earliest = iat - _CLOCK_SKEW_SECS # Check expiration timestamp. exp = parsed.get('exp') if exp is None: raise _AppIdentityError('No exp field in token') if exp >= time_now + _MAX_TOKEN_LIFETIME_SECS: raise _AppIdentityError('exp field too far in future') latest = exp + _CLOCK_SKEW_SECS if time_now < earliest: raise _AppIdentityError('Token used too early, %d < %d' % (time_now, earliest)) if time_now > latest: raise _AppIdentityError('Token used too late, %d > %d' % (time_now, latest)) return parsed #!/usr/bin/env python """ Generate the stepper delay lookup table for Marlin firmware. """ import argparse __author__ = "Ben Gamari " __copyright__ = "Copyright 2012, Ben Gamari" __license__ = "GPL" parser = argparse.ArgumentParser(description=__doc__) parser.add_argument('-f', '--cpu-freq', type=int, default=16, help='CPU clockrate in MHz (default=16)') parser.add_argument('-d', '--divider', type=int, default=8, help='Timer/counter pre-scale divider (default=8)') args = parser.parse_args() cpu_freq = args.cpu_freq * 1000000 timer_freq = cpu_freq / args.divider print "#ifndef SPEED_LOOKUPTABLE_H" print "#define SPEED_LOOKUPTABLE_H" print print '#include "Marlin.h"' print print "const uint16_t speed_lookuptable_fast[256][2] PROGMEM = {" a = [ timer_freq / ((i*256)+(args.cpu_freq*2)) for i in range(256) ] b = [ a[i] - a[i+1] for i in range(255) ] b.append(b[-1]) for i in range(32): print " ", for j in range(8): print "{%d, %d}," % (a[8*i+j], b[8*i+j]), print print "};" print print "const uint16_t speed_lookuptable_slow[256][2] PROGMEM = {" a = [ timer_freq / ((i*8)+(args.cpu_freq*2)) for i in range(256) ] b = [ a[i] - a[i+1] for i in range(255) ] b.append(b[-1]) for i in range(32): print " ", for j in range(8): print "{%d, %d}," % (a[8*i+j], b[8*i+j]), print print "};" print print "#endif" """ kombu.transport.SQS =================== Amazon SQS transport module for Kombu. This package implements an AMQP-like interface on top of Amazons SQS service, with the goal of being optimized for high performance and reliability. The default settings for this module are focused now on high performance in task queue situations where tasks are small, idempotent and run very fast. SQS Features supported by this transport: Long Polling: http://docs.aws.amazon.com/AWSSimpleQueueService/latest/SQSDeveloperGuide/ sqs-long-polling.html Long polling is enabled by setting the `wait_time_seconds` transport option to a number > 1. Amazon supports up to 20 seconds. This is disabled for now, but will be enabled by default in the near future. Batch API Actions: http://docs.aws.amazon.com/AWSSimpleQueueService/latest/SQSDeveloperGuide/ sqs-batch-api.html The default behavior of the SQS Channel.drain_events() method is to request up to the 'prefetch_count' messages on every request to SQS. These messages are stored locally in a deque object and passed back to the Transport until the deque is empty, before triggering a new API call to Amazon. This behavior dramatically speeds up the rate that you can pull tasks from SQS when you have short-running tasks (or a large number of workers). When a Celery worker has multiple queues to monitor, it will pull down up to 'prefetch_count' messages from queueA and work on them all before moving on to queueB. If queueB is empty, it will wait up until 'polling_interval' expires before moving back and checking on queueA. """ from __future__ import absolute_import import collections import socket import string from anyjson import loads, dumps import boto from boto import exception from boto import sdb as _sdb from boto import sqs as _sqs from boto.sdb.domain import Domain from boto.sdb.connection import SDBConnection from boto.sqs.connection import SQSConnection from boto.sqs.message import Message from kombu.five import Empty, range, text_t from kombu.log import get_logger from kombu.utils import cached_property, uuid from kombu.utils.encoding import bytes_to_str, safe_str from kombu.transport.virtual import scheduling from . import virtual logger = get_logger(__name__) # dots are replaced by dash, all other punctuation # replaced by underscore. CHARS_REPLACE_TABLE = dict((ord(c), 0x5f) for c in string.punctuation if c not in '-_.') CHARS_REPLACE_TABLE[0x2e] = 0x2d # '.' -> '-' def maybe_int(x): try: return int(x) except ValueError: return x BOTO_VERSION = tuple(maybe_int(part) for part in boto.__version__.split('.')) W_LONG_POLLING = BOTO_VERSION >= (2, 8) #: SQS bulk get supports a maximum of 10 messages at a time. SQS_MAX_MESSAGES = 10 class Table(Domain): """Amazon SimpleDB domain describing the message routing table.""" # caches queues already bound, so we don't have to declare them again. _already_bound = set() def routes_for(self, exchange): """Iterator giving all routes for an exchange.""" return self.select("""WHERE exchange = '%s'""" % exchange) def get_queue(self, queue): """Get binding for queue.""" qid = self._get_queue_id(queue) if qid: return self.get_item(qid) def create_binding(self, queue): """Get binding item for queue. Creates the item if it doesn't exist. """ item = self.get_queue(queue) if item: return item, item['id'] id = uuid() return self.new_item(id), id def queue_bind(self, exchange, routing_key, pattern, queue): if queue not in self._already_bound: binding, id = self.create_binding(queue) binding.update(exchange=exchange, routing_key=routing_key or '', pattern=pattern or '', queue=queue or '', id=id) binding.save() self._already_bound.add(queue) def queue_delete(self, queue): """delete queue by name.""" self._already_bound.discard(queue) item = self._get_queue_item(queue) if item: self.delete_item(item) def exchange_delete(self, exchange): """Delete all routes for `exchange`.""" for item in self.routes_for(exchange): self.delete_item(item['id']) def get_item(self, item_name): """Uses `consistent_read` by default.""" # Domain is an old-style class, can't use super(). for consistent_read in (False, True): item = Domain.get_item(self, item_name, consistent_read) if item: return item def select(self, query='', next_token=None, consistent_read=True, max_items=None): """Uses `consistent_read` by default.""" query = """SELECT * FROM `%s` %s""" % (self.name, query) return Domain.select(self, query, next_token, consistent_read, max_items) def _try_first(self, query='', **kwargs): for c in (False, True): for item in self.select(query, consistent_read=c, **kwargs): return item def get_exchanges(self): return list(set(i['exchange'] for i in self.select())) def _get_queue_item(self, queue): return self._try_first("""WHERE queue = '%s' limit 1""" % queue) def _get_queue_id(self, queue): item = self._get_queue_item(queue) if item: return item['id'] class Channel(virtual.Channel): Table = Table default_region = 'us-east-1' default_visibility_timeout = 1800 # 30 minutes. default_wait_time_seconds = 0 # disabled see #198 domain_format = 'kombu%(vhost)s' _sdb = None _sqs = None _queue_cache = {} _noack_queues = set() def __init__(self, *args, **kwargs): super(Channel, self).__init__(*args, **kwargs) # SQS blows up when you try to create a new queue if one already # exists with a different visibility_timeout, so this prepopulates # the queue_cache to protect us from recreating # queues that are known to already exist. queues = self.sqs.get_all_queues(prefix=self.queue_name_prefix) for queue in queues: self._queue_cache[queue.name] = queue self._fanout_queues = set() # The drain_events() method stores extra messages in a local # Deque object. This allows multiple messages to be requested from # SQS at once for performance, but maintains the same external API # to the caller of the drain_events() method. self._queue_message_cache = collections.deque() def basic_consume(self, queue, no_ack, *args, **kwargs): if no_ack: self._noack_queues.add(queue) return super(Channel, self).basic_consume( queue, no_ack, *args, **kwargs ) def basic_cancel(self, consumer_tag): if consumer_tag in self._consumers: queue = self._tag_to_queue[consumer_tag] self._noack_queues.discard(queue) return super(Channel, self).basic_cancel(consumer_tag) def drain_events(self, timeout=None): """Return a single payload message from one of our queues. :raises Empty: if no messages available. """ # If we're not allowed to consume or have no consumers, raise Empty if not self._consumers or not self.qos.can_consume(): raise Empty() message_cache = self._queue_message_cache # Check if there are any items in our buffer. If there are any, pop # off that queue first. try: return message_cache.popleft() except IndexError: pass # At this point, go and get more messages from SQS res, queue = self._poll(self.cycle, timeout=timeout) message_cache.extend((r, queue) for r in res) # Now try to pop off the queue again. try: return message_cache.popleft() except IndexError: raise Empty() def _reset_cycle(self): """Reset the consume cycle. :returns: a FairCycle object that points to our _get_bulk() method rather than the standard _get() method. This allows for multiple messages to be returned at once from SQS (based on the prefetch limit). """ self._cycle = scheduling.FairCycle( self._get_bulk, self._active_queues, Empty, ) def entity_name(self, name, table=CHARS_REPLACE_TABLE): """Format AMQP queue name into a legal SQS queue name.""" return text_t(safe_str(name)).translate(table) def _new_queue(self, queue, **kwargs): """Ensure a queue with given name exists in SQS.""" # Translate to SQS name for consistency with initial # _queue_cache population. queue = self.entity_name(self.queue_name_prefix + queue) try: return self._queue_cache[queue] except KeyError: q = self._queue_cache[queue] = self.sqs.create_queue( queue, self.visibility_timeout, ) return q def queue_bind(self, queue, exchange=None, routing_key='', arguments=None, **kwargs): super(Channel, self).queue_bind(queue, exchange, routing_key, arguments, **kwargs) if self.typeof(exchange).type == 'fanout': self._fanout_queues.add(queue) def _queue_bind(self, *args): """Bind ``queue`` to ``exchange`` with routing key. Route will be stored in SDB if so enabled. """ if self.supports_fanout: self.table.queue_bind(*args) def get_table(self, exchange): """Get routing table. Retrieved from SDB if :attr:`supports_fanout`. """ if self.supports_fanout: return [(r['routing_key'], r['pattern'], r['queue']) for r in self.table.routes_for(exchange)] return super(Channel, self).get_table(exchange) def get_exchanges(self): if self.supports_fanout: return self.table.get_exchanges() return super(Channel, self).get_exchanges() def _delete(self, queue, *args): """delete queue by name.""" if self.supports_fanout: self.table.queue_delete(queue) super(Channel, self)._delete(queue) self._queue_cache.pop(queue, None) def exchange_delete(self, exchange, **kwargs): """Delete exchange by name.""" if self.supports_fanout: self.table.exchange_delete(exchange) super(Channel, self).exchange_delete(exchange, **kwargs) def _has_queue(self, queue, **kwargs): """Return True if ``queue`` was previously declared.""" if self.supports_fanout: return bool(self.table.get_queue(queue)) return super(Channel, self)._has_queue(queue) def _put(self, queue, message, **kwargs): """Put message onto queue.""" q = self._new_queue(queue) m = Message() m.set_body(dumps(message)) q.write(m) def _put_fanout(self, exchange, message, routing_key, **kwargs): """Deliver fanout message to all queues in ``exchange``.""" for route in self.table.routes_for(exchange): self._put(route['queue'], message, **kwargs) def _get_from_sqs(self, queue, count=1): """Retrieve messages from SQS and returns the raw SQS message objects. :returns: List of SQS message objects """ q = self._new_queue(queue) if W_LONG_POLLING and queue not in self._fanout_queues: return q.get_messages( count, wait_time_seconds=self.wait_time_seconds, ) else: # boto < 2.8 return q.get_messages(count) def _message_to_python(self, message, queue_name, queue): payload = loads(bytes_to_str(message.get_body())) if queue_name in self._noack_queues: queue.delete_message(message) else: payload['properties']['delivery_info'].update({ 'sqs_message': message, 'sqs_queue': queue, }) return payload def _messages_to_python(self, messages, queue): """Convert a list of SQS Message objects into Payloads. This method handles converting SQS Message objects into Payloads, and appropriately updating the queue depending on the 'ack' settings for that queue. :param messages: A list of SQS Message objects. :param queue: String name representing the queue they came from :returns: A list of Payload objects """ q = self._new_queue(queue) return [self._message_to_python(m, queue, q) for m in messages] def _get_bulk(self, queue, max_if_unlimited=SQS_MAX_MESSAGES): """Try to retrieve multiple messages off ``queue``. Where _get() returns a single Payload object, this method returns a list of Payload objects. The number of objects returned is determined by the total number of messages available in the queue and the number of messages that the QoS object allows (based on the prefetch_count). .. note:: Ignores QoS limits so caller is responsible for checking that we are allowed to consume at least one message from the queue. get_bulk will then ask QoS for an estimate of the number of extra messages that we can consume. args: queue: The queue name (string) to pull from returns: payloads: A list of payload objects returned """ # drain_events calls `can_consume` first, consuming # a token, so we know that we are allowed to consume at least # one message. maxcount = self.qos.can_consume_max_estimate() maxcount = max_if_unlimited if maxcount is None else max(maxcount, 1) if maxcount: messages = self._get_from_sqs( queue, count=min(maxcount, SQS_MAX_MESSAGES), ) if messages: return self._messages_to_python(messages, queue) raise Empty() def _get(self, queue): """Try to retrieve a single message off ``queue``.""" messages = self._get_from_sqs(queue, count=1) if messages: return self._messages_to_python(messages, queue)[0] raise Empty() def _restore(self, message, unwanted_delivery_info=('sqs_message', 'sqs_queue')): for unwanted_key in unwanted_delivery_info: # Remove objects that aren't JSON serializable (Issue #1108). message.delivery_info.pop(unwanted_key, None) return super(Channel, self)._restore(message) def basic_ack(self, delivery_tag): delivery_info = self.qos.get(delivery_tag).delivery_info try: queue = delivery_info['sqs_queue'] except KeyError: pass else: queue.delete_message(delivery_info['sqs_message']) super(Channel, self).basic_ack(delivery_tag) def _size(self, queue): """Return the number of messages in a queue.""" return self._new_queue(queue).count() def _purge(self, queue): """Delete all current messages in a queue.""" q = self._new_queue(queue) # SQS is slow at registering messages, so run for a few # iterations to ensure messages are deleted. size = 0 for i in range(10): size += q.count() if not size: break q.clear() return size def close(self): super(Channel, self).close() for conn in (self._sqs, self._sdb): if conn: try: conn.close() except AttributeError as exc: # FIXME ??? if "can't set attribute" not in str(exc): raise def _get_regioninfo(self, regions): if self.region: for _r in regions: if _r.name == self.region: return _r def _aws_connect_to(self, fun, regions): conninfo = self.conninfo region = self._get_regioninfo(regions) return fun(region=region, aws_access_key_id=conninfo.userid, aws_secret_access_key=conninfo.password, port=conninfo.port) @property def sqs(self): if self._sqs is None: self._sqs = self._aws_connect_to(SQSConnection, _sqs.regions()) return self._sqs @property def sdb(self): if self._sdb is None: self._sdb = self._aws_connect_to(SDBConnection, _sdb.regions()) return self._sdb @property def table(self): name = self.entity_name( self.domain_format % {'vhost': self.conninfo.virtual_host}) d = self.sdb.get_object( 'CreateDomain', {'DomainName': name}, self.Table) d.name = name return d @property def conninfo(self): return self.connection.client @property def transport_options(self): return self.connection.client.transport_options @cached_property def visibility_timeout(self): return (self.transport_options.get('visibility_timeout') or self.default_visibility_timeout) @cached_property def queue_name_prefix(self): return self.transport_options.get('queue_name_prefix', '') @cached_property def supports_fanout(self): return self.transport_options.get('sdb_persistence', False) @cached_property def region(self): return self.transport_options.get('region') or self.default_region @cached_property def wait_time_seconds(self): return self.transport_options.get('wait_time_seconds', self.default_wait_time_seconds) class Transport(virtual.Transport): Channel = Channel polling_interval = 1 wait_time_seconds = 0 default_port = None connection_errors = ( virtual.Transport.connection_errors + (exception.SQSError, socket.error) ) channel_errors = ( virtual.Transport.channel_errors + (exception.SQSDecodeError, ) ) driver_type = 'sqs' driver_name = 'sqs' # encoding: utf-8 # Copyright 2016 The TensorFlow Authors. All Rights Reserved. # # Licensed under the Apache License, Version 2.0 (the "License"); # you may not use this file except in compliance with the License. # You may obtain a copy of the License at # # http://www.apache.org/licenses/LICENSE-2.0 # # Unless required by applicable law or agreed to in writing, software # distributed under the License is distributed on an "AS IS" BASIS, # WITHOUT WARRANTIES OR CONDITIONS OF ANY KIND, either express or implied. # See the License for the specific language governing permissions and # limitations under the License. # ============================================================================== """Text processor tests.""" from __future__ import absolute_import from __future__ import division from __future__ import print_function from __future__ import unicode_literals from tensorflow.contrib.learn.python.learn.preprocessing import CategoricalVocabulary from tensorflow.contrib.learn.python.learn.preprocessing import text from tensorflow.python.platform import test class TextTest(test.TestCase): """Text processor tests.""" def testTokenizer(self): words = text.tokenizer( ["a b c", "a\nb\nc", "a, b - c", "фыв выф", "你好 怎么样"]) self.assertEqual( list(words), [["a", "b", "c"], ["a", "b", "c"], ["a", "b", "-", "c"], ["фыв", "выф"], ["你好", "怎么样"]]) def testByteProcessor(self): processor = text.ByteProcessor(max_document_length=8) inp = ["abc", "фыва", "фыва", b"abc", "12345678901234567890"] res = list(processor.fit_transform(inp)) self.assertAllEqual(res, [[97, 98, 99, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0], [209, 132, 209, 139, 208, 178, 208, 176], [209, 132, 209, 139, 208, 178, 208, 176], [97, 98, 99, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0], [49, 50, 51, 52, 53, 54, 55, 56]]) res = list(processor.reverse(res)) self.assertAllEqual(res, ["abc", "фыва", "фыва", "abc", "12345678"]) def testVocabularyProcessor(self): vocab_processor = text.VocabularyProcessor( max_document_length=4, min_frequency=1) tokens = vocab_processor.fit_transform(["a b c", "a\nb\nc", "a, b - c"]) self.assertAllEqual( list(tokens), [[1, 2, 3, 0], [1, 2, 3, 0], [1, 2, 0, 3]]) def testVocabularyProcessorSaveRestore(self): filename = test.get_temp_dir() + "test.vocab" vocab_processor = text.VocabularyProcessor( max_document_length=4, min_frequency=1) tokens = vocab_processor.fit_transform(["a b c", "a\nb\nc", "a, b - c"]) vocab_processor.save(filename) new_vocab = text.VocabularyProcessor.restore(filename) tokens = new_vocab.transform(["a b c"]) self.assertAllEqual(list(tokens), [[1, 2, 3, 0]]) def testExistingVocabularyProcessor(self): vocab = CategoricalVocabulary() vocab.get("A") vocab.get("B") vocab.freeze() vocab_processor = text.VocabularyProcessor( max_document_length=4, vocabulary=vocab, tokenizer_fn=list) tokens = vocab_processor.fit_transform(["ABC", "CBABAF"]) self.assertAllEqual(list(tokens), [[1, 2, 0, 0], [0, 2, 1, 2]]) if __name__ == "__main__": test.main() # -*- coding: utf-8 -*- """ jinja2.debug ~~~~~~~~~~~~ Implements the debug interface for Jinja. This module does some pretty ugly stuff with the Python traceback system in order to achieve tracebacks with correct line numbers, locals and contents. :copyright: (c) 2010 by the Jinja Team. :license: BSD, see LICENSE for more details. """ import sys import traceback from types import TracebackType, CodeType from jinja2.utils import missing, internal_code from jinja2.exceptions import TemplateSyntaxError from jinja2._compat import iteritems, reraise, PY2 # on pypy we can take advantage of transparent proxies try: from __pypy__ import tproxy except ImportError: tproxy = None # how does the raise helper look like? try: exec("raise TypeError, 'foo'") except SyntaxError: raise_helper = 'raise __jinja_exception__[1]' except TypeError: raise_helper = 'raise __jinja_exception__[0], __jinja_exception__[1]' class TracebackFrameProxy(object): """Proxies a traceback frame.""" def __init__(self, tb): self.tb = tb self._tb_next = None @property def tb_next(self): return self._tb_next def set_next(self, next): if tb_set_next is not None: try: tb_set_next(self.tb, next and next.tb or None) except Exception: # this function can fail due to all the hackery it does # on various python implementations. We just catch errors # down and ignore them if necessary. pass self._tb_next = next @property def is_jinja_frame(self): return '__jinja_template__' in self.tb.tb_frame.f_globals def __getattr__(self, name): return getattr(self.tb, name) def make_frame_proxy(frame): proxy = TracebackFrameProxy(frame) if tproxy is None: return proxy def operation_handler(operation, *args, **kwargs): if operation in ('__getattribute__', '__getattr__'): return getattr(proxy, args[0]) elif operation == '__setattr__': proxy.__setattr__(*args, **kwargs) else: return getattr(proxy, operation)(*args, **kwargs) return tproxy(TracebackType, operation_handler) class ProcessedTraceback(object): """Holds a Jinja preprocessed traceback for printing or reraising.""" def __init__(self, exc_type, exc_value, frames): assert frames, 'no frames for this traceback?' self.exc_type = exc_type self.exc_value = exc_value self.frames = frames # newly concatenate the frames (which are proxies) prev_tb = None for tb in self.frames: if prev_tb is not None: prev_tb.set_next(tb) prev_tb = tb prev_tb.set_next(None) def render_as_text(self, limit=None): """Return a string with the traceback.""" lines = traceback.format_exception(self.exc_type, self.exc_value, self.frames[0], limit=limit) return ''.join(lines).rstrip() def render_as_html(self, full=False): """Return a unicode string with the traceback as rendered HTML.""" from jinja2.debugrenderer import render_traceback return u'%s\n\n' % ( render_traceback(self, full=full), self.render_as_text().decode('utf-8', 'replace') ) @property def is_template_syntax_error(self): """`True` if this is a template syntax error.""" return isinstance(self.exc_value, TemplateSyntaxError) @property def exc_info(self): """Exception info tuple with a proxy around the frame objects.""" return self.exc_type, self.exc_value, self.frames[0] @property def standard_exc_info(self): """Standard python exc_info for re-raising""" tb = self.frames[0] # the frame will be an actual traceback (or transparent proxy) if # we are on pypy or a python implementation with support for tproxy if type(tb) is not TracebackType: tb = tb.tb return self.exc_type, self.exc_value, tb def make_traceback(exc_info, source_hint=None): """Creates a processed traceback object from the exc_info.""" exc_type, exc_value, tb = exc_info if isinstance(exc_value, TemplateSyntaxError): exc_info = translate_syntax_error(exc_value, source_hint) initial_skip = 0 else: initial_skip = 1 return translate_exception(exc_info, initial_skip) def translate_syntax_error(error, source=None): """Rewrites a syntax error to please traceback systems.""" error.source = source error.translated = True exc_info = (error.__class__, error, None) filename = error.filename if filename is None: filename = '' return fake_exc_info(exc_info, filename, error.lineno) def translate_exception(exc_info, initial_skip=0): """If passed an exc_info it will automatically rewrite the exceptions all the way down to the correct line numbers and frames. """ tb = exc_info[2] frames = [] # skip some internal frames if wanted for x in range(initial_skip): if tb is not None: tb = tb.tb_next initial_tb = tb while tb is not None: # skip frames decorated with @internalcode. These are internal # calls we can't avoid and that are useless in template debugging # output. if tb.tb_frame.f_code in internal_code: tb = tb.tb_next continue # save a reference to the next frame if we override the current # one with a faked one. next = tb.tb_next # fake template exceptions template = tb.tb_frame.f_globals.get('__jinja_template__') if template is not None: lineno = template.get_corresponding_lineno(tb.tb_lineno) tb = fake_exc_info(exc_info[:2] + (tb,), template.filename, lineno)[2] frames.append(make_frame_proxy(tb)) tb = next # if we don't have any exceptions in the frames left, we have to # reraise it unchanged. # XXX: can we backup here? when could this happen? if not frames: reraise(exc_info[0], exc_info[1], exc_info[2]) return ProcessedTraceback(exc_info[0], exc_info[1], frames) def fake_exc_info(exc_info, filename, lineno): """Helper for `translate_exception`.""" exc_type, exc_value, tb = exc_info # figure the real context out if tb is not None: real_locals = tb.tb_frame.f_locals.copy() ctx = real_locals.get('context') if ctx: locals = ctx.get_all() else: locals = {} for name, value in iteritems(real_locals): if name.startswith('l_') and value is not missing: locals[name[2:]] = value # if there is a local called __jinja_exception__, we get # rid of it to not break the debug functionality. locals.pop('__jinja_exception__', None) else: locals = {} # assamble fake globals we need globals = { '__name__': filename, '__file__': filename, '__jinja_exception__': exc_info[:2], # we don't want to keep the reference to the template around # to not cause circular dependencies, but we mark it as Jinja # frame for the ProcessedTraceback '__jinja_template__': None } # and fake the exception code = compile('\n' * (lineno - 1) + raise_helper, filename, 'exec') # if it's possible, change the name of the code. This won't work # on some python environments such as google appengine try: if tb is None: location = 'template' else: function = tb.tb_frame.f_code.co_name if function == 'root': location = 'top-level template code' elif function.startswith('block_'): location = 'block "%s"' % function[6:] else: location = 'template' if PY2: code = CodeType(0, code.co_nlocals, code.co_stacksize, code.co_flags, code.co_code, code.co_consts, code.co_names, code.co_varnames, filename, location, code.co_firstlineno, code.co_lnotab, (), ()) else: code = CodeType(0, code.co_kwonlyargcount, code.co_nlocals, code.co_stacksize, code.co_flags, code.co_code, code.co_consts, code.co_names, code.co_varnames, filename, location, code.co_firstlineno, code.co_lnotab, (), ()) except Exception as e: pass # execute the code and catch the new traceback try: exec(code, globals, locals) except: exc_info = sys.exc_info() new_tb = exc_info[2].tb_next # return without this frame return exc_info[:2] + (new_tb,) def _init_ugly_crap(): """This function implements a few ugly things so that we can patch the traceback objects. The function returned allows resetting `tb_next` on any python traceback object. Do not attempt to use this on non cpython interpreters """ import ctypes from types import TracebackType if PY2: # figure out size of _Py_ssize_t for Python 2: if hasattr(ctypes.pythonapi, 'Py_InitModule4_64'): _Py_ssize_t = ctypes.c_int64 else: _Py_ssize_t = ctypes.c_int else: # platform ssize_t on Python 3 _Py_ssize_t = ctypes.c_ssize_t # regular python class _PyObject(ctypes.Structure): pass _PyObject._fields_ = [ ('ob_refcnt', _Py_ssize_t), ('ob_type', ctypes.POINTER(_PyObject)) ] # python with trace if hasattr(sys, 'getobjects'): class _PyObject(ctypes.Structure): pass _PyObject._fields_ = [ ('_ob_next', ctypes.POINTER(_PyObject)), ('_ob_prev', ctypes.POINTER(_PyObject)), ('ob_refcnt', _Py_ssize_t), ('ob_type', ctypes.POINTER(_PyObject)) ] class _Traceback(_PyObject): pass _Traceback._fields_ = [ ('tb_next', ctypes.POINTER(_Traceback)), ('tb_frame', ctypes.POINTER(_PyObject)), ('tb_lasti', ctypes.c_int), ('tb_lineno', ctypes.c_int) ] def tb_set_next(tb, next): """Set the tb_next attribute of a traceback object.""" if not (isinstance(tb, TracebackType) and (next is None or isinstance(next, TracebackType))): raise TypeError('tb_set_next arguments must be traceback objects') obj = _Traceback.from_address(id(tb)) if tb.tb_next is not None: old = _Traceback.from_address(id(tb.tb_next)) old.ob_refcnt -= 1 if next is None: obj.tb_next = ctypes.POINTER(_Traceback)() else: next = _Traceback.from_address(id(next)) next.ob_refcnt += 1 obj.tb_next = ctypes.pointer(next) return tb_set_next # try to get a tb_set_next implementation if we don't have transparent # proxies. tb_set_next = None if tproxy is None: try: tb_set_next = _init_ugly_crap() except: pass del _init_ugly_crap # Part of Odoo. See LICENSE file for full copyright and licensing details. from openerp import models, fields, api class tip(models.Model): _name = 'web.tip' _description = 'Tips' @api.one @api.depends('user_ids') def _is_consumed(self): self.is_consumed = self.env.user in self.user_ids title = fields.Char('Tip title') description = fields.Html('Tip Description', required=True) action_id = fields.Many2one('ir.actions.act_window', string="Action", help="The action that will trigger the tip") model = fields.Char("Model", help="Model name on which to trigger the tip, e.g. 'res.partner'.") type = fields.Char("Type", help="Model type, e.g. lead or opportunity for crm.lead") mode = fields.Char("Mode", help="Mode, e.g. kanban, form") trigger_selector = fields.Char('Trigger selector', help='CSS selectors used to trigger the tip, separated by a comma (ANDed).') highlight_selector = fields.Char('Highlight selector', help='CSS selector for the element to highlight') end_selector = fields.Char('End selector', help='CSS selector used to end the tip') end_event = fields.Char('End event', help='Event to end the tip', default='click') placement = fields.Char('Placement', help='Popover placement, bottom, top, left or right', default='auto') user_ids = fields.Many2many('res.users', string='Consumed by') is_consumed = fields.Boolean(string='Tip consumed', compute='_is_consumed') @api.multi def consume(self): self.write({'user_ids': [(4, self.env.uid)]}) import os import sys if os.name == 'posix': def become_daemon(our_home_dir='.', out_log='/dev/null', err_log='/dev/null', umask=022): "Robustly turn into a UNIX daemon, running in our_home_dir." # First fork try: if os.fork() > 0: sys.exit(0) # kill off parent except OSError, e: sys.stderr.write("fork #1 failed: (%d) %s\n" % (e.errno, e.strerror)) sys.exit(1) os.setsid() os.chdir(our_home_dir) os.umask(umask) # Second fork try: if os.fork() > 0: os._exit(0) except OSError, e: sys.stderr.write("fork #2 failed: (%d) %s\n" % (e.errno, e.strerror)) os._exit(1) si = open('/dev/null', 'r') so = open(out_log, 'a+', 0) se = open(err_log, 'a+', 0) os.dup2(si.fileno(), sys.stdin.fileno()) os.dup2(so.fileno(), sys.stdout.fileno()) os.dup2(se.fileno(), sys.stderr.fileno()) # Set custom file descriptors so that they get proper buffering. sys.stdout, sys.stderr = so, se else: def become_daemon(our_home_dir='.', out_log=None, err_log=None, umask=022): """ If we're not running under a POSIX system, just simulate the daemon mode by doing redirections and directory changing. """ os.chdir(our_home_dir) os.umask(umask) sys.stdin.close() sys.stdout.close() sys.stderr.close() if err_log: sys.stderr = open(err_log, 'a', 0) else: sys.stderr = NullDevice() if out_log: sys.stdout = open(out_log, 'a', 0) else: sys.stdout = NullDevice() class NullDevice: "A writeable object that writes to nowhere -- like /dev/null." def write(self, s): pass from __future__ import print_function, division from sympy import expand from sympy import diff from sympy import Sum def finite_diff(expression, variable, increment=1): """ Takes as input a polynomial expression and the variable used to construct it and returns the difference between function's value when the input is incremented to 1 and the original function value. If you want an increment other than one supply it as a third argument. Examples ========= >>> from sympy.abc import x, y, z, k, n >>> from sympy.series.kauers import finite_diff >>> from sympy import Sum >>> finite_diff(x**2, x) 2*x + 1 >>> finite_diff(y**3 + 2*y**2 + 3*y + 4, y) 3*y**2 + 7*y + 6 >>> finite_diff(x**2 + 3*x + 8, x, 2) 4*x + 10 >>> finite_diff(z**3 + 8*z, z, 3) 9*z**2 + 27*z + 51 """ expression = expression.expand() expression2 = expression.subs(variable, variable + increment) expression2 = expression2.expand() return expression2 - expression def finite_diff_kauers(sum): """ Takes as input a Sum instance and returns the difference between the sum with the upper index incremented by 1 and the original sum. For example, if S(n) is a sum, then finite_diff_kauers will return S(n + 1) - S(n). Examples ======== >>> from sympy.series.kauers import finite_diff_kauers >>> from sympy import Sum >>> from sympy.abc import x, y, m, n, k >>> finite_diff_kauers(Sum(k, (k, 1, n))) n + 1 >>> finite_diff_kauers(Sum(1/k, (k, 1, n))) 1/(n + 1) >>> finite_diff_kauers(Sum((x*y**2), (x, 1, n), (y, 1, m))) (m + 1)**2*(n + 1) >>> finite_diff_kauers(Sum((x*y), (x, 1, m), (y, 1, n))) (m + 1)*(n + 1) """ function = sum.function for l in sum.limits: function = function.subs(l[0], l[- 1] + 1) return function import sys try: import simplejson as json except ImportError: import json from libcloud.common.luadns import LuadnsResponse, LuadnsConnection from libcloud.common.luadns import LuadnsException from libcloud.dns.base import DNSDriver, Zone, Record from libcloud.dns.types import Provider, RecordType from libcloud.dns.types import ZoneDoesNotExistError, ZoneAlreadyExistsError from libcloud.dns.types import RecordDoesNotExistError __all__ = [ 'LuadnsDNSDriver' ] class LuadnsDNSResponse(LuadnsResponse): pass class LuadnsDNSConnection(LuadnsConnection): responseCls = LuadnsDNSResponse class LuadnsDNSDriver(DNSDriver): type = Provider.LUADNS name = 'Luadns' website = 'https://www.luadns.com' connectionCls = LuadnsDNSConnection RECORD_TYPE_MAP = { RecordType.A: 'A', RecordType.AAAA: 'AAAA', RecordType.CNAME: 'CNAME', RecordType.MX: 'MX', RecordType.NS: 'NS', RecordType.PTR: 'PTR', RecordType.SOA: 'SOA', RecordType.SRV: 'SRV', RecordType.TXT: 'TXT' } def list_zones(self): """ Return a list of zones. :return: ``list`` of :class:`Zone` """ action = '/v1/zones' response = self.connection.request(action=action, method='GET') zones = self._to_zones(response.parse_body()) return zones def get_zone(self, zone_id): """ Return a Zone instance. :param zone_id: ID of the required zone :type zone_id: ``str`` :rtype: :class:`Zone` """ action = '/v1/zones/%s' % zone_id try: response = self.connection.request(action=action) except LuadnsException: e = sys.exc_info()[1] if e.message in ['Zone not found.', 'Resource not found.']: raise ZoneDoesNotExistError(zone_id=zone_id, value='', driver=self) else: raise e zone = self._to_zone(response.parse_body()) return zone def delete_zone(self, zone): """ Delete a zone. Note: This will delete all the records belonging to this zone. :param zone: Zone to delete. :type zone: :class:`Zone` :rtype: ``bool`` """ action = '/v1/zones/%s' % zone.id try: response = self.connection.request(action=action, method='DELETE') except LuadnsException: e = sys.exc_info()[1] if e.message in ['Resource not found.', 'Zone not found.']: raise ZoneDoesNotExistError(zone_id=zone.id, value='', driver=self) else: raise e return response.status == 200 def create_zone(self, domain, type='master', ttl=None, extra=None): """ Create a new zone. :param domain: Zone domain name (e.g. example.com) :type domain: ``str`` :param type: Zone type (This is not really used. See API docs for extra parameters). :type type: ``str`` :param ttl: TTL for new records. (This is not really used) :type ttl: ``int`` :param extra: Extra attributes (driver specific). ('region_support', 'zone_data') :type extra: ``dict`` :rtype: :class:`Zone` """ action = '/v1/zones' data = json.dumps({'name': domain}) try: response = self.connection.request(action=action, method='POST', data=data) except LuadnsException: e = sys.exc_info()[1] if e.message == "Zone '%s' is taken already." % domain: raise ZoneAlreadyExistsError(zone_id=domain, value='', driver=self) else: raise e zone = self._to_zone(response.parse_body()) return zone def list_records(self, zone): """ Return a list of records for the provided zone. :param zone: Zone to list records for. :type zone: :class:`Zone` :return: ``list`` of :class:`Record` """ action = '/v1/zones/%s/records' % zone.id response = self.connection.request(action=action) records = self._to_records(response.parse_body(), zone=zone) return records def get_record(self, zone_id, record_id): """ Return a Record instance. :param zone_id: ID of the required zone :type zone_id: ``str`` :param record_id: ID of the required record :type record_id: ``str`` :rtype: :class:`Record` """ zone = self.get_zone(zone_id=zone_id) action = '/v1/zones/%s/records/%s' % (zone_id, record_id) try: response = self.connection.request(action=action) except LuadnsException: e = sys.exc_info()[1] if e.message == 'Record not found.': raise RecordDoesNotExistError(record_id=record_id, driver=self, value='') else: raise e record = self._to_record(response.parse_body(), zone=zone) return record def delete_record(self, record): """ Delete a record. :param record: Record to delete. :type record: :class:`Record` :rtype: ``bool`` """ action = '/v1/zones/%s/records/%s' % (record.zone.id, record.id) try: response = self.connection.request(action=action, method='DELETE') except LuadnsException: e = sys.exc_info()[1] if e.message == 'Record not found.': raise RecordDoesNotExistError(record_id=record.id, driver=self, value='') else: raise e return response.status == 200 def create_record(self, name, zone, type, data, extra=None): """ Create a record. :param name: Record name without the domain name (e.g. www). Note: If you want to create a record for a base domain name, you should specify empty string ('') for this argument. :type name: ``str`` :param zone: Zone which the records will be created for. :type zone: :class:`Zone` :param type: DNS record type ( 'A', 'AAAA', 'CNAME', 'MX', 'NS', 'PTR', 'SOA', 'SRV', 'TXT'). :type type: :class:`RecordType` :param data: Data for the record (depends on the record type). :type data: ``str`` :param extra: (optional) Extra attributes ('prio', 'ttl'). :type extra: ``dict`` :rtype: :class:`Record` """ action = '/v1/zones/%s/records' % zone.id to_post = {'name': name, 'content': data, 'type': type, 'zone_id': int(zone.id)} # ttl is required to create a record for luadns # pass it through extra like this: extra={'ttl':ttl} if extra is not None: to_post.update(extra) data = json.dumps(to_post) try: response = self.connection.request(action=action, method='POST', data=data) except LuadnsException: e = sys.exc_info()[1] raise e record = self._to_record(response.parse_body(), zone=zone) return record def _to_zone(self, item): common_attr = ['id', 'name'] extra = {} for key in item: if key not in common_attr: extra[key] = item.get(key) zone = Zone(domain=item['name'], id=item['id'], type=None, ttl=None, driver=self, extra=extra) return zone def _to_zones(self, items): zones = [] for item in items: zones.append(self._to_zone(item)) return zones def _to_record(self, item, zone): common_attr = ['id', 'content', 'name', 'type'] extra = {} for key in item: if key not in common_attr: extra[key] = item.get(key) record = Record(id=item['id'], name=item['name'], type=item['type'], data=item['content'], zone=zone, driver=self, extra=extra) return record def _to_records(self, items, zone): records = [] for item in items: records.append(self._to_record(item, zone)) return records # Licensed to the Apache Software Foundation (ASF) under one # or more contributor license agreements. See the NOTICE file # distributed with this work for additional information # regarding copyright ownership. The ASF licenses this file # to you under the Apache License, Version 2.0 (the # "License"); you may not use this file except in compliance # with the License. You may obtain a copy of the License at # # http://www.apache.org/licenses/LICENSE-2.0 # # Unless required by applicable law or agreed to in writing, # software distributed under the License is distributed on an # "AS IS" BASIS, WITHOUT WARRANTIES OR CONDITIONS OF ANY # KIND, either express or implied. See the License for the # specific language governing permissions and limitations # under the License. # pylint: skip-file from __future__ import print_function import os import logging import numpy as np from sklearn.cluster import KMeans from scipy.spatial.distance import cdist import mxnet as mx import data import model from autoencoder import AutoEncoderModel from solver import Solver, Monitor def cluster_acc(Y_pred, Y): from sklearn.utils.linear_assignment_ import linear_assignment assert Y_pred.size == Y.size D = max(Y_pred.max(), Y.max())+1 w = np.zeros((D, D), dtype=np.int64) for i in range(Y_pred.size): w[Y_pred[i], int(Y[i])] += 1 ind = linear_assignment(w.max() - w) return sum([w[i, j] for i, j in ind])*1.0/Y_pred.size, w class DECModel(model.MXModel): class DECLoss(mx.operator.NumpyOp): def __init__(self, num_centers, alpha): super(DECModel.DECLoss, self).__init__(need_top_grad=False) self.num_centers = num_centers self.alpha = alpha def forward(self, in_data, out_data): z = in_data[0] mu = in_data[1] q = out_data[0] self.mask = 1.0/(1.0+cdist(z, mu)**2/self.alpha) q[:] = self.mask**((self.alpha+1.0)/2.0) q[:] = (q.T/q.sum(axis=1)).T def backward(self, out_grad, in_data, out_data, in_grad): q = out_data[0] z = in_data[0] mu = in_data[1] p = in_data[2] dz = in_grad[0] dmu = in_grad[1] self.mask *= (self.alpha+1.0)/self.alpha*(p-q) dz[:] = (z.T*self.mask.sum(axis=1)).T - self.mask.dot(mu) dmu[:] = (mu.T*self.mask.sum(axis=0)).T - self.mask.T.dot(z) def infer_shape(self, in_shape): assert len(in_shape) == 3 assert len(in_shape[0]) == 2 input_shape = in_shape[0] label_shape = (input_shape[0], self.num_centers) mu_shape = (self.num_centers, input_shape[1]) out_shape = (input_shape[0], self.num_centers) return [input_shape, mu_shape, label_shape], [out_shape] def list_arguments(self): return ['data', 'mu', 'label'] def setup(self, X, num_centers, alpha, save_to='dec_model'): sep = X.shape[0]*9//10 X_train = X[:sep] X_val = X[sep:] ae_model = AutoEncoderModel(self.xpu, [X.shape[1], 500, 500, 2000, 10], pt_dropout=0.2) if not os.path.exists(save_to+'_pt.arg'): ae_model.layerwise_pretrain(X_train, 256, 50000, 'sgd', l_rate=0.1, decay=0.0, lr_scheduler=mx.lr_scheduler.FactorScheduler(20000, 0.1)) ae_model.finetune(X_train, 256, 100000, 'sgd', l_rate=0.1, decay=0.0, lr_scheduler=mx.lr_scheduler.FactorScheduler(20000, 0.1)) ae_model.save(save_to+'_pt.arg') logging.log(logging.INFO, "Autoencoder Training error: %f"%ae_model.eval(X_train)) logging.log(logging.INFO, "Autoencoder Validation error: %f"%ae_model.eval(X_val)) else: ae_model.load(save_to+'_pt.arg') self.ae_model = ae_model self.dec_op = DECModel.DECLoss(num_centers, alpha) label = mx.sym.Variable('label') self.feature = self.ae_model.encoder self.loss = self.dec_op(data=self.ae_model.encoder, label=label, name='dec') self.args.update({k: v for k, v in self.ae_model.args.items() if k in self.ae_model.encoder.list_arguments()}) self.args['dec_mu'] = mx.nd.empty((num_centers, self.ae_model.dims[-1]), ctx=self.xpu) self.args_grad.update({k: mx.nd.empty(v.shape, ctx=self.xpu) for k, v in self.args.items()}) self.args_mult.update({k: k.endswith('bias') and 2.0 or 1.0 for k in self.args}) self.num_centers = num_centers def cluster(self, X, y=None, update_interval=None): N = X.shape[0] if not update_interval: update_interval = N batch_size = 256 test_iter = mx.io.NDArrayIter({'data': X}, batch_size=batch_size, shuffle=False, last_batch_handle='pad') args = {k: mx.nd.array(v.asnumpy(), ctx=self.xpu) for k, v in self.args.items()} z = list(model.extract_feature(self.feature, args, None, test_iter, N, self.xpu).values())[0] kmeans = KMeans(self.num_centers, n_init=20) kmeans.fit(z) args['dec_mu'][:] = kmeans.cluster_centers_ solver = Solver('sgd', momentum=0.9, wd=0.0, learning_rate=0.01) def ce(label, pred): return np.sum(label*np.log(label/(pred+0.000001)))/label.shape[0] solver.set_metric(mx.metric.CustomMetric(ce)) label_buff = np.zeros((X.shape[0], self.num_centers)) train_iter = mx.io.NDArrayIter({'data': X}, {'label': label_buff}, batch_size=batch_size, shuffle=False, last_batch_handle='roll_over') self.y_pred = np.zeros((X.shape[0])) def refresh(i): if i%update_interval == 0: z = list(model.extract_feature(self.feature, args, None, test_iter, N, self.xpu).values())[0] p = np.zeros((z.shape[0], self.num_centers)) self.dec_op.forward([z, args['dec_mu'].asnumpy()], [p]) y_pred = p.argmax(axis=1) print(np.std(np.bincount(y_pred)), np.bincount(y_pred)) print(np.std(np.bincount(y.astype(np.int))), np.bincount(y.astype(np.int))) if y is not None: print(cluster_acc(y_pred, y)[0]) weight = 1.0/p.sum(axis=0) weight *= self.num_centers/weight.sum() p = (p**2)*weight train_iter.data_list[1][:] = (p.T/p.sum(axis=1)).T print(np.sum(y_pred != self.y_pred), 0.001*y_pred.shape[0]) if np.sum(y_pred != self.y_pred) < 0.001*y_pred.shape[0]: self.y_pred = y_pred return True self.y_pred = y_pred solver.set_iter_start_callback(refresh) solver.set_monitor(Monitor(50)) solver.solve(self.xpu, self.loss, args, self.args_grad, None, train_iter, 0, 1000000000, {}, False) self.end_args = args if y is not None: return cluster_acc(self.y_pred, y)[0] else: return -1 def mnist_exp(xpu): X, Y = data.get_mnist() if not os.path.isdir('data'): os.makedirs('data') dec_model = DECModel(xpu, X, 10, 1.0, 'data/mnist') acc = [] for i in [10*(2**j) for j in range(9)]: acc.append(dec_model.cluster(X, Y, i)) logging.log(logging.INFO, 'Clustering Acc: %f at update interval: %d'%(acc[-1], i)) logging.info(str(acc)) logging.info('Best Clustering ACC: %f at update_interval: %d'%(np.max(acc), 10*(2**np.argmax(acc)))) if __name__ == '__main__': logging.basicConfig(level=logging.INFO) mnist_exp(mx.gpu(0)) # Software License Agreement (BSD License) # # Copyright (c) 2011, Willow Garage, Inc. # All rights reserved. # # Redistribution and use in source and binary forms, with or without # modification, are permitted provided that the following conditions # are met: # # * Redistributions of source code must retain the above copyright # notice, this list of conditions and the following disclaimer. # * Redistributions in binary form must reproduce the above # copyright notice, this list of conditions and the following # disclaimer in the documentation and/or other materials provided # with the distribution. # * Neither the name of Willow Garage, Inc. nor the names of its # contributors may be used to endorse or promote products derived # from this software without specific prior written permission. # # THIS SOFTWARE IS PROVIDED BY THE COPYRIGHT HOLDERS AND CONTRIBUTORS # "AS IS" AND ANY EXPRESS OR IMPLIED WARRANTIES, INCLUDING, BUT NOT # LIMITED TO, THE IMPLIED WARRANTIES OF MERCHANTABILITY AND FITNESS # FOR A PARTICULAR PURPOSE ARE DISCLAIMED. IN NO EVENT SHALL THE # COPYRIGHT OWNER OR CONTRIBUTORS BE LIABLE FOR ANY DIRECT, INDIRECT, # INCIDENTAL, SPECIAL, EXEMPLARY, OR CONSEQUENTIAL DAMAGES (INCLUDING, # BUT NOT LIMITED TO, PROCUREMENT OF SUBSTITUTE GOODS OR SERVICES; # LOSS OF USE, DATA, OR PROFITS; OR BUSINESS INTERRUPTION) HOWEVER # CAUSED AND ON ANY THEORY OF LIABILITY, WHETHER IN CONTRACT, STRICT # LIABILITY, OR TORT (INCLUDING NEGLIGENCE OR OTHERWISE) ARISING IN # ANY WAY OUT OF THE USE OF THIS SOFTWARE, EVEN IF ADVISED OF THE # POSSIBILITY OF SUCH DAMAGE. import os import genmsg.msg_loader import genmsg # pkg_name - string # msg_file - string full path # search_paths - dict of {'pkg':'msg_dir'} def find_msg_dependencies_with_type(pkg_name, msg_file, search_paths): # Read and parse the source msg file msg_context = genmsg.msg_loader.MsgContext.create_default() full_type_name = genmsg.gentools.compute_full_type_name(pkg_name, os.path.basename(msg_file)) spec = genmsg.msg_loader.load_msg_from_file(msg_context, msg_file, full_type_name) try: genmsg.msg_loader.load_depends(msg_context, spec, search_paths) except genmsg.InvalidMsgSpec as e: raise genmsg.MsgGenerationException("Cannot read .msg for %s: %s"%(full_type_name, str(e))) deps = set() for dep_type_name in msg_context.get_all_depends(full_type_name): deps.add((dep_type_name, msg_context.get_file(dep_type_name))) return list(deps) def find_msg_dependencies(pkg_name, msg_file, search_paths): deps = find_msg_dependencies_with_type(pkg_name, msg_file, search_paths) return [d[1] for d in deps] def find_srv_dependencies_with_type(pkg_name, msg_file, search_paths): # Read and parse the source msg file msg_context = genmsg.msg_loader.MsgContext.create_default() full_type_name = genmsg.gentools.compute_full_type_name(pkg_name, os.path.basename(msg_file)) spec = genmsg.msg_loader.load_srv_from_file(msg_context, msg_file, full_type_name) try: genmsg.msg_loader.load_depends(msg_context, spec, search_paths) except genmsg.InvalidMsgSpec as e: raise genmsg.MsgGenerationException("Cannot read .msg for %s: %s"%(full_type_name, str(e))) deps = set() for dep_type_name in msg_context.get_all_depends(spec.request.full_name): deps.add((dep_type_name, msg_context.get_file(dep_type_name))) for dep_type_name in msg_context.get_all_depends(spec.response.full_name): deps.add((dep_type_name, msg_context.get_file(dep_type_name))) return list(deps) def find_srv_dependencies(pkg_name, msg_file, search_paths): deps = find_srv_dependencies_with_type(pkg_name, msg_file, search_paths) return [d[1] for d in deps] #paths = {'std_msgs':'/u/mkjargaard/repositories/mkjargaard/dist-sandbox/std_msgs/msg'} #file = '/u/mkjargaard/repositories/mkjargaard/dist-sandbox/quux_msgs/msg/QuuxString.msg' #find_msg_dependencies('quux_msgs', file, paths) #An example for the Kaplan-Meier estimator from __future__ import print_function from statsmodels.compat.python import lrange import statsmodels.api as sm import matplotlib.pyplot as plt import numpy as np from statsmodels.sandbox.survival2 import KaplanMeier #Getting the strike data as an array dta = sm.datasets.strikes.load() print('basic data') print('\n') dta = list(dta.values()[-1]) print(dta[lrange(5),:]) print('\n') #Create the KaplanMeier object and fit the model km = KaplanMeier(dta,0) km.fit() #show the results km.plot() print('basic model') print('\n') km.summary() print('\n') #Mutiple survival curves km2 = KaplanMeier(dta,0,exog=1) km2.fit() print('more than one curve') print('\n') km2.summary() print('\n') km2.plot() #with censoring censoring = np.ones_like(dta[:,0]) censoring[dta[:,0] > 80] = 0 dta = np.c_[dta,censoring] print('with censoring') print('\n') print(dta[lrange(5),:]) print('\n') km3 = KaplanMeier(dta,0,exog=1,censoring=2) km3.fit() km3.summary() print('\n') km3.plot() #Test for difference of survival curves log_rank = km3.test_diff([0.0645,-0.03957]) print('log rank test') print('\n') print(log_rank) print('\n') #The zeroth element of log_rank is the chi-square test statistic #for the difference between the survival curves for exog = 0.0645 #and exog = -0.03957, the index one element is the degrees of freedom for #the test, and the index two element is the p-value for the test wilcoxon = km3.test_diff([0.0645,-0.03957], rho=1) print('Wilcoxon') print('\n') print(wilcoxon) print('\n') #Same info as log_rank, but for Peto and Peto modification to the #Gehan-Wilcoxon test #User specified functions for tests #A wider range of rates can be accessed by using the 'weight' parameter #for the test_diff method #For example, if the desire weights are S(t)*(1-S(t)), where S(t) is a pooled #estimate for the survival function, this could be computed by doing def weights(t): #must accept one arguement, even though it is not used here s = KaplanMeier(dta,0,censoring=2) s.fit() s = s.results[0][0] s = s * (1 - s) return s #KaplanMeier provides an array of times to the weighting function #internally, so the weighting function must accept one arguement test = km3.test_diff([0.0645,-0.03957], weight=weights) print('user specified weights') print('\n') print(test) print('\n') #Groups with nan names #These can be handled by passing the data to KaplanMeier as an array of strings groups = np.ones_like(dta[:,1]) groups = groups.astype('S4') groups[dta[:,1] > 0] = 'high' groups[dta[:,1] <= 0] = 'low' dta = dta.astype('S4') dta[:,1] = groups print('with nan group names') print('\n') print(dta[lrange(5),:]) print('\n') km4 = KaplanMeier(dta,0,exog=1,censoring=2) km4.fit() km4.summary() print('\n') km4.plot() #show all the plots plt.show() # Copyright (C) 2010-2011 Richard Lincoln # # Permission is hereby granted, free of charge, to any person obtaining a copy # of this software and associated documentation files (the "Software"), to # deal in the Software without restriction, including without limitation the # rights to use, copy, modify, merge, publish, distribute, sublicense, and/or # sell copies of the Software, and to permit persons to whom the Software is # furnished to do so, subject to the following conditions: # # The above copyright notice and this permission notice shall be included in # all copies or substantial portions of the Software. # # THE SOFTWARE IS PROVIDED "AS IS", WITHOUT WARRANTY OF ANY KIND, EXPRESS OR # IMPLIED, INCLUDING BUT NOT LIMITED TO THE WARRANTIES OF MERCHANTABILITY, # FITNESS FOR A PARTICULAR PURPOSE AND NONINFRINGEMENT. IN NO EVENT SHALL THE # AUTHORS OR COPYRIGHT HOLDERS BE LIABLE FOR ANY CLAIM, DAMAGES OR OTHER # LIABILITY, WHETHER IN AN ACTION OF CONTRACT, TORT OR OTHERWISE, ARISING # FROM, OUT OF OR IN CONNECTION WITH THE SOFTWARE OR THE USE OR OTHER DEALINGS # IN THE SOFTWARE. """This package contains the information classes that extend IEC61970::Wires package with power system resources required for distribution network modelling, including unbalanced networks. """ from CIM14.CDPSM.Unbalanced.IEC61968.WiresExt.DistributionTransformerWinding import DistributionTransformerWinding from CIM14.CDPSM.Unbalanced.IEC61968.WiresExt.DistributionLineSegment import DistributionLineSegment from CIM14.CDPSM.Unbalanced.IEC61968.WiresExt.WindingPiImpedance import WindingPiImpedance from CIM14.CDPSM.Unbalanced.IEC61968.WiresExt.DistributionTapChanger import DistributionTapChanger from CIM14.CDPSM.Unbalanced.IEC61968.WiresExt.PerLengthSequenceImpedance import PerLengthSequenceImpedance from CIM14.CDPSM.Unbalanced.IEC61968.WiresExt.TransformerBank import TransformerBank from CIM14.CDPSM.Unbalanced.IEC61968.WiresExt.PerLengthPhaseImpedance import PerLengthPhaseImpedance from CIM14.CDPSM.Unbalanced.IEC61968.WiresExt.DistributionTransformer import DistributionTransformer from CIM14.CDPSM.Unbalanced.IEC61968.WiresExt.PhaseImpedanceData import PhaseImpedanceData nsURI = "http://iec.ch/TC57/2009/CIM-schema-cim14?profile=http://iec.ch/TC57/2007/profile#WiresExt" nsPrefix = "cimWiresExt" # automatically generated by the FlatBuffers compiler, do not modify # namespace: proto import flatbuffers class SubscriberReceived(object): __slots__ = ['_tab'] @classmethod def GetRootAsSubscriberReceived(cls, buf, offset): n = flatbuffers.encode.Get(flatbuffers.packer.uoffset, buf, offset) x = SubscriberReceived() x.Init(buf, n + offset) return x # SubscriberReceived def Init(self, buf, pos): self._tab = flatbuffers.table.Table(buf, pos) # SubscriberReceived def Publication(self): o = flatbuffers.number_types.UOffsetTFlags.py_type(self._tab.Offset(4)) if o != 0: return self._tab.Get(flatbuffers.number_types.Uint64Flags, o + self._tab.Pos) return 0 # SubscriberReceived def Subscriber(self): o = flatbuffers.number_types.UOffsetTFlags.py_type(self._tab.Offset(6)) if o != 0: return self._tab.Get(flatbuffers.number_types.Uint64Flags, o + self._tab.Pos) return 0 # SubscriberReceived def SubscriberAuthid(self): o = flatbuffers.number_types.UOffsetTFlags.py_type(self._tab.Offset(8)) if o != 0: return self._tab.String(o + self._tab.Pos) return None # SubscriberReceived def SubscriberAuthrole(self): o = flatbuffers.number_types.UOffsetTFlags.py_type(self._tab.Offset(10)) if o != 0: return self._tab.String(o + self._tab.Pos) return None # SubscriberReceived def Payload(self, j): o = flatbuffers.number_types.UOffsetTFlags.py_type(self._tab.Offset(12)) if o != 0: a = self._tab.Vector(o) return self._tab.Get(flatbuffers.number_types.Uint8Flags, a + flatbuffers.number_types.UOffsetTFlags.py_type(j * 1)) return 0 # SubscriberReceived def PayloadAsNumpy(self): o = flatbuffers.number_types.UOffsetTFlags.py_type(self._tab.Offset(12)) if o != 0: return self._tab.GetVectorAsNumpy(flatbuffers.number_types.Uint8Flags, o) return 0 # SubscriberReceived def PayloadLength(self): o = flatbuffers.number_types.UOffsetTFlags.py_type(self._tab.Offset(12)) if o != 0: return self._tab.VectorLen(o) return 0 # SubscriberReceived def EncAlgo(self): o = flatbuffers.number_types.UOffsetTFlags.py_type(self._tab.Offset(14)) if o != 0: return self._tab.Get(flatbuffers.number_types.Uint8Flags, o + self._tab.Pos) return 0 # SubscriberReceived def EncSerializer(self): o = flatbuffers.number_types.UOffsetTFlags.py_type(self._tab.Offset(16)) if o != 0: return self._tab.Get(flatbuffers.number_types.Uint8Flags, o + self._tab.Pos) return 0 # SubscriberReceived def EncKey(self, j): o = flatbuffers.number_types.UOffsetTFlags.py_type(self._tab.Offset(18)) if o != 0: a = self._tab.Vector(o) return self._tab.Get(flatbuffers.number_types.Uint8Flags, a + flatbuffers.number_types.UOffsetTFlags.py_type(j * 1)) return 0 # SubscriberReceived def EncKeyAsNumpy(self): o = flatbuffers.number_types.UOffsetTFlags.py_type(self._tab.Offset(18)) if o != 0: return self._tab.GetVectorAsNumpy(flatbuffers.number_types.Uint8Flags, o) return 0 # SubscriberReceived def EncKeyLength(self): o = flatbuffers.number_types.UOffsetTFlags.py_type(self._tab.Offset(18)) if o != 0: return self._tab.VectorLen(o) return 0 def SubscriberReceivedStart(builder): builder.StartObject(8) def SubscriberReceivedAddPublication(builder, publication): builder.PrependUint64Slot(0, publication, 0) def SubscriberReceivedAddSubscriber(builder, subscriber): builder.PrependUint64Slot(1, subscriber, 0) def SubscriberReceivedAddSubscriberAuthid(builder, subscriberAuthid): builder.PrependUOffsetTRelativeSlot(2, flatbuffers.number_types.UOffsetTFlags.py_type(subscriberAuthid), 0) def SubscriberReceivedAddSubscriberAuthrole(builder, subscriberAuthrole): builder.PrependUOffsetTRelativeSlot(3, flatbuffers.number_types.UOffsetTFlags.py_type(subscriberAuthrole), 0) def SubscriberReceivedAddPayload(builder, payload): builder.PrependUOffsetTRelativeSlot(4, flatbuffers.number_types.UOffsetTFlags.py_type(payload), 0) def SubscriberReceivedStartPayloadVector(builder, numElems): return builder.StartVector(1, numElems, 1) def SubscriberReceivedAddEncAlgo(builder, encAlgo): builder.PrependUint8Slot(5, encAlgo, 0) def SubscriberReceivedAddEncSerializer(builder, encSerializer): builder.PrependUint8Slot(6, encSerializer, 0) def SubscriberReceivedAddEncKey(builder, encKey): builder.PrependUOffsetTRelativeSlot(7, flatbuffers.number_types.UOffsetTFlags.py_type(encKey), 0) def SubscriberReceivedStartEncKeyVector(builder, numElems): return builder.StartVector(1, numElems, 1) def SubscriberReceivedEnd(builder): return builder.EndObject() # -*- coding: utf-8 -*- ############################################################################## # # OpenERP, Open Source Management Solution # Copyright (C) 2004-2010 Tiny SPRL (). # # This program is free software: you can redistribute it and/or modify # it under the terms of the GNU Affero General Public License as # published by the Free Software Foundation, either version 3 of the # License, or (at your option) any later version. # # This program is distributed in the hope that it will be useful, # but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of # MERCHANTABILITY or FITNESS FOR A PARTICULAR PURPOSE. See the # GNU Affero General Public License for more details. # # You should have received a copy of the GNU Affero General Public License # along with this program. If not, see . # ############################################################################## from openerp import tools from openerp.osv import fields,osv class timesheet_report(osv.osv): _name = "timesheet.report" _description = "Timesheet" _auto = False _columns = { 'year': fields.char('Year',size=64,required=False, readonly=True), 'month':fields.selection([('01','January'), ('02','February'), ('03','March'), ('04','April'), ('05','May'), ('06','June'), ('07','July'), ('08','August'), ('09','September'), ('10','October'), ('11','November'), ('12','December')], 'Month',readonly=True), 'day': fields.char('Day', size=128, readonly=True), 'date': fields.date('Date', readonly=True), 'name': fields.char('Description', size=64,readonly=True), 'product_id' : fields.many2one('product.product', 'Product'), 'general_account_id' : fields.many2one('account.account', 'General Account', readonly=True), 'user_id': fields.many2one('res.users', 'User',readonly=True), 'to_invoice': fields.many2one('hr_timesheet_invoice.factor', 'Type of Invoicing',readonly=True), 'account_id': fields.many2one('account.analytic.account', 'Analytic Account',readonly=True), 'nbr': fields.integer('#Nbr',readonly=True), 'total_diff': fields.float('#Total Diff',readonly=True), 'total_timesheet': fields.float('#Total Timesheet',readonly=True), 'total_attendance': fields.float('#Total Attendance',readonly=True), 'company_id': fields.many2one('res.company', 'Company',readonly=True), 'department_id':fields.many2one('hr.department','Department',readonly=True), 'date_from': fields.date('Date from',readonly=True,), 'date_to': fields.date('Date to',readonly=True), 'date_current': fields.date('Current date', required=True), 'state' : fields.selection([ ('new', 'New'), ('draft','Draft'), ('confirm','Confirmed'), ('done','Done')], 'Status', readonly=True), 'quantity': fields.float('Time',readonly=True), 'cost': fields.float('#Cost',readonly=True), } def init(self, cr): tools.drop_view_if_exists(cr, 'timesheet_report') cr.execute(""" create or replace view timesheet_report as ( select min(aal.id) as id, htss.name, aal.date as date, htss.date_from, htss.date_to, to_char(htss.date_from, 'YYYY-MM-DD') as day, to_char(htss.date_from, 'YYYY') as year, to_char(htss.date_from, 'MM') as month, count(*) as nbr, aal.unit_amount as quantity, aal.amount as cost, aal.account_id, aal.product_id, (SELECT sum(day.total_difference) FROM hr_timesheet_sheet_sheet AS sheet LEFT JOIN hr_timesheet_sheet_sheet_day AS day ON (sheet.id = day.sheet_id) where sheet.id=htss.id) as total_diff, (SELECT sum(day.total_timesheet) FROM hr_timesheet_sheet_sheet AS sheet LEFT JOIN hr_timesheet_sheet_sheet_day AS day ON (sheet.id = day.sheet_id) where sheet.id=htss.id) as total_timesheet, (SELECT sum(day.total_attendance) FROM hr_timesheet_sheet_sheet AS sheet LEFT JOIN hr_timesheet_sheet_sheet_day AS day ON (sheet.id = day.sheet_id) where sheet.id=htss.id) as total_attendance, aal.to_invoice, aal.general_account_id, htss.user_id, htss.company_id, htss.department_id, htss.state from account_analytic_line as aal left join hr_analytic_timesheet as hat ON (hat.line_id=aal.id) left join hr_timesheet_sheet_sheet as htss ON (hat.sheet_id=htss.id) group by aal.account_id, aal.date, htss.date_from, htss.date_to, aal.unit_amount, aal.amount, aal.to_invoice, aal.product_id, aal.general_account_id, htss.name, htss.company_id, htss.state, htss.id, htss.department_id, htss.user_id ) """) timesheet_report() # vim:expandtab:smartindent:tabstop=4:softtabstop=4:shiftwidth=4: import os import sys import tempfile import operator import functools import itertools import re import contextlib import pickle import textwrap from setuptools.extern import six from setuptools.extern.six.moves import builtins, map import pkg_resources if sys.platform.startswith('java'): import org.python.modules.posix.PosixModule as _os else: _os = sys.modules[os.name] try: _file = file except NameError: _file = None _open = open from distutils.errors import DistutilsError from pkg_resources import working_set __all__ = [ "AbstractSandbox", "DirectorySandbox", "SandboxViolation", "run_setup", ] def _execfile(filename, globals, locals=None): """ Python 3 implementation of execfile. """ mode = 'rb' with open(filename, mode) as stream: script = stream.read() # compile() function in Python 2.6 and 3.1 requires LF line endings. if sys.version_info[:2] < (2, 7) or sys.version_info[:2] >= (3, 0) and sys.version_info[:2] < (3, 2): script = script.replace(b'\r\n', b'\n') script = script.replace(b'\r', b'\n') if locals is None: locals = globals code = compile(script, filename, 'exec') exec(code, globals, locals) @contextlib.contextmanager def save_argv(repl=None): saved = sys.argv[:] if repl is not None: sys.argv[:] = repl try: yield saved finally: sys.argv[:] = saved @contextlib.contextmanager def save_path(): saved = sys.path[:] try: yield saved finally: sys.path[:] = saved @contextlib.contextmanager def override_temp(replacement): """ Monkey-patch tempfile.tempdir with replacement, ensuring it exists """ if not os.path.isdir(replacement): os.makedirs(replacement) saved = tempfile.tempdir tempfile.tempdir = replacement try: yield finally: tempfile.tempdir = saved @contextlib.contextmanager def pushd(target): saved = os.getcwd() os.chdir(target) try: yield saved finally: os.chdir(saved) class UnpickleableException(Exception): """ An exception representing another Exception that could not be pickled. """ @staticmethod def dump(type, exc): """ Always return a dumped (pickled) type and exc. If exc can't be pickled, wrap it in UnpickleableException first. """ try: return pickle.dumps(type), pickle.dumps(exc) except Exception: # get UnpickleableException inside the sandbox from setuptools.sandbox import UnpickleableException as cls return cls.dump(cls, cls(repr(exc))) class ExceptionSaver: """ A Context Manager that will save an exception, serialized, and restore it later. """ def __enter__(self): return self def __exit__(self, type, exc, tb): if not exc: return # dump the exception self._saved = UnpickleableException.dump(type, exc) self._tb = tb # suppress the exception return True def resume(self): "restore and re-raise any exception" if '_saved' not in vars(self): return type, exc = map(pickle.loads, self._saved) six.reraise(type, exc, self._tb) @contextlib.contextmanager def save_modules(): """ Context in which imported modules are saved. Translates exceptions internal to the context into the equivalent exception outside the context. """ saved = sys.modules.copy() with ExceptionSaver() as saved_exc: yield saved sys.modules.update(saved) # remove any modules imported since del_modules = ( mod_name for mod_name in sys.modules if mod_name not in saved # exclude any encodings modules. See #285 and not mod_name.startswith('encodings.') ) _clear_modules(del_modules) saved_exc.resume() def _clear_modules(module_names): for mod_name in list(module_names): del sys.modules[mod_name] @contextlib.contextmanager def save_pkg_resources_state(): saved = pkg_resources.__getstate__() try: yield saved finally: pkg_resources.__setstate__(saved) @contextlib.contextmanager def setup_context(setup_dir): temp_dir = os.path.join(setup_dir, 'temp') with save_pkg_resources_state(): with save_modules(): hide_setuptools() with save_path(): with save_argv(): with override_temp(temp_dir): with pushd(setup_dir): # ensure setuptools commands are available __import__('setuptools') yield def _needs_hiding(mod_name): """ >>> _needs_hiding('setuptools') True >>> _needs_hiding('pkg_resources') True >>> _needs_hiding('setuptools_plugin') False >>> _needs_hiding('setuptools.__init__') True >>> _needs_hiding('distutils') True >>> _needs_hiding('os') False >>> _needs_hiding('Cython') True """ pattern = re.compile(r'(setuptools|pkg_resources|distutils|Cython)(\.|$)') return bool(pattern.match(mod_name)) def hide_setuptools(): """ Remove references to setuptools' modules from sys.modules to allow the invocation to import the most appropriate setuptools. This technique is necessary to avoid issues such as #315 where setuptools upgrading itself would fail to find a function declared in the metadata. """ modules = filter(_needs_hiding, sys.modules) _clear_modules(modules) def run_setup(setup_script, args): """Run a distutils setup script, sandboxed in its directory""" setup_dir = os.path.abspath(os.path.dirname(setup_script)) with setup_context(setup_dir): try: sys.argv[:] = [setup_script] + list(args) sys.path.insert(0, setup_dir) # reset to include setup dir, w/clean callback list working_set.__init__() working_set.callbacks.append(lambda dist: dist.activate()) # __file__ should be a byte string on Python 2 (#712) dunder_file = ( setup_script if isinstance(setup_script, str) else setup_script.encode(sys.getfilesystemencoding()) ) with DirectorySandbox(setup_dir): ns = dict(__file__=dunder_file, __name__='__main__') _execfile(setup_script, ns) except SystemExit as v: if v.args and v.args[0]: raise # Normal exit, just return class AbstractSandbox: """Wrap 'os' module and 'open()' builtin for virtualizing setup scripts""" _active = False def __init__(self): self._attrs = [ name for name in dir(_os) if not name.startswith('_') and hasattr(self, name) ] def _copy(self, source): for name in self._attrs: setattr(os, name, getattr(source, name)) def __enter__(self): self._copy(self) if _file: builtins.file = self._file builtins.open = self._open self._active = True def __exit__(self, exc_type, exc_value, traceback): self._active = False if _file: builtins.file = _file builtins.open = _open self._copy(_os) def run(self, func): """Run 'func' under os sandboxing""" with self: return func() def _mk_dual_path_wrapper(name): original = getattr(_os, name) def wrap(self, src, dst, *args, **kw): if self._active: src, dst = self._remap_pair(name, src, dst, *args, **kw) return original(src, dst, *args, **kw) return wrap for name in ["rename", "link", "symlink"]: if hasattr(_os, name): locals()[name] = _mk_dual_path_wrapper(name) def _mk_single_path_wrapper(name, original=None): original = original or getattr(_os, name) def wrap(self, path, *args, **kw): if self._active: path = self._remap_input(name, path, *args, **kw) return original(path, *args, **kw) return wrap if _file: _file = _mk_single_path_wrapper('file', _file) _open = _mk_single_path_wrapper('open', _open) for name in [ "stat", "listdir", "chdir", "open", "chmod", "chown", "mkdir", "remove", "unlink", "rmdir", "utime", "lchown", "chroot", "lstat", "startfile", "mkfifo", "mknod", "pathconf", "access" ]: if hasattr(_os, name): locals()[name] = _mk_single_path_wrapper(name) def _mk_single_with_return(name): original = getattr(_os, name) def wrap(self, path, *args, **kw): if self._active: path = self._remap_input(name, path, *args, **kw) return self._remap_output(name, original(path, *args, **kw)) return original(path, *args, **kw) return wrap for name in ['readlink', 'tempnam']: if hasattr(_os, name): locals()[name] = _mk_single_with_return(name) def _mk_query(name): original = getattr(_os, name) def wrap(self, *args, **kw): retval = original(*args, **kw) if self._active: return self._remap_output(name, retval) return retval return wrap for name in ['getcwd', 'tmpnam']: if hasattr(_os, name): locals()[name] = _mk_query(name) def _validate_path(self, path): """Called to remap or validate any path, whether input or output""" return path def _remap_input(self, operation, path, *args, **kw): """Called for path inputs""" return self._validate_path(path) def _remap_output(self, operation, path): """Called for path outputs""" return self._validate_path(path) def _remap_pair(self, operation, src, dst, *args, **kw): """Called for path pairs like rename, link, and symlink operations""" return ( self._remap_input(operation + '-from', src, *args, **kw), self._remap_input(operation + '-to', dst, *args, **kw) ) if hasattr(os, 'devnull'): _EXCEPTIONS = [os.devnull,] else: _EXCEPTIONS = [] class DirectorySandbox(AbstractSandbox): """Restrict operations to a single subdirectory - pseudo-chroot""" write_ops = dict.fromkeys([ "open", "chmod", "chown", "mkdir", "remove", "unlink", "rmdir", "utime", "lchown", "chroot", "mkfifo", "mknod", "tempnam", ]) _exception_patterns = [ # Allow lib2to3 to attempt to save a pickled grammar object (#121) r'.*lib2to3.*\.pickle$', ] "exempt writing to paths that match the pattern" def __init__(self, sandbox, exceptions=_EXCEPTIONS): self._sandbox = os.path.normcase(os.path.realpath(sandbox)) self._prefix = os.path.join(self._sandbox, '') self._exceptions = [ os.path.normcase(os.path.realpath(path)) for path in exceptions ] AbstractSandbox.__init__(self) def _violation(self, operation, *args, **kw): from setuptools.sandbox import SandboxViolation raise SandboxViolation(operation, args, kw) if _file: def _file(self, path, mode='r', *args, **kw): if mode not in ('r', 'rt', 'rb', 'rU', 'U') and not self._ok(path): self._violation("file", path, mode, *args, **kw) return _file(path, mode, *args, **kw) def _open(self, path, mode='r', *args, **kw): if mode not in ('r', 'rt', 'rb', 'rU', 'U') and not self._ok(path): self._violation("open", path, mode, *args, **kw) return _open(path, mode, *args, **kw) def tmpnam(self): self._violation("tmpnam") def _ok(self, path): active = self._active try: self._active = False realpath = os.path.normcase(os.path.realpath(path)) return ( self._exempted(realpath) or realpath == self._sandbox or realpath.startswith(self._prefix) ) finally: self._active = active def _exempted(self, filepath): start_matches = ( filepath.startswith(exception) for exception in self._exceptions ) pattern_matches = ( re.match(pattern, filepath) for pattern in self._exception_patterns ) candidates = itertools.chain(start_matches, pattern_matches) return any(candidates) def _remap_input(self, operation, path, *args, **kw): """Called for path inputs""" if operation in self.write_ops and not self._ok(path): self._violation(operation, os.path.realpath(path), *args, **kw) return path def _remap_pair(self, operation, src, dst, *args, **kw): """Called for path pairs like rename, link, and symlink operations""" if not self._ok(src) or not self._ok(dst): self._violation(operation, src, dst, *args, **kw) return (src, dst) def open(self, file, flags, mode=0o777, *args, **kw): """Called for low-level os.open()""" if flags & WRITE_FLAGS and not self._ok(file): self._violation("os.open", file, flags, mode, *args, **kw) return _os.open(file, flags, mode, *args, **kw) WRITE_FLAGS = functools.reduce( operator.or_, [getattr(_os, a, 0) for a in "O_WRONLY O_RDWR O_APPEND O_CREAT O_TRUNC O_TEMPORARY".split()] ) class SandboxViolation(DistutilsError): """A setup script attempted to modify the filesystem outside the sandbox""" tmpl = textwrap.dedent(""" SandboxViolation: {cmd}{args!r} {kwargs} The package setup script has attempted to modify files on your system that are not within the EasyInstall build area, and has been aborted. This package cannot be safely installed by EasyInstall, and may not support alternate installation locations even if you run its setup script by hand. Please inform the package's author and the EasyInstall maintainers to find out if a fix or workaround is available. """).lstrip() def __str__(self): cmd, args, kwargs = self.args return self.tmpl.format(**locals()) ######################## BEGIN LICENSE BLOCK ######################## # The Original Code is Mozilla Communicator client code. # # The Initial Developer of the Original Code is # Netscape Communications Corporation. # Portions created by the Initial Developer are Copyright (C) 1998 # the Initial Developer. All Rights Reserved. # # Contributor(s): # Mark Pilgrim - port to Python # # This library is free software; you can redistribute it and/or # modify it under the terms of the GNU Lesser General Public # License as published by the Free Software Foundation; either # version 2.1 of the License, or (at your option) any later version. # # This library is distributed in the hope that it will be useful, # but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of # MERCHANTABILITY or FITNESS FOR A PARTICULAR PURPOSE. See the GNU # Lesser General Public License for more details. # # You should have received a copy of the GNU Lesser General Public # License along with this library; if not, write to the Free Software # Foundation, Inc., 51 Franklin St, Fifth Floor, Boston, MA # 02110-1301 USA ######################### END LICENSE BLOCK ######################### from .mbcharsetprober import MultiByteCharSetProber from .codingstatemachine import CodingStateMachine from .chardistribution import Big5DistributionAnalysis from .mbcssm import Big5SMModel class Big5Prober(MultiByteCharSetProber): def __init__(self): MultiByteCharSetProber.__init__(self) self._mCodingSM = CodingStateMachine(Big5SMModel) self._mDistributionAnalyzer = Big5DistributionAnalysis() self.reset() def get_charset_name(self): return "Big5" # -*- coding: utf-8 -*- """ werkzeug.contrib.jsrouting ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ Addon module that allows to create a JavaScript function from a map that generates rules. :copyright: (c) 2011 by the Werkzeug Team, see AUTHORS for more details. :license: BSD, see LICENSE for more details. """ try: from simplejson import dumps except ImportError: try: from json import dumps except ImportError: def dumps(*args): raise RuntimeError('simplejson required for jsrouting') from inspect import getmro from werkzeug.routing import NumberConverter def render_template(name_parts, rules, converters): result = u'' if name_parts: for idx in xrange(0, len(name_parts) - 1): name = u'.'.join(name_parts[:idx + 1]) result += u"if (typeof %s === 'undefined') %s = {}\n" % (name, name) result += '%s = ' % '.'.join(name_parts) result += """(function (server_name, script_name, subdomain, url_scheme) { var converters = %(converters)s; var rules = $rules; function in_array(array, value) { if (array.indexOf != undefined) { return array.indexOf(value) != -1; } for (var i = 0; i < array.length; i++) { if (array[i] == value) { return true; } } return false; } function array_diff(array1, array2) { array1 = array1.slice(); for (var i = array1.length-1; i >= 0; i--) { if (in_array(array2, array1[i])) { array1.splice(i, 1); } } return array1; } function split_obj(obj) { var names = []; var values = []; for (var name in obj) { if (typeof(obj[name]) != 'function') { names.push(name); values.push(obj[name]); } } return {names: names, values: values, original: obj}; } function suitable(rule, args) { var default_args = split_obj(rule.defaults || {}); var diff_arg_names = array_diff(rule.arguments, default_args.names); for (var i = 0; i < diff_arg_names.length; i++) { if (!in_array(args.names, diff_arg_names[i])) { return false; } } if (array_diff(rule.arguments, args.names).length == 0) { if (rule.defaults == null) { return true; } for (var i = 0; i < default_args.names.length; i++) { var key = default_args.names[i]; var value = default_args.values[i]; if (value != args.original[key]) { return false; } } } return true; } function build(rule, args) { var tmp = []; var processed = rule.arguments.slice(); for (var i = 0; i < rule.trace.length; i++) { var part = rule.trace[i]; if (part.is_dynamic) { var converter = converters[rule.converters[part.data]]; var data = converter(args.original[part.data]); if (data == null) { return null; } tmp.push(data); processed.push(part.name); } else { tmp.push(part.data); } } tmp = tmp.join(''); var pipe = tmp.indexOf('|'); var subdomain = tmp.substring(0, pipe); var url = tmp.substring(pipe+1); var unprocessed = array_diff(args.names, processed); var first_query_var = true; for (var i = 0; i < unprocessed.length; i++) { if (first_query_var) { url += '?'; } else { url += '&'; } first_query_var = false; url += encodeURIComponent(unprocessed[i]); url += '='; url += encodeURIComponent(args.original[unprocessed[i]]); } return {subdomain: subdomain, path: url}; } function lstrip(s, c) { while (s && s.substring(0, 1) == c) { s = s.substring(1); } return s; } function rstrip(s, c) { while (s && s.substring(s.length-1, s.length) == c) { s = s.substring(0, s.length-1); } return s; } return function(endpoint, args, force_external) { args = split_obj(args); var rv = null; for (var i = 0; i < rules.length; i++) { var rule = rules[i]; if (rule.endpoint != endpoint) continue; if (suitable(rule, args)) { rv = build(rule, args); if (rv != null) { break; } } } if (rv == null) { return null; } if (!force_external && rv.subdomain == subdomain) { return rstrip(script_name, '/') + '/' + lstrip(rv.path, '/'); } else { return url_scheme + '://' + (rv.subdomain ? rv.subdomain + '.' : '') + server_name + rstrip(script_name, '/') + '/' + lstrip(rv.path, '/'); } }; })""" % {'converters': u', '.join(converters)} return result def generate_map(map, name='url_map'): """ Generates a JavaScript function containing the rules defined in this map, to be used with a MapAdapter's generate_javascript method. If you don't pass a name the returned JavaScript code is an expression that returns a function. Otherwise it's a standalone script that assigns the function with that name. Dotted names are resolved (so you an use a name like 'obj.url_for') In order to use JavaScript generation, simplejson must be installed. Note that using this feature will expose the rules defined in your map to users. If your rules contain sensitive information, don't use JavaScript generation! """ map.update() rules = [] converters = [] for rule in map.iter_rules(): trace = [{ 'is_dynamic': is_dynamic, 'data': data } for is_dynamic, data in rule._trace] rule_converters = {} for key, converter in rule._converters.iteritems(): js_func = js_to_url_function(converter) try: index = converters.index(js_func) except ValueError: converters.append(js_func) index = len(converters) - 1 rule_converters[key] = index rules.append({ u'endpoint': rule.endpoint, u'arguments': list(rule.arguments), u'converters': rule_converters, u'trace': trace, u'defaults': rule.defaults }) return render_template(name_parts=name and name.split('.') or [], rules=dumps(rules), converters=converters) def generate_adapter(adapter, name='url_for', map_name='url_map'): """Generates the url building function for a map.""" values = { u'server_name': dumps(adapter.server_name), u'script_name': dumps(adapter.script_name), u'subdomain': dumps(adapter.subdomain), u'url_scheme': dumps(adapter.url_scheme), u'name': name, u'map_name': map_name } return u'''\ var %(name)s = %(map_name)s( %(server_name)s, %(script_name)s, %(subdomain)s, %(url_scheme)s );''' % values def js_to_url_function(converter): """Get the JavaScript converter function from a rule.""" if hasattr(converter, 'js_to_url_function'): data = converter.js_to_url_function() else: for cls in getmro(type(converter)): if cls in js_to_url_functions: data = js_to_url_functions[cls](converter) break else: return 'encodeURIComponent' return '(function(value) { %s })' % data def NumberConverter_js_to_url(conv): if conv.fixed_digits: return u'''\ var result = value.toString(); while (result.length < %s) result = '0' + result; return result;''' % conv.fixed_digits return u'return value.toString();' js_to_url_functions = { NumberConverter: NumberConverter_js_to_url } import pygtk import gtk import pango import cairo import pangocairo import logging import math import utility from amirconfig import config class PrintReport: def __init__(self, content, cols_width, heading=None): # self.lines_per_page = 24 self.cell_margin = 4 self.line = 2 #the thinest possible width of lines. self.row_height = 2 * (config.contentfont + self.cell_margin) self.header_height = 0 self.heading_height = 35 self.operation = gtk.PrintOperation() settings = gtk.PrintSettings() paper_size = gtk.paper_size_new_from_ppd(config.paper_ppd, config.paper_name, config.paper_width, config.paper_height) self.page_setup = gtk.PageSetup() self.page_setup.set_paper_size(paper_size) self.page_setup.set_orientation(config.paper_orientation) # self.page_setup = gtk.print_run_page_setup_dialog(None, self.page_setup, settings) self.page_setup.set_top_margin(config.topmargin, gtk.UNIT_POINTS) self.page_setup.set_bottom_margin(config.botmargin, gtk.UNIT_POINTS) self.page_setup.set_right_margin(config.rightmargin, gtk.UNIT_POINTS) self.page_setup.set_left_margin(config.leftmargin, gtk.UNIT_POINTS) self.operation.set_default_page_setup(self.page_setup) self.operation.set_unit(gtk.UNIT_POINTS) self.content = content tablewidth = self.page_setup.get_page_width(gtk.UNIT_POINTS) tablewidth -= (len(cols_width) * (self.line + self.cell_margin)) + self.line + (config.rightmargin + config.leftmargin) self.cols_width = [] for percent in cols_width: self.cols_width.append(math.floor((percent * tablewidth) / 100)) # self.cols_width = cols_width self.heading = heading self.operation.connect("begin_print", self.beginPrint) self.operation.connect("draw-page", self.printPage) self.type = 0 self.title = "" self.fields = {} ##self.content = data def setHeader (self, title, fields): self.title = title self.fields = fields def beginPrint(self, operation, context): tableheight = self.page_setup.get_page_height(gtk.UNIT_POINTS) name_lineheight = 2 * config.namefont header_lineheight = 2 * config.headerfont tableheight -= (math.floor((len(self.fields) + 1) / 2) * header_lineheight) + (config.topmargin + config.botmargin) + self.heading_height + name_lineheight + (self.cell_margin * 2) self.lines_per_page = int(math.floor(tableheight / self.row_height)) #Subtract two lines that show "Sum of previous page" and "Sum" self.lines_per_page -= 2 pages = ((len(self.content) - 1) / self.lines_per_page ) + 1 operation.set_n_pages(pages) def doPrintJob(self, action): self.operation.run(action) def printPage(self, operation, context, page_nr): self.pangolayout = context.create_pango_layout() self.cairo_context = context.get_cairo_context() self.pangolayout.set_width(-1) self.pangocairo = pangocairo.CairoContext(self.cairo_context) self.formatHeader() getattr(self, self.drawfunction)(page_nr) #self.drawDailyNotebook(page_nr) def formatHeader(self): LINE_HEIGHT = 2 * (config.namefont) # MARGIN = self.page_margin # cwidth = context.get_width() cwidth = self.page_setup.get_page_width(gtk.UNIT_POINTS) logging.info("Paper width: " + str(cwidth)) cr = self.cairo_context fontsize = config.namefont fdesc = pango.FontDescription("Sans") fdesc.set_size(fontsize * pango.SCALE) self.pangolayout.set_font_description(fdesc) if self.title != "": self.pangolayout.set_text(self.title) (width, height) = self.pangolayout.get_size() self.pangolayout.set_alignment(pango.ALIGN_CENTER) cr.move_to ((cwidth - width / pango.SCALE) / 2, (LINE_HEIGHT - (height/ pango.SCALE))/2) self.pangocairo.show_layout(self.pangolayout) # cr.move_to((cwidth + width / pango.SCALE) / 2, LINE_HEIGHT + config.topmargin) # cr.line_to((cwidth - width / pango.SCALE) / 2, LINE_HEIGHT + config.topmargin) cr.move_to((cwidth + width / pango.SCALE) / 2, LINE_HEIGHT + self.cell_margin) cr.line_to((cwidth - width / pango.SCALE) / 2, LINE_HEIGHT + self.cell_margin) addh = LINE_HEIGHT + self.cell_margin LINE_HEIGHT = 2 * config.headerfont fontsize = config.headerfont fdesc.set_size(fontsize * pango.SCALE) self.pangolayout.set_font_description(fdesc) flag = 1 for k,v in self.fields.items(): self.pangolayout.set_text(k + ": " + v) (width, height) = self.pangolayout.get_size() self.pangolayout.set_alignment(pango.ALIGN_CENTER) if flag == 1: addh += LINE_HEIGHT cr.move_to (cwidth - (width / pango.SCALE) - config.rightmargin, addh - (height/ pango.SCALE)/2) flag = 0 else: cr.move_to ((width / pango.SCALE) + config.leftmargin, addh - (height/ pango.SCALE)/2) flag = 1 self.pangocairo.show_layout(self.pangolayout) cr.stroke() self.header_height = addh + 8 def drawDailyNotebook(self, page_nr): # RIGHT_EDGE = 570 #(table width + PAGE_MARGIN) RIGHT_EDGE = self.page_setup.get_page_width(gtk.UNIT_POINTS) - config.rightmargin HEADER_HEIGHT = self.header_height HEADING_HEIGHT = self.heading_height # PAGE_MARGIN = self.page_margin MARGIN = self.cell_margin TABLE_TOP = HEADER_HEIGHT + HEADING_HEIGHT + self.cell_margin ROW_HEIGHT = self.row_height LINE = self.line cr = self.cairo_context fontsize = config.contentfont fdesc = pango.FontDescription("Sans") fdesc.set_size(fontsize * pango.SCALE) self.pangolayout.set_font_description(fdesc) # #Table top line # cr.move_to(PAGE_MARGIN, TABLE_TOP) # cr.line_to(RIGHT_EDGE, TABLE_TOP) self.drawTableHeading() #Draw table data rindex = page_nr * self.lines_per_page offset = 0 right_txt = RIGHT_EDGE cr.move_to(right_txt, TABLE_TOP) cr.line_to(right_txt, TABLE_TOP + ROW_HEIGHT) self.pangolayout.set_text("----") (width, height) = self.pangolayout.get_size() self.pangolayout.set_alignment(pango.ALIGN_RIGHT) for i in range(0, 3): right_txt -= MARGIN + LINE cr.move_to (right_txt -(width / pango.SCALE), TABLE_TOP + (ROW_HEIGHT-(height / pango.SCALE))/2) self.pangocairo.show_layout(self.pangolayout) right_txt -= self.cols_width[i] cr.move_to(right_txt, TABLE_TOP) cr.line_to(right_txt, TABLE_TOP + ROW_HEIGHT) right_txt -= MARGIN + LINE fontsize -= 1 fdesc.set_size(fontsize * pango.SCALE) self.pangolayout.set_font_description(fdesc) self.pangolayout.set_text(_("Sum of previous page")) (width, height) = self.pangolayout.get_size() self.pangolayout.set_alignment(pango.ALIGN_RIGHT) cr.move_to (right_txt -(width / pango.SCALE), TABLE_TOP + (ROW_HEIGHT-(height / pango.SCALE))/2) self.pangocairo.show_layout(self.pangolayout) right_txt -= self.cols_width[3] cr.move_to(right_txt, TABLE_TOP) cr.line_to(right_txt, TABLE_TOP + ROW_HEIGHT) right_txt -= MARGIN + LINE fontsize = config.contentfont fdesc.set_size(fontsize * pango.SCALE) self.pangolayout.set_font_description(fdesc) if page_nr == 0: self.pangolayout.set_text(utility.showNumber(0)) self.debt_sum = 0 else: self.pangolayout.set_text(utility.showNumber(self.debt_sum)) (width, height) = self.pangolayout.get_size() self.pangolayout.set_alignment(pango.ALIGN_RIGHT) cr.move_to (right_txt -(width / pango.SCALE), TABLE_TOP + (ROW_HEIGHT-(height / pango.SCALE))/2) self.pangocairo.show_layout(self.pangolayout) right_txt -= self.cols_width[4] cr.move_to(right_txt, TABLE_TOP) cr.line_to(right_txt, TABLE_TOP + ROW_HEIGHT) right_txt -= MARGIN + LINE if page_nr == 0: self.pangolayout.set_text(utility.showNumber(0)) self.credit_sum = 0 else: self.pangolayout.set_text(utility.showNumber(self.credit_sum)) (width, height) = self.pangolayout.get_size() self.pangolayout.set_alignment(pango.ALIGN_RIGHT) cr.move_to (right_txt -(width / pango.SCALE), TABLE_TOP + (ROW_HEIGHT-(height / pango.SCALE))/2) self.pangocairo.show_layout(self.pangolayout) right_txt -= self.cols_width[5] cr.move_to(right_txt, TABLE_TOP) cr.line_to(right_txt, TABLE_TOP + ROW_HEIGHT) addh= ROW_HEIGHT + TABLE_TOP try: while (offset < self.lines_per_page): row = self.content[rindex + offset] cr.move_to(RIGHT_EDGE, addh) cr.line_to(RIGHT_EDGE, addh+ROW_HEIGHT) right_txt = RIGHT_EDGE dindex = 0 for data in row: right_txt -= MARGIN+LINE if dindex == 3: fontsize -= 1 fdesc.set_size(fontsize * pango.SCALE) self.pangolayout.set_font_description(fdesc) self.pangolayout.set_text(data) (width, height) = self.pangolayout.get_size() self.pangolayout.set_alignment(pango.ALIGN_RIGHT) cr.move_to (right_txt -(width / pango.SCALE), addh + (ROW_HEIGHT-(height / pango.SCALE))/2) self.pangocairo.show_layout(self.pangolayout) fontsize = config.contentfont fdesc.set_size(fontsize * pango.SCALE) self.pangolayout.set_font_description(fdesc) else: self.pangolayout.set_text(data) (width, height) = self.pangolayout.get_size() self.pangolayout.set_alignment(pango.ALIGN_RIGHT) cr.move_to (right_txt -(width / pango.SCALE), addh + (ROW_HEIGHT-(height / pango.SCALE))/2) self.pangocairo.show_layout(self.pangolayout) right_txt -= self.cols_width[dindex] cr.move_to(right_txt, addh) cr.line_to(right_txt, addh + ROW_HEIGHT) dindex += 1 self.debt_sum += int(row[4].replace(",", "")) self.credit_sum += int(row[5].replace(",", "")) addh += ROW_HEIGHT offset += 1 except IndexError: pass right_txt = RIGHT_EDGE cr.move_to(right_txt, addh) cr.line_to(right_txt, addh + ROW_HEIGHT) self.pangolayout.set_text("----") (width, height) = self.pangolayout.get_size() self.pangolayout.set_alignment(pango.ALIGN_RIGHT) for i in range(0, 3): right_txt -= MARGIN + LINE cr.move_to (right_txt -(width / pango.SCALE), addh + (ROW_HEIGHT-(height / pango.SCALE))/2) self.pangocairo.show_layout(self.pangolayout) right_txt -= self.cols_width[i] cr.move_to(right_txt, addh) cr.line_to(right_txt, addh + ROW_HEIGHT) right_txt -= MARGIN + LINE fontsize -= 1 fdesc.set_size(fontsize * pango.SCALE) self.pangolayout.set_font_description(fdesc) self.pangolayout.set_text(_("Sum")) (width, height) = self.pangolayout.get_size() self.pangolayout.set_alignment(pango.ALIGN_RIGHT) cr.move_to (right_txt -(width / pango.SCALE), addh + (ROW_HEIGHT-(height / pango.SCALE))/2) self.pangocairo.show_layout(self.pangolayout) right_txt -= self.cols_width[3] cr.move_to(right_txt, addh) cr.line_to(right_txt, addh + ROW_HEIGHT) right_txt -= MARGIN + LINE fontsize = config.contentfont fdesc.set_size(fontsize * pango.SCALE) self.pangolayout.set_font_description(fdesc) self.pangolayout.set_text(utility.showNumber(self.debt_sum)) (width, height) = self.pangolayout.get_size() self.pangolayout.set_alignment(pango.ALIGN_RIGHT) cr.move_to (right_txt -(width / pango.SCALE), addh + (ROW_HEIGHT-(height / pango.SCALE))/2) self.pangocairo.show_layout(self.pangolayout) right_txt -= self.cols_width[4] cr.move_to(right_txt, addh) cr.line_to(right_txt, addh + ROW_HEIGHT) right_txt -= MARGIN + LINE self.pangolayout.set_text(utility.showNumber(self.credit_sum)) (width, height) = self.pangolayout.get_size() self.pangolayout.set_alignment(pango.ALIGN_RIGHT) cr.move_to (right_txt -(width / pango.SCALE), addh + (ROW_HEIGHT-(height / pango.SCALE))/2) self.pangocairo.show_layout(self.pangolayout) right_txt -= self.cols_width[5] cr.move_to(right_txt, addh) cr.line_to(right_txt, addh + ROW_HEIGHT) #Table top line cr.move_to(right_txt, TABLE_TOP) cr.line_to(RIGHT_EDGE, TABLE_TOP) #Table bottom line cr.move_to(right_txt, addh + ROW_HEIGHT) cr.line_to(RIGHT_EDGE, addh + ROW_HEIGHT) cr.stroke() def drawSubjectNotebook(self, page_nr): # RIGHT_EDGE = 570 #(table width + PAGE_MARGIN) RIGHT_EDGE = self.page_setup.get_page_width(gtk.UNIT_POINTS) - config.rightmargin HEADER_HEIGHT = self.header_height HEADING_HEIGHT = self.heading_height # PAGE_MARGIN = self.page_margin MARGIN = self.cell_margin TABLE_TOP = HEADER_HEIGHT + HEADING_HEIGHT + self.cell_margin ROW_HEIGHT = self.row_height LINE = self.line cr = self.cairo_context fontsize = config.contentfont fdesc = pango.FontDescription("Sans") fdesc.set_size(fontsize * pango.SCALE) self.pangolayout.set_font_description(fdesc) # #Table top line # cr.move_to(PAGE_MARGIN, TABLE_TOP) # cr.line_to(RIGHT_EDGE, TABLE_TOP) self.drawTableHeading() #Draw table data rindex = page_nr * self.lines_per_page offset = 0 right_txt = RIGHT_EDGE cr.move_to(right_txt, TABLE_TOP) cr.line_to(right_txt, TABLE_TOP + ROW_HEIGHT) self.pangolayout.set_text("----") (width, height) = self.pangolayout.get_size() self.pangolayout.set_alignment(pango.ALIGN_RIGHT) for i in range(0, 2): right_txt -= MARGIN + LINE cr.move_to (right_txt -(width / pango.SCALE), TABLE_TOP + (ROW_HEIGHT-(height / pango.SCALE))/2) self.pangocairo.show_layout(self.pangolayout) right_txt -= self.cols_width[i] cr.move_to(right_txt, TABLE_TOP) cr.line_to(right_txt, TABLE_TOP + ROW_HEIGHT) right_txt -= MARGIN + LINE fontsize -= 1 fdesc.set_size(fontsize * pango.SCALE) self.pangolayout.set_font_description(fdesc) self.pangolayout.set_text(_("Sum of previous page")) (width, height) = self.pangolayout.get_size() self.pangolayout.set_alignment(pango.ALIGN_RIGHT) cr.move_to (right_txt -(width / pango.SCALE), TABLE_TOP + (ROW_HEIGHT-(height / pango.SCALE))/2) self.pangocairo.show_layout(self.pangolayout) right_txt -= self.cols_width[2] cr.move_to(right_txt, TABLE_TOP) cr.line_to(right_txt, TABLE_TOP + ROW_HEIGHT) right_txt -= MARGIN + LINE fontsize = config.contentfont fdesc.set_size(fontsize * pango.SCALE) self.pangolayout.set_font_description(fdesc) if page_nr == 0: self.pangolayout.set_text(utility.showNumber(0)) self.debt_sum = 0 else: self.pangolayout.set_text(utility.showNumber(self.debt_sum)) (width, height) = self.pangolayout.get_size() self.pangolayout.set_alignment(pango.ALIGN_RIGHT) cr.move_to (right_txt -(width / pango.SCALE), TABLE_TOP + (ROW_HEIGHT-(height / pango.SCALE))/2) self.pangocairo.show_layout(self.pangolayout) right_txt -= self.cols_width[3] cr.move_to(right_txt, TABLE_TOP) cr.line_to(right_txt, TABLE_TOP + ROW_HEIGHT) right_txt -= MARGIN + LINE if page_nr == 0: self.pangolayout.set_text(utility.showNumber(0)) self.credit_sum = 0 else: self.pangolayout.set_text(utility.showNumber(self.credit_sum)) (width, height) = self.pangolayout.get_size() self.pangolayout.set_alignment(pango.ALIGN_RIGHT) cr.move_to (right_txt -(width / pango.SCALE), TABLE_TOP + (ROW_HEIGHT-(height / pango.SCALE))/2) self.pangocairo.show_layout(self.pangolayout) right_txt -= self.cols_width[4] cr.move_to(right_txt, TABLE_TOP) cr.line_to(right_txt, TABLE_TOP + ROW_HEIGHT) if page_nr == 0: remaining = int(self.content[0][3].replace(",", "")) - int(self.content[0][4].replace(",", "")) if self.content[0][5] == _("deb"): remaining -= int(self.content[0][6].replace(",", "")) else: remaining += int(self.content[0][6].replace(",", "")) if remaining < 0: self.diagnose = _("deb") self.remaining = utility.showNumber(-(remaining)) else: if remaining == 0: self.diagnose = _("equ") else: self.diagnose = _("cre") self.remaining = utility.showNumber(remaining) right_txt -= MARGIN + LINE self.pangolayout.set_text(self.diagnose) (width, height) = self.pangolayout.get_size() self.pangolayout.set_alignment(pango.ALIGN_RIGHT) cr.move_to (right_txt -(width / pango.SCALE), TABLE_TOP + (ROW_HEIGHT-(height / pango.SCALE))/2) self.pangocairo.show_layout(self.pangolayout) right_txt -= self.cols_width[5] cr.move_to(right_txt, TABLE_TOP) cr.line_to(right_txt, TABLE_TOP + ROW_HEIGHT) right_txt -= MARGIN + LINE self.pangolayout.set_text(self.remaining) (width, height) = self.pangolayout.get_size() self.pangolayout.set_alignment(pango.ALIGN_RIGHT) cr.move_to (right_txt -(width / pango.SCALE), TABLE_TOP + (ROW_HEIGHT-(height / pango.SCALE))/2) self.pangocairo.show_layout(self.pangolayout) right_txt -= self.cols_width[6] cr.move_to(right_txt, TABLE_TOP) cr.line_to(right_txt, TABLE_TOP + ROW_HEIGHT) addh= ROW_HEIGHT + TABLE_TOP try: while (offset < self.lines_per_page): row = self.content[rindex + offset] cr.move_to(RIGHT_EDGE, addh) cr.line_to(RIGHT_EDGE, addh+ROW_HEIGHT) right_txt = RIGHT_EDGE dindex = 0 for data in row: right_txt -= MARGIN+LINE if dindex == 2: fontsize -= 1 fdesc.set_size(fontsize * pango.SCALE) self.pangolayout.set_font_description(fdesc) self.pangolayout.set_text(data) (width, height) = self.pangolayout.get_size() self.pangolayout.set_alignment(pango.ALIGN_RIGHT) cr.move_to (right_txt -(width / pango.SCALE), addh + (ROW_HEIGHT-(height / pango.SCALE))/2) self.pangocairo.show_layout(self.pangolayout) fontsize = config.contentfont fdesc.set_size(fontsize * pango.SCALE) self.pangolayout.set_font_description(fdesc) else: self.pangolayout.set_text(data) (width, height) = self.pangolayout.get_size() self.pangolayout.set_alignment(pango.ALIGN_RIGHT) cr.move_to (right_txt -(width / pango.SCALE), addh + (ROW_HEIGHT-(height / pango.SCALE))/2) self.pangocairo.show_layout(self.pangolayout) right_txt -= self.cols_width[dindex] cr.move_to(right_txt, addh) cr.line_to(right_txt, addh + ROW_HEIGHT) dindex += 1 self.debt_sum += int(row[3].replace(",", "")) self.credit_sum += int(row[4].replace(",", "")) addh += ROW_HEIGHT offset += 1 except IndexError: pass self.diagnose = self.content[rindex + offset - 1][5] self.remaining = self.content[rindex + offset - 1][6] right_txt = RIGHT_EDGE cr.move_to(right_txt, addh) cr.line_to(right_txt, addh + ROW_HEIGHT) self.pangolayout.set_text("----") (width, height) = self.pangolayout.get_size() self.pangolayout.set_alignment(pango.ALIGN_RIGHT) for i in range(0, 2): right_txt -= MARGIN + LINE cr.move_to (right_txt -(width / pango.SCALE), addh + (ROW_HEIGHT-(height / pango.SCALE))/2) self.pangocairo.show_layout(self.pangolayout) right_txt -= self.cols_width[i] cr.move_to(right_txt, addh) cr.line_to(right_txt, addh + ROW_HEIGHT) right_txt -= MARGIN + LINE fontsize -= 1 fdesc.set_size(fontsize * pango.SCALE) self.pangolayout.set_font_description(fdesc) self.pangolayout.set_text(_("Sum")) (width, height) = self.pangolayout.get_size() self.pangolayout.set_alignment(pango.ALIGN_RIGHT) cr.move_to (right_txt -(width / pango.SCALE), addh + (ROW_HEIGHT-(height / pango.SCALE))/2) self.pangocairo.show_layout(self.pangolayout) right_txt -= self.cols_width[2] cr.move_to(right_txt, addh) cr.line_to(right_txt, addh + ROW_HEIGHT) right_txt -= MARGIN + LINE fontsize = config.contentfont fdesc.set_size(fontsize * pango.SCALE) self.pangolayout.set_font_description(fdesc) self.pangolayout.set_text(utility.showNumber(self.debt_sum)) (width, height) = self.pangolayout.get_size() self.pangolayout.set_alignment(pango.ALIGN_RIGHT) cr.move_to (right_txt -(width / pango.SCALE), addh + (ROW_HEIGHT-(height / pango.SCALE))/2) self.pangocairo.show_layout(self.pangolayout) right_txt -= self.cols_width[3] cr.move_to(right_txt, addh) cr.line_to(right_txt, addh + ROW_HEIGHT) right_txt -= MARGIN + LINE self.pangolayout.set_text(utility.showNumber(self.credit_sum)) (width, height) = self.pangolayout.get_size() self.pangolayout.set_alignment(pango.ALIGN_RIGHT) cr.move_to (right_txt -(width / pango.SCALE), addh + (ROW_HEIGHT-(height / pango.SCALE))/2) self.pangocairo.show_layout(self.pangolayout) right_txt -= self.cols_width[4] cr.move_to(right_txt, addh) cr.line_to(right_txt, addh + ROW_HEIGHT) right_txt -= MARGIN + LINE self.pangolayout.set_text(self.diagnose) (width, height) = self.pangolayout.get_size() self.pangolayout.set_alignment(pango.ALIGN_RIGHT) cr.move_to (right_txt -(width / pango.SCALE), addh + (ROW_HEIGHT-(height / pango.SCALE))/2) self.pangocairo.show_layout(self.pangolayout) right_txt -= self.cols_width[5] cr.move_to(right_txt, addh) cr.line_to(right_txt, addh + ROW_HEIGHT) right_txt -= MARGIN + LINE self.pangolayout.set_text(self.remaining) (width, height) = self.pangolayout.get_size() self.pangolayout.set_alignment(pango.ALIGN_RIGHT) cr.move_to (right_txt -(width / pango.SCALE), addh + (ROW_HEIGHT-(height / pango.SCALE))/2) self.pangocairo.show_layout(self.pangolayout) right_txt -= self.cols_width[6] cr.move_to(right_txt, addh) cr.line_to(right_txt, addh + ROW_HEIGHT) #Table top line cr.move_to(right_txt, TABLE_TOP) cr.line_to(RIGHT_EDGE, TABLE_TOP) #Table bottom line # cr.move_to(self.page_margin, addh + ROW_HEIGHT) cr.move_to(right_txt, addh + ROW_HEIGHT) cr.line_to(RIGHT_EDGE, addh + ROW_HEIGHT) cr.stroke() def drawDocument(self, page_nr): # RIGHT_EDGE = 570 #(table width + PAGE_MARGIN) RIGHT_EDGE = self.page_setup.get_page_width(gtk.UNIT_POINTS) - config.rightmargin HEADER_HEIGHT = self.header_height HEADING_HEIGHT = self.heading_height # PAGE_MARGIN = self.page_margin MARGIN = self.cell_margin TABLE_TOP = HEADER_HEIGHT + HEADING_HEIGHT + self.cell_margin ROW_HEIGHT = self.row_height LINE = self.line cr = self.cairo_context fontsize = config.contentfont fdesc = pango.FontDescription("Sans") fdesc.set_size(fontsize * pango.SCALE) self.pangolayout.set_font_description(fdesc) # #Table top line # cr.move_to(PAGE_MARGIN, TABLE_TOP) # cr.line_to(RIGHT_EDGE, TABLE_TOP) self.drawTableHeading() #Draw table data rindex = page_nr * self.lines_per_page offset = 0 self.debt_sum = 0 self.credit_sum = 0 addh= TABLE_TOP try: while (offset < self.lines_per_page): row = self.content[rindex + offset] cr.move_to(RIGHT_EDGE, addh) cr.line_to(RIGHT_EDGE, addh+ROW_HEIGHT) right_txt = RIGHT_EDGE dindex = 0 for data in row: right_txt -= MARGIN+LINE if dindex == 2 or dindex == 3: fontsize -= 1 fdesc.set_size(fontsize * pango.SCALE) self.pangolayout.set_font_description(fdesc) self.pangolayout.set_text(data) (width, height) = self.pangolayout.get_size() self.pangolayout.set_alignment(pango.ALIGN_RIGHT) cr.move_to (right_txt -(width / pango.SCALE), addh + (ROW_HEIGHT-(height / pango.SCALE))/2) self.pangocairo.show_layout(self.pangolayout) fontsize = config.contentfont fdesc.set_size(fontsize * pango.SCALE) self.pangolayout.set_font_description(fdesc) else: self.pangolayout.set_text(data) (width, height) = self.pangolayout.get_size() self.pangolayout.set_alignment(pango.ALIGN_RIGHT) cr.move_to (right_txt -(width / pango.SCALE), addh + (ROW_HEIGHT-(height / pango.SCALE))/2) self.pangocairo.show_layout(self.pangolayout) right_txt -= self.cols_width[dindex] cr.move_to(right_txt, addh) cr.line_to(right_txt, addh + ROW_HEIGHT) dindex += 1 self.debt_sum += int(row[4].replace(",", "")) self.credit_sum += int(row[5].replace(",", "")) addh += ROW_HEIGHT offset += 1 except IndexError: pass right_txt = RIGHT_EDGE cr.move_to(right_txt, addh) cr.line_to(right_txt, addh + ROW_HEIGHT) right_txt -= 4*(MARGIN + LINE) + self.cols_width[0] + self.cols_width[1] + self.cols_width[2] self.pangolayout.set_text(_("Sum")) (width, height) = self.pangolayout.get_size() self.pangolayout.set_alignment(pango.ALIGN_RIGHT) cr.move_to (right_txt -(width / pango.SCALE), addh + (ROW_HEIGHT-(height / pango.SCALE))/2) self.pangocairo.show_layout(self.pangolayout) right_txt -= self.cols_width[3] cr.move_to(right_txt, addh) cr.line_to(right_txt, addh + ROW_HEIGHT) cr.move_to(RIGHT_EDGE, addh) cr.line_to(right_txt, addh) right_txt -= MARGIN + LINE self.pangolayout.set_text(utility.showNumber(self.debt_sum)) (width, height) = self.pangolayout.get_size() self.pangolayout.set_alignment(pango.ALIGN_RIGHT) cr.move_to (right_txt -(width / pango.SCALE), addh + (ROW_HEIGHT-(height / pango.SCALE))/2) self.pangocairo.show_layout(self.pangolayout) right_txt -= self.cols_width[4] cr.move_to(right_txt, addh) cr.line_to(right_txt, addh + ROW_HEIGHT) right_txt -= MARGIN + LINE self.pangolayout.set_text(utility.showNumber(self.credit_sum)) (width, height) = self.pangolayout.get_size() self.pangolayout.set_alignment(pango.ALIGN_RIGHT) cr.move_to (right_txt -(width / pango.SCALE), addh + (ROW_HEIGHT-(height / pango.SCALE))/2) self.pangocairo.show_layout(self.pangolayout) right_txt -= self.cols_width[5] cr.move_to(right_txt, addh) cr.line_to(right_txt, addh + ROW_HEIGHT) #Table top line cr.move_to(right_txt, TABLE_TOP) cr.line_to(RIGHT_EDGE, TABLE_TOP) #Table bottom line cr.move_to(right_txt, addh + ROW_HEIGHT) cr.line_to(RIGHT_EDGE, addh + ROW_HEIGHT) cr.stroke() def drawTrialReport(self, page_nr): RIGHT_EDGE = self.page_setup.get_page_width(gtk.UNIT_POINTS) - config.rightmargin HEADER_HEIGHT = self.header_height HEADING_HEIGHT = self.heading_height MARGIN = self.cell_margin TABLE_TOP = HEADER_HEIGHT + HEADING_HEIGHT + self.cell_margin ROW_HEIGHT = self.row_height LINE = self.line cr = self.cairo_context fontsize = config.contentfont fdesc = pango.FontDescription("Sans") fdesc.set_size(fontsize * pango.SCALE) self.pangolayout.set_font_description(fdesc) self.drawTableHeading() #Draw table data rindex = page_nr * self.lines_per_page offset = 0 addh= TABLE_TOP try: while (offset < self.lines_per_page): row = self.content[rindex + offset] cr.move_to(RIGHT_EDGE, addh) cr.line_to(RIGHT_EDGE, addh+ROW_HEIGHT) right_txt = RIGHT_EDGE dindex = 0 for data in row: right_txt -= MARGIN+LINE self.pangolayout.set_text(data) (width, height) = self.pangolayout.get_size() self.pangolayout.set_alignment(pango.ALIGN_RIGHT) cr.move_to (right_txt -(width / pango.SCALE), addh + (ROW_HEIGHT-(height / pango.SCALE))/2) self.pangocairo.show_layout(self.pangolayout) right_txt -= self.cols_width[dindex] cr.move_to(right_txt, addh) cr.line_to(right_txt, addh + ROW_HEIGHT) dindex += 1 addh += ROW_HEIGHT offset += 1 except IndexError: pass #Table top line cr.move_to(right_txt, TABLE_TOP) cr.line_to(RIGHT_EDGE, TABLE_TOP) #Table bottom line cr.move_to(right_txt, addh) cr.line_to(RIGHT_EDGE, addh) cr.stroke() def setDrawFunction(self, func): self.drawfunction = func def drawTableHeading(self): # RIGHT_EDGE = 570 #(table width + PAGE_MARGIN) RIGHT_EDGE = self.page_setup.get_page_width(gtk.UNIT_POINTS) - config.rightmargin HEADING_HEIGHT = self.heading_height MARGIN = self.cell_margin LINE = self.line cr = self.cairo_context htop = self.header_height + MARGIN # #Heading top line # cr.move_to(self.page_margin, htop) # cr.line_to(RIGHT_EDGE, htop) cr.move_to(RIGHT_EDGE, htop) cr.line_to(RIGHT_EDGE, htop + HEADING_HEIGHT) #Draw table headings right_txt = RIGHT_EDGE dindex = 0 for data in self.heading: right_txt -= MARGIN+LINE self.pangolayout.set_text(data) (width, height) = self.pangolayout.get_size() if (width / pango.SCALE) > self.cols_width[dindex]: res = data.split() self.pangolayout.set_text(res[0]) (width, height) = self.pangolayout.get_size() if (width / pango.SCALE) < self.cols_width[dindex]: #self.pangolayout.set_alignment(pango.ALIGN_RIGHT) cr.move_to (right_txt -(width / pango.SCALE), htop + (HEADING_HEIGHT/2-(height / pango.SCALE))/2) self.pangocairo.show_layout(self.pangolayout) # self.pangolayout.set_text(res[1]) (width, height) = self.pangolayout.get_size() #self.pangolayout.set_alignment(pango.ALIGN_RIGHT) cr.move_to (right_txt -(width / pango.SCALE), htop + ((HEADING_HEIGHT*3)/2-(height / pango.SCALE))/2) self.pangocairo.show_layout(self.pangolayout) else: #self.pangolayout.set_alignment(pango.ALIGN_RIGHT) cr.move_to (right_txt -(width / pango.SCALE), htop + (HEADING_HEIGHT-(height / pango.SCALE))/2) self.pangocairo.show_layout(self.pangolayout) right_txt -= self.cols_width[dindex] cr.move_to(right_txt, htop) cr.line_to(right_txt, htop + HEADING_HEIGHT) dindex += 1 #Heading top line cr.move_to(right_txt, htop) cr.line_to(RIGHT_EDGE, htop) # def dailySpecific(self, pos, page): # pass # # def subjectSpecific(self, pos, page): # pass # # def docSpecific(self, pos, page): # pass # Copyright 2013 Dean Gardiner # # Licensed under the Apache License, Version 2.0 (the "License"); # you may not use this file except in compliance with the License. # You may obtain a copy of the License at # # http://www.apache.org/licenses/LICENSE-2.0 # # Unless required by applicable law or agreed to in writing, software # distributed under the License is distributed on an "AS IS" BASIS, # WITHOUT WARRANTIES OR CONDITIONS OF ANY KIND, either express or implied. # See the License for the specific language governing permissions and # limitations under the License. from logr import Logr from caper import CaperClosure, CaperFragment from caper.helpers import clean_dict from caper.result import CaperFragmentNode, CaperClosureNode from caper.step import CaptureStep from caper.constraint import CaptureConstraint class CaptureGroup(object): def __init__(self, parser, result): """Capture group object :type parser: caper.parsers.base.Parser :type result: caper.result.CaperResult """ self.parser = parser self.result = result #: @type: list of CaptureStep self.steps = [] #: type: str self.step_source = None #: @type: list of CaptureConstraint self.pre_constraints = [] #: :type: list of CaptureConstraint self.post_constraints = [] def capture_fragment(self, tag, regex=None, func=None, single=True, **kwargs): Logr.debug('capture_fragment("%s", "%s", %s, %s)', tag, regex, func, single) if self.step_source != 'fragment': if self.step_source is None: self.step_source = 'fragment' else: raise ValueError("Unable to mix fragment and closure capturing in a group") self.steps.append(CaptureStep( self, tag, 'fragment', regex=regex, func=func, single=single, **kwargs )) return self def capture_closure(self, tag, regex=None, func=None, single=True, **kwargs): Logr.debug('capture_closure("%s", "%s", %s, %s)', tag, regex, func, single) if self.step_source != 'closure': if self.step_source is None: self.step_source = 'closure' else: raise ValueError("Unable to mix fragment and closure capturing in a group") self.steps.append(CaptureStep( self, tag, 'closure', regex=regex, func=func, single=single, **kwargs )) return self def until_closure(self, **kwargs): self.pre_constraints.append(CaptureConstraint(self, 'match', target='closure', **kwargs)) return self def until_fragment(self, **kwargs): self.pre_constraints.append(CaptureConstraint(self, 'match', target='fragment', **kwargs)) return self def until_result(self, **kwargs): self.pre_constraints.append(CaptureConstraint(self, 'result', **kwargs)) return self def until_failure(self, **kwargs): self.post_constraints.append(CaptureConstraint(self, 'failure', **kwargs)) return self def until_success(self, **kwargs): self.post_constraints.append(CaptureConstraint(self, 'success', **kwargs)) return self def parse_subject(self, parent_head, subject): Logr.debug("parse_subject (%s) subject: %s", self.step_source, repr(subject)) if type(subject) is CaperClosure: return self.parse_closure(parent_head, subject) if type(subject) is CaperFragment: return self.parse_fragment(parent_head, subject) raise ValueError('Unknown subject (%s)', subject) def parse_fragment(self, parent_head, subject): parent_node = parent_head[0] if type(parent_head) is list else parent_head nodes, match = self.match(parent_head, parent_node, subject) # Capturing broke on constraint, return now if not match: return nodes Logr.debug('created fragment node with subject.value: "%s"' % subject.value) result = [CaperFragmentNode( parent_node.closure, subject.take_right(match.num_fragments), parent_head, match )] # Branch if the match was indefinite (weight below 1.0) if match.result and match.weight < 1.0: if match.num_fragments == 1: result.append(CaperFragmentNode(parent_node.closure, [subject], parent_head)) else: nodes.append(CaperFragmentNode(parent_node.closure, [subject], parent_head)) nodes.append(result[0] if len(result) == 1 else result) return nodes def parse_closure(self, parent_head, subject): parent_node = parent_head[0] if type(parent_head) is list else parent_head nodes, match = self.match(parent_head, parent_node, subject) # Capturing broke on constraint, return now if not match: return nodes Logr.debug('created closure node with subject.value: "%s"' % subject.value) result = [CaperClosureNode( subject, parent_head, match )] # Branch if the match was indefinite (weight below 1.0) if match.result and match.weight < 1.0: if match.num_fragments == 1: result.append(CaperClosureNode(subject, parent_head)) else: nodes.append(CaperClosureNode(subject, parent_head)) nodes.append(result[0] if len(result) == 1 else result) return nodes def match(self, parent_head, parent_node, subject): nodes = [] # Check pre constaints broke, definite = self.check_constraints(self.pre_constraints, parent_head, subject) if broke: nodes.append(parent_head) if definite: return nodes, None # Try match subject against the steps available match = None for step in self.steps: if step.source == 'closure' and type(subject) is not CaperClosure: pass elif step.source == 'fragment' and type(subject) is CaperClosure: Logr.debug('Closure encountered on fragment step, jumping into fragments') return [CaperClosureNode(subject, parent_head, None)], None match = step.execute(subject) if match.success: if type(match.result) is dict: match.result = clean_dict(match.result) Logr.debug('Found match with weight %s, match: %s, num_fragments: %s' % ( match.weight, match.result, match.num_fragments )) step.matched = True break if all([step.single and step.matched for step in self.steps]): Logr.debug('All steps completed, group finished') parent_node.finished_groups.append(self) return nodes, match # Check post constraints broke, definite = self.check_constraints(self.post_constraints, parent_head, subject, match=match) if broke: return nodes, None return nodes, match def check_constraints(self, constraints, parent_head, subject, **kwargs): parent_node = parent_head[0] if type(parent_head) is list else parent_head # Check constraints for constraint in [c for c in constraints if c.target == subject.__key__ or not c.target]: Logr.debug("Testing constraint %s against subject %s", repr(constraint), repr(subject)) weight, success = constraint.execute(parent_node, subject, **kwargs) if success: Logr.debug('capturing broke on "%s" at %s', subject.value, constraint) parent_node.finished_groups.append(self) return True, weight == 1.0 return False, None def execute(self): heads_finished = None while heads_finished is None or not (len(heads_finished) == len(self.result.heads) and all(heads_finished)): heads_finished = [] heads = self.result.heads self.result.heads = [] for head in heads: node = head[0] if type(head) is list else head if self in node.finished_groups: Logr.debug("head finished for group") self.result.heads.append(head) heads_finished.append(True) continue Logr.debug('') Logr.debug(node) next_subject = node.next() Logr.debug('----------[%s] (%s)----------' % (next_subject, repr(next_subject.value) if next_subject else None)) if next_subject: for node_result in self.parse_subject(head, next_subject): self.result.heads.append(node_result) Logr.debug('Heads: %s', self.result.heads) heads_finished.append(self in node.finished_groups or next_subject is None) if len(self.result.heads) == 0: self.result.heads = heads Logr.debug("heads_finished: %s, self.result.heads: %s", heads_finished, self.result.heads) Logr.debug("group finished") """ ============================================= Whitening evoked data with a noise covariance ============================================= Evoked data are loaded and then whitened using a given noise covariance matrix. It's an excellent quality check to see if baseline signals match the assumption of Gaussian white noise during the baseline period. Covariance estimation and diagnostic plots are based on [1]_. References ---------- .. [1] Engemann D. and Gramfort A. (2015) Automated model selection in covariance estimation and spatial whitening of MEG and EEG signals, vol. 108, 328-342, NeuroImage. """ # Authors: Alexandre Gramfort # Denis A. Engemann # # License: BSD (3-clause) import mne from mne import io from mne.datasets import sample from mne.cov import compute_covariance print(__doc__) ############################################################################### # Set parameters data_path = sample.data_path() raw_fname = data_path + '/MEG/sample/sample_audvis_filt-0-40_raw.fif' event_fname = data_path + '/MEG/sample/sample_audvis_filt-0-40_raw-eve.fif' raw = io.read_raw_fif(raw_fname, preload=True) raw.filter(1, 40, n_jobs=1, fir_design='firwin') raw.info['bads'] += ['MEG 2443'] # bads + 1 more events = mne.read_events(event_fname) # let's look at rare events, button presses event_id, tmin, tmax = 2, -0.2, 0.5 reject = dict(mag=4e-12, grad=4000e-13, eeg=80e-6) epochs = mne.Epochs(raw, events, event_id, tmin, tmax, picks=('meg', 'eeg'), baseline=None, reject=reject, preload=True) # Uncomment next line to use fewer samples and study regularization effects # epochs = epochs[:20] # For your data, use as many samples as you can! ############################################################################### # Compute covariance using automated regularization method_params = dict(diagonal_fixed=dict(mag=0.01, grad=0.01, eeg=0.01)) noise_covs = compute_covariance(epochs, tmin=None, tmax=0, method='auto', return_estimators=True, verbose=True, n_jobs=1, projs=None, rank=None, method_params=method_params) # With "return_estimator=True" all estimated covariances sorted # by log-likelihood are returned. print('Covariance estimates sorted from best to worst') for c in noise_covs: print("%s : %s" % (c['method'], c['loglik'])) ############################################################################### # Show the evoked data: evoked = epochs.average() evoked.plot(time_unit='s') # plot evoked response ############################################################################### # We can then show whitening for our various noise covariance estimates. # # Here we should look to see if baseline signals match the # assumption of Gaussian white noise. we expect values centered at # 0 within 2 standard deviations for 95% of the time points. # # For the Global field power we expect a value of 1. evoked.plot_white(noise_covs, time_unit='s') """Conan recipe package for libsolace """ from conans import CMake, ConanFile from conans.errors import ConanInvalidConfiguration from conans.model.version import Version class LibsolaceConan(ConanFile): name = "libsolace" description = "High performance components for mission critical applications" license = "Apache-2.0" author = "Ivan Ryabov " url = "https://github.com/abbyssoul/conan-%s.git" % name homepage = "https://github.com/abbyssoul/%s" % name topics = ("HPC", "High reliability", "P10", "solace", "performance", "c++", "conan") settings = "os", "compiler", "build_type", "arch" options = { "shared": [True, False], "fPIC": [True, False] } default_options = {"shared": False, "fPIC": True} generators = "cmake" build_requires = "gtest/1.10.0" scm = { "type": "git", "subfolder": name, "url": "auto", "revision": "auto" } @property def _supported_cppstd(self): return ["17", "gnu17", "20", "gnu20"] @property def _source_subfolder(self): return self.name def config_options(self): compiler_version = Version(str(self.settings.compiler.version)) if self.settings.os == "Windows": del self.options.fPIC # Exclude compilers that claims to support C++17 but do not in practice if (self.settings.compiler == "gcc" and compiler_version < "7") or \ (self.settings.compiler == "clang" and compiler_version < "5") or \ (self.settings.compiler == "apple-clang" and compiler_version < "9"): raise ConanInvalidConfiguration("This library requires C++17 or higher support standard. {} {} is not supported".format(self.settings.compiler, self.settings.compiler.version)) if self.settings.compiler.cppstd and not self.settings.compiler.cppstd in self._supported_cppstd: raise ConanInvalidConfiguration("This library requires c++17 standard or higher. {} required".format(self.settings.compiler.cppstd)) def _configure_cmake(self): cmake = CMake(self, parallel=True) cmake.definitions["PKG_CONFIG"] = "OFF" cmake.configure(source_folder=self._source_subfolder) return cmake def build(self): cmake = self._configure_cmake() cmake.build() def package(self): cmake = self._configure_cmake() cmake.install() self.copy(pattern="LICENSE", dst="licenses", src=self._source_subfolder) def package_info(self): self.cpp_info.libs = ["solace"] if self.settings.os == "Linux": self.cpp_info.libs.append("m") from django.utils.encoding import smart_str, smart_unicode def ssn_check_digit(value): "Calculate Italian social security number check digit." ssn_even_chars = { '0': 0, '1': 1, '2': 2, '3': 3, '4': 4, '5': 5, '6': 6, '7': 7, '8': 8, '9': 9, 'A': 0, 'B': 1, 'C': 2, 'D': 3, 'E': 4, 'F': 5, 'G': 6, 'H': 7, 'I': 8, 'J': 9, 'K': 10, 'L': 11, 'M': 12, 'N': 13, 'O': 14, 'P': 15, 'Q': 16, 'R': 17, 'S': 18, 'T': 19, 'U': 20, 'V': 21, 'W': 22, 'X': 23, 'Y': 24, 'Z': 25 } ssn_odd_chars = { '0': 1, '1': 0, '2': 5, '3': 7, '4': 9, '5': 13, '6': 15, '7': 17, '8': 19, '9': 21, 'A': 1, 'B': 0, 'C': 5, 'D': 7, 'E': 9, 'F': 13, 'G': 15, 'H': 17, 'I': 19, 'J': 21, 'K': 2, 'L': 4, 'M': 18, 'N': 20, 'O': 11, 'P': 3, 'Q': 6, 'R': 8, 'S': 12, 'T': 14, 'U': 16, 'V': 10, 'W': 22, 'X': 25, 'Y': 24, 'Z': 23 } # Chars from 'A' to 'Z' ssn_check_digits = [chr(x) for x in range(65, 91)] ssn = value.upper() total = 0 for i in range(0, 15): try: if i % 2 == 0: total += ssn_odd_chars[ssn[i]] else: total += ssn_even_chars[ssn[i]] except KeyError: msg = "Character '%(char)s' is not allowed." % {'char': ssn[i]} raise ValueError(msg) return ssn_check_digits[total % 26] def vat_number_check_digit(vat_number): "Calculate Italian VAT number check digit." normalized_vat_number = smart_str(vat_number).zfill(10) total = 0 for i in range(0, 10, 2): total += int(normalized_vat_number[i]) for i in range(1, 11, 2): quotient , remainder = divmod(int(normalized_vat_number[i]) * 2, 10) total += quotient + remainder return smart_unicode((10 - total % 10) % 10) """Text wrapping and filling. """ # Copyright (C) 1999-2001 Gregory P. Ward. # Copyright (C) 2002, 2003 Python Software Foundation. # Written by Greg Ward import re __all__ = ['TextWrapper', 'wrap', 'fill', 'dedent', 'indent'] # Hardcode the recognized whitespace characters to the US-ASCII # whitespace characters. The main reason for doing this is that in # ISO-8859-1, 0xa0 is non-breaking whitespace, so in certain locales # that character winds up in string.whitespace. Respecting # string.whitespace in those cases would 1) make textwrap treat 0xa0 the # same as any other whitespace char, which is clearly wrong (it's a # *non-breaking* space), 2) possibly cause problems with Unicode, # since 0xa0 is not in range(128). _whitespace = '\t\n\x0b\x0c\r ' class TextWrapper: """ Object for wrapping/filling text. The public interface consists of the wrap() and fill() methods; the other methods are just there for subclasses to override in order to tweak the default behaviour. If you want to completely replace the main wrapping algorithm, you'll probably have to override _wrap_chunks(). Several instance attributes control various aspects of wrapping: width (default: 70) the maximum width of wrapped lines (unless break_long_words is false) initial_indent (default: "") string that will be prepended to the first line of wrapped output. Counts towards the line's width. subsequent_indent (default: "") string that will be prepended to all lines save the first of wrapped output; also counts towards each line's width. expand_tabs (default: true) Expand tabs in input text to spaces before further processing. Each tab will become 0 .. 'tabsize' spaces, depending on its position in its line. If false, each tab is treated as a single character. tabsize (default: 8) Expand tabs in input text to 0 .. 'tabsize' spaces, unless 'expand_tabs' is false. replace_whitespace (default: true) Replace all whitespace characters in the input text by spaces after tab expansion. Note that if expand_tabs is false and replace_whitespace is true, every tab will be converted to a single space! fix_sentence_endings (default: false) Ensure that sentence-ending punctuation is always followed by two spaces. Off by default because the algorithm is (unavoidably) imperfect. break_long_words (default: true) Break words longer than 'width'. If false, those words will not be broken, and some lines might be longer than 'width'. break_on_hyphens (default: true) Allow breaking hyphenated words. If true, wrapping will occur preferably on whitespaces and right after hyphens part of compound words. drop_whitespace (default: true) Drop leading and trailing whitespace from lines. """ unicode_whitespace_trans = {} uspace = ord(' ') for x in _whitespace: unicode_whitespace_trans[ord(x)] = uspace # This funky little regex is just the trick for splitting # text up into word-wrappable chunks. E.g. # "Hello there -- you goof-ball, use the -b option!" # splits into # Hello/ /there/ /--/ /you/ /goof-/ball,/ /use/ /the/ /-b/ /option! # (after stripping out empty strings). wordsep_re = re.compile( r'(\s+|' # any whitespace r'[^\s\w]*\w+[^0-9\W]-(?=\w+[^0-9\W])|' # hyphenated words r'(?<=[\w\!\"\'\&\.\,\?])-{2,}(?=\w))') # em-dash # This less funky little regex just split on recognized spaces. E.g. # "Hello there -- you goof-ball, use the -b option!" # splits into # Hello/ /there/ /--/ /you/ /goof-ball,/ /use/ /the/ /-b/ /option!/ wordsep_simple_re = re.compile(r'(\s+)') # XXX this is not locale- or charset-aware -- string.lowercase # is US-ASCII only (and therefore English-only) sentence_end_re = re.compile(r'[a-z]' # lowercase letter r'[\.\!\?]' # sentence-ending punct. r'[\"\']?' # optional end-of-quote r'\Z') # end of chunk def __init__(self, width=70, initial_indent="", subsequent_indent="", expand_tabs=True, replace_whitespace=True, fix_sentence_endings=False, break_long_words=True, drop_whitespace=True, break_on_hyphens=True, tabsize=8): self.width = width self.initial_indent = initial_indent self.subsequent_indent = subsequent_indent self.expand_tabs = expand_tabs self.replace_whitespace = replace_whitespace self.fix_sentence_endings = fix_sentence_endings self.break_long_words = break_long_words self.drop_whitespace = drop_whitespace self.break_on_hyphens = break_on_hyphens self.tabsize = tabsize # -- Private methods ----------------------------------------------- # (possibly useful for subclasses to override) def _munge_whitespace(self, text): """_munge_whitespace(text : string) -> string Munge whitespace in text: expand tabs and convert all other whitespace characters to spaces. Eg. " foo\tbar\n\nbaz" becomes " foo bar baz". """ if self.expand_tabs: text = text.expandtabs(self.tabsize) if self.replace_whitespace: text = text.translate(self.unicode_whitespace_trans) return text def _split(self, text): """_split(text : string) -> [string] Split the text to wrap into indivisible chunks. Chunks are not quite the same as words; see _wrap_chunks() for full details. As an example, the text Look, goof-ball -- use the -b option! breaks into the following chunks: 'Look,', ' ', 'goof-', 'ball', ' ', '--', ' ', 'use', ' ', 'the', ' ', '-b', ' ', 'option!' if break_on_hyphens is True, or in: 'Look,', ' ', 'goof-ball', ' ', '--', ' ', 'use', ' ', 'the', ' ', '-b', ' ', option!' otherwise. """ if self.break_on_hyphens is True: chunks = self.wordsep_re.split(text) else: chunks = self.wordsep_simple_re.split(text) chunks = [c for c in chunks if c] return chunks def _fix_sentence_endings(self, chunks): """_fix_sentence_endings(chunks : [string]) Correct for sentence endings buried in 'chunks'. Eg. when the original text contains "... foo.\nBar ...", munge_whitespace() and split() will convert that to [..., "foo.", " ", "Bar", ...] which has one too few spaces; this method simply changes the one space to two. """ i = 0 patsearch = self.sentence_end_re.search while i < len(chunks)-1: if chunks[i+1] == " " and patsearch(chunks[i]): chunks[i+1] = " " i += 2 else: i += 1 def _handle_long_word(self, reversed_chunks, cur_line, cur_len, width): """_handle_long_word(chunks : [string], cur_line : [string], cur_len : int, width : int) Handle a chunk of text (most likely a word, not whitespace) that is too long to fit in any line. """ # Figure out when indent is larger than the specified width, and make # sure at least one character is stripped off on every pass if width < 1: space_left = 1 else: space_left = width - cur_len # If we're allowed to break long words, then do so: put as much # of the next chunk onto the current line as will fit. if self.break_long_words: cur_line.append(reversed_chunks[-1][:space_left]) reversed_chunks[-1] = reversed_chunks[-1][space_left:] # Otherwise, we have to preserve the long word intact. Only add # it to the current line if there's nothing already there -- # that minimizes how much we violate the width constraint. elif not cur_line: cur_line.append(reversed_chunks.pop()) # If we're not allowed to break long words, and there's already # text on the current line, do nothing. Next time through the # main loop of _wrap_chunks(), we'll wind up here again, but # cur_len will be zero, so the next line will be entirely # devoted to the long word that we can't handle right now. def _wrap_chunks(self, chunks): """_wrap_chunks(chunks : [string]) -> [string] Wrap a sequence of text chunks and return a list of lines of length 'self.width' or less. (If 'break_long_words' is false, some lines may be longer than this.) Chunks correspond roughly to words and the whitespace between them: each chunk is indivisible (modulo 'break_long_words'), but a line break can come between any two chunks. Chunks should not have internal whitespace; ie. a chunk is either all whitespace or a "word". Whitespace chunks will be removed from the beginning and end of lines, but apart from that whitespace is preserved. """ lines = [] if self.width <= 0: raise ValueError("invalid width %r (must be > 0)" % self.width) # Arrange in reverse order so items can be efficiently popped # from a stack of chucks. chunks.reverse() while chunks: # Start the list of chunks that will make up the current line. # cur_len is just the length of all the chunks in cur_line. cur_line = [] cur_len = 0 # Figure out which static string will prefix this line. if lines: indent = self.subsequent_indent else: indent = self.initial_indent # Maximum width for this line. width = self.width - len(indent) # First chunk on line is whitespace -- drop it, unless this # is the very beginning of the text (ie. no lines started yet). if self.drop_whitespace and chunks[-1].strip() == '' and lines: del chunks[-1] while chunks: l = len(chunks[-1]) # Can at least squeeze this chunk onto the current line. if cur_len + l <= width: cur_line.append(chunks.pop()) cur_len += l # Nope, this line is full. else: break # The current line is full, and the next chunk is too big to # fit on *any* line (not just this one). if chunks and len(chunks[-1]) > width: self._handle_long_word(chunks, cur_line, cur_len, width) # If the last chunk on this line is all whitespace, drop it. if self.drop_whitespace and cur_line and cur_line[-1].strip() == '': del cur_line[-1] # Convert current line back to a string and store it in list # of all lines (return value). if cur_line: lines.append(indent + ''.join(cur_line)) return lines # -- Public interface ---------------------------------------------- def wrap(self, text): """wrap(text : string) -> [string] Reformat the single paragraph in 'text' so it fits in lines of no more than 'self.width' columns, and return a list of wrapped lines. Tabs in 'text' are expanded with string.expandtabs(), and all other whitespace characters (including newline) are converted to space. """ text = self._munge_whitespace(text) chunks = self._split(text) if self.fix_sentence_endings: self._fix_sentence_endings(chunks) return self._wrap_chunks(chunks) def fill(self, text): """fill(text : string) -> string Reformat the single paragraph in 'text' to fit in lines of no more than 'self.width' columns, and return a new string containing the entire wrapped paragraph. """ return "\n".join(self.wrap(text)) # -- Convenience interface --------------------------------------------- def wrap(text, width=70, **kwargs): """Wrap a single paragraph of text, returning a list of wrapped lines. Reformat the single paragraph in 'text' so it fits in lines of no more than 'width' columns, and return a list of wrapped lines. By default, tabs in 'text' are expanded with string.expandtabs(), and all other whitespace characters (including newline) are converted to space. See TextWrapper class for available keyword args to customize wrapping behaviour. """ w = TextWrapper(width=width, **kwargs) return w.wrap(text) def fill(text, width=70, **kwargs): """Fill a single paragraph of text, returning a new string. Reformat the single paragraph in 'text' to fit in lines of no more than 'width' columns, and return a new string containing the entire wrapped paragraph. As with wrap(), tabs are expanded and other whitespace characters converted to space. See TextWrapper class for available keyword args to customize wrapping behaviour. """ w = TextWrapper(width=width, **kwargs) return w.fill(text) # -- Loosely related functionality ------------------------------------- _whitespace_only_re = re.compile('^[ \t]+$', re.MULTILINE) _leading_whitespace_re = re.compile('(^[ \t]*)(?:[^ \t\n])', re.MULTILINE) def dedent(text): """Remove any common leading whitespace from every line in `text`. This can be used to make triple-quoted strings line up with the left edge of the display, while still presenting them in the source code in indented form. Note that tabs and spaces are both treated as whitespace, but they are not equal: the lines " hello" and "\thello" are considered to have no common leading whitespace. (This behaviour is new in Python 2.5; older versions of this module incorrectly expanded tabs before searching for common leading whitespace.) """ # Look for the longest leading string of spaces and tabs common to # all lines. margin = None text = _whitespace_only_re.sub('', text) indents = _leading_whitespace_re.findall(text) for indent in indents: if margin is None: margin = indent # Current line more deeply indented than previous winner: # no change (previous winner is still on top). elif indent.startswith(margin): pass # Current line consistent with and no deeper than previous winner: # it's the new winner. elif margin.startswith(indent): margin = indent # Current line and previous winner have no common whitespace: # there is no margin. else: margin = "" break # sanity check (testing/debugging only) if 0 and margin: for line in text.split("\n"): assert not line or line.startswith(margin), \ "line = %r, margin = %r" % (line, margin) if margin: text = re.sub(r'(?m)^' + margin, '', text) return text def indent(text, prefix, predicate=None): """Adds 'prefix' to the beginning of selected lines in 'text'. If 'predicate' is provided, 'prefix' will only be added to the lines where 'predicate(line)' is True. If 'predicate' is not provided, it will default to adding 'prefix' to all non-empty lines that do not consist solely of whitespace characters. """ if predicate is None: def predicate(line): return line.strip() def prefixed_lines(): for line in text.splitlines(True): yield (prefix + line if predicate(line) else line) return ''.join(prefixed_lines()) if __name__ == "__main__": #print dedent("\tfoo\n\tbar") #print dedent(" \thello there\n \t how are you?") print(dedent("Hello there.\n This is indented.")) """Tests for classes defined in fields.py.""" import datetime import unittest from django.utils.timezone import UTC from xmodule.fields import Date, Timedelta, RelativeTime from xmodule.timeinfo import TimeInfo class DateTest(unittest.TestCase): date = Date() def compare_dates(self, dt1, dt2, expected_delta): self.assertEqual( dt1 - dt2, expected_delta, str(dt1) + "-" + str(dt2) + "!=" + str(expected_delta) ) def test_from_json(self): """Test conversion from iso compatible date strings to struct_time""" self.compare_dates( DateTest.date.from_json("2013-01-01"), DateTest.date.from_json("2012-12-31"), datetime.timedelta(days=1) ) self.compare_dates( DateTest.date.from_json("2013-01-01T00"), DateTest.date.from_json("2012-12-31T23"), datetime.timedelta(hours=1) ) self.compare_dates( DateTest.date.from_json("2013-01-01T00:00"), DateTest.date.from_json("2012-12-31T23:59"), datetime.timedelta(minutes=1) ) self.compare_dates( DateTest.date.from_json("2013-01-01T00:00:00"), DateTest.date.from_json("2012-12-31T23:59:59"), datetime.timedelta(seconds=1) ) self.compare_dates( DateTest.date.from_json("2013-01-01T00:00:00Z"), DateTest.date.from_json("2012-12-31T23:59:59Z"), datetime.timedelta(seconds=1) ) self.compare_dates( DateTest.date.from_json("2012-12-31T23:00:01-01:00"), DateTest.date.from_json("2013-01-01T00:00:00+01:00"), datetime.timedelta(hours=1, seconds=1) ) def test_enforce_type(self): self.assertEqual(DateTest.date.enforce_type(None), None) self.assertEqual(DateTest.date.enforce_type(""), None) self.assertEqual( DateTest.date.enforce_type("2012-12-31T23:00:01"), datetime.datetime(2012, 12, 31, 23, 0, 1, tzinfo=UTC()) ) self.assertEqual( DateTest.date.enforce_type(1234567890000), datetime.datetime(2009, 2, 13, 23, 31, 30, tzinfo=UTC()) ) self.assertEqual( DateTest.date.enforce_type(datetime.datetime(2014, 5, 9, 21, 1, 27, tzinfo=UTC())), datetime.datetime(2014, 5, 9, 21, 1, 27, tzinfo=UTC()) ) with self.assertRaises(TypeError): DateTest.date.enforce_type([1]) def test_return_None(self): self.assertIsNone(DateTest.date.from_json("")) self.assertIsNone(DateTest.date.from_json(None)) with self.assertRaises(TypeError): DateTest.date.from_json(['unknown value']) def test_old_due_date_format(self): current = datetime.datetime.today() self.assertEqual( datetime.datetime(current.year, 3, 12, 12, tzinfo=UTC()), DateTest.date.from_json("March 12 12:00") ) self.assertEqual( datetime.datetime(current.year, 12, 4, 16, 30, tzinfo=UTC()), DateTest.date.from_json("December 4 16:30") ) self.assertIsNone(DateTest.date.from_json("12 12:00")) def test_non_std_from_json(self): """ Test the non-standard args being passed to from_json """ now = datetime.datetime.now(UTC()) delta = now - datetime.datetime.fromtimestamp(0, UTC()) self.assertEqual( DateTest.date.from_json(delta.total_seconds() * 1000), now ) yesterday = datetime.datetime.now(UTC()) - datetime.timedelta(days=-1) self.assertEqual(DateTest.date.from_json(yesterday), yesterday) def test_to_json(self): """ Test converting time reprs to iso dates """ self.assertEqual( DateTest.date.to_json(datetime.datetime.strptime("2012-12-31T23:59:59Z", "%Y-%m-%dT%H:%M:%SZ")), "2012-12-31T23:59:59Z" ) self.assertEqual( DateTest.date.to_json(DateTest.date.from_json("2012-12-31T23:59:59Z")), "2012-12-31T23:59:59Z" ) self.assertEqual( DateTest.date.to_json(DateTest.date.from_json("2012-12-31T23:00:01-01:00")), "2012-12-31T23:00:01-01:00" ) with self.assertRaises(TypeError): DateTest.date.to_json('2012-12-31T23:00:01-01:00') class TimedeltaTest(unittest.TestCase): delta = Timedelta() def test_from_json(self): self.assertEqual( TimedeltaTest.delta.from_json('1 day 12 hours 59 minutes 59 seconds'), datetime.timedelta(days=1, hours=12, minutes=59, seconds=59) ) self.assertEqual( TimedeltaTest.delta.from_json('1 day 46799 seconds'), datetime.timedelta(days=1, seconds=46799) ) def test_enforce_type(self): self.assertEqual(TimedeltaTest.delta.enforce_type(None), None) self.assertEqual( TimedeltaTest.delta.enforce_type(datetime.timedelta(days=1, seconds=46799)), datetime.timedelta(days=1, seconds=46799) ) self.assertEqual( TimedeltaTest.delta.enforce_type('1 day 46799 seconds'), datetime.timedelta(days=1, seconds=46799) ) with self.assertRaises(TypeError): TimedeltaTest.delta.enforce_type([1]) def test_to_json(self): self.assertEqual( '1 days 46799 seconds', TimedeltaTest.delta.to_json(datetime.timedelta(days=1, hours=12, minutes=59, seconds=59)) ) class TimeInfoTest(unittest.TestCase): def test_time_info(self): due_date = datetime.datetime(2000, 4, 14, 10, tzinfo=UTC()) grace_pd_string = '1 day 12 hours 59 minutes 59 seconds' timeinfo = TimeInfo(due_date, grace_pd_string) self.assertEqual( timeinfo.close_date, due_date + Timedelta().from_json(grace_pd_string) ) class RelativeTimeTest(unittest.TestCase): delta = RelativeTime() def test_from_json(self): self.assertEqual( RelativeTimeTest.delta.from_json('0:05:07'), datetime.timedelta(seconds=307) ) self.assertEqual( RelativeTimeTest.delta.from_json(100.0), datetime.timedelta(seconds=100) ) self.assertEqual( RelativeTimeTest.delta.from_json(None), datetime.timedelta(seconds=0) ) with self.assertRaises(TypeError): RelativeTimeTest.delta.from_json(1234) # int with self.assertRaises(ValueError): RelativeTimeTest.delta.from_json("77:77:77") def test_enforce_type(self): self.assertEqual(RelativeTimeTest.delta.enforce_type(None), None) self.assertEqual( RelativeTimeTest.delta.enforce_type(datetime.timedelta(days=1, seconds=46799)), datetime.timedelta(days=1, seconds=46799) ) self.assertEqual( RelativeTimeTest.delta.enforce_type('0:05:07'), datetime.timedelta(seconds=307) ) with self.assertRaises(TypeError): RelativeTimeTest.delta.enforce_type([1]) def test_to_json(self): self.assertEqual( "01:02:03", RelativeTimeTest.delta.to_json(datetime.timedelta(seconds=3723)) ) self.assertEqual( "00:00:00", RelativeTimeTest.delta.to_json(None) ) self.assertEqual( "00:01:40", RelativeTimeTest.delta.to_json(100.0) ) with self.assertRaisesRegexp(ValueError, "RelativeTime max value is 23:59:59=86400.0 seconds, but 90000.0 seconds is passed"): RelativeTimeTest.delta.to_json(datetime.timedelta(seconds=90000)) with self.assertRaises(TypeError): RelativeTimeTest.delta.to_json("123") def test_str(self): self.assertEqual( "01:02:03", RelativeTimeTest.delta.to_json(datetime.timedelta(seconds=3723)) ) self.assertEqual( "11:02:03", RelativeTimeTest.delta.to_json(datetime.timedelta(seconds=39723)) ) import json import unittest from django.contrib.postgres.fields import ArrayField from django.contrib.postgres.forms import SimpleArrayField, SplitArrayField from django.core import exceptions, serializers from django.core.management import call_command from django.db import models, IntegrityError, connection from django import forms from django.test import TestCase, override_settings from django.utils import timezone from .models import IntegerArrayModel, NullableIntegerArrayModel, CharArrayModel, DateTimeArrayModel, NestedIntegerArrayModel, ArrayFieldSubclass @unittest.skipUnless(connection.vendor == 'postgresql', 'PostgreSQL required') class TestSaveLoad(TestCase): def test_integer(self): instance = IntegerArrayModel(field=[1, 2, 3]) instance.save() loaded = IntegerArrayModel.objects.get() self.assertEqual(instance.field, loaded.field) def test_char(self): instance = CharArrayModel(field=['hello', 'goodbye']) instance.save() loaded = CharArrayModel.objects.get() self.assertEqual(instance.field, loaded.field) def test_dates(self): instance = DateTimeArrayModel(field=[timezone.now()]) instance.save() loaded = DateTimeArrayModel.objects.get() self.assertEqual(instance.field, loaded.field) def test_tuples(self): instance = IntegerArrayModel(field=(1,)) instance.save() loaded = IntegerArrayModel.objects.get() self.assertSequenceEqual(instance.field, loaded.field) def test_integers_passed_as_strings(self): # This checks that get_prep_value is deferred properly instance = IntegerArrayModel(field=['1']) instance.save() loaded = IntegerArrayModel.objects.get() self.assertEqual(loaded.field, [1]) def test_default_null(self): instance = NullableIntegerArrayModel() instance.save() loaded = NullableIntegerArrayModel.objects.get(pk=instance.pk) self.assertEqual(loaded.field, None) self.assertEqual(instance.field, loaded.field) def test_null_handling(self): instance = NullableIntegerArrayModel(field=None) instance.save() loaded = NullableIntegerArrayModel.objects.get() self.assertEqual(instance.field, loaded.field) instance = IntegerArrayModel(field=None) with self.assertRaises(IntegrityError): instance.save() def test_nested(self): instance = NestedIntegerArrayModel(field=[[1, 2], [3, 4]]) instance.save() loaded = NestedIntegerArrayModel.objects.get() self.assertEqual(instance.field, loaded.field) @unittest.skipUnless(connection.vendor == 'postgresql', 'PostgreSQL required') class TestQuerying(TestCase): def setUp(self): self.objs = [ NullableIntegerArrayModel.objects.create(field=[1]), NullableIntegerArrayModel.objects.create(field=[2]), NullableIntegerArrayModel.objects.create(field=[2, 3]), NullableIntegerArrayModel.objects.create(field=[20, 30, 40]), NullableIntegerArrayModel.objects.create(field=None), ] def test_exact(self): self.assertSequenceEqual( NullableIntegerArrayModel.objects.filter(field__exact=[1]), self.objs[:1] ) def test_isnull(self): self.assertSequenceEqual( NullableIntegerArrayModel.objects.filter(field__isnull=True), self.objs[-1:] ) def test_gt(self): self.assertSequenceEqual( NullableIntegerArrayModel.objects.filter(field__gt=[0]), self.objs[:4] ) def test_lt(self): self.assertSequenceEqual( NullableIntegerArrayModel.objects.filter(field__lt=[2]), self.objs[:1] ) def test_in(self): self.assertSequenceEqual( NullableIntegerArrayModel.objects.filter(field__in=[[1], [2]]), self.objs[:2] ) def test_contained_by(self): self.assertSequenceEqual( NullableIntegerArrayModel.objects.filter(field__contained_by=[1, 2]), self.objs[:2] ) def test_contains(self): self.assertSequenceEqual( NullableIntegerArrayModel.objects.filter(field__contains=[2]), self.objs[1:3] ) def test_contains_charfield(self): # Regression for #22907 self.assertSequenceEqual( CharArrayModel.objects.filter(field__contains=['text']), [] ) def test_index(self): self.assertSequenceEqual( NullableIntegerArrayModel.objects.filter(field__0=2), self.objs[1:3] ) def test_index_chained(self): self.assertSequenceEqual( NullableIntegerArrayModel.objects.filter(field__0__lt=3), self.objs[0:3] ) def test_index_nested(self): instance = NestedIntegerArrayModel.objects.create(field=[[1, 2], [3, 4]]) self.assertSequenceEqual( NestedIntegerArrayModel.objects.filter(field__0__0=1), [instance] ) @unittest.expectedFailure def test_index_used_on_nested_data(self): instance = NestedIntegerArrayModel.objects.create(field=[[1, 2], [3, 4]]) self.assertSequenceEqual( NestedIntegerArrayModel.objects.filter(field__0=[1, 2]), [instance] ) def test_overlap(self): self.assertSequenceEqual( NullableIntegerArrayModel.objects.filter(field__overlap=[1, 2]), self.objs[0:3] ) def test_len(self): self.assertSequenceEqual( NullableIntegerArrayModel.objects.filter(field__len__lte=2), self.objs[0:3] ) def test_slice(self): self.assertSequenceEqual( NullableIntegerArrayModel.objects.filter(field__0_1=[2]), self.objs[1:3] ) self.assertSequenceEqual( NullableIntegerArrayModel.objects.filter(field__0_2=[2, 3]), self.objs[2:3] ) @unittest.expectedFailure def test_slice_nested(self): instance = NestedIntegerArrayModel.objects.create(field=[[1, 2], [3, 4]]) self.assertSequenceEqual( NestedIntegerArrayModel.objects.filter(field__0__0_1=[1]), [instance] ) class TestChecks(TestCase): def test_field_checks(self): field = ArrayField(models.CharField()) field.set_attributes_from_name('field') errors = field.check() self.assertEqual(len(errors), 1) self.assertEqual(errors[0].id, 'postgres.E001') def test_invalid_base_fields(self): field = ArrayField(models.ManyToManyField('postgres_tests.IntegerArrayModel')) field.set_attributes_from_name('field') errors = field.check() self.assertEqual(len(errors), 1) self.assertEqual(errors[0].id, 'postgres.E002') class TestMigrations(TestCase): def test_deconstruct(self): field = ArrayField(models.IntegerField()) name, path, args, kwargs = field.deconstruct() new = ArrayField(*args, **kwargs) self.assertEqual(type(new.base_field), type(field.base_field)) def test_deconstruct_with_size(self): field = ArrayField(models.IntegerField(), size=3) name, path, args, kwargs = field.deconstruct() new = ArrayField(*args, **kwargs) self.assertEqual(new.size, field.size) def test_deconstruct_args(self): field = ArrayField(models.CharField(max_length=20)) name, path, args, kwargs = field.deconstruct() new = ArrayField(*args, **kwargs) self.assertEqual(new.base_field.max_length, field.base_field.max_length) def test_subclass_deconstruct(self): field = ArrayField(models.IntegerField()) name, path, args, kwargs = field.deconstruct() self.assertEqual(path, 'django.contrib.postgres.fields.ArrayField') field = ArrayFieldSubclass() name, path, args, kwargs = field.deconstruct() self.assertEqual(path, 'postgres_tests.models.ArrayFieldSubclass') @override_settings(MIGRATION_MODULES={ "postgres_tests": "postgres_tests.array_default_migrations", }) def test_adding_field_with_default(self): # See #22962 call_command('migrate', 'postgres_tests', verbosity=0) @unittest.skipUnless(connection.vendor == 'postgresql', 'PostgreSQL required') class TestSerialization(TestCase): test_data = '[{"fields": {"field": "[\\"1\\", \\"2\\"]"}, "model": "postgres_tests.integerarraymodel", "pk": null}]' def test_dumping(self): instance = IntegerArrayModel(field=[1, 2]) data = serializers.serialize('json', [instance]) self.assertEqual(json.loads(data), json.loads(self.test_data)) def test_loading(self): instance = list(serializers.deserialize('json', self.test_data))[0].object self.assertEqual(instance.field, [1, 2]) class TestValidation(TestCase): def test_unbounded(self): field = ArrayField(models.IntegerField()) with self.assertRaises(exceptions.ValidationError) as cm: field.clean([1, None], None) self.assertEqual(cm.exception.code, 'item_invalid') self.assertEqual(cm.exception.message % cm.exception.params, 'Item 1 in the array did not validate: This field cannot be null.') def test_blank_true(self): field = ArrayField(models.IntegerField(blank=True, null=True)) # This should not raise a validation error field.clean([1, None], None) def test_with_size(self): field = ArrayField(models.IntegerField(), size=3) field.clean([1, 2, 3], None) with self.assertRaises(exceptions.ValidationError) as cm: field.clean([1, 2, 3, 4], None) self.assertEqual(cm.exception.messages[0], 'List contains 4 items, it should contain no more than 3.') def test_nested_array_mismatch(self): field = ArrayField(ArrayField(models.IntegerField())) field.clean([[1, 2], [3, 4]], None) with self.assertRaises(exceptions.ValidationError) as cm: field.clean([[1, 2], [3, 4, 5]], None) self.assertEqual(cm.exception.code, 'nested_array_mismatch') self.assertEqual(cm.exception.messages[0], 'Nested arrays must have the same length.') class TestSimpleFormField(TestCase): def test_valid(self): field = SimpleArrayField(forms.CharField()) value = field.clean('a,b,c') self.assertEqual(value, ['a', 'b', 'c']) def test_to_python_fail(self): field = SimpleArrayField(forms.IntegerField()) with self.assertRaises(exceptions.ValidationError) as cm: field.clean('a,b,9') self.assertEqual(cm.exception.messages[0], 'Item 0 in the array did not validate: Enter a whole number.') def test_validate_fail(self): field = SimpleArrayField(forms.CharField(required=True)) with self.assertRaises(exceptions.ValidationError) as cm: field.clean('a,b,') self.assertEqual(cm.exception.messages[0], 'Item 2 in the array did not validate: This field is required.') def test_validators_fail(self): field = SimpleArrayField(forms.RegexField('[a-e]{2}')) with self.assertRaises(exceptions.ValidationError) as cm: field.clean('a,bc,de') self.assertEqual(cm.exception.messages[0], 'Item 0 in the array did not validate: Enter a valid value.') def test_delimiter(self): field = SimpleArrayField(forms.CharField(), delimiter='|') value = field.clean('a|b|c') self.assertEqual(value, ['a', 'b', 'c']) def test_delimiter_with_nesting(self): field = SimpleArrayField(SimpleArrayField(forms.CharField()), delimiter='|') value = field.clean('a,b|c,d') self.assertEqual(value, [['a', 'b'], ['c', 'd']]) def test_prepare_value(self): field = SimpleArrayField(forms.CharField()) value = field.prepare_value(['a', 'b', 'c']) self.assertEqual(value, 'a,b,c') def test_max_length(self): field = SimpleArrayField(forms.CharField(), max_length=2) with self.assertRaises(exceptions.ValidationError) as cm: field.clean('a,b,c') self.assertEqual(cm.exception.messages[0], 'List contains 3 items, it should contain no more than 2.') def test_min_length(self): field = SimpleArrayField(forms.CharField(), min_length=4) with self.assertRaises(exceptions.ValidationError) as cm: field.clean('a,b,c') self.assertEqual(cm.exception.messages[0], 'List contains 3 items, it should contain no fewer than 4.') def test_required(self): field = SimpleArrayField(forms.CharField(), required=True) with self.assertRaises(exceptions.ValidationError) as cm: field.clean('') self.assertEqual(cm.exception.messages[0], 'This field is required.') def test_model_field_formfield(self): model_field = ArrayField(models.CharField(max_length=27)) form_field = model_field.formfield() self.assertIsInstance(form_field, SimpleArrayField) self.assertIsInstance(form_field.base_field, forms.CharField) self.assertEqual(form_field.base_field.max_length, 27) def test_model_field_formfield_size(self): model_field = ArrayField(models.CharField(max_length=27), size=4) form_field = model_field.formfield() self.assertIsInstance(form_field, SimpleArrayField) self.assertEqual(form_field.max_length, 4) class TestSplitFormField(TestCase): def test_valid(self): class SplitForm(forms.Form): array = SplitArrayField(forms.CharField(), size=3) data = {'array_0': 'a', 'array_1': 'b', 'array_2': 'c'} form = SplitForm(data) self.assertTrue(form.is_valid()) self.assertEqual(form.cleaned_data, {'array': ['a', 'b', 'c']}) def test_required(self): class SplitForm(forms.Form): array = SplitArrayField(forms.CharField(), required=True, size=3) data = {'array_0': '', 'array_1': '', 'array_2': ''} form = SplitForm(data) self.assertFalse(form.is_valid()) self.assertEqual(form.errors, {'array': ['This field is required.']}) def test_remove_trailing_nulls(self): class SplitForm(forms.Form): array = SplitArrayField(forms.CharField(required=False), size=5, remove_trailing_nulls=True) data = {'array_0': 'a', 'array_1': '', 'array_2': 'b', 'array_3': '', 'array_4': ''} form = SplitForm(data) self.assertTrue(form.is_valid(), form.errors) self.assertEqual(form.cleaned_data, {'array': ['a', '', 'b']}) def test_required_field(self): class SplitForm(forms.Form): array = SplitArrayField(forms.CharField(), size=3) data = {'array_0': 'a', 'array_1': 'b', 'array_2': ''} form = SplitForm(data) self.assertFalse(form.is_valid()) self.assertEqual(form.errors, {'array': ['Item 2 in the array did not validate: This field is required.']}) def test_rendering(self): class SplitForm(forms.Form): array = SplitArrayField(forms.CharField(), size=3) self.assertHTMLEqual(str(SplitForm()), ''' ''') #!/usr/bin/env python """Utility functions and classes for GRR API client library.""" from __future__ import absolute_import from __future__ import division from __future__ import unicode_literals import time from future.builtins import map from google.protobuf import wrappers_pb2 from google.protobuf import symbol_database from grr_api_client import errors from grr_response_proto import apple_firmware_pb2 from grr_response_proto import checks_pb2 from grr_response_proto import deprecated_pb2 from grr_response_proto import flows_pb2 from grr_response_proto import jobs_pb2 from grr_response_proto import osquery_pb2 from grr_response_proto import timeline_pb2 from grr_response_proto.api import artifact_pb2 from grr_response_proto.api import client_pb2 from grr_response_proto.api import config_pb2 from grr_response_proto.api import cron_pb2 from grr_response_proto.api import flow_pb2 from grr_response_proto.api import hunt_pb2 from grr_response_proto.api import output_plugin_pb2 from grr_response_proto.api import reflection_pb2 from grr_response_proto.api import stats_pb2 from grr_response_proto.api import user_pb2 from grr_response_proto.api import vfs_pb2 from grr_response_proto.api import yara_pb2 class ProtobufTypeNotFound(errors.Error): pass class ItemsIterator(object): """Iterator object with a total_count property.""" def __init__(self, items=None, total_count=None): super(ItemsIterator, self).__init__() self.items = items self.total_count = total_count def __iter__(self): for i in self.items: yield i def __next__(self): return next(self.items) # TODO: Compatibility method for Python 2. def next(self): return self.__next__() def MapItemsIterator(function, items): """Maps ItemsIterator via given function.""" return ItemsIterator( items=map(function, items), total_count=items.total_count) class BinaryChunkIterator(object): """Iterator object for binary streams.""" def __init__(self, chunks=None, total_size=None, on_close=None): super(BinaryChunkIterator, self).__init__() self.chunks = chunks self.total_size = total_size self.on_close = on_close def Close(self): if self.on_close: self.on_close() self.on_close = None def __exit__(self, unused_type, unused_value, unused_traceback): self.Close() def __iter__(self): for c in self.chunks: yield c self.Close() def __next__(self): try: return next(self.chunks) except StopIteration: self.Close() raise # TODO: Compatibility method for Python 2. def next(self): return self.__next__() def WriteToStream(self, out): for c in self.chunks: out.write(c) self.Close() def WriteToFile(self, file_name): with open(file_name, "wb") as fd: self.WriteToStream(fd) # Default poll interval in seconds. DEFAULT_POLL_INTERVAL = 15 # Default poll timeout in seconds. DEFAULT_POLL_TIMEOUT = 3600 def Poll(generator=None, condition=None, interval=None, timeout=None): """Periodically calls generator function until a condition is satisfied.""" if not generator: raise ValueError("generator has to be a lambda") if not condition: raise ValueError("condition has to be a lambda") if interval is None: interval = DEFAULT_POLL_INTERVAL if timeout is None: timeout = DEFAULT_POLL_TIMEOUT started = time.time() while True: obj = generator() check_result = condition(obj) if check_result: return obj if timeout and (time.time() - started) > timeout: raise errors.PollTimeoutError( "Polling on %s timed out after %ds." % (obj, timeout)) time.sleep(interval) AFF4_PREFIX = "aff4:/" def UrnStringToClientId(urn): """Converts given URN string to a client id string.""" if urn.startswith(AFF4_PREFIX): urn = urn[len(AFF4_PREFIX):] components = urn.split("/") return components[0] def UrnStringToHuntId(urn): """Converts given URN string to a flow id string.""" if urn.startswith(AFF4_PREFIX): urn = urn[len(AFF4_PREFIX):] components = urn.split("/") if len(components) != 2 or components[0] != "hunts": raise ValueError("Invalid hunt URN: %s" % urn) return components[-1] TYPE_URL_PREFIX = "type.googleapis.com/" def GetTypeUrl(proto): """Returns type URL for a given proto.""" return TYPE_URL_PREFIX + proto.DESCRIPTOR.full_name def TypeUrlToMessage(type_url): """Returns a message instance corresponding to a given type URL.""" if not type_url.startswith(TYPE_URL_PREFIX): raise ValueError("Type URL has to start with a prefix %s: %s" % (TYPE_URL_PREFIX, type_url)) full_name = type_url[len(TYPE_URL_PREFIX):] try: return symbol_database.Default().GetSymbol(full_name)() except KeyError as e: raise ProtobufTypeNotFound(str(e)) def CopyProto(proto): new_proto = proto.__class__() new_proto.ParseFromString(proto.SerializeToString()) return new_proto class UnknownProtobuf(object): def __init__(self, proto_type, proto_any): super(UnknownProtobuf, self).__init__() self.type = proto_type self.original_value = proto_any def UnpackAny(proto_any): try: proto = TypeUrlToMessage(proto_any.type_url) except ProtobufTypeNotFound as e: return UnknownProtobuf(str(e), proto_any) proto_any.Unpack(proto) return proto def RegisterProtoDescriptors(db, *additional_descriptors): """Registers all API-releated descriptors in a given symbol DB.""" db.RegisterFileDescriptor(apple_firmware_pb2.DESCRIPTOR) db.RegisterFileDescriptor(artifact_pb2.DESCRIPTOR) db.RegisterFileDescriptor(client_pb2.DESCRIPTOR) db.RegisterFileDescriptor(config_pb2.DESCRIPTOR) db.RegisterFileDescriptor(cron_pb2.DESCRIPTOR) db.RegisterFileDescriptor(flow_pb2.DESCRIPTOR) db.RegisterFileDescriptor(hunt_pb2.DESCRIPTOR) db.RegisterFileDescriptor(output_plugin_pb2.DESCRIPTOR) db.RegisterFileDescriptor(reflection_pb2.DESCRIPTOR) db.RegisterFileDescriptor(stats_pb2.DESCRIPTOR) db.RegisterFileDescriptor(user_pb2.DESCRIPTOR) db.RegisterFileDescriptor(vfs_pb2.DESCRIPTOR) db.RegisterFileDescriptor(yara_pb2.DESCRIPTOR) db.RegisterFileDescriptor(checks_pb2.DESCRIPTOR) db.RegisterFileDescriptor(deprecated_pb2.DESCRIPTOR) db.RegisterFileDescriptor(flows_pb2.DESCRIPTOR) db.RegisterFileDescriptor(jobs_pb2.DESCRIPTOR) db.RegisterFileDescriptor(osquery_pb2.DESCRIPTOR) db.RegisterFileDescriptor(timeline_pb2.DESCRIPTOR) db.RegisterFileDescriptor(wrappers_pb2.DESCRIPTOR) for d in additional_descriptors: db.RegisterFileDescriptor(d) #!/usr/bin/env python # # linearize-data.py: Construct a linear, no-fork version of the chain. # # Copyright (c) 2013-2014 The Bitcoin Core developers # Distributed under the MIT software license, see the accompanying # file COPYING or http://www.opensource.org/licenses/mit-license.php. # from __future__ import print_function, division import json import struct import re import os import os.path import base64 import httplib import sys import hashlib import datetime import time from collections import namedtuple settings = {} def uint32(x): return x & 0xffffffffL def bytereverse(x): return uint32(( ((x) << 24) | (((x) << 8) & 0x00ff0000) | (((x) >> 8) & 0x0000ff00) | ((x) >> 24) )) def bufreverse(in_buf): out_words = [] for i in range(0, len(in_buf), 4): word = struct.unpack('@I', in_buf[i:i+4])[0] out_words.append(struct.pack('@I', bytereverse(word))) return ''.join(out_words) def wordreverse(in_buf): out_words = [] for i in range(0, len(in_buf), 4): out_words.append(in_buf[i:i+4]) out_words.reverse() return ''.join(out_words) def calc_hdr_hash(blk_hdr): hash1 = hashlib.sha256() hash1.update(blk_hdr) hash1_o = hash1.digest() hash2 = hashlib.sha256() hash2.update(hash1_o) hash2_o = hash2.digest() return hash2_o def calc_hash_str(blk_hdr): hash = calc_hdr_hash(blk_hdr) hash = bufreverse(hash) hash = wordreverse(hash) hash_str = hash.encode('hex') return hash_str def get_blk_dt(blk_hdr): members = struct.unpack(" self.maxOutSz): self.outF.close() if self.setFileTime: os.utime(outFname, (int(time.time()), highTS)) self.outF = None self.outFname = None self.outFn = self.outFn + 1 self.outsz = 0 (blkDate, blkTS) = get_blk_dt(blk_hdr) if self.timestampSplit and (blkDate > self.lastDate): print("New month " + blkDate.strftime("%Y-%m") + " @ " + hash_str) lastDate = blkDate if outF: outF.close() if setFileTime: os.utime(outFname, (int(time.time()), highTS)) self.outF = None self.outFname = None self.outFn = self.outFn + 1 self.outsz = 0 if not self.outF: if self.fileOutput: outFname = self.settings['output_file'] else: outFname = os.path.join(self.settings['output'], "blk%05d.dat" % self.outFn) print("Output file " + outFname) self.outF = open(outFname, "wb") self.outF.write(inhdr) self.outF.write(blk_hdr) self.outF.write(rawblock) self.outsz = self.outsz + len(inhdr) + len(blk_hdr) + len(rawblock) self.blkCountOut = self.blkCountOut + 1 if blkTS > self.highTS: self.highTS = blkTS if (self.blkCountOut % 1000) == 0: print('%i blocks scanned, %i blocks written (of %i, %.1f%% complete)' % (self.blkCountIn, self.blkCountOut, len(self.blkindex), 100.0 * self.blkCountOut / len(self.blkindex))) def inFileName(self, fn): return os.path.join(self.settings['input'], "blk%05d.dat" % fn) def fetchBlock(self, extent): '''Fetch block contents from disk given extents''' with open(self.inFileName(extent.fn), "rb") as f: f.seek(extent.offset) return f.read(extent.size) def copyOneBlock(self): '''Find the next block to be written in the input, and copy it to the output.''' extent = self.blockExtents.pop(self.blkCountOut) if self.blkCountOut in self.outOfOrderData: # If the data is cached, use it from memory and remove from the cache rawblock = self.outOfOrderData.pop(self.blkCountOut) self.outOfOrderSize -= len(rawblock) else: # Otherwise look up data on disk rawblock = self.fetchBlock(extent) self.writeBlock(extent.inhdr, extent.blkhdr, rawblock) def run(self): while self.blkCountOut < len(self.blkindex): if not self.inF: fname = self.inFileName(self.inFn) print("Input file " + fname) try: self.inF = open(fname, "rb") except IOError: print("Premature end of block data") return inhdr = self.inF.read(8) if (not inhdr or (inhdr[0] == "\0")): self.inF.close() self.inF = None self.inFn = self.inFn + 1 continue inMagic = inhdr[:4] if (inMagic != self.settings['netmagic']): print("Invalid magic: " + inMagic.encode('hex')) return inLenLE = inhdr[4:] su = struct.unpack("). # # This program is free software: you can redistribute it and/or modify # it under the terms of the GNU Affero General Public License as # published by the Free Software Foundation, either version 3 of the # License, or (at your option) any later version. # # This program is distributed in the hope that it will be useful, # but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of # MERCHANTABILITY or FITNESS FOR A PARTICULAR PURPOSE. See the # GNU Affero General Public License for more details. # # You should have received a copy of the GNU Affero General Public License # along with this program. If not, see . # ############################################################################## import base_action_rule import test_models # vim:expandtab:smartindent:tabstop=4:softtabstop=4:shiftwidth=4: #!/usr/bin/python -u # # This test exercise the redirection of error messages with a # functions defined in Python. # import sys import libxml2 # Memory debug specific libxml2.debugMemory(1) expect="""--> (3) xmlns: URI foo is not absolute --> (4) Opening and ending tag mismatch: x line 0 and y """ err="" def callback(arg,msg,severity,reserved): global err err = err + "%s (%d) %s" % (arg,severity,msg) s = """""" parserCtxt = libxml2.createPushParser(None,"",0,"test.xml") parserCtxt.setErrorHandler(callback, "-->") if parserCtxt.getErrorHandler() != (callback,"-->"): print "getErrorHandler failed" sys.exit(1) parserCtxt.parseChunk(s,len(s),1) doc = parserCtxt.doc() doc.freeDoc() parserCtxt = None if err != expect: print "error" print "received %s" %(err) print "expected %s" %(expect) sys.exit(1) i = 10000 while i > 0: parserCtxt = libxml2.createPushParser(None,"",0,"test.xml") parserCtxt.setErrorHandler(callback, "-->") parserCtxt.parseChunk(s,len(s),1) doc = parserCtxt.doc() doc.freeDoc() parserCtxt = None err = "" i = i - 1 # Memory debug specific libxml2.cleanupParser() if libxml2.debugMemory(1) == 0: print "OK" else: print "Memory leak %d bytes" % (libxml2.debugMemory(1)) libxml2.dumpMemory() from django.test import TestCase from school.models import Semester, StaffMember, Department, Subject, SchoolClass, Student, Enrolment from sync.google_admin import GoogleSync from django.conf import settings import datetime #class SchoolTest(TestCase): class SchoolTest(TestCase): def setUp(self): #import pdb #pdb.set_trace() self.google_sync = GoogleSync() self.sem, c = Semester.objects.get_or_create(number=1, year="2013", start_date=datetime.date(2013,1,29), end_date=datetime.date(2013,6,7)) self.tch, c = StaffMember.objects.get_or_create( first_name="John", last_name="Teacher", email="john.teacher@" + settings.GOOGLE_APPS_DOMAIN, date_of_birth=datetime.date(1970,3,3), timetable_id="XTCH", is_current=True, staff_type="TEA" ) #self.google_sync.update_google_staff(self.tch) self.dept, c = Department.objects.get_or_create(name="Test Faculty") self.subj, c = Subject.objects.get_or_create(code="14XTST", name="Test Subject", faculty=self.dept) self.cla, c = SchoolClass.objects.get_or_create(code="14XTSTB", name="Test Class B", cycle=self.sem, teacher=self.tch, subject=self.subj) self.students = [] for i in range(1,5): id='XTST%04d' % i s, c = Student.objects.get_or_create( first_name="Test%d"%i, last_name="Student%d"%i, email="%s@%s" % (id, settings.GOOGLE_APPS_DOMAIN), date_of_birth=datetime.date(2000,3,(i%27)+1), timetable_id=id, is_current=True, student_type="STU", year_level="14" ) #self.google_sync.update_google_student(s) Enrolment.objects.get_or_create(student=s, school_class=self.cla) self.students.append(s) # def test_student_create(self): # pass # # def test_student_update(self): # pass # # def test_student_exit(self): # pass # # def test_staff_create(self): # pass # # def test_staff_update(self): # pass # # def test_staff_exit(self): # pass # # def test_class_create(self): # pass # coding: utf-8 # The MIT License (MIT) # Copyright (c) 2014 by Shuo Li (contact@shuo.li) # # Permission is hereby granted, free of charge, to any person obtaining a # copy of this software and associated documentation files (the "Software"), # to deal in the Software without restriction, including without limitation # the rights to use, copy, modify, merge, publish, distribute, sublicense, # and/or sell copies of the Software, and to permit persons to whom the # Software is furnished to do so, subject to the following conditions: # # The above copyright notice and this permission notice shall be included in # all copies or substantial portions of the Software. # # THE SOFTWARE IS PROVIDED "AS IS", WITHOUT WARRANTY OF ANY KIND, EXPRESS OR # IMPLIED, INCLUDING BUT NOT LIMITED TO THE WARRANTIES OF MERCHANTABILITY, # FITNESS FOR A PARTICULAR PURPOSE AND NONINFRINGEMENT. IN NO EVENT SHALL THE # AUTHORS OR COPYRIGHT HOLDERS BE LIABLE FOR ANY CLAIM, DAMAGES OR OTHER # LIABILITY, WHETHER IN AN ACTION OF CONTRACT, TORT OR OTHERWISE, ARISING # FROM, OUT OF OR IN CONNECTION WITH THE SOFTWARE OR THE USE OR OTHER # DEALINGS IN THE SOFTWARE. __author__ = 'Shuo Li ' __version__= '2014-09-27-12:42' import timeit import sys reload(sys) sys.setdefaultencoding('utf-8') import os from os import listdir from os.path import isfile, join import copy import re import shutil import xml.etree.ElementTree as ET import jinja2 # from fontTools.ttLib import TTFont import PIL from PIL import ImageFont, ImageDraw if 'define constants' : def file_names_in_folder(folder) : abs_folder = os.path.abspath(folder) return [ f for f in listdir(abs_folder) if isfile(join(abs_folder,f)) ] def get_default_image() : return PIL.Image.new( 'RGBA', (image_width, image_height) ) if isfile('config.py') : config_module = __import__( 'config' ) config = config_module.config else : # a font bitmap set has no shadow to keep location consistency. shadow_size = 3 def construct_color(r, g, b) : rx = hex(r).split('x')[1] if len(rx) == 1 : rx = '0' + rx gx = hex(g).split('x')[1] if len(gx) == 1 : gx = '0' + rx bx = hex(b).split('x')[1] if len(gx) == 1 : gx = '0' + rx return '#' + rx + gx + bx blue = construct_color(214, 244, 255) darkblue = construct_color(118, 200, 241) green = construct_color(101, 181, 91) red = construct_color(228, 63, 63) white = construct_color(255, 255, 255) black = construct_color(0, 0, 0) shadow_color = construct_color(50, 50, 50) config = { 'Do not delete this configure file.' : '' # The base folder of this font map generator. , 'base folder' : './' # The folder stores all TrueType font (.ttf) files. # The specified folder is relative to this configure file. # Absolute folder will be base folder + font folder. , 'font folder' : 'fonts' # The Space Engineers (SE) installation path. , 'space engineer base folder' : 'C:\Program Files (x86)\Steam\SteamApps\common\SpaceEngineers' # Font size in SE , 'font size' : 28 # The font priority list, from high to low. # The bitmap of each character # is given by the TrueType font (.tff) # who has a valid bitmap and a highest priority. , 'font priority list' : [ ] # The width of the result .dds image. , 'image width' : 1024 # The width of the result .dds image , 'image height' : 1024 # output .dds file name prefix , 'output dds prefix' : 'FontDataExtra-' # Original dds file names. # They are used when # the user wants to keep the original font bitmaps # and only construct the characters that # are not included in the original font bitmaps. , 'original dds file names' : [ 'FontData-0.dds' ] # Predefined colors , 'predefined colors' : { 'blue': { 'output' : True, 'color': blue, 'shadow_color': shadow_color, 'shadow_size': shadow_size, 'shadow' : False }, 'darkblue': { 'output' : True, 'color': darkblue, 'shadow_color': shadow_color, 'shadow_size': shadow_size, 'shadow' : False }, 'green': { 'output' : True, 'color': green, 'shadow_color': shadow_color, 'shadow_size': shadow_size, 'shadow' : False }, 'red': { 'output' : True, 'color': red, 'shadow_color': shadow_color, 'shadow_size': shadow_size, 'shadow' : False }, 'white': { 'output' : True, 'color': white, 'shadow_color': shadow_color, 'shadow_size': shadow_size, 'shadow' : False }, 'white_shadow': { 'output' : True, 'color': white, 'shadow_color': shadow_color, 'shadow_size': shadow_size, 'shadow' : True } } # Left Side Bearing, lsb # # illusion: # # |< last >| |< this >| # |< char >| |< char >| # |< bitmap >||< lsb >||< bitmap >| # , 'lsb' : -1 # font map xml template file , 'xml template' : 'xml_template.xml' # font map xml file name , 'xml file name' : 'FontData.xml' # font place holder north margin , 'north margin' : 0 # font place holder west margin , 'west margin' : 0 # font place holder south margin , 'south margin' : 0 # font place holder east margin , 'east margin' : 0 # keep original font map , 'keep original font map' : True , 'text file folder' : 'text_files' , 'unsupported folder' : 'unsupported' , 'backup folder' : 'backup' , 'output folder' : 'output' } keep_original = bool(config['keep original font map']) output_dds_prefix = str(config['output dds prefix']) original_dds_file_names = config['original dds file names'] se_folder = str(config['space engineer base folder']) font_size = int(config['font size']) base_folder = str(config['base folder']) font_folder = base_folder + str(config['font folder']) font_folder = os.path.abspath(font_folder) output_folder = base_folder + str(config['output folder']) output_folder = os.path.abspath(output_folder) font_priority_list = config['font priority list'] font_priority_list = [] font_files_in_folder = file_names_in_folder(font_folder) font_files = [ join(font_folder, f) for f in list(font_priority_list)] for f in font_files_in_folder : if f not in font_priority_list : font_files.append(join(font_folder, f)) fonts = [ { 'face' : 'freetype.Face(f)', 'font' : ImageFont.truetype(f, font_size), 'font_size' : font_size, 'file_name' : os.path.basename(f)} for f in font_files ] unsupported_folder = config['unsupported folder'] image_width = int(config['image width']) image_height = int(config['image height']) color_dict = config['predefined colors'] lsb = config['lsb'] xml_template_name = str(config['xml template']) xml_file_name = str(config['xml file name']) north_margin = int(config['north margin']) west_margin = int(config['west margin']) south_margin = int(config['south margin']) east_margin = int(config['east margin']) text_file_folder = os.path.abspath(str(config['text file folder'])) backup_folder = str(config['backup folder']) if 'define classes' : class location() : ''' Location class ''' def __init__(self, x, y) : self.x = x self.y = y def clone(self) : return location(x, y) def __str__(self) : return '(%s, %s)' % (self.x, self.y) def add_sub_action(self, another_location, mode = '+') : def add_sub(a, b, mode = '+') : if mode == '+' : return a + b if mode == '-' : return a - b raise NotImplementedError() if isinstance(another_location, location) : return location( add_sub( self.x, another_location.x, mode), add_sub( self.y, another_location.y, mode)) if isinstance(another_location, tuple) \ or isinstance(another_location, list) : if len(another_location) == 2 : return location( add_sub( self.x, int(another_location[0]), mode), add_sub( self.y, int(another_location[1]), mode)) if isinstance(another_location, dict) : if 'x' in another_location.keys() and 'y' in another_location.keys() : return location( add_sub( self.x, int(another_location['x']), mode), add_sub( self.y, int(another_location['y']), mode)) raise NotImplementedError() def __add__(self, another_location) : return self.add_sub_action(another_location, mode = '+') def __sub__(self, another_location) : return self.add_sub_action(another_location, mode = '-') class char() : ''' Character class ''' def __init__(self, content) : self.content = content def map(self, color, fonts, north_margin = north_margin, west_margin = west_margin, south_margin = south_margin, east_margin = east_margin, unsupported = {}) : def haschar(font, one_character, unsupported = {}) : ''' Return if a font has a character. ''' return True # ttf_face = font['face'] # font_file_name = font['file_name'] # ttf_face.set_char_size( 48*64 ) # ttf_face.load_char(one_character) # a = copy.deepcopy(ttf_face.glyph.bitmap.buffer) # b = [] # if font_file_name in unsupported.keys() : # if one_character in unsupported[ font_file_name ] : # return False # ttf_face.load_char(unsupported[ font_file_name ][0]) # b = copy.deepcopy(ttf_face.glyph.bitmap.buffer) # return a != b self.color = color self.font = None for f in fonts : if haschar(f, one_character = self.content, unsupported = unsupported) : self.font = f['font'] self.font_size = f['font_size'] break if self.font == None : print 'Warning! No font file has \'%s\'.' % self.content self.font = fonts[0]['font'] self.font_size = f['font_size'] self.width, self.height = self.font.getsize(self.content) self.shadow_size = color['shadow_size'] self.width += (self.shadow_size * 2) self.height += (self.shadow_size * 2) self.size = (self.width, self.height) self.holder_height = north_margin + self.font_size + south_margin self.holder_height += (self.shadow_size * 4) self.holder_width = west_margin + self.width + east_margin self.holder_size = (self.holder_width, self.holder_height) def locate(self, code, image_location, image_index, left_sep) : self.code = code self.image_location = image_location self.image_index = image_index self.left_sep = left_sep def attribute(self) : return { 'content' : escape(self.content), 'code' : get_code_string(self.code), 'image_index' : self.image_index, 'x' : self.image_location.x, 'y' : self.image_location.y + self.shadow_size, 'width' : self.width-1, 'height' : self.holder_height - (self.shadow_size*2), 'advance_width' : self.width - (self.shadow_size*2), 'left_sep' : self.left_sep } if 'define misc. functions' : def cleanup(folder_paths, file_names = [], remove_ext_name = ['.pyc', '.png']) : for folder_path in folder_paths : for f in file_names : os.remove(join(os.path.abspath(folder_path), f)) for f in file_names_in_folder(folder_path) : for ext_name in remove_ext_name : if f.endswith(ext_name) : os.remove(join(folder_path, f)) def distinct(string_list) : one_list = '' for s in string_list : one_list += s one_list = list(set(one_list)) return one_list def save_dds(pillow_image, index = 0, output_folder = './'): output_folder = os.path.abspath(output_folder) temp_file_path = join(output_folder, 'temp_%s.png' % index) output_file_path = join(output_folder, '%s%s.dds' % (output_dds_prefix, index)) pillow_image.save(temp_file_path) os.system(r'.\nvtt\nvcompress.exe -nocuda -bc3 %s %s' \ % (temp_file_path, output_file_path )) os.remove(temp_file_path) def compute_location(one_char, draw_location, target_images) : (w, h) = target_images[-1].size # to the next line if draw_location.x + one_char.holder_width >= w : draw_location.y += one_char.holder_height draw_location.x = 0 # to the next image if draw_location.y + one_char.holder_height >= h : target_images.append(get_default_image()) draw_location.y = 0 return draw_location, target_images def draw_one_char_to_image(one_char, draw_location, target_image, west_margin, south_margin) : ''' Draw one char on one image ''' def draw_once(draw, color, xshift, yshift,) : draw.text( ( draw_location.x + xshift, draw_location.y + yshift), one_char.content, font = one_char.font, fill = color ) draw = ImageDraw.Draw(target_image) if one_char.color['shadow'] == True : for i in xrange(one_char.shadow_size) : draw_once(draw, one_char.color['shadow_color'], +i, +i) draw_once(draw, one_char.color['shadow_color'], one_char.shadow_size + 1 + i, +i) draw_once(draw, one_char.color['shadow_color'], +i, one_char.shadow_size + 1 + i) draw_once(draw, one_char.color['shadow_color'], one_char.shadow_size + 1 + i, one_char.shadow_size + 1 + i) draw_once(draw, one_char.color['color'], one_char.shadow_size, one_char.shadow_size) return draw_location + (one_char.holder_width, 0), target_image def write_char_to_image( one_char, draw_location, code, image_start_index, target_images = [ get_default_image() ] ) : if not isinstance(target_images, list) : target_images = [ target_images ] # compute char bitmap location draw_location, target_images \ = compute_location(one_char, draw_location, target_images) one_char.locate(code, draw_location, image_start_index + len(target_images) - 1, lsb) # draw one char loc, target_images[-1] \ = draw_one_char_to_image( one_char, draw_location, target_images[-1], west_margin, south_margin) return one_char, loc, target_images def save_images(images, output_folder) : i = 0 for image in images : save_dds(image, i, output_folder) i += 1 def get_code_string(decimal_code) : return hex(decimal_code).split('x')[1] def escape(input_string) : html_escape_table = { unicode('&'): unicode("&"), unicode('"'): unicode("""), unicode("'"): unicode("'"), unicode(">"): unicode(">"), unicode("<"): unicode("<") } input_string = unicode(input_string) if input_string in html_escape_table.keys() : return html_escape_table[ input_string ] return input_string def get_char_list(xml_file_name) : tree = ET.parse(xml_file_name) root = tree.getroot() glyphs = [ child for child in root if child.tag.endswith('glyphs') ][0] max_code = max([ int('0x' + glyph.attrib['code'], 16) for glyph in glyphs ]) return [ glyph.attrib['ch'] for glyph in glyphs ], max_code def get_original_xml_attributes(xml_file_name) : tree = ET.parse(xml_file_name) root = tree.getroot() glyphs = [ child for child in root if child.tag.endswith('glyphs') ][0] kernpairs = [ child for child in root if child.tag.endswith('kernpairs') ][0] glyphs_attribute_list = [ { 'content' : escape(glyph.attrib['ch']), 'code' : glyph.attrib['code'], 'bm' : glyph.attrib['bm'], 'origin' : glyph.attrib['origin'], 'size' : glyph.attrib['size'], 'aw' : glyph.attrib['aw'], 'lsb' : glyph.attrib['lsb'] } for glyph in glyphs ] kernpair_attribute_list = [ { 'left' : escape(kernpair.attrib['left']), 'right' : escape(kernpair.attrib['right']), 'adjust' : kernpair.attrib['adjust'] } for kernpair in kernpairs ] return glyphs_attribute_list, kernpair_attribute_list def write_text_to_image(text, color, unsupported, start_code, output_folder = output_folder, image_start_index = 0, north_margin = north_margin, west_margin = west_margin, south_margin = south_margin, east_margin = east_margin) : draw_location = location(0, 0) target_images = [ get_default_image() ] current_code = start_code char_list = [] for c in text : # create a char object one_char = char(content = c) # map a char to a bitmap one_char.map( color = color, fonts = fonts, north_margin = north_margin, west_margin = west_margin, south_margin = south_margin, east_margin = east_margin, unsupported = unsupported ) one_char, draw_location, target_images \ = write_char_to_image( one_char = one_char, draw_location = draw_location, code = current_code, image_start_index = image_start_index, target_images = target_images ) char_list.append(one_char) current_code += 1 save_images(target_images, output_folder) return char_list, target_images def produce_xml(char_list, target_images, output_folder, keep_original, original_xml_file_name) : env = jinja2.Environment() env.loader = jinja2.FileSystemLoader('./') template = env.get_template(xml_template_name) xml_file = open(join(output_folder, xml_file_name), 'w+') char_attribute_list = [ c.attribute() for c in char_list ] dds_files = [] glyphs_attribute_list = [] kernpair_attribute_list = [] image_index = 0 if keep_original == True : for n in original_dds_file_names : dds_files.append( { 'index' : image_index, 'name': n } ) image_index += 1 glyphs_attribute_list, kernpair_attribute_list = \ get_original_xml_attributes(original_xml_file_name) dds_files += [ { 'index' : i + image_index, 'name': '%s%s.dds' % (output_dds_prefix, i) } for i in xrange(len(target_images)) ] xml_file.write( template.render( char_attribute_list = char_attribute_list, dds_files = dds_files, glyphs_attribute_list = glyphs_attribute_list, kernpair_attribute_list = kernpair_attribute_list ) ) def get_original_text(base_folder, backup_folder, xml_file_name) : original_xml_file_name = join(backup_folder, 'red\\' + xml_file_name) original_xml_file_name_copy = join(base_folder, 'original_' + xml_file_name) shutil.copy2(original_xml_file_name, original_xml_file_name_copy) return get_char_list(xml_file_name = original_xml_file_name_copy) def backup_se_font_map(se_folder, backup_folder) : if not os.path.exists(backup_folder) : shutil.copytree(join(se_folder, 'Content\\Fonts'), backup_folder ) else : if not os.listdir(backup_folder) : os.rmdir(backup_folder ) shutil.copytree(join(se_folder, 'Content\\Fonts'), backup_folder ) def include_text_files(base_folder, text_file_folder) : text_files = file_names_in_folder(text_file_folder) text_mod_files = [ f for f in text_files if f.endswith('.py') ] for f in text_files : shutil.copy2(join(text_file_folder, f), join(base_folder, f)) text_file_modules = [ __import__( f.split('.')[0]) for f in text_mod_files ] result = [] for m in text_file_modules : result += distinct(m.text) return text_files, distinct(result) def check_unsupported_files (base_folder, unsupported_folder) : unsupported_files = file_names_in_folder(unsupported_folder) for f in unsupported_files : shutil.copy2(join(unsupported_folder, f), join(base_folder, f)) unsupported_file_modules = [ __import__( f.split('.')[0]) for f in unsupported_files ] unsupported = {} for m in unsupported_file_modules : for key, value in m.unsupported_char.items() : unsupported[key] = value return unsupported_files, unsupported start_time = timeit.default_timer() backup_se_font_map(se_folder, backup_folder) text_original, max_code = get_original_text(base_folder, backup_folder, xml_file_name) text_files, text_in_files = include_text_files(base_folder, text_file_folder) unsupported_files, unsupported = check_unsupported_files (base_folder, unsupported_folder) if not os.path.exists(output_folder) : os.mkdir(output_folder) if not keep_original : text = distinct(text_in_files + text_original) start_code = 0 else : text = list(set(text_in_files).symmetric_difference(text_original)) start_code = max_code + 1 # generate font map for c, v in color_dict.items() : if v['output'] == True : print 'Generate bitmap for %s ...' % c if os.path.exists(join(output_folder, c)) : shutil.rmtree(join(output_folder, c)) if not os.path.exists(join(output_folder, c)) : os.mkdir(join(output_folder, c)) if keep_original == True : for n in original_dds_file_names : shutil.copy2( join( backup_folder, c + '\\' + n), join( output_folder, c + '\\' + n) ) original_xml_file_name \ = os.path.abspath(join( backup_folder, c + '\\' + xml_file_name)) print 'Done' print print 'Write bitmap to dds.' char_list, target_images \ = write_text_to_image( text = text, color = v, unsupported = unsupported, start_code = copy.deepcopy(start_code), output_folder = join(output_folder, c), image_start_index = len(original_dds_file_names), north_margin = north_margin, west_margin = west_margin, south_margin = south_margin, east_margin = east_margin ) print 'Done' print print 'Generate XML for %s ...' produce_xml(char_list, target_images, join(output_folder, c), keep_original, original_xml_file_name) print 'Done' print 'All image and XMl generations done.' print print 'Cleaning up temp files...' cleanup( folder_paths = [ base_folder ], file_names = text_files + unsupported_files, remove_ext_name = ['.pyc', '.png', '.csv', 'original_' + xml_file_name]) print 'Done' print 'Total run time is %f.' % (timeit.default_timer() - start_time) """ .. todo:: WRITEME """ import numpy np = numpy import os from theano.compat.six.moves import reduce from pylearn2.datasets import dense_design_matrix from pylearn2.datasets import retina from pylearn2.datasets.cache import datasetCache class NORBSmall(dense_design_matrix.DenseDesignMatrix): """ A pylearn2 dataset object for the small NORB dataset (v1.0). Parameters ---------- which_set : WRITEME one of ['train','test'] center : WRITEME data is in range [0,256], center=True subtracts 127.5. multi_target : WRITEME load extra information as additional labels. """ @classmethod def load(cls, which_set, desc): """ .. todo:: WRITEME """ assert desc in ['dat', 'cat', 'info'] base = '%s/norb_small/original_npy/smallnorb-' base = base % os.getenv('PYLEARN2_DATA_PATH') if which_set == 'train': base += '5x46789x9x18x6x2x96x96-training' else: base += '5x01235x9x18x6x2x96x96-testing' fname = base + '-%s.npy' % desc fname = datasetCache.cache_file(fname) fp = open(fname, 'r') data = np.load(fp) fp.close() return data def __init__(self, which_set, center=False, multi_target=False): assert which_set in ['train', 'test'] X = NORBSmall.load(which_set, 'dat') # put things in pylearn2's DenseDesignMatrix format X = np.cast['float32'](X) X = X.reshape(-1, 2 * 96 * 96) # this is uint8 y = NORBSmall.load(which_set, 'cat') if multi_target: y_extra = NORBSmall.load(which_set, 'info') y = np.hstack((y[:, np.newaxis], y_extra)) if center: X -= 127.5 view_converter = dense_design_matrix.DefaultViewConverter((96, 96, 2)) super(NORBSmall, self).__init__(X=X, y=y, y_labels=np.max(y) + 1, view_converter=view_converter) class FoveatedNORB(dense_design_matrix.DenseDesignMatrix): """ .. todo:: WRITEME Parameters ---------- which_set : WRITEME One of ['train','test'] center : WRITEME Data is in range [0,256], center=True subtracts 127.5. # TODO: check this comment, sure it means {0, ..., 255} scale : WRITEME start : WRITEME stop : WRITEME restrict_instances : WRITEME preprocessor : WRITEME """ @classmethod def load(cls, which_set): base = '%s/norb_small/foveated/smallnorb-' base = base % os.getenv('PYLEARN2_DATA_PATH') if which_set == 'train': base += '5x46789x9x18x6x2x96x96-training-dat' else: base += '5x01235x9x18x6x2x96x96-testing-dat' fname = base + '.npy' fname = datasetCache.cache_file(fname) data = np.load(fname, 'r') return data def __init__(self, which_set, center=False, scale=False, start=None, stop=None, restrict_instances=None, preprocessor=None): self.args = locals() if which_set not in ['train', 'test']: raise ValueError("Unrecognized which_set value: " + which_set) X = FoveatedNORB.load(which_set) X = np.cast['float32'](X) # this is uint8 y = NORBSmall.load(which_set, 'cat') y_extra = NORBSmall.load(which_set, 'info') assert y_extra.shape[0] == y.shape[0] instance = y_extra[:, 0] assert instance.min() >= 0 assert instance.max() <= 9 self.instance = instance if center: X -= 127.5 if scale: X /= 127.5 else: if scale: X /= 255. view_converter = retina.RetinaCodingViewConverter((96, 96, 2), (8, 4, 2, 2)) super(FoveatedNORB, self).__init__(X=X, y=y, y_labels=np.max(y) + 1, view_converter=view_converter, preprocessor=preprocessor) if restrict_instances is not None: assert start is None assert stop is None self.restrict_instances(restrict_instances) self.restrict(start, stop) self.y = self.y.astype('float32') def get_test_set(self): """ .. todo:: WRITEME """ test_args = {'which_set': 'test'} for key in self.args: if key in ['which_set', 'restrict_instances', 'self', 'start', 'stop']: continue test_args[key] = self.args[key] return FoveatedNORB(**test_args) def restrict_instances(self, instances): """ .. todo:: WRITEME """ mask = reduce(np.maximum, [self.instance == ins for ins in instances]) mask = mask.astype('bool') self.instance = self.instance[mask] self.X = self.X[mask, :] if self.y.ndim == 2: self.y = self.y[mask, :] else: self.y = self.y[mask] assert self.X.shape[0] == self.y.shape[0] expected = sum([(self.instance == ins).sum() for ins in instances]) assert self.X.shape[0] == expected # This file is part of 'NTLM Authorization Proxy Server' # This file Copyright 2012 Tony C. Heupel # NTLM Authorization Proxy Server is # Copyright 2001 Dmitry A. Rozmanov # # NTLM APS is free software; you can redistribute it and/or modify # it under the terms of the GNU General Public License as published by # the Free Software Foundation; either version 2 of the License, or # (at your option) any later version. # # NTLM APS is distributed in the hope that it will be useful, # but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of # MERCHANTABILITY or FITNESS FOR A PARTICULAR PURPOSE. See the # GNU General Public License for more details. # # You should have received a copy of the GNU General Public License # along with the sofware; see the file COPYING. If not, write to the # Free Software Foundation, Inc., # 59 Temple Place, Suite 330, Boston, MA 02111-1307, USA. # import getopt def parse_command_line(cmdline): """ Parse command line into a tuple (except for the configuration file) NOTE: Must only contain the command-line options """ opts, values = getopt.getopt(cmdline, '', ['config=', 'domain=', 'username=', 'password=', 'port=']) options = {} for opt in opts: option, value = opt if option == '--domain': options['domain'] = value elif option == '--username': options['username'] = value elif option == '--password': options['password'] = value elif option == '--port': options['port'] = int(value) elif option == '--config': options['config_file'] = value return options #!/usr/bin/python # -*- coding: utf-8 -*- # Copyright: (c) 2015, Joseph Callen # Copyright: (c) 2018, Ansible Project # # GNU General Public License v3.0+ (see COPYING or https://www.gnu.org/licenses/gpl-3.0.txt) from __future__ import absolute_import, division, print_function __metaclass__ = type ANSIBLE_METADATA = { 'metadata_version': '1.1', 'status': ['preview'], 'supported_by': 'community' } DOCUMENTATION = r''' --- module: vmware_cluster_ha short_description: Manage High Availability (HA) on VMware vSphere clusters description: - Manages HA configuration on VMware vSphere clusters. - All values and VMware object names are case sensitive. version_added: '2.9' author: - Joseph Callen (@jcpowermac) - Abhijeet Kasurde (@Akasurde) requirements: - Tested on ESXi 5.5 and 6.5. - PyVmomi installed. options: cluster_name: description: - The name of the cluster to be managed. type: str required: yes datacenter: description: - The name of the datacenter. type: str required: yes aliases: [ datacenter_name ] enable_ha: description: - Whether to enable HA. type: bool default: 'no' ha_host_monitoring: description: - Whether HA restarts virtual machines after a host fails. - If set to C(enabled), HA restarts virtual machines after a host fails. - If set to C(disabled), HA does not restart virtual machines after a host fails. - If C(enable_ha) is set to C(no), then this value is ignored. type: str choices: [ 'enabled', 'disabled' ] default: 'enabled' ha_vm_monitoring: description: - State of virtual machine health monitoring service. - If set to C(vmAndAppMonitoring), HA response to both virtual machine and application heartbeat failure. - If set to C(vmMonitoringDisabled), virtual machine health monitoring is disabled. - If set to C(vmMonitoringOnly), HA response to virtual machine heartbeat failure. - If C(enable_ha) is set to C(no), then this value is ignored. type: str choices: ['vmAndAppMonitoring', 'vmMonitoringOnly', 'vmMonitoringDisabled'] default: 'vmMonitoringDisabled' host_isolation_response: description: - Indicates whether or VMs should be powered off if a host determines that it is isolated from the rest of the compute resource. - If set to C(none), do not power off VMs in the event of a host network isolation. - If set to C(powerOff), power off VMs in the event of a host network isolation. - If set to C(shutdown), shut down VMs guest operating system in the event of a host network isolation. type: str choices: ['none', 'powerOff', 'shutdown'] default: 'none' slot_based_admission_control: description: - Configure slot based admission control policy. - C(slot_based_admission_control), C(reservation_based_admission_control) and C(failover_host_admission_control) are mutually exclusive. suboptions: failover_level: description: - Number of host failures that should be tolerated. type: int required: true type: dict reservation_based_admission_control: description: - Configure reservation based admission control policy. - C(slot_based_admission_control), C(reservation_based_admission_control) and C(failover_host_admission_control) are mutually exclusive. suboptions: failover_level: description: - Number of host failures that should be tolerated. type: int required: true auto_compute_percentages: description: - By default, C(failover_level) is used to calculate C(cpu_failover_resources_percent) and C(memory_failover_resources_percent). If a user wants to override the percentage values, he has to set this field to false. type: bool default: true cpu_failover_resources_percent: description: - Percentage of CPU resources in the cluster to reserve for failover. Ignored if C(auto_compute_percentages) is not set to false. type: int default: 50 memory_failover_resources_percent: description: - Percentage of memory resources in the cluster to reserve for failover. Ignored if C(auto_compute_percentages) is not set to false. type: int default: 50 type: dict failover_host_admission_control: description: - Configure dedicated failover hosts. - C(slot_based_admission_control), C(reservation_based_admission_control) and C(failover_host_admission_control) are mutually exclusive. suboptions: failover_hosts: description: - List of dedicated failover hosts. type: list required: true type: dict ha_vm_failure_interval: description: - The number of seconds after which virtual machine is declared as failed if no heartbeat has been received. - This setting is only valid if C(ha_vm_monitoring) is set to, either C(vmAndAppMonitoring) or C(vmMonitoringOnly). - Unit is seconds. type: int default: 30 ha_vm_min_up_time: description: - The number of seconds for the virtual machine's heartbeats to stabilize after the virtual machine has been powered on. - Valid only when I(ha_vm_monitoring) is set to either C(vmAndAppMonitoring) or C(vmMonitoringOnly). - Unit is seconds. type: int default: 120 ha_vm_max_failures: description: - Maximum number of failures and automated resets allowed during the time that C(ha_vm_max_failure_window) specifies. - Valid only when I(ha_vm_monitoring) is set to either C(vmAndAppMonitoring) or C(vmMonitoringOnly). type: int default: 3 ha_vm_max_failure_window: description: - The number of seconds for the window during which up to C(ha_vm_max_failures) resets can occur before automated responses stop. - Valid only when I(ha_vm_monitoring) is set to either C(vmAndAppMonitoring) or C(vmMonitoringOnly). - Unit is seconds. - Default specifies no failure window. type: int default: -1 ha_restart_priority: description: - Priority HA gives to a virtual machine if sufficient capacity is not available to power on all failed virtual machines. - Valid only if I(ha_vm_monitoring) is set to either C(vmAndAppMonitoring) or C(vmMonitoringOnly). - If set to C(disabled), then HA is disabled for this virtual machine. - If set to C(high), then virtual machine with this priority have a higher chance of powering on after a failure, when there is insufficient capacity on hosts to meet all virtual machine needs. - If set to C(medium), then virtual machine with this priority have an intermediate chance of powering on after a failure, when there is insufficient capacity on hosts to meet all virtual machine needs. - If set to C(low), then virtual machine with this priority have a lower chance of powering on after a failure, when there is insufficient capacity on hosts to meet all virtual machine needs. type: str default: 'medium' choices: [ 'disabled', 'high', 'low', 'medium' ] extends_documentation_fragment: vmware.documentation ''' EXAMPLES = r""" - name: Enable HA without admission control vmware_cluster_ha: hostname: '{{ vcenter_hostname }}' username: '{{ vcenter_username }}' password: '{{ vcenter_password }}' datacenter_name: datacenter cluster_name: cluster enable_ha: yes delegate_to: localhost - name: Enable HA and VM monitoring without admission control vmware_cluster_ha: hostname: "{{ vcenter_hostname }}" username: "{{ vcenter_username }}" password: "{{ vcenter_password }}" validate_certs: no datacenter_name: DC0 cluster_name: "{{ cluster_name }}" enable_ha: True ha_vm_monitoring: vmMonitoringOnly enable_vsan: True delegate_to: localhost - name: Enable HA with admission control reserving 50% of resources for HA vmware_cluster_ha: hostname: '{{ vcenter_hostname }}' username: '{{ vcenter_username }}' password: '{{ vcenter_password }}' datacenter_name: datacenter cluster_name: cluster enable_ha: yes reservation_based_admission_control: auto_compute_percentages: False failover_level: 1 cpu_failover_resources_percent: 50 memory_failover_resources_percent: 50 delegate_to: localhost """ RETURN = r"""# """ try: from pyVmomi import vim, vmodl except ImportError: pass from ansible.module_utils.basic import AnsibleModule from ansible.module_utils.vmware import (PyVmomi, TaskError, find_datacenter_by_name, vmware_argument_spec, wait_for_task) from ansible.module_utils._text import to_native class VMwareCluster(PyVmomi): def __init__(self, module): super(VMwareCluster, self).__init__(module) self.cluster_name = module.params['cluster_name'] self.datacenter_name = module.params['datacenter'] self.enable_ha = module.params['enable_ha'] self.datacenter = None self.cluster = None self.host_isolation_response = getattr(vim.cluster.DasVmSettings.IsolationResponse, self.params.get('host_isolation_response')) if self.enable_ha and ( self.params.get('slot_based_admission_control') or self.params.get('reservation_based_admission_control') or self.params.get('failover_host_admission_control')): self.ha_admission_control = True else: self.ha_admission_control = False self.datacenter = find_datacenter_by_name(self.content, self.datacenter_name) if self.datacenter is None: self.module.fail_json(msg="Datacenter %s does not exist." % self.datacenter_name) self.cluster = self.find_cluster_by_name(cluster_name=self.cluster_name) if self.cluster is None: self.module.fail_json(msg="Cluster %s does not exist." % self.cluster_name) def get_failover_hosts(self): """ Get failover hosts for failover_host_admission_control policy Returns: List of ESXi hosts sorted by name """ policy = self.params.get('failover_host_admission_control') hosts = [] all_hosts = dict((h.name, h) for h in self.get_all_hosts_by_cluster(self.cluster_name)) for host in policy.get('failover_hosts'): if host in all_hosts: hosts.append(all_hosts.get(host)) else: self.module.fail_json(msg="Host %s is not a member of cluster %s." % (host, self.cluster_name)) hosts.sort(key=lambda h: h.name) return hosts def check_ha_config_diff(self): """ Check HA configuration diff Returns: True if there is diff, else False """ das_config = self.cluster.configurationEx.dasConfig if das_config.enabled != self.enable_ha: return True if self.enable_ha and ( das_config.vmMonitoring != self.params.get('ha_vm_monitoring') or das_config.hostMonitoring != self.params.get('ha_host_monitoring') or das_config.admissionControlEnabled != self.ha_admission_control or das_config.defaultVmSettings.restartPriority != self.params.get('ha_restart_priority') or das_config.defaultVmSettings.isolationResponse != self.host_isolation_response or das_config.defaultVmSettings.vmToolsMonitoringSettings.vmMonitoring != self.params.get('ha_vm_monitoring') or das_config.defaultVmSettings.vmToolsMonitoringSettings.failureInterval != self.params.get('ha_vm_failure_interval') or das_config.defaultVmSettings.vmToolsMonitoringSettings.minUpTime != self.params.get('ha_vm_min_up_time') or das_config.defaultVmSettings.vmToolsMonitoringSettings.maxFailures != self.params.get('ha_vm_max_failures') or das_config.defaultVmSettings.vmToolsMonitoringSettings.maxFailureWindow != self.params.get('ha_vm_max_failure_window')): return True if self.ha_admission_control: if self.params.get('slot_based_admission_control'): policy = self.params.get('slot_based_admission_control') if not isinstance(das_config.admissionControlPolicy, vim.cluster.FailoverLevelAdmissionControlPolicy) or \ das_config.admissionControlPolicy.failoverLevel != policy.get('failover_level'): return True elif self.params.get('reservation_based_admission_control'): policy = self.params.get('reservation_based_admission_control') auto_compute_percentages = policy.get('auto_compute_percentages') if not isinstance(das_config.admissionControlPolicy, vim.cluster.FailoverResourcesAdmissionControlPolicy) or \ das_config.admissionControlPolicy.autoComputePercentages != auto_compute_percentages or \ das_config.admissionControlPolicy.failoverLevel != policy.get('failover_level'): return True if not auto_compute_percentages: if das_config.admissionControlPolicy.cpuFailoverResourcesPercent != policy.get('cpu_failover_resources_percent') or \ das_config.admissionControlPolicy.memoryFailoverResourcesPercent != policy.get('memory_failover_resources_percent'): return True elif self.params.get('failover_host_admission_control'): policy = self.params.get('failover_host_admission_control') if not isinstance(das_config.admissionControlPolicy, vim.cluster.FailoverHostAdmissionControlPolicy): return True das_config.admissionControlPolicy.failoverHosts.sort(key=lambda h: h.name) if das_config.admissionControlPolicy.failoverHosts != self.get_failover_hosts(): return True return False def configure_ha(self): """ Manage HA Configuration """ changed, result = False, None if self.check_ha_config_diff(): if not self.module.check_mode: cluster_config_spec = vim.cluster.ConfigSpecEx() cluster_config_spec.dasConfig = vim.cluster.DasConfigInfo() cluster_config_spec.dasConfig.enabled = self.enable_ha if self.enable_ha: vm_tool_spec = vim.cluster.VmToolsMonitoringSettings() vm_tool_spec.enabled = True vm_tool_spec.vmMonitoring = self.params.get('ha_vm_monitoring') vm_tool_spec.failureInterval = self.params.get('ha_vm_failure_interval') vm_tool_spec.minUpTime = self.params.get('ha_vm_min_up_time') vm_tool_spec.maxFailures = self.params.get('ha_vm_max_failures') vm_tool_spec.maxFailureWindow = self.params.get('ha_vm_max_failure_window') das_vm_config = vim.cluster.DasVmSettings() das_vm_config.restartPriority = self.params.get('ha_restart_priority') das_vm_config.isolationResponse = self.host_isolation_response das_vm_config.vmToolsMonitoringSettings = vm_tool_spec cluster_config_spec.dasConfig.defaultVmSettings = das_vm_config cluster_config_spec.dasConfig.admissionControlEnabled = self.ha_admission_control if self.ha_admission_control: if self.params.get('slot_based_admission_control'): cluster_config_spec.dasConfig.admissionControlPolicy = vim.cluster.FailoverLevelAdmissionControlPolicy() policy = self.params.get('slot_based_admission_control') cluster_config_spec.dasConfig.admissionControlPolicy.failoverLevel = policy.get('failover_level') elif self.params.get('reservation_based_admission_control'): cluster_config_spec.dasConfig.admissionControlPolicy = vim.cluster.FailoverResourcesAdmissionControlPolicy() policy = self.params.get('reservation_based_admission_control') auto_compute_percentages = policy.get('auto_compute_percentages') cluster_config_spec.dasConfig.admissionControlPolicy.autoComputePercentages = auto_compute_percentages cluster_config_spec.dasConfig.admissionControlPolicy.failoverLevel = policy.get('failover_level') if not auto_compute_percentages: cluster_config_spec.dasConfig.admissionControlPolicy.cpuFailoverResourcesPercent = \ policy.get('cpu_failover_resources_percent') cluster_config_spec.dasConfig.admissionControlPolicy.memoryFailoverResourcesPercent = \ policy.get('memory_failover_resources_percent') elif self.params.get('failover_host_admission_control'): cluster_config_spec.dasConfig.admissionControlPolicy = vim.cluster.FailoverHostAdmissionControlPolicy() policy = self.params.get('failover_host_admission_control') cluster_config_spec.dasConfig.admissionControlPolicy.failoverHosts = self.get_failover_hosts() cluster_config_spec.dasConfig.hostMonitoring = self.params.get('ha_host_monitoring') cluster_config_spec.dasConfig.vmMonitoring = self.params.get('ha_vm_monitoring') try: task = self.cluster.ReconfigureComputeResource_Task(cluster_config_spec, True) changed, result = wait_for_task(task) except vmodl.RuntimeFault as runtime_fault: self.module.fail_json(msg=to_native(runtime_fault.msg)) except vmodl.MethodFault as method_fault: self.module.fail_json(msg=to_native(method_fault.msg)) except TaskError as task_e: self.module.fail_json(msg=to_native(task_e)) except Exception as generic_exc: self.module.fail_json(msg="Failed to update cluster" " due to generic exception %s" % to_native(generic_exc)) else: changed = True self.module.exit_json(changed=changed, result=result) def main(): argument_spec = vmware_argument_spec() argument_spec.update(dict( cluster_name=dict(type='str', required=True), datacenter=dict(type='str', required=True, aliases=['datacenter_name']), # HA enable_ha=dict(type='bool', default=False), ha_host_monitoring=dict(type='str', default='enabled', choices=['enabled', 'disabled']), host_isolation_response=dict(type='str', default='none', choices=['none', 'powerOff', 'shutdown']), # HA VM Monitoring related parameters ha_vm_monitoring=dict(type='str', choices=['vmAndAppMonitoring', 'vmMonitoringOnly', 'vmMonitoringDisabled'], default='vmMonitoringDisabled'), ha_vm_failure_interval=dict(type='int', default=30), ha_vm_min_up_time=dict(type='int', default=120), ha_vm_max_failures=dict(type='int', default=3), ha_vm_max_failure_window=dict(type='int', default=-1), ha_restart_priority=dict(type='str', choices=['high', 'low', 'medium', 'disabled'], default='medium'), # HA Admission Control related parameters slot_based_admission_control=dict(type='dict', options=dict( failover_level=dict(type='int', required=True), )), reservation_based_admission_control=dict(type='dict', options=dict( auto_compute_percentages=dict(type='bool', default=True), failover_level=dict(type='int', required=True), cpu_failover_resources_percent=dict(type='int', default=50), memory_failover_resources_percent=dict(type='int', default=50), )), failover_host_admission_control=dict(type='dict', options=dict( failover_hosts=dict(type='list', elements='str', required=True), )), )) module = AnsibleModule( argument_spec=argument_spec, supports_check_mode=True, mutually_exclusive=[ ['slot_based_admission_control', 'reservation_based_admission_control', 'failover_host_admission_control'] ] ) vmware_cluster_ha = VMwareCluster(module) vmware_cluster_ha.configure_ha() if __name__ == '__main__': main() from django.contrib import admin from edc_base.modeladmin.admin import LimitedAdminInlineMixin from getresults.admin import admin_site from .models import ExportHistory, ImportHistory, CsvFormat, CsvField, CsvDictionary from getresults_csv.forms import CsvDictionaryForm class CsvFieldAdmin(admin.ModelAdmin): list_display = ('csv_format', 'name') admin_site.register(CsvField, CsvFieldAdmin) class CsvDictionaryAdmin(admin.ModelAdmin): form = CsvDictionaryForm list_display = ('csv_format', 'csv_field', 'processing_field', 'utestid') search_fields = ('csv_field', 'processing_field', 'utestid__name') admin_site.register(CsvDictionary, CsvDictionaryAdmin) class CsvDictionaryInline(LimitedAdminInlineMixin, admin.TabularInline): model = CsvDictionary form = CsvDictionaryForm extra = 0 def get_filters(self, obj): if obj: return (('csv_field', dict(csv_format=obj.id)),) else: return () class CsvFormatAdmin(admin.ModelAdmin): list_display = ('name', 'sender_model', 'delimiter', 'encoding') inlines = [CsvDictionaryInline] admin_site.register(CsvFormat, CsvFormatAdmin) class ImportHistoryAdmin(admin.ModelAdmin): list_display = ('source', 'import_datetime', 'record_count') search_fields = ('source', 'import_datetime', 'record_count') admin_site.register(ImportHistory, ImportHistoryAdmin) class ExportHistoryAdmin(admin.ModelAdmin): list_display = ('destination', 'export_datetime', 'reference') search_fields = ('destination', 'export_datetime', 'reference') admin_site.register(ExportHistory, ExportHistoryAdmin) # This file is part of Ansible # # Ansible is free software: you can redistribute it and/or modify # it under the terms of the GNU General Public License as published by # the Free Software Foundation, either version 3 of the License, or # (at your option) any later version. # # Ansible is distributed in the hope that it will be useful, # but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of # MERCHANTABILITY or FITNESS FOR A PARTICULAR PURPOSE. See the # GNU General Public License for more details. # # You should have received a copy of the GNU General Public License # along with Ansible. If not, see . from __future__ import (absolute_import, division, print_function) __metaclass__ = type import re import socket import platform from ansible.module_utils.facts.utils import get_file_content from ansible.module_utils.facts.collector import BaseFactCollector # i86pc is a Solaris and derivatives-ism SOLARIS_I86_RE_PATTERN = r'i([3456]86|86pc)' solaris_i86_re = re.compile(SOLARIS_I86_RE_PATTERN) class PlatformFactCollector(BaseFactCollector): name = 'platform' _fact_ids = set(['system', 'kernel', 'machine', 'python_version', 'machine_id']) def collect(self, module=None, collected_facts=None): platform_facts = {} # platform.system() can be Linux, Darwin, Java, or Windows platform_facts['system'] = platform.system() platform_facts['kernel'] = platform.release() platform_facts['machine'] = platform.machine() platform_facts['python_version'] = platform.python_version() platform_facts['fqdn'] = socket.getfqdn() platform_facts['hostname'] = platform.node().split('.')[0] platform_facts['nodename'] = platform.node() platform_facts['domain'] = '.'.join(platform_facts['fqdn'].split('.')[1:]) arch_bits = platform.architecture()[0] platform_facts['userspace_bits'] = arch_bits.replace('bit', '') if platform_facts['machine'] == 'x86_64': platform_facts['architecture'] = platform_facts['machine'] if platform_facts['userspace_bits'] == '64': platform_facts['userspace_architecture'] = 'x86_64' elif platform_facts['userspace_bits'] == '32': platform_facts['userspace_architecture'] = 'i386' elif solaris_i86_re.search(platform_facts['machine']): platform_facts['architecture'] = 'i386' if platform_facts['userspace_bits'] == '64': platform_facts['userspace_architecture'] = 'x86_64' elif platform_facts['userspace_bits'] == '32': platform_facts['userspace_architecture'] = 'i386' else: platform_facts['architecture'] = platform_facts['machine'] if platform_facts['system'] == 'AIX': # Attempt to use getconf to figure out architecture # fall back to bootinfo if needed getconf_bin = module.get_bin_path('getconf') if getconf_bin: rc, out, err = module.run_command([getconf_bin, 'MACHINE_ARCHITECTURE']) data = out.splitlines() platform_facts['architecture'] = data[0] else: bootinfo_bin = module.get_bin_path('bootinfo') rc, out, err = module.run_command([bootinfo_bin, '-p']) data = out.splitlines() platform_facts['architecture'] = data[0] elif platform_facts['system'] == 'OpenBSD': platform_facts['architecture'] = platform.uname()[5] machine_id = get_file_content("/var/lib/dbus/machine-id") or get_file_content("/etc/machine-id") if machine_id: machine_id = machine_id.splitlines()[0] platform_facts["machine_id"] = machine_id return platform_facts """Tests for :mod:`nailgun.entities`.""" import inspect import json import os from datetime import date from datetime import datetime from http.client import ACCEPTED from http.client import NO_CONTENT from unittest import mock from unittest import TestCase from fauxfactory import gen_alpha from fauxfactory import gen_integer from fauxfactory import gen_string from nailgun import client from nailgun import config from nailgun import entities from nailgun.entity_mixins import EntityCreateMixin from nailgun.entity_mixins import EntityReadMixin from nailgun.entity_mixins import EntitySearchMixin from nailgun.entity_mixins import EntityUpdateMixin from nailgun.entity_mixins import NoSuchPathError _BUILTIN_OPEN = 'builtins.open' # For inspection comparison, a tuple matching the expected func arg spec # https://docs.python.org/3/library/inspect.html#inspect.getfullargspec EXPECTED_ARGSPEC = (['self', 'synchronous', 'timeout'], None, 'kwargs', (True, None), [], None, {}) EXPECTED_ARGSPEC_TIMEOUT = ( ['self', 'synchronous', 'timeout'], None, 'kwargs', (True, 1500), [], None, {}, ) # The size of this file is a direct reflection of the size of module # `nailgun.entities` and the Satellite API. def make_entity(cls, **kwargs): """Helper function to create entity with dummy ServerConfig""" cfg = config.ServerConfig(url='https://foo.bar', verify=False, auth=('foo', 'bar')) return cls(cfg, **kwargs) def _get_required_field_names(entity): """Get the names of all required fields from an entity. :param nailgun.entity_mixins.Entity entity: This entity is inspected. :returns: A set in the form ``{'field_name_1', 'field_name_2', …}``. """ return { field_name for field_name, field in entity.get_fields().items() if field.required is True } # This file is divided in to three sets of test cases (`TestCase` subclasses): # # 1. Tests for inherited methods. # 2. Tests for entity-specific methods. # 3. Other tests. # # 1. Tests for inherited methods. ---------------------------------------- {{{1 class InitTestCase(TestCase): """Tests for all of the ``__init__`` methods. The tests in this class are a sanity check. They simply check to see if you can instantiate each entity. """ @classmethod def setUpClass(cls): """Set a server configuration at ``cls.cfg``.""" cls.cfg = config.ServerConfig('http://example.com') def test_init_succeeds(self): """Instantiate every entity. Assert that the returned object is an instance of the class that produced it. """ entities_ = [ (entity, {}) for entity in ( # entities.ContentViewFilterRule, # see below # entities.OperatingSystemParameter, # see below # entities.SyncPlan, # see below entities.AbstractComputeResource, entities.AbstractContentViewFilter, entities.ActivationKey, entities.Architecture, entities.ArfReport, entities.Audit, entities.AuthSourceLDAP, entities.AzureRMComputeResource, entities.Bookmark, entities.Capsule, entities.CommonParameter, entities.ComputeAttribute, entities.ComputeProfile, entities.ConfigGroup, entities.CompliancePolicies, entities.ProvisioningTemplate, entities.ReportTemplate, # entities.ContentUpload, # see below entities.ContentCredential, entities.ContentView, entities.ContentViewVersion, entities.DiscoveredHost, entities.DiscoveryRule, entities.DockerContentViewFilter, entities.Domain, entities.Environment, entities.Errata, entities.ErratumContentViewFilter, entities.File, entities.Filter, entities.ForemanStatus, entities.ForemanTask, entities.GPGKey, entities.GCEComputeResource, entities.Host, entities.HostCollection, entities.HostCollectionErrata, entities.HostCollectionPackage, entities.HostGroup, entities.HTTPProxy, entities.KatelloStatus, entities.LibvirtComputeResource, entities.LifecycleEnvironment, entities.JobInvocation, entities.JobTemplate, entities.Location, entities.Media, entities.Model, entities.ModuleStreamContentViewFilter, # entities.OSDefaultTemplate, # see below entities.OperatingSystem, entities.Organization, entities.OVirtComputeResource, entities.PackageGroupContentViewFilter, entities.PartitionTable, entities.Permission, entities.Ping, entities.Package, entities.PackageGroup, entities.Product, entities.ProductBulkAction, entities.PuppetClass, entities.RPMContentViewFilter, entities.Realm, entities.RecurringLogic, entities.Report, entities.Repository, entities.RepositorySet, entities.Role, entities.RoleLDAPGroups, entities.ScapContents, entities.Setting, entities.SmartClassParameters, entities.SmartProxy, entities.SmartVariable, # entities.Snapshot, # see below entities.Srpms, entities.Status, entities.Subnet, entities.Subscription, entities.TailoringFile, entities.TemplateCombination, entities.Template, entities.TemplateKind, entities.User, entities.UserGroup, entities.VirtWhoConfig, entities.VMWareComputeResource, ) ] entities_.extend( [ ( entities.LibvirtComputeResource, {'display_type': 'VNC', 'set_console_password': False}, ), (entities.ContentUpload, {'repository': 1}), (entities.ContentViewComponent, {'composite_content_view': 1}), (entities.ContentViewFilterRule, {'content_view_filter': 1}), (entities.ExternalUserGroup, {'usergroup': 1}), (entities.HostPackage, {'host': 1}), (entities.HostSubscription, {'host': 1}), (entities.Interface, {'host': 1}), (entities.Image, {'compute_resource': 1}), (entities.OperatingSystemParameter, {'operatingsystem': 1}), (entities.OSDefaultTemplate, {'operatingsystem': 1}), (entities.OverrideValue, {'smart_class_parameter': 1}), (entities.OverrideValue, {'smart_variable': 1}), (entities.Parameter, {'domain': 1}), (entities.Parameter, {'host': 1}), (entities.Parameter, {'hostgroup': 1}), (entities.Parameter, {'location': 1}), (entities.Parameter, {'operatingsystem': 1}), (entities.Parameter, {'organization': 1}), (entities.Parameter, {'subnet': 1}), (entities.RepositorySet, {'product': 1}), (entities.Snapshot, {'host': 1}), (entities.SSHKey, {'user': 1}), (entities.SyncPlan, {'organization': 1}), (entities.TemplateInput, {'template': 1}), ] ) for entity, params in entities_: with self.subTest(entity): self.assertIsInstance(entity(self.cfg, **params), entity) def test_required_params(self): """Instantiate entities that require extra parameters. Assert that ``TypeError`` is raised if the required extra parameters are not provided. """ for entity in ( entities.ContentViewComponent, entities.ContentViewFilterRule, entities.ExternalUserGroup, entities.HostPackage, entities.HostSubscription, entities.Image, entities.OverrideValue, entities.OperatingSystemParameter, entities.OSDefaultTemplate, entities.Parameter, entities.SyncPlan, entities.TemplateInput, ): with self.subTest(): with self.assertRaises(TypeError): entity(self.cfg) class PathTestCase(TestCase): """Tests for extensions of :meth:`nailgun.entity_mixins.Entity.path`.""" longMessage = True def setUp(self): """Set ``self.cfg`` and ``self.id_``.""" self.cfg = config.ServerConfig('http://example.com') self.id_ = gen_integer(min_value=1) def test_nowhich(self): """Execute ``entity().path()`` and ``entity(id=…).path()``.""" for entity, path in ( (entities.ActivationKey, '/activation_keys'), (entities.Capsule, '/capsules'), (entities.ProvisioningTemplate, '/provisioning_templates'), (entities.ReportTemplate, '/report_templates'), (entities.Role, '/roles'), (entities.ContentView, '/content_views'), (entities.ContentViewVersion, '/content_view_versions'), (entities.CompliancePolicies, '/compliance/policies'), (entities.DiscoveredHost, '/discovered_hosts'), (entities.DiscoveryRule, '/discovery_rules'), (entities.Environment, '/environments'), (entities.Errata, '/errata'), (entities.Organization, '/organizations'), (entities.Host, '/hosts'), (entities.HostGroup, '/hostgroups'), (entities.Product, '/products'), (entities.ProductBulkAction, '/products/bulk'), (entities.PuppetClass, '/puppetclasses'), (entities.RHCIDeployment, '/deployments'), (entities.Repository, '/repositories'), (entities.Setting, '/settings'), (entities.SmartProxy, '/smart_proxies'), (entities.Subscription, '/subscriptions'), (entities.ScapContents, '/scap_contents'), (entities.VirtWhoConfig, '/foreman_virt_who_configure/api/v2/configs'), ): with self.subTest((entity, path)): self.assertIn(path, entity(self.cfg).path()) self.assertIn(f'{path}/{self.id_}', entity(self.cfg, id=self.id_).path()) def test_id_and_which(self): """Execute ``entity(id=…).path(which=…)``.""" for entity, which in ( (entities.ActivationKey, 'add_subscriptions'), (entities.ActivationKey, 'content_override'), (entities.ActivationKey, 'copy'), (entities.ActivationKey, 'host_collections'), (entities.ActivationKey, 'releases'), (entities.ActivationKey, 'remove_subscriptions'), (entities.ActivationKey, 'subscriptions'), (entities.AbstractComputeResource, 'available_images'), (entities.AbstractComputeResource, 'available_zones'), (entities.AbstractComputeResource, 'available_flavors'), (entities.AbstractComputeResource, 'available_networks'), (entities.AbstractComputeResource, 'associate'), (entities.AbstractComputeResource, 'images'), (entities.ArfReport, 'download_html'), (entities.ProvisioningTemplate, 'clone'), (entities.ReportTemplate, 'clone'), (entities.Role, 'clone'), (entities.ContentView, 'content_view_versions'), (entities.ContentView, 'copy'), (entities.ContentView, 'publish'), (entities.ContentViewVersion, 'promote'), (entities.DiscoveredHost, 'auto_provision'), (entities.DiscoveredHost, 'refresh_facts'), (entities.DiscoveredHost, 'reboot'), (entities.Environment, 'smart_class_parameters'), (entities.Host, 'enc'), (entities.Host, 'errata'), (entities.Host, 'errata/apply'), (entities.Host, 'errata/applicability'), (entities.Host, 'module_streams'), (entities.Host, 'packages'), (entities.Host, 'puppetclass_ids'), (entities.Host, 'smart_class_parameters'), (entities.Host, 'smart_variables'), (entities.HostGroup, 'clone'), (entities.HostGroup, 'puppetclass_ids'), (entities.HostGroup, 'rebuild_config'), (entities.HostGroup, 'smart_class_parameters'), (entities.HostGroup, 'smart_variables'), (entities.Organization, 'download_debug_certificate'), (entities.Organization, 'subscriptions'), (entities.Organization, 'subscriptions/delete_manifest'), (entities.Organization, 'subscriptions/manifest_history'), (entities.Organization, 'subscriptions/refresh_manifest'), (entities.Organization, 'subscriptions/upload'), (entities.Organization, 'sync_plans'), (entities.Product, 'sync'), (entities.PuppetClass, 'smart_class_parameters'), (entities.Repository, 'errata'), (entities.Repository, 'packages'), (entities.Repository, 'remove_content'), (entities.Repository, 'sync'), (entities.Repository, 'upload_content'), (entities.RHCIDeployment, 'deploy'), (entities.ScapContents, 'xml'), (entities.VirtWhoConfig, 'deploy_script'), ): with self.subTest((entity, which)): path = entity(self.cfg, id=self.id_).path(which=which) self.assertIn(f'{self.id_}/{which}', path) self.assertRegex(path, fr'{which}$') def test_noid_and_which(self): """Execute ``entity().path(which=…)``.""" for entity, which in ( (entities.ProductBulkAction, 'destroy'), (entities.ProductBulkAction, 'sync'), (entities.ProductBulkAction, 'http_proxy'), (entities.ProductBulkAction, 'sync_plan'), (entities.ProvisioningTemplate, 'build_pxe_default'), (entities.ProvisioningTemplate, 'revision'), (entities.ContentViewVersion, 'incremental_update'), (entities.DiscoveredHost, 'auto_provision_all'), (entities.DiscoveredHost, 'facts'), (entities.DiscoveredHost, 'reboot_all'), (entities.Errata, 'compare'), (entities.ForemanTask, 'bulk_resume'), (entities.ForemanTask, 'bulk_search'), (entities.ForemanTask, 'summary'), (entities.Host, 'bulk/install_content'), (entities.Template, 'imports'), (entities.Template, 'exports'), ): with self.subTest((entity, which)): path = entity(self.cfg).path(which) self.assertIn(which, path) self.assertRegex(path, fr'{which}$') def test_no_such_path_error(self): """Trigger :class:`nailgun.entity_mixins.NoSuchPathError` exceptions. Do this by calling ``entity().path(which=…)``. """ for entity, which in ( (entities.ActivationKey, 'releases'), (entities.ContentView, 'content_view_versions'), (entities.ContentView, 'publish'), (entities.ContentViewVersion, 'promote'), (entities.ForemanTask, 'self'), (entities.HostGroup, 'rebuild_config'), (entities.Organization, 'products'), (entities.Organization, 'self'), (entities.Organization, 'subscriptions'), (entities.Organization, 'download_debug_certificate'), (entities.Organization, 'subscriptions/delete_manifest'), (entities.Organization, 'subscriptions/refresh_manifest'), (entities.Organization, 'subscriptions/upload'), (entities.Organization, 'sync_plans'), (entities.Product, 'repository_sets'), (entities.Repository, 'sync'), (entities.Repository, 'upload_content'), (entities.ScapContents, 'xml'), (entities.RHCIDeployment, 'deploy'), (entities.SmartProxy, 'refresh'), (entities.VirtWhoConfig, 'deploy_script'), (entities.VirtWhoConfig, 'configs'), ): with self.subTest((entity, which)): with self.assertRaises(NoSuchPathError): entity(self.cfg).path(which=which) def test_arfreport(self): """Test :meth:`nailgun.entities.ArfReport.path`. Assert that the following return appropriate paths: * ``ArfReport(id=…).path()`` * ``ArfReport(id=…).path('download_html')`` """ self.assertIn('compliance/arf_reports/1', entities.ArfReport(self.cfg, id=1).path()) for which in ['download_html']: path = entities.ArfReport( self.cfg, id=1, ).path(which) self.assertIn(f'compliance/arf_reports/1/{which}', path) self.assertRegex(path, fr'{which}$') def test_os_default_template(self): """Test ``nailgun.entities.OSDefaultTemplate.path`` Assert that the following return appropriate paths: * ``OSDefaultTemplate(id=…).path()`` """ self.assertIn( 'operatingsystems/1/os_default_templates/2', entities.OSDefaultTemplate(self.cfg, id=2, operatingsystem=1).path(), ) def test_externalusergroup(self): """Test :meth:`nailgun.entities.ExternalUserGroup.path`. Assert that the following return appropriate paths: * ``ExternalUserGroup(id=…,usergroup=…).path()`` * ``ExternalUserGroup(id=…,usergroup=…).path('refresh')`` """ self.assertIn( 'usergroups/1/external_usergroups/2', entities.ExternalUserGroup(self.cfg, id=2, usergroup=1).path(), ) for which in ['refresh']: path = entities.ExternalUserGroup( self.cfg, id=2, usergroup=1, ).path(which) self.assertIn(f'usergroups/1/external_usergroups/2/{which}', path) self.assertRegex(path, fr'{which}$') def test_repository_set(self): """Test :meth:`nailgun.entities.RepositorySet.path`. Assert that the following return appropriate paths: * ``RepositorySet(id=…).path()`` * ``RepositorySet(id=…).path('available_repositories')`` * ``RepositorySet(id=…).path('disable')`` * ``RepositorySet(id=…).path('enable')`` """ self.assertIn( '/repository_sets/2', entities.RepositorySet(self.cfg, id=2, product=1).path() ) for which in ('available_repositories', 'disable', 'enable'): path = entities.RepositorySet( self.cfg, id=2, product=1, ).path(which) self.assertIn(f'/repository_sets/2/{which}', path) self.assertRegex(path, fr'{which}$') def test_snapshot(self): """Test :meth:`nailgun.entities.Snapshot.path`. Assert that the following return appropriate paths: * ``Snapshot(id=…).path()`` * ``Snapshot(id=…).path('revert')`` """ self.assertIn( 'hosts/1/snapshots/snapshot-2', entities.Snapshot(self.cfg, id='snapshot-2', host=1).path(), ) which = 'revert' path = entities.Snapshot( self.cfg, id='snapshot-2', host=1, ).path(which) self.assertIn(f'hosts/1/snapshots/snapshot-2/{which}', path) self.assertRegex(path, fr'{which}$') def test_sync_plan(self): """Test :meth:`nailgun.entities.SyncPlan.path`. Assert that the following return appropriate paths: * ``SyncPlan(id=…).path()`` * ``SyncPlan(id=…).path('add_products')`` * ``SyncPlan(id=…).path('remove_products')`` """ self.assertIn( 'organizations/1/sync_plans/2', entities.SyncPlan(self.cfg, id=2, organization=1).path(), ) for which in ('add_products', 'remove_products'): path = entities.SyncPlan( self.cfg, id=2, organization=1, ).path(which) self.assertIn(f'organizations/1/sync_plans/2/{which}', path) self.assertRegex(path, fr'{which}$') def test_subscription(self): """Test :meth:`nailgun.entities.Subscription.path`. Assert that the following return appropriate paths: * ``Subscription(organization=…).path('delete_manifest')`` * ``Subscription(organization=…).path('manifest_history')`` * ``Subscription(organization=…).path('refresh_manifest')`` * ``Subscription(organization=…).path('upload')`` """ sub = entities.Subscription(self.cfg, organization=gen_integer(1, 100)) for which in ('delete_manifest', 'manifest_history', 'refresh_manifest', 'upload'): with self.subTest(which): path = sub.path(which) self.assertIn(f'organizations/{sub.organization.id}/subscriptions/{which}', path) self.assertRegex(path, fr'{which}$') def test_capsule(self): """Test :meth:`nailgun.entities.Capsule.path`. Assert that the following return appropriate paths: * ``Capsule().path('content_lifecycle_environments')`` * ``Capsule().path('content_sync')`` """ capsule = entities.Capsule(self.cfg, id=gen_integer(1, 100)) for which in ('content_lifecycle_environments', 'content_sync'): with self.subTest(which): path = capsule.path(which) which_parts = which.split("_", 1) self.assertIn(f'capsules/{capsule.id}/content/{which_parts[1]}', path) self.assertRegex(path, fr'{which_parts[0]}/{which_parts[1]}$') def test_hostsubscription(self): """Test :meth:`nailgun.entities.HostSubscription.path`. Assert that the following return appropriate paths: * ``HostSubscription(host=…).path('add_subscriptions')`` * ``HostSubscription(host=…).path('remove_subscriptions')`` """ sub = entities.HostSubscription(self.cfg, host=gen_integer(1, 100)) for which in ('add_subscriptions', 'remove_subscriptions'): with self.subTest(which): path = sub.path(which) self.assertIn(f'hosts/{sub.host.id}/subscriptions/{which}', path) self.assertRegex(path, fr'{which}$') class CreateTestCase(TestCase): """Tests for :meth:`nailgun.entity_mixins.EntityCreateMixin.create`.""" @classmethod def setUpClass(cls): """Set a server configuration at ``cls.cfg``.""" cls.cfg = config.ServerConfig('http://example.com') def test_generic(self): """Call ``create`` on a variety of entities.""" entities_ = ( entities.ConfigGroup(self.cfg), entities.CompliancePolicies(self.cfg), entities.DiscoveryRule(self.cfg), entities.DiscoveredHost(self.cfg), entities.Domain(self.cfg), entities.Host(self.cfg), entities.HostCollection(self.cfg), entities.HostGroup(self.cfg), entities.HTTPProxy(self.cfg), entities.Location(self.cfg), entities.Media(self.cfg), entities.Organization(self.cfg), entities.Realm(self.cfg), entities.ScapContents(self.cfg), entities.SmartProxy(self.cfg), entities.TailoringFile(self.cfg), entities.UserGroup(self.cfg), entities.VirtWhoConfig(self.cfg), ) for entity in entities_: with self.subTest(entity): with mock.patch.object(entity, 'create_json') as create_json: with mock.patch.object(type(entity), 'read') as read: entity.create() self.assertEqual(create_json.call_count, 1) self.assertEqual(create_json.call_args[0], (None,)) self.assertEqual(read.call_count, 1) self.assertEqual(read.call_args[0], ()) class CreatePayloadTestCase(TestCase): """Tests for extensions of ``create_payload``. Several classes extend the ``create_payload`` method and make it do things like rename attributes or wrap the submitted dict of data in a second hash. It is possible to mess this up in a variety of ways. For example, an extended method could try to rename an attribute that does not exist. This class attempts to find such issues by creating an entity, calling :meth:`nailgun.entity_mixins.EntityCreateMixin.create_payload` and asserting that a ``dict`` is returned. """ @classmethod def setUpClass(cls): """Set a server configuration at ``cls.cfg``.""" cls.cfg = config.ServerConfig('http://example.com') def test_no_attributes(self): """Instantiate an entity and call ``create_payload`` on it.""" entities_ = [ (entity, {}) for entity in ( entities.AbstractComputeResource, entities.Architecture, entities.ConfigGroup, entities.ProvisioningTemplate, entities.ReportTemplate, entities.DiscoveredHost, entities.DiscoveryRule, entities.Domain, entities.Environment, entities.Filter, entities.Host, entities.HostCollection, entities.HostGroup, entities.HTTPProxy, entities.JobTemplate, entities.LifecycleEnvironment, entities.Location, entities.Media, entities.OperatingSystem, entities.Role, entities.ScapContents, entities.SmartVariable, entities.Subnet, entities.TailoringFile, entities.User, entities.UserGroup, entities.VirtWhoConfig, ) ] entities_.extend( [ (entities.ExternalUserGroup, {'usergroup': 1}), (entities.Image, {'compute_resource': 1}), (entities.SyncPlan, {'organization': 1}), (entities.ContentViewFilterRule, {'content_view_filter': 1}), ] ) for entity, params in entities_: with self.subTest(): self.assertIsInstance(entity(self.cfg, **params).create_payload(), dict) def test_external_usergroup_payload(self): """Call ``create_payload`` on a :class:`nailgun.entities.ExternalUserGroup`.""" payload = entities.ExternalUserGroup( self.cfg, usergroup=1, ).create_payload() self.assertEqual({'usergroup_id': 1}, payload) def test_sync_plan(self): """Call ``create_payload`` on a :class:`nailgun.entities.SyncPlan`.""" self.assertIsInstance( entities.SyncPlan( self.cfg, organization=1, sync_date=datetime.now(), ).create_payload()['sync_date'], type(''), # different for Python 2 and 3 ) def test_host_collection(self): """Create a :class:`nailgun.entities.HostCollection`.""" HOST_ID = 1 ORG_ID = 1 entity_kwargs = { 'name': gen_alpha(), 'description': gen_alpha(), 'max_hosts': gen_integer(min_value=1, max_value=10), 'unlimited_hosts': False, 'organization': entities.Organization(self.cfg, id=ORG_ID), 'host': [entities.Host(self.cfg, id=HOST_ID)], } host_collection = entities.HostCollection(self.cfg, **entity_kwargs) payload = host_collection.create_payload() # host and organization are translated for payload entity_kwargs.pop('organization') entity_kwargs.pop('host') entity_kwargs.update({'organization_id': ORG_ID, 'host_ids': [HOST_ID]}) self.assertDictEqual(entity_kwargs, payload) def test_content_view_filter_rule(self): """Create a :class:`nailgun.entities.ContentViewFilterRule`.""" errata_kwargs = { "id": 1, "uuid": "1a321570-cd30-4622-abff-2290b47ef814", "title": "Bird_Erratum", "errata_id": "RHEA-2012:0003", "issued": "2012-01-27", "updated": "2012-01-27", "severity": "", "description": "Bird_Erratum", "solution": "", "summary": "", "reboot_suggested": False, "name": "Bird_Erratum", "type": "security", "cves": [], "hosts_available_count": 0, "hosts_applicable_count": 0, "packages": ["stork-0.12-2.noarch"], "module_streams": [ { "name": "duck", "stream": "0", "version": "201809302113907", "context": "deadbeef", "arch": "noarch", "id": 1, "packages": ["duck-0.8-1.noarch"], } ], } with mock.patch.object(entities.Errata, 'read_json') as read_json: read_json.return_value = errata_kwargs payload = entities.ContentViewFilterRule( self.cfg, content_view_filter=1, errata=1, ).create_payload() self.assertEqual("RHEA-2012:0003", payload['errata_id']) def test_image(self): """Create a :class:`nailgun.entities.Image`.""" payload = entities.Image( self.cfg, compute_resource=1, ).create_payload() self.assertEqual({'image': {'compute_resource_id': 1}}, payload) def test_media(self): """Create a :class:`nailgun.entities.Media`.""" payload = entities.Media(self.cfg, path_='foo').create_payload() self.assertNotIn('path_', payload['medium']) self.assertIn('path', payload['medium']) def test_discovery_rule(self): """Create a :class:`nailgun.entities.DiscoveryRule`.""" payload = entities.DiscoveryRule( self.cfg, search_='foo', ).create_payload() self.assertNotIn('search_', payload['discovery_rule']) self.assertIn('search', payload['discovery_rule']) def test_override_value(self): """Create a :class:`nailgun.entities.OverrideValue`.""" payload = entities.OverrideValue( self.cfg, smart_class_parameter=1, ).create_payload() self.assertNotIn('smart_class_parameter_id', payload) payload = entities.OverrideValue( self.cfg, smart_variable=1, ).create_payload() self.assertNotIn('smart_variable_id', payload) def test_job_template(self): """Create a :class:`nailgun.entities.JobTemplate`.""" payload = entities.JobTemplate( self.cfg, effective_user={'value': 'foo'}, name='brick system', template='rm -rf --no-preserve-root /', ).create_payload() self.assertNotIn('effective_user', payload) self.assertIn('effective_user', payload['job_template']['ssh']) def test_subnet(self): """Create a :class:`nailgun.entities.Subnet`.""" payload = entities.Subnet( self.cfg, from_='', ).create_payload() self.assertNotIn('from_', payload['subnet']) self.assertIn('from', payload['subnet']) class CreateMissingTestCase(TestCase): """Tests for extensions of ``create_missing``.""" @classmethod def setUpClass(cls): """Set a server configuration at ``cls.cfg``.""" cls.cfg = config.ServerConfig('http://example.com') # Fields optionally populated by AuthSourceLDAP.create_missing() cls.AS_LDAP_FIELDS = ( 'account_password', 'attr_firstname', 'attr_lastname', 'attr_login', 'attr_mail', ) def test_auth_source_ldap_v1(self): """Test ``AuthSourceLDAP(onthefly_register=False).create_missing()``""" entity = entities.AuthSourceLDAP(self.cfg, onthefly_register=False) with mock.patch.object(EntityCreateMixin, 'create_missing'): entity.create_missing() self.assertTrue(set(self.AS_LDAP_FIELDS).isdisjoint(entity.get_values())) def test_auth_source_ldap_v2(self): """Test ``AuthSourceLDAP(onthefly_register=True).create_missing()``.""" entity = entities.AuthSourceLDAP(self.cfg, onthefly_register=True) with mock.patch.object(EntityCreateMixin, 'create_missing'): entity.create_missing() self.assertTrue(set(self.AS_LDAP_FIELDS).issubset(entity.get_values())) def test_auth_source_ldap_v3(self): """Does ``AuthSourceLDAP.create_missing`` overwrite fields?""" attrs = {field: i for i, field in enumerate(self.AS_LDAP_FIELDS)} attrs.update({'onthefly_register': True}) entity = entities.AuthSourceLDAP(self.cfg, **attrs) with mock.patch.object(EntityCreateMixin, 'create_missing'): entity.create_missing() for key, value in attrs.items(): with self.subTest((key, value)): self.assertEqual(getattr(entity, key), value) def test_report_template_v1(self): """Test ``ReportTemplate(name='testName')``.""" entity = entities.ReportTemplate(self.cfg, name='testName') with mock.patch.object(EntityCreateMixin, 'create_raw'): with mock.patch.object(EntityReadMixin, 'read_raw'): entity.create_missing() self.assertEqual(entity.name, 'testName') def test_report_template_v2(self): """Test ``ReportTemplate()``.""" entity = entities.ReportTemplate(self.cfg) with mock.patch.object(EntityCreateMixin, 'create_raw'): with mock.patch.object(EntityReadMixin, 'read_raw'): entity.create_missing() self.assertNotEqual(entity.name, '') def test_report_template_v3(self): """Test ``ReportTemplate(default=True)``.""" entity = entities.ReportTemplate(self.cfg, default=True) with mock.patch.object(EntityCreateMixin, 'create_raw'): with mock.patch.object(EntityReadMixin, 'read_raw'): entity.create_missing() self.assertEqual( _get_required_field_names(entity), set(entity.get_values().keys()), ) def test_report_template_v4(self): """Test ``ReportTemplate(default=False)``.""" entity = entities.ReportTemplate(self.cfg, default=False) with mock.patch.object(EntityCreateMixin, 'create_raw'): with mock.patch.object(EntityReadMixin, 'read_raw'): entity.create_missing() self.assertEqual( _get_required_field_names(entity), set(entity.get_values().keys()), ) def test_provisioning_template_v1(self): """Test ``ProvisioningTemplate(snippet=True)``.""" entity = entities.ProvisioningTemplate(self.cfg, snippet=True) with mock.patch.object(EntityCreateMixin, 'create_raw'): with mock.patch.object(EntityReadMixin, 'read_raw'): entity.create_missing() self.assertEqual( _get_required_field_names(entity), set(entity.get_values().keys()), ) def test_provisioning_template_v2(self): """Test ``ProvisioningTemplate(snippet=False)``.""" entity = entities.ProvisioningTemplate(self.cfg, snippet=False) with mock.patch.object(EntityCreateMixin, 'create_raw'): with mock.patch.object(EntityReadMixin, 'read_raw'): entity.create_missing() self.assertEqual( _get_required_field_names(entity).union(['template_kind']), set(entity.get_values().keys()), ) def test_provisioning_template_v3(self): """Test ``ProvisioningTemplate(snippet=False, template_kind=…)``.""" tk_id = gen_integer() entity = entities.ProvisioningTemplate( self.cfg, snippet=False, template_kind=tk_id, ) with mock.patch.object(EntityCreateMixin, 'create_raw'): with mock.patch.object(EntityReadMixin, 'read_raw'): entity.create_missing() self.assertEqual( _get_required_field_names(entity).union(['template_kind']), set(entity.get_values().keys()), ) self.assertEqual(entity.template_kind.id, tk_id) def test_domain_v1(self): """Test ``Domain(name='UPPER')``.""" entity = entities.Domain(self.cfg, name='UPPER') with mock.patch.object(EntityCreateMixin, 'create_raw'): with mock.patch.object(EntityReadMixin, 'read_raw'): entity.create_missing() self.assertEqual(entity.name, 'UPPER') def test_domain_v2(self): """Test ``Domain()``.""" entity = entities.Domain(self.cfg) with mock.patch.object(EntityCreateMixin, 'create_raw'): with mock.patch.object(EntityReadMixin, 'read_raw'): entity.create_missing() self.assertTrue(entity.name.islower()) def test_external_usergroup(self): """Test ``ExternalUserGroup()`` """ entity = entities.ExternalUserGroup(self.cfg, usergroup=1) with mock.patch.object(EntityCreateMixin, 'create_missing'): entity.create_missing() self.assertTrue(entity.get_fields()['usergroup'].required) def test_host_v1(self): """Test ``Host()``.""" entity = entities.Host(self.cfg) with mock.patch.object(EntityCreateMixin, 'create_json'): with mock.patch.object(EntityReadMixin, 'read_json'): with mock.patch.object(EntityReadMixin, 'read'): entity.create_missing() self.assertEqual( set(entity.get_values().keys()), _get_required_field_names(entity).union( ( 'architecture', 'domain', 'environment', 'mac', 'medium', 'operatingsystem', 'ptable', 'root_pass', ) ), ) def test_host_v2(self): """Test ``Host()`` with providing all the optional entities unlinked""" org = entities.Organization(self.cfg, id=1) loc = entities.Location(self.cfg, id=1) domain = entities.Domain( self.cfg, id=1, location=[2], organization=[2], ) env = entities.Environment( self.cfg, id=1, location=[2], organization=[2], ) arch = entities.Architecture(self.cfg, id=1) ptable = entities.PartitionTable( self.cfg, id=1, location=[2], organization=[2], ) oper_sys = entities.OperatingSystem( self.cfg, id=1, architecture=[2], ptable=[2], ) media = entities.Media( self.cfg, id=1, location=[2], operatingsystem=[2], organization=[2], ) entity = entities.Host( self.cfg, architecture=arch, domain=domain, environment=env, location=loc, medium=media, operatingsystem=oper_sys, organization=org, ptable=ptable, ) with mock.patch.object(EntityCreateMixin, 'create_json'): with mock.patch.object(EntityReadMixin, 'read_json'): with mock.patch.object(EntityUpdateMixin, 'update_json'): with mock.patch.object(EntityReadMixin, 'read'): entity.create_missing() for subentity in domain, env, media: self.assertIn(loc.id, [loc_.id for loc_ in subentity.location]) self.assertIn(org.id, [org_.id for org_ in subentity.organization]) self.assertIn(arch.id, [arch_.id for arch_ in oper_sys.architecture]) self.assertIn(ptable.id, [ptable_.id for ptable_ in oper_sys.ptable]) self.assertIn(oper_sys.id, [os_.id for os_ in media.operatingsystem]) def test_host_v3(self): """Test ``Host()`` providing optional entities with id only. Check that additional read was called for that entities. """ optional = { 'domain': entities.Domain(self.cfg, id=1), 'env': entities.Environment(self.cfg, id=1), 'arch': entities.Architecture(self.cfg, id=1), 'oper_sys': entities.OperatingSystem(self.cfg, id=1), 'media': entities.Media(self.cfg, id=1), } entity = entities.Host( self.cfg, architecture=optional['arch'], domain=optional['domain'], environment=optional['env'], medium=optional['media'], operatingsystem=optional['oper_sys'], ) with mock.patch.object(EntityCreateMixin, 'create_json'): with mock.patch.object(EntityReadMixin, 'read_json'): with mock.patch.object(EntityUpdateMixin, 'update_json'): with mock.patch.object(EntityReadMixin, 'read') as read: entity.create_missing() self.assertGreaterEqual(read.call_count, len(optional)) def test_lifecycle_environment_v1(self): """Test ``LifecycleEnvironment(name='Library')``.""" entity = entities.LifecycleEnvironment(self.cfg, name='Library') with mock.patch.object(EntityCreateMixin, 'create_missing'): with mock.patch.object(EntitySearchMixin, 'search') as search: entity.create_missing() self.assertEqual(search.call_count, 0) def test_lifecycle_environment_v2(self): """Test ``LifecycleEnvironment(name='not Library')``.""" entity = entities.LifecycleEnvironment( self.cfg, name='not Library', organization=1, ) with mock.patch.object(EntityCreateMixin, 'create_missing'): with mock.patch.object(EntitySearchMixin, 'search') as search: search.return_value = [gen_integer()] entity.create_missing() self.assertEqual(search.call_count, 1) self.assertEqual(entity.prior, search.return_value[0]) def test_lifecycle_environment_v3(self): """What happens when the "Library" lifecycle env cannot be found?""" entity = entities.LifecycleEnvironment( self.cfg, name='not Library', organization=1, ) with mock.patch.object(EntityCreateMixin, 'create_missing'): with mock.patch.object(EntitySearchMixin, 'search') as search: search.return_value = [] with self.assertRaises(entities.APIResponseError): entity.create_missing() def test_repository_v1(self): """Test ``Repository(content_type='docker')``.""" entity = entities.Repository(self.cfg, content_type='docker') with mock.patch.object(EntityCreateMixin, 'create_missing'): entity.create_missing() self.assertTrue(entity.get_fields()['docker_upstream_name'].required) def test_repository_v2(self): """Test ``Repository(content_type='not docker')``.""" entity = entities.Repository(self.cfg, content_type='not docker') with mock.patch.object(EntityCreateMixin, 'create_missing'): entity.create_missing() self.assertFalse(entity.get_fields()['docker_upstream_name'].required) class ReadTestCase(TestCase): """Tests for :meth:`nailgun.entity_mixins.EntityReadMixin.read`.""" def setUp(self): """Set a server configuration at ``self.cfg``.""" self.cfg = config.ServerConfig('http://example.com') def test_entity_arg(self): """Call ``read`` on entities that require parameters for instantiation. Some entities require extra parameters when being instantiated. As a result, these entities must extend :meth:`nailgun.entity_mixins.EntityReadMixin.read` by providing a value for the ``entity`` argument. Assert that these entities pass their server configuration objects to the child entities that they create and pass in to the ``entity`` argument. """ for entity in ( entities.ContentViewFilterRule( self.cfg, content_view_filter=2, ), entities.ContentViewComponent(self.cfg, composite_content_view=2, content_view=1), entities.ExternalUserGroup(self.cfg, usergroup=1), entities.Interface(self.cfg, host=2), entities.Image(self.cfg, compute_resource=1), entities.OperatingSystemParameter(self.cfg, operatingsystem=2), entities.OSDefaultTemplate(self.cfg, operatingsystem=2), entities.OverrideValue(self.cfg, smart_class_parameter=2), entities.OverrideValue(self.cfg, smart_variable=2), entities.Parameter(self.cfg, domain=2), entities.Parameter(self.cfg, host=2), entities.Parameter(self.cfg, hostgroup=2), entities.Parameter(self.cfg, location=2), entities.Parameter(self.cfg, operatingsystem=2), entities.Parameter(self.cfg, organization=2), entities.Parameter(self.cfg, subnet=2), entities.RepositorySet(self.cfg, product=2), entities.Snapshot(self.cfg, host=2), entities.SSHKey(self.cfg, user=2), entities.SyncPlan(self.cfg, organization=2), ): # We mock read_json() because it may be called by read(). with mock.patch.object(EntityReadMixin, 'read_json'): with mock.patch.object(EntityReadMixin, 'read') as read: entity.read() self.assertEqual(read.call_count, 1) # read.call_args[0][0] is the `entity` argument to read() self.assertEqual(read.call_args[0][0]._server_config, self.cfg) def test_attrs_arg_v1(self): """Ensure ``read`` and ``read_json`` are both called once. This test is only appropriate for entities that override the ``read`` method in order to fiddle with the ``attrs`` argument. """ for entity in ( # entities.DiscoveryRule, # see test_discovery_rule # entities.HostGroup, # see HostGroupTestCase.test_read # entities.Product, # See Product.test_read # entities.UserGroup, # see test_attrs_arg_v2 entities.ContentView, entities.Domain, entities.Filter, entities.Host, entities.Media, entities.RHCIDeployment, ): with mock.patch.object(EntityReadMixin, 'read_json') as read_json: with mock.patch.object(EntityReadMixin, 'read') as read: with self.subTest(): entity(self.cfg).read() self.assertEqual(read_json.call_count, 1) self.assertEqual(read.call_count, 1) def test_attrs_arg_v2(self): """Ensure ``read``, ``read_json`` and ``client.put`` are called once. This test is only appropriate for entities that override the ``read`` method in order to fiddle with the ``attrs`` argument. """ # test_data is a single-use variable. We use it anyway for formatting # purposes. test_data = ((entities.UserGroup(self.cfg, id=1), {'admin': 'foo'}),) for entity, server_response in test_data: with mock.patch.object(EntityReadMixin, 'read_json') as read_json: read_json.return_value = {} with mock.patch.object(EntityReadMixin, 'read') as read: with mock.patch.object(client, 'put') as put: put.return_value.json.return_value = server_response entity.read() self.assertEqual(read_json.call_count, 1) self.assertEqual(read.call_count, 1) self.assertEqual(put.call_count, 1) self.assertEqual(read.call_args[0][1], server_response) def test_entity_ids(self): """Test cases where the server returns unusually named attributes. Assert that the returned attributes are renamed to be more regular before calling ``read()``. """ # test_data is a single-use variable. We use it anyway for formatting # purposes. test_data = ( ( entities.Domain(self.cfg), {'parameters': None}, {'domain_parameters_attributes': None}, ), ( entities.Host(self.cfg), {'parameters': None}, {'host_parameters_attributes': None}, ), ( entities.Filter(self.cfg), {'override?': None, 'unlimited?': None}, {'override': None, 'unlimited': None}, ), ) for entity, attrs_before, attrs_after in test_data: with self.subTest(entity): with mock.patch.object(EntityReadMixin, 'read') as read: entity.read(attrs=attrs_before) self.assertEqual(read.call_args[0][1], attrs_after) def test_ignore_arg_v1(self): """Call ``read`` on a variety of entities.``. Assert that the ``ignore`` argument is correctly passed on. """ for entity, ignored_attrs in ( (entities.AzureRMComputeResource, {'secret_key'}), (entities.Errata, {'content_view_version', 'environment', 'repository'}), (entities.OVirtComputeResource, {'password'}), (entities.SmartProxy, {'download_policy'}), (entities.SmartClassParameters, {'hidden_value'}), (entities.SmartVariable, {'hidden_value'}), ( entities.Subnet, {'discovery', 'remote_execution_proxy', 'subnet_parameters_attributes'}, ), (entities.Subscription, {'organization'}), (entities.Repository, {'organization', 'upstream_password'}), (entities.User, {'password'}), (entities.ScapContents, {'scap_file'}), (entities.TailoringFile, {'scap_file'}), (entities.VirtWhoConfig, {'hypervisor_password', 'http_proxy_id'}), (entities.VMWareComputeResource, {'password'}), (entities.DiscoveredHost, {'ip', 'mac', 'root_pass', 'hostgroup'}), ): with self.subTest(entity): with mock.patch.object(EntityReadMixin, 'read') as read, mock.patch.object( EntityReadMixin, 'read_json' ): entity(self.cfg).read() # `call_args` is a two-tuple of (positional, keyword) args. self.assertEqual(ignored_attrs, read.call_args[0][2]) def test_ignore_arg_v3(self): """Call :meth:`nailgun.entities.AuthSourceLDAP.read`. Assert that the entity ignores the 'account_password' field. """ with mock.patch.object(EntityUpdateMixin, 'update_json') as u_json: with mock.patch.object(EntityReadMixin, 'read') as read: entities.AuthSourceLDAP(self.cfg).read() self.assertEqual(u_json.call_count, 1) self.assertEqual(read.call_count, 1) self.assertEqual({'account_password'}, read.call_args[0][2]) def test_ignore_arg_v4(self): """Call :meth:`nailgun.entities.User.read`. Assert that entity`s predefined values of ``ignore`` are always correctly passed on. """ for input_ignore, actual_ignore in ( (None, {'password'}), ({'password'}, {'password'}), ({'email'}, {'email', 'password'}), ({'email', 'password'}, {'email', 'password'}), ): with self.subTest(input_ignore): with mock.patch.object(EntityReadMixin, 'read') as read: entities.User(self.cfg).read(ignore=input_ignore) # `call_args` is a two-tuple of (positional, keyword) args. self.assertEqual(actual_ignore, read.call_args[0][2]) def test_interface_ignore_arg(self): """Call :meth:`nailgun.entities.Interface.read`. Assert that entity`s predefined values of ``ignore`` are always correctly passed on. """ for input_type, actual_ignore in ( ( 'interface', { 'host', 'username', 'password', 'provider', 'mode', 'bond_options', 'attached_to', 'tag', 'attached_devices', }, ), ('bmc', {'host', 'mode', 'bond_options', 'attached_to', 'tag', 'attached_devices'}), ('bond', {'host', 'username', 'password', 'provider', 'attached_to', 'tag'}), ( 'bridge', { 'host', 'username', 'password', 'provider', 'mode', 'bond_options', 'attached_to', 'tag', }, ), ( 'virtual', { 'host', 'username', 'password', 'provider', 'mode', 'bond_options', 'attached_devices', }, ), ): with self.subTest(input_type): with mock.patch.object(EntityReadMixin, 'read') as read: with mock.patch.object( EntityReadMixin, 'read_json', return_value={'type': input_type}, ): entities.Interface(self.cfg, id=2, host=2, type=input_type).read() # `call_args` is a two-tuple of (positional, keyword) args. self.assertEqual(actual_ignore, read.call_args[0][2]) def test_parameter_ignore_arg(self): """Call :meth:`nailgun.entities.Parameter.read`. Assert that entity`s predefined values of ``ignore`` are always correctly passed on. """ parents = { 'domain', 'host', 'hostgroup', 'location', 'operatingsystem', 'organization', 'subnet', } for parent in parents: with self.subTest(parent): with mock.patch.object(EntityReadMixin, 'read') as read: with mock.patch.object( EntityReadMixin, 'read_json', return_value={parent: 3}, ): entities.Parameter(self.cfg, id=2, **{parent: 3}).read() # `call_args` is a two-tuple of (positional, keyword) args. self.assertEqual(parents, read.call_args[0][2]) def test_snapshot_ignore_arg(self): """Call :meth:`nailgun.entities.Snapshot.read`. Assert that entity`s predefined values of ``ignore`` are always correctly passed on. """ with mock.patch.object(EntityReadMixin, 'read') as read: with mock.patch.object( EntityReadMixin, 'read_json', return_value={'host': 3}, ): entities.Snapshot(self.cfg, id=2, host=3).read() # `call_args` is a two-tuple of (positional, keyword) args. self.assertEqual({'host'}, read.call_args[0][2]) def test_host_with_interface(self): """Call :meth:`nailgun.entities.Host.read`. Assert that host will have interfaces initialized and assigned correctly. """ with mock.patch.object( EntityReadMixin, 'read', return_value=entities.Host(self.cfg, id=2), ): with mock.patch.object( EntityReadMixin, 'read_json', return_value={ 'interfaces': [{'id': 2}, {'id': 3}], 'parameters': None, }, ): host = entities.Host(self.cfg, id=2).read() self.assertTrue(hasattr(host, 'interface')) self.assertTrue(isinstance(host.interface, list)) for interface in host.interface: self.assertTrue(isinstance(interface, entities.Interface)) self.assertEqual({interface.id for interface in host.interface}, {2, 3}) def test_discovery_rule(self): """Call :meth:`nailgun.entities.DiscoveryRule.read`. Ensure that the ``max_count`` attribute is fetched. """ with mock.patch.object(EntityUpdateMixin, 'update_json') as u_json: u_json.return_value = {'max_count': 'max_count'} with mock.patch.object(EntityReadMixin, 'read_json') as read_json: read_json.return_value = {'id': 'id', 'search': 'search'} with mock.patch.object(EntityReadMixin, 'read') as read: entities.DiscoveryRule(self.cfg).read() for mock_obj in (u_json, read_json, read): self.assertEqual(mock_obj.call_count, 1) self.assertEqual(u_json.call_args, mock.call([])) def test_product_with_sync_plan(self): """Call :meth:`nailgun.entities.Product.read` for a product with sync plan assigned. Ensure that the sync plan entity was correctly fetched. """ sync_plan = entities.SyncPlan(self.cfg, id=1, organization=1) product = entities.Product(self.cfg, id=1, organization=1) with mock.patch.object(EntityReadMixin, 'read_json') as read_json: with mock.patch.object(EntityReadMixin, 'read') as read: read_json.return_value = { 'sync_plan_id': 1, 'sync_plan': {'name': 'test_sync_plan'}, } read.return_value = product product = product.read() self.assertTrue(hasattr(product, 'sync_plan')) self.assertEqual(product.sync_plan.id, sync_plan.id) def test_hostgroup_ignore_root_pass(self): """Call :meth:`nailgun.entities.HostGroup.read`. Assert that the entity ignores the ``root_pass`` field. """ with mock.patch.object(EntityReadMixin, 'read') as read: with mock.patch.object(EntityReadMixin, 'read_json'): entities.HostGroup(self.cfg).read() # `call_args` is a two-tuple of (positional, keyword) args. self.assertIn('root_pass', read.call_args[0][2]) def test_http_proxy_ignore_arg(self): """Call :meth:`nailgun.entities.HTTPProxy.read`. Assert that the entity ignores the ``password, organization and location`` field. """ with mock.patch.object(EntityReadMixin, 'read') as read: with mock.patch.object(EntityReadMixin, 'read_json'): entities.HTTPProxy(self.cfg).read() # `call_args` is a two-tuple of (positional, keyword) args. self.assertIn('password', read.call_args[0][2]) self.assertIn('organization', read.call_args[0][2]) self.assertIn('location', read.call_args[0][2]) def test_usergroup_with_external_usergroup(self): """Call :meth:`nailgun.entities.ExternalUserGroup.read` for a usergroup with external usergroup assigned. Ensure that the external usergroup entity was correctly fetched. """ with mock.patch.object(EntityReadMixin, 'read') as read: with mock.patch.object(EntityReadMixin, 'read_json'): ext_usergrp = entities.ExternalUserGroup(self.cfg, usergroup=1).read() usergrp = ext_usergrp.read() self.assertTrue(hasattr(usergrp, 'usergroup')) self.assertIn('usergroup', read.call_args[0][2]) def test_subnet(self): """Call :meth:`nailgun.entities.Subnet.read`. Ensure that the ``from_`` attribute is successfully set. """ with mock.patch.object(EntityReadMixin, 'read_json') as read_json: read_json.return_value = {'from': 'foo'} with mock.patch.object(EntityReadMixin, 'read') as read: entities.Subnet(self.cfg).read() for mock_obj in (read_json, read): self.assertEqual(mock_obj.call_count, 1) self.assertIn('from_', read.call_args[0][1]) class SearchTestCase(TestCase): """Tests for :meth:`nailgun.entity_mixins.EntitySearchMixin.search`. """ @classmethod def setUpClass(cls): """Set a server configuration at ``cls.cfg``.""" cls.cfg = config.ServerConfig('http://example.com') def test_product_with_sync_plan(self): """Call :meth:`nailgun.entities.Product.search` for a product with sync plan assigned. Ensure that the sync plan entity was correctly fetched. """ with mock.patch.object(EntitySearchMixin, 'search_json') as search_json: # Synplan set search_json.return_value = { 'results': [ { 'id': 2, 'name': 'test_product', 'organization': { 'id': 1, 'label': 'Default_Organization', 'name': 'Default Organization', }, 'organization_id': 1, 'sync_plan': {'id': 1, 'interval': 'hourly', 'name': 'sync1'}, 'sync_plan_id': 1, } ] } result = entities.Product(self.cfg, organization=1).search() self.assertIsNotNone(result[0].sync_plan) self.assertEqual(result[0].sync_plan.id, 1) # Synplan not set search_json.return_value = { 'results': [ { 'id': 3, 'name': 'test_product2', 'organization': { 'id': 1, 'label': 'Default_Organization', 'name': 'Default Organization', }, 'organization_id': 1, 'sync_plan': None, 'sync_plan_id': None, } ] } result = entities.Product(self.cfg, organization=1).search() self.assertIsNone(result[0].sync_plan) def test_host_with_image(self): """Call :meth:`nailgun.entities.Host.search` for a host with image assigned. Ensure that the image entity was correctly fetched. """ with mock.patch.object(EntitySearchMixin, 'search_json') as search_json: # Image is set search_json.return_value = { 'results': [ { 'id': 2, 'name': 'host1', 'organization': {'id': 1, 'name': 'Default Organization'}, 'organization_id': 1, 'image_name': 'rhel7_image', 'image_file': '/usr/share/imagefile/xyz7.img', 'image_id': 1, } ] } result = entities.Host(self.cfg, organization=1).search() self.assertIsNotNone(result[0].image) self.assertEqual(result[0].image.id, 1) # image not set search_json.return_value = { 'results': [ { 'id': 3, 'name': 'host2', 'organization': {'id': 1, 'name': 'Default Organization'}, 'organization_id': 1, 'image_name': None, 'image_file': '', 'image_id': None, } ] } result = entities.Host(self.cfg, organization=1).search() self.assertIsNone(result[0].image) class SearchNormalizeTestCase(TestCase): """Tests for :meth:`nailgun.entity_mixins.EntitySearchMixin.search_normalize`. """ @classmethod def setUpClass(cls): """Set a server configuration at ``cls.cfg``.""" cls.cfg = config.ServerConfig('http://example.com') def test_snapshot(self): """Test :meth:`nailgun.entities.Snapshot.search_normalize`. Assert that ``host_id`` was added with correct user's id to search results. """ results = [ {'id': 1, 'name': 'foo'}, {'id': 2, 'name': 'bar', 'description': 'This is bar'}, ] with mock.patch.object( EntitySearchMixin, 'search_normalize', ) as search_normalize: entities.Snapshot(self.cfg, host=4).search_normalize(results) for args in search_normalize.call_args[0][0]: self.assertIn('host_id', args) self.assertEqual(args['host_id'], 4) def test_sshkey(self): """Test :meth:`nailgun.entities.SSHKey.search_normalize`. Assert that ``user_id`` was added with correct user's id to search results. """ results = [ {'id': 1, 'login': 'foo'}, {'id': 2, 'login': 'bar'}, ] with mock.patch.object( EntitySearchMixin, 'search_normalize', ) as search_normalize: entities.SSHKey(self.cfg, user=4).search_normalize(results) for args in search_normalize.call_args[0][0]: self.assertIn('user_id', args) self.assertEqual(args['user_id'], 4) def test_interface(self): """Test :meth:`nailgun.entities.Interface.search_normalize`. Assert that ``host_id`` was added with correct host's id to search results. """ results = [ {'id': 1, 'name': 'foo'}, {'id': 2, 'name': 'bar'}, ] with mock.patch.object( EntitySearchMixin, 'search_normalize', ) as search_normalize: entities.Interface(self.cfg, host=3).search_normalize(results) for args in search_normalize.call_args[0][0]: self.assertIn('host_id', args) self.assertEqual(args['host_id'], 3) def test_host_with_image(self): """Call :meth:`nailgun.entities.Host.read` for a host with image assigned. Ensure that the image entity was correctly fetched. """ image = entities.Image(self.cfg, id=1, compute_resource=1) host = entities.Host(self.cfg, id=1) with mock.patch.object(EntityReadMixin, 'read_json') as read_json: with mock.patch.object(EntityReadMixin, 'read') as read: # Image was set read_json.return_value = { 'image_id': 1, 'compute_resource_id': 1, 'parameters': {}, } read.return_value = host host = host.read() self.assertTrue(hasattr(host, 'image')) self.assertEqual(host.image.id, image.id) # Image wasn't set read_json.return_value = { 'parameters': {}, } read.return_value = host host = host.read() self.assertTrue(hasattr(host, 'image')) self.assertIsNone(host.image) class UpdateTestCase(TestCase): """Tests for :meth:`nailgun.entity_mixins.EntityUpdateMixin.update`.""" @classmethod def setUpClass(cls): """Set a server configuration at ``cls.cfg``.""" cls.cfg = config.ServerConfig('http://example.com') def test_generic(self): """Call ``update`` on a variety of entities.""" entities_ = ( entities.AbstractComputeResource(self.cfg), entities.Architecture(self.cfg), entities.ContentCredential(self.cfg), entities.ComputeProfile(self.cfg), entities.ConfigGroup(self.cfg), entities.DiscoveryRule(self.cfg), entities.Domain(self.cfg), entities.Environment(self.cfg), entities.GPGKey(self.cfg), entities.Host(self.cfg), entities.HostCollection(self.cfg), entities.HostGroup(self.cfg), entities.HTTPProxy(self.cfg), entities.LifecycleEnvironment(self.cfg), entities.Location(self.cfg), entities.Media(self.cfg), entities.Organization(self.cfg), entities.ScapContents(self.cfg), entities.SmartProxy(self.cfg), entities.TailoringFile(self.cfg), entities.User(self.cfg), entities.UserGroup(self.cfg), ) for entity in entities_: with self.subTest(entity): # Call update() with mock.patch.object(entity, 'update_json') as update_json: with mock.patch.object(entity, 'read') as read: self.assertEqual(entity.update(), read.return_value) self.assertEqual(update_json.call_count, 1) self.assertEqual(update_json.call_args[0], (None,)) self.assertEqual(read.call_count, 1) self.assertEqual(read.call_args[0], ()) # Call update(fields) fields = gen_integer() with mock.patch.object(entity, 'update_json') as update_json: with mock.patch.object(entity, 'read') as read: self.assertEqual( entity.update(fields), read.return_value, ) self.assertEqual(update_json.call_count, 1) self.assertEqual(update_json.call_args[0], (fields,)) self.assertEqual(read.call_count, 1) self.assertEqual(read.call_args[0], ()) class SearchPayloadTestCase(TestCase): """Tests for extensions of ``search_upload``. """ @classmethod def setUpClass(cls): """Set a server configuration at ``cls.cfg``.""" cls.cfg = config.ServerConfig('http://example.com') def test_generic(self): """Instantiate a variety of entities and call ``search_payload``.""" entities_ = [(entities.ContentViewFilterRule, {'content_view_filter': 1})] for entity, params in entities_: with self.subTest(): self.assertIsInstance(entity(self.cfg, **params).search_payload(), dict) def test_content_view_filter_rule(self): """errata_id field should be Errata ID when sent to the server, not DB ID. """ errata_kwargs = { "id": 1, "uuid": "1a321570-cd30-4622-abff-2290b47ef814", "title": "Bird_Erratum", "errata_id": "RHEA-2012:0003", "issued": "2012-01-27", "updated": "2012-01-27", "severity": "", "description": "Bird_Erratum", "solution": "", "summary": "", "reboot_suggested": False, "name": "Bird_Erratum", "type": "security", "cves": [], "hosts_available_count": 0, "hosts_applicable_count": 0, "packages": ["stork-0.12-2.noarch"], "module_streams": [ { "name": "duck", "stream": "0", "version": "201809302113907", "context": "deadbeef", "arch": "noarch", "id": 1, "packages": ["duck-0.8-1.noarch"], } ], } with mock.patch.object(entities.Errata, 'read_json') as read_json: read_json.return_value = errata_kwargs payload = entities.ContentViewFilterRule( self.cfg, content_view_filter=1, errata=1, ).search_payload() self.assertEqual("RHEA-2012:0003", payload['errata_id']) class UpdatePayloadTestCase(TestCase): """Tests for extensions of ``update_payload``.""" @classmethod def setUpClass(cls): """Set a server configuration at ``cls.cfg``.""" cls.cfg = config.ServerConfig('http://example.com') def test_generic(self): """Instantiate a variety of entities and call ``update_payload``.""" entities_payloads = [ (entities.AbstractComputeResource, {'compute_resource': {}}), (entities.Filter, {'filter': {}}), (entities.ProvisioningTemplate, {'provisioning_template': {}}), (entities.ReportTemplate, {'report_template': {}}), (entities.DiscoveredHost, {'discovered_host': {}}), (entities.DiscoveryRule, {'discovery_rule': {}}), (entities.Domain, {'domain': {}}), (entities.Environment, {'environment': {}}), (entities.Host, {'host': {}}), (entities.HostGroup, {'hostgroup': {}}), (entities.HTTPProxy, {'http_proxy': {}}), (entities.Location, {'location': {}}), (entities.Media, {'medium': {}}), (entities.OperatingSystem, {'operatingsystem': {}}), (entities.Organization, {'organization': {}}), (entities.Role, {'role': {}}), (entities.Setting, {'setting': {}}), (entities.SmartProxy, {'smart_proxy': {}}), (entities.SmartVariable, {'smart_variable': {}}), (entities.Subnet, {'subnet': {}}), (entities.User, {'user': {}}), (entities.UserGroup, {'usergroup': {}}), (entities.VirtWhoConfig, {'foreman_virt_who_configure_config': {}}), ] for entity, payload in entities_payloads: with self.subTest((entity, payload)): self.assertEqual(entity(self.cfg).update_payload(), payload) def test_syncplan_sync_date(self): """Test ``update_payload`` for different syncplan sync_date formats.""" date_string = '2015-07-20 20:54:38' date_datetime = datetime.strptime(date_string, '%Y-%m-%d %H:%M:%S') kwargs_responses = [ ( {'organization': 1}, {'organization_id': 1}, ), ( {'organization': 1, 'sync_date': date_string}, {'organization_id': 1, 'sync_date': date_string}, ), ( {'organization': 1, 'sync_date': date_datetime}, {'organization_id': 1, 'sync_date': date_string}, ), ] for kwargs, payload in kwargs_responses: with self.subTest((kwargs, payload)): self.assertEqual( entities.SyncPlan(self.cfg, **kwargs).update_payload(), payload, ) def test_content_view_filter_rule(self): """errata_id field should be 'translated' from DB ID to Errata ID.""" errata_kwargs = { "id": 1, "uuid": "1a321570-cd30-4622-abff-2290b47ef814", "title": "Bird_Erratum", "errata_id": "RHEA-2012:0003", "issued": "2012-01-27", "updated": "2012-01-27", "severity": "", "description": "Bird_Erratum", "solution": "", "summary": "", "reboot_suggested": False, "name": "Bird_Erratum", "type": "security", "cves": [], "hosts_available_count": 0, "hosts_applicable_count": 0, "packages": ["stork-0.12-2.noarch"], "module_streams": [ { "name": "duck", "stream": "0", "version": "201809302113907", "context": "deadbeef", "arch": "noarch", "id": 1, "packages": ["duck-0.8-1.noarch"], } ], } with mock.patch.object(entities.Errata, 'read_json') as read_json: read_json.return_value = errata_kwargs payload = entities.ContentViewFilterRule( self.cfg, content_view_filter=1, errata=1, ).update_payload() self.assertEqual("RHEA-2012:0003", payload['errata_id']) def test_discovery_rule_search(self): """Check whether ``DiscoveryRule`` updates its ``search_`` field. The field should be renamed from ``search_`` to ``search`` when ``update_payload`` is called. """ payload = entities.DiscoveryRule( self.cfg, search_='foo', ).update_payload() self.assertNotIn('search_', payload['discovery_rule']) self.assertIn('search', payload['discovery_rule']) def test_image(self): """Check whether ``Image`` updates its ``path_`` field. The field should be renamed from ``path_`` to ``path`` when ``update_payload`` is called. """ payload = entities.Image( self.cfg, compute_resource=1, ).update_payload() self.assertEqual({'image': {'compute_resource_id': 1}}, payload) def test_media_path(self): """Check whether ``Media`` updates its ``path_`` field. The field should be renamed from ``path_`` to ``path`` when ``update_payload`` is called. """ payload = entities.Media(self.cfg, path_='foo').update_payload() self.assertNotIn('path_', payload['medium']) self.assertIn('path', payload['medium']) def test_hostcollection_updatable_fields(self): org1 = entities.Organization(self.cfg, name='org1') org2 = entities.Organization(self.cfg, name='org2') host_collection = entities.HostCollection(self.cfg, name='oldname', organization=org1) host_collection.name = 'newname' host_collection.organization_id = org2 payload = host_collection.update_payload() self.assertEqual(payload['name'], 'newname') self.assertNotIn('organization', payload.keys()) # organization NOT changed self.assertNotIn('organization_id', payload.keys()) # organization NOT changed def test_job_template(self): """Create a :class:`nailgun.entities.JobTemplate`.""" payload = entities.JobTemplate( self.cfg, effective_user={'value': 'foo'}, name='brick system', template='rm -rf --no-preserve-root /', ).update_payload() self.assertNotIn('effective_user', payload) self.assertIn('effective_user', payload['job_template']['ssh']) def test_organization_rh_repo_url(self): """Check whether ``Organization`` updates its ``redhat_repository_url`` field. The field should be copied from ``p['organization']['redhat_repository_url']`` to ``p['redhat_repository_url']`` when ``update_payload`` is called. """ payload = entities.Organization( self.cfg, redhat_repository_url=["https://cdn.redhat.com"], ).update_payload() self.assertIn('redhat_repository_url', payload) def test_os_default_template(self): """Check, that ``os_default_template`` serves ``template_kind_id`` and ``provisioning_template_id`` only wrapped in sub dict See: `Redmine #21169`_. .. _Redmine #21169: http://projects.theforeman.org/issues/21169 """ payload = entities.OSDefaultTemplate( self.cfg, operatingsystem=entities.OperatingSystem(self.cfg, id=1), template_kind=entities.TemplateKind(self.cfg, id=2), provisioning_template=entities.ProvisioningTemplate(self.cfg, id=3), ).update_payload() self.assertNotIn('template_kind_id', payload) self.assertNotIn('provisioning_template_id', payload) self.assertIn('template_kind_id', payload['os_default_template']) self.assertIn('provisioning_template_id', payload['os_default_template']) def test_subnet_from(self): """Check whether ``Subnet`` updates its ``from_`` field. The field should be renamed from ``from_`` to ``from`` when ``update_payload`` is called. """ payload = entities.Subnet( self.cfg, from_='foo', ).update_payload() self.assertNotIn('from_', payload['subnet']) self.assertIn('from', payload['subnet']) # 2. Tests for entity-specific methods. ---------------------------------- {{{1 class GenericTestCase(TestCase): """Generic tests for the helper methods on entities.""" @classmethod def setUpClass(cls): """Create test data as ``cls.methods_requests``. ``methods_requests`` is a tuple of two-tuples, like so:: ( entity_obj1.method, 'post', entity_obj2.method, 'post', entity_obj3.method1, 'get', entity_obj3.method2, 'put', ) """ cfg = config.ServerConfig('http://example.com') generic = {'server_config': cfg, 'id': 1} external_usergroup = {'server_config': cfg, 'id': 1, 'usergroup': 2} sync_plan = {'server_config': cfg, 'id': 1, 'organization': 2} hostsubscription = {'server_config': cfg, 'host': 1} cls.methods_requests = ( (entities.AbstractComputeResource(**generic).available_flavors, 'get'), (entities.AbstractComputeResource(**generic).available_images, 'get'), (entities.AbstractComputeResource(**generic).available_zones, 'get'), (entities.AbstractComputeResource(**generic).available_networks, 'get'), (entities.AbstractComputeResource(**generic).associate, 'put'), (entities.AbstractComputeResource(**generic).images, 'get'), (entities.ActivationKey(**generic).add_host_collection, 'post'), (entities.ActivationKey(**generic).add_subscriptions, 'put'), (entities.ActivationKey(**generic).remove_subscriptions, 'put'), (entities.ActivationKey(**generic).subscriptions, 'get'), (entities.ActivationKey(**generic).content_override, 'put'), (entities.ActivationKey(**generic).product_content, 'get'), (entities.ActivationKey(**generic).remove_host_collection, 'put'), (entities.Capsule(**generic).content_add_lifecycle_environment, 'post'), (entities.ArfReport(**generic).download_html, 'get'), (entities.Capsule(**generic).content_get_sync, 'get'), (entities.Capsule(**generic).content_lifecycle_environments, 'get'), (entities.Capsule(**generic).content_sync, 'post'), (entities.Role(**generic).clone, 'post'), (entities.ProvisioningTemplate(**generic).build_pxe_default, 'post'), (entities.ProvisioningTemplate(**generic).clone, 'post'), (entities.ReportTemplate(**generic).clone, 'post'), (entities.ContentView(**generic).copy, 'post'), (entities.ContentView(**generic).publish, 'post'), (entities.ContentViewVersion(**generic).incremental_update, 'post'), (entities.ContentViewVersion(**generic).promote, 'post'), (entities.DiscoveredHost(cfg).facts, 'post'), (entities.DiscoveredHost(**generic).refresh_facts, 'put'), (entities.DiscoveredHost(**generic).reboot, 'put'), (entities.Environment(**generic).list_scparams, 'get'), (entities.Errata(**generic).compare, 'get'), (entities.ExternalUserGroup(**external_usergroup).refresh, 'put'), (entities.ForemanTask(cfg).summary, 'get'), (entities.Organization(**generic).download_debug_certificate, 'get'), (entities.Host(**generic).add_puppetclass, 'post'), (entities.Host(**generic).enc, 'get'), (entities.Host(**generic).errata, 'get'), (entities.Host(**generic).errata_apply, 'put'), (entities.Host(**generic).get_facts, 'get'), (entities.Host(**generic).install_content, 'put'), (entities.Host(**generic).list_scparams, 'get'), (entities.Host(**generic).list_smart_variables, 'get'), (entities.Host(**generic).module_streams, 'get'), (entities.Host(**generic).packages, 'get'), (entities.Host(**generic).power, 'put'), (entities.Host(**generic).upload_facts, 'post'), (entities.Host(**generic).traces, 'get'), (entities.Host(**generic).resolve_traces, 'put'), (entities.Host(**generic).bulk_destroy, 'put'), (entities.Host(**generic).bulk_traces, 'post'), (entities.Host(**generic).bulk_resolve_traces, 'put'), (entities.HostGroup(**generic).add_puppetclass, 'post'), (entities.HostGroup(**generic).clone, 'post'), (entities.HostGroup(**generic).list_scparams, 'get'), (entities.HostGroup(**generic).list_smart_variables, 'get'), (entities.HostSubscription(**hostsubscription).add_subscriptions, 'put'), (entities.HostSubscription(**hostsubscription).remove_subscriptions, 'put'), (entities.Product(**generic).sync, 'post'), (entities.ProductBulkAction(**generic).destroy, 'put'), (entities.ProductBulkAction(**generic).sync, 'put'), (entities.ProductBulkAction(**generic).http_proxy, 'put'), (entities.ProductBulkAction(**generic).sync_plan, 'put'), (entities.PuppetClass(**generic).list_scparams, 'get'), (entities.PuppetClass(**generic).list_smart_variables, 'get'), (entities.RHCIDeployment(**generic).deploy, 'put'), (entities.RecurringLogic(**generic).cancel, 'post'), (entities.Repository(**generic).errata, 'get'), (entities.Repository(**generic).packages, 'get'), (entities.Repository(**generic).module_streams, 'get'), (entities.Repository(**generic).remove_content, 'put'), (entities.Repository(**generic).sync, 'post'), (entities.ScapContents(**generic).xml, 'get'), (entities.SmartProxy(**generic).import_puppetclasses, 'post'), (entities.SmartProxy(**generic).refresh, 'put'), (entities.SyncPlan(**sync_plan).add_products, 'put'), (entities.SyncPlan(**sync_plan).remove_products, 'put'), (entities.Template(**generic).imports, 'post'), (entities.Template(**generic).exports, 'post'), (entities.VirtWhoConfig(**generic).deploy_script, 'get'), ) repo_set = {'server_config': cfg, 'id': 1, 'product': 2} snapshot = {'server_config': cfg, 'id': 'snapshot-1', 'host': 1} cls.intelligent_methods_requests = ( (entities.RepositorySet(**repo_set).available_repositories, 'get', {'product_id': 2}), (entities.RepositorySet(**repo_set).disable, 'put', {'product_id': 2}), (entities.RepositorySet(**repo_set).enable, 'put', {'product_id': 2}), (entities.Snapshot(**snapshot).revert, 'put', {}), ) def test_generic(self): """Check that a variety of helper methods are sane. Assert that: * Each method has a correct signature. * Each method calls `client.*` once. * Each method passes the right arguments to `client.*`. * Each method calls `entities._handle_response` once. * The result of `_handle_response(…)` is the return value. """ for method, request in self.methods_requests: with self.subTest((method, request)): self.assertEqual(inspect.getfullargspec(method), EXPECTED_ARGSPEC) kwargs = {'kwarg': gen_integer()} with mock.patch.object(entities, '_handle_response') as handlr: with mock.patch.object(client, request) as client_request: response = method(**kwargs) self.assertEqual(client_request.call_count, 1) self.assertEqual(len(client_request.call_args[0]), 1) self.assertEqual(client_request.call_args[1], kwargs) self.assertEqual(handlr.call_count, 1) self.assertEqual(handlr.return_value, response) def test_intelligent(self): """Check that intelligent methods that send additional data are sane. Assert that: * Each method calls `client.*` once. * Each method passes the right arguments to `client.*`. * Each method calls `entities._handle_response` once. * The result of `_handle_response(…)` is the return value. """ for method, request, data in self.intelligent_methods_requests: with self.subTest((method, request)): kwargs = {'kwarg': gen_integer(), 'data': data} with mock.patch.object(entities, '_handle_response') as handlr: with mock.patch.object(client, request) as client_request: response = method(**kwargs) self.assertEqual(client_request.call_count, 1) self.assertEqual(len(client_request.call_args[0]), 1) self.assertEqual(client_request.call_args[1], kwargs) self.assertEqual(handlr.call_count, 1) self.assertEqual(handlr.return_value, response) class ForemanStatusTestCase(TestCase): """Tests for :class:`nailgun.entities.ForemanStatus`.""" def setUp(self): """Set a server configuration at ``self.cfg``.""" self.cfg = config.ServerConfig('http://example.com') self.entity = entities.ForemanStatus(self.cfg) self.read_json_pacther = mock.patch.object(self.entity, 'read_json') def test_read(self): """Ensure ``read`` and ``read_json`` are called once.""" read_json = self.read_json_pacther.start() read_json.return_value = { 'result': 'ok', 'status': 200, 'version': '1.19.0', 'api_version': 2, } self.entity.read() self.assertEqual(read_json.call_count, 1) self.read_json_pacther.stop() class FileTestCase(TestCase): """Class with entity File tests""" def test_to_json(self): """Check json serialisation on nested entities""" file_kwargs = { 'id': 1, 'name': 'test_file.txt', 'path': 'test_file.txt', 'uuid': '3a013738-e5b8-43b2-81f5-3732b6e42776', 'checksum': ('16c946e116072838b213f622298b74baa75c52c8fee50a6230b4680e3c136fb1'), } cfg = config.ServerConfig(url='https://foo.bar', verify=False, auth=('foo', 'bar')) repo_kwargs = {'id': 3, 'content_type': 'file'} repo = entities.Repository(cfg, **repo_kwargs) file = entities.File(cfg, repository=repo, **file_kwargs) file_kwargs['repository'] = repo_kwargs self.assertDictEqual(file_kwargs, json.loads(file.to_json())) class ForemanTaskTestCase(TestCase): """Tests for :class:`nailgun.entities.ForemanTask`.""" def setUp(self): """Set ``self.foreman_task``.""" self.foreman_task = entities.ForemanTask( config.ServerConfig('http://example.com'), id=gen_integer(min_value=1), ) def test_poll(self): """Call :meth:`nailgun.entities.ForemanTask.poll`.""" for kwargs in ( {}, {'poll_rate': gen_integer()}, {'timeout': gen_integer()}, {'poll_rate': gen_integer(), 'timeout': gen_integer()}, ): with self.subTest(kwargs): with mock.patch.object(entities, '_poll_task') as poll_task: self.foreman_task.poll(**kwargs) self.assertEqual(poll_task.call_count, 1) self.assertEqual( poll_task.call_args[0][2], kwargs.get('poll_rate', None), ) self.assertEqual( poll_task.call_args[0][3], kwargs.get('timeout', None), ) class ContentUploadTestCase(TestCase): """Tests for :class:`nailgun.entities.ContentUpload`.""" def setUp(self): """Set ``self.repo``.""" server_config = config.ServerConfig('http://example.com') repo = entities.Repository( server_config, id=gen_integer(min_value=1), ) self.content_upload = entities.ContentUpload(server_config, repository=repo) def test_content_upload_create(self): """Test ``nailgun.entities.ContentUpload.create``. Make the (mock) server return a "success" status. Make the same assertions as for :meth:`tests.test_entities.GenericTestCase.test_generic`. """ with mock.patch.object(client, 'post') as post: self.content_upload.create() self.assertEqual(post.call_count, 1) self.assertEqual(len(post.call_args[0]), 2) def test_content_upload_delete(self): """Test ``nailgun.entities.ContentUpload.delete``. Make the (mock) server return a "success" status. Make the same assertions as for :meth:`tests.test_entities.GenericTestCase.test_generic`.