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However, he found almost no supporters in the capital. | 然而,他發現在首都幾乎沒有支持者。 |
The Tanfoglio Combat/Standard was introduced in 1997. | Tanfoglio戰鬥/標準型是在1997年推出。 |
According to Flake, the change occurred because he was injured too often. | 据Flake说,采取这样的改变是因为他太经常受伤。 |
But… the king maintains his power above the law as before. | 但是……国王将他的权力像从前一样凌驾于法律之上。 |
Yea, they shall sing in the ways of the LORD: for great is the glory of the LORD. | 而如果是多重的分封,其對自己領主的領主也有相同義務。 |
We, unlike the French, support our government. | 我们不像法国人,我们支持我们的政府。 |
A final consideration is physical security. | 最后考虑的是物理安全。 |
This led Albert V to order the imprisonment of all of the Jews in Austria. | 这导致阿尔伯特五世下令逮捕所有奥地利的犹太人。 |
Four people in Siamese history have received this title. | 暹罗历史上有四人得到这个头衔。 |
An example is the world's shortest self-reproducing program. | 一個範例是世界最短的自我繁殖程式。 |
It pretty much wiped out every employee's savings plan." | 这几乎消灭了每个员工的储蓄计划。 |
DNS also shares this interface. | DNS也共享这个接口。 |
The truth is the phases mean a lot to me and some people but...Civil War is the start of Phase Three. | 事实是各阶段对我和某些人而言意义重大,但......《内战》是第三阶段的开始。 |
Society is silencing these millions of women. | 社会正在迫使这数以百万计的妇女沉默。 |
Who then can comprehend how He was before the Creation? | 漢朝成立之後,事蹟不詳。 |
She also began appearing on television to publicly advocate for female education. | 她也开始出现在电视上,公开主张女性教育。 |
The Agreement came into force on 1 February 1994 (its III part on the mutual trade relations came into force earlier on 1 March 1992). | 该协定在1994年2月1日开始生效(其第三部分有关双边贸易关系的协议早在1992年3月1日即已生效)。 |
This proves that the flow we found is maximal. | 这说明我们找到的流是最大的。 |
In 2009 he observed that 8.9% of registered voters in the United States are ineligible to vote because they have moved away or died. | 2009年他声称,美国8.9%的登记选民没有投票资格,因为他们要么已经移民,要么已经死亡。 |
Then, ask the patient what they see. | 覺者,求引將來,觀者,守持隨逐。 |
Also, note that -k sends a SIGKILL to all process. | 另外,请注意-k将向进程发送SIGKILL。 |
In 1993, Jefferson's hair was again sharpened. | 1993年,杰斐逊的头发再度得以锐化。 |
He has about 480 patent and patent applications. | 他拥有约 480 项专利和专利申请。 |
One getty process serves one terminal. | 一个getty进程只支持一个terminal。 |
Complaints concerning lack of personnel on land are the same." | 对陆地上缺乏人员的抱怨也是一样的”。 |
No. 23 is the Embassy of Liberia. | 23号是利比里亚大使馆。 |
All this was in accordance with the plan of God. | 聖經就因為這整個〔啟示的〕事件而成為上帝的話。 |
Garrett's 11-year-old son Richard was an eyewitness. | 盖雷特11岁的儿子理查德成了一名目击者。 |
Consequently, 2006 is generally considered to be Kendrick's breakthrough year to date. | 因此,2006年被普遍認為是肯德里克的突破年至今。 |
101 Things You Thought You Knew about the Titanic - But Didn't!. | 《101個對鐵達尼號的誤解(英语:101 Things You Thought You Knew About The Titanic - But Didn't! |
He went to Strasburg and Basel, but met with failure. | 他去了斯特拉斯堡和巴塞尔,但遇到了失败。 |
Therefore, n = 30, or even greater, is entirely reasonable, though surprising. | 因此,n = 30甚至更大,是完全合理的,尽管令人惊讶。 |
Pakistan is proud of her youth, particularly the students, who are nation builders of tomorrow. | 巴基斯坦为她的青年感到自豪,尤其是学生,他们是明天国家的建设者。 |
This was the situation in the east when William returned from Europe. | 这就是威廉从欧洲返回时东方的局势。 |
Mr Osborne's confident performance today showed why this is. | 奥斯本先生今天的自信表明了为什么会这样。 |
What a great experience." | 這是一張偉大的專輯」。 |
Support for internationalization is very important. | 对国际化的支持非常重要。 |
They must be citizens individually. | 他们必须是个体的公民。 |
It is vital that that kind of 'news' is not made or broadcast in the UK. | 至关重要的是,这种“新闻”不是在英国制作或广播的。 |
Such equipment is still in use, even in new aircraft. | 这种设备仍然在使用,即使是在新的飞机。 |
Her full name is "Her Royal Duchess Diamond Persnickety the First, Last, and Only". | 她的全名為"Her Royal Duchess Diamond Persnickety the First, Last, and Only"。 |
Hence the question is which side of the CDS will have to pay and will it be able to do so. | 因此,問題是哪一方的CDS將不得不支付,並且它將能夠做到這點。 |
Likewise, 3 and 4 are non-selfish. | 同樣地, 3 和4 也同樣不是自私的。 |
Any new Austrian government would therefore have to integrate them as well. | 因此任何新的奧地利政府必須整合他們。 |
In many myths, the Supreme Being withdraws into the heavens after the creation of the world. | 在很多神话中,上神创世之后就退隐至天堂。 |
40% of people regularly buy Fair Trade products. | 40%的人口經常購買公平貿易商品。 |
The Washington Post reported that this tunnel was likely monitored for several years by Israel. | 《华盛顿邮报》指該隧道可能被以色列监视了几年。 |
If we start mixing with Chinese, they will slowly swallow us up. | 如果我們跟中国人混合起來,他們會慢慢把我們吞掉。 |
He was not involved in the decision to use "My Hands" for the international version. | 他没有参与决定使用“My Hands”作为国际版。 |
We want our freedom back, and we will shoot the Jews." | 我们希望自由回归,我们将射杀犹太人。 |
He said, "You spoke the truth. | 明熹宗說:「你的言論切中要害。 |
Children appear to be able to disentangle the two languages themselves. | 孩子似乎能夠分清兩種語言本身。 |
Say thou (O Muslims): "Nay! | 蛔虫目(Ascaridia):如:蛔虫。 |
As of 2010, the debt of the United States continues to increase, while the debt of the Canadian federal government is being reduced. | 截至2010年,美国债务继续增加,而加拿大联邦政府债务正在减少。 |
Rules and regulations exist but, in general, MOELC itself does not mete out punishment. | 规则和条例的存在,但一般来说,MOELC本身并不处罚。 |
Six alleged smugglers and 11 migrants were arrested. | 六名涉嫌走私者和11名移民被捕。 |
After one year in Trinidad, 17 of the migrants had died. | 在特立尼达待了一年后,移民中有17人死去了。 |
So we have solid reason to believe that some intelligence officers accompanied and guided these transactions. | 因此,我们有充分的理由相信,一些情报官员陪同并指导了这些交易。 |
Toast Ale. | 地狹。 |
David was born on a date unknown in 1084 in Scotland. | 大卫在1084年未知日期出生于苏格兰。 |
As of June 2011, they have played in 87 different German cities. | 截至2011年6月,她们已在87个不同的德国城市作赛。 |
She felt she needed to "escape" and went to Egypt for three weeks. | 她觉得自己需要“逃避”,于是去埃及待了3週。 |
The bill also stated that the American embassy should move to Jerusalem within five years. | 法案还指出,美国大使馆应在五年内迁往耶路撒冷。 |
Human's Fire Pro Wrestling series is owned by Spike. | Human的Fire Pro Wrestling系列属于Spike。 |
I will not waste the fruits of the 10,000 laborers. | 我终不会浪费一万劳工的劳动成果。 |
In 1986, 40,000 Haitians who came to the United States seeking political asylum achieved permanent resident status. | 1986年,來到美國尋求政治庇護的4萬名海地人獲得了永久居民身份。 |
Moroccan citizens can now apply for a passport anytime, anywhere. | 現在摩洛哥公民可在任何時間、任何地點申請護照。 |
He has also stated that many of the comments left by users in the edit summaries are things he would not want his nine-year-old grandson to see. | 他还指出,许多用户会在编辑摘要中留下许多他不想让9岁的孙子看到的评论。 |
During this state of emergency, about 2,436 people were detained under the Internal Security Act. | 在紧急状态期间,约2,436人根据《国内安全法案》被拘留。 |
The difficulty is now to obtain such an x′. | 困难现在是获得这样的 x′。 |
He has regenerative health and no longer needs to look for health packs. | 他有再生的健康值,不再需要尋找健康值藥包(health packs)。 |
But we actually get a bit more, since the space is now T0. | 但是我们实际上得到的要多了一点,因为这个空间现在是 T0 的。 |
Additionally, 27 deputies and senators did not take part in the vote. | 此外,还有27位众议员和参议员并没有参加这次投票。 |
Each region has a boss, who can be found and defeated in their base. | 每个区域都有一个boss,可在其基地中找到并击败。 |
The first facet is the aforementioned individual causal mechanisms (del Rio & Strasser, 2011). | 第一个方面是上述的个体的因果机制(del Rio & Strasser, 2011)。 |
Lut warned the people but they refused to listen to him. | 当时明世宗仰赖李默,不做追究。 |
On May 11 an A-10 was lightly damaged over Kosovo. | 5月11日,一架A-10在科索沃上空轻微受损。 |
In Central African Republic at least 98 girls said they had been sexually abused by international peacekeepers. | 在中非共和国,至少有98名女孩说,她们曾受到国际维和人员的性虐待。 |
This program allowed 157 cooperatives provide assistance to 15,000 farms. | 该计划允许157个合作社向15000个农场提供援助。 |
In 1976, he suggested the existence of J4. | 在1976年,他又提出了J4的存在。 |
First, that credit is a human right; second, that the poor are those who know best how to better their own situation. | 第一,信贷是一项人权;第二,穷人是最了解如何改善自己处境的人。 |
Two examples are Bacardi 151 or Pitorro moonshine. | 两个例子是Bacardi 151或 Pitorro moonshine。 |
If you want to recover places that you lost long since, try it. | 如果你们企图收复你们早已丧失的土地,那么你们试试吧。 |
And the colourful era of the small, private teams finally came to an end. | 色彩缤纷的小型、私有队的时代终于走到了尽头。 |
In 1982 he published La idea de l'emigrant. | 1982年他发表了"La idea de l'emigrant"。 |
He sometimes appears as the assistant or companion of one or the other of the two. | 他有时会显示为他们二者中某一位的助手或同伴。 |
"Part 1 黃明志要見首相 Namewee wanna meet PM Malaysia! | Part 1 黃明志要見首相 Namewee wanna meet PM Malaysia! |
In closed economy: National savings = Investment. | 在封闭型经济中:国民储蓄=投资。 |
But at the date of the 8 September the G.55 had not been delivered yet. | 但是在9月8日G.55仍未送达。 |
Many African masks represent animals. | 許多非洲面具代表動物。 |
Fear of the Lord is aking to wonder (or awe). | 中外不畏陛下,惟畏嵩久矣。 |
On 3 December 2004, Ukraine's Supreme Court finally broke the political deadlock. | 12月3日乌克兰最高法院终于突破了这个政治僵局。 |
This is achieved through majority decision and inevitable compromise. | 这要通过多数决定来达到,以及不可避免的妥协。 |
But now science offers a more convincing explanation. | 但是現在科學已經提供了更讓人信服的解釋。 |
Minority rights were safeguarded by Article 29(2) of the Constitution. | 少数人权利受到该宪法第29(2)条的保护。 |
"Yalanın Batsın (Hande Yener)". | 謬誤:如說謊者悖論。 |
The Reformation also made European peace impossible for many centuries. | 宗教改革也使得欧洲和平在几个世纪之内成为不可能。 |
I am trying to save the people, doing my best to cross into Canada before the soldiers find us. | 我在试图拯救人民,尽我所能在士兵找到我们之前穿行到加拿大。 |
They say they're going to kick our religious men out of Austria. | 他们说,他们将把我们的宗教人士赶出奥地利。 |
Eight airports use the word London in their name, but most traffic passes through six of these. | 八座机场在其名称中使用“伦敦”一词,但大多数交通量都经由其中六座。 |