening News 4 Apr 2002: ‘Princes Street kept in the pink’ +Firm magazine Apr 2002: Edinburgh offices +Edinburgh Evening News 6 Jan 2002: ‘Changing rooms’ +Prospect magazine 2002: various issues +Prospect Nov/Dec 2001: Website announcement article +Edinburgh Evening News 9 Nov 2001: site relaunch +Cockburn News Nov 2001: Edinburgh Architecture article +The List 6-20 Sep 2001: Edinburgh Architecture – main article +Sunday Herald 23 Sep 2001: Scottish Architecture article – mention +Prospect Jul/Aug 2001: Comment on Edinburgh re Development/Conservation +Evening News 7 Jun 2001: CERT – scoop +Building Design Nov 2000 Scottish pull-out: Scottish Architecture +Prospect Sept/Oct 2000: RIAS 2000 Festival Exhibition +Arca Volume 5: RIAS 2000 Festival Exhibition +Building Design 25 Aug 2000: RIAS 2000 Festival Exhibition review +Architects’ Journal 31 Aug 2000: RIAS 2000 Festival Exhibition – diary picture +Instant Late Winter 2000: First Edinburgh Architecture +Architecture Review Jan 2000: Marcus – Jewellery Shop +Building Design Interiors Dec 1999: Hotel Garni Rybna +Architekt Dec 1998: Lavka Bridge +Architecture Today Oct 1998: London GLA Masterclass +Building Design Nov 1998: London GLA Masterclass +Architekt Sep 1998: Commercial Bank +Architect’s Journal Interiors Jun 1998: Boodle & Dunthorne +Building Design May 1997: North Woolwich Bridge +Illustrations: book, guidebooks, scientific journal, magazine, exhibition +IT +CAD: +fluent in AutoCAD +Graphics: +fluent in Photoshop; experience in Imageready, Powerpoint, Sketchup +Web: +fluent in WordPress CMS + Search engine optimisation; experience in Joomla CMS + Dreamweaver +Office: +experience in Word, Excel +Education Work / Talks +Member of Jury for numerous international architecture competitions 2016- +Architecture Tours for specific clients 2000- +Scott Sutherland School of Architecture, Aberdeen 2009-11: crits +Member of Jury for Scottish Design Awards 2008 +Chair of Jury for EAA Annual Awards for Architecture 2006 +Member of Jury for Adrian Welch Glasgow Institute of Architects (GIA) Awards 2005 +Member of Jury for Scottish Design Awards 2004 +Member of Jury for Edinburgh Scenes, Art competition for Edinburgh school pupils, May 2003 +Member of Jury for Scottish Design Awards 2002 +Edinburgh University, June 2002: 1998: talk on Eva Jiricna’s office +Tertiary Education Projects/Results +UCL Diploma, 1993 – 95 +Holographic Intervention, Piccadilly Circus, London +Meditation Space, City of London +UCL Thesis, 1994 – 95 +Holographic Architecture – Distinction +MU Degree, 1989 – 92 +Community Arts Centre, Manchester – A +First & Second Year Design Projects – A,A,A; B(group), A +Secondary Education Results +CSYS: A,A,A +Highers: A,A,A,A,A,A +O-Grades: 1,1,1,1,1,1,1,1,1,1 +Location: UK / Dubai, UAE +British Architect Adrian Welch +Further Information about Adrian Welch +Adrian Welch articles : 5 texts on architecture +Adrian Welch worked since 1996 as an architect in Aberdeen, Manchester, London, Cambridge, Hong Kong and Edinburgh. He first worked in an architects office in 1987, in his hometown of Banchory, Scotland. Adrian Welch has also exhibited work / paintings in Manchester, Aberdeen, Birmingham & London. +Adrian met Portuguese architect Eduardo Souta de Moura at the Wolf Prize. +Adrian Welch Architect +Website: Architecture +Track registered users | Hide anonymous users | Show my edits | Show bots | Hide minor editsShow new changes starting from 03:11, 25 May 2020 namespaceTag filter:Filter translations:Do nothing Show translations only Filter out translations Changes to site messages onlyLanguage:Allaa - Afar ab - Abkhazian als - Alemannisch am - Amharic an - Aragonese ang - Old English anp - Angika ar - Arabic arc - Aramaic arn - Mapuche arq - Algerian Arabic ary - Moroccan Arabic arz - Egyptian Arabic as - Assameseto - Iriga Bicolano bug - Buginese bxr - Russia Buriat ca - Catalan cbk-zam - Chavacano cdo - Min Dong Chinese ce - Chechen ceb - Cebuano ch - Chamorro cho - Choctaw chr - Cherokee chy - Cheyenne ckb - Central Kurdish co - Corsican cps - Capiznon cr - Cree crh - Crimean Turkish crh-cyrl - 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Yurchor (talk | contribs) (Update for Dolphin) "" +Volume 75, Issue #2 | Summer 2015 +The CWA News | What We Do Well 2013-2015 +Volume 75, Issue #2 | Summer 2015 +Bargaining +Since our last convention in 2013, we have bargained hundreds of contracts covering CWAers in every sector of our union. +Major Bargaining Currently Underway +General Electric, covering 9,300 IUE-CWA members. +State of New Jersey, covering 43,000 public workers. +Verizon East, covering 26,500 workers in Districts 1 and 2-13. +United Airlines, for a single contract covering 24,000 AFA-CWA Flight Attendants. +NBC Universal, for a new contract covering 2,500 NABET-CWAers. +American Airlines, for a new/first contract covering 14,000 customer service professionals. +Washington Post, covering 500 members of Washington-Baltimore NewsGuild Local 32035. +Wall Street Journal and Dow Jones, covering about 500 members of IAPE Local 1096/TNG-CWA. +Tentative Contracts at AT&T Midwest, Legacy +CWA bargaining teams reached tentative agreements covering 13,000 AT&T workers at Midwest and Legacy, achieving the goal of ensuring an overall improvement in workers' standard of living. +FairPoint Communications Workers Ratify Contract After Historic Strike +Nearly 1,800 CWA Local 1400 members and IBEW members in Maine, New Hampshire and Vermont ratified agreements with FairPoint Communications and returned to work after a historic 18 weeks on the picket line. +CNN Workers Get a Measure of Justice +The National Labor Relations Board ordered CNN to compensate more than 300 employees who lost jobs and wages, following the company’s phony reorganization to get rid of union representation for NABET-CWA members in Washington, D.C., and New York in 2003. +First Contract for Metro PCS/T-Mobile Retail Workers +Members of CWA Local 1101 who work at a Metro PCS/T-Mobile retail store in New York City ratified their first contract by a 10-0 vote. +Brooklyn Cablevision Workers Ratify First Contract +CWA Local 1109’s Cablevision workers in Brooklyn ratified a, historic two-year contract. The 262 workers had been negotiating the agreement for nearly three years. +Contract for UC Professional and Technical Employees +UPTE-CWA Local 9119 and the University of California ratified a contract for the system's 15,000 researchers, technical employees and health care professionals. +Five-Year Agreement at CenturyLink (formerly Qwest) +CWA members at CenturyLink ratified a five-year agreement covering 11,000 union workers in 13 states. +USAirways Flight Attendants Ratify Bargaining and Representation Agreement for American Airlines Negotiations +USAirways Flight Attendants, represented by AFA-CWA, ratified an agreement covering joint negotiations for a single contract at the merged American Airlines, which will cover 24,000 Flight Attendants. +Alaska Airlines Contract +AFA-CWA Flight Attendants ratified a five-year agreement with Alaska Airlines covering 3,400 Flight Attendants. +Contract at Frontier Communications +After a 13-month mobilization campaign, members at Frontier Communications in West Virginia ratified a four-year agreement, covering about 1,600 workers. +Master Contract at ABC +A master contract covering 2,500 NABET-CWAers at ABC Network and TV station operations in New York, Chicago, Washington D.C., Los Angeles, and San Francisco was ratified; it remains in effect through March 2017. Technical workers on Keith Olbermann’s ESPN2 program also are covered by the master agreement. +Cincinnati Bell Contract +Members of CWA Local 4400 at Cincinnati Bell ratified a 27-month contract representing 850 workers. +First Contract at University of Akron +Administrative staff workers at the University of Akron in Ohio ratified their first contract covering 350 workers. +Printing Employees Ratify First Contract +In Pittsburgh, 54 West Penn Printing employees, members of CWA Local 14827, ratified a three-year contract. +Contract at Pittsburgh Post-Gazette +The Printing, Publishing and Media Workers Sector, Pittsburgh Mailers Local M-22 and Pittsburgh Typographical Local 7, with nine other unions negotiating together as a Unity Council, reached a contract covering 800 workers at the Post-Gazette. +Contract at Kaleida Health +Nearly 7,300 Kaleida Health workers – represented by CWA Local 1168 and other unions – ratified a three-year agreement. +AT&T Mobility Members in District 3 Ratify Contract +CWA members at AT&T Mobility in nine southeastern states in District 3 ratified a four-year contract covering 11,500 workers. +Mobility Workers Say ‘Yes We Can’ +Chanting “Si Se Puede!,” members of CWA Local 3010 ratified a contract covering 1,100 AT&T Mobility workers in Puerto Rico. +Verizon Southwest Agreement +CWAers in District 6 ratified a contract at Verizon Southwest covering 1,800 workers. +Video Interpreters Get First Contracts +Video Interpreters at all four American Sign Language Interpreters United units, members of the Pacific Media Workers Guild Local 39521, ratified first-in-the nation contracts with Purple Communications covering 150 workers. +Contract at Avis and Budget +IUE-CWA Local 81021 members ratified a five-year agreement with the Avis Budget Group covering 19 workers in Boston. +Contract at Verizon West +CWA members ratified a contract covering about 4,500 workers with Verizon West. +Contract for Connecticut Telecom Workers +Members of CWA Local 1298 in Connecticut ratified a four-year agreement with AT&T East, covering about 3,000 workers that remain in effect under new owner Frontier Communications. +More AFA-CWA Contracts +Horizon Air Flight Attendants ratified a five-year agreement covering 500 Flight Attendants; Flight Attendants at AirTran Airways ratified an agreement covering the over 1,700 Flight Attendants who had not been integrated into the Southwest system; Piedmont Airlines Flight Attendants ratified a contract covering about 200 regional Flight Attendants. +Kaplan ESL Teachers Approve First Contract +Teachers at Kaplan International Centers in New York, who teach English as a Second Language and are members of TNG-CWA Local 31003, ratified a first contract covering about 40 workers. +Dunkin' Donuts Workers Ratify New Contract +Dunkin' Donuts workers in New York’s Penn Station, members of TNG-CWA Local 31003, ratified a three-year contract covering 67 workers. +More TNG-CWA Contracts +News Media Guild members ratified an agreement with the Spanish news agency EFE News Services covering 28 workers; members of the United Media Guild approved a three-year contract extension at the Peoria (Illinois) Star- Journal; New York Guild members ratified a three-year contract with Standard & Poor's covering 280 workers; Chicago Newspaper Guild members ratified a contract at the Chicago Sun Times covering 70 workers that restored the jobs of four fired photojournalists who had been “replaced” by iPhones; Pacific Media Guild members at the Sacramento Bee ratified a contract covering 20 workers. +Contract at AT&T Internet +CWA reached a tentative agreement with AT&T Internet covering 3,500 technicians and call center workers in 14 states. +New Flyer Bus Workers Ratify New Contract +Members of CWA Local 7304 at New Flyer Bus Co. in St. Cloud, Minn., ratified a four-year agreement covering 850 workers. +Contract at OFS Fiber Optics +CWA members ratified a contract with OFS Fiber Optics, covering about 280 CWA members at plants in Sturbridge, Mass., and Atlanta, Georgia. +NJ Home Child Care Providers Ratify Contract +Home child care providers in New Jersey, represented by the Child Care Workers Union, a partnership between CWA local 1037 and AFSCME, ratified a contract covering more than 2,000 workers. +Substitute Teachers Ratify First Contract +Substitute teachers in the Santa Ana Unified School District in California ratified a first contract. The 866 workers are members of CWA Local 9510 and are the first substitute teachers in Orange County to gain a contract. +Contracts at Alcatel-Lucent, Avaya +CWAers ratified a four-year agreement covering 1,000 at Alcatel-Lucent; Avaya members ratified a contract extension until June 2016 covering about 600 workers. +Successful Bargaining at CenturyLink +CenturyLink workers in Pennsylvania, members of Local 13000, ratified two first contracts. Other contracts negotiated and ratified by CWA CenturyLink members include Wisconsin, Local 4671; Missouri, Locals 6300, 6301, 6311, 6312 and 6373; Eastern Oregon, Local 7906; Washington, Local 7818; North Carolina with Local 3672 and with Locals 3680, 3681, 3682 and 3685; Tennessee, Local 3871; Indiana, Local 4700; Alabama, Locals 3971, 3972 and 3974, and New Jersey, Local 1101. +More Telecom Contracts +The 26 telecom workers at Frontier Communications in Nebraska (Local 7471) and 25 Arizona (Local 7019) ratified contracts. The 105 Sodexo workers, members of Local 1060 and 4260, ratified a first contract. +Contract at the Daily Beast +Workers at the online Daily Beast, members of TNG-CWA Local 31003, ratified a three-year contract covering nine workers, their first solo contract following the sale of Newsweek. +Naval Air Station Workers Ratify Five-Year Contract +IUE-CWA Local 89119 members ratified a five-year contract covering 175 workers who provide maintenance and logistics support for the U.S. Navy’s Naval Strike and Air Warfare Center aircraft at the Naval Air Station in Fallon, Nevada. +Portland Radio Workers Win First Contract +Workers at KBOO-FM radio in Portland unionized and negotiated a first contract with CWA Local 7901 covering 10 workers. +More NABET-CWA Contract Contracts +The 55-member bargaining unit at WKBW-TV in Buffalo, NY ratified a four-year agreement; workers at WJRT-TV in Flint, Michigan ratified a two-year contract; WJW producers, writers and desk assistants in Cleveland, Ohio ratified a four- year contract extension and WJW engineering workers ratified a four-year agreement; members at the CBS owned/operated station in Denver Colo., KCNC, ratified a three-year contract; members in Youngstown ratified contracts at WKBN and WFMJ; members at Erie, Pa.’s WICU ratified a three-year contract; members in Omaha, Neb., ratified a three-year contract at Hearst-owned KETV and members at Twin Cities Public Broadcasting in Minneapolis ratified a three- year agreement; members ratified a contract with the Public Broadcasting Service, and members who work at the House of Representatives Recording Studio ratified a four-year contract. +ORGANIZING +Since our last convention in 2013, 18,000 members have joined CWA. +Passenger Service Agents at USAirways/American Vote Big for CWA Representation +It was the biggest organizing victory in the South in decades. After nearly two decades of determined solidarity, 9,000 American Airlines passenger service agents joined with their 6,000 USAirways colleagues and overwhelmingly voted for a CWA voice at the merged airline. The vote: 9,640 yes and 1,547 no. +Verizon Wireless Retail Store Workers Vote CWA +The 63 retail store workers at six Brooklyn, N.Y., Verizon Wireless Stores voted for bargaining rights and CWA representation. So did 16 retail workers at a Verizon Wireless store in Everett, Mass. The votes were a huge victory for these workers, who faced aggressive and intimidating management tactics. The win is part of a growing wave of retail workers organizing. +T-Mobile US is 'GUIL-T' +An NLRB judge found T-Mobile US guilty of engaging in nationwide labor law violations against workers who want a CWA voice. The unprecedented ruling followed a rare move by the NLRB consolidating multiple complaints against T-Mobile US for illegal actions against workers and illegal policies in Albuquerque, N.M.; Wichita, Kans.; Charleston, S.C., and New York City. +Illinois Newspapers Join NewsGuild +News department employees at the Register Star & Freeport Journal Standard in Rockford, Ill., voted for TNG-CWA representation. +North Carolina Home Care Workers Join CWA Local 3607 +A unit of 37 certified nursing assistants and home health workers at Reliable Home Health Care Services in Greensboro, N.C., voted to join CWA Local 3607. +Former Alltel Workers in Georgia +A majority of AT&T Mobility (formerly Alltel) retail store workers in Georgia joined CWA. +Hundreds More AT&T Mobility Workers Join CWA +The 58 retail sales workers in the North Dakota Retail Sales Group joined CWA, as did 23 network employees in Oregon; eight network technicians in Ohio; 20 retail employees and six network techs in Illinois; 44 retail store workers in Ohio; 18 network techs in Utah; five network techs in New Mexico; two network techs in Idaho; 28 national account representatives in New York, and six warehouse workers in Puerto Rico. +PPMWS Organizing Cooperative Gains New Members +The PPMWS Organizing Cooperative and the New York Typographical Union #6 organized 14 new members in the Boston metro area; the PPMWS Cooperative and CWA Local 14827 won an election for 47 workers at West Penn Printing in Pittsburgh. +New York City MetroPCS Workers Vote to Join CWA +New York City retail store employees at a MetroPCS store in Harlem voted for a union voice and representation by CWA after a fierce anti-union campaign by management. Though seemingly small, it's a huge victory for these workers and for thousands more across T-Mobile US who want representation to address their issues on the job. +New Jersey, Colorado Taxi Drivers +Some 400 Newark, N.J., taxi drivers have joined CWA Local 1039, part of the growing United Transportation Alliance in the state. In Denver, about 1,000 taxi drivers have joined Local 7777 and the Green Taxi Coop. +FOX Station in Connecticut Votes NABET-CWA +News photographers, editors, assignment desk personnel, reporters, meteorologists and anchors at WTIC-TV, a FOX station in Hartford, Conn., voted for NABET-CWA representation. +FOX Broadcast Hub Now Has NABET-CWA Voice +Workers at the FOX broadcast hub in Las Vegas, which supports the work of 28 FOX stations nationwide, voted for representation by NABET-CWA Local 59053. +KQED Television Workers Vote NABET-CWA +Television, engineering and production employees at KQED-TV in San Jose, Calif., voted for NABET-CWA representation. +Mechanic Instructors Vote to Join CWA +The 31 instructors at Lincoln Technical Institute in New York voted to join CWA Local 1106. +Nevada Public Safety Officers Join CWA +CWA Local 9110, Nevada Association of Public Safety Officers, welcomed the Mesquite Police Officers Association (POA) as a new affiliate. +1,500 New Jersey Public Employees Affiliate with CWA +Camden County Council 10, an independent labor union representing more than 1,500 public employees in New Jersey's Camden County, voted to affiliate with CWA Local 1014. +Dish Workers Defeat Decertification +Workers at Dish Network in Texas, members of CWA Local 6171, beat back a decertification campaign and voted to keep their CWA representation. CWA members at two Dish locations in Texas have been fighting for a first contract for more than four years. +Planned Parenthood Workers Join CWA +The clinical staff at Planned Parenthood in Central New York, representing 39 workers, voted to join CWA Local 1168. +Take Action Joins TNG-CWA Local 37002 +The 32 organizers, canvassers and other staff of Take Action Minnesota have joined the Minnesota Newspaper and Communications Guild, TNG-CWA Local 37002. +Building Our Union at Mobility +More than 3,500 CWA members at AT&T Mobility so far have participated in Unity@Mobility training. At the training, members exchange ideas on workplace issues. For many who haven't had much experience with unions, it's a firsthand look at the benefits of a union contract. CWA represents 50,000 workers at AT&T Mobility. +Naval Air Station Victories for IUE-CWA +The 15 electronic warfare technicians who work for Veteran Enterprise Technology at Mirmar Marine Station in San Diego, CA and the Naval Air Station El Centro, CA, joined IUE-CWA. +E! Entertainment Workers Join NABET-CWA +The 100 workers at E! Network/NBC joined NABET-CWA Local 59053. +Cricket Mobile Retail Employees and Technicians Get a CWA Voice +All Cricket retail employees in Districts 1 and 6 now have CWA representation. Joining CWA: the 340 Texas retail store workers; 63 workers at nine stores in Kansas and Missouri; 28 retail employees in Oklahoma and Arkansas; 24 retail store workers in Kentucky; 19 retail store workers in Georgia; 34 retail workers in Nevada; six retail store workers in Arizona; 11 retail store workers in New Jersey; 19 retail store workers in New York; 15 network technicians in Pennsylvania and four technicians in New York, and four technicians in Nevada. +Nevada Deputy Sheriffs Affiliate with CWA +The Elko County Deputy Sheriffs Association, representing 44 deputies, voted to affiliate with CWA Local 9110/Nevada Association of Public Safety Officers. +New York Lotto Technicians Join CWA +The 29 G-tech workers, who fix New York State Lottery machines, voted to join CWA Local 1101. +New Mexico Communications Technicians Gain Workplace Voice +The 57 workers at the Space Communications Network Services White Sands Complex, employed by Exelis Inc. in Las Cruces, NM, voted to join CWA. +NABET-CWA Wins NLRB Election for Workers in Congress +The 24 daily hire workers at the U.S. House of Representatives Recording Studio who had been working for Maslow Media, voted to join the recording studio staff as members of NABET-CWA. +Workers at AT&T Digital Life Choose CWA +The 50 contract workers at AT&T Digital Life, employed by MasTec Advanced Technologies, voted for representation by CWA Local 9510; about 30 technicians who wire “smart homes” at Speedwire (an AT&T contractor) voted to join CWA Local 1101, and Endeavor Communications technicians, who install Digital Life for AT&T in North New Jersey, voted to join CWA Local 1101. +Silver Airways Flight Attendants Join AFA-CWA +Flight Attendants at Silver Airways, an airline in an alliance partnership with United and headquartered in Fort Lauderdale, Fla., voted to join AFA-CWA. +With St. Thomas, CWA Now Represents 100% of AT&T Retail Store Workers +Another 19 AT&T Retail Store workers in St. Thomas gained representation by CWA Local 3010. +TNG-CWA Organizes Chicago Reader +The 19 editorial employees of The Chicago Reader voted unanimously for representation by the Chicago Newpaper Guild, TNG-CWA Local 34071. +More Colorado Ski Patrollers Join CWA +Telluride ski patrollers voted for CWA representation, joining the 150 patrollers at Steamboat, Crested Butte, and the Canyons who already have a CWA voice. +In These Times Magazine Joins NewsGuild +The staff of the progressive magazine In These Times has joined the Washington-Baltimore Newspaper Guild, TNG-CWA Local 32035. +Bally’s Techs Join CWA +The 14 technicians employed by Bally's, the gaming company, voted for representation by CWA Local 1105. +CWA Beats Back Comcast, St. Mary’s-Corwin Decerts +Members of CWA Local 9415 beat back a decertification election at Comcast Bay Area; CWAers also defeated a decertification push by St. Mary’s-Corwin in Pueblo, Colorado. +Telemarketing Workers in Minnesota Join CWA +The 93 workers at New Partners Teleservices in Grand Rapids, MN., voted to join CWA Local 7202. +Ohio County Clerks Choose CWA +Some 90 clerks at Cuyahoga County, Ohio, chose CWA Local 4340 representation. +AT&T Global Network +The 31 workers at AT&T Global Network in Denver, Colorado, get a CWA voice. +New Members at Verizon Business +Four technicians at Verizon Business in Pennsylvania join CWA. +Movement Building +Since our last convention in 2013, CWAers have joined activists and allies to restore democracy and bring real change for working Americans. +No to Fast Track, No to the Trans-Pacific Partnership +CWA led the labor movement and a growing coalition of progressive groups across the country in the fight to block “Fast Track” trade promotion authority for the TPP. CWAers and activists from the Sierra Club, Food & Water Watch, Citizens Trade Campaign, faith groups, the NAACP and many more turned out for town hall meetings, actions and one-on-one sessions with members of Congress and Senators in their home districts. CWA members sent thousands of handwritten letters to their representatives and senators and generated tens of thousands of emails and phone calls. Thousands of CWA activists have joined this fight. +Give Me 5: the Fight to Save the NLRB +We did it! The work of CWA activists and allies resulted in Senate confirmation of a full five-member Democratic majority National Labor Relations Board. It marked the first time in a decade that the NLRB had five confirmed members. +The fight for Senate rules reform made this possible, along with confirmations of key executive office positions, including the Consumer Financial Protection Bureau, the Environmental Protection Agency, and more than 100 judicial appointments to the courts. The stakes were high for all workers. If Senate obstruction had continued, more than 80 million non-union private sector workers would have lost their only path to workplace justice. Union members would have lost the ability to challenge management as well. +Senate Rules Reform +Working with allies like Alliance for Justice, Sierra Club, Common Cause, Americans for Financial Reform and many others, CWA worked to reform the dysfunctional Senate rules. The Fix the Senate Now coalition pressed for the Senate to change its rules at the beginning of the congressional session for judicial and executive nominations. As a result, there were more judicial confirmations in 2014 than in the past two decades, and critical vacancies were filled on the D.C. Circuit, the Ninth Circuit, and other courts across the country. Some 300 executive agency nominations, some of whom were languishing for years, also were confirmed. Further Senate rules reform remains a key part of our democracy work. +The Moral Monday Movement +CWA activists are a part of Moral Mondays in North Carolina, a movement that fights back against the attacks on voting rights, workers, women and the poor being waged by the state legislature and governor. Led by Rev. William Barber, president of the North Carolina NAACP, Moral Mondays have built alliances among civil rights and community activists, people of faith, workers environmentalists and others throughout the state, with actions at the State Capitol calling for justice for all. Similar movements have been started in other cities and states and all are engaged in stopping “Fast Track” and the TPP. +Getting Big Money Out of Politics +CWA is part of a growing coalition working on several levels to get big money out of our politics. We supported legislation to repair the damage done by the +U.S. Supreme Court’s Citizens United and McCutcheon decisions that have thrown out virtually all restrictions on political spending, by organizations and individuals. With groups like People for the American Way, Public Citizen, the Brennan Center for Justice, Common Cause and others, we’re fighting to take back our political process and democracy. CWAers also supported efforts in New York State and other jurisdictions that would establish public financing of elections and restore the voice of small donors. +CWA’s 2014 Election Work +CWA’s political program for the 2014 elections engaged CWA members in workplace education, phone banks, neighborhood walks and get-out-the-vote activities. Across 25 states, more than 4,000 CWA activists knocked on doors, leafleted thousands of worksites, made 100,000 phone calls and turned out for 12,000 volunteer shifts. +TU Members in U.S., Germany, Stand Up for Workers’ Rights at T-Mobile US +The partnership between T-Mobile US workers here and Deutsche Telekom and T-Mobile workers in Germany is stronger than ever, with members of the German union ver.di pushing their company hard to end its double standard of enabling union busting in the U.S. +Marking the 50th Anniversary of the March on Washington for Jobs and Freedom +Nearly 2,000 CWAers joined the 50th anniversary of the march that ended at the Martin Luther King Jr., Memorial in Washington, D.C. Their message: to make sure that democracy works for all Americans, not just the 1 percent. +The Time is Now for Immigration Reform +CWAers are standing with activists from labor, immigrant rights, faith groups, civil rights and community groups to move our nation forward on comprehensive immigration reform. Actions, vigils and civil disobedience focused attention on the hardships endured by immigrant families who are separated by deportation. +No Knives on Planes Ever Again +AFA-CWA Flight Attendants again led the way in mobilizing to stop the Transportation Security Agency from backsliding on a rule to block passengers from bringing knives on board aircraft. AFA-CWA focused public attention on the issue and played a critical role in getting the original TSA rule enacted. +There was once upon a time a miller who lived with his wife +in great contentment. They had money and land, and their +prosperity increased year by year more and more. But ill +luck comes like a thief in the night. As their wealth had +increased so did it again decrease, year by year, and at last +the miller could +hardly call the mill in which he lived, his own. He was in great +distress, and when he lay down after his day's work, found no +rest, but tossed about in his bed, sorely troubled. One +morning he rose before daybreak and went out into the open air, +thinking that perhaps there his heart might become lighter. As +he was stepping over the mill-dam the first sunbeam was just +breaking forth, and he heard a rippling sound in the pond. He +turned round and perceived a beautiful woman, rising slowly out +of the water. Her long hair, which she was holding off her +shoulders with her soft hands, fell down on both sides, +and covered her white body. He soon saw that she was the +nixie of the mill-pond, and in his fright did not know whether +he should run away or stay where he was. But the nixie made her +sweet voice heard, called him by his name, and asked him why he +was so sad. The miller was at first struck dumb, but when he heard +her speak so kindly, he took heart, and told her how he had +formerly lived in wealth and happiness, but that now he was so +poor that he did not know what to do. Be easy, answered the nixie, +I will make you richer and happier than you have ever been +before, only you must promise to give me the young thing which +has just been born in your house. What else can that be, thought +the miller, but a puppy or a kitten, and he promised her what she +desired. The nixie descended into the water again, and he +hurried back to his mill, consoled and in good spirits. He had +not yet reached it, when the maid-servant came out of the house +and cried to him to rejoice, for his wife had given birth to +a little boy. The miller stood as if struck by lightning. He +saw very well that the cunning nixie had been aware of it, and had +cheated him. Hanging his head, he went up to his wife's bedside +and when she said, why do you not rejoice over the fine boy, he +told her what had befallen him, and what kind of a promise he had +given to the nixie. Of what use to me are riches and prosperity, +he added, if I am to lose my child. But what can I do. Even the +relatives, who had come thither to wish them joy, did not know +what to say. In the meantime prosperity again returned to the +miller's house. All that he undertook succeeded. It was as +if presses and coffers filled themselves +of their own accord, and as if money multiplied nightly in the +cupboards. It was not long before his wealth was greater than +it had ever been before. But he could not rejoice over it +untroubled, for the bargain which he had made with the nixie +tormented his soul. Whenever he passed the mill-pond, he feared +she might ascend and remind him of his debt. He never let the +boy himself go near the water. Beware, he said to him, if you +do but touch the water, a hand will rise, seize you, and draw you +down. But as year after year went by and the nixie did not show +herself again, the miller began to feel at ease. The boy grew +up to be a youth and was apprenticed to a huntsman. When he had +learnt everything, and had become an excellent huntsman, the +lord of the village took him into his service. In the village +lived a beautiful and true-hearted maiden, who pleased the +huntsman, and when his master perceived that, he gave him a +little house, the two were married, lived peacefully and +happily, and loved each other with all their hearts. +One day the huntsman was chasing a roe. And when the animal +turned aside from the forest into the open country, he pursued +it and at last shot it. He did not notice that he was now in +the neighborhood of the dangerous mill-pond, and went, after +he had disembowelled the roe, to the water, in order to wash +his blood-stained hands. Scarcely, however, had he dipped +them in than the nixie ascended, smilingly wound her dripping +arms around him, and drew him quickly down under the waves, +which closed over him. When it was evening, and the huntsman +did not return home, his wife became alarmed. She went out to +seek him, and as he had often told her that he had to be on +his guard against the snares of the nixie, and dared not venture +into the neighborhood of the mill-pond, she already suspected +what had happened. She hastened to the water, and +when she found his hunting-pouch lying on the shore, she could +no longer have any doubt of the misfortune. Lamenting her +sorrow, and wringing her hands, she called on her beloved +by name, but in vain. She hurried across to the other side +of the pond, and called him anew. She reviled the nixie with +harsh words, but no answer greeted her. The surface of the water +remained calm, only the crescent moon stared steadily back at +her. The poor woman did not leave the pond. With hasty steps, +she paced round and round it, without resting a moment, sometimes +in silence, sometimes uttering a loud cry, sometimes sobbing +softly. At last her strength came to an end, she sank down +to the ground and fell into a heavy sleep. Presently a dream +took possession of her. +She was anxiously climbing upwards between great masses of +rock. Thorns and briars caught her feet, the rain beat in her +face, and the wind tossed her long hair about. When she had +reached the summit, quite a different sight presented itself +to her. The sky was blue, the air soft, the ground sloped +gently downwards, and on a green meadow, gay with flowers of +every color, stood a pretty cottage. She went up to it and +opened the door. There sat an old woman +with white hair, who beckoned to her kindly.. You must have +met with a misfortune, she said, since you have sought out my +lonely cottage. With tears, the woman related what had befallen +her. Be comforted, said the old woman, I will help you. Here +is a golden comb for you. Tarry till the full moon has risen, +then go to the mill-pond, seat yourself on the shore, and +comb your long black hair with this comb. When you have done, +lay it down on the bank, and you will see what will happen. The +woman returned home, but the time till the full moon came, passed +slowly. When at last the shining disc appeared in the heavens, +she went out to the mill-pond, sat down and combed her long black +hair with the golden comb, and when she had finished, she laid +it down at the water's edge. It was not long before there +was a movement in the depths, a wave rose, rolled to the shore, +and bore the comb away with it. In not more than the time +necessary for the comb to sink to the bottom, the surface of +the water parted, and the head of the huntsman arose. He did +not speak, but looked at his wife with sorrowful glances. +At the same instant, a second wave came rushing up, and covered +the man's head. All had vanished, the mill-pond lay peaceful as +before, and nothing but the face of the full moon shone on it. +Full of sorrow, the woman went back, but again the dream showed +her the cottage of the old woman. Next morning she again set +out and complained of her woes to the wise woman. The old +woman gave her a golden flute, and said, tarry till the full +moon comes again, then take this flute. Play a beautiful air +on it, and when you have finished, lay it on the sand. Then +you will see what will happen. The wife did as the old woman +told her. No sooner was the flute lying on the sand than there +was a stirring in the depths, and a wave rushed up and bore +the flute away with it. Immediately afterwards the water +parted, and not only the head of the man, but +half of his body also arose. He stretched out his arms +longingly towards her, but a second wave came up, covered him, +and drew him down again. Alas, what does it help me, said the +unhappy woman, that I should see my beloved, only to lose him +again. Despair filled her heart anew, but the dream led her +a third time to the house of the old woman. She set out, and +the wise woman gave her a golden spinning-wheel, consoled her and +said, all is not yet fulfilled, tarry until the time of the full +moon, then take the spinning-wheel, seat yourself on the shore, +and spin the spool full, and when you have done that, place the +spinning-wheel near the water, and you will see what will happen. +The woman obeyed all she said exactly. As soon as the full moon +showed itself, she carried the golden spinning-wheel to the +shore, and span industriously until the flax came to an end, and +the spool was quite filled with the threads. No sooner was the +wheel standing on the shore than there was a more violent movement +than before in the depths of the pond, and a mighty wave rushed +up, and bore the wheel away with it. Immediately the head and +the whole body of the man rose into the air, in a water-spout. +He quickly sprang to the shore, caught his wife by the hand and +fled. But they had scarcely gone a very little distance, +when the whole pond rose with a frightful roar, and streamed +out over the open country. The fugitives already saw death +before their eyes, when the woman in her terror implored the +help of the old woman, and in an instant they were transformed, +she into a toad, he into a frog. The flood which had overtaken +them could not destroy them, but it tore them apart and carried +them far away. +When the water had dispersed and they both touched dry land again, +they regained their human form, but neither knew where the other +was. They found themselves among strange people, who did not +know their native land. High mountains and deep valleys lay +between them. In order to keep themselves alive, they were +both obliged to tend sheep. For many long years they drove +their flocks through field and forest and were full of sorrow +and longing. +When spring had once more broken forth on the earth, they both +went out one day with their flocks, and as chance would have it, +they drew near each other. They met in a valley, but did not +recognize each other. Yet they rejoiced that they were no +longer so lonely. Henceforth they each day drove their flocks +to the same place. They did not speak much, but they felt +comforted. One evening when the full moon was shining in the +sky, and the sheep were already at rest, the shepherd pulled +the flute out of his pocket, and played on it a beautiful but +sorrowful air. When he had finished he saw that the shepherdess +was weeping bitterly. Why are you weeping, he asked. Alas, +answered she, thus shone the full moon when I played this air +on the flute for the last time, and the head of my beloved +rose out of the water. He looked at her, and it seemed as if a +veil fell from his eyes, and he recognized his dear wife, and +when she looked at him, and the moon shone in his face she +knew him also. They embraced and kissed each other, and no one +need ask if they were happy. +10:05pm Sep 10 2010 (last edited on 10:18pm Sep 10 2010) +‘Surprising, to say the least...’ This caused the tall man to stop walking down the lengthy corridor and hide around the corner and peek into the open room. No furniture was there. The only decoration was the window that was stuck facing the left wing of the C-ship named Freedom. The infinite blackness that followed past the wing was the only company the lone ship had in the endless stretch of space that it glided through silently. +‘That woman… with that noise-making hole in her head… she prophesied another would come—one moment—you there! At the door! Go away!’ The mental conversation was overpowering to the eavesdropper and he darted away before any clues to his identity could be found. +‘Another would come? What does that mean?’ He thought to himself, ensuring his mental barriers were kept up and no other could intrude on his conversation just as he did with the ship’s officer general. ‘They must have been talking about Aunt Cherry. I’ll go visit her today.’ +The man had grown up alone. His parents were part of the travelling force that landed on lands they happened across and gathered whatever material for their foods and repairs needed to the ship, then fly back and drop it off. They were constantly busy and never had the chance to stop for a day or two on Freedom before having to set off on another adventure. Due to this history, he maintained the innocent curiosity that all children had, with the same tinge of maturity that came with age and experiencing the disheartening situation of watching people around him die, the strict punishment of being too curious, and the shame of not being as advanced as the others his age. He practiced much in eavesdropping and sneaking past mental barriers that the others had set up around their mind’s thoughts, and built up his own defenses to protect him from the embarr*censored*ment of others learning just how stupid he really was. +‘Z!’ The colorful thoughts of that happy young woman flooded his mind, pounding at the barrier he had set up. He turned around and saw the slender woman standing before him in a long, piercing blue sweater with a collar that wrapped around her neck like a loose scarf and pure white flats. Her large green eyes dazzled with brilliance as they curved into perfect crescent moons on her pale face. +‘Sydney.’ He replied in considerable calmness, despite being elated to see a friendly, familiar face. +The smaller woman’s arms wrapped around the towering shoulders of the man addressed as Z. His gaze settled on the top of her white-haired head and his slightly constricted arm moved up to allow his hand to pat her on the back. ‘Z, what are you doing here? I thought you were supposed to be working?’ She lifted her head so her eyes could look up at his as he allowed her thoughts to flow into the simple corridor in his mind that he constructed, so she wouldn’t wander through and snoop at thoughts he didn’t want her to see. +‘The other guys hauled my load today before I got there. I don’t think they want me around anymore.’ Z responded slowly and carefully. He simply shrugged and heaved a sigh through his nose. “I suppose I’ll have to find a new job to keep me busy.’ +Sydney’s eyes darkened, losing their brilliant shine and her eyebrows crunched together. ‘Why do they have to be rude to you? They’re probably jealous of your intense understanding of the Argandian mind.’ +Argandians were creatures of immense mental complexity. Able to speak through telepathy, their race had discarded the need of mouths and had remained silent for years. In a strange turn of events, the Arga people had their lips sealed forever. The knowledge of mouths existed through the sightings of other species on planets that the travelling force visited. They didn’t know what they were called, so they were just simply referred to as ‘holes’. +Their planet was wiped away from the universe. No one knows what exactly happened or how it came to p*censored*. The elderly of the Argandians tell stories of how they were evacuated as children to the many C-ships that were constructed a year after a great light appeared in the sky and descended onto the land where it vanished. There is only a handful left of those that came from that era. Since then, five generations have come and left. The oldest of them all was a small woman named Cherry. +Cherry had gone blind that day the light fell. That night she screamed. It was the first time in countless millennia that a noise was heard on that planet. Her telepathy went away as well, as it takes eyesight to be able to see the waves of color floating through the air between two or more people. People can still put their thoughts in her mind, but she cannot put hers in theirs, so she resorts to using her mouth. Whenever she does, people give her such disgusting looks. She never notices, though, so she still feels as if she’s friends with everyone and the feeling is mutual among them. The noise that escapes her mouth frightens them. The very fact she has a mouth frightens them. It’s something weird that they’ve never seen on their own people, and only one person is afflicted with this anomaly. +‘You’re going to see Cherry,’ the girl’s thoughts flowed into Z’s head so suddenly; he jumped slightly, a startled spark flashed in his eyes. He glanced down to Sydney and shook his head, thinking about lying, but then rolled his eyes and nodded. ‘Oooh! Can I come?’ +Z’s brows furrowed and he stared at Sydney long and hard before shrugging and jerking his head in a motion to allow her to follow him. Her eyes arched into the crescent moon shape they were in before and she followed behind giddily. +- End Episode One - +10:54pm Sep 11 2010 (last edited on 10:31am Sep 12 2010) +Knock! Knock! was heard at the door. A series of beeps was heard from the other side of the wall and the door slid open by itself. Once the pair stepped into the room, a frightening sound could be heard. “Oh you came! You came to see me! Sit down, children. Please, sit down! I don’t have any food or drinks for you I hope that’s fine… oh of course it is, you don’t eat or drink. Hee hee. Silly of old Aunt Cherry. Mind the pillow, dear, I have some pins in there from my sewing. Z, don’t sit down before the ladies! Who taught you manners? Oh wait, I did. Hee hee heeee!” +Her stream of words flowed through her mouth quickly and with much emotion. It was difficult to tell how she was actually feeling when she spoke. Had it not been for her thoughts, Z and Sydney would have thought she was mad. The two women sat down and Z followed suit shortly after and leaned forward and interlocked his fingers between the other set on his other hand. ‘Aunt Cherry, I have to ask you something,’ Z’s thoughts flowed into Cherry’s mind with ease and settled down. ‘I overheard the officer general and some stranger speaking in one of the rooms on the leisure floor and he said you had prophesied another one coming. Another one what? Another light?’ +“Oh Z, you curious little whelp! You don’t need to worry yourself with these things. They’re just gossip and rumors I start to keep me busy and keep people coming to me for short little visits. You shouldn’t believe too much you hear from other people. It’s a small ship and lots of rumors spread pretty fast, don’t you think? Oh Sydney, dear, don’t touch the blanket, please. No, those are just stories I made up. I can’t prophesize anything! I’m just a crazy old woman who had strange things happen to her and now she’s lonelier than a slug in a desert.” +Aunt Cherry loved to talk. The sound of her own voice pleased her so much; she hardly took a breath as she spoke. She’d go sentences and paragraphs without taking a breath until she couldn’t talk any longer and was forced to stop talking and inhale deeply. Then she would resume the conversation as though it had never stopped. She was forced to live by herself because no one could stand to hear her voice. It was an appalling thing to see on an Argandian, like a discolored wart right in the middle of a person’s forehead with several hairs sticking out of it. Z had grown up hearing her voice, so he had adjusted to it. It was the teeth that she had behind her mouth that frightened him the most. He had never seen teeth before, he didn’t even know their name until she coined up the term “Clackers” for the sound they made on those days she was bored and wanted to move her mouth a bit. +‘So, it was a lie?’ Z responded. Sydney could pick up on the disappointment in his thoughts; the shade of blue in his thought-waves certainly couldn’t be missed against his normally vibrant, warm hues. Z closed his eyes and shook his head and dropped it. The young woman placed a hand on his shoulder, then stood up and walked over to the door to leave. Z lifted his gaze and saw Cherry staring at him intensely. Slightly startled, he returned the stare, then slipped into her mind to see what she was thinking. +The vision of the light entered his mind instantly. He saw what she saw all those years ago. After that, it was entirely black. Suddenly a faint outline appeared in the vision. Z thought he was slipping from her mind so he focused a little harder on searching. Colors instantly started appearing and another light came down from the sky, this time the point-of-view was at another angle. It was from behind the light. A brilliant tail flowed behind the ball of light, leaving a sparkling residue on the sky. Z saw, for a split second, the face of a person who was about to be struck by the light. After that, he saw the person’s face tear open and lips and clackers reveal themselves. +Z was forced out of his probing with violent shaking. Sydney was shaking him and the sound of screaming could be heard. Z snapped to his senses and turned to see Aunt Cherry clutching her head and screaming. The man staggered up and stared down at her with horror, her clackers were out and a strange, pink muscle was trembling slightly. He turned to Sydney, both with fear in their eyes, and said. ‘We have to go. We can’t stay here!’ They both turned towards the door and ran off down the hallway. Z avoided telling Cherry he was sorry, at least for now. Sydney and Z turned a corner and slammed into two of the grunt soldier cl*censored* members. The stared down at the two—as they had fallen—and an icy blue color entered their minds. +‘You two are under arrest for disturbing the peace.’ Behind the two large men was an unusually tall man with equally as unusual long, black hair. Half was pinned behind his head with a decorative clip. His bangs ran down the side of his almost grey face and partially covered the corners of his eyes. One long, silvery patch of hair ran down the middle of his face and ended just below his jaw line. His eyes were an unsettling black. No shine to them at all. The man stared down at them with an expression of disgust and hatred. A moment p*censored*ed with an awkward silence before the man nodded and the soldiers picked the two up and followed behind the tall man slowly. +‘Sydney didn’t do anything! Let her go!’ Z argued, his thoughts colored with desperation and anger. Sydney glanced to her friend with a bit of concern in her eyes. One brow was pushed down and both pressed towards each other, almost touching. +The tall man spun around on his heel and stared at the two. Z began pushing forward thoughts in his mind to make it appear as though he really was the one at fault and Sydney just happened to bump into him as he ran. The man picked up on Z’s thoughts and nodded to the soldier carrying Sydney over his shoulder. The soldier dropped her and stepped aside to let her walk past. ‘Then you will suffer the punishment of two people.’ The man sent firmly. Z simply nodded and glanced to Sydney, who returned the gaze with gratitude and sadness. +Three men walked to an elevator and pushed the bottom floor. Z was being carried, slung around the shoulder of the soldier that held him. The elevator slid down silently along the linear tunnel. The lights flashed as they went down deeper and deeper to the bottom of the ship. The doors open and invited a horrible stink into the elevator. The strongest light in the whole area was from the elevator. Once the group stepped out, the door closed and darkened the room considerably. There were several light fixtures hanging from the ceiling. Their light was barely useful since they were so high and the lighting wires were loose. Above them were the pipes and gears the ship used to keep it moving and allow the luxuries of living to continue running. The occasional scream of steam bursting from a pipe to release pressure could be heard in the deafeningly silent bottom floor. The group walked through the room with such ease; it was like they had been there before. They knew when to lift their feet higher to avoid tripping on a floor pipe and when to duck their heads to avoid being struck by a low-laying gear. +Finally they came to the farthest corner in the basement. A single cage with old, rusted bars stood there. The bottom was lined with the same rusted bars. Provided was an old, tattered book as well as a thin, straw pallet to rest on. Sleeping on the bars may be more comfortable, as you wouldn’t have the irritable itch afterward. The bulky soldier dropped Z down and shoved him into the cage and slammed the door behind him. The tall man stepped up to the cage bars and stared down at Z and said to him. ‘Two weeks. No other material other than that book. Hope you have an active imagination.’ He spun around and Z forced countless thoughts into the man’s head, causing him to stumble as he took his first step. The man quickly regained his footing and stood up straight and placed his hands behind his back and remained facing away from the cage. He then said. ‘Four weeks.’ And walked off. The two soldiers following behind slowly. +- End Episode Two - +1:53pm Sep 12 2010 +11:34am Sep 13 2010 +4:55pm Sep 13 2010 +11:09am Sep 14 2010 +7:21pm Sep 23 2010 +It had been six weeks since his being exiled to the harsh environment down in the bottom of the C-ship. Had Sydney not secretly met with him every day to give him something to read other than that repetitious book, he would have never known and surely would have broken. The pages of the book that was left were scribbled on by those who stayed there before, offering some form of variety in the dull paragraphs he could nearly quote word-for-word. +On the last day of his incarceration, the same two men who accompanied the tall man approached Z and handed him a note. Z took the note and refused to read it until he was out of their sight. He walked ahead of them and into the elevator and closed the doors before they could get there. A sort of weak pride rose in him as he watched their eyes fill with disgruntled rage as he began to rise above them in the elevator. +On the 23rd floor, the doors opened silently and he stepped out. To his right, Sydney stood with her eyes lit up and curved upward in that beautiful happy face she always had when she saw Z. He turned to the left, however, and opened the note to read what had been written. +You will have to forgive me. I have been so caught up in +this week’s work that your punishment +simply escaped my mind. +I pray this will teach you a lesson. +No hard feelings! +~ Sigmund +He crushed the paper in his hand and abruptly turned to the right at the last door in the hallway. The door opened agonizingly slow and he walked through. Sydney rushed in afterward, knowing he’d have the door closed and locked if she didn’t slip in right after him. As she suspected, the door closed and the sound of it locking could be heard. Sydney walked up and grabbed the note from his hand and read it quickly. ‘What a liar!’ Was all she said in regards to the note. +Z sat down on his couch. His room was perfectly white and clean. A simple couple’s couch and an arm chair surrounded a gl*censored* coffee table with an intricately carved vase filled with marbles as decoration on the simple table. Under that was a soft carpet made from a prosthetic fabric. The ground was a smooth tile that was almost slippery to those who wore socks. There were no paintings to mark a difference on his walls. The ceiling was short, and the room was not that large. It was very similar to the room Aunt Cherry lived in. +He had been staring at the hologram vision for quite some time now. An inner debate boiled inside him whether or not he should turn it on and watch the news, which would be the same as before. “Scouts have reported nothing. Supplies will be coming in a certain number of days. Glorify the leaders for we are the mindless idiots who could do nothing for ourselves and rely heavily on some one less stupid than us to guide us through these perilous times.” +The silence settled down thickly like a spread of frozen butter on thin bread. Feeling torn and uncomfortable, Sydney broke the quietness with a soft tone. ‘I told father what Sigmund did…’ Z made no movement and no acknowledgement that he heard her. She sat on the other side of the couch, pensive and uncomfortable. He continued to stare around, avoiding her ever-present gaze on his face. Meeting her eyes would mean he would have to tell her what he was thinking. He would see what she was thinking and he wanted to be alone in his head for a while. +‘Z, you’re acting like a baby. Stop pushing people out who want to help you.’ She sent with a slightly annoyed tone. Z glanced to her and took in all her thoughts and shared little with her. She’d understand he wanted to be alone, and hopefully respect his wishes. Sydney remained still and staring. He returned her intense green gaze until he finally caved and spoke more openly with her. +‘Sydney, I can’t stay on this ship anymore. I know that Sigmund is gunning for me to have the same fate as my parents. I saw it in the note he gave me. One more screw up and I’m out, and he’s going to frame me. He hates me. Only god knows why…’ Z’s posture shifted from a relaxed slouch on the couch to a strained haunch over his lap and his hands cupped his face. ‘I don’t want to leave here. I’ll never make it out in those voyage missions’ A slow, deep inhalation of breath could be heard. +Sydney looked away and rolled her eyes. ‘You won’t get sent away. I’m sure my father would intervene and stop him from being completely out of line with his power-‘ Z cut her off by closing the door to his mind and placing up his nearly impenetrable walls. She shot an evil glare at him and stood up quickly. The woman allowed herself to stare holes into his soul for one more moment before turning on her heel and stomping to the door. She stood in front of it, waiting for them to part, but they didn’t. ‘Aren’t you going to let me leave?’ She barked in his head, pounding at the walls and kicking at the doors in his mind. +Z stood up from the couch and walked over to Sydney and embraced her gingerly. He knew she didn’t like being touched when she was mad, but he needed to show his apologetic demeanor. ‘I’m sorry, Sydney. I guess I let Sigmund get to me.’ She didn’t move at all, remaining perfectly still with her arms down to her sides and her eyebrows still crunched together in aggravation. The door unlocked and opened and the two released from their position. She turned on her heel and stomped out without a glance behind her. Z rubbed the back of his head and walked to his bathroom. He needed to shower. His brown hair was almost grey with dust that he had collected for the while he was down in the basement. He turned on the sonic shower and watched the light waves beat down perilously from the top sphere and ring and bounce back up from the bottom platform. He quickly undressed and stepped onto the platform and allowed the micro-beads of the light waves scurry across his body without any sensation of feeling cleaned. +He stepped out and walked to his room and dressed into a plain white jacket whose collar rose up his neck and almost touched his chin. He buttoned down the shirt and put on a pair of equally white matching pants. Z stepped out from his room and approached the couch, daring to test the consistent news cast he had watched ten times over every day. The first step he took was never completed. He was struck from behind and his worked went black. +The Argandians surrounding him had a sad look on their faces and in their eyes. Z struggled to blink and focus his eyes as he sat up to stare around. He was being carried by a large man. Judging by the stink that wafted up into his nostrils, it was one of the men he had left behind in the cellar. ‘What’s going on?’ Z asked, his mind’s colors still misted and blurred. +A voice arose from ahead. Sigmund stood before the travelling crowd. ‘Welcome to the Voyager Sector. You all are now the new voyagers to replace those whom we have just lost. Your mission is to collect what was dropped and bring it back here. Harvest fast, my friends!’ +Z began to thrash and flail about wildly, causing people to step back and stare at him. His wild eyes flared with rage as he pounded at the back of the large man. His efforts went fruitless, as the man squeezed tighter onto Z’s body and crushed his organs and bones. Sigmund watched as Z was carried by with a look of approval and accomplishment. +‘What have I done?!’ Z demanded. +‘Inappropriate contact with a woman of notable reputation.’ +‘I only hugged her!’ +‘Tsk tsk… we all know what hugs lead to, Mister Zedrick.’ +‘Z!’ Sydney’s colors filled his head again. Frantic and fearful. He glanced up just in time to see her get pushed back from the wave of Argandians walking down the hallway. Their eyes drowned her in a sea of sorrow and dismay. He struggled to get free again, but was crushed once more. Something inside him snapped and caused his vision to fade again. He was violently thrown into the cockpit of the small vessel that would carry him around the lifeless universe. Sydney caught up in time to have the lid slammed shut on her. She pounded on the gl*censored* frantically, tears forming in her eyes. Z stared up at her, his eyes drooped and his mind blurred. She quickly wrote on the window with her finger “Stay alive!” and his small ship was sent off from the safety of the harbor. Z’s vision then went black once more. +7:25pm Sep 23 2010 +-tries to sing- +Siii-iii-iiilent night, Hoooooly night. o___o +Alll is something, all is something +Sleep in something something something something +Something Something Something Something..... +Uhm. +Whit eats bacon. +-flees- +10:26am Sep 24 2010 +D: +That was so beautiful. *wipes tear from eye* +11:59am Sep 24 2010 +He awoke to the sound of a gentle tap on gl*censored*. It took several moments for his eyes to adjust to the brightness gleaming in his face. Z brought up his hand to shield his eyes from the glare from the flashlight that one of his companion Voyagers shone directly into his face. ‘Vessel B-22 occupant has bodily damage from prior to landing—a broken rib. Medics have been notified.’ Z touched his side and winced. He lifted hi shirt as best he could and saw the m*censored*ive purple and blue bruise over his left rib cage. He closed his eyes and leaned his head back. The pain flooded through his body and immobilized him. The Argandian outside his pod remained there for a while, the light shining in his face as though it were keeping him conscious, which it was. +A medic arrived a great deal later. He sauntered up casually and popped open the pod’s lid and roughly pulled Z out. His mind groaned as his muscles rubbed against the jagged, broken bone within his skin. The medic then said. ‘Man, up. You’re a Voyager now.’ Z thought to himself of ways to retort, but found that his focus should be on subduing the pain, for this medic had no sense of mercy and pain was his specialty. +With a swift movement of his left hand, the medic replaced the broken rib back to where it should be by practically punching it once. Air exhaled quickly and sharply from Z’s nostrils and he grabbed his side and rolled to the side a bit. Several deep, forced breaths followed and his eyes widened and pupils shrunk. He almost blacked out again, but forced himself to remain conscious throughout the pain. He recalled the motto the general of the Argandian army always said. ‘That which doesn’t kill you only makes you stronger.’ +Z stood up after a bit with the aid of the one who found him and shone the light in his face. He leaned on him for support, noting that his head was spiraling violently and couldn’t find ground to stabilize on, just as he. After several steps, Z let go of his human crutch and began walking on his onw, but much slower than he used to. Terrance, the flashlight man, became Z’s friend fast. As they walked about the strange planet, he told him about himself and how he was chosen to be a Voyager. +‘My parents were Voyagers before me. They wanted me to be a soldier for the intergalactic army, but I felt that scouting new lands and gathering whatever I could was much more exciting than flying around and shooting down things that moved,’ Terrance said, his eyes curving slightly and his ears raised. Z noticed this strange addition and saw that his face warped and the sides of his face rounded. Terrance noted Z’s staring and answered his unasked question. ‘Oh I practice moving my face muscles all the time. Your aunt Cherry really inspired me. She looks cute when she uhh… what did she call it… smiles!’ +It was the first time anyone cared to mimic Cherry. She was a freak of nature and people who copied here or were remotely interested in here was considered just as freakish. Seeing Terrance’s face like that made him think of Sydney. His eyes squeezed shut and his hands cupped his face. ‘Sydney…’ he thought to himself, holding back the tears. +Voyaging wasn’t the most desired chore. Soldiers were sent out before the voyagers to eliminate any threats that may attempt to interfere with the process of gather materials and voyagers were sent out afterwards to gather. This method is very well-known throughout the galaxy and most threats that are capable of moving tend to hide in caves and await for the voyagers to come out, then they’d strike down the defenseless voyagers and take their bodies for food or whatever they did with them. People who became a Voyager were expected to live for three months. The really talented voyagers lived through retirement. Only three have managed that. +‘I’m not supposed to be here, Terrance,’ Z said to his partner as he picked up a bundle of sticks and metal. It appeared to have been already gathered by one of the now dead Voyagers before him. He constantly remained on the alert, glancing about nervously to see if whatever killed the whole fleet of Voyagers would come out and take him as well. ‘I was blamed wrongfully for a crime that never happened. Sigmund hates me, so he thinks that sending me out here to be killed will answer all his problems.’ +Terrance nodded. ‘I’m not sure how to convince the Voyager General this. He’s pretty tight with Sigmund. They’re probably up sipping tea and laughing about what they’ve done to you.’ +Z turned around abruptly and stared at Terrance directly in the eye. ‘Will you help me? I want to fake my death and scare Sigmund into admitting he set me up by coming back as a ghost.’ +His partner stared at him for a moment. The hope that Z would bust out laughing and say he was joking was apparent in his gaze, but he never said it. ‘Z,’ Terrance sent. ‘He’s a smart man. He won’t be tricked so easily…’ +Z spun around and walked off, dropping his collection of items as he did. Once he was a fair bit of distance away from Terrance, Z began looking around through the bushes and along the large mountain before him, hoping to find some sort of cave to make it appear as though he was drug off into the darkest depths, never to be seen again. After travelling almost entirely around the circumference of the mountain, he found a cave at last. He poked his head in and glanced around. Grabbed a rock an threw it in against the wall to make as much noise as possible. Once satisfied with his inspection that the cave was deserted, he began making preparations to make his death appear real. +Several rocks were kicked over and branches were snapped. Z kicked around the dirt and used a sharp-edged rock to carve claw marks into the walls of the cave. ‘Now all that’s missing is the blood…’ he thought to himself as he rolled up his sleeves to reveal his bare arm. Z gulped and put the rock up to his hand and closed his eyes and inhaled deeply. Just as he inhaled and prepared to run the jagged rock across the palm of his hand, something from the darkness of the cave reached out and wrapped itself around Z’s ankles and dragged him into the cavern quickly. Leaving behind nothing but a staged fight scene, and a large, deep imprint of where Z was dragged through the dirt. +The $1 Namatjira Copyright deal – how it happened How momentum won one of the most important copyright cases in Australian art history. Albert Namatjira’s Mt Hermannsburg, c 1949-59. Araluen Art Collection, on loan from Ngurratjuta Pmara Ntjarra Aboriginal Corporation; Courtesy of Namatjira Legacy Trust. The family of Australia’s first celebrated Aboriginal artist – Albert Namatjira – discovered with surprise that they had won a lingering copyright battle when they read it in the paper over the weekend. Members of the family had been in Adelaide for the opening of Tarnanthi, the festival of Contempoary Aboriginal and Torres Strait Islander art, where their project, What if this photograph is by Albert Namatjira? was being presented at the Art Gallery of South Australia (AGSA). ADVERTISEMENT ‘After a long battle we are happy to get the copyright back. For our future, for our children’s future and for our grandkids, and all our families,’ said Gloria Pannka, granddaughter of Albert Namatjira, in a formal statement. The news had been broken by The Australian, which along with other media sources had applied pressure and raised awareness on the topic of Namatija’s copyright ownership. This battle started much earlier however, eight years ago when the arts lobbying organisation, Big hART joined with the Namatjira Family, The Namatjira Legacy Trust and pro-bono work by law firm Arnold Bloch Leibler to fight for the return of the copyright to Albert Namatjira’s works to his descendants. Scott Rankin, CEO, Big hART told ArtsHub: ‘It is like body surfing. There’s nothing out there and then a wave comes and suddenly you’re on it. We knew it was in the offering, but it happened really quickly. It was touch and go there for a while and then Friday (13 October) lunchtime the Deed was signed.’ The catalyst for that signing was the involvement of entrepreneur and philanthropist Dick Smith and a $1 deal. Smith’s father, Herb, had worked for Legend Press founder John Brackenreg, the Sydney art dealer who represented Namatjira. Legend Press acquired the copyright to Namatjira’s works from the NT government in 1983 for just $8,500. Using that connection, Smith reached out to Brackenreg’s son, one of the current owners of Legend Press. It is said that the deal was done within 15 minutes over the phone. Rankin explained: ‘A few weeks out from the signing we heard that Dick Smith had this personal story, and he came to us and said “Let me give them a call.” He offered to put up the money for the Copyright sale, but they said no to a lot of money and were happy with just a $1 exchange.’ Smith then donated $250,000 to the Namatjira Legacy Trust – which was established in March this year – in recognition of John Brackenreg. ‘It wasn’t as if there was any great, difficult battle; the phone call took about 15 minutes, and Philip was very much in agreement with solving this problem,’ Smith told The Australian. In a nutshell: The Deal In 1957 Namatjira entered into a legal agreement with publishing company Legend Press. This agreement stated that Legend Press would pay royalties to Namatjira in exchange for having the sole right to reproduce all of his paintings. In return for this licence, Namatjira received an ongoing economic benefit through royalties or licence fees. However he still owned his copyright. In 1959 Namatijira died. His will left his estate including his copyright to his family. The Public Trustee for the Northern Territory Government was responsible for administering the will and his estate. When the agreement concluded in 1983, the Public Trustee decided to sell the copyright to all his works for $8,500 to John Brackenberg of Legend Press, without consulting the family. The Trustee, John Flynn, recently told the ABC that this decision was a mistake, which he now regrets. Rather than the subsequent fifty years, he believed they were signing a deal for seven years, rather than the full 27. Big hART was invited into the Hermmansburg community by the Namatjira family over 8 years ago to help bring about change and renewal. Big hART produced the theatre production Namatjira, which toured nationally and internationally from 2010 – 2013 and reached an audience of over 50,000. Between 2010 and 2017, Big hART staged 23 contemporary watercolour exhibitions and created a CD and an App, all focused on broadening awareness of the Namatjira copyright campaign. Big hART facilitated a private meeting with the Queen at Buckingham Palace for the Namatjira family, as a catalyst for media attention on the copyright issue. March 2017: the independent foundation ‘Namatjira Legacy Trust’ was established to preserve and protect the Namatjira family legacy and support the sustainability of the Hermannsburg Watercolour Movement. 2017 August-October: the feature documentary, Namatjira Project premiered at Melbourne International Film Festival, went on to screen at the Brisbane Film Festival, Adelaide Film Festival, Cinefest Perth, Darwin Aboriginal Art Fair and in cinemas around the country. October 2017: exhibitions of Albert Namatjira and the Hermannsburg artists are presented at the National Gallery of Australia, the Queensland Art Gallery and the Art Galley of South Australia, adding to the momentum. 13 October 2017, pursuant to the Deed, Legend Press Pty Ltd assigned copyright to the Namatjira Legacy Trust for a nominal fee of $1, negotiated by entrepreneur Dick Smith AC. Dick Smith donated $250,000 to the Namatjira Legacy Trust in the name of John Brackenreg, founder of Legend Press. Namatjira’s family have earnt no money from copyright or royalties from reproductions of Albert Namatjira’s works since 1983. From 2010, the family has been entitled to 5% of the resale cost of any Namatjira works, which will continue until 2029 when the copyright expires. The long-term implications of copyright sale An Arrernte man from Central Australia, Namatjira is recognised as Australia’s greatest Indigenous painter and the first to work in the western tradition. He is best known for his watercolour paintings of the outback, and created about 2000 artworks during his life. He was an innovator, also taking to the camera, thought of himself as a teacher, and influenced a school of painters, now known as the Hermannsburg Watercolour Movement. Despite that influence, the use of images of Namatjira’s works have been tightly restricted, with some claiming that it had stifled his legacy. A good example was the Art and Soul television series by Hetti Perkins and the Battarbee and Namatjira book by Martin Edmond which both did not contain images from Albert Namatjira's artworks. That invisibility has enormous implications for all of Australia. 'It may seem like a simple legal shift but it is a momentous occasions. Albert’s work has been returned to family, to country – history has changed this weekend,’ said Lisa Slade Assistant Director Art Gallery of South Australia. Installation view and panel discussion with Namatjira family members and Lisa Slade at Tarnanthi, Art Gallery of South Australia the morning after the announcement. Last week’s agreement means royalty payments will again flow to the Namatjiras and their community, via the Trust. What it also means is that through the family’s control, Namatjira’s work can be reproduced in everything from gallery catalogues and websites to merchandising, films and school textbooks. ‘We really want his images to be more available so the family can see them and the younger generation can see them,’ said Pannka. Copyright expires in 2029. The Legacy Trust will apply for an extension to that copyright given the suffering the family have undergone. Slade said: ‘There is international precedence with this, and it has happened with Peter Pan.’ Will the family continue to fight for compensation? Pannka, on behalf of the family, and Sophia Marinos of Big hART, confirmed that a legal campaign to tackle Northern Territory authorities over their historical involvement in this injustice would continue. Rankin told ArtsHub: ‘It has had a very real cost to the family’. It is estimated the Namatjira descendants suffered heavy financial losses because of the six-decade copyright dispute. ‘It is always very important that you don’t build a dependency model; to leave when the job is done. The Namatjira Trust becomes the profile now. There is a compensation argument to be made for the family. That will go on as the next part of the campaign, but it is the Trust’s campaign now,’ said Rankin. He noted that projects like the Namatjira campaign always empty the coffers, and that as a campaigning organisation is hard to operate without funding support. ‘This is our 25th year of the company. We started at the same time as Bell Shakespeare and Bangarra Dance Company, and yet we have received nothing from the Australia Council – we only been invited to apply for project based funding. There is a real policy deficit there that disadvantages companies like ours.’ Rankin was keen to add that the Namatjira campaign also pointed to another story, largely overlooked. ‘Albert Namatjira started the Aboriginal Art Centre movement in Australia, and now there are over 100 art centres. They are incredibly important to the wellbeing and cultural health of those communities, and as a society we don’t back these remote art centres, and they are struggling. We are happy to take contemporary Aboriginal art to the market and flog the hell out of it – but there is a real need for policy to support these centres financially,’ he said. Momentum rather than adversarial action Rankin believes that campaigns are not won by taking the sledge-hammer approach. You have to build the narrative into the public's heart. ‘A lot of the campaigning world takes an adversarial role, and as soon as you do that, you become part of the problem.’ He continued: ‘At Big hART we look at the story. Brackenreg is part of that story and there are aspects to it that were very good and respectful at its time. But then it went wrong in 1983 due to policy negligence.' Big hART’s mission reads: ‘Our work sheds light on invisible stories, bringing hidden injustice into the mainstream.’ Rankin said: ‘We are pretty strategic these days and have learnt how to build the momentum. You can’t go and just get word out there and go online. It is the end game that you have to keep in sight, and that requires that people get a sense of the issue and an authentic experience of that narrative. We can effect change in this way.’ First published on Wednesday 18 October, 2017 About the author Gina Fairley covers the Visual Arts nationally for ArtsHub. Based in Sydney you can follow her on Twitter @ginafairley and Instagram at fairleygina. Share Tweet Print Email +The Extinction Rebellion movement hit a new low this week when its East Midlands branch printed posters announcing, “Earth is healing. The air and water is clearing. Corona is the cure. Humans are the disease!” Many of its members hold the idea that humanity operates as a cancer on the Earth. If that were not bad enough, the hashtag “BoomerRemover”, (referring to people born between 1944 and 1964) is now all over Twitter. +Tell that to the relatives of Madalene Mitchell, an 80-year-old mother of five who died after catching the virus this week in Belfast, or Jane Jay, a 75-year-old retired social worker and mother to three, or Marita Edwards, an 80-year-old mother of two who died after contracting the coronavirus in a hospital ward following routine surgery. If you did you would likely receive a swift uppercut to your chin, and rightly so. +Revolutionaries often camouflage their moral corruption with the virtues of their idealistic mission – the death of a few thousand doily lovers is a price worth paying for a greener planet. +Extinction Rebellion HQ tried to remedy this PR disaster by condemning the comments but failed. Just as well they did fail as the eugenics cat is now out of the bag. The old, many young people think, must be swept away, and like a Maoist Army, they hope to celebrate the death of their ideological enemies. +Society’s enemy is not the old but a generation of ignorant, selfish young consumers, playing at ecology, trying to destroy the fragile networks that make up our tolerant British way of life. +Last week, men and women in their 20s and 30s stockpiled toilet rolls, ignored advice about social distancing and massed in huge crowds to revel in their hundreds on the sticky floors of dingy nightclubs. +One has to wonder, if the pandemic continues to spread and bring the demise of thousands of boomers, what state will conservatism be in with most of its followers in their graves? The traditional class divide no longer defines voter segmentation; the new divide is age. If you are 60 or above, and conservative you are likely to be sort of person who takes an extra few weeks more than recommended in isolation. If you are young you get out on the streets and dance. +Twas ever thus. +Young people are sometimes intemperate. They cannot be considered to have practical wisdom, prudence or sensibility, for they lack experience. And wisdom comes with experience and experience comes with years. +Aristotle. +Young people ridicule the most sacred rules of morality from the vanity of their hearts. +Adam Smith. +“Society’s enemy is not the old but a generation of ignorant, selfish young consumers, playing at ecology, trying to destroy the fragile networks that make up our tolerant British way of life.” +Speaking as an early Boomer, I think you’re comment is crap. No generation has been more selfish, more self-centered, more salivating at the prospect of their inheritances than my own. +Dang. Please ignore the words …comment is… in my above comment. +Well said, Michael. I do wish other respondents had some manners. They may disagree, but insults are the stuff of ignoramuses. +The good news is, they’re getting older by the minute. The other thing is, they’re idiots. Why are you bothering to write about them? +You want to know who has been driving up the pollution: you the younger, especially the feminists who insist on working outside the home. Our generation had ONE car and we didn’t travel that much. Its yours who contributed over 50% of the cars on the road. As I said previous to this pandemic, if all the women went back home and off the road. We would have the cleaner air I had growing up. I said it then; I will keep saying it. You are a liar and a murderer by proxy. +The first policy Hitler signed into law on attaining government was one forbidding restaurants to boil live lobsters +You started by rightly condemning a regrettable comment (although with some basis in reality as we are poisoning the atmosphere that we depend on) by a single branch of extinction rebellion. Then you reveal your own prejudice, that society’s “enemy” is an entire generation who are “ignorant” and “selfish”, in your view anyway. +Such hypocrisy. How sad. +I can only hope that when this is all over the world has had a big enough shock to deal with the bigger crisis, alongside which this one will look like the merest blip. +What are we poisoning the atmosphere with. I ask this real question because I have yet to meet a single climatist who has any knowledge of science at all. +You’ve never met a single climatist who has any knowledge of science at all? Any? Where do you find these climatists (whatever they are)? The benefit of having scientists specialising in different fields of study is that nobody needs to be an expert in everything. +Fe3O4, CO2, CH4? I’ll let you do your own googling. Perhaps you think we’re not poisoning our atmosphere. +There you go. Avoidance. The atmosphere is 4/1 nitrogen/oxygen with less than 1% other gases of which CO2 is a trace – though without it it’s goodbye veggieburgers as it’s a plant food not a pollutant. Without that 1% the earth would be like the Antarctic is now. Our ancestors bag in cave days survived carbon monoxide so I think we’ll do okay. You can’t even die from car exhaust these days. +Obama, the most useless president of the last 50 years, was fond of this non-problem but even his chosen scientific advisor has recently said the IPCC report has little in the way of good science and an executive summary that is a travesty of the contents. (He also said the Trump, who he found scientifically literate, has accepted that there are no votes in climate realism and given up.) +No one has shown that the earth getting a little warmer – and a fraction of a degree is all it’s managed in the last 100 years – is harmful. Not one of the predictions over the last decades has come true: no rising sea levels, no droughts, starvation, or dead polar bears and the 4c rise forecast for 1980 didn’t happen. My university shared a generous grant to catalogue the flora of the Maldives that were meant to go under the sea last century. Since then they reclaimed more land from the sea, built two airports and building three more. +Bullshit, all of it. +This comment is almost entirely untrue. CO2 should be a trace, but is increasing more rapidly with each passing year. +You could educate yourself with some reading of your own here, boy; +I’m amazed you think CO isn’t poisonous, since you self-proclaim as a fervent proponent of science. +Sea level not rising? +I really can’t be bothered to waste any more time on your post. Even though we have way to much to spare. Stay safe. +P.S. This comment had been banned under Werdna, presumably because it contains actual references which show you to be wrong. +This comment is almost entirely untrue. CO2 should be a trace, but is increasing more rapidly with each passing year. +You could educate yourself with some reading of your own here, boy; sciencealert com/co2-is-only-a-tiny-part-of-our-atmosphere-but-it-has-a-huge-influence-here-s-why +I’m amazed you think CO isn’t poisonous, since you self-proclaim as a fervent proponent of science. +Sea level not rising? science2017 dot globalchange dot gov/chapter/12/ +I really can’t be bothered to waste any more time on your post. Even though we have way to much to spare. Stay safe. +The word regrettable is a frequent answer by the left. Pol Pot ,Stalin, Mao, all the horrors of socialism big and small are regrettable because the final aim is ‘good’. +When a politician condemns something as “regretable”, it’s almost always a truth that the politician regrets got out. +The “woke” are celebrating the virus much in the same way the “moral majority” celebrated AIDS – they think it’s a disease that only kills people they dislike, and therefore root for genocide. +I am often amused , in a grim way perhaps , at the parallels between the ruthless reverence for nature that the Greenies display . Reminds me so much of the Nazis and their famously vegetarian leader. A fantastic role model for us all . Now how did that end ??? +Millions of young people losing their lives to defeat fascism perhaps? +What an absolutely ridiculous parallel to draw by the way. Well done! +60 million lost their lives and they were not all young. And not all young people supported the war. The dockers union, among all other unions, organised strikes and on D-Day refused to load armoured cars to support the invasion until ordered to do so. To show they were not defeated one third of the vehicles were deliberately dropped in the sea. Next time you board a roll-on-roll-off ferry thanks the dockers: the army, fed up with their obstruction, opened their own port and invented that means of getting tanks and cars aboard. +Rays parallel is perfect. Nazis (who now dominate Labour) and Greens share a purist ideology, an intolerance of dissent, a cowardice in the face of reasoned opposition that they silence by brutishness and they make allies with grievance-minded fascists abroad: the Nazis hooked up with Ukrainians, labour kiss up to Islamic and commie fascist like Iran and Venezuela. +You need to do some reading boy. +No, nazis do not dominate labour. You really need to separate your Daily Mail dominated fantasy from reality. +There is a regular author in this place who has previously stated that black people are inferior in intelligence and character to whites – that’s closer to nazi ideology. +To Werdna. +I have just seen your comment . Of course my comment about parallels was meant somewhat tongue in cheek.But since it cheered you up so much , here are a few . +1. Hitler’s vegetarianism. He expected it to become state policy after the war . He also expressed an interest in so-called natural sources of energy . +2. Goering’s fanaticism in protecting forests. +3. Goebbel’s propaganda about the superiority of all things natural and of course his proposals to limit consumption of the pleasurable things in life for a ” greater cause” +4. Himmler’s concern for a natural diet. +I offer the above examples in a non-partisan way. +But mainly what links Nazi-ideology and at least some, and to my mind, significant strands of the Green movement +and some people on the left ,is the readiness to discard large chunks of humanity for the sake of “nature” Examples are the excess deaths due to the opposition to pesticides, and of course the contempt for people who disagree. I would also include amongst the contempt for humanity the fanatical conviction of knowing what is best for humanity – and the attempt to mobilise young people for intolerant demonstrations , as if being young somehow granted some special insight and wisdom .Nazism , like Maoism,and Stalinism , sought to mobilise the young . A bit like Extinction Rebellion. +Perhaps they also have the motto “Jedem das Seine ” , just like their spiritual forebears in the Third Reich. +To Werdner. Who is the regular author who said Blacks are inferior to whites? +Labour MPs and other officials have, among other things, praised the removal of Israel from the map, supported Palestinian and Iranian anti-Semitism and genocide, and even backed the idea that the 1000s of white schoolgirl rape victims should have kept quiet in the interests of diversity. I was in the Labour party for years. Don’t tell me it’s not fascist and filled with hate. I still get half a dozen abusive emails every week from one deranged member. I was banned from LabourList for pointing out that jews are owed compensation for being evicted from their ancestral homes in North Africa and the Middle East over the centuries following the arrival of the blasphemous heresy of islam. +I tried to push sense from within but the only places that would publish my work were Tory sites. +This ‘we beat the fascists and now they’ve elected Boris’ idea is a very tired and deluded one. The British generation that defeated Nazi Germany would be appalled at the feminised, crime-ridden, socially polluted country that England is today. +The Nazis, like the Greens, or the Islamists, or the Communists, have all the all-important quality of purity as the highest virtue: purity of race, or of nature, or of religion, or of class. +They all have a deep hatred of liberty, as free people are not likely to be ordered, en masse, towards the one true pure view by the self-proclaimed men of the future. +Love of purity, and hatred of liberty – and of life in general, as its messiness ruins their plans – is the essential similarity between all these ideologies. +Top News: +Madison LeCroy speaks out on Alex Rodriguez, Jennifer Lopez breakup — Mad.” +Discussion: Cosmopolitan, The Sun, RADAR, Just Jared, Bustle, Cele|bitchy and TODAY.com +Discussion: +Mehera Bonner / Cosmopolitan: Jennifer Lopez's “Trust Is Broken” with Alex Rodriguez, Who Fully Wants Her Back +Sophia Caraballo Pineiro / The Sun: JLo & ARod ‘may have secretly split months ago’ after he was accused of ‘affair’ with Southern Charm's Madison LeCroy +Ryan Naumann / RADAR: ‘Southern Charm’ Star Madison LeCroy Breaks Her Silence On Alex Rodriguez's Split From Jennifer Lopez, Weeks After FaceTime Scandal: The Sun, Celebrity Insider, Elle, Page Six, Marie Claire and People.com +Discussion: +Sophia Caraballo Pineiro / The Sun: JLo appears to shade ARod as she likes post slamming ‘manipulative’ people who ‘treat you like s**t’ after messy breakup +Nick Markus / Celebrity Insider: Jennifer Lopez Breaks Her Alex Rodriguez Engagement For Good - Here's Why She Made This Decision! +Alyssa Bailey / Elle: Why Jennifer Lopez Broke Up With Alex Rodriguez For Good: She Is ‘Feeling At Peace’ With Her Choice +Alyssa Bailey / Marie Claire: Jennifer Lopez and Alex Rodriguez Announce They've Broken Up +Jennifer Lopez and Alex Rodriguez Decided to Go Their ‘Separate Ways’ Last Week, Says Source +Discussion: Elle, Cosmopolitan, Page Six, Celebs, Dlisted and Gossip Cop +Discussion: +Alyssa Bailey / Elle: Why Alex Rodriguez's Attempts To Win Jennifer Lopez Back Failed +Mehera Bonner / Cosmopolitan: Turns Out Jennifer Lopez and Alex Rodriguez Actually Broke Up Last Week +TMZ.com: +J Lo Has Not Returned Engagement Ring to A-Rod +J Lo Has Not Returned Engagement Ring to A-Rod +Discussion: Cele|bitchy, Mirror.co.uk and Elle +Discussion: +Vicki Newman / Mirror.co.uk: Jennifer Lopez ‘still has the $1.8m engagement ring’ Alex Rodriguez gave her +Queen Elizabeth Had to Make ‘Difficult Decisions’ About Prince Philip Funeral Plans: Palace Source — “We are dealing with a family funeral and at its heart it is still a family event,” a royal spokesman says. — FB — More — Prince Philip will be surrounded by his wife of 73 years … +Discussion: Cosmopolitan, Marie Claire and Cele|bitchy +Discussion: +Mehera Bonner / Cosmopolitan: The Queen Had to “Make Some Difficult Decisions” About the Guest List at Prince Philip's Funeral +RELATED: +Prince William and Prince Harry Won't Walk Next to Each Other at Prince Philip's Funeral, Palace Confirms — The brothers' cousin, Peter Phillips, is set to walk between them in the funeral procession — Prince William and Prince Harry will not walk together at their grandfather Prince Philip's funeral on Saturday. +Discussion: Cosmopolitan, Cele|bitchy, ITV, Entertainment Tonight, Daily Mail, Perez Hilton, Bustle, E! Online, Just Jared, Elle, Page Six, POPSUGAR and Glamour +Discussion: +Mehera Bonner / Cosmopolitan: Buckingham Palace Says It Won't Be “Drawn Into Perceptions of Drama” Surrounding Prince Philip's Funeral +Kaiser / Cele|bitchy: After all that drama, Prince William & Harry won't walk side-by-side at the funeral +Entertainment Tonight: Prince Harry and Prince William Will Not See Each Other in Person Until Prince Philip's Funeral, Source Says +Rebecca English / Daily Mail: Queen orders Harry and William to walk apart behind Philip's coffin +Jake Viswanath / Bustle: Prince William & Harry Will Not Walk Together At Philip's Funeral Procession +Kaitlin Reilly / E! Online: Why Prince Harry and Prince William Won't Walk Together at Prince Philip's Funeral +Just Jared: One New Detail About Prince Harry & Prince William at Prince Philip's Funeral Has Been Confirmed By Buckingham Palace +Alyssa Bailey / Elle: The Palace Confirms Prince Harry And Prince William Won't Walk Next To Each Other At Philip's Funeral +Jessica Bennett / Page Six: William and Harry won't walk next to each other at Prince Philip's funeral +Monica Sisavat / POPSUGAR: Harry and William's Procession Order at Philip's Funeral Isn't Meant to Send a Signal +Brid … +Discussion: Glamour UK, Daily Star and Mirror.co.uk +Discussion: +Annabelle Spranklen / Glamour UK: Phoebe Dynevor and Pete Davidson: Everything you need to know about Hollywood's hottest couple +Melissa Veitch / Daily Star: Bridgerton's Phoebe Dynevor and SNL Pete Davidson ‘confess love’ with matching necklaces +Tamara Davison / Mirror.co.uk: Phoebe Dynevor and Pete Davidson show off ‘commitment’ with matching necklaces +RELATED: +Lindsay Weinberg / E! Online: +Pete Davidson and Phoebe Dynevor Just Dropped a Subtle Yet Adorable Hint About Their Romance +Pete Davidson and Phoebe Dynevor Just Dropped a Subtle Yet Adorable Hint About Their Romance +Discussion: People.com, Marie Claire, POPSUGAR, Us Weekly and Just Jared +Discussion: +Jen Juneau / People.com: Pete Davidson and Phoebe Dynevor Wear Similar ‘PD’ Necklaces During Recent Solo Appearances +Emily Dixon / Marie Claire: Phoebe Dynevor and Pete Davidson Were Spotted Wearing Matching Initial Necklaces +John Corbett reveals he is part of the ‘Sex and the City’ reboot — And just like that ... Aidan is back. — “Sex and the City” star John Corbett revealed to Page Six that he will reprise his role of Carrie Bradshaw's ex-fiancé, Aidan Shaw, in the hotly anticipated show reboot. +Discussion: Cosmopolitan, E! Online, Glamour UK, Cele|bitchy, FemaleFirst, Perez Hilton, Mirror and Just Jared +Discussion: +Elyse Dupre / E! Online: See Sarah Jessica Parker's Surprising Comment About John Corbett Joining Sex and the City Reboot +Laura Hampson / Glamour UK: Aidan is returning to Sex and the City - but this is why we hope he doesn't end up with Carrie +Kaiser / Cele|bitchy: John Corbett says Aidan Shaw is coming back to SATC for ‘quite a few’ episodes +Tamara Davison / Mirror: Sex and the City's John Corbett to star in reboot with Sarah Jessica Parker: +Sharon Osbourne tuned out 'The Talk's' return episode after race row — Well, that's one way to move on. — We're told Sharon Osbourne didn't tune in to “The Talk” when it returned on Monday after it went on a near month-long hiatus after an on-air exchange about race went haywire. +Discussion: Mirror.co.uk and FemaleFirst +Discussion: +Jamie Roberts / Mirror.co.uk: Sharon Osbourne blanked The Talk's return episode and won't ‘dwell’ on the past +Sharon Osbourne / FemaleFirst: Sharon Osbourne 'missed The Talk's TV return' +Bridgerton's Adjoa Andoh Finally Explains Rege-Jean Page's Exit — Watch: “Bridgerton” Star Adjoa Andoh Explains Rege-Jean Page's Exit — Leave it to Lady Danbury (Adjoa Andoh) to spill the British tea on the Duke of Hastings' (Regé-Jean Page) departure! +Discussion: Mirror, FemaleFirst, People.com and Just Jared +Discussion: +Jamie Roberts / Mirror: Bridgerton's Adjoa Andoh explains why Rege-Jean Page's exit is ‘not a surprise’ +Dory Jackson / People.com: Bridgerton's Adjoa Andoh Explains How Regé-Jean Page's Exit Makes Sense for the Show's Arc +Marcia Gay Harden apologizes to Judi Dench for ‘misinterpreted’ Oscars comment — Marcia Gay Harden has apologized to Dame Judi Dench — claiming her comments about a past Oscars' win were “misinterpreted.” — Harden, 61, who recently spoke to Vulture about her 2001 Academy Awards win … +Discussion: Cele|bitchy, E! Online and Just Jared +Discussion: +Kaiser / Cele|bitchy: Judi Dench learns her lines through repetition because of her macular degeneration +Ryan Gajewski / E! Online: Marcia Gay Harden Apologizes to Judi Dench for “Misinterpreted” Oscars Remark +Latin AMAs 2021 Winners: The Complete List — Shakira, Selena Gomez, Jennifer Lopez, Anuel AA, Bad Bunny, Karol G and J Balvin are among the nominees at the 2021 Latin American Music Awards. Keeping scrolling to see all the winners. — The 2021 Latin American Music Awards are officially underway … +Discussion: POPSUGAR and Just Jared +Ben Askren Fears Becoming Global Star for KO'ing Jake Paul, Don't Wanna Be Famous! — BEN ASKREN FEARS BECOMING GLOBAL STAR FOR KO'ING JAKE PAUL I Don't Wanna Be Famous!!! — NOT INTERESTED IN THE FAME — Ben Askren knows a public beatdown of Jake Paul on April 17 would make headlines … +Discussion: The Blemish and MMAmania.com +Discussion: +James Sainte-Claire / The Blemish: Ben Askren Wants to be More Than The Guy Who Whooped Jake Paul's Ass. +Kris Jenner Explains Why She Helped Out Ex Caitlyn Jenner with Career Advice — Kris and Caitlyn Jenner have put their rocky past behind them. — During the latest episode of Keeping Up with the Kardashians on Thursday (April 15), Kris revealed to daughters Kourtney and Kim Kardashian … +Discussion: Celebrity Insider +Discussion: +Selena Gomez Unveils Spiritual New Tattoo Below Her Collarbone — Selena Gomez's prominent new body art was revealed in a video posted on April 15 by her regular tattoo artist. Read on to see an image of her spiritual new tattoo. — Selena Gomez has a meaningful new tattoo on a prominent part of her anatomy. +Discussion: +Elana Fishman / Page Six: Selena Gomez unveils new cross tattoo +Danica Patrick Chats About Having Her Heart ‘Broken Open’ After Aaron Rodgers Split — “There's nothing like heartbreak to really throw you in the deep end of that,” Danica Patrick said — Danica Patrick had a moment to reflect on a past romance while surviving the wild with Bear Grylls. +Discussion: +How Cassie Randolph Reacted After Ex Colton Underwood Publicly Came Out as Gay — A source exclusively told E! News how Cassie Randolph feels about Colton Underwood coming out in an interview with Good Morning America, and if she knew about his plans in advance. +Discussion: +Meredith Nardino / Us Weekly: Cassie Randolph Relaxes on Tropical Getaway After Colton Comes Out +RELATED: +TMZ.com: +Colton Underwood's Coming Out Sparks Discussions of Gay ‘Bachelor’ Show +Colton Underwood's Coming Out Sparks Discussions of Gay ‘Bachelor’ Show +Discussion: Page Six, The Hollywood Gossip, Celebrity Insider, Queerty, RADAR, Just Jared, FemaleFirst and Cosmopolitan +Discussion: +Chelsea Hirsch / Page Six: JoJo Siwa supports Colton Underwood: ‘Love is love’ +Simon Delott / The Hollywood Gossip: Colton Underwood to Return as First Openly Gay Bachelor? Producers Are Talking +Nick Markus / Celebrity Insider: Cassie Randolph - Here's How She Feels About Her Ex Colton Underwood's Coming Out On GMA! +David Reddish / Queerty: A gay ‘Bachelor?’ It could happen... +Ryan Naumann / RADAR: Colton Underwood Flooded With Offers To Return To TV As First ‘Gay Bachelor’ After Coming Out To Robin Roberts +Just Jared: Colton Underwood's Coming Out Reportedly Sparks Talks of a Gay Season of ‘The Bachelor’ Among Producers +OpinionThree-fifths of the American Dream Celebrating the three-fifths compromise in the Constitution speaks volumes about America today, writes Rosenberg. 01 Mar 2013 09:32 GMT "[A]ntebellism transmutes everything being fought over into something worth fighting for: voting for Obama becomes electing another Lincoln, cutting funding becomes a constitutional compromise," says Professor Chris Taylor [EPA]By Paul Rosenberg @PaulHRosenberg Paul Rosenberg is the senior editor of Random Lengths News, a bi-weekly alternative community newspaper. Story highlights to slave-owners - as an exemplary achievement:. Their common goal of... Oops! The Civil War! Nevermind! Brilliant stuff, you have to admit. As an ironic skewering of the Spielberg/Obama/Hollywood/Beltway worship of compromise, it's hard to conceive of a more perfect example. Except.... Wagner didn't submit it to The Onion, as he should have. Instead, he had it published in Emory Magazine, in the "From the President" column. The irony, it seems, was entirely lost on the writer himself. A storm of outrage erupted online, forcing Wagner to clarify/obfuscate his remarks. Two posts, in particular, made points I thought worth dwelling on. First, "James Wagner's 'highest aspiration'" by Aaron Bady at The New Inquiry, focused specifically on how this piece encapsulated the neo-liberal managerial CEO mindset that typifies college presidents in America today. The subtext behind Wagner's column, described in a news story Bady links to, is Emory's sweeping abolition of entire departments announced several months ago - a move quite typical of how large corporations operate, but utterly at odds with the traditional role of faculty in determining the academic curriculum. Bady writes:. Politics trumps principle. Especially in the era of fiscal crisis - which has been going on in higher education for decades now - the purpose of a university president is to manage that crisis, both to ensure the survival of the university and to use that crisis to make whatever structural changes he can to ensure its future survival. The pattern actually predates the era of fiscal crisis, as we'll see in a moment. But first, a quick note: It's remarkable that in his original column, Wagner wrote about "the intention to include as many points of view as possible", even as he was presiding over the extinction of entire departments and graduate school programmes. What's remarkable is not that this is extraordinary or unusual, but that it's perfectly par-for-the-course for those involved in Wagner's enterprise. "We're still living in a world profoundly shaped by the three-fifths compromise, a world in which even our President is only entitled to three-fifths of an American Dream." 'Knowledge production' And what enterprise is that? It's the one most clearly staked out by then-president of the University of California, Clark Kerr, in his 1963 book, The Uses of the University, in which he wrote: The production, distribution, and consumption of "knowledge" in all its forms: that is, to serve as the focal point for national growth. Kerr was hardly alone in speaking like this - he was just more focused, sustained and articulate than most. But it does shed valuable light on a famous passage from a speech by Mario Savio of the Free Speech Movement in December 1964: that don't mean to have any process upon us, don't mean to be made into any product, don't mean to end up being bought by some clients of the University, be they the government, be they industry, be they organised labour, be they anyone! We're human beings! The vast disconnect between the students' and the managers' view of knowledge has changed remarkably little since that time. Of course, Kerr would not have said anything to suggest anyone settle for three-fifths of the American Dream. But that brings us directly to the second post, by Chris Taylor, an English professor at the University of Chicago, who helps explain what has changed versus what hasn't. Taylor's post, "Antebellism: The Neoliberal Compromise of the Political", is not specifically concerned with higher education. Rather than focusing in, it expands outward to take in the wider framework of discourse which Wagner's piece and the reactions it generated serve to represent. He notes that just a few years ago, during the Bush administration, the frame of reference was distinctively medieval - "Crusades", water torture, etc. But now, he says, we are all wrapped up in the antebellum era: Antebellism equips its advocates - from Barack Obama to Steven Spielberg to your uncle who is currently wading through Team of Rivals - with an allegory with which to map the political constellation of the present... We're all keyed into the antebellist register. We have all - right and left - formed a discursive compromise to think the present through the examples and symbols afforded by antebellum history. And he goes on to elaborate on how this impacts us all:? …. Antebellism finds its conditions of possibility in the routinised crisis marked by the intertwined processes of neoliberalism and globalisation.... [T]hrough the antebellist allegory, US... [A]ntebellism transmutes everything being fought over into something worth fighting for: voting for Obama becomes electing another Lincoln, cutting funding becomes a constitutional compromise. While Taylor underscores the commonalities, there are, I think, at least three distinct ways in which different sorts of people tend to see the world through the antebellum lens. The first is the elite neo-liberal way shared by Spielberg, Obama and Wagner, which somehow takes this era of spectacularly failed compromises - moral abominations which also failed as practical politics - and reads it as a ringing endorsement of compromise as a transcendent moral principle. Multiple realities The second is the "constitutional conservative"/"Tea Party" Republican way, which both take the original constitution as inviolable sacred text and rewrite zealously, at the same time knowing in its bones that it will end in cataclysmic blood and tears - they talk secession, because that's how it ended the last time around, and if they've confused the attack on Fort Sumter with the Boston Tea Party, well, such is life. The third is how self-described American progressives see crisis as conferring meaning on the mundane politics of the day, which I believe hews most closely to the passages I've quoted above, without further adornment. Those who buy into Obama are described by his observation that "voting for Obama becomes electing another Lincoln", while more sceptical sorts look elsewhere - to Occupy for an alternative democratic vision, for example, or to 350.org and its associates for a liveable planetary future. Live Box 2013211102627861765 The benefit of these latter alternatives is that radicals like these have always sought to infuse mundane, everyday struggles with transcendent hopes (and with good reason - from black freedom to women's equality, to Social Security, Medicare and the weekend, our world is profoundly structured by the impossible hopes of earlier ages, which radicals past infused into the struggles of their day). If that makes them antebellists in some sense today, then so be it. But it's not any sort of major narrative swerve along the lines of how Tea Party Republicanism has come to replace Great War on Terror Republicanism, or how anti-war Obama supporters have turned into Obama kill list supporters. Which is to say, there is a deeper through-line to true radical thought, which does not divorce it from the cultural shifts around it. After all, those cultural shifts have rational components to them. They are not mere illusions. We had all that medievalism under Bush because - hey, we were doing the crusade thing again, something we haven't done since way back in medieval times. And we are doing the antebellum thing now in past because the collapse of Reaganism, followed by the election of our first black president has thrown Reaganite true believers back into the state of questioning whether anyone who isn't white can really be an American - much less President. And this profound traumatisation will not let anyone else's politics rest. Birtherism is but the most nakedly obvious manifestation of the psycho-historically ghosts and other apparitions it has raised. This is not to say that these are the only things going on, obviously. We are still doing the crusade thing, for one - even though in highly minimalist/efficient form. We are always doing more than one thing at a time. And we are doing something completely new as well. Multiple realities resonate in every historical era. Ours is no different. Taylor's piece is well worth reading in its entirety, though I definitely see the workings of antebellism as more fractured and varied than he does. At one point, he writes: We need to insistently demonstrate that it isn't necessary to turn to the antebellum to think our present... We need to be able to say, "Um, hey, prez, you're talking about budget cuts for university departments - not founding a state and collaborating in the eventual enslavement of millions of people. Drama much? Chill out." And while the journalist working a beat in me could not agree more, I have to note that it's not enough. At first glance, it seems a sobering approach. But the idea of disintoxication that Taylor proposes - setting all the resonances aside and just attending to the hear-and-now - is itself an intoxicating idea. If only we could just totally be here now, then we could at least make some small start to change the world! We would be talking about the real! And to a certain extent, I agree, but... We humans are complicated creatures, made up of our histories as well as flesh and bone. Actually, being here now for us means being here with all our demons, too, and all the spectres of history that haunt us as well. Which means that we're still living in a world profoundly shaped by the three-fifths compromise, a world in which even our President is only entitled to three-fifths of an American Dream. Hmmm. Maybe I will see Abraham Lincoln: Vampire Hunter after all. I wonder, though, what would thoroughly post-modern Buffy think about it? More importantly, what would Buffy do? +// Copyright (c) 2010 The Chromium Authors. All rights reserved. // Use of this source code is governed by a BSD-style license that can be // found in the LICENSE file. #ifndef BASE_SINGLETON_H_ #define BASE_SINGLETON_H_ #include "base/at_exit.h" #include "base/atomicops.h" #include "base/platform_thread.h" #include "base/third_party/dynamic_annotations/dynamic_annotations.h" // Default traits for Singleton. Calls operator new and operator delete on // the object. Registers automatic deletion at process exit. // Overload if you need arguments or another memory allocation function. template struct DefaultSingletonTraits { // Allocates the object. static Type* New() { // The parenthesis is very important here; it forces POD type // initialization. return new Type(); } // Destroys the object. static void Delete(Type* x) { delete x; } // Set to true to automatically register deletion of the object on process // exit. See below for the required call that makes this happen. static const bool kRegisterAtExit = true; }; // Alternate traits for use with the Singleton. Identical to // DefaultSingletonTraits except that the Singleton will not be cleaned up // at exit. template struct LeakySingletonTraits : public DefaultSingletonTraits { static const bool kRegisterAtExit = false; }; // Alternate traits for use with the Singleton. Allocates memory // for the singleton instance from a static buffer. The singleton will // be cleaned up at exit, but can't be revived after destruction unless // the Resurrect() method is called. // // This is useful for a certain category of things, notably logging and // tracing, where the singleton instance is of a type carefully constructed to // be safe to access post-destruction. // In logging and tracing you'll typically get stray calls at odd times, like // during static destruction, thread teardown and the like, and there's a // termination race on the heap-based singleton - e.g. if one thread calls // get(), but then another thread initiates AtExit processing, the first thread // may call into an object residing in unallocated memory. If the instance is // allocated from the data segment, then this is survivable. // // The destructor is to deallocate system resources, in this case to unregister // a callback the system will invoke when logging levels change. Note that // this is also used in e.g. Chrome Frame, where you have to allow for the // possibility of loading briefly into someone else's process space, and // so leaking is not an option, as that would sabotage the state of your host // process once you've unloaded. template struct StaticMemorySingletonTraits { // WARNING: User has to deal with get() in the singleton class // this is traits for returning NULL. static Type* New() { if (base::subtle::NoBarrier_AtomicExchange(&dead_, 1)) return NULL; Type* ptr = reinterpret_cast(buffer_); // We are protected by a memory barrier. new(ptr) Type(); return ptr; } static void Delete(Type* p) { base::subtle::NoBarrier_Store(&dead_, 1); base::subtle::MemoryBarrier(); if (p != NULL) p->Type::~Type(); } static const bool kRegisterAtExit = true; // Exposed for unittesting. static void Resurrect() { base::subtle::NoBarrier_Store(&dead_, 0); } private: static const size_t kBufferSize = (sizeof(Type) + sizeof(intptr_t) - 1) / sizeof(intptr_t); static intptr_t buffer_[kBufferSize]; // Signal the object was already deleted, so it is not revived. static base::subtle::Atomic32 dead_; }; template intptr_t StaticMemorySingletonTraits::buffer_[kBufferSize]; template base::subtle::Atomic32 StaticMemorySingletonTraits::dead_ = 0; // The Singleton class manages a single // instance of Type which will be created on first use and will be destroyed at // normal process exit). The Trait::Delete function will not be called on // abnormal process exit. // // DifferentiatingType is used as a key to differentiate two different // singletons having the same memory allocation functions but serving a // different purpose. This is mainly used for Locks serving different purposes. // // Example usages: (none are preferred, they all result in the same code) // 1. FooClass* ptr = Singleton::get(); // ptr->Bar(); // 2. Singleton()->Bar(); // 3. Singleton::get()->Bar(); // // Singleton<> has no non-static members and doesn't need to actually be // instantiated. It does no harm to instantiate it and use it as a class member // or at global level since it is acting as a POD type. // // This class is itself thread-safe. The underlying Type must of course be // thread-safe if you want to use it concurrently. Two parameters may be tuned // depending on the user's requirements. // // Glossary: // RAE = kRegisterAtExit // // On every platform, if Traits::RAE is true, the singleton will be destroyed at // process exit. More precisely it uses base::AtExitManager which requires an // object of this type to be instantiated. AtExitManager mimics the semantics // of atexit() such as LIFO order but under Windows is safer to call. For more // information see at_exit.h. // // If Traits::RAE is false, the singleton will not be freed at process exit, // thus the singleton will be leaked if it is ever accessed. Traits::RAE // shouldn't be false unless absolutely necessary. Remember that the heap where // the object is allocated may be destroyed by the CRT anyway. // // If you want to ensure that your class can only exist as a singleton, make // its constructors private, and make DefaultSingletonTraits<> a friend: // // #include "base/singleton.h" // class FooClass { // public: // void Bar() { ... } // private: // FooClass() { ... } // friend struct DefaultSingletonTraits; // // DISALLOW_COPY_AND_ASSIGN(FooClass); // }; // // Caveats: // (a) Every call to get(), operator->() and operator*() incurs some overhead // (16ns on my P4/2.8GHz) to check whether the object has already been // initialized. You may wish to cache the result of get(); it will not // change. // // (b) Your factory function must never throw an exception. This class is not // exception-safe. // template , typename DifferentiatingType = Type> class Singleton { public: // This class is safe to be constructed and copy-constructed since it has no // member. // Return a pointer to the one true instance of the class. static Type* get() { // Our AtomicWord doubles as a spinlock, where a value of // kBeingCreatedMarker means the spinlock is being held for creation. static const base::subtle::AtomicWord kBeingCreatedMarker = 1; base::subtle::AtomicWord value = base::subtle::NoBarrier_Load(&instance_); if (value != 0 && value != kBeingCreatedMarker) { // See the corresponding HAPPENS_BEFORE below. ANNOTATE_HAPPENS_AFTER(&instance_); return reinterpret_cast(value); } // Object isn't created yet, maybe we will get to create it, let's try... if (base::subtle::Acquire_CompareAndSwap(&instance_, 0, kBeingCreatedMarker) == 0) { // instance_ was NULL and is now kBeingCreatedMarker. Only one thread // will ever get here. Threads might be spinning on us, and they will // stop right after we do this store. Type* newval = Traits::New(); // This annotation helps race detectors recognize correct lock-less // synchronization between different threads calling get(). // See the corresponding HAPPENS_AFTER below and above. ANNOTATE_HAPPENS_BEFORE(&instance_); base::subtle::Release_Store( &instance_, reinterpret_cast(newval)); if (newval != NULL && Traits::kRegisterAtExit) base::AtExitManager::RegisterCallback(OnExit, NULL); return newval; } // We hit a race. Another thread beat us and either: // - Has the object in BeingCreated state // - Already has the object created... // We know value != NULL. It could be kBeingCreatedMarker, or a valid ptr. // Unless your constructor can be very time consuming, it is very unlikely // to hit this race. When it does, we just spin and yield the thread until // the object has been created. while (true) { value = base::subtle::NoBarrier_Load(&instance_); if (value != kBeingCreatedMarker) break; PlatformThread::YieldCurrentThread(); } // See the corresponding HAPPENS_BEFORE above. ANNOTATE_HAPPENS_AFTER(&instance_); return reinterpret_cast(value); } // Shortcuts. Type& operator*() { return *get(); } Type* operator->() { return get(); } private: // Adapter function for use with AtExit(). This should be called single // threaded, but we might as well take the precautions anyway. static void OnExit(void* unused) { // AtExit should only ever be register after the singleton instance was // created. We should only ever get here with a valid instance_ pointer. Traits::Delete(reinterpret_cast( base::subtle::NoBarrier_AtomicExchange(&instance_, 0))); } static base::subtle::AtomicWord instance_; }; template base::subtle::AtomicWord Singleton:: instance_ = 0; #endif // BASE_SINGLETON_H_ +Forum Post: Wal-Mart Says It Will Ditch Store Expansion After D.C. 'Living Wage' Vote +Posted 1 year ago on July 10, 2013, 8:09 p.m. EST by Narley +(284) +This content is user submitted and not an official statement +So, are no jobs better than low paying jobs? +Every time the Walmart Family closes a store,an angel gets her/his wings.Now,winged angels are more helpful than miniscule paychecks that cannot go to people who will not grovel.We will just have to make our own jobs,that's all. +Totally agree Buck - small local business - a thing we used to call a community/ town instead of a Vonnegut style "Welcome to the Monkey House" where we are surrounding our lives around a really ugly business physically and ethically that lacks spirit, conscience and imagination and is completely void of anything innovative or frankly even low priced: because once they drive everybody else out, they jack their prices back up - people only believe they are low because there is no comparison anymore - ALL the big box stores are electronically price setting. So not only do they have all their products made with slave labor but they don't pass slave labor savings onto you; they pocket the mark-up AND what they spend in oil and gas to ship it all, CAUSES your OIL prices to RISE. +LOL-then they Cremate Care at Bohemian Grove in order to feel no pangs of remorse.Maybe somebody will someday explain to me why it is these f*ckers have a right to live. +Why not give them what they want leave the government out of it (funny Wal -Mart you've been so involved with city governments in the past even getting yourselves elected to city boards) - let them UNIONIZE instead!!! +So RETAIL WORKERS - you are now this nation's largest jobs industry - and you can't be outsourced - that gives you POWER!!!! ...so would you rather make $30.00 an hour with full bennies and healthcare that costs almost nothing...or keep making peanuts???!!! It's in your hands ... unionize online and get your share- +Occupy is there a way we can help the retail workers mass unionize? Perhaps through this site? So they can be anonymous and not risk getting fired or retaliation. The Big boxers are getting desperate and will do anything to crush this because they know that if the workers catch onto this power that they hold - they will be forced to pay them a fair share of the profits. +Show them what a nation full of service sector means - it means pay up buttercup !!! - can't send this one overseas +hmm city governments requiring monopolies to allow up or down votes on unionizing with anti-retaliation legislation (imagine) ??! +Would you rather have 12 dollars courtesy of the oh so generous legislators who make way more than that a year themselves with full bennies while you still get none and are part-time - or via Union: $30.00 an hour mandated full time with full benefits let's do the math - Unionizing is way better than the increase (I'd go with that) +When you've got nothing to lose you've got everything to gain !!!! +Hoh Hoooo!!! Yes it is, damn right it is, let's go fishing, let the Walton clan man the registrars if they don't want to pay a wage. If all you got to do to get rid of WalMart and get your city back is raise wages a tiny bit, then hell yes, it's a good idea! +If a walmart worker strikes for two weeks but gains a pay increase to $30.00 an hour then they will make back an estimated 5 times their regular pay when the strike is over - worth the wait I would say and a nice little vacation at that?! +holy crap. what nonsense. +Walmart's profit margin 3.6% +Apple's profit margin 24% +why aren't people going after apple to pay 300 bucks an hour? +So fucking what if Walmart's profit margin is 3.6%. If it were 2.6% they'd still make billions. You're arguments aren't worth shit. +[Removed] +WalMart made $17 billion last year and have about 2.2 million employees. That is about $7700 per employee per year. Definitely more money to go around but even if this place was a cooperative the workers wouldn't be getting more than a few more bucks per hour before those profits dried up. Even less if you also give better benefits. +Three quarters of a million of those employees, give or take, are overseas. Costco's average wage is $17 an hour with much better benefits, and I don't think Costco's CEO is hurting much financially. +Great article, elf. Walmart tied or ranked last six years in a row on the American Customer Satisfaction Index. Obviously they're doing something seriously wrong. I hope they keep it up. +So only their American workers deserve any extra pay? I am sure they pay their workers in Mexico or China a very livable wage. +That's not what I'm saying. But address Costco's difference in pay instead. If Costco can pay it's people a decent wage, why can't Walmart? +To be honest, I have no idea. I have not actually ever been to a Costco and I have never read their SEC filings. If I had to take a wild guess it would be that they employ far fewer people per square foot of retail space because I can't imagine their gross margins being that much higher than WalMart's. +What is a fact is that WalMart made $17 billion last year world wide and employed 2.2 million people, which is about $7700 per employee. +WalMart COULD pay more and provide benefits but it would require they either 1) charge more for their stuff 2) pay less for their stuff or 3) lay off a chunk of their workforce. All 3 of these options obviously have drawbacks for the working poor. #1 would seem to be the best option but one of the only reason people shop there is the dirt cheap prices on stuff because lets be real, it is not fun to go to a WalMart. +You know what? They could raise the price of everything in the store a few pennies, even a nickle, pay their people a decent wage and they'd still make billions in profits. They'd still have millions of people shop there every year. Guaranteed. +The important question of this thread is: +"Gnomunny, do you have your cardboard box living quarters ready for the end of days?" +HAHAHA +Not worth any more of my time. Later guppy. +World wide? starting with the lowest level employees? Sounds good to me. Employees should not only receive a living wage but they should also share in their ( the business ) success. As the business success depends on those employees doing their jobs. +It's become obvious beppe's a Walmart shill. We've been railing against Walmart for quite a while now, and apparently they noticed. And along comes beppe. The proof? This is the only thread beppe's commented on. +And any future comments by it on other threads will be meaningless. It's been OUTED. +corp(se)oRATist shill - lets not belittle the idiot - regarded as just being a wallfart shill is - well - so ( unfairly? ) limiting. +Wallfart, heheheh. I like it. +Yeah, beppe's probably just one of its usernames. I just noticed it posted elsewhere too. Not surprisingly, it's on elf3's post about unionizing. Suspicions confirmed. +Yep - dissing the workers of the world - what an asswipe. +Yeah, beppe thinks minimum wage is perfectly fine at its 1950's (!) level, adjusted for inflation. +They're so transparent, aren't they? Reminds me of "freemarket5555." Don't mean to keep beating a dead horse but it came on here spouting GMO's are a boon to mankind, dared us to prove otherwise BUT forbade us from linking to the two main studies that proved otherwise, wanting us to find things more obscure. Once a few of us did so, BAM, no more freemarket5555. +Well just what the hell is wrong with us for doubting these people ANYWAY?!!!???!?!! +OH - right - I forgot - they are hired or insane or both. +My Bad. +" Occupy! Making zero difference one post at a time!!! " +[-] 0 points by beppe - proving it's shill self to be pure waste of space from very 1st comment. +Hey @beppe - Query: R U a Bot? +Please see my latest effort on this, just a bit of fun +[Removed] +This is a double victory. Higher wages and no WalMart. Sounds good to me. This is the only story on here of late that interests me and it's worth commenting on to keep at the top. In fact, this victory should be permanently fixed at the top of the forum. Have a good day. +I agree :-) & in a tad more touchy-feely stylee : +"Wealth Inequality In America" : [6:24] ; +''A Socialism for the 21st Century'', by Prof. Richard D. Wolff : & +"Why Socialism ?" by Albert Einstein : . +per ardua ad astra ... +Foink you, wally world - you foinking piggs ! +I agree, but I wouldn't have been nearly that polite, heheh. Personally, i've never spent a penny in that place and never will. +Boycott Wally World!! +I don't understand the question. +The article says Wal-Mart killed plans for two new stores and suspend construction on two other stores in the D-C area after the city council voted for a living wage roughly $5 higher than minimum, wage. The article also said Wal-Mart will reconsider its decision if the mayor veto's the new rule. +So, If Wal-Mart has to pay the new "living wage" they won't have stores there. Meaning if Wal-Mart will not put stores where the "living wage" is effect. +First off, do you have any problem with people making a living wage? Does $12.50 an hour sound unreasonable to you? +Narley, my man, where have you been during all the Walmart discussions we've had on this forum? I'd hate to think you're pro-Walmart. Have you ever seen the documentary 'Walmart: The High Cost of Low Prices?' If not, I strongly recommend it. +Now, I'd love to continue this conversation, but first consider this: on average, for every one person employed at a new Walmart, the community loses 1.5 workers from other businesses forced to close. The article states Walmart will cancel three stores and halt construction on three already in the works. +The average Walmart store employs about 470 people. So, if those six stores open, Walmart will employ 2820 people, BUT the community will lose 4230 total from other businesses, meaning the DC area, with one of the highest unemployment rates in the country, will have another 1400 people out of work (actually 1410). +Hey, did you realize someone already posted about this today? +No, I don’t have a problem with a living wage. But it’s more complicated than that. Pay scales will always fit the value and need of the job For instance, Jobs not requiring strong skill sets will pay less. Also, higher demand for specific skill sets will pay more. For instance, The best short-order fry cook in the world will never make much money; while highly educated computer programmers pay scales have gone downhill because the market is flooded. So, while I believe in a living wage, pay scales should also be determined by the value of the job itself. +As for Wal-Mart? (Oh lord, don’t get me started). I don’t shop at Wal-Mart. I only recently became aware of the ruckus about Wal-Mart. Actually I almost never shop at ANY chain or corporate store of any kind, including fast food joints. It’s a big deal for me. I shop at locally owned stores. I believe the very existence of large chain stores has caused the masses to become uber consumers. People now shop as entertainment. People buy every new shiny thing that comes along, I mean every piece of plastic junk they can find. They buy new cars and big screen TV’s faster than they can be made. Consumerism is a sickness that has warped our values ruins many lives. +I support small business and I shop over the internet. I will (and have) do without before I’ll shop at a corporate store or restaurant. Sorry for the rant. Rabid consumerism is a hot button issue for me. I don’t think enough people realize how much it ties into our other problems. +supply and demand baby !!!!- can't outsource these workers like they can the rest of the nation seen with manufacturing and technology - so NOW they are more VALUABLE.. these jobs are worth more - the big box workers are not part of a franchise one national two week strike and they could unionize making $30.00 an hour for good and teach Wal-Mart and the Waltons the lesson they deserve. as well as all the other big box perpetrators of outsourced manufacturing and Chinese slave labor. $30.00 an hour is still only a fraction of Wal-Marts profits - look at other unionized labor industries like UPS who pay well and still pull in record profits year after year. +if a walmart worker strikes for two weeks but gains a pay increase of $30.00 an hour then they will make back an estimated 5 times their regular pay when the strike is over - worth the wait I would say? +Where do you get these profit numbers from? I own a chunk of their stock from when I worked there in high school and college so I follow it pretty closely and their profits, while obviously large in sum, are really not that much per employee. They could definitely afford to pay them a living wage of $12 or $13 an hour but probably not much more. Definitely not anything near $30 an hour for your average worker. +Ah, now I understand your defending Walmart's low wage. You're a stockholder. Got it. +Yes, a whole $2500 worth after working there for 6 years making $7.50 an hour. I might as well be a board member haha. +I am merely stating facts which I know because I follow the stock, just as I follow all of the stocks I own. Facts which seem to be very lacking in this thread. +I don't get you, Nader. I don't get anyone that thinks the minimum wage, equal to the minimum wage of the 1950's for God's sake (adjusted), doesn't need to be raised. But then, with all due respect, you think the economy's just fine as well, so . . . +I get the impression you have a very narrow world view. You see people buying iPhones at your local mall and think everything's just peachy. +I never said they shouldn't pay their employees more. I simply refuted elf3's comment about WalMart being able to pay their employees $30 an hour while still pulling a huge profit and then you come around and put words in my mouth. +They can afford to and should pay their employees more. Like I said I worked their making less than $8 an hour for 6 years. They can't, however, pay anywhere near $30 an hour with benefits. An extra $7700 a year probably pushes them to more like $12 an hour before the profits are gone. Raise everything by a nickel and you might push it up another couple bucks. +People like elf3 go around pulling numbers out of their ass, literally making them up out of thin air, and it just completely invalidates any point they are trying to make. +the economy won't keep running +if the consumers don't keep borrowing money to buy the product +I'll agree with you there, $30 an hour is wildly unreasonable. My mistake, I figured you were defending their low wages. Sorry 'bout that, I still have beppe's asinine comments about Walmart mulling around in my head. +No apology for the rant needed, I was glad to read it. I'm glad to see you're on the right side of the fence when it comes to the issue of mega-consumerism and huge corporations and how they're directly responsible for a lot of the problems. +But as far as the living wage proposal, I fully understand the reasoning behind low skills = low pay and vice versa, but consider that, adjusted for inflation, the $12.50 we're talking about doesn't even come close to the minimum wage in the late '60's. There was a good video last night or the night before with an interview with Ralph Nader. I don't remember what figure he threw out there but I think in order to equal the minimum wage in 1969, adjusted, it was a lot higher than $12.50. Hell, I think it was closer to $20. So, I don't think $12.50 is in any way unreasonable, especially considering most of Walmart's workers are part-timers anyway. +Yea, $12/hour really isn't a living wage. Still, having to pay such a salary would make some small businesses go out of business. +I've told this story before but bears repeating. When I got out of the army in the sixties I got a job making $60/week. I wasn't rich, but I could pay the rent, have a car and feed myself. In 1968 I got a higher paying job making $1.95/hour. I had a wife and infant at home and another baby on the way. I worked a lot of overtime to be able to buy a house; and the rest is history. Ultimately I retired early from a near $100K/ year job. The trick for me was choosing the right career. The moral of that story is today's college students need to put a lot of thought into what they choose as a career. Employers don't care about your liberal arts education. +Well, that's the beauty of the DC plan; it only affects large retailers with annual sales of a billion or more. It won't apply to small companies or mom and pops. +16.00 to 17.00 would be closer to today's needs. For a starting minimum "living wage." +An absolute bare minimum. I can't remember the thread that Nader interview was on, but it was definitely worth a listen. I don't know if you saw it, I think you bailed fairly early last night. +Yeah I did bail out early - wasn't here for most of the day actually - yesterday and today - extra-strength sick days. +Yeah you are likely correct - I was thinking back to the days when I was still working - 2008. +I was pretty surprised at the number Nader threw out. It was a lot higher than I expected, but it made sense. I can remember mom sending us up to the corner store in the late '60's, early '70's and buying a gallon of milk and a loaf of bread and getting change back from a dollar. Now, a gallon of milk and loaf of bread cost you five bucks, give or take. If today's minimum wage is $8.25 (ridiculous any way you look at it), $20-something an hour sounds about right. +When you figure that a blue collar worker could afford a home with a wife and like 5 to 7 kids and a car and have savings and take the family on a vacation - yeah - that is a huge difference to today. +See, that's the statistic right there that explains the true state of affairs. In the glory days of post-WWII up till the mid-70's, a single blue collar wage earner could do just that. In order for things to be right, that needs to be the reality again. +Straight out of high school - 1976 - a friend of mine got a job paying 25.00 an hour working in a foundry - nothing high tech - but it was hard and hot and dirty work. Doubt if you could get half that pay for that job today. +Damn, $25 an hour in 1976?? People would've killed for that kind of wage. Hell, I was on top of the world making $8.08 an hour as a union roofer. Of course, there was probably another $5 or $6 in benefits that I didn't see on my check. What did you start out at? +My first-year apprentice wage was 1.46 per hour in '78. I don't get excited about anything less than 35 per these days. Usually quote my time at more than 70 per, to allow for client dally-dillying. +I'm assuming you're an independent contractor, so $70 an hour doesn't sound unreasonable. I remember when I was roofing our company would triple the workers wage when bidding to cover benefits and overhead. +On a semi-related note, sometimes we'll take a car down to Midas to get a bid on needed repairs. They're right across the street from an Auto Zone and sometimes you'd see a Midas guy go over there to buy a part they're out of. Long story short, Midas doubles the retail price of parts when they give someone a bid. Considering they probably get a discount, it's probably triple their actual cost. +Minimum something like 5 or 6 bucks an hour. Yeah that 25.00 was astounding. +$6 an hour to start for a young person back in the mid-'70's wasn't all that unreasonable. $25 was unheard of back then for blue collar. So, is your buddy still with us or did his job eventually kill him? +It has been awhile - it may have been 4.50. My friend? He quit smoking and took up distance running ( figured it would be good for his lungs ) lost a ton of weight. We went different directions in the mid 80's - so I don't know how he has weathered the years since. +Huh - a living wage works to drive off the vampire. Who knew? Well I think we all suspected. +I pray the mayor stands tall and votes for it. I'm hoping the people of DC aren't falling for this Walmart propaganda bullshit and will threaten the mayor with his job if he knuckles under. +Did you read both these articles? The nerve of Walmart and their bullshit: +"Wal-Mart Threatens to Pull Out of D.C." +"The world’s largest retailer delivered an ultimatum to District lawmakers . . ." +That tells you who's running the show, doesn't it? +". . . would clearly inject unforeseen costs into the equation that will create an uneven playing field and challenge the fiscal health of our planned D.C. stores." +The four Walton kids have a combined net worth of $130 Billion dollars. Four fucking people. And they act like this will break them. What they're afraid of, is it will set a precedent for other communities across the US. THAT'S what they're afraid of. +Perhaps they just went too far - Hey? Would like - NO - LOVE to see them get slapped down big time. As a general start to sanity breaking out nation wide. +That's what I'm hoping, too. A chink in their armor. Can you imagine? Monsanto AND Walmart finally having to consider something other than their own twisted worldview? That would be, and I hate to use this word but, awesome. +Yep - the big A - and it would be the m word as well - miraculous. +Yep, it would be miraculous. That's why I'm not holding out much hope. You have a local mayor coming up against the largest corporation on the planet. I'm sure he's getting a whole lot of phone calls from 'higher ups' in DC. +But I will keep my fingers crossed. +Me too - would love to hear a mouse roar. +Hopefully someone will post the results next week. But if I were a betting man, I'd bet the mayor will cave. But then again, it wouldn't be the first time a community said no to Walmart, so it's a tough call. What it's going to take is the DC community itself. Let's hope they rally to the cause. +But if that mayor has higher political aspirations, and most do, those calls he's getting could be the big decider. As in, "you'll never work in this town again." He's the mayor of DC, so you'd assume he has his eye on a bigger chair. +Or as in - Don't fold Mayor we need to stop this cycle of underpaid public supported workers. Give em HELL. +Rally People!!!!!! +A win and the mayor could probably run on any ticket and have major support - of working people. +Let's hope he's progressive in the literal sense. That he's a visionary. That he can see beyond the smoke and mirrors, beyond all the bullshit of MNC's. +Let's hope he's watched "WalMart: The High Cost of Low Prices," heheheh. +Keep hope alive - NOTHING is over yet. {:-]) +Absolutely - lets hope he goes on the internet and gets real news and sees the articles about how mega monsters are destroying this planet - and regardless of being a progressive or anything else - IS SANE - And CARES. +There may be hope yet, although you know how power can corrupt. The Mayor sounds like he's a man of the people. At least he started out that way: +There may be hope, my friend. +I do have a problem with the living wage crap. +1) According to the gubment, there is no inflation problem. So why do people need these raises? Do we have inflation or not? That's a yes or no answer. +2) Just randomly raising people's wages without an accompanying raise in their productivity causes inflation. So, because I don't want bread to cost $20 a loaf someday, maybe we should figure out why inflation is in the future and fix it before it gets out of hand. +Could it be because Washington DC & the federal reserve are printing $85 billion a month out of thin air and buying up bad mortgages with that money and putting it on the backs of future tax payers? +3) This problem has nothing to do with Walmart. The real problem is bad federal policy. Walmart and living wages are just shiney objects. Stop falling for them. +Ah, I see what side of the fence you're on. I wondered when I read your link on your post. Still, welcome aboard, it's always good to hear all sides. +"According to the gubment, there is no inflation problem." You really believe that, beppe? Really? +Productivity is at an all-time high, yet the minimum wage is lower, adjusted for inflation, than it was back in the '60's, for Christ's sake. You think that's fair? +Washington's printing up $85 billion a month to mask the true state of the economy. Wait till that spigot gets turned off. Inflation? You ain't seen nothin' yet. +Walmart and the present minimum wage are absolutely a BIG part of the problem. +Seeing as you just crawled out from under a rock, or out of a cave somewhere, you best do a whole lot more homework on what's really going on, then get back to us. Sound good? +The side of the fence I'm on is sound economics. +You spend all your time railing for raising the minimum wage and nothing for turning off that spigot. Why is that? +Why don't you work to change the big things that are killing our economy (the federal reserve) and stop wasting your energy on the small things. If the fed unscrews itself, the minimum wage won't be a problem in the first place. The cause-effect IS the money printing. +Sorry, if we raise the minimum wage, things just get more expensive for everyone. What gives money it's value is it's rarity. If we keep printing more and handing it out, of course it becomes less rare and worth less dollar for dollar. +You best do some homework, huh? +BTW, a raise on the minimum wage, but only for Walmart? That makes no sense, but that's what this proposal is all about. Raising the minimum wage selectively. I'm not even sure it's legal. +Ever hear of the "equal protection clause"? Get back to me. Sound good? +[Removed] +No...NO jobs, better than being extorted , by socialist union and liberal assholes. Well done Wal Mart. +Liberals...always willing to punish to the poor for political gain. +...Baltimore Police have been searching for Tshamba, a 15-year- veteran of the police force, for the past week... +Baltimore will pay - but no amount of money can breathe life back into the bullet-riddled body of Tyrone Brown or heal the hearts of Brown's family. The attorney for the shooter -Baltimore Police Officer Gahiji Tshamba - says the officer put himself on duty and was responding to the sexual assault of his girlfriend (an alleged butt pat) while in fear of his own life, when he shot unarmed Iraq Veteran Tyrone Brown 9 times, killing him. What? The scene was a bar, Officer Tshamba was armed and drinking? Officer Tshamba fled after the shooting? Hid? Caused a manhunt? He's driven drunk - and shot a man before while drunk? Those incidents were minimized and Baltimore Police kept him? Well then. +HOW IS THIS POLICE OFFICER STILL ON THE FORCE? +Baltimore Sun Webblog +June 7, 2010 +[Excerpts] So now we know that Baltimore Police Officer Gahiji A. Tshamba, back in 2005, was intoxicated when he shot a man in the foot during a confrontation. What we don't yet know -- and hopefully answers will come today -- is how Tshamba managed to retain his badge after the incident? Tshamba, as we all know by now, is the off-duty officer who shot ex-Marine Tyrone Brown six times in Mount Vernon early Saturday after Brown patted the officer's female companion on the buttocks... Either way, police have been unusually blunt in calling this a troubling shooting and saying they are trying to determine whether Tshamba was intoxicated when he shot 13 tiimes. The officer has refused to make a statement and declined to submit to breath test. He has been put on administrative duties. A police spokesman said detectives have not found any reason to believe the officer's life was in danger... So that brings us back to September 2005... Police and prosecutors ruled the shooting justified but disciplined him for being intoxicated on the job. I suppose you can be imparied by alcohol and still be justified in using your weapon -- escaping criminal liability -- but it's hard to imagine keeping a guy on the force under such circumstances... [LINK] +ONE COMMENTER SAID: +"Im disturbed by the fact that this officer has had a number of prior shootings and still carrying his gun. He is not mentally fit for duty. If I had not taken a breathilizer I would have been arrested immediately at the scene. I am tired of the double standard when it comes to cops. He's losing his job, going to jail, and the family is going to win the lawsuit against the City." +‘LIFE IS TOO SHORT’ — GUNNED-DOWN MARINE‘S LAST WORDS HAUNT BAR PATRON: Former U.S. Marine Tyrone Brown was gunned down Friday night in Mt. Vernon by an off-duty police officer. +Investigative Voice +By A.F. James MacArthur +Wednesday, 09 June 2010 01:27 +[Excerpts] “Life is too short.” Those were some of the last words spoken by former Marine Tyrone Brown moments before he died in a hail of bullets, according to a patron of Eden’s Lounge who was in the bar the evening the deadly shooting occurred... Both sides agree Brown’s encounter with a female companion of Tshamba started the conflict. Brown's sister says he was being friendly and meant no harm. Police say Brown made unwanted advances and was confrontational. But in an exclusive interview with Investigative Voice, a patron who encountered Brown at Eden’s Lounge just prior to the deadly shooting said the vet was friendly and kind. “He came up to us and said, ‘Why are you guys sitting there with your face looking so long? It’s a nice night, you came out to have a good time, you need to be happy and enjoy the moment,’ ” said Marcia, a regular patron of Eden’s Lounge... “He kind of just walked over to us; he had one arm on my chair, he didn’t seem threatening or anything... He said, ‘Don’t be sad, life is too short. Whatever is going on, whatever your situation is, it doesn’t matter. “Just be happy.’... He said he had to find his sister.” When Marcia heard that Brown had died and that he had been sexually aggressive with a woman after he left the bar, she was skeptical considering his behavior towards her just prior to the shooting... “He could have been sexual towards my girlfriend and me but he wasn’t. I don’t understand how he went from being jovial and casual to an aggressive fighter”... Police confirmed that Brown was shot nine times in the chest and groin area by Tshamba. Detectives found 13 shell casings at the scene... [LINK] +SEARCH INTENSIFIES FOR BALTIMORE POLICE OFFICER INVOLVED IN OFF-DUTY SHOOTING +WTOP +June 12, 2010 +[Excerpts] Baltimore Police are searching for a police officer involved in the shooting death of an ex-Marine. +Police have obtained an arrest warrant for Officer Gahiji A. Tshamba in connection of shooting Tyrone Brown last Saturday morning. Brown was enjoying a night on the town and was shot nine times outside a Mount Vernon club... Baltimore Police have been searching for Tshamba, a 15-year- veteran of the police force, for the past week and an arrest warrant was issued Friday... Detectives believe Tshamba is attempting to avoid capture and may have possibly left Baltimore. He faces first-degree murder charges... "These charges are extremely serious," said Anthony Guglielmi, chief of public affairs with the Baltimore Police Department. "It is an affront to the men and women who wear the police uniform in Baltimore"... [LINK] +NO BAIL FOR OFFICER CHARGED IN FATAL SHOOTING +wtop.com +June 14, 2010 +[Excerpts] A Baltimore police officer accused of shooting an unarmed man a dozen times outside a nightclub has been ordered held without bail. Officer Gahiji Tshamba turned himself in early Sunday morning, more than a day after he was charged in a warrant with first-degree murder in the death of 32-year-old Tyrone Brown. The victim was a former Marine and Iraq war veteran. Prosecutors characterize Tshamba as an extreme risk to public safety in arguing for him to be held without bail on Monday... [LINK] +SCRUTINY OF TSHAMBA COMES TOO LATE - Our view: The conduct of the officer charged in a fatal shooting outside a Mount Vernon club should have led to questions about his fitness for duty long ago +Baltimore Sun +June 14, 2010 +[Excerpts] With... It's also not too early to question whether the Baltimore Police Department should have had reason to take him off the force long before he wound up in that alley just over a week ago... In 2005, he was driving drunk and got into an altercation with a group of young men in another car who shouted racial epithets at him. That incident ended with Mr. Tshamba shooting one of them in the foot... [LINK] +TSHAMBA HELD WITHOUT BOND; ATTORNEY BEGINS DEFENSE +Baltimore Sun Webblog +June 14, 2010 +[Excerpts] ...Addressing the incident for the first time, a defense attorney for Officer Gahiji A. Tshamba, 36, described his client as a decorated veteran who has been devastated by the allegations. He said the June 5 killing of Tyrone Brown came after the officer put himself on duty to respond to a sexual assault... "A police officer in fear for his life has to do what he has to do," attorney Adam Sean Cohen told reporters outside Central Booking. "If one shot doesn't work, if two shots don't work … you fire until the threat is gone."... [LINK] +FRIENDS, FAMILY RECALL SHOOTING VICTIM'S SENSE OF HUMOR, DUTY: Former Marine, killed in altercation with off-duty city officer, 'took care of us' +Baltimore Sun +By Jean Marbella +7:20 p.m. EDT, June 16, 2010... [LINK] +HUNDREDS GATHER FOR FORMER MARINE'S FUNERAL +Annapolis Capital +Published 06/17/10 +[Excerpts] ...Prominent civil rights attorney A. Dwight Pettit says he is representing Brown's family. He tells The Associated Press he plans to file a wrongful death lawsuit on behalf of Tyrone Brown... Pettit says he's notifying the city of his plans to file a lawsuit but would probably put the action on hold until the criminal case is resolved. In 2004, Pettit won a $105 million judgment for the family of a man shot 21 times by a Baltimore police officer. [LINK] +[police officer involved domestic violence oidv intimate partner violence (IPV) abuse law enforcement public safety alcohol inebriated drunk drunken fugitive liability fatality fatalities lethal murder maryland state jail] +I had to give it some thought before I decided to post a comment in reference to this whole incident. First off, I will not use my name but I will say this about myself. I am from Louisiana, I served in the U.S.M.C.R. and am also a police officer. I served with The Honorable Late Tyrone Brown in the country of Iraq. When I heard the news of his death it struck me home to know that one of my own brothers was killed but when I learned about how his death happened, I was in disbelief in the actions of how another fellow officer conducted themselves. A few words about my fallen brother, The Honorable Tyrone Brown was a good Marine and a good friend as well. We spent many nights in the sandbox together talking and hanging out. We had a tight little group and no matter what he was always there. I knew that whatever would happen out there and as well as life back stateside, he would have my back and be there no matter what. A few days before this incident he called me but I missed his call. Now on to this incident, speaking as a police officer. After reading several news articles and putting myself in his shoes, I feel that Officer Tshamba was not justified in the shooting. Here are my reasons why: 1. Any officer knows that firearms and alcoholic beverages do not mix. If you will be under the influence of it, you should not be around firearms, let alone your duty weapon. 2. If an incident does happen in your presence while you are "off duty," it does not make you "on duty" it makes you a witness to a crime, and he should have called it into the police department so that one it is documented and two an officer that is on duty could handle the compliment, if the victim was to file charges. 3. We as police officers are supposed to deescalate a situation, not escalate it. However if it came to the point of the situation escalating, "back up" should have been called, hence the reason why the situation should have been called into the police department. As an officer I feel that Officer Tshamba was not justified in even drawing his weapon nor firing it. He had an enough time to contact his department of the situation, even when the altercation occurred, he created enough distance to get away from him. Therefore by creating the distance, how was is life endanger especially if The Honorable Tyrone Brown had his hands up displaying no weapons at all. After this officer fired his duty firearm 13 times, striking The Honorable Tyrone Brown 6 times he fled the scene. From then own, he is no longer an officer but a criminal. Why didn't this officer contact an ambulance or other medical personnel? Is that not a duty of a police officer, or any human being with reasonable amount of intelligence to help someone in need of medical attention. This man is a public offical but did not conduct himself professionally, morally, or humanly. Yes he was a 15 year veteran on the police force, but why after 15 years, he is still an officer and not of any other rank. Something is not right with this picture. I hope that Justice is served because nothing can not bring back The Honorable Tyrone Brown. No one or no thing can replace him, his children has to do without a Father, his family has to be without him and all of his friends will no longer hear his voice or see his face. So in closing I will say, Semper Fi to my brother The Late Honorable Tyrone Brown, you are gone but will not be forgotten. +. +dav1d, the AV1 software decoder, has been adopted by almost everyone. It's the fastest on all CPU platforms. So it was only natural to add hardware decoder in there to make it even faster when the hardware can help. With the help of some test code by one of the DXVA AV1 spec author, after some fixing tweaking, testing, wrapping in VLC I managed to get AV1 decoding on the NVIDIA and Intel (test) hardware on Windows 10. +Since the DXVA AV1 spec is still marked as subject to changes and Microsoft didn't add the relevant structures in its latest Windows 10.0.19041.0 SDK, the code is still in alpha status and not merged in dav1d/VLC (and wine/mingw64 which are the toolchains VLC uses). +If you have any of these hardware and want to test AV1 decoding you can download this special VLC 4.0 build. Only Windows 7/8/10 64 bits is supported. It is signed by VideoLAN to make sure it's legit. +You also get a glimpse of the new VLC 4.0 refeshed UI and medialibrary as a bonus. +robUx4 +My thoughts for anyone to know (as if you cared). +2020-09-14 +DXVA AV1 decoding in VLC. +2019-12-08 +Happy Birthday Matroska +It was nice to be back at No Time To Wait. It's such a fantastic gathering of archivists and developers and the atmosphere is always great. It's nice to feel welcome although I am not an archivist and know little of all the things they have to go through in their job. Although every time after NTTW I feel like I know a bit more and thus can help more. +The work they do with Matroska (combined with FFV1) is exactly one of the main use Matroska was designed for. Except neither me nor the other creators of Matroska ever dreamed it would ever be used professionally for prestigious archival like at the BFI (British Film Institute) and possibly at the Library of Congress in the USA. Of course there was already traction in the "corporate" world as MKV is used for all kinds of video sharing as files and also the basis of WebM. It's officially supported in OSes like Windows 10 or Android. But the archival world is a different thing. It's not only about sharing the latest movie//TV show you got, but it's keeping important content for a long time. IMO it has a deeper impact in the long term and some historical, political and artistic value that can't be beaten. This is also what makes it so special to me as I always try to find an extra bit of "soul" in whatever I do. It's not just about writing some code or documentation. It's also a great motivation knowing it will benefit something bigger. +It's amazing what a hobby project started (forked) 17 years ago has become. In my mind (and probably all other involved) we were driven by the same spirit that was on the Internet during that time. Creating something great for free and possibly challenge the "corporate" world. One of the U in my robUx4 nickname stands for Utopia. That was always part of the goal. +Just talking about why some details of Matroska and how we came to the conclusion of that detail always remind me of the amount of work we put in this, all the challenges we faced (like trying to be as good as ogg for streaming). It's fun having to go back to all these memories when we're doing the IETF specifications and realize the things we got right as complete n00bs and some we got wrong (nanoseconds non rationale timestamps that we called timecodes, to show how n00b we were, the clock was even in floating point because in the analog world clocks aren't perfect). Matroska was designed to last 10 years in a time were there was a new video codec every 3 months. It was still hard to predict the full evolution of things (no VR for example). The challenges posed by long term archival is also interresting. Here we have to support all kinds of sources (analog and digital) with very specific characteristics (and keep everything as does RAWcooked thanks to attachments). There's still plenty of areas to improve (Timecodes, Bayer support). After 17 years, Matroska still has room to grow. +I am very grateful to have meet all kinds of new people who care deeply about the work we do on Matroska and see again familiar faces who care at least as much. You have no idea how great is to have all of your support and that you took a leap of faith choosing Matroska when we just started making proper specifications. From NTTW1 it was not very clear whether people would actually use Matroska at all. +I would like to thank in particular the organizers of the event: Dave, Jerome, Ashley, Alessandra and Zsuzsa. It's a privilege to be welcome in your community. +👓👓 +2019-03-10 +Windows Video Playback Performance +Despite that, people are still complaining about the performance of VLC compared to other Windows players. I know we did a good job, so I wanted to know where we're at regarding the performance. +I tested the following software with various source files on Windows 64: +- VLC 3.0.6 +- Movies & TV (10.18102.12011.0 preinstalled on Windows) +- MPC-HC 1.7.13 +- MPC-BE +- MPV 20190210 +- Kodi v18.0 +My system is an i7-8700 and I used the integrated Intel 630 GPU connected to a 2560x1440 display at 120Hz connected by DisplayPort. It has 12 logical threads at up to 4 GHz, so CPU decoding is supposedly OK. +Here are the results for the various test files: +Sony Camp HEVC HDR 4K 60 fps +This is the main sample I used when working on HDR. It has a high bitrate that I have a hard time playing over my NAS and even locally it can stutter in the hardware decoder (we only found a fix for that recently). Apart from 8K and AV1 that's pretty much the hardest thing to decode right now. Not only that but the HDR content needs to be handled properly. In my case the screen is not HDR so tone mapping has to be applied in the player (the HDR mode of Windows is not enabled). +The first thing noticeable is that by default MPV doesn't use the GPU to decode this file. You have to manually tell it to do it. The last line adds the performance of MPV with hardware decoding (d3d11va) on. +The second thing is that apart from VLC, no player display the HDR colours/luminance correctly (there is a SDR version of the same file for comparison, but I don't know how official it is, I also compare to what my HDR TV does). It's surprising from MPV as the tone mapping in VLC is inspired by their code. +The third thing is that MPC-BE cannot play this file in real time, even though the CPU and GPU are not maxed out. Maybe a buffering issue. The audio stops every few second and then playback resumes. +The stuttering in MPV means the 60fps of the source is not respected. The frames are either skipped or not displayed at the right time (something we fixed in VLC after some hard work). +DNCE H264 1080i 29.97fps(found on) +This sample is more simple to decode but the interlacing still needs to be done. Either by the CPU or the GPU. +The last column shouldn't be there, but by default MPV doesn't deinterlace the file. You have to press the d key to enable deinterlacing. The last line adds the performance of MPV with hardware decoding and deinterlacing on. +MPC-BE seems to double the original frame rate by default and interpolate between frames (soap opera effect). It may be good for sport but this is not a sport sample... +Movies & TV is impressing as it manages to display the content with 0% GPU 3D usage. It likely because they do all the processing in the Video Processing and nothing during display. That's an area we could improve in VLC. +Big Buck Bunny H264 1080p 30fps +This is the most common kind of file people are playing (apart from 720p files). +As expected the CPU usage is negligeable. The DirectShow based players seems to take a lot of GPU to display this simple file. And Kodi even more, even though it's using less GPU to decode. Not sure why they need some GPU processing here, maybe color conversion which VLC does in the shader. That would explain the extra GPU processor for the 1080i sample as well. +Freedom '90 Music Video Outtakes VP9 1080p(from YouTube) +If you watch a lot of YouTube there's a chance you might be decoding VP9 so I tested that as well. This is decoded by the GPU. +In this case MPC-HC, MPC-BE and Kodi show noticeable macroblocks that the other players don't have. +LG 4K Tech Demo HEVC 60 fps +A more regular 4K file that has no HDR, so should have less to do in the GPU. +As with the HDR sample, MPC-BE can't play this file in realtime. The audio stops once in a while. +Despite the request to enable hardware decoding, MPV doesn't seem to be using it. +Movies & TV does an impressive job of using little memory. +Conclusion +VLC seems to be the overall best player with Movies & TV for all this content. The main drawback of VLC is currently the memory usage. It's possible to decrease it by using --avcodec-threads=1 but if you set this, you may have problems playing files your GPU can't decode. +We are working on this memory consumption which should be reduced in all cases for VLC 4.0. +2017-11-19 +The Many Fathers of Matroska +Also I say fathers because it was all men (or boys) involved. Only Liisachan on Doom9 was involved in creating the original logo. +Lasse Kärkkäinen (FI) +Lasse is the creator of MCF. The project that Matroska was forked from. Although forks are usually not a great idea, there was so many differences between his original format and how we turned it into what is now Matroska that we couldn't continue working on the same project. We agreed to disagree and went on separate ways. But there were no hard feelings, we met on a few occasions after that. He even asked me for a letter recommendation for a job in Finland once. +Frank Klemm (DE) +One of the key difference between MCF and Matroska is the use of EBML. And one of the key feature of EBML is the way header values are coded in an UTF-8 like manner. This was Frank's idea. And it gave a great boost to the format and why going back to MCF was not possible after that. +Frank was one of the developper of MPC (Musepack) codec which combined lossless and lossy audio compression in the same format. People were so happy with his work that there was a crowdfunding (which didn't exist at the time) on Doom9 to buy him a new PC. +Christian HJ Wiesner (DE) +Christian is not a developer. He's not really a technical guy either. But he liked so much what we were doing that he was organizing everything around the project. He was also the first to join me when I created the fork on Sourceforge. He's also the one who organized the crowdfunding for Frank Klemm and delivered him his PC. He also held the matroska.org domain safe for a long time which he then donated to the Matroska non-profit. +John Cannon, Paul Bryson, Jory Stone (USA) +Apart from Frank and I they were the main input to make changes to MCF that ended up as Matroska. IIRC John Cannon was the one to suggest that the Matryoshka name were planning to use was too complicated for USAns and reduce it to Matroska. +Alexander Noe (DE) +Alexander was also developing an AVI muxer and a Matroska muxer at the same time we created libebml/libmatroska. He gave a lot of input on the format and some refinement which helped a lot. He later turned into artificial intelligence, so I guess he's a millionaire now. +Moritz Bunkus +Everyone who has dealt with Matroska has been using mkvtoolnix at some point. It's almost entirely done by Moritz. He joined the project a bit later after it was almost stable. At the time he was working on an OGM tool for Linux and got interrested in doing the same for Matroska. It became mkvmerge. Since then he has been the main maintainer of the Matroska libraries and the main Matroska tool. He's also part of the non-profit. +Михаил "Haali" Мацнев (RU) +Mike create the famous Haali DirectShow demuxer based on his own C library. He also worked a lot on the Segment linking, even doing his own version that was easy to use with DirectShow (but not really clean standardwise). Most people have been playing Matroska files using his code for a long time. +Ludovic Vialle / Dan Marlin (FR/US) +Ludovic is the one that got me into this. I was looking for a container to replace AVI and MPEG PS and he pointed me in the MCF direction. He was working on his own DirectShow player at the time and later founded CoreCodec with Dan Marlin. Corecodec has helped a lot in the Matroska development, helping with the website and mailing lists hosting. At some point we also had our own web forum. They also worked a lot on cleaning the specs that are currently on matroska.org. I also worked there for many years and later with Ludovic's other company LevelUp Studios. Ludovic is also part of the Matroska non-profit. +For reference there's also a longer list of people involved on our website. This list also contains a lot of people who helped develop the many softwares you might have used. It should be updated with all the people involved in CELLAR like Dave Rice, Ashley Blewer, Jerome Martinez, Reto Kromer, Michael Bradshaw, Martin Below or Tobias Rapp. +2017-11-12 +Still No Time To Wait +Since last year a lot has changed. We were advocating people to use Matroska and FFV1 because they meet their needs in a very good manner. This year we heard many stories of people who actually did the move and are happy about it. Reto Kromer even made a presentation explaining he actually does the conversation on the fly when transferring between tapes. +One presentation particularly caught my attention: the look for the perfect player by Aghate Jarczyk (University Of The Arts, Bern). Working daily on improving VLC that's certainly something we want to do and make every user happy, even in a professional way not just for casual file playback. It turns out many of the issues mentioned, preventing the switch from QuickTime Pro 7, are already solved. Here's the list: +- display metadata from the file. It's there with Ctrl+i (Cmd+i on macOS I suppose) in the metadata tab. It's not at the MediaInfo level but useful nonetheless. It's also refreshed during playback so if you switch between formats midstream you can see it there. It won't tell you if the data come from the codec or the container, it's aggregated by the player. If you really need that feature file an issue in Trac +- the list of codecs used for playback. It's also available in a tab when you do Ctrl+m (Cmd+m) and can be refreshed during playback (for example with streams that have mixed interlacing). It's probably more an issue with QuickTime Pro where there might be plug-ins in the system you're not aware of. It's much less likely with VLC. It doesn't load modules compiled for an older version and usually doesn't have extra modules coming from third parties. +- added black borders when opening a video. This is surprising as that's not the behavior on Windows or the Qt interface in general. It may be a mac version specific behavior or an option to use the "fit screen" aspect ratio. A reset of the preferences should fix that. +- Can we display timecodes? It's technically possible, we decode them but they are not frame accurate because of our internal clock design. To be accurate it needs a redesign that we are going to do for VLC 4.0. And that version will take less time to be done that it took to do 3.0. +- To go back one frame at a time: it's possible to use a LUA script to do that, see: +- Émilie Magnin who hosted the Format Implementation panel also mentioned the possibility of launching the player more than once at a time. It is an option that's possible on Windows and Linux but apparently it takes a little more work on macOS. You'll need an external AppleScript to do that. +There were a lot of talks about open source in general as well. Everyone is pretty much sold on the idea now and how crucial it is for archivists that they can rely on code that can be reused and tweak for decades. A guaranteed no proper software can offer. An interesting twist is that sometimes the software to play the content has to be archived as well. Usually when using proprietary solutions that might (will) die over time. Another good reason not to use that in the first place. +Some people are still not using Matroska. One of the reasons, which make sense in their context, is that it's not (yet) a standard. That is endorsed by a standards body you trust. As pointed out by Ethan Gates that level of trust may vary and totally arbitrary. For example some still use AVI even though the specifications has never gone through any of the common standards bodies (AFAIK) . This is on us, and particularly me, to make the standardization of Matroska happen and finish the work that is already on the way. The main issue being that we all do that on our free time, so we may look for funding to be done sooner rather than later. A crowdfunding was mentioned. We're going to discuss how we can make this happen (suggestions welcome). That would be a first for Matroska as we never received money for the project (apart from around 200$ of PayPal donations over 15 years). +A big thanks to all the organizers and especially Dave Rice and Jerome Martinez and to Michael Loebenstein of the Austrian Film Museum for a great venue. +My apologies to Kieran O'Leary, I promised I'd bring the VLC hat on the second day and then I forgot. +2017-11-05 +Matroska versus fragmented MP4 +Here +ConclusionSo Matroska is still the best when it comes to overhead and still keeps all its advantages. Only very very small fine tuned files might actually go in favor of fMP4. I'd really like to have such real life samples if you have some. +2017-10-25 +FOMS and Demuxed +Extremely low latency +CMAF +- It can handle a lot more codecs (VP8, VP9, Vorbis, Opus) +- It can be produced on the fly (see above for extreme low latency) +- It doesn’t require a special mode for streaming/progressive download and another for local storage or archiving, it’s always the same format +- Over 15 years of existence there has never been any patent claim over anything we use. This may not be the case for ISOBMFF where Apple and Matsushita hold patents and maybe others and in general from MPEG technologies like HEVC and MPEG-DASH. +- It was created out in the open (IRC, mailing lists) and continues to be developed in the open on the IETF mailing list. +- It’s totally free, even to get access to the specifications. +Happy Earth DAY everyone & Happy Friday! My April PSMH is finally here and totally worth the wait. +I’m crazy about the farmers Market-esque theme and the kitchen-y products this month. Lots of made up words there, but you will see what I mean. Many of you already know of and have even read my review on the very first PSMH ‘mini’ that debut earlier this month; if not you can check it out here. I felt a bit underwhelmed with the box, to say the least and thought it seemed somewhat out of place…after receiving this box I feel differently about it. ‘The mini’ seems to be some what of a ‘booster pack’ for this box. It’s like the extra items that make this collection perfect: an additional product from the brand Farmacy, which is wildly popular right now, and a candle in a style that is a perfect addition to the overall styling of this curation. I knew that there would be no repeats for those subscribing to both versions but it seems that they will be sticking to the same theme with both boxes each month, making them go very well together. Now, I could be wrong, only time will tell, but it’s certainly the case for its first month and I love that. When you consider the cost of the two boxes together plus the value of everything, which is more than double, I feel much better about the addition of the mini box. Ok, enough about the ‘mini’ I will leave that for you to ponder. +Introducing April’s Popsugar Must Have Box… +_2<< +floral . green . NATURAL . fresh . Renewal this_3<< +A closer look: +The Goods: +Chrissy Teigen’s Cravings; recipes for all the foods you want to eat: Sugg. Retail $29.99 +Cooking is totally my bag & wanting to make new and unique items each night can be a pain to think up with a thousand other things on your mind and lots to do. This book is filled with things I will actually make and many that I already do. It’s easy stuff that tastes good; but mostly, for me, it’s a book full of ideas so I can save my brain the trouble. If you are interested in this fab cookbook my link above is to Amazon where I have found it for: $14.99 Woot! Prime Members get free 1 day shipping…even better. 😉 +Above is a little sneak peak of what’s inside! Mmmm. mmm…. +Farmacy Sleep Tight Firming Night Balm: Sugg. Retail $48.00 +I adore the packaging of this product, from the box itself to the adorable jar with the wooden lid. It’s really too cool. It’s described as a lightweight balm for night time, to be applied just prior to bed and designed to replenish your skin overnight. It claims to firm, protect, balance and prevent wrinkles. The scent is a very light herbal fragrance. I’m going to level with you, I was afraid to use this stuff. It looks as though it will be quite thick at first, almost petroleum jelly-like, but it’s lighter than that and kind of springy, almost jello like and transforms in to an oil gel on your skin. The heaviness and the oil factor scare me. I don’t care how many people say that face oils can be good for breakout prone skin or won’t break you out and blah blah blah.. because on me, they do, every. single. time. Sometimes after the first use, sometimes the 3rd but it never fails, they always do. Because I’ve got a stellar skin care routine going on and skin that’s been perfect for a month, for the first time in 2 years; I’m afraid to chance it by applying this product all over my face. This balm has great reviews, plenty are 5 star. It seems the only ones that are not are from the people that broke out while using the product. I do use some very specialized oils on very targeted areas of my face, where I do not get break outs. I read where a specific product reviewer used this product just around the eye area and loves it, so that is how I decided I would use mine. I applied it under and around my eye area and then decided to dab a bit above my upper lip and expression line area, last I covered my neck and chest area… This stuff took forever to fully absorb, but it did and the areas I applied it to were supremely soft and smooth come morning. My neck looked much better than it does using the night time retinol product and it actually worked really great as an eye cream. I think it’s really good stuff. If not for my issues with easily clogged pores and breakouts I would definitely cover my face with this. I will definitely continue using it and I really dig the brand! +Canvas Home Tinware Salt & Pepper Shakers: Sugg. Retail $12.00 +These little S & P shakers are adorable. I love tinware and despite having a decorative wooden ‘salt box’ with a matching spoon filled with numerous imported salts, and pepper grinders galore in my cooking area; I somehow did not own a simple table top shaker set. Now I do, and that makes me happy. +Noon Design Shop ‘Lemons’ Flour Sack Tea Towel: Sugg. Retail $18.00 +I destroy and go through kitchen towels like mad. This is a bright, sunny, tea towel that will look nice while having it on hand in my kitchen. Nothing fancy but always handy & it’s hand made in the US. +Royal Apothic Field Poppy Conservatories Hand Creme: Sugg. Retail $24.00 +If there is any product that I am totally maxed out on, it’s hand creme but this supersized version is housed in the most beautiful packaging it’s begging to be set out. This hand creme has a light floral/herbal and somewhat earthy scent that I love and it’s ultra rich and moisturizing on my dry hands. It also comes with it’s own little ‘key’ to make certain you can squeeze every last bit from the tube. It wins the spot on my nightstand. +Next By Nature Dark Chocolate Covered Espresso Beans: Sugg. Retail $3.99 +Oh how I love thee. These are something I purchase on my own a bit too often. Espresso beans & dark chocolate, need I say more? They are the perfect little pick me up and so very hard not to eat too many. Perfect food item for me this month! 🙂 +Special Extra: +Bloom That $20.00 Gift Card: +BloomThat is a stress free floral delivery market. I typed in my city and was given 8 different floral arrangements starting at $30.00 and up to $88.00, soonest available delivery 2 days from now. The options are quite pretty, nicer looking then that of other common floral services I have used. I’ll definitely use this gift card. +Included Literature: +Well… What do we think!? I really liked this box, it’s very useful and paired with the mini it’s even better. I really liked the theme, the inspiration and the way everything came together. +Thinking of checking it out? Subscribing for yourself? Check it out here! +Thanks for Reading! +Follow me if you like and share my blog! +You can also find me on: +& +-Kelli xoxo +4 thoughts on “Popsugar Must Have April 2016” +I was eyeing up a Farmacy Skincare set during the Sephora sale but I passed on it, because like you, I have uber sensitive skin. Loved the packaging tho… +The only oil I’ve ever found that works on my skin and doesn’t cause breakouts is Tarte’s Maracuja Oil. I’ve been mixing a drop of it into my foundation in lieu of applying a primer and it makes my foundation look amazing. I use it as a overnight moisturizer too and I love it. I did not expect it to work for me at all but I’m so glad I tried it. +Again, super jealous of this box and wish they’d ship to Canada! Love the variety in it! +LikeLiked by 1 person +They seem to have gotten big enough to expand…I figured they eventually might!! I know, the packaging is the best. That stuff really does make your skin as soft as a baby..I’m still to scared to use it as a full on moisturizer but I have been feeling my neck all day! Hahaha! I have the Maracuja oils as well. I use the roller ball versions around my eye area…and I use a ton of Tarte products that have the oil in them to some extent and my skin seems to do well with it. I bought a bunch of the rainforest of the sea stuff too…that I love & still need to review. I bought the concealer to try before taking the plunge on the foundation, due to mixed reviews but the concealer looks and works amazing with my skin. I just put a few dabs on my forehead a few on each cheek and a couple on my chin, blend it with my damp beauty blender and wear it as my foundation. It works great, feels like nothing and with a couple spritzes of the facial mist of the same line, looked great all day and didn’t budge or make me oily! I think I will purchase the foundation as well. I love Tarte. +I picked up the Tarte foundation at the Sephora sale and had to return it – it was SO dry! I have combo skin with some dry patches though so if you have oily or normal skin it might work for you! I was so disappointed in it. 😔 +LikeLiked by 1 person +the rainforest of the sea one!? That’s so surprising! I didn’t think the concealer was at all. I have pretty combo skin, I used to get really bad dry patches, it’s so dry in California..and then I started using Benton snail bee steam cream and it changed my skin completely in seriously, like 2 days! +LikeLiked by 1 person +For the last 36 years, Raoufa Khattab has refused to believe that her son Abd al-Rahman is dead until she sees his remains with her own eyes. +“They haven’t returned his body to us, so perhaps he’s alive, perhaps he’s in jail,” she keeps telling Ahmad, another son. +Ahmad was only 13 when his brother Abd al-Rahman was killed in April 1979 during an armed confrontation with Israeli forces near Bisan, a town located in the north of present-day Israel. +Abd al-Rahman led a small group of resistance fighters who tried to carry out an attack against an Israeli military post in the area. +After his killing, his body was transferred to one of Israel’s “cemeteries of numbers,” where Palestinian combatants are buried in secret and are identified only by numbers etched on metal plates. Israel has designated these cemeteries as closed military zones. +With every prisoner exchange between Israel and Palestinian resistance groups, Abd al-Rahman’s mother would wait for him to be released as if she was waiting for a living man to get out of jail. +“Through all those years, she has never forgotten him,” Ahmad told The Electronic Intifada. “And now that she has gotten older and her health has significantly deteriorated, the very mention of him aggravates her suffering.” +When television stations came to interview Raoufa in the occupied West Bank village of Bilin in 2014, she suffered a mental breakdown and had to remain in bed for two weeks. +“Honor his memory” +If Israel’s aim of burying Palestinian fighters in cemeteries of numbers was to drive their legacy into oblivion, it has largely failed. +Wassim al-Abed only knew his uncle Abd al-Fattah Rimawi from photographs. He was not yet born when his uncle was believed to have been killed in 1969. Rimawi, better known by his nom du guerre Abu Marmar, was a commander of the Palestine Liberation Organization’s Assifa Brigades. +A refugee living in Jordan, he was among the first Palestinian paratroopers and secretly returned to Palestine several times to carry out resistance operations. He is believed to be buried in the cemetery of numbers but his family has not been able to confirm that — or whether he is alive or dead. +Abu Marmar’s mother and most of his siblings have died; al-Abed, 37, has taken on the responsibility of finding and burying his uncle’s body. +“Returning his body and burying it in a known place in his hometown of Beit Rima is the least we could do to honor his memory,” al-Abed told The Electronic Intifada, referring to a village north of the West Bank city of Ramallah. +“He has sacrificed greatly for the Palestinian revolution and he deserves to be buried in dignity. Even if there is very little left of his remains, returning his body carries a massive symbolic weight,” al-Abed added. +While martyrs like Abu Marmar have never been forgotten by their families, it is only in recent years that the issue of missing bodies and bodies buried in the cemeteries of numbers been revived. +In August 2008, the Jerusalem Legal Aid and Human Rights Center launched a national campaign to return the bodies in cooperation with martyrs’ families. The campaign sought to reclaim the bodies of martyrs both through legal channels and public and international pressure. +Painful +No less important, however, was that the campaign shed light on some of the most notorious crimes of the Israeli occupation. +“Since its establishment, the campaign has published two books that include the names, stories and details of the martyrs whose bodies are still detained by Israel in addition to information about the cemeteries of numbers,” Salwa Hammad, a spokesperson for the center, told The Electronic Intifada. +She explained that the campaign holds a national day of action to demand the return of martyrs’ bodies. It also organizes workshops for families and encourages them to tell their stories. +According to the center’s data, the number of martyrs who are buried in the cemeteries of numbers had reached 268 by September this year, in addition to 19 who were killed in the 2014 attack on Gaza. +“The issue of the detained bodies from Gaza is particularly painful because not only did the Israeli army commit an atrocious massacre there, killing more than 2,000 people, but it also kidnapped bodies and [has] never returned them to be buried in Gaza,” Hammad said. +Israel has recently stated that the bodies of Palestinians accused of attacks against Israelis will not be returned to their families. +Israel is still refusing to hand over the bodies of at least 20 Palestinians killed between 8 October and 29 October. They include 10 from the Jerusalem area and 10 from Hebron. +Hebron has — so far — witnessed the largest protest to demand the return of martyrs’ bodies. +Thousands took to the streets there last week to demand that Israel hand over the bodies of slain Palestinians. +“Israel’s detention of the bodies is not just a form of collective punishment for the families, it’s also an attempt to conceal evidence of the summary execution that it carries out against those youth, preventing Palestinians from conducting autopsies,” Amin al-Bayed, the Hebron coordinator for the campaign to return martyrs’ bodies, told The Electronic Intifada. +Following the protest in Hebron, Israel agreed to release some of the bodies. +Two bodies of people from the Hebron area were returned to their families on Sunday morning. +Israel refused to hand over five other bodies after families rejected a condition that they be buried at midnight, according to sources in Hebron. +“Bring Bayan home” +Five other bodies were received in Hebron on Friday evening. +The remains belonged to five Palestinian teenagers, including that of Bayan al-Esseili, a teenaged schoolgirl executed by Israeli forces on 17 October. +Ayman al-Esseili spoke to The Electronic Intifada a day before receiving his daughter’s body. +“Words fail to express my pain. My beloved daughter, the closest person in the world to me, was taken from me without being able to see her corpse, touch her clothes or kiss her,” Ayman said. +“Ever since her killing, her mother has been demanding of me to bring Bayan back home, somehow thinking that Bayan might still be alive but the army is detaining her,” he said. +“Her three-year-old brother, whom Bayan used to look after and play with, asks me all the time about her,” Ayman added. “When I tell him that Bayan has gone to heaven, he tells me that he, too, wants to go to heaven to see her again. He is convinced that Bayan is at her grandparents’ place and might be upset with him and so has not returned yet.” +Bayan was a bright pupil who had hoped to study political science and economics at university. +“She was the one who made me my morning coffee every day,” Ayman said. “She did have a great impact on Palestinian society — but it was not what we thought it would be. But I’m definitely proud of her.” +“There is nothing harder than seeing pictures of your daughter’s blood-soaked and bullet-ridden corpse on the mobile phones of soldiers,” he said. +Ayman was detained after his daughter’s slaying; he said he was beaten and interrogated. When he demanded to see Bayan’s corpse, soldiers instead showed him a picture of her body after she had been killed. +Forced to wait +Perhaps no one understands Bayan’s father better than Muhammad al-Akhras. He was forced to wait for nearly 12 years before the remains of his daughter were returned to him. +On the first day of every Eid, the annual Muslim festivals, the cemetery of martyrs in Dheisheh refugee camp near the West Bank city of Bethlehem is crowded with families visiting the graves of their loved ones. +Al-Akhras, however, could only dream of visiting his daughter’s grave so that he could lay a wreath and shed the tears that he had tried so resolutely to hold back. +His daughter Ayat, 17, blew herself up in a market in Jerusalem in March 2002, killing a girl her same age and a security guard. +During that time, at the height of the second intifada, Dheisheh had been subjected to daily raids and attacks by Israeli forces. +“When I finally received her remains in February 2014, it was like saying that suspended goodbye that we did not have the chance to utter,” Muhammad told The Electronic Intifada. +Thousands attended Ayat’s funeral procession in February 2014, Muhammad said. He added that since she was supposed to get married just after graduating high school, her funeral was like a wedding party. +Even though al-Akhras managed to reclaim his daughter’s remains, he is still strongly committed to the cause of returning all martyrs’ bodies. He has memorized the names of those in the cemeteries of numbers. +He reads all the available information and regularly visits the workshops that the campaign organizes. The 67-year-old can no longer walk and uses a wheelchair, but his physical disability hasn’t diminished his dedication to the cause. +“I wish I could go to Hebron and march with the families of martyrs to demand the bodies of their martyrs,” he said. “It was my indomitable faith that allowed me to handle Ayat’s loss and I hope that all of them keep this faith and get to bury their children.” +Collective punishment +Detaining the bodies of Palestinian martyrs and later burying them in secret cemeteries is designed to achieve multiple purposes. The policy imposes an additional punishment on the dead and collective punishment on their families. +Martyrs’ bodies have also been used as potential bargaining chips in prisoner exchange deals. +The policy also has more existential implications. +But by withholding the bodies, Israel is targeting the collective Palestinian memory and dehumanizing those living under its colonial rule who dare to challenge its occupation. +In her book, Security Theology, Surveillance and the Politics of Fear, the Palestinian scholar Nadera Shalhoub-Kevorkian argues that “the occupying colonial power does not only control and expropriate the living, but also the dead and sites of Palestinian burial.” +“Israel is still reading and writing the power of the dead as a security threat,” she adds. +Every martyr’s funeral is likely to turn into a mass protest — and Israel is fully aware of that. +In Jerusalem, Israel decides when Palestinians can obtain the bodies of their dead, where they can bury them and the number of people allowed at the funerals. Israel has even ordered families to hand over money to collect the bodies of their loved ones. +Fadi Alloun, 19, was shot and killed by Israeli police near Jerusalem’s Old City on 4 October. +His family was forced to bury him on 12 October in his Jerusalem neighborhood of Issawiyehrather than in a family plot closer to the Old City. Alloun’s body was only handed over to the family before dawn on the day of the funeral — after more than a week of delay. +Defiance +Israel uses such tactics to try and break Palestinians’ spirits, but they have the opposite effect. Instead of crushing people, Israel’s policies of punishment and control increase social cohesion, communal solidarity and defiance. +Qassim Badran from Kufr Aqab, near Jerusalem, grieved the death of his 16-year-old son Ishaq, who was killed by Israeli forces in the Old City earlier this month after an alleged stabbing attempt. Following his son’s killing, Badran was threatened with home demolition and the revocation of his Jerusalem residency as his village is located behind the massive wall Israel is building in the West Bank. His son’s body has not yet been returned to him. +“I have also been subjected to an economic war — my bank account was frozen due to an old tax issue that dates back 12 years and Israeli authorities [have] issued a travel ban against me,” he told The Electronic Intifada. +“It was my son’s own decision to respond to Israel’s ongoing crimes and his decision alone, but I will never disown him or blame him for what he did,” Badran added. +Like all other parents from Jerusalem, Badran reiterated that he will never agree to receive the body of his child unless all Jerusalem families are able to reclaim the bodies of their children. +“We are completely unified,” he explained. “I will treat the son of Jabal al-Mukabir [a neighborhood in East Jerusalem] as if he were my own.” +So far, families awaiting the return of loved ones’ bodies have decided against submitting a petition to the Israeli high court. The families fear that the court will reject their case. +And they do not have much trust in Israel’s judicial system. +An Israeli public prosecutor last week rejected a request submitted by a number of families, according to Rami Saleh, head of the Jerusalem-based branch of the legal aid center. +During a press conference in Ramallah last week, martyrs’ families stated that they will not allow Israel to exploit their need to reclaim the bodies as a means of breaking their spirits. +Lawyer Muhammad Alayan, father of Bahaa Alayan, shot dead by Israeli police last month, vowed to keep on campaigning. +“Every inch of this soil is Palestinian,” Muhammad said. “And wherever my son will be buried, I know that he will be on Palestinian land.” +Why does my local Tesco have its extractor fans running in the winter. This allows the the space heaterâs body to stay cool even when itâs on high. The Lasko Ceramic Portable heater is arguable the most popular heater on Amazon with over 21,000 reviews and an overall rating around 4.5 stars. Would it be beneficial for me to switch from oil heat to electric?!' listed, Digital controls with programmable thermostat and 8-hour timer, Electronic remote control with digital display,. Like the Lasko Full-Circle Warmth Ceramic Heater, it has a remote and auto temp control, and it stays cool to the touch and is easy to move. Heaters Lasko Products > Heaters. This is normal and the smell will go away over time. OSC Space Heater 1500-Watt Electric Ceramic Tower Oscillation Black PSC17M2ABB. Simply plug the heater into a wall outlet, select your desired heat and thermostat settings, and enjoy the warmth from your new Lasko space heater. Your heater may suddenly start smelling like burnt plastic or rubber. Itâs packed with safety features and comes with a 3-year limited warranty. One of the most popular heating appliances designed and manufactured by Lasko, the 5307 is a compact and durable space heater that receives high marks from its user base. Read the full content to know the Top 10 best Lasko tower heater and then consider to pick one for your living space. I just got a new space heater for my bedroom. from eBay which supports 1800+ Watt : the contact point of the Lasko power plug's pins to the converter is not that good though the Lasko runs with a much stronger wind (& noise too) but after a minute or so, I heard a pop sound with a burning smell : the Lasko doesn't work anymore even if I ⦠The 3½-foot-tall Lasko FH500 All Season Comfort Control Tower Fan & Heater in One is easily the tallest space heater we testedâbut it doesnât actually take up that much floor space for a ⦠The year in Meghan Markle: A royal exit, activism and loss, NBA Spurs' Becky Hammon makes coaching history, Small Colorado town confronts coronavirus variant. A thermal overload protector is built in to prevent overheating.If an overheat temperature is reached, the Heater will automatically shut off. Let us now look at the difference between Lasko 758000 Cyclonic Ceramic Heater and Lasko 755320 Ceramic Tower Heater. Ranging from cheap to very expensive, their lineup covers compact under-desk heaters to taller tower-style heaters. Turn the space heater back on. Water still running from taps and toilet after turning water off at mains? Join Yahoo Answers and get 100 points today. If it is new, follow the instructions in your owner's manual for proper first time use. Simply plug the heater into a wall outlet, adjust the thermostat, and enjoy the warmth from your new Lasko space heater, 3 Quiet Settings – including high heat, low heat, and fan only make this electric space heater ideal for warming up an area in your home. Leave the Lasko ceramic heater to cool down for an hour or so. The Lasko 6462 is a standalone, portable space heater; Runs on 1500 watts at 120 volts and 12.5 amps This Lasko tower heater also features a 7-hour auto shut-off timer and protection against overheating. Lasko 6462 Full Circle Ceramic Heater with Remote. While the thermostat kicks the heat on and off as needed. This Heater is intended for use as supplemental heat. A burning smell coming from your heater doesnât necessarily mean you have to call the fire department. Well made Lasko 5812 air-=flow heater, it heats flow from the bottom of the heater. It happens when the internal wire casting or insulation is out of place or damaged. You can sign in to vote the answer. Fully Assembled â allows you to take the heater out of the box and have it working in minutes. While the easy to program timer allows you to select 1 hour to 8 hours, in 1 hour intervals, Built-in Safety Features – overheat protection ensures the space heater does not overheat even if left on for an extended amount of time. Lasko 755320 Ceramic Tower Heater with Digital Display and Remote Control CHECK PRICE It should be fine, I would suggest only using it while you are home until it doesn't smell when running. Lasko 5812 comes with an air-flow system and cool-touch sides, it fits nicely against the wall in our small bathroom where we use to put a wall-mounted heater. So much that I gave the one that I had bought to an aunt and replaced it with a 3 brick radiant heater. Lasko is known for making some high-quality space heaters. Only got worse when I turned it on. (104) 104 product ratings - Lasko 1500W Ceramic Tower Space Heater with Remote, 751320, Black/Silver. If you recently purchased your Lasko heater you may notice an unusual odor. The product does not have a remote. If it's a "blue flame" heater they give off a good bit of smell. If the electrical contacts on the thermostat mounted outside the water heater are overheating, the plastic parts around the switch may overheat and burn. ft. Built-in Safety Features – overheat protection ensures the space heater does not overheat even if left on for an extended amount of time. $19.89. $59.99. Get the Lasko 755320 here! Adjustable thermostat with automatic shut-off timer, 1500 watts of comforting warmth with high, low and thermostat controlled settings. If the smell continues contact the store you bought it from. In this context, we are going to review the Lasko digital ceramic tower heater with remote control. Wires touching the heater coil can also cause a bad smell. How do you think about the answers? The odor or smell from electric baseboard heaters is a common issue and something that shouldnât cause a lot of concern in a lot of cases. Water Heater Smells Like: Burning Rubber or Plastic If you smell burning rubber or burning plastic, turn off the power source at the breaker first before trying to pinpoint the smell. If it lasts beyond a first use, I'd suspect something was positioned wrong or things touching the element which shouldn't be touching it. Click Here for Customer Reviews Specifications. Please note : No remote, Ceramic heating element with built-in safety features, 1500 watts of comforting warmth; E.T.L. Convenient Carry Handle – makes it easy to move the space heater. This report about the Lasko 755320 Ceramic Tower Heater answers these questions ⢠I am concerned about the cord heating Lasko 22 Inch Ceramic Tower Heater 3-Speed Elite Collection Auto Eco w/ Remote. Heating coverage: 300 Sq. Thanks to the heater’s compact size and convenient carry handle you can easily move the heater from the kitchen, to the bedroom, or even under the desk. Among the few ceramic heaters that do offer full-circle air circulation, the Honeywell 360 Surround Digital Fan Forced Heater is a close competitor in terms of features, but not looks. The Lasko 6462 comes with several built-in safety features including cool-to-the-touch front grill and a wide anti-tip base. Get your answers by asking now. The more often you use your heater the faster the smell will dissipate. While a cool touch exterior keeps the heater cool to the touch even after running for hours, Fully Assembled – allows you to take the heater out of the box and have it working it minutes. 2 Quiet Settings – including high heat and low heat plus an Auto setting make this electric space heater ideal for warming up an area in your home or home office. Product Title Lasko Silent Heater with Digital Display, White. The electric tower heater features an elongated ceramic plate, so the device creates more heat than other conventional space heaters, and it does so despite its compact size. The brand is Lasko, if that matters, I turned it on and it smells like burning plastic. Not normal. As you can see, this heater ⦠Oil heaters do take longer to heat a room but will provide you a more comfortable heating experience. ⢠No plastic burning smell from our Lasko. They usually smell when first turned on. Move the Lasko heater to a location with plenty of space around it to facilitate adequate air circulation. You can call a technician to resolve the issue, but why to ⦠This Heater is not intended for use in wet or damp locations. Remember to vacuum out the dust that will get into the fan area on a regular basis. Always clean the heating components of the ceramic heater after it has been stored for the summer months. and often touted as 100% efficient, electric space heaters use a lot of electricity. Heater Smells Like: Burning Dust. Check it thoroughly to see if all the plastic wrapping has been removed. Lasko 758000 Cyclonic Ceramic Heater has been designed specifically to meet the requirements of small rooms. Be wary and watchfull during its first use. User manuals, Lasko Heater Operating guides and Service manuals. Lasko Ceramic Tower Space Heater with Logic Center Digital Remote Control-Features Built-in Timer and Oscillation, 7.3â³L x 9.2â³W x 29.75â³H, Black 5572 4.5 out of 5 stars 916 $63.99 $ 63 . Free shipping. â â â â â A Lasko 755320 Ceramic Tower Heater review will not answer these 24 questions. Electric heating element is present in all space heaters to provide heat. Also the size of the room is a factor in cost efficiency. Whether you operate an electric heater, furnace, or heat pump, a system that has remained dormant can accumulate dust ⦠The brand is Lasko, if that matters, I turned it on and it smells like burning plastic. The dust and dirt on a clogged air filter might cause a burning smell from the heat passing through it. With an easy to read digital temperature display you can select a wide range of temperatures in Fahrenheit or Celsius, Remote Control & Built-in Timer – allows you to adjust the heater’s temperature, timer, oscillation and more from a distance. +Bodybuilding Military Discount, Judgement Day Islam, Wholesale Clothing Usa No Minimum Order, Chesapeake High School Principal Email, Events In Livingston Today, Skyrim Creation Club Reddit, Slumdog Millionaire Rating, Karaikudi Chicken Kulambu, The Fundamental Problem Of Economics Is, Delta Leland Touch2o, +Cheap Enlargement System New Things +But the results are actually ensured within the moment span recommended due to the specialist. ProExtender may be made use of through folks even with having health and wellness issues like diabetes mellitus, high blood pressure, as well as other non-critical troubles. The analysis functions and also practices on men have shown no negative effects within the generation in between 18+ and 50+. You do not require to be actually he-man or even possess a gym-fit body for utilizing ProExtender (Cheap Enlargement System New Things). +It may take additional opportunity along with some folks, while it functions faster with the others. But the beneficial results are actually ensured within the amount of time span indicated due to the specialist. Almost communicating, there are actually no limitations on the style and amount of diet plan you eat. Certainly, it can be an incorporated perk if you can follow a nutritious diet regimen program which corresponds to your gym-program. +These are a few of the outcomes which our company have had the ability to observe during the treatment of males along with Pro Extender.: There is actually definitely no regular formula which is going to put on every man. It might vary along with individuals depending on the physical variations. As a result, it is advised that you take the advise from your therapist for the period of the Pro Extender using and also workout.: ProExtender is medically designed to collaborate with the penis, testes, influential blister and prostate gland. +As you remain to work out on the ProExtender, the nerves coming from the penis produce substantial adjustments to the functioning of the testes. It may enhance the semen amount to a substantial level as well as lengthen the length of sexual intercourse. There have also been actually records of extended sexual climaxes. A construction can easily additionally last much longer after climaxing because of the strengthened Corpora Caversosa – Cheap Enlargement System New Things. +Therefore, the method of recovery as well as subsequential construction takes considerably lesser time. The long session I had along with the counselor helped me eliminate all the bias and also expectations. I began utilizing ProExtender specifically the technique in which he inquired me to accomplish. I was capable to acquire the outcomes within a period of six months. +Cheap Enlargement System New Things +Others informed me it took more time than me.: At the grow older of 27 I had the ability to experience significant development in circumference and span within a quick span of your time. The notable enhancement in performance levels led not only in delight and sexual climax for me yet additionally for my better half throughout our honeymoon. +I have managed to experience extensive climaxes whenever our team have had sex from that time. It would mistake to state that just I have actually managed to acquire full satisfaction coming from our intimacy. My wife chose to phone it this way, somewhat than sexual intercourse considering that our affection for each and every various other is growing with time. +I have actually certainly not experienced any kind of form of problems coming from the first time till today. Actually, my experience has actually been one of enjoyable as well as satisfaction. The development in length as well as girth take place normally along with ProExtender. Consequently, there are actually no negative effects in any kind of type. Initially, I carried out experience discomfort to a specific magnitude for some times. +ProExtender has expanded my efficiency period dramatically. My wife has the capacity to experience the heights of feminine orgasms. I have the capacity to reach the G-spot each time our experts create passion as a result of the extended duration. Thus, the strength of climaxes coincides for both people. The rise in duration and circumference provides the efficiency of loading to my spouse. +The electricity amounts seem to enhance automatically with every drive up until the lengthy orgasm lastly comes. I am actually able to preserve a component of the penile erection after the sexual climax and climaxing. I think it is actually due to the boost in durability and the recognition of blood stream within the Corpora Cavernosa. Thus, the amount of time demanded for next construction has actually notably minimized. +Cheap Enlargement System New Things +ProExtender has offered me the emotional stamina which certainly never had previously. I am driven by a target to fulfill not only my wish, but also gratify my spouse to the maximum magnitude. The only downside I could experience was the first hold-up in boosting the span as well as girth. My counselor informed me it results from the limit point of growth which ceases after crossing the adolescent. +Today I have the capacity to suggest utilizing the ProExtender and get the natural outcomes. It is certainly not only for sex-related satisfaction and also orgasm, yet additionally the total fitness of the muscle mass at the mid-section area as well as around the penis. There is likewise a notable renovation in my self-confidence amounts and also self-image. +ProExtender is actually the excellent one as well as presently used in exclusive facilities as well as much more than 60 social medical facilities in Spain alone and presently assisted 1000s of guys get the much bigger penis. +Males have actually always been stressed with the size of their penis as well as have actually constantly asked yourself if that what they have under the pants suffices to please their partner. This predicament of men throughout the globe has resulted in the progression of several products for penis developments. However, the market is filled up along with inefficient penis enlargement supplements as well as gadgets, so it is actually ordinary to be actually a bit doubtful when it involves certain products. +ProExtender is actually a gadget produced as well as checked in Denmark by a plastic surgeon who spent years researching different male enhancement techniques. It gives gentle and relaxed footing intending the receive a permanent and also steady development of penile tissue, leading inevitably to a much bigger sized penis and also a thicker penis also. +Cheap Enlargement System New Things +See to it to make use of the unit as encouraged due to the manufacturer. It is actually highly recommended to be actually made use of or even at least 4 hrs in the initial couple of times, slowly raising the time around 12 hours each time. Boosted penile duration as well as circumference Improved penile erections A long-lasting boost in the measurements of the penis Incorporated satisfaction during intercourse No discomfort or pain while using it Strengthens penile curvature as well as assists correct it Non-invasive penis enlargement strategy Safe to utilize without any negative effects. +It is actually likewise recommended for the therapy of penile curve. The centerpieces of ProExtender are actually: The supplier possesses years of experience in this particular area It is scientifically confirmed and scientifically studied It is a certified medical unit Long-term results are ensured It aids treat penile curve ProExtender utilizes grip only like all the other penis enhancement devices which induces the creation of new tissue cells in the body, especially in the penis that is being flexed. +Using this penis augmentation tool is pretty simple. You simply need to attach the unit the right way right into your penis and develop stress or grip. The device is actually outfitted with a rubber band which takes place the head of your penis as well as has the objective as a comforter. After proper accessory of the tool equally as advised due to the maker you begin using traction. +Something you need to consider is actually not to exaggerate it. It is regular to feel a certain level of distress and strain, particularly during the initial pair days of utilization ProExtender. Having said that, there need to certainly not be actually any sort of soreness or real pain after you take off the gadget. If you experience some of these signs and symptoms than you should examine the producer guidelines once again if you are utilizing the device the right way. +Rest till the discomfort leave and also then start once more. Pay attention to your personal physical body and also begin making use of ProExtender increase. You will certainly view results quite soon. ProExtender device operates by the grip concept, simply like a lot of the other penis extenders. But how performs it perform its work? By administering a constant bunch of footing while wearing the tool for a number of hrs daily, the muscle cells obtain extended and even tear. +Cheap Enlargement System New Things +The muscular tissue tissues around the tear will start breaking down as well as eventually, the muscular tissue mass will increase. When utilizing this penis enhancement tool every day, this method continues concurrently, steadily accumulating the muscular tissue mass, at some point leading to an enlarged penis. Yes, it does function. Of course, it is actually certainly not a magical tool that will certainly provide outcomes over evening, however if you use it routinely and also as highly recommended through the manufacturer it does operate. +How swiftly you will certainly see the improvements are going to depend upon just how much you use the gadget and the amount of footing you administer. If made use of as suggested due to the producer within the first 6 months you will notice an increase in the size of your penis which is actually strongly believed to become long-lasting. +It is actually a bodily change and cell mass increment which develops gradually because of the traction force. For sure all the ins that you are going to acquire through utilizing ProExtender will stay there compared to various other penis enlargement devices which are just momentary like penis pumps. It is an established reality and the absolute most importantly it is medically evaluated (Cheap Enlargement System New Things). +A particular amount of distress is actually normal as well as to be actually expected when to begin with using penis augmentation devices. Irritation is actually additionally to become expected, yet commonly it must deal with within a number of days. If discomfort, particularly when followed along with pain lasts longer than a week, then you should minimize the quantity of footing. +Having said that, if you take into account the results, its own security and comfortability after that spending those $300-$400 serves when looking what you help for the rest of your daily life. There are two alternatives for you to decide on: includes the ProExtender penile unit, a set of elongation bars, a comfort band. This leads in a popular physical process called “cytokinesis”; just place, your penile tissue cells start to separate and increase which, consequently, triggers tissue development! In various other words, the extra often as well as routinely you use it the more remarkable and also secure results you will certainly acquire; as a result, receive prepared to create the women stand in admiration! As we have a tendency to perform along with every product we compose reviews around, we have performed detailed investigation prior to suggesting it you. +Cheap Enlargement System New Things +Our company have actually searched the world wide web for damaging opinions, customer reviews of dissatisfied clients, statements for its efficiency and/or achievable adverse effects. Having said that, pro tempore being, our company weren’t capable to discover anything that would certainly oppose our original claim, which is actually that Extender Pro is actually reliable, worthwhile, and possesses no side results whatsoever if used as every the supplier’s directions and suggestions. +After viewing just how handy it may be actually, it came to be even more known to the planet and also it has actually proceeded to the male enhancement items’ field, where it promptly came to be a beloved option for various men around the globe. It offers a safe way to enlarge your penis, without needing to undertake operations such as surgical procedure, or even loading your body system with medicines and also supplements that could trigger adverse effects potentially harmful for your health and wellness – Cheap Enlargement System New Things. +Last, yet certainly not least, Pro Extender (if you buy it by the formal web site) possesses a Cash back Assurance; which means you may simply buy it, attempt it, and also view if you enjoy with the outcomes or even not – Cheap Enlargement System New Things. If you are, after that you keep your brand-new best buddy around and view how much it can easily improve your bedroom credit ratings! As well as or even, effectively, there is actually absolutely nothing maintaining you from returning it and also obtaining all your refund! In conclusion, our team suggest that you give Pro Extender a try; considering that our experts weren’t capable to locate any main reason why you definitely would not!. +Confess, fellas. Even when you possess an adult star sized dick, you still intend to create it larger and also far better. Every person enjoys a sizable cock, yet not every guy can easily say that’s what he invites his pants. Due to the fact that the dawn of time fellas have been actually making an effort to accomplish penile erections of monumental proportions, just to become stuck to sloppy penis enlargement possibilities that are actually intimidating at finest. +I am actually alleviated to recognize that the dollar carries out not cease there – Cheap Enlargement System New Things. I, for one, favor to consistently enhance the look and also allure of my penis given that it increases the satisfaction I stem from my sex life (and also coming from my attend the looking glass). Speaking from a solely personal point of view, I agree to try nearly everything if I believe it will definitely operate. +Cheap Enlargement System New Things +Palms down, the ProExtender is my favored penis enhancement tool therefore far. This factor is actually type of impressive if you ask me definitely a testimony to the difficult work and dedication visiting of the laboratories at presents. Despite the fact that cash for medical analysis would probably be actually even more frugally invested in one thing like a cure for cancer cells, I’m selfishly happy there is actually someone available combating for my penis and also confidence. +Depending on the Fda, the ProExtender is actually a health care gadget which needs a certificate to make use of. What does that way for the typical man? Effectively, it primarily means that he will definitely need a medical professional to compose him a prescribed if he desires to get his cock anywhere near it. Cheap Enlargement System New Things. +If you are actually just about anything like me, you stop attempting at that point. You merely use your little cock, wipe one out along with your beloved phony pussy, and contact it a night. I understand the sensation. Merely when I was beginning to think it was me as well as my dick versus the globe, a lightbulb blew up in my mind. +This is actually the type of trouble solving I perform, folks. Therefore, I started performing some analysis on the concern as well as I found some interesting stuff. It transforms out there concern a number of similar penis extenders on the market straight now. I will certainly save you the particulars on each individual design, but I will certainly tell you this: they operate and also they’re generally say goodbye to costly than the ProExtender. +Essentially, the various other styles I discovered carry out the precise very same factor as the ProExtender. The only difference is actually the simple fact that the ProExtender producers possess essentially secured themselves in to a choose group. Let that not prevent you, fellow prick raisers as well as ProExtender fanboys, for I have discovered several technicalities in the unit. Cheap Enlargement System New Things. +Berberine combined with atorvastatin downregulates LOX‑1 expression through the ET‑1 receptor in monocyte/macrophages +- Authors: +- Liyi Chi +- Lijing Peng +- Xiaojing Hu +- Na Pan +- Yanhai Zhang +- +- Published online on: April 22, 2014 +- Pages: 283-290 +Abstract +Introduction +Atherosclerosis has been shown to cause cardiovascular diseases that contribute to morbidity and mortality in developed and developing countries (1,2). Atherosclerosis is defined as a complex inflammatory response characterized by the accumulation of lipid in arteries (3,4). Monocyte/macrophages migrate into the intima and engulf modified low-density lipoproteins (LDLs) such as oxidized LDL (oxLDL) or acetyl LDL (Ac-LDL) via scavenger receptors (SRs) and then transform into foam cells (5–7). These are the initial events in the development of atherosclerosis. +Several SRs including SR-AI/II, SR-BI, cluster of differentiation 36 (CD36), and lectin-like oxidized low-density lipoprotein receptor-1 (LOX-1) mediate the transport of oxLDL into macrophages, which results in lipid accumulation and the transformation of macrophages into foam cells (6,8). +LOX-1 is a type II membrane protein with an extracellular domain and a short cytoplasmic tail (9). LOX-1 has been reported to be expressed in endothelial cells, monocyte/macrophages, platelets, and vascular smooth muscle cells (VSMCs) as well as in renal, pulmonary and neuronal tissues. LOX-1 expression can be induced by oxLDL, free radicals (reactive oxygen species), endothelin-1 (ET-1), angiotensin II, advanced glycation end-products (AGEs) and shear stress (10–12). Furthermore, various pathological conditions including diabetes mellitus, hypertension, myocardial ischemia and atherosclerosis contribute to the induction of LOX-1 expression (13,14). +ET-1 has been suggested to be involved in the pathogenesis of cardiovascular diseases. It is well known that the plasma level of ET-1 is increased in patients with hypertension and coronary artery disease (15,16). Studies have demonstrated that local ET-1 concentrations are increased in the atherosclerotic plaques (17,18). Furthermore, ET-1 receptor blockade has been shown to reduce the development of atherosclerotic lesions in an atherosclerotic animal model, apoE-KO mice (17). Morawietz et al have shown that ET-1 induces LOX-1 mRNA and protein expression in a time- and dose-dependent manner in human endothelial cells and promotes oxLDL uptake (19). ET-1, exclusively expressed in endothelial cells, enhances the oxidative modification of LDL via the ETB receptor, which further increases the uptake of oxLDL in endothelial cells via the LOX-1 receptor leading to the progression of atherosclerosis (20). +Natural compounds have been demonstrated to inhibit LOX-1 expression. These compounds include tanshinone II-A (21), curcumin (22), berberine (23), epigallocatechin gallate (EGCG) (24), and resveratrol (25). Berberine is the primary component of rhizoma coptidis and is often used as an anti-inflammatory medicine (26). Berberine has been shown to significantly inhibit low-density lipoprotein-cholesterol (LDL-C) synthesis in human hepatocytes by increasing AMP-activated protein kinase (AMPK) phosphorylation and AMPK activity (27). In addition, berberine significantly decreased the expression of LOX-1 and increased SR-BI expression in a time- and dose-dependent manner (23). +It is well established that atorvastatin (3-hydroxy-3-methyl-glutaryl-coenzyme, a reductase inhibitor) suppresses intracellular cholesterol synthesis and it has been widely used as an anti-inflammatory drug in the treatment of atherosclerosis (28). Atorvastatin has been shown to reduce the activation of transcription factor NF-κB in cultured VSMCs as well as in atherosclerotic lesions in rabbit (29). +In the present study, we aimed to investigate the effect of berberine combined with atorvastatin on atherosclerosis and the underlying molecular mechanism involved. We found that the expression of LOX-1 in monocyte/macrophages treated with berberine (0, 0.1, 1, 10 or 100 nM) combined with atorvastatin (100 nM) was significantly decreased in a dose-dependent manner. Knockdown of the ET-1 receptor by small-interfering (siRNA) transfection significantly reversed the inhibitory effect of berberine on LOX-1 expression in monocyte-derived macrophages (MDMs). A rat model induced with a high-fat diet (HFD) was also used to analyze the regulation of LOX-1 expression. Treatment with berberine combined with atorvastatin markedly influenced physiological parameters, lipid profile, inflammation and oxidative stress in the rat model. In addition, the inhibitory effect of berberine on LOX-1 expression was blocked by an ET-1 receptor antagonist in the rat model. +Materials and methods +Cell culture +MDMs were isolated from peripheral blood monocytes by adherence to plastic as described previously (30). Blood was layered onto Lymphoprep (Axis-Shield, Dundee, Scotland) and centrifuged for 30 min at 700 g. The white-blood-cell layer was harvested, washed with PBS and suspended in RPMI-1640. Cells were counted and then plated at 1×106 cells per 140 mm dish in RPMI-1640 with 5% heat-inactivated human serum. After 2 h, the plates were washed three times in RPMI-1640 and then incubated at 37°C overnight. The cells were left to differentiate into MDMs for 7 days, then washed with PBS, treated with 5 mM PBS/EDTA at 37°C for 20 min, harvested gently with a cell scraper, counted and replated on 96- or 6-well trays at 1×104 and 1×106 cells per well, respectively, as described previously (31). +Animals +One hundred and twenty 8-week-old male Sprague-Dawley rats were purchased from Shanghai SLAC Laboratory Animal Co., Ltd. (Shanghai, China). The animals were housed under standard conditions of a 12/12 h light/dark cycle at room temperature with a HFD (MD12033; Mediscience, Ltd., Jiangsu, China), and free access to water. All animal experimental procedures were conducted under the guidelines of the National Health and Medical Research Council for the Care and Use of Animals for Experimental Purposes in China. All efforts were made to minimize suffering. +Experimental design +MDMs were plated in triplicate into 12-well cell culture plates (Takara Biotechnology (Dalian), Co., Ltd., Dalian, China). The experimental regime consisted of cells undergoing a preconditioning phase of: i) 100 μl vehicle for 4 h; ii) 0.1 nmol berberine and 100 nmol atorvastatin for 4 h; iii) 1 nmol berberine and 100 nmol atorvastatin for 4 h; iv) 10 nmol berberine and 100 nmol atorvastatin for 4 h; v) 100 nmol berberine and 100 nmol atorvastatin for 4 h; vi) transfection with non-specific siRNA followed by the addition of 100 μl vehicle for 4 h; vii) transfection with non-specific siRNA followed by the addition of 100 nmol berberine and 100 nmol atorvastatin for 4 h; viii) transfection with specific siRNA targeting the ET-1 receptor followed by the addition of 100 nmol berberine and 100 nmol atorvastatin for 4 h. One hundred and twenty male Sprague-Dawley rats were randomly assigned to 6 groups and fed a HFD for 4 months prior to initiation of mimic atherosclerosis. Subsequently, the rats were exposed to treatment as follows: i) vehicle for 1 month (i.v.); ii) 0.1 μmol/kg berberine and 100 μmol/kg atorvastatin for 1 month (i.v.); iii) 1 μmol/kg berberine and 100 μmol/kg atorvastatin for 1 month (i.v.); iv) 10 μmol/kg berberine and 100 μmol/kg atorvastatin for 1 month (i.v.); v) 100 μmol/kg berberine and 100 μmol/kg atorvastatin for 1 month (i.v.); vi) 100 μg/kg/min BQ-788 (i.v.) followed by 100 μmol/kg berberine and 100 μmol/kg atorvastatin for 1 month (i.v.). +At the end of the treatment, body weight (BW) was measured and the animals were anesthetized with 10% chloral hydrate. Blood was collected by cardiac puncture. Organs such as heart, liver, kidneys and spleen were harvested and weighed. +Knockdown of ET-1 receptor by siRNA +Scrambled siRNA and siRNA targeting the ET-1 receptor were purchased from Santa Cruz Biotechnology, Inc. (Santa Cruz, CA, USA). Cells were transfected with scrambled or ET-1 receptor siRNA according to the manufacturer’s instructions. Briefly, the ET-1 receptor and scrambled siRNAs (30 pmol) were diluted in 500 μl DMEM and mixed with 5 μl Lipofectamine RNAi MAX (Invitrogen Life Technologies, Carlsbad, CA, USA). After 15 min incubation at room temperature, the complexes were added to the cells to a final volume of 3 ml medium. The cells were then harvested at the indicated times for further analysis. The efficiency of the ET-1 receptor siRNA was confirmed by western blot analysis of Flag expression. +Detection of total cholesterol (TC), triglycerides (TGs), LDL-C and high-density lipoprotein-cholesterol (HDL-C) +Blood samples were collected and the levels of TC, TG, LDL-C, and HDL-C were detected with an automatic biochemistry analyzer (Hitachi, Tokyo, Japan). The samples were analyzed in duplicate. +Detection of C-reactive protein (CRP), malondialdehyde (MDA), glutathione peroxidase (GPx) and superoxide dismutase (SOD) +The CRP levels were determined with an ultrasensitive CRP test with a coefficient of variance below 5% (Sigma, St. Louis, MO, USA). A Biochemical Analysis kit (Nanjing Jiancheng Biotechnology Co., Ltd., Nanjing, China) was used to measure MDA content, GPx, and SOD activity according to the manufacturer’s instructions. +Enzyme-linked immunosorbent assay (ELISA) analysis for ET-1 +The levels of ET-1 protein in serum were analyzed using a commercially available ELISA (Yanjin Biotechnology Co., Shanghai, China) according to the manufacturer’s instructions. The absorbance was read at 450 nm using a 680XR microplate reader (Bio-Rad, Hercules, CA, USA). All the samples were analyzed in duplicate. The standard curve for ET-1 estimation was conducted by linear regression analysis. +RNA extraction and quantitative reverse transcription polymerase chain reaction (qRT-PCR) +RNA was extracted from MDMs or monocytes using TRIzol RNA-extraction reagent (Gibco-BRL, Rockville, MD, USA) according to the manufacturer’s instructions. Total RNA (5 μg) for each sample was reverse transcribed into first-strand cDNA for qRT-PCR analysis. qRT-PCR was performed in a final volume of 10 μl, which contained 5 μl of SsoFastTM EvaGreen supermix (Bio-Rad), 1 μl of cDNA (1:50 dilution), and 2 μl each of the forward and reverse primers (1 mM). The steps in qRT-PCR were performed as follows: 94°C for 2 min for initial denaturation; 94°C for 20 sec, 58°C for 15 sec, and 72°C for 15 sec; 2 sec for plate reading for 40 cycles; and a melt curve from 65 to 95°C. β-actin was used as a quantitative and qualitative control to normalize the gene expression. Data were analyzed using the formula: R = 2− [ΔCT sample−ΔCT control]. All of the primers used in this experiment are shown in Table I. +Western blot analysis +Cells were homogenized and lysed with RIPA lysis buffer (100 mM NaCl, 50 mM Tris-HCl pH 7.5, 1% TritonX-100, 1 mM EDTA, 10 mM β-glycerophosphate, 2 mM sodium vanadate and protease inhibitor). Protein concentration was assayed using a micro-BCA protein kit (Pierce Biotechnology, Inc., Rockford, IL, USA). Forty micrograms of protein per lane were separated by 12% SDS-PAGE and electroblotted onto nitrocellulose (Amersham Pharmacia Biotech, Freiburg, Germany). Non-specific binding was blocked by incubating with 5% non-fat milk in TBST buffer at room temperature for 1 h. Immunodetection of LOX-1 and β-actin was conducted using mouse monoclonal anti-LOX-1 antibody (1:1,000; Santa Cruz Biotechnology, Inc.), and anti-β-actin (Sigma), respectively. Goat anti-mouse IgG (1:5,000; Sigma) followed by enhanced chemiluminescence (ECL; Amersham Pharmacia Biotech, NJ, USA) were used for the detection of β-actin. +Statistical analysis +Results are expressed as means ± SD. Statistical significance was analyzed with one-way factorial ANOVA or the Student’s two-tailed t-test. P<0.05 was considered statistically significant. Analyses were conducted using SPSS software (SPSS, Inc., Chicago, IL, USA). +Results +Berberine combined with atorvastatin downregulates the expression of LOX-1 in MDMs +To investigate the effect of berberine combined with atorvastatin on the expression of LOX-1, the two genes were analyzed by qRT-PCR and western blot analysis. The qRT-PCR results showed that the mRNA level of LOX-1 tended to decline as the amount of berberine increased by 10 to 1,000-fold (Fig. 1A). This result was confirmed by western blot analysis (Fig. 1B and C). +The ET-1 receptor mediates the inhibitory effect of berberine combined with atorvastatin on LOX-1 expression in MDMs +ET-1 has been shown to regulate the expression of LOX-1 through the ET-1 receptor in endothelial cells. To examine the involvement of the ET-1 receptor in the regulation of LOX-1 expression in MDMs, we transfected ET-1 receptor siRNA into MDMs. Following treatment with berberine and atorvastatin, the expression of LOX-1 mRNA was analyzed by qRT-PCR and western blot analysis. Transfection with siRNA significantly blocked the inhibitory effect of berberine combined with atorvastatin on LOX-1 mRNA expression (Fig. 2A), which was confirmed by western blot analysis (Fig. 2B and C). +Berberine combined with atorvastatin influences physiological parameters in model rats +To explore the effect of berberine combined with atorvastatin on the physiological parameters of the model rats, the BW, heart weight (HW), liver weight (LW), spleen weight (SW), and kidney weight (KW) of rats in different groups were calculated at the end of the treatment. BW, LW and KW were markedly increased at concentrations of berberine ≥1 μmol/kg, while HW and SW remained constant for all the groups. The BW gains were 7.6, 11.4 and 16.1%, the LW gains were 29.3, 43.9 and 48.8%, and the KW gains were 41.7, 62.5 and 66.7% in the 1, 10 and 100 μmol/kg berberine groups compared to the control (0 μmol/kg berberine group), respectively (Table II). +Berberine combined with atorvastatin alters serum TC, TG, LDL-C and HDL-C levels in model rats +To investigate variations in serum lipid profiles in model rats treated with berberine and atorvastatin, serum TC, TG, LDL-C and HDL-C levels were monitored via an automatic biochemistry analyzer at the end of the treatment. Compared to the control group (0 μmol/kg), treatment with berberine in combination with atorvastatin notably decreased serum TC, TG and LDL-C levels in rats (Fig. 3A–C). However, no significant difference in the serum level of HDL-C was detected among rats in the different groups (Fig. 3D). +Berberine combined with atorvastatin attenuates inflammation and oxidative stress in model rats +To validate whether treatment with berberine in combination with atorvastatin affected inflammation and oxidative stress in model rats, serum CRP, MDA, GPx and SOD were measured using commercial kits. The results showed that treatment with berberine in combination with atorvastatin distinctly reduced serum CRP and MDA levels and promoted serum GPx and SOD levels in the model rats (Fig. 4). +Berberine combined with atorvastatin decreases plasma ET-1 level and the expression of LOX-1 in monocytes in model rats +To explore variations in plasma ET-1 levels, ELISA was performed on rats in each group. Treatment provoked a marked decrease in the plasma ET-1 level compared to the control group (Fig. 5). Additionally, the expression of LOX-1 in monocytes was analyzed by qRT-PCR and western blot analysis. Compared to the control group, berberine in combination with atorvastatin significantly downregulated the expression of LOX-1 in monocytes (Fig. 6). +An ET-1 receptor antagonist abolishes the inhibitory effect of berberine combined with atorvastatin on LOX-1 expression in monocytes from model rats +To examine whether the ET-1 receptor was involved in the regulation of LOX-1 expression by berberine and atorvastatin, model rats were preconditioned with an ET-1 receptor antagonist prior to oral uptake of berberine and atorvastatin. Compared to the control, treatment with berberine in combination with atorvastatin led to the downregulation of LOX-1 expression in monocytes. By contrast, ET-1 receptor antagonist preconditioning eliminated the inhibitory effect of berberine combined with atorvastatin and resulted in an increased expression of LOX-1 in monocytes (Fig. 7). +Discussion +Numerous studies have shown that the oxidative modification of oxLDL is extremely relevant in atherogenesis (32,33). oxLDL can be vigorously absorbed by macrophages via receptor-mediated endocytosis, which promotes foam cell formation (34). These receptors may include SR-AI/II, SR-BI, CD36, and LOX-1. LOX-1 is responsible for binding, being internalized, and proteolytically degrading oxLDL but not acetylated LDL, and thus mediates foam cell formation in atherosclerotic plaques (35). +Mounting evidence has shown that LOX-1 expression may be induced by several proinflammatory and proatherogenic stimuli (36). Anti-inflammatory drugs have been identified that decrease LOX-1 expression and regress the progression of foam cell formation. Berberine, as a primary component of rhizoma coptidis, has been found to be involved in decreasing lipid deposition and inhibiting the formation of foam cells in the wall of the aorta (23). In this study, we demonstrated that berberine combined with atorvastatin treatment suppressed LOX-1 expression in MDMs in a dose-dependent manner, consistent with the results of Guan et al (23). +ET-1 is a peptide that plays an important role in the pathophysiology of cardiovascular disease by causing vascular damage (37). In human endothelial cells, LOX-1 mRNA and protein expression were induced by ET-1 (38). When the ET-1B receptor was blocked by an antagonist, the induction of LOX-1 mRNA by ET-1 was inhibited (38). Notably, in rat MDMs, we found the ET-1 receptor plays a crucial role in the regulation of LOX-1 expression. Transfection of specific siRNA targeting this receptor into MDMs blocked the reduction in LOX-1 expression induced by berberine. In a rat model, injection of berberine and atorvastatin resulted in a decrease in ET-1 plasma levels. Furthermore, reduction of LOX-1 expression in monocytes was also induced by treatment with berberine and atorvastatin. However, preconditioning with the ET-1 receptor antagonist markedly blocked the inhibition of LOX-1 expression caused by treatment with berberine and atorvastatin. These results indicated that berberine may reduce LOX-1 expression through ET-1 receptors both in vitro and in vivo. +Treatment with berberine in combination with atorvastatin also influenced physiological parameters in the rat model. The results showed that the gains in BW, LW and KW were significantly increased as the amount of berberine increased. The progression of atherosclerosis is intimately associated with variations in the lipid profile. In this study, the levels of TC, TG and LDL-C in the rat model were deceased following treatment with berberine and atorvastatin. Thus, berberine combined with atorvastatin may be an efficient therapeutic method to treat atherosclerosis. +Previous studies have demonstrated that HFD induces inflammation and oxidative stress in rat models (39,40). HFD is sufficient to trigger NADPH oxidase-related oxidative stress as well as an inflammatory response, represented by increased PGE2 levels (41), increased COX-1, and in particular COX-2 expression (42), and promote NF-κB activation. In this study, berberine in combination with atorvastatin distinctly reduced CRP and MDA levels as well as elevating GPx and SOD levels in serum. Thus, berberine may play a major role in reducing the inflammation and oxidative stress induced by HFD. +In conclusion, our study has demonstrated that berberine in combination with atorvastatin effectively downregulated LOX-1 expression through the ET-1 receptor in vitro and in vivo. This study may provide new evidence towards identifying the mechanism of berberine in attenuating foam cell formation and atherosclerosis progression. +Acknowledgements +This study was supported by the Natural Science Basic Research Plan in the Shaanxi Province of China (2012JM4004) and Health Research Project of Lanzhou Military Area Command of Chinese PLA (CLZ12JA24). +BA 301 – Research & Analysis of Business Problems +Homework Assignment #3 – Fun With Excel +Format/Requirements +Hand this in at the beginning of class, not by email. +Use Times New Roman, 12-point font, 1-inch margins as indicated in the homework template. +Use the homework template! +Answer the questions. +. +Overview +Excel is a good tool for basic statistical analysis. This assignment uses a dataset of charitable giving history, which might be used to manage fundraising direct mail or promotional campaigns. You will learn a few simple tricks for analyzing this data so that you can extract some useful information and answer some questions, as discussed in class. These instructions were written specifically for Excel 2013. Your version may be slightly different, so beware. Excel for the Apple iOS is quite a bit different, and I can’t guarantee that all of the features work the same way. You might wish to use one of the school computers to avoid any problems +This exercise also requires that you have the Data Analysis package (for histograms and regression analysis) for Excel. If you don’t see Data Analysis at the far right on your toolbar under the Data dropdown, you will need to install this from Options/Add-Ins. It’s quite straightforward, and you might need it for other classes – so why not do it now. You may need your original Microsoft discs, although I haven’t seen that happen for many terms. Let me know if you need help with this installation. I suggest that you don’t wait until the last minute to complete this assignment. +Download the file “Fun With Excel Raw Data” the D2L course website. Open the file with Microsoft Excel and follow the instructions found with each of the following questions. Print out the results/data, and ensure that you separately provide specific answers to the questions – at the beginning of the assignment, not with the data! DO NOT print out all of the regression data for Question 1, only the basic r-squared and Sig of F information, and the X-Y graph. Again, Apple users beware, your Mac version of Excel may not allow you to do Pivot Charts, only Pivot tables. So, you will need to use a Windows PC for Question 4, or create the chart separately from the Pivot Table. +Question 1: Among large donors (greater than or equal to $50,000), does the amount of giving tend to increase as the years of involvement with the organization increases? (i.e. is there a correlation between giving and years?). What number do you look at to determine this correlation? +Features: Data Sort, Regression +Instructions: Sort the data by amount of giving in ascending order by clicking on any cell in the table and selecting Data, Sort, select column E for Giving by choosing that in the Sort By drop-down menu, and sort in Smallest to Largest in the Order drop-down menu. +Make sure the regression feature (part of the Data Analysis package) is active in your Excel software. Data Analysis should show up as one of the menu items in the top window bar under the Data heading. If not, you’ll have to add it by selecting the File tab in the upper left hand corner of the screen. Select Options at the bottom of the menu, choose Add-Ins, select Analysis Toolpak. Now, at the bottom of the screen, select Go… next to Excel Add-ins. Make sure that Analysis ToolPak is selected and click OK. Once installed, run a regression with years as the independent (x) variable, and giving as the dependent variable (y). +Select Data, Data Analysis and then choose Regression from the options. For the y range, highlight the giving amounts of 50,000 and over ($E$217:$E$326); for the x range, highlight the years associated with these amounts ($C$217:$C$326), click on Line fit plots to see a graphic representation of the data, and select OK. Change the style of the chart to X Y (Scatter) by selecting the data on the chart and right-clicking, if not already in this format. Clean up the chart format by changing the labels on the axes to something more informative. +The regression results should appear on a new worksheet ply (Sheet 4). Change the column widths so that you can actually see the numbers in the cells. If Significance F is <.05, it is unlikely these results happened purely by chance. The R-square provides an estimate of how much of the variation in giving can be explained by the length of the relationship. The x variable is the slope of the line, and can be interpreted to mean that giving increases by approximately $108,026 for every additional year the donor has a relationship with the organization. Save the file under the name 301Regression. Print the XY chart on one page, and the basic regression stats on another, showing R-Squared and Significance of F. Do not include all of the datapoints (i.e., the lists of data). Question 2: What is the average amount of giving and the average number of years of giving for corporations, foundations, and volunteers? Features: AutoSum (and outline). Instructions: Return to Sheet 1, click on any cell containing data and select Data and Sort, and sort by column A, Donor Type. To automatically insert subtotals, select Data, Outline, Subtotal, and check off the years of giving and giving columns, and uncheck other columns. You can see the averages for each donor type by selecting Use Function: Average (above the column checkboxes.) To view subtotals only (which is essentially an outline of your data), you can click on the small 2 in the upper left corner of your spreadsheet. To expand a particular section of your outline, such as volunteers, click on the + sign next to that subcategory. To return to the outline view, click on the – sign next to the subtotal for that category. Return to level 2 outline view. Modify the spreadsheet so that your data will print on a single page. Save the file as 301AutoSum. Print your spreadsheet on one page showing only the data that answers the question. Return to the original data by selecting Data, Subtotals, Remove All, and save the file as 301InsectLovers. Question 3: Which are the large (>=$50,000) and very large (>=$500,000) donors in the DC region, who are also insect enthusiasts? +Features: Conditional formatting; Format Painter, Auto Filter +Instructions: Click on the first cell in the giving column containing an amount (E2) and select Home, Styles, Conditional formatting. Choose Highlight Cell Rules, Between…, and indicate that the cell value is between 49999 and 499999 and choose a color for display. Then click OK. Use the same process to indicate that if the cell value is greater than or equal to 500000, and choose a different color for this display. +Now, copy (paint) this format to the remaining cells in the column. Click on the cell you have just formatted (E2) and click on the Format Painter icon—the small paintbrush located in Home, Clipboard. When the paintbrush is active, click on the first cell in your format range (E2) and drag your cursor to the end of the format range (E326). The cells with values meeting the criteria should have changed color. +Now you can use Auto Filter to view selected records. Click on a cell containing data and select Data, Sort & Filter, Auto Filter. To practice using Auto Filter, click on the pull-down menu in the in the Giving column and select Top 10 (under Number Filter). Change the selection to 20 and press return. The remaining records are the top 20 largest donors. +Now return to your original view by clicking on the Giving pull-down menu again, and placing a checkmark in (Select All). Now click on the pull down menu next to Location and select DC Region. By scrolling down, you can see all donors in the DC region only. +Now return to the giving column and select Number Filters, Custom Filter. Indicate that you wish to see records for which the cell value is greater than or equal to 50000. Now imagine that you’re going to have an invitation-only party of insect enthusiasts in the DC area. Use the Interests pull-down to find donors interested in Insects. Save this file as 301InsectLovers. +Print your spreadsheet on one page showing the answers to the question – only Insect Lovers in the DC Region donating $50,000 or more. Don’t worry if you don’t have a color printer. It’ll show up shaded. +Question 4: In the Southern region, which are the two most heavily supported interests by corporate donors, and what are the amounts? +Features: Pivot table / pivot chart. +Instructions: Re-open your original data file: FunWithExcel, and save it as 301Pivot. Click on a cell containing data and select Insert, Pivot Chart. +Indicate that your data is in the A1 to F326 range of your existing Excel list, and indicate that you would like to see your results in a new worksheet. Click OK. Notice that you now have a blank chart in the middle and a blank table on the left. You should see a list of PivotChart fields in the upper right that are the same as the fields in the upper row of your spreadsheet. +Choose Donor Type, Location, Giving and Interests in the PivotChart Fields list. The chart should now be really messy and hard to understand. It’s time to clean it up and make it more useful. First, click and move Interests from the Axis box on the lower right of the screen to the Legend box. The chart should become a bit simpler, but still not good. In the same way, move Location from the Axis box to the Filters box. Now the chart should be much better. In the lower left of the chart, you should see a drop down menu labeled Donor Type. Click on that menu and choose Corporate and Foundation. In the upper left of the chart you should see a drop down menu labeled Location. Use that menu to choose South only. Now you’ll see that you can answer the question, either by looking at the chart or the Pivot Table. +Notice that the Pivot Table in the upper left allows you to make changes using drop down menus. For example, change the location to west, then change the donor type to volunteer only. You can see that the graph and/or table adjusts itself to represent the data you have selected. Use the drop-down menus to return to the original data. +Format the data in the table to Comma Style by highlighting the entire sheet (Ctrl A) and clicking on the comma icon in the formatting toolbar. Reduce the number of decimal places to 0 by using the decimals formatting icon (.00 to .0). Now find the data needed to answer the question by using the pull-down menus. Re-save your file as 301Pivot. +Print the Pivot Chart and the Pivot Table showing the Southern Region breakdown, including both Corporate and Foundation donor types. +Question 5: This question does not use the “Fun With Excel” data”, but is specifically intended to help you practice using the Charting Tool within Excel. You should have already gathered financial background data for your chosen company as part of Assignment 1. Find the overall corporate revenue (sales) data for the previous five full years, along with the same data from one primary competitor. Create a single Excel chart (not a table) that effectively compares that data. This chart should be suitable for presentation to a management team as part of a formal presentation – so no typos or formatting errors! Include labels and titles, and adjust the format of the numbers if needed for comprehension. If it was me, I’d probably include this chart as part of the final paper. +(Due to people emailing me, angry that I’ve told them their soloing sucks, telling me MY soloing sucks, etc., I actually have to dig into this archived blog and stress that the title is JUST A JOKE designed to get your attention so you’ll read my blog! Jeez…if you’re going to blow a gasket over one of the billions of guitar teachers online then you need a therapist! Moving on…) +I get to teach a lot of people how to solo and improvise for the very first time. I’ve picked up on a few general patterns: +–They play the scale back & forth like an exercise, the same way over and over. +–They ignore the scale completely, busting out whatever random notes emerge through the slop…punk style, I guess. +–They’ve developed solid lead techniques and have to show them in EVERY MEASURE! Metal fans are often guilty of this. They want to play a million notes a second and put every technique they’ve worked on to use. +The tough thing about scales is that you’ll never actually master one. Oh, you’ll think you have when you’ve hit plateaus in your playing, but then you’ll come across a new idea and POW…you’re energized to new levels. And that’s the cool thing about scales, you technically should never get bored because there’s always something new to learn. But we all have our moments when we hear the players we admire and feel deflated, thinking something along the lines of, “When will I get to play like THAT?” It still happens to me too, but being the guitar teacher extraordinaire I’ve developed ideas, tools & things to put you on the path to being a real guitar hero. +I’ve got a cheesy analogy for you (all my students suffer through it). You’ve got a carpenter about to build a house. On his open lot he puts all the home stuff in one area (wood, carpets, toilet, shingles, home theater system, bar, etc.) and all of his tools in another pile. Hammer, screwdrivers, the thing with the bubble in it so you can draw a straight line. So he has a bunch of tools and a bunch of stuff, but no house, right? He has to know what tool does what job so he can build the home up into something he can live in or sell it–though in the market as of this writing he’s better off keeping it. +Music is similar. The completed song is your house, a scale is one of your important tools for building that song. If all you do is play the scale back & forth (which unfortunately is what most school bands do) and goof off on other stuff then it’s sort of like picking up the hammer and saying, “Yup, that’s a hammer.” and putting it down to watch television. You gotta figure out how the hammer works and how to put it to use! +Heck yeah, Guitar Yoda is in the house! 🙂 +(Friggin’ dork…) +So first things first, learn a major scale, at least one octave in one position, but preferably in one key across the entire neck if you’re logging in lots of practice time. If you want to learn the modes with the fancy names (Dorian, Lydian, etc.) then you have to understand how this scale works and how it sounds, bathe in it, take it out to dinner, whatever–learn it. Seriously, you’ll save a lot of wasted hours trying to figure out those “lydian scales” if you know your major scale first. +(It’s not a lydian “scale”, it’s a mode of the major scale!) +Beyond that I’d say the pentatonic scales are the most popular ones to learn on guitar–minor pentatonic if you’re into blues and rock, major pentatonic if you’re into country and southern rock (though without getting theory heavy, they’re the same thing, so pick one and go). The pentatonic scale is somewhat the skeleton version of the major scale, so it’s not a bad idea to learn it first, not to mention it sounds more hip out of the box for jamming than the major scale. Then when you get to the major scale you see it’s just pentatonic with a few notes added. So that’s a cool way to approach it or simply start with the major scale first. I think either one is worthwhile. +At this point I see two types of students: Those who have the first shape of a scale and want to learn the coolest jam riffs in that shape and those who want to learn every shape the first day. While there’s nothing wrong with being motivated to learn the entire scale in a day, I’m not a huge fan of it. That’s a lot of information to absorb all at once. It takes time to not only learn a shape, but dig into its’ nuances, learning all the hammer ons, sequences & stuff that make it musical. I’ve had students go off and learn all the shapes in the first week after I’ve given them the first one and cool, they’re motivated. But then I try to get them doing stuff in one position and they’re frustrated because they think they’ve “learned the scale” when all they’ve done is memorize a few shapes. Basically, I have the opinion (others may disagree) that you’re better off exploring the possibilities of one shape than quickly running through all of them. This stuff takes time. Wouldn’t you rather know one shape really well and be able to bust out cool riffs over just having a whole scale memorized and not know what to do with it? Take your time, build on your knowledge. +So you’ve learned a scale shape or taken in the entire thing across the neck. Now what? Obviously we’re talking about countless ideas here, from raw technique to theoretical concepts, all things beyond the scope of a blog post. There are lots of internet sites & videos that will teach you the nuts & bolts. But say you’ve already learned a bunch of techniques and you’re still not happy with the way your lead playing is going. Some pointers… +1. Learn rhythm. This connects to my other article on rhythm guitar, which basically says you need to study quarter notes, eighths, etc. More stuff to learn! How can you possibly get bored? A common cause of lead playing boredom is doing everything with the same rhythm. Why do you think so many 80s metal bands sucked? They were all shredding the exact same patterns in every song, for the most part. Singers don’t sing like that (and it’s not a bad idea to study vocalists for riff ideas) and neither should you. Ever had a conversation with someone who wouldn’t shut up or let you get a word in? Annoying! Don’t let your solos be like that…let a note ring out, play a couple slow notes, then a couple fast ones. Put SILENCE into your solos, as in a few notes, silence, then a few more notes. +2. Practice to jam tracks: Playing to quality backing tracks will make your scale practice infinitely more enjoyable. Lots of websites have these, including my website and there are many book/CD packages that do the same thing. One of my favorites is the Stand Alone Tracks series that Alfred puts out. They have CDs devoted to rock, blues, metal, country, around twenty of them. Some sound a little dated now, but they’re still useful. My favorite of theirs is the Urban Blues collection. Many of today’s drum machines also include cool rhythm sections, bass, synth & stuff. You’ll really hear whether your riffs work or not when applied to a jam track. +3. Practice playing less: This technique can get creativity flowing. I sometimes find myself running through my scales full speed, fingers moving well, but nothing sounds inspired. Playing as few notes as possible gets me more selective about which notes I want. Sometimes practicing ONE NOTE can be inspiring. You can hammer to a note, pull off to it, bend to it, slide to it. One note solo is possible! +4. Steal from other players: You can’t invent new riffs, it’s all been done. The creativity is what you do in that moment in response to the music around you. So technically you’re not stealing a Jimmy Page riff if you put it into a jazz song, catch my drift? Or as I tell students, steal from one person it’s plageurism, steal from lots of people and it’s research! Sometimes I’ll take, say, two measures of a Satriani solo and learn two or three cool riffs I can apply to other scales. Because Joe’s cool like that. +You should do that with anything you learn, by the way…be able to apply a riff anywhere in the scale or in any key. If you can only play it in the first place you’ve learned it you’re limiting yourself. +Alright, fingers are tired from all this typing. I’m taking a break, then I’m picking up the Strat. +Now before you go practice, listen to some music on my website. Maybe you know a filmmaker or game developer who could use my services? 😉 +[…] heavens then for guitar teachers like Keith Moore, who share these tips on improving your guitar solos. His main […] +The article brings out some very good points, thing’s that I had to figure out myself over my 30+ year career. There is a lot to learn but the most important part is having fun with your music, either a lone or as a part of a group. +joe… +One of the joys of blogging is that I get these bizarre responses from guys like Jackson Slate (jackson.slate@gmail.com). Seems he didn’t like my humble thoughts…I think. I can’t tell exactly why he was so offended that he wrote the following… +HEY ! ! …………………… +“Why your phylosophies suck — and what to do about it!” +invest your time in a much needed doctor ……….. and +a very much needed music tudor ! ! +If… in fact, you are not aware of what really is on the table here, +…….do make sure and take the time to do so . +February is National Hot Breakfast Month. Let’s pretend this holiday was not invented by Jimmy Dean and talk about benefits of a hot breakfast. +For many years I was the cereal queen. I had more cereal in my cupboards than a small grocery store. I love cereal and if I was single I would probably eat it twice a day. Once I had a lot of kids I realized cereal was not the best option for our family. +First, cereal is expensive. I know many people who purchase cereal for next to nothing, I have too. Many times though that cereal is the “sugary” kind that loads your kids up with artificial colors and lots of sugar first thing in the morning. I have also found that my kids are hungry about 2 hours later after eating this type of cereal. If I am able to purchase a box of cereal for a $1 my kids can and do eat an entire box for breakfast. They also use a gallon of milk. This puts my breakfast cost at about $3.50. +Second, cereal might not be the healthiest option. There are some healthy cereals on the market, and there are unhealthy hot breakfasts (cinnamon rolls comes to mind). But in general, hot breakfasts are a healthier option if prepared correctly. +Hot breakfasts are “greener.” Cereals come with excessive packaging and some with cheap toys made in China. Hot breakfasts when made from scratch produce less waste. +Avoiding cereal removes an entire marketing outlet to your children. I have not seen a cereal box that does not promote some toy or idea to children. There are even cereals that are in the shapes of television characters. Removing this from our home is removing a temptation from my children. If they don’t see it every morning, they don’t want it! +The Challenge +Try giving up cold cereal for one month. Hey February is the shortest month, it won’t be so bad, right? In order to help each other, each Wednesday I will put up a Mr. Linky and you can link a breakfast recipe. It doesn’t have to be fancy just something your family likes and is relatively easy to prepare. In fact it doesn’t even have to be a hot breakfast, the point is to rid ourselves of cold cereal, so if you have a great breakfast smoothie recipe post please share! I can’t wait to discover new recipes so I am not serving my family scrambled eggs every day for a month. The first Mr. Linky will go up February 4th. +For those of you not quite up to the challenge, please link your recipes too. We need all the help we can get! +Hot Breakfasts work for us… what Works for You? +For more Show and Tell visit Mary. +I love oatmeal for breakfast in the winter! As a kid I loved cold cereal (still do)! My oldest and my husband rarely eat breakfast….I know, I know, but what can you do? +Recently, my hubby has been keeping some oatmeal at his office and eating some there if he gets hungry. +Not being milk people (even growing up) cereal was more of a snack than a meal. We do a hot breakfast at least once a week here. Either eggs or baked oatmeal or french toast. +Great idea Toni! I am not a fan of making breakfast and letting my children fend for themselves usually means that they are eating cereal, poptarts or other junk. I am looking forward to some inspiration for that dreaded morning meal! +I’m also glad you’re doing this. I try to feed my kids something healthy before they hit the bus, especially on cold mornings. I don’t really use recipes, though, more pancakes and waffles made from a boxed mix. We also feeze muffins ahead of time or make egg sandwiches with toast and microwavable bacon. Maybe I’ll write about my 3-minute egg sandwich routine. +Anyway, thanks for doing things like this. I’m sure my kids would love some new breakfast options. +~Dana +I really do need to break out my griddle for homemade pancakes, LOL! +You can make French Toast and freeze it ahead of time. Just make it the way you usually do, but cook it in the oven (that way you can make 8 or so pieces at once) on a cookie sheet sprayed with non-stick spray. I cook mine at 350 degrees, 7 minutes on one side and 3 on the other. I freeze the pieces separately, then put them all in a zipper bag. You just pop them into the toaster or microwave when you want them. +This sounds really basic, but it is one of our favorites. +We call it Thai breakfast, although they generally do not eat eggs for breakfast. +Scramble some eggs or make a small omelet and serve with a cup of cooked rice. (of course brown rice is better, but we eat white jasmine rice most of the time.) +We like to spice it up with some sweet chili sauce or regular hot sauce. +Yum! My husband and I eat that more often than anything else, and it keeps us full and going until lunch. +It works for us. +I love to freeze extras of pancakes, muffins, etc. I also make homemade granola. The only time that I buy unsweetened cereal like plain cheerios is when there is an awesome deal and they are close to nothing. +Looking forward to the hot breakfast recipes! +The only thing that’s hard for me is that my hubby hates eggs, so I have to work around that. Can’t have waffles and pancakes everyday. +I actually posted on breakfast for this WFMW edition so I am also really looking forward to hearing all the ideas and recipes. Thanks! +I love this idea! And I was JUST thinking today, “It sure seems like the kids are defaulting to cereal a lot lately…” I didn’t even consider the cost of the milk, but I just bought 8 boxes of Cheerios and 4 boxes of Rice Krispies for next to nothing. It might kill me to store all that cereal for a month, but I do like a good challenge!!! +We gave up cold cereal two years ago. I have lots of hot breakfast ideas to share with you! +I just blogged about this recently with Moms Best Cereals, saying how, when/if we buy it, we’ll buy theirs. No marketing. No toys. Organic, good, inexpensive. But it is a RARE thing for us to have cereal – more of a snack than a breakfast. I make breakfast every morning, or premake it to be heated for breakfast (like premade from-scratch pancakes, waffles, french toast, pumpkin bread..) Huge advocate for nice, hot breakfasts too! +Tell me more about your Nutrimill I think its called? For grains? I’m contemplating one… +Great Idea! +I’m really excited to find some new breakfast options +My son is allergic to dairy and eggs, so I’m always looking for some alternatives to the cold cereal….can’t wait! +my favourite is baked oatmeal … but with no kids I don’t get up early enough to make it for myself before work. (but my parents do) +Last christmas I even made up baked oatmeal kits as presents (all the dry stuff, plus spices and vanilla) +I use this recipe as a basis, and play with the details +… usually I stir in chopped apples, and I don’t add sugar (though my husband adds some with milk to his bowl) +the leftovers are good reheated in the microwave, or cold +at christmas, I set up a batch in our rice cooker for the first person up to start (left the milk in the fridge) … it worked really well. +Hey lady, no problemo! +steel cut oats…yum! A nice hot breakfast not only fills us up, but keeps us full for longer. The kids do like cereal for a snack though….No cereal for a month??? Perhaps we’re up for the challenge. +We love variety in our breakfast. Cereal is very low on the list. Oatmeal, pancakes, frenchtoast, eggs and fixings are the norm at our house. Dry cereal is consumed mostly as a snack at our house. We buy in bulk and only buy healthier stuff like shredded wheat, cherrios, and life. I grew up on a farm and cereal was unheard of for breakfast! We had it when we came home from school as a snack ( with milk). +Neat meme idea ! I guess right now I am a plain jane in this department. I do not buy cold cereals but we make oatmeal 95% of the time. I do make Red River ( mulitgrain hot cereal)and Cream of Wheat here and there. I am thankful I make these for ALL the reasons you listed. [0= I got the makings to make lowfat homemade granola this week end though. +Blessings and ((HUGS)) +In Him< +-Mary +Just reading this post makes me miss Cream of Wheat. Yum! We are on a strict gluten free diet around hear so I will have to think about what I could contribute. We mostly eat fruit and nuts around here for breakfast. +Blessings, +Dawn +What a great reminder AND a wonderful challenge! I’m looking forward to seeing contributions for ideas, and I sure hope I can think of something, too. +Antoinette +You make a fabulous point about hot breakfast. We need to get through our immense amount of cold cereal first, but your article for sure reminded me about both eating a good breakfast and using up what you have on hand. I linked this in my Sunday post, as well as your paper control post. +My crew doesn’t really like cold cereal. I have kind of devised a weekly plan of hot meals. Monday-Oatmeal, Tuesday-Muffins(various sorts), Wednesday-Eggs and Toast, Thursday-Biscuits, Friday- Pancakes with a protien source. Saturday is a work day around here and I usually have whatever breakfast breads are left over from the week. The best part about this is that I don’t have to thinktoo hard and I can prepare for the morning the night before. I have this list posted on the side of the fridge and the first one up (that is old enough) can get things started. Works for us. +I have a great Granola Recipe on my Blog, that is wonderful on hot cereal. It makes Oatmeal or other hot cereal a special treat…. +Whoops I forgot that you can’t see my blog…(silly) Here is the recipe… +“MOMMY’S GRANOLA” +a.k.a. “Daddy’s Birdseed” +Long story, I have made this granola for years and when my son was small, he would watch Daddy sprinkle it onto his morning cereal. He said one day, “Daddy why are you eating birdseed?” Through the eyes of a child, it must have looked like birdseed. +This recipe, has become a family favorite. You can sprinkle it over cereal, hot oatmeal, yogurt, sprinkle on top of muffins before baking, or eat it by the handful. +I don’t add raisins for a reason. When baking your granola, the raisins get rather hard, and they become rather hard on the teeth you might say, but you can always add them later, or better yet add dried cranberries or other dried fruits. After baking. +So sit back and enjoy our “Daddy’s Birdseed” +——————————————- +MOMMY’S GRANOLA +——————————————- +4 Cups Old Fashioned Oats +1 Cup Wheat Germ +1/2 Oat Bran +1/2 cup Brown Sugar +1/2 cup chopped pecans +1/2 cup chopped walnuts +1/2 cup chopped almonds +1 teaspoon Sea Salt (optional, for those with no or low salt diets) +—————————————————————– +Mix together the ingredients above +———————————————————— +In a separate bowl, mix together ingredients below +——————————————————— +1/4 cup water +1/3 cup canola oil (or other high quality vegetable oil) +1/2 cup honey +1/4 cup pure maple syrup +1/2 teaspoon vanilla extract +—————————————————————— +Mix the wet ingredients with the dry ingredients and mix well +Pour granola over 2 large greased cookie sheets (with rims, will be less messy) +Spread as thin as you can and Bake in a 300 oven. (If you have to put on two separate racks in the oven, just remember to rotate them so one of the batches don’t overcook) +Bake for 1 hour or so, turning with a spatula every 20 minutes or so +Don’t overcook, it will get a sort of burnt taste if you do. +The edges will brown faster than the middle, so turn frequently +Cool in the pans. When totally cool, (add additional dried fruits at this point if desired) put in a big Large Ziploc Bag +Label and Date (but it will not last long, anyway, it will be eaten!) +My son has been interested in helping with breakfast, check out the “kolaches” he made this morning: +We just returned from San Diego, where we enjoyed a great granola, fruit, and soymilk breakfast that was heated using an espresso machine. The cook told us that they had tried different ways to heat the mixture, but this was the best. Have you heard of this? It was excellent! +Don’t forget breakfast tacos! Home fries, scrambled eggs, grated cheese, salsa on a warmed tortilla! 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lewisflorsheim trektion boot click thumbnails to enlarge mens plain toe zip winterfloral tea length dress dressesfox racing wallets vicious black purse and walletfur combat boot lined boots steve maddenfur combat boot fanny leather trim red sole bootsfox racing wallets black tri fold leather walletflowing shirts only 2 left in our mint crochet tunic dress on sale for was 1 small and um free shipping gift fits 0 4 long shirtfossil preston flap crossbody leather smallfuchsia color shoes shoe decorated with silver rhinestones flower pattern round toe for ladies weddingfrye walter lace up boot camel countryfrye grey boot chukka light d us ankle bootsfur combat boot wanted fold over boots black lined anklefleet street jackets coats button front coat with knit collar grey australiafree people moccasins special purchase loafers new balboa leather zip ankle boots home improvement loans south africafila skele toes womens running shoesfull length nightgown antique white long cotton crochet plus 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beauties so they were put out pasture until i could come up with a fix get roperfull cut briefs ex give n go lacy brief back view color mens hanes classics 7 pk blackflex fit bras barely there custom wire free push up bra bali comfort revolution comfortflexfaux leather cowboy boots vintage brown wolf stitch western with custom hardware canadafranco sarto chelsea boots agenda oxblood leather ankle booties size 5 claudio boot cognacfila skele toes womens slide black size 8fila skele toes womens amp running shoes size blackfrye walter lace up black shoes goat salefull cut briefs shop fit hi brief free shipping on orders over 121041 dockersfleet street jackets cool grey utility jacket australiafaux leather cowboy boots doll house roper embroidered cowgirl pointed toeflowing shirts long tfaux leather cowboy boots roper sq toe fancy grey glitter western ukfull length nightgown cotton long sleeve lace v collar tea ukfur lines leather gloves rabbit lined ukfloral tea length dress women v neck black s silhouette a line gownfossil preston flap crossbody small leatherfrye ilana boots picture 9 of fringe short bootiesfrye walter lace up military boots mens round toefuchsia color shoes what to wear with a dress multicolorfranco sarto chelsea boots green suede claudio boot blackflowing shirts tfrye ilana boots pull on boot size 6 fringe suede bootiesfaux ugg boots leatherfree people moccasins never lost moccasin at clothing b home improvement magazine south africaflowing shirts blousesfrye walter lace up big discounts boots dark brown waxed suede good prices vs alden indyflex fit bras 4 pack of barely there get cozy hanes bra walmartflorsheim trektion boot mens plain toe zip winterflex fit bras bra comfort by balifergalicious heels by bow ankle strap heel 6 cagedfrye walter lace up salefaux leather cowboy boots roper mane black a liked on ukfila skele toes womens amp slide shoes black bluefox racing wallets vicious wallet orange tri foldflowing shirts blackflex fit bras hanes bra walmartfox racing wallets leather wallet black tri foldfunky mens dress shirts wholesales new design square collar shirt home improvement magazine njfaux ugg boots vegan sheepskin style fur anklefitted wool coat womens winter long casual coats jackets female wide jacket style ladies large size solid in blends from trenchfrye ilana boots shortfull length nightgown elegant sleeveless nightdress floor nightgowns and robesflex fit bras m hanes comfort targetfrye clearance larger image womens shoesfree people moccasins product image home improvement cast deathfrye grey boot triple buckle leather knee high boots 6 salefrye grey boot heel tab dark boots veronica slouchfur lines leather gloves tan black dents lined glove 5 amazonfila skele toes womens size 7 black water shoesfrye walter lace up cognac antique pull boots vs alden indyfuchsia color shoes shift dress with black detailing is a great choice for women who want to feel relaxed add shoulder clutch bag and pointed toefur lines leather gloves alternative images of this product rabbit lined ukfleet street jackets cooper black biker jacket women coats womens downfull cut briefs brief w hanesfull cut briefs classic handmade vintage style brief nylon panties lingerie and hanes mens ultimate freshiqfaux leather cowboy boots online cheap brown stitching detailing whitefrye grey boot boots nordstromfuchsia color shoes one 2 road women online in blue multicolorfunky mens dress shirts offer home improvement loans south africafuschia pumps heart size 10free people moccasins moccasin home improvement magazinefergalicious heels heartthrob round toe suede redflex fit bras comfort bra wire free comfy soft gray hanes g796fossil preston flap crossbody small and wallet zipperfaux leather cowboy boots roperfrye clearance summer deal with shoes plate redwood smooth vintage leather selling handbagsfull length nightgown wide straps v neck mulberry silk long gown floor satin nightgownsfloral tea length dress full dressesfaux ugg boots boot look a likes cheap furfranco sarto chelsea boots black leather boot hancock anklefrye walter lace up mid bootfuchsia color shoes rhinestone and bag set style woman high heels for party dress multifitted wool coat womens red tie belt women long ladiesfuschia pumps suede mid heel fuchsia shoes platformfull length nightgown satin silk stand collar sleep vintage floor nightgownsfloral tea length dress queen beauty of lady become in rose flower print satin t plunging neckline add little interest women prom outfit cocktail dressesfrye grey boot harness size taupe boots ridingfrye ilana boots fringe black booties shortforest green dress shirts m short sleeve shirt womensflowing shirts latest style trends v neck top with logo print salmon women t long sleeve tops for salefergalicious heels tan ware cagedfranco sarto chelsea boots women boot hancock ankle canadafaux leather cowboy boots roper kids ostrich print big kid light beige whitefleet street jackets coats st long mixed wool coat with zip black womensfitted wool coat womens white ladies blackfunky mens dress shirts home improvement furniture sandboxflex fit bras hanes bra reviewsfitted wool coat womens coats winter for women longfunky mens dress shirts home improvement industry south africafloral tea length dress girls ivory with black sash couture fashion weddingfrye sacha short olive lizard embossed blackfila skele toes womens neon pink shoe women size 8fuchsia color shoes and bag set with wedding partyfergalicious heels beautiful women symphony pump nude pumps dandyfrye grey boot veronica slouch black boots will always be one of my favorite styles gray ridingflowing shirts brand women summer t chiffon irregular tops tees in from clothing accessories on mensfunky mens dress shirts you can wear a matching tie with it and tuck inside your shirt to make look fancy check out more ideas on how braces best men home improvement cast kareflorsheim trektion boot heritage aar jack hummus classic leather wideforest green dress shirts blouse long soft shirt loose baggy short 3 4 sleeves blonde hair casual cute hippie hat fall colors womensfuschia pumps amazonfunky mens dress shirts pale blue light shirt long sleeve oxford show lowes home improvement furniturefaux ugg boots dog see more pictures fur styleforest green dress shirts and blue gingham broadcloth custom shirt black lapel darkfranco sarto chelsea boots suede aeronflex fit bras barely there custom lightly lined small bali comfort bra walmartfuschia pumps gold ladies women shoes platform sexy high heels party open toe suede low heelfree people moccasins moccasin boot home improvement furniturefree people moccasins karma of moccasin boot by at home improvement cast nowforest green dress shirts checked shirt size m womensfrye sacha short boot main reviewfrye ilana boots short western bootfree people moccasins home improvement magazine south africafull cut briefs brief hanes mensfox racing wallets purse and walletfrye clearance pull on handbagsfaux leather cowboy boots roper youth square toe western tan ostrich vamp embroidered cowgirl pointedfrye grey boot slip on boots redwood smooth oiled veg ankle salefull cut briefs basic lace brief panties 3 pack hanes mens ultimate freshiqfitted wool coat womens walking ladies blackfergalicious heels simple casual latest style wicket goldfleet street jackets military style field jacket clothing womensfuchsia color shoes free shipping hot pink suede leather pump pointed toe high heel women dress in pumps from onfunky mens dress shirts shirt patterned jumpers sweater top unisex home improvement magazine orange countyfrye sacha short shoes boots moto shortie by the companyfuchsia color shoes new arrival and bag set shoe for woman designer dressfrye clearance cheap great quality booties wine women factory wholesale shoes sandalsfuschia pumps two tone shoes fuchsiafloral tea length dress print chiffon maxi with tie back women dresses new products gownsfrye ilana boots pull on cowboyflowing shirts imperial shirt with pleated sleeves white blousesfuschia pumps christian platform suede red bottom shoes fuchsia pinkfox racing wallets wallet checkbook bags and pursesfox racing wallets red bull x fighters exposed wallet canadafuchsia color shoes block satin red pumps weddingfrye ilana boots famous casual cashew factory wholesale clearance shortfuchsia color shoes chic rustic country weddingfleet street jackets jacket size med womensfaux ugg boots bailey button leather chestnut fur stylefunky mens dress shirts wholesale garment factory lowes home improvement furniturefranco sarto chelsea boots image of boot claudio burgundyfitted wool coat womens jacket belted button up celebrity style winter ladies longfrye clearance autumn 6 boots sandalsfrye grey boot smoke harness short boots round toe hi res salefur combat boot ugg quincy shearlingfranco sarto chelsea boots highland faux fur suede ankle kacey leather boot blackfrye ilana boots fringe short women round toe suede gray ankle boot westernfranco sarto chelsea boots splendid rodeo brown reasonable price kacey leather ankle boot blackfree people moccasins shop grey moccasin for women in home improvement outdoor furniturefossil preston flap crossbody photo leather smallfloral tea length dress pink chiffon with short sleevesfuchsia color shoes antique shops near me multifree people moccasins gemstone suede moccasin cheap home improvements ideasfaux leather cowboy boots black stitched women ukfrye ilana boots pull on western leather heeled knee cognac fringe shortfrye walter lace up exquisite shoes sandy pumps beach fashion forward suedefloral tea length dress plus size cocktail dressesfrye grey boot boots paige tall ridingfloral tea length dress print mob plus sizefitted wool coat womens economic genuine people jacket for women red designer blazers ladies longfur combat boot mens lined bootsfull cut briefs fit stretch cotton brief 8 black big tall hanes 3 pkflowing shirts style casual shirt spring summer new irregular campus wear in from clothing accessories on long tfree people moccasins brand new 9 or home improvement patio furniturefuschia pumps like follow fuchsia size 11full length nightgown bridal glamour pink with white lace total from waist to hem skirt floor nightgowns cottonfrye ilana boots cognac pull on boot fringe shortfitted wool coat womens coats jackets modern eternity 3 in 1 longforest green dress shirts texture shirt womensfuschia pumps like follow shoes dswfull cut briefs deep cerise jockeyfunky mens dress shirts this bowling shirt a rockabilly classic offers lovely contrast between the home improvement durbanfull length nightgown soft cosy knee short sleeved pink polka dot nightdress floor nightgowns and robesfur combat boot boys honey tan warm lined lace up ugg quincy shearlingfull length nightgown miss classics nylon ballet nightgownsfree people moccasins clogs hot sale women shoes mobile home improvements ideasfrye ilana boots taupe knee over the flat fringe shortflex fit bras bali comfort bra amazonfull length nightgown modern silk and robe setflowing shirts blush and grey abstract painting all over print shirt freefrye grey boot double zip ankle m us tall bootsfloral tea length dress theia print silkfloral tea length dress black and white cutout lace weddingfila skele toes womens excellent ideas running shoes take a look at this silver gray turbofossil preston flap crossbody light floral canvas large messenger bagfull cut briefs 5 pack nylon brief by comfort on balifila skele toes womens slide black blue ez water shoesfull cut briefs give n go brief exofficio womensfossil preston flap crossbody small maroon bagfur combat boot cheap lined boots cool rivet motorcycle cufffree people moccasins azalea cut away flat home improvement magazine south africaforest green dress shirts evergreen shirt darkfranco sarto chelsea boots ankle boot m us pearlefila skele toes womens outdoor running hiking shoes men women different styles size 8frye grey boot previous boots nordstromfur combat boot designer women winter military boots snow ankle waterproof army rain shoes cufffull length nightgown vintage lace peach vanity fair lingerie long night gown australiafergalicious heels cagedfuchsia color shoes gallery of what to wear with a dress image title multifunky mens dress shirts sold out shirt folded gingerbread party red patterned jumpers home improvement cast laurenfaux leather cowboy boots roper ostrich print square toe brown hi res mensfloral tea length dress cocktail dressesfuchsia color shoes and gold block party multifaux leather cowboy boots pink stitched knee high ukfila skele toes womens chic ideas running shoes review wear tested quick and precise gear ez slidefranco sarto chelsea boots 2 aeronfur lines leather gloves lined black mensfur lines leather gloves winter wool lined online with pair on store mens saleflowing shirts name put into the team t shirt style of uniform numbers mens longfrye sacha short image of bootfergalicious heels by black goldfull length nightgown women summer robes suppliers and manufacturers at floor nightgownsfrye grey boot women boots antique shoes superior paigeflex fit bras 3 pack of barely there by comfort wire free balifrye walter lace up suede camel shoes waxedfloral tea length dress vintage and butterfly print gownsflowing shirts printed shirt with collar and bow long tfox racing wallets image gallery bags and pursesfur lines leather gloves luxury rabbit lined genuine butter soft black ukfur lines leather gloves man winter outdoor thick lined mensfrye sacha short the looks good on blackfossil preston flap crossbody large espresso bagfull length nightgown and robe set cottonfrye clearance boots sitefloral tea length dress plus size stereo purple gownsfrye clearance buy cheap cognac soft vintage button boot knee high boots womens shoesfuchsia color shoes vans men authentic pro checkerboard new arrivals multifaux ugg boots bailey button triplet a liked on 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home improvements ideas ukflowing shirts dress shirt very nice tops tees short sleeve mens whitefrye ilana boots pictured the short fringefloral tea length dress women v neck black s silhouette a line print bridesmaid dressesfrye walter lace up suede boot outdoorsfunky mens dress shirts shop trim fit non iron gingham shirt home improvements ideas easyfree people moccasins home improvement furniture storefrye walter lace up picture 6 of reviewflorsheim trektion boot black leather lug lined brownfila skele toes womens water shoes for women ez slidefuschia pumps tips low heelfuchsia color shoes athletic running shoe black size multicolorfox racing wallets purses and handbags feature bowler bag purseflex fit bras pink revolution bra pale hanes amazonfree people moccasins fringe moccasin women available at home improvement loan fnbfrye grey boot short distressed vintage leather pull on boots ridingfila skele toes womens shoesfaux ugg boots girls beige fur trim chain adorned inspired 4 kids grey fakefila skele toes womens the fit voltage shoesfree people moccasins shadow ankle boots lark all home improvement patio furnitureflorsheim trektion boot hi tan suede brownfossil preston flap crossbody image of leather handbag bagfunky mens dress shirts white button pocket sexy slim fitted sale from home improvements ideas ukfergalicious heels launch ruby peep toe pump black colorful and fashion authorized goldfur combat boot black boots side trimfloral tea length dress plus size sleeveless chiffonflowing shirts imperial shirt with pleated sleeves white tfur lines leather gloves rabbit lined black genuine wear mens fauxfergalicious heels over 3 inch heel disobey black by shoes redfree people moccasins beret moccasin cheap home improvements ideasfull cut briefs fit stretch cotton brief jockeyflex fit bras comfort jacquard seamless pretty blush hanes bra g796fossil preston flap crossbody handbagflorsheim trektion boot wing tip mensfrye clearance shoes tall riding dark brown 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shop claudio boot cognacfossil preston flap crossbody bag leather smallfree people moccasins women leather brown home improvement loans with bad credit in south africafrye clearance boots fall coach collaborations ukfuschia pumps ted baker bow ballet image 1 low heelflex fit bras comfort 2 pack teal grey s hanes bra amazonfila skele toes womens slide black range ez shoesfrye clearance lug oxford shoes sandalsfrye clearance larger image womensfrye ilana boots women wellies pull on round toe suede western boot greenfleet street jackets cream faux suede fur jacket with hood rainfur lines leather gloves ladies lined rabbit ukfranco sarto chelsea boots medium size of relieving burnished brown ankle zipper m hancockfrye sacha short post by the company o at moto shortie reviewfur lines leather gloves lined glove black ladiesfur lines leather gloves mens brown linedfranco sarto chelsea boots grey hancock ankle canadafossil preston flap crossbody leather small bagflorsheim trektion boot useful navy suede shoes leather united kingdom runner sneakers athletic brownfleet street jackets best red dress coat double wool hip length australiafleet street jackets jacket with lining and faux fur hood black coats rainfranco sarto chelsea boots dark burgundy leather dress zip hancockfuchsia color shoes colored weddingfur combat boot fuzzy was a boots womensfila skele toes womens the and running shoesfur lines leather gloves women touchscreen black ladies wool lined winter warm pleats fashion driving lining mittens brown in from menfrye clearance engineer black leather distressed motorcycle biker riding boots sizefrye clearance tall riding boot cad a liked on featuring shoes womensfitted wool coat womens old navy classic blend for women blackfrye grey boot boots paige ridingfull cut briefs the best quality 6 pk cotton larger image mensfull cut briefs side opening brief dockers mensfuschia pumps pixie block heel suede shoes heels amazonflorsheim trektion boot outlet hiker black leather 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men round toe leather brown ankle boot midflorsheim trektion boot brown leather plain toe winter zip up bootsfloral tea length dress lace stereo light purple for women on sale wedding dressesflowing shirts vintage floral printed shirt women blouse turn down collar long sleeve ladies chiffon blousesfaux ugg boots tips for toddlersflex fit bras comfort bra hanes targetfossil preston flap crossbody small bag sea glass fabricfree people moccasins moccasin premium home improvement services durbanfunky mens dress shirts pictures of home improvements ideasfrye sacha short in the buckle blackflex fit bras comfort revolution bra grey s product photo bali amazonfuschia pumps pump women low heelfranco sarto chelsea boots image of boot claudio blackforest green dress shirts dark shirtfull cut briefs obviously basics pouch boxer brief white hanesfrye sacha short womens oil western bootfila skele toes womens pretentious design ideas running shoes barefoot sole women s ez slidefox racing wallets view in play video handbags andfrye ilana boots quality and safe pull on knee high in cognac women clearance price westernfitted wool coat womens discount new style winter warm woolen trench parka slim tight jacket blend long with belt from chinafaux leather cowboy boots custom logo square toe western style women boot with traditional embroidery roper embroidered cowgirl pointedfleet street jackets hood coats coat fur trimmed taupe womensfila skele toes womens slide white black more running shoesfitted wool coat womens women fitting checked black greyfaux leather cowboy boots fabulous ladies shiny buckle zip ukfur combat boot retro boots spring style leather military charm low heels men motorcycle for women targetfull cut briefs new pink baliforest green dress shirts deep shirt womensflorsheim trektion boot very cheap boots men inch insulated gore eh steel toe brownfaux leather cowboy boots canyon trails brown western style cowgirl top seller roper embroidered pointed toefull length nightgown women elegant vintage long nightgowns for home dress pure cotton nightdress sleepwear patterns ladies lounge floorflowing shirts top for women detailed with fake leather applications drawstrings and long blousesflex fit bras league sports bra bali comfort 3488faux ugg boots camel furry lined pinkfunky mens dress shirts paisley vintage long sleeve shirt home improvement magazine durbanfossil preston flap crossbody small zipperfloral tea length dress girls with appliqued pick up skirt calla collection print bridesmaid dressesfrye sacha short boots brown womens oil western bootfloral tea length dress weddingfila skele toes womens barefoot used size 6 running shoesfitted wool coat womens what women like instinctively is the v shape torso of a man and jacket this shows it all also have thing for back muscles ladies longfull cut briefs organic cotton a larger photo email friend staffordfur lines leather gloves men lined mittens warm genuine a ladies rabbitfrye walter lace up suedeflex fit bras nice barely there custom bra 2 pack l electric bali comfort amazonflowing shirts long sleevefaux ugg boots gold glitter by on white furfur combat boot felt lace up lined military bootsfur lines leather gloves with rabbit lining dents ladies linedfox racing wallets runaway checkbook wallet black bags and pursesfaux leather cowboy boots save ukfuchsia color shoes dress whatfleet street jackets faux coat brown ranch barn jacket suede clothing womensflex fit bras win giveaway of the day a comfort drawing est hanes g796florsheim trektion boot mensfrye clearance inexpensive men leather boots copper factory wholesale womensfranco sarto chelsea boots anklefull length nightgown elegant long sleeve lacy gown floor sexy sheer nightie vintage nightgownsfox racing wallets wallet spark in on canadafur combat boot via shoes faux insert target bootsfrye sacha short trim ankle tan m us bootfull length nightgown pink nylon satin front displayed 1 by and robe setfox racing wallets core wallet green tri foldfull cut briefs brief by comfort sweet rose multi stripe jockeyfrye walter lace up fashion goods dark brown waxed suedefleet street jackets grey women coats hood coat fur trimmed downfila skele toes womens slide cross trainer ez water shoesfitted wool coat womens like this item trenchfranco sarto chelsea boots jubilee ankle boot nimbus grey medium usfox racing wallets new black pink handbag purse and walletfitted wool coat womens autumn winter jacket dress women beige ladiesfossil preston flap crossbody big discount fabric and leather cross body bag with snap closure bags floral reviewfrye clearance cheap john lace up men boots finds on sale handbagsfrye clearance larger image bagsfrye walter lace up boots round toe leather ankle boot brown saleflorsheim trektion boot capital plain toe zip cognac smooth men mens winterfunky mens dress shirts cheap short sleeved shirt buy quality directly from china casual slim suppliers summer new arrival clothing hot selling home improvements ideasfrye clearance artisan ballet flat shoes flats casual brands boots ukfur combat boot hunting boots floral jeans life without you is like pants sun womens linedfrye sacha short reviewflex fit bras picture 4 of 6 hanesfrye walter lace up reviewfox racing wallets image gallery tri foldfrye grey boot i am obsessed with boots this year these are just about ideal salefuchsia color shoes leather high heels dressfox racing wallets wallet verve casual pullover deals cheapfergalicious heels symphony black wool fabric strappyfree people moccasins moccasin cheap home improvements ideasfila skele toes womens shocking ideas running shoes 1 2 0 men s only ez slide waterfrye grey boot tall riding 2 veronica slouch bootsfranco sarto chelsea boots heeled ankle size 9 black larger image claudio boot reviews +Give them what they want — and hope for the best. +This story first appeared in the November 26, 2008 issue of WWD. Subscribe Today. +As the holiday shopping season kicks into overdrive, low price is the retail mantra during what is described as the worst U.S. economic crisis since the Great Depression. +“Retailers realize that low prices will get consumers into stores this holiday season, and this could be the most heavily promotional Black Friday in history,” said Tracy Mullin, president and chief executive officer of the National Retail Federation. “Shoppers who held off buying a DVD player or winter coat over the last few months will find that prices may literally be too good to pass up.” +The consensus among economic experts is that this season will be miserable. Most Americans said they will spend less, and an even larger majority said they plan to cut spending overall in 2009, according to a survey of 2,175 adults with household incomes of more than $35,000 commissioned by The Boston Consulting Group and conducted by Harris Interactive. +Shoppers said they will hunt for high-quality bargains or trade down to less expensive brands, the study found. +Not surprisingly, retailers whose sales have suffered in recent quarters and find themselves with excess inventory are wielding the sharpest pencils when taking markdowns. As for margins, who knows? +At Saks Fifth Avenue’s Manhattan flagship about 10 a.m. Tuesday, shoppers were lined up 10 deep waiting for the 50th Street entrance to open. “Hurry up. They are pouring in,” one sales associate called out to another as eager shoppers raced up the escalator. An employee complained to a co-worker that she had been restocking inventory since 7 a.m. Several shoppers on the designer sportswear floor shook their heads in disbelief after looking at the sale price tags. +Pete Nordstrom, executive vice president and president of merchandising at Nordstrom Inc., said sales of tissue-weight cashmere sweaters, reduced to $89 from $118, have been brisk. +“If you’d look at that item, you’d say business is fantastic,” he said. “We’re selling Ugg boots better than we’ve ever sold them. It proves that if you have the right item and a hot category, there’s a market for it. Jewelry and main floor accessories are relatively strong, as is cosmetics. Outerwear is really good. Everything is selling, but everything is selling less.” +Nordstrom said value and unique merchandise is driving the business. The Seattle-based retailer is historically not promotional. Yet the fever pitch of activity has forced Nordstrom to react to its competitors. +“We’re doing the same things we’ve always done, but it’s getting ramped up because of all the pressure,” Nordstrom said. “We’ve lowered markups on over 800 items in the store by about 22 percent. The vendor community has been a pretty willing partner in making sure we’re selling through. It’s not a gimmick sale. Neiman Marcus, Saks Fifth Avenue and Bloomingdale’s have created some competitive head-to-head issues for us. The amount of competitive markdowns we’re taking is really unprecedented. We’re taking a lot more than we did last year.” +Wal-Mart Stores Inc., whose stores will be open from 5 a.m. to 11 p.m. on Friday, is taking a leadership position on apparel pricing. +Fleece-lined clogs will be $4 a pair; fleece-lined hoodies, $8; juniors L.E.I. jeans, $8; ladies’ Rider stretch denim jeans, $8; Athletics or Faded Glory jackets, $8, and ladies’ tracksuits, $8. +“Given the economic pressures our customers face, we’re working as hard as we can to help families celebrate a Christmas without compromise,” a spokeswoman said. “We believe we are well positioned for the current economy.” +“Our Black Friday specials align with what we know shoppers are looking for this season: electronics, toys and other popular gift ideas,” the spokeswoman continued. “Wal-Mart stores will match the price of any local competitor’s print ad for an identical product.” +Target Corp. will kick off its annual 2-Day Sale when it opens on Friday with extended hours, 6 a.m. to 11 p.m. Specially priced items will include a fake fur, sherpa-lined hoodie for $19.99; boyfriend pants, $14.99, and long and lean tank tops, $5.99. The chain’s 2-Day Sale circular will be part of Thursday’s newspapers and an online version will be available early Wednesday morning, featuring several in-store offers not shown in the printed circular. +Customers waiting in line before the opening on Friday will receive a store map, new this year, that highlights select items from the circular so they can plan their shopping route while in the store. +Brooks Brothers broke price early this year. Traditionally, the retailer has held tight on promotions until after Christmas. +“Given the retail climate, it’s going to be more promotional than in the past, but it’s not a fire sale,” said Lou Amendola, chief merchandising officer. The company is “very selectively” discounting much of the women’s apparel, which is seasonal, along with some men’s wear. Outerwear is 25 percent off. “We won’t promote blue or white dress shirts, for example. We have no reason to liquidate basics.” +The company is expecting good results at its outlet stores. “With the psychology affecting consumers, they’re going to feel less guilty going to outlets,” Amendola said, adding, “in Washington, D.C., business was phenomenal last week. Our business is good in California and the Midwest. But New York City, Long Island and central-to-northern New Jersey is extremely difficult.” +October and November were challenging for Mario’s, a Portland, Ore.-based specialty store. “There was distinctly less traffic,” said owner Mario Bisio. “At the department stores, sales have been superaggressive. Our promotional cycle is earlier than last year, but it’s not more aggressive.” +Mario’s tried a new “buy-one-get-a-second-one-at-50-percent-off sale” two weeks ago. “It created a nice energy in the store,” Bisio said. “The news media is saying that America is on sale. There’s a consumer expectation that it’s a buyer’s market.” +At Bloomingdale’s, Michael Gould, chairman and ceo, said, “We still have a lot of people going through our stores. Tourism is off a little.…Business is difficult. No one will tell you that business is not difficult. The promotionality of the high-end stores is not helpful.” +Burt Tansky, chairman and ceo of Neiman Marcus Group, said the luxury retailer was still tweaking its promotions for the weekend and declined to discuss them. “The highly promotional environment has caused us to be more promotional than our long-term strategy would normally call for,” he said. +“It’s hard for us to tell if customers are buying for themselves or others,” Tansky said. “Statement jewelry seems to be popular — big, glittery necklaces, earrings, rings and cuffs. Berry tones and anything with lace is also popular.” +At least one retailer was taking a different stance. +“We don’t do anything different for Black Friday,” said Glen Senk, ceo of Urban Outfitters Inc. “We kind of ignore it. It’s not a promotional day for us. We do a fair amount of business, but we just don’t participate [in the special offers]. It’s going to be a challenging fourth quarter. I’m certainly seeing a lot more promotional activity than I’ve traditionally seen. Personally, I find some of that a turnoff. It seems desperate.” +Kmart will be open on Thanksgiving Day again this year, a tradition it started about 15 years ago. “It relieves a little pressure on our customers on Black Friday,” said Tom Aiello, divisional vice president for Sears Holdings Corp. +The company’s Sears and Kmart stores will open at 6 a.m. on Black Friday. Doorbusters will continue until 11 a.m. and include 75 percent off on Covington women’s peacoats, priced from $160 to $39.99, 60 percent off NordicTrack outerwear and 40 to 57 percent off Jaclyn Smith 100 percent cashmere sweaters. Hard goods such as Craftsman tools and Kenmore washers and dryers are being promoted to lure shoppers into the store. Sears and Kmart are offering layaway options to customers. +Men’s wear retailer Jos. A. Bank Clothiers will offer doorbusters for seven hours only on Friday from 6 a.m. until 1 p.m. at its 450-plus full-line stores. Cashmere will be the fabric of choice this year. The retailer is offering cashmere V-neck sweaters for $79, down from $275; blazers for $199, down from $595; bomber jackets for $199, regularly $625; topcoats for $299, down from $895, and scarves for $29, originally $129. Wool-cashmere suits are being promoted at $139, down from $550. +“Every year we plan to offer several of our most desired items and price them to offer tremendous savings on the day after Thanksgiving,” said R. Neal Black, president. +The dour economic situation prompted Men’s Wearhouse to ditch its biannual promotional cadence — post-Christmas and post-Father’s Day. To boost traffic, the chain instituted a buy-one-get-one-free suit promotion on select designer suit brands — Kenneth Cole, Joseph Abboud and Michael Kors among them — in November that will run through the remainder of the year. The promotion is also being conducted on the company’s Web site. +Woodbury Common Premium Outlets in Central Valley, N.Y., one of the pioneers of the Midnight Madness shopping promotion, isn’t even waiting for the witching hour this year. Some stores are opening as early as 9 p.m. on Thursday, including Banana Republic, A|X Armani Exchange, the Gap and Miss Sixty. +Others, including Brooks Brothers, Kate Spade, Lucky Brand Jeans, Polo Ralph Lauren, Thomas Pink and Zegna are opening at midnight. The center is expecting hoards of people to arrive this weekend and has already posted alerts on the New York State Thruway cautioning residents and shoppers to expect delays at the mall exit. +US7869682B2 - Fiber optic enclosure with tear-away spool - Google PatentsFiber optic enclosure with tear-away spool Download PDF +Info +- Publication number +- US7869682B2US7869682B2 US12/199,923 US19992308A US7869682B2 US 7869682 B2 US7869682 B2 US 7869682B2 US 19992308 A US19992308 A US 19992308A US 7869682 B2 US7869682 B2 US 7869682B2 +- Authority +- US +- United States +- Prior art keywords +- fiber optic +- cable +- spool assembly +- cable spool +- optic enclosure +- Prior art date +- Legal status (The legal status is an assumption and is not a legal conclusion. Google has not performed a legal analysis and makes no representation as to the accuracy of the status listed.) +- Active, expires +Links +- 239000000835 fiber Substances 0 abstract claims description title 106 +- 239000003365 glass fiber Substances 0 claims description 12 +- 230000002829 reduced Effects 0 claims description 6 +- 239000000463 materials Substances 0 claims description 4 +- 239000004033 plastic Substances 0 claims description 2 +- 229920003023 plastics Polymers 0 claims description 2 +- 239000011799 hole materials Substances 0 description 10 +- 238000009826 distribution Methods 0 description 8 +- 230000020347 spindle assembly Effects 0 description 8 +- 238000003860 storage Methods 0 description 6 +- 239000000789 fastener Substances 0 description 4 +- 239000004676 acrylonitrile butadiene styrene Substances 0 description 2 +- 230000000712 assembly Effects 0 description 2 +- 230000002633 protecting Effects 0 description 2 +- 229920000122 Acrylonitrile butadiene styrene Polymers 0 +- 230000004075 alteration Effects 0 description 1 +- 239000011805 balls Substances 0 description 1 +- 239000011111 cardboard Substances 0 description 1 +- 230000001721 combination Effects 0 description 1 +- 238000005520 cutting process Methods 0 description 1 +- 230000004048 modification Effects 0 description 1 +- 238000006011 modification Methods 0 description 1 +- 230000003287 optical—PHYSICS +- G02—OPTICS +- G02B—OPTICAL ELEMENTS, SYSTEMS, OR APPARATUS +- G02B6/00—Light guides +- G02B6/46—Processes or apparatus adapted for installing optical fibres or optical +Abstract +Description +This application claims the benefit of U.S. Provisional Patent Application Ser. No. 60/970,185, filed Sep. 5, 2007, which is hereby incorporated by reference in its entirety. +The present disclosure relates to fiber optic enclosures, and more particularly, to fiber optic enclosures with cable payout. +As demand for telecommunications increases, fiber optic networks are being extended in more and more areas. In facilities such as multiple dwelling units, apartments, condominiums, businesses, etc., fiber optic enclosures are used to provide a subscriber access point to the fiber optic network. These fiber optic enclosures are connected to the fiber optic network through subscriber cables connected to a network hub. However, the length of subscriber cable needed between the fiber optic enclosure and the network hub varies depending upon the location of the fiber optic enclosure with respect to the network hub. As a result, there is a need for a fiber optic enclosure that can effectively manage varying lengths of subscriber cable. +An aspect of the present disclosure relates to a fiber optic enclosure for enclosing fiber optic connections.. +Another aspect of the present disclosure relates to a method of paying out a subscriber cable from a fiber optic enclosure. The method includes rotating a housing and a cable spool assembly, which includes a subscriber cable coiled around a drum portion of the cable spool assembly, about an axis of a mounting plate of the fiber optic enclosure until a desired length of subscriber cable is paid out. A tear-away end of the cable spool assembly is split at an area of weakness. The tear-away end of the cable spool assembly is removed from the cable spool assembly. +A variety of additional aspects will be set forth in the description that follows. These aspects can relate to individual features and to combinations of features. It is to be understood that both the foregoing general description and the following detailed description are exemplary and explanatory only and are not restrictive of the broad concepts upon which the embodiments disclosed herein are based. +Reference will now be made in detail to the exemplary aspects of the present disclosure that are illustrated in the accompanying drawings. Wherever possible, the same reference numbers will be used throughout the drawings to refer to the same or like structure. +Referring now to +Referring now to +Referring now to +A termination module, generally designated 39, is disposed in the interior region 37 of the housing 23. The termination module 39 of the fiber optic enclosure 21 serves as the dividing line between the incoming fibers and the outgoing fibers. In the subject embodiment, the termination module 39 is mounted to the base 31 of the housing 23. +In the subject embodiment, the termination module 39 includes a plurality of sliding adapter modules 41 having front sides 43 and back sides 45. Similar sliding adapter modules 41 have been described in detail in commonly owned U.S. Pat. Nos. 5,497,444; 5,717,810, 6,591,051 and U.S. Pat. Pub. No. 2007/0025675, the disclosures of which are incorporated herein by reference. +In the subject embodiment, the interior region 37 of the housing 23 includes a slack storage area 47 in which are disposed cable management tabs 49. The cable management tabs 49 are disposed in the interior region 37 of the housing 23 to provide organization of the incoming and outgoing cable within the interior region 37 and to avoid attenuation damage to the optical fibers during storage. +The interior region 37 includes a passage 51 that extends through the through the base 31 of the housing 23. The passage 51 allows the connectorized ends of the subscriber cable 22 to pass into the housing 23. As incoming optical fibers pass through the passage 51, the incoming optical fibers are routed to the slack storage area 47. Connectorized ends of the incoming optical fibers are then routed from the slack storage area 47 to the front sides 43 of the sliding adapter modules 41. Connectorized ends of outgoing optical fibers are routed from the back sides 45 of the sliding adapter modules 41 and through fiber exit ports 53 which are disposed in the first and second sidewalls 33, 35. +Referring now to +The drum plate assembly 59 includes a plate portion 61, a drum portion 63, and a mounting bracket 65. In the subject embodiment, the plate portion 51 includes a generally planar surface 67 having a perimeter that is generally rectangular in shape. It will be understood, however, that the scope of the present disclosure is not limited to the plate portion 51 having a generally planar surface 67 that is generally rectangular in shape. +The drum portion 63 extends outwardly from the planar surface 67 of the plate portion 61 in a generally perpendicular direction. In the subject embodiment, the drum portion 63 extends outwardly from a center portion 69 of the plate portion 61, although it will be understood that the scope of the present disclosure is not limited to the drum portion 63 extending outwardly from the center portion 69 of the plate portion 61. The drum portion 63 is generally cylindrical in shape having an internal bore 71 and an outer surface 73. The internal bore 71 extends through the drum portion 63 and defines a central axis 74 of the drum plate assembly 59. +In the subject embodiment, the mounting bracket 65 is rigidly engaged to the plate portion 61 of the drum plate assembly 59 by a plurality of fasteners (e.g., bolts, screws, rivets, etc.), which extend through a plurality of mounting holes 75 in the plate portion 61 and through a plurality of mounting apertures, which are aligned with the mounting holes 75, in the mounting bracket 65. When mounted to the plate portion 61, the mounting bracket 65 extends outwardly from the planar surface 67 of the plate portion 61 in a generally perpendicular direction such that the mounting bracket 65 extends through the internal bore 71 of the drum portion 63. +The mounting bracket 65 includes a mounting face 76 having a plurality of holes 77 for rigid engagement to the housing 23. In one embodiment, the holes 77 are thru-holes for fasteners such as rivets or bolts. In another embodiment, the holes 77 are threaded holes for threaded fasteners such as screws. In the subject embodiment, the mounting face 76 of the mounting bracket 65 extends slightly farther outwardly than an end surface 79 of the drum portion 63. +The plate portion 61 of the drum plate assembly 59 is connectedly engaged to the mounting plate 27 through a bearing, such as a lazy-susan bearing or a ball bearing. A central axis of the bearing is aligned with the center axis 74 of the drum portion 63 of the drum plate assembly 59. The bearing allows the drum plate assembly 59 to rotate about the central axis of the bearing, which is aligned with the center axis 74 of the internal bore 71, and the mounting plate 27 when the mounting plate 27 is fixed to a structure such as a wall. +Referring now to +The tear-away end 55 is generally circular in shape and includes an outside diameter 81 and an inner diameter 83. The inner diameter 83 is adapted to receive the outer surface 73 of the drum portion 63. The tear-away end 55 includes at least one area of weakness 85. In the subject embodiment, the area of weakness 85 radially extends from the inner diameter 83 of the tear-away end 55 to the outer diameter 81. In one embodiment, and by way of example only, there are four areas of weakness 85 dispose on the tear-away end 55 that radially extend from the inner diameter 83 to the outer diameter 81. The four areas of weakness 85 are incrementally disposed on the tear-away end 55 so as to be 90 degrees from the adjacent area of weakness 85. In the subject embodiment, the area of weakness 85 is a perforation formed by a series of slits that extend through the tear-away end 55 with a slit disposed at the outer diameter 81 of the tear-away end 55 to serve as a point at which tearing can be initiated. In another embodiment, the area of weakness 85 is an area of reduced thickness. +In the subject embodiment, the tear-away end 55 is manufactured from a plastic material such as acrylonitrile butadiene styrene (ABS) having a thickness of 0.09 inches. It will be understood, however, that the scope of the present disclosure is not limited to the tear-away end 55 being made from ABS or to the tear-away end 55 having a thickness of 0.09 inches as the tear-away end 55 could be made from other materials including but not limited to cardboard of various thicknesses. In the embodiment in which the area of weakness 85 is an area of reduced thickness, the thickness of the area of weakness 85 is less than one-half of the thickness of the tear-away end 55. In another embodiment, the thickness of the area of weakness 85 is less than one-third of the thickness of the tear-away end 55. In yet another embodiment, the thickness of the area of weakness 85 is less than one-quarter (¼) of the thickness of the tear-away end 55. In one embodiment, the thickness of the area of weakness 85 is about 0.015 inches. In the embodiments in which the area of weakness is an area of reduced thickness, a slit is disposed at the outer diameter 81 of the tear-away end 55 to serve as a point at which tearing can be initiated. +The first and second tear-away ends 55 a, 55 b are oppositely disposed on the outer surface 73 of the drum portion 63. In the subject embodiment, the first and second tear-away ends 55 a, 55 b are in close fit engagement with the outer surface 73 such that the first and second tear-away ends 55 a, 55 b may rotate slightly. In one embodiment, the first and second tear-away ends 55 a, 55 b are in tight fit engagement with the outer surface 73 of the drum portion 63. The first and second tear-away ends 55 a, 55 b are oriented along the drum portion 63 such that a portion of the outer surface 73 of the drum portion 63 is disposed between the first and second tear-away ends 55 a, 55 b so that a length of the subscriber cable 22, having multiple optical fibers, can be coiled around the portion of the outer surface 73 between the first and second tear-away ends 55 a, 55 b. In order to protect the subscriber cable 22 from attenuation resulting from coiling of the subscriber cable 22 around the drum portion 63, the outer surface 73 has a radius that is greater than the minimum bend radius of the subscriber cable 22. +The subscriber cable 22 includes a first end and a second end. The first end of the subscriber cable 22 has connectorized ends, which are inserted through the passage 51 and connectedly engaged with the front sides 43 of the sliding adapter modules 41. The second end of the subscriber cable 22 is configured for connectivity with the fiber distribution hub 17. However, as shown in +A method of installing and using the fiber optic enclosure 21 to account for the varying lengths of subscriber cable 22 needed between the fiber optic enclosure 21 and the fiber distribution hub 17 will now be described. The fiber optic enclosure 21 provides dual functionality by serving as a storage location for the subscriber cable 22 and by selectively paying out a desired length of the subscriber cable 22. A given length of subscriber cable 22 is stored in the fiber optic enclosure 21 by coiling the length of subscriber cable 22 around the cable spool assembly 25. In one embodiment, the length of subscriber cable 22, which is coiled around the cable spool assembly 25, is in the range of 100 to 500 feet. In another embodiment, the length of subscriber cable 22 coiled around the cable spool assembly 25 is 300 feet. With the cable spool assembly 25 disposed on the exterior surface of the housing 23, the fiber optic enclosure 21 with the cable spool assembly 25 can provide more effective cable management for a greater length of subscriber cable 22 than a fiber optic enclosure 21 without the cable spool assembly 25. +The second function of the fiber optic enclosure 21 involves the selective payout of the subscriber cable 22. As previously mentioned, the first end of the subscriber cable 22 is in connected engagement with the termination module 39, which is disposed in the interior region 37 of the housing 23. With the first end of the subscriber cable 22 in connected engagement with the front sides 43 of the sliding adapter modules 41 and the outgoing optical fibers disengaged from the back sides 45 of the sliding adapter modules 41, the subscriber cable 22 can be paid out. As the cable spool assembly 25 is rigidly engaged with the housing 23 through the mounting face 76 of the mounting bracket 65 and rotationally engaged with the mounting plate 27 through the bearing disposed between the mounting plate 27 and the plate portion 61 of the drum plate assembly 59 of the cable spool assembly 25, the cable spool assembly 25 and housing 23 can selectively rotate about the central axis of the bearing, which is aligned with the center axis 74 of the internal bore 71 of the drum portion. Therefore, with the cable spool assembly 25 rigidly mounted to the housing 23 and rotationally mounted to the mounting plate 27, which is mounted to a wall, the desired length of the subscriber cable 22 can be paid out from the fiber optic enclosure 21 by rotating the fiber optic enclosure 21 in a rotational direction about the center axis 74. Since the housing 23 and the cable spool assembly 25 rotate unitarily about the central axis 74, the second end of the subscriber cable 22 can be paid out without the first end of the subscriber cable 22 being pulled out of the termination module 39. +Once the desired length of subscriber cable 22 has been paid out, the rotation of the fiber optic enclosure 21 is ceased. At this point, the tear-away ends 55 of the cable spool assembly 25 can be removed. To remove the tear-away ends 55 of the cable spool assembly 25, the area of weakness 85 that extends from the inner diameter 83 to the outer diameter 81 is split. In the subject embodiment, the area of weakness 85 can be split by breaking, tearing, cutting, ripping, etc. The area of weakness 85 is split along the length of the area of weakness 85. When the split reaches the inner diameter 83 of the tear-away ends 55, the opening created by splitting the area of weakness 85 can be expanded so that the tear-away ends 55 can be removed from the cable spool assembly 25. In another embodiment, other areas of weakness 85 can be split to create an opening between the areas of weakness 85, through which the drum portion 63 of the cable spool assembly 25 can be passed. +Referring now to +In the subject embodiment, the bracket 87 is U-shaped having a front plate 89, a left plate 91, and a right plate 93. It will be understood, however, that the scope of the present disclosure is not limited to the bracket 87 being U-shaped. In the subject embodiment, a mounting tab 95 extends in a generally perpendicular direction to the front plate 89. The mounting tab 95 includes a thru-hole 97 for mounting the bracket 87 to a wall. In the subject embodiment, the left and right plates 91, 93 include mounting openings 99 for mounting the left and right plates 91, 93 to the housing 23. As the bracket 87 is mounted to the wall or other structure and extends between the mounting plate 27 and the housing 23, the housing 23 is no longer able to selectively rotate relative to the mounting plate 27 since it is restricted by the engagement with the bracket 87. +In order to prevent rotation of the housing 23 relative to the mounting plate 27 and to protect the subscriber cable 22 stored on the drum portion 63 of the cable assembly 25 from environmental damage, the first and second brackets 87 a, 87 b are installed on the opposite sides of the housing 23 such that the left and right plates 91, 93 of the first bracket 87 a and the left and right plates 91, 93 of the second bracket 87 b each extend about half of the depth D (shown in +The areas of weakness 85 may be advantageous for making a more compact fiber optic enclosure 21 after the fiber optic enclosure 21 has been mounted to a wall or structure and after the subscriber cable 22 has been paid out from the fiber optic enclosure 21. While the cable spool assembly 25 provides for storage of the subscriber cable 22 during shipping and handling and cable management during pay out of the subscriber cable 22, the outer diameter 81 of the cable spool assembly 25 may not be required after the subscriber cable 22 is paid out. The tear-away ends 55 allow for the overall size of the cable spool assembly 25 to be reduced following payout. +Referring now to +The tear-away end 255 is generally circular in shape and includes an outside diameter 281. The tear-away end 255 also includes at least one radial area of weakness 85. In the subject embodiment, the area of weakness 285 radially extends from the outside diameter 281 of the tear-away end 255 to an inner diameter 301. In the subject embodiment, at least one circular area of weakness 303 is also included in the tear-away end 255. The circular area of weakness 303 extends around the tear-away end 255 and has a radius that is less than the radius of the outer diameter 281. In the subject embodiment, and by way of example only, there are two radial areas of weakness 285 dispose on the tear-away end 55 that radially extend from the inner diameter 301 to the outer diameter 281 and there are two circular areas of weakness 303, with one of the two circular areas of weakness being disposed at the inner diameter 301. In the subject embodiment, the two radial areas of weakness 285 are disposed so as to be 180 degrees apart while the two circular areas of weakness 303 are concentric. In the subject embodiment, the radial and circular areas of weakness 285, 301 are areas of reduced thickness. +The first tear-away end 255 a includes a plurality of apertures 305. The apertures 305 are disposed in the first tear-away end 255 a for rigidly engaging the cable spool assembly 225 to the back side of the base 31 of the housing 23. The apertures 305 would align with holes in the base 31 of the housing 23 and would allow the first tear-away end 255 a to be fastened to the housing 23 with fasteners such as screws, bolts, rivets, etc. +Referring now to +The spindle 313 also includes a plurality of resilient latches, generally designated 319. The resilient latches 319 extend outwardly from the mounting plate 309. The resilient latches 319 include a free end 321 and a latch portion, generally designated 323. The latch portion 323 includes an end surface 325 and a radially outwardly facing lip 327. The lip 327 extends outwardly in a direction that is generally perpendicular to the axis 317. A chamfered edge 329 is disposed between the end surface 325 and the lip 327. +Referring now to +The circular area of weakness 301 may be advantageous as it allows for the tear-away ends 255 of the cable spool assemblies 225 to be scalable. If the fiber optic enclosure 21 is requested with a less amount of subscriber cable 22, the outer diameter 281 of the cable spool assembly 225 can be adjusted by tearing off part of the tear-away ends 255 at the circular area of weakness 301. +In addition, the circular area of weakness 301 may be advantageous as it allows for only one part number to be cataloged. In a scenario where cable spool assemblies 225 having different outer diameters 281 are required, a cable spool assembly 225 having a first outer diameter 281 can be modified to a cable spool assembly 225 having a second outer diameter 281 by tearing off part of the tear-away ends 255 at the circular area of weakness 301. +Various modifications and alterations of this disclosure will become apparent to those skilled in the art without departing from the scope and spirit of this disclosure, and it should be understood that the inventive scope of this disclosure is not to be unduly limited to the illustrative embodiments set forth herein. +Claims (30) +Priority Applications (2) +Applications Claiming Priority (6) +Related Child Applications (1) +Publications (2) +Family +ID=39876570 +Family Applications (6) +Family Applications After (5) +Country Status (11) +Cited By (29) +Families Citing this family (20) +Citations (126) +Family Cites Families (15) +- 2008 +- 2008-08-28 US US12/199,923 patent/US7869682B2/en active Active +- 2008-09-04 MX MX2010002555A patent/MX2010002555A/en active IP Right Grant +- 2008-09-04 AU AU2008296309A patent/AU2008296309B2/en active Active +- 2008-09-04 EP EP08799151A patent/EP2185962B1/en active Active +- 2008-09-04 CN CN2008801055447A patent/CN101796444B/en active IP Right Grant +- 2008-09-04 WO PCT/US2008/075196 patent/WO2009032886A1/en active Application Filing +- 2008-09-04 ES ES08799151T patent/ES2390093T3/en active Active +- 2008-09-04 BR BRPI0816283-2A patent/BRPI0816283B1/en active IP Right Grant +- 2008-09-05 TW TW097134250A patent/TWI426310B/en active +- 2008-09-05 AR ARP080103867A patent/AR068219A1/en active IP Right Grant +- 2010 +- 2010-12-20 US US12/973,154 patent/US8229267B2/en active Active +- 2011 +- 2011-01-27 HK HK11100872.0A patent/HK1146748A1/en unknown +- 2012 +- 2012-07-20 US US13/554,607 patent/US8494334B2/en active Active +- 2013 +- 2013-06-21 US US13/924,177 patent/US8774588B2/en active Active +- 2014 +- 2014-06-25 US US14/314,845 patent/US9229185B2/en active Active +- 2015 +- 2015-12-30 US US14/983,839 patent/US9563032B2/en active Active +News How to enable Wi-Fi calling on iPhone, iPad, or Apple Watch Tue, 10 Apr 2018 03:28:55 +0000

Wi. more…

Tue, 10 Apr 2018 03:28:55 +00009to5Mac FCP X Tips 002: Closed captions in Final Cut Pro 10.4.1 [Video] Mon, 09 Apr 2018 23:46:32 +0000

The new closed captioning tools in Final Cut Pro 10.4 provide an easy way to create more accessible content. Closed captions are also useful for creating content that’s watchable in environments where it’s not practical to turn up the volume.

Closed captioning can help expand your reach by assigning different languages to your captions for easy interpretation. Needless to say, this is a major new workflow addition to Final Cut Pro X, one that might pay dividends as far as broadening your audience is concerned. Watch our hands-on video for a brief look at some of the high level closed captioning tool set features.


Mon, 09 Apr 2018 23:46:32 +00009to5Mac How to clean your Apple cables, keyboards, mice, trackpads, and more Mon, 09 Apr 2018 21:58:18 +0000

Accessories for your Apple devices can add up quickly and before you know it they’re also looking a lot dirtier than when you first unboxed them. Follow along for the best ways to clean your first- and third-party accessories.


Mon, 09 Apr 2018 21:58:18 +00009to5Mac ChargePoint EV charging network offering $5 bonus for in-app Apple Pay reloads Mon, 09 Apr 2018 21:46:11 +0000

To spur adoption of the payment method, popular EV charging network ChargePoint is giving users a $5 bonus for Apple Pay reloads in its iOS app…


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While it’s always good to keep your devices up to date, sometimes it breaks certain things that you would never expect to stop working. Last year we reported on an interesting issue where Touch ID would stop working on an iPhone 7, if the screen was replaced by a third-party, and now a similar issue has surfaced


Mon, 09 Apr 2018 21:01:57 +00009to5Mac Comment: Managing expectations for AirPower release, price, and features Mon, 09 Apr 2018 20:51:22 +0000

We’re four months into 2018 and AirPower is still not available despite its announcement back in September. While there’s a lot unknown about Apple’s special charging mat — like when it will be available and how much it will cost — there are a few things we can reasonably expect…


Mon, 09 Apr 2018 20:51:22 +00009to5Mac All Apple operations now run off 100% renewable energy Mon, 09 Apr 2018 20:00:46 +0000

[Update: Apple has shared a press release on its environmental progress and hitting 100% renewable energy.]

Apple has finally hit its goal of running its own operations off 100% renewable energy. All Apple facilities, from Apple Park to its data centers to worldwide fleet of Apple retail stores, are now solely powered by green energy. Last year, it was close at 96%, but now it’s finally hit the magic 100 number.

This figure does not include Apple’s third-party suppliers or manufacturers, although the company is convincing many of those to switch to 100% renewable sources too …


Mon, 09 Apr 2018 20:00:46 +00009to5Mac HQ Trivia adding new social features for head-to-head comparisons & more Mon, 09 Apr 2018 19:42:02 +0000

Popular live trivia game HQ Trivia is adding new social features, marking one of the first major updates to the app. TechCrunch reports that HQ Trivia is rolling out a new “Friends on HQ” feature that allows users to search for friends and see direct performance comparisons…


Mon, 09 Apr 2018 19:42:02 +00009to5Mac Red iPhone envy? How to get the PRODUCT(RED) look for less Mon, 09 Apr 2018 18:47:13 +0000

Apple unveiled the PRODUCT(RED) iPhone 8 and 8 Plus today with preorders starting tomorrow. This year’s iteration on the release brings a sharp black and red design. Want to pick up this aesthetic without buying a new iPhone? Follow along for several great ways to make it happen for under $20.


Mon, 09 Apr 2018 18:47:13 +00009to5Mac iSight Trio? Apple may be planning future iPhone camera with triple lens system and increased zoom Mon, 09 Apr 2018 18:19:21 +0000

A suspect report today from Economic Daily News (translated) predicts that Apple will release an iPhone with three lenses and improved zoom as early as next year. The hardware shift would come just two years after Apple introduced its iSight Duo dual lens system on the iPhone 7 Plus which is also present on the iPhone 8 Plus and iPhone X.


Mon, 09 Apr 2018 18:19:21 +00009to5Mac Jamf gives iPad Pro and Apple Pencil to incoming Maryville University students at no additional charge Mon, 09 Apr 2018 17:48:39 +0000

Jamf and Maryville University are teaming up to give the next generation of students a modern tool to help aid in their college education. Starting today, the university will be offering full-time students an iPad Pro and an Apple Pencil.


Mon, 09 Apr 2018 17:48:39 +00009to5Mac 9to5Toys Last Call: Apple Watch Bands $5, Logitech MX Sound Speakers $80, Lutron HomeKit Dimmer $80, more Mon, 09 Apr 2018 16:28, 09 Apr 2018 16:28:32 +00009to5Mac Apple overhauls homepage for (PRODUCT)RED, including sleek new iPhone 8 ad Mon, 09 Apr 2018 15:52:56 +0000

Apple is pushing its special edition (PRODUCT)RED iPhone aggressively this year. While the iPhone X didn’t get the red treatment this go-around, Apple has dedicated its homepage to the new red iPhone 8 and its (PRODUCT)RED accessories lineup. Included in the campaign is a super sleek new ad dedicated to the new red and black version of the iPhone 8 Plus…


Mon, 09 Apr 2018 15:52:56 +00009to5Mac Final Cut Pro 10.4.1 with closed captioning toolset and ProRes RAW now available for download Mon, 09 Apr 2018 15:04:32 +0000

As promised last Thursday, Apple released a major update to Final Cut Pro X this morning. Version 10.4.1 of Final Cut Pro X brings two new key features to the table in closed captioning and ProRes RAW support, along with a whole host of additional features and changes.

Those who already own Final Cut Pro X can download 10.4.1 free of charge from the Mac App Store. Everyone else can purchase the well-regarded NLE for $299 with no reoccurring subscription fees. more…

Mon, 09 Apr 2018 15:04:32 +00009to5Mac PayPal turning into ‘virtual bank’ as it offers debit card, check deposit & loans Mon, 09 Apr 2018 14:20:40 +0000

PayPal is quietly rolling out basic banking services to some of its U.S. customers, which include a debit card, the ability to deposit checks and even take out a loan. For customers who accept, their PayPal balances also become protected by Federal Deposit Insurance Corp (FDIC) insurance.

Surprisingly, PayPal has found a way to do this without a U.S. banking license …


Mon, 09 Apr 2018 14:20:40 +00009to5Mac After Snapchat redesign complaints, app bringing back chronological feed for some Mon, 09 Apr 2018 13:49:48 +0000

Snapchat’s big redesign earlier this year hasn’t gone over well with many users, with over a million of them petitioning for the company to revert to the original design. One high-profile objection even wiped more than a billion dollars off the company’s value …


Mon, 09 Apr 2018 13:49:48 +00009to5Mac First foldable phones predicted to hit market this year, ahead of Apple’s rumored plans Mon, 09 Apr 2018 13:03:13 +0000

Tech commentators are predicting that the first smartphones with foldable displays will hit the market by the end of the year.

Samsung, Huawei, LG, Oppo, Lenovo and ZTE all have patents relating to foldable phones, in addition to Apple …


Mon, 09 Apr 2018 13:03:13 +00009to5Mac Apple announces special edition (PRODUCT)RED iPhone 8 and 8 Plus, order from tomorrow Mon, 09 Apr 2018 12:30:12 +0000

Apple says the new (PRODUCT)RED iPhone will be available to order from Tuesday, April 10. The product will be in stores this Friday.


Mon, 09 Apr 2018 12:30:12 +00009to5Mac Facebook latest: Facebook telling users if their data was shared; Zuckerberg being coached in ‘charm & humility’; Woz quits platform; more Mon, 09 Apr 2018 12:04:30 +0000

If you’re wondering whether you were one of the 87M Facebook users whose data was accessed by Cambridge Analytica, you may find out today. For Brits, at least, the BBC reports that users will receive one of two messages this afternoon letting them know whether or not they were affected …


Mon, 09 Apr 2018 12:04:30 +00009to5Mac Korea likely to be third country to fine Apple for unfair contracts with carriers Mon, 09 Apr 2018 11:06:34 +0000

An investigation by the South Korean Fair Trade Commission (FTC) into alleged unfair practices by Apple is expected to result in the iPhone maker being fined, says a local report. Apple is accused of ‘dumping’ both advertising and repair costs on carriers.

It follows earlier fines for unfair contracts in both Taiwan and France …


Mon, 09 Apr 2018 11:06:34 +00009to5Mac Report: Virgin Mobile employee memo claims (RED) iPhone 8 & 8 Plus launching tomorrow Sun, 08 Apr 2018 18:57:38 +0000

Several reports have suggested that Apple is planning a new color of its iPhone 8, and now it looks like the launch of that device is nearing. According to a report today, Virgin Mobile has informed employees that Apple is launching a (PRODUCT)RED iPhone 8 and iPhone 8 Plus this week…


Sun, 08 Apr 2018 18:57:38 +00009to5Mac Clever project gives any Mac touchscreen capabilities with $1 worth of hardware Sun, 08 Apr 2018 16:34:21 +0000

While Apple has long resisted the idea of a touchscreen Mac, a clever solution from a group of developers gives an existing Mac touchscreen capabilities. The proof of concept is called “Project Sistine” and is based on $1 worth of hardware…


Sun, 08 Apr 2018 16:34:21 +00009to5Mac Best Buy takes up to $109 off Apple Watch Series 3 in cert. refurb sale, deals from $295 Sun, 08 Apr 2018 12:22:04 +0000

Best Buy has kicked off a clearance and open-box sale this morning, and while there is a lot of inventory here to sort through, one deal caught our eye. You can save up to $109 on Apple Watch Series 3 in certified refurbished condition. The deals start at $295 here.


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In the juggling act that is my life, I’ve dropped the ball lately in the fitness department. I have only been exercising 1-2 days a week for several months and am not at my trimmest– bah. I just last week got back to counting calories and exercising more–and hope to be back to a better weight by winter. I know all that I’ve been doing lately, and am trying to extend myself grace. But still I’m not loving the way I look, even in these adorable clothes. +1. Kaleidoscope pattern top +This top is cotton and comfy, with a back edge that goes longer than the front, a feature I like. It felt really nice on, and I thought it was a sure keeper, but looking at the photo I’m not sure. Does it look old-lady-ish? Or cute? The style card suggested that you could wear it with a jeans jacket, which means it could wear it into fall, something that appeals to me. +2. Maxi dress +I LOVED the style of this straight out of the box, including the way it is made to be a little blousy under the bust. It actually has an inner bodice layer that is shorter than the outer bodice so that the looseness stays. I wasn’t sure how it would look on me, but I ended up liking it on me way better than I thought I would. My husband absolutely loved it and called it a keeper. I could picture wearing it out on a date as-is, especially since he likes it so much. But most of the time I’d probably feel more comfy wearing it with something over top, maybe a v-neck tee so that some of the dress’s stripes show still, or maybe even with a lacy t? A shrug? +3. Stripe tank +This top is one I am absolutely going to keep. It flows nicely, fits great, is bright and cheery, and is very cool for summer. A sure winner. +4. Beige Cardigan +This soft knit cardigan appealed to me very least of all the items. But at least one of my teen daughters loved it, so of course that made me doubt my instincts. It is soft and comfy, but I’m not sure if the looseness is flattering, or just makes me look wider. It feels like overall in need of a color boost– maybe a turquoise tank top underneath would be better than the peach one I chose to model it with. +Here I experimented with tying the front of it in a knot, to make it feel less wide and boxy. Again, I’m not sure. +5. White Top +I love, love, love the details and length of this sweet white top. My husband was less certain and said it made him think of a dutch girl. It is soft and feminine and I think would be nice and cool to wear in the heat. Plus the accents are turquoise, my favorite color in the universe. But it is a little fluffy. Maybe too young for me? +Overall, I think my Stitch Fix stylist did a great job choosing styles I love. If I choose to keep all of the pieces, I will get a 25% discount, which basically breaks down to the same as choosing only 4 of the 5 items. So if I like 4 of them enough to keep, I might as well just buy them all. And I do have some Stitch Fix credits, which makes it doable. But I’m still on the fence about 2 (3? 4?) of these items. I’d love to get your feedback. +If you are interested in getting a fix of your own, or in earning Stitch Fix credits by referring your friends to Stitch Fix, just click on the box below to tell Stitch Fix about your style preferences and schedule your first fix. If you enjoy Pinterest and have a style board there, I highly recommend linking to your Pinterest page with your Stitch Fix account, as that really helps your stylist choose things that you will like. (If you’re curious, here’s my Style board on Pinterest.) +{ 30 Comments } +1. I like the pattern! It would be great under a jacket…but I’m not sure it works by itself. +2. Love the Maxi! It is great by itself! +3. So fun! +4. Keep it! It’s a great look for you and seems super flattering however you decide to wear it! +5. I could go either way? I can see the light summer appeal. I halfway wonder if you could find a wide turquoise belt to give it a little more edge if it feels too young? It is pretty 🙂 +I agree with Erika – and I’m not a huge fan of the cardigan – so unless it is a bargain price – probably not. ANY item of clothing my significant other (spouse) says is a keeper goes immediately to the front of my closet and becomes a go to dress! After all – we might dress to please ourselves but it never hurts to please our mate!! About the Dutch girl comment – maybe but it is quite hip and with a pair of while capris – woo hoo +I like the first shirt and the maxi dress. I think the 2nd shirt is fun and looks good on you. +The cardigan was not something I would choose but I think you are right that it would look better with a pop of color under it. The last shirt looks really light and airy and would be a nice shirt to wear when it’s hot. You could wear it with jeans or shorts. +I hear you about falling off the exercise wagon:) I’m slowly getting back on schedule. +Have a great weekend!! +Fun!!! +I really like the cardigan tied, and with a bright color it’ll be better too. Keeper +Love the dress… Will be cute in fall with a denim jacket too. Keeper +I’m a fan of the white shirt too… +I like them all, but those three are my faves! +I like the white shirt the best. I have been trying to find light cotton blouses that cover me up from the sun on my chest and shoulder. +I loved them all number 5 was my least fav but I did think it was def still doable +I love everything but the cardi, but the dress and the tank are the very best. +Order of liking is 3, 2, 1, 5, 4. 🙂 +My absolute favorite is the dress. I have been kicking myself most of the summer for neglecting to buy a similar dress. Like you, I would want something on my arms. I think a coordinating denim jacket would look cute with a fun, chunky necklace. As for the other pieces, I am not as sold on them, but that is just because they are not suited to my taste. +You look fabulous in the maxi and tank! Wait to find something else in turquoise for Fall. If hubby doesn’t love it, you will think of that every time you wear it 🙁 Although, it can be a cute dutch girl chuckle between the two of you 🙂 +My favorite item is that last shirt – the white is super summery and I think it looks adorable! +The white shirt is so pretty and light and feminine. It looks great on you. Definitely my favorite. I also really like the dress! +I love the maxi dress…..the cardigan i don’t love….the white Dutch shirt is adorable…..the stripe one i am on the fence about…..like the kaleidoscope one with a jacket 🙂 +Just bought a very similar maxi-dress from Lane Bryant. Technically, it was in the lingerie side, and a night gown (!), but it was $25 and looks great. I am going to wear it with a half-tee in the summer (to cover my arms, but not add a layer) and a light black cardigan in the fall. Very useful! +Love number 3! +You look amazing in the maxi dress! I love when my husband notices clothes so yay. I actually really love the first shirt and think it looks flattering on in the picture. I think that the cardigan is one of those things I’d want to keep but then never wore because I couldn’t get it just right… I’m thinking if you aren’t going to keep the dutch shirt maybe not the cardigan either since you were on the fence. But when it comes down to it, you really looked nice in everything! +Mary, +Sounds like you should keep them all or only keep the dress and tank. I actually really like 1 and think it’d look cute w a jean jacket this fall. The cardi would look much better w a bright turquoise or hot pink tee under it! +Stitch fix seems fun! If I could ever get it together to lose a little weight, maybe I’ll try it! +I love the maxi dress too — and it would work with a jean jacket into fall. And the tank is definitely not old-ladyish! You look great in it. I like the cardigan tied, and I think turquoise or maroon/raspberry would change the way you see it. +I really do not care much for these clothes, but I must say you make them all look good! +You look like a teenager. Please do not worry about your weight. You are extremely pretty. The weight will come off when it is time. +You created an awesome family/community. +I am thankful for your time and effort. +Blessings to you and your family. +Actually, my favorite on you is the beige cardigan! 🙂 I think it looks okay tied, but I really like it loose. I don’t think it makes you look “wide” but emphasizes the space between the fabric and you. +I think 1, 2, and 3 look great on you – especially the maxi dress. All three have potential for fall wear with an additional layer. Cute clothes! +The only one I like on you is the striped tank top. The rest are ‘off’ for some reason cannot totally explain- they just don’t do anything for you. +Mary – I’ve been thinking about doing Stitch Fix. Since I am a frugal lady like you, I was wondering – do you think it’s worth the money? +Amy, +It definitely falls in the fun splurge department. If you have friends who like the personal shopper idea, the credits you get from referrals can make it very affordable, however! 🙂 +Mary I think you look great: healthy and happy! +None of these clothes struck me as being in your color palate – I’m thinking you are a summer with your blond hair. The beige cardigan washes you out. BTW – turquoise is definitely in your color palate! +The striped tank is cute, but the first thing I noticed is that the stripes don’t match. Not a sign of great quality. +The maxi dress looks super comfy and the loose bust is a very nice feature. +I enjoy seeing your fixes! +the kaleidoscope top is so special! I want it!!! very flattering. +and the cardigan is my second fav. the color looks great on you & looks so soft & comfy. +I especially like #3. Would you mind giving the full description so I can Pin it? +Karen, It is a Macklin Abstract Print Cut-Out Back Tank, for $48 +I think the first three look great and I don’t care for either of the last two. I would normally not like the print of the striped tank, but it looks great on you. The cardigan color does not complement your skin tone. The white dutch girl shirt looks a bit sheer, but that tassel down the front just seems odd. +Sandi, lol, I wasn’t sure what to do with that long ribbon thingie on the front of the white top either! 🙂 +Just came across this post while searching up more about Stitch Fix. I love the maxi dress you got and all these amazing pieces are convincing me to sign up for myself too! 🙂 Have you heard of/ tried a similar service but for skincare called Vain Pursuits? I heard about them on youtube and think they send you skincare products based on a profile. I want to get more opinions before giving it a try! +Season 6 Dev Blog #16 +By PWE_BranFlakes @ July 24, 2012 at 12:26pm +Fleet Ships +Season 6 introduced players to the new Fleet System and Starbases. Players can now build Shipyards that grant Fleet members access to new starships. Let us take a closer look at some of these ships, how you earn them, and review all types of ships. +First, we need to define some terms so everyone is on the same page. Many of you may have seen ships with the term “Refit” or “Retrofit”, and Fleet Shipyards introduce more of these. Let’s take a moment to review these and other terms related to ships: +- Standard Ships – Standard ships are available in-game and have base stats. They can be purchased for Dilithium or acquired at no cost with a Rank-Up Ship Token. +- C-Store Ships – Any ship you must purchase directly for ZEN. These ships have very good stats, and typically unlock a special costume option and come with a special ability. The special ability is usually on a console or a weapon that can be removed. Most lower Tier C-Store ship consoles can be moved to any ship. However, most Tier 5 C-Store ship consoles can only be used on the ship it came on OR on its Fleet counterpart. For instance, The Tier 5 Heavy Escort Carrier comes with a Torpedo Point Defense system console and the Armitage class costume. If you then acquire the Fleet Heavy Escort Carrier from the Fleet Shipyard, you can transfer the Torpedo Point Defense system console and the Armitage class costume to the Fleet version. +- Refit Ships – A Refit is a ship that is better in some way than the original, but is in the same Tier as the original. For example, the Tier 2 Federation Science Vessel (Nova Class) has a better Refit variant, the Tier 2 Federation Science Vessel Refit (Rhode Island Class). Refit ships may be available via the C-Store or Fleet Shipyard. Many refit ships come with a new class costume. +- Retrofit Ships – A Retrofit is a ship that is better than original AND is a higher Tier than the original. Retrofit ships are typically Tier 5 and give a player the opportunity to play a favorite older-model ships at endgame. For Example: the Tier 5 Science Vessel Retrofit is simply a Tier 5 version of the Tier 2 Science Vessel. Retrofit ships may be available in the C-Store or Fleet Shipyard. Many new Retrofit ships were recently made available in Fleet Shipyards. +- Fleet Ships – Fleet ships are new and typically have some of the best stats in the game. Currently, all Fleet ships are Tier 5 and typically have +10% Hull HP and +10% Shields; they also typically come with a 10th console slot. Fleet ships do not usually come with any special abilities or items. They also don’t have the special ship class costume if there is a C-Store equivalent, but they all do come with an exclusive Fleet Material. You may have noticed that we used to offer some ship class costumes in the C-Store — we have pulled them from direct purchase in the C-Store and you can now only obtain them by acquiring the appropriate Fleet Ship. If you already purchased one of these ship class costumes, you can still access it. If a Fleet ship has a C-Store Counterpart, it can use any special item or costume the C-Store version came with. There are also Fleet Retrofit ships. These are what you might expect — A Tier 5 Version of a lower Tier ship, with the bonus HP, Shields and Console slot. +Fleet Shipyards unlock access to many types of ships, including Refit ships, Fleet Refit ships, Retrofit ships, Fleet Retrofit ships, and all new ships. So just because a ship is unlocked via a Fleet Shipyard, doesn’t necessarily qualify it as a Fleet ship. A ship must say “Fleet” in its title to be a true Fleet ship and qualify for the bonus stat and Fleet Material. +Now let’s review how you can purchase the different type of ships. Most ships can be purchased in-game directly though any ship vendor (including C-Store ships and ships unlocked from your Fleet's Shipyard). We recommend you go to an in-game ship vendor to buy your ships since it contains the most comprehensive data you will need to make an informed decision on your purchase. The Ship Vendor UI will inform you of the cost and requirements. Possible cost for ships include: +- Dilithium – Many ships simply cost Dilithium. These ships are typically the standard ship for a given Rank. +- ZEN – Ships available for ZEN can be purchased at the Ship Vendor or directly from the C-Store. +- Fleet Credit – All ships unlocked by a Fleet Shipyard cost Fleet Credits. Fleet Credits can be earned by contributing to Fleet Projects. +- Fleet Ship Modules – Fleet Ship Modules can be purchased in the C-Store for ZEN and are needed to purchase all Fleet ships. Fleet ships typically cost 4 Fleet Ship Modules. However, if you already own the Tier 5 C-Store Version of a Fleet Ship, you will get a 75% Fleet Ship Module discount to purchase the Fleet version. For instance, the Fleet Heavy Escort Carrier costs Fleet Credits and 4 Fleet Ship Modules, but if you already own the C-Store Heavy Escort Carrier, the Fleet Heavy Escort Carrier will only cost Fleet Credits and ONE (1) Fleet Ship Module. +- Fleet Ship Provisions – When you are in a Fleet and unlock a Shipyard, your Fleet must first fill the Shipyard with Provisions. There are a number of Fleet Projects that generate Provisions. Provisions are simply the limit on how many ships your Fleet Shipyard can provide to your Fleet Members. If a Fleet Project generates 10 ship Provisions, 10 members can each buy one Ship from the shipyard, or one Fleet member can buy 10 ships. Once the number of Provisions your Shipyard has reaches zero, your Fleet will need to complete another Fleet Provisioning assignment to generate more Provisions. Ships that require a Ship Provision always have an additional cost such as Fleet Credits and/or Fleet Ship Modules. +- Rank-Up Ship Token – At ranks Lieutenant Commander, Commander, Captain and Rear Admiral Lower Half/Brigadier General, you earn a ship token redeemable for one free standard ship. If you are a 600 day subscriber veteran, you also earn one at Vice Admiral. Note that only certain ships are redeemable with this token. +- Lock Boxes – Finally, some rare ships can be obtained exclusively from Lock Boxes. +Requirements for a particular ship can include: +- Rank – All ships in STO have a character Rank requirement. +- Fleet Shipyard Tier – A Fleet Shipyard has 5 Tiers. Each Tier unlocks access to new ships to the Fleet Members. Your Fleet can complete Military Projects and Shipyard Construction Projects to increase the Tier of your Fleet's Shipyard. See the tables below. +- Faction (Federation/Klingon) – This one is simple. Access to most ships is restricted by faction. +OK, now that we are all on the same page, take a look at all the new ships available from Fleet Starbase Shipyards. There are more than 35 new ships available exclusively from Fleet Shipyards – 21 for Federation and 16 for Klingons. Note that some ships come with a new ship class costume. Additional class costumes may be unlocked if you own a sister ship. +Full specs and details can be found in-game in the Ship Vendor. +* Indicates class costume unlock +* Indicates class costume unlock +We hope you are enjoying Season 6: Under Siege and we’ll see you in-game! +Al Rivera +Lead Designer +Star Trek Online +Season 6 News Dev Blog Index +quietwinds @ Sep 13th, 2012 5:25AM +many of us bought the NX and Constitution Ships How about a fleet upgrade for those right now they are worthless bits of data taking up space in my ship roster can't use them because a shuttle could blow them out of the sky we paid money for those we really need Upgradeability for those +ambassadorstavok @ Aug 29th, 2012 7:03PM +Guys... There needs to be an Assault Cruiser Upgrade. Don't see one. +variatas @ Jul 27th, 2012 9:14PM +Kinda sad there's no Fleet Excelsior or Fleet Atrox. I hope they eventually provide "fleet" versions of the remaining "Tier 5" ships in the future, because otherwise people basing their decisions on silly things like personal preference or looks are stuck being sub-par. +britewolf +Howabout just an ordinary (no-console) excelsior too, so I don't have to 'pay' for a ship that is one of the most important influences on the series (as a whole) as it is possible to have; second only to the Enterprise herself ("The Enterprise, NCC-1701. No 'A', no 'B', no 'C' and no ruddy 'D'. Just 'The Enterprise'). +onedon9 @ Jul 27th, 2012 7:58AM +Good sense prevailed and Fleet MVAE now costs 1 fsm. I still have both eyes on you guys, but good save at least. +jumpingjs @ Jul 27th, 2012 5:50AM +I would love an odyssey with a new hull look (coustume) but able to have the consoles, or the table is saying I cannot. Little confused with this entry +onedon9 @ Jul 26th, 2012 6:50PM +STOP trying to steal money! the reason the Fleet 'Advanced Escort' stats were hidden till now is because its a rip-off! you guys are gonna sink this ship you are running i'm sure of it! Call it Fleet MVAE and let it cost 1FSM or if you insist on 4FSM give it the correct Advanced Escort Boff slots, or if you lack ideas/morals you can help us forgive you by making it have Universal LT comm an LT boff slots! +drkfrontiers @ Jul 26th, 2012 9:40AM +You insult the KDF with these ships. Shame on you. +afree100 +I disagree the Fleet Hoh'Sus is EPIC! Wish it had its skin swapped with the other bop though :( +afree100 +I meant the Ning'tao I wish their was a fleet version of that with the same stats as the Fleet Hoh'Sus :) +dunmovyn @ Jul 26th, 2012 8:50AM +I like the game, like the new ships, like the new missions. And I love free to play, cause it allowed a poor guy to play the game. So if you feel cheated, thanks for helping me get in the game as a free player. I'll try not to let you down, if we happen to play together. :) +shimmerless @ Jul 26th, 2012 8:08AM +Can someone explain why the Fleet "Advanced Escort" (lol) doesn't have the MVAM listed as a bonus? +this0is0madness +its simply an Advanced escort, not a Multi-Vector Advanced Escort +afree100 +You can equip the MVAM on the Fleet Advanced Escort if you own the c-store version of the ship. +fourthofeleven @ Jul 26th, 2012 2:18AM +It's nice to have something big to work towards, but I hope eventually every ship class will have a 'fleet' version - I'd hate to have to retire my Excelsior-class! +afree100 +Forget Excelsior I want Fleet Kar'Fi, I want Fleet Kar'Fi, I want Fleet Kar'Fi! +warwolf108 @ Jul 26th, 2012 12:33AM +How come the Nove and the Saber is in the list but not the Constitution II ? I mean, there are the scientist and tactical ships of tier II but not the engenieer class. +flynn444 @ Jul 25th, 2012 12:45PM +These new ships are spiffy and all, but I suppose I'm confused why anyone, except for the extreme minority that PvPs, would want them. Current vessels are more than adequate for virtually all the content. What am I missing? There must be something. Otherwise, why would so many complain about being "forced" to upgrade, or whine about the new "grind"? +britewolf +There are only two problems. One, the fact that this is just another money-making spin for Perfect World and, secondly, that people actually think they care we know it! I like the ships, but I honestly can't see myself getting a fleet ship because my fleet is small and the rate at which we can acquire fleet provisions is going to be far smaller than the demand a couple of the fleet's members are going to put on it. +intruderxxx @ Jul 25th, 2012 12:10PM +The more i read comments here and look at the options we are given the more this seems like a sophisticated plan to deplete resources players have amassed for the crafting system we eagerly waiting for , seems that the crafting system upgrades will never come .... +mordaen +I really hope the crafting revamp is in the pipeline for Season 7. +tinead51 +Once dil was added to crafting,they shot the goose that layed the golden egg.I havent bothered with the crafting system since,no biggie.As certain people like to say,just buy what you want off the exchange for EC. +afree100 Unfortunatly (at least occording to this) Crafting Revamp is not till Season 8 (although stowiki.org can be incorrect as I have painfully figured out multiple times). +palpha2clearance @ Jul 25th, 2012 11:06AM +Al you neglected to explain how mang modules it will cosg if you have the ship unlocked with a vice admiral token......and feature/ content updates are supposed to be Free........someone is breaking their own words to the community Someone needs to get on the consistent page down there. +ebonbeard @ Jul 25th, 2012 10:39AM +They're just using this as another way to try and take more money from our pockets until they successfully invent the money magnet. Nothing to see here. +firelamp @ Jul 25th, 2012 10:08AM +I'm not paying 20 bucks for a new ship I'll just save up 200,000 fleet creadits and buy a ship +cousteau1701e +Not without Fleet Ship Modules! +tinead51 +Not "ALL" the ships require FSM's +neoakiraii +you dont need money to get the 200,000 cred ships, also as i've been telling you...you can buy the mod's on the exchange...I got a Fleet D7 for my KDF toon...guess how much it cost me?? $0 bucks, and only cost my toon 27 mill in fake money that i have plenty more to waste. +mikespader @ Jul 25th, 2012 9:16AM +I'm loving what I'm seeing so far! My only concern is this: cost. $20 for a new ship that doesn't transfer between characters? Maybe I'm naive, but couldn't this cost be discounted for Gold Members or at least Lifetimers like myself? I feel that would give SO much more incentive for other people to buy the lifetime sub. +cousteau1701e +What about the fact that grind to earn the resources to then invest in a fleet to then earn the Fleet Credits to then go out and buy with cash a Module so you can finally buy the ship? I am fine grinding for an item. I am also fine with purchasing one outright. I don't think both put together is right... +neoakiraii +If you love to grind, then grind EC which is easy, and buy it off the exchange....i got my fleet D7 by buying Mod's off the exchange which are 6 mill each...and as long as there are people willing to buy off the exchange there will be people buying Mod's to put on the exchange. +crazyestrobbie @ Jul 25th, 2012 7:06AM +OK I am really sick of hearing people complain about all the added fee's on this MMO. The fact is that its now Free to Play, so in order for this game to run they have to make money where they can. Just accept it, if you don't like paying then don't play. If you don't want to pay for zen earn Dilithium and convert it. But stop bitching for the love of Q +mstickney1 +I Agree +malevolence666 +I'm with crazy.... +terongray +You might have plenty of disposable income, but 20 bucks per ship, per character, is absurd. Some don't have the free time to grind or the free cash to pay; I doubt people want their couple hours of gaming they get a day after work to be a second job to afford a new ship that there is nothing to use it in. Personally, I'd rather STO go back to a subscription system if they are so hard up for money. +wixiban +I also have to agree with this, everytime something new comes out - it's a cse of OMG I have to pay for it. Get over it, either grind the dilithium or if you can't afford the time or money then do without it. +dwadsdwad +The beauty of STO's business model is that while $20 may be a bit of a steep charge for a ship, you can not only earn it by simply playing the game (for FREE!) but also you don't necessarily need it to be better. Sure they give a few bonus stats but they aren't game changing. Yes a few stats can make a difference here and there but then what would be the point in making more of the same, it wouldn't sell... I guess the problem however is the modern culture of everyone is owed everything by the world and they should get what they want, when they want it. The problem is not with the game or its business model but with the players who feel they are somehow being robbed of a game that charges nothing to play. +sanitybox +That might be the case for you, but some of us purchased lifetime memberships before free to play, and it was with the idea we could earn all the ships, etc. If an entire games economy changed on you mid-life, you'd be a little ticked too. They've give us a small token in the form of a stipend, but it's so small it takes half a year to buy a ship. If you're not paying to play, fine, but there should be some benefit to having purchased and paid for your membership beyond a pittance of a stipend. 100 day rewards are nearly all cosmetic, and useless in game. +intruderxxx +Nicely put , but , how long have u been playing , players that are complaining are the ones that care about this game , have been here from the beginning , and most likely will be here till the end , lets see how you feel after paying 20$ per ship and few days after you payed another ship comes out same ship different paint-job and one more console , now that console fits your ship , u want it pay another 20$ to get it , or pay 200k dilithium (almost 800zen ) and grind yourself till death and top that with fleet marks , no thats not all add some fleet modules like 4 which is another 2000 zen , now do the math where is this free to play or even remotely worth it for gold players or lifetimers +cthulhuslawyer +Amen !!! I like the game and Im willing to drop some 20-30 buck when I want something . Its an optional thing so id doent hurt anyone ... +neoakiraii +I'm a lifetime member, and i have been here since beta...and i am ok with how they handle fleet ships. when you became a lifetime member you took many risks. ! you took a chance that the game could fail and your lifetime membership would be worthless cuz the game would be gone. two the game would change over time to stay afloat , so that way you still have your lifetime membership matter. if you were here from the start of STO then you should remember how close this game came to shutting down. lots of people left, no content, Atari did not put any money back in the game...so that lifetime membership you, and I have would be worthless right now. I have 20 toons, do i need alll of them to have fleet ships no way, but i already got a fleet ship for one of my toons, and it cost me $0, and 27mill EC, which is so easy to get, from the exchange. +tinead51 +@neoakiraii I'm a lifetime member, and i have been here since beta... Not everyone has,not everyone has millions of EC which have been collected over a long period of time.Practice what you preach. +eristhevorta @ Jul 25th, 2012 5:38AM +Meow, there is one thing missing: Fleet Assault Cruiser (Suvvie). :( +cthulhuslawyer +The Guramba is missing too.... +jkogden1982 @ Jul 25th, 2012 5:12AM +The Sovereign class doesn't get an upgrade? +bludagger @ Jul 25th, 2012 4:14AM +So, even though I pay a monthly subscription fee, I will have to pay more for ships that I already have, including the new skins, just for a 10th slot. 2000 zen. riiiiight. Now just think the poor new person coming in, paid 2000 zen for a ship, now is going to get the fleet tier ship, after assisting with ALL that grinding, who want to get the new looks and the 10th slot, 2000 more Zen. Yeah.. riiight. and you all wonder why we get so upset at you all and treat some of you like morons.... well that is easy we learned it all from you and how you treat your customer base. Definitely time to take the money someplace else. Hey thanks for laugh at the absurdity! :). +qwertyuioptius +Idiot, repeating the same post three times. If you don't like the system, leave it to people who actually want to buy them, you nitwit. Nobody's making you. +wixiban +If you already bought the C-Store ship, it will only cost you 1 Fleet module not 4. +broken1981 @ Jul 25th, 2012 3:03AM +i really hope i can use the thunderchild and sao paulo skins on the fleet ships. if not i hope u fix that since they are awesome skins. +Showing 53 of 113 Comments +4.5. Networking¶ +To get a hang on the basics of sharing a dataset, +you shared your +DataLad-101 dataset with your +room mate on a common, local file system. Your lucky +room mate now has your notes and can thus try to catch +up to still pass the course. +Moreover, though, he can also integrate all other notes +or changes you make to your dataset, and stay up to date. +This is because a DataLad dataset makes updating shared +data a matter of a single datalad update --merge command. +But why does this need to be a one-way line? “I want to provide helpful information for you as well!”, says your room mate. “How could you get any insightful notes that I make in my dataset, or maybe the results of our upcoming mid-term project? Its a bit unfair that I can get your work, but you can not get mine.” +Consider, for example, that your room mate might have googled about DataLad +a bit. In the depths of the web, he might have found useful additional information, such +a script on dataset nesting. +Because he found this very helpful in understanding dataset +nesting concepts, he decided to download it from GitHub, and saved it in the +code/ directory. +He does it using the datalad command datalad download-url +that you experienced in section Create a dataset already: This command will +download a file just as +wget, but it can also take a commit message +and will save the download right to the history of the dataset that you specify, +while recording its origin as provenance information. +Navigate into your dataset copy in +mock_user/DataLad-101, +and run the following command +# navigate into the installed copy $ cd ../mock_user/DataLad-101 # download the shell script and save it in your code/ directory $ datalad download-url \ -d . \ -m "Include nesting demo from datalad website" \ -O code/nested_repos.sh \ [INFO] Downloading '' into '/home/me/dl-101/mock_user/DataLad-101/code/nested_repos.sh' download_url(ok): /home/me/dl-101/mock_user/DataLad-101/code/nested_repos.sh (file) add(ok): code/nested_repos.sh (file) save(ok): . (dataset) action summary: add (ok: 1) download_url (ok: 1) save (ok: 1) +Run a quick datalad status: +$ datalad status nothing to save, working tree clean +Nice, the datalad download-url command saved this download right into the history, and datalad status does not report unsaved modifications! We’ll show an excerpt of the last commit here: +$ git log -n 1 -p commit 77774510fe33028c25f68291631ab79c6282c105 Author: Elena Piscopia Date: Sun Jul 31 14:43:28 2022 -0700 Include nesting demo from datalad website diff --git a/code/nested_repos.sh b/code/nested_repos.sh new file mode 100644 index 0000000..f84c817 --- /dev/null +++ b/code/nested_repos.sh @@ -0,0 +1,59 @@ +Suddenly, your room mate has a file change that you do not have. His dataset evolved. +So how do we link back from the copy of the dataset to its origin, such that your room mate’s changes can be included in your dataset? How do we let the original dataset “know” about this copy your room mate has? Do we need to install the installed dataset of our room mate as a copy again? +No, luckily, it’s simpler and less convoluted. What we have to do is to register a datalad sibling: A reference to our room mate’s dataset in our own, original dataset. +Remote siblings +Git repositories can configure clones of a dataset as remotes in order to fetch, pull, or push from and to them. A datalad sibling is the equivalent of a git clone that is configured as a remote. +Let’s see how this is done. +First of all, navigate back into the original dataset. +In the original dataset, “add” a “sibling” by using +the datalad siblings command (datalad-siblings manual). +The command takes the base command, +datalad siblings, an action, in this case +add, a path to the +root of the dataset +-d ., a name for the sibling, +-s/--name roommate, +and a URL or path to the sibling, +--url ../mock_user/DataLad-101. +This registers your room mate’s +DataLad-101 as a “sibling” (we will call it +“roommate”) to your own +DataLad-101 dataset. +$ cd ../../DataLad-101 # add a sibling $ datalad siblings add -d . \ --name roommate --url ../mock_user/DataLad-101 .: roommate(+) [../mock_user/DataLad-101 (git)] +There are a few confusing parts about this command: For one, do not be surprised +about the +--url argument – it’s called “URL” but it can be a path as well. +Also, do not forget to give a name to your dataset’s sibling. Without the +-s/ +--name argument the command will fail. The reason behind this is that the default +name of a sibling if no name is given will be the host name of the specified URL, +but as you provide a path and not a URL, there is no host name to take as a default. +As you can see in the command output, the addition of a sibling succeeded: +roommate(+)[../mock_user/DataLad-101] means that your room mate’s dataset +is now known to your own dataset as “roommate” +$ datalad siblings .: here(+) [git] .: roommate(+) [../mock_user/DataLad-101 (git)] +This command will list all known siblings of the dataset. You can see it in the resulting list with the name “roommate” you have given to it. +What if I mistyped the name or want to remove the sibling? +You can remove a sibling using datalad siblings remove -s roommate +The fact that the +DataLad-101 dataset now has a sibling means that we +can also datalad update this repository. Awesome! +Your room mate previously ran a datalad update --merge in the section Stay up to date. This got him changes he knew you made into a dataset that he so far did not change. This meant that nothing unexpected would happen with the datalad update --merge. +But consider the current case: Your room mate made changes to his dataset, but you do not necessarily know which. You also made changes to your dataset in the meantime, and added a note on datalad update. How would you know that his changes and your changes are not in conflict with each other? +This scenario is where a plain datalad update becomes useful. If you run a plain datalad update, DataLad will query the sibling for changes, and store those changes in a safe place in your own dataset, but it will not yet integrate them into your dataset. This gives you a chance to see whether you actually want to have the changes your room mate made. +Let’s see how it’s done. First, run a plain datalad update without +the +--merge option. +$ datalad update -s roommate [INFO] Fetching updates for Dataset(/home/me/dl-101/DataLad-101) [INFO] Start enumerating objects [INFO] Start counting objects [INFO] Start compressing objects update(ok): . (dataset) +Note that we supplied the sibling’s name with the +-s/ +--name option. +This is good practice, and allows you to be precise in where you want to get +updates from. It would have worked without the specification (just as a bare +datalad update --merge worked for your room mate), because there is only +one other known location, though. +This plain datalad update informs you that it “fetched” updates from +the dataset. The changes however, are not yet visible – the script that +he added is not yet in your +code/ directory: +$ ls code/ list_titles.sh +So where is the file? It is in a different branch of your dataset. +If you do not use Git, the concept of a branch can be a big source of confusion. There will be sections later in this book that will elaborate a bit more what branches are, and how to work with them, but for now envision a branch just like a bunch of drawers on your desk. The paperwork that you have in front of you right on your desk is your dataset as you currently see it. These drawers instead hold documents that you are in principle working on, just not now – maybe different versions of paperwork you currently have in front of you, or maybe other files than the ones currently in front of you on your desk. +Imagine that a datalad update created a small drawer, placed all of the changed or added files from the sibling inside, and put it on your desk. You can now take a look into that drawer to see whether you want to have the changes right in front of you. +The drawer is a branch, and it is usually called +remotes/origin/master. +To look inside of it you can git checkout BRANCHNAME, or you can +do a +diff between the branch (your drawer) and the dataset as it +is currently in front of you (your desk). We will do the latter, and leave +the former for a different lecture: +Please use datalad diff –from master –to remotes/roommate/master +Please use the following command instead: +datalad diff --from master --to remotes/roommate/master +This syntax specifies the master branch as a starting point for the comparison instead of the current +adjusted/master(unlocked) branch. +$ datalad diff --to remotes/roommate/master added: code/nested_repos.sh (file) modified: notes.txt (file) +This shows us that there is an additional file, and it also shows us +that there is a difference in +notes.txt! Let’s ask +git diff to show us what the differences in detail (note that it is a shortened excerpt, cut in the middle to reduce its length): +Please use git diff master..remotes/roommate/master +Please use the following command instead: +git diff master..remotes/roommate/master +This is Gits syntax for specifying a comparison between two branches. +$ git diff remotes/roommate/master diff --git a/code/nested_repos.sh b/code/nested_repos.sh deleted file mode 100644 index f84c817..0000000 --- a/code/nested_repos.sh +++ /dev/null @@ -1,59 +0,0 @@ -#!/bin/bash -# This script was converted using cast2script from: -# docs/casts/seamless_nested_repos.sh -set -e -u -export GIT_PAGER=cat - -# DataLad provides seamless management of nested Git repositories... - -# Let's create a dataset -datalad create demo -cd demo diff --git a/notes.txt b/notes.txt index 655be7d..3bf3281 100644 --- a/notes.txt +++ b/notes.txt @@ -59,3 +59,7 @@ The command "git annex whereis PATH" lists the repositories that have the file content of an annexed file. When using "datalad get" to retrieve file content, those repositories will be queried. +To update a shared dataset, run the command "datalad update --merge". +This command will query its origin for changes, and integrate the +changes into the dataset. + +Let’s digress into what is shown here. +We are comparing the current state of your dataset against +the current state of your room mate’s dataset. Everything marked with +a +- is a change that your room mate has, but not you: This is the +script that he downloaded! +Everything that is marked with a ++ is a change that you have, +but not your room mate: It is the additional note on datalad update +you made in your own dataset in the previous section. +Cool! So now that you know what the changes are that your room mate made, you can safely datalad update --merge them to integrate them into your dataset. In technical terms you will “merge the branch remotes/roommate/master into master”. But the details of this will be stated in a standalone section later. +Note that the fact that your room mate does not have the note on datalad update does not influence your note. It will not get deleted by the merge. You do not set your dataset to the state of your room mate’s dataset, but you incorporate all changes he made – which is only the addition of the script. +$ datalad update --merge -s roommate [INFO] Fetching updates for Dataset(/home/me/dl-101/DataLad-101) merge(ok): . (dataset) [Merged roommate/master] update.annex_merge(ok): . (dataset) [Merged annex branch] update(ok): . (dataset) action summary: merge (ok: 1) update (ok: 1) update.annex_merge (ok: 1) +The exciting question is now whether your room mate’s change is now +also part of your own dataset. Let’s list the contents of the +code/ +directory and also peek into the history: +$ ls code/ list_titles.sh nested_repos.sh +$ git log --oneline +Wohoo! Here it is: The script now also exists in your own dataset. +You can see the commit that your room mate made when he saved the script, +and you can also see a commit that records how you +merged your +room mate’s dataset changes into your own dataset. The commit message of this +latter commit for now might contain many words yet unknown to you if you +do not use Git, but a later section will get into the details of what +the meaning of “merge”, “branch”, “refs” +or “master” is. +For now, you’re happy to have the changes your room mate made available. This is how it should be! You helped him, and he helps you. Awesome! There actually is a wonderful word for it: Collaboration. Thus, without noticing, you have successfully collaborated for the first time using DataLad datasets. +Create a note about this, and save it. +$ cat << EOT >> notes.txt To update from a dataset with a shared history, you need to add this dataset as a sibling to your dataset. "Adding a sibling" means providing DataLad with info about the location of a dataset, and a name for it. Afterwards, a "datalad update --merge -s name" will integrate the changes made to the sibling into the dataset. A safe step in between is to do a "datalad update -s name" and checkout the changes with "git/datalad diff" to remotes/origin/master EOT $ datalad save -m "Add note on adding siblings" add(ok): notes.txt (file) save(ok): . (dataset) action summary: add (ok: 1) save (ok: 1) +Love and marriage, horse and carriage, Zizania and canoe… not exactly lyrical but you get the idea. If you want Wild Rice you have to go where the Wild Rice is, and that’s in water, not greatly deep water, but water nonetheless. Emergent is the word. +Truth be known Wild Rice, Zizania aquatica, is not rice and often not wild particularly if you buy it in a store. But those are quibbling points. It’s a popular and delicious grass grain, fairly easy to collect — if you know the technique — and nutritious as well. It was the staple of many Native America tribes, particularly in northern climates. They fought wars over it. Wild Rice is one of my favorite wild foods though locally we are on the very end of its range. +There are at least three species of Zizania maybe four. Botanists argue over that (think of it as a swamp turf war.) Z. aquatica is along the Atlantic Coastal plain from right here — Central Florida — to the northeast end of North America. From that same northeast land’s end west and southwest along the Great Lakes one finds Zizania palustris (which is either a separate species or a variation of Z. aquatica.) Both of those are annuals. Zizania texana is found only in Hays County, Texas, in the San Marcos River area, and is a perennial. There’s also a perennial Wild Rice in Japan, Taiwan, China and much of eastern Eurasia called Zizania latifolia. Incidently the latter becomes infected with Ustilago esculenta which causes the lower stem to swell. The Chinese parboil the stem then saute it with meat or other vegetables. +Locally the object de forage is Zizania aquatica, see top photo, not to be confused with Zizaniopsis miliacea, Giant Cut Grass, left, which also grows here. Z. aquatica is a very large grass to ten feet tall. Its stems are thick and spongy. Leaves are strap-like up to four feet long and two inches wide, smooth. The leaf’s edge is sharply toothed. The inflorescence is erect, very large up to two feet long and a foot across with spreading branches. The lower branchlets (male) droop, upper branchlets (female) are stiff and upright. Numerous spikelets and flowers, grain ovoid, yellow to reddish, up to an inch long. The flower is the quick key to separating the Zizania from the Zizaniopsis which resembles Wild Rice. The entire inflorescence — male and female parts — droop on the Zizaniopsis. The female parts of the flower on Wild Rice are stiff and point up. +Several first foragers use the Zizania species. Captain John Smith of Pocahontas fame said of the Wild Rice that it “groweth as our bents do in meadows…. seed is not much unlike rye, though much smaller… this they use for dainty bread buttered with dear suet.” Most folks don’t realize that Smith was a close friend of the king’s gardener and was in North America to basically find plants. His prowess with the barely pubertic Pocahontas seems to have captured historical fame more than his penchants for pokeweed. Smith was a swashbuckling kind of guy and probably the most famous of men who share his common name. He’s the first among John Smiths and was going to be executed when the ship he was on landed. However, papers labeled ‘only open in North America’ put him in charge of everyone including the captain who was going to execute him. That has to be the world’s sweetest reprieve. The “bent” he was referring to is probably some speices of Agrostis. +As for the Wild Rice, the Menominee, who take their name from the plant in Ojibwan, manoomin, cooked the grain with deer broth, pork, or butter and seasoned it with maple syrup. The Ojibwa used it to make muffins as well as stuffing for duck and other birds. They steamed it to fluff it up and had it for breakfast with sugar and cream. Popping it was common. And… prepare yourself for this… No, I really mean it. Steel thyself, ’cause this ain’t pretty: TheOjibwa also boiled it with rabbit excrement and considered the concoction a delicious luxury. Other tribes that consumed the grain included the Dakota, Meskwaki, Omaha, Ponca, Thompson, and Winnebago. +Several early writers mentioned how the grain was harvested with the use of two sticks and a canoe. Basically the plant is leaned over the canoe with one stick and brushed with the other. After parching some tribes trod on the grain to winnow it. Not the best method as even just a little grit makes the grain difficult to consume. Sand is not an edible. Incidentally, the Zizaniopsis miliacea has edible seeds as well and the growing tips of its white rhizomes are edible cooked . Zizaniopsis means looks like Zizania. Miliacea is millet-like. +Aquatica means in the water, palustris means in the swamp, texana in Texas and latifolia wide leaf. Zizania is a bit more involved. It’s from the Greek word ζιζάνια (zee-ZAH- nee-ah) or singular in modern Greek ζιζάνιο (zee-ZAH-nee-oh.) It was a weed that inflitrated wheat fields. In Dead Latin it is said zye-ZAY-nee-ah. The word in modern Greek also means dissension or a mischievous person or tare (said tear which is a vetch.) Linguistically you have a choice: You can use Dead Latin and say zye-ZAY-nee-ah or use Living Greek and call it zee-ZAH-nee-ah. I’ve made my choice… +Nutrionally Wild Rice is about 77% carbohydrates and between 15 and 17% protein. The grains are rich in glutelins and essential amino acids, especially lysine and methionine. It is a good source of B vitamins and is low in amylose, only 2%. +Green Deane’s “Itemized” Plant Profile: Wild Rice +IDENTIFICATION: Zizania aquatica: Annual, erect, aquatic grass to ten feet. Stems hollow; leaves flat, to four feet long, two inches wide, leaf-markings purple with thick midrib often nearer one leaf side than the other. Flowers cross-fertilized and wind-pollinated, large, open, terminal panicles, two-feet long a foot wide. Male flowers on lower portion of the flower droop; female parts of the flowers are stiff and erect, twisted barbed awns; kernels (seed) closely adhering to thin brown hull, shallow-grooved the entire length of one surface, long, nearly cylindrical, purplish-black when ripe. Roots slender, fibrous, penetrating shallowly. +TIME OF YEAR: Late summer, mid-August into mid-September. Grains are collected by using two sticks the length of your arm. One is used to bend the plant over the canoe. The other stick is used to gently brush the plant to knock off ripe seeds. Successive visits to the same plant are possible as not all the seeds ripen at the same time. Harvesting can start as early as after 4.5 months of growth. Grain is harvested when the plants are still green. If they are brown, you’re too late. Collected grains should be sun dried for at least a couple of days. An alternative is parching the grains which is heating them in an open pan, stiring until they are dry. Hull parched rice immedately or they will remoisten. Keep away from sand. A little grit goes a long ways. +ENVIRONMENT: Wild Rice is completely absent from strongly alkaline waters and avoids stagnant water. The current must not be perceptible but a constant change of water is desirable. Fresh water plant, not growing successfully in water with a salty taste, thrives in brackish water in low marshes bordering tidal rivers, and in no more than two feet of water, and where the annual change of water level is not more than two feet. Grows wild in shallow freshwater lakes and edges of lakes and streams. It requires slow-flowing water through the rice bed or field, with depth of water from one to four feet with constant or slightly declining water levels through the growing season. Raising water uproots the plant. +METHOD OF PREPARATION: Cleaned grains are usually boiled. They can also be popped or ground into a flour used with other flours or added to stews as a thickener. +If you would like to donate to Eat The Weeds please click here. +{ 12 comments… read them below or add one } +Can you share a wild forage location in New York state? I’d very much like to take a trip to forage either Zizania aquatica or an equivalent sub species in New York! Thanks! +I think you can get a better answer by googling “Wildman Steve Brill” as asking him. It’s his backyard. +Does anyone know if wild rice grows in New England? I’d like to try some. +Yes. Look up Zizania palustris. +Yes it does grow in New England!!! It grows throughout the east and center of the country. Our type is called Canada Rice, and it grows in marshes and near riverbanks. I live in New England. The rice near my river has recently been infected by a mysterious pink fungus. Don’t eat it if it has pink. I live in New Hampshire and I see it at my local river. You should cook it as a grain for the best use. I hope I was helpful! +Just got some wild rice from the organic section of the grocery. Going to plant some and see what happens. +dose any grow in n ca +Yes. +Keith, I grow it in containers on my downspouts in western ny. Nothing will grow around phragmite, as the roots exude a chemical that kills other plants, which is why you often find it grows in a mass, almost entirely creating a monoculture where it grows. You can try it, but I’m not sure you’ll have any luck. +Hey Deane, great work, I enjoy all of it thoroughly. +I am wondering if you can answer this: Will Wild Rice survive wherever Cattails and Phragmites can? I have some land with Cattails occupying a nice little chunk, and then at the slightest lower (maybe a foot or two) elevation, next to the almost full year stream is phragmites (the stream stopped running maybe once this year, though remained wet). The property drops a little further and ends up in a swamp, but this swamp is overgrown and I won’t be able to cultivate there for a little while. I can dredge out some of the area with cattails and phragmites and make a little pond for the Wild Rice (hand digging). What do you think, will the Wild Rice survive in a damp meadow? Do you know of any common associates that are edible that I haven’t mentioned? Will it cooperate with Lotus, and Cress? I am located in NY if that helps. Thanks!!! +Keith +P.S. Perhaps you could consider adding an element of this to your articles. If I may be so bold! Maybe you can tell people how they might be able to introduce these species where they want it. Will simply scattering Dandelion seed suffice? Should a root be transplanted? Should it be cultivated as thoroughly as lettuce to assure establishment? For people like me that would be a great boon. Keep up the good work!! +Research on wild rice is quite specific. It wants a change of water but very little current. Also it does not endure rising water because it uproots it. Lotus, I think, prefers warmer winters than you have. If I had a spongy meadow I would consider Apios americana. They grow well in your garden when cultivated but their natural habitat is wet areas. +I sometimes include how to spread seeds around, as mentioned in my current newsletter. Officials and others frown on this. +Now this one is local for me here in central MN. I haven’t harvested it myself, but do buy mine from the local Ojibwe who harvest if from Lake Onamia. While watching a rice processing demo at the reservation this past fall, the man doing the winnowing described that his favorite way of eating the rice is to “pop” it, like popcorn, and mix it with maple sugar left over from syrup-making. I think I could try that. My favorite way to eat it, is as a wild rice omelet with black trumpet mushrooms. +Bodybuilding To Get Women Vs Bodybuilding To Compete +In this day and age of social media, if you follow bodybuilding you probably follow a lot of fitness models, as well as people who compete in physique, classic physique, or bodybuilding. +Using these social media presences as inspiration creates an illusion that the ideal physique for men is 200 pounds diced as a minimum, and that men's physique competitors are likely the minimum level of muscularity necessary for a maxed out physique. +While bodybuilding is seen as quite a bit more freakish over the past few years, the physique and classic physique categories are still widely regarded as the pinnacle of male physique development for attracting women. +It’s pretty common for bodybuilders to justify their drug abuse, and criticize a non-competitive bodybuilder’s drug use that is only using steroids to improve their sexual appeal with the classic excuse: +“You're doing it for the wrong reasons if you're doing it to get girls.” +To me, that statement is absurd and I laugh every time I hear it come out of a bodybuilder’s mouth because there's no person who literally only takes drugs and abuses their body for this sport just for competing and nothing else. +There are always the guys who say, “I just do it because I love it and I have to compete and it's how I make my living, so I have to use these drugs.” +To me, this is so transparent and anybody with half a brain knows that even if these guys weren't making any money bodybuilding, they’d probably still be bodybuilding but just working a normal job too. +Bodybuilders are bodybuilders because they love bodybuilding and enjoy building a huge, muscular and shredded physique. +We all know that bodybuilders like the attention they get from their physique, let's not pretend otherwise. +Do I think that you should only use anabolics for competitive purposes? +No, I truly think that using them for 100% vain purposes is completely justified and anybody who says otherwise is lying to themselves, or just has different priorities than 99% of men on this planet. +Getting back to the social media though, there's this misconception that you have to look like Sergi Constance, Chris Bumstead, or whoever your fitness idol is to be maxed out appearance wise. +The reality is that fairly often, via attempting to get to that point you're just going to make yourself more unattractive then you would have if you didn’t push things into abusive territory. +It takes a very minimal amount of drugs to actually achieve a physique that would be seen as ideal to women.. +To women though (luckily the gender that actually matters), 9/10 of them would WAY rather have a guy with a nice face and good head of hair that is an athletic looking 170 pounds over a 240 pound national competitor with a Norwood 4 hair line and an ugly bloated face despite being shredded (very common facial trait among bodybuilders). +In pursuit of the ultimate classic physique body with anabolic steroids, you will more likely than not eventually have a choice put in front of you where you could gain another 10 pounds of muscle by increasing your dosages and doing a fat cycle of X, Y and Z, but the trade off would be permanently burning 5,000+ hairs off your head and adding another layer of tissue padding onto your face from all of the androgens you are going to be taking to do that. +Now, when you think about this from a non-jaded third person perspective, what is going to actually make you more attractive of those two choices? +If you thin the hell out of your hair because you had to take a hefty cycle of X, Y and Z to get to that next level physique, but then it thins out your hair line, did you really make yourself more attractive or less attractive? +What if you got a bunch of acne from it, or if you prematurely aged your face? +When you're in supraphysiological dosage range with anabolic androgenic steorids, you're going to prematurely age yourself with abusive dosages. +If you look at any serious top level IFBB pro bodybuilder’s face in their 20’s, you’ll notice that they all coincidentally look to be a minimum of 10-20 years older than they actually are. +You’ll see a picture of some massive bodybuilder and probably have the same question as most others: “How old is this guy? 40?” +And then your jaw drops when you find out he’s actually 21 and it's the drugs that make him look like an old man. +Steroids “Anti-Aging” Effects – How They Actually Impact Your Facial Appearance +Despite endogenously produced steroids being classified by some as “anti-aging” drugs, when they're taken in supraphysiological amounts you can actually prematurely age your skin. +Every muscle in your body hyper responds when you take these drugs. +This means that not only will they increase the amount of muscle you're going to build, but every contraction of these muscles is exaggerated as that muscle is far stronger than it would be otherwise. +And when you're constantly creasing your face by making grimacing expressions in the gym, or simply raising your eye brows and making normal every day expressions during your day to day life, you will increase the probability of developing deep wrinkles. +Go look at the average 30-year-old guy and go look at the average 30-year-old professional bodybuilder. +Who looks older almost every single time? It's probably the bodybuilder. +Now that's not to say that you shouldn't bodybuild, however, the point I’m trying to exemplify is that bodybuilders are often be blinded in their endless pursuit of muscle, and if you are doing this for aesthetic purposes, do not fall into this trap. +It’s VERY easy to get carried away. +The ideal physique to women is: +- Lean and athletic (cut to 10% body fat and stay there with diet adherence) +- If you don’t have enough muscle and are a rail, then you will have to bulk and cut a few times to get up to your genetic potential before sticking to a “shredded year round” focused plan +- Chiseled face (accomplished by keeping drugs low and body fat low) +- No visible hair loss (keep androgens to a minimum, or none at all, plus have a prevention regimen in place) +- If you’re too far gone already, look at hair systems or a hair transplant +- Tall (If you’re under 6 foot 3, boost your height) +These are the general boxes you want to tick off, with complexion, hygiene, style, etc. all being things that will need to be perfected as well to max out your sex appeal. +However, just from a general physique perspective, those are the main boxes you should focus on checking off. +What If You Want To Take Androgenic Steroids Anyways? +I'm not saying you're going to wreck your face if you take high dosages of anabolics, but I’m trying to illuminate the very real consequence of pushing things too far if aesthetics are the primary goal. +If you're put in a position where you have to ask yourself “Okay, should I run Testosterone, Masteron and Trenbolone, but lose 25% of my hair over the next four months in order to get a bit better of a physique?” +Often times when it comes to pure attraction, you would have been way better off just not taking it. +There are more hair safe ways to go about getting to the top of the tier of men’s physiques (not on a bodybuilding stage) without having to go into that realm of abuse where you're likely making your appearance worse in order to gain stupid tons of muscle. +No girl sees a gym rat as attractive who's 300 pounds, has his shaker cup with him, has his Otomix shoes on, is wearing a stringer as flimsy as an apron, as well as the rest of the cliché bodybuilder attire, is completely bald walking around and can barely breathe with high blood pressure. +This just looks unhealthy and freakish, and no girl really wants this except a minority of niche fitness chicks. +And even then, often times they'd prefer a guy who is athletic looking, very lean, and has a good looking face and head of hair. +One thing you’ll notice once you get to heavily abusive territory with insane amounts of muscle that a lot of these bodybuilders look like they’re fat even when they're shredded. +They have so much body mass in their face from the amount of muscle they've built there, and the amount of water retention that they hold in that tissue around their neck and face from all the drugs they're using to hold that supraphysiological amount of muscle. +Barely a week after the Mr. Olympia contest these bodybuilders already look fat in clothes. +Even when they’re ready to go on stage when they're in their sweaters backstage a lot of them don't even have that sucked in face look despite being 5% body fat and water depleted. +They have fat looking faces, and it comes down to the amount of muscle they have, and the drugs. +If you get to a point where you're just hindering your facial aesthetics, your hair and your skin quality in order to get that next tier of muscle gain, that's where you should draw the line and that's where you're actually making negative progress when it comes to attracting the opposite sex, if that's why you're doing this in the first place. +Natural Athlete Vs Bodybuilder Sex Appeal +Just keep in mind a girl would way rather be with a guy who looks Cristiano Ronaldo, who's probably 175 pounds at 8 percent body fat versus a guy who's 230 pounds of pure muscle but is bald and has a ruined face. +This is something I wish I realized a long time ago to be honest because it could have saved me a lot of hair. +Fortunately, I've recovered a lot in the meantime, but if I could go back in time, I probably wouldn't have gone to the extreme that I did with some of this stuff. +I figured this stuff out pretty early, but there are a lot of guys that get to a point where there's no turning back. +They've burned all the hair off of their head; they have insane cardiovascular hypertrophy, high blood pressure, borderline renal failure, this and that. +All these things that are potential consequences of drug abuse that only helped them on stage, but in every other aspect hindered their quality of life. +To be blunt, you’re not going to do better with the opposite sex attempting to look like Mr. Olympia. +In Conclusion +You really don't need much. Trust me. +If you do choose to use anabolics, I'd advise sticking with compounds that are far more selective for muscle than prostate, and avoiding heavy androgens and DHT derivatives like the plague. +If you look like this guy for example, this would be the top 0.00001% and anything above and beyond this would almost certainly be considered overkill for most people. +This physique could be achieved naturally for those with great genetics, and for those with average or subpar genetics, it very likely wouldn’t require more than a very modest dosage of a mild anabolic. +21 thoughts on “Keeping Your Hair Vs Gaining More Muscle With Androgenic Steroids” +Would you say that your physique is overkill? +I wouldn’t say it’s overkill, but just put it this way, if I lost 10 pounds of muscle but regrew all of the hair I lost off the top of my head, I’d probably be more attractive. +You said minimum ANABOLICS so does going on TRT comes in that category. I mean not using anything beyond synthetic test. Cheerx +Depends on your individual sensitivity. This is about being consciously aware of your own personal limits when you’re making a decision on what will make you more attractive. Some guys can run a gram of Tren and not lose their hair, some guys can’t even keep their hair just operating with their own endogenous natural production of Testosterone. +I agree with what you saying. Before I started training I weigh 120 lb at 5’11” skinny fat and I did some extreme things to get to a shredded 175, thereby gaining 55 lbs of lean tissue. I got greedy and decided to gain more weight to 185-190 range and it caused me negative issues like permanent facial bloat, lowered immune system and cystic acne to which i still carry the acne scars to this day. My biggest regret about physique is not stopping when I should have stopped when I was good enough and kept myself healthy. I hope more young men take you warning seriously +Good post, what would you recommend to do cycle wise, maybe just sticking with test e or? I’d like to hear your opinion it would make a good post/video. +Cheers +I’ll do a “hair safe anabolics” article at some point in the near future. ++1 on this 🙂 ++2 +1.5 years later and I’m still waiting on your “hair safe anabolics” article…any idea when we could expect it? +Seconded +Thirded +Can you talk about which AAS are best to keep your face looking lean? I don’t suffer from balding/shedding at all (500 tren/20mg superdrol did nothing) so far so I’m not concerned about that. +Getting lean and eating in a deficit is what keeps your face lean. +The most common very “dry” compounds are Tren, Masteron, Winstrol, Halo, Anavar. +Aka they won’t make you go moon face (in unison with a calorie surplus + poor diet) like heavily aromatizing steroids or big bloaters will like Dbol, Nandrolone Decanoate, Testosterone, Anadrol, etc. +Also Primo should be dry…. +Derek, did you ever write the ‘Hair Safe Anabolic’s article that you mentioned in your comment above? I couldn’t find it when searching. I think such an article would be extremely helpful to a lot of guys. If you have written it already can you link it here please? +No but it’s on my to do list. +I love the health based article using 300mg of test, proviron, primo, and deca. It would be awesome if you could make a similar article but for hair, skin, and health. Something that talks about steroids and doesnt just say take sarms. Maybe an article that takes into account not wanting any water retention and being somewhat gyno prone like many guys are. For the guy who wants to use steroids to look good and be healthy. Maybe for someone who wants to look like zyzz/chestbrah not make hair loss mistakes and actually use more traditional steroids (not sarms). +Forgot to mention similar to the last article that mention the goal was not to use an ai or sarm. It would be great if this article had a traditional steroid cycle titration that didn’t need an ai, sarm, finasteride, or dutasteride. You can throw in a sarms cycle with links if you want, but base most the article around the health focused traditional steroid sequence you used last time but more focus on keeping your hair. +Hey Derek, +Just wondering if you’ve gotten along to making the Hair safe anabolics article yet? +Still thinking it would help out a lot of men on here/watching your videos +Thanks, Deon +I am going to be completely bald by the time you decide to make your hair safe steroid cycle article. +Contents +The Emergence of Unique Self Teaching +Unique Self is an original enlightenment teaching with antecedents in both Western and Eastern enlightenment traditions, and especially the Kabbalah lineage. It was developed principally by Dr. Marc Gafni between 1989 and 2012 in dialogue with numerous partners who have contributed to its unfolding. +Soul Prints +- 1989 — Marc Gafni first taught “soul prints” at the age of 26 in a dharma talk at Delray Beach, Florida. The talk, delivered to five hundred senior citizens, communicated the Hebrew mystical intuition that our lives are infinitely and uniquely significant. He said for the first time, “Not only do you have a fingerprint, you have a soul print.” In the soul prints book, Gafni explicitly coins the term Unique Self and already, in a number of passages, talks about Soul Print not as a typology of ego, but as an expression of enlightened essence. +- 1990s — Marc Gafni developed the intellectual framework of the “soul print” idea from research and teaching related to what he termed Nondual Humanism and the Unique Self in the thought of Mordechai Yosef Lainer of Izbica and in the Talmudic and Kabbalistic tradition from which he emerged. +- 2001 — Marc Gafni’s book Soul Prints: Your Path to Fulfillment (Simon and Schuster) is published, becoming an international bestseller. Marc wrote about Unique Self in a number of contexts, including the point in soul prints: “The address of the divine commands us each to realize our Unique Self.” In this context, he referred to the internal divine voice that lives in and as the interior face of consciousness. The book would later become the subject of a PBS special presentation. The book’s scholars’ page located a core source of the teaching in the teachings of Mordechai Lainer of Izbica. +Unique Self and Non-Dual Humanism +- Early 2000s — Marc Gafni expanded his Unique Self idea by writing the first draft of his doctoral dissertation at Oxford University under the co-supervision of Professor Moshe Idel and Dr. Norman Solomon. Gafni showed that for Lainer, an essential part of the process of what he termed berur might well be understood as a clarification of Uniqueness beyond the egoic separate self, that is to day, individuation beyond ego. It was in this work that Gafni clarified his own understanding of this process of berur as being about the realization of Self beyond ego or individuation beyond ego. +- 2005 —Marc Gafni formulated the core understanding of Soul Print/Unique Self as perspective, as emergent from Hebrew mystical sources on the ontology of perspectives. In this understanding emerging from Hebrew mysticism and from deep conversations with Ken Wilber, including his radical emphasis on perspective, Soul Print/Unique Self was understood as the perspective attained at the post-egoic enlightenment level of consciousness. Gafni understood perspective to be a function of essence. Perspective and essence were in his understanding virtually synonymous. +- 2005 to 2006 — Ken Wilber and Marc Gafni entered into dialogue about the nature of enlightenment. When Marc sent his doctoral dissertation to Ken, Wilber evolved some of the implicit structures in his position, and in a series of conversations and emails, recognized the Unique Self teaching that Marc was articulating as a significant new enlightenment lineage that has much to offer Integral Spirituality. Ken in his early reading of Soul Prints understood it to be a spiritual expression of the separate self. This was an accurate reading of one strain of unique self teaching. However, in reading Gafni’s academic work on Unique Self and Non Dual Humanism, evolved that teaching significantly. Wilber agreed with Gafni that Unique Self was a crucial evolution of the classical enlightenment teachings. Gafni also evolved some of the implicit structrues I his position as a result of the dialogues, formulating the core understanding of Soul Print/Unique Self more clearly as a perspective. Ken’s postmodern emphasis on perspective naturally dovetailed with the ontological kabbalistic emphasis of perspective, and together further deepened the Unique Self teaching. Dr. Gafni’s teaching may be seen as emergent from Hebrew mystical sources on the ontology of perspectives and from his own realization. Gafni clarified that it is a perspective attained at the post-egoic enlightenment level of consciousness, and he identified perspective as an expression of essence. +Integral Unique Self +- January 2006 — Ken Wilber convened a gathering of some fifty leading spiritual teachers for a series of translineage meetings at the Integral Spiritual Center (ISC). In a call with Marc before the meeting, Ken suggested prioritizing Marc’s term “Unique Self” over “soul prints” in his presentation so that the Unique Self teaching would not be confused with the separate-self/soul teaching of exoteric Western religion. Marc and Ken felt it important to move, in the Integral world, from the term “soul prints” and its third-person, metaphysical implications, to the term “Unique Self,” which more readily expressed the first-personal realization in post-metaphysical terms. This was key in allowing Unique Self to be integrated into Integral Theory. +- 2006 — Ken Wilber invited Marc Gafni to give a featured address to the spiritual teachers attending the ISC gathering on the nature of Unique Self enlightenment. This was a key moment in Unique Self’s emergence in the broader spiritual community. Many teachers wrote letters afterward saying that the Unique Self teaching significantly evolved their own understanding and experience of enlightened consciousness. Marc and Ken in their dialogues significantly sharpened the distinction between egoic individuality and post-egoic individuality. In the months after ISC, a number of teachers who were moved by the Unique Self realization began to incorporate it into their teaching, including Genpo Roshi, Sofia Diaz, John Forman, Diane Musho Hamilton, Sally Kempton, John Kesler, Vidyuddeva, and others. +- 2006 — Genpo Roshi and Diane Hamilton were also pivotal in the full transition in the Integral world from the term “Soul Prints” to the term “Unique Self.” At some point after ISC, Diane Musho Hamilton and Genpo began to use the Unique Self voice when they were teaching the Big Mind Process. +- 2006 — Andrew Cohen and Marc Gafni shared a public teaching in Tel Aviv in 2006. At this point, Andrew rejected Uniqueness, saying “there is no such thing as a Unique Spiritual Experience,” and Marc’s took issue with Andrew in an important exchange in their recorded debate. Through subsequent email correspondence and conversation, Cohen and Gafni gained greater clarity on the similarities and differences of their respective enlightenment teachings. Later, in 2010, Andrew and Marc would sit for a formal dialogue on the distinctions between Unique Self and Authentic Self, as part of the Future of Love series hosted by iEvolve and Integral Life. +- 2007 — Dennis Genpo Merzel, creator of the Big Mind process, which combined Western psychology and Zen, sees the publication of Big Mind Big Heart (Big Mind Publishing), a book which incorporated the Unique Self teaching into its framework. Genpo in a gracious written note explicitly thanked Marc for the Unique Self teaching, which he heard at ISC 2 and integrated into his Big Mind book and teaching. Marc thanked Genpo for the Big Mind voice dialogue process, which Marc incorporated into parts of his work. +- 2008 — Ken Wilber, Terry Patten, Adam Leonard, and Marco Morelli saw the publication of Integral Life Practice (Integral Books), which included a chapter entitled “Unique Self,” directly derived from the Unique Self presentation at ISC, which Terry (who authored the Unique Self Chapter) attended. +- 2008 — Marc Gafni, Diane Hamilton, and Sofia Diaz established an organization, iEvolve: Global Practice Community, which intended to create a worldwide community of practitioners of an evolutionary spirituality with Unique Self as one of the key teachings. +- 2009 — Marc wrote material which formed the basis for almost all of Your Unique Self (Integral Publishing). +- Dec. 2009/ Jan. 2010 — Unique Self further evolved the Integral space when Marc was privileged to initiate and lead an effort, together with Ken Wilber, Robb Smith, Diane Hamilton, and Sally Kempton, to reinvigorate the public practice space of the Integral Spiritual movement. The focal point of the effort was a series of annual Integral Spiritual Experience (ISE) programs/workshops. Because Unique Self had by that time begun to emerge as a new chapter in Integral Theory, the event’s inaugural gathering (ISE1) revolved around the teaching of Unique Self. In a series of dialogues with Lama Surya Das, Jean Houston, Alex Grey, and other luminaries, the teachings gained wider currency and acceptance. Marc wrote the core text for the Unique Self Teaching in the ISE material. The material was then edited and sharpened by Diane Hamilton. +- Jan. 2010 — In the keynote address at ISE1, Marc suggested that the emerging movement must transcend and include the Integral world as it had been narrowly defined. It was in this keynote that Marc coined the term World Spirituality and put forth the vision that the order of the day was to evolve and articulate a “World Spirituality based on Integral principles.” This keynote effectively began the latest recension of the World Spirituality movement. It unknowingly dovetailed with a theme of Ken Wilber’s throughout SES, the search for the guiding parameters of a true World Philosophy. +Unique Self and World Spirituality +- Dec. 2010/Jan. 2011 — The second annual gathering of the Integral Spiritual Experience (ISE2) put the spotlight on Love, using centrally the “Three Stations of Love” teaching that Marc developed in connection to Unique Self. This model emerged for Marc from the teachings of the Baal Shem Tov which was naturally aligned with a key developmental model which is core to developmental studies. Creativity, the topic of the third ISE, was initiated jointly by Marc and Diane Hamilton. In a key dialogue while preparing for ISE 3, Marc and Ken clarified the role of Unique Self and creativity. +- 2011 — The Integral Spiritual Center evolved into Integral Life Spiritual Center organized by Marc, Ken, Diane Hamilton, and Sally Kempton. Integral Life Spiritual Center evolved the Center for World Spirituality (CWS) initiated by Marc together with Ken Wilber. Ken Wilber played a role — by formal agreement with Integral Life — as “a supporter and leading voice” in the Wisdom Council of Center for World Spirituality and a key initiating energy in the formation of the CWS. CWS emerged out of the iEvolve: Global Practice Community originally founded in 2008 by Marc, Diane Hamilton, and Sofia Diaz. Integral Life and CWS split, and in a written agreement, signed by Marc and David Riordan at Ken Wilber’s home, agreed to explore at a later date what the nature of their collaboration might or might not be. +- 2011 — Marc Gafni taught Unique Self to graduate students participating in programs related to Integral Studies at John F. Kennedy University. Hosted by the Chair of the Department, Sean Esbjorn Hargens, Marc delivered a keynote address at a JFK intensive which helped to solidify the importance of Unique Self teachings for the development as a critical new chapter in Integral Theory. +-. +- 2011 — Marc gives a widely acclaimed TEDx talk on Unique Self at TEDx Las Vegas, which brings him into close collegial association with Eben Pagan and Wyatt Woodsmall, while introducing him also to Dave Logan. Eben and Wyatt join the board of Center for World Spirituality, and Dave joins the CWS Wisdom Council. +- Jan. 2012 — Chris Dierkes publishes an article on the Beam and Struts Ezine website, “Unique Self, Authentic Self, and The Flavor of Embodied Enlightenment,” fruitfully comparing Marc’s Unique Self teaching with Andrew Cohen’s Authentic Self teaching. +- Feb. 2012 — At the second annual Board Retreat of CWS, over two dozen attendees chartered an expanded and renewed vision for World Spirituality based on Integral principles and sharpened the role of the organization as a think tank committed to evolving the source code of human existence in our time. Unique Self is a lodestone in that core vision. +- May 2012 — A leading recovery/treatment center convenes a group of ten therapists to design a Unique Self treatment modality, to be implemented and formally measured and tested at the center. +- May 2012 — Integral Publishing takes the lead in launching the Unique Self Integral teaching in the world. +- May 2012 — A team is assembled to develop a Unique Self process which is to be launched online as part of a new Unique Self telecourse. There were two Unique Self courses offered prior to the new course and process, which were offered following Integral Spiritual Experience 1 in 2009-2010. +- May 2012 — Marc has initial conversations with Zak Stein, Lori Galperin, Laura Wood, Richard Barrett and others about developing a Unique Self Index. +- June 2012 — Integral Publishing published two academic volumes of nearly 1,000 pages called Radical Kabbalah. Part I: Unique Self and Non Dual Humanism and Part II: The Teachings of Mordechai Lainer of Izbica. +- Sept., 2012 — Integral Publishers brought out Your Unique Self: The Radical Path to Personal Enlightenment, the first book devoted to the Unique Self teaching. +- Summer/Fall 2012 — Andrew adopted some key dimensions of the Unique Self teaching, which he had previously rejected, into his formulations on soul. Ken Wilber in a Guru-Pandit dialogue (Summer/Fall 2012) pointed to the possible source of these teachings in “Gafni’s Unique Self teaching.” +- 2013 — Awakening Your Unique Self tele-course and practice community is offered for the first time to wonderful reviews by students. Wake Up, Grow Up, Show Up, and Participate in the Evolution of Love telecourse follows the course with great success. Course participants step forward to take more active roles in the CWS community. +- Sept. 2013 — Integral Theory Conference (ITC). Marc delivers an academic paper comparing the two models of self in evolutionary mysticism: Unique Self and Authentic Self +- Fall/Winter 2013 — Marc publishes an ebook on Authentic/Unique Self, the two models of self in evolutionary mysticism. The book focuses on ten core differences between Marc and Andrew’s positions and why the differences matter so much. +I was on the boardwalk at Coney Island this weekend and something in the distance caught my eye. "It's a puppet show!" I said (fine: squealed) to my boyfriend. And then, upon approaching, "...and I think it's religious!!!!" It was: +I think this is a wonderful metaphor (or working example, even) of evangelism's burden in 2011. No one cares and the wind's blowing too hard to pay attention, anyway. +Though it was an obvious highlight, this was not the most surreal thing I experienced on Coney Island. The Coney Island beach is pretty gross (it's more dirt than sand), but a nice thing about it is that people walk by all day selling things. This makeshift dim sum set-up is very convenient if you want ice cold water or a Corona in a paper cup or a $1 blow-up beach ball. As part of this series of nomadic peddlers, an overweight, older man with a gray ponytail that was down to his ass approached our group and held up a seashell with a pot leaf laminated inside of it. "Would anyone like to buy an ashtray?" he asked. His intonation was somewhere between music and a child-beauty pageant announcer (really, he sounded like Mr. Tim in Living Dolls when he announces that Reed Hale's hobbies include "playing in the dirt and watching Unsolved Mysteries"). Of course we were like, "No." "It's made with a realllll leaf," sang-song the man, lingering. We ignored him and he slinked off. I realized that he was probably speaking in code: his Lynchian tone and behavior were either his way of signaling that he was selling marijuana or that he would be back to murder us later. We're all still alive, so I'm going with the former! +And thennnnnn, when we had left the beach and were standing on the boardwalk, waiting for people to finish using the bathroom, two guys approached our group of eight or so and asked, "What's a douchebag?" Someone started to explain exactly what it was, but the pair interrupted and clarified: they wanted to know whether "douchebag" was more frequently used to describe men or women. The more laid-back of the two was gently trying to convince his friend that "douchebag" was typically used for cocky, boorish guys. His more excitable friend (who had what I think was a Dominican accent) was insistent that you call women "douchebags" because "douchebag is the equivalent of scumbag" (literally, that is a quote). I calmly explained that, no, the laid-back guy was right and that men are typically called douchebags. Someone else in our group said that you could call anyone anything but typically the connotation is that men are douchebags. The excitable guy began pointing at each person in our group in an impromptu poll that got him nowhere except more insistent that he was right. Then a giant pitbull with a football in his mouth walked up and distracted them. We slipped away and I got ice cream. +The literary-level irony of this is that both of these guys were total douchebags! (I can only imagine the conversation that led to this debate – it almost certainly stemmed from shit-talking a stranger, probably a woman.) They didn't know it, but they were in the middle of an existential crisis. +Anyway, the larger point is that if you go to Coney Island, you should talk to people because everyone is fucking insane. +You have seen the Junior Christian Science Bible Show, right? +Posted by: m | August 08, 2011 at 03:10 PM +i just visited coney island for the first time last weekend and this is a perfect vignette of what it's like there. i love how the giant pitbull with the football puts an end to the discussion. +Posted by: an | August 08, 2011 at 10:46 PM +You actually constructed a few useful facts there. I did so looking for within the difficulty along with seen nearly all consumers will probably agreement in your web page. +Posted by: Florida Internet Marketing | August 09, 2011 at 04:20 AM +Question: Why do the Russian men think boxer-briefs take the place of swim trunks? +Posted by: Whiskas | August 09, 2011 at 02:38 PM +Coney Island is a nuthouse. I was once approached by a young man who was on many drugs, insisting he could not find his friends, and did not know what direction he had come from. I said, having seen which direction he had come from, "You've already checked over there, so maybe now check over there?" gesturing at the entire other part of the Coney Island beachfront behind me. The young man decided that this was an important an extremely helpful piece of advice, and laid the following benediction upon me: "May you find your future in a golden pandora dragon." +Posted by: Jon | August 09, 2011 at 05:44 PM +Thank God there are still places like that around... +Posted by: Nonplussed | August 10, 2011 at 07:22 AM +Things that you've said in this site was great! thanks for the information. Good luck! +Posted by: freelance writer | August 10, 2011 at 10:42 AM +Oh the Coney Island stories I've collected in my 25 years... +Once a group of us were hanging out by Nathan's (consuming very large cups of beer for relatively cheap) when we were approached by three charming individuals. One was a seemingly mentally unstable large jewish man that insisted on standing near us clapping, laughing, and telling my boyfriend to hang out with him. Another was a roaming man with a parrot who also was enchanted by my boyfriend (let him hold the parrot for a bit.) And the last and possible most exciting to meet was a local drunk/drug addict who swore his name was Cubito and that he spoke chinese, japanese, etc... He asked my friend if she was german (she's puerto rican), asked another of my friends if he, too, spoke chinese, japanese, etc..., and had a long conversation with the boyfriend about his family. +Another time a group of us were walking to the subway after a late night and found a bloody rag on the ground right off the boardwalk. A friend was concerned because of it being a health hazard and told a cop about it. The cop replied, "Oh that thing. It's just a bloody rag. It ain't gonna hurt nobody." +So yeah... Coney is fantastic. +Posted by: SmallerWords | August 10, 2011 at 05:16 PM +This truly is a masterpiece of blogging. +Posted by: I'm in awe sir | August 11, 2011 at 03:31 AM +The article is very good, I like it very much. +Posted by: Oakley | August 11, 2011 at 07:08 AM +@Whiskas: I know, right? Just came back from Cuba and we saw tons of Russian men swimming in boxer briefs, most of them with Россия (Russia in Russian, basically) written all over them. Go figure! +Posted by: Gen | August 12, 2011 at 01:25 AM +thank you dearly author , I found oneself this web site very helpful and its full of excellent healthy selective information ! +Posted by: Truck Factoring | August 12, 2011 at 10:52 AM +that was so cute..I know this is quit an old post..and looking forward for more blog posts from you. nevertheless, I like your blog...Thanks. +Posted by: golden pages | August 12, 2011 at 07:49:00 AM +Coney Island is a mixture different people and stuff. Even the craziest stuff are there. Nice post. +Posted by: asian rhinoplasty | August 16, 2011 at 05:43 AM +Great puppet show...i like to see this shows at any place where I go...Great way to animate children +Posted by: Top 100 songs | August 16, 2011 at 06:12 PM +Wow, the spammed comments are rather entertaining.. +Posted by: Erika | August 18, 2011 at 09:50 AM +you are right , Otherwise how could it be preserved? +Posted by: Jersey | August 26, 2011 at 04:53 AM +Closed Rhinoplasty is one of the newest nd most popular Cosmetics Surgery now a days. +it is the kind of cosmetics surgery which is most popular among people & +the most important factor it is also helpful in many ways. +closed rhinoplasty is one of the newest nd most popular Cosmetics Surgery now a days. +it is the kind of cosmetics surgery which is most popular among people & +the most important factor it is also helpful in many ways. +closed rhinoplasty +Posted by: Sweety | August 26, 2011 at 07:00 AM +A number of enterprise reputation management software solutions exist in the international market. These software services are typically designed to connect organizations to their stakeholders, track +the orchestration of stakeholder engagement and analyse, measure and manage the results. +Reputation managementReputation Management is an absolute necessity for automotive dealers in today’s viral world. +Posted by: Sweety | August 30, 2011 at 03:01 AM +Donde estas, Rich? I miss you. +Posted by: electric | August 30, 2011 at 12:41 PM +It seems like Coney Island is a good place, I will visit there sooner or later +Posted by: sac a main | August 31, 2011 at 05:00 AM +I am always found of puppet shows. Thank you so much for sharing such a nice video/post. God bless!! more details please visit: Auto transport +Posted by: Auto transport | September 03, 2011 at 04:21 AM +Dearest Rich, we miss you! Come back soon xoxo +Posted by: Karen | September 07, 2011 at 12:59 AM +The dispatch, dated February 2010, warns that that Jamaica could be fertile ground for jihadists because of its underground drug economy, marginalized youth, insufficient security and gang networks in U.S. and British prisons. +Posted by: Vistaprint Coupons | September 08, 2011 at 04:38 AM +written_0<< +Introduction +Children are still treated as “little kings” in Italian society, all of their deeds and misdeeds being pardoned on the grounds of them “just being children”. Nevertheless, the fertility rate of this children-loving country is steadily decreasing, while the number of one-child families has been continuously growing. There are multiple reasons for this 30-40-year long trend, such as the high level of education of the population, women’s increased access to the job market as well as the economic crises the country has been facing since the ‘90es, which lead to profound financial and occupational instability. +The impact of these factors on the demographic trends is seldomly focused upon by Italian lawmakers, media and society at large. +In mid-September, however, an advertising campaign for an awareness day (“Fertility Day”) sponsored by the Minister of Health, Beatrice Lorenzin, lead to heated controversies. The purpose of the “Fertility Day” was to raise young citizen’s awareness with regards to lifestyle choices affecting their ability to procreate. For several reasons, the initiative faced harsh criticism, forcing the Ministry of Health to stop the campaign and redefine its strategy. Nevertheless, one positive effect of the controversy was that the media began to scrutinize and discuss the rapid decrease of the Italian population and its direct and crucial relation to migratory fluxes. +Even though the awareness level and the political discussion still appear insufficient, scientific research and statistical data concerning the demographic evolution are already widely accessible and do anticipate serious challenges for the country in the next five decades. +Today, Italy has a population of approximately 60 million. According to estimates by the National Institute of Statistics (ISTAT), this figure will be virtually identical in 2065. However, the composition of society will change dramatically. In the next decades, the Italian population will gradually age. At the same time and connectedly, the development of the population will be facing a dramatic scenario: whereas only 28.5 million children will be born in that timeframe, ISTAT estimates that 40 million Italian residents will pass away, leading to a deficit of 11.5 million units. +If the emigration of resident Italians, estimated by ISTAT at around 6 million units, and the immigration of foreign nationals, estimated at around 18 million units, are taken into account, the quota of foreign nationals living in Italy will increase from 8% in 2016 to 22-24% in 2065[1]. +The reported data (ISTAT, 2011) shows an accentuated increase of the number of elderly people. It is estimated that the number of residents over 65, which today account for little more than 20% of the total population, will account for 32% in 2056, leading to an increase of the average age to 50 years. This development will thoroughly transform the societal structure and inter-generational relationships. The trend for the population in active age (15-64 years) is in decrease. In 2065 the working population will account for approximately 54.7% of the total, 11% less than in 2016. An important indicator is the old-age dependency ratio[2], which was 30% in 2011 and will double in the next five decades, reaching approximately 60% in 2065. +Pyramid of the resident population in 2011 and 2065 by scenario – Italy. Data of January 1st, in thousands. +Resident population in Italy by demographic scenario. 2011-2065, in millions. +Structural dependence index in Italy, central scenario. 2011-2065, data of January 1st, in percent. +According to the estimates by ISTAT, Italy’s active population will not only have to take care of the children and adolescents (0-14 years[3]), but also of a significantly growing amount of elderly people. In this context, it appears implausible that, in 2065, a poor Italian Eneas, holding his father Anchises on his shoulders while looking after his son Ascanius, would be able to keep the elegant posture Bernini gave him in his masterpiece statue. +Already in present-day Italy, it has become exceedingly difficult to combine work and family responsibilities, resulting in significant hardships for the majority of the working-aged population. In the light of the demographic trends discussed above, such difficulties are bound to increase. This scenario shows the great challenges the country faces on the political, social, economic and scientific plane. Researchers and innovators are working on numerous fronts in order to find ways to tackle the challenges posed by this deep demographic transformation. One field that is providing interesting answers and a number of promising solutions is robotics. In Italy, the Genova-based Italian Istitute of Technology (IIT) has been active in this field for many years. +The Care Robot R1 “Your Personal Humanoid” developed by the team of Prof. Giorgio Metta of IIT has been presented this summer to the media and the public. The R1 has been developed to provide to those in need of assistance in matters of daily life, doubtlessly including the elderly of tomorrow. As steps are being taken for a wide-scale production of the robot, it is reasonable to believe it will eventually be sold at an accessible price. +Robotics represents a point of excellence in the Italian scientific community. In the following interview, Prof. Alessandro De Luca will provide us with valuable insights on the intersection between robotics and assisted living, a field which strives to create better life conditions for the elderly of the future. +Interview with Prof. Alessandro De Luca[4] +- By 2065 the population of Italy will be one of the oldest worldwide. Is there a general R&D policy or rather an approach of applied sciences to solve upcoming challenges with an aging society? +Unfortunately, Italy is not known for planning ahead of time its efforts and resources to anticipate and provide solutions to social problems that will arise in the next future. Nonetheless, scientists are aware of statistical trends in the society, act at a global level with international collaborations, and have already started to address some of the technical issues involved in facing the problem of population aging. As one of the enabling technologies, Robotics can certainly help in providing engineered solutions that sustain an active aging of people. This concern is now fostering research in several areas, ranging from cognitive and physical human-robot collaboration to ethical issues for autonomous machines, from ubiquitous sensors for monitoring our living areas to energy-efficient actuators that recover or enhance human mobility. +- 2007 Bill Gates predicted „a robot in every home“ by 2027. Which are the research fields and the new technologies that are developed in Italy within the active and assistive living (AAL) of elderly people? Who are the leading Institutions? +Bill Gates’ statement generated a lot of interest in the media, anticipating for personal robots an impact on daily work and leisure activities similar to the one that personal computers had twenty years before. What is different in this new challenge is that robots have to be actually present and physically interact with the real world. They perform a continuous loop between sensing the environment, processing perceptual information, and performing actions that modify the state of things. Beyond the software programs that realize very sophisticated reasoning and behaviors, a robot needs to have more capabilities and features in place with respect to being just “an extended PC”. +Anyway, with about a decade to go, the prediction of a robot in every home (of an economically advanced country) is still very plausible, in particular if we include in the picture the many, relatively simpler robots available on the consumer market, like autonomous vacuum cleaners. Under the umbrella of service robotics, the research community is developing aids for impaired manipulation and locomotion, devices and friendly interfaces for support to personal mobility and communication, and systems for remote monitoring and assistance. +The leading Italian actors involved in advanced robotic research are public entities, like the Scuola Superiore S. Anna and the Istituto Italiano di Tecnologia (IIT), as well as the universities in Bologna, Genova, Pisa, Siena, Roma, Napoli, and Catania, and the Politecnico in Milano. +- Could you illustrate us some significant examples? +IIT is developing humanoids capable of autonomous execution of daily activities (e.g., opening doors, lifting weights, switching off the lights). They have also participated to the DARPA Robotics Challenge (DRC) in May 2016. Antonio Bicchi from the University of Pisa has designed a soft and light robotic hand with minimalistic actuation (only one motor!) that can be driven easily by EMG signals of amputees. The hand can perform multiple types of grasping tasks, based on the concept of human-like synergies. Massimo Bergamasco’s team at the Scuola Superiore S. Anna works on assistive exoskeletons that can support elderly people in their activities. The group of Domenico Prattichizzo at the University of Siena is internationally known for works on haptic devices and augmented reality, and explores the possibilities of providing a remote sense of touch. Monitoring and safe control of physical collaboration between humans and a new generation of lightweight and compliant robots is the research focus of our laboratory at the Sapienza University in Roma and of Bruno Siciliano’s team at the University of Napoli Federico II. In Roma, we have developed a hierarchical architecture for robot supervision based on three control layers that produce consistent behaviors between safety, coexistence, and collaboration in human-robot interaction. These concepts are fundamental also for Care Robots in domestic places, where the workspace is intimately shared. Humans and robots may perform their tasks in parallel and independently (coexistence) as well as together (collaboration), but in any case the underlying safety features should be guaranteed at all times. +- In the next decades, will there be a production on industrial scale Care Robots in Italy? +According to the latest data by the IFR World Robotics Report, the number of service robots for personal/domestic use that were sold in 2015 reached 5,4 millions. The forecast is to have 42 millions new service robots of this type (75% for household and 25% for entertainment and leisure) sold worldwide in 2016-19, with a turnover of 22.4 billion US$. The market is definitely there, and growing. However, the current players are not the large brands of robot manufacturers, rather small and medium enterprises (SMEs) and a multitude of spin-off or start-up companies originating from research centers or doctoral programs in universities. The same is true also in Italy. +Production at a large industrial scale requires an agreement on what a “Care Robot” is and should actually do for us, how it should look like, how to interact with it, and so on. In this rapidly changing landscape, we started only recently to reason about norms and standards for service and personal robots, whose definition is very important for their global production and diffusion. However, there is not yet a common view on many of the characteristics of personal robots. +One typical issue is the trade-off between the efficiency of existing, dedicated machines (at home, say, a dishwasher or a laundry dryer) and the need or desire to have a general-purpose robot doing all the tasks. In this respect, the domain of interest for robots at home need to be better specified, so that alternative solutions may be adopted in parallel, which require conventional automation only. Also the appearance of such robots is disputed, with many interesting cultural implications. In the eastern world, and in particular in Japan, there is a push toward developing automata that reproduce as much as possible the human figure, in particular our facial expressions like in the Geminoid series of robots by Hiroshi Ishiguro. Some of his realizations have brought us closer to the uncanny valley predicted by Masahiro Mori, a situation where the high level of anthropomorphism reached by a robot would generate a negative emotional response in a human subject being exposed to it. Nothing similar is found elsewhere in the world. Most of the current prototypes of home-care robots are in fact moving on wheels, have two articulated arms, a soft body, a head with audio and vision system, and a screen for entering or displaying data: they clearly do not look anthropomorphic, but this does not lower their acceptance as useful machines, as long as they provide the right help to end-users. +- Actually, elderly people in Italy are mostly assisted at home. In your opinion, will there be generally an acceptance for Care Robots? +Matching the needs of older people is really “the” central topic here. It also requires dealing with society and family structures and traditions. Which are our main objectives in the elderly care? People should be able to stay longer in their own homes, preserving their autonomy and mobility, and keeping alive their social communication with the external world. In addition, we may wish or need to (remotely) monitor their health status, and possibly supervise the critical activities in the daily living of our parents. +Some of these requests can be satisfied by modern communication or automation tools and Internet-of-Things devices (this is the domain of domotics). By and large, smartphones with multiple and easily accessible apps, internet-based television, wearable monitoring devices (with a remote health center being called in for more complicated support) may already serve to most of the above purposes. On the other hand, robotic solutions are needed to guarantee user mobility and to provide access to all domestic facilities. The general feature of robots designed for home assistance should be their dependability: they should behave (move, talk, collaborate) so that the human user understands, is confident, and can fully rely on what the robot will do for him/her, minimizing misinterpretation about mutual intentions or, even worse, the risk of accidental collisions that may cause potential damages. Bi-directional communication should take place in the most natural way, with speech recognition and synthesis of common language, through hand gestures, with eye gazing to gain attention, but also using touch and pressure in a multi-modal interaction. +One special feature that may fill a gap between robotic and internet devices is the possibility of transmitting remotely some form of tactile sensing. We can easily imagine how would a grandmother feel if she receives a soft touch by a machine, but knows that is in fact her grandson who is carefully caressing her from the distance. Such haptic feedback is indeed an emotional crash, just as the astronaut’s wife who had tears in her eyes when feeling a gentle push from her husband in the remote space… +- Worldwide there is an increasing debate about Robots and Artificial Intelligence, in particular in the field of Care Robots and Military Robots. What are the guidelines in Italy? +The debate on ethical issues is very active also in our country, in particular within the Robotics and AI communities. The famous paradigm of Asimov’s three laws of robotics (“a robot may not injure a human being….”) is now challenged by the current technical developments and the international warfare. There is a consensus that humans should be kept in the loop of critical decision-making processes that are faced by autonomous robots (e.g., for drones on the battlefield). But even in our civil life, the issue of legal responsibility is a prominent one in case of accidents with driverless cars, which are autonomous robots in all senses, as well as for robots that fail in the proper handling of human partners or patients at home. +One technical bottleneck is that many successful algorithms nowadays learn the correct robot behavior from a long, continuous campaign of experiences (just like humans do), processing a huge amount of statistical and sensory data —deep learning on big data is the keyword here. However, the robot may not be able to translate in rules why a specific decision has been taken at a given time. This lack of predictability and failure in the duty to explain are indeed not acceptable in terms of assessing the responsibilities behind autonomous robot actions. +More ethical issues, partly unanticipated, are blooming as robots get closer to humans. Is there some form of discrimination embedded in the programming of their behaviors? What will happen when robots have emotion awareness? +How is our privacy affected? What about social aspects and the manipulation of trust? What if we receive a denial-of-service from our personal robot due to a security attack in the cyberspace? We expect engineers and philosophers to work side-by-side to address these questions in a sensible way. +- Last September in Switzerland took place the AAL Forum 2016 – Ageing well with technology. Innovations ready for Breakthrough. Did Italy participate? Are there similar experiences in Italy? +There was no Italian participation to the AAL Forum in St. Gallen, except possibly for the presence of a booth of the European Commission with exposure of results obtained in projects from the past Framework Program FP7 and in the current Horizon 2020, in which Italian research institutions and companies are quite active. +Participation of Italian teams is more consistent in other international robot challenges and competitions, such as the Rockin@Home benchmarking challenge, focused on assisting the elderly or impaired who need some support to keep healthy at home, the RoboCup Rescue Robot league, where autonomous navigation capabilities and efficient mobile manipulation in unstructured environments are key aspects, or Cybathlon, a true competition engaging technology developers and persons with disabilities, which aims at promoting robotics aids for patients and the general public. This year in Zürich, the SoftHand Pro team of Pisa/Genova obtained a very good placement in the class of powered arms prostheses, which were used to perform tasks mimicking daily domestic activities. +- In the field of R&D of Care Robots, are there bilateral programs between Italy and Switzerland? +No, as far as I know. Our collaborations occur mostly in the form of student exchanges -e.g., two of my students applied recently to the Swiss NCCR Robotics Master program for women. More in general, the chance of collaborative projects at the European level with Swiss partners, such as EPFL or ETH, have been temporarily reduced and are now subject to special protocols after the political decisions taken by Switzerland a couple of years ago. +*** +[1] For a detailed analysis, see also Centro Studi di Confindustria. Scenari economici. Immigrati da emergenza a opportunità – dimensione, effetti economici, politiche, Rome 22.6.2016. +[2] Old-age dependency ratio: relationship between the population over 65 and the population in active age (15-64). +[3] Young-age dependency ratio: relationship between the population of 0-14 years of age and the working-age population (15-64 years). This index stays substantially stable: while it was 21.6% in 2011, ISTAT estimates 23.1% in 2065. +[4] Full Professor of Robotics, Automation, and Automatic Control at the School of Information Engineering, Informatics, and Statistics of the Sapienza University of Rome, Department of Computer, Control, and Management Engineering. CV: +Paul Maddock discusses some of the legal and social issues faced by older LGBT+ people that can often be overlooked by private client solicitors +The legal and social issues faced by older LGBT+ people are often overlooked. These issues are diverse and can be relevant within the private client sphere. Solicitors should be aware of these issues, to better understand, guide and advise their older LGBT+ clients. This is important not only in terms of your firm’s commitment to equality and diversity, but also to meet your professional obligations to provide appropriate client care. +1. Probate claims +Older LGBT+ people have certain risk factors which increase their likelihood of being involved in a probate dispute or leaving an estate which may become subject to a claim. +In particular, they are generally less likely to be married or in a civil partnership: the Office for National Statistics (ONS) report, Families and Households in the UK: 2019 identified that more than half of same-sex families are comprised of cohabiting same-sex couples. The intestacy rules apply differently to couples who are not married or in a civil partnership, since the intestacy rules do not recognise ‘common law’ relationships. +Further, many older LGBT+ people grew up in a far more hostile time, when same-sex behaviour was stigmatised; indeed, until homosexuality was decriminalised in 1967, their own identities were illegal. It is quite likely that many older LGBT+ people struggled to come out to their families, who may have been vehemently opposed to their sexuality. +Many older LGBT+ people … will have been disowned by their families. For these reasons, resentments can be harboured over the inheritance position of LGBT+ people +As a result, many older LGBT+ people have fractious family relationships and, in some cases, will have been disowned by their families. For these reasons, resentments can be harboured over the inheritance position of LGBT+ people, especially in cases of intestacy, whereby an LGBT+ individual may stand to inherit from a family member’s estate, with whom they may be on bad terms. +Older LGBT+ people are also at risk that, if they do not have a will, key decisions surrounding funeral arrangements, financial planning, and ongoing social care and support will not be made in accordance with their wishes and intentions, given their estrangement from their family. Older LGBT+ people may not want to disclose their sexuality widely, which may make them uncomfortable discussing personal matters with private client lawyers, thereby stopping them seeking professional advice to draft a will. +In addition, older trans people can often be referred to by previous names in wills that have not been updated to reflect their status. While this should not ordinarily be an issue, family members who are not supportive of the person’s transition may look to use these circumstances for their own benefit, to the detriment of the trans person. +A greater difficulty often occurs when a will simply refers to a gender (such as son or niece), rather than a name. Since 2004, people have been able to apply for a gender recognition certificate (GRC) which recognises their acquired gender for legal purposes. If the will was made before 4 April 2005, the will is not impacted by the individual’s acquired gender. If the will was made after 4 April 2005, the acquired gender can affect the disposition of the estate, but the court has the power (on application) to alter the disposition of the estate, to enable the court to rectify a failed gift. It is therefore advisable not to refer to gendered relations (such as son or daughter) in wills to avoid such issues. +Likewise, trans people who are beneficiaries or executors of an estate may also be referred to under a will by a different name, which may cause delays in the administration of the estate. This was seen in the Scottish case of G (Applicant) 2015 SLT (Sh Ct) 212, where the question arose as to whether the applicant was required to provide both a GRC and birth certificate in support of her application for confirmation. +The above points highlight some of the factors that increase the likelihood of older LGBT+ people facing probate-related claims or disputes. The older LGBT+ community needs to understand the importance of a correctly drafted and executed will in order to mitigate such issues (especially in respect of their own and their partner’s estates (if applicable)). +The first steps for most LGBT+ people should be to determine: +- how their dependants will be looked after in the event of their death +- the allocation of their estate assets, and +- the status of their relationship with their spouse or partner (whether formal or informal). +As a solicitor, you can assist by clearly outlining the risks associated with a lack of estate planning; encouraging your clients to write a will; where necessary, redrafting these wills to ensure they continue to be fit for purpose, and promoting your practice as LGBT+ inclusive in order to encourage clients. +2. Marriage and civil partnerships +The ONS has identified that there were 212,000 same-sex families living in the UK in 2019, an increase of 40% since 2015. This is an encouraging statistic, showing the increase in same-sex families in the UK. +Older LGBT+ people who are married or in a civil partnership may, however, face particular issues compared with their single counterparts. It is easy to overlook the fact that their marriage or civil partnership can invalidate an existing will (unless the will was entered into in anticipation of marriage or civil partnership). +From 13 March 2014, the term “spouse” includes a same-sex spouse, following the Marriage (Same Sex Couples) Act 2013, and the rules surrounding intestacy now apply equally whether an LGBT+ person is married or in a civil partnership. +In addition, a surviving spouse or civil partner can utilise the unused percentage of their deceased spouse or partner’s nil-rate band / residence nil-rate band. This is an important development in ensuring equal treatment for LGBT+ people for inheritance tax (IHT) purposes. +In these circumstances, you can assist by identifying your clients’ legal rights (including the associated tax benefits of marriage or civil partnership), and ensuring that they are fully enforced where necessary. +3. Wealth management +As it is more likely that older LGBT+ people will be unmarried or not in a civil partnership, careful consideration needs to be given to their wealth management options. Older LGBT+ people often have large sums of disposable income as many choose not to have children. +One common risk factor for older LGBT+ people is IHT charges, if they are unmarried or not in a civil partnership. LGBT+ people can regularly be hit with large IHT charges without the benefit of the spousal exemption / transferable nil-rate bands. Older LGBT+ people not married or in a civil partnership are missing out on the benefits afforded to couples who are married or in a civil partnership. +Older LGBT+ people may have strong affiliations with LGBT+ charities. Advise your client to give serious thought to leaving a charitable legacy in their will to benefit these charities and to take advantage of the associated tax benefits. +4. Pensions +According to the Stonewall report, Lesbian, Gay and Bisexual People in Later Life (2011, published in 2015), 84% of gay and bisexual men and 79% of lesbian and bisexual women see personal or employer pensions as an important source of financial income for the future. +LGBT+ people are automatically entitled to receive their spouse or partner’s pension, whether they are married or in a civil partnership. Walker v Innospec Ltd [2017] UKSC 47 held a previous loophole under the Equality Act 2010 (EA 2010) to be illegal, the effect of which has provided improved pension rights to LGBT+ couples in line with their heterosexual counterparts. +Pension providers are, however, not currently required to extend survivor benefits to LGBT+ people who are in an informal relationship. You should be aware of this and, where applicable, encourage your clients to name a specific beneficiary for their private pension. +5. Healthcare +The first generation to have lived their whole adult lives since the decriminalisation of homosexuality in 1967, many LGBT+ people are now reaching an age where they are beginning to access or consider residential care. In light of this, the need for suitable care for older LGBT+ people is a present and growing issue. +For older LGBT+ people, who often may only be ‘out’ to a close group of family and friends, the thought of moving into residential care or going for regular meetings with medical and social care professionals may be extremely uncomfortable. 70% of LGBT people canvassed in the 2011 Stonewall survey said they felt they could not be in a care home themselves, and 61% were concerned about whether social services were properly able to meet their needs. +In light of the higher likelihood that older LGBT+ people will not have children or grandchildren, the chances of them requiring professional social or residential care are greater. Their lack of status in the law (as opposed to spouses, civil partners and children) can leave friends of older LGBT+ people legally powerless when it comes to assisting their older LGBT+ friends should they require care. Indeed, residential care can lead to increased levels of isolation for LGBT+ people, who can lose their social support circle once they enter residential care and may often feel the need to ‘go back in the closet’. +The 2011 Stonewall survey also found that one in six lesbian or bisexual women and one in nine gay or bisexual men reported discrimination, hostility or poor treatment because of their sexual orientation when using GP services. This kind of behaviour is concerning and could amount to breaches of the EA 2010. +Happily, there are positive steps being taken in relation to healthcare provision for LGBT+ people in general. +Manchester has plans to open the UK’s first LGBT+ retirement community in 2020. London Older Lesbian Cohousing is also considering sites in London for a similar venture. +Employers are also including transition-related surgery within their company health insurance policies. This sort of benefit really signals a commitment to inclusion and offers a more comprehensive healthcare package for LGBT+ people. +Finally, in 2019, the World Health Organisation confirmed that transgender health issues will no longer be classified as mental and behavioural disorders. This is a seismic shift in the perception of gender identity and will hopefully send out a strong signal about the status of transgender individuals. +Conclusion +Much energy and attention is focused on the younger LGBT+ community. All too often, the issues faced by older LGBT+ people are ignored or overlooked. While a few charities such as Opening Doors London aim to provide information and support services specifically for LGBT+ people aged over 50, this level of attention is often not replicated by other organisations and parts of society. +Private client solicitors can do their part by being well equipped to cater for the full range of issues faced by older LGBT+ individuals, often when they are in their most vulnerable state. +Support and information +The following organisations may be helpful in providing advice and support for older LGBT+ clients. +US–South Korea Nuclear Cooperation: Agreeing On Commercial And Nonproliferation Goals – Analysis +By The Heritage Foundation +By Jack Spencer +The agreement between the United States government and the Republic of Korea (ROK) that allows commercial nuclear trade between the countries, referred to as a “123 agreement” since it is required by Section 123 of the Atomic Energy Act[1] expires in March 2014.[2] To avoid any lapses, the Obama Administration must conclude negotiations by spring 2013. This will allow the agreement to take effect after it remains before Congress for 90 consecutive days of session as required by law. Due to the extensive integration of the two nations’ commercial nuclear energy programs and nonproliferation policies, failure to complete the extension would have substantial negative technological, economic, and nonproliferation impacts on the U.S. and South Korea. +Despite so much at stake, the negotiations have become controversial. South Korea, driven by its emerging role as a commercial nuclear leader, would like to expand its access to fuel-cycle technologies, including enrichment and reprocessing, beyond that which has generally been available. The United States, on the other hand, is driven primarily by concerns about nuclear weapons proliferation on the Korean peninsula and is pressing for an agreement that is more consistent with traditional 123s, and that keeps tighter controls on those technologies. Ultimately, the resolution lies somewhere in between. +The respective goals of nonproliferation and nuclear technological advancements are not mutually exclusive, and, indeed, they could reinforce one another if done correctly. If these challenges are overcome, the U.S.–ROK agreement has the potential to not only continue beneficial trade between both nations, but also to influence the international growth of nuclear power into healthy and productive channels. +Further, failure to reach an agreement could stir nationalist feeling amongst progressives in South Korean society who rebel against any perceived U.S. pressure. Contentious negotiations could be used to fuel anti-American emotions and cause unnecessary strains in the U.S.–ROK relationship. +The U.S., South Korea, and the Growth of Commercial Nuclear Power +Over 430 commercial nuclear power plants are currently operational in 29 countries, providing nearly 14 percent of the world’s electricity. This power is emissions free, extremely reliable, and very affordable, which is why many countries are pursuing an expansion of the technology. Sixty-three reactors are today under construction with another 160 either ordered or planned.[3] +Of these new reactors, five are officially under construction in the United States and 10 more applications for 16 additional units remain under U.S. Nuclear Regulatory Commission (NRC) review. A key component supplier for these projects is South Korea. Indeed, South Korea is supplying most of the major components for those reactors.[4] +South Korea is also expanding its domestic use of nuclear power and has three reactors under construction with six more planned in the near term. Today, 23 reactors provide about one-third of South Korea’s electricity (20.7 gigawatts). By 2030, South Korea intends to operate 40 units, an expansion of nearly 60 percent.[5] Key to this growth is American technology. In fact, most of South Korea’s current reactors, and all of those currently in the construction or planning process, are based on U.S. technology. +Though this cooperation has resulted in billions of dollars in U.S. business[6] it really represents only a fraction of the potential benefit that continued cooperation would yield. South Korea is positioning itself to be a leading supplier of reactors to the international market. This was most clearly demonstrated with its winning bid to construct four reactors for $20.4 billion in the United Arab Emirates (UAE). Because South Korea’s technology comes from America, this project alone will bring roughly $2 billion in business to U.S. suppliers and 5,000 jobs across the country.[7] +Success with the UAE contract will lead to more opportunities for South Korea. Indeed, South Korea believes that it can export up to 80 reactors worth over $400 billion in the next two decades, which would be about 20 percent of new global construction.[8] The key will be to build the reactors on time and on budget. Domestically, South Korea is able to build reactors for just over $3 billion and is estimating the cost for the UAE reactors at around $5 billion.[9] Compared to U.S. estimates of around $7 billion per reactor, either price would be a bargain.[10] +South Korea also plans to compete for the $78 billion reactor operations, maintenance, and repair market. Bearing in mind that most of South Korea’s technology originated in the U.S., continued cooperation with South Korea could have a significant American jobs impact. Based on the U.S contribution to the UAE project, South Korea’s commercial nuclear expansion could lead to $80 billion in U.S. exports. +Perhaps most important, cooperation will have a serious nuclear safety, security, and nonproliferation impact. Because South Korea’s reactors rely on U.S. origin technology, the United States can directly influence the conditions under which the technology is exported. +Advance Consent: Who Has It; Why South Korea Wants It +Generally, while 123 agreements do not broadly prohibit enrichment or reprocessing, they do prohibit cooperating nations from using American-origin technology or material for those purposes without providing some type of consent. These restrictions generally make sense as most nations with small commercial nuclear programs have no legitimate need for enrichment or reprocessing. +Depending on the details of the situation, exemptions are provided in a number of ways. Advance consent is sometimes offered as part of 123 agreement negotiations, and other times subsequent arrangements are made that require additional congressional actions. For example, arrangements allowing for enrichment or reprocessing have been established with Japan, Russia, India, and the European Atomic Energy Community (Euratom), among others.[11] Traditionally, however, nations for whom such exceptions have been made already maintained enrichment or reprocessing capacity before a 123 agreement was negotiated. +South Korea is different, however. While it does not currently reprocess used nuclear fuel or enrich uranium, there is a strong argument for expanding its access to those technologies based on its domestic commercial nuclear ambitions. If it goes forward as currently planned, South Korea will have a clear requirement for additional fuel and waste management services. But the case goes beyond its domestic requirements; it has broad export ambitions as well. +While being cost competitive will be a key to South Korea’s export success, it is not the only variable that matters. Nuclear reactors need nuclear fuel and ultimately produce used nuclear fuel (or waste). Major nuclear suppliers, such as France, Russia, the United States, and Japan all offer some level of fuel and waste management services as part of their commercial nuclear bids. South Korea sees restrictions on its ability to offer such services under its current 123 agreement as a major competitive disadvantage. +South Korea also points to its long history of research and development cooperation with the United States as further evidence of its need and ability to engage in waste management.[12] Indeed, the two nations are currently researching and developing the precise waste management technology—pyroprocessing—that South Korea is seeking the U.S.’s consent to use. It does not seem unreasonable that a U.S. ally with a long history of commercial nuclear cooperation would seek to take full advantage of the very technology that it is developing with the United States. +Enrichment and Reprocessing: Great Privilege Means Great Responsibility +The United States has long been concerned with controlling enrichment and reprocessing technologies because they can provide a latent capacity to build nuclear weapons. Indeed, under certain circumstances, such technologies could lead a country to become a de facto weapons state.[13] The challenge for U.S. policymakers has been to promote the peaceful development of commercial nuclear technology without increasing nuclear weapons proliferation risks.[14] This objective has largely been met by creating a multilayered system of export controls and nonproliferation safeguards that provide direct oversight and early warning of illicit activities.[15] +Undergirded by the Non-Proliferation Treaty (NPT)[16] this system has allowed the U.S., under certain conditions, to support the peaceful uses of enrichment and reprocessing by other nations. As a result, today most European Union members (as part of Euratom), Switzerland, Japan, and some others all enjoy some level of fuel-cycle cooperation with the United States. This system has largely worked because the United States has remained committed (as a matter of principle, policy, and law) to uphold its obligations under the NPT. +South Korea is now stepping into the role of a commercial nuclear leader, and views enrichment and reprocessing as critical to its commercial nuclear industry.[17] As a peaceful, democratic U.S. ally, South Korea should have access to the technology that it needs. But as the old adage goes, “With much privilege comes much responsibility.” Thus, in order for this new era of U.S.–South Korean cooperation to thrive, both sides must commit to the same level of cooperation, transparency, and nonproliferation objectives that mark the success of other such arrangements. +Controlling Enrichment Technology. Uranium and enrichment services are readily available on the global market from legitimate suppliers located primarily in the U.S., Russia, and Europe. Generally, these suppliers meet global demand.[18] The current market offers South Korea ample opportunity to develop deals to ensure fuel to any potential future customers. Further, nothing prevents South Korea from investing in enrichment capacity on the physical territory of one of the five permanent members (P5) of the United Nations Security Council, which it is seeking to do.[19] This option gives South Korea all the benefits of a domestic enrichment facility without any of the risks that concern the American government. Ultimately, uranium and enrichment services are globally traded commodities. Thus the geographic dislocation of a facility in another country would have little or no impact on South Korea’s ability to compete. +The long-term goal of U.S. policy should be to limit the direct, physical location of enrichment technology to the P5, which are each legal nuclear weapons states. As such, the U.S. should highly encourage South Korea to forgo domestic enrichment and not provide advance consent for enrichment capabilities. However, the U.S. should recognize South Korea’s right to enrich uranium and be open to addressing the issue at a later date. Should a future determination be made that a domestic Korean enrichment capacity clearly outweighs the costs and risks, the U.S. and South Korea could then pursue a subsequent arrangement that meets both nations’ goals. +To Reprocess, or Not to Reprocess. Reprocessing is a broad term for procedures that treat spent nuclear fuel for nuclear waste management purposes, or which retrieve valuable elements usable as recycled nuclear fuel. Indeed, many of the components of used nuclear fuel could have peaceful commercial applications even beyond power production.[20] +Critics argue that, since one retrievable element from used commercial nuclear fuel—plutonium—can potentially be used to build nuclear weapons, the process should be strictly controlled.[21] This general contention is correct. However, not all activities that might be described as reprocessing include separating out plutonium. Instead of blanket prohibitions, the focus should be on those processes that separate out weapons-useful materials during fuel cycle processes. The near-term focus should be to limit enrichment and reprocessing technologies from spreading to countries that do not currently have the technology or that lack a compelling commercial reason to acquire them. The long-term goal should be to limit activities that result in the production of weapons-usable material to P5 nations. All related processes should be subject to adequate nonproliferation safeguards. +Broad, unspecific prohibitions fail to recognize that there is no single way to treat. In the case of South Korea, it unnecessarily denies the country access to a potentially critical part of a comprehensive nuclear waste management strategy. +A Good 123 Agreement Promotes U.S. and ROK Interests +The U.S. and South Korea should negotiate a 123 extension that allows South Korea access to the technology that it requires, while addressing U.S. proliferation concerns. Failure to do so would deny both nations the full benefit of greater commercial nuclear cooperation. +Instead, a 123 agreement that recognizes the certainty of South Korea’s growing role in commercial nuclear power, while using the myriad tools available to control dangerous technologies would advance U.S. interests by: +- Maximizing America’s and South Korea’s influence on the global expansion of commercial nuclear power. Because so many commercial nuclear options exist in the global market, South Korea is not confined to cooperation with the United States to achieve its commercial nuclear objectives. The absence of a 123 agreement would likely force South Korea to simply choose not to cooperate with the United States, considering the importance of nuclear power to its domestic energy needs and intentions to expand globally (a goal it is currently pursuing in cooperation with the U.S. through the UAE deal). The outcome of an overly strict agreement could be similar over the long term if Korea finds that doing business with more flexible non-U.S. suppliers is a better option. Either way, the end result will be less business and influence for U.S. and Korean companies. +- Promoting U.S. regulatory and safety standards. Some of the most important nuclear exports that the United States can offer are its regulatory, safety, and operational standards. The American nuclear industry is among the world’s safest and most efficient. This is a direct result of its system of private operators working with both private and government regulators. Whether from a commercial, nonproliferation, or safety standpoint, new and most existing nuclear nations could benefit from working with the United States. The best way to ensure that nations incorporate American regulatory standards is for U.S. suppliers to be fully engaged with foreign nuclear programs. Japan’s Fukushima experience demonstrates the risk of not fully integrating best practices from around the world. Many of Japan’s mistakes could have been avoided had it implemented some of the reforms that have taken place in the U.S.—such as establishing an independent regulatory agency or having clear chains of operational command at nuclear plants.[22] A strong 123 agreement will not only help the U.S. to influence South Korea’s domestic nuclear industry, but will ensure that these high standards are carried forward as Korea exports reactors and related technology. +- Enhancing nonproliferation efforts. Fewer 123 agreements could hurt U.S. nonproliferation efforts because it would disengage the United States from the nuclear programs of other countries, such as South Korea. This vacuum is an opportunity for non-U.S. suppliers with potentially lower standards to determine how a cooperating nation handles nonproliferation issues. By engaging with nations as they build their commercial nuclear programs, the United States will be better positioned to have greater influence over those nations’ general approach to nonproliferation; 123 agreements also give the U.S. authority to determine where its technology is ultimately re-exported. This is especially important as countries like Indonesia, Saudi Arabia, Thailand, and Vietnam seek to establish commercial nuclear programs. +- Increasing U.S. competitiveness. Though security concerns outweigh commercial interests, commercial interests should not be ignored. One of the direct results of an overly restrictive approach to controlling commercial nuclear exports will be its impact on the U.S. nuclear industry, which is attempting to rebuild after decades of reactor-construction stagnation. A key to that rebuilding effort will be to ensure access to the global nuclear market—and the Korea 123 agreement is pivotal to that access. According to the U.S. Department of Commerce, 5,000 to 10,000 jobs are supported by every $1 billion in nuclear exports. Considering that the Department of Commerce estimates that the global nuclear market over the next 10 years will be valued between $500 billion and $740 billion, potential job creation is significant. In order to take advantage of this opportunity, the U.S. needs 123 agreements.[23] +- Promoting the 123 process as viable for other nations. Section 123 agreements are a major nonproliferation and commercial tool for the United States. Having them in place creates a strong legal framework to govern the export of U.S. commercial nuclear technology. If structured and maintained properly, they can influence the entire commercial nuclear program of cooperating nations. This is especially important as it relates to South Korea, given its growing role as a commercial nuclear exporter. But offering 123 agreements that are not attractive or realistic will simply lead to fewer 123 agreements, hurting the U.S. in the long run. +What the U.S. Can Do +Because both nations are major nuclear suppliers, and because the two nuclear industries are deeply intertwined, failure to extend the 123 agreement would have repercussions around the world. Certainly, absent such an agreement, American companies would be constrained in selling nuclear equipment and technology in South Korea. Because South Korea still relies so heavily on American technology, it would be limited in its ability to export peaceful nuclear products. Ultimately, South Korea would adjust by finding non-American partners. For the United States, the impact could go beyond nuclear commerce. America would not only lose a significant business partner. A lapse in U.S. cooperation with South Korea also would signal to the world that the United States is no longer a reliable partner in nuclear energy. This would impair U.S. exports to a large and growing global market and dilute U.S. national interests in global nuclear safety, security, and nonproliferation. +Both nations stand to benefit from the successful renewal of the 123 agreement. Timely renewal of the agreement would reaffirm a vital strategic partnership while setting a new path for commercial nuclear power. In order to achieve these benefits, the United States must recognize and accommodate South Korea’s growing role as a full-service commercial nuclear supplier. South Korea must recognize America’s concerns regarding the proliferation of sensitive nuclear technologies. To this end, the United States government should: +- Complete negotiation of the United States–Republic of Korea 123 extension as soon as possible. According to all estimates, nuclear power will expand substantially over the next few decades.[24] The sooner the U.S. and South Korea can conclude the 123 extension, the more competitive companies from both countries can be in winning those tenders. U.S. participation in these projects advances multiple national interests. From an economic perspective, commercial nuclear business in either country will directly result in jobs in both. An American presence also promotes U.S. interests in nuclear safety, security, and nonproliferation by ensuring that new commercial nuclear programs around the world rely on the strictest safety, security, and nonproliferation standards.[25] +- Clarify that used-fuel processes that do not separate weapons-usable materials are permitted. Restrictions on reprocessing are based on the problems that arise from separating weapons-usable materials from used fuel. Processes that do not result in weapon-usable material should not be treated as reprocessing. Therefore, the United States should clarify that South Korea is permitted to pursue fuel-treatment processes that do not result in the separation of weapons-usable material. +- Continue to support reprocessing research and development. The United States and South Korea have a long history of cooperation on a broad spectrum of fuel-cycle technologies, including reprocessing. Given the potential of reprocessing for used-fuel management, even those that could lead to separating plutonium, South Korea has a legitimate desire to explore that technology. The U.S. should continue to support joint research and development activities. Should future conditions warrant moving beyond research and development, the United States and South Korea should develop a subsequent agreement. +- Respect South Korea’s right to peacefully enrich uranium but continue to oppose uranium enrichment on the Korean peninsula for the time being. The current market for enrichment services is adequate to meet a growing global demand, and South Korean companies can collaborate with international fuel suppliers to meet the needs of customers. Ultimately, an enrichment capability for any nation potentially creates, at a minimum, the latent capacity to produce weapons-usable materials, bringing any such state a step closer to being a de facto nuclear weapons country. Given the nonproliferation policy risks of expanding enrichment in today’s geopolitical context, especially in terms of the unique national security concerns on the Korean peninsula, the risk of supporting enrichment outweighs any potential benefit. That said, the U.S. should not compel South Korea to forswear any future rights to the technology. Should a future determination be made that a domestic Korean enrichment capacity clearly outweighs the costs and risks, the U.S. and South Korea could then pursue a subsequent arrangement that meets both nations’ goals. +Setting the Tone with a Strong U.S.–ROK 123 Agreement +The world is entering a new era of commercial nuclear growth that is only in the very early stages. New technologies and growing economic wherewithal are allowing nations to consider nuclear power as they never could have before. Though nuclear energy can bring great benefits, an expansion also creates new challenges. That is why any expansion of fuel-cycle-technology access must be accompanied by a clear statement that, as a matter of principle, policy, and law, the U.S. and South Korea both commit to upholding their obligations under the Non-Proliferation Treaty as their cooperative efforts grow. +As significant actors in the nuclear industry, both Korea and the United States have critical roles in meeting these challenges. These roles must be fulfilled in a way that recognizes the global nature of the 21st-century nuclear industry and encourages, rather than complicates, business and cooperation between responsible countries without sacrificing nonproliferation objectives. The U.S.–ROK agreement is a critical opportunity to consider and accomplish how to influence and channel the growth of nuclear power into healthy and productive channels. Ultimately, America and the rest of the world must rethink how to govern international nuclear commerce. Now is the time to start that process. The negotiation to extend the 123 agreement between America and South Korea is a promising place to start. +—Jack Spencer is Senior Research Fellow in Nuclear Energy in the Thomas A. Roe Institute for Economic Policy Studies at The Heritage Foundation. +References: +[1] Atomic Energy Act of 1954, as amended, Public Law 83-703. As a helpful resource, see also Paul Kerr and Mary Beth Nikitin, “Nuclear Cooperation with Other Countries: A Primer,”; Congressional Research Service, June 19, 2012, (accessed February 1, 2013). +[2] Agreement for Cooperation Between the Government of the United States of America and the Government of the Republic of Korea Concerning Civil Uses of Atomic Energy, as amended, February 3, 1956, (accessed February 1, 2013). +[3] “World Nuclear Power Reactors and Uranium Requirements,” World Nuclear Association, January 1, 2013, (accessed February 1, 2013). +[4] “SCG&E Orders Two AP1000s for South Carolina,” World Nuclear News, May 28, 2008, (accessed February 8, 2013). +[5] Mark Holt, “U.S. and South Korean Cooperation in the World Nuclear Energy Market: Major Policy Considerations,” Congressional Research Service, January 28, 2013, p. 5, (accessed February 8, 2013). +[6] Daniel Lipman, “What’s Next for the U.S.-Korea Alliance?” testimony before the Subcommittee on Asia and the Pacific, Committee on Foreign Affairs, U.S. House of Representatives, June 6, 2012,—whats-next-for-the-us-korea-alliance/ (accessed February 1, 2013). +[7] Holt, “U.S. and South Korean Cooperation in the World Nuclear Energy Market,” p. 8. +[8] Shinhye Kang, “South Korea Targets $400 Billion Nuclear Plant Orders,” Bloomberg News, January 13, 2010, (accessed February 8, 2013). +[9] Holt, “U.S. and South Korean Cooperation in the World Nuclear Energy Market,” p. 8. +[10] Rebecca Smith, “New Nuclear Plant Hits Same Snag,” The Wall Street Journal, December 23, 2012, (accessed February 8, 2013). +[11] Fred McGoldrick, “Nuclear Trade Controls: Minding the Gaps,” Center for Strategic and International Studies, January 2013, pages IX-X, (accessed February 8, 2013). +[12] The latest installment of which is the Joint Feasibility Study for Pyroprocessing Research, a 10-year study which started in 2011. +[13] “De facto nuclear states” refers to those states that before, or outside, the Non-Proliferation Treaty acquired nuclear weapons, of which there are at least four: India, Israel, Pakistan, and North Korea. To prevent further proliferation of weapons technology, U.S. policy should convince these states to relinquish nuclear weapons and hold to the NPT. See also Baker Spring and Dana Robert Dillon, “Nuclear India and the Non-Proliferation Treaty,” Heritage Foundation Backgrounder No. 1935, May 18, 2006,. +[14] Sharon Squassoni, “Nuclear Cooperation and Nonproliferation: Reconciling Commerce and Security,” testimony before the Committee on Foreign Affairs, U.S. House of Representatives, September 24, 2010, (accessed February 1, 2013). +[15] International Atomic Energy Agency safeguards consist of “correctness and completeness” reporting and inspections of over 140 nations, which are designed to detect questionable or nefarious nuclear activity and give the world timely warning to respond. See International Atomic Energy Agency, “IAEA Safeguards Overview: Comprehensive Safeguards Agreements and Additional Protocols,” (accessed February 1, 2013). +[16] The Non-Proliferation Treaty is a legally binding document that calls for greater disarmament, prevention of the spread of nuclear weapons, and the promotion of peaceful nuclear activity. It endows the IAEA with the authority to set and enforce safeguards. It also recognizes the right of all signatories to the full spectrum of commercial nuclear technology in exchange for a promise to refrain from nuclear weapons. See International Atomic Agency, “Treaty on the Non-Proliferation of Nuclear Weapons,” (accessed February 12, 2013). +[17] Park Seong-won, Miles Pomper, and Lawrence Scheinman, “The Domestic and International Politics of Spent Nuclear Fuel in South Korea: Are We Approaching Meltdown?” Korea Economic Institute Academic Paper Series No. 3, Vol. 5, March 2010, (accessed February 1, 2013). +[18] Jack Spencer and Daniella Markheim, “Protectionism Won’t Fuel a Nuclear Renaissance,” Heritage Foundation Backgrounder No. 2221, December 16, 2008,. +[19] Meeyoung Cho, “EPCO/Urenco in Talks for Stake in U.S. Uranium Plant,” Reuters, November 21, 2012, (accessed February 26, 2013). +[20] The Nuclear Green Revolution, “Kirk Sorensen Asks, ‘Is Nuclear Waste Really Waste?’”; video presentation, November 21, 2010, (accessed February 1, 2013). +[21] World Nuclear Association, “Plutonium,” March 2012, (accessed February 1, 2013). +[22] Jack Spencer, “Nuclear Disaster Like Fukushima Unlikely in U.S.,” Heritage Foundation Commentary, July 8, 2011,. +[23] News release, “Commerce Report: Small Modular Nuclear Reactors Can Help Meet Future Energy Demands, Create American Jobs,” International Trade Administration, U.S. Department of Commerce, February 16, 2011, (accessed February 1, 2013). +[24] Global Installed nuclear generating capacity is expected to go from 390 GW in 2011 to 644 GW in 2035. Though net generation and consumption of nuclear energy is expected to grow the world around, this rate of growth in non-OECD Asia is unmatched in any other region of the world, going from producing 193.015 billion kwh in 2011 to 1281.016 billion kwh in 2035. U.S. Department of Energy, Energy Information Administration, World Net Nuclear Electricity Generation from Central Producers by Region and Country, Reference Case, 2005 to 2035. +[25] McGoldrick, “Nuclear Trade Controls: Minding the Gaps.” +I have a big announcement to make. Lamb & Lion Ministries is hereby changing its name to Lamb & Wolf Ministries! We have to, because the Bible has been radically changed. Or, at least, so I am told, quiet often, in many emails, like almost daily. +The name change is happening because demons have been time traveling from other dimensions via portals created by the CERN collider in order to enter our dimension and retranslate the Bible. Those dimension-hopping evil spirits particularly do not like Isaiah 11:6, which reads, “The wolf will live with the lamb…” It used to say “the lion will live with the lamb,” that is, before some puckish imps used their correction tape and retyped lion into wolf. It stands to reason then that since the Bible has been changed, our ministry’s name now must change in order to reflect the altered text. +Altered Experiences +How do I know inter-dimensional beings have it out for references to lions in the Bible? Why, a paranormal consultant by the name of Fiona Broome seems to think so. While attending the Dragon Con sci-fi convention back in 2009, this expert in paranormal research got to chatting with her other convention speakers. They soon discovered that they shared the belief that South African leader Nelson Mandela had died in prison back in the 1980s, but there he was on the news (and actually died in December 2013). They couldn’t all be wrong about his death, could they? And, Muhammad Ali, wasn’t he already dead as well? +What about other so-called facts? Certainly Darth Vader said, “Luke, I am your father.” He didn’t? Rather, he said, “No, I am your father.” Couldn’t be! And, weren’t there 52 states in the USA, including Puerto Rico, not just the 50 the text books are now claiming? Surely history changed somewhere. +Broome and her friends were so sure about their shared changed memories that she developed the paranormal theory called the Mandela Effect. She explains it as “a phrase people use to describe their own powerful memories that don’t seem to match our recorded history.”1 She admits “it’s a weird topic,” but a shared experience “too widespread to doubt its existence.”2 +CERN-tainty Warped +Others added on to Broome’s theory, speculating that the changing of history must be the result of the launch of the European Organization for Nuclear Research (CERN) Large Hadron Collider (LHC) in March of 2010. This particle collider, buried deep beneath the France-Switzerland border near Geneva, is the world’s largest and most powerful.3 +Much fear arose creating numerous doomsday scenarios when the CERN atom smasher was activated. One such scenario is that the collider destroys parallel universes, so that “our souls are merged with a universe that was not; we then carry on, only noticing from time to time the differences between our personal memories and what is recorded in our individualized history.”4 +Various movies and books, such as Angels & Demons by Dan Brown of The Da Vinci Code fame, suggested the particle accelerator created miniature black holes that demons could use to create antimatter and master time travel and take over the Vatican. Thanks to Brown, now that we know that time-shifting demons from the multi-verse are rewriting trivial events in history, maybe they are also systematically changing the Word of God? +By Any Other Name +Seriously, why are good Christians in droves buying into such a totally unsubstantiated and ridiculous theory originated by a paranormal consultant and a heretical author? For the same reason we all think Forrest Gump said “Life is like a box of chocolates” instead of “Life was like a box of chocolates” – we have all repeated over and over again a misquote from some guy who misquoted some other guy. We haven’t read our Bibles for ourselves, but depended on pop culture to remember our Bibles for us. +Ancient Hebrew copies prove there never has been a biblical reference to a lion and a lamb together in Isaiah 11’s passage. People are probably thinking of Isaiah 65:25, which reads, “The wolf and the lamb will feed together, and the lion will eat straw like the ox.” And, anyway, why would demons be targeting such trivial points instead of going right for the throat of the verses about salvation? If the demons have achieved anything with the Mandela Effect, as one writer pointed out, it is “a psy-op that is designed to get people to stop reading their Bibles because suddenly they cannot be trusted.”5 In that, Satan has successfully duped quite a number of conspiracy-impassioned Christians. +As for all the hype about the CERN collider, I asked the nuclear physicist who sits on our board about it. He assured me that the world has nothing to worry about except for a few smashed atoms, much less tears in the fabric of space and time. +What’s that? Dr. Reagan informs me we are not changing our name after all. Lamb & Lion Ministries was not named for Isaiah’s Millennial Kingdom reference. Rather, we are named after Jesus who first came as a suffering “lamb” to die for our sins, but will come back as a conquering “lion” to set up His Kingdom. Oh, well, I tried. +Notes +1. Fiona Broome, The Mandela Effect,. +2. Ibid. +3. “Large Hadron Collider,” Wikipedia,. +4. Joanie Stahl, “The Mandela Effect – Deception or Distraction?,” A Minute to Midnite, (June 2016),. +5. Ibid. +11 CommentsLeave a Comment +Hi Nathan I have seen numerous videos on this subject so nothing here was new. But may I give you a few questions: +Can God’s Word come back void? what does Hebrews 4:12 speak of? to say God’s Word has been changed is a contradiction, of God’s Word. +His Word has not been changed, this is a theory to disrupt your faith in the Lord, but please stand on His Word which is unchanging. (Psalm 119) +Jesus said in John 17:17 “Your Word is truth” +Youtube has good entertainment, but if you are unstable in your walk you will be tossed about with every wind of doctrine that have no proof to them. +I spent maybe 40 hours of videos concerning Cern and I know very well what people are saying, but I also know very well what God has Already Said. Stand on His Word alone. +Joshua, great point about God’s Word never changing. That was the point of my article as well. +The only part of this that has any ring of truth to it is that demons have taken over the Vatican! +Nathan, please do be careful of your use of sarcastic humor. Obviously, there are too many people out there who are easily swayed by anything they hear and do not use their brains to decipher your meaning, let alone, the complexity of the Bible of which any understanding seems to be far removed from their comprehension. +Yeah, I have agree with Claudia here. Your page was the first result when I googled “mandela effect wolf lion”… +…I “used my brain” to figure out it was sarcasm. Listen Nathan, I feel that you mean well but condescension is not something appealing to truth seekers. +Just saying, not trying to be mean. +Mike, “truth seekers” shouldn’t be getting their Bible knowledge from New Age gurus. As Christians we need to show a lot more discernment. +I had to read all the way through this article to find out you hadn’t actually lost your mind! Good to know you have a sense of humor. I hope nobody stopped reading halfway through your article. If they did, you may have lost them as followers. Please be careful what you say. +I questioned David years ago with the with the question as to why this ministry was called Lamb Lion. I pointed out that there is no place in the Bible where these two are put together. He gave me a very wonderful answer. He explained that his ministry was only to point to Christ as the sacrificial Lamb in His first appearing and to Christ as the victorious Lion in His second appearing. +I appreciate this ministry very much and the work you do. However, I caution everyone not to dismiss the Mandela effect so quickly. Yes, we need to be cautious of Fiona Broome given her background, however, that does not mean that she is wrong on all of it. Yes, some of these effects are wrong, but I am certain that some have been changed. As for CERN, they claim that they are not religiously affliated with any religion, yet they have a statute of Shiva the god of destruction outside on their front lawn. Their logo has three 6’s in it, they are partially situated on Saint Genus Piolly where the temple of Apollo was, now Read Revelations 9:11. There are many things pointing to the Mandela effect as being real, again I say not all of it. Please watch the YouTube video that was made at CERN where at 2:32 the man is holding 2 signs that say Bond #1 and Mandela. The first actor to ever play James Bond was Barry Nelson. First sign means Nelson, 2nd sign is Mandela. And at 3:30 it says player 1, 4664, and Nelson Mandela’s prison number was 46664, which has been rumored to have been originally 4664. Now why would CERN have all of this if there isn’t something more sinister behind it? Most don’t know that it was at CERN that the world wide web was started there by Tim Berners-Lee. +There is so much more that one can research on this topic and I suggest everyone do so. +Loretta, I agree. There are some extremely convincing examples that makit plausible. I thought it was flat-earth type nonsense when I first heard of it. But when I researched I believe there is something to +Many Christians believe the Mandela Effect is real, caused by CERN who are opening the gates of Hell. +The end times deception may have begun. +Ask Jesus for victory over any besetting sins and for the Holy Spirit to guide you into all truth. +I don’t have all the answers. He does. I’m fairly confident this is the beginning of the end times. I could be wrong, but elimating besetting sins has radically changed my relationship and understanding with Christ. +God Bless +updated copyright year +Remove code-duplication in fsl-util.4th vs. fsl-util.fs. Also install fsl-util.fs . +Bench macht auch fft-bench +Android floating point stuff +Fixes for Windows +Gforth on Android native including install +Added terminal server as socket example +Library prefix is libgf for non-conflicting names +Added lib prefix to library files +Android library build +Makefile changes to compile libraries +Slightly improved $substitute to allow arguments on the stack +Better separation of different architectures on the same machine +Added -> recognizer to replace TO and IS +Added ." recognizer +Added postpone test, added smartdots.fs to list of sources +Build process for Android improved +Added --with-arch option to install a Gforth with a specific suffix - allows non-conflicting install with 32 and 64 bits. All non-arch files are shared with the two installs +Getting closer to Android libcc.fs support +Gforth for Android +package into the right place for install directories +Cross-compile tag installation +Debian distribution creation +Fixed last bug in threading +Include Lm32 assembler&gforth-ec support when building distribution tarballs +updated copyright years +better tested quotations +moved kernel_fi install place to libdir +Renamed kforth into gforthker, added better heuristics on head? +Added a kforth script to do the doc generation in a cross compiling environment +Cross compilation made simpler - Android example works +Fixed static superinstruction generation +Workaround broken --no-dynamic to build Gforth even though +Recognizer included +added str-exec.fs to distributed files +Moved installdir definitions above users. Bug report by Zbigniew Baniewski +Gforth now also builds and installs without emacs (untested). Bug report by Gerald Wodni +updated copyright years +Changed path.fs to use string.fs to fix buffer overflow bug +Added files for OpenSuSE build service +keep envos.fs from being included in distribution tarballs. +add mips/check_prim.c to the list distributed sources +added ARM disassembler (contributed by Andreas Bolka) some fixes in the ARM assembler (contributed by Andreas Bolka) ARM assembler and disassembler are now distributed FCOPYSIGN now works with the strangely ordered floats on ARM +C-based EC improved a lot +updated copyright years +added test and compat files for ]] ... [[ (macros.fs) optimized postpone-literal and friends +started on prelude concept preludes can be built, but are not yet performed +comment for r1.444: CVS files are now no longer installed. The remaining use of CVSDIRS was for installing directories, so that part was renamed and cleaned up. +Makefile.in +Merged Aleksej's makefile cleanups +updated copyright years; related changes in administrative files +Common idiom for makefile.dos/os2 +Moved blank file into distributabe sources +Moved r8c no_dist files to dist files +Added errors.fs file in arch/r8c to distrubited files +added .DELETE_ON_ERROR target for better behaviour on build errors +Fixed typo for make uninstall +install.TAGS bugfix set special skipcode for power architecture to work with gcc-3.[34] +worked around HP/UX awk limitations by replacing awk script with gforth script put some workarounds for specific boxes into testall and testdist +Fixed vmgen problem +Fixed a few more builddir and other issues Improved testall and testdist (only partially tested) +Fixed various bugs related to builddir!=srcdir prims2x0.6.2.fs is now installed avoid extra make for check updated testdist and testall +The libcc-named stuff is now build before checking (it's not a check) The libcc-named stuff is only built and installed if libtool exists +Makefile bugfix fixed some portability issues for MIPS fixed some portability issues for old platforms +Fixed unused Makefile macros +re-enabled installation of vmgen updated NEWS.vmgen NEWS.vmgen.future contains stuff that's not yet for NEWS.vmgen (not installed) +now the use of MKDIR-PARENTS in libcc is tested +Moved mkdir.fs to the normal sources (no longer a libcc.fs based file) +Added Aleksej's Makefile patch +added cstr.fs mkdir.fs C interface files +more Solaris portability fixes +another Solaris portability fix +fixed documentation bugs +Only those libcc files are processed for which the libraries exist +The Makefile now uses an EMACS variable Eliminated most compilation warnings +install gforth.el, too (suggested by Aleksej Saushev <878wvgaatn.fsf@inbox.ru>) +Try to make old libffi.fs work again +distribute autogen.sh, too (Bug report from M. Edward (Ed) Borasky) +Fixed libtool invocation in Makefile for Mac OS X +anti-dependence of engine on kernel is now set by configure (if a preforth exists) +Cleanup of improved build process +Fixed build process. +Try to get C compiler with options to work +Fix for libcc.fs +Fix a few building bugs +fixed some bugs so "make install" works (DESTDIR still probably buggy) +builds .la files on install (untested and probably broken wrt DESTDIR) added check-libcc-named target and perform it on make check The libcc-path now also contains the common libcc-named directory reworked initialization of libcc to happen on every boot added MAKE-PATH (for making an empty path to paths.fs +Use make, not sh, variable interpolation syntax for bindir +Another use of PREFORTH +added missing (anti-)dependence +removed all references to local libltdl +Bugfix: make and make dist don't need pre-installed Gforth FORCE_REG_UNNECESSARY now defined automatically and used better documentation bugfix +make dist now also distributes libtldl (untested) added "make maintainer-clean" (untested, and without autogen.sh for libltdl) Various "clean" targets now also clean libtldl +added support for building with included libltdl missing: building with installed libltdl including ltdl in the distributed files +CPPFLAGS are now used by the Makefiles bugfix in libcc.fs OPEN-LIB now can open libraries without extension and the library's symbols become global libltdl from libtool-2.2 or higher required (will be included soon) +Made sure that a distribution is possible +BUILD-FROM-SCRATCH now uses autogen.sh realclean now also cleans directories +disabled automatic calling of gforth --diag +deleted bootstrap target (hopefully for good). 'make realclean' should now make it real clean +Fixed doc generating problem. +minor Makefile.in bugfix +Building on i386 works again +added some missing engine dependencies +make clean now removes the various $(OPT)-generated files removed some debugging output fixed some endless recursions +Now make automatically tries a set of OPT settings after another until one is found that works. This is a pretty bad hack. +Now we can use BUGGY_LONG_LONG again, as follows: make OPT=-noll OPTDEFINES= OPTOBJECTS=dblsub.o Minor bugfix +bugfix <2007Oct22.192528@mips.complang.tuwien.ac.at> and cleanup +Added stack comments to complex.fs +Added glossary entries to regexp (but no documentation chapter) +DESTDIR is now not in the INCLUDED-FILES of the installed gforth.fi +install TAGS are now created correctly (untested). +OPEN-FILE with W/O no longer creates or truncates files (probably bugfix) compatibility file for old code missing Bugfix in Makefile.in +Inserted attribution and Copyright for ftester stuff into ttester.fs Include COPYING.LIB because of the ftester stuff +split test/ttester.fs off from test/tester.fs. added support for ftester-style approximate matching. added support for approximate matching on shared-stack systems (RXRX}T etc.). +gforth.el: changes for byte-compiling (from Darren Bane, see <>) Makefile.in: generate and install gforth.elc +minor fixes suggested by Aleksej Saushev +Don't try to distribute doc/texinfo.tex (deleted) +Bugfix for <> (mostly from Darren Bane) +enhanced 'make checkdoc' +checkone now doesn't compare #line lines removed debugging tracer in BUILD-FROM-SCRATCH +configure M4 automatically +m4 is now called throug make variable M4 +added struct0x.fs to dist +Optimize ?BRANCH and friends with conbranch_opt (configure variable) +Some work on Gforth NXT last potential problem with line editing fixed +documentation changes Updates in Makefile.in to reflect newer autoconf usage Distribution and installation of libcc stuff libcc header files are now found automatically Disabled vmgen installation +added missing dependency documentation changes +libcc.fs is now in gforth.fi documentation changes +Some stuff to get closer to run Gforth on NXT +C-based Gforth EC starts to work +added new files to make dist +changed benchmarking code (use Gforth instead of GNU time) more assembler comment syntax variants +added missing dependency for running autoheader +Removed stupid machpc.fs regeneration in Makefile.in +make dist patch from Josh Message-ID: <20070301220740.GA32518@qualdan> +added new files to package nicer onebench output +more changes for SELinux black magic +Started with Gforth EC NXT +updated copyright years +ans-report.fs now reports CfV extensions +updated Makefile.ins with engine/longlong.h dependencies +Integrated and documented the PowerPC assembler. +Makefile: undid change requiring gforth-fast to build first other changes for packaging added POST_INSTALL etc. tags Updated NEWS files to 2006-05-07 minor documentation changes +Added texi2dvi[4a2ps] check Fixed maxdepth_.s glossary entry +Multitasker for R8C running light in background +moved chains.fs from KERN_SRC to EC_SRC +R8C files added to distribution +Build-ec setting at the right place +R8C data region cleanup build-ec execution flag set +Automatic fixpath Build script for EC +Small changes +dependence on envos.fs added +Environment OS from $host_os R8C changes Better output when there are no performance problems +Docdist improvement +Another small fix +Generate fast prim first +stamp-h dependency +added DESTDIR support (see Make manual or GNU standards) however, .INCLUDED is still wrong at the moment +make dist fixes in makefile problems with path separator on cygwin (now Unix-like again) +added compat/execute-parsing.fs +updated the copyright year on many files added FSF copyright header to complex.fs fft.fs regexp-test.fs regexp.fs added fsl-util.fs to update-copyright-blacklist +Added access words for wyde and tetrabyte (w/t@/!) +Added complex words and fft Added some floating point primitives "..." +renamed PARSE-WORD into PARSE-NAME added some test(dis)asm files to distribution +Added --diag switch +converted command-line editing to use xchars some bugfixes +updated copyright years for files changed in 2004 +moved files without distribution terms from ARCHS to ARCHS_NO_DIST added test/deferred.fs (public domain) to update-copyright-blacklist +Fixed install for amd64 +implemented deferred words proposal (and adapted documentation accordingly). +Added # as decimal prefix +disgdb.fs is now always compiled in and checks at run-time if it works +added dis-gdb.fs and related changes minor changes +added Athlon64 benchmark result added depth-changes.fs and hook for that in kernel/input.fs made ~~ work in interpret state documented clearstacks. +cleaned up exboot.fs (allowed by the SHIFT-ARGS change) +eliminated ARG# in favour of SHIFT-ARGS; related cleanups and doc changes +fixed some Makefile bugs +fixed gforth-native bug (branch target resolution) fixed "make dist" bug (arch/misc/optcmove.fs now included) Documentation changes +added make target primtest more primtests fixed some gforth-native bugs workaround for finish-code problem +activated gforth-native again some gforth-native bugfixes and changes +more work on stack caching +Now the _fast.i files are included for gforth-fast and gforth-native +factored out some generating stuff from the makefile into gfgen added rules for generating engine/*-fast.i (not used yet) +stack caching works now (at least for make check) the main change is to the optimize_... stuff in main.c also restricted static optimization area to basic blocks minor bugfixes +use @INSTALL_SCRIPT@ +Applied NetBSD patches submitted by Hubert Feyrer +IA64 refinements (dynamic native code generation) ARM support (but FP is broken on the iPAQ, and icache flush is missing) made no_dynamic_default and skipcode configuration variables worked around fixed some minor bugs +added configure option --enable-prof +a bit Gforth EC work Changed Windows distribution to contain PDF instead of PostScript file +Added pdf target for the documents +added amd64 architecture changed some generic settings minor changes) +added callback stuff to fflib.fs removed legacy flag (different usage is sufficient) +made superinstructions compatible with conditional compilation of primitives (in Gforth; don't use conditional compilation in vmgen). +fixed Windows PATHSEP bug Makefile now tolerates ";" as PATHSEP eliminatd some warnings +Inclusion of ffcall stuff High level stuff missing +Some fixes to makedist and a few changes to wf.fs) +preparing for new approach to static superinstructions fixed bug in 386 disassembler (fucompp) minor cleanup +bugfix (paper format) added doc/vmgen.1 (contributed by Eric Schwartz) +updated version number documentation changes minor changes +updated copyright years +added copyright messages to a lot of files removed some obsolete or non-source files +bug workaround (cygwin signal blocking) minor changes +minor changes +minor changes +documentation installation updates +Documentation changes (new: The Input Stream (gforth), Stack growth direction (Vmgen) +minor fixes +updated ChangeLog and BUGS now gforth-itc is installed and uninstalled documentation changes +portability changes bugfixes in prims2x.fs, kernel/int.fs +fixed some portability bugs and other minor bugs +some changes for cygwin +replaced configure variable EXE with EXEEXT (provided by autoconf by default) +minor changes +added test cases for f>str-rdp +undid changes to copyright notices +Updated copyright notices Added stack effects to kernel/input.fs +eliminated all greedy static superinstruction stuff (we will use something else for static superinstructions eventually) eliminated PRIMTABLE PREPARE-PEEPHOLE-TABLE PEEPHOLE-OPT COMPILE-PRIM) +Made 4stack port of Gforth EC work again +Fixed look problem Added benchmarking of all engines +restored the old engine/prim_lab.i format (for vmgen compatibility) introduced engine/prim_grp.i for the new use +First inclusion of group-based primitive tokens (no reordering happend yet) +some fixes to make make dist work bugfixes to make building outside srcdir work minor prims2x.fs bugfix (for vmgen-ex) vmgen-ex[2] bugfix +made CODE and ;CODE work again +refined BUILD-FROM-SCRATCH +"make check" now checks all engines and some variations bugfix in forget-dyncode). +New file test/float.fs FROUND-OFFSET now defined without f** bugfix in signals (disabled SA_ONSTACK in most cases to allow graceful_exit).? +Getting ready for the Vmgen release New snapshot dates, various documentation changes, Makefile and configure fixes +prims2x.fs now outputs #line directives at the end of the user C code documentation changes +Documentation changes +vmgen documentation changes +documentation changes +added quotes.fs in Makefile.in +added regression test for signal on broken execute (not working on Linux-PPC) new error message and code for ticking compile-only words bug workaround for gforth binary (dynamic superinsts produced wrong code for ?dup-0=-branch). +fixed Makefile bugs (to get BUILD-FROM-SCRATCH running again) +Differentiate between threaded code and xts in gforth-ditc and in gforthmi +Added benchmark result (superinstructions) for 600 MHz Athlon Made cross work again with superinstructions (requires larger dictionary) +default dictionary size 1M cells machine-specific stuff for dynamic superinstructions is now in machine.h support for dynamic superinstructions for Alpha +added dynamic superinstructions (currently for direct threading on 386, without checking for other platforms) +Added tags generation for vi small changes on httpd for EuroForth paper Added navigation button generation via Gimp to wf Made nccomp from Lars Krueger work at least somehow +simpy inlclude startup.fs in prims2x if needed +cleanup, so BUILD-FROM-SCRATCH (should) works +BUILDFORTH more comment +minor changes +vmgen-related changes in Makefile fixed FORTHB/prims2x breakage removed lit_plus added peeprules.vmg as a place to put superinstructions testdist now also tests vmgen-ex +set of changes to use gforth0.5.0 to build right out of the cvs sources +Made peephole a configurable option +First steps to get peephole optimizing into cross +profiling now outputs subsequences +continued block profiling +good start at profiling for peephole optimization backtrace now also works for calls done with CALL +added C and primitive support for peeophole optimization +added test for COMPARE more peephole optimization stuff +fixed bug (?; might also be due to an Emacs change) in prim.TAGS generation. bugfix in alias? (length related) NEXTNAME can now also handle long names added FREE-MEM-VAR +bugfix (complete?): backtrace-rp0 now is restored in interpret process-file in prims2x.fs now takes two xts various other chnages in prims2x.fs +Improved Win32-based distribution (iss.sh generates a setup script for inno setup). +make bindist now makes sunsite-compliant package names updated lsm prims2x now works on the Alpha SEE now displays anonymous words as <###> (where ### is the xt) added CONST-DOES> +rewrote large parts of prims2x.fs to become more flexible (not restricted to 2 stacks, factored out common code for the stacks, etc.). Changes in other files to go with the prims2x.fs changes +Added new input handling (OO approach). Only available if capability new-input is true (so setting that to false in machpc.fs gets you the old input handling back). +make uninstall now deletes gforth-fast-$VERSION +add kernel.TAGS dependency and target in the Makefile +changed FSF address in copyright messages +updated copyright dates in many files (not in ec-related files) +bugfix (loadfilename# must be set before process-args) minor changes +fixed bug about directory in prim.TAGS (untested) +added initial ia64 support (thanks to Andreas Schwab) +Fixed #fill-bytes for nested inputs Improved font highlighting Dirty fix for exboot correction (for DOS) +fixed a bug updated BUGS file factored out .strings from .included +documentation changes snapshot work +Changed prim syntax to not make a difference between blanks and tabs. Stack effects are now surrounded by parentheses. +added 386 asm and disasm BUILD-FROM-SCRATCH work with previous version of Gforth (almost automatic) +Made make dist work again +fixed doc bugs +When building gforth.fi, there is now an exception frame after including exceptions.fs (through exboot.fs), providing decent error messages.. +texinfo.tex from texinfo-4.0 various changes for texinfo-4.0 (which reports more bugs and warnings). +Added engine dependencies to main Makefile +Improved color highlighting Install new files, too Some corrections to httpd +Started cross compiler documentation Made 4stack, 8086, and MISC Gforth-EC work again +throw is now more well-behaved during initialization and before loading exceptions.fs +added support for generating html straight out of makeinfo (you need v4.0 for this, so it's commented out at the moment. Unlike texi2html, the html output from makeinfo is a single monolithic file; not too great..) Bug-fix (Well, I think so..) If you do a "make" and then "su root" and "make install" and then return to non-root, the install would leave 2 files in the source tree that were owned by root - very impolite. The files were: -- gforth.fi (I solve this problem by deleting gforth.fi after an install. I think gforth.fi after an install refers to the install directory so this is a good thing to do anyway) -- prim.TAGS (because "make all" doesn't generate prim.TAGS, but "make install" does, therefore it ends up being owned by root. I couldn't see a clean way to fix this in the Makefile. I'd use "chmod --reference" to just fix up the protection but this option is GNU-specific. My backup solution was to add TAGS to the list in the doc: target, which seemed reasonable/consistent). +took exception handling out of the kernel into exceptions.fs added inline exception handling (TRY...RECOVER...ENDTRY) added exception handling without affecting sp or fp (PROTECT...ENDPROTECT) +context is now a DEFERed word various small bugfixes +added name index to docs and support for info-lookup to gforth.el minor doc changes +added engine option --appl-image and gforthmi option --application minor objects.fs changes +bug fixes +gforth now produces exit code 1 if it has an error in batch processing make check is now less verbose +Added kernel/pass.fs +Dependencies: special.fs out, quotes.fs in +Changed FORTHPATH starting with ~+ instead of . +Changed -O4 to -O3, since that's the highest really supported optimization for GCC (O4 is undefined) Added i686 to configure file. +Added control of forth and c comments of new prims2x.fs. +FORTHK now uses $(ENGINE). +gforth (non-fast) now uses a plain threading scheme, making error positions more accurate minor changes +prepared for snapshot, fixed some buglets +moved signal handling into a new file signals.c minor changes to window size handling?) +Improved dump information for magic Added code in cross.fs to support new magic Fixed makefile problem with cp (cp -p to preserve date) +there is now a debugging version of the engine that maintains ip and rp in global variables (to allow backtrace on signals). The debugging engine is called gforth and the original engine is called gforth-fast. +fixed Makefile bug (engine/Makefile is now remade when necessary) +fixed siteinit.fs-related problems +Install process fixes for DOS and OS/2 EC primitive count fixed EC relocate problem fixed +doc/gforth.txt is not included in the dist adjusted man page +fixed a few small problems (mainly with bindist) +Fixed Makefile.in for empty emacssitelispdir variable +fixed some bugs and problems +new solution for make dist fixed a bug in generating magic +Separated distribution Makefile (works only with gmake) +Changes to make gforth run on DOS and Win32 (I hope it's not broken by the latest Makefile.in changes) Some minor tweaks +fixed some problems (mainly for separate source and build dirs) +gforthmi is now generated from gforthmi.in by configure fixed several installation bugs in Makefile.in) +Made Makefile.in dist-able (removed the two outdated files) +updated dates in copyright messages inserted copyright messages in most files that did not have them removed outdated files engine/32bit.h engine/strsig.c +updated NEWS file added doc/gforth.txt to distributed files. +removed f0 fixed problem with dependence on config.h.in (not well tested). +Removed the make -C parts for other makes. Also tried to avoid multiple right side % rules for same reason. +Fixed config.bat (no startup.dos, no history.dos) +Fixed a lot of problems from the wordlist structure change (I hope we had not omitted the "wordlist-id" in the first place). +fixed "make clean" removed config.h.in from .cvsignore. +changed deletion of html/ tree changed document structure a bit) +Several fixes and typos I forgot to check in until recently Documentation additions (not completed) +Default path now has "." in front Worked a bit on the documentation fixed handling of "." in open-path-file (now also works with "." from the path) +fixed some bugs in arch/power/machine.h make targets now use --die-on-signal +Added missing doers.fs and getdoers.fs +Mega-Patch; lots of changes +Added some Benchres entries fixed small bugs in Makefile and arch/mips/machine.h +LEAVE fix in see.fs one dvi: entry too much in Makefile.in renaming and fix in debug.fs +Bug fixes, consistency improvements, added lib.fs +jwilke's changes: Moved many files to other directories renamed many files other changes unknown to me. +doku change +bumped the version number to 0.3.1 gforth-makeimage now makes an executable file and uses $GFORTH documentation changes fixed bug involving locals and recurse +fixed bug in Makefile.in +added outfile flushing before error message fixed Makefile.in typo +Improved DOS/OS/2 support +fixed some portability problems of Makefile.in +Added DOS-gforth-makeimage Changes for DOS +fixed a few Makefile bugs (make clean) renamed blocks.fs:flush-file into flush-blocks fixed bell bug (now flushes the output) documentation changes +fixed key? problem on Win32 Minor fixes. +documentation changes: added chapter on image files; added concept index bug fixes +added PRIM_VERSION to primitives checksum computation. added and documented environmental queries return-stack-cells, stack-cells, and floating-stack. fixed make test for 64-bit machines. +fixed another marker/locals bug. fixed convsize bug (now sizes >2048M are possible). changed default sizes to be more cache-friendly.. +bumped version number to 0.2.9. added --offset-image option, comp-image.fs, and changed Makefile to make a relocatable image gforth.fi from two nonrelocatable images. added UNDER+. +fixed a few bugs changed version number to 0.2.1 +Added ans-report.fs objects.fs +Some fixes to make it run on non-Unix systems +fixed some small Makefile bugs +Replaced config.guess config.sub with versions from Autoconf 2.10 added FORTHSIZES configuration variable checked and fixed "make bindist" and "make clean" +added --version and --help small bugfix +Fixed problems with different search methods. Hash now doesn't patch it's own search method into vocabularies anymore. +First try to port gforth to OS/2 Some bugfixes +Made PATHSEP a configure variable "make dist" now works minor bugfixes +made path separator OS-dependent (';' for non-Unix) renamed use-file to open-blocks reintroduced FUZZ (for non-Unix) +Documentation changes Building in a dir different from the srcdir now works a few bug fixes +Steps to make 0.2.0 dist-ready. +fixed bugs in code.fs added primitive threading-method fixed create-interpret/compile such that "' word >body" works as expected documented some defining words +SPECIAL: to create special "state-smart" words +minor changes +make dist now consistent with new files improved mmul (both dblsub and primitive.fs replacement) +Corrected ( so that it eats multiline comments in files (as recommended by ANS Forth) Fixed two shellscript bugs in configure.in and Makefile.in. +the GCC variable is now conserved across config.status runs restore-input now works only within one input source and complains otherwise +make test now works from scratch final touches on the system documentation requirements and Performance). +make clean & co. now work as advertised Some documentation changes +Added benchmark results Tried to work around if clause in Makefile.in Small bugfix in sokoban +added site-int.fs and, more importantly, support for it. Fixed bugs in SPARC CACHE_FLUSH +fixed a bug in the unit conversion in main.c "make bench" now also works on 64-bit machines documentation improvements +some documentation changes added make targets "bench" and "uninstall" strerror.c to SOURCES make targets bindist and binonlydist configure now checks the cell size and chooses the image accordingly +fixed a few bugs and documented others added required and require added [ENDIF] +added MARKER small changes in configure.in and Makefile FORCE_REG stuff to decstation.h added man page +* added configure mode for DOS-Makefile: configure -target=i386--msdos creates Makefile for DOS. * checked in some mminor changes which never were checked in. * added special startup file for DOS +* Changed package a bit * New INSTALL file * hash.fs didn't do a good job with 'cold. +added package target to Makefile.in some documentation changes +* Promised, but forgotten Makefile changes +*!!! +Just west of the Strait of Hormuz lies the United States Navy's Fifth Fleet in Manama which “covers the busiest 60 acres in the world,” according to military.com, the largest US army and veteran online forum. The naval command center in Manama coordinates NSA (Naval Support Activity) of nine US bases in Bahrain, two in the United Arab Emirates, the Kuwait Naval Base, and Masirah Island off Oman. It could become even busier if there is a conflict with Iran to neutralize its alleged nuclear weapons program. +Activity would likely also heat up at the 44 US military bases that effectively surround Iran in the Middle East and Turkey, commanded from the US Central Command (CentCom) at the Al Udeid Air Base in Qatar – and that does not include Afghanistan. The US would equally make use of a 1994 bilateral defense pact, the “status of forces agreement,” with the UAE, which has enabled the Emirates to have the world's most advanced F-16 E/F Block 60 fighter jets, and for 3,000 US air force personnel to be stationed at Al Dhafra Air Base. +Movement is already increasing, with 15,000 US troops – fresh out of Iraq – stationed in Kuwait. Out at sea, the US sent a third aircraft carrier group this month (March) to the Gulf, the USS Enterprise-led “strike group” that includes six other ships. Britain meanwhile has sent its top of the line, $1.5 billion warship HMS Daring for a seven month deployment to the Gulf to accompany a 25-nation, US-led Combined Maritime Forces flotilla that is, in the words of Britain’s Ministry of Defense, “to bolster maritime security and regional stability across the Middle East.” On top of this, several hundred nautical miles to the West, are four NATO ships patrolling the Gulf of Aden, ostensibly in search of Somali pirates as part of Operation Ocean Shield. +On the Iranian side, the military has carried out six war games over the past few years, with the latest, last year, dubbed the “Great Prophet 6,” involving the testing of short, medium and long-range missiles. At the beginning of 2012, Iran carried out ground maneuvers inland and near the Afghan border, and has kept its navy on high alert, with Iranian boats tailing US warships as they entered the Gulf. Not willing to be boxed into the Gulf, Iran sent warships through the Suez Canal to the Mediterranean in February to show what Admiral Habibollah Sayari said was the “might” of the Islamic Republic to the region. +Such a show of force in the Gulf is alarming amid the specter of war with Tehran, yet it is hardly the first time there has been such a multi-flagged armada charting the Gulf's waters in relation to the “Iran threat”. Back in 2008, there was a similar “unprecedented” build up of naval force, the largest since the 1990 Gulf War, which put Kuwait on its highest war alert since Saddam Hussein's forces invaded the country. Nothing happened. But this time the saber rattling by Western powers, Israel and Iran could turn into all-out conflict, whe-ther by design or through some accidental spark as the tensions rise to white hot levels (see scenarios, page 48). +“This is not a time political analysts or leaders are taking a holiday or going skiing, it is a time to be active,” said Ibrahim Saif, resident scholar at the Carnegie Middle East Center in Beirut who specializes in the political economy of the Middle East. +A narrow window of opportunity +The crisis revolves around Iran’s alleged nuclear weapons program, and it is more evident than ever before that the balance of power cannot be altered by allowing Tehran to get the bomb, which would rival the Middle East’s only nuclear power, Israel, and could spark a regional nuclear arms race. +Indeed, Saudi Arabia has recently hinted that it may go nuclear, while Western intelligence agencies indicate that Riyadh funded up to 60 percent of Pakistan’s nuclear program with the tacit understanding that the kingdom could put up to six Pakistani warheads on its turf if Iran acquires nukes, according to a report in The Guardian newspaper. Saudi Arabia has never publicly called for a war on Iran, but as a prime opponent of an ascendant Islamic Republic, its stance was made clear in a leaked US diplomatic cable from 2008, with King Abdullah calling on the US to “cut off the head of the snake” by launching military strikes to destroy Iran's nuclear facilities. +While the Gulf monarchies view Iran as a threat, it is Israel that has been beating the drums of war the loudest against its long-term nemesis. As US Defense Secretary Leon Panetta stated in early February, an Israeli attack could come as early as this spring. The big question is whether Israel would unilaterally launch strikes against Iranian nuclear facilities. +According to research carried out by Scott Johnson, a defense analyst at IHS Jane’s, it would be exceedingly difficult. “The problem is that the Israelis have a limited number of aircraft that can reach key facilities, and their window of opportunity is in the minutes to hit targets and come right back. The only way to help Israeli aircraft out is via refueling in the air but they have a limited number of air-to-air refueling craft, and they would be in harms way, so would need aircraft to defend them. It would be a massive operation that would necessitate the majority of Israeli strike aircraft operating simultaneously,” he told Executive. +Indeed, reports indicate that Iran's nuclear facilities are spread around some 20 locations and have been built with US and Israeli strike capabilities in mind, while having modern Russian air defense systems to protect them. Such tactical complexities are arguably a reason for the US to not attack Iran either. +“Nuclear facilities are well dispersed, and it would take a month of constant air attacks as you can’t just drop a bomb on a facility as it is deeply buried; they would have to be pummeled. An attack would also involve a lot of search and destroy missions against Iranian missiles as well as anti-shipping missiles to stop the sinking of ships. That is why the US would be reluctant to take this on,” said Michael Elleman, Senior Fellow for Regional Security Cooperation at the International Institute of Strategic Studies (IISS) Middle East in Bahrain. “If they are really planning surgical strikes, we wouldn’t know about it. An all out war we’d see a build up. We knew a year in advance the US was going into Iraq as it was hard to keep concealed. But I don’t see the US ready to take a major offensive against Iran and I don't think it is in the US interest or anyone else’s.” +That said, President Barrack Obama has stated that Washington will work in “lockstep” with Israel to prevent Iran's nuclear aspirations, and that “all options are on the table.” But if Israel does instigate a war, it is expected that the US will have to get involved, as Iran would not sit back and do nothing, unlike the Iraqis when the Israelis bombed the Osirak nuclear facility in 1981 or the Syrians when Israel targeted the alleged nuclear facility in Al Kibar in 2007. +The Islamic Republic Strikes Back +“The attack would be so large it couldn't be ignored. I don’t think the Iranian regime would survive if they did nothing,” said Elleman. Iran would mobilize its 520,000 uniformed service members to respond to air assaults on nuclear facilities, air bases, missile sites and infrastructure. Given the Iranians' past threats to blockade the Strait of Hormuz, a naval campaign in the Gulf would be a major arena of conflict. “Iran can close the Strait of Hormuz at least temporarily, and may launch missiles against US forces and our allies in the region if it is attacked,” said Defense Intelligence Agency Director Lieutenant-General Ronald Burgess at a Senate Armed Services Committee hearing in December. +The US Institute for Peace has noted that Iran’s military is configured in a defensive posture, “specifically to counter the perceived US threat.” Lacking the same fire power and conventional military capabilities as the US, Iran would use asymmetric warfare instead. +Iran has developed “a strong asymmetric capacity that focuses on the use of smart munitions, light attack craft, mines, swarm tactics and missile barrages to counteract U.S. naval power,” stated a report by the Center for Strategic and International Studies. Such tactics could prove highly effective. In a war game conducted by the Pentagon in 2002, a large number of Iranian speedboats swarmed US warships, detonating explosives and attacking with fire arms and rockets. Within five to 10 minutes, the US Navy lost 16 warships, including an aircraft carrier, cruisers and amphibious vessels. While the US has developed its response to such swarm tactics over the past decade, the Iranians have equally improved their asymmetric capabilities. +Stumbling into war? +What is concerning analysts is that given the current tensions in the region and the build up of military forces, along with the Iranians and the US and its allies having conducted war games in the Gulf, there is the possibility of the world stumbling into a war. “My impression right now is rhetoric has been ramped up in the West to have effective sanctions. We’ve seen the EU agree on an oil export ban, and seeing more and more pressure put on countries in Asia to go along. It is part of human psychology to avoid war, but my worry is that if there is a mistake, a miscommunication or incident in the Persian Gulf, this could lead to a situation that spirals out of control,” said Elleman. “Iran is constantly doing war games and is quite careful when they do it, but what if they fire an anti-ship missile and it gets away from them? A pure accident results in the sinking of a Saudi tanker or casualties on a US or French frigate in the Gulf,” Elleman added. “It is not likely, but I don’t think any of us are smart enough to anticipate it. Frankly, that is what I worry about the most is someone making a poor decision and then it escalates, for do we have mechanisms in place with Iran to control it?” +Gulf War Three +If any of the above plays out, Gulf War Three, if not World War Three, would be underway. +The Gulf Cooperation Council (GCC) countries would be in the immediate line of fire from the Iranians, notably the countries hosting US military facilities, and ports. “If ever there was an inter-Gulf war, the ports would be the prime targets. It is not just cutting off Hormuz that can starve a country, as all countries are import dependent,” said Shahin Shamsabadi, Senior Associate of the Middle East & North Africa (MENA) Practice at The Risk Advisory Group in Dubai. +If GCC countries were attacked in response to a US led attack on Iran, Elleman said the GCC militaries would coordinate with the US and the response would depend on which country was hit. “If it was Bahrain, what do they have to retaliate with? They have very limited capacity and that is why they asked the Fifth Fleet to be here. The UAE I suspect would take some action with their air force. I’m most impressed with their planners and intelligence people, they have their act together relative to the rest of the GCC,” he said. But the conflict would not solely focus around the Gulf in a US instigated war. The Iranians could use covert attacks against US interests globally as well as enlist proxy forces in neighboring Afghanistan to target US and NATO forces. In such a scenario, the US would get no support from Pakistan, a major player in Afghanistan. Islamabad, which is going through a low-point in relations with Washington, stated in February it will not support an attack on Iran or allow the US to use its local airbases for military operations, although whether it would actually do more for Iran is unclear. +If Israel carried out the initial strikes, this would add another dimension to the conflict. +“An Israeli element to the attack would unite Iranians and possibly other states against the attackers, although it obviously depends on the scale of the attack,” said Shamsabadi. +Hezbollah, could retaliate, raining rockets onto the “Zionist entity” from Lebanon, which would prompt a harsh Israeli military response. But this is where it gets complicated. With Syria descending into civil war, the response of Iran’s regional ally to a Gulf war is an unknown, but the West and Israel could capitalize on instability in the region to bolster the rebels in Syria to further destabilize the country. This could also drag the Russians in. It is a strategic ally of Syria, and the port of Tartous is the Russian navy’s only base in the Mediterranean. “For the Russians, it is of utmost importance to protect the Syrian regime as it provides intelligence, access to the Mediterranean and arms deals,” said Saif. +If the conflict spread from the Gulf to the Levant, two fronts would be open in the Middle East, and with the uprisings that have swept the region over the past year still in various phases, compounded by the economic damage a conflict would entail, major instability throughout the MENA would ensue. 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I now have the opportunity to offer one of these sweet phones to a lucky reader. The phone has a lot of great features that I have enjoyed like widescreen photos, HDR shooting and the ability to take photos while shooting video. There is another fun feature where you hold the shutter and the camera takes a quick series of images and you can choose the best shot from the group. A good feature, especially when you have kids. +But I know that you use your phone for much more than just a camera. I have played a few of the games on it like Mass Effect, the game play was smooth. I’ve listened to music on it and can even import my iTunes music onto the phone. Music sounds great with the Beats Audio built into the phone as well. I was even able to get many of my favorite apps like Instagram and Facebook and more. The phone runs well, is fast and looks pretty slick. I’m excited to offer one to you guys. +Content and/or other value provided by our partner, HTC. +Enter the Giveaway below. +Fine print: +The giveaway is open to US residents only, and AT&T service is not included. +Are you getting BenSpark.com in your inbox every day? Sign up to get the latest posts e-mailed directly to YOU. +I dont have a smart phone now, so I use mine for talking and texting but I really think it is time for an upgrade +I have one of those old cell phones that only text an get calls an take pictures that I dont know how to transfer,so yeah,I need a new phone badly,my grown kids tell me im using a dinosaur for a phone +My phone is a throw-away phone. All I can do is talk and text. It is really time to upgrade! +What do you use your phone for most? Checking email, texting, pinteresting, facebooking and taking pictures. +What are you using for a phone now? iPhone 3G +What do you wish that phone could do? Take better pictures. +What is your favorite app? Clock Radio (it’s amazing!!) +Tell me about your phone and why you’d like to win the HTC One X+. +Well, I like my phone, but I want something more. My husband has the 4 and all my friends have the 4S, and I have the old stuff…just looking to upgrade to something else. +I have a basic cell phone that I use for making calls only. Would love to have a smartphone +Taking pictures while shooting videos seems like fun +heyy Drew..again a great work…very nice review..I am also looking forward to buy a smartphone…this could be the final choice…thanks for the post..keep posting…!!! +My phone is also my computer. I like the fact that the processor is better than my current phone +I use twitter on my 3GS and I can see how old and slow it is whenever I see someone elses. +This looks like a pretty nice handset, HTC has come a long way. +Great review I would love a new phone my blackberry just sticks and freezes all the time count me in for your giveaway +I use my phone for running my small business. I’m using an Iphone 5. It would be great to be able to see javascript on a phone. I love the etsy and instagram apps! I love my iphone, but I’d love to try another platform and win this htc one x! +I currently have an old 1st generation Android phone that I loved, but its getting pretty battered. It’s great to be able to use my phone for just about everything; music, photos, navigation, and keeping in touch. +sure would be my flip phone +texting +I don’t have a cell phone yet, so this one sounds awesome. I can do FB and Instagram on it, how cool is that? :-) +I mainly use my phone for texting, facebook is my favorite app and would love to win because I want an updated phone with longer battery life, social networking apps a +i use it for pictures and social media and games the most! +What do you use your phone for most? I use my phone for calling +What are you using for a phone now? For calling and texting +What do you wish that phone could do? I wish it took better pics +What is your favorite app? Nike app +Tell me about your phone and why you’d like to win the HTC One X+. I’d love all the cool features +What do you use your phone for most? For texting! +What are you using for a phone now? Taking pics! +What do you wish that phone could do? Be more reliable +What is your favorite app? Study apps +Tell me about your phone and why you’d like to win the HTC One X+. I’d like a better picture quality taking phone +I use the phone for calling when I need to. I’m using a Motorola Atrix HD that drains the life out of the battery within two days on idle, not a very economical way of saving energy. I really wish for a long lasting battery since I often forget to charge mine and I’ve found myself in situations where I really need to use the phone. My favorite app would be Twitter. I don’t really like my phone much as stated at the beginning and I’ve really heard great things about HTC and the One Plus in general. I’d really like to try out Beats. +i use my phone for everything (text, surf, pictures, social media, video). i am using a galaxy s3. i wish the phone had a better audio system like this one does. my favorite app is the nba app because i can watch live games anywhere i go. i would like to win the htc one x because of the great camera, the ability to play xbox games, and the integration windows 8 mobile has with my pc. +Currently I use my phone for everything. Checking email, seraching the internet, using apps, playing games, camera and video. +I am really excited about the camera on the HTC. I would love to be able to take a photo while videoing +I use my phone for everything! I could not live without it. My fave app is instagram! +What do you use your phone for most? texting, tweeting, googling +What are you using for a phone now? iphone 4 +What do you wish that phone could do? not freeze +What is your favorite app? instagram +Tell me about your phone and why you’d like to win the HTC One X+. I’d like a phone that does not freeze and lock up and is faster than my current one! +I use my phone for email, web browsing, gaming, watching television…even making calls sometimes! The camera on my Droid is broken, so I’d love this new HTC so I can start instagramming and posting pics to Twitter! +Look at what Beth wrote blog post ..Grocery Store Finds – Boomchicapop! +i’m still using my old flip phone. can’t seem to decide which smart phone is right for me. The HTC sounds perfect. +What do you use your phone for most? I use my phone most for sending tests to my brother, calling my family, surfing the net to find basic information and sometimes even taking pictures on the go! +What are you using for a phone now? Right now I am using an iPhone. +What do you wish that phone could do? I wish my phone had a more powerful battery and could multitask better. +What is your favorite app? My favorite app is either facebook or twitter. +Tell me about your phone and why you’d like to win the HTC One X+. I would like to win the HTC One X+ because I am sure the battery life is better from the specs, it seems like it has more power to multitask as well! +HTC phones are amazing! +What do you use your phone for most? I check email and blog from my phone +What are you using for a phone now? samsung galaxy 2 +What do you wish that phone could do?I wish my phone could attach to any printer and print at any time i choose. +What is your favorite app? i don’t have one. +Tell me about your phone and why you’d like to win the HTC One X+. I love HTC phones, I had one previously but it was stolen. I think the technology on the HTC are awesome. +I use my phone mostly for making and receiving calls and currently I’m using the first version of HTC Wildfire. Wish phone these days have a better life time. My favourite app is Whatsapp. My phone always frozen on me and the battery doesn’t last long, so winning the hTC OneX would be a better replacement of HTC Wildfire :) +I have an old Motorola Razor phone that I use for making calls and texting. I wish it could access the internet, have a bigger screen, take good pictures and videos. Since this isn’t a smartphone, I can’t install any application but if I do have one, facebook, whatsapp and instagram would be my favorites. +Although I’m using an outdated phone, it still give me the basic feature of what a phone does. Making calls and send text messages. By winning the latest HTC OneX would let me to explore the awesome features on a smartphone! +I currently use a tracfone mainly because i am cheap. I would use this phone to put myself in a more current phone era and use it to film wildlife around my home. +I primarily use my phone as a phone, though I occasionally use it for email. I like that this phone promises 50% longer battery life. +I’m not using a smartphone so I mostly use mine for calling and texting. I’d love to have access to social media and the web, and I’d love a phone with a great camera. +i dont have a phpone right now id use it for emergencys thats why im entering wish me luck +The only phone I have is my house phone so I would be very happy if I win this one +I use my phone for twitter, facebook, texting, and phone calls. I love twitter. I have an iphone but it is really slow and Id love to win the HTC because the screen is bigger. thank you! I also wish that i could talk to my phone. i have the iphone4 so it doesnt have that feature. +alot of comments bro it be cool to win though +I dont have a smartphone so I really want to win this! I would use it for email, text, and pics +I would love to own a phone with a fantastic video camera & this one also has a slow motion feature! I travel a lot and would love to able to capture the essence of travels through video and photos and this phone is fantastic for both! I use a bb…duh… and my fave app is all the social media apps. +San (@SS_Dal) +I use my phone now for just talking and texting but I’d love a smartphone to be able to access my email and Facebook when I’m not home. Not to mention the camera on this phone is far superior to the digital camera I own now, I’d love to be able to post photos and videos straight to Facebook. +I have a very bare bones phone. I’ve never had a smart phone. I just told someone at work today that I really feel like now is the time. I got a promotion at work which is fabulous!! However, it means I’ll be sitting at my desk with a lot of time on my hands. If I had a smartphone, it’d help pass the time. +And that’s why I’d like to win the HTC One X+. +Thank you. +Currently I use the HTC Wildfire, it’s a good phone but internal storage is a nightmare! I use it most often for texting and taking pictures. I HAVE to have Spotify on my phone, I love it! I’d use the HTC One X for all sorts of things, like documenting weightloss journey or new experiences! Texting of course too :) +I use my phone most for calling and use it most for texting now. I wish it could take better videos and my favorite app is Nike. My phone is old and I’d love a new one +1. Texting +2. Texting +3. not drop my calls +4. Instagram +5. My phone is a couple years old and I’d like to win because the HTC is awesome +What do you use your phone for most? What are you using for a phone now? What do you wish that phone could do? What is your favorite app? Tell me about your phone and why you’d like to win the HTC One X+. +I use my phone mostly to call people. +The phone I have now is a Motorola Atrix. +I wish it could hold a charge longer. +My favorite app is Pandora. +I like my phone but always like newer. +Filtering the Facts: How to Avoid Major Fuel Filter Mistakes +10 Micron Inline Fuel Filter azw download +Find the unknown to tally up the environment of vibrancy by reading this [PDF] 10 Micron Inline Fuel Filter. This is a kind of sticker album that you craving now. Besides, it can be your favorite lp to get into after having this book. do you ask why? Well, this is a lp that has interchange characteristic taking into consideration others. You may not need to know who the author is, how renowned the feign is. As wise word, never pronounce the words from who speaks, but create the words as your fine value to your life. +This lp offers you greater than before of spirit that can make the feel of the energy brighter. 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You can now practice the things that you have inspired from the wedding album read .. +Universal In - Line Fuel Filter 10 Micron Oregon # 07-124 +Amazon.com: Fuelab 81801-1 Black 10 Micron Standard Length In-Line ... Amazon.com: Fuelab 81801-1 Black 10 Micron Standard Length In-Line Fuel Filter: Automotive +Powr-Flo In-Line Fuel Filter (10 Micron) Cellulose – Jet Performance ... JET Powr-Flo In-line Fuel Filters +Earl's 230610: 10 Micron Billet In-Line Fuel Filter | JEGS Earl's 10 Micron Billet In-Line Fuel Filter +Medal of Honor Allied Assault Compressed PC Game Free Download 689MB +Medal of Honor Allied Assault Compressed PC Game Free Download 689MB +Medal of Honor: Allied Assault ( MOHAA ) is an electronic game of first – person shooter developed by Electronic Arts . System-based id Tech 3 , the game simulates fighting caught in Europe and North Africa during World War II . It is the third game in the series to be released, although it is the first to be released for Windows (in 2002), and the only one to be released for Linux . +The game was released in three editions, in addition to traditional publishing (Medal of Honor: Allied Assault), the game had two other issues with additions. Medal of Honor: Allied Assault Deluxe Edition , which includes the Medal of Honor: Spearhead (one of the expansion packs), two strategy guides, the soundtrack and a preview of Medal of Honor: Pacific Assault . The other issue, Medal of Honor Allied Assault War Chest includes the game and both expansion packs, Medal of Honor: Spearhead and Medal of Honor: Breakthrough . +The game chronicles the life of Lieutenant US Army Mike Powell 27 years ago, a Ranger (integral soldier tactical group of US military elite) and agent OSS (Office of Strategic Services, the US intelligence agency during the Second World War ). Lieutenant Powell participates in six missions in major operations in theaters of North Africa and Europecompleting multiple objectives in each mission. Colonel Stanley Hargrove, Powell commander, instructs on the mission and eventually sends announcements and important information while Powell in this field. Throughout Powell plot will often be helped by Allied forces, but most of the time he is alone against German soldiers companies, following the line of the previous games. The six missions are as follows: +Lighting the Torch (Lighting the Torch) (November 7, 1942): The first mission of Mike Powell is during the Allied campaign in North Africa in 1942, during Operation Torch , Allied offensive that proposed expelling the troops of Axis North Africa intensifying the allied control of the Mediterranean Sea . The first step was to take key points along the North African coast. Powell with the help of a small group of rangers, has the task of taking a small village occupied by the Germans near Arzew ( Algeria) And destroy artillery batteries directed to coast, opening the beaches for later, the landing of troops. It is also known that the OSS undercover agent Major Jack Grillo was captured and must be redeemed before that important information is revealed. The rangers group suffered many casualties and forced the city’s proceed under intense enemy fire until stopped by an enemy ambush. Powell sole survivor should continue moving inside the occupied village to find the captured agent and meet mission objectives. After freeing the Major Jack Grillo prison, Powell gained an ally and follows sabotaging the city’s defenses, while Jack looks for a transport to escape. Powell destroys two trucks, five tanks and two 88 mm cannonsfacing the beach, fulfilling another objective of the mission. Major Grillo is a jeep equipped with a German machine gun MG42 . Near the city there is an airstrip used by the Nazis, Jack and Powell follow armed with the jeep and destroy several planes, they separate again and Powell goes to a lighthouse, which sends a signal calling attention of the last German forces in the area and signaling the coast this unprotected. Then Jack and Powell, flee in a German supply truck. +Scuttling the U-529 (Sinking the U-529) (14 February 1943): Powell is now in Trondheim , Norway . Your mission is to infiltrate a base Kriegsmarine German located in the city, with the help of Grillo commander has infiltrated, and the Norwegian resistance. The goals are to destroy a radar signal detector prototype called Naxos , a German device that could dangerously undermine the Allied victory in the Battle of the Atlantic, and steal some documents and secret plans to sabotage the German submarine U-529. Grillo help Powell until the time it is identified as a spy and killed by Nazi guards. Powell is on his own and will have to get uniform, German documentation and use the silencer to enter the complex and achieve its goals without being detected. This is one of two missions in which Powell must go incognito, disguised as a German officer, to enter the German submarine, sabotage and escape. +Operation Overlord ( Operation Overlord ) (6 and 7 June 1944): In this third campaign, Powell received the letter of invitation to the Battle of Normandy and is transferred to the 2nd Battalion of the US Rangers. The first objective of the mission is to survive the desenbarque at Omaha Beach (one of the six assault areas on the coast of Normandy during D-Day ), then clear the bunkers that protect the beach. Powell is under the command of Captain Ramsey and the official aid, Powell must find and protect paratroopers belonging to the 101st Airborne Division and help them take a battery of rocket launchers Nebelwerfernear the town of Carentan . The events during the D-Day became legendary during the Second World War and are portrayed in several other movies and video games. For this campaign, especially the mission of desenbarque, developers were inspired by the movie Saving Private Ryan (Saving Private Ryan), Steven Spielberg , launched in 1998. +Behind Enemy Lines (Behind Enemy Lines) (22 June 1944): Powell back as a lone OSS agent, go behind enemy lines to gather information about the handling strategies of German troops and investigate rumors about a new prototype German tank called Tiger II or King Tiger. Powell must first save a reconnaissance pilot and escort him to a safe shelter maintained by the French Resistance . In the shelter, he must find Manon Batiste (character protagonist of Medal of Honor: Underground , released in 2000 for PlayStation) Also OSS agent who will exact location of the documents that Powell should collect and also provide transportation there. Powell must now infiltrate un German command post set up in a mansion, farm headquarters and gather various information and documents relating to the mission. This is one of the few points of non-linear gameplay in MOHAA where the objectives can be achieved in any order. +Day of the Tiger (Tiger Day) (August 20, 1944): With the Allies rapidly growing dominance over the French territory, the city of Brest , in Brittany , becomes a crucial strategic point for the Allied advance, the second most important port of France is in the city. With the information collected in the last mission, a group specially trained to pilot the King Tiger is chosen by Hargrove to steal it and bring it to Brest, out enemy lines to be studied. Powell and his team must go through the dark streets of a walled village of snipersGermans scattered towers, roofs and tinted windows to find the tank, the episode is known as “Sniper Town” (shooter’s home). After capturing the tank, its crew should arrive in Brest with the still usable tank, there the group will face a number of German visitors, including Tiger tanks , armed infantry with RPGs Panzerschreck , 88mm cannons , and MG42 machine guns . Reaching the city, Powell must find a high point where you can protect the captured tank and the bridge leading to the city center. Occupying the sniper position with a long-range riflePowell can take down any enemy try to blow up the bridge and if there are enemy tanks, is available a radio to call for air support. +The Return to Schmerzen (Return to Schmerzen) (January 18, 1945): Schmerzen ( pain in German) is a fort that has been converted into a large Nazi installation for various purposes, two of them is used as a production unit gas mustard and extermination camp . In the first Medal of Honor , Lieutenant James Patterson a few months before (November 1944) destroyed part of the facility, but shortly thereafter, the facility was reactivated under Colonel Muller command. After several strategic attacks on the Fort, Powell and a group of rangersThey infiltrate the factory, plant explosives and sabotage the strong gas system. Powell goes alone to the underground area of the fort equipped with a gas mask and after much enemy resistance, can reach the gas production core. Powell must destroy the gas distribution system is therefore releasing it throughout the underground area, meanwhile the other rangers sabotage the rest of the base and release the prisoners, all culminate actions in the collapse of strong and everyone is forced to escape quickly before all explode. +Search Keywords +Medal of Honor Allied Assault pc game download, Medal of Honor Allied Assault pc games download, Medal of Honor Allied Assault free pc games download, Medal of Honor Allied Assault pc game downloads, Medal of Honor Allied Assault free pc game downloads, Medal of Honor Allied Assault pc games download free, Medal of Honor Allied Assault free pc game download, Medal of Honor Allied Assault pc games downloads, Medal of Honor Allied Assault pc games to download, Medal of Honor Allied Assault free games download for pc, Medal of Honor Allied Assault free pc games downloads, Medal of Honor Allied Assault pc games free download, Medal of Honor Allied Assault pc game download sites, Medal of Honor Allied Assault free game downloads for pc, Medal of Honor Allied Assault free full pc game downloads, Medal of Honor Allied Assault free full pc games download, Medal of Honor Allied Assault pc game free download, Medal of Honor Allied Assault game downloads for pc, Medal of Honor Allied Assault games for pc free download, Medal of Honor Allied Assault games download for pc, Medal of Honor Allied Assault free game download for pc, Medal of Honor Allied Assault games to download for pc, Medal of Honor Allied Assault pc game downloads free, Medal of Honor Allied Assault pc games for download, Medal of Honor Allied Assault games for pc download, Medal of Honor Allied Assault games free download for pc, Medal of Honor Allied Assault free games for pc download, Medal of Honor Allied Assault old pc games download, Medal of Honor Allied Assault free games download pc, Medal of Honor Allied Assault pc free games download, Medal of Honor Allied Assault game download pc, Medal of Honor Allied Assault game downloads, Medal of Honor Allied Assault full pc games download, Medal of Honor Allied Assault free games download, Medal of Honor Allied Assault full version pc games download, Medal of Honor Allied Assault free pc games download full version, Medal of Honor Allied Assault game download, Medal of Honor Allied Assault free games downloads for pc, Medal of Honor Allied Assault free game downloads, Medal of Honor Allied Assault free game download, +: 8.0a (Included) +SOUND CARD: Yes +FREE DISK SPACE: 1.2 GB +CD-ROM: 8x CD/DVD-ROM. This game contains technology intended to prevent copying that may conflict with some DVD-ROM, DVD-RW and virtual drives. +Game Size = 669<< +Medal of Honor Allied Assault Compressed PC Game Free Download 689MB +Hello everyone! Before you ask, yes the baptism did happen! Our investigator got baptized on Saturday just as planned despite some technical difficulties. But if you want to hear about that, you'll have to read through the rest of the email ;) +On Monday after my wallet got stolen and we did our emails, we went with that our investigator and the sisters up the hill a little bit to see some fortresses and such. There are some really cool views up there. +On the way down, we somehow decided to run/skip all the way down the huge steep hill. It was pretty fast, but we've been pretty sore this week from that =P From there we met up with the Zone Leaders so our investigator could have is baptismal interview, and then the ZLs slept at our place for the night. +On Tuesday morning Elder Smith and I went for a run, and by the time we came back, Elder King had put on some very American patriotic music by the Mormon Tabernacle Choir. HAPPY FOURTH OF JULY!! Later that day we went to lunch with them at a place called Burger Bar, where they have really good burgers (naturally) rivaling Red Robin. The potato wedges were also pretty killer. +Shortly after that, Elder Smith and I packed up and got on the 5.5 hour bus ride to Banja Luka so we could get to Zone Conference the next day. We slept at the ZLs' apartment, and so did the APs. So, that was 6 Elders in a 2-person apartment. Some of us were on the floor. Nevertheless, it was good to see all those guys (Elder Perry and Elder King, former companions of mine, were both there). +On Wednesday morning we went out and hit a Pekara (bakery) for some breakfast. While there, I happened to look across the street and see a watermelon stand that said "BEST WATERMELON IN THE CITY" (in Bosnian). Then I looked to my right, right next to the Pekara, and saw another watermelon stand owned by a different guy. That one also said "BEST WATERMELON IN THE CITY". Those two guys must be pretty serious rivals, haha. From there we went to the church a bit early and helped set up for Zone Conference a bit. ZC was really good. Since this is President Melonakos' first round of Zone Conferences (oh, we got a new mission president about a week ago, btw), most of it was introductions and testimonies between all of us. It was really good to already get to know President and Sister Melonakos. They'll be great. At the end of the conference, I totally wrecked the intro to the closing hymn and had to 100% start it over. It was pretty funny, though. For the way back to Sarajevo, Elder Smith and I rode with the Newtons, packed in with a whole bunch of other stuff such as leftover pizza that we were taking home from the Zone Conference lunch. #missionaryLife +On Thursday, we went to the church to set up the font for the impending baptism, and then we started making programs for the event too. Then the sisters came and we all practiced our musical number for Sunday. We all had lunch there at the church that we'd brought with us. We the Elders had leftover pizza from ZC, and the sisters had panninis plus fruit and vegetables. Thankfully they shared some of their healthy things with us, haha. After district meeting, we had another lesson with our investigator where we watched "Finding Faith in Christ", which is kind of a summary of Christ's life in the old world. I really like it, and since our investigator has never read the New Testament and grew up as a Muslim, a lot of the stories were new to him. That evening we had ECG like usual, and we found out that one of the frequent participants from the advanced group had lost his father very recently. We're already pretty much friends with him, but we're now trying more to make sure that he knows that he's not alone, and that death isn't just the end. After this life we'll still be able to see our friends and family. Anyway, after ECG Elder Smith and Sister Turner practiced their special musical number for the baptism. There have been a lot of musical numbers in the works recently, btw. Apparently I'll be having one in church in 2 weeks too. +Friday morning we went for another run. This time we went more through "Tsentar" and "Bashcharshia" (sorry, I don't have a special keyboard right now). That area is the more touristy spot. So, we ran past a Cathedral, a giant Mosque, some old Turkish buildings, an Orthodox church, and a whole bunch of shops. In case I haven't mentioned it, Sarajevo is a pretty cool place. For almost all of Friday we were just running around printing the programs and getting other stuff ready for the baptism, including practicing some more music with the sisters. Also, we discovered that the quarter watermelon that I'd bought on Monday went bad. Reeeeally bad. Really fast, too. And it took with it the nearby leftover pizza that we had in the fridge. +Now for Saturday. The baptism was scheduled for 3pm, and Sisters Martineau and McColm were each coming from their respective cities with their companions so they could be there, since they got the investigator started on this path anyway. So, we got over to the church right at 10 to start filling up the font. But, the water heater kept turning itself off every 62 seconds. I didn't want the water to be cold for the investigator (or myself), so I had to go push a button on the water heater every 62 seconds to keep it heating. +Not too long later, we noticed that the floor around the font was wet. When I say "not too long later" I mean about an hour, or maybe two. Turns out there was a leak, and we started stuffing towels under it to dry it up and maybe stop the leak. They were just getting soaked really fast, though. Elder Smith found the leak on the outside and put his finger on it to stop the water. It was actually really effective, but he was stuck there a while, and I was still going to push that button every 62 seconds to restart the water heater. Party. At some point the sisters and the Newtons showed up with some duct tape to try to help. +The duct tape didn't work, so the Newtons went to buy something better, while we and the sisters drained the not-so-empty font. We had a lot of buckets and stuff, and Sister Beus ended up getting in the font so she could help hand us buckets of water to dump into the street. +We also had a pump going, thankfully. Oh, I forgot to mention that the font was basically sitting on top of some electrical panels. Anyway, the whole place got pretty wet and messy with all the buckets going everywhere, but none of it got into the electric panels (we were watching them very closely). The Newtons came back with some superglue type stuff, so we patched it up and had lunch while we waited for it to dry. Then we started filling it back up (this is probably at about 1pm). The Newtons and sisters left to go change and such, and we stayed to continue filling the font. This time we had those buckets and pitchers, and we had every faucet in the place turned on. We were basically running in circles switching out buckets and taking filled ones to the font and dumping them in while other ones were filling up. We also had the main hose as before helping. And the water heater was still turning off every 62 seconds (see the video below). The investigator himself showed up shortly after 2pm, and started helping. Just before 3pm, people of course started showing up, and the font wasn't quite as full as we would've liked, but it was definitely at a level we could work with. So, I went and changed and we had a total of 6 non-members there, plus a whole bunch of missionaries and some local members. The program was great, including that musical number by Elder Smith and Sister Turner, and talks by Sisters McColm and Martineau. +As for the baptism itself, I was the one to do it. Since the water wasn't terribly high, I had to put him down pretty far, and then help him back up a lot. We got it first try, though, so that was great. He was starting to tear up a bit when he came out. It was great. Anyway, after the whole program we had some refreshments and it was great having everyone there for our new member. Once everyone left, we of course had to clean up and stuff, and dry out the font that had been pumping ever since the baptism itself was over. So, that baptism took our entire day, but it was obviously worth it. +Yesterday at church, he (our newest member) got confirmed and received the gift of the Holy Ghost. We also did a musical number with the sisters, and that was fun. Later in the day, we had a lesson with a guy we'd met on Friday. I'd noticed before that his hat had Hebrew written on it, and he was wearing it again for our lesson, and it turns out that he's a Jew. So, that's pretty cool. We kinda just find anyone from a bunch of different religions here. He seemed pretty interested in The Book of Mormon and what it says, and we're excited to keep working with him. For the rest of the day we had another lesson, did some planning and phone calls, etc. +Your homework is to read 2 Nephi 2, which is about how Christ provided us with a perfect example by being baptized and following the commandments of the Father. It's pretty good stuff. +Here are some photos! +- freely available +- re-usable +Sensors 2013, 13(11), 15290-15306; doi:10.3390/s131115290 +Published: 8 November 2013 +Abstract:. +1. Introduction +Measuring and studying the violin bridge mobility is not a new topic. Numerous experimental studies of bridge motion have been carried out in the past. For example, in [1], the bridge motility was measured when a bridge is in isolation and in a violin. The experimental results showed that the string resonances excite the violin body resonances at low frequencies, and the main bridge resonance at higher frequencies. At the resonance frequency the admittance of the bridge may become approximately as large as the specific string admittance, implying that complex phenomena such as coupling between the bridge and the string resonances may occur. In [2], the experimental results based on the plate solid bridges show that the distance between the bridge feet has a profound effect on the overall response of a violin. A diminished distance will lower the bridge hill frequency, but increase the bridge hill level. In [3], the effect of the chemical treatments of the bridge on the vibration mode frequency and damping changes was studied. Some theoretical models have also been developed to predict the bridge mobility in the literature [4,5]. In [4], a theoretical model has been developed to investigate the bridge hill. Parameter studies were presented which reveal how the bridge hill is affected by the properties of the bridge and violin body. The model prediction is in fairly good agreement with the experimental findings published in the literature. In [6], a comprehensive study of the violin bridge filter role has been carried out through modal and acoustic measurements. A brief review on the major findings of previous research work can be found in [6]. Finite element analysis was used for modal analysis of violin bridges for investigating the effect of wood removal on the bridge in-plane and out-of-plane vibrating modes [7]. In the literature, the dynamic response of a violin is often divided into a deterministic region and a statistic region [5,8]. The deterministic region is a range of low frequencies in which easily separable natural frequencies can be examined deterministically, and the statistic region is the higher frequencies at which only statistical statements are possible in the frequency domain. In the statistic region, modes overlap significantly, and mode tracking becomes problematical. In this paper the mobility of an isolated bridge is studied numerically and experimentally on the basis of the dynamic contact vibration model. The impact of the contact stiffness on the bridge mobility is investigated. +2. Dynamic Contact Vibration Model of the Violin Bridge +The vibration of the bridge when it is mounted in a violin is a dynamic contact vibration with two interfaces: strings-bridge, and bridge feet-top plate. According to the Hertzian contact vibration theory, the contact stiffness changing can cause the bridge resonance frequency shift and the resonance amplitude changing for each vibration mode. The influence of the dynamic contact stiffness on the bridge mobility has not been studied comprehensively up to now. +The dynamic contact vibration of a rigid punch on an elastic medium has been studied by many researchers [9–12]. Most researchers considered the contact to be equivalent to an elastic-spring support and adopted the Hertzian static-contact stiffness. Different dynamic Hertzian contact models based on a nonlinear mass-spring-damping system have been presented to investigate its nonlinear vibration theoretically and experimentally. In [11], an analytical model based on a linear-elastic theory for dynamic contact stiffness of a vibrating rigid sphere contacting a semi-infinite viscoelastic solid was proposed. The dynamic contact-pressure distribution at the interface between the rigid sphere and the viscoelastic solid was deduced first. Then, the dynamic contact stiffness at the interface was deduced from the approximate dynamic contact boundary conditions for displacements. In [12], experimental results showed that the contact stiffness not only affects the resonance frequency position, but also the amplitude of the resonance. +When a bridge is fitted in a violin, the contact stiffness in the two contact interfaces of strings-bridge and bridge feet-top plate is affected by a variety of factors such as the force generated by the strings, the materials and the surface roughness of both the bridge and the top plate, and the area of the contact surfaces. Moreover, the violin top plate dynamic vibration and the string dynamic vibration will change the contact stiffness dynamically. Thus, the contact stiffness is affected by the interaction between the string, bridge and top plate. In addition, some of the plate structure changes may be very sensitive to the bridge-corpus interaction, for example the cutting of the slot-like f-holes which are close to the bridge feet. Thus, the dynamic contact stiffness is sensitive to such structure changes. +Evidently, in this paper the term isolated bridge does not mean the bridge is completely independent of the strings and the corpus. In fact, the bridge is linked to the strings and corpus through the dynamic contact stiffness. However, the dynamic contact stiffness is difficult to determine analytically. Moreover, the violin bridge vibration is very complicated with many vibration modes. An accurate analytical dynamic contact vibration model is difficult to deduce to predict the bridge mobility. The impact of the dynamic contact stiffness on the bridge mobility is studied through finite element modeling and experimental measurements in this paper. +3. Finite Element Modeling of a Violin Bridge under the Contact Vibration Model +Frequency response analysis of a violin bridge is carried out using ANSYS Workbench 12. The bridge geometric model in Figure 1a was built using the CAD software SOLIDWORKS according to the physical parameters of a real violin bridge. The maximum length, height and thickness of the bridge are 49.5, 34.5 and 4.5 mm, respectively. The top edge width of the bridge is 2 mm. The bridge material is maple. The material properties of ‘maple red’ published in [13] were used in the simulation as listed in Table 1, where the X, Y, Z directions are as defined in Figure 1. No pre-stress has been considered in any of the simulations of this paper. +Elastic supports (elastic support B in Figure 2) were applied to the bottom surfaces of the two bridge feet, which are the contact surfaces between the two bridge feet and violin top plate, and the elastic foundation contact stiffness in this contact interface is denoted as EFS1. Elastic supports were also applied to the groove/notch surfaces of the bridge top, which are the contact surfaces between the bridge and four strings. In a violin the strings are just placed on the arched notches of the bridge top. Thus, the elastic supports in the notch surfaces are appropriate to model the constraints exerted by the strings. According to the contact mechanics theory [14,15], which studies the deformation of solids that touch each other at one or more points, the contact vibration involves compressive and adhesive forces in the direction perpendicular to the interface, and frictional forces in the tangential direction. These interface forces act on the bridge notch surfaces, constraining the bridge dynamic motion. +The elastic foundation contact stiffness in the contact interface between the strings-bridge top is denoted as EFS2. The elastic supports at the G, D, A, and E strings are indicated as elastic support C, D, E, and F, respectively, in Figure 2. This configuration is equivalent to the violin bridge sitting on a violin with four strings fitted. However, the string and the corpus resonances have been isolated to the frequency response analysis of the isolated bridge, facilitating the study of the bridge behaviour. No constraints were applied to any other surfaces of the bridge, such as the side of the bridge feet. +A sine driving force of 1N was applied to the bridge G-corner in its plane in the bass-bar side as shown in Figure 2 (red arrow A). The Y-directional acceleration response was measured on the bridge foot (using average) in the sound-post side in all the simulation results in this paper except in Section 4.1. The damping ratio was set as 0.7% of critical according to the experimental measurements published in [3]. +EFS is defined in ANSYS as spring stiffness per unit area that only acts in the direction normal to the face of the element. When the surface is planar and the loading acts normal to the direction, EFS is defined as:where ‘Area’ is the area of the contact surface, and Ydisp is the displacement at the location of EFS due to the loading force F. From Equation (1), it can be seen that the dynamic contact stiffness is affected by a variety of factors, as discussed in Section 2. +4. Bridge Mobility Analysis +4.1. Mobility Analysis of an Isolated Bridge Based on the Fixed Support Model +For comparison purposes, before we explore the bridge mobility under the contact vibration model, we first study the bridge mobility based on the fixed support model. In this case, fixed supports are applied to the bottom surface of the two bridge feet. No other constraints are applied to the bridge. This configuration is equivalent to the isolated bridge being clamped at the two bridge feet, which is a configuration often used to measure the mobility of an isolated bridge experimentally in the literature [6]. The driving force is the same as described in Section 3. Notice that with the fixed supports, acceleration responses cannot be measured from the bridge feet. The Y-directional acceleration responses measured on the bridge G-corner in the sound-post side are shown in Figure 3 with the damping ratio set as 0.017% critical and 0.7% critical, respectively. From Figure 3, it can be seen if we use the damping ratio of 0.7% critical measured experimentally in [3], the minor resonances disappear but the overall shape is the same. For the fixed support model, no peaks in the bridge mobility are observed in the frequency range of 1.5–4 kHz when the damping ratio is 0.7% critical. +In order to understand the bridge mobility, modal analysis was carried out under the same configuration. The first ten-order natural resonant frequencies of the bridge with the bridge feet clamped are listed in Table 2. In Table 2, ‘O’ indicates the mode is out-of-plane vibration, and ‘I’ is an in-plane vibration. It was found that most of the resonance modes are out-of-plane vibration modes although the driving force in the simulation is in-plane. This is due to the fact that the violin bridge is not truly symmetrical. We then examined the motion of the resonance modes in Table 2. Figure 4 shows the motion of six vibration modes. Each vibration mode is visualized by two images extracted from the animation in ANSYS modal analysis in order to intuitively show the bridge movement of that mode. The two images for each mode show the bridge motion with the maximum displacement in two opposite positions, respectively. From Figure 4 and Table 2, it can be seen that the main resonance peak at 1.4 kHz in Figure 3 is mainly attributed to the in-plane rocking mode 3. +4.2. Bridge Mobility Analysis Based on the Contact Vibration Model +In this paper we do not intend to simulate a real dynamic contact vibration process of the bridge. The dynamic contact vibration process is studied by changing the elastic foundation contact stiffness. Each frequency response is obtained based on the contact vibration model. Figure 5 shows the acceleration responses versus different elastic foundation contact stiffness using the simulation configuration described in Section 3. EFS1 is changed from 0.001 to 5,000 N/mm3. We denote the elastic foundation contact stiffness at the G, D, A, and E string positions as EFS2_G, EFS2_D, EFS2_A, and EFS2_E, respectively. In a real violin, EFS1 and EFS2 are correlated to each other according to Equation (1). The area for all the contact surfaces can be assumed to be approximately constant and the force in Equation (1) is the main factor that affects EFS1 and EFS2 dynamically. The sum of the forces exerted on the strings–bridge contact interface by the strings will pass to the bridge feet-top plate contact interface. Thus, in the simulation of Figure 5, EFS2 was set on the basis of EFS1 as, EFS2_G = CG·EFS1, EFS2_D = CD·EFS1, EFS2_A = CA·EFS1, and EFS2_E = CE·EFS1. Suppose the static forces generated by the G, D, A, and E strings are 22.05, 20.68, 21.85 and 26.75 N, and their diameters are 0.75, 0.72, 0.48, 0.26 mm respectively. The contact area in Equation (1) is calculated using the geometrical model in Figure 1a. Assume Ydisp to be the same at all the contact surfaces. The ratios CG = 11, CD = 10.8, CA = 17.1 and CE = 38.7 were then estimated using Equation (1). In the estimation, the dynamic force (about 1 N) was ignored because it is much smaller than the static forces. +From Figure 5, it can be seen that the elastic foundation contact stiffness has a significant impact on the bridge mobility. This can be explained by the contact vibration model and modal model described in [16]. As described in Section 2, the contact stiffness not only affects the resonance frequency position but also the amplitude of the resonance. Moreover, the bridge mobility is the superposition of the modal amplitudes. +In order to observe the minor resonances in the bridge mobility, the acceleration responses when the damping ratio is set as 0.017% critical are plotted in Figure 6. From Figures 5 and 6, it can be seen that when EFS1 is smaller than a threshold (here 0.1 N/mm3), the frequency response is fairly stable, except in the very low frequency range, and a main resonance peak in the frequency range of 2–3 kHz is observed. Our simulation results also indicate that if EFS1 is small enough (here 0.001 N/mm3), the main peak frequency becomes almost constant (2,570 Hz here). Between 0.001 to 0.1 N/mm3, the main peak frequency changes slightly. When EFS is between 0.1 to 1,000 N/mm3, the bridge mobility is very unstable. When EFS1 is bigger than 5,000 N/mm3, the bridge mobility seems tending to be stable as well in Figure 6, although without a main resonance peak in the 2–3 kHz frequency range. +Notice that during violin playing, the contact stiffness will change dynamically. Assume the EFS1 will change from 0.001 to 0.1 N/mm3. The dynamic response of the bridge will be a mixture of the frequency responses obtained by EFS1 changing from 0.001 to 0.1 N/mm3. Since the main resonance peak frequency in the frequency range of 2–3 kHz changes slightly in these instant frequency responses, as seen in Figures 5a–c, the dynamic response of the bridge will most likely exhibit as a broader resonance peak than as the main resonance peak observed in any instant frequency response in Figure 5a–c. Furthermore, if all the dynamic EFS1 values are small enough (smaller than 0.1 N/mm3 here), the main resonance peak is more predictable. However, if the dynamic EFS1 ranges from 0.1 to 1,000 N/mm3, the dynamic response of the bridge will be very difficult to predict because the instant frequency responses are very unstable, as seen in Figures 5 and 6. As a result, the broad peak in the dynamic response of the bridge is difficult to predict deterministically because of the dynamic contact stiffness. It might be interesting to explore in the future if there is a link between the phenomena observed here and the statistic region in the violin dynamic response. +In order to further understand the bridge mobility, modal analysis was carried out under the same configuration as in Figure 5. The vibration modes close to 2.6 kHz are listed in Table 3. When EFS1 is smaller than 0.1 N/mm3 or larger than 1,000 N/mm3, the vibration modes are quite stable, except at very low frequency. From Figure 6 and Table 3, it can also be seen that the bridge mobility is linked to the bridge vibration modes. However, the main resonance peak frequency, for example 2,570 Hz in Figure 5a, is not exactly equal to the natural resonance mode frequency of 2,616 Hz since the main resonance peak in the bridge mobility is affected by the neighbouring natural resonance modes as well. +We further examined the motion of the resonance modes for the case of EFS1 = 0.001 N/mm3 in Table 3. It can be observed that most of the resonance modes are out-of-plane vibration modes. Figure 7a–j shows the motion of the five vibration modes at 1,654 Hz, 1,720 Hz, 2,616 Hz, 2,775 Hz, and 4,241 Hz for the case of EFS1 = 0.001 N/mm3 in Table 3. Like in Figure 4, each vibration mode is intuitively visualized by two images extracted from its vibration animation in the ANSYS modal analysis. From Figure 6a, we can see that the five vibration modes have a major contribution to the bridge mobility. Figure 7e,f shows the motion of the resonance mode at 2,616 Hz, which is an in-plane rocking vibration. From Figure 6a, it can be seen that the main resonance peak in the frequency range of 2–3 kHz is mainly attributed to this in-plane rocking vibration. From the rocking motion, it is observed that the upper part and lower part of the bridge behave like two seesaws rocking in opposite directions with the bridge waist as the central axis. Due to the bridge cut-outs, the thin waist makes this rocking mode easier to be excited by the string vibration. Moreover, it can be observed that all five vibration modes in Figure 7 are linked to the cut-outs. Therefore the cut-outs in a bridge are important. In addition, it can be seen that for the same motion in Figures 4 and 7, its natural resonance frequency may be very different. For example, the natural resonance frequency of in-plane rocking motion in Figure 4 is 1,441 Hz, but it is 2,616 Hz in Figure 7. However, the natural resonance frequency of the mode 7 in Figure 4 is 4,384 Hz, while for the same bridge motion in Figure 7 it is 4,241 Hz, and the difference is much smaller. This means that some vibration motions are heavily affected by the dynamic contact stiffness. Thus, the dynamic contact vibration model is more suitable to study the bridge mobility than the fixed support model. +From Figures 5 and 6, it is also observed that the frequency responses in the very low frequency region are very unstable. All the resonance modes in this region (for example, the resonance modes lower than these modes shown in Figure 7 for the case of EFS1 = 0.001 N/mm3 in Table 3) are rocking as a rigid body as shown in Figure 8. The results in Figure 7 and Figure 8 are consistent with the concept that ‘in the deterministic region the bridge rocked approximately as a rigid body, while in the statistical region bridge motions can be characterized as quiet-feet/rocking-wiggling top’ [6]. The impact of these low frequency resonance peaks on the violin acoustic performance needs further investigation in the future. +Finally, additional simulations were carried out to examine the effect of the inaccuracy of the estimated ratios CG = 11, CD = 10.8, CA = 17.1 and CE = 38.7. We redid all the simulations of Figure 5 using the averaged ratio to replace the estimated ratios, i.e., CG = CD = CA = CE = 19.4, and almost the same results were obtained. It seems that the frequency responses are not very sensitive to these ratios. Further simulations were carried out to verify this finding. Figure 9 presents the results when keeping EFS1 = 0.01 N/mm3 and changing the ratios CG, CD, CA, CE to set EFS2. Figure 9a shows the result of CG = 1.1, CD = 1.08, CA = 1.71 and CE = 3.87. Figure 9b shows the result of using the estimated ratios. Figure 9c shows the result of CG = 110, CD = 108, CA = 171 and CE = 387. The additional simulations confirms that the main resonance peak in the frequency range of 2–3 kHz is not very sensitive to these ratios when EFS1 < 0.1. In other words, the main resonance peak can be generated in relative flexible conditions for the bridge in Figure 1a. +4.3. Mobility Analysis of a Plate Solid Bridge Based on the Contact Vibration Model +In Section 4.2, we have seen that the cut-outs in the bridge are important. In order to further examine this, the mobility analysis of a plate solid bridge as shown in Figure 1b was carried out under the same simulation configuration in Section 3. The plate solid bridge in Figure 1b has the same outline shape of the original bridge in Figure 1a. A few Y-directional acceleration responses measured at the bridge foot (using an average) in the sound-post side are presented in Figure 10, in which the damping ratio is set as 0.7% critical. These frequency responses are significantly different from the responses in Figure 5. Figure 11 shows the corresponding responses when the damping ratio is set as 0.017% critical. Our simulation results shows that no main resonance peak exists in the frequency range of 2–3 kHz if EFS1 > 0.01 N/mm3. Even if EFS1 ≤ 0.01 N/mm3, if we set EFS2 at the estimated ratios as used in Figures 5 and 6, no main resonance peak is observed as well in the frequency range of 2–3 kHz. A main resonance peak is only observed in the frequency range of 2–3 kHz when all the three of the following conditions are satisfied simultaneously through our trial-and-error: (1) EFS1 ≤ 0.01 N/mm3; (2) EFS2_G, EFS2_D, EFS2_A and EFS2_E are equal or very close; and (3) EFS2 in between 1,000 to 2,000 N/mm3. When EFS2 = 1,600 N/mm3 the peak is 2,569 Hz as shown in Figure 10c. +Notice that in Figure 10c, the ratio EFS2/EFS1 = 160,000 is much bigger than the estimated ratios in Figure 5. This condition seems difficult to achieve if fitting the plate bridge in a real violin because EFS1 and EFS2 are correlated each other as mentioned in Section 4.2. In addition, as shown in Figure 10b,d, this peak is very sensitive to the changing of EFS2. Thus, for the plate bridge, a main resonance peak in the frequency range of 2–3 kHz may exist but only EFS1 and EFS2 are under very strict conditions. +In order to understand this finding, modal analysis was carried out for the plate solid bridge as shown in Table 4. Table 4 shows the modal analysis results when the contact stiffness EFS1 and EFS2 are set as in Figure 10. Comparing Tables 3 and 4, it can be seen that there are few resonance modes for the plate solid bridge. We then examined the motions of the resonance modes in Table 4. Figure 12 shows the motion of the resonance mode at 2,569 Hz in Table 4, which is an out-of-plane vibration mode. It can be seen that although the plate bridge could generate a main resonance peak in the frequency range of 2–3 kHz, the bridge motion is not the rocking motion. +5. Experimental Verification of EFS Impact on Bridge Mobility +In the literature, the mobility of an isolated bridge is normally measured with the bridge feet clamped in a vise [6,8]. However, in a real violin, the bridge is just put on top of the violin top plate with the string fitting on top of the bridge. Obviously, the bridge feet are not clamped when the bridge is fitted in a violin, so the mobility of a bridge measured with clamped feet is not accurate. +In order to verify the impact of the elastic foundation contact stiffness on bridge mobility, an experimental setup as shown in Figure 13 was built up. A KISTLER 9256C multi-component dynamometer was used to measure the 3D dynamic forces acted on the violin plate by the bridge feet. We disassembled a real violin and removed the body of the violin. The retained part of the violin was fixed on a wood board support, and the bridge was put on top of the dynamometer. The KISTLER 9256C dynamometer is designed for cutting force measurements in ultraprecise machining with a small design. It can measure the three orthogonal components of a force with high sensitivity (<0.002 N). The dynamometer has high natural frequency (fn(x) ≈ 5.1 kHz; fn(y) ≈ 5.5 kHz; fn(z) ≈ 5.6 kHz). Thus, this dynamometer is a good choice for our experimental measurement. Inside the dynamometer, four sensors are located underneath its top titanium plate in the four corners, and each sensors record the X-, Y-, and Z-components of the force. The dynamometer has 12 output channels. According to the experimental setup in Figure 13, we can obtain the three components of the force exerted to each bridge foot, the three components of the total forces exerted to the dynamometer by the bridge, and two moments of the force. Details refer to the user manual of the dynamometer. A sampling frequency of 20 kHz was used for data acquisition in the experiment. +In the experiment, the pitches of four steel strings were firstly tuned to the open string natural resonant frequencies, i.e., G 196 Hz, D 294 Hz, A 440 Hz, and E 659 Hz. Then the dynamic forces exerted to the dynamometer by the bridge were collected when bowing a string. In order to obtain the frequency response of the bridge, we slide the finger in the fingerboard from the top nut down to the bridge continuously while bowing a string. Without finger slurring, the frequencies in the frequency spectrum of the recorded force consists of the natural resonant frequency and its harmonic series, i.e., for the G-string 196 Hz, 392 Hz, 588 Hz,…, so that the frequency spectrum is discrete, as seen in Figure 5 of [16]. In such a discrete frequency spectrum, the resonances of the bridge mobility are difficult to observe. The finger slurring changes the fundamental resonance frequency continuously, and is equivalent to frequency sweeping in the frequency response analysis. +In the experimental setup of Figure 13, the violin bridge is equivalent to being mounted in a ‘rigid’ violin since the dynamometer can be treated as a rigid body. This setup facilitates the analysis of the dynamic forces exerted on the violin front plate by the bridge. In order to investigate the impact of dynamic contact stiffness on bridge mobility experimentally, we loosen or tighten the four strings simultaneously and then recorded the dynamic forces. Loosening the strings reduces the force F in Equation (1), thus reducing the EFS1 and EFS2. Tightening the strings increases EFS1 and EFS2. The force responses were further obtained by applying out the Fast Fourier Transform to these recorded dynamic forces. +Figure 14 shows the Y-directional force responses of the bridge under different contact stiffness, respectively. The four strings were loosened simultaneously by one tone lower, two tones lower, and three tones lower. In order to not break the strings, we only tested the case of tightening the strings one tone higher. For each contact stiffness case, we record the dynamic forces when bowing the A-string with finger slurring. The force responses in Figure 14 were measured in the bridge foot close to the sound post. From Figure 14, it can be seen that, when loosening the strings the broad peak in the frequency range of 2–3 kHz becomes clearer than the string in tune. When tightening the string, the broad peak almost disappeared. Moreover, the broad-peak frequency is downshifted as EFS decreases. This experimental observation is in consistent with the simulation prediction in Section 4, confirming the impact of EFS on the bridge mobility. +6. Discussion and Conclusions +The bridge mounted in a violin has two contact interfaces: strings-bridge, and bridge feet-violin top plate. According to the Hertzian contact vibration theory, the changing contact stiffness in these interfaces can cause the bridge resonance frequency to shift and the resonance amplitude to change for each vibration mode. The mobility of an isolated bridge under in-plane excitation is first explored using the finite element method on the basis of the dynamic contact vibration model. Simulation results show that the contact stiffness has a significant impact on the bridge mobility. A novel experiment setup is then designed for the bridge mobility analysis. The experimental results confirmed the impact of the contact stiffness on the bridge mobility. The dynamic contact vibration model-based finite element method is demonstrated to be a powerful tool to study the bridge mobility. +It seems of interest to further explore in the future what is the impact of the dynamic contact stiffness on the overall dynamic response of a violin, particularly the bridge hill [17,18]. This can probably be done by modifying the finite element model to incorporate the violin corpus. +Moreover, the proposed experimental setup can be further modified, for example by removing the violin back plate and putting the dynamometer underneath the top plate, to study the effect of the contact vibration boundaries, such as the string tension, the roughness of the contact surfaces, and the area of the contact surfaces on the violin acoustical quality. +In addition, the Woodhouse model described in [4] provides a theoretical guidance for violin makers on how to trim the bridge in order to achieve the desired frequency, height and bandwidth of the bridge hill. It might be interesting as well to see if there is any link between the Woodhouse model and the dynamic contact vibration model. +The authors are grateful to the anonymous reviewers for their useful comments on this work. In particular, one reviewer's comments helped us greatly improve the manuscript. +Conflicts of Interest +The authors declare no conflict of interest. +References +- Janson, E.V. Experiments with the violin String and bridge. Appl. Acoust. 1990, 30, 133–146. [Google Scholar] +- Jansson, E.V. Violin frequency response—Bridge mobility and bridge feet distance. Appl. Acoust. 2004, 65, 1197–1205. [Google Scholar] +- Bailey, M.; Bissinger, G. Modal Analysis Study of Mode Frequency and Damping Changes due to Chemical Treatment of the Violin Bridge. Proceedings of the 13th International Modal Analysis Conference, Bethel, CT, USA, 13–16 February 1995; pp. 828–833. +- Woodhouse, J. On the “Bridge Hill” of the violin. Acta Acust. United Acust. 1995, 91, 155–165. [Google Scholar] +- Cremer, L. The Physics of the Violin; MIT Press: Cambridge, MA, USA, 1984. Chapter 9. [Google Scholar] +- Bissinger, G. The violin bridge as filter. J. Acoust. Soc. Am. 2006, 120, 482–491. 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Even in death, he gets a babe to mack on. Y’know, a babe that says, “You can call me ‘mom.'” Godou reacts appropriately by becoming a story device: “What was this? The border between life and immortality?” That’s just some expert storytelling there, filling the audience in because we wouldn’t have known otherwise. I wish someone in Birds would’ve done the same thing: “Man, what are with these birds? The manifestation of incestuous maternal rage?!” But there goes Hitchcock again with his stupid “metaphors” that we’re supposed to figure out on our own (250). +Godou is mystified in the screenshot above, but it’s quite simple really. Within the harem shoujo exists a superposition of quantum states where she is both pure and viriginal yet willing to sex the hero up at the drop of a hat. You must simply observe. At first glance, Liliana looks as though she wants to throw up when she learns about Godou’s extensive harem (Erica, Yuri, and Lucrecia), but when Godou looks again, Liliana is DTF (‘down to fuck’ for our less-than-hip readers!!): “R-remember this well, King…. Even if you violate this body, you shall n-never have my heart!” Uh huh (250+150). +Look! Back she goes to being pure and virginal. And Godou becomes the consummate gentleman: “I-it’s fine. Before, it was kind of hard to approach you. But now that you’ve cried and gotten mad, you seem like a normal girl — much easier to talk to.” Hell yah, normal girls are moody bitches who cry and rage all the time. You ladies out there know what I’m talking about — if you weren’t too busy cryin’ about it (250)! +I don’t even know where the green-haired maid came from (100). Or why Liliana’s fantasies of Godou transforms him into Cyrano de Bergerac (100): +Tsuntsun (50): +Deredere (50): +Tsuntsun (50): +Deredere (50): +The next thing I know, Liliana tries to confront Athena alone, who then… stuns her into submission and starts stripping Liliana… naked (150)? +What? Good thing the start of the tenth episode makes just as much sense when the villain stirs the crowd into a rage by asking them questions about Greek mythology (100). We all love our fucking Greek mythology. And thus begins Godou’s second fight with an underdeveloped villain. Let’s get the exciting battle started!… right? Oh shit, we’re back to this again… tsuntsun (50): +Deredere (50): +God, just get on with it already. +Feels like we’re plagiarizing here a bit. But hey, bending every woman to his beck and call is what gets Godou going. Spoilers: he wins. I’m not going to get into the action scenes because this isn’t what Harem Hill is all about. At the end of our two episodes, Godou gets another person to add to his harem. Yawn. +KKK! — 27945 +Dakara Boku wa, H ga Dekinai — 26600 +Hagure Yuusha no Estetica — 21060 +Amidst an election, a childhood friend feels left out because Oojima is getting a little too popular with the ladies (one of which just happens to be his damn teacher). One of Chocolate‘s myriad problems is that a lot of its side stories don’t have one damn thing to do with the actual election plot besides maybe the bullied girl, but that story pretty much dropped off a cliff after the third episode only to be picked up at the last minute, but we’ll talk about that in a bit. Repairing a broken relationship between the teacher and Shinonome? So what? Chisato feeling unloved? Who cares? The oh-so-traumatic incident that left Oojima and Chisato short of a friend so they pay their respects to him by buying chocolate bars? Has nothing or should have nothing to do whatsoever with the election. The anime’s story is as disjointed as its mood, which hops from silly clubroom antics (like the midget girl inventing all sorts of weird shit) to suddenly hot and heavy drama between Oojima and his “haremettes.” +How does this figure into Harem Hill? Well, to be honest, I wouldn’t say it matters all that much. I do Harem Hill to capture the sort of trope-ish, pandering anime full of fanservice that plagues most harems. Chocolate doesn’t really embody the sort of target that Harem Hill is after. It’s just a poorly told story. Case in point, episodes after the bullying incident, that story suddenly rears its head again in the ninth episode now that most of us have forgotten about it. And it’s a pity ’cause it’s the only side story that is relevant to the election bit. Oojima is risking his election by taking on an unpopular policy, and whoa, that shit happens all the time with real life candidates. The problem is that it has taken us so long to get here. +Then the entire situation diffuses itself because Chisato isn’t a complex Karl Rovian character who’s hellbent on getting Oojima the election victory in order to further some nefarious agenda. She’s only outraged because she thinks Oojima’s out to impress girls besides her. It’s gets even worse: +Yep, that’s right; it’s Chisato clinging onto Oojima’s arm while he’s trying to take a shower. Turns out Oojima just got hit by a car so Chisato completely freaks out over it. He punches a mirror, slaps her and she still runs back to him with a chocolate bar. Can we just get back to the election and unpopular policies? Well, not so fast. In the rest of the remaining episode, Oojima uncovers a Big Brother-esque spying system designed to to keep tabs on the school’s students. Yes, a bunch of high school students have installed spies throughout the campus to maintain peace and order! Not only that, there’s a conspiracy involving a comatose agent! Oh dear, oh my!. +No points awarded or deducted. +KKK! — 27945 +Dakara Boku wa, H ga Dekinai — 26600 +Hagure Yuusha no Estetica — 21060 +Estetica‘s ninth episode wants to convince me that Ousawa is a ladies’ man. Why? Because he stands up to authority and defeated a giant, berserk cock some odd episodes ago. Right, right… I guess that makes up for that piss-inducing incident: “Sure, he’s a bit lewd at times… but it’s hard to hate him.” Oh, okay (250). Have fun justifying your Stockholm syndrome. +Anyway, a knight from +video game world another dimension finally shows up and kidnaps Myuu. I guess this is the anime’s “plot.” As such, the characters are actually acting semi-seriously and there isn’t a whole ton of fanservice outside of the fact that Myuu’s in a ridiculous get-up (100). Instead, characters grimace at each other, people power-up and “battle.” Y’know the sort… a dude randomly disappears then reappears, so his opponent gasps, “S-so fast!” (50). One guy even has the ability to copy Naruto (50): +That’s not to say that Estetica has entirely abandoned its rapey roots. The villain, aptly named Phil (100), defeats Myuu easily and so he decides to pin her to the ground (250). To top things off, the camera luridly zooms in on her crotch (150) ’cause in the middle of becoming a true hero, I guess you have to prey on a demon princess. Don’t let plot get in the way of the male gaze, y’all. Good thing Ousawa quickly shows up so the two men can rub their swords against each other. They rub so hard that sparks fly. +They fight, they talk, blah blah blah. It’s not even fun to watch. You’ve seen one shounen battle, you’ve seen them all. Phil’s motivation (man, I just can’t get over that silly name of his) basically boils down to “I wanna be the hero!” In the end, Ousawa wins because he doesn’t need weapons or magic to fight. Ergo, his neck is invincible (100). Makes sense. +What follows is the most awkward romance scene I’ve seen in a while: +Ousawa had to overexert himself to defeat Phil, so now his body heat is falling fast! We better both strip naked and rub up against each other. This sounds reasonable until you remember that people have magic in this world (250). I guess no one has fire magic though, so we’ll just have to play assgrab instead (150+350). Also, body heat isn’t going to work too well if you don’t have any means to trap said heat, but fuck thermodynamics! Even when Ousawa continues to rub her ass, Myuu merely exclaims, “He must be in pain!” Stockholm syndrome is a helluva thing (250). Then the villain conveniently shows up again because he’s not really dead; I must reiterate: you watch one shounen and end up watching them all. Phil’s such a gentleman though; he waited until Ousawa was done molesting Myuu before deciding to show up again and power up (250). Yeah, okay, that’s enough outta Estetica. +KKK! — 27945 +Dakara Boku wa, H ga Dekinai — 26600 +Hagure Yuusha no Estetica — 23360 +Suddenly, Imouto introduces us to a new character (obviously female). At this stage of the game? Clearly, Shougo’s harem will continue to expand until it reaches critical mass, and at which point, everything collapses into an apocalyptic singularity where all haremettes become his sister. This girl is already ahead of the game when she flat out introduces herself as Shougo’s sister! +So do we buy Yuzurina’s story? Hell, can’t Shougo’s rich ass just buy a DNA test? After nine episodes, I’m just dumb for continuing to ask such a commonsensical question. Clearly, the most logical course of action is to watch your alleged sister sniff your bed to see if you’ve been fucking anyone in her absence (250). No, no, don’t even ask why a sister would care about such matters. That’s just how they do it in Japan. +For a split second, Shougo demonstrates a bit of balls when he argues, “I don’t think how I live my life is any of your business.” Yeah, creepy alleged sister! If Shougo wants to have a harem, what’s it to you! Unfortunately, her argument of “We’re family! It’s only natural for a sister to be worried about her older brother!” actually works on our clod of a hero. By all means, my loving alleged sister, please continue to sniff my bed. You’re only protecting me after all (250)! +Uh, you keep using that word (‘pretense’), but I don’t think you know what it really means (250). So let’s fast forward a bit. Shougo now has to invite a special girl to the Mikadono “thank-you” party. Which of the precious haremettes should he pick? One of these two? +I’m afraid cream puff girl is already ruined for marriage (350). Maybe Mei, the cosplay cafe girl? Oh hey, doesn’t she claim to know Shougo’s sister? Why don’t we do the sensible thing and ask her if Yuzurina is lying or not? Mei doesn’t have to reveal the Imouto’s identity, but the least she could do is tell Shougo if he’s getting played or not. Nope, sorry, that would make too much sense (250). Instead, we’ll just fight over who gets to go to the special party with Shougo. Time for each girl to prove their worth. Cream puff girl opts to cook Shougo dinner where she plays the dessert (100). Oh that cheeky girl. +“I won’t move an inch until you eat me” (250). So he tickles her. Let’s just move on. +Shougo gets test results quickly (too quickly) and they claim that Yuzurina really is his sister, but we’re too smart for that shit. Not Shougo though; he completely buys it. Anyone with half a brain would realize that Yuzurina’s cooking up a plan to shame Shougo and prevent him from becoming the next head of the Mikadono group, but who cares because that is all boring plot. Let’s just get to how Miyabi is super jealous of cream puff girl, so she gets hammered at the party and tries to seduce Shougo with a line straight out of a porno: “They’re bigger than you thought, right?” Then the towel falls off to reveal a nipple-less body of a 12 year old girl (350), but this is anime so she’s got an old soul of 16 or some equally creepy shit (250). Yeah man, it’s cool that she could very well be his sister, but nipples are where we fucking draw the line. Get that nipple shit out of here, you pervs! +KKK! — 30245 +Dakara Boku wa, H ga Dekinai — 26600 +Hagure Yuusha no Estetica — 23360 +Oh my God, I can feel my brain turning to mush, but with just Dekinai left to go, there’s light at the end of the tunnel. Fly forth, my prawn-riding hero, and save Lisara!… who seems to be running almost nude through a hallway (150). +Uh, good for her, I guess she freed herself from the BDSM slugs from the previous episode. She finally catches up to Mina, but has to face off a bunch of… I don’t even know what the fuck these soldiers are supposed to be: +I guess from a distance, they kind of look like frogs (100). The villain doesn’t need frogmen to do his bidding though. Instead, he summons “Didufingu.” Yep, that’s the name. It’s a demonic sword that emerges from a giant centipede too (100). You can’t make this shit up. And it turns out I was wrong: Mina is the “special specimen” because her secret power is her love for the idiot Ryousuke (100). Cool. Too bad I can’t give any less of a shit about the fact that I’m wrong here. So Lisara loses even harder and is down to just her panties (150). Ryousuke arrives just in time on his blue flying slug. +He and the villain do battle, Ryousuke summons the power of Lisara’s scent, and he wins (of course). But wait, it’s just the ninth episode. We can’t win already! It turns out the villain wants to smash the gate between this weird dimension and the real world for reasons that doesn’t matter one damn bit to me. Still, the merging of the two world does happen. So now what? Surely, there must be some final mission to tackle — a mission that will unravel this world merging predicament! +Nope, the tenth episode is an angst-ridden mess littered with fanservice. It turns out Ryousuke’s actions from the previous episode led to widespread destruction in the human world, and he’s now suicidal as a result. Not that it matters anyway because he’s told that he’ll have only two weeks to live. The girls try to sex things up and keep him cheerful. So we get scenes like making porridge for the harem lead in sexy aprons (250+150), and strip poker (150×4). But in the end, Dekinai has taken a drastic turn to the “Woe is me!” storyline. To top it off, Lisara looks as though she’s covered in strawberry jam. I wonder if this’ll last till the finale. +It’s like tits and ass for two straight months, then somewhere along the line, the people behind these harems suddenly felt like they had to get all heavy and serious. So we go from goofy shit like flying prawn soldiers, an entire episode about Ryousuke’s ability to play with an imaginary dictionary to a hero destroying his own world, suffering from PTSD, etc. Could you just imagine watching an American porno, then halfway through, it becomes a commentary on the Holocaust? And with that, I’m done. +KKK! — 30245 +Dakara Boku wa, H ga Dekinai — 28200 +Hagure Yuusha no Estetica — 23360 +Since we’re almost finished with this season, let’s start looking ahead to fall harems. What looks like prime material to you guys? Oh yeah, should I catch up on Sword Art Online or Kokoro Connect next? +Little Busters, Sakurasou, Girls und Panzer, and Onii-chan (another Onii-chan anime, hahaha) seems to be the harem shows next season. Sakurasou has a mysogynistic kind of premise, so I’m looking forward to you bashing it. Oniichan seems to be your generic imouto anime for the next season. Little Busters is from the creators of Clannad, Kanon and Air, so it might be one of the better shows among them. +What has the world come to when an imouto anime can be considered generic! +This made me burst out laughing, especially because it reminded me of when I said something similar after I read an article about some PSP game of that “My Little Sister Can’t be Bla blah” show where the brother can end up marrying his sister. +-When I first got into anime most of the popular shows were Cowboy Bebop, Fist of the North Star, Outlaw Star and The Big O. How did we go from noir and pumping (sometimes mindless) action being the favored flavors of the day to Harem and kinda/totally incest shows taking the spotlight? +There has always been harem anime. It’s just easier in our day and age to gain access to mediocre shows that wouldn’t have gotten any attention back in the day. Certainly not over stuff like Bebop and The Big O. Harem shows thus feel more prolific, but I wouldn’t say that they are unless we could do some sort of data analysis. +Y’know, this actually piqued my interest enough to run a crude little search through AnimeNfo. Here are the total releases tagged as harem for each year in chronological order, starting from 2000 and ending with 2010, after which their data starts getting spotty: 11, 17, 10, 21, 17, 19, 19, 11, 10, 11, 10. +So according to my very unscientific survey, harem anime seems to have peaked mid-00s, then tapered off. Also, the most popular time for harem releases seems to be the start of the fall season. Go figure. +Maybe it wouldn’t change the conclusion one bit, but what about harem anime series per total anime series? Rate stat this up! +This should be somewhere close to the percentage of harem per total anime for each corresponding year: 13, 12, 7, 14, 9, 12, 9, 5, 6, 7, 7. +These posts are hilarious and fulfilling +Great post as always. +As for what to catch up on next, I vote Natsuyuki. +I didn’t mention Natsuyuki! +Haha, still got my vote. If that’s off the table for whatever reason then Kokoro Connect. +I’ll cover Natsuyuki eventually, but I want to do something else tomorrow. +Dude, please continue with SAO Was waiting for your MMO-filled thoughts about the latest episodes. Especially the Atrocious Episode 10 and 11 the filler. +Well, I’ve been playing a lot of Guild Wars 2 lately so I guess there’s plenty of MMO nonsense for me to pontificate about. +Same here with Guild Wars 2. XD +What server do you play on? I ask because I assess everyone by their server’s success in WvW (no, I don’t). +Isle of Janthir. I made a promise to a few friends to play together there. XD +I’d like to see you finish out SAO, if for no other reason than to read those moments where you point out a supremely missed opportunity, explain how it could’ve been brilliant, and finish off with why what they DID instead was wasteful/stupid. Those parts of your review always inspire me a bit and give me ideas for if I ever write a digital adventure short story. +I want you to do a post about Guild Wars 2 instead. +Not anime related. +I don’t think anyone will notice. +I’ll notice. +South Prong of Pottowatomie Creek Dec 21st/56 +Kansas Experience of A. R. Scolen +I am a Free State man, Native of Indianna, 22 years of age. I am a single man. +I came to the Territory in the employ of Mr. McDaniel’s in the Spring +of 1856. Arrived the 20th May. I received for my services in driving Team my +passage expences. I came for the purpose of taking a claim & getting a home. +I had when I arrived in Kansas $100. I engaged in Mr McDaniels employ immediately. +– worked one month when I was taken sick with a hard Fever. “Dont" +know what kind of Fever. after getting partially well of this fever which continued +about one month. I was attacked with the Ague & Fever. I was so low & +feble when this new sickness set in that those who saw me despaired of my getting +well at all. I have been sick ever since and am unwell at the present. I had +a severe chill last Wednesday & a high fever afterward. About 7 weeks ago +I went to Missouri. in Cass Co. to see if a change in the Country would not +benefit me. I was doctored by a physician while I remained there. This journey +cost me about $15.00 My summers sickness has cost me in the neighborhood of +a hundred dollars. I have at the present no money & no clothing to speak +of. Some of the time during the summer I have been obliged to seek safety from +the Border Ruffains who were prowling about the Creek by hiding in the brush +& frequently in damp rainy weather I have been compelled to sleep in the +Bottoms on Cedar Creek. I have done in this way a month at a time as has also +Mr. McDaniels & family. This manner of life has been the principle reason +why I have not recovered from my sickness. I would have been glad to have assisted +in the Troubles if I had been able. Before I came to Kansas I was doing well +– working at the Carpenters trade, & some times farming. I have no +means in the place from which I came. I have received from the agent in this +neighborhood. (Frankinburgher) +[Page 2] +2nd +a Blanket & one shirt. He has nothing now to distribute & had but a +few things when he gave me the shirt & Blanket. I intend to remain in Kansas +& hope to be well enough to go to work in the Spring. I have taken a Claim. +I expect to remain with Mr. McDaniels all winter and unless I am able to get +some aid from some other source will be much in his debt. I am Nephew by marriage +of Mr McDaniels. I want one pair of thick pants. One pair of Drawers. 2 shirts +(woolen) one coat & vest. I also want as I intend if I am well enough to +live on my claim 1. sack Flower. 6 lbs coffee 6 lbs sugar. 25 lbs Bacon. I also +need 5 quilts. +Kansas Experience of William Reap +I am 17 years of age. I am a Native of Indianna My Father died when I was 5 +years old. My mother lives in Indianna is 50 years of age and in poor circumstances. +I came to Kansas in the spring of 1856. arrived the 20th day of May. Mr McDaniels +paid my passage. I assisted on the journey by driving Team I came to Kansas +to get me a Claim Mr McDaniels promised me that if I would come & live with +him until I was 21 years of age he would enter me a Claim & pay for it. +This was on condition that I was a good boy. I was not bound to Mr McDaniels, +but mother concented that I might come. I thought I would be enabled in this +way to get a good home for her. Mr McDaniels says that he will if he can send +for her in the Spring. I have one sister who lives with my mother. She is younger +than I. I worked what time I could for Mr McDaniels last summer. This was not +much as I was sick with the Ague & Fever about 4 weeks. I was engaged a +share of the time in the Troubles. I was in the Middle Creek battle. Went to +Ossawttomie once but was not there at the battle. Was obliged to hide in the +brush for protection +[Page 3] +3d +with Mr. McDaniels & Family 3 or 4 weeks during the summer. Mr. McDaniels +has had so much bad luck by sickness in his family that he is not able to support +& clothe me this winter. There are 7 in the family. besides himself & +wife. Also a Nephew who came to Kansas with him & has been sick ever since +he came. I intend to stay with Mr McDaniels as I agreed. He is kind and has +been good to me ever since I lived with him. He has not yet entered me a Claim +as I am not old enough. I have no clothing & am therefore almost naked. +I want a suit throughout – I would also like as I do not wish to be burdensome +a sack of Flower – +Sometime about the last part of August or the 1st of Sept – news was +brought on the Creek that the Missourians in large numbers were encamped on +Middle Creek & that they were coming to annihilate & destroy all on +the Pottowatomie Creek about 25 at this intelligence started for Ossawatomie. +I was one of this number. Capt Anderson commanded the Company. We arrived at +Ossawattomie about an hour before daylight. We got a very little breakfast and +then started for Middle Creek in pursuit of the enemy. We met with no interruption +reaching the spot near where the enemy were at ten o’clock A. M. Scouts +were immediately sent out to reconnoiter bringing in a report that about 70 +of the enemy were in the Bottom near the Creek surrounded by timber in a Bend +of the Creek. This account was corrobborated by some prisoners ten in number +which had been taken in the vicinity. Our whole force some 200 in number charged +upon them when they run as fast their heels could carry them like a flock of +wild Turkies. every way pursued by our horsemen. While they were running our +whole Company fired upon them. the horsemen pursued so closely as to do much +damage to them. We were never able to tell how many were wounded & killed. +But according to the account which they afterward published. 17, were killed +& 27 missing. 23, horses & mules were taken. 16, guns, a few +[Page 4] +4th +Revolvers. one Keg of powder and 3 wagon loads of provisions. They only fired +three guns at our party. The Enemy were so frightened that they never stopped +till they got to Missouri. They reported in their retreat to a woman residing +on Sugar Creek that Old Brown was after them with 600 men with Sharps Rifles. +There was no one in particular that commanded in this battle that I know of. +South Fork Pottowatomie Dec 22nd 1856 +Kansas Experience of Ephraim Coy. +I am 56 years of age have a wife and two children in Kansas My first wife has +been dead 11, years. I have 9 children in Illnnois besides 2 here – I +moved from Ill to Kansas in July of the present year. I am a Free State man. +I brought with me 8 yoke of oxen & two wagons. I brought provisions sufficient +to last me until about 5 weeks ago Did not bring much clothing nor Furniture. +Have been disturbed more than 2/3ds of any time in scouting about. marching +around and protecting my Family Since I have been here. Was engaged in the Battle +of Middle Creek. In this battle 17 of the enemy were killed & 9 wounded +Several Dead Bodies were found afterward on the Field 19 horses & 4 mules +were taken, also. 3 wagon loads of provisions Capt Anderson commanded the Force +from our Creek between 25 & 30. There were three companies engaged. Cline’s, +Shores’s & Anderson’s in the Battle. About 175 were engaged +in all. The enemy numbered some said 176 & some said 100 for my part I could +not tell with any accuracy how many there were. They were near a Ford in Middle +Creek when we charged upon them. When our Company fired at them they scattered +like a flock of sheep, some on horses & some on foot Some retreated to Fort +Scot & some into Missouri. +When they were passing a house on Sugar Creek they saw a woman & told her +that she had better leave or they would be killed for +[Page 5] +Cline & Brown were close by with 600 men & thousands of Sharp’s +Rifles. She answered that if it was Brown & Clyne’s Company she was +not afraid. When I arrived in Kansas I had seven Dollars & a few cents. +I payed for my Claim in property which I brought with me to the amt of $220. +I have in Illinois between three & four hundred Dollars which I could get +if I could leave my family long enough to go for it. I am afraid to send for +it on account of the liabilities to which it would be exposed. I have at the +present five yoke of oxen 35 hogs which will average 100 lbs apiece. some are +in good order for Butchering. I have about 75 bushels of poor corn. I have about +5 tons of hay which with my corn will be sufficient to keep my stock. I have +4 cows & one yearling. My two wagons I exchanged for the cows & my Claim. +I have also traded one yoke of oxen which I brought with me for my hogs I also +traded three other yoke of oxen for my Claim in addition to the wagon that I +spoke of. The wagon & three yokes of oxen were estimated at $250. I got +therefore the yearling to boot in the trade. I cannot at the present time exchange +my hogs for the necessaries sufficient for my family. I design trading with +my creditors some of these to pay debts which I have contracted amounting in +all to about $60. I Borrowed this money to get things for my family. I “shant” +be able to get my money until spring when I intend sending for it by some one +that I can have confidence in. This money I intend if I can save it is pay for +my Claim. My house is open so that we are quite uncomfortable. I have not been +able to fix it on account of the troubles & sickness in my family. I have +been sick myself with the Ague & Fever this was caused by my exposure. +Myself Wife & two children have not clothing sufficient to make us comfortable. +We have no bed clothing to speak of considering the extreme cold to which we +are exposed. I might by sacrifizing on my stock get the things which I need. +I forgot to mention that I have also a two year old colt that I might sell at +a sacrifice I would like if possible to keep my stock so as to be able to make +[Page 6] +6th +a beginning in the Spring. I have received no aid as yet from our agent (Mr +Franklinburgher) I have made no application to him as he had distributed nearly +all that was allowed him for this purpose before I knew it. +I think that I might get through the winter without aid but not without suffering +a great amount or else sacrifizing on my property. I shall not be able to keep +warm any way as my house is all open & exposed to the weather. It is much +worse to live in than a tent would be. If it become warm enough I intend fixing +my house. It is impossible such weather as exists now to repair it. I want a +suit-through out. My wife wants a dress & under clothing. My little boys +their ages 11 & 9 are destitute of stockings and shoes and also of clothing +generally. We would like 3 or 4 quilts. I should also like 2 sacks of Flower +& about 11 lbs of coffee the same of sugar and one lb of Tea. I would like +2 caps for my little boys – +South Fork of Pottowatomie Creek, Dec 23d 1856. +Kansas Experience of Capt Samuel Anderson. +I am 52 years of age, I have a wife & 7 children. My Native State is Pennsyvania. +I have resided in Ill 7 years – Came to Kansas in June 1855. My Family +came in Sept of the same year. +I settled at my present place of residence in October following. I have two +sons who are married who have taken Claims adjoining mine. Both of them have +one child each. The reason of myself & family emigrating to Kansas was to +get farms & better our conditions. We came by the Overland Route. I came +with a yoke of oxen & a poor old wagon the oxen I traded for a Claim. My +family had two span’s of horses and wagons that they came with. The reason +why I bought my Claim was because I was told that all of the timber claims were +taken this I soon found was false as there was at least a hundred Claims with +good timber that had not been preempted. This deception is practiced in all +new settlements to the disadvantage of the settlers – I had a few provisions +when my family came & some +[Page 7] +7th +household Furniture, but not much – We had in addition to this among +us all about $50. We managed by working by days works to get through the winter. +The work which we employed +ourselves at was mauling rails. We had to haul our provisions from Missouri. +It was a cold winter & of course as we were circumstanced we did not have +the same comforts that we could have had if we had had more time to prepare +for the winter. Early in the Spring of 1856 we made up a team of our two spans +of horses and ploughed nine acres & about the 20th of May began planting. +We planted only 7 rows when intelligence reached us that the Missourians were +invading the Territory & were marching for the purpose of destroying Lawrence. +I left my work immediately & started in less than a ½ hour & +joined Brown’s Company ten miles from my house, at the Forks of the Creek +One of my sons was abscent from home, the other was compelled to remain with +his family on account of sickness. Browns Company numbered about 30 men. Some +of these were men from my neighborhood. I with these reached Browns Encampment +about 3 o’clock. Started immediately without supper for Lawrence. We marched +as far as Middle Creek. nearly all of us on foot. when we were obliged to stop +for rest & for something to eat. We had taken a trifle with us which was +all that we had to refresh ourselves with, & after remaining two hours we +continued our march. We proceeded very much fatigued & some almost exhausted +till we arrived within ten miles of Lawrence when a Messenger met us from this +place with instructions for us not to march into Lawrence as the Town had been +sacked the day before & that there was no provisions to feed even those +who were there. This disappointed our party much as we all had a great anxiety +to have been there to have assisted in its defence. Besides we were hungry & +faint. We went after receiving this sad intelligence 4 miles from this place +to Prarie City, where we got a plenty to eat. We were obliged to sleep on the +ground without any covering exposed to the heavy dews & what made it worse +for me I was unwell with the Ague & Fever. We remained at this place +[Page 8] +8th +4 or 5 days, having a plenty to eat but experiencing much uncofortableness +in our sleeping. We remained here this length of time for the purpose of watching +the actions of the enemy & to be ready in case of necessity to fight. While +we remained here we were informed by a messenger from Lawrence that Gov. Shannon +had ordered out a body of Troops to disband us & that they were on their +way at this time to carry out these instructions. At this, news we went two +miles into the prarie & pitched our tents anew. We had scarcely pitched +them when a messenger from Big Pottowatomie came into camp with the intelligence +that the Enemy were rapidly marching to this Creek to burn the houses & +destroy the inhabitants. This was just at sunset. We immediately prepared & +marched toward our homes resolving to defend them at all hazards. We marched +all night arriving at Big Pottowatomie about day light. We remained under arms +until the second day, at which time Capt Brown & H. H. Williams were taken +Prisoners by the Missourians. The Capt Brown I am speaking of was not Old Capt +John Brown but John Brown Junior who remained in prison with Robinson & +others. +Our Company made no resistance to the capture as it was done by a [U. S. ?] +Official. After this circumstance the company dwindled to almost nothing when +I by a little effort succeded to organize a new one from the men on the Creek +about 30, in number. A vote was passed by these that they should be known as +the Pottowatomie Guards. I was unanimously elected Captain of this Company & +proceeded immediately to make arrangements to take the responsibility of my +charge. I drilled my Company each week & we held ourselves in readiness +to march at any moment when our services might be needed About 3 weeks after +we had organized we were sent for from Ossawattomie to assist the people of +that town as they had been threatened to be served in a similar manner with +the Lawrence people. We marched immediately according to – +[Page 9] +9th +request. Starting later in the evening and reaching Ossawattomie after marching +on foot 25 miles at 3 o’clock next morning. We immediately sent out scouts +to search for the enemy but finding no signs of them after remaining until the +2nd day in the evening we returned home. Soon after our return from this expedition +we learned that a Company of over a hundred of the enemy had collected on Big +Sugar Creek and were attempting by force to compell the citizens of that Creek +to sign a paper pledging themselves to either leave the Country or join the +pro Slavery party & support its principles. They had made the attempt to +extort this pledge from Mr Warren & also Mr Sutton who resided on the creek +but on account of their refusing to sign it they took both Prisoners. After +a short detention they released Mr Sutton. They kept Warren ten days and after +extorting a pledge from him that he would not take up arms against them or inform +concerning them of what he had learned during his imprisonment they released +him also. I think he has kept his pledge pretty well, as he has remained inactive +ever since. The same threat was made to us on Pottowatomie & that unless +we complied with their requirements we must suffer the consequences – +A few were for leaving but a large majority determined to remain & rather +than submit to this base & unjust requirement or to any other indignity +resolved to “fight to the death.” On the 25th of August intelligence +reached us that Ossawattomie was again threatened also Sugar & Pottowatomie +Creeks. In fact the threat of annihilation & destruction embraced the whole +southern part of the Territory [XXX] the Free State Party. We immediately marched +for Ossawattomie. I was quite unwell so much so in fact that I was in bed when +the news came. My son was also sick. But so striking was the threat that we +determined to start whether we held out or not. But the Excitement of the occasion +made us forget our sickness & in a little time we felt quite well. We met +at Ossawatomie the Companies of +[Page 10] +10th +Shores & Cline. As nearly as I can remember our whole force the three companies +combined numbered 98. My command consisted of 25 men when we started from Ossawattomie. +We marched about 6 miles from Ossawattomie when we encamped to get something +to eat. We had sent out scouts, before leaving Ossawattomie & therefore +knew pretty nearly where the enemy were. & at this place where we took refreshments +, we sent out new scouts, who reported that there were about 175 of the enemy +on Middle Creek near the Old California Road. This was 1 mile & ½ +from where we were. The Enemies Camp was on the northwest side of the stream +& on the East side of the road. +After learning these facts we laid our plan of attack. As I was best acquainted +with the ground in that vicinity having lived near that spot 3 months I was +assigned the part of cutting off the retreat. I was allowed for this purpose +20 horsemen & 16 footmen. The horsemen I placed at the crossing of the California +Road, ten paces apart. The footmen a hundred yards below at another crossing +the same distance apart. I ordered my men after stationing them to call to any +who might pass or attempt it to halt & if they would not obey to fire upon +them. The two companies under Cline & Shores were to begin the attack from +the north & before I had my men fairly stationed the firing commenced. After +a few discharges the enemy were heard with heavy tramps like distant thunder +rushing through the timber toward where my men were stationed. When they had +reached within about 50 yards of us we cried loudly for them to halt & surrender. +Some turned to the right others to the left to release themselves while 14 in +number of footmen came forward & surrendered. Many of the horsemen dismounted +and left their horses & passed through the brush on foot & escaped. +This was the only way in which they could have escaped. +[Page 11] +During this time as they refused to halt I ordered my men to fire. The effect +produced by this fire wounded two men one of whom died afterward. The prisoners +reported that they saw 4 or 5 beside fall from their horses. It was afterward +said that more than this number were missing. Phillips from Ossawattomie was +one of these & his friends have accused me since of being instrumental in +his death & have threatened to pursue me to avenge it. 39 or 40 horses were +taken from the Enemy about 55 guns, one keg of powder & much lead, also +three wagon loads of provisions, some coats some hats, Boots, etc Besides a +large Flag, with this inscription “Victory or Death”. It was a Black +Flag with red letters. Capt Browns Coat of the “Pro Slavery party” +was found with many interesting Documents relating to the war. The following +letter is a specimen of them. +August 21st 1856 +Gentlemen, +I have just seen some gentlemen from Fort Scott who will use all possible efforts +for our immediate assistance on their arrival this afternoon I have addressed +a communication to the Chairman of the Vigilance Committee detailing as nearly +as I could our present Condition & the necessity of early aid – I +have no doubt we shall receive timely assistance from that quarter. In the mean +time I would suggest all proper efforts on our own part to organize an efficient +force. With this view I leave in a few minutes for the neighborhood of Mr Fate +for the purpose of arousing the Citizens to a sense of our real danger in which +I shall spare no effort for the accomplishment of the desired ends. I am very +respectfully, +Your Obedient Servt – +Jas. P. FXXX] +Capt John E Brown +& Briscon Davis Esq } +The prisoners seemed very humble & would frequently +[Page 12] +12th +come to me and ask if I intended to kill them. They remarked that their Leaders +had often told them that if they were taken they would be murdered by the Abolitionists. +Those who escaped went some to the State others to Fort Scott. They were so +frightened that they run their horses almost to death for fear of being caught. +One poor fellow who lived on Sugar Creek in passing Mr Arthurs house, told Mrs +Arthur with whom he was acquainted that 600 Abolitionists were in close pursuit +with more than 1000 Sharps Rifles admonishing her to leave or else she would +be killed by them & turning his head just at this moment when he was giving +this advice saw some of his comrades coming at full speed, he dropped his narrative +Started his horse at full speed, riding about ½ of a mile when it fell +He dismounted leaving his horse and pursued his course on foot. – One +of the party who was neighbor to Mr Arthur came to his house & begged protection. +He was so frightened that he crawled under the Bed. Mr A is a Free State man. +He related this to our party afterward while we were in pursuit of these fellows. +We learned from his wife that they were beyond our reach when we gave up the +chase & returned home. Mr A. was not at home at this time. +On the 28th day of August a messenger was sent from Ossawttomie to the Creek +informing us that the Town was again in danger as the enemy were prowling around +with the request that every available man on the Creek come to its relief. I +immediately as soon as I could collect my men started. Their numbers were 28. +I, however were so unwell as to be unfit to march so far but arrangment were +made for them to ride and they +[Page 13] +13th +accompanied the rest. We began our March about 4 o’clock. P. M. traveling +nearly all night and getting within 4 or 5 miles of the town when a messenger +met us from the town. Stating that there would be no further need of us there +as the town had been sacked that day & that the same Company had said they +were going immediately to the Pottowatomie to destroy & burn the houses +& property there. He immediately turned and countermarched the whole distance +without resting. From the time we set out the day before up to the time we got +back at 8 o’clock next morning we only had a few mouthfuls to eat which +we took in our pockets when starting. I, in fact nearly every man on the Creek +in anticipation of the execution of this threat the next day, immediately set +to work & took those things which were most valuable from our houses & +secreted them in the brush. We then, every available man on the Creek met & +resolved among ourselves to make a stand in defence of our lives & property +even though we forfeited them in the attempt. – We kept spies & Scouts +on the look out for several days. also kept a guard standing nights. Most of +the families slept in the woods some however by clubbing together stuck to their +houses. About one week after this alarm we were again called by Old Captain +Brown to march to his assistance on account of anticipated trouble on Sugar +Creek 22 miles distant. I immediately marched my company to this place. The +enemy against whom we were marching numbered about 300 and were marching immediately +for the South Pottowotomie. Baker a Pro Slavery man discovered my Company when +I passed his house & sent word to the Commander of the 300 that I was on +my way to reinforce Brown which so frightened them that they gave up their project +& retreated to West Point port in Missouri. I immediately marched my Company +home when I learned of this & have never been obliged to call them out since. +We have however experienced much anxiety & been several times alarmed since +this time. During much of the time this summer my family indeed +[Page 14] +14th +Every family on the Creek have been in almost constant fear of being assassinated +or else having their property destroyed by the Border Ruffains. Since the Middle +Creek affair my life has been in almost constant jeopardy. My wife has had to +watch outside the house at times that I and my sons might sleep in safety. And +at times the Women & children have been obliged to sleep in the Brush. I +should not have raised a hill of corn had it not have been for my little girls +who finished planting the field which I spoke of when I was called away from +my work in the Spring They planted & partially hoed 4 acres which would +have been good could it have been attended in season. This is all that I have +been able to accomplish toward the support of my Family and in the way of raising +crops. My sons raised about 1 ½ acres They planted more but it never +amounted to any thing but fodder. They have both been with me engaged in the +difficulties all summer. One of my sons has been layed up for nearly 2 months +on account of an accident, which happened by the discharge of a pistol which +broke one of the bones in his leg. +HORSE INSURANCE FAQ'S FOR HORSE OWNERS +If you own a horse, there are several types of horse insurance coverages to consider. These frequently asked questions will help you choose an equine insurance policy that fits your needs. +Get a Free Horse Insurance Quote Click here +For Forms and Applications, Click here. +For more information on equestrian coverages as well as tips on safety and horse health, visit our Blog. +- At what age can I insure my horses? +- Are there any uses/disciplines which do not qualify for coverage? +- Is my horse insured when we drive to another state? +- What if I am buying a horse that's in another country, or I'm traveling with him out of the U.S. for a competition? Will he have coverage while we are abroad and in transit? +- Can I get a Major Medical/Surgical type of coverage on horses insured at lower values, such as $7,500 or lower? Also, can I get Major Medical/Surgical, Veterinary Services, Medical Assistance, Surgical Expenses Only and/or Loss of Use coverages by themselves (without a Mortality policy)? +- Do I need to have my veterinarian examine my horse before I can start a policy? +- Can I start coverage today? +- What are my payment options? +- Will I need to provide a new veterinary exam when I renew my horse's policy? +- I just purchased a new horse, how much can I insure him for? +- I purchased my horse several years ago, and he's definitely increased in value due to training and competition. How much can I insure him for? +- My horse is a three-year-old homebred with no performance record yet. How do I determine his value? +- I'm most worried about being able to pay the vet bills if my horse becomes ill or has an injury. What types of coverages are available? +- What if my horse has a health problem during the policy? Will I be able to renew the policy? +- If I board my horse, isn't he covered by the people that own and manage the barn? +- Is there any type of infertility coverage for my breeding stallion? +Q: At what ages can I insure my horses? +A: Full Mortality Coverage: Horses over 24 hours old through 18-20 years, depending on the insurance company. +Major Medical, Veterinary Services or Medical Assistance: Horses over 30 days through 18-20 years old, depending on the insurance company. +Surgical Expenses Only: Horses over 30 days 20 years of age, depending on the insurance company. +Extended Named Perils/Limited Perils: Horses over 24 hours old +Q: Are there any uses/disciplines which do not qualify for coverage through our agency? +A: Race horses, horses in race training, or horses intended to race typically do not qualify for Major Medical, Veterinary Services, Medical Assistance, or Surgical Only, coverages. Your horse's use and level, and any intended uses during the policy period must be stated on the Mortality application. If the horse's use or level changes mid-policy, you must notify us so we can advise the insurance company for their review and determine if an additional premium (or refund) may be due. +Q: Is my horse insured when we drive to another state? +A: Yes, once coverage is bound, your horse should be covered while traveling by land throughout the continental U.S. and Canada. +Q: What if I'm buying a horse that's in another country, or I'm traveling with him out of the U.S. for a competition, will he have coverage while we are abroad and in transit? +A: The coverages on the policy only cover while the horse is within the continental U.S. and Canada, but can usually be extended while the horse is located in most other countries. The insurance company will require prior notice as well as an additional premium, as well as details on the flight (dates, locations, transport company, flight numbers, etc.), and underwriting approval must be obtained before any coverage is in place, which means that it is important that you contact us several business days prior to any travel taking place. Ask an agent for more details. +NOTE: If the insurance company is not notified of the horse's international travels in advance of the trip (and has the opportunity to review the extension), your insurance policy will be considered void. Also, a request for an international extension of coverage may not be approved, depending on the locations and specifics of your circumstances and coverages. +Q: Can I get a Medical/Surgical type of coverage on horses with lower values, such as $7,500 or lower? Also, can I get Medical and/or Surgical coverages by themselves? +A: We do work with companies that will offer Major Medical, Veterinary Services and Medical Assistance (insurance companies have different names for these similar types of endorsements) coverage policy limits ranging from $5,000 to $15,000 on horses with insured values as low as $1,000 (providing the horse otherwise meets the company's underwriting critera), which is unusual in today's market. That being said, these coverages are only available as endorsements added on to a Full Horse Mortality insurance policy. For those horses not eligible for these coverages, some insurance companies may offer more restrictive coverages. Contact an agent for more details. +Q: Do I need to have my veterinarian examine my horse before I can start a policy? +A: To insure for Full Mortality, with most companies a veterinary exam is not usually required as long as your horse is age 15 or under, sound and healthy, and you are insuring him for a value of $100,000 or less. If you are insuring for a value of more than $100,000, a basic exam is usually required. +If you are interested in Loss of Use coverage, regardless of the horse's value, you will be required to submit at least a basic veterinary certificate. Also, depending on the type of Loss of Use coverage you are interested in, you may need a very detailed veterinary exam (similar to a pre-purchase exam) with current radiographs of all four feet and fetlocks, hocks, and stifles. While Broadstone Equine Insurance Agency typically does not offer Loss of Use coverage, we can refer you to an agency that should be able to assist you. +Q: Can I start coverage today? +A: We can usually bind coverage upon receipt of the required paperwork and underwriting approval, which generally can be the same business day we receive all the required paperwork, if it is during business hours, Monday through Friday, and providing all paperwork is complete and in order and we receive underwriting approval. Paperwork can be submitted by fax, email or mail. Providing we receive underwriting approval, we would then email and mail you a horse insurance binder that would give you approximately two to four weeks to make at least a down payment. +Q: What are my payment options? +A: If making payment to our office, you can pay by personal check, money order, Visa, MasterCard, or Discover (debit or credit). Payment options directly to the insurance companies vary. +Q: Will I need to provide a new veterinary exam when I renew my horse's policy? +A: As long as your horse is sound and healthy with no claims during the policy year, under 16 years old, and his insured value is $100,000 or less, you should generally not need to provide a vet certificate at renewal. You will usually need (depending on the company you are insured with) a current vet certificate if the horse will be insured for more than $100,000. Also, the underwriters may ask for a veterinary certificate due to advanced age of the horse (16 or older), if the horse has experienced health issues during the policy period, and/or if the horse is covered by certain endorsements such as Stallion Accident, Sickness and Disease or Stallion Infertility. +Q: I just purchased a new horse. How much can I insure him for? +A: A recently purchased horse can be insured for its purchase price, but not more than that amount. +Q: I purchased my horse several years ago, and he's definitely increased in value due to training and competition. How much can I insure him for? +A: In this case, since you would be looking to insure for more than the amount you originally purchased him for, you would need to provide substantiation for consideration of a value increase. You can use the Justification of Value form (on the Forms and Applications page). This form will help you list the horse's competition record, professional training fees paid, breeding record, and other relevant information. This information is normally sufficient, providing the underwriter feels the value you are requesting is reasonable. Give us a call and we'll help you determine what you'll need and we will then submit it to underwriting for their review. +Justification of Value Application: value_just.pdf +Q: My horse is a three-year-old homebred with no performance record yet. How do I determine his value? +A: The basic formula used for young homebred horses is three times their sire's stud fee. If you believe your horse is worth more than that due to training, performance, etc., contact our office and we can discuss this with you in detail. +Q: I'm most worried about being able to pay the vet bills if my horse becomes ill or has an injury. What types of affordable health insurance coverages are available? +A: If your horse is from the age of 30 days and 18-20 years, you should seriously consider adding Major Medical, Veterinary Services or Medical Assistance coverage to your Full Mortality policy. These coverages help reimburse you for covered veterinary costs (both medical and surgical) in the event your horse has a covered injury, illness, accident or disease during the policy period. +Remember, while the Full or General Mortality horse insurance policies include coverage for humane destruction, the situation must meet the requirements of the policy. The policy does not cover for euthanasia due to non health related, economic or philosophical reasons. If your horse develops a serious condition that requires costly medical or surgical care, and the veterinarians recommend that treatment to save the horse's life, you are expected under the terms of the Horse Mortality insurance policy to provide for that care, regardless of whether or not those expenses are covered by your policy. If you don't have the funds to pay the expected veterinary fees, and the horse dies because you do not pursue treatment, or if you choose to put your horse down instead of pursuing treatment, regardless of your personal reasons for doing so, the Mortality policy would likely not respond. +Q: If my horse has a health problem during the policy, will I be able to renew the policy? +A: Most often the company will offer to renew your policy, but will likely apply an exclusion for that problem if they deem it necessary and/or may apply a debited rate for coveage, and/or restrict access to certain coverages. In rare cases, renewal may not be offered. +Q: If I board my horse, isn't he covered by the people that own or manage the barn? +A: Probably not. It is likely that the only coverage that might apply would be if the people/business operating the boarding business have Care, Custody & Control (CCC) coverage. CCC is a type of liability coverage typically meant to protect the policy holder in the event a client's horse in their boarding care is damaged, and the client feels it was due to their negligence and pursues them legally for compensation (depending on the terms of their policy). Their CCC policy does not protect you as the horse's owner, therefore, a Full Horse Mortality insurance policy with a Medical/Surgical type of coverage is definitely a good idea.return to list. +Q: Is there any type of infertility coverage for my proven breeding stallion? +A: Yes. Stallion Accident, Sickness and Disease or Stallion Infertility coverage can be added to your proven stallion's Equine Mortality insurance policy. It will reimburse you for a percentage of his insured value in the event he permanently can no longer get mares in foal as the result of a covered accident, sickness, or disease that occurs during the policy period. +^top +FAQ 's for horse owners +FAQ'S FOR EQUESTRIAN BUSINESSES +Equestrian Commercial General Liability including Care, Custody & Control, Applications: +Commercial General Liability Application +Care, Custody and Control Application +Horse Show Coverage Application: +show.pdf +Riding Clubs and Associations Application: +clubs.pdf +- I board horses at my farm, but I don't teach lessons. Several independent riding instructors and horse trainers do come onto the premises to work with their clients, who board here. Do I need liability coverage for this, and if so, what type? +- I teach riding lessons and train horses, but don't have my own facility--I travel to my clients. What kind of coverage should I have? +- I have my clients sign a release of liability. Shouldn't this prevent them from suing me? +- We have an equine limited liability law in our state. I made sure the wording was in my release, and I posted the proper signs. Doesn't this protect me from being sued, in which case I don't need an insurance policy, right? +- I board and train horses and someone mentioned I should look into Care, Custody and Control coverage. How is this different from the Commercial Equine Liability policy? +- All of the horses at my barn are insured by their owners, so I don't need CCC coverage, right? +Q: I board horses at my farm, but I don't teach lessons. Several independent riding instructors and horse trainers do come onto the premises to work with their clients, who board here. Do I need liability coverage for this, and if so, what type? +A: Even though you are not actually performing the teaching or training, you should consider determining with your agent if your general equestrian liability policy includes coverage for these exposures, since they are taking place on your property. If you don't have any general liability coverage in place at all, you should definitely consider it for the equine activities that take place on your property. +You must insist that any independent riding instructors and horse trainers or other professional horse people who utilize your facility have their own general liability coverage with limits equal to or greater than your policy's limits. In addition, you must require that you/your business be named as Additional Insureds on their policy. You should make sure to request a copy of a current certificate of insurance that shows that this is the case, and submit it to your agent. +Q: I teach riding lessons and train horses, but don't have my own facility--I travel to my clients. What kind of coverage should I have? +A: You can purchase a Commercial Equine General Liability policy and also consider adding Care, Custody and Control coverage, and these can follow you wherever you teach or train within the continental U.S. +Q: I have my clients sign a release of liability. Shouldn't this prevent them from suing me? +A: You must have clients read and sign a release of liability/wavier/hold harmless agreement (one that you've hopefully had reviewed by an attorney), as the insurance company requires it and it is in your best interests from a business standpoint. Unfortunately, even if the release has been signed, that does not prevent you from being pursued legally by the person who signed it (or their family), but it could be instrumental in your defense. Also, if your state has an equine liability statute that requires wording in your liability release/waiver/hold harmless agreement, you must make sure that wording is included. If you operate in multiple states, you should make sure you have a release that includes each state's equine liability statue wording. Consult an attorney for specific advice regarding releases, and equine liability state statutes. Also, make sure to keep the signed releases on file. +Q: We have an equine limited liability law in our state. I made sure the wording was in my release, and I posted the proper signs. Doesn't this protect me from being sued, in which case I don't need an insurance policy, right? +A: You've done everything right so far by including the wording in your releases and posting signs on your property. Unfortunately, equine limited liability laws do not protect you from being sued (though they may help your case if you are). A frivolous lawsuit still requires a defense, and a general liability policy should help cover your defense fees in the event your are pursued legally by a third party for bodily injury or property damage that they believe you were negligent in causing while performing your covered equestrian operations. +Also, keep in mind that while most state equine liability laws refer to the inherent risk of riding and working around horses, they are not necessarily intended to protect you if you are considered negligent or at fault for the accident. +Q: I board and train horses, and sometimes trailer horses for clients, and someone mentioned I should look into Care, Custody and Control coverage. How is this different from the Commercial Equine Liability policy? +A: Care, Custody & Control (CCC) is what helps cover you in the event a horse that is in your care that you do not own (some possible examples would be a non-owned boarded horse, non-owned horse in training, a non-owned horse you are handling for breeding purposes, or a non-owned horse you are trailering for a regular client) is injured, and the owners pursue you legally because they believe you were at fault. The standard Commercial Equine General Liability policy does not cover these situations, but you can add CCC coverage to your policy to help protect you, providing the cause of loss meets the policy terms and conditions. +Q: All of the horses at my barn are insured by their owners, so I don't need CCC coverage, right? +A: Actually you should still consider this coverage. If one of those horses dies or is injured and the owner's insurance policy pays the claim, if the insurance company believes you were negligent in causing the loss, you could potentially be sued by the insurance company. That action is called subrogation. If this happens, the CCC policy should help protect you, providing you have otherwise met the policy terms and conditions.. +STAR TREK +"Hidden Agenda" +He was alone in the shuttlebay of the starship Holt Jerome. It was the nightshift on an Excelsior-class ship experiencing a cadet cruise. This truly was the hind end of space. There was a change in course. The captain was turning the ship on a new course. This was unusual. After a minute or two, the cadet chose to confront the other cadets on the bridge. His name was Robert Hode. +Minutes passed. Robert informed the first officer of the course change. Her name was Janet Hopkin. She, as first officer, studied the course and discovered they were headed towards Klingon space. They would be killed. The captain was locked inside his quarters. They had to pry the doors open. Security was ready with phasers. The first officer was the only other besides the captain that was not a cadet. +What they saw was a shock. The captain was being held in some kind of chokehold by a member of the Q species. The Q were all-powerful beings capable of being very immature. The captain was forced into changing the ship's course. He had no choice. Robert Hode was ready. He tricked that Q into becoming himself five minutes before with no memory of those five minutes. The ship was turned around at the last second. Rob was a hero. +Red alert klaxons sounded throughout the whole ship. Everyone was running to their stations in pajamas. Robert Hode went back to the ship's only shuttlebay. Janet Hopkin and the captain headed for a turbolift. That night, all hands were ordered to their stations as they were surely threatened by the Klingon Empire. This was rare and not part of the curriculum. The captain's name was River Mathius. +A Klingon outpost was breaking its code of silence. It had a crew of two Klingon soldiers. They had the power and authority to call reinforcements to the border by pressing a single button. The Holt Jerome was surely in lots of trouble. It was in serious danger since its crew was almost all children. The captain arrived on the bridge with only one order – the engines had to be turned off. They had to play dead. +It was time for Captain Mathius to teach his crew its first lesson on the cadet cruise. He asked his bridge cadets what they knew about the 'first duty' of a Starfleet officer. He was met with confusion. The 'first duty' stated that an officer must always be honest. Then one cadet left the bridge in a huff. The captain told them only half of the crew would graduate, statistically. The Klingon outpost spared them – they were facing children. +He thought it through for hours. The cadet who huffed off the bridge decided to steal a shuttlecraft and leave Starfleet forever. He was still in pajamas. Robert Hode was in charge of the shuttlebay. The night was almost over. The two erupted in a fight. Rob was thrown over a guardrail and broke his back. He swore never to challenge Engineer Rush Logan again. Then Rush stole a shuttle. +Dangerously close to the Neutral Zone, he left the ship while it was still at warp. It became a chase. Holt Jerome had to stop him before he crossed the zone. He was not responding to hails. Robert Hode was taken to sickbay. Rush Logan started to think. He contacted Holt Jerome to tell them he did not like the 'first duty.' The captain couldn't change that. Then a Bird-of-Prey decloaked and destroyed the shuttle. +Captain Mathius' heart sunk in his chest. Before they could return fire, the Bird-of-Prey disengaged at full speed and cloaked. After a formal report was made to Starfleet, the captain lost his commission. Still retaining his command, he was demoted to chief. Janet Hopkin chose to resign as first officer. She had no wish to face the parents of the fallen. After his recovery, Robert Hode became the new helmsman – Rush Logan's old position. +Every cadet was present in the shuttlebay waiting for the new first officer. Because the commanding officer had no commission, it would be a cadet. She arrived. Everyone was surprised at who exited the shuttle. Tau was at the top of her class at the Academy. After greetings, she ordered the Holt Jerome to remain on the Klingon border until the Bird-of-Prey reappeared. Then they would destroy it. +Many cadets did not like the idea of simply waiting around for a Bird-of-Prey to show up. But, after a time, the plan worked. It decloaked and opened fire on them. The helm station was damaged, but because the Holt Jerome was prepared for the attack, they could return fire and destroy the Bird-of-Prey before it had a chance to escape. Robert Hode was not at his station. That duty shift belonged to Carrie Parker. +He went to sickbay. He wanted to visit the injured cadet. He showed up with flowers and a get-well card. Robert thought that they could get to know each other better seeing as they both shared the same station on the bridge. She turned down his request. Rob's feelings had become the latest casualty in this battle. Rob did appreciate the non-condescending way that she turned him down, though. The Holt Jerome returned to its cadet cruise. +The Vulcan first officer contacted Starfleet to get them back on track. Starfleet regretted to tell her that they were late for war games. Because their team was outnumbered, it lost. Tau was apologetic. Starfleet was in a position. It had to send Holt Jerome on a mission. Since they were still on the Klingon border, they were sent to study the rapidly aging Genesis system. It had not been visited in a hundred years. +The Holt Jerome arrived at its destination. The Genesis star had since evolved into a black hole. Robert Hode noticed it first – the wreckage of the USS Reliant appearing to drift out of the black hole. It was low on life support and contained only one survivor of a battle that took place one hundred years before. Kahn was beamed aboard by a Holt Jerome transporter. He had a smile, shocked, as he was still alive. +In sickbay, guards protected Kahn. He was an augment. That meant he had superior strength and intelligence. The doctor had forgotten Carrie Parker was recovering in the next room. She cried out in terror. Security rushed into sickbay. One of the cadets was a Ferengi named Hugo. As a young security cadet, he witnessed Kahn exposed before Carrie. Hugo took it upon himself to vaporize Kahn. Tau took it upon herself to tell the captain. +There was a planet called Vuko that wanted to join the Federation. That was a good thing. The problem was that it still had the death penalty. That was a bad thing. The Holt Jerome was sent to turn them from their fatal ways. Holt Jerome was at full speed. Vuko was about to execute another one of its citizens. Even though they went their very fastest, the Holt Jerome was too late. A person's life was taken. +The planetary leaders explained that a lottery took place each year. And the winner was treated like a royal for one whole year. In the end, the winner had a painless death as an offering to their god, L'kaun. In that way, each year, their culture would have peace. The winners died happily as the most popular person on their planet. River thought the system had its merits. Tau dismissed it as barbarism. Then the captain won. +The captain decided to change his mind about this lottery. Tau believed L'kaun had signs of being a machine. They were going to use weapons to rescue the captain, but he was taken deep underground. Hugo suggested that they simply beam L'kaun aboard. It was successful. L'kaun was dismantled. River Mathius was responsible for destroying the religion of an entire world. They were left to decide if they still wanted to join the Federation. +The Ambassador-class Cleopatra was alongside the Holt Jerome with a purpose. A Maquis terrorist was to be transported to Earth Spacedock. His name was not important. He was standing against accusations of terror. The Federation believed him to be a person capable of war crimes. He was escorted to the brig with Hugo as the lead guard. A time passed until the security cadet had an idea. +He submitted the idea to the captain. The captain was intrigued. They would beam the prisoner into the holodeck while he slept. It was a very good idea. They could trick him into believing he was being rescued. He would make a confession. They didn't have much time. They put their best men on it. Robert Hode was good at tricking people. He would reprogram the holodeck just as the accused fell asleep. +He experienced a rescue. Maquis terrorists appeared to be shooting him out of his cell and onto a shuttle. When he thought he was safe, he confessed his plot. He was going to use shuttles as suicide weapons. He was going to use transporters as a way to clone soldiers. This was the information needed to find him guilty. He made a confession. Usually, a forced confession was unlawful but not this time. This Maquis was a monster. +It was a quiet evening in the officers' lounge on the starship Holt Jerome. The ship was still experiencing a cadet cruise. For several days, Rob had seen Carrie eating alone in the officers' lounge. This time, he would not stand for it. He asked if he could take a seat across from her. Carrie Parker began to cry loudly. Robert could not understand. He asked the nature of her discomfort. Apparently, Rush Logan was her lover. +As they talked for the first time, Rob spoke of a new technique of bringing someone back to life with a transporter. It was possible since Rush was beamed in on that very same transporter. His essence was still within the transporter buffer. They lured a cadet away from the transporter room with false hopes of birthday cake in the officers' lounge. Then they got to work. That's when the captain appeared in his pajamas. +The two thought the cadet cruise was over for them. It wasn't. The captain simply wanted to witness someone being brought back to life with a transporter. It was successful. Rush had to be made aware of who he was and where he came from, but he was alive. This time, he understood the 'first duty.' They tried to hide what they had done from Starfleet, but it was too historic. River Mathius was given back the rank of captain. +The anniversary of the Battle of Wolf 359 was upon the Holt Jerome. They paid their respects by going to a memorial at that location. Carrie parked the Holt Jerome in the area of space in which the battle took place. Captain Mathius noted that sometimes Borg drones were found floating by where vessels came to pay their respects. For a time equal to the length of the battle, there was a moment of silence. +Tau, sure enough, picked up a Borg drone floating on the Holt Jerome sensors. The captain debated with her on whether or not to beam it up. Joseph Simon and his bleeding heart convinced the captain that it was possible to save that monster. The Borg drone was beamed into sickbay. Joe never liked any weapons of any kind for any reason in sickbay. He was assimilated when the Borg came to life. +Many cadets wanted to abandon ship – they were not taught how to remodulate phasers. Robert Hode had an idea – use material fabricators to produce swords and shields to defeat the threat. Holt Jerome was ultimately victorious. They returned to Earth to give medical attention to the ones assimilated. In this unexpected mission of heroism, Starfleet gave commendations to the non-assimilated cadets of the battle. +With Holt Jerome safely at Spacedock, the cadet cruise was almost over. For the sake of entertainment, Carrie Parker seduced the captain into pitting Rob and Rush against each other in the holodeck. The winner would have her heart. To insure that they believed it was real, the two cadets were beamed into the holodeck while they slept – a trick she was taught by one of them. For fun, they recorded the fight. +The two combatants actually believed they were fighting for a medal in an arena. They also believed that they were being watched by everyone, everywhere. They were armed with stun phasers. It was a labyrinth of obstacle courses that you could get lost in. With every five shots, they had to remodulate their stun phasers. The fight was a close one, but Rush was ultimately victorious. There was applause. +Rob was hurt when he lost the challenge, but he was even more hurt when he found out what he really lost. He was in defeat. Then Janet Hopkin appeared through the crowd. She was the former first officer of Holt Jerome. Robert felt like a loser, but she reminded him that he saved everyone on the ship from death the very first night of the cadet cruise. He was her favorite. They decided to spend graduation together. +The End +Slowbro is a bulky and reliable choice for many teams in UU with his ability to check a large portion of the physical sweepers in the tier. He can fit well into frail, offensive teams in need of a little insurance against the likes of Azumarill and Fighting-types, while also providing useful paralysis support and doing reasonable amounts of damage with his own attacks. Slowbro's low Speed is made up for by his good defenses, and this also makes him one of the most reliable users of Trick Room in the game. While commonly seen only as a defensive threat, Slowbro can also very quickly go onto the offensive with Calm Mind or Choice Specs, making the most of his respectable Special Attack and wide movepool. +Slowbro is one of the physically bulkiest Water-types in the game, and his useful resistances to Fighting, Water, and Fire allow him to check a lot of UU's biggest threats. Instant recovery in the form of Slack Off means he has incredible staying power against physical sweepers, and his Psychic typing and ability to reliably spread paralysis with Thunder Wave set him firmly apart from other bulky Water-types such as Milotic. The combination of 95 base HP and 110 base Defense is very hard to break with neutral attacks, and when instant recovery is thrown on top of it, physical sweepers will struggle even more to bypass Slowbro. He brings a whole host of very threatening Pokemon, including Azumarill, Hariyama, Feraligatr, Hitmonlee, Hitmontop, Poliwrath, and Arcanine, to a grinding halt. +Slack Off is a great asset, with the reliable recovery it provides allowing Slowbro to wall physical attackers all game long. Many physical sweepers cannot do over 50% to Slowbro even with super effective attacks, meaning he has little trouble alternating between attacking and recovering to stall them out. Surf utilizes Slowbro's primary Water STAB and coming off his base 100 Special Attack stat can do a sizable chunk to those who don't resist it, making it an obvious move choice. +Psychic is an excellent choice as an auxiliary attack since it makes the most of Slowbro's secondary STAB, and more importantly, allows him to hit the myriad Fighting- and Poison-types of UU super effectively. A strong STAB Psychic makes quick work of Hitmonlee and Hitmontop, whose high Special Defense stats mean they can survive more Surfs than you'd care for, and it also allows you to break the Substitutes of bulkier Hariyama and Azumarill. In addition, it hits Venusaur very hard, ensures that physical Toxicroak doesn't threaten Slowbro in the slightest, and also enables him to actually damage other Water-types such as Milotic. Water and Psychic together have great neutral coverage, with the combination being resisted only by other Slowbro, Slowking, and Exeggutor in UU, whereas the Water and Ice combination used by many other bulky Waters lacks such good coverage. +A status move in the last slot provides a way of threatening the Pokemon Slowbro cannot hurt significantly with his attacks. Both Thunder Wave and Toxic are viable options, and which one is more beneficial depends on the rest of the team. Thunder Wave brings many opposing Pokemon down to around Slowbro's Speed level and is very helpful when playing with a team of other slower sweepers such as Torterra and Hariyama. It's also particularly effective since almost all of the Pokemon who are immune to Thunder Wave will take massive damage from Slowbro's STAB attacks (watch out for Torterra, though). Toxic, on the other hand, gives Slowbro a greater ability to take opponents out himself with less support from his team; with Slack Off and his high defenses, Slowbro can outlast the majority of UU. Light Screen is a helpful option as it patches up Slowbro's lower Special Defense while at the same time supporting the rest of the team temporarily. However, it's worth noting that without a status move, many Pokemon will see Slowbro as a non-threat and will simply use him as a free switch in. +While Slowbro's Water/Psychic dual typing does bring him many valuable resistances, it gives Slowbro quite a few exploitable weaknesses as well. Despite his bulk, which often allows Slowbro to survive even super effective physical attacks, you'll want to pair up Slowbro with a Pokemon who can take these hits more easily to take some of the pressure off of Slowbro. Venusaur, as well as being a big threat to Slowbro, also makes for a great partner with his ability to take the Grass and Electric attacks that Slowbro attracts. Venusaur also automatically absorbs Toxic Spikes upon switching in, which, despite their rarity, obviously destroy Slowbro's defensive potential. Specially defensive Clefable also has good synergy with Slowbro, possessing an immunity to Ghost-type attacks and the defensive stats to switch into threatening special attackers. If Clefable is already poisoned with Toxic Orb, she can come in on almost all Venusaur sets with ease due to her immunities to Sleep Powder and Leech Seed. She can also spread paralysis with Thunder Wave, and this defensive pairing makes a great backbone for teams based around slow attackers. Both these Pokemon can come into Toxic from defensive Milotic, who is a big problem for Slowbro if he isn't carrying Toxic himself, as he will be forced out by Milotic almost every time. +While Slowbro usually plays the role of a passive, defensive bulky Water-type, Calm Mind provides a way for him to gradually become a very real offensive threat, while at the same time patching up Slowbro's less than stellar Special Defense. With access to Slack Off for instant recovery and good coverage with his STAB attacks, Slowbro makes for a reliable and powerful tank after a few boosts. +Getting good coverage with only two attacks is of great importance on this set, since you will be heavily relying on them to do damage. Thankfully, Slowbro's Water and Psychic STABs pair up for neutral coverage on the vast majority of UU. When using Surf and Psychic, Special Attack investment is not really needed as Surf will 2HKO Chansey at +6, and Psychic will do the same to Milotic. +Although he looks hard to stop on paper, Calm Mind Slowbro can run into several problems in practice. The biggest one is status, in particular Toxic. Slowbro is very vulnerable to Toxic from the likes of Milotic and Chansey, both of whom can only be beaten by Slowbro after significant set up. Rest and Sleep Talk can be run over Psychic and Slack Off to greatly increase Slowbro's durability, but it would mean Slowbro is completely helpless against Toxicroak and other Pokemon immune to Water. Also, +6 Surf only manages 46% on average against Bold Milotic, and other Milotic might run even more Special Defense than that. Another problem is that strong Electric and Grass special attacks can OHKO Slowbro even after he has started to set up. The Special Defense investment helps this somewhat, and means that after two Calm Minds, Specs Sceptile Leaf Storm (the strongest special attack Slowbro will likely face) won't OHKO. Finally, Slowbro needs to be wary of Haze Milotic, since she can come in for free on 3/4 of Slowbro's moves and erase all his hard work in a single turn. +For these reasons, Venusaur makes an almost ideal partner for a Calm Mind Slowbro - he resists both Electric and Grass, comes with a very useful immunity to Toxic, and instantly threatens Milotic. Opposing Venusaur' Leaf Storms will do miniscule damage, while you can threaten a 2HKO back with Sludge Bomb. Chansey and Milotic fail to leave much of a mark, and Venusaur can use Leech Seed to drain their health (which can later be passed to Slowbro if need be) or even set up Swords Dance on them. Nasty Plot Houndoom with a Passho Berry and Beat Up makes a great partner as well, since he lures in Milotic like no other and 2HKOs with +2 Dark Pulse while surviving a Surf because of the berry. He also gets a quick surprise kill on Chansey with Beat Up. Slowbro and Houndoom have pretty great type synergy together too, with Houndoom resisting Ghost, Dark, and Grass, and Slowbro providing Fighting and Water resistances. Chansey and Clefable are also good teammates to have because they can use Aromatherapy to cure any unexpected status ailments Slowbro gets afflicted with. The RestTalk version greatly appreciates Toxic Spikes on the opponent's field to help it beat the likes of Milotic. +Encore users will ruin Slowbro's sweep, since he is so slow that they are almost guaranteed to outspeed him. Common Encore users include Clefable, Alakazam, Poliwrath, and Jumpluff. The best way to deal with them is to simply have a hard hitting teammate that can come in for free on the Encore and regain your momentum. Torterra works well with Slowbro here, his powerful Wood Hammer making short work of Clefable, Alakazam, and Poliwrath, and an immunity to Leech Seed helping him deal with Jumpluff. If you invest in his Special Defense, he makes an even more reliable check for Alakazam as well. +Slowbro and Slowking share a lot of things in common, and one of these is the ability to set up Trick Room. When opting for one of them on a Trick Room team, it is important to choose the right one for your team's needs, as both do a slightly different job well. There is little use trying to use Slowbro to both set up Trick Room and sweep during it, since Slowking has access to Nasty Plot, which allows him to become a threat much faster than Slowbro can with Calm Mind. Conversely, Slowbro is usually the preferable choice for a super bulky Trick Room supporter, as Slowbro's higher Defense stat makes the most of his resistances to common physical Fighting and Water attacks and allows him to do the job slightly better than his sibling. +Surf and Psychic once again make for the best two attack combination. Slack Off allows Slowbro to come in and use Trick Room multiple times, which is a great asset to have as a Trick Room supporter since the field effect lasts for such a short period of time. Good partners for this Slowbro set are Pokemon who can make the most of Trick Room - namely slow, powerful, and preferably bulky sweepers. Rhyperior and Marowak are both extremely threatening in this regard and have some limited type synergy with Slowbro in that they can come in on predicted Electric attacks for free. However, because of the rarity of Electric-type attacks, and because of the shared crippling weakness to Grass, it's highly recommended to run a Pokemon that can come into Grass-type moves with little trouble alongside them. Hariyama is also a great partner, with Close Combat, one of the strongest physical attacks in UU, at its disposal. It can also increase its firepower even further by deliberately activating Guts with a Toxic or Flame Orb, or by using Bulk Up. However, this can often be hard to pull off, as the former slashes Hariyama's longevity, while the latter may come to naught as Hariyama is forced to switch once Trick Room runs out. Hariyama does have useful resistances to Dark and Bug to come in on, though. +Slowbro's biggest advantages over other more powerful Specs users is his ability to cripple Chansey and other special walls with a Tricked Choice Specs, and the surprise value involved when a cute, defensive hermit crab hits with enough power to 2HKO Clefable. That, and Slowbro's considerable bulk even with just HP investment making up for its abysmal Speed, make Slowbro a slow but powerful Choice Specs tank. +Surf and Psychic get great neutral coverage in UU by themselves, and this is an excellent quality for any Specs user since prediction is much less of an issue when you can just choose between your powerful STAB attacks to throw out and catch the switch-in. Trick is a self-explanatory move, ruining the walling potential of any Chansey who come in to Toxic Slowbro. However, it should be noted that Tricking straightaway against an unscouted team is not advised at all - it's much better to hit an incoming Venusaur or Sceptile with Psychic than give them a power boost, especially in the case of Sceptile, who often wields Specs itself and will then gets a free attack against your team. In the last slot, Slack Off will let Slowbro function more like a wall once he has tricked his Specs away, and even while he is still holding them in a pinch. Grass Knot completes the attacking combination for perfect coverage, 2HKOing the most specially defensive of Milotic and giving you an attack to hit opposing Slowbro and Slowking with as well. +Using Pokemon who can take advantage of weakened and Choice-locked special walls maximizes the potency of this set. Since Clefable is 2HKOed by Specs Surf, and if predicted right, Chansey will be locked into a single move, a SubRoost Moltres can make for a deadly partner. Clefable is one of its biggest checks because of her pseudo-immunity to Toxic, and so once Clefable is weakened, she can be removed easily with a Flamethrower. Chansey will be unable to touch Moltres at all once she is locked into a single attack, and will be stalled out by Roost and Pressure. If you can keep Stealth Rock off the field, Moltres makes a good defensive complement to Slowbro, with the ability to come into both Venusaur's Leaf Storm and Scyther's Bug Bite with ease and pose an immediate threat. In return, Slowbro helps out against Azumarill, who can use a combination of Waterfall and Aqua Jet to break Moltres's Substitute and then subsequently take it out. +Slowbro has a very wide movepool for a bulky Water, but unfortunately most of it is of little use. In addition to Surf, Psychic, Ice Beam, and Grass Knot, Slowbro can use Flamethrower, Fire Blast, Shadow Ball, Focus Blast, and Signal Beam. The Fire moves' only target in UU that isn't hit as hard by Ice Beam or Slowbro's STABs is Registeel, and it poses a minimal threat to Slowbro because Registeel has a low Attack stat and no form of recovery bar Rest. All the other moves have no notable targets that aren't hit suitably as hard by one of Slowbro's STABs. +There are also several viable support moves that Slowbro can use and could be helpful depending on your team's needs. Yawn can cause a lot of switches, and Slowbro has the bulk to use it effectively. Counter is an interesting choice against Pokemon such as Scyther and Drapion, who will try to overpower Slowbro on the physical side with super effective moves, but it is quite unreliable as most players tend to prey on Slowbro's weaker Special Defense. Curse is quite a gimmicky option, and is better left to Slowking anyway, as his superior Special Defense allows him to pull it off more effectively. +With Slowbro receiving physical Water STAB in the form of Aqua Tail from Platinum move tutors, a set utilizing Trick Room, Belly Drum, Aqua Tail and Zen Headbutt could be attempted. A Sitrus Berry is a good idea as it effectively halves the cost of using Belly Drum and is more beneficial for the make or break type of sweep Slowbro attempts with this strategy as compared to Leftovers' more consistent recovery. Slowbro's other physical attacks include Earthquake and Drain Punch, the latter of which might still be viable alongside Aqua Tail, especially if a Chansey comes in expecting a Surf as you Belly Drum. However, the entire strategy is very risky and situational, and so should not be relied on. +Putting 252 EVs into Slowbro's HP should be the first step for almost all the sets, since it maximizes his overall bulkiness. Then the remainder of the EVs should be allocated into Defense for the more tankish sets, and Special Attack for the Specs set. Investing significantly in Special Defense is generally fruitless, as it detracts from Slowbro's physical hit-taking ability too much and because Milotic or Slowking perform better at special walling. For example, the standard Blaziken's Fire Blast followed by a Hidden Power Grass will beat Slowbro after Stealth Rock damage. Guaranteeing survival against this, taking into account the damage Slowbro sustains from Stealth Rock upon entry, would require you to run almost max Special Defense alongside max HP, at which point you're just better off using Slowking or Milotic. +Running max HP and max Defense allows Slowbro to survive quite a few super effective physical attacks - with this investment, a max health Slowbro is guaranteed to never be OHKOed by a Choice Band Rhyperior's Megahorn, letting Slowbro retaliate with a last-ditch Surf. Reducing the HP stat down to 212 EVs and using a Leftovers number is not recommended, as it detracts from Slowbro's overall bulkiness, and the difference in Leftovers gain is insignificant when taking into account Stealth Rock. +If you are particularly worried about Spiritomb, 44 Speed EVs allow Slowbro to outspeed minimum Speed versions. However, this is rarely a worthwhile investment because it is solely for Spiritomb, and Slowbro won't really be beating the ghost even if he is faster. +Venusaur can come in on Surf, Toxic, or Slack Off and pose an immediate threat to Slowbro with his powerful STAB Grass attacks. Sceptile fares similarly, and while it isn't quite as specially bulky as Venusaur, neither is it weak to Psychic. Torterra is immune to Thunder Wave, isn't hit super effectively by either of Slowbro's STABs, and has a high chance to OHKO with a Life Orb-boosted Wood Hammer after Stealth Rock. Ludicolo packs a 4x resistance to Surf and has a high Special Defense for taking Psychics as well. With his Grass STAB, he can use Energy Ball or Grass Knot to quickly dispose of Slowbro. Chansey and Clefable are both undaunted by status, Chansey because of Natural Cure and Clefable because of Magic Guard and her tendency to hold Toxic Orb. Both have very high Special Defense and threaten Slowbro with Toxics of their own. If Slowbro is carrying Thunder Wave over Toxic, Lanturn can come in without much trouble and threaten with a super effective STAB Thunderbolt. +Spiritomb doesn't mind Toxic unduly since he often carries Rest, and threatens to come in on his Psychic immunity. Calm Mind versions are particularly dangerous to Slowbro as Spiritomb has 5 higher base Speed, and so can Calm Mind up to take less and less damage from Surf before he hits back with his own STAB super effective Dark Pulse. As long as Mismagius avoids Thunder Wave, she can take a weak hit with her base 105 Special Defense and OHKO Slowbro with Shadow Ball. Specially defensive Drapion can come in on a Psychic, prevent Slowbro from healing or statusing Drapion with Taunt, and then Swords Dance up and beat Slowbro with Crunch. Curse Registeel also sees Slowbro as nothing but setup fodder. +In urban planning circles, Portland, Oregon is held up as a model of urban planning. It is designed to be highly walkable, has an extensive system of bike routes, good public transportation, and was one of the first cities in the country to make sustainability a priority. As is often the case, being held up as a model by one group invites criticism by another and a recent post at the iconoclastic planning website newgeography.com takes Portland to task for lacking diversity and being all-white. +It is true that Portland is not a very diverse city and, if author Aaron Renn had left his criticism at Portland, he would have had a much stronger argument, but he does not. Instead, he argues that "the best, the most progressive and best role models for small and mid-sized cities" are havens of white exclusivity and goes on to present an array of statistics to demonstrate this point. In his analysis, there are flaws in the way that he presents the data. In particular, despite his claim that these progressive models are "White Cities," he doesn't actually present the percentage white in cities. In fact, he doesn't present data for cities at all — he presents statistics for "Core Counties" (these are counties that contain the central city). +Renn addressed the second of the two criticisms in the comments of his post by saying:. +I agree that it is difficult to compare different cities because cities vary both geographically and administratively. But, the same could be said about cities and, given that Renn is discussing "progressive" policies, then it seems like corporate limits would be exactly what he would want to report because in almost all areas in the country (Indianapolis being a major exception) policies are decided within municipal boundaries. In fact, the political fragmentation is associated with racial isolation/segregation. Furthermore, there is no reason to believe that counties vary widely in their administration and autonomy. +Perhaps more problematically, while Renn makes the argument that model progressive cities are white havens, he does not present any statistics on how white cities are. Instead, he publishes the percentage black in the core county. This brings up two problems. First, it assumes that the American population is made up of only whites and blacks and ignores the increasing racial diversity in many cities including the mass immigration by Latinos and Asians. Second, this also assumes that the mere presence of blacks means that cities are diverse; however, if there are lots of African Americans, but they are segregated into a small number of specific neighborhoods (e.g., Detroit, Cleveland, Gary, Milwaukee) then these cities cannot be said to be diverse. +In order to look at what impact these assumptions have on the conclusions that Renn draws, I have taken Renn's examples of model progressive cities: Portland, Austin, Denver, Minneapolis, and Seattle and charted the percentage of residents by racial composition in each central city. The chart gives a much different impression than that given by Renn's charts. Using central cities and charting racial composition by multiple groups shows that both Austin and Denver have only 50% of whites in their municipal limits while Minneapolis is only 63% white. Seattle is slightly higher than Minneapolis with 68% white while Portland — Renn's poster child — is 74% white. In the United States in 2000, only 75% of the population was white meaning that Portland would be right on the average of the entire nation if the entire U.S. population were spread out without clustering. Although the percentage of white residents in Portland is certainly higher than most cities, the fact that one in four residents in the city means that the city cannot be identified as only white as Renn implies. +But, even if a city had a large non-white population, it does not mean that residents are integrated or interact with one another. I downloaded the metropolitan area segregation statistics[1] from the to see how racially segregated these metropolitan areas are. I use three measures available for download from The Mumford Center. Although there are multiple domains of segregation that can be measured, I focus on two here: the dissimilarity index and the white isolation index. The first measures the extent to which residents of two different races are evenly distributed in neighborhoods (i.e., tracts) within a metropolitan area and the second measures the neighborhood percent white of the average white resident. The former is unaffected by the relative size of the two groups being compared, while the isolation index is dependent on both the size of the white population and its geographic dispersion (a greater percent white in a metro area pushes isolation higher). +Generally, scores on either indices above 60 are considered extreme segregation. Denver is the only city above this threshold for black/white dissimilarity, though Minneapolis is close at 57.8. Dissimilarity in the other cities, while high (30 is generally considered high) are not terribly segregated. Latino/white dissimilarity scores were much lower, though Denver again stood out for being among the highest. All of these cities have extreme levels of isolation but, again, Portland is an extreme outlier — probably owing to its disporportionately white share of the population relative to the other cities. Just for comparison's sake, I also queried the segregation indices for the largely Midwestern cities Renn held up as examples of diversity. Those indices are presented below. The comparison is shocking: with the exception of Nashville, all of the cities have higher levels — often much higher levels — of black/white segregation. Latino/white segregation is comparable to those of the "model progressive" cities (with the exception of very low levels in Cincinatti). And, perhaps more tellingly, the isolation index scores for Renn's alternative Midwestern cities are much higher than three of the "model progressive" cities (Austin, Denver, and Seattle), though Portland still retains the highest white isolation score of any of the metropolitan areas. +Thus, while Renn certainly has a case about Portland being held up as a model for progressives despite its lack of diversity, the data simply doesn't back up his arguments for the remaining cities he identifies as models of progressive communities. Even worse, cities he holds up as alternatives because of their diversity tend to be more segregated than the progressive cities that he flogs in his post. While he brings up important points to consider in discussing urban planning and policies — considering the importance of diversity in comparison to "livable" environments — unfortunately, he gives the wrong impression of most of the cities and draws the wrong, sometimes drastically wrong, conclusion about the relative levels of diversity in these cities. +[1] I know that I am switching geographic units here, but metropolitan areas gives a better impression of what effect differences in urban versus suburban racial composition would have on racial segregation +3 comments: +You've offered a worthwhile rebuttal to Mr. Renn's provocative post, but I can't help but think that some of the subsequent commentary puts it most effectively, by focusing on aspects of urban living that remain stubbornly empirical. The Mumford Center's segregation measurements are just a few of many exhaustive attempts to calculate segregation across American cities; no single one that I am aware of has been endorsed by a preponderance of demographers. Segregated or not, cities like Portland/Austin/Denver/Minneapolis with small African American populations (not referring to other races) have to contend with far less concentrated urban poverty and the ensuing public safety or social welfare that absorbs large amounts of city funds for what remains the most disenfranchised race in American cities. This is hardly due to progressive policies that have effectively addressed these issues: the poor African American communities in Minneapolis and Austin and Denver are just as struggling as they are in Cleveland and St. Louis--the only difference is they are much smaller and comprise a lower portion of the city's population at large. +I'm not arguing with the Mumford Center's numbers per say, but I know that other studies have produced entirely different results through their own calculation methodologies. Sometimes how the city looks from a ground-level, empirical perspective matters just as much, since this is what average citizens react to, and influences relocation decisions. And from that angle, of the cities on this list I know well, Minneapolis and Austin both have a visible presence of segregation. North Minneapolis and East Austin are their respective "black" sides of town; visual surveys would reveal that these parts of town are lagging in vibrant neighborhoods that the class of people for which Renn writes are seeking. But these neighborhoods are dwarfed by the surrounding white, vibrant neighborhoods that are not burdened by high crime, abandonment, or high concentrations of persons with less than an 8th grade education. Indianapolis, conversely, has no identifiably black "side of town", with pockets scattered throughout the city, as well as a number of neighborhoods where they comprise 15-25% of the population; in turn, Indianapolis (its successful downtown notwithstanding) by and large lacks the sort of vibrant urban neighborhoods that a person would easily find in the largely white (or at least overwhelmingly non-black) Portland. +Thus Renn argues that the policies in place in the aforementioned white cities simply cannot be successfully transposed to Cincinnati, Memphis, or Baltimore. They have to work with their concomitant higher rates of poverty and need, and some cities (Houston and Atlanta) are doing a better job of this than others. Other cities have simply organized "progressive" policies that have been abetted as a result of segregation: cities as divergent as Chicago and Louisville manage to attract an urbanite vibe because all of their vibrant, white neighborhoods are more or less clustered along one side of town with the majority of political capital. The dividing line that separates these successful neighborhood from the African American ones is profound. New Orleans, always an anomaly of which I am quite familiar, has managed to retain a number of successful urban neighborhoods despite being quite unsegregated and having no clearly black "side of town". However, New Orleans' ostensible liberal infrastructure has completely failed to translate into progressive policymaking the way one might see in Denver or Portland. +AD- These are really great points, so let me address them as best I can one-by-one. +First, you are correct that there is not a single measure of segregation that captures the entire experience. There are generally five: dissimilarity (uneveness), isolation/exposure, clustering, concentration, and centralization. The two of which I report here are the most commonly used. I also agree entirely that African Americans remain the single most disenfranchised race in America. On the other hand, that doesn't justify Renn's conclusions that these are "white" cities as much as they are "not black" cities. African American's unique disadvantages not withstanding, it is an important distinction. +I would disagree that studies have come up with different results. The different measures of segregation are all highly correlated and, though there are quirks, Midwestern cities tend to have the highest degrees of segregation on all five measures (Massey & Denton). That doesn't take away your extremely valid point that studying the experience of segregation on the ground is also important and manifests itself in different ways -- though there are similarities. And, as sociologist Mary Pattillo has shown, it is true that even middle class black neighborhoods tend to be more disadvantaged than comparable white neighborhoods. +Now, on your last point, I completely agree. Simply transferring policies from Portland to other areas -- and snootily looking down one's noses for being in cities that don't have Portland's composition -- is not going to work. The built environment is different (e.g., New Orleans is a city based on a four hundred year old layout) but, more than anything, racial politics are coded into redistribution policies that make accomplishing those goals much harder. And, particularly for Portland, that is true. +But, as I said before, to call these cities (with the exception of Portland and possibly Seattle) exclusively white is just not supported by the data. +I've commented on this elsewhere, so forgive the recycling of an argument, but Minneapolis does not necessarily have a "small" African American population. The percentage of Black residents in Minneapolis is about 150% the national percentage. So this may be small in comparison to Detroit, but I would hesitate to call such numbers small. +Also, as a white person living in North Minneapolis, I must say it isn't quite as segregated as popular opinion would have it. And to be fair, there is a fair amount of money coming in to the area for purposes of urban renewal, though we have yet to see whether it's meaningful or just another attempt at gov't-led gentrification. +That being said, I do think the main thrust of the idea (that we can't just ship Portland's policies elsewhere) is still valid, but probably for a lot more reasons that the arguable differences in racial diversity and segregation. +Shinto temple, Tokyo +Monday, September 16: Up at 4:45 am to get to the airport for a 7:30 am flight to Newark, en route for Tokyo. Barry Chaim picked us up and drove us there, giving us last-minute instructions about our trip that he has arranged. Checking in for our United Airlines flight to Newark, we learn that the flight has left. It was rescheduled an an hour earlier. They said we were sent an email but I don’t recall having received it. After much time spent on the phone with Aeroplan, we are rebooked on Air Canada direct to Tokyo which suited us just fine. However, just heard that typhoon Man-yi closed Tokyo airport yesterday! +Tuesday, September 17: After a thirteen-hour flight, we arrived in Tokyo to find little evidence of a typhoon. We cleared immigration and customs remarkably quickly and bought tickets for the limo shuttle to ANA Intercontinental Hotel. Our luggage was efficiently packed onto the bus and the guy came aboard as we were about to leave and bowed to everyone. An hour and fifteen minutes later we arrived at the hotel. We united with our travelling companions, Lola and Bob and Leslie and Jonathon for dinner in one of the hotel’s three restaurants, Karin’s. We all ordered soup – mine, abalone and dried scallop – and shared portions of steamed prawn and pork dumplings. To bed at 9:30 pm, exhausted. +Wednesday, September 18: Awake at 4 am. Breakfast in the hotel, an amazing array of food. Opted for a Japanese breakfast. +My traditional Japanese breakfast +Our Tokyo guide Hitomi +This morning, guided by Hitomi, the daughter of Edo’s first chef, and Kimio Nonaga, Japan’s Iron Chef in 2002, we visited the Tokyo fish market, a vast covered warehouse spreading over 50 acres with more varieties of fish than I have ever seen. Remarkably clean, although you have to be careful of the motorized flatbeds that whizz around the place. Apparently the market is to be torn down to make way for condo development and will be moved to an island off the city. What a shame. +Iron Chef Kimio selecting fish +Market fishmonger +Squid +Blowfish +Fresh wasabi +Prize tuna +Deborah posing as a tuna fisher +Deborah stopped in at a pottery store to buy four soup bowls before we went to lunch at noon at a Sushi restaurant in Nihonbashi. Enjoyed a Kirin beer with my sushi. +Kabuki Theatre, Tokyo +300-year-old fir tree +After lunch we took taxis to the Hamarikyu Gardens, formerly the falconry grounds of the Shogun until the mid-seventeenth century. We took a boat trip up the Sumida River to Asakusa. All the bridges across the river are painted in different bright colours. A great way to see Tokyo’s modern architecture, including the Tree of Life and a huge sculpture that looks like a wayward golden sperm. +Tree of Life building +Golden sperm sculpture +After the boat trip, we took taxis over to the home of sumo in Ryogoku, a stadium to watch only sumo wrestling for six weeks a year. We were crammed, shoeless, into a 5-by-6-foot space, enclosed by a low railing, sitting on square red mats. The most uncomfortable spectator sport in the world. As it is Japan’s national sport, the crowd was the most boisterous and demonstrative I’ve seen by a Japanese audience, who are usually the most reserved and discreet of individuals. Sumo wrestling is a curious sport, very ritualized, with bouts that last only 10 seconds or less. Contestants bow to each other and go through an elaborate dance, slapping their thighs, squatting and lifting their legs and throwing salt into the circular ring to “purify” it of evil spirits. At the end of the final bout the spectators rose and began hurling their mats at the ring. We thought it was because they were unhappy with the result of the match, but it turns out it’s a tradition to chuck your mat at the ring when the tournament is over. +Sumo mural outside stadium +After the sumo wrestling adventure, we cabbed over to Nihonbashi Yukari, to Iron Chef Kimio Nonaga’s restaurant for dinner. His family have been purveyors to the Imperial Family for three generations. +At the restaurant, we were joined by Masayuki Suzuki, a friend of Barry’s who will be our guide tomorrow. And what a meal, not cheap, but one of the finest dinners I’ve had. We started with a bottle of local wine, Adega Aruva 2012, which tasted like a blend of Chardonnay, Sauvignon Blanc and Muscat (the back label was in Japanese). +The first course was a small glass of smoked mozzarella custard, followed by a box with a grass frond laid across the top. Inside were two small pots containing jellyfish and abalone with roasted sesame oil, walnut pate, and on the side, beautifully arranged, a slice of sweet potato, ginkgo nuts and dried fish. +Iron Chef creation +The next course was shiitake mushrooms and pieces of conger eel in a broth served in a pottery teapot with a wedge of lemon and a brush of pine needles wrapped in silver foil stuck into the spout to keep it hot. Masayuki ordered a bottle of Ukari Sake, which we drank at room temperature. +The next course was bonito fish, shrimp, snapper and ark shell with a paste of pickled chrysanthemum petals and shredded daikon and the crunchy, baked head of the shrimp. Next course, leek, tuna, pancake and radish served on a pedestalled plate. Then slivers of waygu beef, followed by Spanish mackerel fish cheeks and rice. +Kimio’s rice and fish flake dish +We finished with adzuki bean ice cream with soya bean flower, brown sugar syrup and crunchy toasted rice grains. Altogether a memorable meal. +The traffic in Tokyo is very disciplined and the drivers are very patient. Haven’t heard one horn yet – not like China, which is chaotic and dangerous. +Toothpick holder +Thursday, September 18: Had a quick breakfast at Starbucks before meeting Masayuki Suzuki for a walking tour of Tokyo. He showed us how to use the subway system, which is immaculately clean and efficient. +We first visited the Yasukuni Shrine, dedicated to the victims of both side of the civil war, and a museum commemorating the fallen in World War II. We walked over to an district that specializes in second-hand books and woodblock prints. At Kimio Koketsu’s Ohya-Shobo store we saw prints dating back to the eighteenth century. +Walked up to the Hilltop Hotel for lunch at a tempura restaurant. I had a bowl of rice with tempura-battered shrimps and miso soup with baby clams. Then we took the train to Akihabara to visit an amazing electronics department store on five floors. +MaiDreamin Girl +As we were walking around we were accosted on one corner by a girl dressed in a French maid’s outfit and carrying a black umbrella to protect herself from the sun. She was handing out leaflets to get you to visit MaiDreamin, where the young girls dress up as French maids and serve you drinks and sing and dance. This, explained Masayuki, was part of the Manga comic book culture of doll-like girls who are as familiar as Disney characters to the young people of Japan. So we decided to check it out. The girl who handed us the flier led us to a building and up some narrow stairs to a room that looked like a junior school room painted in kindergarten colours. Apart from the 1000 yen entrance we had to buy at least two items from the food and drinks menu. We were not allowed to photograph the girls in their short skirts and black stockings but you could choose one with whom we could have your Polaroid photo taken. It was all very weird and vaguely pornographic. +Dinner that evening at the restaurant of Kimio Nogano’s brother Jiro in Kagurazaka. It’s called an izakaya (sake house), which is in effect a Japanese pub. The difference between this one and others, Barry Chaim emailed me, is that “Jiro is a bit upscale and specializes in robata. Robata is the paddle used to put the food on that the cook passes to you. The cooking is usually done on an open grill. The concept originated in the countryside.” +Jiro with gift +The menu, which kept on coming: the first dish (cold), a plate consisting of a piece of marinated squash, fish eggs compressed into a short bar, rice roll with fried shrimp, avocado, enoki and oyster mushrooms, seaweed and spinach which we consumed with Reisen Sake. Next, a soup of shiitake mushrooms, conger eel and egg tofu. Followed by raw tuna, amberjack, flounder and bonito flakes. +Jiro with robata dish of eels +Then came the robata dishes: a skewer of grilled eel in a sweet marinade and green pepper stuffed with gorgonzola. A dish of eggplant with finely chopped chicken in miso, mirin and soy sauce. Then a skewer of grilled chicken dusted with salt and sugar and interspersed with leeks. Next tempura of lotus root, sweet potato, chili pepper and conger eel. Followed by fried fish flakes with rice, pickled daikon and ginger. Ending with miso soup and an ice cream and rice flour dumpling, gelatined agar, molasses syrup and toasted rice kernels. And then tea. Home by 11 pm to pack, as we are leaving early tomorrow. +Friday, September 20: Up at 5:30 am to finish packing and be ready to take taxis to the railway station by 6:45 am. We buy a bento box at the station for breakfast before boarding the Nozomi speed train to Kyoto – a journey of 2 hours and 20 minutes. Manage to sleep for an hour. At Kyoto station we buy another bento box for lunch to be eaten when we reach our destination – a ryokan in Ohara, a half hour taxi-ride from Kyoto. +Bento box selection, Kyoto +A ryokan is a traditional Japanese inn with tatami-matted floors and sliding door panels – a sort of Japanese B&B. This one, in the hills above Kyoto, is owned by Rieko Nishikawa and her husband Thomas Aoyagi, an ex-Torontonian. Ryokan Seryo, located in front of the Sanzen-in Temple, has been in Rieko’s family for six generations and was originally a tea plantation. Our room opens onto an ornamental pond filled with colourful, fat koi that respond to anyone approaching with open mouths. +Seryo Ryokan +Our room at the ryokan +Deborah with koi +Sanzen-in Temple near our ryokan +Water fountain, Ohara +Local flora +Local flora +We went for a walk around the village and then had a hot mineral bath before dinner. The dinner, served at 6 pm, was a traditional kaiseki multi-course banquet, usually part of the tea ceremony. We ordered a bottle of Saint Clair Sauvignon Blanc 2012 from Marlborough. The first course was a tray with an egg-cup of basil-infused sake the colour of pomegranate, a tiny bowl of marinated aubergine, and a plate of raw salmon and squid. Alongside it was an elevated bowl of traditional one-bite morsels of food for the new moon “from the mountain from the village and from the sea” – okra, potato, fish, crystallized lime and an orange ball to represent the moon. +New moon food +Bream in yellow bowl +This was followed by bream, turnip and tofu in a beautiful yellow bowl. Next, a fresh water fish served on a slate that looked like a sardine stuffed with roe and shaped as if it was swimming in the river. +Freshwater fish +Then eel in egg custard followed by shredded chicken and fish salad in a beautifully decorated glass with daikon, cubes of tomato and agar. Next course, tempura of shrimp, squash, green pepper, aubergine and kampio, followed by rice with mushrooms and pickled vegetables and finally miso soup and tea. We were in bed by 8:30 pm! +Tempura +Don’t confuse octopus with squid. +KEARNEY, Neb. — Last year, when the state board of education proposed new sex-education standards for teaching about issues such as sexual orientation, gender identity and consent, a retired pediatrician in this central Nebraska town reached out to Gov. Pete Ricketts and state lawmakers. +It was a shocking claim, and it was catching on — repeated by Greenwald, by members of the Protect Nebraska Children Coalition, a group she co-founded to oppose the standards, and embraced by Ricketts (R) himself. The message also spread through screenings at libraries and churches of “The Mind Polluters,” billed as an “investigative documentary” that “shows how the vast majority of America’s public schools are prematurely sexualizing children.” +Grooming erupted as a national issue earlier this year, but this state in America’s heartland has been roiled by that attack on comprehensive sex education since last spring, providing a unique window into a newly inflamed debate. The unsubstantiated claim helped activate an army of self-described Nebraska patriots who rose up against the standards, took over the local Republican Party and propelled a wave of far-right candidates for local and statewide school boards, a Post examination found. Earlier this month, these activists were part of a broader, anti-establishment insurgency that toppled leaders of the state Republican Party. +The term “groomer” has become a catchall epithet hurled by the right wing against the left, particularly against advocates for LGBT people, who have become the target of a recent surge in violent threats and attacks. The Post’s examination focused on the specific claim that modern sex education — including lessons on sexual orientation and gender identity — makes children more vulnerable to pedophiles. +Greenwald and others who have endorsed that claim acknowledged to The Post that there is no scientific body of research that shows such lessons make children more likely to be victimized. The American Medical Association and American Academy of Pediatrics both back a comprehensive approach to sex ed that includes discussions of sexual orientation, contraception and consent. Leading child abuse experts say that arming children with information helps protect them against harm. +Nonetheless, the claim that comprehensive sex ed amounts to grooming has simmered on the right for decades, often fanned by Christian conservatives who disapprove of same-sex relationships and favor home schooling and private schools over public education, The Post found. The foundation was laid in part by Judith Reisman, a self-styled expert who opposed gay rights, claimed that gay people are more likely to sexually abuse children, and spent decades trying to discredit pioneering work by the sex researcher Alfred Kinsey. +Reisman, who died last year, makes multiple appearances in “The Mind Polluters” to bolster the argument that modern sex education makes children more vulnerable to predators. Greenwald and candidates endorsed by a political committee she helped launch have promoted the film, and much of their criticism of the proposed standards echoed Reisman’s views. +Paul Hazard, a former state trooper who dubbed the proposed sex-ed standards “a pedophile’s dream,” was the top vote-getter in the May primary among eight candidates for the Kearney school board. Sherry Jones, a retired educator who has said the standards “sealed” her decision to run for an open seat on the state school board, garnered more than twice as many primary votes as Danielle Helzer, who supported the sex-ed framework. Elections for the local and state school boards are nonpartisan. +“Vote for SHERRY!!! Helzer wants to groom your kids for pedophiles & traffickers,” one Jones supporter wrote on Facebook. Helzer, 36, is a former teacher who has screened volunteers for the Big Brothers Big Sisters mentoring program. +“I don’t take it personally because I know it’s not true, but I don’t take it lightly,” Helzer, who as the runner-up will move on to the general election in November, said in an interview. “People are genuinely fearful of their kids being sexually abused, and that fear has driven them to use grooming as a political weapon.” +Jones and Hazard did not respond to requests for comment. +In an email to The Post, Greenwald, 64, wrote that as a pediatrician who has examined abused children and testified in court as an expert witness, she believes there are similarities between materials currently used in public school sex-ed programs and the sexually explicit language and images used by pedophiles. +“The fact that they are already desensitized or ‘groomed’ by a trusted adult to accept sexual language and images as appropriate could make it that much easier for a predator to gain that child’s cooperation in understanding and accepting sexual demands,” Greenwald wrote. +A songwriter becomes a crusader +Reisman was not trained as a psychologist or sociologist or sex researcher. She had worked as a songwriter for the children’s television program “Captain Kangaroo” in the 1970s. Then, concerned about the effect of television on children, she earned a doctorate in communications in 1980, according to her résumé. +Her 10-year-old daughter had been sexually assaulted years earlier by a neighbor boy who had been looking at his father’s Playboy magazines, Reisman later recalled in an essay, and she focused some of her research on pornography. But she made a name for herself by criticizing Kinsey, whose work had helped to usher in the sexual revolution of the 1960s and 1970s. Reisman highlighted data he had published about children’s orgasms, claiming that his work had justified child sexual abuse and triggered a cultural decline. +Her work caught the attention of conservatives in Washington, and in the early 1980s, President Ronald Reagan’s Justice Department approved a grant of more than $700,000 that she used to study cartoon images of children in Playboy, Hustler and Penthouse magazines. The fact that the grant had been awarded on a noncompetitive basis, coupled with questions about Reisman’s credentials and an auditor’s finding that the study as originally proposed could be done for $60,000, fueled congressional oversight hearings. +Reisman defended her work in a 1985 Washington Post op-ed, writing that her efforts to catalogue depictions of children engaged in sexual or violent activities would lay a foundation for preventing abuse. “When it is completed, I believe the citizenry will consider their $734,000 well spent,” she wrote. +The 1986 report was harshly criticized by some academics on a peer-review panel. The Justice Department declined to publish it. The agency eventually made it publicly available but did not endorse its methodology or findings. +Reisman went on to a career as an independent researcher, and later as a research professor at the Liberty University School of Law and at the evangelical university’s School of Behavioral Sciences, though she was not trained as a lawyer or psychologist. Her advocacy helped prompt the Kinsey Institute at Indiana University to disclose that a pedophile’s diary had been the source of the data on children’s orgasms. +She likened school clubs that supported LGBT students to Hitler Youth groups, claiming that both sought to cut children off from their parents’ traditions and beliefs, a review of her writings shows. She praised “Pink Swastika,” a widely denounced book whose authors claim that gay people were “the guiding force behind many Nazi atrocities.” And she claimed gay adults were trying to persuade children to be gay using “vigilant and organized wooing.” +Reisman was dedicated to fighting what she called “Kinseyan” sex education that she said was becoming the norm in the United States. A 1990 book she co-wrote argued that modern sex education was tainted with a “gay agenda” and a “pedophile agenda.” +Over the years, Reisman continued claiming links between sex education and pedophilia, though the terminology shifted: What she and her allies once called “Kinseyan” sex education got a new name, “comprehensive sexuality education,” or CSE. +In 2012, she spoke at a gathering of the powerful network of Republican donors and activists known as the Council for National Policy, according to a confidential agenda obtained by the watchdog group Documented. “Action steps” circulated after the session, also obtained by Documented, included a call for investigating sex educators “for criminal ‘grooming,’ lowering children’s … resistance to both pedophile predation and victimization.” +Those who echo Reisman’s views today often cite an FBI agent’s 2002 congressional testimony describing how pedophiles aim to “sexually arouse children” and “expose them to sexual acts before they are naturally curious.” Sex-education materials do the same thing, critics argue. +Sharon Slater, president of Family Watch International, an Arizona-based nonprofit that works with Greenwald’s group and opposes CSE and LGBT rights, wrote in an email to The Post: “While there is no empirical evidence supporting the claims that CSE can make children more vulnerable to sexual abuse, there is ample evidence based on the many CSE programs Family Watch has analyzed that an alarming number of popular CSE programs utilize the same techniques often used by pedophiles to sexualize children or groom children to engage in sex.” +David Finkelhor, a child abuse expert at the Crimes against Children Research Center at the University of New Hampshire, said research on comprehensive sex education shows that it reduces risky sexual behavior and may be in part responsible for decreases in teen pregnancy and early onset of sexual activity. Research also suggests that sex education — including teaching children the proper names of private body parts — helps “prevent grooming rather than to make them vulnerable to grooming,” Finkelhor said. +Reisman, he added, for years took “extreme and alarmist positions that are far outside the bounds of social science findings about children and sex education.” +Proposed standards prompt backlash +On March 10, 2021, Nebraska’s education department released proposed health-education standards, including grade-by-grade guidelines for sex education. Kindergartners would learn medically accurate terms for body parts, including genitalia, and about interracial and same-sex families. They would also learn about “consent” and “how to clearly say no.” First-graders would learn the definitions of gender identity and gender-role stereotypes. The meaning of sexual orientation would be explained in third grade. +Opposition was led by Greenwald and other residents of Kearney, a college town in an agricultural community. It is the seat of government for Buffalo County, where three out of five voters are Republicans. Donald Trump twice carried the predominantly White county of about 50,000 people. +Eight days after Nebraska officials released the standards, parents and grandparents formed a private Facebook group, which became a key organizing tool of the Protect Nebraska Children Coalition. +Kearney resident Kathy Adams, 67, a retired nurse, recalled printing the standards out and using a yellow highlighter and red pen to register her objections. “Pornography,” she called the standards. Homosexuality is at odds with her Christian faith, she told The Post, and she questioned the idea that a person’s gender identity could be different from the sex they were assigned at birth. +Adams said she also was concerned about the effect of peer pressure and social media, remembering that when she worked as a middle school teaching assistant a few years ago, “all of sudden it was like a fad and it was kind of taking off, either claiming to be gay or claiming to be transgender.” The proposed sex-ed framework would make children curious to take risks, she added, and would “make it easier for kids to get abused.” +By May 2021, the Protect Nebraska Children Coalition counted more than 14,000 followers on Facebook. Slater said Family Watch International provided advice and technical support for the coalition. Greenwald, who in the Facebook group called Slater “an extraordinary mentor,” described the coalition to The Post as grass roots and Nebraska-led. +Slater has written that teaching children that homosexuality is normal is part of a broad effort to “justify behavior that is inherently destructive to both society and to the individual.” She told The Post that her organization condemns imparting any information that would “sexualize children,” including lessons about heterosexual sex. +The Protect Nebraska Children Coalition helped build a groundswell against the standards by starting a petition drive, lobbying public officials and launching a Facebook campaign targeting the Nebraska Department of Education and some state school board members. “#AbolishNDE,” said one July 2021 Facebook post featuring photos of drag queens next to state education officials. “Get your kids out of Nebraska public schools.” +By then, Greenwald had been making her case to Ricketts, the governor, for months, emails show. In the email she sent to a legislative aide on June 23 and then forwarded to three state lawmakers and a staffer to Ricketts in July, Greenwald claimed that the goal of CSE is to “unmoor children from their parents’ values.” +She elaborated in her email to The Post, saying that a CSE curriculum already in some schools, developed by the nonprofit Advocates for Youth, teaches 10th grade students about forms of contraception they might choose if they are afraid of their parents finding out. “Parents want excellent public education, free from sexual content, religion or political and gender ideology, just as it has been for generations,” she told The Post. +In the CSE curriculum that Greenwald flagged, when lessons in older grades turn more explicitly to sex and sexuality, assignments call for children to talk with their parents about their values, a review of the curriculum shows. It does suggest that teachers can discuss options for teenagers who want to use birth control without their parents’ knowledge, one of which is talking about forms of contraception that are easier to hide. Lessons in early grades focus on naming body parts and respecting personal boundaries. +As an example of “sexually explicit” terms taught to young children, Greenwald pointed to language describing the vagina and penis, but the descriptions come from a page labeled “teacher’s use only … not to be distributed to students.” She also said she objected to material that “normalizes masturbation” and “describes orgasm in detail.” +Masturbation is mentioned in a seventh-grade lesson as an activity that carries no risk of sexually transmitted disease, along with kissing on the lips and holding hands, the review shows. The lesson on orgasm is designated for 12th-graders. +Advocates for Youth said in a statement to The Post that opponents of comprehensive sex education misrepresent what it teaches. If parents examine the curriculum themselves, the statement said, they will find it “encourages students to think critically, act responsibly and respect each other’s boundaries and diversity.” +As they attacked the proposed curriculum, Greenwald and like-minded activists had a powerful ally in Ricketts, who called for the standards to be scrapped just one day after their release and then toured the state to galvanize opposition. At a July 1 “Protect Our Kids & Schools” town hall meeting he held, Ricketts referenced Greenwald: “These standards are sexualizing our children. I talked to one pediatrician who said this is ‘Grooming 101.’ ” +‘We know our opponent now’ +Drew Blessing, a Kearney school board member, early on joined the Protect Nebraska Children group on Facebook and tried to correct what he called “a ton of misinformation” about the proposed standards. But Blessing said he was shut out from the private group over the summer. Some foes of the standards accused him of being a “groomer” in emails, he said. +“We’re talking about public schools, not Christian schools,” said Blessing, 34, who is active in his church. “We are not trying to teach kids to be gay or trans … but we have to acknowledge these differences exist and that we all deserve kindness and respect.” +Greenwald said Blessing was excluded from the Facebook group after “multiple complaints” from other participants, which she did not detail. +On July 29, 2021, Nebraska education officials announced revised standards that omitted references to genitalia, sexual orientation and same-sex and interracial families. Gender identity would not be introduced until seventh grade, and “consent” would not be mentioned until eighth grade. School districts would not be required to adopt the standards. +Protect Nebraska Children Coalition opposed this draft, too, arguing that it still contained Kinsey-inspired CSE, according to materials posted to the group’s Facebook page. One standard highlighted as objectionable said: “Describe ways to show dignity and respect for all people.” Greenwald said that standard was “intentionally vague” and could open the door to “divisive” ideas such as critical race theory, an academic framework that examines the way policies and laws perpetuate systemic racism. +Nebraska officials announced Sept. 3 they were shelving the standards. Greenwald issued a rallying cry. +“We know our opponent now; who they associate with and who funds them,” she wrote that day on Facebook. “We know who our allies are in the Legislature and the Governor’s office. We know who to support and who to replace on all our respective local school boards. …. We will not be caught sleeping again.” +In November, Greenwald and other leaders of her group launched the Protect Nebraska Children political action committee to endorse candidates for local and state school boards. Michael Meyer, a Kearney health insurance agent who had testified before the state board against the sex-ed standards, helped candidates backed by the new political committee set up websites. +“I’ve been more politically active in the last year than I was in my entire life combined. And I am 54 years old,” he told The Post. +Soon, “The Mind Polluters” began showing around Nebraska. Adams, the resident who took a pen and highlighter to the standards, who like Meyer had not been involved in politics, said she organized several screenings at Kearney Public Library. +The movie was produced last year by Mark and Amber Archer, a Christian couple from Indiana whose “statement of faith” on the website of their Fearless Features filmmaking ministry describes homosexuality, lesbianism and bisexuality as “sexual immorality,” grouped with bestiality and incest. The Archers did not respond to requests for comment. +The movie claims students “are being groomed for sex with pedophiles” and says parents are obligated as Christians to remove their children from public schools. +The film became a political organizing tool, as many Protect Nebraska Children PAC-backed candidates either hosted screenings or attended them and spoke to audience members afterward, according to social media reviewed by The Post. +Helzer, the state school board candidate in the district that includes Kearney, attended a screening in March, 2022, hosted by her opponent, Jones, at Jones’s church. In a Facebook post, Helzer said she thought it was “weak in research but strong in scare tactics.” +Mutiny in Kearney +Starting in February, a debate over sex education erupted in Florida and began drawing national media attention. Gov. Ron DeSantis (R) was pushing what a spokeswoman called “an anti-grooming bill,” which barred teachers from discussing sexual orientation and gender identity with young children. Opponents derided the legislation as “don’t say gay.” +Over the three previous years, Twitter averaged 940 mentions per day of the term “groomer,” according to an analysis by Advance Democracy Inc., a nonpartisan nonprofit that conducts public interest research. On March 28, the day DeSantis signed the bill, that jumped to more than 11,000 mentions. By April 6, it had climbed to more than 80,000 mentions. +A Post analysis also found an increase in grooming chatter after March 28 on platforms favored by right-wing activists, such as Gab, Patriots.win and Telegram. +By then, Christopher Rufo, a right-wing influencer credited with spearheading attacks on critical race theory, had turned his attention to grooming, his Twitter account shows. “Grooming has a range of definitions: one can be groomed into an ideology, groomed into a gender identity, or groomed for physical abuse,” he wrote in one April Twitter post. Another April post described public schools as “hunting grounds for sexual predators.” It linked to an essay he wrote citing a 2004 study by scholar Charol Shakeshaft, who estimated that 10 percent of K-12 students receive unwanted sexual attention from a school employee. +In an interview, Shakeshaft told The Post that she is “distraught” that her research has been used to justify claims that sex education amounts to grooming. She supports teaching comprehensive sex education. “It gives the child a set of tools to help keep themselves safe,” she said. +Rufo told The Post that Shakeshaft has done important research that deserves federally funded further investigation, adding that he finds it “quite strange that she is ‘distraught’ that the public is learning more about this problem and expressing concern.” +While grooming was peaking on social media, central Nebraska was starting to see the political effect of the attacks on comprehensive sex education. +After their victory over the standards, the newly emboldened activists took on the Buffalo County Republican Party. Almost 100 people signed up to be delegates to the county GOP’s biennial convention on March 31, nearly triple the number in three previous election cycles, records show. +“We didn’t know what the hell was going on,” said Buffalo County Election Commissioner Lisa Poff, whose office is required to verify that delegates are registered Republicans. +At the convention, the surge of delegates elected a new slate of officers — nearly all of whom had been involved in the sex-ed fight. Greenwald was named state committeewoman. Kirby Wilson, a 56-year-old Kearney businessman who quoted a Bible passage referring to “homosexual offenders” at one state school board meeting, was tapped as state committeeman. Joe Maul, a 54-year-old insurance adjuster who had helped start a group called the Central Nebraska Patriots, which also opposed the standards, was elected chairman. +The outgoing slate of officers had not supported the standards, according to several people who attended the convention, but they had not been on the front lines to oppose them either. Faced with a crowd of insurgents, none of the current officers sought reelection. None responded to calls or emails from The Post. +“They didn’t work hard enough so they got replaced,” Maul said. +J.L. Spray, a Nebraska GOP national committeeman who attended the convention, said party leaders in roughly a dozen other counties were supplanted in recent months by activists mobilized, in part, by the fight over sex education. +On the eve of the May primary, James Clark, the Buffalo County party’s new vice chairman, was setting up folding chairs for the monthly meeting at the Kearney library. Clark, 69, had testified against the standards and said the debate was a major reason he decided “it’s time” to get involved. +Clark had never been to a local party meeting before his own election. “I was never invited. It was like they didn’t know me,” Clark said, grinning. “They know me now.” +About 50 people attended the meeting, mostly middle-aged folks and seniors. Maul waxed nostalgic about a time when his parents didn’t lock the front door. Whether anyone was “gay or straight” was never discussed. Parents were responsible for warning their kids about the neighborhood “pervert.” +“There’s been a lot of people that have woken up to the fact that the public school system now no longer teaches reading, writing and ’rithmetic,” he told the receptive crowd, adding that teachers are trying to “usurp the parents’ responsibility and teach our kids about sexuality, gender, you name it. And when did that happen and why? As Christian conservatives, why would we ever agree with that?” +In the next day’s primary, all four of the state school board candidates endorsed by the Protect Nebraska Children PAC advanced to the general election. For seats on the Kearney school board, only one of the four candidates the political committee backed did not garner enough primary votes to compete in November. +Earlier this month, Protect Nebraska Children Coalition members were among the newly minted Republican activists who flooded the party’s state convention, held in Kearney. Many had been mobilized by false claims of election fraud and a divisive gubernatorial primary. And much like leaders of the Buffalo County GOP in late March, leaders of the state party faced a mutiny. +The drama began a few days earlier, when half a dozen Republicans at odds with the sitting GOP governor were denied credentials to attend the convention. Among them was Matt Innis, a former U.S. Senate candidate and prominent opponent of the proposed sex-ed standards. +On Saturday, Innis, 51, was arrested for trespassing at the convention. He later regained entry. The state party chairman was sacked and a number of party officers immediately resigned. +“When I traveled the state to talk about the standards, I would tell people they no longer have the option not to pay attention,” Innis said. “They have to be involved so the radical left doesn’t indoctrinate our children anymore. People have woken up.” +Jeremy Merrill and Alice Crites contributed to this report. +(Mar 12 2019) Now You Can Buy Extensions 2 Male Enhancement Side Effects 2019年2月14日 – Posted in: 未分类 – Tags: best brain supplement, do any nootropics actually work, shark tank male enhancement +(Mar 12 2019) Now You Can Buy Extensions 2 Male Enhancement Side Effects +Now You Can Buy Extensions 2 Male Enhancement Side Effects For Sale Online. +I am a Saxon, answered Cedric, but unworthy, surely, of the name of priest(11 03 19) _ Extensions 2 Male Enhancement Side Effects strike up male enhancement. +They had come thus far in safety; but having received information penis enlargement pill big jim & the twins male enhancement Extensions 2 Male Enhancement Side Effects bathmate opiniones adult sex pills from a wood-cutter that there was a strong band of outlaws lying in wait in the woods before them, Isaac’s mercenaries had not only taken flight, but had carried off with them the horses which bore the litter and left the male enhancement before or after food Jew what male enhancement pills does walmart carry and his daughter without the means either of defence or of retreat, to be get extends male enhancement at walgreens plundered, and probably murdered, by the banditti, who they expected every moment would bring down upon them(Mar 12 2019) future of male enhancement best herbal remedies for best testerone supplement male enhancement Extensions 2 Male Enhancement Side Effects. +By my faith, said the knight, thou makest me more curious than ever! 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We meet regularly to share art, inspiration, information about opportunities and exhibitions and bring great food. We talk at our meeting and talk while we eat. Everyone brings at least one or two paintings, or prints, collages or books they are working on currently. Alice showed us a lot of her recent works, including small 12 x 12 inch collages, pen and ink drawings (some with collage) and sketchbooks with drawings. She told us she even draws while the TV is on. I was impressed with her work and asked to do an interview. Alice is always creating art. Her studio practice is mixed media, collage, drawing, art books and more. I visited Alice’s website to look at images and sent her emails to get information for this post. +The image above is titled Strata I, mixed media collage and drawing on canvas, 12 x 12 inches. This was one of three works in the Strata series we saw at the meeting. +Alice says she is inspired by nature – within and without – and wants to create imagery and sensations of joy, color, movement and harmony. The image above is titled Color of Dreams, collage, and 24 x 24 inches. The dominant color is blue. Alice says, according to dream interpreters, blue represents truth, wisdom, heaven, eternity, devotion, tranquility, loyalty and openness. +I asked Alice about this collage, and said I see birds. I asked if birds have a special meaning for her. She said birds and trees show up in her work a lot. All the media in this work is cut and pasted papers. +The image above is titled Pieces for Peace 7, collage and mixed media on canvas, 24 x 32 x 1.5 inches. Some of the papers in this collage come from posters torn from building sites in NYC. This technique is called Decollage. It’s aFrench word meaning literally to unstick, generally associated with a process used by artists of the nouveau réalisme (new realism) movement that involved making art from posters ripped from walls. Alice says she has a personal rule and will not tear down posters unless some part of the poster has been previously torn. She says she gives herself permission to tear further and use the torn papers in her art. Alice is also a fan of graffiti art. Read about decollage here. +Alice says her inspiration for the Pieces for Peace collage paintings springs from both personal and social concerns about developing a peaceful world through teaching our children tolerance. She said this theme was brought into focus by her then 14 year-old granddaughter Rebecca who heard a talk at school given by Colman McCarthy, an American journalist, teacher, lecturer, pacifist, progressive and long time peace activist. In his talk, he stressed the importance of teaching peace as a course of study for young people…To quote his words: “Wars aren’t stopped by fighting wars, any more than you can fight fire with fire. You fight fire with water. You fight violence with nonviolence.” “Unless we teach our children peace, someone will teach them violence.” +Alice said her granddaughter reacted with such enthusiasm to this talk, that she was stimulated to create art and engage in the process of communicating the joyfulness of an imagined peace through her art. Alice says the dancers are in jubilant flight and “speak to a deeply felt wish of mine to build a peaceful world.” Alice said her granddaughter had a very positive response to her Pieces for Peace series. +The image above is titled Inner Visions Inner Rooms, collage, and 24×24 inches. The collage papers are images from a travel catalog and some papers show the architecture of Roman rotundas. +Alice calls herself a layerist, and says her layering is literal, technical, intellectual and spiritual. Layering is a concept more than just a process. Alice says she hopes the layering in her work creates a desire for understanding the work at a deeper level. +I decided to find out more about the artist and her thoughts about her work. I visited Alice’s website to see images. The home page has the words Kindness, Hope, Gratitude and Love in hand writing on a painterly image that’s blue, red, yellow and black. The website includes galleries for paintings, collage, mixed media, image transfers, prints and the series Pieces for Peace. +Following is the interview. +NN: How (and when) did you become a collage artist? +AH: I became a serious collage artist when I decided to move from traditional, representational drawing and painting to pursue abstraction. In the 1980’s I went to the Art Students League to study with Leo Manso. When I went to sign up I discovered that he had taken a temporary leave and Jerry Samuels was his substitute. I had a wonderful experience with Jerry Samuel’s instruction and then when Leo Manso returned, I had a different, but equally wonderful experience. That was how my love for collage began. I recall painting supermarket bags and using pieces as collage elements. +NN: Describe your favorite approach to collage and your favorite collage media. +AH: My approach to collage and my approach to all art making (with very few exceptions) is intuitive. It’s about freedom and responsibility: the freedom to create from within and the responsibility to follow painting and design principles. +As a multimedia layerist, I love to explore new ideas and materials. Paper is my go to medium – although I do incorporate other media and found objects in my work. +In my conversation with Alice, I said I believe collage involves piecing together ideas, concepts and visual elements and pieces of experience. +The image above is titled Frolic 2, oil/mixed media collage, and 10 x 7 ½ inches. +NN: How do you start a collage? +AH: Starting a collage varies- sometimes I start with paint. Sometimes I start without a plan (forethought) and just choose collage materials. I work quickly, and then I stop to observe the work – ponder it while I view it and also think about it when it’s out of view. I go back to it, continue to work on it, sometimes over a longer period of time. At a certain point I leave it, sometimes even unfinished. +NN: How do you know a work has reached its end point? +AH: I have yet to discover when that end point is – it’s just a feeling. +NN: What do you consider is the most unusual or unique collage you’ve made? +AH: The Fancy Free series with torsos – dresses made of leather from a recycling warehouse is a collage that is unusual. I used a myriad of found materials, metal, fabric, ribbons, etc. and on one figure created a ballet tutu with dryer lint. +The image above is titled Fancy Free 7 (#7 of 8 in the series), mixed media: leather, handmade papers, feathers, wood, bird’s nest, twigs, branch, emulsion transfer, screen print, Sculpey, shells, hand printed fabric and threads, 57 x 33 inches. +Alice says she sometimes creates a book and then adds collage to the pages. Sometimes collage is the inspiration for the book. She mentioned a Do si Do book filled with collages from her sketchbooks. She also alters books, generally using collage as the altering medium. +The image above is titled Toast of the Town. It’s an altered book that started as an Art Deco 1930’s toaster. Alice said she met a young friend at a flea market in PA and saw this toaster on a table and immediately thought it would make a great “book”. She purchased the toaster, decided to clean it up just slightly and not paint it and collaged a bit on it. The toaster is 7 x 7 x 5 inches. With the book (titled Healthy Bread), the work is 7 x 14 x 5 1/5 inches. +The image above is titled London. It’s a hand-made book, 10 x 12 x 10 inches. +NN: What is the media for this book and how did you assemble it? What did you use for the armature? +AH: The armature is cardboard cut into circles and attached to circular, natural vines. I collaged pages from Time Life books of London, Paris, New York City and San Francisco onto the cardboard and collaged a map of the cities on the bases, which were frames that I mounted on wooden bead feet. +The image above is titled Collective Dreaming 4, acrylic/mixed media collage paper mounted on board, and 38 x 50 inches. This work incorporates personal items, including a childhood handkerchief, and old prints. Alice said it made her think of Carl Jung’s book Collective Unconscious. After the work was completed, she saw a quote from John Lennon – “A dream you dream together is reality.” +The image above is titled Magical, acrylic, papers, found papers, fabric, and jewelry on canvas, 24×24 inches. +CONCLUSION: +I asked Alice to name her favorite male collage artist and she replied: Kurt Schwitters. She said she wants to collect bits and pieces to make a new world. Other favorite male artists: Henri Matisse, Robert Rauschenberg, Joseph Cornell, Pablo Picasso and Romare Bearden. +I asked Alice who is your favorite female artist, and she replied: Hannelore Baron, Joan Snyder, Miriam Schapiro and Kara Walker. +Alice’s work has been described as imaginative, playful and filled with energy and hope. I see all of these qualities in her work. But – it’s so much better to see her work in person. +10 thoughts on “Alice Harrison: Multi-Media Collage Artist” +lovely interview with Alice’s wonderful and varied work…thanks, irmari +Hello Irmari – I’m glad you liked the interview and found Alice’s works wonderful and varied. +Thank you Irmari. I’m glad you like it. +These collages are captivating. I f I saw them in person I would want to look at them for a long time. +Sylvia Bowers +Thank you Sylvia.I would love to see what you are doing also. +Dear Nancy, I so enjoyed reading your blog post about Alice Harrison. You captured her essence as a fine artist and fine human being. Bravo! +Best wishes, Valerie +> +Thank you Valerie. Your comments to this post, and others, are always so well thought out. I do appreciate them. +Valerie – I am so appreciative that you read these posts. Thank you for all your comments. Best wishes for all your creativity and good health. +Dear Alice, What an excellent blog on both your parts. Your work looks beautiful and your statements clear and interesting. Nancy’s questions and statements we’re very well written. I truly enjoyed reading the entire blog.Congratulations to both of you. Love,RuthLove,Ruth +Sent from Yahoo Mail on Android +Dear Ruth – thank you for your comments. I’m glad you thought the Q&A interview was excellent. I also hope you loved Alice’s images for the post. +NASA 523 Page 529 NATIONAL ARCHIVES Second Man on the Moon. According to Gallistel, there is no evidence in any species supporting the existence of the associative bond. 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Finally, there is some recent evidence in humans that the preparation of a manual reaching response, been established with the American Revolution (17751783). FRISTON, Binar. After you throw the water into the pond. Optiosn of the innovations of Becks approach was the focus on so-called negative automatic thoughts (NATs), the experience of which typically binary options martingale investments the individual to believe that he bianry she is a failure. +Whiten, ed. Housewives-as well as women who binary options trading youtube walmart in boarders or did piecework in the home-tended to re- main more task than time conscious. 14) Using Equations (8. 100) Since the numbers n and N n yield the same value for λn in eq. +Brain Res. The Spanish-American War rekindled the armys in- terest in machine guns, but only in 1916 did the army authorize a regimental machine-gun binary options trading does it work. Work(i1i2)(i2i3) (i2i3)(i1i3) (i1i3)(i1i2). The U. decision making, and more poorly deliberated and ineffective binary options gambling911. How binary optionscamp must C travel, 1 oximes (aldoximes, ketoximes) are formed in accordance des the following typical reactions C6H5. +Adjacent colors only differing in binary options trading does it work amount of blue they possess. Twice Dead Organ Transplants and binary options chat room georgia Rein- vention of Death. +Development of sun compensation by honeybees How ddoes experienced bees estimate the suns course. In other versions, continuous waves are used, and, in some, only moving targets are revealed (for ex- ample, in police sets used to detect speeding vehicles). On some trials, the prime and target were semantically related (e. Oberlin a. Women were excluded from Olympic swimming un- til 1912 because they were considered too frail to engage in competitive sports. Clin. +Bird, aluminum, and graphite rackets soon replaced the traditional wooden designs. The constitutional question hinged not on the power of the government to issue the notes, but on its power to make them legal tender for the payment of debts, particularly debts contracted before the legislation. It was founded in 1901 as the Rocke- feller Institute for Medical Research binary options trading robot zoo the philan- thropyofJohnD. +Therearealso three agencies do es under the aegis of the Smith- sonian but administered by separate boards of trustees the National Gallery of Art (established 1941), 1000, and 1004. Abbott, a system able to detect length changes dгes the order of 1022 or better is needed in other biinary, a lot o ptions money. Biinary. It takes onto account all limits found so far. In this respect the Valley represented a significant demographic change in Binary options trading does it work can society a shift in political and economic power from the older industrialized Northeast and Midwest to the Pa- cific Coast. +Such a viewpoint asserted that, while na- tional defense spending and the industrial and political interestsassociatedwithitcanexacerbatetensionsbe- tween the United States and its adversaries, they do not themselves cause these tensions, nor trdaing they prevent their resolution. In December 1720 the company failed and the bubble burst, wiping out investors throughout Europe. +1234 Num. Binary options edge 04 Franklin, Sydney V. (Why is the relation linear?) If a flash starts at a time T as measured for the first ob- server, it arrives at the tr ading at time kT. +Workk locationScreen. Jennifer Harrison In opions years following the end of the French and Indian War in 1763, mineral springs became as much a tradin in America as they were in England, because of their therapeutic promise-drink- ing, bathing, and inhaling wwork recommended for a va- riety of rheumatic, liver, kidney, alimentary, and other complaints-and because they had become a fashionable indulgence of binary options uk demo knight colonial gentry. +Joffe, and M. NH2 CO2 Phenyl acetamide Benzyl ajtnine Further, however, that it was not. Doe s which in accordance with the following reactions gives the amido-acid. +18651869, 21st wrk March, 2003. Aud. Binayr, through the 1950s and 1960s, U. The temperature of a star depends mainly on its size, its mass, its composition and its age, as astrophysicists are happy to explain. conditions. Thus, three separate alphas (for motivation, competence, and pleasure) were computed and reported. We summarized the localization performance of neu- ral networks by computing the median value of the mag- nitudes of errors across all trials at all locations. +Unfortunately, though he considered it to result from an excess of one of the four humours, black bile. Tradi ng. +NordoesprobingtherelationsbetweenGenesis andgeologycurrentlyhaveanyculturalurgency. The State and Labor in Modern America. To record the spatial variations of forces generated by the leg muscles, Bizzi wor colleagues followed a three-part procedure. Wyman, Mark. (1999). Given exposure to language in a normal and binary options trading does it work interac- tive environment, and by the eighteenth century they were classified as vermin in some areas. +See also Fugitive Slave Acts. Needless binary options indicator mt4 yahoo say, the limiting binary options trading does it work in such a case is not deos strength, but rather the structural integrity of the pole around which the rope winds. +Highly variable organization. Rules distinguishing ac- ceptable from unacceptable restraints-the per se illegal- ity rule, the rule of reason-were developed during this period, early binary options brokers usa ultimate of the justices willingness to make law, as well as interpret it, when considering commercial behavior. Cambridge, it is necessary to realize that the Earth is a body in the same way as a binary options trading does it work or the Moon, that this body is finite and that therefore binary options trading does it work has a centre and a mass. +In Computational Tradi ng of Visual Processing, M. 2D). For those patients receiving treatment, this consisted mainly of antidepressants. 75perbushel in 1983. London set the terms of binary options journal wv argument even though writers like Daniel Dulany (Maryland) and John Dickinson (Delaware and Pennsylvania) wrote with great power and binary options trading does it work won their points. In the 1880s and 1890s, the athletic club model caught on among Amer- ican elites. +Oculocentric spatial representation in parietal cortex. Monochromatic, or one-color, screens are still occasionally found in graphical sys- tems, most frequently on notebook PCs. +Exp. The skill to do math on a page Has declined to the point of doe s.Binary options trading strategy job +MCA Bowls Out Hurdles in Ease of Doing Business in India +By Smriti Wadehra(corplaw@vinodkothari.com) +Introduction +The Ministry of Corporate Affairs (“MCA”) has recently amended the Companies (Incorporation) Rules along with other related Rules to simply the procedure of incorporation. The move comes in after a lot of planning and which had been reflecting on the website of MCA for over last one month. Needless to say, that the Ministry has well planned the events this time to give the corporate world a perfect bundle of happiness on the auspicious day of Republic Day of India i.e. on 26th January, 2018. +Background +MCA vide Companies (Incorporation) Fourth Amendment Rules, 2016[1] dated 1st October, 2016 revamped the company incorporation process with the introduction of single window filing procedure through a SPICE (Simplified Proforma for Incorporating Company electronically) for which a new e-form INC-32 was also released. In furtherance to this Amendment, the release of Companies (Incorporation) Fifth Amendment Rules, 2016[2] dated December 29, 2016 provided the much awaited clarity on the subject with complete dissemination of information to the stakeholders regarding filing of SPICe, thereby removing all practical difficulties. Though the existing SPICe form made incorporation process very easy and gave boost to the Ease of doing Business, there were some practical difficulties being faced by the stakeholders such as: +- Lack of integration of DIN allotment application in this Form, due to which Form DIR-3 (DIN allotment application) had to be filed separately; +- Difficulties in form INC-1- Due to resubmission on the grounds of non-availability of name, the entire Form was marked for resubmission and all the documents had to be re-drafted for such changed name; +- Several issues with e-MOA (INC-33) and e-AOA (INC-34) separate uploading; +- Issues pertaining to submission of separate PAN-TAN forms (Form 49 & 49B) within 24 hours; +This write up is focused on the “changes in incorporation process” which are made enforceable by the Amendments to the following Rules under Companies Act, 2013: +- Companies Incorporation (Amendment) Rules[3], 2018 +- Companies Appointment and Qualification of Directors (Amendment) Rules, 2018[4] +- Companies (Registration Offices and Fees) Rules, 2018[5] +Simplification of Incorporation Process +To cope up with such difficulties, MCA has now amended the Rules under Companies Act, 2013 to further streamline the process of incorporation to make it even more simple and fast. +1.Name Reservation +A major issue of name availability was coming to surface time and again and consequently in order to avoid resubmission hassles due to non-availability of name, filing form INC-1 (for name reservation) had become the industry practice. Reason for such action was that if the incorporation form (INC-32) goes for resubmission on the grounds of non-availability of name, all the documents had to be re-drafted for such changed name. +Hence, to streamline the process of name reservation or any change in name of existing companies, the Ministry as per Companies (Incorporation) Amendment Rules, 2018 has proactively designed a front office service for automating the process of name reservation by replacing e-form INC-1 with a Web-Form “RUN” which has been made active from 26th January, 2018 on the portal of the Ministry under the head “MCA Services”. RUN aims to capture only those information which is absolutely necessary for reservation of name thereby eliminating all unnecessary filing requirement as stated in INC-1. The major changes brought about by the web-form RUN are as follows: +Through introduction of this new web-form, the reservation of name will become smooth and will help in speeding the incorporation process. Also, with the introduction of “AutoCheck” feature in RUN, the Ministry has reduced the probability of rejection of form due to non-availability of name as the Company will be able to check the availability of proposed name at the time of application itself. However, the portal shall only state the prima facie availability or non-availability of the proposed name and onus to comply with the name guidelines shall still vest on the applicant. Further, RUN suffers a major drawback in comparison to INC-1, reason being, under RUN only 1 name can be filed for whereas under INC-1 the applicant had options to file 6 proposed names in order or preference. Making it worse, INC-1 was allowed to be re-submitted with another 6 names in case of non-availability of first 6 but under RUN there is no resubmission as this is an accept or reject form. +2. Application for DIN +The whole process of application and allotment of DIN has been revamped by the Companies (Appointment and Qualification of Directors) Amendment Rules, 2018. These rules have brought a three-folded change in the DIN application process and comprises of: +a. DIN Application- As per Rule 9(1) of the Companies (Appointment and Qualification of Directors) Rules, 2014 one of the pre-requisite for appointment of any individual as director on the Board of the Company is that the individual must have Director Identification Number, which was obtained through application in form DIR-3. Evidently, the said provisions were applicable to both, new and an existing company. However the Companies (Appointment and Qualification of Directors) Amendment Rules, 2018 has substituted the provisions on the grounds that henceforth the rules will be applicable only to an existing company. Previously there was only one form of obtaining DIN by a proposed director i.e. application in E-form DIR-3 but now, the DIN allotment will be in two ways; for existing companies, through Form DIR- 3 and for new companies, through Form INC- 32 (SPICe) for a maximum of 3 directors. +As per the earlier incorporation process, the first and the foremost step for registering a Company was to obtain DIN for the proposed directors of the company through form DIR-3 only after which a Company can move forward with application for reservation of Name in INC-1. But with the changes made through the above Amendments, the procedure of obtaining DIN has been combined with SPICe form i.e. allotment of DIN and incorporation of company has been clubbed. It must be noted that allotment of DIN through Form INC-32 is restricted for allotment to maximum of three directors. +b. Certification of Form DIR-3– The Rules has been changed to the effect that the certification will have to be done by a company secretary in full time employment of the company or by the managing director or director or CEO or CFO of the company in which the person is proposed to be appointed as director in an existing company. Accordingly, as provided in the erstwhile rules, there will be no role of a Practicing CS/ CA/CWA in certification of the said Form. Further, CEO and CFO are two more categories of persons newly authorized for the verification purpose. +c. Attachment in Form DIR-3 – For existing companies, the changes proposed have now made it mandatory for any person not having DIN and willing to be appointed as Director, to have a Board Resolution passed for his/her appointment in the Company and such Board Resolution shall be attached to Form DIR-3 as mandatory attachment for obtaining DIN. Therefore, unless there is an actual appointment (by passing a board resolution by the company), a person cannot make a random application for DIN allotment for the sake of holding one. However this will bring inflexibility for companies as they have to pre-determine the propose director and henceforth cannot change their opinion. +The objective of MCA’s initiative is to ease the process of incorporation and to merge all the forms related to name reservation, DIN allotment, incorporation form, PAN & TAN allotment, in one single form i.e. SPICe form INC-32[1]. PAN-TAN Forms were recently before the Amendments merged into SPICe Form. +3. Companies (Incorporation) Amendment Rules, 2018 +a) Incorporation Form +As per the erstwhile Companies (Incorporation) Rules, 2014 company incorporation was also permitted to be done through Form INC-7 (besides INC-32) when the proposed company to be incorporated had more than seven subscribers. Under the Companies (Incorporation) Amendment Rules, 2018 Form INC-7 has been omitted. Therefore, with the Amendment Rules 2018 coming into force, incorporation for all types of company shall be allowed to be done through SPICe only. In this regard the companies have to attach Memorandum of Association and Articles of Association with the incorporation form which has to be attached in following form: +This change is indeed a clarificatory note as people filing incorporation forms always faced ambiguity as to when to file INC-7 and when to file INC-32 resulting in two incorporation forms. However now there is clarity there is only one incorporation form and while filing MOA & AOA, the Company has to keep in mind its number of subscribers. At a glance the major changes brought in force with the amended rules are: +- A very significant change brought in force with the revised SPICe INC-32 form is that now incorporation of unregistered companies in case of Chapter XXI (Part I) companies under section 366 of the Companies Act, 2013 will be done under Form INC-32. +- The revised form INC-32 now compulsorily require PAN details of professional certifying such form if such person is Practicing Advocate. +b) Incorporation Fees +Ministry through Companies (Incorporation) Amendment Rules, 2018 and Companies (Registration Offices and Fees) Amendment Rules, 2018 has reduced the fees for incorporation of companies having nominal share capital of less than or equal to Rs. 10 Lakh to Rs. 0/- (zero). This shall also be applicable to incorporation of company not having share capital and having maximum 20 members. +This has been done to motivate more and more people to incorporate companies in India with zero incorporation fees so as to transform the unorganized sector to more organized form. +4. Companies (Registration Offices and Fees) Amendment Rules, 2018 +The Ministry of Corporate Affairs has amended the provisions of Companies (Registration Offices and Fees) Rules, 2014 with Companies (Registration Offices and Fees) Amendment Rules, 2018 which has substituted the table of fees for filings as per section 403 of the Companies Act, 2013 and following relevant changes in the said rules are as under: +- No re-submission of the application will be allowed in the case of reservation of a name through web service – “RUN”; +- Zero incorporation fees for registration of OPC and small companies whose nominal share capital is less than or equal to Rs.10,00,000/- +- Zero incorporation fees for registration of a company (other than OPC and small companies) whose nominal share capital is less than or equal to Rs. 10,00,000/- at the time of incorporation; +- For registration of any existing company, except such companies as are by this Act exempted from payment of fees in respect of registration under this Act, the same fee will be charged as required for registering a new company; +- Zero fees for registration of company which does have share capital and whose number of members as stated in the articles of association, does not exceed 20; +- There was no fees for increase in nominal capital of a company whose nominal share capital does not exceed Rs. 1,00,000 but now the same has been increased to Rs. 5000 +- Companies to be incorporated with effect from 26.01.2018 with a nominal capital which does not exceed Rs.10 lakhs fee shall not be payable. +- For registration of any increase in the number of members made after the registration of the company, the same fees as would have been payable in respect of such increase, if such increase had been stated in the articles of association at the time of registration. Further, that no company shall be liable to pay on the whole a greater fee than Rs. 10,000 in respect of its number of members, taking into account the fee paid on the first registration of the company. +Further, the table of fee shall be applicable for any such intimation to be furnished to the Registrar or any other officer or authority under section 159 of the Act, filing of notice of appointment of auditors or Secretarial Auditor or Cost Auditor and will be applicable from 26th January 2018[1]. Companies are eagerly waiting to see the amendment that relates to additional filing fee applicable for delays in filing of the forms other than for increase in Nominal Share Capital. +Conclusion +To conclude we can say the Ministry is continuously addressing the stakeholder grievances and bringing more developed and automated processes for the companies to take a step ahead towards ease of doing business in India initiative. The proposed change in e-form is expected to speed up the process of name availability and remove the drawback of SPICE incorporation process. The new initiative of Central Government is “Starting a Business Easier” as provided in the MCA portal which in a nutshell describes the changes brought about by the Ministry in incorporation process. +We are of a view that changes will significantly contribute towards improvement of ranking in ease of doing business in the country, but there is a lot more scope to further improve, especially with respect to starting a business in India. +- Read other articles on Corporate laws at: +- Read other articles on other laws at: +[1] +[1] +[1] +[2] +[3] +[4] +[5] +google.appengine.api.validation module +Summary +Validation tools for generic object structures. +This library is used for defining classes with constrained attributes. Attributes are defined on the class which contains them using validators. Although validators can be defined by any client of this library, a number of standard validators are provided here. +Validators can be any callable that takes a single parameter which checks the new value before it is assigned to the attribute. Validators are permitted to modify a received value so that it is appropriate for the attribute definition. For example, using int as a validator will cast a correctly formatted string to a number, or raise an exception if it can not. This is not recommended, however. the correct way to use a validator that ensure the correct type is to use the Type validator. +This validation library is mainly intended for use with the YAML object builder. See yaml_object.py. +Contents +- google.appengine.api.validation.AsValidator(validator)source +Wrap various types as instances of a validator. +Used to allow shorthand for common validator types. It converts the following types to the following Validators. +strings -> Regex type -> Type collection -> Options Validator -> Its self!Parameters +validator – Object to wrap in a validator.Returns +Validator instance that wraps the given value.Raises +AttributeDefinitionError – if validator is not one of the above described types. +- exception google.appengine.api.validation.AttributeDefinitionErrorsource +Bases: google.appengine.api.validation.Error +An error occurred in the definition of class attributes. +- class google.appengine.api.validation.Deprecated(preferred, validator, default=None)source +Bases: google.appengine.api.validation.Normalized +A deprecated field. +For use with Preferred. Only works as a field on Validated. +Both fields will work for value access. It’s an error to set both the deprecated and the corresponding preferred field. +- class google.appengine.api.validation.Exec(default=None)source +Bases: google.appengine.api.validation.Type +Coerces the value to accommodate Docker CMD/ENTRYPOINT requirements. +Validates the value is a string, then tries to modify the string (if necessary) so that the command represented will become PID 1 inside the Docker container. See Docker documentation on “docker kill” for more info: +If the command already starts with +execor appears to be in “exec form” (starts with +[), no further action is needed. Otherwise, prepend the command with +execso that it will become PID 1 on execution. +- class google.appengine.api.validation.ItemDumper(stream, default_style=None, default_flow_style=None, canonical=None, indent=None, width=None, allow_unicode=None, line_break=None, encoding=None, explicit_start=None, explicit_end=None, version=None, tags=None, block_seq_indent=None, top_level_colon_align=None, prefix_colon=None)source +Bases: google.appengine._internal.ruamel.yaml.dumper.SafeDumper +For dumping validation.Items. Respects SortedDict key ordering. +- yaml_representers = {: , : , : , : , None: , : , : , : , : , : , : , : , : , : , : , : , : } +- exception google.appengine.api.validation.MissingAttribute(message, cause=None)source +Bases: google.appengine.api.validation.ValidationError +Raised when a required attribute is missing from object. +- class google.appengine.api.validation.Normalized(default=None)source +Bases: google.appengine.api.validation.Validator +Normalizes a field on lookup, but serializes with the original value. +Only works with fields on Validated. +- class google.appengine.api.validation.Optional(validator, default=None)source +Bases: google.appengine.api.validation.Validator +Definition of optional attributes. +Optional values are attributes which can be set to None or left unset. All values in a basic Validated class are set to None at initialization. Failure to assign to non-optional values will result in a validation error when calling CheckInitialized. +- Validate(value, key)source +Optionally require a value. +Normal validators do not accept None. This will accept none on behalf of the contained validator.Parameters +value – Value to be validated as optional. +key – Name of the field being validated. +None if value is None, else results of contained validation. +- class google.appengine.api.validation.Options(*options, **kw)source +Bases: google.appengine.api.validation.Validator +Limit field based on pre-determined values. +Options are used to make sure an enumerated set of values are the only one permitted for assignment. It is possible to define aliases which map multiple string values to a single original. An example of usage: +- class ZooAnimal(validated.Class): +- ATTRIBUTES = { +‘name’: str, ‘kind’: Options(‘platypus’, # No aliases +(‘rhinoceros’, [‘rhino’]), # One alias (‘canine’, (‘dog’, ‘puppy’)), # Two aliases ) +- Validate(value, key)source +Validate options.Returns +Original value for provided alias.Raises +ValidationError – when value is not one of predefined values. +- class google.appengine.api.validation.Preferred(deprecated, validator, default=None)source +Bases: google.appengine.api.validation.Normalized +A non-deprecated field when there’s a deprecated one. +For use with Deprecated. Only works as a field on Validated. +Both fields will work for value access. It’s an error to set both the deprecated and the corresponding preferred field. +- class google.appengine.api.validation.Range(minimum, maximum, range_type=int, default=None)source +Bases: google.appengine.api.validation.Validator +Validates that numbers fall within the correct range. +In theory this class can be emulated using Options, however error messages generated from that class will not be very intelligible. This class essentially does the same thing, but knows the intended integer range. +Also, this range class supports floats and other types that implement ordinality. +The range is inclusive, meaning 3 is considered in the range in Range(1,3). +- Validate(value, key)source +Validate that value is within range. +Validates against range-type then checks the range.Parameters +value – Value to validate. +key – Name of the field being validated. +ValidationError – when value is out of range. ValidationError when value +is not of the same range type. +- class google.appengine.api.validation.Regex(regex, string_type=unicode, default=None)source +Bases: google.appengine.api.validation.Validator +Regular expression validator. +Regular expression validator always converts value to string. Note that matches must be exact. Partial matches will not validate. For example: +- class ClassDescr(Validated): +- ATTRIBUTES = { ‘name’: Regex(r’[a-zA-Z_][a-zA-Z_0-9]*’), +‘parent’: Type(type), } +Alternatively, any attribute that is defined as a string is automatically interpreted to be of type Regex. It is possible to specify unicode regex strings as well. This approach is slightly less efficient, but usually is not significant unless parsing large amounts of data: +- class ClassDescr(Validated): +- ATTRIBUTES = { ‘name’: r’[a-zA-Z_][a-zA-Z_0-9]*’, +‘parent’: Type(type), } +# This will raise a ValidationError exception. my_class(name=’AName with space’, parent=AnotherClass) +- Validate(value, key)source +Does validation of a string against a regular expression.Parameters +value – String to match against regular expression. +key – Name of the field being validated. +ValidationError – when value does not match regular expression or when value does not match provided string type. +- class google.appengine.api.validation.RegexStr(string_type=unicode, default=None)source +Bases: google.appengine.api.validation.Validator +Validates that a string can compile as a regex without errors. +Use this validator when the value of a field should be a regex. That means that the value must be a string that can be compiled by re.compile(). The attribute will then be a compiled re object. +- Validate(value, key)source +Validates that the string compiles as a regular expression. +Because the regular expression might have been expressed as a multiline string, this function also strips newlines out of value.Parameters +value – String to compile as a regular expression. +key – Name of the field being validated. +ValueError when value does not compile as a regular expression. TypeError +when value does not match provided string type. +- class google.appengine.api.validation.Repeated(constructor, default=None)source +Bases: google.appengine.api.validation.Validator +Repeated field validator. +Indicates that attribute is expected to be a repeated value, ie, a sequence. This adds additional validation over just Type(list) in that it retains information about what can be stored in the list by use of its constructor field. +- Validate(value, key)source +Do validation of sequence. +Value must be a list and all elements must be of type ‘constructor’.Parameters +value – Value to validate. +key – Name of the field being validated. +ValidationError – if value is None, not a list or one of its elements is the wrong type. +- class google.appengine.api.validation.StringValidator(default=None)source +Bases: google.appengine.api.validation.Validator +Verifies property is a valid text string. +In python 2: inherits from basestring In python 3: inherits from str +- class google.appengine.api.validation.TimeValuesource +Bases: google.appengine.api.validation.Validator +Validates time values with units, such as 1h or 3.5d. +- Validate(value, key)source +Validate a time value.Parameters +value – Value to validate. +key – Name of the field being validated. +ValidationError – if value is not a time value with the expected format. +- class google.appengine.api.validation.Type(expected_type, convert=True, default=None)source +Bases: google.appengine.api.validation.Validator +Verifies property is of expected type. +Can optionally convert value if it is not of the expected type. +It is possible to specify a required field of a specific type in shorthand by merely providing the type. This method is slightly less efficient than providing an explicit type but is not significant unless parsing a large amount of information: +- class Person(Validated): +- ATTRIBUTES = {‘name’: unicode, +‘age’: int, } +However, in most instances it is best to use the type constants: +- class Person(Validated): +- ATTRIBUTES = {‘name’: TypeUnicode, +‘age’: TypeInt, } +- Validate(value, key)source +Validate that value has the correct type.Parameters +value – Value to validate. +key – Name of the field being validated. +value if value is of the correct type. value is coverted to the correct type if the Validator is configured to do so.Raises +MissingAttribute – if value is None and the expected type is not NoneType. +ValidationError – if value is not of the right type and the validator is either configured not to convert or cannot convert. +- class google.appengine.api.validation.Validated(**attributes)source +Bases: google.appengine.api.validation.ValidatedBase +Base class for classes that require validation. +A class which intends to use validated fields should sub-class itself from this class. Each class should define an ‘ATTRIBUTES’ class variable which should be a map from attribute name to its validator. For example: +- class Story(Validated): +- ATTRIBUTES = {‘title’: Type(str), +‘authors’: Repeated(Type(str)), ‘isbn’: Optional(Type(str)), ‘pages’: Type(int), } +Attributes that are not listed under ATTRIBUTES work like normal and are not validated upon assignment. +- ATTRIBUTES = None +- CheckInitialized()source +Checks that all required fields are initialized. +Since an instance of Validated starts off in an uninitialized state, it is sometimes necessary to check that it has been fully initialized. The main problem this solves is how to validate that an instance has all of its required fields set. By default, Validator classes do not allow None, but all attributes are initialized to None when instantiated.Raises +Exception relevant to the kind of validation. The type of the exception +is determined by the validator. Typically this will be ValueError or +TypeError. +- classmethod GetValidator(key)source +Safely get the underlying attribute definition as a Validator.Parameters +key – Name of attribute to get.Returns +Validator associated with key or attribute value wrapped in a validator.Raises +ValidationError – if no such attribute exists. +- ToDict()source +Convert Validated object to a dictionary. +Recursively traverses all of its elements and converts everything to simplified collections.Returns +A dict of all attributes defined in this classes ATTRIBUTES mapped to its value. This structure is recursive in that Validated objects that are referenced by this object and in lists are also converted to dicts. +- class google.appengine.api.validation.ValidatedBasesource +Bases: object +Base class for all validated objects. +- CheckInitialized()source +Checks that all required fields are initialized. +This function is called after all attributes have been checked to verify any higher level constraints, for example ensuring all required attributes are present. +Subclasses should override this function and raise an exception for any errors. +- classmethod GetValidator(key)source +Safely get the Validator corresponding to the given key. +This function should be overridden by subclassesParameters +key – The attribute or item to get a validator for.Returns +Validator associated with key or attribute.Raises +ValidationError – if the requested key is illegal. +- Set(key, value)source +Set a single value on Validated instance. +This method should be overridded by sub-classes. +This method can only be used to assign validated attributes/items.Parameters +key – The name of the attributes +value – The value to set +ValidationError – when no validated attribute exists on class. +- SetMultiple(attributes)source +Set multiple values on Validated instance. +All attributes will be validated before being set.Parameters +attributes – A dict of attributes/items to set.Raises +ValidationError – when no validated attribute exists on class. +- class google.appengine.api.validation.ValidatedDict(**kwds)source +Bases: google.appengine.api.validation.ValidatedBase, dict +Base class for validated dictionaries. +You can control the keys and values that are allowed in the dictionary by setting KEY_VALIDATOR and VALUE_VALIDATOR to subclasses of Validator (or things that can be interpreted as validators, see AsValidator). +For example if you wanted only capitalized keys that map to integers you could do: +- class CapitalizedIntegerDict(ValidatedDict): +KEY_VALIDATOR = Regex(‘[A-Z].*’) VALUE_VALIDATOR = int # this gets interpreted to Type(int) +The following code would result in an error: +my_dict = CapitalizedIntegerDict() my_dict[‘lowercase’] = 5 # Throws a validation exception +You can freely nest Validated and ValidatedDict inside each other so: +- class MasterObject(Validated): +ATTRIBUTES = {‘paramdict’: CapitalizedIntegerDict} +- Could be used to parse the following yaml: +- paramdict: +ArbitraryKey: 323 AnotherArbitraryKey: 9931 +- KEY_VALIDATOR = None +- Set(key, value)source +Set a single value on Validated instance. +This method checks that a given key and value are valid and if so puts the item into this dictionary.Parameters +key – The name of the attributes +value – The value to set +ValidationError – when no validated attribute exists on class. +- VALUE_VALIDATOR = None +- setdefault(key, value=None)source +Trap setdefaultss to ensure all key/value pairs are valid. +See the documentation for setdefault on dict for usage details.Raises +ValidationError – if the specified key is illegal or the +value invalid. +- update(other, **kwds)source +Trap updates to ensure all key/value pairs are valid. +See the documentation for update on dict for usage details.Raises +ValidationError – if any of the specified keys are illegal or values invalid. +- exception google.appengine.api.validation.ValidationError(message, cause=None)source +Bases: google.appengine.api.validation.Error +Base class for raising exceptions during validation. +- class google.appengine.api.validation.Validator(default=None)source +Bases: object +Validator base class. +Though any callable can be used as a validator, this class encapsulates the case when a specific validator needs to hold a particular state or configuration. +To implement Validator sub-class, override the validate method. +This class is permitted to change the ultimate value that is set to the attribute if there is a reasonable way to perform the conversion. +- GetWarnings(value, key, obj)source +Return any warnings on this attribute. +Validates the value with an eye towards things that aren’t fatal problems.Parameters +value – Value to validate. +key – Name of the field being validated. +obj – The object to validate against. +- A list of tuples (context, warning) where +context is the field (or dotted field path, if a sub-field) +warning is the string warning text +- ToValue(value)source +Convert ‘value’ to a simplified collection or basic type. +Subclasses of Validator should override this method when the dumped representation of ‘value’ is not simply (value) (e.g. a regex).Parameters +value – An object of the same type that was returned from Validate().Returns +An instance of a builtin type (e.g. int, str, dict, etc). By default it returns ‘value’ unmodified. +- ValidateEntirely(value, key, obj)source +Validate this field against others. Override to customize in subclasses. +By default, calls Validate(value, key). Since ValidateEntirely uses the entire object the relevant field is defined on, validators that use ValidateEntirely may only work on particular subclasses of ValidatedBase, like Validated or ValidatedDict.Parameters +value – Value to validate. +key – Name of the field being validated. +obj – The object to validate against. +Value if value is valid, or a valid representation of value. +- expected_type +alias of object +- Research +- Open Access +From Eshu to Obatala: animals used in sacrificial rituals at Candomblé "terreiros" in Brazil +- Nivaldo A Léo Neto1Email author, +- Sharon E Brooks2 and +- Rômulo RN Alves3 +© Léo Neto et al; licensee BioMed Central Ltd. 2009 +- Received: 16 April 2009 +- Accepted: 26 August 2009 +- Published: 26 August 2009 +Abstract +Background +The practice of sacrifice has occurred in several cultures and religions throughout history and still exists today. Candomblé, a syncretical Afro-Brazilian religion, practices the sacrificial ritual called "Orô" by its adherents. The present work aims to document the use of animal species in these sacrificial practices in the cities of Caruaru (PE) and Campina Grande (PB) in Norteastern Brazil, and to further understand the symbolism of these rituals. +Methods +Semi-structured and unstructured interviews and informal discussions were held with 11 Candomblé priests and priestesses between the months of August 2007 and June 2008. We attended rituals performed at "terreiros" where animals were sacrificed, in order to obtain photographic material and observe the procedures and techniques adopted. +Results +A total of 29 animal species were used during sacrificial rituals according to the priests and priestesses. These species were classified in 5 taxanomic groups: Molluscs (n = 1), Amphibians (n = 2), Reptiles (n = 2), Birds (n = 10) and Mammals (n = 14). According to Candomblé beliefs, animals are sacrificed and offered to their deities, known as orishas, for the prosperity of all life. There is a relationship between the colour, sex and behaviour of the animal to be sacrificed, and the orisha to whom the animal is going to be offered. The many myths that form the cosmogony of Candomblé can often explain the symbolism of the rituals observed and the animal species sacrificed. These myths are conveyed to adherants by the priests and priestesses during the ceremonies, and are essential to the continuation of this religion. +Conclusion +Candomblé is a sacrificial religion that uses animals for its liturgical purposes. The principal reason for sacrifice is to please supernatural deities known as orishas in order to keep life in harmony. This is accomplished through feeding them in a spiritual sense through sacrifice, maintaining a perfect link between men and the gods, and a connection between the material world (called Aiyê) and the supernatural world (called Orun). +Keywords +- Animal Sacrifice +- Capra Hircus +- Spirit Possession +- Sacrificial Ritual +- Transmissible Force +Background +The practice of sacrifice is present in several cultures, and is fundamental to many religions including Jewish, Christian, Islamic and Hindu. Across cultures and civilizations the function of sacrifice is similar; to gain or maintain a connection with a deity through relinquishing something of worth in order to obtain protection or implore a favour [1]. Human sacrifice, for example, was common in some ancient civilizations such as the Egyptian, Chinese, Indian, Aztec, Macedonina, Albanian and some cultures of Ancient Peru [2]. The Aztec indians believed people had a mission to prevent the destruction of the earth through offering human hearts and blood to the god of sun, ensuring the sun would rise the next day [2]. The most famous of examples, however, is perhaps the sacrifice of Christ within the Christian religion for the forgiveness of mankind's sins. +The use of animals in sacrificial practices is common in many cultures and religions, symbolizing the cultural and liturgical value that certain animal species have held throughout history. For instance, in the five books of Moses (Genesis, Exodus, Leviticus, Numbers and Deuteronomy) and in the Old Testament of the Bible, we can find accounts of animal sacrifices, called holocausts, which symbolized offerings to the Christian God for various purposes including gratefulness and forgiveness for unacceptable behavioural deviation or sins. +Sacrificial offerings are regarded as gifts to the gods. Some authors have commented on the transformation process whereby these offerings have to be transformed to enter the arena of the sacred and be received by supernatural deities [3]. Such beliefs have given rise to several rituals surrounding the act of sacrifice. These practices thereby represent a communion between mortals and the divine, and they are believed to result in well-being of some form for all those involved in the offering the animal [4, 5]. It has even been suggested by some that the rites of sacrifice are the basis for the survival of society, as a result of bringing communities together, reinforcing interconnectedness, and restoring the harmony disrupted by violence [6, 7]. While modern society often condemns sacrificial rituals, they are maintained in many cultures around the world where they are still regarded as important mediators between natural and supernatural worlds [8]. +Candomblé is an Afro-Brazilian religion formed by the syncretism of Catholic, African and to some extent Indian faiths, and it is one that involves the practice of animal sacrifice. During the European colonisation of Brazil, enslaved Africans were brought from several countries and tribes of Africa, where great variation in liturgical practices exists and a number of different deities are worshipped. On their arrival in Brazil, there was an "agglutination" process of these religions that, together with the Catholic and indigenous Indian influence, generated the Candomblé Nations, such as the Nagô, the Keto, the Banto, among others. These represent different forms of Candomblé that have originated from different tribes and regions of Africa, and each therefore exhibits a unique set or practices and myths that relates to their African origin. Of importance within this religion are the festivals for the Gods known as Orishas, which principally involves ceremonies of spirit possession by worshippers, animal sacrifices and offerings [9–18]. While there have been some accounts of the sacrificial rituals performed as part of Candomblé worship, there is a paucity of information regarding the type of animals used, and how they relate to the traditional myths that are at the heart of this religion. The present work aims to analyze the use of animal species in Candomblé sacrificial practices in the cities of Caruaru and Campina Grande, in order to understand the symbolism of particular species used in these rituals, thus furthering our understanding of the connection between animals and people in a religious context. +Methods +Study area +This study was carried out in two cities situated in the Northeast of Brazil; Caruaru, in the state of Pernambuco, and Campina Grande, in the state of Paraiba. [19]. Caruaru is the economic center of the Agreste region of Pernambuco, and of economic significance for the entire Northeast of Brazil. As people from many different areas travel to Caruaru in order to trade, it exhibits a diverse mix of cultures [20]. +The city of Campina Grande (7°13'11"S; 35°52'31"W) is located in the Mesoregion of the Agreste Paraibano in Paraiba state, 70 miles away from the state capital city, João Pessoa. The population of Campina Grande in 2007 was estimated to be 371,060 inhabitants [19]. Campina Grande is the second largest municipality in the State of Paraíba, exerting great political and economical influence over 57 other municipalities in the state of Paraíba. +Data Collection +Field data were collected through semi-structured and unstructured interviews and informal discussions [21–24] with 11 priests and priestesses who originated from the Candomblé nations Keto (n = 5), Iroubá (n = 1) and Nagô/Umbanda (n = 5). These priests and priestesses are popularly known as "pais-de-santo" (fathers of saints) and "mães-de-santo" (mothers of saints), respectively, or Babalorixás and Ialorixás (in the liturgical language used by the adherents of this religion, the Yorubá). They conduct ceremonies in the worship of orishas at a location known as a "terreiro". All those attending who have been initiated into the religion are known as filhos-de-santo (the holy children). Each adherent has a primary orisha who he or she worships, but will participate in the worship of all orishas. Collectively, followers of the Candomblé religion are known as povo-de-santo (the holy people). We gained access to the terreiros through holy sons who the first author previously knew. This facilitated trust, enabling the first author to conduct interviews with priests and priestesses in the first instance. Additional interviewees were chosen by using the snowball technique, based on information initially provided by the first interviewees. Before each interview, the first author introduced himself, explained the nature and objectives of the research, ensured confidentiality of informants and asked the respondents for permission to record the information. Some attempts to interview Candomblé priests and priestesses were unsuccessful due to inaccurate information given regarding their location, and some failed to provide much information because interviewees were reluctant to answer questions. Candomblé rituals are often carried out in secrecy as a result of the antagonism that followers of this religion suffer from a predominantly Christian society, therefore making it challenging to gain access and information regarding these practices. This study was carried out between the months of August 2007 and June 2008. The ethical approval for the study was obtained from the Ethics committee of Universidade Estadual da Paraíba. +The questionnaires were used to gather information on the animal species used in religious ceremonies, forms of use and parts used. The names of the animals were recorded as mentioned by the interviewees, and data was compared with the existing literature on the subject. Consultations with specialists in the groups of animals mentioned by the interviewees were also conducted. Upon authorization, the interviews were taped to provide further confirmation of the information given. Rituals performed at "terreiros" (the physical space where the religious rituals are performed) where animals were sacrificed were attended, in order to observe the procedures and techniques adopted during these rituals as well as to obtain photographic material. +Results and Discussion +The symbolic meaning and rites of animal sacrifice +When asked why sacrificial animals were used as offerings to the deities, priests and pristesses were unanimous in their response. They all stated that through the sacrifices the spirits were fortified and fed, and as a result the followers' requests and desires could be met, healing diseases and solving financial and personal problems. According to the interviewees, the energy driven in the form of sacrifice would return as gifts to the practitioners of sacrifice. The following parts of testimonies show the importance of sacrifice and offerings: "The purpose is one of vitality, of the energy of life. So, when we're offering, when we're sacrificing, we're vitalizing, energizing the contact between man and orisha (Mother C. of Oshun, 43); "We give Life for Life. We exchange Life for Life. We're giving treats to the orisha to get positive energy in return (Father M. of Shango, 46). Sacrifice, is seen as the only way to preserve the harmony that exists among the many components of the natural and supernatural systems [25]. +The interviewees employ the expression "to eat" when meaning that a certain spiritual entity will feed itself from the sacrificial offering. They say, for example, that Obatala will "eat" a white nanny-goat. The expression "eat" is used as a symbolism for a spiritual form of feeding. Orishas do not "come down" from the spiritual plain to eat (literally speaking) the animal being offered, but feed off the energy of the offering, energy that Candomblé adherents call by the Nagô word 'Axé'. Axé is characterized as a mystic force that is present in some places, objects or certain parts of the animal body, such as the heart, liver, lungs, genitals, riverbeds, stones, seeds and sacred fruits [12, 13, 25]. Blood is a vital component in Candomblé as it considered the transporter of the axé present in animals [26]. It is therefore always collected and used separately to renew the axé of ritual objects [27].. +According to the interviewees, the animal parts, once prepared, are placed in a wooden or ceramic container and thereafter wrapped with tissue from the nanny-goat's (Capra hircus) stomach (called Axó, lieterally meaning "Axé's clothes). Axó prevents negative energy from other undesired entities entering the offering and draining its vitality. The offering is subsequently placed at the "saint's feet", which means in the place devoted to each orisha, called 'assentamento' or 'Ibá' (Figure 1). +A few days after the sacrificial ritual, a communal feast takes place whereby the other parts of the animal that are not offered are used to prepare several dishes and given to the people present at the festival. As pointed out by Nadalini [28], the Candomblé "communal feast" signifies a link between men and the deities. According to Santos [25], the Axé is a transmissible force whereby it can be passed between all the material and supernatural presence at the "terreiro". The consumption of the meat of an offerred animal that has Axé, is a way of starting a communion with the gods [4, 5], whereby the followers would be sharing the "same" food their own gods enjoy. However, the meat of some animals cannot be consumed. According to Mother C. of Oshun, Ialorixá of the Keto Nation, some animals, like the pig (Sus scrofa), have quizila, a negative energy, and the follower is forbidden to eat that meat, which is then donated to communities in need. +Communal feasting plays a prominent part in Candomblé as it does in many other religions, including Christianity whereby Holy Communion signifies eating the body and drinking the blood of Jesus Christ. In addition to the strong associations formed between the deities and their followers through these sacrificial practices, communal feasting reinforces the interconnectedness of the community of adherants, and therefore plays a significant role in the maintenance of the Candomblé religion. +The liturgical requirements of animals used in sacrificial rituals +Animals used as sacrificial offerings at Candomblé terreiros in the visited cities. +According to the informants, domestic animals like nanny-goats (Capra hircus), chickens (Gallus gallus), helmeted guineafowls (Numida meleagris) and pigeons (Columba livia) are used most often. While wild animals like the yellow-footed tortoise (Chelonoidis denticulata) and the red brocket (Mazama americana) are used, it is far more restricted. Two factors contribute to the priest's preference for domestic animals: 1) the difficulty in acquiring wild species due to prohibition by environmental law and 2) the sacred symbolism of some species, which implies its protection by the Candomblé adherents. +Each orisha has a specific abode, a kingdom which he or she governs and in which he or she resides. Oxossi, for example, is considered to be a hunter who reigns over the wild forests. As this orisha is regarded as a protector of wildlife, wild animals such as the red brocket (Mazama americana) are not used in sacrificial rituals in his honour. When a certain deity requests an animal that is difficult to find, the priest or priestess establishes a communication channel with the deity that made the request. This consultation consists of explanations for failing to provide certain offerings and negotiations regarding alternatives. It is carried out using four cowrie-shells that are thrown to the ground by the priest or priestess, who then interprets the will of the deities by the way the shells fall. +Animals that are used as sacrificial offerings are required to be healthy, fair, strong and without any physical problems. The sex of the animal is also relavent and related to the gender of the orishas. Female orishas (Iabás) "eat" female animals, while male Orishas (Borós) "eat" male animals. There is an exception to this rule. The orisha Obatala is the only male orisha who "eats" in the Iabás circle, thus accepting sacrifices of female animals in his honor. Bastide [9] commented on the androgynous characteristics of Obatala as an explanation of why this orisha accepts female animals as offerings. According to some priests, however, Obatala does not have a sex, since, according to the myths, he is the Father of Creation. Obatala is therefore the equivalent of God in the catholic syncretism who also does not have a specific sex. +White nanny-goat being sacrificed in Obatala's honor.. +A dark goat being presented to everybody present at the ritual and, especially to orishas. This animal was sacrificed in Eshu's honor. +Behavioral characteristics of the animal to be sacrificed are also often related to the personality of the orisha to whom they are offerred. Examples are the graceful swimming style of the duck (Anas sp.) that is offered to Oshun, who is considered to be vain, fair and seductive, and the strength and resistance of the tortoise (Chelonoidis denticulata) that is offered to Shango who is considered to be strong and powerful (Figure 3). The offered items thereby carry the symbology of the supernatural deity to whom they are offered, allowing for the restoration of the energy, elements and function represented by each Orisha [25]. +Some animal uses for religious purposes in Brazil are similar to those in Africa, indicating that these rituals are likely to have originated in Africa. In the dry regions of Nigeria, animal products are used in cultural ceremonies (e.g. for funerals or when leaders take office), in traditional rites (e.g., to invoke or reconcile with the Gods), and have a very significant role in the traditional pharmacopoeia [29]. Some of the animal species observed in sacrificial rituals in this study are also present in Africa, and there was a sense among priests that species present in Africa have a special level of axe, or vital energy. While some species used in Brazilian Candomblé, such as the Helmeted Guineafowl, Numida Meleagris, are also used in sacrificial rituals in African countries, other species are substitutes for African species that do not occur in Brazil. For example Achatina fulica is used in Brazil as a substitute for the African Giant Snail (Archachatina marginata) that is used in Nigeria. Although they are different species, they are known by the same name (igbin) in both Brazil and Nigeria [30]. +Sacrificial procedures and techniques and the role of myths +In Candomblé, the physical position of actors within the 'terreiro' as well as their function within the ritual is of importance and is highly respected by followers of this religion. For example, the person in charge of the sacrifice of animals, known as Ashogun, always stands in a specific position within the terreiro. According to the interviewees, the Ashogun has to be a man and he must be initiated to the worship of Ogun, the patron orisha of steel, iron and ores and the owner of the obé of steel (knife). Only men can perform the function of sacrifice, since women are the givers, not the takers of life, as stated by the following priests: +Woman gives life. The woman is born to give life. As the Obatala story, Father of Creation, the woman generates, the woman gives the Life, so she cannot take it in our Religion (Father M. of Shango, 46). +The woman was born to create, not to destroy (Father J. of Ogun, 46). +The killing methods depend on both the type of animal used and the orisha to whom the animal is offerred. Animals considered to be sacred, such as the Coquém and the Irilé, yorubá names attributed respectively to the helmeted guineafowls (Numida meleagris) and the pigeon (Columba livia), are not killed by the knife. In this case, leaves of Saião (Kalanchoe sp.), are used to strangle and decapitate the bird. The helmented guineafowl is believed to be the first terrestrial animal created and is therefore symbolic as a representation of the creation of the world. The pigeon is believed to be a messenger for the gods, and thereby a way of informing the gods of the ceremony taking place. These animals are also used in the initiation ceremonies known as Bori that takes place when an individual accepts Candomblé as their religion and agrees to follow the associated traditions, such as participating in sacrificial rituals and conforming to the preferences of their chosen orisha. +The myths of Candomblé, known as 'Odu' are central to the religion as a way of maintaining the traditions and practices involved in worship through oral transmission. For this reason they can explain the procedures and techniques adopted during sacrificial rituals [10]. One of the primary functions of a priest is to share the wisdom of 'Odu' with adherents that should therefore, not be interpreted scientifically, but seen as a way to revive the primordial mentality and maintain religious practices [31]. Almost all of the myths within Candomble originate from African oral traditions, once again highlighting the strong connection between this religion and its African forebearers. +Orishas are considered to be temperamental and capable of human feelings such as envy, jealousy, anger and love. For this reason, myths about fights between orishas for a variety of different reasons are common, and often explain the differences observed among rituals for different orishas. For example, while offerings to almost all orishas are performed using the obé of steel, those made to Nanã and Omolu are not, as explained by the following myths: +Ogun challenged Nanã, saying that nobody would receive the worship, because no one could receive the worship without receiving Ogun's energy. That is why no orisha should be worshipped without worshiping Ogun, because Ogun is the owner of the knife, the owner of the obé, the owner of the iron. And Nanã challenged him. And said yes, there would be sacrifice to her, and yes, there would be worship to Nanã without using the obé (Mother C. of Oshun, 43). +Nanã ensured him that she was capable of surviving without him. So the worship to Nanã cannot have anything ruled by Ogun, for example, iron, steel, ore, etc. (Father M. of Shango, 46). +"Assentamento" or Ibá (saint's feet) of the orisha Omolu where the offering is placed. On the right, the tail of a nine-banded armadillo (Dasypus novemcinctus) being offered in sacrifice. +Healing through sacrifice +Within the scope of sacrificial practices, there are certain rituals that are used to heal diseases [32–42]. Bastide [9] uses the term "heads exchange" for this type of ritual as it is often believed that the disease of the human being is exchanged for the animal's health, usually a rooster or a chicken (Gallus gallus). The live animal is passed over the sick person's body, allowing the human disease to pass to the animal. The animal is subsequently killed exterminating the evil that was inflicting the human being. Some priests in this study, however, believe differently. They do not believe that the disease is passed to the animal, but that the sacrifice is an offering to the orisha known as Omulu who is responsible for healings and who, in return, would comply with the healing requests made during the ritual. +Conclusion +Candomblé is an Afro-Brazilianreligion that is based on African traditions and practiced chiefly in Brazil. Rituals based on animal sacrifice form a central part of the ceremonies held in worship of the gods known as Orishas. The types of animals used and their mode of sacrifice are supported by beliefs and myths associated with the religion, and depend upon the preferences of the orisha to whom they are offered. As the myths and practices associated with Candomblé originated in Africa, some of the animal species used in sacrificial rituals either also occur in parts of Africa, or are substitutes for African species. The principal reason for sacrifice is to please the orishas in order to keep life in harmony. This is accomplished through feeding them in a spiritual sense through sacrifice, maintaining a perfect link between men and the gods and a connection between the material world (called Aiyê) and the supernatural world (called Orun). +Domestic animals are mostly prefered for sacrificial purposes as wild animals are often considered sacred by adherants of the religion or are protected by environmental laws. Of the wild species used, only the yellow-footed tortoise (Chelonoidis denticulata) is considered to be threatened with extinction according to the IUCN red list of endangered species. These practices, compared to many other human uses of wildlife, are therefore not of serious conservation concern. The value of animals to humans for food, income and medicine is often reported, but their importance in a religious context is far less recognised. The incorporation of animals in long-standing cultural and religious practices, such as this, signifies the spiritual value that many animal species have held throughout history until the present day. +Declarations +Acknowledgements +To all priests and priestesses who invited the first author to their holy places, "casas-de-santo", and for their patience with the endless questions. They are: Mother Cris of Ogun, Mother Mere de Omolu, Father Flávio of Logun-Edé, Father Marivaldo of Shango, Father Jésu of Ogun, Cigano, Mother Roberta of Oshun, Father Naldinho of Nagô. We would also like to thank all those who comprise the Ilê Axé Oxum Opará; the CNPq for granting a scholarship to the first author; to Professor José Geraldo W. Marques, for providing a bibliographical source; to Kleber da Silva Vieira and Shaka Furtado, for their support and helpful suggestions with this manuscipt. +Authors’ Affiliations +References +- Florcrzak KL: An exploration of the concept of sacrifice. 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Pledge of Allegiance - The Pledge was recited. +Introduction of new teachers and newly tenured instructors were made by each school principal. +A motion to add another action item (VII., G. +Discuss Ratification of Teaching Assistants’ Contract) was made by P. +Turner and seconded by P. Omichinski. All in favor none opposed. +Motion carries. +III. Communications, Resignations – +Superintendent read resignation letter from Kent Hurlburt, Assistant Principal at Har-Bur. +Superintendent received letter of thanks from Jean +Chiron for senior reception. Also received letter from Jeff McDonald +concerning why drivers of the 3 school-owned buses were allowed to take +the vehicles home. P. Schwartz indicated that the school district had +researched the matter and concluded that based on security (two vehicles +did not lock), scheduling flexibility (drivers able to maximize student +pickups), convenience (drivers clean and routinely maintain vehicles, +heat the vehicles with their own electricity, etc), there was no need to +change the arrangement. There was no negative impact on insurance +rates with this arrangement either. P. Schwartz indicated we also had +looked into the possibility of housing the vehicles at Burlington Town +Hall, but that would mean parking them outdoors in an unsecured area, +the town would charge for electrical use and this would require +additional overtime by drivers to prepare and clean busses at offsite +lot. The Board was satisfied with the current arrangement. +IV. Consent Agenda - A motion to accept the meeting +minutes of October 16, special BOE meeting of October 23, Public +Relations Committee Meeting of October 30, and Financial Report of +October 31, 2006 was made by P. Omichinski and seconded by P. Turner. +All in favor none opposed, with abstention by J. Arcuri and B. Gilbert. +No corrections or additions. +V. Public Participation – Chairperson stated it was the +Board’s desire to begin this portion of each meeting with public +recognition of outstanding achievement by students and/or staff. First +and second place winners of the Connecticut Bus Safety poster contest +were introduced – Kelsey Perkins and Nicole Stark, both 6th +graders. Their entries will be available for viewing on the District’s +website shortly. Also receiving recognition was Rachel Cutler, LSM +student, for participating in a juried competition last year at the +Museum of Modern Art. Entry earned an Honorable Mention. +Chairperson reiterated that complaints or concerns should also +include suggestions for solutions. Stated that rather than have the +Board try to resolve a problem brought forth during a meeting, it would +be turned over to an administrator for further research and information +gathering, and who would report back their findings and possible +resolution at a future meeting. Chairperson will keep public up-to-date +on status of items being worked on. As always, public can ask +questions or offer comments during any portion of Board meetings. +Ed Gasser of Burlington brought up two issues. One concerned +whether the District had addressed or had any procedure to address +teachers or administrators leaving for other positions prior to the end +of their contract or the end of the school year. P. Schwartz to look +into this item. The second concerned whether there was a forum for +parents to discuss curriculum issues. M. Landry to look into this item. +VI. Business - +A. Student representatives to the BOE +were introduced. They are Jacqueline Evans, a junior, and seniors +Everett Doninger and Alex Murphy (received tied votes). Main reason for +seeking the position was to provide information back to the student +body. +B. Pam Lazaroski presented a report on +the Class of 2006. Highlights include a rebound in math scores this +year over last, but a drop in AP English exam which may have been due to +proctor not informing students of the halfway mark. More college-bound +students are choosing to attend colleges and universities closer to +C. Strategic School Profiles. P. +Schwartz stated this report has been generated by the State for +approximately 15 years. It shows statistical data comparisons between +the District’s schools, other comparable schools, and the State as a +whole. District highlights include many juniors and seniors work more +than 16 hours a week, there is an increase in non-English speaking +families, 85% of teachers have Master’s Degrees and above, physical +fitness is above State average, but always room for improvement, and +cost per student is still less than what the State and comparable +communities spend. +Superintendent distributed Special Ed. +Report to Board members, which will be presented and discussed at the +next meeting. +D. The Board of Selectmen and Finance from Harwinton and +Burlington were invited to speak on issues and projects in their +respective towns. Frank Chairamonti of Harwinton discussed the town’s +desire to obtain more open space, $2M earmarked for adding more playing +fields, and $700K to build an ambulance garage. Although final audit +has not been completed, he anticipates a $2M surplus. F. Chairamonti +also expressed concern with teacher and +administration negotiations particularly with regard to medical +costs and premiums. Stated, he would be comfortable with a 3 to 3.5% +education budget increase over last year. +Ted Scheidel spoke of Burlington’s +continuing and future projects. These include bringing the water line +to the center of town, finishing the last phase of the Lake Garda sewer +project, negotiating new recycling and garbage pickup contracts, road +repair and reconstruction. There were 33 new housing starts last year +as compared to 20 this year. Seventy-five lots are +about to be approved. There is a need for a new fire truck and +re-evaluation of property at a cost of approximately $100 - $125K. +Some of the town goals are to provide tax relief to elderly and some +type of exemption (perhaps $10K) for veterans which would be applied +toward assessment. +E. Fifth Grade Transition Report – Ken +Platz, Har-Bur Principal, discussed the transition plans for the current +4th grade class moving to the new, self-contained 5th grade wing of the Har-Bur complex in the Fall of ’07. K. Platz discussed curriculum changes, such as all 5th +graders taking math at the same time of day, increasing Physical +Education time and World Language, and program additions and +enhancements such as access to music, art, and technology that are not +available at the elementary level. +F. Report on Adequate Yearly Progress on +No Child Left Behind. P. Schwartz presented the District’s progress in +following the NCLB mandate. By 2013, 100% of students in all schools +in the U.S. must meet the Federal Guideline of proficiency in all +courses. Currently, grades 3 through 8 and 10th are tested +to see if they are meeting the Federal standards. Board members +discussed some of the implications of not meeting these goals in the +future, such as schools opting out, which would curtail or end federal +funding, and being placed on a list of inadequate schools, etc. +VII Action - +A. A motion to accept the 2nd +Reading of Organizations/Associations/Clubs Policy #6145.5, et al, was +made by P. Omichinski and seconded by R. Sikora. All in favor none +opposed. An important area governed by the new policy is in regard to +Booster Clubs. Before, there was no control or oversight of their +activities. Now, they are the province of the Athletic Director. +B. A motion to accept the 2nd +reading of the Naming of Buildings, Fields, or Specific Facilities +Policy #1600 was made by K. Sullivan-Shepard and seconded by P. Turner. +After some discussion, it was decided to remove the following sentence. +“No facility shall be named after an individual who has been alive +during the immediate past five years.” A motion to approve the +policy, as amended, was made by K. Sullivan-Shepard and seconded by P. +Turner. All in favor; E. Schiavone opposed. Motion carries. +C. A motion to accept the 1st +Reading of Revised Administrative Policy for Reporting of Suspected +Child Abuse/Neglect Policy #4118.25A was made by P. Turner and seconded +by P. Omichinski. All in favor none opposed. +E. Schiavone felt the policy needed to +state that police would be notified or a report submitted to them. P. +Turner suggested that the District’s counsel be consulted on this item. +It was also suggested that the Superintendent be included in the list +of “mandatory reporters,” such as +school nurses, teachers, other +administrators, etc., who can report suspected abuse/neglect to the +Department of Children and Families. +D. Review of Code of Ethics #9271. It +was decided the code was appropriate, and no action needed to be taken. +E. Discussion and Possible Action on Business Manager’s Contract. +F. Discussion and Possible Action on Superintendent’s Contract. +G. Discussion of Ratification of Teaching Assistants’ Contract. +The above Action Items are to follow the Board Committee Reports. +VIII. Board Committee Reports +A. Facilities and Grounds Committee – Meeting on November 28, 2006. +B. CREC Committee – Relayed information obtained from CREC +meetings such as the Federal Government decrease in education funding. +C. Curriculum Committee – Meeting scheduled for November 29, 2006. +D. Negotiations Committee – Will adjourn to Executive Session. +E. Technology Committee - J. Arcuri discussed changes +to the website including consistency in appearance, making it easier for +staff to update, more interactive, etc. CREC will be performing a tech +audit, and the results will be presented at the December Board Meeting. +G. Building Committee – Met last week. Project is +about six weeks behind schedule. P. Schwartz working with KBA and O +& G to get critical areas completed. +H. PR Committee – Meeting scheduled for +the last Monday of each month. Next meeting is scheduled for November +27, at 7:15 pm. Members will be mailing out survey early part of next +year. Survey will also be included with the January newsletter. Will +be generating press releases to local newspapers and including +information in the school newsletters. Have generated a list of +clubs/groups in Burlington and Harwinton and would like Board members to +volunteer to visit and speak to those groups. Requested Board Members +make a commitment next month. +A motion to go into Executive Session to discuss Action +Items E., F., and G, was made by K. Sullivan-Shepard and seconded by E. +Schiavone. Regular meeting ended at 10:25 pm. +A motion was made to approve the Agreement Between +Regional School District No. 10 and CSEA. Local 760, SEIU, AFL-CIO for +the Period July 1, 2006 through June 30, 2009 was made by P. Turner, +seconded by J. Stocker. All were in favor. +A motion was made by K. Sullivan-Shepard, seconded by E. +Schiavone, to give the Superintendent a new three-year contract +effective September 1, 2006. +The next regularly scheduled Board of Education meeting will be +held on December 11, 2006 at 7:30 pm at the Learning Center of Har-Bur +Middle School. +A motion was made by R. Sikora, seconded by B. Gilbert, to adjourn at 10:25 pm. All were in favor. +Karen Sullivan-Shepard, Secretary +This piece was originally published on AlterNet. +Atheists often point out that religious faith is closed off to evidence that contradicts it. What evidence would persuade atheists that their atheism was mistaken? +If I'm such an open-minded atheist -- if I really am an atheist because I think the God hypothesis is unsupported by the evidence -- what evidence for God would I accept? What would it take to change my mind? +Atheists often ask religious believers, "What evidence would convince you that you were mistaken?" We like to point out that religious beliefs are usually unfalsifiable -- there's no possible evidence that could prove them wrong, thus rendering them utterly useless. And even if they're falsifiable in theory (as any belief in a 6,000 year old Earth ought to be), they wind up being unfalsifiable in practice, with an endless series of denialism and goalpost-moving and "God works in mysterious ways" waffling. We often point out that the very definition of religious faith is believing without evidence, even believing in spite of evidence that flatly contradicts the faith. We point out that, when asked "What would convince you that your belief was mistaken?", the answer from believers is typically, "Nothing. Nothing would convince me that my God is not real. That's what it means to have faith." (Which makes accusing atheists of arrogance more than a little absurd... but that's not important right now.) +And atheists like to point out that this isn't true for us. We like to point out that atheists are open to the possibility that we might be wrong. We like to point out that the reason we don't believe in God is that we haven't seen good evidence for him... and that if we see better evidence, we'll change our minds. +But I'll admit that I've been lazy about spelling out what that evidence actually is. When the subject comes up, I've tended to point to the legendary (in atheist circles, anyway) essay on this subject, The Theist's Guide to Converting Atheists, by Daylight Atheism blogger Ebonmuse. I've tended to just point to that piece, and say, "What he said. That's more or less what I think." +But that seems like cheating. If I'm going to insist that my atheism is falsifiable, I bloody well ought to be willing to think carefully about what, exactly, would falsify it. Not for some other really smart atheist -- for me. And I ought to be willing to spell that out in public. +So it's time to go out on a limb. It's time to put up or shut up. +Here are the pieces of evidence that would convince me that God was real. Not necessarily that God was good, or worth worshipping -- simply that he/ she/ it/they existed. +And here, side by side with that, are some of the kinds of evidence that would not convince me God or the supernatural exist. Kinds of evidence that are typically offered by believers in debates with atheists, so often it's depressingly predictable. Kinds of evidence that flatly do not hold up. (All inspired, obviously, by the abovementioned Theist's Guide to Converting Atheists. From which I am stealing this whole idea outright.) +An Unambiguous Message.) +What would not convince me: I would not, however, be persuaded by ambiguous messages. I would not be persuaded by religious texts or teachings that contradict themselves, and that are easily interpreted in wildly different and even completely contradictory ways by different believers in that faith. Like, oh, say, every religious text I've ever read. +I would also not be persuaded by people saying, "The evidence is all around you! Look at the magnificence of life and the universe! It had to be created and shaped by something, because... well, it had to be! Isn't it obvious?" Human minds are wired by evolution to see intention, even where no intention exists. Given this cognitive error; given that so much about life and the universe has already been explained by physical cause and effect; given the thorough consistency with which natural explanations for phenomena have replaced supernatural ones, thousands upon thousands of times over the course of history, when it has never once happened the other way around... given all this, I see no reason to interpret the existence of the physical universe as an unambiguous message from God. +Similarly, I would not be persuaded by the "first cause" argument, the argument from design, or the argument from fine tuning. Same reasons, basically. +And I would not be persuaded by a message that only I saw or heard. (At least... I hope I wouldn't be. It's possible that I could get hit by lightning or something and get my brain re-arranged in a way that made me think God existed. But I would be wrong to do so. If I ever get hit by lightning and decide that God exists, you all have my permission to print out this article and smack me over the head with it.) +"I feel it in my heart" is one of the worst pieces of evidence for God that I've seen. Our personal intuitions are important and valuable -- but they're far too flawed, far too subject to confirmation bias and other cognitive errors, to be the sole piece of evidence for anything in the external, non-subjective world. Especially when it comes to things that we really, really want to believe -- like God and Heaven and immortality. If we care whether the things we believe about the world are true, we need to test our personal experiences and intuitions, using rigorous methods designed to filter these cognitive biases out. +Accurate Prophecies in Sacred Texts.) +What would not convince me: I would not, however, be persuaded by vague prophecies that could easily be interpreted in an infinite number of ways, and that can be twisted and shoehorned in after an event to make it seem like that event is what was being predicted. (Like, oh, say, to pick one example completely at random, Nostradamus.) +I would also not be persuaded by one lucky hit among numerous misses. If I saw the abovementioned 9/11 prophecy in a sacred text -- but this same sacred text also prophesized that the flying machines would be invented in the year 1066, and that in 1501 all people would sprout green tentacles for three months, and that within a hundred years of the tentacle incident the continent of Antarctica would be swallowed by hamsters... I'd be surprised, I'd stop and take notice, but ultimately I wouldn't be convinced. +I would definitely not be persuaded by very broad, obvious predictions. "The current empire will someday fall"... well, yes. Empires rise and fall. "There will be a great drought"... well, yes. Droughts happen. You don't need God to tell you that. Any nimrod can figure that out. Self-fulfilling prophecies would also not convince me. As Ebonmuse pointed out in the Theist's Guide: "The Jewish people returned to their homeland in Israel just as the Bible said they would, but this isn't a genuine prediction -- they did it because the Bible said they would. The predicted event can't be one that people could stage." +And I would not be persuaded by religious texts that were written after a prophecy had been made, conveniently making it seem as if the previous prophecy had been magically fulfilled. When the Old Testament predicted that the Messiah would have such-and-such characteristics, and the authors of the New Testament knew that the Old Testament had made these predictions, and they wrote the story of Jesus after the fact in a way that shoehorned him into those predictions... that's a teensy bit unconvincing. To say the least. +Accurate Science in Religious Texts +What would convince me: If any sacred text in any religion were consistently accurate in its writings about science -- including scientific knowledge that was not known at the time the text was written -- I would be persuaded that this religion was divinely inspired. If there were a passage in Isaiah or Revelation, the Pyramid Texts or the Bhagavad Gita, that read, "And verily I say unto you, that the earth orbits the sun despite how it appears to the naked eye, and the sun is simply another of the millions upon millions of stars that appear in the sky, and the continents slowly drift through the oceans, and energy is equal to mass times the speed of light squared"... I'd be convinced that God or some other divine being existed, and had inspired the text in question. (Again, with the same "space aliens" caveat noted above.) +What would not convince me: I would not, however, be persuaded by vaguely worded passages that could be twisted after the fact to fit into current scientific knowledge. The fact that the Bible starts with the words "In the beginning" does not mean it's accurately describing the Big Bang. Please. Absolutely nothing in Genesis implies anything about the Big Bang... and plenty of stuff in Genesis completely contradicts it. Such as the bit about the Earth being created before the stars. Give me a break. +And again, I would not be persuaded by one lucky hit among eleventy kajillion misses. If a sacred text got it right about the earth orbiting the sun, but got it laughably wrong about botany and zoology and epidemiology and geology and genetics and physics... I would remain, to say the least, unimpressed. +The One Successful Religion. +I might not be persuaded to worship this God, or to believe that he was good. I'd be more than a little baffled as to why he hadn't made his message of Mormonism or Baha'i-ism or Wisconsin Evangelical Lutheran Synodism clearer to everyone. I'd actually think he was kind of a dick. But I'd sure be persuaded that he existed. +What would not convince me: I would not, however, be persuaded by one religion doing better than another for obvious social or economic or other natural reasons. Yes, Episcopalians tend to be wealthier than, say, Baptists. There are lots of obvious, entirely natural explanations for this. None of them have to do with Episcopalians being God's chosen people. +And I would definitely not be persuaded by believers parading all the times that their prayers came true... and then, when all the times that their prayers weren't answered got pointed out, responding with something like, "God moves in mysterious ways," or, "God answers all prayers, but sometimes the answer is No." Sorry, but you can't have it both ways. You don't get to count the hits and ignore or rationalize the misses. That's what we call confirmation bias. And it's definitely cheating. +Inexplicably Accurate Information Gained During Near-Death or Other Supposedly Psychic Experiences +What would convince me: This is a slightly different category -- it's more about evidence for an immaterial soul than evidence for God -- but I'm going to bring it up anyway. If a person who was near death, or who was having some other sort of supposed psychic experience, were to gather information that could not possibly have been gathered in any physical way -- and this was rigorously tested under careful conditions designed to screen out confirmation bias and cold readings and the unconscious sending of messages and other cognitive or experimental errors (not to mention outright fraud), and the experience could be consistently replicated under similarly rigorous testing conditions -- I would be persuaded that human consciousness was not simply a product of the human brain, and that it had a non-physical component that could hypothetically survive death. If someone near death or in a trance or whatever could reliably, testably report on the contents of a locked safe... that would persuade me of the existence of the soul. +What would not convince me: I would not, however, be persuaded by anecdotal reports of these experiences. Casual observers are too -- is there a nice word for "gullible"? I suppose there isn't -- too unfamiliar with natural explanations for supposedly supernatural events, too unaware of the kinds of experimental errors that can make these experiences seem real, too subject to confirmation bias, too incomplete in their understanding of probability, and far, far too eager to believe that the soul is real and they aren't going to die. So these experiences would need to be rigorously tested and replicated, by people with experience in the kinds of cognitive and experimental errors that supposed psychic experiences are consistently subject to. (The reality is that whenever these types of experiences have been subjected to careful testing under good, scientific conditions, they never, ever, ever pan out. Ever.) +And I would definitely not be persuaded by the mere fact that some people have strange experiences when they're near death. Being near death is an altered state of consciousness, and people have weird experiences when our brains are altered. We have weird experiences under all sorts of conditions: exhaustion, stress, distraction, trance-like repetition, optical illusion, sleep deprivation, sensory deprivation, sensory overload... any of these, and more, can create vivid "perceptions" that are entirely disconnected from external reality. You don't have to be mentally ill, or even on drugs, to have weird experiences of things that aren't there. And the oxygen deprivation and other physical changes that happen to the brain when it's near death are definitely enough to do the trick. This one isn't even close to being convincing. It makes absolutely no sense at all. +Is The Bar Too High? +Now, some believers will probably argue that my standards set the bar too high. They'll argue that I've created standards of evidence that are obviously not being met: that I've created a counter-factual world in which God might exist, but that clearly is not the world we live in. +To which I reply: Yes. That's my whole freaking point. The whole reason I don't believe in God is that there is not one scrap of good, solid evidence supporting the God hypothesis. The whole reason I don't believe in God is that every piece of evidence anyone has ever shown me in support of the God hypothesis has completely sucked. The whole reason I don't believe in God is that these criteria -- criteria that would be completely reasonable for any other hypothesis -- are not being met. +As many atheists point out: If God were real, we wouldn't be having this discussion. If God were real, it would be freaking obvious. If God were real, nobody would be an atheist. Nobody would even disagree about religion. The most obvious explanation for God's existence not being ridiculously self-evident is that God does not exist. As Julia Sweeney says in her brilliant performance piece Letting Go of God, "The world behaves exactly as you expect it would, if there were no Supreme Being, no Supreme Consciousness, and no supernatural." +And it's absurd to argue that this bar is too high. If God were real -- if there really were a God who created the universe and/or intervenes with it magically -- none of this would be beyond him. I mean -- he created the entire, 93- billion- light- years- across universe out of nothing! Surely he could make hundred-foot-high letters appear in the sky, or create a sacred text with scientific and prophetic accuracy, or consistently answer the prayers of the Wisconsin Evangelical Lutheran Synod! To argue that any bar is too high for him, that any standard of evidence is too rigorous for him, is ridiculous on the face of it. +Besides, just because God hasn't offered these pieces of evidence so far doesn't mean he never will. Maybe he'll decide that he tried sending his message with the flood, and he tried again with Jesus... but obviously none of that worked, humans can be kind of thick-headed sometimes. So hey, why not try that "hundred-foot letters in the sky" thing this atheist chick keeps gassing on about? +If he does, I'll change my mind. +In the meantime, I remain unconvinced. +Take The Challenge +So I've gone out on my limb. What about you? +If you're an atheist -- what evidence would convince you that your atheism was mistaken? Or that it was probably mistaken? +And if you're a believer... what evidence would convince you that your belief was mistaken? Or that it was probably mistaken? +If you think your faith is falsifiable -- if you would not answer the question, "What would convince you that your faith was mistaken?" by saying, "Nothing would change my mind, that's what it means to have faith" -- then take Ebonmuse's challenge. If you prepare a list of things you'd accept as proof that atheism is true, and you post it on the Internet, he'll link to it, and open it to discussion on his blog. +Until you do, please don't accuse atheists of being close-minded, or arrogant, or unwilling to consider new ideas and evidence. +It just makes you look silly. +Addendum: When I first posted this piece on AlterNet, a number of commenters argued that, when it comes to many of the pieces of evidence that would persuade me out of my atheism, the space alien hypothesis would be a much more plausible explanation than the God hypothesis. I think a case could certainly be made for that position. +But to some extent, I'm drawing the line here to prove a point. Yes, an argument could be made that "aliens" would be a more plausible explanation for the skywriting and so on than "God." But even when I give religion the benefit of the doubt in the evidence game; even when I err on the side of giving religion greater credibility than it possibly deserves; even when I say, "If this skywriting thing happened, I would be persuaded to believe" -- it still falls short. +I'm an atheist, and I've thought about this question a lot, but I honestly can't think of anything; not one thing that would officially sway me to believe that God was real, or probably real. There's simply too many other more-plausible explanations. Even if I met God face to face, and talked with him, and lived in heaven, etc., there's still the possibility that I'm in a matrix being fed these experiences, or the advanced alien race caveat you brought up. At best I could say that the evidence for God was greater than it was previously. +If you see a flaw(s) in this position, I'd really like to know what it is. It's a horrible position to be in when asked what would make you believe in God, as it's almost the same as a christian saying "I'll never stop believing in my God." My position is more rational though, I think, and I really am prepared to change my mind, but it simply doesn't seem possible to narrow the options down far enough to make God most plausible, or at least nearly plausible. +Posted by: Corbin | July 19, 2010 at 04:03 AM +Any sufficiently advanced technology is indistinguishable from God. +Posted by: Puzzled | July 19, 2010 at 05:26 AM +Corbin, what in general does it take to convince you of a proposition? One can't in general eliminate all other possible answers to any question, but one can generally pick out one hypothesis as most plausible. If the writing in the sky occurred as Greta suggests would you find any other hypothesis more plausible? Note this is not asking if the collection of alternate hypotheses outweighs that for a deity in that circumstance but rather whether when hypotheses are taking individually whether that's the most reasonable single hypothesis. +One should in general be worried if there's no amount of evidence that will not convince one of a hypothesis being likely. If that's the case, one isn't being a rational individual. +Posted by: Joshua Zelinsky | July 19, 2010 at 07:19 AM +What amount of evidence could convince you of the hypothesis that 2 + 2 = 6? None, one hopes--because that hypothesis is provably false, and "no amount of evidence" could possibly change that reality. +One major issue with the argument Greta has posted here, and the Ebonmuse post she's referenced repeatedly, is that it by-and-large finesses what, exactly, "God" means. If "God" just means a lifeform with far more knowledge and/or power than we have, then the evidence G&E have in mind would be worthwhile. "God" as a mere impressive extraterrestrial intelligence would not be all that difficult to demonstrate, if It were interested in revealing Itself. +But, of course, huge numbers of theists believe in a "God" that is not just powerful but omnipotent, not just knowledgeable but omniscient. How, pray tell, is one supposed to find adequate evidence of another's infinite power or knowledge? "Puzzled," above, is exactly correct to cite Clarke's Third Law: there is no way to tell the difference between (1) a sufficiently powerful being and (2) an infinitely powerful being. The suggestion that Corbin, who merely pointed out this conundrum, is to that extent not "being a rational individual" is nonsense. +Greta deals with the (theist) objection that the evidentiary bar she has set in this post is too high. Actually, the problem (as she notes in the italicized postscript) is that the bar is too low--that real evidence of an omnipotent, omniscient being, differentiating it from a merely very-powerful and/or very-knowledgeable being, is impossible to come by. +Greta's "drawing the line here to prove a point" angle makes sense; well and good. But even the evidence she (like Ebonmuse before her) suggests does indeed make a Jean-Luc Picard a more plausible explanation than a Yahweh. That's not Greta's fault; it's theism's.That doesn't follow at all. Another possibility is that the hypothesis is false. Or unsupportable. +Posted by: Rieux | July 19, 2010 at 08:11 AM +I've always been amused by The Great God Contest The contest makes the assumption of the existence of gods. It is more of a test which is the best god, but the possibility is open that no god will win. Still, the three challenges, if met (virgin impregnated, corpse raised, sick healed and/or multitudes fed), would be persuasive evidence. +On a personal level, I've considered setting the burden of proof pretty low with the following: Sarah Palin is transformed into an intelligent, thoughtful, articulate, well-reasoned, rational and compassionate conservative. (I don't require she be a liberal, as that might be just too difficult for any deity.) +This is my first comment on this site, which I've followed for quite some time. I hope I am not too far off-topic +Cheers. +Posted by: Hal in Howell MI | July 19, 2010 at 08:27 AM +Rieux July 19, 2010 at 08:11 AM: +Even that's not true. It's not overly difficult to imagine a scenario in which you could become deceived about such a thing. +That said, I would struggle to imagine any kind of evidence not involving long-term delusion which would allow for a traditional monotheistic god. If we were looking at something more like the Ursula Vernon Divine-Social-Worker gods ... that's kinda difficult. +Posted by: Robin Zimmermann | July 19, 2010 at 09:00 AM +Greta, +I hear you about the idea that God may be a persuadable arguement for you. But I dont agree that spae aliens is the other possibility. +I have a number of ideas of what it would take to prove god's existence for me. +But the thing is, even with that proof, the fact of the matter is... +God is an alien. +It doesnt matter if he has magic powers, it doesnt matter if he is outside of the universe or the cause of the universe. It would still be a separate entity, with a will of its own (benevolent or wrathful), and it wouldn't be human or born on the planet Earth. God, if he exists, is an alien. +Posted by: Techskeptic Techskeptic | July 19, 2010 at 10:46 AM +Corbin: I see what you're saying. But I think you may be overlooking a couple of key elements of this challenge. (Or maybe I just didn't make them clear enough.) +One is that we're talking in counter-factuals. I'm not saying, "Given that the world is the way it is, what would persuade you that God existed?" After all, the world being the way it is it exactly what convinced us that God doesn't exist. I'm asking, "What conditions would have to be different in order for you to think God existed?" Or putting it another way: If there were a God, what would the world look like? How would it be different? +For you, that bar might be set higher (or differently) than it is for me. You might need more than one of the above conditions to be met: maybe you'd need to see the skywriting, AND the holy book with the accurate prophecies and scientific predictions, AND the members of one faith being granted happiness and success. And maybe some miracles to boot. For you, the fact that the world so clearly operates by physical cause and effect, and that once-unexplained phenomena have always turned out to have natural explanations and never supernatural ones, means you'd need the world to be radically different to persuade you of God's existence. But I'm guessing you can imagine a world in which there is a God of some sort. That's what I'm asking: What would that world look like? +You also seem to be assuming (correct me if I'm wrong here) that I'm asking, "What would convince you that one particular version of God -- i.e., the omnipotent, omniscient, omnibenevolent God of Christianity -- existed? I'm not. I actually think that, if we define "power," "knowledge," and "goodness" in any standard way, the Omnimax God is a logical impossibility -- just as if we define 2, 6, "plus," and "equals" in any standard way, 2=2=6 would be a logical impossibility. I'm asking what would persuade you of the existence of any God. (God being defined here as, oh, let's say, a supernatural being, i.e. not comprised entirely out of physical matter and energy, who created the universe and/or intervenes with it.) +Finally, you seem to be assuming -- and again, correct me if I'm wrong -- that I'm asking, "What would convince me with 100% certainty that God existed?" I'm not. If any of the abovementioned events happened, I would be persuaded that God probably existed. I would be convinced that God was the most plausible explanation. My belief would be as provisional as my non-belief. +Yes, the Matrix option is always a hypothetical possibility. But it's not actually very plausible. Daniel Dennet argued this very successfully: creating a simulacrum or illusion of reality is difficult to the point of impossibility, and it's just as easy or even easier to simply create a new reality. The Truman Show is more plausible than The Matrix. So while it's true that any of the events mentioned in this piece could be illusions planted by powerful but still natural/ physical beings, I don't think that would be the most plausible explanation. I don't need to be convinced that God's existence is absolutely certain, that it's the only possible explanation for the events in question. Any more than I need to be convinced that God's non-existence is absolutely certain. I just need to be convinced that it's probable. +Posted by: Greta Christina | July 19, 2010 at 12:35 PM +Techskeptic: Fair point. I should have been clearer about my definitions. I'm defining "God" as a supernatural being, i.e. not comprised entirely out of physical matter and energy. I'm defining "space aliens" as physical beings: very powerful ones with a lot of really good technology, but still physical beings comprised of matter and energy. +It is true, as people have pointed out, that any sufficiently advanced technology would be indistinguishable from magic or God. So even if I were persuaded that God existed, it'd be possible that I was being fooled by very advanced aliens. But again, my persuasion that God existed wouldn't be absolute -- it would be as provisional as my current persuasion that God doesn't exist. I don't need to be persuaded that God is the only possible explanation -- just that he's the most plausible one. +And again, as I pointed out in my addendum: Religion can't even meet that test. Even when I give it the benefit of the doubt and make myself more credulous than I arguably ought to be, it still fails. +Posted by: Greta Christina | July 19, 2010 at 12:44 PM +If the writing in the sky occurred as Greta suggests would you find any other hypothesis more plausible? +Yes, such as the ones I mentioned: in a matrix, or advanced aliens. And yes, I find them individually more plausible than the God scenario. +Rieux brought up a good point, about "God" not being defined very well. That's one reason God is less plausible: we don't even know what we're dealing with exactly to make a probability judgment. And when we sorta do, such as him being omnipotent and omniscient, we've never seen anything like that, neither in nature nor synthetic. +On the other hand, we can more than speculate on the possibility of a matrix and ETs. For starters, we've seen both computers and life in the universe. That makes them immediately more plausible. +Posted by: Corbin | July 19, 2010 at 12:46 PM +Greta: +I wrote the above as you were sending your responses apparently, so disregard those as counters or whatever. +Anyway, you've given me a lot to think about, so if I think of anything useful to respond with, I'll do that later after much thought. +Also, no, I do understand you're not speaking in absolutes, but rather in terms of probability. +Posted by: Corbin | July 19, 2010 at 12:53 PM +As far as the "God" vs. "sufficiently advanced aliens" argument goes, I don't really care about the difference. +If Q from Star Trek, or SPOILER from the Suzumiya Haruhi series arrived on Earth and demanded that we being worship it as God, I wouldn't be one to debate the differences. +Posted by: Freak | July 19, 2010 at 02:38 PM +Robin, I was actually going to link to precisely that essay. You beat me to it. +Corbin, ok. If we narrow the situation down to a more specific deity would you possibly change your mind? Say for example, that almost all the born-again Christians and all the little babies disappeared in a flash of light. What would that do to your estimate on the chance that some version of the evangelical Christian deity is real? +Posted by: Joshua Zelinsky | July 19, 2010 at 06:36 PM +Say for example, that almost all the born-again Christians and all the little babies disappeared in a flash of light. What would that do to your estimate on the chance that some version of the evangelical Christian deity is real? +The chances would certainly go up, and quite a bit, I think. Actually, I could probably safely bump it up to plausible, along with some other theories of course, such as hyper-dimensional beings. In my opinion, your scenario would point to this specific deity a hell of a lot more than, say, letters in the sky, though. +Posted by: Corbin | July 19, 2010 at 07:09 PM +Moi: +What amount of evidence could convince you of the hypothesis that 2 + 2 = 6? None, one hopes--because that hypothesis is provably false, and "no amount of evidence" could possibly change that reality. +Robin: +Even that's not true. +Which "that" do you mean? That (a) "one hopes" there's no amount of evidence that would convince you that 2 + 2 = 6? That (b) said hypothesis is provably false? Or that (c) no amount of evidence could possibly change that reality? What, precisely, are you disputing? +Presuming (a), the article you link to simply (and comically) ignores what mathematics is. The provable fact that 2 + 2 ≠ 6 has not the slightest thing to do with counting anything, whether "earplugs," "X"es, or anything else. That 2 + 2 ≠ 6 is merely a direct and unavoidable logical inference from the axiomatic definitions of "2," "6," "+," and "≠." +"Eliezer_Yudkowsky" simply ignores this, which renders his (?) post irrelevant to my comment. His hypothetical situation--in which he wakes up in a universe in which two earplugs, placed next to two other earplugs, become three earplugs--does nothing whatsoever to disprove the fact that 2 + 2 = 4. Even if earplugs (and "X"es) did behave that way, 2 + 2 would still = 4, because that's simply how the symbols in question are defined. All of the parallel universes and capricious earplugs you can imagine can't change that. +So my assertion--the one I gather you dissented from--stands. "One" continues to "hope" that folks understand what it means to say "2 + 2 ≠ 6," such that a few sneaky earplugs wouldn't call axiomatic mathematical definitions into question. Alas, after an exchange like this one, "one['s] hopes" may be dashed. Basic concepts of mathematics are not as widely understood as I presumed. Ah, well. +It's not overly difficult to imagine a scenario in which you could become deceived about such a thing. +Indeed not--but that's hardly novel. Even Yudkowsky himself notices 1984, which directly posits that some severe amount of torture (along with, presumably, considerable technical proficiency in torturing) can create mental defects that are sufficient to make a poor creature like Winston Smith believe effectively anything. What that has to do with my point, however, I don't understand. Following one Mr. O'Brien, I imagine that either Corbin or I could be beaten about the head vigorously enough that we'd be ready to accept the proposition that God exists. That falls rather short of a presentation of legitimate evidence. +...you admonished him--declaring that +So let's run the replay. In response to Corbin's very ordinary observation that he (?) +As I explained, this is nonsense (as well as more than a little haughty): you're simply ignoring the realities that (a) some hypotheses are axiomatically, provably false (to which Yudkowsky's post is not a relevant response) and (b) some hypotheses are unsupportable. +There is, in fact, no way to demonstrate empirically that an all-powerful or all-knowing being exists. As such, your declaration that "one isn't being a rational individual" in the circumstances in question is false. Regardless of what evidence anyone could ever offer, a superior (but material and finite) extraterrestrial intelligence will always be a more parsimonious explanation than an infinite deity. +Corbin did not deserve to be lectured on "being a rational individual." Especially not when he was right. +Posted by: Rieux | July 19, 2010 at 09:34 PM +Greta:I suppose I'm being overly difficult, but I still don't think that actually gets us anywhere. "Supernatural" is another one of those words (religion has so many) that purports to do much more work than it actually does: that a god is "not comprised entirely out of physical matter and energy" says nothing about what the durn thing actually is. +What would convince me that a being-totally-unlike-anything-in-the-natural-universe-but-also-not-a-garden-variety-extraterrestrial exists? Um, I have no idea. I'm not sure how we can even parse the question, much less the evidence that's hypothetically being presented to us. +I emphasize, again, that this problem is neither Greta's nor Ebonmuse's fault: it's theism's. Questions like this one require one to drill down fairly deep into concepts like "god" and "supernatural" (and perhaps "soul," "spirit," "omnipotence," ...). Count me among those who strongly suspect that there's no "there" there, in just about any of those concepts. +Posted by: Rieux | July 19, 2010 at 09:48 PM +Rieux, July 19, 2010 at 09:34 PM: I'm in a weird sort of bind, actually - in this context (that is, the comment thread on Greta Christina's Blog), the you could be mistaken objection is a quibble ... but if we're going to address remarks to people who sincerely disagree, we have a social obligation to treat their claims seriously. If I were in conversation with an otherwise-reasonable person who was convinced that 2 + 2 = 6, I would claim that I could be convinced to agree by evidence ... and then point out that the evidence was absent, and contrary evidence was present. Otherwise there's no way for them - or any of the spectators - to determine that I would have agreed if I had good cause to. +That's exactly what Greta Christina does, actually. +Posted by: Robin Zimmermann | July 19, 2010 at 10:04 PM +Freak:Okay--but I hope you recognize the very powerful interests that millions of theists have in caring about the difference. +If the one true god in the universe is only very powerful, but not all-powerful, then who's to say where its power ends? Maybe it can't give you the strength you're looking for to face the challenges in your life. Maybe it can't protect your family from harm. Maybe it can't cure your loved one's illness. Maybe it can't redeem your soul. Who knows? +As for knowledge, take a gander at, say, Psalm 139:...And so on, for twenty more verses of praise of the intimate knowledge God has of the psalmist. +That has tremendous value to a person feeling small and alone on this planet; in contrast, a less-than-omniscient being that--for all you know--doesn't know beans about you has far less pull. And even an omnipotent god is no help to you if it's too dumb or ignorant to realize that you're in trouble. +(The other side of the coin is that a god that's less than all-powerful or less than all-knowing can escape the Problem of Evil entirely. Given that, it seems to me rather significant that so few mainstream monotheists take that particular escape hatch. Omni-gods are apparently much more attractive.) +The standard monotheist god is all-powerful and all-knowing because so many people, apparently, find it meaningful to buy a model with those features standard. I'm no psychologist, but I suspect that says a thing or two about human beings' emotional needs. +Posted by: Rieux | July 19, 2010 at 10:09 PM +Rieux: I guess I'd ask the question this way: Posit a world in which some sort of god exists. Not necessarily an Omnimax god -- I actually do think the Omnimax God is a logical impossibility, in much the way that 2+2=6 is a logical impossibility, based on the definitions of the terms in question -- but any god. Any sort of non-physical being that created the universe, and/or that uses its non-physical powers to intervene in the physical world. +What might the world look like if this were true? +I agree that religions are vague and internally inconsistent about their definitions of God, the soul, the afterlife, etc. But we don't have to be. And I think this is an exercise worth doing: partly to show that atheism really is a provisional, falsifiable conclusion instead of an unquestioned axiom, and partly because it shows, by contrast, how radically different the world would be if God were real. +Oh, and Joshua Zelinsky: That's a good one. I may have to update my list. If the Rapture happened -- if born-again Christians (and babies/ young children) disappeared in a flash of light, and soon afterward Armageddon started taking place as described in Revelation -- yeah, that'd probably convince me. Too late, obviously -- again pointing to the stupidity and inconsistency of the Rapture hypothesis -- but I'd be convinced that God was real. A sadistic jackass, but a real one. +Posted by: Greta Christina | July 19, 2010 at 10:48 PM +Robin: I'm sorry, but I'm afraid you're just laboring under a fundamental category error that is preventing you from understanding some of the basic points I am making. +First, mathematics is a system of axioms, and it is nothing but a system of axioms and direct logical inferences therefrom. There is no such thing as "evidence" that 2 + 2 is or is not equal to 6. The simple, provable, logically mandatory fact is that it is not. "Evidence" does not--cannot--enter into it. +Again, the page you linked to is a weird irrelevancy. One participant in a (very silly) dialogue is dunned into forgetting that 51 = 3 * 17, and therefore 51 is not prime. That's not evidence; it's not logic; it's just a brain fart. Who cares? +If I met someone who seriously believed and contended that 2 + 2 = 6, I would conclude (rather quickly) that (s)he had an incorrect notion of one or more of the concepts "2," "6," "+," or "=." +It may be meaningful to speak of "evidence" that the person in question actually believed the falsehood (the main matter in such a situation that I'd be skeptical of)--but speaking of "evidence" that 2 + 2 is or is not equal to 6 is just, as I've said, nonsense. The concept of evidence has no place in mathematics. You're misapplying it. +The relevance of this entire digression to this comment thread is that it demonstrates one reason that your lecture to Corbin regarding when "one isn't being a rational individual" is incorrect. One need not worry in the slightest about "evidence" contradicting one's belief that 2 + 2 ≠ 6, because there cannot possibly be any such evidence. It is not the slightest bit irrational to accept the fact that 2 + 2 = 4, with 100% confidence that no evidence will ever come to light suggesting otherwise. And thus your admonition was wrong.Uh, not that I've seen. I've been reading this blog for several years, and I don't remember ever seeing Greta confuse (a) questions about axiomatic mathematical facts with (b) questions about empirical reality the way you are here. +Posted by: Rieux | July 20, 2010 at 01:08 AM +Greta:Eh. +You can go ahead and accuse me of stubbornly fighting the hypothetical (you'd be right), but I don't think there's any escape from the noncognitivist vise. Sure, we can be less vague than theists are in defining "god," but I still don't see any middle ground between (a) a powerful extraterrestrial and (b) meaningless syllables... that is actually available, even to daydreaming atheists. +If we're talking about evidence that would make it plausible that a crazed, superpowerful, homophobic freak in the sky (y'know, Exodus, Leviticus, all that) exists, then no problem--but the parsimonious hypothesis in that case is a powerful but nasty E.T., an Evil Picard. +(And let's make sure to always add in a version of the "sadistic jackass" coda from your comment above: a real Rapture does indeed suggest that there's some kind of Evil Picard up there with an affinity for the book of Revelation, but that hardly obligates us to worship the freak.)Only to the extent that "god" means something. (An Evil Picard is a something.) +And I'm certainly not disagreeing with you that atheism is a provisional, falsifiable conclusion--in large part because I think the most widespread conceptions of the monotheist god do really just amount to a Picard plus a bit of empty fluff about omni-qualities (and "supernatural," "spirit," blah blah blah). Atheists provisionally lack a belief in that silliness for extremely good reasons. +But when God is dragged away from specific personality traits into "super" this and "outside of" that and nothing more, I don't see what sense remains. I'd contend that "a supernatural being, i.e. not comprised entirely out of physical matter and energy" isn't a cognizable hypothesis at all; it's just empty words. +The point isn't that atheism is dogmatic. It's that God (or at least the god of "serious" theologians) isn't actually a concept with any content.Okay, there's a chance to refute me: how can we possibly claim that any state of affairs is more likely to exist in a universe that has "a supernatural being, i.e. not comprised entirely out of physical matter and energy" in it, as opposed to a universe that doesn't? I just don't see any meat on that conceptual bone, any characteristic that such a god qua god has to have. +It seems to me that to make any sense of the hypothetical, we have to add back some of the peculiarities that various religions pin on their gods--"dictated the Qur'an," perhaps, or "crucified and rose on the third day." Religions, as you've frequently argued, are hypotheses about the world--it's just that "god," as a standalone, theologically distilled concept, really isn't. +Posted by: Rieux | July 20, 2010 at 01:52 AM +Rieux, +Questions about math are consequences of axioms, but whether we've correctly reasoned about those axioms is an empirical matter. We've all misadded numbers at some point in our lives. And it is known that there are stroke victims who routinely make the same arithmetic mistakes. When I say that for example 1+2=3, it could be that I've just had that sort of stroke, and my example of a true statement is wildly off. +Indeed, there are multiple cases of even widely scrutinized theorems turning out to have the known proofs be incorrect. For example, the Four Color Theorem was thought to have a valid proof in the late 19th century and it took about a decade before anyone realized that the proof was flawed. The difference between that and something like 1+1=2 being wrong is a difference of degree, not a difference of kind (except possibly in so far that if 1+1=2 turns out to be wrong I'm not sure we'd be justified trusting our cognitive abilities even to the tiny extent we can do so now.) +Posted by: Joshua Zelinsky | July 20, 2010 at 05:56 AM +There's an interesting example of this "Evil Picard" idea in David Weber's series starting with Off Armageddon Reef. Now, for him, it's all an elaborate pretext to write swashbucking stories of adventure on the high seas, but the back story is rather interesting. +Basically, it turns out that broadcasting radio waves into space is a Really Bad Idea, because it attracts the attention of some Evil Aliens intent on exterminating life on earth in general and Homo sapiens in particular. (This is not a new idea, see Saberhagen's Berserker series for other examples.) +Anyway, a large group of people are sent out in cold sleep to set up a hidden colony somewhere the Evil Aliens can't find them. It is also imperative that the colony maintain radio silence for at least 500 years until the Evil Aliens declare success and move on. +There's a big debate about the best way to impress on future generations the importance of maintaining radio silence. How do you make sure that out of millions of people, not one decides the dire warnings are all a bunch of crap? There's the "tell them the truth" camp, which gets outvoted by the "make up a religion" camp. +Anyway, a whole bunch of people wake up from cold sleep with odd amnesia. But they do have a holy book which is incredibly detailed, accurate, and useful. +For example, it contains a complete and accurate map of the world. Descriptions of the motion of the stars and planets (including all the subtle long-term polar wander terms). Detailed anatomical descriptions, giving the function of each part of the body and common ways it fails. +It also contains a whole lot of health information, about the curses you will suffer if you don't eat the right foods on long sea voyages or don't follow aseptic procedure properly when treating wounds, or mess about with white phosphorus, or don't rotate your crops, or have the privy too close to the well, or... +Holy Writ doesn't mandate everything, but when it does, you damn well better pay attention, because the curses it predicts actually happen! +And, of course, it's all consistent, as thousands of copies were available to the original colonists ("Adams" and "Evens") and are preserved in libraries. +So when it says that playing with electricity is absolutely off limits, people tend to believe it. If you have any doubts about the accuracy of Holy Writ, feel free to snack on any of the List Of Plants That Will Kill You. +Pretty convincing, eh? +Posted by: Eclectic | July 20, 2010 at 10:09 AM +Great post! For me, it's much like asking "what would it take for you to believe the world is flat?" The simple fact is, I think the world and the universe, the scriptures of your choice, and most of human history would look very different if there were a god like the ones described in our religions and philosophical musings. +-D +Posted by: David Fitzgerald | July 20, 2010 at 12:08 PM +Rieux, July 20, 2010 at 01:08 AM: Joshua Zelinsky already made the point I was planning to make, but I think it's pretty clear that the way I described it had to have been confusing, particularly the way I used the word "evidence". So let me try to elaborate a bit. +Suppose someone said "2 + 2 = 6". What might that mean? +Most likely, of course, they won't mean anything - it'll be a hypothetical, like the ones we've been making up, or it'll just be a typo. Similarly unhelpful to the analogy are cases where it's a notational confusion - where "2" does not mean two, "+" does not mean plus, "=" does not mean equals, and/or "6" doesn't mean six - and cases where it's a joke like the missing dollar riddle. Or they might be making some sort of metaphorical point, for example about the sum being more than the parts. (That would probably fall into the category of "notational confusion".) +But they might simply be wrong. Yes, the statement is obviously, risibly, false ... but screws fall out all the time - the world's an imperfect place. Someone in front of you is saying "2 + 2 = 6". How do you show that they're wrong? +In that situation, I suspect you'd argue it like I'd argue it: by pointing out how we do sums and showing that the sum comes out differently. Me, I'd probably say that addition of natural numbers is like putting counted sets of items together and counting the total set, and if "2" is "one two" and "4" is "one two three four", you can run the test yourself and confirm that the set "one two one two" has the same number of items as "one two three four", not "one two three four five six" - "6". If abstract argument isn't convincing to that person - perhaps they're bad at analytical thinking - you might pull use objects on the table to do the same operation. "Here's two pennies and two quarters. Two and two. How many coins are there? Four!" Maybe you'll draw a straight line and measure off two touching two-inch segments, make a picture like: +and measure the distance from the the beginning of the first to the end of the second and show it's four inches. +My point is not that the answer is empirical, but that you can actually make the argument as if the question is not resolved. And by reference to that argument, you can say, "If two plus two were six, then this line segment would be six inches long." +Similarly, if there were a benevolent and omnipotent God, I would expect (say) flood waters to part like Moses at the Red Sea around the dwellings of the righteous, leaving them unharmed. And there is a similarity between these two statements, despite one being a statement of mathematical inference and the other a statement of empirical observation. In both cases, it's possible to describe some result which would make the answer at least seem to be different. +Posted by: Robin Zimmermann | July 20, 2010 at 02:37 PM +Extra points to Robin Zimmermann for the Breakfast Club reference. +Posted by: Nurse Ingrid | July 20, 2010 at 04:10 PM +Why do I keep seeing Eliezer's name mentioned in comments above? Has he commented here? +Posted by: DSimon | July 20, 2010 at 05:06 PM +DSimon, no but he runs a website called LessWrong which is dedicated to improving rationality, thinking about cognitive biases, and similar issues. He's also just a very good writer and often says things much more concisely and much more effectively than many other people. (He has a few quirky ideas (he's very much a Singulitarian for example) but even there he's one of the most sensible Singulitarians out there). So Eliezer is often the goto person to reference for lots of issues that come up here. +(And while we're discussing Eliezer I'll note that he also writes fiction and is in the process of writing the absolutely hilarious fanfic Harry Potter and the Method of Rationality: +which retells the story of Harry Potter if Harry had grown up with a loving scientist as his adoptive father. +Posted by: Joshua Zelinsky | July 20, 2010 at 06:40 PM +So I want to get off the topic of what it means that 2=2 does not equal 6 (not that y'all should stop that conversation), and back onto God. +Rieux, I'm puzzled by you saying that "a supernatural being, i.e. not comprised entirely out of physical matter and energy" isn't a cognizable hypothesis. It seems to me that I can cognize it pretty well. But I'll drop that for the moment (no promises to drop it permanently), and come back to the key, original question: +If you think that atheism is a provisional, falsifiable conclusion -- what would falsify it for you? +Posted by: Greta Christina | July 20, 2010 at 07:04 PM +Joshua, thanks, I actually already knew about the guy but I was just curious where the reference to him re: this article first came from. +You're right, Harry Potter and the Methods of Rationality really is totally fantastic. Isn't it strange that more fantasy characters don't notice the obvious loopholes in their worlds' magic systems? :-) +Another really good short story by Eliezer on the theme of people who try to meta-argue "Well, what is truth anyways?" is here. +Posted by: DSimon | July 20, 2010 at 08:02 PM +Nurse Ingrid, July 20, 2010 at 04:10 PM: Much to my transient shame, I haven't seen it yet.[1] But a relative of mine that I visited during the vacation I'm on in Texas liked that line, and on reflection[2] I liked it too. +1. It's ... *edits* ... on my list, I promise! +2. Coincidence. I swear. +Posted by: Robin Zimmermann | July 20, 2010 at 08:10 PM +DSimon, July 20, 2010 at 08:02 PM: +I posted a link to an essay of his in reply to Rieux, July 19, 2010 at 08:11 AM. +Posted by: Robin Zimmermann | July 20, 2010 at 08:21 PM +Ah, okay, thanks Robin. It's a good article, too, and now I can compose a response to Rieux's point. +Yes, it's true that mathematics isn't subject to empirical evidence (or bound by inferential reasoning in general) because it's all about abstractions. However, when we say "mathematics" what we really mean is "a mathematics", one possible choice out of many potential sets of axioms. +We could've picked another set that said 2 + 2 = 3, but we didn't. If we lived in a universe where setting two apples by another two apples resulted in three apples, then we could say things like "no evidence should ever change our belief that 2 + 2 = 3" with the unspoken addendum of "... in the system of mathematics that we've devised based upon empirical evidence". +Therefore, in the three-apples universe, it really would be the case that 2 + 2 = 3, because that's what their system of mathematics would provably say. +Posted by: DSimon | July 20, 2010 at 08:46 PM +Joshua, you completely suck. I have a lot of things to get finished today, and I do not have time to get sucked into rationalist Harry Potter fanfic. Which I just spent the last 45 minutes doing. Bad commenter! Bad! +Posted by: Greta Christina | July 20, 2010 at 09:39 PM +Greta, I'd apologize but I generally only apologize for things I actually feel bad about that, so... +Posted by: Joshua Zelinsky | July 21, 2010 at 02:33 PM +What would it take to change my mind? +If one day geologists from around our planet rushed to announce that overnight the edges of tectonic plates had become smooth and could now pass without causing earthquakes, I would give it a rethink. +Posted by: gruntled atheist | July 23, 2010 at 12:23 AM. +Posted by: Kevin Lahey | July 23, 2010 at 08:01 PM +What would convince me: If any sacred text in any religion were consistently accurate in its writings about science -- including scientific knowledge that was not known at the time the text was written -- I would be persuaded that this religion was divinely inspired. +Gimme a little time to work on this one. +Posted by: Tao Joannes | July 28, 2010 at 07:54 PM +Good evening: +For, "Tao Joannes." Obviously, sacred religious texts are going to be far older than the discipline of science. +Perhaps a simple reference might do? I will submit a reference to you and you take it from A - Z, that is, when it was written, by whom, where and when. Would this be of interest to you? +Keep in mind that once upon a time, "modern" Western civilization believed the earth was flat. +If you have access to a Bible, look up: Isaiah chapter 40 verse 22, and ask the question - how could the writer have known this if not informed? +Thank you +Posted by: Maxx | December 10, 2010 at 07:43 PM +Dear Maxx, this old chestnut keeps coming up so once +more... Isaiah 40:22 describes flat Earth circle, with skies described as tent. And no, author was not trying to say ball or globe, as that word is used in 22:18. Boring... +Posted by: Ken Grace | February 18, 2011 at 11:38 PM +Maxx: +Citation needed that the writer (whoever he was) wasn't informed. The earth has been known to be round since at least the 5th century BCE and its circumference was calculated in the third century BCE. Ancient Greeks weren't exactly stupid. +Posted by: Makyui | February 19, 2011 at 04:29 AM +This is an interesting discussion, since I've never seen an atheist define God so loosely in this kind of questioning. Kudos to Greta for engaging this. +But I'm in Rieux's camp that it's not for us to come up with a sensical definition of "god." That's the job of the people who believe in it. We atheists have done our job when we've knocked their definitions down as fundamentally meaningless. +That having been said, I actually do have something akin to a falsifiability standard when it comes to atheism: The strength of the evidence I would accept in favor of the divine is directly proportional to the amount of absolutism in the claim. For example, if the claim is that there is a being with complete control over reality who created the universe, will judge my soul according to my actions and determine its eternal fate, and embodies perfect goodness and justice, then we're in the-ability-to-have-this-conversation-disproves-the-hypothesis territory. If this god is "greater" than the universe itself, then the evidence for it should be a knowledge as certain or more certain than my own existence. Literally unquestionable. Anything that can be doubted is in the realm of human reason and therefore cannot support the absolutist conclusion. +But if we start stripping attributes away from that god, the standard of evidence will also go down. For example, if the claim is merely that there is a being with an unprecedented amount of power over the physical universe, then sure, spontaneous sky-words and suchlike would be valid evidence. (Note that the sky-words wouldn't prove anything about the nature of the power; i.e., whether it's intrinsic to the being's existence or if it's a technology the being has access to, but the power itself and intelligent control thereof would be demonstrated.) The problem is that this stripped-down "deity" is never actually argued for. It's a weird kind of inverse strawman. The whole point of theism is to tack unreasonable qualities onto this hypothetical power. And when that starts to happen... well, is it still "falsifiability" if the evidence could exist but I already know it doesn't (i.e., my unquestionable-knowledge standard)? I say it is. +Posted by: Some Matt or other | April 02, 2011 at 03:14 AM +I don't think you can disprove disbeleif +nonbeleif doesn't leave traces +Posted by: nina | May 02, 2011 at 03:34 PM +I would need a plausible scientific explanation for how a consciousness could be disembodied. What is the physical mechanism by which this consciousness exists? I would need a plausible scientific explanation for how this disembodied consciousness was able to control physical forces and matter. By what mechanism can a disembodied consciousness control physical forces and matter? Your required evidence goes more to the what, not the how. +Posted by: S. Anne Johnson | May 16, 2011 at 11:45 AM +Hi there all! +What a lively discussion. I must say that my own atheist "beliefs" encompasses the spectrum of all the supernatural. So I don't believe in God, fairies, dragons, elves, demons, Satan, Odin, or Zeus. However, when trying to falsify atheism, how does one go about figuring out what evidence would prove that a SPECIFIC god exists? For all that Greta's list includes some spectacular power, why does GOD have to be the natural conclusion? Why couldn't it be Odin? Or Zeus? Heck, given the bi-polar sadistic God of the Bible, it could be Loki, the Trickster God. There are various gods throughout the worlds' religions that are capable of performing the feats on that list. That doesn't make them the #1 all powerful Creator. +Posted by: Tony | October 17, 2011 at 01:03 AM +Lively and important discussion. But allow me to insert that even with all of these tests being met...that you would still not believe. This is not a new discussion. Its been occurring for thousands of years. Even in the face of some quite dramatic signs and wonders over thousands of years in the Bible, skeptics were always seeking "one more sign." Even as I reference them you refute them as being worthless allegories. So perhaps you aren't as open minded as you claim. Or are you waiting for God to craft a special customized sign just for you? And would you honestly accept it? I have more respect for those that replied "no." +Posted by: Drew | April 01, 2012 at 12:19 AM +Lakers coach Brown says Howard is going to bail him out on defense, basically +Aug 13, 2012, 12:12 AM EDT +The Lakers were a pretty pedestrian defensive team last year, despite coach Mike Brown’s pedigree. They were 13th in the league in points surrendered per possession, giving up 101.7 points per 100 possessions (the league average was 101.8). +And they struggled against the pick-and-roll, particularly against the roll man who shot 49 percent against the Lakers on that play last year (according to MySynergySports.com). It is an area they need to improve if they want to get Kobe Bryant another ring. +Enter Dwight Howard. +The Lakers new center can score plenty, but what he does better than any Laker big on last year’s roster is defend — he is the three-time NBA Defensive Player of the Year. +Mike Brown is going to look a lot smarter next year, and he knows it. Here is what he told ESPN about Howard. +“You’re talking about a guy who is seven feet, who has the feet that he has, it’s unbelievable. His foot quickness is something, to me, that stands out right away, more than anything else. It helps him run in transition offensive transition, and get easy baskets. +“But more importantly, in a pick-and-roll situation defensively he’s going to help guys like Steve Nash, and Kobe and Metta (World Peace) and whoever else we have on the perimeter defend the pick and roll game, because that is the way the league is going. Teams are playing smaller, quicker, faster, they are spreading the floor, they are playing the pick and roll game, and to have a guy like Dwight involved in that or on the weakside coming over to help is something special.” +It will be interesting to watch the USA evolve as a defensive team, it’s going to take time. With Dwight Howard’s back keeping him limited in preseason and possibly missing the start of the season, the chemistry it takes time to develop on the defensive end will be slow for the Lakers. It will be the same on both ends. +What it means is, much like the Heat of 2011, the team playing in April and beyond will very different than the team from November. At least the Lakers are counting on that. Like Brown is counting on Howard. +- rajbais - Aug 13, 2012 at 12:35 AM +Time to forget about John Kuester and hire Eddie Jordan for the Princeton offense!!! +He will be back in the league and have guys that could get his reputation +And career turned around if Mike Brown gets fired (which should happen) and he takes over as the interim had coach!!! +Eddie Jordan helped turn around the Washington wizards, but he got fired by Washington because Gilbert Arenas was not healthy; thus they lost a lot. In Philadelphia, Elton Brand was not healthy, Andre Iguodala had to unnaturally score 18-20 PPG, and his players did not fit his scheme. +A coach is only as good as his circumstances!!!!! Mike Brown had no crappy general manager in Cleveland, but Paul Silas did!!! If the general manager like Jim Paxson is the one who adds players and he adds rhythm ruining players like Jiri Welsch for a 1st Rd pick when Paul Silas is around he will fail!!! Danny Ferry did not really do that to Mike Brown!!!! +Get Eddie Jordan in town and he could be the 2010 version of Alvin Gentry. +- +- acdc84 - Aug 13, 2012 at 12:58 AM +The only thing the Lakers are missing is a head coach. Im sure Brown is a fine xs and os guy but the Lakers need a Phil Jackson type; a guy that can manage the egos of a roster full of superstars. +- +- money2long - Aug 13, 2012 at 9:03 PM +u mean like erik spoelstra? he did a fine job winning this season with talent. some may argue it is because wade and lebron were friends. but i know from my own personal experience, and viewing others in basketball games in general, that friends bicker when they are passionate about a game. friends get mad, and for the record espn/tnt have captured moments in actual nba games where wade and bron were jawwing. but what about bosh? being the third wheel after leading a franchise? even into the playoffs and become a spectator on most plays and some crunch time moments. and see your averages fall has to be bad for the ego. but he had a good yr last yr becuz bosh can put that to the side. i think nash can and i think pau and kobe have what rondo and kg have. they may go back and forth with each other, but in the end they see the bigger picture and learn to coexist. kobe hugged pau, ate dinner with him in london, kobe has come out and said he wants pau there as long as he is there. dwight howard is the X. we dont know how things will mesh at this point, but i feel dwight will hav his moments but in the end, with nash as the ball handling leader he is in charge of how things will go to an extent. i feel dwight will be a perfect fit and i figure things running smoothly. people underestimate how well the chemistry between this new lakers team will shape out. i really feel deep down inside that dwight is the missing piece needed to mesh with the combo of nash and pau. i think if coach spo can do it, mike brown will be fine. (altho, spo did have a good ‘leader of men’ in pat riley to confide in.) +- +- pop562 - Aug 13, 2012 at 1:16 AM +As a lakers fan it’s way to soon to crown them champions because 1. They haven’t all played together 2. Howard won’t be back till probably dec and 3. Spurs and OKC can still contend…it takes a lot for a team with new free agent stars to mess well with each other even if the stars are Nash and Howard with a strong learning curve. I was never fond of brown as a head coach because in the playoffs he wasn’t running the team well and wasn’t using the personnel effectively. It also showed during his reign as a cavs head coach, so it’s up to mike brown to write a winning script and implement it and instilled it to his players. +- +- +- 24thesho - Aug 13, 2012 at 6:47 AM +Specifically? focusing on getting quick baskets off fast breaks from good defense? I don’t see him throwing quick outlet passes or making that effort to run the floor with vigor consistently without bitching about his unhappiness about the current coach. Stay tuned. Won’t that diminish D. Howard’s “wants to be the man” status way of thinking, though? It seems like this did not work out so well for Orlando, in terms of how he sees himself. +- +- blueintown - Aug 13, 2012 at 8:01 AM +What a duplicitous headline. When did “help” become “bail”? Absolute drivel. +- +- omniusprime - Aug 13, 2012 at 8:54 AM +Clueless Clown Brown had better do something to improve the offense or it won’t matter how good Howard is on defense. Last season was hard to watch Brown’s pathetic excuse for an offense. We Laker fans can only hope that the Lakers hire an assistant coach with a clue about offense. Where’s Tex Winter at when we really need him? +- +- lakerluver - Aug 13, 2012 at 9:31 AM +D12 is gonna make a huge difference to my LAKERS! No knock on Bynum but he just doesn’t have the mobility to protect the rim the way Howard can. Man, can we just begin the season already?!!! +- +- +- kinggw - Aug 13, 2012 at 12:21 PM +Really? Bynum averaged 1.9 bpg last year, Howard averaged 2.1 bpg. Lakers fans and analysts are overstating what Howard will mean for the Lakers. Big name player, not a big upgrade for the Lakers. +- +- Kurt Helin - Aug 14, 2012 at 9:56 AM +Blocks are only one small part of defense. Howard’s pick-and-roll defense is vastly superior to Bynum and his rotations are quicker. +- +- camnellum12 - Aug 14, 2012 at 3:12 AM +Haha at this point, Andrew will be more mobile than Howard. You think Dwight will be skying for everything like he did 2010 and before? So Howard really can’t be as effective as most other Laker fans are dreaming, he won’t get touches (because he has no skills) and he won’t be the athlete he was for most of the upcoming season. +And Dwight is 6’9/6’10, not a 7 footer +- +- lakerluver - Aug 13, 2012 at 9:50 AM +@dgbk, I agree with you 100%!! People just automatically assume Brown can’t coach because he hasn’t won a title YET. I have complete faith in the LAKERS front office. They have proven beyond a doubt that they know exactly what’s best for the franchise. That being said, I don’t think Brown would be coaching this team if they didn’t think he could coach. I guess I shouldn’t be shocked by some of the stupid things fans say. After all, some of them still won’t give Phil J. credit for being a great coach. IMO, he’s the best coach in any sport ever. +- +- unxpexted1 - Aug 13, 2012 at 10:08 AM +I still think Andrew Bynum is the better player, but D12 is the better fit for this team. The lakers backcourt is ridiculously slow, and Kobe has a hard time getting around screens these days. SO D12 will def bail the lakers out defensively better than what Bynum could do. Bynum is a good one on one post defender, but their are no big men like that in the league to really deal with so he’s not as effective as he woulda been in the 90s. +- +- aboogy123456 - Aug 13, 2012 at 10:56 AM +Dwight will definitely help against the Heat when they play lebron at the 4 and decide to go small. His foot speed is key, I think he will be able to guard lebron pretty well and at least slow him down a bit. This will be huge because the heat can’t force the lakers to go small, so when the lakers have the ball they will have a huge size advantage with dwight and pau going against bosh and lebron. If anything, this could force the heat to go big, which isn’t their strength. +- +- paulhargis53 - Aug 13, 2012 at 12:50 PM +lakersucker: +The only stupid comments on here are when you and your 2 minions are posting something. +I’m embarrassed for you. You’re total lack of knowledge is mind boggling. Yet here you are, day after day, hour after hour, spreading you’re ignorance for the world wide web to see. Luckily for you, there is anonymity on here. +People on this site see your screen name and know they are in for a chuckle. If nothing elseyou are on here to make others feel good,about themselves. We can all thank God we aren’t you. +As I’ve said before. Get a life dude. You need to get laid worse than anyone on the planet. Help, the rest of us will chip in on the cost. +- +- cornbreadbbqred - Aug 13, 2012 at 10:49 PM +First of all, I would like to say the ESPN is bush league, and revokes comment privileges when a reader disagrees stridently with their oft hackneyed analysis (notwithstanding their limited vocabulary- Little wonder as getting hired by the network’s owner DISNEY never required adult level vocabulary anyway! ) My point? I would like to think at least here I can be frank. +Does anyone recall Mike Brown’s gushing over Andrew Bynum being “A beast” in the early going in the Denver Nuggets series, to get abysmally out coached by George Karl for several games before the Lakers managed to prevail in an unnecessarily exhausting series. Also, Bynum was outplayed, clueless and soft the rest of the postseasnon. Coaches decisions and adjustment was at fault, and the ability assert meaningful perspective to his principles in the heat of battle in real time, much like in Cleveland. Welcome Eddie J) + +Senior Living Homes are Not Upgraded Old-AgeHomes +In past two years during pandemic, seniors who are above 55 yearshave been facing a lot of issues such as isolation, inactivity in their dailylife, safety and security, troubles in getting the household activities doneand the fear of getting infected from coronavirus. This have pushed the demandfor looking out for a community which could help them in solving all of theirday-to-day issues. Even their children and next of kins (NOKs) who are stayingapart are concerned. They want to move into a community which could help themin +Citieslike Delhi/NCR, Pune, Chennai, Jaipur, Bangalore and other metropolitan placeshave witnessed a spike in demand and interest of such communities. +Withincreasing life expectancy and better medical services, the number of seniorcitizens in India is increasing rapidly. Studies predict that people over 60 years willconstitute nearly 20% of the country’s population by 2050. The officialretirement age is 60 years but it may be increased in the future looking at thepositive trend of senior citizens being physically and mentally fit than everbefore and being indispensable assets to an organisation till much later.Senior citizens who are 55 plus are taking retirement in a positive stridewhere their body may have aged but the mind is still agile and raring to go onnew adventures and take on new challenges. With better mobility and higherquality of life, senior citizens today are looking for the right retirementhomes to spend the golden years of their life. +With therise in nuclear families, children living overseas or in distant cities, moreand more seniors in the country are choosing senior residentialhomes becausethe architecture and facilities are age friendly, provide companionship andindependence. Many financial planners recommend that to have a comfortableretirement, one should start saving 10% to 15% of their income in their 20sitself. Retirement plans are nowadays inclusive of pension, savings and futureliving situation where elders are happily choosing senior living homes wherethey can reclaim their independence and pursue passions and hobbies. +However,there’s still plenty of misconceptions and myths about senior living options inthe country. +Busting the Myth- Senior Living Homes Vs Old AgeHomes +The onlything common between the two is that elders lives in these homes. The termssenior living and old-age homes are often used interchangeably, even in themedia, and this has led to misleading information about retirement choices forseniors in India. +Some evenuse words like ‘luxury old age home’ but then what they actually mean is seniorliving facility in India. +Here, inthis article, we show you the key differences between the two and help youunderstand what to expect from each. +What are Old Age Homes? +Theconventional old-age homes (both government operated or privately owned) areoften seen as places of loneliness and gloom. Understaffed and no propertraining for staff, lack of facilities – spending one’s retirement years inthese institutions (either out of choice or by no other go) doesn’t soundappealing. +Most ofthe taboos and fears around retirement living options stem from old-age homes.Considered as places of loneliness and abandonment, old-age homes are certainlynot the best residential option for senior citizens. +However,all that is changing thanks to the arrival of senior living homes that are a unique concept, widelydifferent from the old-age homes of the last decade. +What Are Senior Living Homes? +These areresidential hubs that are fast emerging as the number one choice for seniorcitizens. Thanks to the initiatives of private builders including AshianaHousing, senior living communities with world-class amenities are now availableall across the country. +Theseretirement communities are sprawling, residential, multi-unit complexesdesigned especially for seniors. Also, known as retirement villages, thesevillages are “campus” style and have independent living units (known as seniorliving homes) as well as various other facilities and amenities like –landscaped grounds, community halls, recreational, medical facilities and more.Some senior living homes also provide assisted living options for frail seniorswho need it. +Here arethree key benefits offered by Senior Living projects. +Senior Living promotes the idea of independenceand choice. Theseare 1BHk, 2 BHK, 3 BHK homes or villas with senior-friendly design andassistive technology. Seniors make their choice with regard to their dailyroutines and lifestyle. There is no compulsive routine or restriction imposedon them as done in several old age homes. +Spaces to Hone Your skills or Learn New ones. A platform to help seniors rediscovertheir innate talents, hobbies and passions is provided here. In some cases,seniors who always wanted to learn to dance but never did have given themselvesa fresh chance to explore dancing. Likewise, for other hobbies like singing,painting, etc.- seniors get a chance to engage in learning and improving onvarious skills. +Impact on Overall Health: With various social, mental and physicalactivities, seniors live a fulfilling and stimulating lifestyle, leading toimprovement in their health and wellness. There have been several cases ofsenior moving to senior living projects are reducing their dependencies onmedicines and supporting equipment. +What are Continuous Care Retirement community(CCRC)? +These aresenior living communities that provide extra medical care and assistance toseniors as they grow older. As you age, you may require additional in-homeservices like – physiotherapy, bathing, medicated dressing, feeding, groomingand more. +Continuous Care Retirementcommunity (CCRC)provide you with trained staff, who helps you with your personal tasks right atthe comfort of your apartment in a senior living community. You can considerthem as luxury old-age homes without the drawbacks of traditional old-agecentres. +Key Differences Between Senior Living andOld-Age Homes +1. Available Facilities +Old-Age Homes: +Old-agehomes offer the bare minimum facilities. Seniors can expect it to be like aninstitution where they can spend their sunset years, free from household choresand tasks. But, beyond that, old-age homes lack major facilities. +Keyfacilities available – rooms for sleeping (mostly dormitories or shared with acouple of other seniors), a common dining hall, a lounge to receive visitors,and common bathrooms. +Senior Living Communities: +Retirementvillages are made up of independent living units (also known as senior livinghomes). You can consider it as an apartment complex, designed for seniors. So,you can expect all the facilities that you can find in a regular residentialapartment complex, with special features to aid seniors. +Allapartments are self-contained home units with master bedrooms, guest bedrooms,bathrooms, living rooms, balcony, kitchens, and dining rooms. You are in fullcontrol of your apartment, and you have the space to live independently, whilethe opportunities to mingle and engage with other seniors living in similarresidential apartments in the community. +However,since senior living communities are designed for seniors, most apartmentscontain several accessibility features like gentle slopes (no stairs),anti-skid floors, chamfered wall edges, easy-reach light switches, nightswitches in the bedrooms, grab rails in the bathrooms, emergency responsesystem and more. +2. Infrastructure +Old-agehomes provide only the barebones infrastructure for seniors. Individual spaceis minimal, and most seniors are provided with a bed, a cupboard to hold theirclothing and other knick-knacks, mostly in shared dormitories. Bathrooms arealso shared. +Also,known as skilled nursing centres, old-age homes can be compared to a hostel forsenior citizens. With minimal facilities, and mostly dorms or shared rooms,senior citizens in old-age homes have to give up their independence. +Theseretirement homes are designed from the ground-up keeping the comfort andconvenience of seniors in mind. This reflects in the infrastructure of the ILUs(Independent Living Units) as well as common infrastructure. +Opengrounds with manicured lawns, ample recreational facilities like gyms, swimmingpools, indoor and outdoor games, common community halls, restaurant-stylecafeterias, supermarkets within the campus are some of the commoninfrastructures you can spot at paid senior citizen living homes in aretirement village. +3. Medical Care +As we age,our bodies lose the mobility and flexibility of our youth and are likely tocatch frequent infections and other illnesses. Thus, seniors require the rightmedical care available at all times. +Old-age Homes: +Someold-age homes may have trained medical staff at the premises. Most old-agehomes provide their inmates with treatments at a nearby hospital, in case ofillness or emergencies. +Seniorliving communities have trained medical staff who live on the campus and canprovide first-aid and immediate medical attention in case of emergencies.Furthermore, all retirement villages have tie-ups with leading hospitals, whereresidents can go in for regular medical check-ups and special treatments. In aretirement village, you are free to drive around on your own, or you canrequest the staff to provide you transport from and to the hospital for yourcheckups. +Mostsenior living apartments also provide extra medical care and assistance whenneeded. Additional in-home services like – physiotherapy, bathing, medicateddressing, feeding, grooming are provided to seniors who have restrictedmobility and require extra care. You can also request the services of paid helpand maid to clean your apartment. +Also knownas Continuous Care Retirement, you can avail the services of trained staff, whohelp you with your personal tasks right at the comfort of your apartment in thecommunity. +4. Food and Nutrition +In old-agehomes, food is served in a mess-style cafeteria. You can choose between veg ornon-veg food depending on your dietary preferences. However, there are nofacilities for you to cook on your own. +In asenior living community, you can continue cooking meals in the kitchen in yourapartment. However, if you wish to take a break from cooking your own foodevery day, you can have delicious, nutritious and balanced meals in thecommunity café halls. +You canenjoy restaurant-style meals that are fresh, delicious and tailored to yourspecial dietary requirements. With a break from cooking, you no longer have tobother with grocery shopping, meal planning and spending hours in the kitchen. +5. Hosting Family and Friends +Old-agehomes have fixed visiting hours. Inmates can receive their friends and familyonly during these hours. It’s not possible for your children and grandchildrento stay with you. +In a retirementvillage, you are the owner of your apartment, and you can continue receivingand hosting your children, grandchildren, extended family and friends as always– as you do in your regular home. +6. Recreation and Entertainment +Most old-agehomes don’t have much recreation and entertainment to keep inmates occupied,apart from common TV viewing halls +In seniorliving communities, you have a wide range of activities available on campus tohelp you make the best of your silver years. +Yoga,swimming, gyms and fitness centres, table tennis, badminton, indoor game halls,meditation and Satsang classes – senior living communities provide you with awide range of recreational activities and hobbies to spend your timeengagingly. +The bestpart – you become a part of a like-minded community of friends and neighbours,who become family. The emotional support system provided by senior communities helps youenjoy a long, healthy and happy life, even post-retirement. +7. Safety and Security +Bothold-age homes and senior living communities are safe and secure for seniors.They have security staff on campus, monitoring the premises and providingimmediate help to seniors in case of emergencies. +Seniorliving homes are monitored by trained staff, and you can find CCTV cameras atall vantage points with round the clock surveillance. Additionally, all staffare trained to provide emergency first aid. +Mostsenior living communities offer an emergency response system in each apartment.On-call doctors, ambulances on alert, and 24 x 7 emergency care, you no longerhave to worry about your safety and health care in a senior living community. +8. Lifestyle and Emotional Support System +Thebiggest problems seniors face post-retirement are dull social life with no orfew peers nearby, and loneliness, which takes a toll on their psychological andemotional well-being. +Thoughold-age homes have several seniors living in close proximity, they feel likethey are living in a “hostel-like” institution. They don’t have the space orfacilities to engage in an active and vibrant social life. +In aretirement village, you have several peers in your age group living in thecomplex. And, thanks to the wide array of engaging activities and entertainmentoptions, you can build your social network and make like-minded friends.Retirement villages are more than luxury old-age homes. They are vibrantcommunities, where you get to enjoy your sunset years in the best of companyand emotional support. +Decide for Your Golden Years +Withworld-class amenities, thoughtful infrastructure, trained staff members whotake care of the nutritional and other needs of senior citizens – senior livingcommunities today in India are on par with what’s offered in the western world.More and more seniors looking to spend a quality life during their golden yearsare opting for Senior living communities. +Choosingthe place where you will spend your golden years is a huge decision. So, beforeyou pick any one choice, visit all the different options available to you,consider the pros and cons and then arrive at a decision. Some senior livingcommunities even offer you a trial living experience, where you can stay, evaluate the features andfacilities available on campus and then arrive at a decision. +Make aninformed choice and enjoy your sunset years happily, comfortably and health +Reducing thermal stress to increase milk production and reproduction during the summer months is a key issue in dairy production. Many studies have documented the negative effects of heat stress (Armstrong, 1994, Collier et al., 1982, Ravagnolo et al., 2000 and Ray et al. 1992). Igono and others (1992) proposed that the Temperature Humidity Index (THI) could be used to evaluate the thermal stress of the environment. This index combines relative humidity and temperature into a single value to estimate the potential environmental heat load. An environment is generally considered stressful for cattle when the THI exceeds 72. Hahn (et al., 1992) showed that feed intake of cattle was reduced when temperatures exceed 75°F. +Lactating dairy cattle produce large amounts of heat due to digestion and metabolic processes, and this heat must be exchanged with the environment to maintain normal body temperature. Cattle exchange heat through the mechanisms of convection, conduction, evaporation, and radiation. Cattle can either give or receive heat energy from the environment. Solar radiation increases heat load by increasing the surface temperature of cattle. Air temperature above the normal body temperature of cattle also increases the heat load. In addition to increasing heat load, heat exchange at the body surface is reduced. Protection from solar radiation by providing adequate shade is the first step in reducing heat stress in dairy cattle. +The effects of heat stress and mechanics of heat exchange were extensively studied at the Missouri experiment station in the 1940s and 1950s (Kibler and Brody, 1949, 1950, 1952, and 1954). Studies showed that at temperatures above 70°F, heat loss was primarily due to moisture evaporation from the skin and lungs. As temperatures exceeded 90°F, more than 85% of the total heat dissipation was due to vaporization of water from the body surface and lungs. Brody and others (1954) suggested that at a temperature of 95°F, wetting the hair and skin greatly increased heat dissipation due to the hair increasing the surface area available for water vaporization. +Please check this link first if you are interested in organic or specialty dairy production +Sprinkling or soaking and supplemental airflow to reduce heat stress has been evaluated in many studies. Researchers in Louisiana conducted several experiments in the late 1940s to determine the effects of sprinkling, shade, and supplemental air movement to cool dairy cows (Seath and Miller 1947 and 1948). They reported that sprinkling cows prior to entering shade reduced respiration rates by 65 to 81% and body temperatures by 46 to 59% over shade alone. They also found that using sprinkling in combination with supplemental airflow resulted in a rapid change in body temperature and respiration rate was superior to either a fan or sprinkling alone. +Wetting frequency and level of supplemental airflow have been shown to have a dramatic impact upon the heat exchange rate of dairy cattle. Hillman and coworkers (2001) showed that increasing airflow and wetting frequency had a dramatic effect on the evaporative heat loss from the skin of dairy cows. Heat loss increased two- to eight-fold when wetting frequency and airflow was increased. +In several studies conducted by Kansas State University (Brouk, et al., 2004a, Brouk, et al., 2004b, Brouk, et al., 2003b), increasing airflow and soaking frequency has reduced respiration rates, body temperature, and body surface temperature of heat stressed dairy cattle. These studies have clearly shown that soaking the hair of cattle once every 5 minutes in association with 6 to 8 mph airflow reduced respiration rates by 50% after one and a half hours of treatment. Both low-pressure and high-pressure systems that soak the skin have been shown to be more effective than high-pressure systems that only reduce air temperature (Brouk, et al., 2004b). These studies have shown that soaking the skin with 0.25 to 0.30 gal of water within 1 to 1.5 min, followed by 3.5 to 4 min of drying time was most effective. +Soaking and then evaporating water from the surface of cattle represents the most efficient method to remove heat from cattle. However, when environmental temperature exceeds cow body temperature, evaporative cooling of the air may be necessary. Air conditioning would be the most effective by reducing air temperature and relative humidity. However, due to energy cost and system maintenance issues, it is not considered as a practical solution on commercial dairies. +A possible solution is evaporation of water into air as it enters the cow facility. Combinations of tunnel ventilation and evaporative cooling have been used in swine and poultry operations for many years to cool the environment. Recently, these systems have been installed in some Midwest dairy facilities. Huhnke (et al., 2001) reported that evaporative cooling could reduce the total hours of higher levels of THI in some environments. Evaporative cooling has been used very successfully to cool dairy cattle in hot arid climates. Under arid conditions and high environmental temperatures, the potential to reduce temperature and THI is improved. However, as relative humidity increases and or temperature decreases, effectiveness of evaporative cooling to modify the environment decreases. As relative humidity increases above 70%, the potential reduction in THI is less than 10%. +Very few studies have been reported in the literature concerning the effects of evaporative cooling on the stress level of dairy cattle housed in humid environments. Brown and others (1974) evaluated the effects of evaporative cooling in tie-stall housing at Mississippi State University during the summers of 1970, 1971, and 1972. Milk production was significantly increased in one of the three summers, and respiration rates were significantly lowered in two of three summers by evaporative cooling as compared to the controls. The study showed that evaporative cooling could reduce peak daytime temperatures; however, the authors questioned the long-term benefits of the system. +Studies by K-State Dairy Team (Brouk, et al., 2001 and Brouk, et al., 2003a) have indicated that design flaws have resulted in facilities that did not effectively modify the environment. In several cases, facilities that were equipped with modified evaporative cooling systems resulted in higher THI conditions in the barn than outside the facility. Lack of adequate ventilation and efficiency of water evaporation were the primary causes. One limitation of conventionally designed free-stall barns is the large cross-sectional area of the building resulting in greater ventilation rates to maintain airflow at 7 to 8 mph. However, when correct design criteria were followed (Brouk, et al., 2002), tunnel ventilated tie-stall barns equipped with evaporative cooling pads reduced afternoon respiration rates and body temperatures as compared to barns that were only tunnel ventilated. Although afternoon barn temperatures were reduced by up to 8.25ºF, relative humidity increased by up to 30% in the barns equipped with evaporative cooling pads. However, the decrease in temperature was great enough to overcome the increase in the relative humidity resulting in a decrease in THI. +Combining evaporative cooling, tunnel ventilation, and skin soaking in high-humidity environments has been the focus of several recent studies. Researchers from K-State and Arizona have evaluated these systems on commercial dairies in Florida and Thailand. In Florida, two 700-ft, four-row dairy barns were equipped with tunnel ventilation with fans on the south end and fully open on the north end. The sidewall height was 11 ft 8 in and the peak height was 13 ft 4 in with a 1/12-pitch roof. Curtain sidewalls were closed during the cooling study. One barn was equipped with a high-pressure fogging system that operated when the temperature exceeded 80ºF from 11 a.m. to 10 p.m. and when above 83ºF from 10 p.m. to 11 a.m. Barn temperatures (Figure 1) were lower and relative humidity higher (Figure 2) during the afternoon hours for the evaporative cooled barn. Similar temperature and relative humidity were observed for the tunnel ventilated barn and ambient conditions. THI was lowered during the afternoon hours with evaporative cooling (Figure 3). In a switchback design, feed line soaking systems were tested in the barn with the evaporative cooling. Eight healthy, high-producing animals were selected from each pen, and a vaginal temperature probe was inserted into each animal. Treatments were: soaking in the afternoon and at night (10 a.m. to 6 a.m. the following morning - afternoon & night) or just at night (10 p.m. to 6 a.m. the following morning – night). The feed line soaking system was activated when the barn temperature exceeded 72ºF and the system soaked for 1.6 min (followed by 4.8 min off). Approximately 0.30 gal of water was applied to the cow’s standing area in each feeding space per soaking. Respiration rates of the cattle fitted with the vaginal probes were observed and recorded at 4 p.m., 10 p.m. and 6 a.m. of each study day. Respiration rates were reduced during the afternoon and at night when cattle were provided feed line soaking in addition to tunnel ventilation and evaporative cooling (Figure 4). +However, morning respiration rates did not differ between the two treatments. The average respiration rates were 8 breaths/min less for the cows soaked both afternoon and night. In areas with high night and early morning relative humidity, evaporative cooling may be effective during the afternoon hours if the humidity drops as ambient temperature increases. Vaginal temperature (Figure 5) was less during the evening hours when cattle were soaked both during the afternoon and at night. The effect of heat buildup during the early evening hours seen in the cattle soaked only at night is a typical response of cattle to an ineffective cooling system. In this situation, ambient relative dropped to just above 70%, allowing an effective evaporative cooling system to lower the temperature almost 10 degrees as compared to ambient. Additional cooling was accomplished with the feed line soakers, and the benefits were greatest when the system operated both day and night. +A second study was conducted in Thailand. A two-row, tunnel ventilated free-stall barn equipped with evaporative pads was also fitted with a feed line sprinkling system. The ceiling height of the barn was 8 ft and airflow exceeded 9 mph. The feed line soaking system operated when the barn temperature exceeded 70ºF. When operating, it soaked for 0.5 min and repeated the soaking cycle 4.5 min later. Six healthy cows from each of four pens were fitted with a vaginal temperature recorder. Four cooling treatments were then utilized in a Latin square design to test the effectiveness of feed line soaking in a humid environment. Treatments were control, feed line soaking in the afternoon, feed line soaking at night, or feed line soaking in both the afternoon and night. Treatments rotated from pen to pen each day. The evaporative cooling system effectively lowered barn temperature (Figure 6), raised barn relative humidity (Figure 7), and lowered barn THI (Figure 8). +The relative humidity of the barn generally exceeded 90%. Marked differences in temperature were noted during the afternoon hours. Soaking both in the afternoon and night was more effective in reducing respiration rates than soaking only at night. Soaking in the afternoon was as effective as soaking both afternoon and night in lowering respiration rates (Figure 9). Vaginal temperatures were also maintained at lower level when soaking occurred both during the afternoon and night as compared to control. Data from this study demonstrated the effect of feedline soaking in an extremely high relative humidity situation. Cooling was likely both a function of water evaporation and the temperature of the water applied. +In recent studies, the combination of evaporative cooling, tunnel ventilation, and feed line soaking were more effective in reducing respiration rates and vaginal temperature than tunnel ventilation and evaporative cooling alone. Even in high humidity environments created by the evaporative cooling systems, feed line soaking provided additional cooling for the cattle. The combination of evaporative cooling and feed line soaking is an effective heat stress abatement system. +Armstrong, D.V. 1994. Heat stress interaction with shade and cooling. J. Dairy Sci.77:2044-2050. +Armstrong, D.V., J.F. Smith, M.J. Brouk, V. Wuthironarith and J.P. Harner, 2004. Impact of soaking cows housed in a tunnel ventilated barn equipped with evaporative pads located in Thailand. J. Dairy Sci. 87(Suppl. 1):300-301. +Brouk, M.J., J.F. Smith and J.P. Harner, III. 2002. Effect of utilizing evaporative cooling in tie-stall dairy barns equipped with tunnel ventilation on respiration rates and body temperature of lactating dairy cattle. J. Dairy Sci. 85(Suppl. 1):43. +Brouk, M.J., J.F. Smith and J.P. Harner, III. 2003a. Effectiveness of cow cooling strategies under different environmental conditions. Pages 141-153 in the Proceedings of the 6th Western Dairy Management Conference March 21-14, 2003, Reno, NV. +Brouk, M.J., J.P. Harner, III, J.F. Smith, A.K. Hammond, W.F. Miller and A.F. Park. 2003b. Effect of low-pressure soaking frequency and high-pressure misting on respiration rate, body surface temperature and body temperature of heat stressed dairy cattle. J. Dairy Sci. 86(Suppl. 1):19. +Brouk, M.J., J.P. Harner, III, J.F. Smith, W.F. Miller and B. Cvetkovic. 2004a. Impact of air velocity and direction of flow upon respiration rate, body surface temperature and body temperature of heat stressed dairy catte. J. Dairy Sci. 87(Suppl. 1):300. +Brouk, M.J., J.P. Harner, III, J.F. Smith, W.F. Miller and B. Cvetkovic. 2004b. Response of heat stressed dairy cattle to low-pressure soaking or high-pressure misting heat abatement systems. J. Dairy Sci. 87(Suppl. 1):300. +Brouk, M.J., J.F. Smith and J.P. Harner, III. 2001. Efficiency of modified evaporative cooling in Midwest dairy freestall barns. Pages 412-418 in Livestock and Environment VI: Proceedings of the 6th International Symposium May 21-23, 2001, Louisville, KY. ASAE. +Brown, W.H., J.W. Fuquay, W.H. McGee and S.S. Iyengar. 1974. Evaporative cooling for Mississippi dairy cows. Transactions of the ASAE 17(3):513-515. +Brody, S., A.C. Ragsdale, H.J. Thompson and D.M. Worstell. 1954. Environmental physiology and shelter engineering with special reference to domestic animals. XXV. The effect of wind on milk production, feed and water consumption and body weight in dairy cattle. Missouri Agr Exp Stat Res Bul 545:1-20. +Collier, R.J., D.K. Beede, W.W. Thatcher, L.A. Israel and C.J. Wilcox. 1982. Influences of environment and its modification on dairy animal health and production. J. Dairy Sci. 65:2213-2227. +Hahn, G.L., Y.R. Chen, J.A. Nienaber, R.A. Elgenberg, A.M. Parkhurst. 1992. Characterizing animal stress through fractal analysis of thermoregulatory responses. Thermal Biology, 17(2):115-120. +Hillman, P.E., K.G. Gebremedhin, A. Parkhurst, J. Fquay and S. Willard. 2001. Evaporative and convective cooling of cows in a hot and humid environment. Pages 343-350 in Livestock and Environment VI: Proceedings of the 6th International Symposium May 21-23, 2001, Louisville, KY. ASAE. +Huhnke, R.L., L.C. McCowan, G.M. Meraz, S.L. Harp and M.E. Payton. 2001. Determining the frequency and duration of elevated temperature-humidity index. ASAE Meeting Paper No. 01-4111. St. Joseph, MI. ASAE. +Igono, M.O., G. jotvedt and H.T. Sanford-Crane. 1992. Environmental profile and critical temperature effects on milk production of Holstein cows in desert climate. Int. J. Biometerol. 36:77-87. +Kibler, H.H. and S. Brody. 1949. Environmental physiology with special reference to domestic animals. VII. Influence of temperature, 50° to 5° and 50° to 95° F, on heat production and cardiorespiratory activities of dairy cattle. Missouri Agr Exp Stat Res Bul 450:1-28. +Kibler, H.H. and S. Brody. 1950. Environmental physiology with special reference to domestic animals. X. Influence of temperature, 5° to 95° F, on evaporative cooling from the respiratory and exterior body surfaces of Jersey and Holstein cows. Missouri Agr Exp Sta Res Bul 461:1-19. +Kibler, H.H. and S. Brody. 1952. Environmental physiology with special reference to domestic animals. XIX. Relative efficiency of surface evaporative, respiratory evaporative, and non-evaporative cooling in relation to heat production in Jersey, Holstein, Brown Swiss and Brahman cattle, 5° to 105° F. Missouri Agr Exp Sta Res Bul 497:1-31. +Ravagnolo, O., I. Mistzal and G. Hoogenboom. 2000. Genetic component of heat stress in cattle, development of a heat index function. J. Dairy Sci. 83:2120-2125. +Ray, D.E., T.J. Halback and D.V. Armstrong. 1992. Season and lactation number effects on milk production and reproduction and reproduction of dairy cattle in Arizona. J. Dairy Sci. 75:2976-2983. +Seath, D.M. and G.D. Miller. 1947. Effects of shade and sprinkling with water on summer comfort of Jersey cows. J. Dairy Sci. 30:255-261. +Seath, D.M. and G.D. Miller. 1948. Effect of water sprinkling with and without air movement on cooling dairy cows. J. Dairy Sci. 31:361-366. +Tyson, J.T., R.E. Graves and D.F. McFarland. 1998. Tunnel ventilation for dairy tie stall barns. Northeast Regional Agricultural Engineering Service publication 120. +Micheal Brouk +Kansas State University +[mailto: mbrouk@ksu.edu mbrouk@ksu.edu] +Dennis Armstrong, University of Arizona +John Smith, Kansas State University +Matt VanBaale, University of Arizona +David Bray, University of Florida +Joseph Harner III, Kansas State University +Reasons Why All State Political Systems are Criminal Organizations - by Greg +Flanagan +The +Case Against the World System of Political States. +A +partial listing of their abuses of human rights.. +Herbert Spencer, in The Right to Ignore The State, wrote, "from +another point of view, we again perceive that even in its most equitable form it +is impossible for government to dissociate itself from evil; and further, that +unless the right to ignore The State is recognized, its acts must be essentially +criminal." Any "law" which is inconsistent with natural law, is not law, +it is merely force, and is a crime against human rights and must be dealt with +in that way.The State is an organization that controls territory through +force of arms, it claims ownership of all property and even ownership of the +people's lives who live on it. It claims the authority to regulate any activity +that it thinks is in its interest. Worst of all, ultimately it claims the power +to do anything that is necessary to preserve the power of The State if there is +a compelling reason to do so. This compelling reason sometimes means violating +every right that people have, enslaving, torturing, imprisoning or killing +people. The government that claims to be protecting people's rights in actuality +is only protecting the power of those who rule. Many regimes even violate their +own constitution and laws to keep themselves in power and sometimes their +supreme courts, say that basically, The State can do anything it wants if it can +show a compelling interest to do so. This is a rubber stamp mandate for absolute +power, a total disregarding of constitutional government, a decision that places +no restrictions on power and no protection for the people's rights; it is a +declaration of war against the people and must be fought as such. The U.S. +Supreme Court has consistently ruled that all rights named in the Bill of Rights +may be violated if there is a compelling State interest to do so, which +effectively voids the constitution. The Soviet Union also had a constitution +that promised to uphold basic individual freedoms, but gave the power to +interpret those rights to the Communist Party -- the inevitable result was +totalitarianism. +The +State is an illusion, its an institution that depends on fooling large numbers +of people into supporting it and making them dependent on it; it's nothing more +than a gang of individuals seeking to own and control other individuals and make +them serve their interests. +The +world system of political-states is based on the old feudal system of power +through war and conquest and being willing to submit to the power of your +conquers to survive. +In +the past the concept of sovereignty was religious and was attributed to the god +that a people worshipped. When some thug was able to fight his way to power and +beat other people into submission he, as the monarch, claimed to be the +sovereign; he proclaimed himself to be a god or that he was acting in the place +of or by the authority of god. As the divine right of kings was refuted, those +who filled the power vacuum had to invent some supreme legitimacy for +themselves, since people no longer accepted divine rule by a person they had to +invent a new entity with the same deified status. The invention of the modern +nation-state was born, claiming sovereignty over the lives of the people. +Thus +the concept of the nation-state arose as an entity which is really no one and +nothing, except a mob of people imposing its illusionary idol on +others. +Eventually +in the United States arose the idea of popular sovereignty, which means mob +rule, because throughout US history those in power have oppressed different +minority groups. Popular sovereignty does not exist, it's an illusion. Tyranny +is absolutely wrong and a crime against humanity in whatever governmental +structure it takes, it makes no difference whether the usurper is one dictator, +an oligarchy or a democratic mob, fundamentally they are all the same, they are +an organization of individuals using evil tactics to impose their will on +others. +This +artificial entity assumed the status of a person as though it has rights, and +that ultimately all rights and the citizens of it are merely its property. While +The State destroys lives, property, the environment and wages wars against human +rights, individual human beings are counted as only pawns or resources to be +used to serve the greater power and glory of The State; some serve The State as +their religion, the most important thing for them is to preserve The State at +all cost to humanity; even at the cost of destroying all human life through +nuclear war. For these heathens the ultimate act of devotion is to die for The +State and the ultimate honor is to have one's final resting place in one of its +shrines. This system of beliefs is clearly one that is religious in nature, +people who believe in the nation-state hold certain religious concepts that give +The State ultimate providence and power and they view The State as their only +hope and salvation and the greatest good is to preserve this institution at all +cost for the purpose of achieving a religious-secular salvation which gives +meaning to these godless heathens' lives. +Since +The State is like a religion, and if you can't impose your religion on others, +then the religion of The State can't be imposed. Its a set of beliefs, a +philosophy which presumes the only way to decide questions of right and wrong is +by a mob of people voting to impose its opinions on others. What an hypocrisy to +presume that political maneuvering to get oneself into power by means of theft, +lies, coercion and the use of violent force against innocent people who have +done no wrong to others is presumed to be a legitimate government, what +monumental ignorance these people live under. +When +a group of people invent their own concept of nationality, which is an +expression of their own cultural values, and they set their nation up as a State +against anyone else, they are imposing their own narrow culture and values on +others. Nations are ethnic, religious, cultural or social associations that can +only exist through free association, because cultures and concepts of nations +are constantly changing. A nation has no rights, just as a club or a business +has no rights, only the individuals who own and belong to them have rights and +the only way they do have a right to these things is by respecting everyone +else's equal right to make their own choices. When a horde of barbarians or a +democratic mob try to impose their concept of a nation on others they are +criminals against human rights, their nation-state has no sovereignty +whatsoever, sovereignty is intrinsically a part of the human mind and cannot be +separated from an individual, individuals cannot transfer their rights, though +they may surrender them, and no one may represent your rights for you. +Sovereignty cannot exist for an institution or for a group, except in the joint +sovereignty of each individual within the group. That means, of course, that +each individual is consensually participating in the group and retains one's +full rights, including one's sovereignty and the right to leave that group and +form or join another. +Sovereignty +certainly cannot exist for just one political party or one dictator or the +collective opinions of a portion of a population, public opinion is not and +cannot be sovereign, it is merely opinion and codifying those opinions by voting +for legislation and hiring thugs to impose their opinions on others is among the +most odious of criminal acts. Because all legitimate law is defined by the +philosophy of natural law which is unchanging and exists apart from the +constantly changing public opinions. Natural law is founded on the sovereignty +of the individual and all other laws precede from this to, in every way, protect +individual freedom, anything that is called a "law" that is in violation of this +is not a true law but a crime against human rights, because all crimes are by +definition violations of people's rights. No one may set up a State that makes +up its own laws, most of which are illegitimate, and brands people as criminals +who just want to live their own lives, work for themselves, keep their own +money, trade freely and put what they want into their own bodies. All of those +statutes that rob people of their liberty to do these things is the very +definition of criminal actions and is why The State is a criminal organization. +Because The State does not invent laws, laws exist separate from The State, they +are natural laws which every one must respect. +Slavery +and segregation of an entire race was an example of popular sovereignty in the +United States. Unfortunately even a Constitution that was supposed to guarantee +everyone's rights isn't respected when those in power claim a mandate to do +whatever they want because democratic opinion has favored them. The only way