output_file("stocks_timeseries.html") ts = TimeSeries( xyvalues, index='Date', legend=True, title="Timeseries", tools=TOOLS, ylabel='Stock Prices') # usage with iterable index #ts = TimeSeries( # lxyvalues, index=lindex, # title="timeseries, pd_input", ylabel='Stock Prices') show(ts) """ Licensed to the Apache Software Foundation (ASF) under one or more contributor license agreements. See the NOTICE file distributed with this work for additional information regarding copyright ownership. The ASF licenses this file to you under the Apache License, Version 2.0 (the "License"); you may not use this file except in compliance with the License. You may obtain a copy of the License at http://www.apache.org/licenses/LICENSE-2.0 Unless required by applicable law or agreed to in writing, software distributed under the License is distributed on an "AS IS" BASIS, WITHOUT WARRANTIES OR CONDITIONS OF ANY KIND, either express or implied. See the License for the specific language governing permissions and limitations under the License. """ from datetime import datetime, timedelta from resource_management import Execute, File from tempfile import mkstemp import os import ambari_simplejson as json # simplejson is much faster comparing to Python 2.6 json module and has the same functions set. from resource_management.core.source import StaticFile FILE_TYPE_XML = 'XML' FILE_TYPE_PROPERTIES = 'PROPERTIES' FILE_TYPE_JAAS_CONF = 'JAAS_CONF' # The property name used by the hadoop credential provider HADOOP_CREDENTIAL_PROVIDER_PROPERTY_NAME = 'hadoop.security.credential.provider.path' # Copy JCEKS provider to service specific location and update the ACL def update_credential_provider_path(config, config_type, dest_provider_path, file_owner, file_group, use_local_jceks=False): """ Copies the JCEKS file for the specified config from the default location to the given location, and sets the ACLs for the specified owner and group. Also updates the config type's configuration hadoop credential store provider with the copied file name. :param config: configurations['configurations'][config_type] :param config_type: Like hive-site, oozie-site, etc. :param dest_provider_path: The full path to the file where the JCEKS provider file is to be copied to. :param file_owner: File owner :param file_group: Group :return: A copy of the config that was modified or the input config itself if nothing was modified. """ # Get the path to the provider .jceks if HADOOP_CREDENTIAL_PROVIDER_PROPERTY_NAME in config: provider_path = config[HADOOP_CREDENTIAL_PROVIDER_PROPERTY_NAME] src_provider_path = provider_path[len('jceks://file'):] File(dest_provider_path, owner = file_owner, group = file_group, mode = 0640, content = StaticFile(src_provider_path) ) # make a copy of the config dictionary since it is read-only config_copy = config.copy() # overwrite the provider path with the path specified if use_local_jceks: config_copy[HADOOP_CREDENTIAL_PROVIDER_PROPERTY_NAME] = 'localjceks://file{0}'.format(dest_provider_path) else: config_copy[HADOOP_CREDENTIAL_PROVIDER_PROPERTY_NAME] = 'jceks://file{0}'.format(dest_provider_path) return config_copy return config def validate_security_config_properties(params, configuration_rules): """ Generic security configuration validation based on a set of rules and operations :param params: The structure where the config parameters are held :param configuration_rules: A structure containing rules and expectations, Three types of checks are currently supported by this method: 1. value_checks - checks that a certain value must be set 2. empty_checks - checks that the property values must not be empty 3. read_checks - checks that the value represented by the property describes a readable file on the filesystem :return: Issues found - should be empty if all is good """ issues = {} for config_file, rule_sets in configuration_rules.iteritems(): # Each configuration rule set may have 0 or more of the following rule sets: # - value_checks # - empty_checks # - read_checks try: # Each rule set has at least a list of relevant property names to check in some way # The rule set for the operation of 'value_checks' is expected to be a dictionary of # property names to expected values actual_values = params[config_file] if config_file in params else {} # Process Value Checks # The rules are expected to be a dictionary of property names to expected values rules = rule_sets['value_checks'] if 'value_checks' in rule_sets else None if rules: for property_name, expected_value in rules.iteritems(): actual_value = get_value(actual_values, property_name, '') if actual_value != expected_value: issues[config_file] = "Property %s contains an unexpected value. " \ "Expected/Actual: %s/%s" \ % (property_name, expected_value, actual_value) # Process Empty Checks # The rules are expected to be a list of property names that should not have empty values rules = rule_sets['empty_checks'] if 'empty_checks' in rule_sets else None if rules: for property_name in rules: actual_value = get_value(actual_values, property_name, '') if not actual_value: issues[config_file] = "Property %s must exist and must not be empty" % property_name # Process Read Checks # The rules are expected to be a list of property names that resolve to files names and must # exist and be readable rules = rule_sets['read_checks'] if 'read_checks' in rule_sets else None if rules: for property_name in rules: actual_value = get_value(actual_values, property_name, None) if not actual_value: issues[config_file] = "Property %s does not exist" % property_name elif not os.path.isfile(actual_value): issues[config_file] = "Property %s points to an inaccessible file - %s" % (property_name, actual_value) except Exception as e: issues[config_file] = "Exception occurred while validating the config file\nCauses: %s" % str(e) return issues def build_expectations(config_file, value_checks, empty_checks, read_checks): """ Helper method used to build the check expectations dict :return: """ configs_expectations = {} configs_expectations[config_file] = {} if value_checks: configs_expectations[config_file]['value_checks'] = value_checks if empty_checks: configs_expectations[config_file]['empty_checks'] = empty_checks if read_checks: configs_expectations[config_file]['read_checks'] = read_checks return configs_expectations def get_params_from_filesystem(conf_dir, config_files): """ Used to retrieve properties from xml config files and build a dict The dictionary of configuration files to file types should contain one of the following values" 'XML' 'PROPERTIES' :param conf_dir: directory where the configuration files sit :param config_files: dictionary of configuration file names to (supported) file types :return: a dictionary of config-type to a dictionary of key/value pairs for """ result = {} from xml.etree import ElementTree as ET import ConfigParser, StringIO import re for config_file, file_type in config_files.iteritems(): file_name, file_ext = os.path.splitext(config_file) config_filepath = conf_dir + os.sep + config_file if not os.path.isfile(config_filepath): continue if file_type == FILE_TYPE_XML: configuration = ET.parse(config_filepath) props = configuration.getroot().getchildren() config_file_id = file_name if file_name else config_file result[config_file_id] = {} for prop in props: result[config_file_id].update({prop[0].text: prop[1].text}) elif file_type == FILE_TYPE_PROPERTIES: with open(config_filepath, 'r') as f: config_string = '[root]\n' + f.read() ini_fp = StringIO.StringIO(re.sub(r'\\\s*\n', '\\\n ', config_string)) config = ConfigParser.RawConfigParser() config.readfp(ini_fp) props = config.items('root') result[file_name] = {} for key, value in props: result[file_name].update({key : value}) elif file_type == FILE_TYPE_JAAS_CONF: section_header = re.compile('^(\w+)\s+\{\s*$') section_data = re.compile('^\s*([^ \s\=\}\{]+)\s*=?\s*"?([^ ";]+)"?;?\s*$') section_footer = re.compile('^\}\s*;?\s*$') section_name = "root" result[file_name] = {} with open(config_filepath, 'r') as f: for line in f: if line: line = line.strip() m = section_header.search(line) if m: section_name = m.group(1) if section_name not in result[file_name]: result[file_name][section_name] = {} else: m = section_footer.search(line) if m: section_name = "root" else: m = section_data.search(line) if m: result[file_name][section_name][m.group(1)] = m.group(2) return result def cached_kinit_executor(kinit_path, exec_user, keytab_file, principal, hostname, temp_dir, expiration_time=5): """ Main cached kinit executor - Uses a temporary file on the FS to cache executions. Each command will have its own file and only one entry (last successful execution) will be stored """ key = str(hash("%s|%s" % (principal, keytab_file))) filename = key + "_tmp.txt" file_path = temp_dir + os.sep + "kinit_executor_cache" output = None # First execution scenario dir file existence check if not os.path.exists(file_path): os.makedirs(file_path) file_path += os.sep + filename # If the file does not exist create before read if not os.path.isfile(file_path): with open(file_path, 'w+') as new_file: new_file.write("{}") try: with open(file_path, 'r') as cache_file: output = json.load(cache_file) except: # In the extraordinary case the temporary file gets corrupted the cache should be reset to avoid error loop with open(file_path, 'w+') as cache_file: cache_file.write("{}") if (not output) or (key not in output) or ("last_successful_execution" not in output[key]): new_cached_exec(key, file_path, kinit_path, temp_dir, exec_user, keytab_file, principal, hostname) else: last_run_time = output[key]["last_successful_execution"] now = datetime.now() if (now - datetime.strptime(last_run_time, "%Y-%m-%d %H:%M:%S.%f") > timedelta(minutes=expiration_time)): new_cached_exec(key, file_path, kinit_path, temp_dir, exec_user, keytab_file, principal, hostname) def new_cached_exec(key, file_path, kinit_path, temp_dir, exec_user, keytab_file, principal, hostname): """ Entry point of an actual execution - triggered when timeout on the cache expired or on fresh execution """ now = datetime.now() temp_kinit_cache_fd, temp_kinit_cache_filename = mkstemp(dir=temp_dir) command = "%s -c %s -kt %s %s" % \ (kinit_path, temp_kinit_cache_filename, keytab_file, principal.replace("_HOST", hostname)) os.close(temp_kinit_cache_fd) try: # Ensure the proper user owns this file File(temp_kinit_cache_filename, owner=exec_user, mode=0600) # Execute the kinit Execute(command, user=exec_user) with open(file_path, 'w+') as cache_file: result = {key: {"last_successful_execution": str(now)}} json.dump(result, cache_file) finally: File(temp_kinit_cache_filename, action='delete') def get_value(values, property_path, default_value): names = property_path.split('/') current_dict = values for name in names: if name in current_dict: current_dict = current_dict[name] else: return default_value return current_dict # GUI that displays data produced and queued by worker threads (class-based) import threading, queue, time from tkinter.scrolledtext import ScrolledText # or PP4E.Gui.Tour.scrolledtext class ThreadGui(ScrolledText): threadsPerClick = 4 def __init__(self, parent=None): ScrolledText.__init__(self, parent) self.pack() self.dataQueue = queue.Queue() # infinite size self.bind('', self.makethreads) # on left mouse click self.consumer() # queue loop in main thread def producer(self, id): for i in range(5): time.sleep(0.1) self.dataQueue.put('[producer id=%d, count=%d]' % (id, i)) def consumer(self): try: data = self.dataQueue.get(block=False) except queue.Empty: pass else: self.insert('end', 'consumer got => %s\n' % str(data)) self.see('end') self.after(100, self.consumer) # 10 times per sec def makethreads(self, event): for i in range(self.threadsPerClick): threading.Thread(target=self.producer, args=(i,)).start() if __name__ == '__main__': root = ThreadGui() # in main thread: make GUI, run timer loop root.mainloop() # pop-up window, enter tk event loop import numpy import chainer from chainer.backends import cuda from chainer import function_node from chainer import utils from chainer.utils import type_check if cuda.cudnn_enabled: cudnn = cuda.cudnn _mode = cuda.libcudnn.CUDNN_ACTIVATION_SIGMOID class Sigmoid(function_node.FunctionNode): """Logistic sigmoid function.""" def check_type_forward(self, in_types): type_check._argname(in_types, ('x',)) type_check.expect(in_types[0].dtype.kind == 'f') def forward_cpu(self, inputs): x = inputs[0] half = x.dtype.type(0.5) y = utils.force_array(numpy.tanh(x * half) * half + half) self.retain_outputs((0,)) self._use_cudnn = False return y, def forward_gpu(self, inputs): x = inputs[0] if chainer.should_use_cudnn('==always') and x.flags.c_contiguous: y = cudnn.activation_forward(x, _mode) self.retain_inputs((0,)) self._use_cudnn = True else: y = cuda.elementwise( 'T x', 'T y', 'y = tanh(x * 0.5) * 0.5 + 0.5', 'sigmoid_fwd')(x) self._use_cudnn = False self.retain_outputs((0,)) return y, def backward(self, indexes, grad_outputs): if self._use_cudnn: x = self.get_retained_inputs()[0].data else: x = None y = self.get_retained_outputs()[0] gy, = grad_outputs return SigmoidGrad((x,)).apply((y, gy)) class SigmoidGrad(function_node.FunctionNode): """Logistic sigmoid gradient function.""" def __init__(self, inputs): super(SigmoidGrad, self).__init__() self.x = inputs[0] def check_type_forward(self, in_types): type_check._argname(in_types, ('y', 'gy')) type_check.expect(in_types[0].dtype.kind == 'f') type_check.expect(in_types[1].dtype.kind == 'f') def forward_cpu(self, inputs): self.retain_inputs((0, 1)) y, gy = inputs one = y.dtype.type(1) return utils.force_array(gy * y * (one - y)), def forward_gpu(self, inputs): self.retain_inputs((0, 1)) y, gy = inputs if (chainer.should_use_cudnn('==always') and gy.flags.c_contiguous and self.x is not None and self.x.flags.c_contiguous): gx = cudnn.activation_backward(self.x, y, gy, _mode) else: gx = cuda.elementwise( 'T y, T gy', 'T gx', 'gx = gy * y * (1 - y)', 'sigmoid_bwd')(y, gy) return gx, def backward(self, indexes, grad_outputs): y, gy = self.get_retained_inputs() ggx, = grad_outputs return ggx * gy * (1 - 2 * y), ggx * y * (1 - y) def sigmoid(x): """Element-wise sigmoid logistic function. .. math:: f(x)=(1 + \\exp(-x))^{-1}. Args: x (:class:`~chainer.Variable` or :ref:`ndarray`): Input variable. A :math:`(s_1, s_2, ..., s_N)`-shaped float array. Returns: ~chainer.Variable: Output variable. A :math:`(s_1, s_2, ..., s_N)`-shaped float array. .. admonition:: Example It maps the input values into the range of :math:`[0, 1]`. >>> x = np.arange(-2, 3, 2).astype(np.float32) >>> x array([-2., 0., 2.], dtype=float32) >>> F.sigmoid(x).array array([0.11920291, 0.5 , 0.8807971 ], dtype=float32) """ y, = Sigmoid().apply((x,)) return y from __future__ import division, absolute_import, print_function import os import re import sys import copy import glob import atexit import tempfile import subprocess import shutil import distutils from distutils.errors import DistutilsError from distutils.msvccompiler import get_build_architecture try: from threading import local as tlocal except ImportError: from dummy_threading import local as tlocal # stores temporary directory of each thread to only create one per thread _tdata = tlocal() # store all created temporary directories so they can be deleted on exit _tmpdirs = [] def clean_up_temporary_directory(): if _tmpdirs is not None: for d in _tmpdirs: try: shutil.rmtree(d) except OSError: pass atexit.register(clean_up_temporary_directory) try: set except NameError: from sets import Set as set from numpy.distutils.compat import get_exception from numpy.compat import basestring from numpy.compat import npy_load_module __all__ = ['Configuration', 'get_numpy_include_dirs', 'default_config_dict', 'dict_append', 'appendpath', 'generate_config_py', 'get_cmd', 'allpath', 'get_mathlibs', 'terminal_has_colors', 'red_text', 'green_text', 'yellow_text', 'blue_text', 'cyan_text', 'cyg2win32', 'mingw32', 'all_strings', 'has_f_sources', 'has_cxx_sources', 'filter_sources', 'get_dependencies', 'is_local_src_dir', 'get_ext_source_files', 'get_script_files', 'get_lib_source_files', 'get_data_files', 'dot_join', 'get_frame', 'minrelpath', 'njoin', 'is_sequence', 'is_string', 'as_list', 'gpaths', 'get_language', 'quote_args', 'get_build_architecture', 'get_info', 'get_pkg_info', 'get_num_build_jobs'] class InstallableLib(object): """ Container to hold information on an installable library. Parameters ---------- name : str Name of the installed library. build_info : dict Dictionary holding build information. target_dir : str Absolute path specifying where to install the library. See Also -------- Configuration.add_installed_library Notes ----- The three parameters are stored as attributes with the same names. """ def __init__(self, name, build_info, target_dir): self.name = name self.build_info = build_info self.target_dir = target_dir def get_num_build_jobs(): """ Get number of parallel build jobs set by the --parallel command line argument of setup.py If the command did not receive a setting the environment variable NPY_NUM_BUILD_JOBS checked and if that is unset it returns 1. Returns ------- out : int number of parallel jobs that can be run """ from numpy.distutils.core import get_distribution envjobs = int(os.environ.get("NPY_NUM_BUILD_JOBS", 1)) dist = get_distribution() # may be None during configuration if dist is None: return envjobs # any of these three may have the job set, take the largest cmdattr = (getattr(dist.get_command_obj('build'), 'parallel', None), getattr(dist.get_command_obj('build_ext'), 'parallel', None), getattr(dist.get_command_obj('build_clib'), 'parallel', None)) if all(x is None for x in cmdattr): return envjobs else: return max(x for x in cmdattr if x is not None) def quote_args(args): # don't used _nt_quote_args as it does not check if # args items already have quotes or not. args = list(args) for i in range(len(args)): a = args[i] if ' ' in a and a[0] not in '"\'': args[i] = '"%s"' % (a) return args def allpath(name): "Convert a /-separated pathname to one using the OS's path separator." splitted = name.split('/') return os.path.join(*splitted) def rel_path(path, parent_path): """Return path relative to parent_path.""" # Use realpath to avoid issues with symlinked dirs (see gh-7707) pd = os.path.realpath(os.path.abspath(parent_path)) apath = os.path.realpath(os.path.abspath(path)) if len(apath) < len(pd): return path if apath == pd: return '' if pd == apath[:len(pd)]: assert apath[len(pd)] in [os.sep], repr((path, apath[len(pd)])) path = apath[len(pd)+1:] return path def get_path_from_frame(frame, parent_path=None): """Return path of the module given a frame object from the call stack. Returned path is relative to parent_path when given, otherwise it is absolute path. """ # First, try to find if the file name is in the frame. try: caller_file = eval('__file__', frame.f_globals, frame.f_locals) d = os.path.dirname(os.path.abspath(caller_file)) except NameError: # __file__ is not defined, so let's try __name__. We try this second # because setuptools spoofs __name__ to be '__main__' even though # sys.modules['__main__'] might be something else, like easy_install(1). caller_name = eval('__name__', frame.f_globals, frame.f_locals) __import__(caller_name) mod = sys.modules[caller_name] if hasattr(mod, '__file__'): d = os.path.dirname(os.path.abspath(mod.__file__)) else: # we're probably running setup.py as execfile("setup.py") # (likely we're building an egg) d = os.path.abspath('.') # hmm, should we use sys.argv[0] like in __builtin__ case? if parent_path is not None: d = rel_path(d, parent_path) return d or '.' def njoin(*path): """Join two or more pathname components + - convert a /-separated pathname to one using the OS's path separator. - resolve `..` and `.` from path. Either passing n arguments as in njoin('a','b'), or a sequence of n names as in njoin(['a','b']) is handled, or a mixture of such arguments. """ paths = [] for p in path: if is_sequence(p): # njoin(['a', 'b'], 'c') paths.append(njoin(*p)) else: assert is_string(p) paths.append(p) path = paths if not path: # njoin() joined = '' else: # njoin('a', 'b') joined = os.path.join(*path) if os.path.sep != '/': joined = joined.replace('/', os.path.sep) return minrelpath(joined) def get_mathlibs(path=None): """Return the MATHLIB line from numpyconfig.h """ if path is not None: config_file = os.path.join(path, '_numpyconfig.h') else: # Look for the file in each of the numpy include directories. dirs = get_numpy_include_dirs() for path in dirs: fn = os.path.join(path, '_numpyconfig.h') if os.path.exists(fn): config_file = fn break else: raise DistutilsError('_numpyconfig.h not found in numpy include ' 'dirs %r' % (dirs,)) fid = open(config_file) mathlibs = [] s = '#define MATHLIB' for line in fid: if line.startswith(s): value = line[len(s):].strip() if value: mathlibs.extend(value.split(',')) fid.close() return mathlibs def minrelpath(path): """Resolve `..` and '.' from path. """ if not is_string(path): return path if '.' not in path: return path l = path.split(os.sep) while l: try: i = l.index('.', 1) except ValueError: break del l[i] j = 1 while l: try: i = l.index('..', j) except ValueError: break if l[i-1]=='..': j += 1 else: del l[i], l[i-1] j = 1 if not l: return '' return os.sep.join(l) def _fix_paths(paths, local_path, include_non_existing): assert is_sequence(paths), repr(type(paths)) new_paths = [] assert not is_string(paths), repr(paths) for n in paths: if is_string(n): if '*' in n or '?' in n: p = glob.glob(n) p2 = glob.glob(njoin(local_path, n)) if p2: new_paths.extend(p2) elif p: new_paths.extend(p) else: if include_non_existing: new_paths.append(n) print('could not resolve pattern in %r: %r' % (local_path, n)) else: n2 = njoin(local_path, n) if os.path.exists(n2): new_paths.append(n2) else: if os.path.exists(n): new_paths.append(n) elif include_non_existing: new_paths.append(n) if not os.path.exists(n): print('non-existing path in %r: %r' % (local_path, n)) elif is_sequence(n): new_paths.extend(_fix_paths(n, local_path, include_non_existing)) else: new_paths.append(n) return [minrelpath(p) for p in new_paths] def gpaths(paths, local_path='', include_non_existing=True): """Apply glob to paths and prepend local_path if needed. """ if is_string(paths): paths = (paths,) return _fix_paths(paths, local_path, include_non_existing) def make_temp_file(suffix='', prefix='', text=True): if not hasattr(_tdata, 'tempdir'): _tdata.tempdir = tempfile.mkdtemp() _tmpdirs.append(_tdata.tempdir) fid, name = tempfile.mkstemp(suffix=suffix, prefix=prefix, dir=_tdata.tempdir, text=text) fo = os.fdopen(fid, 'w') return fo, name # Hooks for colored terminal output. # See also http://www.livinglogic.de/Python/ansistyle def terminal_has_colors(): if sys.platform=='cygwin' and 'USE_COLOR' not in os.environ: # Avoid importing curses that causes illegal operation # with a message: # PYTHON2 caused an invalid page fault in # module CYGNURSES7.DLL as 015f:18bbfc28 # Details: Python 2.3.3 [GCC 3.3.1 (cygming special)] # ssh to Win32 machine from debian # curses.version is 2.2 # CYGWIN_98-4.10, release 1.5.7(0.109/3/2)) return 0 if hasattr(sys.stdout, 'isatty') and sys.stdout.isatty(): try: import curses curses.setupterm() if (curses.tigetnum("colors") >= 0 and curses.tigetnum("pairs") >= 0 and ((curses.tigetstr("setf") is not None and curses.tigetstr("setb") is not None) or (curses.tigetstr("setaf") is not None and curses.tigetstr("setab") is not None) or curses.tigetstr("scp") is not None)): return 1 except Exception: pass return 0 if terminal_has_colors(): _colour_codes = dict(black=0, red=1, green=2, yellow=3, blue=4, magenta=5, cyan=6, white=7, default=9) def colour_text(s, fg=None, bg=None, bold=False): seq = [] if bold: seq.append('1') if fg: fgcode = 30 + _colour_codes.get(fg.lower(), 0) seq.append(str(fgcode)) if bg: bgcode = 40 + _colour_codes.get(fg.lower(), 7) seq.append(str(bgcode)) if seq: return '\x1b[%sm%s\x1b[0m' % (';'.join(seq), s) else: return s else: def colour_text(s, fg=None, bg=None): return s def default_text(s): return colour_text(s, 'default') def red_text(s): return colour_text(s, 'red') def green_text(s): return colour_text(s, 'green') def yellow_text(s): return colour_text(s, 'yellow') def cyan_text(s): return colour_text(s, 'cyan') def blue_text(s): return colour_text(s, 'blue') ######################### def cyg2win32(path): if sys.platform=='cygwin' and path.startswith('/cygdrive'): path = path[10] + ':' + os.path.normcase(path[11:]) return path def mingw32(): """Return true when using mingw32 environment. """ if sys.platform=='win32': if os.environ.get('OSTYPE', '')=='msys': return True if os.environ.get('MSYSTEM', '')=='MINGW32': return True return False def msvc_runtime_version(): "Return version of MSVC runtime library, as defined by __MSC_VER__ macro" msc_pos = sys.version.find('MSC v.') if msc_pos != -1: msc_ver = int(sys.version[msc_pos+6:msc_pos+10]) else: msc_ver = None return msc_ver def msvc_runtime_library(): "Return name of MSVC runtime library if Python was built with MSVC >= 7" ver = msvc_runtime_major () if ver: if ver < 140: return "msvcr%i" % ver else: return "vcruntime%i" % ver else: return None def msvc_runtime_major(): "Return major version of MSVC runtime coded like get_build_msvc_version" major = {1300: 70, # MSVC 7.0 1310: 71, # MSVC 7.1 1400: 80, # MSVC 8 1500: 90, # MSVC 9 (aka 2008) 1600: 100, # MSVC 10 (aka 2010) 1900: 140, # MSVC 14 (aka 2015) }.get(msvc_runtime_version(), None) return major ######################### #XXX need support for .C that is also C++ cxx_ext_match = re.compile(r'.*[.](cpp|cxx|cc)\Z', re.I).match fortran_ext_match = re.compile(r'.*[.](f90|f95|f77|for|ftn|f)\Z', re.I).match f90_ext_match = re.compile(r'.*[.](f90|f95)\Z', re.I).match f90_module_name_match = re.compile(r'\s*module\s*(?P[\w_]+)', re.I).match def _get_f90_modules(source): """Return a list of Fortran f90 module names that given source file defines. """ if not f90_ext_match(source): return [] modules = [] f = open(source, 'r') for line in f: m = f90_module_name_match(line) if m: name = m.group('name') modules.append(name) # break # XXX can we assume that there is one module per file? f.close() return modules def is_string(s): return isinstance(s, basestring) def all_strings(lst): """Return True if all items in lst are string objects. """ for item in lst: if not is_string(item): return False return True def is_sequence(seq): if is_string(seq): return False try: len(seq) except: return False return True def is_glob_pattern(s): return is_string(s) and ('*' in s or '?' is s) def as_list(seq): if is_sequence(seq): return list(seq) else: return [seq] def get_language(sources): # not used in numpy/scipy packages, use build_ext.detect_language instead """Determine language value (c,f77,f90) from sources """ language = None for source in sources: if isinstance(source, str): if f90_ext_match(source): language = 'f90' break elif fortran_ext_match(source): language = 'f77' return language def has_f_sources(sources): """Return True if sources contains Fortran files """ for source in sources: if fortran_ext_match(source): return True return False def has_cxx_sources(sources): """Return True if sources contains C++ files """ for source in sources: if cxx_ext_match(source): return True return False def filter_sources(sources): """Return four lists of filenames containing C, C++, Fortran, and Fortran 90 module sources, respectively. """ c_sources = [] cxx_sources = [] f_sources = [] fmodule_sources = [] for source in sources: if fortran_ext_match(source): modules = _get_f90_modules(source) if modules: fmodule_sources.append(source) else: f_sources.append(source) elif cxx_ext_match(source): cxx_sources.append(source) else: c_sources.append(source) return c_sources, cxx_sources, f_sources, fmodule_sources def _get_headers(directory_list): # get *.h files from list of directories headers = [] for d in directory_list: head = glob.glob(os.path.join(d, "*.h")) #XXX: *.hpp files?? headers.extend(head) return headers def _get_directories(list_of_sources): # get unique directories from list of sources. direcs = [] for f in list_of_sources: d = os.path.split(f) if d[0] != '' and not d[0] in direcs: direcs.append(d[0]) return direcs def _commandline_dep_string(cc_args, extra_postargs, pp_opts): """ Return commandline representation used to determine if a file needs to be recompiled """ cmdline = 'commandline: ' cmdline += ' '.join(cc_args) cmdline += ' '.join(extra_postargs) cmdline += ' '.join(pp_opts) + '\n' return cmdline def get_dependencies(sources): #XXX scan sources for include statements return _get_headers(_get_directories(sources)) def is_local_src_dir(directory): """Return true if directory is local directory. """ if not is_string(directory): return False abs_dir = os.path.abspath(directory) c = os.path.commonprefix([os.getcwd(), abs_dir]) new_dir = abs_dir[len(c):].split(os.sep) if new_dir and not new_dir[0]: new_dir = new_dir[1:] if new_dir and new_dir[0]=='build': return False new_dir = os.sep.join(new_dir) return os.path.isdir(new_dir) def general_source_files(top_path): pruned_directories = {'CVS':1, '.svn':1, 'build':1} prune_file_pat = re.compile(r'(?:[~#]|\.py[co]|\.o)$') for dirpath, dirnames, filenames in os.walk(top_path, topdown=True): pruned = [ d for d in dirnames if d not in pruned_directories ] dirnames[:] = pruned for f in filenames: if not prune_file_pat.search(f): yield os.path.join(dirpath, f) def general_source_directories_files(top_path): """Return a directory name relative to top_path and files contained. """ pruned_directories = ['CVS', '.svn', 'build'] prune_file_pat = re.compile(r'(?:[~#]|\.py[co]|\.o)$') for dirpath, dirnames, filenames in os.walk(top_path, topdown=True): pruned = [ d for d in dirnames if d not in pruned_directories ] dirnames[:] = pruned for d in dirnames: dpath = os.path.join(dirpath, d) rpath = rel_path(dpath, top_path) files = [] for f in os.listdir(dpath): fn = os.path.join(dpath, f) if os.path.isfile(fn) and not prune_file_pat.search(fn): files.append(fn) yield rpath, files dpath = top_path rpath = rel_path(dpath, top_path) filenames = [os.path.join(dpath, f) for f in os.listdir(dpath) \ if not prune_file_pat.search(f)] files = [f for f in filenames if os.path.isfile(f)] yield rpath, files def get_ext_source_files(ext): # Get sources and any include files in the same directory. filenames = [] sources = [_m for _m in ext.sources if is_string(_m)] filenames.extend(sources) filenames.extend(get_dependencies(sources)) for d in ext.depends: if is_local_src_dir(d): filenames.extend(list(general_source_files(d))) elif os.path.isfile(d): filenames.append(d) return filenames def get_script_files(scripts): scripts = [_m for _m in scripts if is_string(_m)] return scripts def get_lib_source_files(lib): filenames = [] sources = lib[1].get('sources', []) sources = [_m for _m in sources if is_string(_m)] filenames.extend(sources) filenames.extend(get_dependencies(sources)) depends = lib[1].get('depends', []) for d in depends: if is_local_src_dir(d): filenames.extend(list(general_source_files(d))) elif os.path.isfile(d): filenames.append(d) return filenames def get_shared_lib_extension(is_python_ext=False): """Return the correct file extension for shared libraries. Parameters ---------- is_python_ext : bool, optional Whether the shared library is a Python extension. Default is False. Returns ------- so_ext : str The shared library extension. Notes ----- For Python shared libs, `so_ext` will typically be '.so' on Linux and OS X, and '.pyd' on Windows. For Python >= 3.2 `so_ext` has a tag prepended on POSIX systems according to PEP 3149. For Python 3.2 this is implemented on Linux, but not on OS X. """ confvars = distutils.sysconfig.get_config_vars() # SO is deprecated in 3.3.1, use EXT_SUFFIX instead so_ext = confvars.get('EXT_SUFFIX', None) if so_ext is None: so_ext = confvars.get('SO', '') if not is_python_ext: # hardcode known values, config vars (including SHLIB_SUFFIX) are # unreliable (see #3182) # darwin, windows and debug linux are wrong in 3.3.1 and older if (sys.platform.startswith('linux') or sys.platform.startswith('gnukfreebsd')): so_ext = '.so' elif sys.platform.startswith('darwin'): so_ext = '.dylib' elif sys.platform.startswith('win'): so_ext = '.dll' else: # fall back to config vars for unknown platforms # fix long extension for Python >=3.2, see PEP 3149. if 'SOABI' in confvars: # Does nothing unless SOABI config var exists so_ext = so_ext.replace('.' + confvars.get('SOABI'), '', 1) return so_ext def get_data_files(data): if is_string(data): return [data] sources = data[1] filenames = [] for s in sources: if hasattr(s, '__call__'): continue if is_local_src_dir(s): filenames.extend(list(general_source_files(s))) elif is_string(s): if os.path.isfile(s): filenames.append(s) else: print('Not existing data file:', s) else: raise TypeError(repr(s)) return filenames def dot_join(*args): return '.'.join([a for a in args if a]) def get_frame(level=0): """Return frame object from call stack with given level. """ try: return sys._getframe(level+1) except AttributeError: frame = sys.exc_info()[2].tb_frame for _ in range(level+1): frame = frame.f_back return frame ###################### class Configuration(object): _list_keys = ['packages', 'ext_modules', 'data_files', 'include_dirs', 'libraries', 'headers', 'scripts', 'py_modules', 'installed_libraries', 'define_macros'] _dict_keys = ['package_dir', 'installed_pkg_config'] _extra_keys = ['name', 'version'] numpy_include_dirs = [] def __init__(self, package_name=None, parent_name=None, top_path=None, package_path=None, caller_level=1, setup_name='setup.py', **attrs): """Construct configuration instance of a package. package_name -- name of the package Ex.: 'distutils' parent_name -- name of the parent package Ex.: 'numpy' top_path -- directory of the toplevel package Ex.: the directory where the numpy package source sits package_path -- directory of package. Will be computed by magic from the directory of the caller module if not specified Ex.: the directory where numpy.distutils is caller_level -- frame level to caller namespace, internal parameter. """ self.name = dot_join(parent_name, package_name) self.version = None caller_frame = get_frame(caller_level) self.local_path = get_path_from_frame(caller_frame, top_path) # local_path -- directory of a file (usually setup.py) that # defines a configuration() function. # local_path -- directory of a file (usually setup.py) that # defines a configuration() function. if top_path is None: top_path = self.local_path self.local_path = '' if package_path is None: package_path = self.local_path elif os.path.isdir(njoin(self.local_path, package_path)): package_path = njoin(self.local_path, package_path) if not os.path.isdir(package_path or '.'): raise ValueError("%r is not a directory" % (package_path,)) self.top_path = top_path self.package_path = package_path # this is the relative path in the installed package self.path_in_package = os.path.join(*self.name.split('.')) self.list_keys = self._list_keys[:] self.dict_keys = self._dict_keys[:] for n in self.list_keys: v = copy.copy(attrs.get(n, [])) setattr(self, n, as_list(v)) for n in self.dict_keys: v = copy.copy(attrs.get(n, {})) setattr(self, n, v) known_keys = self.list_keys + self.dict_keys self.extra_keys = self._extra_keys[:] for n in attrs.keys(): if n in known_keys: continue a = attrs[n] setattr(self, n, a) if isinstance(a, list): self.list_keys.append(n) elif isinstance(a, dict): self.dict_keys.append(n) else: self.extra_keys.append(n) if os.path.exists(njoin(package_path, '__init__.py')): self.packages.append(self.name) self.package_dir[self.name] = package_path self.options = dict( ignore_setup_xxx_py = False, assume_default_configuration = False, delegate_options_to_subpackages = False, quiet = False, ) caller_instance = None for i in range(1, 3): try: f = get_frame(i) except ValueError: break try: caller_instance = eval('self', f.f_globals, f.f_locals) break except NameError: pass if isinstance(caller_instance, self.__class__): if caller_instance.options['delegate_options_to_subpackages']: self.set_options(**caller_instance.options) self.setup_name = setup_name def todict(self): """ Return a dictionary compatible with the keyword arguments of distutils setup function. Examples -------- >>> setup(**config.todict()) #doctest: +SKIP """ self._optimize_data_files() d = {} known_keys = self.list_keys + self.dict_keys + self.extra_keys for n in known_keys: a = getattr(self, n) if a: d[n] = a return d def info(self, message): if not self.options['quiet']: print(message) def warn(self, message): sys.stderr.write('Warning: %s' % (message,)) def set_options(self, **options): """ Configure Configuration instance. The following options are available: - ignore_setup_xxx_py - assume_default_configuration - delegate_options_to_subpackages - quiet """ for key, value in options.items(): if key in self.options: self.options[key] = value else: raise ValueError('Unknown option: '+key) def get_distribution(self): """Return the distutils distribution object for self.""" from numpy.distutils.core import get_distribution return get_distribution() def _wildcard_get_subpackage(self, subpackage_name, parent_name, caller_level = 1): l = subpackage_name.split('.') subpackage_path = njoin([self.local_path]+l) dirs = [_m for _m in glob.glob(subpackage_path) if os.path.isdir(_m)] config_list = [] for d in dirs: if not os.path.isfile(njoin(d, '__init__.py')): continue if 'build' in d.split(os.sep): continue n = '.'.join(d.split(os.sep)[-len(l):]) c = self.get_subpackage(n, parent_name = parent_name, caller_level = caller_level+1) config_list.extend(c) return config_list def _get_configuration_from_setup_py(self, setup_py, subpackage_name, subpackage_path, parent_name, caller_level = 1): # In case setup_py imports local modules: sys.path.insert(0, os.path.dirname(setup_py)) try: setup_name = os.path.splitext(os.path.basename(setup_py))[0] n = dot_join(self.name, subpackage_name, setup_name) setup_module = npy_load_module('_'.join(n.split('.')), setup_py, ('.py', 'U', 1)) if not hasattr(setup_module, 'configuration'): if not self.options['assume_default_configuration']: self.warn('Assuming default configuration '\ '(%s does not define configuration())'\ % (setup_module)) config = Configuration(subpackage_name, parent_name, self.top_path, subpackage_path, caller_level = caller_level + 1) else: pn = dot_join(*([parent_name] + subpackage_name.split('.')[:-1])) args = (pn,) def fix_args_py2(args): if setup_module.configuration.__code__.co_argcount > 1: args = args + (self.top_path,) return args def fix_args_py3(args): if setup_module.configuration.__code__.co_argcount > 1: args = args + (self.top_path,) return args if sys.version_info[0] < 3: args = fix_args_py2(args) else: args = fix_args_py3(args) config = setup_module.configuration(*args) if config.name!=dot_join(parent_name, subpackage_name): self.warn('Subpackage %r configuration returned as %r' % \ (dot_join(parent_name, subpackage_name), config.name)) finally: del sys.path[0] return config def get_subpackage(self,subpackage_name, subpackage_path=None, parent_name=None, caller_level = 1): """Return list of subpackage configurations. Parameters ---------- subpackage_name : str or None Name of the subpackage to get the configuration. '*' in subpackage_name is handled as a wildcard. subpackage_path : str If None, then the path is assumed to be the local path plus the subpackage_name. If a setup.py file is not found in the subpackage_path, then a default configuration is used. parent_name : str Parent name. """ if subpackage_name is None: if subpackage_path is None: raise ValueError( "either subpackage_name or subpackage_path must be specified") subpackage_name = os.path.basename(subpackage_path) # handle wildcards l = subpackage_name.split('.') if subpackage_path is None and '*' in subpackage_name: return self._wildcard_get_subpackage(subpackage_name, parent_name, caller_level = caller_level+1) assert '*' not in subpackage_name, repr((subpackage_name, subpackage_path, parent_name)) if subpackage_path is None: subpackage_path = njoin([self.local_path] + l) else: subpackage_path = njoin([subpackage_path] + l[:-1]) subpackage_path = self.paths([subpackage_path])[0] setup_py = njoin(subpackage_path, self.setup_name) if not self.options['ignore_setup_xxx_py']: if not os.path.isfile(setup_py): setup_py = njoin(subpackage_path, 'setup_%s.py' % (subpackage_name)) if not os.path.isfile(setup_py): if not self.options['assume_default_configuration']: self.warn('Assuming default configuration '\ '(%s/{setup_%s,setup}.py was not found)' \ % (os.path.dirname(setup_py), subpackage_name)) config = Configuration(subpackage_name, parent_name, self.top_path, subpackage_path, caller_level = caller_level+1) else: config = self._get_configuration_from_setup_py( setup_py, subpackage_name, subpackage_path, parent_name, caller_level = caller_level + 1) if config: return [config] else: return [] def add_subpackage(self,subpackage_name, subpackage_path=None, standalone = False): """Add a sub-package to the current Configuration instance. This is useful in a setup.py script for adding sub-packages to a package. Parameters ---------- subpackage_name : str name of the subpackage subpackage_path : str if given, the subpackage path such as the subpackage is in subpackage_path / subpackage_name. If None,the subpackage is assumed to be located in the local path / subpackage_name. standalone : bool """ if standalone: parent_name = None else: parent_name = self.name config_list = self.get_subpackage(subpackage_name, subpackage_path, parent_name = parent_name, caller_level = 2) if not config_list: self.warn('No configuration returned, assuming unavailable.') for config in config_list: d = config if isinstance(config, Configuration): d = config.todict() assert isinstance(d, dict), repr(type(d)) self.info('Appending %s configuration to %s' \ % (d.get('name'), self.name)) self.dict_append(**d) dist = self.get_distribution() if dist is not None: self.warn('distutils distribution has been initialized,'\ ' it may be too late to add a subpackage '+ subpackage_name) def add_data_dir(self, data_path): """Recursively add files under data_path to data_files list. Recursively add files under data_path to the list of data_files to be installed (and distributed). The data_path can be either a relative path-name, or an absolute path-name, or a 2-tuple where the first argument shows where in the install directory the data directory should be installed to. Parameters ---------- data_path : seq or str Argument can be either * 2-sequence (, ) * path to data directory where python datadir suffix defaults to package dir. Notes ----- Rules for installation paths:: foo/bar -> (foo/bar, foo/bar) -> parent/foo/bar (gun, foo/bar) -> parent/gun foo/* -> (foo/a, foo/a), (foo/b, foo/b) -> parent/foo/a, parent/foo/b (gun, foo/*) -> (gun, foo/a), (gun, foo/b) -> gun (gun/*, foo/*) -> parent/gun/a, parent/gun/b /foo/bar -> (bar, /foo/bar) -> parent/bar (gun, /foo/bar) -> parent/gun (fun/*/gun/*, sun/foo/bar) -> parent/fun/foo/gun/bar Examples -------- For example suppose the source directory contains fun/foo.dat and fun/bar/car.dat: >>> self.add_data_dir('fun') #doctest: +SKIP >>> self.add_data_dir(('sun', 'fun')) #doctest: +SKIP >>> self.add_data_dir(('gun', '/full/path/to/fun'))#doctest: +SKIP Will install data-files to the locations:: / fun/ foo.dat bar/ car.dat sun/ foo.dat bar/ car.dat gun/ foo.dat car.dat """ if is_sequence(data_path): d, data_path = data_path else: d = None if is_sequence(data_path): [self.add_data_dir((d, p)) for p in data_path] return if not is_string(data_path): raise TypeError("not a string: %r" % (data_path,)) if d is None: if os.path.isabs(data_path): return self.add_data_dir((os.path.basename(data_path), data_path)) return self.add_data_dir((data_path, data_path)) paths = self.paths(data_path, include_non_existing=False) if is_glob_pattern(data_path): if is_glob_pattern(d): pattern_list = allpath(d).split(os.sep) pattern_list.reverse() # /a/*//b/ -> /a/*/b rl = list(range(len(pattern_list)-1)); rl.reverse() for i in rl: if not pattern_list[i]: del pattern_list[i] # for path in paths: if not os.path.isdir(path): print('Not a directory, skipping', path) continue rpath = rel_path(path, self.local_path) path_list = rpath.split(os.sep) path_list.reverse() target_list = [] i = 0 for s in pattern_list: if is_glob_pattern(s): if i>=len(path_list): raise ValueError('cannot fill pattern %r with %r' \ % (d, path)) target_list.append(path_list[i]) else: assert s==path_list[i], repr((s, path_list[i], data_path, d, path, rpath)) target_list.append(s) i += 1 if path_list[i:]: self.warn('mismatch of pattern_list=%s and path_list=%s'\ % (pattern_list, path_list)) target_list.reverse() self.add_data_dir((os.sep.join(target_list), path)) else: for path in paths: self.add_data_dir((d, path)) return assert not is_glob_pattern(d), repr(d) dist = self.get_distribution() if dist is not None and dist.data_files is not None: data_files = dist.data_files else: data_files = self.data_files for path in paths: for d1, f in list(general_source_directories_files(path)): target_path = os.path.join(self.path_in_package, d, d1) data_files.append((target_path, f)) def _optimize_data_files(self): data_dict = {} for p, files in self.data_files: if p not in data_dict: data_dict[p] = set() for f in files: data_dict[p].add(f) self.data_files[:] = [(p, list(files)) for p, files in data_dict.items()] def add_data_files(self,*files): """Add data files to configuration data_files. Parameters ---------- files : sequence Argument(s) can be either * 2-sequence (,) * paths to data files where python datadir prefix defaults to package dir. Notes ----- The form of each element of the files sequence is very flexible allowing many combinations of where to get the files from the package and where they should ultimately be installed on the system. The most basic usage is for an element of the files argument sequence to be a simple filename. This will cause that file from the local path to be installed to the installation path of the self.name package (package path). The file argument can also be a relative path in which case the entire relative path will be installed into the package directory. Finally, the file can be an absolute path name in which case the file will be found at the absolute path name but installed to the package path. This basic behavior can be augmented by passing a 2-tuple in as the file argument. The first element of the tuple should specify the relative path (under the package install directory) where the remaining sequence of files should be installed to (it has nothing to do with the file-names in the source distribution). The second element of the tuple is the sequence of files that should be installed. The files in this sequence can be filenames, relative paths, or absolute paths. For absolute paths the file will be installed in the top-level package installation directory (regardless of the first argument). Filenames and relative path names will be installed in the package install directory under the path name given as the first element of the tuple. Rules for installation paths: #. file.txt -> (., file.txt)-> parent/file.txt #. foo/file.txt -> (foo, foo/file.txt) -> parent/foo/file.txt #. /foo/bar/file.txt -> (., /foo/bar/file.txt) -> parent/file.txt #. *.txt -> parent/a.txt, parent/b.txt #. foo/*.txt -> parent/foo/a.txt, parent/foo/b.txt #. */*.txt -> (*, */*.txt) -> parent/c/a.txt, parent/d/b.txt #. (sun, file.txt) -> parent/sun/file.txt #. (sun, bar/file.txt) -> parent/sun/file.txt #. (sun, /foo/bar/file.txt) -> parent/sun/file.txt #. (sun, *.txt) -> parent/sun/a.txt, parent/sun/b.txt #. (sun, bar/*.txt) -> parent/sun/a.txt, parent/sun/b.txt #. (sun/*, */*.txt) -> parent/sun/c/a.txt, parent/d/b.txt An additional feature is that the path to a data-file can actually be a function that takes no arguments and returns the actual path(s) to the data-files. This is useful when the data files are generated while building the package. Examples -------- Add files to the list of data_files to be included with the package. >>> self.add_data_files('foo.dat', ... ('fun', ['gun.dat', 'nun/pun.dat', '/tmp/sun.dat']), ... 'bar/cat.dat', ... '/full/path/to/can.dat') #doctest: +SKIP will install these data files to:: / foo.dat fun/ gun.dat nun/ pun.dat sun.dat bar/ car.dat can.dat where is the package (or sub-package) directory such as '/usr/lib/python2.4/site-packages/mypackage' ('C: \\Python2.4 \\Lib \\site-packages \\mypackage') or '/usr/lib/python2.4/site- packages/mypackage/mysubpackage' ('C: \\Python2.4 \\Lib \\site-packages \\mypackage \\mysubpackage'). """ if len(files)>1: for f in files: self.add_data_files(f) return assert len(files)==1 if is_sequence(files[0]): d, files = files[0] else: d = None if is_string(files): filepat = files elif is_sequence(files): if len(files)==1: filepat = files[0] else: for f in files: self.add_data_files((d, f)) return else: raise TypeError(repr(type(files))) if d is None: if hasattr(filepat, '__call__'): d = '' elif os.path.isabs(filepat): d = '' else: d = os.path.dirname(filepat) self.add_data_files((d, files)) return paths = self.paths(filepat, include_non_existing=False) if is_glob_pattern(filepat): if is_glob_pattern(d): pattern_list = d.split(os.sep) pattern_list.reverse() for path in paths: path_list = path.split(os.sep) path_list.reverse() path_list.pop() # filename target_list = [] i = 0 for s in pattern_list: if is_glob_pattern(s): target_list.append(path_list[i]) i += 1 else: target_list.append(s) target_list.reverse() self.add_data_files((os.sep.join(target_list), path)) else: self.add_data_files((d, paths)) return assert not is_glob_pattern(d), repr((d, filepat)) dist = self.get_distribution() if dist is not None and dist.data_files is not None: data_files = dist.data_files else: data_files = self.data_files data_files.append((os.path.join(self.path_in_package, d), paths)) ### XXX Implement add_py_modules def add_define_macros(self, macros): """Add define macros to configuration Add the given sequence of macro name and value duples to the beginning of the define_macros list This list will be visible to all extension modules of the current package. """ dist = self.get_distribution() if dist is not None: if not hasattr(dist, 'define_macros'): dist.define_macros = [] dist.define_macros.extend(macros) else: self.define_macros.extend(macros) def add_include_dirs(self,*paths): """Add paths to configuration include directories. Add the given sequence of paths to the beginning of the include_dirs list. This list will be visible to all extension modules of the current package. """ include_dirs = self.paths(paths) dist = self.get_distribution() if dist is not None: if dist.include_dirs is None: dist.include_dirs = [] dist.include_dirs.extend(include_dirs) else: self.include_dirs.extend(include_dirs) def add_headers(self,*files): """Add installable headers to configuration. Add the given sequence of files to the beginning of the headers list. By default, headers will be installed under // directory. If an item of files is a tuple, then its first argument specifies the actual installation location relative to the path. Parameters ---------- files : str or seq Argument(s) can be either: * 2-sequence (,) * path(s) to header file(s) where python includedir suffix will default to package name. """ headers = [] for path in files: if is_string(path): [headers.append((self.name, p)) for p in self.paths(path)] else: if not isinstance(path, (tuple, list)) or len(path) != 2: raise TypeError(repr(path)) [headers.append((path[0], p)) for p in self.paths(path[1])] dist = self.get_distribution() if dist is not None: if dist.headers is None: dist.headers = [] dist.headers.extend(headers) else: self.headers.extend(headers) def paths(self,*paths,**kws): """Apply glob to paths and prepend local_path if needed. Applies glob.glob(...) to each path in the sequence (if needed) and pre-pends the local_path if needed. Because this is called on all source lists, this allows wildcard characters to be specified in lists of sources for extension modules and libraries and scripts and allows path-names be relative to the source directory. """ include_non_existing = kws.get('include_non_existing', True) return gpaths(paths, local_path = self.local_path, include_non_existing=include_non_existing) def _fix_paths_dict(self, kw): for k in kw.keys(): v = kw[k] if k in ['sources', 'depends', 'include_dirs', 'library_dirs', 'module_dirs', 'extra_objects']: new_v = self.paths(v) kw[k] = new_v def add_extension(self,name,sources,**kw): """Add extension to configuration. Create and add an Extension instance to the ext_modules list. This method also takes the following optional keyword arguments that are passed on to the Extension constructor. Parameters ---------- name : str name of the extension sources : seq list of the sources. The list of sources may contain functions (called source generators) which must take an extension instance and a build directory as inputs and return a source file or list of source files or None. If None is returned then no sources are generated. If the Extension instance has no sources after processing all source generators, then no extension module is built. include_dirs : define_macros : undef_macros : library_dirs : libraries : runtime_library_dirs : extra_objects : extra_compile_args : extra_link_args : extra_f77_compile_args : extra_f90_compile_args : export_symbols : swig_opts : depends : The depends list contains paths to files or directories that the sources of the extension module depend on. If any path in the depends list is newer than the extension module, then the module will be rebuilt. language : f2py_options : module_dirs : extra_info : dict or list dict or list of dict of keywords to be appended to keywords. Notes ----- The self.paths(...) method is applied to all lists that may contain paths. """ ext_args = copy.copy(kw) ext_args['name'] = dot_join(self.name, name) ext_args['sources'] = sources if 'extra_info' in ext_args: extra_info = ext_args['extra_info'] del ext_args['extra_info'] if isinstance(extra_info, dict): extra_info = [extra_info] for info in extra_info: assert isinstance(info, dict), repr(info) dict_append(ext_args,**info) self._fix_paths_dict(ext_args) # Resolve out-of-tree dependencies libraries = ext_args.get('libraries', []) libnames = [] ext_args['libraries'] = [] for libname in libraries: if isinstance(libname, tuple): self._fix_paths_dict(libname[1]) # Handle library names of the form libname@relative/path/to/library if '@' in libname: lname, lpath = libname.split('@', 1) lpath = os.path.abspath(njoin(self.local_path, lpath)) if os.path.isdir(lpath): c = self.get_subpackage(None, lpath, caller_level = 2) if isinstance(c, Configuration): c = c.todict() for l in [l[0] for l in c.get('libraries', [])]: llname = l.split('__OF__', 1)[0] if llname == lname: c.pop('name', None) dict_append(ext_args,**c) break continue libnames.append(libname) ext_args['libraries'] = libnames + ext_args['libraries'] ext_args['define_macros'] = \ self.define_macros + ext_args.get('define_macros', []) from numpy.distutils.core import Extension ext = Extension(**ext_args) self.ext_modules.append(ext) dist = self.get_distribution() if dist is not None: self.warn('distutils distribution has been initialized,'\ ' it may be too late to add an extension '+name) return ext def add_library(self,name,sources,**build_info): """ Add library to configuration. Parameters ---------- name : str Name of the extension. sources : sequence List of the sources. The list of sources may contain functions (called source generators) which must take an extension instance and a build directory as inputs and return a source file or list of source files or None. If None is returned then no sources are generated. If the Extension instance has no sources after processing all source generators, then no extension module is built. build_info : dict, optional The following keys are allowed: * depends * macros * include_dirs * extra_compiler_args * extra_f77_compile_args * extra_f90_compile_args * f2py_options * language """ self._add_library(name, sources, None, build_info) dist = self.get_distribution() if dist is not None: self.warn('distutils distribution has been initialized,'\ ' it may be too late to add a library '+ name) def _add_library(self, name, sources, install_dir, build_info): """Common implementation for add_library and add_installed_library. Do not use directly""" build_info = copy.copy(build_info) name = name #+ '__OF__' + self.name build_info['sources'] = sources # Sometimes, depends is not set up to an empty list by default, and if # depends is not given to add_library, distutils barfs (#1134) if not 'depends' in build_info: build_info['depends'] = [] self._fix_paths_dict(build_info) # Add to libraries list so that it is build with build_clib self.libraries.append((name, build_info)) def add_installed_library(self, name, sources, install_dir, build_info=None): """ Similar to add_library, but the specified library is installed. Most C libraries used with `distutils` are only used to build python extensions, but libraries built through this method will be installed so that they can be reused by third-party packages. Parameters ---------- name : str Name of the installed library. sources : sequence List of the library's source files. See `add_library` for details. install_dir : str Path to install the library, relative to the current sub-package. build_info : dict, optional The following keys are allowed: * depends * macros * include_dirs * extra_compiler_args * extra_f77_compile_args * extra_f90_compile_args * f2py_options * language Returns ------- None See Also -------- add_library, add_npy_pkg_config, get_info Notes ----- The best way to encode the options required to link against the specified C libraries is to use a "libname.ini" file, and use `get_info` to retrieve the required options (see `add_npy_pkg_config` for more information). """ if not build_info: build_info = {} install_dir = os.path.join(self.package_path, install_dir) self._add_library(name, sources, install_dir, build_info) self.installed_libraries.append(InstallableLib(name, build_info, install_dir)) def add_npy_pkg_config(self, template, install_dir, subst_dict=None): """ Generate and install a npy-pkg config file from a template. The config file generated from `template` is installed in the given install directory, using `subst_dict` for variable substitution. Parameters ---------- template : str The path of the template, relatively to the current package path. install_dir : str Where to install the npy-pkg config file, relatively to the current package path. subst_dict : dict, optional If given, any string of the form ``@key@`` will be replaced by ``subst_dict[key]`` in the template file when installed. The install prefix is always available through the variable ``@prefix@``, since the install prefix is not easy to get reliably from setup.py. See also -------- add_installed_library, get_info Notes ----- This works for both standard installs and in-place builds, i.e. the ``@prefix@`` refer to the source directory for in-place builds. Examples -------- :: config.add_npy_pkg_config('foo.ini.in', 'lib', {'foo': bar}) Assuming the foo.ini.in file has the following content:: [meta] Name=@foo@ Version=1.0 Description=dummy description [default] Cflags=-I@prefix@/include Libs= The generated file will have the following content:: [meta] Name=bar Version=1.0 Description=dummy description [default] Cflags=-Iprefix_dir/include Libs= and will be installed as foo.ini in the 'lib' subpath. """ if subst_dict is None: subst_dict = {} basename = os.path.splitext(template)[0] template = os.path.join(self.package_path, template) if self.name in self.installed_pkg_config: self.installed_pkg_config[self.name].append((template, install_dir, subst_dict)) else: self.installed_pkg_config[self.name] = [(template, install_dir, subst_dict)] def add_scripts(self,*files): """Add scripts to configuration. Add the sequence of files to the beginning of the scripts list. Scripts will be installed under the /bin/ directory. """ scripts = self.paths(files) dist = self.get_distribution() if dist is not None: if dist.scripts is None: dist.scripts = [] dist.scripts.extend(scripts) else: self.scripts.extend(scripts) def dict_append(self,**dict): for key in self.list_keys: a = getattr(self, key) a.extend(dict.get(key, [])) for key in self.dict_keys: a = getattr(self, key) a.update(dict.get(key, {})) known_keys = self.list_keys + self.dict_keys + self.extra_keys for key in dict.keys(): if key not in known_keys: a = getattr(self, key, None) if a and a==dict[key]: continue self.warn('Inheriting attribute %r=%r from %r' \ % (key, dict[key], dict.get('name', '?'))) setattr(self, key, dict[key]) self.extra_keys.append(key) elif key in self.extra_keys: self.info('Ignoring attempt to set %r (from %r to %r)' \ % (key, getattr(self, key), dict[key])) elif key in known_keys: # key is already processed above pass else: raise ValueError("Don't know about key=%r" % (key)) def __str__(self): from pprint import pformat known_keys = self.list_keys + self.dict_keys + self.extra_keys s = '<'+5*'-' + '\n' s += 'Configuration of '+self.name+':\n' known_keys.sort() for k in known_keys: a = getattr(self, k, None) if a: s += '%s = %s\n' % (k, pformat(a)) s += 5*'-' + '>' return s def get_config_cmd(self): """ Returns the numpy.distutils config command instance. """ cmd = get_cmd('config') cmd.ensure_finalized() cmd.dump_source = 0 cmd.noisy = 0 old_path = os.environ.get('PATH') if old_path: path = os.pathsep.join(['.', old_path]) os.environ['PATH'] = path return cmd def get_build_temp_dir(self): """ Return a path to a temporary directory where temporary files should be placed. """ cmd = get_cmd('build') cmd.ensure_finalized() return cmd.build_temp def have_f77c(self): """Check for availability of Fortran 77 compiler. Use it inside source generating function to ensure that setup distribution instance has been initialized. Notes ----- True if a Fortran 77 compiler is available (because a simple Fortran 77 code was able to be compiled successfully). """ simple_fortran_subroutine = ''' subroutine simple end ''' config_cmd = self.get_config_cmd() flag = config_cmd.try_compile(simple_fortran_subroutine, lang='f77') return flag def have_f90c(self): """Check for availability of Fortran 90 compiler. Use it inside source generating function to ensure that setup distribution instance has been initialized. Notes ----- True if a Fortran 90 compiler is available (because a simple Fortran 90 code was able to be compiled successfully) """ simple_fortran_subroutine = ''' subroutine simple end ''' config_cmd = self.get_config_cmd() flag = config_cmd.try_compile(simple_fortran_subroutine, lang='f90') return flag def append_to(self, extlib): """Append libraries, include_dirs to extension or library item. """ if is_sequence(extlib): lib_name, build_info = extlib dict_append(build_info, libraries=self.libraries, include_dirs=self.include_dirs) else: from numpy.distutils.core import Extension assert isinstance(extlib, Extension), repr(extlib) extlib.libraries.extend(self.libraries) extlib.include_dirs.extend(self.include_dirs) def _get_svn_revision(self, path): """Return path's SVN revision number. """ revision = None m = None cwd = os.getcwd() try: os.chdir(path or '.') p = subprocess.Popen(['svnversion'], shell=True, stdout=subprocess.PIPE, stderr=None, close_fds=True) sout = p.stdout m = re.match(r'(?P\d+)', sout.read()) except: pass os.chdir(cwd) if m: revision = int(m.group('revision')) return revision if sys.platform=='win32' and os.environ.get('SVN_ASP_DOT_NET_HACK', None): entries = njoin(path, '_svn', 'entries') else: entries = njoin(path, '.svn', 'entries') if os.path.isfile(entries): f = open(entries) fstr = f.read() f.close() if fstr[:5] == '\d+)"', fstr) if m: revision = int(m.group('revision')) else: # non-xml entries file --- check to be sure that m = re.search(r'dir[\n\r]+(?P\d+)', fstr) if m: revision = int(m.group('revision')) return revision def _get_hg_revision(self, path): """Return path's Mercurial revision number. """ revision = None m = None cwd = os.getcwd() try: os.chdir(path or '.') p = subprocess.Popen(['hg identify --num'], shell=True, stdout=subprocess.PIPE, stderr=None, close_fds=True) sout = p.stdout m = re.match(r'(?P\d+)', sout.read()) except: pass os.chdir(cwd) if m: revision = int(m.group('revision')) return revision branch_fn = njoin(path, '.hg', 'branch') branch_cache_fn = njoin(path, '.hg', 'branch.cache') if os.path.isfile(branch_fn): branch0 = None f = open(branch_fn) revision0 = f.read().strip() f.close() branch_map = {} for line in file(branch_cache_fn, 'r'): branch1, revision1 = line.split()[:2] if revision1==revision0: branch0 = branch1 try: revision1 = int(revision1) except ValueError: continue branch_map[branch1] = revision1 revision = branch_map.get(branch0) return revision def get_version(self, version_file=None, version_variable=None): """Try to get version string of a package. Return a version string of the current package or None if the version information could not be detected. Notes ----- This method scans files named __version__.py, _version.py, version.py, and __svn_version__.py for string variables version, __version__, and _version, until a version number is found. """ version = getattr(self, 'version', None) if version is not None: return version # Get version from version file. if version_file is None: files = ['__version__.py', self.name.split('.')[-1]+'_version.py', 'version.py', '__svn_version__.py', '__hg_version__.py'] else: files = [version_file] if version_variable is None: version_vars = ['version', '__version__', self.name.split('.')[-1]+'_version'] else: version_vars = [version_variable] for f in files: fn = njoin(self.local_path, f) if os.path.isfile(fn): info = ('.py', 'U', 1) name = os.path.splitext(os.path.basename(fn))[0] n = dot_join(self.name, name) try: version_module = npy_load_module('_'.join(n.split('.')), fn, info) except ImportError: msg = get_exception() self.warn(str(msg)) version_module = None if version_module is None: continue for a in version_vars: version = getattr(version_module, a, None) if version is not None: break if version is not None: break if version is not None: self.version = version return version # Get version as SVN or Mercurial revision number revision = self._get_svn_revision(self.local_path) if revision is None: revision = self._get_hg_revision(self.local_path) if revision is not None: version = str(revision) self.version = version return version def make_svn_version_py(self, delete=True): """Appends a data function to the data_files list that will generate __svn_version__.py file to the current package directory. Generate package __svn_version__.py file from SVN revision number, it will be removed after python exits but will be available when sdist, etc commands are executed. Notes ----- If __svn_version__.py existed before, nothing is done. This is intended for working with source directories that are in an SVN repository. """ target = njoin(self.local_path, '__svn_version__.py') revision = self._get_svn_revision(self.local_path) if os.path.isfile(target) or revision is None: return else: def generate_svn_version_py(): if not os.path.isfile(target): version = str(revision) self.info('Creating %s (version=%r)' % (target, version)) f = open(target, 'w') f.write('version = %r\n' % (version)) f.close() import atexit def rm_file(f=target,p=self.info): if delete: try: os.remove(f); p('removed '+f) except OSError: pass try: os.remove(f+'c'); p('removed '+f+'c') except OSError: pass atexit.register(rm_file) return target self.add_data_files(('', generate_svn_version_py())) def make_hg_version_py(self, delete=True): """Appends a data function to the data_files list that will generate __hg_version__.py file to the current package directory. Generate package __hg_version__.py file from Mercurial revision, it will be removed after python exits but will be available when sdist, etc commands are executed. Notes ----- If __hg_version__.py existed before, nothing is done. This is intended for working with source directories that are in an Mercurial repository. """ target = njoin(self.local_path, '__hg_version__.py') revision = self._get_hg_revision(self.local_path) if os.path.isfile(target) or revision is None: return else: def generate_hg_version_py(): if not os.path.isfile(target): version = str(revision) self.info('Creating %s (version=%r)' % (target, version)) f = open(target, 'w') f.write('version = %r\n' % (version)) f.close() import atexit def rm_file(f=target,p=self.info): if delete: try: os.remove(f); p('removed '+f) except OSError: pass try: os.remove(f+'c'); p('removed '+f+'c') except OSError: pass atexit.register(rm_file) return target self.add_data_files(('', generate_hg_version_py())) def make_config_py(self,name='__config__'): """Generate package __config__.py file containing system_info information used during building the package. This file is installed to the package installation directory. """ self.py_modules.append((self.name, name, generate_config_py)) def get_info(self,*names): """Get resources information. Return information (from system_info.get_info) for all of the names in the argument list in a single dictionary. """ from .system_info import get_info, dict_append info_dict = {} for a in names: dict_append(info_dict,**get_info(a)) return info_dict def get_cmd(cmdname, _cache={}): if cmdname not in _cache: import distutils.core dist = distutils.core._setup_distribution if dist is None: from distutils.errors import DistutilsInternalError raise DistutilsInternalError( 'setup distribution instance not initialized') cmd = dist.get_command_obj(cmdname) _cache[cmdname] = cmd return _cache[cmdname] def get_numpy_include_dirs(): # numpy_include_dirs are set by numpy/core/setup.py, otherwise [] include_dirs = Configuration.numpy_include_dirs[:] if not include_dirs: import numpy include_dirs = [ numpy.get_include() ] # else running numpy/core/setup.py return include_dirs def get_npy_pkg_dir(): """Return the path where to find the npy-pkg-config directory.""" # XXX: import here for bootstrapping reasons import numpy d = os.path.join(os.path.dirname(numpy.__file__), 'core', 'lib', 'npy-pkg-config') return d def get_pkg_info(pkgname, dirs=None): """ Return library info for the given package. Parameters ---------- pkgname : str Name of the package (should match the name of the .ini file, without the extension, e.g. foo for the file foo.ini). dirs : sequence, optional If given, should be a sequence of additional directories where to look for npy-pkg-config files. Those directories are searched prior to the NumPy directory. Returns ------- pkginfo : class instance The `LibraryInfo` instance containing the build information. Raises ------ PkgNotFound If the package is not found. See Also -------- Configuration.add_npy_pkg_config, Configuration.add_installed_library, get_info """ from numpy.distutils.npy_pkg_config import read_config if dirs: dirs.append(get_npy_pkg_dir()) else: dirs = [get_npy_pkg_dir()] return read_config(pkgname, dirs) def get_info(pkgname, dirs=None): """ Return an info dict for a given C library. The info dict contains the necessary options to use the C library. Parameters ---------- pkgname : str Name of the package (should match the name of the .ini file, without the extension, e.g. foo for the file foo.ini). dirs : sequence, optional If given, should be a sequence of additional directories where to look for npy-pkg-config files. Those directories are searched prior to the NumPy directory. Returns ------- info : dict The dictionary with build information. Raises ------ PkgNotFound If the package is not found. See Also -------- Configuration.add_npy_pkg_config, Configuration.add_installed_library, get_pkg_info Examples -------- To get the necessary information for the npymath library from NumPy: >>> npymath_info = np.distutils.misc_util.get_info('npymath') >>> npymath_info #doctest: +SKIP {'define_macros': [], 'libraries': ['npymath'], 'library_dirs': ['.../numpy/core/lib'], 'include_dirs': ['.../numpy/core/include']} This info dict can then be used as input to a `Configuration` instance:: config.add_extension('foo', sources=['foo.c'], extra_info=npymath_info) """ from numpy.distutils.npy_pkg_config import parse_flags pkg_info = get_pkg_info(pkgname, dirs) # Translate LibraryInfo instance into a build_info dict info = parse_flags(pkg_info.cflags()) for k, v in parse_flags(pkg_info.libs()).items(): info[k].extend(v) # add_extension extra_info argument is ANAL info['define_macros'] = info['macros'] del info['macros'] del info['ignored'] return info def is_bootstrapping(): if sys.version_info[0] >= 3: import builtins else: import __builtin__ as builtins try: builtins.__NUMPY_SETUP__ return True except AttributeError: return False __NUMPY_SETUP__ = False ######################### def default_config_dict(name = None, parent_name = None, local_path=None): """Return a configuration dictionary for usage in configuration() function defined in file setup_.py. """ import warnings warnings.warn('Use Configuration(%r,%r,top_path=%r) instead of '\ 'deprecated default_config_dict(%r,%r,%r)' % (name, parent_name, local_path, name, parent_name, local_path, ), stacklevel=2) c = Configuration(name, parent_name, local_path) return c.todict() def dict_append(d, **kws): for k, v in kws.items(): if k in d: ov = d[k] if isinstance(ov, str): d[k] = v else: d[k].extend(v) else: d[k] = v def appendpath(prefix, path): if os.path.sep != '/': prefix = prefix.replace('/', os.path.sep) path = path.replace('/', os.path.sep) drive = '' if os.path.isabs(path): drive = os.path.splitdrive(prefix)[0] absprefix = os.path.splitdrive(os.path.abspath(prefix))[1] pathdrive, path = os.path.splitdrive(path) d = os.path.commonprefix([absprefix, path]) if os.path.join(absprefix[:len(d)], absprefix[len(d):]) != absprefix \ or os.path.join(path[:len(d)], path[len(d):]) != path: # Handle invalid paths d = os.path.dirname(d) subpath = path[len(d):] if os.path.isabs(subpath): subpath = subpath[1:] else: subpath = path return os.path.normpath(njoin(drive + prefix, subpath)) def generate_config_py(target): """Generate config.py file containing system_info information used during building the package. Usage: config['py_modules'].append((packagename, '__config__',generate_config_py)) """ from numpy.distutils.system_info import system_info from distutils.dir_util import mkpath mkpath(os.path.dirname(target)) f = open(target, 'w') f.write('# This file is generated by %s\n' % (os.path.abspath(sys.argv[0]))) f.write('# It contains system_info results at the time of building this package.\n') f.write('__all__ = ["get_info","show"]\n\n') for k, i in system_info.saved_results.items(): f.write('%s=%r\n' % (k, i)) f.write(r''' def get_info(name): g = globals() return g.get(name, g.get(name + "_info", {})) def show(): for name,info_dict in globals().items(): if name[0] == "_" or type(info_dict) is not type({}): continue print(name + ":") if not info_dict: print(" NOT AVAILABLE") for k,v in info_dict.items(): v = str(v) if k == "sources" and len(v) > 200: v = v[:60] + " ...\n... " + v[-60:] print(" %s = %s" % (k,v)) ''') f.close() return target def msvc_version(compiler): """Return version major and minor of compiler instance if it is MSVC, raise an exception otherwise.""" if not compiler.compiler_type == "msvc": raise ValueError("Compiler instance is not msvc (%s)"\ % compiler.compiler_type) return compiler._MSVCCompiler__version """Flash Object to be inherited""" class SerialFlash(object): """Interface of a generic SPI flash device""" FEAT_NONE = 0x000 # No special feature FEAT_LOCK = 0x001 # Basic, revertable locking FEAT_INVLOCK = 0x002 # Inverted (bottom/top) locking FEAT_SECTLOCK = 0x004 # Arbitrary sector locking FEAT_OTPLOCK = 0x008 # OTP locking available FEAT_UNIQUEID = 0x010 # Unique ID FEAT_SECTERASE = 0x100 # Can erase whole sectors FEAT_HSECTERASE = 0x200 # Can erase half sectors FEAT_SUBSECTERASE = 0x400 # Can erase sub sectors def read(self, address, length): """Read a sequence of bytes from the specified address.""" raise NotImplementedError() def write(self, address, data): """Write a sequence of bytes, starting at the specified address.""" raise NotImplementedError() def erase(self, address, length): """Erase a block of bytes. Address and length depends upon device- specific constraints.""" raise NotImplementedError() def can_erase(self, address, length): """Tells whether a defined area can be erased on the Spansion flash device. It does not take into account any locking scheme.""" raise NotImplementedError() def is_busy(self): """Reports whether the flash may receive commands or is actually being performing internal work""" raise NotImplementedError() def get_capacity(self): """Get the flash device capacity in bytes""" raise NotImplementedError() def get_capabilities(self): """Flash device capabilities.""" return SerialFlash.FEAT_NONE def get_locks(self): """Report the currently write-protected areas of the device.""" raise NotImplementedError() def set_lock(self, address, length, otp=False): """Create a write-protected area. Device should have been unlocked first.""" raise NotImplementedError() def unlock(self): """Make the whole device read/write""" pass def get_unique_id(self): """Return the unique ID of the flash, if it exists""" raise NotImplementedError() import unittest try: from unittest.mock import patch # Python 3.4 and later except ImportError: from mock import patch from ncclient import manager import ncclient.transport from ncclient.operations.third_party.alu.rpc import * class TestRPC(unittest.TestCase): def setUp(self): self.device_handler = manager.make_device_handler({'name': 'alu'}) @patch('ncclient.operations.third_party.alu.rpc.RPC._request') def test_showCLI(self, mock_request): mock_request.return_value = 'alu' expected = 'alu' session = ncclient.transport.SSHSession(self.device_handler) obj = ShowCLI(session, self.device_handler) command = 'show system users' actual = obj.request(command=command) self.assertEqual(expected, actual) @patch('ncclient.operations.third_party.alu.rpc.RPC._request') def test_getConfiguration(self, mock_request): mock_request.return_value = 'alu' expected = 'alu' session = ncclient.transport.SSHSession(self.device_handler) obj = GetConfiguration(session, self.device_handler) content = 'xml' actual = obj.request(content=content) self.assertEqual(expected, actual) filter = 'device-name' actual = obj.request(content=content, filter=filter) self.assertEqual(expected, actual) content = 'cli' actual = obj.request(content=content, filter=filter) self.assertEqual(expected, actual) detail = True actual = obj.request(content=content, filter=filter, detail=detail) self.assertEqual(expected, actual) content = '' actual = obj.request(content=content, filter=filter, detail=detail) self.assertEqual(expected, actual) @patch('ncclient.operations.third_party.alu.rpc.RPC._request') def test_loadConfiguration(self, mock_request): mock_request.return_value = 'alu' expected = 'alu' session = ncclient.transport.SSHSession(self.device_handler) obj = LoadConfiguration(session, self.device_handler) default_operation = '' format = 'xml' actual = obj.request(format=format, default_operation=default_operation) self.assertEqual(expected, actual) default_operation = 'get' actual=obj.request(format=format, default_operation=default_operation) self.assertEqual(expected, actual) config = new_ele('device-name') actual=obj.request(format=format, default_operation=default_operation, config=config) self.assertEqual(expected, actual) config = 'device-name' format = 'cli' actual=obj.request(format=format, default_operation=default_operation, config=config) self.assertEqual(expected, actual) default_operation = '' actual=obj.request(format=format, default_operation=default_operation, config=config) self.assertEqual(expected, actual) # -*- Mode:Python; indent-tabs-mode:nil; tab-width:4 -*- # # Copyright (C) 2015 Canonical Ltd # # This program is free software: you can redistribute it and/or modify # it under the terms of the GNU General Public License version 3 as # published by the Free Software Foundation. # # This program is distributed in the hope that it will be useful, # but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of # MERCHANTABILITY or FITNESS FOR A PARTICULAR PURPOSE. See the # GNU General Public License for more details. # # You should have received a copy of the GNU General Public License # along with this program. If not, see . import logging from snapcraft.internal import log from snapcraft import tests from snapcraft.tests import fixture_setup class LogTestCase(tests.TestCase): def setUp(self): super().setUp() self.info_color = log._ColoredFormatter.LEVEL_COLORS['INFO'] self.warning_color = log._ColoredFormatter.LEVEL_COLORS['WARNING'] self.error_color = log._ColoredFormatter.LEVEL_COLORS['ERROR'] self.critical_color = log._ColoredFormatter.LEVEL_COLORS['CRITICAL'] def test_configure_must_send_messages_to_stdout(self): logger_name = self.id() log.configure(logger_name) logger = logging.getLogger(logger_name) # Overwrite the level to log everything. logger.setLevel(logging.DEBUG) logger.debug('Test debug') logger.info('Test info') logger.warning('Test warning') expected_out = ('Test debug\n' '{}Test info\033[0m\n' '{}Test warning\033[0m\n').format( self.info_color, self.warning_color) self.assertEqual(expected_out, self.fake_terminal.getvalue()) self.assertEqual('', self.fake_terminal.getvalue(stderr=True)) def test_configure_must_send_errors_to_stderr(self): logger_name = self.id() log.configure(logger_name) logger = logging.getLogger(logger_name) # Overwrite the level to log everything. logger.setLevel(logging.DEBUG) logger.error('Test error') logger.critical('Test critical') expected_err = ('{}Test error\033[0m\n' '{}Test critical\033[0m\n').format( self.error_color, self.critical_color) self.assertEqual(expected_err, self.fake_terminal.getvalue(stderr=True)) self.assertEqual('', self.fake_terminal.getvalue()) def test_configure_must_log_info_and_higher(self): logger_name = self.id() log.configure(logger_name) logger = logging.getLogger(logger_name) logger.debug('Test debug') logger.info('Test info') logger.warning('Test warning') logger.error('Test error') logger.critical('Test critical') expected_out = ('{}Test info\033[0m\n' '{}Test warning\033[0m\n').format( self.info_color, self.warning_color) expected_err = ('{}Test error\033[0m\n' '{}Test critical\033[0m\n').format( self.error_color, self.critical_color) self.assertEqual(expected_out, self.fake_terminal.getvalue()) self.assertEqual(expected_err, self.fake_terminal.getvalue(stderr=True)) def test_configure_must_support_debug(self): logger_name = self.id() log.configure(logger_name, log_level=logging.DEBUG) logger = logging.getLogger(logger_name) logger.debug('Test debug') logger.info('Test info') logger.warning('Test warning') logger.error('Test error') logger.critical('Test critical') expected_out = ('Test debug\n' '{}Test info\033[0m\n' '{}Test warning\033[0m\n').format( self.info_color, self.warning_color) expected_err = ('{}Test error\033[0m\n' '{}Test critical\033[0m\n').format( self.error_color, self.critical_color) self.assertEqual(expected_out, self.fake_terminal.getvalue()) self.assertEqual(expected_err, self.fake_terminal.getvalue(stderr=True)) def test_configure_must_support_no_tty(self): self.fake_terminal = fixture_setup.FakeTerminal(isatty=False) self.useFixture(self.fake_terminal) logger_name = self.id() log.configure(logger_name, log_level=logging.DEBUG) logger = logging.getLogger(logger_name) logger.debug('Test debug') logger.info('Test info') logger.warning('Test warning') logger.error('Test error') logger.critical('Test critical') expected_out = ('Test debug\n' 'Test info\n' 'Test warning\n') expected_err = ('Test error\n' 'Test critical\n') self.assertEqual(expected_out, self.fake_terminal.getvalue()) self.assertEqual(expected_err, self.fake_terminal.getvalue(stderr=True)) import os import urlparse from fnmatch import fnmatch try: from xml.etree import cElementTree as ElementTree except ImportError: from xml.etree import ElementTree import html5lib import vcs from item import Stub, ManualTest, WebdriverSpecTest, RefTest, TestharnessTest from utils import rel_path_to_url, is_blacklisted, ContextManagerStringIO, cached_property wd_pattern = "*.py" class SourceFile(object): parsers = {"html":lambda x:html5lib.parse(x, treebuilder="etree"), "xhtml":ElementTree.parse, "svg":ElementTree.parse} def __init__(self, tests_root, rel_path, url_base, use_committed=False): """Object representing a file in a source tree. :param tests_root: Path to the root of the source tree :param rel_path: File path relative to tests_root :param url_base: Base URL used when converting file paths to urls :param use_committed: Work with the last committed version of the file rather than the on-disk version. """ self.tests_root = tests_root self.rel_path = rel_path self.url_base = url_base self.use_committed = use_committed self.url = rel_path_to_url(rel_path, url_base) self.path = os.path.join(tests_root, rel_path) self.dir_path, self.filename = os.path.split(self.path) self.name, self.ext = os.path.splitext(self.filename) self.type_flag = None if "-" in self.name: self.type_flag = self.name.rsplit("-", 1)[1] self.meta_flags = self.name.split(".")[1:] def __getstate__(self): # Remove computed properties if we pickle this class rv = self.__dict__.copy() if "__cached_properties__" in rv: cached_properties = rv["__cached_properties__"] for key in rv.keys(): if key in cached_properties: del rv[key] del rv["__cached_properties__"] return rv def name_prefix(self, prefix): """Check if the filename starts with a given prefix :param prefix: The prefix to check""" return self.name.startswith(prefix) def open(self): """Return a File object opened for reading the file contents, or the contents of the file when last committed, if use_comitted is true.""" if self.use_committed: git = vcs.get_git_func(os.path.dirname(__file__)) blob = git("show", "HEAD:%s" % self.rel_path) file_obj = ContextManagerStringIO(blob) else: file_obj = open(self.path) return file_obj @property def name_is_non_test(self): """Check if the file name matches the conditions for the file to be a non-test file""" return (os.path.isdir(self.rel_path) or self.name_prefix("MANIFEST") or self.filename.startswith(".") or is_blacklisted(self.url)) @property def name_is_stub(self): """Check if the file name matches the conditions for the file to be a stub file""" return self.name_prefix("stub-") @property def name_is_manual(self): """Check if the file name matches the conditions for the file to be a manual test file""" return self.type_flag == "manual" @property def name_is_worker(self): """Check if the file name matches the conditions for the file to be a worker js test file""" return "worker" in self.meta_flags and self.ext == ".js" @property def name_is_webdriver(self): """Check if the file name matches the conditions for the file to be a webdriver spec test file""" # wdspec tests are in subdirectories of /webdriver excluding __init__.py # files. rel_dir_tree = self.rel_path.split(os.path.sep) return (rel_dir_tree[0] == "webdriver" and len(rel_dir_tree) > 2 and self.filename != "__init__.py" and fnmatch(self.filename, wd_pattern)) @property def name_is_reference(self): """Check if the file name matches the conditions for the file to be a reference file (not a reftest)""" return self.type_flag in ("ref", "notref") @property def markup_type(self): """Return the type of markup contained in a file, based on its extension, or None if it doesn't contain markup""" ext = self.ext if not ext: return None if ext[0] == ".": ext = ext[1:] if ext in ["html", "htm"]: return "html" if ext in ["xhtml", "xht"]: return "xhtml" if ext == "svg": return "svg" return None @cached_property def root(self): """Return an ElementTree Element for the root node of the file if it contains markup, or None if it does not""" if not self.markup_type: return None parser = self.parsers[self.markup_type] with self.open() as f: try: tree = parser(f) except Exception: return None if hasattr(tree, "getroot"): root = tree.getroot() else: root = tree return root @cached_property def timeout_nodes(self): """List of ElementTree Elements corresponding to nodes in a test that specify timeouts""" return self.root.findall(".//{http://www.w3.org/1999/xhtml}meta[@name='timeout']") @cached_property def timeout(self): """The timeout of a test or reference file. "long" if the file has an extended timeout or None otherwise""" if not self.root: return if self.timeout_nodes: timeout_str = self.timeout_nodes[0].attrib.get("content", None) if timeout_str and timeout_str.lower() == "long": return timeout_str @cached_property def testharness_nodes(self): """List of ElementTree Elements corresponding to nodes representing a testharness.js script""" return self.root.findall(".//{http://www.w3.org/1999/xhtml}script[@src='/resources/testharness.js']") @cached_property def content_is_testharness(self): """Boolean indicating whether the file content represents a testharness.js test""" if not self.root: return None return bool(self.testharness_nodes) @cached_property def variant_nodes(self): """List of ElementTree Elements corresponding to nodes representing a test variant""" return self.root.findall(".//{http://www.w3.org/1999/xhtml}meta[@name='variant']") @cached_property def test_variants(self): rv = [] for element in self.variant_nodes: if "content" in element.attrib: variant = element.attrib["content"] assert variant == "" or variant[0] in ["#", "?"] rv.append(variant) if not rv: rv = [""] return rv @cached_property def reftest_nodes(self): """List of ElementTree Elements corresponding to nodes representing a to a reftest """ if not self.root: return [] match_links = self.root.findall(".//{http://www.w3.org/1999/xhtml}link[@rel='match']") mismatch_links = self.root.findall(".//{http://www.w3.org/1999/xhtml}link[@rel='mismatch']") return match_links + mismatch_links @cached_property def references(self): """List of (ref_url, relation) tuples for any reftest references specified in the file""" rv = [] rel_map = {"match": "==", "mismatch": "!="} for item in self.reftest_nodes: if "href" in item.attrib: ref_url = urlparse.urljoin(self.url, item.attrib["href"]) ref_type = rel_map[item.attrib["rel"]] rv.append((ref_url, ref_type)) return rv @cached_property def content_is_ref_node(self): """Boolean indicating whether the file is a non-leaf node in a reftest graph (i.e. if it contains any """ return bool(self.references) def manifest_items(self): """List of manifest items corresponding to the file. There is typically one per test, but in the case of reftests a node may have corresponding manifest items without being a test itself.""" if self.name_is_non_test: rv = [] elif self.name_is_stub: rv = [Stub(self, self.url)] elif self.name_is_manual: rv = [ManualTest(self, self.url)] elif self.name_is_worker: rv = [TestharnessTest(self, self.url[:-3])] elif self.name_is_webdriver: rv = [WebdriverSpecTest(self)] elif self.content_is_testharness: rv = [] for variant in self.test_variants: url = self.url + variant rv.append(TestharnessTest(self, url, timeout=self.timeout)) elif self.content_is_ref_node: rv = [RefTest(self, self.url, self.references, timeout=self.timeout)] else: # If nothing else it's a helper file, which we don't have a specific type for rv = [] return rv # ----------------------------------------------------------------------- # Standalone and testing code import sys try: import pywraps pywraps_there = True print "Using pywraps" except: pywraps_there = False print "Not using pywraps" try: import _idaapi except: print "Please try me from inside IDA" sys.exit(0) import struct if pywraps_there: _idaapi.register_custom_data_type = pywraps.register_custom_data_type _idaapi.unregister_custom_data_type = pywraps.unregister_custom_data_type _idaapi.register_custom_data_format = pywraps.register_custom_data_format _idaapi.unregister_custom_data_format = pywraps.unregister_custom_data_format _idaapi.get_custom_data_format = pywraps.get_custom_data_format _idaapi.get_custom_data_type = pywraps.get_custom_data_type # ----------------------------------------------------------------------- # DTP_NODUP = 0x0001 class data_type_t(object): """ Custom data type definition. All data types should inherit from this class. """ def __init__(self, name, value_size = 0, menu_name = None, hotkey = None, asm_keyword = None, props = 0): """Please refer to bytes.hpp / data_type_t in the SDK""" self.name = name self.props = props self.menu_name = menu_name self.hotkey = hotkey self.asm_keyword = asm_keyword self.value_size = value_size self.id = -1 # Will be initialized after registration """Contains the data type id after the data type is registered""" def register(self): """Registers the data type and returns the type id or < 0 on failure""" return _idaapi.register_custom_data_type(self) def unregister(self): """Unregisters the data type and returns True on success""" # Not registered? if self.id < 0: return True # Try to unregister r = _idaapi.unregister_custom_data_type(self.id) # Clear the ID if r: self.id = -1 return r # # def may_create_at(self, ea, nbytes): # """ # (optional) If this callback is not defined then this means always may create data type at the given ea. # @param ea: address of the future item # @param nbytes: size of the future item # @return: Boolean # """ # # return False # # def calc_item_size(self, ea, maxsize): # """ # (optional) If this callback is defined it means variable size datatype # This function is used to determine size of the (possible) item at 'ea' # @param ea: address of the item # @param maxsize: maximal size of the item # @return: integer # Returns: 0-no such item can be created/displayed # this callback is required only for varsize datatypes # """ # return 0 # # ----------------------------------------------------------------------- # Uncomment the corresponding callbacks in the inherited class class data_format_t(object): """Information about a data format""" def __init__(self, name, value_size = 0, menu_name = None, props = 0, hotkey = None, text_width = 0): """Custom data format definition. @param name: Format name, must be unique @param menu_name: Visible format name to use in menus @param props: properties (currently 0) @param hotkey: Hotkey for the corresponding menu item @param value_size: size of the value in bytes. 0 means any size is ok @text_width: Usual width of the text representation """ self.name = name self.menu_name = menu_name self.props = props self.hotkey = hotkey self.value_size = value_size self.text_width = text_width self.id = -1 # Will be initialized after registration """contains the format id after the format gets registered""" def register(self, dtid): """Registers the data format with the given data type id and returns the type id or < 0 on failure""" return _idaapi.register_custom_data_format(dtid, self) def unregister(self, dtid): """Unregisters the data format with the given data type id""" # Not registered? if self.id < 0: return True # Unregister r = _idaapi.unregister_custom_data_format(dtid, self.id) # Clear the ID if r: self.id = -1 return r # # def printf(self, value, current_ea, operand_num, dtid): # """ # Convert a value buffer to colored string. # # @param value: The value to be printed # @param current_ea: The ea of the value # @param operand_num: The affected operand # @param dtid: custom data type id (0-standard built-in data type) # @return: a colored string representing the passed 'value' or None on failure # """ # return None # # def scan(self, input, current_ea, operand_num): # """ # Convert from uncolored string 'input' to byte value # # @param input: input string # @param current_ea: current address (BADADDR if unknown) # @param operand_num: current operand number (-1 if unknown) # # @return: tuple (Boolean, string) # - (False, ErrorMessage) if conversion fails # - (True, Value buffer) if conversion succeeds # """ # return (False, "Not implemented") # # def analyze(self, current_ea, operand_num): # """ # (optional) Analyze custom data format occurrence. # It can be used to create xrefs from the current item. # # @param current_ea: current address (BADADDR if unknown) # @param operand_num: current operand number # @return: None # """ # # pass # # ----------------------------------------------------------------------- def __walk_types_and_formats(formats, type_action, format_action, installing): broken = False for f in formats: if len(f) == 1: if not format_action(f[0], 0): broken = True break else: dt = f[0] dfs = f[1:] # install data type before installing formats if installing and not type_action(dt): broken = True break # process formats using the correct dt.id for df in dfs: if not format_action(df, dt.id): broken = True break # uninstall data type after uninstalling formats if not installing and not type_action(dt): broken = True break return not broken # ----------------------------------------------------------------------- def register_data_types_and_formats(formats): """ Registers multiple data types and formats at once. To register one type/format at a time use register_custom_data_type/register_custom_data_format It employs a special table of types and formats described below: The 'formats' is a list of tuples. If a tuple has one element then it is the format to be registered with dtid=0 If the tuple has more than one element, then tuple[0] is the data type and tuple[1:] are the data formats. For example: many_formats = [ (pascal_data_type(), pascal_data_format()), (simplevm_data_type(), simplevm_data_format()), (makedword_data_format(),), (simplevm_data_format(),) ] The first two tuples describe data types and their associated formats. The last two tuples describe two data formats to be used with built-in data types. """ def __reg_format(df, dtid): df.register(dtid) if dtid == 0: print "Registered format '%s' with built-in types, ID=%d" % (df.name, df.id) else: print " Registered format '%s', ID=%d (dtid=%d)" % (df.name, df.id, dtid) return df.id != -1 def __reg_type(dt): dt.register() print "Registered type '%s', ID=%d" % (dt.name, dt.id) return dt.id != -1 ok = __walk_types_and_formats(formats, __reg_type, __reg_format, True) return 1 if ok else -1 # ----------------------------------------------------------------------- def unregister_data_types_and_formats(formats): """As opposed to register_data_types_and_formats(), this function unregisters multiple data types and formats at once. """ def __unreg_format(df, dtid): print "%snregistering format '%s'" % ("U" if dtid == 0 else " u", df.name) df.unregister(dtid) return True def __unreg_type(dt): print "Unregistering type '%s', ID=%d" % (dt.name, dt.id) dt.unregister() return True ok = __walk_types_and_formats(formats, __unreg_type, __unreg_format, False) return 1 if ok else -1 # # ----------------------------------------------------------------------- #!/usr/bin/env python import sys import unittest from ZSI import TC, ParsedSoap, ParseException, FaultFromZSIException, FaultFromException, SoapWriter class t2TestCase(unittest.TestCase): "Test case wrapper for old ZSI t2 test case" def checkt2(self): try: ps = ParsedSoap(IN) except ParseException, e: print >>OUT, FaultFromZSIException(e).AsSOAP() self.fail() except Exception, e: # Faulted while processing; assume it's in the # header. print >>OUT, FaultFromException(e, 1).AsSOAP() self.fail() # We are not prepared to handle any actors or mustUnderstand elements. # Arbitrary fault back with the first one found. a = ps.WhatActorsArePresent() if len(a): print >>OUT, FaultFromActor(a[0]).AsSOAP() self.fail() mu = ps.WhatMustIUnderstand() if len(mu): uri, localname = mu[0] print >>OUT, FaultFromNotUnderstood(uri, localname).AsSOAP() self.fail() try: player = ps.Parse(Player) except EvaluateException, e: print >>OUT, FaultFromZSIException(e).AsSOAP() self.fail() try: import operator total = reduce(operator.add, player.Scores, 0) result = Average(foo(total, len(player.Scores))) sw = SoapWriter().serialize(result) str(sw) #print >>OUT, str(sw) except Exception, e: print >>OUT, FaultFromException(e, 0, sys.exc_info()[2]).AsSOAP() self.fail() def makeTestSuite(): suite = unittest.TestSuite() suite.addTest(unittest.makeSuite(t2TestCase, "check")) return suite class Player: '''Input class.''' def __init__(self, name=None): pass Player.typecode = TC.Struct(Player, [ TC.String('Name', optional=1), TC.Array('xsd:integer', TC.Integer(), 'Scores'), ], 'GetAverage') class Average: '''Output class.''' def __init__(self, average): self.average = average Average.typecode = TC.Struct(Average, [ TC.Integer('average'), ], 'GetAverageResponse', inline=1) def bar(total, len): return total / len def foo(total, len): return bar(total, len) OUT = sys.stdout IN=''' 84 101 200 4 John Doe ''' def main(): unittest.main(defaultTest="makeTestSuite") if __name__ == "__main__" : main() #!/usr/bin/python import os.path import plistlib import sys import reports # Print the usage text if needed if len(sys.argv) != 2: print "Usage: python wikifiy-summary.py Summary.plist" sys.exit() # Read in the file they named infile = open(sys.argv[1], "r") data = infile.read() infile.close() # We want an array of reports, but we also want direct access to the plist plist = plistlib.readPlistFromString(data) reportlist = reports.summaryPlistToReports(data) # Print out the header print """== Static Analysis of Adium == This page lists the reports generated by [http://clang.llvm.org/StaticAnalysis.html Clang Static Analyzer] as run on r%(revision)s. This page can be used by developers to investigate each report and make a ruling on its validity. === Key === || ||No ruling|| ||[ticket:6 Y]||Confirmed report, ticket open|| ||[ticket:1337 Y]||Confirmed report, ticket closed|| ||~~[changeset:4 F]~~||Confirmed report, fixed without a ticket|| ||N||False positive|| === Reports === || ||Data||Comment||""" % { "revision" : plist["Revision"] } # Now print out each report for r in reportlist: print "|| ||%(bugtype)s in [http://rgov.org/adium/r%(revision)s/%(reportfile)s %(sourcefile)s:%(linenum)i]|| ||" % { "bugtype" : r.type, "revision" : plist["Revision"], "reportfile" : r.reportfile, "sourcefile" : os.path.basename(r.sourcefile), "linenum" : r.endpathline, } from itertools import izip import theano import theano.tensor as T import numpy as np import utils as U from parameters import Parameters def clip(magnitude): def clipper(deltas): grads_norms = [T.sqrt(T.sum(T.sqr(g))) for g in deltas] return [ T.switch( T.gt(n, magnitude), magnitude * (g / n), g ) for n, g in zip(grads_norms, deltas) ] return clipper def myclip(magnitude): def clipper(deltas): grads_norms = [T.sqrt(T.sum(T.sqr(g))) for g in deltas] max_norm = T.max(grads_norms) return [ T.switch( T.gt(max_norm, magnitude), magnitude * (g / max_norm), g ) for g in deltas ] return clipper def track_parameters(update_fun): def decorated_fun(parameters, gradients, **kwargs): if "P" not in kwargs: kwargs["P"] = Parameters() if "delta_preprocess" in kwargs: delta_preprocess = kwargs["delta_preprocess"] del kwargs["delta_preprocess"] else: delta_preprocess = lambda x: x deltas, updates = update_fun(parameters, gradients, **kwargs) deltas = delta_preprocess(deltas) assert(len(deltas) == len(parameters)) return zip(parameters, (p - d for p, d in izip(parameters, deltas))) + updates return decorated_fun def create_param(P, name, w): P[name] = w return P[name] def get_shapes(parameters): return [p.get_value().shape for p in parameters] @track_parameters def adadelta(parameters, gradients, rho=np.float32(0.95), learning_rate=np.float32(1e-4), P=None): eps = learning_rate shapes = get_shapes(parameters) acc_gradients_sq = [create_param( P, "grad_sq_" + p.name, np.zeros(s)) for p, s in izip(parameters, shapes)] acc_deltas_sq = [create_param(P, "deltas_sq_" + p.name, np.zeros(s)) for p, s in izip(parameters, shapes)] gradients_sq = [T.sqr(g) for g in gradients] gradients_sq_new = [rho * acc_g_sq + (np.float32(1.) - rho) * g_sq for acc_g_sq, g_sq in izip(acc_gradients_sq, gradients_sq)] learning_rate_sq = [(d_sq + eps) / (g_sq + eps) for d_sq, g_sq in izip(acc_deltas_sq, gradients_sq_new)] deltas_sq = [lr_sq * g_sq for lr_sq, g_sq in izip(learning_rate_sq, gradients_sq)] deltas_sq_new = [rho * acc_d_sq + (np.float32(1.) - rho) * d_sq for acc_d_sq, d_sq in izip(acc_deltas_sq, deltas_sq)] deltas = [T.sqrt(lr_sq) * g for lr_sq, g in izip(learning_rate_sq, gradients)] gradient_sq_updates = zip(acc_gradients_sq, gradients_sq_new) deltas_sq_updates = zip(acc_deltas_sq, deltas_sq_new) return deltas, gradient_sq_updates + deltas_sq_updates @track_parameters def adagrad(parameters, gradients, learning_rate=1e-4, P=None): shapes = get_shapes(parameters) grad_sq = [create_param(P, "acc_sq_" + p.name, np.zeros(s)) for p, s in izip(parameters, shapes)] grad_sq_new = [g_sq + g**2 for g, g_sq in izip(gradients, grad_sq)] deltas = [learning_rate * g / T.sqrt(g_sq + 1e-6) for g, g_sq in izip(gradients, grad_sq_new)] grad_sq_update = zip(grad_sq, grad_sq_new) return deltas, grad_sq_update @track_parameters def momentum(parameters, gradients, mu=0.9, learning_rate=1e-3, P=None): eps = learning_rate P.t = 1 m = (1 - 3.0 / (P.t + 5) < mu) mu = m * (1 - 3.0 / (P.t + 5)) + (1 - m) * mu shapes = get_shapes(parameters) deltas = [create_param(P, "deltas_" + p.name, np.zeros(s)) for p, s in izip(parameters, shapes)] delta_nexts = [mu * delta + eps * grad for delta, grad in zip(deltas, gradients)] delta_updates = [(delta, delta_next) for delta, delta_next in zip(deltas, delta_nexts)] return delta_nexts, delta_updates + [(P.t, P.t + 1)] @track_parameters def rmsprop(parameters, gradients, discount=0.95, momentum=0.9, learning_rate=1e-4, epsilon=1e-4, P=None): shapes = get_shapes(parameters) sq_acc = [create_param(P, "sq_acc_" + p.name, np.zeros(s)) for p, s in izip(parameters, shapes)] acc = [create_param(P, "acc_" + p.name, np.zeros(s)) for p, s in izip(parameters, shapes)] delta_acc = [create_param(P, "delta_acc_" + p.name, np.zeros(s)) for p, s in izip(parameters, shapes)] sq_avg = [discount * sq_a + (1 - discount) * (g**2) for sq_a, g in izip(sq_acc, gradients)] avg = [discount * a + (1 - discount) * g for a, g in izip(acc, gradients)] scaled_grads = [g / T.sqrt(sq_a - a**2 + epsilon) for g, a, sq_a in izip(gradients, acc, sq_acc)] deltas = [momentum * d_a + learning_rate * s_g for d_a, s_g in izip(delta_acc, scaled_grads)] sq_acc_updates = [(sq_a, sq_aa) for sq_a, sq_aa in izip(sq_acc, sq_avg)] acc_updates = [(a, aa) for a, aa in izip(acc, avg)] delta_updates = [(d_a, d) for d_a, d in izip(delta_acc, deltas)] parameters_updates = [(p, p - d) for p, d in izip(parameters, deltas)] return deltas, acc_updates + sq_acc_updates + delta_updates data = ( 'pyuk', # 0x00 'pyut', # 0x01 'pyup', # 0x02 'pyuh', # 0x03 'peu', # 0x04 'peug', # 0x05 'peugg', # 0x06 'peugs', # 0x07 'peun', # 0x08 'peunj', # 0x09 'peunh', # 0x0a 'peud', # 0x0b 'peul', # 0x0c 'peulg', # 0x0d 'peulm', # 0x0e 'peulb', # 0x0f 'peuls', # 0x10 'peult', # 0x11 'peulp', # 0x12 'peulh', # 0x13 'peum', # 0x14 'peub', # 0x15 'peubs', # 0x16 'peus', # 0x17 'peuss', # 0x18 'peung', # 0x19 'peuj', # 0x1a 'peuc', # 0x1b 'peuk', # 0x1c 'peut', # 0x1d 'peup', # 0x1e 'peuh', # 0x1f 'pyi', # 0x20 'pyig', # 0x21 'pyigg', # 0x22 'pyigs', # 0x23 'pyin', # 0x24 'pyinj', # 0x25 'pyinh', # 0x26 'pyid', # 0x27 'pyil', # 0x28 'pyilg', # 0x29 'pyilm', # 0x2a 'pyilb', # 0x2b 'pyils', # 0x2c 'pyilt', # 0x2d 'pyilp', # 0x2e 'pyilh', # 0x2f 'pyim', # 0x30 'pyib', # 0x31 'pyibs', # 0x32 'pyis', # 0x33 'pyiss', # 0x34 'pying', # 0x35 'pyij', # 0x36 'pyic', # 0x37 'pyik', # 0x38 'pyit', # 0x39 'pyip', # 0x3a 'pyih', # 0x3b 'pi', # 0x3c 'pig', # 0x3d 'pigg', # 0x3e 'pigs', # 0x3f 'pin', # 0x40 'pinj', # 0x41 'pinh', # 0x42 'pid', # 0x43 'pil', # 0x44 'pilg', # 0x45 'pilm', # 0x46 'pilb', # 0x47 'pils', # 0x48 'pilt', # 0x49 'pilp', # 0x4a 'pilh', # 0x4b 'pim', # 0x4c 'pib', # 0x4d 'pibs', # 0x4e 'pis', # 0x4f 'piss', # 0x50 'ping', # 0x51 'pij', # 0x52 'pic', # 0x53 'pik', # 0x54 'pit', # 0x55 'pip', # 0x56 'pih', # 0x57 'ha', # 0x58 'hag', # 0x59 'hagg', # 0x5a 'hags', # 0x5b 'han', # 0x5c 'hanj', # 0x5d 'hanh', # 0x5e 'had', # 0x5f 'hal', # 0x60 'halg', # 0x61 'halm', # 0x62 'halb', # 0x63 'hals', # 0x64 'halt', # 0x65 'halp', # 0x66 'halh', # 0x67 'ham', # 0x68 'hab', # 0x69 'habs', # 0x6a 'has', # 0x6b 'hass', # 0x6c 'hang', # 0x6d 'haj', # 0x6e 'hac', # 0x6f 'hak', # 0x70 'hat', # 0x71 'hap', # 0x72 'hah', # 0x73 'hae', # 0x74 'haeg', # 0x75 'haegg', # 0x76 'haegs', # 0x77 'haen', # 0x78 'haenj', # 0x79 'haenh', # 0x7a 'haed', # 0x7b 'hael', # 0x7c 'haelg', # 0x7d 'haelm', # 0x7e 'haelb', # 0x7f 'haels', # 0x80 'haelt', # 0x81 'haelp', # 0x82 'haelh', # 0x83 'haem', # 0x84 'haeb', # 0x85 'haebs', # 0x86 'haes', # 0x87 'haess', # 0x88 'haeng', # 0x89 'haej', # 0x8a 'haec', # 0x8b 'haek', # 0x8c 'haet', # 0x8d 'haep', # 0x8e 'haeh', # 0x8f 'hya', # 0x90 'hyag', # 0x91 'hyagg', # 0x92 'hyags', # 0x93 'hyan', # 0x94 'hyanj', # 0x95 'hyanh', # 0x96 'hyad', # 0x97 'hyal', # 0x98 'hyalg', # 0x99 'hyalm', # 0x9a 'hyalb', # 0x9b 'hyals', # 0x9c 'hyalt', # 0x9d 'hyalp', # 0x9e 'hyalh', # 0x9f 'hyam', # 0xa0 'hyab', # 0xa1 'hyabs', # 0xa2 'hyas', # 0xa3 'hyass', # 0xa4 'hyang', # 0xa5 'hyaj', # 0xa6 'hyac', # 0xa7 'hyak', # 0xa8 'hyat', # 0xa9 'hyap', # 0xaa 'hyah', # 0xab 'hyae', # 0xac 'hyaeg', # 0xad 'hyaegg', # 0xae 'hyaegs', # 0xaf 'hyaen', # 0xb0 'hyaenj', # 0xb1 'hyaenh', # 0xb2 'hyaed', # 0xb3 'hyael', # 0xb4 'hyaelg', # 0xb5 'hyaelm', # 0xb6 'hyaelb', # 0xb7 'hyaels', # 0xb8 'hyaelt', # 0xb9 'hyaelp', # 0xba 'hyaelh', # 0xbb 'hyaem', # 0xbc 'hyaeb', # 0xbd 'hyaebs', # 0xbe 'hyaes', # 0xbf 'hyaess', # 0xc0 'hyaeng', # 0xc1 'hyaej', # 0xc2 'hyaec', # 0xc3 'hyaek', # 0xc4 'hyaet', # 0xc5 'hyaep', # 0xc6 'hyaeh', # 0xc7 'heo', # 0xc8 'heog', # 0xc9 'heogg', # 0xca 'heogs', # 0xcb 'heon', # 0xcc 'heonj', # 0xcd 'heonh', # 0xce 'heod', # 0xcf 'heol', # 0xd0 'heolg', # 0xd1 'heolm', # 0xd2 'heolb', # 0xd3 'heols', # 0xd4 'heolt', # 0xd5 'heolp', # 0xd6 'heolh', # 0xd7 'heom', # 0xd8 'heob', # 0xd9 'heobs', # 0xda 'heos', # 0xdb 'heoss', # 0xdc 'heong', # 0xdd 'heoj', # 0xde 'heoc', # 0xdf 'heok', # 0xe0 'heot', # 0xe1 'heop', # 0xe2 'heoh', # 0xe3 'he', # 0xe4 'heg', # 0xe5 'hegg', # 0xe6 'hegs', # 0xe7 'hen', # 0xe8 'henj', # 0xe9 'henh', # 0xea 'hed', # 0xeb 'hel', # 0xec 'helg', # 0xed 'helm', # 0xee 'helb', # 0xef 'hels', # 0xf0 'helt', # 0xf1 'help', # 0xf2 'helh', # 0xf3 'hem', # 0xf4 'heb', # 0xf5 'hebs', # 0xf6 'hes', # 0xf7 'hess', # 0xf8 'heng', # 0xf9 'hej', # 0xfa 'hec', # 0xfb 'hek', # 0xfc 'het', # 0xfd 'hep', # 0xfe 'heh', # 0xff ) from nose.tools import eq_ as eq import logging from ConfigParser import RawConfigParser from gitosis import access def test_write_no_simple(): cfg = RawConfigParser() eq(access.haveAccess(config=cfg, user='jdoe', mode='writable', path='foo/bar'), None) def test_write_yes_simple(): cfg = RawConfigParser() cfg.add_section('group fooers') cfg.set('group fooers', 'members', 'jdoe') cfg.set('group fooers', 'writable', 'foo/bar') eq(access.haveAccess(config=cfg, user='jdoe', mode='writable', path='foo/bar'), ('repositories', 'foo/bar')) def test_write_no_simple_wouldHaveReadonly(): cfg = RawConfigParser() cfg.add_section('group fooers') cfg.set('group fooers', 'members', 'jdoe') cfg.set('group fooers', 'readonly', 'foo/bar') eq(access.haveAccess(config=cfg, user='jdoe', mode='writable', path='foo/bar'), None) def test_write_yes_map(): cfg = RawConfigParser() cfg.add_section('group fooers') cfg.set('group fooers', 'members', 'jdoe') cfg.set('group fooers', 'map writable foo/bar', 'quux/thud') eq(access.haveAccess(config=cfg, user='jdoe', mode='writable', path='foo/bar'), ('repositories', 'quux/thud')) def test_write_no_map_wouldHaveReadonly(): cfg = RawConfigParser() cfg.add_section('group fooers') cfg.set('group fooers', 'members', 'jdoe') cfg.set('group fooers', 'map readonly foo/bar', 'quux/thud') eq(access.haveAccess(config=cfg, user='jdoe', mode='writable', path='foo/bar'), None) def test_read_no_simple(): cfg = RawConfigParser() eq(access.haveAccess(config=cfg, user='jdoe', mode='readonly', path='foo/bar'), None) def test_read_yes_simple(): cfg = RawConfigParser() cfg.add_section('group fooers') cfg.set('group fooers', 'members', 'jdoe') cfg.set('group fooers', 'readonly', 'foo/bar') eq(access.haveAccess(config=cfg, user='jdoe', mode='readonly', path='foo/bar'), ('repositories', 'foo/bar')) def test_read_yes_simple_wouldHaveWritable(): cfg = RawConfigParser() cfg.add_section('group fooers') cfg.set('group fooers', 'members', 'jdoe') cfg.set('group fooers', 'writable', 'foo/bar') eq(access.haveAccess(config=cfg, user='jdoe', mode='readonly', path='foo/bar'), None) def test_read_yes_map(): cfg = RawConfigParser() cfg.add_section('group fooers') cfg.set('group fooers', 'members', 'jdoe') cfg.set('group fooers', 'map readonly foo/bar', 'quux/thud') eq(access.haveAccess(config=cfg, user='jdoe', mode='readonly', path='foo/bar'), ('repositories', 'quux/thud')) def test_read_yes_map_wouldHaveWritable(): cfg = RawConfigParser() cfg.add_section('group fooers') cfg.set('group fooers', 'members', 'jdoe') cfg.set('group fooers', 'map writable foo/bar', 'quux/thud') eq(access.haveAccess(config=cfg, user='jdoe', mode='readonly', path='foo/bar'), None) def test_read_yes_all(): cfg = RawConfigParser() cfg.add_section('group fooers') cfg.set('group fooers', 'members', '@all') cfg.set('group fooers', 'readonly', 'foo/bar') eq(access.haveAccess(config=cfg, user='jdoe', mode='readonly', path='foo/bar'), ('repositories', 'foo/bar')) def test_base_global_absolute(): cfg = RawConfigParser() cfg.add_section('gitosis') cfg.set('gitosis', 'repositories', '/a/leading/path') cfg.add_section('group fooers') cfg.set('group fooers', 'members', 'jdoe') cfg.set('group fooers', 'map writable foo/bar', 'baz/quux/thud') eq(access.haveAccess( config=cfg, user='jdoe', mode='writable', path='foo/bar'), ('/a/leading/path', 'baz/quux/thud')) def test_base_global_relative(): cfg = RawConfigParser() cfg.add_section('gitosis') cfg.set('gitosis', 'repositories', 'some/relative/path') cfg.add_section('group fooers') cfg.set('group fooers', 'members', 'jdoe') cfg.set('group fooers', 'map writable foo/bar', 'baz/quux/thud') eq(access.haveAccess( config=cfg, user='jdoe', mode='writable', path='foo/bar'), ('some/relative/path', 'baz/quux/thud')) def test_base_global_relative_simple(): cfg = RawConfigParser() cfg.add_section('gitosis') cfg.set('gitosis', 'repositories', 'some/relative/path') cfg.add_section('group fooers') cfg.set('group fooers', 'members', 'jdoe') cfg.set('group fooers', 'readonly', 'foo xyzzy bar') eq(access.haveAccess( config=cfg, user='jdoe', mode='readonly', path='xyzzy'), ('some/relative/path', 'xyzzy')) def test_base_global_unset(): cfg = RawConfigParser() cfg.add_section('gitosis') cfg.add_section('group fooers') cfg.set('group fooers', 'members', 'jdoe') cfg.set('group fooers', 'readonly', 'foo xyzzy bar') eq(access.haveAccess( config=cfg, user='jdoe', mode='readonly', path='xyzzy'), ('repositories', 'xyzzy')) def test_base_local(): cfg = RawConfigParser() cfg.add_section('group fooers') cfg.set('group fooers', 'repositories', 'some/relative/path') cfg.set('group fooers', 'members', 'jdoe') cfg.set('group fooers', 'map writable foo/bar', 'baz/quux/thud') eq(access.haveAccess( config=cfg, user='jdoe', mode='writable', path='foo/bar'), ('some/relative/path', 'baz/quux/thud')) def test_dotgit(): # a .git extension is always allowed to be added cfg = RawConfigParser() cfg.add_section('group fooers') cfg.set('group fooers', 'members', 'jdoe') cfg.set('group fooers', 'writable', 'foo/bar') eq(access.haveAccess(config=cfg, user='jdoe', mode='writable', path='foo/bar.git'), ('repositories', 'foo/bar')) """This test checks for correct wait3() behavior. """ import os import time from test.fork_wait import ForkWait from test.test_support import TestSkipped, run_unittest, reap_children try: os.fork except AttributeError: raise TestSkipped, "os.fork not defined -- skipping test_wait3" try: os.wait3 except AttributeError: raise TestSkipped, "os.wait3 not defined -- skipping test_wait3" class Wait3Test(ForkWait): def wait_impl(self, cpid): for i in range(10): # wait3() shouldn't hang, but some of the buildbots seem to hang # in the forking tests. This is an attempt to fix the problem. spid, status, rusage = os.wait3(os.WNOHANG) if spid == cpid: break time.sleep(1.0) self.assertEqual(spid, cpid) self.assertEqual(status, 0, "cause = %d, exit = %d" % (status&0xff, status>>8)) self.assertTrue(rusage) def test_main(): run_unittest(Wait3Test) reap_children() if __name__ == "__main__": test_main() from distutils.command.install_scripts import install_scripts \ as _install_scripts from pkg_resources import Distribution, PathMetadata, ensure_directory import os from distutils import log class install_scripts(_install_scripts): """Do normal script install, plus any egg_info wrapper scripts""" def initialize_options(self): _install_scripts.initialize_options(self) self.no_ep = False def run(self): from setuptools.command.easy_install import get_script_args from setuptools.command.easy_install import sys_executable self.run_command("egg_info") if self.distribution.scripts: _install_scripts.run(self) # run first to set up self.outfiles else: self.outfiles = [] if self.no_ep: # don't install entry point scripts into .egg file! return ei_cmd = self.get_finalized_command("egg_info") dist = Distribution( ei_cmd.egg_base, PathMetadata(ei_cmd.egg_base, ei_cmd.egg_info), ei_cmd.egg_name, ei_cmd.egg_version, ) bs_cmd = self.get_finalized_command('build_scripts') executable = getattr(bs_cmd,'executable',sys_executable) is_wininst = getattr( self.get_finalized_command("bdist_wininst"), '_is_running', False ) for args in get_script_args(dist, executable, is_wininst): self.write_script(*args) def write_script(self, script_name, contents, mode="t", *ignored): """Write an executable file to the scripts directory""" from setuptools.command.easy_install import chmod log.info("Installing %s script to %s", script_name, self.install_dir) target = os.path.join(self.install_dir, script_name) self.outfiles.append(target) if not self.dry_run: ensure_directory(target) f = open(target,"w"+mode) f.write(contents) f.close() chmod(target,0755) # Copyright (c) Twisted Matrix Laboratories. # See LICENSE for details. # System Imports import sys from twisted.trial import unittest try: import cPickle as pickle except ImportError: import pickle try: import cStringIO as StringIO except ImportError: import StringIO # Twisted Imports from twisted.persisted import styles, aot, crefutil class VersionTestCase(unittest.TestCase): def testNullVersionUpgrade(self): global NullVersioned class NullVersioned: ok = 0 pkcl = pickle.dumps(NullVersioned()) class NullVersioned(styles.Versioned): persistenceVersion = 1 def upgradeToVersion1(self): self.ok = 1 mnv = pickle.loads(pkcl) styles.doUpgrade() assert mnv.ok, "initial upgrade not run!" def testVersionUpgrade(self): global MyVersioned class MyVersioned(styles.Versioned): persistenceVersion = 2 persistenceForgets = ['garbagedata'] v3 = 0 v4 = 0 def __init__(self): self.somedata = 'xxx' self.garbagedata = lambda q: 'cant persist' def upgradeToVersion3(self): self.v3 += 1 def upgradeToVersion4(self): self.v4 += 1 mv = MyVersioned() assert not (mv.v3 or mv.v4), "hasn't been upgraded yet" pickl = pickle.dumps(mv) MyVersioned.persistenceVersion = 4 obj = pickle.loads(pickl) styles.doUpgrade() assert obj.v3, "didn't do version 3 upgrade" assert obj.v4, "didn't do version 4 upgrade" pickl = pickle.dumps(obj) obj = pickle.loads(pickl) styles.doUpgrade() assert obj.v3 == 1, "upgraded unnecessarily" assert obj.v4 == 1, "upgraded unnecessarily" def testNonIdentityHash(self): global ClassWithCustomHash class ClassWithCustomHash(styles.Versioned): def __init__(self, unique, hash): self.unique = unique self.hash = hash def __hash__(self): return self.hash v1 = ClassWithCustomHash('v1', 0) v2 = ClassWithCustomHash('v2', 0) pkl = pickle.dumps((v1, v2)) del v1, v2 ClassWithCustomHash.persistenceVersion = 1 ClassWithCustomHash.upgradeToVersion1 = lambda self: setattr(self, 'upgraded', True) v1, v2 = pickle.loads(pkl) styles.doUpgrade() self.assertEqual(v1.unique, 'v1') self.assertEqual(v2.unique, 'v2') self.failUnless(v1.upgraded) self.failUnless(v2.upgraded) def testUpgradeDeserializesObjectsRequiringUpgrade(self): global ToyClassA, ToyClassB class ToyClassA(styles.Versioned): pass class ToyClassB(styles.Versioned): pass x = ToyClassA() y = ToyClassB() pklA, pklB = pickle.dumps(x), pickle.dumps(y) del x, y ToyClassA.persistenceVersion = 1 def upgradeToVersion1(self): self.y = pickle.loads(pklB) styles.doUpgrade() ToyClassA.upgradeToVersion1 = upgradeToVersion1 ToyClassB.persistenceVersion = 1 ToyClassB.upgradeToVersion1 = lambda self: setattr(self, 'upgraded', True) x = pickle.loads(pklA) styles.doUpgrade() self.failUnless(x.y.upgraded) class VersionedSubClass(styles.Versioned): pass class SecondVersionedSubClass(styles.Versioned): pass class VersionedSubSubClass(VersionedSubClass): pass class VersionedDiamondSubClass(VersionedSubSubClass, SecondVersionedSubClass): pass class AybabtuTests(unittest.TestCase): """ L{styles._aybabtu} gets all of classes in the inheritance hierarchy of its argument that are strictly between L{Versioned} and the class itself. """ def test_aybabtuStrictEmpty(self): """ L{styles._aybabtu} of L{Versioned} itself is an empty list. """ self.assertEqual(styles._aybabtu(styles.Versioned), []) def test_aybabtuStrictSubclass(self): """ There are no classes I{between} L{VersionedSubClass} and L{Versioned}, so L{styles._aybabtu} returns an empty list. """ self.assertEqual(styles._aybabtu(VersionedSubClass), []) def test_aybabtuSubsubclass(self): """ With a sub-sub-class of L{Versioned}, L{styles._aybabtu} returns a list containing the intervening subclass. """ self.assertEqual(styles._aybabtu(VersionedSubSubClass), [VersionedSubClass]) def test_aybabtuStrict(self): """ For a diamond-shaped inheritance graph, L{styles._aybabtu} returns a list containing I{both} intermediate subclasses. """ self.assertEqual( styles._aybabtu(VersionedDiamondSubClass), [VersionedSubSubClass, VersionedSubClass, SecondVersionedSubClass]) class MyEphemeral(styles.Ephemeral): def __init__(self, x): self.x = x class EphemeralTestCase(unittest.TestCase): def testEphemeral(self): o = MyEphemeral(3) self.assertEqual(o.__class__, MyEphemeral) self.assertEqual(o.x, 3) pickl = pickle.dumps(o) o = pickle.loads(pickl) self.assertEqual(o.__class__, styles.Ephemeral) self.assert_(not hasattr(o, 'x')) class Pickleable: def __init__(self, x): self.x = x def getX(self): return self.x class A: """ dummy class """ def amethod(self): pass class B: """ dummy class """ def bmethod(self): pass def funktion(): pass class PicklingTestCase(unittest.TestCase): """Test pickling of extra object types.""" def testModule(self): pickl = pickle.dumps(styles) o = pickle.loads(pickl) self.assertEqual(o, styles) def testClassMethod(self): pickl = pickle.dumps(Pickleable.getX) o = pickle.loads(pickl) self.assertEqual(o, Pickleable.getX) def testInstanceMethod(self): obj = Pickleable(4) pickl = pickle.dumps(obj.getX) o = pickle.loads(pickl) self.assertEqual(o(), 4) self.assertEqual(type(o), type(obj.getX)) def testStringIO(self): f = StringIO.StringIO() f.write("abc") pickl = pickle.dumps(f) o = pickle.loads(pickl) self.assertEqual(type(o), type(f)) self.assertEqual(f.getvalue(), "abc") class EvilSourceror: def __init__(self, x): self.a = self self.a.b = self self.a.b.c = x class NonDictState: def __getstate__(self): return self.state def __setstate__(self, state): self.state = state class AOTTestCase(unittest.TestCase): def testSimpleTypes(self): obj = (1, 2.0, 3j, True, slice(1, 2, 3), 'hello', u'world', sys.maxint + 1, None, Ellipsis) rtObj = aot.unjellyFromSource(aot.jellyToSource(obj)) self.assertEqual(obj, rtObj) def testMethodSelfIdentity(self): a = A() b = B() a.bmethod = b.bmethod b.a = a im_ = aot.unjellyFromSource(aot.jellyToSource(b)).a.bmethod self.assertEqual(im_.im_class, im_.im_self.__class__) def test_methodNotSelfIdentity(self): """ If a class change after an instance has been created, L{aot.unjellyFromSource} shoud raise a C{TypeError} when trying to unjelly the instance. """ a = A() b = B() a.bmethod = b.bmethod b.a = a savedbmethod = B.bmethod del B.bmethod try: self.assertRaises(TypeError, aot.unjellyFromSource, aot.jellyToSource(b)) finally: B.bmethod = savedbmethod def test_unsupportedType(self): """ L{aot.jellyToSource} should raise a C{TypeError} when trying to jelly an unknown type. """ try: set except: from sets import Set as set self.assertRaises(TypeError, aot.jellyToSource, set()) def testBasicIdentity(self): # Anyone wanting to make this datastructure more complex, and thus this # test more comprehensive, is welcome to do so. aj = aot.AOTJellier().jellyToAO d = {'hello': 'world', "method": aj} l = [1, 2, 3, "he\tllo\n\n\"x world!", u"goodbye \n\t\u1010 world!", 1, 1.0, 100 ** 100l, unittest, aot.AOTJellier, d, funktion ] t = tuple(l) l.append(l) l.append(t) l.append(t) uj = aot.unjellyFromSource(aot.jellyToSource([l, l])) assert uj[0] is uj[1] assert uj[1][0:5] == l[0:5] def testNonDictState(self): a = NonDictState() a.state = "meringue!" assert aot.unjellyFromSource(aot.jellyToSource(a)).state == a.state def testCopyReg(self): s = "foo_bar" sio = StringIO.StringIO() sio.write(s) uj = aot.unjellyFromSource(aot.jellyToSource(sio)) # print repr(uj.__dict__) assert uj.getvalue() == s def testFunkyReferences(self): o = EvilSourceror(EvilSourceror([])) j1 = aot.jellyToAOT(o) oj = aot.unjellyFromAOT(j1) assert oj.a is oj assert oj.a.b is oj.b assert oj.c is not oj.c.c class CrefUtilTestCase(unittest.TestCase): """ Tests for L{crefutil}. """ def test_dictUnknownKey(self): """ L{crefutil._DictKeyAndValue} only support keys C{0} and C{1}. """ d = crefutil._DictKeyAndValue({}) self.assertRaises(RuntimeError, d.__setitem__, 2, 3) def test_deferSetMultipleTimes(self): """ L{crefutil._Defer} can be assigned a key only one time. """ d = crefutil._Defer() d[0] = 1 self.assertRaises(RuntimeError, d.__setitem__, 0, 1) testCases = [VersionTestCase, EphemeralTestCase, PicklingTestCase] # -*- test-case-name: twisted.web.test.test_web -*- # Copyright (c) Twisted Matrix Laboratories. # See LICENSE for details. """ Implementation of the lowest-level Resource class. """ from __future__ import division, absolute_import __all__ = [ 'IResource', 'getChildForRequest', 'Resource', 'ErrorPage', 'NoResource', 'ForbiddenResource', 'EncodingResourceWrapper'] import warnings from zope.interface import Attribute, Interface, implementer from twisted.python.compat import nativeString, unicode from twisted.python.reflect import prefixedMethodNames from twisted.python.components import proxyForInterface from twisted.web._responses import FORBIDDEN, NOT_FOUND from twisted.web.error import UnsupportedMethod class IResource(Interface): """ A web resource. """ isLeaf = Attribute( """ Signal if this IResource implementor is a "leaf node" or not. If True, getChildWithDefault will not be called on this Resource. """) def getChildWithDefault(name, request): """ Return a child with the given name for the given request. This is the external interface used by the Resource publishing machinery. If implementing IResource without subclassing Resource, it must be provided. However, if subclassing Resource, getChild overridden instead. @param name: A single path component from a requested URL. For example, a request for I{http://example.com/foo/bar} will result in calls to this method with C{b"foo"} and C{b"bar"} as values for this argument. @type name: C{bytes} @param request: A representation of all of the information about the request that is being made for this child. @type request: L{twisted.web.server.Request} """ def putChild(path, child): """ Put a child IResource implementor at the given path. @param path: A single path component, to be interpreted relative to the path this resource is found at, at which to put the given child. For example, if resource A can be found at I{http://example.com/foo} then a call like C{A.putChild(b"bar", B)} will make resource B available at I{http://example.com/foo/bar}. @type path: C{bytes} """ def render(request): """ Render a request. This is called on the leaf resource for a request. @return: Either C{server.NOT_DONE_YET} to indicate an asynchronous or a C{bytes} instance to write as the response to the request. If C{NOT_DONE_YET} is returned, at some point later (for example, in a Deferred callback) call C{request.write(b"")} to write data to the request, and C{request.finish()} to send the data to the browser. @raise twisted.web.error.UnsupportedMethod: If the HTTP verb requested is not supported by this resource. """ def getChildForRequest(resource, request): """ Traverse resource tree to find who will handle the request. """ while request.postpath and not resource.isLeaf: pathElement = request.postpath.pop(0) request.prepath.append(pathElement) resource = resource.getChildWithDefault(pathElement, request) return resource @implementer(IResource) class Resource: """ Define a web-accessible resource. This serves 2 main purposes; one is to provide a standard representation for what HTTP specification calls an 'entity', and the other is to provide an abstract directory structure for URL retrieval. """ entityType = IResource server = None def __init__(self): """ Initialize. """ self.children = {} isLeaf = 0 ### Abstract Collection Interface def listStaticNames(self): return list(self.children.keys()) def listStaticEntities(self): return list(self.children.items()) def listNames(self): return list(self.listStaticNames()) + self.listDynamicNames() def listEntities(self): return list(self.listStaticEntities()) + self.listDynamicEntities() def listDynamicNames(self): return [] def listDynamicEntities(self, request=None): return [] def getStaticEntity(self, name): return self.children.get(name) def getDynamicEntity(self, name, request): if not self.children.has_key(name): return self.getChild(name, request) else: return None def delEntity(self, name): del self.children[name] def reallyPutEntity(self, name, entity): self.children[name] = entity # Concrete HTTP interface def getChild(self, path, request): """ Retrieve a 'child' resource from me. Implement this to create dynamic resource generation -- resources which are always available may be registered with self.putChild(). This will not be called if the class-level variable 'isLeaf' is set in your subclass; instead, the 'postpath' attribute of the request will be left as a list of the remaining path elements. For example, the URL /foo/bar/baz will normally be:: | site.resource.getChild('foo').getChild('bar').getChild('baz'). However, if the resource returned by 'bar' has isLeaf set to true, then the getChild call will never be made on it. Parameters and return value have the same meaning and requirements as those defined by L{IResource.getChildWithDefault}. """ return NoResource("No such child resource.") def getChildWithDefault(self, path, request): """ Retrieve a static or dynamically generated child resource from me. First checks if a resource was added manually by putChild, and then call getChild to check for dynamic resources. Only override if you want to affect behaviour of all child lookups, rather than just dynamic ones. This will check to see if I have a pre-registered child resource of the given name, and call getChild if I do not. @see: L{IResource.getChildWithDefault} """ if path in self.children: return self.children[path] return self.getChild(path, request) def getChildForRequest(self, request): warnings.warn("Please use module level getChildForRequest.", DeprecationWarning, 2) return getChildForRequest(self, request) def putChild(self, path, child): """ Register a static child. You almost certainly don't want '/' in your path. If you intended to have the root of a folder, e.g. /foo/, you want path to be ''. @see: L{IResource.putChild} """ self.children[path] = child child.server = self.server def render(self, request): """ Render a given resource. See L{IResource}'s render method. I delegate to methods of self with the form 'render_METHOD' where METHOD is the HTTP that was used to make the request. Examples: render_GET, render_HEAD, render_POST, and so on. Generally you should implement those methods instead of overriding this one. render_METHOD methods are expected to return a byte string which will be the rendered page, unless the return value is C{server.NOT_DONE_YET}, in which case it is this class's responsibility to write the results using C{request.write(data)} and then call C{request.finish()}. Old code that overrides render() directly is likewise expected to return a byte string or NOT_DONE_YET. @see: L{IResource.render} """ m = getattr(self, 'render_' + nativeString(request.method), None) if not m: try: allowedMethods = self.allowedMethods except AttributeError: allowedMethods = _computeAllowedMethods(self) raise UnsupportedMethod(allowedMethods) return m(request) def render_HEAD(self, request): """ Default handling of HEAD method. I just return self.render_GET(request). When method is HEAD, the framework will handle this correctly. """ return self.render_GET(request) def _computeAllowedMethods(resource): """ Compute the allowed methods on a C{Resource} based on defined render_FOO methods. Used when raising C{UnsupportedMethod} but C{Resource} does not define C{allowedMethods} attribute. """ allowedMethods = [] for name in prefixedMethodNames(resource.__class__, "render_"): # Potentially there should be an API for encode('ascii') in this # situation - an API for taking a Python native string (bytes on Python # 2, text on Python 3) and returning a socket-compatible string type. allowedMethods.append(name.encode('ascii')) return allowedMethods class ErrorPage(Resource): """ L{ErrorPage} is a resource which responds with a particular (parameterized) status and a body consisting of HTML containing some descriptive text. This is useful for rendering simple error pages. @ivar template: A native string which will have a dictionary interpolated into it to generate the response body. The dictionary has the following keys: - C{"code"}: The status code passed to L{ErrorPage.__init__}. - C{"brief"}: The brief description passed to L{ErrorPage.__init__}. - C{"detail"}: The detailed description passed to L{ErrorPage.__init__}. @ivar code: An integer status code which will be used for the response. @ivar brief: A short string which will be included in the response body. @type brief: C{str} @ivar detail: A longer string which will be included in the response body. @ivar detail: C{str} """ template = """ %(code)s - %(brief)s



""" def __init__(self, status, brief, detail): Resource.__init__(self) self.code = status self.brief = brief self.detail = detail def render(self, request): request.setResponseCode(self.code) request.setHeader(b"content-type", b"text/html; charset=utf-8") interpolated = self.template % dict( code=self.code, brief=self.brief, detail=self.detail) if isinstance(interpolated, unicode): return interpolated.encode('utf-8') return interpolated def getChild(self, chnam, request): return self class NoResource(ErrorPage): """ L{NoResource} is a specialization of L{ErrorPage} which returns the HTTP response code I{NOT FOUND}. """ def __init__(self, message="Sorry. No luck finding that resource."): ErrorPage.__init__(self, NOT_FOUND, "No Such Resource", message) class ForbiddenResource(ErrorPage): """ L{ForbiddenResource} is a specialization of L{ErrorPage} which returns the I{FORBIDDEN} HTTP response code. """ def __init__(self, message="Sorry, resource is forbidden."): ErrorPage.__init__(self, FORBIDDEN, "Forbidden Resource", message) class _IEncodingResource(Interface): """ A resource which knows about L{_IRequestEncoderFactory}. @since: 12.3 """ def getEncoder(request): """ Parse the request and return an encoder if applicable, using L{_IRequestEncoderFactory.encoderForRequest}. @return: A L{_IRequestEncoder}, or C{None}. """ @implementer(_IEncodingResource) class EncodingResourceWrapper(proxyForInterface(IResource)): """ Wrap a L{IResource}, potentially applying an encoding to the response body generated. Note that the returned children resources won't be wrapped, so you have to explicitly wrap them if you want the encoding to be applied. @ivar encoders: A list of L{_IRequestEncoderFactory} returning L{_IRequestEncoder} that may transform the data passed to C{Request.write}. The list must be sorted in order of priority: the first encoder factory handling the request will prevent the others from doing the same. @type encoders: C{list}. @since: 12.3 """ def __init__(self, original, encoders): super(EncodingResourceWrapper, self).__init__(original) self._encoders = encoders def getEncoder(self, request): """ Browser the list of encoders looking for one applicable encoder. """ for encoderFactory in self._encoders: encoder = encoderFactory.encoderForRequest(request) if encoder is not None: return encoder # # # Licensed under the Apache License, Version 2.0 (the "License"); you # may not use this file except in compliance with the License. You # may obtain a copy of the License at # # http://www.apache.org/licenses/LICENSE-2.0 # # Unless required by applicable law or agreed to in writing, software # distributed under the License is distributed on an "AS IS" BASIS, # WITHOUT WARRANTIES OR CONDITIONS OF ANY KIND, either express or # implied. See the License for the specific language governing # permissions and limitations under the License. # # # # mod_python tests from mod_python.python22 import * from mod_python import apache import sys import unittest import re import time import os import io PY2 = sys.version[0] == '2' # This is used for mod_python.publisher security tests _SECRET_PASSWORD = 'root' __ANSWER = 42 class SimpleTestCase(unittest.TestCase): def __init__(self, methodName, req): unittest.TestCase.__init__(self, methodName) self.req = req def test_apache_log_error(self): s = self.req.server c = self.req.connection apache.log_error("Testing apache.log_error():", apache.APLOG_INFO, s) apache.log_error("xEMERGx", apache.APLOG_EMERG, s) apache.log_error("xALERTx", apache.APLOG_ALERT, s) apache.log_error("xCRITx", apache.APLOG_CRIT, s) apache.log_error("xERRx", apache.APLOG_ERR, s) apache.log_error("xWARNINGx", apache.APLOG_WARNING, s) apache.log_error("xNOTICEx", apache.APLOG_NOTICE, s) apache.log_error("xINFOx", apache.APLOG_INFO, s) apache.log_error("xDEBUGx", apache.APLOG_DEBUG, s) s.log_error("xEMERGx", apache.APLOG_EMERG) s.log_error("xALERTx", apache.APLOG_ALERT) s.log_error("xCRITx", apache.APLOG_CRIT) s.log_error("xERRx", apache.APLOG_ERR) s.log_error("xWARNINGx", apache.APLOG_WARNING) s.log_error("xNOTICEx", apache.APLOG_NOTICE) s.log_error("xINFOx", apache.APLOG_INFO) s.log_error("xDEBUGx", apache.APLOG_DEBUG) c.log_error("xEMERGx", apache.APLOG_EMERG) c.log_error("xALERTx", apache.APLOG_ALERT) c.log_error("xCRITx", apache.APLOG_CRIT) c.log_error("xERRx", apache.APLOG_ERR) c.log_error("xWARNINGx", apache.APLOG_WARNING) c.log_error("xNOTICEx", apache.APLOG_NOTICE) c.log_error("xINFOx", apache.APLOG_INFO) c.log_error("xDEBUGx", apache.APLOG_DEBUG) # see what's in the log now f = open("%s/logs/error_log" % apache.server_root()) # for some reason re doesn't like \n, why? log = "".join(map(str.strip, f.readlines())) f.close() if not re.search("xEMERGx.*xALERTx.*xCRITx.*xERRx.*xWARNINGx.*xNOTICEx.*xINFOx.*xDEBUGx.*xEMERGx.*xALERTx.*xCRITx.*xERRx.*xWARNINGx.*xNOTICEx.*xINFOx.*xDEBUGx.*xEMERGx.*xALERTx.*xCRITx.*xERRx.*xWARNINGx.*xNOTICEx.*xINFOx.*xDEBUGx", log): self.fail("Could not find test messages in error_log") def test_apache_table(self): log = self.req.log_error log("Testing table object.") # tests borrowed from Python test suite for dict _test_table() # inheritance log(" inheritance") class mytable(apache.table): def __str__(self): return "str() from mytable" mt = mytable({'a':'b'}) # add() log(" table.add()") a = apache.table({'a':'b'}) a.add('a', 'c') if a['a'] != ['b', 'c']: self.fail('table.add() broken: a["a"] is %s' % repr(a["a"])) log("Table test DONE.") def test_req_add_common_vars(self): self.req.log_error("Testing req.add_common_vars().") a = len(self.req.subprocess_env) self.req.add_common_vars() b = len(self.req.subprocess_env) if a >= b: self.fail("req.subprocess_env() is same size before and after") def test_req_add_cgi_vars(self): self.req.log_error("Testing req.add_cgi_vars().") a = len(self.req.subprocess_env) self.req.add_cgi_vars() b = len(self.req.subprocess_env) if a >= b: self.fail("req.subprocess_env() is same size before and after") def test_req_members(self): # just run through request members making sure # they make sense req = self.req log = req.log_error log("Examining request memebers:") log(" req.connection: %s" % repr(req.connection)) s = str(type(req.connection)) if s not in ("", ""): self.fail("strange req.connection type %s" % repr(s)) log(" req.server: '%s'" % repr(req.server)) s = str(type(req.server)) if s not in ("", ""): self.fail("strange req.server type %s" % repr(s)) for x in ((req.next, "next"), (req.prev, "prev"), (req.main, "main")): val, name = x log(" req.%s: '%s'" % (name, repr(val))) if val: self.fail("strange, req.%s should be None, not %s" % (name, repr(val))) log(" req.the_request: '%s'" % req.the_request) if not re.match(r"GET /.* HTTP/1\.", req.the_request): self.fail("strange req.the_request %s" % repr(req.the_request)) for x in ((req.assbackwards, "assbackwards"), (req.proxyreq, "proxyreq"), (req.header_only, "header_only")): val, name = x log(" req.%s: %s" % (name, repr(val))) if val: self.fail("%s should be 0" % name) log(" req.protocol: %s" % repr(req.protocol)) if not req.protocol == req.the_request.split()[-1]: self.fail("req.protocol doesn't match req.the_request") log(" req.proto_num: %s" % repr(req.proto_num)) if req.proto_num != 1000 + int(req.protocol[-1]): self.fail("req.proto_num doesn't match req.protocol") log(" req.hostname: %s" % repr(req.hostname)) if req.hostname != "test_internal": self.fail("req.hostname isn't 'test_internal'") log(" req.request_time: %s" % repr(req.request_time)) if (time.time() - req.request_time) > 10: self.fail("req.request_time suggests request started more than 10 secs ago") log(" req.status_line: %s" % repr(req.status_line)) if req.status_line: self.fail("req.status_line should be None at this point") log(" req.status: %s" % repr(req.status)) if req.status != 200: self.fail("req.status should be 200") req.status = req.status # make sure its writable log(" req.method: %s" % repr(req.method)) if req.method != "GET": self.fail("req.method should be 'GET'") log(" req.method_number: %s" % repr(req.method_number)) if req.method_number != 0: self.fail("req.method_number should be 0") log(" req.allowed: %s" % repr(req.allowed)) if req.allowed != 0: self.fail("req.allowed should be 0") log(" req.allowed_xmethods: %s" % repr(req.allowed_xmethods)) if req.allowed_xmethods != (): self.fail("req.allowed_xmethods should be an empty tuple") log(" req.allowed_methods: %s" % repr(req.allowed_methods)) if req.allowed_methods != (): self.fail("req.allowed_methods should be an empty tuple") log(" req.sent_bodyct: %s" % repr(req.sent_bodyct)) if req.sent_bodyct != 0: self.fail("req.sent_bodyct should be 0") log(" req.bytes_sent: %s" % repr(req.bytes_sent)) save = req.bytes_sent log(" writing 4 bytes...") req.write("1234") log(" req.bytes_sent: %s" % repr(req.bytes_sent)) if req.bytes_sent - save != 4: self.fail("req.bytes_sent should have incremented by 4, but didn't") log(" req.mtime: %s" % repr(req.mtime)) if req.mtime != 0: self.fail("req.mtime should be 0") log(" req.chunked: %s" % repr(req.chunked)) if req.chunked != 1: self.fail("req.chunked should be 1") log(" req.range: %s" % repr(req.range)) if req.range: self.fail("req.range should be None") log(" req.clength: %s" % repr(req.clength)) log(" calling req.set_content_length(15)...") req.set_content_length(15) log(" req.clength: %s" % repr(req.clength)) if req.clength != 15: self.fail("req.clength should be 15") log(" req.remaining: %s" % repr(req.remaining)) if req.remaining != 0: self.fail("req.remaining should be 0") log(" req.read_length: %s" % repr(req.read_length)) if req.read_length != 0: self.fail("req.read_length should be 0") log(" req.read_body: %s" % repr(req.read_body)) if req.read_body != 0: self.fail("req.read_body should be 0") log(" req.read_chunked: %s" % repr(req.read_chunked)) if req.read_chunked != 0: self.fail("req.read_chunked should be 0") log(" req.expecting_100: %s" % repr(req.expecting_100)) if req.expecting_100 != 0: self.fail("req.expecting_100 should be 0") log(" req.headers_in: %s" % repr(req.headers_in)) if req.headers_in["Host"][:13].lower() != "test_internal": self.fail("The 'Host' header should begin with 'test_internal'") log(" req.headers_out: %s" % repr(req.headers_out)) if (("content-length" not in req.headers_out) or req.headers_out["content-length"] != "15"): self.fail("req.headers_out['content-length'] should be 15") log(" req.subprocess_env: %s" % repr(req.subprocess_env)) if req.subprocess_env["SERVER_SOFTWARE"].find("Python") == -1: self.fail("req.subprocess_env['SERVER_SOFTWARE'] should contain 'Python'") log(" req.notes: %s" % repr(req.notes)) log(" doing req.notes['testing'] = '123' ...") req.notes['testing'] = '123' log(" req.notes: %s" % repr(req.notes)) if req.notes["testing"] != '123': self.fail("req.notes['testing'] should be '123'") log(" req.phase: %s" % repr(req.phase)) if req.phase != "PythonHandler": self.fail("req.phase should be 'PythonHandler'") log(" req.interpreter: %s" % repr(req.interpreter)) if req.interpreter != apache.interpreter: self.fail("req.interpreter should be same as apache.interpreter" % repr(apache.interpreter)) if req.interpreter != req.server.server_hostname: self.fail("req.interpreter should be same as req.server.server_hostname: %s" % repr(req.server.server_hostname)) log(" req.content_type: %s" % repr(req.content_type)) log(" doing req.content_type = 'test/123' ...") req.content_type = 'test/123' log(" req.content_type: %s" % repr(req.content_type)) if req.content_type != 'test/123' or not req._content_type_set: self.fail("req.content_type should be 'test/123' and req._content_type_set 1") log(" req.handler: %s" % repr(req.handler)) if req.handler != "mod_python": self.fail("req.handler should be 'mod_python'") log(" req.content_encoding: %s" % repr(req.content_encoding)) if req.content_encoding: self.fail("req.content_encoding should be None") log(" req.content_languages: %s" % repr(req.content_languages)) if req.content_languages != (): self.fail("req.content_languages should be an empty tuple") log(" req.vlist_validator: %s" % repr(req.vlist_validator)) if req.vlist_validator: self.fail("req.vlist_validator should be None") log(" req.user: %s" % repr(req.user)) if req.user: self.fail("req.user should be None") log(" req.ap_auth_type: %s" % repr(req.ap_auth_type)) if req.ap_auth_type: self.fail("req.ap_auth_type should be None") log(" req.no_cache: %s" % repr(req.no_cache)) if req.no_cache != 0: self.fail("req.no_cache should be 0") log(" req.no_local_copy: %s" % repr(req.no_local_copy)) if req.no_local_copy != 0: self.fail("req.no_local_copy should be 0") log(" req.unparsed_uri: %s" % repr(req.unparsed_uri)) if req.unparsed_uri != "/tests.py": self.fail("req.unparsed_uri should be '/tests.py'") log(" req.uri: %s" % repr(req.uri)) if req.uri != "/tests.py": self.fail("req.uri should be '/tests.py'") log(" req.filename: %s" % repr(req.filename)) if req.filename != req.document_root() + req.uri: self.fail("req.filename should be req.document_root() + req.uri, but it isn't") log(" req.canonical_filename: %s" % repr(req.canonical_filename)) if not req.canonical_filename: self.fail("req.canonical_filename should not be blank") log(" req.path_info: %s" % repr(req.path_info)) if req.path_info != '': self.fail("req.path_info should be ''") log(" req.args: %s" % repr(req.args)) if req.args: self.fail("req.args should be None") log(" req.finfo: %s" % repr(req.finfo)) if req.finfo[apache.FINFO_FNAME] and (req.finfo[apache.FINFO_FNAME] != req.canonical_filename): self.fail("req.finfo[apache.FINFO_FNAME] should be the (canonical) filename") log(" req.parsed_uri: %s" % repr(req.parsed_uri)) if req.parsed_uri[apache.URI_PATH] != '/tests.py': self.fail("req.parsed_uri[apache.URI_PATH] should be '/tests.py'") log(" req.used_path_info: %s" % repr(req.used_path_info)) if req.used_path_info != 2: self.fail("req.used_path_info should be 2") # XXX really? :-) log(" req.eos_sent: %s" % repr(req.eos_sent)) if req.eos_sent: self.fail("req.eos_sent says we sent EOS, but we didn't") if apache.MODULE_MAGIC_NUMBER_MAJOR > 20111130: try: import socket localip = socket.gethostbyname("localhost") except: localip = "" log(" req.useragent_ip: %s" % repr(req.useragent_ip)) if not req.useragent_ip in ("", localip): self.fail("req.useragent_ip should be ''") log(" req.useragent_addr: %s" % repr(req.useragent_addr)) if not req.useragent_addr[0] in ("", "", localip): self.fail("req.useragent_addr[0] should be '' or ''") def test_req_get_config(self): req = self.req log = req.log_error log("req.get_config(): %s" % repr(req.get_config())) if req.get_config()["PythonDebug"] != "1": self.fail("get_config return should show PythonDebug 1") log("req.get_options(): %s" % repr(req.get_options())) if req.get_options() != apache.table({"testing":"123"}): self.fail("get_options() should contain 'testing':'123', contains %s"%list(req.get_options().items())) def test_req_get_remote_host(self): # simulating this test for real is too complex... req = self.req log = req.log_error log("req.get_get_remote_host(): %s" % repr(req.get_remote_host(apache.REMOTE_HOST))) log("req.get_get_remote_host(): %s" % repr(req.get_remote_host())) if (req.get_remote_host(apache.REMOTE_HOST) != None) or \ (req.get_remote_host() != ""): self.fail("remote host test failed: %s" % req.get_remote_host()) def test_server_members(self): req = self.req log = req.log_error server = req.server log("Examining server memebers:") log(" server.defn_name: %s" % repr(server.defn_name)) if server.defn_name[-9:] != "test.conf": self.fail("server.defn_name does not end in 'test.conf'") log(" server.defn_line_number: %s" % repr(server.defn_line_number)) if server.defn_line_number == 0: self.fail("server.defn_line_number should not be 0") log(" server.server_admin: %s" % repr(server.server_admin)) if server.server_admin != "serveradmin@somewhere.com": self.fail("server.server_admin must be 'serveradmin@somewhere.com'") log(" server.server_hostname: %s" % repr(server.server_hostname)) if server.server_hostname != "test_internal": self.fail("server.server_hostname must be 'test_internal'") log(" server.port: %s" % repr(server.port)) # hmm it really is 0... #if server.port == 0: # self.fail("server.port should not be 0") log(" server.error_fname: %s" % repr(server.error_fname)) if server.error_fname != "logs/error_log": self.fail("server.error_fname should be 'logs/error_log'") log(" server.loglevel: %s" % repr(server.loglevel)) if server.loglevel != 7: self.fail("server.loglevel should be 7") log(" server.is_virtual: %s" % repr(server.is_virtual)) if server.is_virtual != 1: self.fail("server.is_virtual should be 1") log(" server.timeout: %s" % repr(server.timeout)) if not server.timeout in (5.0, 60.0): self.fail("server.timeout should be 5.0 or 60.0") log(" server.keep_alive_timeout: %s" % repr(server.keep_alive_timeout)) if server.keep_alive_timeout != 15.0: self.fail("server.keep_alive_timeout should be 15.0") log(" server.keep_alive_max: %s" % repr(server.keep_alive_max)) if server.keep_alive_max != 100: self.fail("server.keep_alive_max should be 100") log(" server.keep_alive: %s" % repr(server.keep_alive)) if server.keep_alive != 1: self.fail("server.keep_alive should be 1") log(" server.path: %s" % repr(server.path)) if server.path != "some/path": self.fail("server.path should be 'some/path'") log(" server.pathlen: %s" % repr(server.pathlen)) if server.pathlen != len('some/path'): self.fail("server.pathlen should be %d" % len('some/path')) log(" server.limit_req_line: %s" % repr(server.limit_req_line)) if server.limit_req_line != 8190: self.fail("server.limit_req_line should be 8190") log(" server.limit_req_fieldsize: %s" % repr(server.limit_req_fieldsize)) if server.limit_req_fieldsize != 8190: self.fail("server.limit_req_fieldsize should be 8190") log(" server.limit_req_fields: %s" % repr(server.limit_req_fields)) if server.limit_req_fields != 100: self.fail("server.limit_req_fields should be 100") log(" server.names: %s" % repr(server.names)) if server.names != (): self.fail("server.names should be an empty tuple") log(" server.wild_names: %s" % repr(server.wild_names)) if server.wild_names != (): self.fail("server.wild_names should be an empty tuple") def test_connection_members(self): req = self.req log = req.log_error conn = req.connection try: import socket localip = socket.gethostbyname("localhost") except: localip = "" log("Examining connection memebers:") log(" connection.base_server: %s" % repr(conn.base_server)) if type(conn.base_server) is not type(req.server): self.fail("conn.base_server should be same type as req.server") log(" connection.local_addr: %s" % repr(conn.local_addr)) if not conn.local_addr[0] in ("", "", localip): self.fail("conn.local_addr[0] should be '' or ''") if apache.MODULE_MAGIC_NUMBER_MAJOR > 20111130: log(" connection.client_addr: %s" % repr(conn.client_addr)) if not conn.client_addr[0] in ("", "", localip): self.fail("conn.client_addr[0] should be '' or ''") log(" connection.client_ip: %s" % repr(conn.client_ip)) if not conn.client_ip in ("", localip): self.fail("conn.client_ip should be ''") else: log(" connection.remote_addr: %s" % repr(conn.remote_addr)) if not conn.remote_addr[0] in ("", "", localip): self.fail("conn.remote_addr[0] should be '' or ''") log(" connection.remote_ip: %s" % repr(conn.remote_ip)) if not conn.remote_ip in ("", localip): self.fail("conn.remote_ip should be ''") log(" connection.remote_host: %s" % repr(conn.remote_host)) if conn.remote_host is not None: self.fail("conn.remote_host should be None") log(" connection.remote_logname: %s" % repr(conn.remote_logname)) if conn.remote_logname is not None: self.fail("conn.remote_logname should be None") log(" connection.aborted: %s" % repr(conn.aborted)) if conn.aborted != 0: self.fail("conn.aborted should be 0") log(" connection.keepalive: %s" % repr(conn.keepalive)) if conn.keepalive != 2: self.fail("conn.keepalive should be 2") log(" connection.double_reverse: %s" % repr(conn.double_reverse)) if conn.double_reverse != 0: self.fail("conn.double_reverse should be 0") log(" connection.keepalives: %s" % repr(conn.keepalives)) if conn.keepalives != 1: self.fail("conn.keepalives should be 1") log(" connection.local_ip: %s" % repr(conn.local_ip)) if not conn.local_ip in ("", localip): self.fail("conn.local_ip should be ''") log(" connection.local_host: %s" % repr(conn.local_host)) if conn.local_host is not None: self.fail("conn.local_host should be None") log(" connection.id: %s" % repr(conn.id)) if conn.id > 10000: self.fail("conn.id probably should not be this high?") log(" connection.notes: %s" % repr(conn.notes)) if repr(conn.notes) != '{}': self.fail("conn.notes should be {}") def make_suite(req): mpTestSuite = unittest.TestSuite() mpTestSuite.addTest(SimpleTestCase("test_apache_log_error", req)) mpTestSuite.addTest(SimpleTestCase("test_apache_table", req)) # NB: add_common_vars must be before cgi_vars mpTestSuite.addTest(SimpleTestCase("test_req_add_common_vars", req)) mpTestSuite.addTest(SimpleTestCase("test_req_add_cgi_vars", req)) mpTestSuite.addTest(SimpleTestCase("test_req_members", req)) mpTestSuite.addTest(SimpleTestCase("test_req_get_config", req)) mpTestSuite.addTest(SimpleTestCase("test_req_get_remote_host", req)) mpTestSuite.addTest(SimpleTestCase("test_server_members", req)) mpTestSuite.addTest(SimpleTestCase("test_connection_members", req)) return mpTestSuite def handler(req): if PY2: out = io.BytesIO() else: out = io.StringIO() tr = unittest.TextTestRunner(out) result = tr.run(make_suite(req)) req.log_error(out.getvalue()) if result.wasSuccessful(): req.write("test ok") else: req.write("test failed") return apache.OK def req_add_handler(req): req.secret_message = "foo" req.add_handler("PythonHandler", "tests::simple_handler") return apache.OK def simple_handler(req): # for req_add_handler() if (req.secret_message == "foo"): req.write("test ok") return apache.OK def req_add_bad_handler(req): # bad_handler does not exist so adding it should # should raise an AttributeError exception req.log_error("req_add_bad_handler " + req.hlist.handler) req.add_handler("PythonHandler", "tests::bad_handler") req.log_error("req_add_bad_handler " + req.hlist.handler) req.write("test ok") return apache.OK def req_add_empty_handler_string(req): # Adding an empty string as a handler should should # should raise an exception req.log_error("req_add_empty_handler_string") req.add_handler("PythonHandler", "") req.write("no exception") return apache.OK def req_add_handler_empty_phase(req): req.log_error("req_add_handler_empty_phase") req.log_error("phase=%s" % req.phase) req.log_error("interpreter=%s" % req.interpreter) req.log_error("directory=%s" % req.hlist.directory) if req.phase != "PythonHandler": directory = os.path.dirname(__file__) req.add_handler("PythonHandler", "tests::req_add_handler_empty_phase", directory) else: req.write("test ok") return apache.OK def accesshandler_add_handler_to_empty_hl(req): # Prior to version 3.2.6, adding a python handler # to and empty handler list would cause a segfault req.secret_message = "foo" req.log_error("accesshandler_add_handler_to_empty_hl") req.add_handler("PythonHandler", "tests::simple_handler") return apache.OK def test_req_add_handler_directory(req): # dir1 will not have a trailing slash and on Win32 # will use back slashes and not forward slashes. dir1 = os.path.dirname(__file__) if req.phase == "PythonFixupHandler": req.add_handler("PythonHandler", "tests::test_req_add_handler_directory", dir1) else: # dir2 should only use forward slashes and # should have a trailing forward slash added by # call to req.add_handler(). When dir1 and dir2 # are normalised for current operating system, # they should be equivalent. dir2 = req.hlist.directory if dir2[-1] != '/' or dir2.count('\\') != 0: req.write('test failed') else: dir1 = os.path.normpath(dir1) dir2 = os.path.normpath(dir2) if dir2 != dir1: req.write('test failed') else: req.write('test ok') return apache.OK def req_allow_methods(req): req.allow_methods(["PYTHONIZE"]) return apache.HTTP_METHOD_NOT_ALLOWED def req_get_basic_auth_pw(req): LATIN1_SPAM = 'sp\xe1m' LATIN1_EGGS = '\xe9ggs' pw = req.get_basic_auth_pw() if (req.user == "spam" and pw == "eggs" or req.user == LATIN1_SPAM and pw == LATIN1_EGGS): req.write("test ok") else: req.write("test failed, user %s, pw %s" % (repr(req.user), repr(pw))) return apache.OK def req_unauthorized(req): pw = req.get_basic_auth_pw() if req.user == "spam" and pw == "eggs": req.write("test ok") return apache.OK return apache.HTTP_UNAUTHORIZED def req_auth_type(req): auth_type = req.auth_type() if auth_type != "dummy": req.log_error("auth_type check failed") req.write("test failed, req.auth_type() returned: %s" % repr(auth_type)) return apache.DONE auth_name = req.auth_name() if auth_name != "blah": req.log_error("auth_name check failed") req.write("test failed, req.auth_name() returned: %s" % repr(auth_name)) return apache.DONE if req.phase == "PythonAuthenHandler": req.user = "dummy" req.ap_auth_type = req.auth_type() elif req.phase != "PythonAuthzHandler": req.write("test ok") return apache.OK def req_requires(req): if req.requires() == ('valid-user',): req.write("test ok") return apache.DONE req.write("test failed") return apache.DONE def req_document_root(req): req.write(req.document_root()) return apache.OK def req_internal_redirect(req): req.internal_redirect("/test.int") return apache.OK def req_internal_redirect_int(req): # used by req_internal_redirect req.prev.write("test ") req.write("ok") return apache.OK def req_construct_url(req): url = req.construct_url("/index.html") if not re.match("^http://test_req_construct_url:[0-9]+/index.html$",url): req.write("test failed") else: req.write("test ok") return apache.OK def req_read(req): s = req.read() req.write(s) return apache.OK def req_readline(req): s = req.readline() while s: req.write(s) s = req.readline() return apache.OK def req_readlines(req): if 'SizeHint' in req.headers_in: lines = req.readlines(int(req.headers_in['SizeHint'])) else: lines = req.readlines() req.write(b"".join(lines)) return apache.OK def req_discard_request_body(req): s = req.read(10) if s != b'1234567890': req.log_error('read() #1 returned %s' % repr(s)) req.write('test failed') return apache.OK status = req.discard_request_body() if status != apache.OK: req.log_error('discard_request_body() returned %d' % status) return status s = req.read() if s: req.log_error('read() #2 returned %s' % repr(s)) req.write('test failed') return apache.OK req.write('test ok') return apache.OK def req_register_cleanup(req): req.cleanup_data = "req_register_cleanup test ok" req.register_cleanup(cleanup, req) req.write("registered cleanup that will write to log") return apache.OK def cleanup(data): # for req_register_cleanup above data.log_error(data.cleanup_data) def server_cleanup(data): # for srv_register_cleanup and apache_register_cleanup below apache.log_error(data) def req_headers_out(req): req.headers_out["X-Test-Header"] = "test ok" req.write("test ok") return apache.OK def req_headers_out_access(req): return apache.OK def req_sendfile(req): import tempfile fname = tempfile.mktemp("txt") f = open(fname, "w") f.write(" test ok "); f.close() req.sendfile(fname, 2, 7) # os.remove(fname) return apache.OK def req_sendfile2(req): import tempfile fname = tempfile.mktemp("txt") f = open(fname, "w") f.write("0123456789"*100); f.close() req.sendfile(fname) # os.remove(fname) return apache.OK def req_sendfile3(req): """Check if sendfile handles symlinks properly. This is only valid on posix systems. """ import tempfile # note mktemp is deprecated in python 2.3. Should use mkstemp instead. fname = tempfile.mktemp("txt") f = open(fname, "w") f.write("0123456789"*100); f.close() fname_symlink = '%s.lnk' % fname os.symlink(fname, fname_symlink) req.sendfile(fname_symlink) os.remove(fname_symlink) os.remove(fname) return apache.OK def req_handler(req): if req.phase == "PythonFixupHandler": req.handler = "mod_python" req.handler = None req.handler = "mod_python" req.add_handler("PythonHandler","tests::req_handler") return apache.OK elif req.phase == "PythonHandler": req.write('test ok') return apache.OK else: req.write('test failed') return apache.OK def req_no_cache(req): req.no_cache = 1 req.write('test ok') return apache.OK def req_update_mtime(req): assert(req.mtime == 0.0) req.update_mtime(100.0) assert(req.mtime == 100.0) req.set_etag() req.set_last_modified() req.write('test ok') return apache.OK def util_redirect(req): from mod_python import util if req.main: # Sub request for ErrorDocument. req.write("test failed") return apache.DONE else: if req.phase == "PythonFixupHandler": util.redirect(req,location="/dummy",text="test ok") else: req.write('test failed') return apache.OK def req_server_get_config(req): if req.server.get_config().get("PythonDebug", "0") != "1" or \ req.get_config().get("PythonDebug", "0") != "0": req.write('test failed') else: req.write('test ok') return apache.OK def req_server_get_options(req): try: server_options = apache.main_server.get_options() assert(server_options.get("global","0") == "0") assert(server_options.get("override","0") == "0") server_options = req.connection.base_server.get_options() assert(server_options.get("global","0") == "0") assert(server_options.get("override","0") == "0") server_options = req.server.get_options() assert(server_options["global"] == "1") assert(server_options["override"] == "1") request_options = req.get_options() assert(request_options["global"] == "1") assert(request_options["override"] == "2") assert(request_options["local"] == "1") except: req.write('test failed') else: req.write('test ok') return apache.OK def fileupload(req): from mod_python import util fields = util.FieldStorage(req) f = fields.getfirst('testfile') if PY2: import md5 req.write(md5.new(f.file.read()).hexdigest()) else: from hashlib import md5 req.write(md5(f.file.read()).hexdigest()) return apache.OK def srv_register_cleanup(req): req.server.register_cleanup(req, server_cleanup, "srv_register_cleanup test ok") req.write("registered server cleanup that will write to log") return apache.OK def apache_register_cleanup(req): apache.register_cleanup(server_cleanup, "apache_register_cleanup test ok") req.write("registered server cleanup that will write to log") return apache.OK def apache_exists_config_define(req): if apache.exists_config_define('FOOBAR'): req.write('FOOBAR') else: req.write('NO_FOOBAR') return apache.OK def util_fieldstorage(req): from mod_python import util req.write(repr(util.FieldStorage(req).list)) return apache.OK def postreadrequest(req): req.log_error('postreadrequest') req.add_common_vars() req.subprocess_env['TEST1'] = "'" req.subprocess_env['TEST2'] = '"' req.log_error('subprocess_env = %s' % req.subprocess_env) req.log_error('subprocess_env.values() = %s' % list(req.subprocess_env.values())) for value in req.subprocess_env.values(): req.log_error('VALUE = %s' % value) for item in req.subprocess_env.items(): req.log_error('ITEM = %s' % (item,)) req.log_error('SCRIPT_FILENAME = %s' % req.subprocess_env.get('SCRIPT_FILENAME')) req.log_error('SCRIPT_FILENAME = %s' % req.subprocess_env['SCRIPT_FILENAME']) req.write("test ok") return apache.DONE def trans(req): req.filename = req.document_root()+"/tests.py" return apache.OK def import_test(req): import sys, os directory = os.path.dirname(__file__) assert([os.path.normpath(d) for d in sys.path].count(directory) == 1) if "dummymodule" in sys.modules: if "dummymodule::function" not in apache.main_server.get_options(): req.log_error("dummymodule::function not executed") req.write("test failed") else: req.write("test ok") else: req.log_error("dummymodule not found in sys.modules") req.write("test failed") return apache.OK def outputfilter(fltr): assert(not hasattr(fltr, "non_existent")) s = fltr.read() while s: fltr.write(s.upper()) s = fltr.read() if s is None: fltr.close() return apache.OK def simplehandler(req): if req.phase != "PythonHandler": req.write("test failed") return apache.OK req.write("test ok") return apache.OK def req_add_output_filter(req): req.add_output_filter("MP_TEST_FILTER") req.write("test ok") return apache.OK def req_register_output_filter(req): req.register_output_filter("MP_TEST_FILTER","tests::outputfilter") req.add_output_filter("MP_TEST_FILTER") req.write("test ok") return apache.OK def connectionhandler(conn): # read whatever s = conn.readline().strip() while s: s = conn.readline().strip() # fake an HTTP response conn.write("HTTP/1.1 200 OK\r\n") conn.write("Content-Length: 7\r\n\r\n") conn.write("test ok") return apache.OK def pipe_ext(req): # this is called by publisher return "pipe ext" def Cookie_Cookie(req): from mod_python import Cookie cookies = Cookie.get_cookies(req) for k in cookies: Cookie.add_cookie(req, cookies[k]) req.write("test ok") return apache.OK def Cookie_MarshalCookie(req): from mod_python import Cookie cookies = Cookie.get_cookies(req, Cookie.MarshalCookie, secret="secret") for k in cookies: Cookie.add_cookie(req, cookies[k]) req.write("test ok") return apache.OK def global_lock(req): import _apache _apache._global_lock(req.server, 1) time.sleep(1) _apache._global_unlock(req.server, 1) req.write("test ok") return apache.OK def Session_Session(req): from mod_python import Session, Cookie s = Session.Session(req) if s.is_new(): s.save() cookies = Cookie.get_cookies(req) if Session.COOKIE_NAME in cookies and s.is_new(): req.write(str(cookies[Session.COOKIE_NAME])) else: req.write("test ok") return apache.OK def files_directive(req): req.write(str(req.hlist.directory)) return apache.OK none_handler = None def server_return_1(req): raise apache.SERVER_RETURN(apache.OK) def server_return_2(req): req.write("test ok") return apache.OK def phase_status_1(req): apache.log_error("phase_status_1") req.phases = [1] return apache.DECLINED def phase_status_2(req): apache.log_error("phase_status_2") req.phases.append(2) req.user = "bogus" req.ap_auth_type = "bogus" return apache.OK def phase_status_3(req): apache.log_error("phase_status_3") req.phases.append(3) return apache.OK def phase_status_4(req): apache.log_error("phase_status_4") #req.phases.append(4) return apache.OK def phase_status_5(req): apache.log_error("phase_status_5") req.phases.append(5) return apache.DECLINED def phase_status_6(req): apache.log_error("phase_status_6") req.phases.append(6) return apache.OK def phase_status_7(req): apache.log_error("phase_status_7") req.phases.append(7) return apache.OK def phase_status_8(req): apache.log_error("phase_status_8") apache.log_error("phases = %s" % req.phases) if req.phases != [1, 2, 5, 6, 7]: req.write("test failed") else: req.write("test ok") return apache.OK def phase_status_cleanup(req): apache.log_error("phase_status_cleanup_log_entry") return apache.OK def test_sys_argv(req): import sys req.write(repr(sys.argv)) return apache.OK def PythonOption_items(req): options = list(req.get_options().items()) # The tests may using PythonOption mod_python.* in the test configuration # We need to remove those particular options so they don't interfer # with this test result. options = [ o for o in options if not o[0].startswith('mod_python') ] options.sort() req.write(str(options)) return apache.OK def interpreter(req): req.write(req.interpreter) return apache.DONE def index(req): return "test ok, interpreter=%s" % req.interpreter def test_publisher(req): return "test ok, interpreter=%s" % req.interpreter def test_publisher_auth_nested(req): def __auth__(req, user, password): test_globals = test_publisher req.notes["auth_called"] = "1" return user == "spam" and password == "eggs" def __access__(req, user): req.notes["access_called"] = "1" return 1 assert(int(req.notes.get("auth_called",0))) assert(int(req.notes.get("access_called",0))) return "test ok, interpreter=%s" % req.interpreter class _test_publisher_auth_method_nested: def method(self, req): def __auth__(req, user, password): test_globals = test_publisher req.notes["auth_called"] = "1" return user == "spam" and password == "eggs" def __access__(req, user): req.notes["access_called"] = "1" return 1 assert(int(req.notes.get("auth_called",0))) assert(int(req.notes.get("access_called",0))) return "test ok, interpreter=%s" % req.interpreter test_publisher_auth_method_nested = _test_publisher_auth_method_nested() class OldStyleClassTest: def __init__(self): pass def __call__(self, req): return "test callable old-style instance ok" def traverse(self, req): return "test traversable old-style instance ok" old_instance = OldStyleClassTest() test_dict = {1:1, 2:2, 3:3} test_dict_keys = test_dict.keys def test_dict_iteration(req): return test_dict_keys() def test_generator(req): c = 0 while c < 10: yield c c += 1 def server_side_include(req): req.ssi_globals = { "data": "test" } return apache.OK class InstanceTest(object): def __call__(self, req): return "test callable instance ok" def traverse(self, req): return "test traversable instance ok" instance = InstanceTest() # Hierarchy traversal tests class Mapping(object): def __init__(self,name): self.name = name def __call__(self,req): return "Called %s"%self.name hierarchy_root = Mapping("root"); hierarchy_root.page1 = Mapping("page1") hierarchy_root.page1.subpage1 = Mapping("subpage1") hierarchy_root.page2 = Mapping("page2") class Mapping2: pass hierarchy_root_2 = Mapping2() hierarchy_root_2.__call__ = index hierarchy_root_2.page1 = index hierarchy_root_2.page2 = index def _test_table(): log = apache.log_error log(" starting _test_table") d = apache.table() if list(d.keys()) != []: raise TestFailed('{}.keys()') if ('a' in d) != 0: raise TestFailed("'a' in {}") if ('a' not in d) != 1: raise TestFailed("'a' not in {}") if len(d) != 0: raise TestFailed('len({})') d = {'a': 1, 'b': 2} if len(d) != 2: raise TestFailed('len(dict)') k = list(d.keys()) k.sort() if k != ['a', 'b']: raise TestFailed('dict keys()') if 'a' in d and 'b' in d and 'c' not in d: pass else: raise TestFailed('dict keys()') if 'a' in d and 'b' in d and 'c' not in d: pass else: raise TestFailed('dict keys() # in/not in version') if d['a'] != 1 or d['b'] != 2: raise TestFailed('dict item') d['c'] = 3 d['a'] = 4 if d['c'] != 3 or d['a'] != 4: raise TestFailed('dict item assignment') del d['b'] if d != {'a': 4, 'c': 3}: raise TestFailed('dict item deletion') # dict.clear() log(" table.clear()") d = apache.table() d['1'] = '1' d['2'] = '2' d['3'] = '3' d.clear() if d != apache.table(): raise TestFailed('dict clear') # dict.update() log(" table.update()") d.update({'1':'100'}) d.update({'2':'20'}) d.update({'1':'1', '2':'2', '3':'3'}) if d != apache.table({'1':'1', '2':'2', '3':'3'}): raise TestFailed('dict update') d.clear() try: d.update(None) except AttributeError: pass else: raise TestFailed('dict.update(None), AttributeError expected') class SimpleUserDict: def __init__(self): self.d = {1:1, 2:2, 3:3} def keys(self): return list(self.d.keys()) def __getitem__(self, i): return self.d[i] d.update(SimpleUserDict()) if d != apache.table({1:1, 2:2, 3:3}): raise TestFailed('dict.update(instance)') d.clear() class FailingUserDict: def keys(self): raise ValueError try: d.update(FailingUserDict()) except ValueError: pass else: raise TestFailed('dict.keys() expected ValueError') class FailingUserDict: def keys(self): class BogonIter: def __iter__(self): raise ValueError return BogonIter() try: d.update(FailingUserDict()) except ValueError: pass else: raise TestFailed('iter(dict.keys()) expected ValueError') class FailingUserDict: def keys(self): class BogonIter: def __init__(self): self.i = 1 def __iter__(self): return self def __next__(self): if self.i: self.i = 0 return 'a' raise ValueError def next(self): return self.__next__() return BogonIter() def __getitem__(self, key): return key try: d.update(FailingUserDict()) except ValueError: pass else: raise TestFailed('iter(dict.keys()).next() expected ValueError') class FailingUserDict: def keys(self): class BogonIter: def __init__(self): self.i = ord('a') def __iter__(self): return self def __next__(self): if self.i <= ord('z'): rtn = chr(self.i) self.i += 1 return rtn raise StopIteration def next(self): return self.__next__() return BogonIter() def __getitem__(self, key): raise ValueError try: d.update(FailingUserDict()) except ValueError: pass else: raise TestFailed('dict.update(), __getitem__ expected ValueError') # dict.copy() log(" table.copy()") d = {1:1, 2:2, 3:3} if d.copy() != {1:1, 2:2, 3:3}: raise TestFailed('dict copy') if apache.table().copy() != apache.table(): raise TestFailed('empty dict copy') # dict.get() log(" table.get()") d = apache.table() if d.get('c') is not None: raise TestFailed('missing {} get, no 2nd arg') if d.get('c', '3') != '3': raise TestFailed('missing {} get, w/ 2nd arg') d = apache.table({'a' : '1', 'b' : '2'}) if d.get('c') is not None: raise TestFailed('missing dict get, no 2nd arg') if d.get('c', '3') != '3': raise TestFailed('missing dict get, w/ 2nd arg') if d.get('a') != '1': raise TestFailed('present dict get, no 2nd arg') if d.get('a', '3') != '1': raise TestFailed('present dict get, w/ 2nd arg') # dict.setdefault() log(" table.setdefault()") d = apache.table() d.setdefault('key0') if d.setdefault('key0') is not "": raise TestFailed('missing {} setdefault, no 2nd arg') if d.setdefault('key0') is not "": raise TestFailed('present {} setdefault, no 2nd arg') # dict.popitem() log(" table.popitem()") for copymode in -1, +1: # -1: b has same structure as a # +1: b is a.copy() for log2size in range(12): size = 2**log2size a = apache.table() b = apache.table() for i in range(size): a[repr(i)] = str(i) if copymode < 0: b[repr(i)] = str(i) if copymode > 0: b = a.copy() for i in range(size): ka, va = ta = a.popitem() if va != ka: raise TestFailed("a.popitem: %s" % str(ta)) kb, vb = tb = b.popitem() if vb != kb: raise TestFailed("b.popitem: %s" % str(tb)) if copymode < 0 and ta != tb: raise TestFailed("a.popitem != b.popitem: %s, %s" % ( str(ta), str(tb))) if a: raise TestFailed('a not empty after popitems: %s' % str(a)) if b: raise TestFailed('b not empty after popitems: %s' % str(b)) # iteration (just make sure we can iterate without a segfault) d = apache.table({'a' : '1', 'b' : '2', 'c' : '3'}) log(" for k in table") for k in d: pass log(" _test_table test finished") def okay(req): req.write("test ok") return apache.OK def memory(req): # NB: This only works on Linux. ## warm up for x in range(10000): req.write("test ok") ## check memory usage before (the unit is pages, usually 4k) before = list(map(int, open("/proc/self/statm").read().split())) for x in range(100000): req.write("test ok") req.flush() ## check memory usage after after = list(map(int, open("/proc/self/statm").read().split())) req.write("|%s|%s" % (before[0], after[0])) return apache.OK # Extended prompt. # Copyright (C) 2011-2014 Free Software Foundation, Inc. # This program is free software; you can redistribute it and/or modify # it under the terms of the GNU General Public License as published by # the Free Software Foundation; either version 3 of the License, or # (at your option) any later version. # # This program is distributed in the hope that it will be useful, # but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of # MERCHANTABILITY or FITNESS FOR A PARTICULAR PURPOSE. See the # GNU General Public License for more details. # # You should have received a copy of the GNU General Public License # along with this program. If not, see . """GDB command for working with extended prompts.""" import gdb import gdb.prompt class _ExtendedPrompt(gdb.Parameter): """Set the extended prompt. Usage: set extended-prompt VALUE Substitutions are applied to VALUE to compute the real prompt. The currently defined substitutions are: """ # Add the prompt library's dynamically generated help to the # __doc__ string. __doc__ = __doc__ + gdb.prompt.prompt_help() set_doc = "Set the extended prompt." show_doc = "Show the extended prompt." def __init__(self): super(_ExtendedPrompt, self).__init__("extended-prompt", gdb.COMMAND_SUPPORT, gdb.PARAM_STRING_NOESCAPE) self.value = '' self.hook_set = False def get_show_string (self, pvalue): if self.value is not '': return "The extended prompt is: " + self.value else: return "The extended prompt is not set." def get_set_string (self): if self.hook_set == False: gdb.prompt_hook = self.before_prompt_hook self.hook_set = True return "" def before_prompt_hook(self, current): if self.value is not '': newprompt = gdb.prompt.substitute_prompt(self.value) return newprompt.replace('\\', '\\\\') else: return None _ExtendedPrompt() import pyqtgraph as pg pg.mkQApp() def test_combobox(): cb = pg.ComboBox() items = {'a': 1, 'b': 2, 'c': 3} cb.setItems(items) cb.setValue(2) assert str(cb.currentText()) == 'b' assert cb.value() == 2 # Clear item list; value should be None cb.clear() assert cb.value() == None # Reset item list; value should be set automatically cb.setItems(items) assert cb.value() == 2 # Clear item list; repopulate with same names and new values items = {'a': 4, 'b': 5, 'c': 6} cb.clear() cb.setItems(items) assert cb.value() == 5 # Set list instead of dict cb.setItems(list(items.keys())) assert str(cb.currentText()) == 'b' cb.setValue('c') assert cb.value() == str(cb.currentText()) assert cb.value() == 'c' cb.setItemValue('c', 7) assert cb.value() == 7 if __name__ == '__main__': cb = pg.ComboBox() cb.show() cb.setItems({'': None, 'a': 1, 'b': 2, 'c': 3}) def fn(ind): print("New value: %s" % cb.value()) cb.currentIndexChanged.connect(fn) import unittest from xmodule.contentstore.content import StaticContent from xmodule.contentstore.content import ContentStore from xmodule.modulestore import Location class Content: def __init__(self, location, content_type): self.location = location self.content_type = content_type class ContentTest(unittest.TestCase): def test_thumbnail_none(self): # We had a bug where a thumbnail location of None was getting transformed into a Location tuple, with # all elements being None. It is important that the location be just None for rendering. content = StaticContent('loc', 'name', 'content_type', 'data', None, None, None) self.assertIsNone(content.thumbnail_location) content = StaticContent('loc', 'name', 'content_type', 'data') self.assertIsNone(content.thumbnail_location) def test_static_url_generation_from_courseid(self): url = StaticContent.convert_legacy_static_url_with_course_id('images_course_image.jpg', 'foo/bar/bz') self.assertEqual(url, '/c4x/foo/bar/asset/images_course_image.jpg') def test_generate_thumbnail_image(self): contentStore = ContentStore() content = Content(Location(u'c4x', u'mitX', u'800', u'asset', u'monsters__.jpg'), None) (thumbnail_content, thumbnail_file_location) = contentStore.generate_thumbnail(content) self.assertIsNone(thumbnail_content) self.assertEqual(Location(u'c4x', u'mitX', u'800', u'thumbnail', u'monsters__.jpg'), thumbnail_file_location) def test_compute_location(self): # We had a bug that __ got converted into a single _. Make sure that substitution of INVALID_CHARS (like space) # still happen. asset_location = StaticContent.compute_location('mitX', '400', 'subs__1eo_jXvZnE .srt.sjson') self.assertEqual(Location(u'c4x', u'mitX', u'400', u'asset', u'subs__1eo_jXvZnE_.srt.sjson', None), asset_location) # Copyright 2011, Google Inc. # All rights reserved. # # Redistribution and use in source and binary forms, with or without # modification, are permitted provided that the following conditions are # met: # # * Redistributions of source code must retain the above copyright # notice, this list of conditions and the following disclaimer. # * Redistributions in binary form must reproduce the above # copyright notice, this list of conditions and the following disclaimer # in the documentation and/or other materials provided with the # distribution. # * Neither the name of Google Inc. nor the names of its # contributors may be used to endorse or promote products derived from # this software without specific prior written permission. # # THIS SOFTWARE IS PROVIDED BY THE COPYRIGHT HOLDERS AND CONTRIBUTORS # "AS IS" AND ANY EXPRESS OR IMPLIED WARRANTIES, INCLUDING, BUT NOT # LIMITED TO, THE IMPLIED WARRANTIES OF MERCHANTABILITY AND FITNESS FOR # A PARTICULAR PURPOSE ARE DISCLAIMED. IN NO EVENT SHALL THE COPYRIGHT # OWNER OR CONTRIBUTORS BE LIABLE FOR ANY DIRECT, INDIRECT, INCIDENTAL, # SPECIAL, EXEMPLARY, OR CONSEQUENTIAL DAMAGES (INCLUDING, BUT NOT # LIMITED TO, PROCUREMENT OF SUBSTITUTE GOODS OR SERVICES; LOSS OF USE, # DATA, OR PROFITS; OR BUSINESS INTERRUPTION) HOWEVER CAUSED AND ON ANY # THEORY OF LIABILITY, WHETHER IN CONTRACT, STRICT LIABILITY, OR TORT # (INCLUDING NEGLIGENCE OR OTHERWISE) ARISING IN ANY WAY OUT OF THE USE # OF THIS SOFTWARE, EVEN IF ADVISED OF THE POSSIBILITY OF SUCH DAMAGE. """This file provides the opening handshake processor for the WebSocket protocol version HyBi 00. Specification: http://tools.ietf.org/html/draft-ietf-hybi-thewebsocketprotocol-00 """ # Note: request.connection.write/read are used in this module, even though # mod_python document says that they should be used only in connection # handlers. Unfortunately, we have no other options. For example, # request.write/read are not suitable because they don't allow direct raw bytes # writing/reading. import logging import re import struct from mod_pywebsocket import common from mod_pywebsocket.stream import StreamHixie75 from mod_pywebsocket import util from mod_pywebsocket.handshake._base import HandshakeException from mod_pywebsocket.handshake._base import check_request_line from mod_pywebsocket.handshake._base import format_header from mod_pywebsocket.handshake._base import get_default_port from mod_pywebsocket.handshake._base import get_mandatory_header from mod_pywebsocket.handshake._base import parse_host_header from mod_pywebsocket.handshake._base import validate_mandatory_header _MANDATORY_HEADERS = [ # key, expected value or None [common.UPGRADE_HEADER, common.WEBSOCKET_UPGRADE_TYPE_HIXIE75], [common.CONNECTION_HEADER, common.UPGRADE_CONNECTION_TYPE], ] def _validate_subprotocol(subprotocol): """Checks if characters in subprotocol are in range between U+0020 and U+007E. A value in the Sec-WebSocket-Protocol field need to satisfy this requirement. See the Section 4.1. Opening handshake of the spec. """ if not subprotocol: raise HandshakeException('Invalid subprotocol name: empty') # Parameter should be in the range U+0020 to U+007E. for c in subprotocol: if not 0x20 <= ord(c) <= 0x7e: raise HandshakeException( 'Illegal character in subprotocol name: %r' % c) def _check_header_lines(request, mandatory_headers): check_request_line(request) # The expected field names, and the meaning of their corresponding # values, are as follows. # |Upgrade| and |Connection| for key, expected_value in mandatory_headers: validate_mandatory_header(request, key, expected_value) def _build_location(request): """Build WebSocket location for request.""" location_parts = [] if request.is_https(): location_parts.append(common.WEB_SOCKET_SECURE_SCHEME) else: location_parts.append(common.WEB_SOCKET_SCHEME) location_parts.append('://') host, port = parse_host_header(request) connection_port = request.connection.local_addr[1] if port != connection_port: raise HandshakeException('Header/connection port mismatch: %d/%d' % (port, connection_port)) location_parts.append(host) if (port != get_default_port(request.is_https())): location_parts.append(':') location_parts.append(str(port)) location_parts.append(request.unparsed_uri) return ''.join(location_parts) class Handshaker(object): """Opening handshake processor for the WebSocket protocol version HyBi 00. """ def __init__(self, request, dispatcher): """Construct an instance. Args: request: mod_python request. dispatcher: Dispatcher (dispatch.Dispatcher). Handshaker will add attributes such as ws_resource in performing handshake. """ self._logger = util.get_class_logger(self) self._request = request self._dispatcher = dispatcher def do_handshake(self): """Perform WebSocket Handshake. On _request, we set ws_resource, ws_protocol, ws_location, ws_origin, ws_challenge, ws_challenge_md5: WebSocket handshake information. ws_stream: Frame generation/parsing class. ws_version: Protocol version. Raises: HandshakeException: when any error happened in parsing the opening handshake request. """ # 5.1 Reading the client's opening handshake. # dispatcher sets it in self._request. _check_header_lines(self._request, _MANDATORY_HEADERS) self._set_resource() self._set_subprotocol() self._set_location() self._set_origin() self._set_challenge_response() self._set_protocol_version() self._dispatcher.do_extra_handshake(self._request) self._send_handshake() def _set_resource(self): self._request.ws_resource = self._request.uri def _set_subprotocol(self): # |Sec-WebSocket-Protocol| subprotocol = self._request.headers_in.get( common.SEC_WEBSOCKET_PROTOCOL_HEADER) if subprotocol is not None: _validate_subprotocol(subprotocol) self._request.ws_protocol = subprotocol def _set_location(self): # |Host| host = self._request.headers_in.get(common.HOST_HEADER) if host is not None: self._request.ws_location = _build_location(self._request) # TODO(ukai): check host is this host. def _set_origin(self): # |Origin| origin = self._request.headers_in.get(common.ORIGIN_HEADER) if origin is not None: self._request.ws_origin = origin def _set_protocol_version(self): # |Sec-WebSocket-Draft| draft = self._request.headers_in.get(common.SEC_WEBSOCKET_DRAFT_HEADER) if draft is not None and draft != '0': raise HandshakeException('Illegal value for %s: %s' % (common.SEC_WEBSOCKET_DRAFT_HEADER, draft)) self._logger.debug('Protocol version is HyBi 00') self._request.ws_version = common.VERSION_HYBI00 self._request.ws_stream = StreamHixie75(self._request, True) def _set_challenge_response(self): # 5.2 4-8. self._request.ws_challenge = self._get_challenge() # 5.2 9. let /response/ be the MD5 finterprint of /challenge/ self._request.ws_challenge_md5 = util.md5_hash( self._request.ws_challenge).digest() self._logger.debug( 'Challenge: %r (%s)', self._request.ws_challenge, util.hexify(self._request.ws_challenge)) self._logger.debug( 'Challenge response: %r (%s)', self._request.ws_challenge_md5, util.hexify(self._request.ws_challenge_md5)) def _get_key_value(self, key_field): key_value = get_mandatory_header(self._request, key_field) self._logger.debug('%s: %r', key_field, key_value) # 5.2 4. let /key-number_n/ be the digits (characters in the range # U+0030 DIGIT ZERO (0) to U+0039 DIGIT NINE (9)) in /key_n/, # interpreted as a base ten integer, ignoring all other characters # in /key_n/. try: key_number = int(re.sub("\\D", "", key_value)) except: raise HandshakeException('%s field contains no digit' % key_field) # 5.2 5. let /spaces_n/ be the number of U+0020 SPACE characters # in /key_n/. spaces = re.subn(" ", "", key_value)[1] if spaces == 0: raise HandshakeException('%s field contains no space' % key_field) self._logger.debug( '%s: Key-number is %d and number of spaces is %d', key_field, key_number, spaces) # 5.2 6. if /key-number_n/ is not an integral multiple of /spaces_n/ # then abort the WebSocket connection. if key_number % spaces != 0: raise HandshakeException( '%s: Key-number (%d) is not an integral multiple of spaces ' '(%d)' % (key_field, key_number, spaces)) # 5.2 7. let /part_n/ be /key-number_n/ divided by /spaces_n/. part = key_number / spaces self._logger.debug('%s: Part is %d', key_field, part) return part def _get_challenge(self): # 5.2 4-7. key1 = self._get_key_value(common.SEC_WEBSOCKET_KEY1_HEADER) key2 = self._get_key_value(common.SEC_WEBSOCKET_KEY2_HEADER) # 5.2 8. let /challenge/ be the concatenation of /part_1/, challenge = '' challenge += struct.pack('!I', key1) # network byteorder int challenge += struct.pack('!I', key2) # network byteorder int challenge += self._request.connection.read(8) return challenge def _send_handshake(self): response = [] # 5.2 10. send the following line. response.append('HTTP/1.1 101 WebSocket Protocol Handshake\r\n') # 5.2 11. send the following fields to the client. response.append(format_header( common.UPGRADE_HEADER, common.WEBSOCKET_UPGRADE_TYPE_HIXIE75)) response.append(format_header( common.CONNECTION_HEADER, common.UPGRADE_CONNECTION_TYPE)) response.append(format_header( common.SEC_WEBSOCKET_LOCATION_HEADER, self._request.ws_location)) response.append(format_header( common.SEC_WEBSOCKET_ORIGIN_HEADER, self._request.ws_origin)) if self._request.ws_protocol: response.append(format_header( common.SEC_WEBSOCKET_PROTOCOL_HEADER, self._request.ws_protocol)) # 5.2 12. send two bytes 0x0D 0x0A. response.append('\r\n') # 5.2 13. send /response/ response.append(self._request.ws_challenge_md5) raw_response = ''.join(response) self._request.connection.write(raw_response) self._logger.debug('Sent server\'s opening handshake: %r', raw_response) # vi:sts=4 sw=4 et import re from io import BytesIO from time import sleep from livestreamer.exceptions import PluginError from livestreamer.packages.flashmedia import AMFPacket, AMFMessage from livestreamer.packages.flashmedia.types import AMF3ObjectBase from livestreamer.plugin import Plugin from livestreamer.plugin.api import http, validate from livestreamer.stream import AkamaiHDStream AMF_GATEWAY = "http://c.brightcove.com/services/messagebroker/amf" AMF_MESSAGE_PREFIX = "af6b88c640c8d7b4cc75d22f7082ad95603bc627" STREAM_NAMES = ["360p", "480p", "720p", "source"] HTTP_HEADERS = { "User-Agent": ("Mozilla/5.0 (X11; Linux x86_64) AppleWebKit/537.36 " "(KHTML, like Gecko) Chrome/36.0.1944.9 Safari/537.36") } _url_re = re.compile("http(s)?://(\w+\.)?azubu.tv/(?P\w+)") CHANNEL_INFO_URL = "http://api.azubu.tv/public/channel/%s/player" _viewerexp_schema = validate.Schema( validate.attr({ "programmedContent": { "videoPlayer": validate.attr({ "mediaDTO": validate.attr({ "renditions": { int: validate.attr({ "encodingRate": int, "defaultURL": validate.text }) } }) }) } }) ) @AMF3ObjectBase.register("com.brightcove.experience.ViewerExperienceRequest") class ViewerExperienceRequest(AMF3ObjectBase): __members__ = ["contentOverrides", "experienceId", "URL", "playerKey", "deliveryType", "TTLToken"] def __init__(self, URL, contentOverrides, experienceId, playerKey, TTLToken=""): self.URL = URL self.deliveryType = float("nan") self.contentOverrides = contentOverrides self.experienceId = experienceId self.playerKey = playerKey self.TTLToken = TTLToken @AMF3ObjectBase.register("com.brightcove.experience.ContentOverride") class ContentOverride(AMF3ObjectBase): __members__ = ["featuredRefId", "contentRefIds", "contentId", "contentType", "contentIds", "featuredId", "contentRefId", "target"] def __init__(self, contentId=float("nan"), contentRefId=None, contentType=0, target="videoPlayer"): self.contentType = contentType self.contentId = contentId self.target = target self.contentIds = None self.contentRefId = contentRefId self.contentRefIds = None self.contentType = 0 self.featuredId = float("nan") self.featuredRefId = None class AzubuTV(Plugin): @classmethod def can_handle_url(cls, url): return _url_re.match(url) @classmethod def stream_weight(cls, stream): if stream == "source": weight = 1080 else: weight, group = Plugin.stream_weight(stream) return weight, "azubutv" def _create_amf_request(self, key, video_player, player_id): if video_player.startswith("ref:"): content_override = ContentOverride(contentRefId=video_player[4:]) else: content_override = ContentOverride(contentId=int(video_player)) viewer_exp_req = ViewerExperienceRequest(self.url, [content_override], int(player_id), key) req = AMFPacket(version=3) req.messages.append(AMFMessage( "com.brightcove.experience.ExperienceRuntimeFacade.getDataForExperience", "/1", [AMF_MESSAGE_PREFIX, viewer_exp_req] )) return req def _send_amf_request(self, req, key): headers = { "content-type": "application/x-amf" } res = http.post(AMF_GATEWAY, data=bytes(req.serialize()), headers=headers, params=dict(playerKey=key)) return AMFPacket.deserialize(BytesIO(res.content)) def _get_player_params(self, retries=5): match = _url_re.match(self.url); domain = match.group('domain'); try: res = http.get(CHANNEL_INFO_URL % str(domain)) except PluginError as err: # The server sometimes gives us 404 for no reason if "404" in str(err) and retries: sleep(1) return self._get_player_params(retries - 1) else: raise channel_info = http.json(res) channel_info = channel_info['data'] key = channel_info['player_key']; is_live = channel_info['is_live']; stream_video = channel_info['stream_video'] if stream_video: video_player = "ref:" + stream_video['reference_id'] else: is_live = False video_player = None player_id = channel_info['player_id'] return key, video_player, player_id, is_live def _parse_result(self, res): res = _viewerexp_schema.validate(res) player = res.programmedContent["videoPlayer"] renditions = sorted(player.mediaDTO.renditions.values(), key=lambda r: r.encodingRate or 100000000) streams = {} for stream_name, rendition in zip(STREAM_NAMES, renditions): stream = AkamaiHDStream(self.session, rendition.defaultURL) streams[stream_name] = stream return streams def _get_streams(self): key, video_player, player_id, is_live = self._get_player_params() if not is_live: return req = self._create_amf_request(key, video_player, player_id) res = self._send_amf_request(req, key) streams = {} for message in res.messages: if message.target_uri == "/1/onResult": streams = self._parse_result(message.value) return streams __plugin__ = AzubuTV from __future__ import unicode_literals, division, absolute_import import logging from flexget import plugin from flexget.entry import Entry from flexget.event import event from flexget.utils import requests, json from flexget.utils.search import torrent_availability session = requests.Session() log = logging.getLogger('search_btn') # TODO: btn has a limit of 150 searches per hour class SearchBTN(object): schema = {'type': 'string'} def search(self, entry, config): api_key = config searches = entry.get('search_strings', [entry['title']]) if 'series_name' in entry: search = {'series': entry['series_name']} if 'series_id' in entry: # BTN wants an ep style identifier even for sequence shows if entry.get('series_id_type') == 'sequence': search['name'] = 'S01E%02d' % entry['series_id'] else: search['name'] = entry['series_id'] searches = [search] results = set() for search in searches: data = json.dumps({'method': 'getTorrents', 'params': [api_key, search], 'id': 1}) try: r = session.post('http://api.btnapps.net/', data=data, headers={'Content-type': 'application/json'}) except requests.RequestException as e: log.error('Error searching btn: %s' % e) continue content = r.json() if not content or not content['result']: log.debug('No results from btn') continue if 'torrents' in content['result']: for item in content['result']['torrents'].itervalues(): if item['Category'] != 'Episode': continue entry = Entry() entry['title'] = item['ReleaseName'] entry['title'] += ' '.join(['', item['Resolution'], item['Source'], item['Codec']]) entry['url'] = item['DownloadURL'] entry['torrent_seeds'] = int(item['Seeders']) entry['torrent_leeches'] = int(item['Leechers']) entry['torrent_info_hash'] = item['InfoHash'] entry['search_sort'] = torrent_availability(entry['torrent_seeds'], entry['torrent_leeches']) if item['TvdbID']: entry['tvdb_id'] = int(item['TvdbID']) results.add(entry) return results @event('plugin.register') def register_plugin(): plugin.register(SearchBTN, 'btn', groups=['search'], api_ver=2) # Copyright (c) 2008 The Hewlett-Packard Development Company # All rights reserved. # # The license below extends only to copyright in the software and shall # not be construed as granting a license to any other intellectual # property including but not limited to intellectual property relating # to a hardware implementation of the functionality of the software # licensed hereunder. You may use the software subject to the license # terms below provided that you ensure that this notice is replicated # unmodified and in its entirety in all distributions of the software, # modified or unmodified, in source code or in binary form. # # Redistribution and use in source and binary forms, with or without # modification, are permitted provided that the following conditions are # met: redistributions of source code must retain the above copyright # notice, this list of conditions and the following disclaimer; # redistributions in binary form must reproduce the above copyright # notice, this list of conditions and the following disclaimer in the # documentation and/or other materials provided with the distribution; # neither the name of the copyright holders nor the names of its # contributors may be used to endorse or promote products derived from # this software without specific prior written permission. # # THIS SOFTWARE IS PROVIDED BY THE COPYRIGHT HOLDERS AND CONTRIBUTORS # "AS IS" AND ANY EXPRESS OR IMPLIED WARRANTIES, INCLUDING, BUT NOT # LIMITED TO, THE IMPLIED WARRANTIES OF MERCHANTABILITY AND FITNESS FOR # A PARTICULAR PURPOSE ARE DISCLAIMED. IN NO EVENT SHALL THE COPYRIGHT # OWNER OR CONTRIBUTORS BE LIABLE FOR ANY DIRECT, INDIRECT, INCIDENTAL, # SPECIAL, EXEMPLARY, OR CONSEQUENTIAL DAMAGES (INCLUDING, BUT NOT # LIMITED TO, PROCUREMENT OF SUBSTITUTE GOODS OR SERVICES; LOSS OF USE, # DATA, OR PROFITS; OR BUSINESS INTERRUPTION) HOWEVER CAUSED AND ON ANY # THEORY OF LIABILITY, WHETHER IN CONTRACT, STRICT LIABILITY, OR TORT # (INCLUDING NEGLIGENCE OR OTHERWISE) ARISING IN ANY WAY OUT OF THE USE # OF THIS SOFTWARE, EVEN IF ADVISED OF THE POSSIBILITY OF SUCH DAMAGE. from m5.params import * from m5.SimObject import SimObject # ACPI description table header. Subclasses contain and handle the actual # contents as appropriate for that type of table. class X86ACPISysDescTable(SimObject): type = 'X86ACPISysDescTable' cxx_class = 'X86ISA::ACPI::SysDescTable' cxx_header = 'arch/x86/bios/acpi.hh' abstract = True oem_id = Param.String('', 'string identifying the oem') oem_table_id = Param.String('', 'oem table ID') oem_revision = Param.UInt32(0, 'oem revision number for the table') creator_id = Param.String('', 'string identifying the generator of the table') creator_revision = Param.UInt32(0, 'revision number for the creator of the table') class X86ACPIRSDT(X86ACPISysDescTable): type = 'X86ACPIRSDT' cxx_class = 'X86ISA::ACPI::RSDT' cxx_header = 'arch/x86/bios/acpi.hh' entries = VectorParam.X86ACPISysDescTable([], 'system description tables') class X86ACPIXSDT(X86ACPISysDescTable): type = 'X86ACPIXSDT' cxx_class = 'X86ISA::ACPI::XSDT' cxx_header = 'arch/x86/bios/acpi.hh' entries = VectorParam.X86ACPISysDescTable([], 'system description tables') # Root System Description Pointer Structure class X86ACPIRSDP(SimObject): type = 'X86ACPIRSDP' cxx_class = 'X86ISA::ACPI::RSDP' cxx_header = 'arch/x86/bios/acpi.hh' oem_id = Param.String('', 'string identifying the oem') # Because 0 encodes ACPI 1.0, 2 encodes ACPI 3.0, the version implemented # here. revision = Param.UInt8(2, 'revision of ACPI being used, zero indexed') rsdt = Param.X86ACPIRSDT(NULL, 'root system description table') xsdt = Param.X86ACPIXSDT(X86ACPIXSDT(), 'extended system description table') # Copyright 2011 Matt Chaput. All rights reserved. # # Redistribution and use in source and binary forms, with or without # modification, are permitted provided that the following conditions are met: # # 1. Redistributions of source code must retain the above copyright notice, # this list of conditions and the following disclaimer. # # 2. Redistributions in binary form must reproduce the above copyright # notice, this list of conditions and the following disclaimer in the # documentation and/or other materials provided with the distribution. # # THIS SOFTWARE IS PROVIDED BY MATT CHAPUT ``AS IS'' AND ANY EXPRESS OR # IMPLIED WARRANTIES, INCLUDING, BUT NOT LIMITED TO, THE IMPLIED WARRANTIES OF # MERCHANTABILITY AND FITNESS FOR A PARTICULAR PURPOSE ARE DISCLAIMED. IN NO # EVENT SHALL MATT CHAPUT OR CONTRIBUTORS BE LIABLE FOR ANY DIRECT, INDIRECT, # INCIDENTAL, SPECIAL, EXEMPLARY, OR CONSEQUENTIAL DAMAGES (INCLUDING, BUT NOT # LIMITED TO, PROCUREMENT OF SUBSTITUTE GOODS OR SERVICES; LOSS OF USE, DATA, # OR PROFITS; OR BUSINESS INTERRUPTION) HOWEVER CAUSED AND ON ANY THEORY OF # LIABILITY, WHETHER IN CONTRACT, STRICT LIABILITY, OR TORT (INCLUDING # NEGLIGENCE OR OTHERWISE) ARISING IN ANY WAY OUT OF THE USE OF THIS SOFTWARE, # EVEN IF ADVISED OF THE POSSIBILITY OF SUCH DAMAGE. # # The views and conclusions contained in the software and documentation are # those of the authors and should not be interpreted as representing official # policies, either expressed or implied, of Matt Chaput. import copy from whoosh import query from whoosh.compat import iteritems, u, PY3 from whoosh.qparser import syntax from whoosh.qparser.common import attach from whoosh.qparser.taggers import RegexTagger, FnTagger from whoosh.util import rcompile class Plugin(object): """Base class for parser plugins. """ def taggers(self, parser): """Should return a list of ``(Tagger, priority)`` tuples to add to the syntax the parser understands. Lower priorities run first. """ return () def filters(self, parser): """Should return a list of ``(filter_function, priority)`` tuples to add to parser. Filter functions will be called with ``(parser, groupnode)`` and should return a group node. """ return () class TaggingPlugin(RegexTagger): """A plugin that also acts as a Tagger, to avoid having an extra Tagger class for simple cases. A TaggingPlugin object should have a ``priority`` attribute and either a ``nodetype`` attribute or a ``create()`` method. If the subclass doesn't override ``create()``, the base class will call ``self.nodetype`` with the Match object's named groups as keyword arguments. """ priority = 0 def __init__(self, expr=None): self.expr = rcompile(expr or self.expr) def taggers(self, parser): return [(self, self.priority)] def filters(self, parser): return () def create(self, parser, match): # Groupdict keys can be unicode sometimes apparently? Convert them to # str for use as keyword arguments. This should be Py3-safe. kwargs = dict((str(k), v) for k, v in iteritems(match.groupdict())) return self.nodetype(**kwargs) class WhitespacePlugin(TaggingPlugin): """Tags whitespace and removes it at priority 500. Depending on whether your plugin's filter wants to see where whitespace was in the original query, it should run with priority lower than 500 (before removal of whitespace) or higher than 500 (after removal of whitespace). """ nodetype = syntax.Whitespace priority = 100 def __init__(self, expr=r"\s+"): TaggingPlugin.__init__(self, expr) def filters(self, parser): return [(self.remove_whitespace, 500)] def remove_whitespace(self, parser, group): newgroup = group.empty_copy() for node in group: if isinstance(node, syntax.GroupNode): newgroup.append(self.remove_whitespace(parser, node)) elif not node.is_ws(): newgroup.append(node) return newgroup class SingleQuotePlugin(TaggingPlugin): """Adds the ability to specify single "terms" containing spaces by enclosing them in single quotes. """ expr = r"(^|(?<=\W))'(?P.*?)'(?=\s|\]|[)}]|$)" nodetype = syntax.WordNode class PrefixPlugin(TaggingPlugin): """Adds the ability to specify prefix queries by ending a term with an asterisk. This plugin is useful if you want the user to be able to create prefix but not wildcard queries (for performance reasons). If you are including the wildcard plugin, you should not include this plugin as well. >>> qp = qparser.QueryParser("content", myschema) >>> qp.remove_plugin_class(qparser.WildcardPlugin) >>> qp.add_plugin(qparser.PrefixPlugin()) >>> q = qp.parse("pre*") """ class PrefixNode(syntax.TextNode): qclass = query.Prefix def r(self): return "%r*" % self.text expr = "(?P[^ \t\r\n*]+)[*](?= |$|\\))" nodetype = PrefixNode class WildcardPlugin(TaggingPlugin): class WildcardNode(syntax.TextNode): # Note that this node inherits tokenize = False from TextNode, # so the text in this node will not be analyzed... just passed # straight to the query # TODO: instead of parsing a "wildcard word", create marker nodes for # individual ? and * characters. This will have to wait for a more # advanced wikiparser-like parser. qclass = query.Wildcard def r(self): return "Wild %r" % self.text # Any number of word chars, followed by at least one question mark or # star, followed by any number of word chars, question marks, or stars # \u055E = Armenian question mark # \u061F = Arabic question mark # \u1367 = Ethiopic question mark qms = u("\u055E\u061F\u1367") expr = u("(?P(\\w|[-])*[*?%s](\\w|[-*?%s])*)") % (qms, qms) nodetype = WildcardNode class RegexPlugin(TaggingPlugin): """Adds the ability to specify regular expression term queries. The default syntax for a regular expression term is ``r"termexpr"``. >>> qp = qparser.QueryParser("content", myschema) >>> qp.add_plugin(qparser.RegexPlugin()) >>> q = qp.parse('foo title:r"bar+"') """ class RegexNode(syntax.TextNode): qclass = query.Regex def r(self): return "Regex %r" % self.text expr = 'r"(?P[^"]*)"' nodetype = RegexNode class BoostPlugin(TaggingPlugin): """Adds the ability to boost clauses of the query using the circumflex. >>> qp = qparser.QueryParser("content", myschema) >>> q = qp.parse("hello there^2") """ expr = "\\^(?P[0-9]*(\\.[0-9]+)?)($|(?=[ \t\r\n)]))" class BoostNode(syntax.SyntaxNode): def __init__(self, original, boost): self.original = original self.boost = boost def r(self): return "^ %s" % self.boost def create(self, parser, match): # Override create so we can grab group 0 original = match.group(0) try: boost = float(match.group("boost")) except ValueError: # The text after the ^ wasn't a valid number, so turn it into a # word node = syntax.WordNode(original) else: node = self.BoostNode(original, boost) return node def filters(self, parser): return [(self.clean_boost, 0), (self.do_boost, 700)] def clean_boost(self, parser, group): """This filter finds any BoostNodes in positions where they can't boost the previous node (e.g. at the very beginning, after whitespace, or after another BoostNode) and turns them into WordNodes. """ bnode = self.BoostNode for i, node in enumerate(group): if isinstance(node, bnode): if (not i or not group[i - 1].has_boost): group[i] = syntax.to_word(node) return group def do_boost(self, parser, group): """This filter finds BoostNodes and applies the boost to the previous node. """ newgroup = group.empty_copy() for node in group: if isinstance(node, syntax.GroupNode): node = self.do_boost(parser, node) elif isinstance(node, self.BoostNode): if (newgroup and newgroup[-1].has_boost): # Apply the BoostNode's boost to the previous node newgroup[-1].set_boost(node.boost) # Skip adding the BoostNode to the new group continue else: node = syntax.to_word(node) newgroup.append(node) return newgroup class GroupPlugin(Plugin): """Adds the ability to group clauses using parentheses. """ # Marker nodes for open and close bracket class OpenBracket(syntax.SyntaxNode): def r(self): return "(" class CloseBracket(syntax.SyntaxNode): def r(self): return ")" def __init__(self, openexpr="\\(", closeexpr="\\)"): self.openexpr = openexpr self.closeexpr = closeexpr def taggers(self, parser): return [(FnTagger(self.openexpr, self.OpenBracket), 0), (FnTagger(self.closeexpr, self.CloseBracket), 0)] def filters(self, parser): return [(self.do_groups, 0)] def do_groups(self, parser, group): """This filter finds open and close bracket markers in a flat group and uses them to organize the nodes into a hierarchy. """ ob, cb = self.OpenBracket, self.CloseBracket # Group hierarchy stack stack = [parser.group()] for node in group: if isinstance(node, ob): # Open bracket: push a new level of hierarchy on the stack stack.append(parser.group()) elif isinstance(node, cb): # Close bracket: pop the current level of hierarchy and append # it to the previous level if len(stack) > 1: last = stack.pop() stack[-1].append(last) else: # Anything else: add it to the current level of hierarchy stack[-1].append(node) top = stack[0] # If the parens were unbalanced (more opens than closes), just take # whatever levels of hierarchy were left on the stack and tack them on # the end of the top-level if len(stack) > 1: for ls in stack[1:]: top.extend(ls) if len(top) == 1 and isinstance(top[0], syntax.GroupNode): boost = top.boost top = top[0] top.boost = boost return top class EveryPlugin(TaggingPlugin): expr = "[*]:[*]" priority = -1 def create(self, parser, match): return self.EveryNode() class EveryNode(syntax.SyntaxNode): def r(self): return "*:*" def query(self, parser): return query.Every() class FieldsPlugin(TaggingPlugin): """Adds the ability to specify the field of a clause. """ class FieldnameTagger(RegexTagger): def create(self, parser, match): return syntax.FieldnameNode(match.group("text"), match.group(0)) def __init__(self, expr=r"(?P\w+|[*]):", remove_unknown=True): """ :param expr: the regular expression to use for tagging fields. :param remove_unknown: if True, converts field specifications for fields that aren't in the schema into regular text. """ self.expr = expr self.removeunknown = remove_unknown def taggers(self, parser): return [(self.FieldnameTagger(self.expr), 0)] def filters(self, parser): return [(self.do_fieldnames, 100)] def do_fieldnames(self, parser, group): """This filter finds FieldnameNodes in the tree and applies their fieldname to the next node. """ fnclass = syntax.FieldnameNode if self.removeunknown and parser.schema: # Look for field nodes that aren't in the schema and convert them # to text schema = parser.schema newgroup = group.empty_copy() prev_field_node = None for node in group: if isinstance(node, fnclass) and node.fieldname not in schema: prev_field_node = node continue elif prev_field_node: # If prev_field_node is not None, it contains a field node # that appeared before this node but isn't in the schema, # so we'll convert it to text here if node.has_text: node.text = prev_field_node.original + node.text else: newgroup.append(syntax.to_word(prev_field_node)) prev_field_node = None newgroup.append(node) if prev_field_node: newgroup.append(syntax.to_word(prev_field_node)) group = newgroup newgroup = group.empty_copy() # Iterate backwards through the stream, looking for field-able objects # with field nodes in front of them i = len(group) while i > 0: i -= 1 node = group[i] if isinstance(node, fnclass): # If we see a fieldname node, it must not have been in front # of something fieldable, since we would have already removed # it (since we're iterating backwards), so convert it to text node = syntax.to_word(node) elif isinstance(node, syntax.GroupNode): node = self.do_fieldnames(parser, node) if i > 0 and not node.is_ws() and isinstance(group[i - 1], fnclass): node.set_fieldname(group[i - 1].fieldname, override=False) i -= 1 newgroup.append(node) newgroup.reverse() return newgroup class PhrasePlugin(Plugin): """Adds the ability to specify phrase queries inside double quotes. """ # Didn't use TaggingPlugin because I need to add slop parsing at some # point # Expression used to find words if a schema isn't available wordexpr = rcompile(r'\S+') class PhraseNode(syntax.TextNode): def __init__(self, text, textstartchar, slop=1): syntax.TextNode.__init__(self, text) self.textstartchar = textstartchar self.slop = slop def r(self): return "%s %r~%s" % (self.__class__.__name__, self.text, self.slop) def apply(self, fn): return self.__class__(self.type, [fn(node) for node in self.nodes], slop=self.slop, boost=self.boost) def query(self, parser): text = self.text fieldname = self.fieldname or parser.fieldname # We want to process the text of the phrase into "words" (tokens), # and also record the startchar and endchar of each word sc = self.textstartchar if parser.schema and fieldname in parser.schema: field = parser.schema[fieldname] if field.analyzer: # We have a field with an analyzer, so use it to parse # the phrase into tokens tokens = field.tokenize(text, mode="query", chars=True) words = [] char_ranges = [] for t in tokens: words.append(t.text) char_ranges.append((sc + t.startchar, sc + t.endchar)) else: # We have a field but it doesn't have a format object, # for some reason (it's self-parsing?), so use process_text # to get the texts (we won't know the start/end chars) words = list(field.process_text(text, mode="query")) char_ranges = [(None, None)] * len(words) else: # We're parsing without a schema, so just use the default # regular expression to break the text into words words = [] char_ranges = [] for match in PhrasePlugin.wordexpr.finditer(text): words.append(match.group(0)) char_ranges.append((sc + match.start(), sc + match.end())) qclass = parser.phraseclass q = qclass(fieldname, words, slop=self.slop, boost=self.boost, char_ranges=char_ranges) return attach(q, self) class PhraseTagger(RegexTagger): def create(self, parser, match): return PhrasePlugin.PhraseNode(match.group("text"), match.start("text")) def __init__(self, expr='"(?P.*?)"'): self.expr = expr def taggers(self, parser): return [(self.PhraseTagger(self.expr), 0)] class RangePlugin(Plugin): """Adds the ability to specify term ranges. """ expr = rcompile(r""" (?P\{|\[) # Open paren (?P ('[^']*?'\s+) # single-quoted | # or (.+?(?=[Tt][Oo])) # everything until "to" )? [Tt][Oo] # "to" (?P (\s+'[^']*?') # single-quoted | # or ((.+?)(?=]|})) # everything until "]" or "}" )? (?P}|]) # Close paren """, verbose=True) class RangeTagger(RegexTagger): def __init__(self, expr, excl_start, excl_end): self.expr = expr self.excl_start = excl_start self.excl_end = excl_end def create(self, parser, match): start = match.group("start") end = match.group("end") if start: # Strip the space before the "to" start = start.rstrip() # Strip single quotes if start.startswith("'") and start.endswith("'"): start = start[1:-1] if end: # Strip the space before the "to" end = end.lstrip() # Strip single quotes if end.startswith("'") and end.endswith("'"): end = end[1:-1] # What kind of open and close brackets were used? startexcl = match.group("open") == self.excl_start endexcl = match.group("close") == self.excl_end rn = syntax.RangeNode(start, end, startexcl, endexcl) return rn def __init__(self, expr=None, excl_start="{", excl_end="}"): self.expr = expr or self.expr self.excl_start = excl_start self.excl_end = excl_end def taggers(self, parser): tagger = self.RangeTagger(self.expr, self.excl_start, self.excl_end) return [(tagger, 1)] class OperatorsPlugin(Plugin): """By default, adds the AND, OR, ANDNOT, ANDMAYBE, and NOT operators to the parser syntax. This plugin scans the token stream for subclasses of :class:`Operator` and calls their :meth:`Operator.make_group` methods to allow them to manipulate the stream. There are two levels of configuration available. The first level is to change the regular expressions of the default operators, using the ``And``, ``Or``, ``AndNot``, ``AndMaybe``, and/or ``Not`` keyword arguments. The keyword value can be a pattern string or a compiled expression, or None to remove the operator:: qp = qparser.QueryParser("content", schema) cp = qparser.OperatorsPlugin(And="&", Or="\\|", AndNot="&!", AndMaybe="&~", Not=None) qp.replace_plugin(cp) You can also specify a list of ``(OpTagger, priority)`` pairs as the first argument to the initializer to use custom operators. See :ref:`custom-op` for more information on this. """ class OpTagger(RegexTagger): def __init__(self, expr, grouptype, optype=syntax.InfixOperator, leftassoc=True): RegexTagger.__init__(self, expr) self.grouptype = grouptype self.optype = optype self.leftassoc = leftassoc def create(self, parser, match): return self.optype(match.group(0), self.grouptype, self.leftassoc) def __init__(self, ops=None, clean=False, And=r"\sAND\s", Or=r"\sOR\s", AndNot=r"\sANDNOT\s", AndMaybe=r"\sANDMAYBE\s", Not=r"(^|(?<= ))NOT\s", Require=r"(^|(?<= ))REQUIRE\s"): if ops: ops = list(ops) else: ops = [] if not clean: ot = self.OpTagger if Not: ops.append((ot(Not, syntax.NotGroup, syntax.PrefixOperator), 0)) if And: ops.append((ot(And, syntax.AndGroup), 0)) if Or: ops.append((ot(Or, syntax.OrGroup), 0)) if AndNot: ops.append((ot(AndNot, syntax.AndNotGroup), -5)) if AndMaybe: ops.append((ot(AndMaybe, syntax.AndMaybeGroup), -5)) if Require: ops.append((ot(Require, syntax.RequireGroup), 0)) self.ops = ops def taggers(self, parser): return self.ops def filters(self, parser): return [(self.do_operators, 600)] def do_operators(self, parser, group): """This filter finds PrefixOperator, PostfixOperator, and InfixOperator nodes in the tree and calls their logic to rearrange the nodes. """ for tagger, _ in self.ops: # Get the operators created by the configured taggers optype = tagger.optype gtype = tagger.grouptype # Left-associative infix operators are replaced left-to-right, and # right-associative infix operators are replaced right-to-left. # Most of the work is done in the different implementations of # Operator.replace_self(). if tagger.leftassoc: i = 0 while i < len(group): t = group[i] if isinstance(t, optype) and t.grouptype is gtype: i = t.replace_self(parser, group, i) else: i += 1 else: i = len(group) - 1 while i >= 0: t = group[i] if isinstance(t, optype): i = t.replace_self(parser, group, i) i -= 1 # Descend into the groups and recursively call do_operators for i, t in enumerate(group): if isinstance(t, syntax.GroupNode): group[i] = self.do_operators(parser, t) return group # class PlusMinusPlugin(Plugin): """Adds the ability to use + and - in a flat OR query to specify required and prohibited terms. This is the basis for the parser configuration returned by ``SimpleParser()``. """ # Marker nodes for + and - class Plus(syntax.MarkerNode): pass class Minus(syntax.MarkerNode): pass def __init__(self, plusexpr="\\+", minusexpr="-"): self.plusexpr = plusexpr self.minusexpr = minusexpr def taggers(self, parser): return [(FnTagger(self.plusexpr, self.Plus), 0), (FnTagger(self.minusexpr, self.Minus), 0)] def filters(self, parser): return [(self.do_plusminus, 510)] def do_plusminus(self, parser, group): """This filter sorts nodes in a flat group into "required", "optional", and "banned" subgroups based on the presence of plus and minus nodes. """ required = syntax.AndGroup() optional = syntax.OrGroup() banned = syntax.OrGroup() # Which group to put the next node we see into next = optional for node in group: if isinstance(node, self.Plus): # +: put the next node in the required group next = required elif isinstance(node, self.Minus): # -: put the next node in the banned group next = banned else: # Anything else: put it in the appropriate group next.append(node) # Reset to putting things in the optional group by default next = optional group = optional if required: group = syntax.AndMaybeGroup([required, group]) if banned: group = syntax.AndNotGroup([group, banned]) return group class GtLtPlugin(TaggingPlugin): """Allows the user to use greater than/less than symbols to create range queries:: a:>100 b:<=z c:>=-1.4 d:``, ``<``, ``>=``, ``<=``, ``=>``, and ``=<`` after a field specifier. The field specifier is required. You cannot do the following:: >100 This plugin requires the FieldsPlugin and RangePlugin to work. """ class GtLtNode(syntax.SyntaxNode): def __init__(self, rel): self.rel = rel def __repr__(self): return "(%s)" % self.rel expr = r"(?P(<=|>=|<|>|=<|=>))" nodetype = GtLtNode def filters(self, parser): # Run before the fields filter removes FilenameNodes at priority 100. return [(self.do_gtlt, 99)] def do_gtlt(self, parser, group): """This filter translate FieldnameNode/GtLtNode pairs into RangeNodes. """ fname = syntax.FieldnameNode newgroup = group.empty_copy() i = 0 lasti = len(group) - 1 while i < len(group): node = group[i] # If this is a GtLtNode... if isinstance(node, self.GtLtNode): # If it's not the last node in the group... if i < lasti: prevnode = newgroup[-1] nextnode = group[i + 1] # If previous was a fieldname and next node has text if isinstance(prevnode, fname) and nextnode.has_text: # Make the next node into a range based on the symbol newgroup.append(self.make_range(nextnode, node.rel)) # Skip the next node i += 1 else: # If it's not a GtLtNode, add it to the filtered group newgroup.append(node) i += 1 return newgroup def make_range(self, node, rel): text = node.text if rel == "<": n = syntax.RangeNode(None, text, False, True) elif rel == ">": n = syntax.RangeNode(text, None, True, False) elif rel == "<=" or rel == "=<": n = syntax.RangeNode(None, text, False, False) elif rel == ">=" or rel == "=>": n = syntax.RangeNode(text, None, False, False) return n.set_range(node.startchar, node.endchar) class MultifieldPlugin(Plugin): """Converts any unfielded terms into OR clauses that search for the term in a specified list of fields. >>> qp = qparser.QueryParser(None, myschema) >>> qp.add_plugin(qparser.MultifieldPlugin(["a", "b"]) >>> qp.parse("alfa c:bravo") And([Or([Term("a", "alfa"), Term("b", "alfa")]), Term("c", "bravo")]) This plugin is the basis for the ``MultifieldParser``. """ def __init__(self, fieldnames, fieldboosts=None, group=syntax.OrGroup): """ :param fieldnames: a list of fields to search. :param fieldboosts: an optional dictionary mapping field names to a boost to use for that field. :param group: the group to use to relate the fielded terms to each other. """ self.fieldnames = fieldnames self.boosts = fieldboosts or {} self.group = group def filters(self, parser): # Run after the fields filter applies explicit fieldnames (at priority # 100) return [(self.do_multifield, 110)] def do_multifield(self, parser, group): for i, node in enumerate(group): if isinstance(node, syntax.GroupNode): # Recurse inside groups group[i] = self.do_multifield(parser, node) elif node.has_fieldname and node.fieldname is None: # For an unfielded node, create a new group containing fielded # versions of the node for each configured "multi" field. newnodes = [] for fname in self.fieldnames: newnode = copy.copy(node) newnode.set_fieldname(fname) newnode.set_boost(self.boosts.get(fname, 1.0)) newnodes.append(newnode) group[i] = self.group(newnodes) return group class FieldAliasPlugin(Plugin): """Adds the ability to use "aliases" of fields in the query string. This plugin is useful for allowing users of languages that can't be represented in ASCII to use field names in their own language, and translate them into the "real" field names, which must be valid Python identifiers. >>> # Allow users to use 'body' or 'text' to refer to the 'content' field >>> parser.add_plugin(FieldAliasPlugin({"content": ["body", "text"]})) >>> parser.parse("text:hello") Term("content", "hello") """ def __init__(self, fieldmap): self.fieldmap = fieldmap self.reverse = {} for key, values in iteritems(fieldmap): for value in values: self.reverse[value] = key def filters(self, parser): return [(self.do_aliases, 90)] def do_aliases(self, parser, group): for i, node in enumerate(group): if isinstance(node, syntax.GroupNode): group[i] = self.do_aliases(parser, node) elif node.has_fieldname and node.fieldname is not None: fname = node.fieldname if fname in self.reverse: node.set_fieldname(self.reverse[fname], override=True) return group class CopyFieldPlugin(Plugin): """Looks for basic syntax nodes (terms, prefixes, wildcards, phrases, etc.) occurring in a certain field and replaces it with a group (by default OR) containing the original token and the token copied to a new field. For example, the query:: hello name:matt could be automatically converted by ``CopyFieldPlugin({"name", "author"})`` to:: hello (name:matt OR author:matt) This is useful where one field was indexed with a differently-analyzed copy of another, and you want the query to search both fields. You can specify a different group type with the ``group`` keyword. You can also specify ``group=None``, in which case the copied node is inserted "inline" next to the original, instead of in a new group:: hello name:matt author:matt """ def __init__(self, map, group=syntax.OrGroup, mirror=False): """ :param map: a dictionary mapping names of fields to copy to the names of the destination fields. :param group: the type of group to create in place of the original token. You can specify ``group=None`` to put the copied node "inline" next to the original node instead of in a new group. :param two_way: if True, the plugin copies both ways, so if the user specifies a query in the 'toname' field, it will be copied to the 'fromname' field. """ self.map = map self.group = group if mirror: # Add in reversed mappings map.update(dict((v, k) for k, v in iteritems(map))) def filters(self, parser): # Run after the fieldname filter (100) but before multifield (110) return [(self.do_copyfield, 109)] def do_copyfield(self, parser, group): map = self.map newgroup = group.empty_copy() for node in group: if isinstance(node, syntax.GroupNode): # Recurse into groups node = self.do_copyfield(parser, node) elif node.has_fieldname: fname = node.fieldname or parser.fieldname if fname in map: newnode = copy.copy(node) newnode.set_fieldname(map[fname], override=True) if self.group is None: newgroup.append(node) newgroup.append(newnode) else: newgroup.append(self.group([node, newnode])) continue newgroup.append(node) return newgroup class PseudoFieldPlugin(Plugin): """This is an advanced plugin that lets you define "pseudo-fields" the user can use in their queries. When the parser encounters one of these fields, it runs a given function on the following node in the abstract syntax tree. Unfortunately writing the transform function(s) requires knowledge of the parser's abstract syntax tree classes. A transform function takes a :class:`whoosh.qparser.SyntaxNode` and returns a :class:`~whoosh.qparser.SyntaxNode` (or None if the node should be removed instead of transformed). Some things you can do in the transform function:: from whoosh import qparser def my_xform_fn(node): # Is this a text node? if node.has_text: # Change the node's text node.text = node.text + "foo" # Change the node into a prefix query node = qparser.PrefixPlugin.PrefixNode(node.text) # Set the field the node should search in node.set_fieldname("title") return node else: # If the pseudo-field wasn't applied to a text node (e.g. # it preceded a group, as in ``pfield:(a OR b)`` ), remove the # node. Alternatively you could just ``return node`` here to # leave the non-text node intact. return None In the following example, if the user types ``regex:foo.bar``, the function transforms the text in the pseudo-field "regex" into a regular expression query in the "content" field:: from whoosh import qparser def regex_maker(node): if node.has_text: node = qparser.RegexPlugin.RegexNode(node.text) node.set_fieldname("content") return node qp = qparser.QueryParser("content", myindex.schema) qp.add_plugin(qparser.PseudoFieldPlugin({"regex": regex_maker})) q = qp.parse("alfa regex:br.vo") The name of the "pseudo" field can be the same as an actual field. Imagine the schema has a field named ``reverse``, and you want the user to be able to type ``reverse:foo`` and transform it to ``reverse:(foo OR oof)``:: def rev_text(node): if node.has_text: # Create a word node for the reversed text revtext = node.text[::-1] # Reverse the text rnode = qparser.WordNode(revtext) # Put the original node and the reversed node in an OrGroup group = qparser.OrGroup([node, rnode]) # Need to set the fieldname here because the PseudoFieldPlugin # removes the field name syntax group.set_fieldname("reverse") return group qp = qparser.QueryParser("content", myindex.schema) qp.add_plugin(qparser.PseudoFieldPlugin({"reverse": rev_text})) q = qp.parse("alfa reverse:bravo") Note that transforming the query like this can potentially really confuse the spell checker! This plugin works as a filter, so it can only operate on the query after it has been parsed into an abstract syntax tree. For parsing control (i.e. to give a pseudo-field its own special syntax), you would need to write your own parsing plugin. """ def __init__(self, xform_map): """ :param xform_map: a dictionary mapping psuedo-field names to transform functions. The function should take a :class:`whoosh.qparser.SyntaxNode` as an argument, and return a :class:`~whoosh.qparser.SyntaxNode`. If the function returns None, the node will be removed from the query. """ self.xform_map = xform_map def filters(self, parser): # Run before the fieldname filter (100) return [(self.do_pseudofield, 99)] def do_pseudofield(self, parser, group): xform_map = self.xform_map newgroup = group.empty_copy() xform_next = None for node in group: if isinstance(node, syntax.GroupNode): node = self.do_pseudofield(parser, node) elif (isinstance(node, syntax.FieldnameNode) and node.fieldname in xform_map): xform_next = xform_map[node.fieldname] continue if xform_next: newnode = xform_next(node) xform_next = None if newnode is None: continue else: newnode.set_range(node.startchar, node.endchar) node = newnode newgroup.append(node) return newgroup """Exports proof logs to OCaml files to be loaded by HOL Light. Processes multiple proof logs, but can generate at most one proof per theorem. """ from __future__ import absolute_import from __future__ import division # Import Type Annotations from __future__ import print_function import tensorflow as tf from typing import Dict, Iterable, List, Text from deepmath.deephol import deephol_pb2 from deepmath.deephol.utilities import proof_analysis from deepmath.deephol import theorem_fingerprint from deepmath.proof_assistant import proof_assistant_pb2 class ProofFailedError(Exception): pass def put_in_quotes(s: Text): return '"%s"' % s def _tactic_string_to_ocaml(tactic_string: Text) -> Text: return 'Parse_tactic.parse ' + put_in_quotes(tactic_string) def tactic_application_to_string(t_app: deephol_pb2.TacticApplication) -> Text: """Generate tactic strings. Args: t_app: TacticApplication proto Returns: tactic string; to be parsed by third_party/hol_light/parse_tactic.ml Raises: ProofFailedError: When invariants of the tactic application are not met. """ tactic_str = str(t_app.tactic) for i, param in enumerate(t_app.parameters): tactic_str += ' ' if param.parameter_type == deephol_pb2.Tactic.UNKNOWN: if not param.unknown: raise ProofFailedError( 'No (or empty) parameter UNKNOWN given for parameter ' 'index %d of tactic %s' % (i, t_app.tactic)) tactic_str += str(param.unknown) elif param.parameter_type == deephol_pb2.Tactic.TERM: if not param.term: raise ProofFailedError('Tactic %s expected term at parameter index %d' % (t_app.tactic, i)) tactic_str += str(param.term) elif param.parameter_type == deephol_pb2.Tactic.THEOREM: if not param.theorems or len(param.theorems) != 1: raise ProofFailedError( 'Tactic %s expected single theorem at parameter index %d' % (t_app.tactic, i)) tactic_str += theorem_fingerprint.ToTacticArgument(param.theorems[0]) elif param.parameter_type == deephol_pb2.Tactic.THEOREM_LIST: if not param.theorems: tactic_str += '[ ]' else: tactic_str += str('[ %s ]' % ' ; '.join([ theorem_fingerprint.ToTacticArgument(thm) for thm in param.theorems ])) else: raise ProofFailedError('Unsupported param type: %s' % str(param.parameter_type)) return tactic_str def proof_log_as_dict(log: deephol_pb2.ProofLog ) -> Dict[int, deephol_pb2.ProofNode]: """Turns proof log into a dictionary.""" d = {} for node in log.nodes: fingerprint = theorem_fingerprint.Fingerprint(node.goal) if fingerprint in d: raise ValueError('Duplicate subgoal in fingerprint. Ignoring') d[fingerprint] = node return d def proof_linearization(proof_log: deephol_pb2.ProofLog ) -> List[deephol_pb2.TacticApplication]: """Turns a proof into a list of tactic applications.""" if not proof_log.HasField('theorem_in_database'): raise ValueError('Proof log requires field theorem_in_database') node_dict = proof_log_as_dict(proof_log) fingerprint = theorem_fingerprint.Fingerprint(proof_log.theorem_in_database) if fingerprint not in node_dict: raise ValueError( 'Fingerprint of proof_log.theorem_in_database missing in the proof log.' ) # Compute a linearization of the tactic applications in left-first order. tactics = [] open_goals = [proof_log.theorem_in_database] visited = set() while open_goals: goal = open_goals.pop() fingerprint = theorem_fingerprint.Fingerprint(goal) if fingerprint in visited: raise ProofFailedError('Cycle detected!') visited.add(fingerprint) try: proofnode = node_dict[fingerprint] except KeyError: raise ProofFailedError('Subgoal not found in proof log: %s.' % str(goal)) if not proofnode.proofs: raise ProofFailedError('No tactic app found for goal %s' % str(goal)) if len(proofnode.proofs) > 1: tf.logging.warning('Multiple proofs detected for goal; ignoring all but ' 'the first one.') tactic_application = proofnode.proofs[0] # only checking the first one tactics.append(tactic_application) subgoals = list(tactic_application.subgoals) # create a copy subgoals.reverse() # to enable getting next goal with subgoals.pop() open_goals.extend(subgoals) return tactics def ocaml_proof(proof_log: deephol_pb2.ProofLog) -> List[Text]: """Turns a proof log into OCaml code. Args: proof_log: Must contain exactly one proof of the given theorem. Returns: OCaml code for the proof. Raises: ProofFailedError: If an error in the proof is detected. ValueError: If an error in the checking logic is detected. """ if not proof_log.HasField('theorem_in_database'): raise ValueError('Expected field proof_log.theorem_in_database to be set.') theorem = proof_log.theorem_in_database lines = [''] if theorem.pretty_printed: # Quotes around the expression are necessary to avoid # interpretation of '(*' and '*)' as nested comments. lines.append('(* "%s" *)' % theorem.pretty_printed) lines.append('') tactics = proof_linearization(proof_log) ocaml_parsed_tactics = [ _tactic_string_to_ocaml(tactic_application_to_string(tactic)) for tactic in tactics ] proof = ' THEN\n '.join(ocaml_parsed_tactics) quoted_hypotheses = map(put_in_quotes, theorem.hypotheses) wrapped_proof = 'fun () ->\n decode_goal [%s] "%s",\n %s' % ( '; '.join(quoted_hypotheses), theorem.conclusion, proof) in_core = 'true' if 'core' in theorem.library_tag else 'false' lines.append('register_proof %d (\n %s) %s;;' % (theorem.goal_fingerprint, wrapped_proof, in_core)) return lines def ocaml_proof_header(): """Creates the prelude to the OCaml file; enabling the proofs to be loaded.""" return [ 'set_jrh_lexer;;', 'open Lib;;', 'open Printer;;', 'open Theorem_fingerprint;;', 'open Import_proofs;;', 'open Tactics;;', '', 'Printer.current_encoding := Printer.Sexp;;', '' ] def verify(proof_logs: Iterable[deephol_pb2.ProofLog], theorem_database: proof_assistant_pb2.TheoremDatabase) -> Text: """Generates an OCaml file of proofs for HOL Light to replay. Args: proof_logs: Proofs to be checked; assumes the top theorem is the first node of each proof log, and that there is at most one proof log for each theorem. theorem_database: list of theorems and definitions Returns: An OCaml file as string. Raises: ValueError: If the proof logs could not be converted to OCaml. """ proof_logs_processed = 0 proof_logs_with_closed_proofs = 0 proof_logs_without_proof = 0 theorems_with_closed_proofs = 0 successful_proofs = 0 failed_proofs = 0 missing_proofs = 0 missing_in_database = 0 duplicate_proofs = 0 # Prepare theorem databse for efficient lookup theorem_database_fingerprints = { theorem_fingerprint.Fingerprint(t) for t in theorem_database.theorems } # Count closed proofs in proof log and index by fingerprint of theorems proof_logs_dict = {} for log in proof_logs: proof_logs_processed += 1 if not log.nodes or log.nodes[0].status != deephol_pb2.ProofNode.PROVED: proof_logs_without_proof += 1 continue proof_logs_with_closed_proofs += 1 # Ensure consistency of log.nodes[0] and log.theorem_in_database node0_is_thm = log.nodes[0].goal.tag == proof_assistant_pb2.Theorem.THEOREM if not node0_is_thm and not log.HasField('theorem_in_database'): raise ValueError('Not sure which theorem this log proves.') if not log.HasField('theorem_in_database'): log.theorem_in_database.CopyFrom(log.nodes[0].goal) # Start the actual loop logic fingerprint = theorem_fingerprint.Fingerprint(log.theorem_in_database) if fingerprint in proof_logs_dict: tf.logging.warning( 'Can generate at most one OCaml proof per theorem. ' 'Dectected an additional proof for fingerprint %d.\n\n%s', fingerprint, str(log.nodes[0].goal)) duplicate_proofs += 1 continue proof_logs_dict[fingerprint] = log theorems_with_closed_proofs += 1 if fingerprint not in theorem_database_fingerprints: missing_in_database += 1 # MAIN LOOP lines = ocaml_proof_header() for theorem in theorem_database.theorems: # Find theorem and its proof in the proof logs fingerprint = theorem_fingerprint.Fingerprint(theorem) try: proof_log = proof_logs_dict[fingerprint] except KeyError: continue try: # Extract a single proof from the proof log extracted = proof_analysis.extract_proof(proof_log) if not extracted: raise ValueError('Proof log claims a closed proof for ' 'fingerprint %d, but no proof could be ' 'extracted' % fingerprint) lines.extend(ocaml_proof(extracted)) successful_proofs += 1 except ProofFailedError as e: tf.logging.error('Proof of %s failed: %s', theorem_fingerprint.ToTacticArgument(theorem), str(e)) failed_proofs += 1 # Detailed stats tf.logging.info('PROOF LOG STATS') tf.logging.info('Proof logs processed: %d', proof_logs_processed) tf.logging.info('Proof logs without proofs: %d', proof_logs_without_proof) tf.logging.info('Proof logs with closed proofs: %d', proof_logs_with_closed_proofs) tf.logging.info('PROOF STATS') tf.logging.info('Successful proofs: %d', successful_proofs) tf.logging.info('Missing proofs: %d', missing_proofs) tf.logging.info('Failed proofs: %d', failed_proofs) tf.logging.info('Theorems with proofs in proof logs: %d', theorems_with_closed_proofs) if duplicate_proofs: tf.logging.warning('Proofs in proof logs that were ignored: %d', duplicate_proofs) if missing_in_database: tf.logging.warning( 'Found a proof for a theorem that is not in the theorem database', missing_in_database) if successful_proofs + failed_proofs != theorems_with_closed_proofs: raise ValueError('Internal error in the proof checker. Number of theorems ' 'checked did not match the proof log.') if successful_proofs < theorems_with_closed_proofs or failed_proofs > 0: tf.logging.warning('Proof log could NOT be verified.') return '\n'.join(lines) # (c) 2012-2014, Michael DeHaan # # This file is part of Ansible # # Ansible is free software: you can redistribute it and/or modify # it under the terms of the GNU General Public License as published by # the Free Software Foundation, either version 3 of the License, or # (at your option) any later version. # # Ansible is distributed in the hope that it will be useful, # but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of # MERCHANTABILITY or FITNESS FOR A PARTICULAR PURPOSE. See the # GNU General Public License for more details. # # You should have received a copy of the GNU General Public License # along with Ansible. If not, see . # Make coding more python3-ish from __future__ import (absolute_import, division, print_function) __metaclass__ = type from ansible.compat.tests import unittest from ansible.compat.tests.mock import patch, MagicMock from ansible.errors import AnsibleError, AnsibleParserError from ansible.executor.task_executor import TaskExecutor from ansible.playbook.play_context import PlayContext from ansible.plugins import action_loader, lookup_loader from ansible.parsing.yaml.objects import AnsibleUnicode from units.mock.loader import DictDataLoader class TestTaskExecutor(unittest.TestCase): def setUp(self): pass def tearDown(self): pass def test_task_executor_init(self): fake_loader = DictDataLoader({}) mock_host = MagicMock() mock_task = MagicMock() mock_play_context = MagicMock() mock_shared_loader = MagicMock() new_stdin = None job_vars = dict() mock_queue = MagicMock() te = TaskExecutor( host = mock_host, task = mock_task, job_vars = job_vars, play_context = mock_play_context, new_stdin = new_stdin, loader = fake_loader, shared_loader_obj = mock_shared_loader, rslt_q = mock_queue, ) def test_task_executor_run(self): fake_loader = DictDataLoader({}) mock_host = MagicMock() mock_task = MagicMock() mock_task._role._role_path = '/path/to/role/foo' mock_play_context = MagicMock() mock_shared_loader = MagicMock() mock_queue = MagicMock() new_stdin = None job_vars = dict() te = TaskExecutor( host = mock_host, task = mock_task, job_vars = job_vars, play_context = mock_play_context, new_stdin = new_stdin, loader = fake_loader, shared_loader_obj = mock_shared_loader, rslt_q = mock_queue, ) te._get_loop_items = MagicMock(return_value=None) te._execute = MagicMock(return_value=dict()) res = te.run() te._get_loop_items = MagicMock(return_value=[]) res = te.run() te._get_loop_items = MagicMock(return_value=['a','b','c']) te._run_loop = MagicMock(return_value=[dict(item='a', changed=True), dict(item='b', failed=True), dict(item='c')]) res = te.run() te._get_loop_items = MagicMock(side_effect=AnsibleError("")) res = te.run() self.assertIn("failed", res) def test_task_executor_get_loop_items(self): fake_loader = DictDataLoader({}) mock_host = MagicMock() mock_task = MagicMock() mock_task.loop = 'items' mock_task.loop_args = ['a', 'b', 'c'] mock_play_context = MagicMock() mock_shared_loader = MagicMock() mock_shared_loader.lookup_loader = lookup_loader new_stdin = None job_vars = dict() mock_queue = MagicMock() te = TaskExecutor( host = mock_host, task = mock_task, job_vars = job_vars, play_context = mock_play_context, new_stdin = new_stdin, loader = fake_loader, shared_loader_obj = mock_shared_loader, rslt_q = mock_queue, ) items = te._get_loop_items() self.assertEqual(items, ['a', 'b', 'c']) def test_task_executor_run_loop(self): items = ['a', 'b', 'c'] fake_loader = DictDataLoader({}) mock_host = MagicMock() def _copy(exclude_parent=False, exclude_tasks=False): new_item = MagicMock() return new_item mock_task = MagicMock() mock_task.copy.side_effect = _copy mock_play_context = MagicMock() mock_shared_loader = MagicMock() mock_queue = MagicMock() new_stdin = None job_vars = dict() te = TaskExecutor( host = mock_host, task = mock_task, job_vars = job_vars, play_context = mock_play_context, new_stdin = new_stdin, loader = fake_loader, shared_loader_obj = mock_shared_loader, rslt_q = mock_queue, ) def _execute(variables): return dict(item=variables.get('item')) te._squash_items = MagicMock(return_value=items) te._execute = MagicMock(side_effect=_execute) res = te._run_loop(items) self.assertEqual(len(res), 3) def test_task_executor_squash_items(self): items = ['a', 'b', 'c'] fake_loader = DictDataLoader({}) mock_host = MagicMock() loop_var = 'item' def _evaluate_conditional(templar, variables): item = variables.get(loop_var) if item == 'b': return False return True mock_task = MagicMock() mock_task.evaluate_conditional.side_effect = _evaluate_conditional mock_play_context = MagicMock() mock_shared_loader = None mock_queue = MagicMock() new_stdin = None job_vars = dict(pkg_mgr='yum') te = TaskExecutor( host = mock_host, task = mock_task, job_vars = job_vars, play_context = mock_play_context, new_stdin = new_stdin, loader = fake_loader, shared_loader_obj = mock_shared_loader, rslt_q = mock_queue, ) # # No replacement # mock_task.action = 'yum' new_items = te._squash_items(items=items, loop_var='item', variables=job_vars) self.assertEqual(new_items, ['a', 'b', 'c']) self.assertIsInstance(mock_task.args, MagicMock) mock_task.action = 'foo' mock_task.args={'name': '{{item}}'} new_items = te._squash_items(items=items, loop_var='item', variables=job_vars) self.assertEqual(new_items, ['a', 'b', 'c']) self.assertEqual(mock_task.args, {'name': '{{item}}'}) mock_task.action = 'yum' mock_task.args={'name': 'static'} new_items = te._squash_items(items=items, loop_var='item', variables=job_vars) self.assertEqual(new_items, ['a', 'b', 'c']) self.assertEqual(mock_task.args, {'name': 'static'}) mock_task.action = 'yum' mock_task.args={'name': '{{pkg_mgr}}'} new_items = te._squash_items(items=items, loop_var='item', variables=job_vars) self.assertEqual(new_items, ['a', 'b', 'c']) self.assertEqual(mock_task.args, {'name': '{{pkg_mgr}}'}) mock_task.action = '{{unknown}}' mock_task.args={'name': '{{item}}'} new_items = te._squash_items(items=items, loop_var='item', variables=job_vars) self.assertEqual(new_items, ['a', 'b', 'c']) self.assertEqual(mock_task.args, {'name': '{{item}}'}) # Could do something like this to recover from bad deps in a package job_vars = dict(pkg_mgr='yum', packages=['a', 'b']) items = [ 'absent', 'latest' ] mock_task.action = 'yum' mock_task.args = {'name': '{{ packages }}', 'state': '{{ item }}'} new_items = te._squash_items(items=items, loop_var='item', variables=job_vars) self.assertEqual(new_items, items) self.assertEqual(mock_task.args, {'name': '{{ packages }}', 'state': '{{ item }}'}) # Maybe should raise an error in this case. The user would have to specify: # - yum: name="{{ packages[item] }}" # with_items: # - ['a', 'b'] # - ['foo', 'bar'] # you can't use a list as a dict key so that would probably throw # an error later. If so, we can throw it now instead. # Squashing in this case would not be intuitive as the user is being # explicit in using each list entry as a key. job_vars = dict(pkg_mgr='yum', packages={ "a": "foo", "b": "bar", "foo": "baz", "bar": "quux" }) items = [['a', 'b'], ['foo', 'bar']] mock_task.action = 'yum' mock_task.args = {'name': '{{ packages[item] }}'} new_items = te._squash_items(items=items, loop_var='item', variables=job_vars) self.assertEqual(new_items, items) self.assertEqual(mock_task.args, {'name': '{{ packages[item] }}'}) # # Replaces # items = ['a', 'b', 'c'] mock_task.action = 'yum' mock_task.args={'name': '{{item}}'} new_items = te._squash_items(items=items, loop_var='item', variables=job_vars) self.assertEqual(new_items, [['a','c']]) self.assertEqual(mock_task.args, {'name': ['a','c']}) mock_task.action = '{{pkg_mgr}}' mock_task.args={'name': '{{item}}'} new_items = te._squash_items(items=items, loop_var='item', variables=job_vars) self.assertEqual(new_items, [['a', 'c']]) self.assertEqual(mock_task.args, {'name': ['a','c']}) # New loop_var mock_task.action = 'yum' mock_task.args = {'name': '{{a_loop_var_item}}'} mock_task.loop_control = {'loop_var': 'a_loop_var_item'} loop_var = 'a_loop_var_item' new_items = te._squash_items(items=items, loop_var='a_loop_var_item', variables=job_vars) self.assertEqual(new_items, [['a', 'c']]) self.assertEqual(mock_task.args, {'name': ['a','c']}) loop_var = 'item' # # These are presently not optimized but could be in the future. # Expected output if they were optimized is given as a comment # Please move these to a different section if they are optimized # # Squashing lists job_vars = dict(pkg_mgr='yum') items = [['a', 'b'], ['foo', 'bar']] mock_task.action = 'yum' mock_task.args = {'name': '{{ item }}'} new_items = te._squash_items(items=items, loop_var='item', variables=job_vars) #self.assertEqual(new_items, [['a', 'b', 'foo', 'bar']]) #self.assertEqual(mock_task.args, {'name': ['a', 'b', 'foo', 'bar']}) self.assertEqual(new_items, items) self.assertEqual(mock_task.args, {'name': '{{ item }}'}) # Retrieving from a dict items = ['a', 'b', 'foo'] mock_task.action = 'yum' mock_task.args = {'name': '{{ packages[item] }}'} new_items = te._squash_items(items=items, loop_var='item', variables=job_vars) #self.assertEqual(new_items, [['foo', 'baz']]) #self.assertEqual(mock_task.args, {'name': ['foo', 'baz']}) self.assertEqual(new_items, items) self.assertEqual(mock_task.args, {'name': '{{ packages[item] }}'}) # Another way to retrieve from a dict job_vars = dict(pkg_mgr='yum') items = [{'package': 'foo'}, {'package': 'bar'}] mock_task.action = 'yum' mock_task.args = {'name': '{{ item["package"] }}'} new_items = te._squash_items(items=items, loop_var='item', variables=job_vars) #self.assertEqual(new_items, [['foo', 'bar']]) #self.assertEqual(mock_task.args, {'name': ['foo', 'bar']}) self.assertEqual(new_items, items) self.assertEqual(mock_task.args, {'name': '{{ item["package"] }}'}) items = [dict(name='a', state='present'), dict(name='b', state='present'), dict(name='c', state='present')] mock_task.action = 'yum' mock_task.args={'name': '{{item.name}}', 'state': '{{item.state}}'} new_items = te._squash_items(items=items, loop_var='item', variables=job_vars) #self.assertEqual(new_items, [dict(name=['a', 'b', 'c'], state='present')]) #self.assertEqual(mock_task.args, {'name': ['a', 'b', 'c'], 'state': 'present'}) self.assertEqual(new_items, items) self.assertEqual(mock_task.args, {'name': '{{item.name}}', 'state': '{{item.state}}'}) items = [dict(name='a', state='present'), dict(name='b', state='present'), dict(name='c', state='absent')] mock_task.action = 'yum' mock_task.args={'name': '{{item.name}}', 'state': '{{item.state}}'} new_items = te._squash_items(items=items, loop_var='item', variables=job_vars) #self.assertEqual(new_items, [dict(name=['a', 'b'], state='present'), # dict(name='c', state='absent')]) #self.assertEqual(mock_task.args, {'name': '{{item.name}}', 'state': '{{item.state}}'}) self.assertEqual(new_items, items) self.assertEqual(mock_task.args, {'name': '{{item.name}}', 'state': '{{item.state}}'}) def test_task_executor_execute(self): fake_loader = DictDataLoader({}) mock_host = MagicMock() mock_task = MagicMock() mock_task.args = dict() mock_task.retries = 0 mock_task.delay = -1 mock_task.register = 'foo' mock_task.until = None mock_task.changed_when = None mock_task.failed_when = None mock_task.post_validate.return_value = None # mock_task.async cannot be left unset, because on Python 3 MagicMock() # > 0 raises a TypeError There are two reasons for using the value 1 # here: on Python 2 comparing MagicMock() > 0 returns True, and the # other reason is that if I specify 0 here, the test fails. ;) mock_task.async = 1 mock_task.poll = 0 mock_play_context = MagicMock() mock_play_context.post_validate.return_value = None mock_play_context.update_vars.return_value = None mock_connection = MagicMock() mock_connection.set_host_overrides.return_value = None mock_connection._connect.return_value = None mock_action = MagicMock() mock_queue = MagicMock() shared_loader = None new_stdin = None job_vars = dict(omit="XXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXX") te = TaskExecutor( host = mock_host, task = mock_task, job_vars = job_vars, play_context = mock_play_context, new_stdin = new_stdin, loader = fake_loader, shared_loader_obj = shared_loader, rslt_q = mock_queue, ) te._get_connection = MagicMock(return_value=mock_connection) te._get_action_handler = MagicMock(return_value=mock_action) mock_action.run.return_value = dict(ansible_facts=dict()) res = te._execute() mock_task.changed_when = MagicMock(return_value=AnsibleUnicode("1 == 1")) res = te._execute() mock_task.changed_when = None mock_task.failed_when = MagicMock(return_value=AnsibleUnicode("1 == 1")) res = te._execute() mock_task.failed_when = None mock_task.evaluate_conditional.return_value = False res = te._execute() mock_task.evaluate_conditional.return_value = True mock_task.args = dict(_raw_params='foo.yml', a='foo', b='bar') mock_task.action = 'include' res = te._execute() def test_task_executor_poll_async_result(self): fake_loader = DictDataLoader({}) mock_host = MagicMock() mock_task = MagicMock() mock_task.async = 0.1 mock_task.poll = 0.05 mock_play_context = MagicMock() mock_connection = MagicMock() mock_action = MagicMock() mock_queue = MagicMock() shared_loader = MagicMock() shared_loader.action_loader = action_loader new_stdin = None job_vars = dict(omit="XXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXX") te = TaskExecutor( host = mock_host, task = mock_task, job_vars = job_vars, play_context = mock_play_context, new_stdin = new_stdin, loader = fake_loader, shared_loader_obj = shared_loader, rslt_q = mock_queue, ) te._connection = MagicMock() def _get(*args, **kwargs): mock_action = MagicMock() mock_action.run.return_value = dict(stdout='') return mock_action # testing with some bad values in the result passed to poll async, # and with a bad value returned from the mock action with patch.object(action_loader, 'get', _get): mock_templar = MagicMock() res = te._poll_async_result(result=dict(), templar=mock_templar) self.assertIn('failed', res) res = te._poll_async_result(result=dict(ansible_job_id=1), templar=mock_templar) self.assertIn('failed', res) def _get(*args, **kwargs): mock_action = MagicMock() mock_action.run.return_value = dict(finished=1) return mock_action # now testing with good values with patch.object(action_loader, 'get', _get): mock_templar = MagicMock() res = te._poll_async_result(result=dict(ansible_job_id=1), templar=mock_templar) self.assertEqual(res, dict(finished=1)) #!/usr/bin/env python # - * - coding: UTF-8 - * - """ This script generates tests text-emphasis-position-property-001 ~ 006 which cover all possible values of text-emphasis-position property with all combination of three main writing modes and two orientations. Only test files are generated by this script. It also outputs a list of all tests it generated in the format of Mozilla reftest.list to the stdout. """ from __future__ import unicode_literals import itertools TEST_FILE = 'text-emphasis-position-property-{:03}{}.html' REF_FILE = 'text-emphasis-position-property-{:03}-ref.html' TEST_TEMPLATE = ''' CSS Test: text-emphasis-position: {value}, {title}

Pass if the emphasis marks are {position} the text below:

''' SUFFIXES = ['', 'a', 'b', 'c', 'd', 'e', 'f', 'g'] WRITING_MODES = ["horizontal-tb", "vertical-rl", "vertical-lr"] POSITION_HORIZONTAL = ["over", "under"] POSITION_VERTICAL = ["right", "left"] REF_MAP_MIXED = { "over": 1, "under": 2, "right": 3, "left": 4 } REF_MAP_SIDEWAYS = { "right": 5, "left": 6 } POSITION_TEXT = { "over": "over", "under": "under", "right": "to the right of", "left": "to the left of" } suffixes = [iter(SUFFIXES) for i in range(6)] reftest_items = [] def write_file(filename, content): with open(filename, 'wb') as f: f.write(content.encode('UTF-8')) def write_test_file(idx, suffix, wm, orient, value, position): filename = TEST_FILE.format(idx, suffix) write_file(filename, TEST_TEMPLATE.format( value=value, wm=wm, orient=orient, index=idx, position=position, title=(wm if orient == "mixed" else "{}, {}".format(wm, orient)))) reftest_items.append("== {} {}".format(filename, REF_FILE.format(idx))) def write_test_files(wm, orient, pos1, pos2): idx = (REF_MAP_MIXED if orient == "mixed" else REF_MAP_SIDEWAYS)[pos1] position = POSITION_TEXT[pos1] suffix = suffixes[idx - 1] write_test_file(idx, next(suffix), wm, orient, pos1 + " " + pos2, position) write_test_file(idx, next(suffix), wm, orient, pos2 + " " + pos1, position) for wm in WRITING_MODES: if wm == "horizontal-tb": effective_pos = POSITION_HORIZONTAL ineffective_pos = POSITION_VERTICAL else: effective_pos = POSITION_VERTICAL ineffective_pos = POSITION_HORIZONTAL for pos1, pos2 in itertools.product(effective_pos, ineffective_pos): write_test_files(wm, "mixed", pos1, pos2) if wm != "horizontal-tb": write_test_files(wm, "sideways", pos1, pos2) print("# START tests from {}".format(__file__)) reftest_items.sort() for item in reftest_items: print(item) print("# END tests from {}".format(__file__)) # Protocol Buffers - Google's data interchange format # Copyright 2008 Google Inc. All rights reserved. # http://code.google.com/p/protobuf/ # # Redistribution and use in source and binary forms, with or without # modification, are permitted provided that the following conditions are # met: # # * Redistributions of source code must retain the above copyright # notice, this list of conditions and the following disclaimer. # * Redistributions in binary form must reproduce the above # copyright notice, this list of conditions and the following disclaimer # in the documentation and/or other materials provided with the # distribution. # * Neither the name of Google Inc. nor the names of its # contributors may be used to endorse or promote products derived from # this software without specific prior written permission. # # THIS SOFTWARE IS PROVIDED BY THE COPYRIGHT HOLDERS AND CONTRIBUTORS # "AS IS" AND ANY EXPRESS OR IMPLIED WARRANTIES, INCLUDING, BUT NOT # LIMITED TO, THE IMPLIED WARRANTIES OF MERCHANTABILITY AND FITNESS FOR # A PARTICULAR PURPOSE ARE DISCLAIMED. IN NO EVENT SHALL THE COPYRIGHT # OWNER OR CONTRIBUTORS BE LIABLE FOR ANY DIRECT, INDIRECT, INCIDENTAL, # SPECIAL, EXEMPLARY, OR CONSEQUENTIAL DAMAGES (INCLUDING, BUT NOT # LIMITED TO, PROCUREMENT OF SUBSTITUTE GOODS OR SERVICES; LOSS OF USE, # DATA, OR PROFITS; OR BUSINESS INTERRUPTION) HOWEVER CAUSED AND ON ANY # THEORY OF LIABILITY, WHETHER IN CONTRACT, STRICT LIABILITY, OR TORT # (INCLUDING NEGLIGENCE OR OTHERWISE) ARISING IN ANY WAY OUT OF THE USE # OF THIS SOFTWARE, EVEN IF ADVISED OF THE POSSIBILITY OF SUCH DAMAGE. """Contains container classes to represent different protocol buffer types. This file defines container classes which represent categories of protocol buffer field types which need extra maintenance. Currently these categories are: - Repeated scalar fields - These are all repeated fields which aren't composite (e.g. they are of simple types like int32, string, etc). - Repeated composite fields - Repeated fields which are composite. This includes groups and nested messages. """ __author__ = 'petar@google.com (Petar Petrov)' class BaseContainer(object): """Base container class.""" # Minimizes memory usage and disallows assignment to other attributes. __slots__ = ['_message_listener', '_values'] def __init__(self, message_listener): """ Args: message_listener: A MessageListener implementation. The RepeatedScalarFieldContainer will call this object's TransitionToNonempty() method when it transitions from being empty to being nonempty. """ self._message_listener = message_listener self._values = [] def __getitem__(self, key): """Retrieves item by the specified key.""" return self._values[key] def __len__(self): """Returns the number of elements in the container.""" return len(self._values) def __ne__(self, other): """Checks if another instance isn't equal to this one.""" # The concrete classes should define __eq__. return not self == other class RepeatedScalarFieldContainer(BaseContainer): """Simple, type-checked, list-like container for holding repeated scalars.""" # Disallows assignment to other attributes. __slots__ = ['_type_checker'] def __init__(self, message_listener, type_checker): """ Args: message_listener: A MessageListener implementation. The RepeatedScalarFieldContainer will call this object's TransitionToNonempty() method when it transitions from being empty to being nonempty. type_checker: A type_checkers.ValueChecker instance to run on elements inserted into this container. """ super(RepeatedScalarFieldContainer, self).__init__(message_listener) self._type_checker = type_checker def append(self, value): """Appends an item to the list. Similar to list.append().""" self.insert(len(self._values), value) def insert(self, key, value): """Inserts the item at the specified position. Similar to list.insert().""" self._type_checker.CheckValue(value) self._values.insert(key, value) self._message_listener.ByteSizeDirty() if len(self._values) == 1: self._message_listener.TransitionToNonempty() def extend(self, elem_seq): """Extends by appending the given sequence. Similar to list.extend().""" if not elem_seq: return orig_empty = len(self._values) == 0 new_values = [] for elem in elem_seq: self._type_checker.CheckValue(elem) new_values.append(elem) self._values.extend(new_values) self._message_listener.ByteSizeDirty() if orig_empty: self._message_listener.TransitionToNonempty() def remove(self, elem): """Removes an item from the list. Similar to list.remove().""" self._values.remove(elem) self._message_listener.ByteSizeDirty() def __setitem__(self, key, value): """Sets the item on the specified position.""" # No need to call TransitionToNonempty(), since if we're able to # set the element at this index, we were already nonempty before # this method was called. self._message_listener.ByteSizeDirty() self._type_checker.CheckValue(value) self._values[key] = value def __getslice__(self, start, stop): """Retrieves the subset of items from between the specified indices.""" return self._values[start:stop] def __setslice__(self, start, stop, values): """Sets the subset of items from between the specified indices.""" new_values = [] for value in values: self._type_checker.CheckValue(value) new_values.append(value) self._values[start:stop] = new_values self._message_listener.ByteSizeDirty() def __delitem__(self, key): """Deletes the item at the specified position.""" del self._values[key] self._message_listener.ByteSizeDirty() def __delslice__(self, start, stop): """Deletes the subset of items from between the specified indices.""" del self._values[start:stop] self._message_listener.ByteSizeDirty() def __eq__(self, other): """Compares the current instance with another one.""" if self is other: return True # Special case for the same type which should be common and fast. if isinstance(other, self.__class__): return other._values == self._values # We are presumably comparing against some other sequence type. return other == self._values class RepeatedCompositeFieldContainer(BaseContainer): """Simple, list-like container for holding repeated composite fields.""" # Disallows assignment to other attributes. __slots__ = ['_message_descriptor'] def __init__(self, message_listener, message_descriptor): """ Note that we pass in a descriptor instead of the generated directly, since at the time we construct a _RepeatedCompositeFieldContainer we haven't yet necessarily initialized the type that will be contained in the container. Args: message_listener: A MessageListener implementation. The RepeatedCompositeFieldContainer will call this object's TransitionToNonempty() method when it transitions from being empty to being nonempty. message_descriptor: A Descriptor instance describing the protocol type that should be present in this container. We'll use the _concrete_class field of this descriptor when the client calls add(). """ super(RepeatedCompositeFieldContainer, self).__init__(message_listener) self._message_descriptor = message_descriptor def add(self): new_element = self._message_descriptor._concrete_class() new_element._SetListener(self._message_listener) self._values.append(new_element) self._message_listener.ByteSizeDirty() self._message_listener.TransitionToNonempty() return new_element def __getslice__(self, start, stop): """Retrieves the subset of items from between the specified indices.""" return self._values[start:stop] def __delitem__(self, key): """Deletes the item at the specified position.""" del self._values[key] self._message_listener.ByteSizeDirty() def __delslice__(self, start, stop): """Deletes the subset of items from between the specified indices.""" del self._values[start:stop] self._message_listener.ByteSizeDirty() def __eq__(self, other): """Compares the current instance with another one.""" if self is other: return True if not isinstance(other, self.__class__): raise TypeError('Can only compare repeated composite fields against ' 'other repeated composite fields.') return self._values == other._values import pytest from pybind11_tests import stl as m from pybind11_tests import UserType from pybind11_tests import ConstructorStats def test_vector(doc): """std::vector <-> list""" lst = m.cast_vector() assert lst == [1] lst.append(2) assert m.load_vector(lst) assert m.load_vector(tuple(lst)) assert m.cast_bool_vector() == [True, False] assert m.load_bool_vector([True, False]) assert doc(m.cast_vector) == "cast_vector() -> List[int]" assert doc(m.load_vector) == "load_vector(arg0: List[int]) -> bool" # Test regression caused by 936: pointers to stl containers weren't castable assert m.cast_ptr_vector() == ["lvalue", "lvalue"] def test_deque(doc): """std::deque <-> list""" lst = m.cast_deque() assert lst == [1] lst.append(2) assert m.load_deque(lst) assert m.load_deque(tuple(lst)) def test_array(doc): """std::array <-> list""" lst = m.cast_array() assert lst == [1, 2] assert m.load_array(lst) assert doc(m.cast_array) == "cast_array() -> List[int[2]]" assert doc(m.load_array) == "load_array(arg0: List[int[2]]) -> bool" def test_valarray(doc): """std::valarray <-> list""" lst = m.cast_valarray() assert lst == [1, 4, 9] assert m.load_valarray(lst) assert doc(m.cast_valarray) == "cast_valarray() -> List[int]" assert doc(m.load_valarray) == "load_valarray(arg0: List[int]) -> bool" def test_map(doc): """std::map <-> dict""" d = m.cast_map() assert d == {"key": "value"} assert "key" in d d["key2"] = "value2" assert "key2" in d assert m.load_map(d) assert doc(m.cast_map) == "cast_map() -> Dict[str, str]" assert doc(m.load_map) == "load_map(arg0: Dict[str, str]) -> bool" def test_set(doc): """std::set <-> set""" s = m.cast_set() assert s == {"key1", "key2"} s.add("key3") assert m.load_set(s) assert doc(m.cast_set) == "cast_set() -> Set[str]" assert doc(m.load_set) == "load_set(arg0: Set[str]) -> bool" def test_recursive_casting(): """Tests that stl casters preserve lvalue/rvalue context for container values""" assert m.cast_rv_vector() == ["rvalue", "rvalue"] assert m.cast_lv_vector() == ["lvalue", "lvalue"] assert m.cast_rv_array() == ["rvalue", "rvalue", "rvalue"] assert m.cast_lv_array() == ["lvalue", "lvalue"] assert m.cast_rv_map() == {"a": "rvalue"} assert m.cast_lv_map() == {"a": "lvalue", "b": "lvalue"} assert m.cast_rv_nested() == [[[{"b": "rvalue", "c": "rvalue"}], [{"a": "rvalue"}]]] assert m.cast_lv_nested() == { "a": [[["lvalue", "lvalue"]], [["lvalue", "lvalue"]]], "b": [[["lvalue", "lvalue"], ["lvalue", "lvalue"]]] } # Issue #853 test case: z = m.cast_unique_ptr_vector() assert z[0].value == 7 and z[1].value == 42 def test_move_out_container(): """Properties use the `reference_internal` policy by default. If the underlying function returns an rvalue, the policy is automatically changed to `move` to avoid referencing a temporary. In case the return value is a container of user-defined types, the policy also needs to be applied to the elements, not just the container.""" c = m.MoveOutContainer() moved_out_list = c.move_list assert [x.value for x in moved_out_list] == [0, 1, 2] @pytest.mark.skipif(not hasattr(m, "has_optional"), reason='no ') def test_optional(): assert m.double_or_zero(None) == 0 assert m.double_or_zero(42) == 84 pytest.raises(TypeError, m.double_or_zero, 'foo') assert m.half_or_none(0) is None assert m.half_or_none(42) == 21 pytest.raises(TypeError, m.half_or_none, 'foo') assert m.test_nullopt() == 42 assert m.test_nullopt(None) == 42 assert m.test_nullopt(42) == 42 assert m.test_nullopt(43) == 43 assert m.test_no_assign() == 42 assert m.test_no_assign(None) == 42 assert m.test_no_assign(m.NoAssign(43)) == 43 pytest.raises(TypeError, m.test_no_assign, 43) assert m.nodefer_none_optional(None) @pytest.mark.skipif(not hasattr(m, "has_exp_optional"), reason='no ') def test_exp_optional(): assert m.double_or_zero_exp(None) == 0 assert m.double_or_zero_exp(42) == 84 pytest.raises(TypeError, m.double_or_zero_exp, 'foo') assert m.half_or_none_exp(0) is None assert m.half_or_none_exp(42) == 21 pytest.raises(TypeError, m.half_or_none_exp, 'foo') assert m.test_nullopt_exp() == 42 assert m.test_nullopt_exp(None) == 42 assert m.test_nullopt_exp(42) == 42 assert m.test_nullopt_exp(43) == 43 assert m.test_no_assign_exp() == 42 assert m.test_no_assign_exp(None) == 42 assert m.test_no_assign_exp(m.NoAssign(43)) == 43 pytest.raises(TypeError, m.test_no_assign_exp, 43) @pytest.mark.skipif(not hasattr(m, "load_variant"), reason='no ') def test_variant(doc): assert m.load_variant(1) == "int" assert m.load_variant("1") == "std::string" assert m.load_variant(1.0) == "double" assert m.load_variant(None) == "std::nullptr_t" assert m.load_variant_2pass(1) == "int" assert m.load_variant_2pass(1.0) == "double" assert m.cast_variant() == (5, "Hello") assert doc(m.load_variant) == "load_variant(arg0: Union[int, str, float, None]) -> str" def test_vec_of_reference_wrapper(): """#171: Can't return reference wrappers (or STL structures containing them)""" assert str(m.return_vec_of_reference_wrapper(UserType(4))) == \ "[UserType(1), UserType(2), UserType(3), UserType(4)]" def test_stl_pass_by_pointer(msg): """Passing nullptr or None to an STL container pointer is not expected to work""" with pytest.raises(TypeError) as excinfo: m.stl_pass_by_pointer() # default value is `nullptr` assert msg(excinfo.value) == """ stl_pass_by_pointer(): incompatible function arguments. The following argument types are supported: 1. (v: List[int] = None) -> List[int] Invoked with: """ # noqa: E501 line too long with pytest.raises(TypeError) as excinfo: m.stl_pass_by_pointer(None) assert msg(excinfo.value) == """ stl_pass_by_pointer(): incompatible function arguments. The following argument types are supported: 1. (v: List[int] = None) -> List[int] Invoked with: None """ # noqa: E501 line too long assert m.stl_pass_by_pointer([1, 2, 3]) == [1, 2, 3] def test_missing_header_message(): """Trying convert `list` to a `std::vector`, or vice versa, without including should result in a helpful suggestion in the error message""" import pybind11_cross_module_tests as cm expected_message = ("Did you forget to `#include `? Or ,\n" ", , etc. Some automatic\n" "conversions are optional and require extra headers to be included\n" "when compiling your pybind11 module.") with pytest.raises(TypeError) as excinfo: cm.missing_header_arg([1.0, 2.0, 3.0]) assert expected_message in str(excinfo.value) with pytest.raises(TypeError) as excinfo: cm.missing_header_return() assert expected_message in str(excinfo.value) def test_function_with_string_and_vector_string_arg(): """Check if a string is NOT implicitly converted to a list, which was the behavior before fix of issue #1258""" assert m.func_with_string_or_vector_string_arg_overload(('A', 'B', )) == 2 assert m.func_with_string_or_vector_string_arg_overload(['A', 'B']) == 2 assert m.func_with_string_or_vector_string_arg_overload('A') == 3 def test_stl_ownership(): cstats = ConstructorStats.get(m.Placeholder) assert cstats.alive() == 0 r = m.test_stl_ownership() assert len(r) == 1 del r assert cstats.alive() == 0 def test_array_cast_sequence(): assert m.array_cast_sequence((1, 2, 3)) == [1, 2, 3] def test_issue_1561(): """ check fix for issue #1561 """ bar = m.Issue1561Outer() bar.list = [m.Issue1561Inner('bar')] bar.list assert bar.list[0].data == 'bar' # Copyright 2015 The TensorFlow Authors. All Rights Reserved. # # Licensed under the Apache License, Version 2.0 (the "License"); # you may not use this file except in compliance with the License. # You may obtain a copy of the License at # # http://www.apache.org/licenses/LICENSE-2.0 # # Unless required by applicable law or agreed to in writing, software # distributed under the License is distributed on an "AS IS" BASIS, # WITHOUT WARRANTIES OR CONDITIONS OF ANY KIND, either express or implied. # See the License for the specific language governing permissions and # limitations under the License. # ============================================================================== """Support for training models. See the @{$python/train} guide. @@Optimizer @@GradientDescentOptimizer @@AdadeltaOptimizer @@AdagradOptimizer @@AdagradDAOptimizer @@MomentumOptimizer @@AdamOptimizer @@FtrlOptimizer @@ProximalGradientDescentOptimizer @@ProximalAdagradOptimizer @@RMSPropOptimizer @@gradients @@AggregationMethod @@stop_gradient @@hessians @@clip_by_value @@clip_by_norm @@clip_by_average_norm @@clip_by_global_norm @@global_norm @@cosine_decay @@linear_cosine_decay @@noisy_linear_cosine_decay @@exponential_decay @@inverse_time_decay @@natural_exp_decay @@piecewise_constant @@polynomial_decay @@ExponentialMovingAverage @@Coordinator @@QueueRunner @@LooperThread @@add_queue_runner @@start_queue_runners @@Server @@Supervisor @@SessionManager @@ClusterSpec @@replica_device_setter @@MonitoredTrainingSession @@MonitoredSession @@SingularMonitoredSession @@Scaffold @@SessionCreator @@ChiefSessionCreator @@WorkerSessionCreator @@summary_iterator @@SessionRunHook @@SessionRunArgs @@SessionRunContext @@SessionRunValues @@LoggingTensorHook @@StopAtStepHook @@CheckpointSaverHook @@CheckpointSaverListener @@NewCheckpointReader @@StepCounterHook @@NanLossDuringTrainingError @@NanTensorHook @@SummarySaverHook @@GlobalStepWaiterHook @@FinalOpsHook