[ { "text": "Possible superconductivity in multi-layer-graphene by application of a\n gate voltage: The carrier density in tens of nanometers thick graphite samples\n(multi-layer-graphene, MLG) has been modified by applying a gate voltage\n($V_g$) perpendicular to the graphene planes. Surface potential microscopy\nshows inhomogeneities in the carrier density ($n$) in the sample near surface\nregion and under different values of $V_g$ at room temperature. Transport\nmeasurements on different MLG samples reveal that under a large enough applied\nelectric field these regions undergo a superconducting-like transition at $T\n\\lesssim 17$ K. A magnetic field applied parallel or normal to the graphene\nlayers suppresses the transition without changing appreciably the transition\ntemperature.", "category": "cond-mat_supr-con" }, { "text": "Magneto-elastic coupling model of deformable anisotropic superconductors: We develop a magneto-elastic (ME) coupling model for the interaction between\nthe vortex lattice and crystal elasticity. The theory extends the Kogan-Clem's\nanisotropic Ginzburg-Landau (GL) model to include the elasticity effect. The\nanisotropies in superconductivity and elasticity are simultaneously considered\nin the GL theory frame. We compare the field and angular dependences of the\nmagnetization to the relevant experiments. The contribution of the ME\ninteraction to the magnetization is comparable to the vortex-lattice energy, in\nmaterials with relatively strong pressure dependence of the critical\ntemperature. The theory can give the appropriate slope of the field dependence\nof magnetization near the upper critical field. The magnetization ratio along\ndifferent vortex frame axes is independent with the ME interaction. The\ntheoretical description of the magnetization ratio is applicable only if the\napplied field moderately close to the upper critical field.", "category": "cond-mat_supr-con" }, { "text": "Temperature Dependence of Superconducting Gaps in Mg(Al)B2 System\n Investigated by SnS-Andreev Spectroscopy: Detailed temperature dependence of both superconducting gaps was obtained\ndirectly by means of SnS-Andreev spectroscopy. The \\Delta \\sigma,\\pi(T) -curves\nwere shown to be deviated from standard BCS-like behavior, due to k-space\nproximity effect between \\sigma - and \\pi - condensates, which could give a key\nto experimental determination of interband electron-phonon coupling constants.\nFor the first time, an excellent qualitative agreement with theoretical\npredictions of Nicol and Carbotte, and Moskalenko and Suhl was shown.\ndI(V)/dV-spectra of SnS-Andreev contacts based on MgB2 samples (with defects of\ncrystal structure), and Mg(Al)B2 polycrystalline samples (with the local\ncritical temperatures Tc variation 10 K < Tc < 37 K) were studied by means of\nthe \"break-junction\" technique within the temperature range 4.2 K < T < Tc.", "category": "cond-mat_supr-con" }, { "text": "Insulating regime of an underdamped current-biased Josephson junction\n supporting $\\mathbb{Z}_3$ and $\\mathbb{Z}_4$ parafermions: We study analytically a current-biased topological Josephson junction\nsupporting $\\mathbb{Z}_n$ parafermions. First, we show that in an infinite-size\nsystem a pair of parafermions on the junction can be in $n$ different states;\nthe $2\\pi{n}$ periodicity of the phase potential of the junction results in a\nsignificant suppression of the maximal current $I_m$ for an insulating regime\nof the underdamped junction. Second, we study the behaviour of a realistic\nfinite-size system with avoided level crossings characterized by splitting\n$\\delta$. We consider two limiting cases: when the phase evolution may be\nconsidered adiabatic, which results in decreased periodicity of the effective\npotential, and the opposite case, when Landau-Zener transitions restore the\n$2\\pi{n}$ periodicity of the phase potential. The resulting current $I_m$ is\nexponentially different in the opposite limits, which allows us to propose a\nnew detection method to establish the appearance of parafermions in the system\nexperimentally, based on measuring $I_m$ at different values of the splitting\n$\\delta$.", "category": "cond-mat_supr-con" }, { "text": "Evidence for field-induced excitations in low-temperature thermal\n conductivity of Bi_2Sr_2CaCu_2O_8: The thermal conductivity ,$\\kappa$, of Bi_2Sr_2CaCu_2O_8 was studied as a\nfunction of magnetic field. Above 5 K, after an initial decrease, $\\kappa(H)$\npresents a kink followed by a plateau, as recently reported by Krishana et al..\nBy contrast, below 1K, the thermal conductivity was found to \\emph{increase}\nwith increasing field. This behavior is indicative of a finite density of\nstates and is not compatible with the existence of a field-induced fully gapped\n$d_{x^{2}-y^{2}}+id_{xy}$ state which was recently proposed to describe the\nplateau regime. Our low-temperature results are in agreement with recent works\npredicting a field-induced enhancement of thermal conductivity by Doppler shift\nof quasi-particle spectrum.", "category": "cond-mat_supr-con" }, { "text": "Quantum phase transitions in two-dimensional superconductors: a review\n on recent experimental progress: Superconductor-insulator/metal transition (SIT/SMT) as a paradigm of quantum\nphase transition has been a research highlight over the last three decades.\nBenefit from recent developments in the fabrication and measurements of 2D\nsuperconducting films and nanodevices, unprecedented quantum phenomena have\nbeen revealed in the quantum phase transitions of 2D superconductors. In this\nreview, we introduce the recent progress on quantum phase transitions in 2D\nsuperconductors, focusing on the quantum Griffiths singularity (QGS) and\nanomalous metal state. Characterized by a divergent critical exponent when\napproaching zero temperature, QGS of SMT is discovered in ultrathin crystalline\nGa films and subsequently detected in various 2D superconductors. The\nuniversality of QGS indicates the profound influence of quenched disorder on\nquantum phase transitions. Besides, in a 2D superconducting system, whether a\nmetallic ground state can exist is a long-sought mystery. Recently, the\ncharge-2e quantum oscillations are observed in nanopatterned superconducting\nfilms, indicating the bosonic nature of the anomalous metal state and ending\nthe debate on whether bosons can exist as a metal. The evidences of the\nanomalous metal states have also been reported in crystalline epitaxial thin\nfilms and exfoliated nanoflakes, as well as granular composite films. High\nquality filters are used in these works to exclude the influence of external\nhigh frequency noises in ultralow temperature measurements. The observations of\nQGS and metallic ground states in 2D superconductors not only reveal the\nprominent role of quantum fluctuations and dissipations but also provide new\nperspective to explore quantum phase transitions in superconducting systems.", "category": "cond-mat_supr-con" }, { "text": "Magnetic field dependence of pairing interaction in ferromagnetic\n superconductors with triplet pairing: It is developed a microscopic description of superconductivity in\nferromagnetic materials with triplet pairing triggered by the exchange of\nmagnetic fluctuations. Instead widely used paramagnon model we work with\nphenomenological spectrum of fluctuations in the orthorhombic ferromagnet with\nstrong magnetic anisotropy. Depending of the field orientation parallel or\nperpendicular to the direction of spontaneous magnetization the effective\namplitude of pairing interaction proves to be decreasing or increasing function\nof magnetic field that allows to explain the drastic difference in magnitudes\nof upper critical field in these directions.", "category": "cond-mat_supr-con" }, { "text": "The Microstrain-Doping Phase Diagram of the Iron Pnictides\n Heterostructures at Atomic Limit: The 3D phase diagram of iron pnictides where the critical temperature depends\non charge density and microstrain in the active FeAs layers is proposed. The\niron pnictides superconductors are shown to be a practical realization of a\nheterostructure at the atomic limit made of a superlattice of FeAs layers\nintercalated by spacer layers. We have focussed our interest on the A 1-x\nBxFe2As2 (122) families and we show that FeAs layers have a tensile microstrain\ndue to the misfit strain between the active layers and the spacers. We have\nidentified the critical range of doping and microstrain where the critical\ntemperature gets amplified to its maximum value.", "category": "cond-mat_supr-con" }, { "text": "The pseudogap and doping dependent magnetic properties of\n La2-xSrxCu1-yZnyO4: The effects of planar hole content, p (= x), on the static magnetic\nsusceptibility, chi(T), of polycrystalline La2-xSrxCu1-yZnyO4 compounds were\ninvestigated over a wide range of Sr (x) and Zn (y) contents. The magnetic\nbehavior caused by Zn was found to depend strongly on the hole content. The\napparent magnetic moment induced by Zn was larger in underdoped\nLa2-xSrxCu1-yZnyO4, decreased quite sharply around p ~ 0.19, and did not change\nmuch for further overdoping. This is interpreted in terms of the effect of the\npseudogap on the Zn-induced magnetic behavior, as there is growing evidence\nthat the pseudogap vanishes quite abruptly at p ~ 0.19 +/- 0.01. From a\ndetailed analysis of chi(T) data the Zn-induced magnetic contribution was found\nto be rather complex and showed non-Curie-like features over a wide range of\ntemperature. The observed behavior was scrutinized in terms of two scenarios\n(a) that of independent localized-moments and (b) low energy quasiparticle\nresonances associated with each Zn atom. Our study points towards the latter\nscenario and more generally suggests that there is a re-distribution of\nquasiparticle spectral weight due to Zn substitution, the features of which are\ngreatly influenced by the presence and magnitude of the pseudogap.", "category": "cond-mat_supr-con" }, { "text": "Minimal timing jitter in superconducting nanowire single photon\n detectors: Using two-temperature model coupled with modified time-dependent\nGinzburg-Landau equation we calculate the delay time $\\tau_d$ in appearance of\ngrowing normal domain in the current-biased superconducting strip after\nabsorption of the single photon. We demonstrate that $\\tau_d$ depends on the\nplace in the strip where photon is absorbed and monotonically decreases with\nincreasing of the current. We argue, that the variation of $\\tau_d$ (timing\njitter), connected either with position-dependent response or Fano fluctuations\ncould be as small as the lowest relaxation time of the superconducting order\nparameter $\\sim \\hbar/k_BT_c$ ($T_c$ is the critical temperature of the\nsuperconductor) when the current approaches the depairing current.", "category": "cond-mat_supr-con" }, { "text": "Quasiparticle spectrum near the gap node directions in the mixed state\n of d-wave superconductors: We report on a calculation of the quantized energy spectrum and quasiparticle\neigenfunctions for low lying excitations in the mixed state of clean d-wave\nsuperconductors. Our study is based on an approximate analytical solution of\nthe Bogolubov-de Gennes equations for both rectangular and triangular flux\nlattices with one of the primitive translations chosen parallel to the gap node\ndirection. For excitations with momenta close to a certain gap node we have\nobtained a set of eigenfunctions which appear to be extended along the chosen\ngap node direction and localized along the perpendicular one on a scale\ndetermined by the intervortex distance. The periodic superfluid velocity field\ninduces a band structure in the spectrum, which depends essentially on the\nvortex lattice geometry.", "category": "cond-mat_supr-con" }, { "text": "Nickelate superconductors: an ongoing dialog between theory and\n experiments: After decades of fundamental research, unconventional superconductivity has\nrecently been demonstrated in rare-earth infinite-layer nickelates. The current\nview depicts these systems as a new category of superconducting materials, as\nthey appear to be correlated metals with distinct multiband features in their\nphase diagram. Here, we provide an overview of the state of the art in this\nrapidly evolving topic.", "category": "cond-mat_supr-con" }, { "text": "Theory of the Transition at 0.2 K in Ni-doped Bi2Sr2CaCu2O8: A theory is put forward that the electronic phase transition at 0.2 K in\nNi-doped Bi$_{2}$Sr$_{2}$CaCu$_{2}$O$_{8}$ is result of the formation of a spin\ndensity wave in the system of Ni impurities. The driving force for the\ntransition is the exchange interaction between the impurity spins and the spins\nof the conduction electrons. This creates a small gap at two of the four nodes\nof the superconducting gap. The effect is to reduce the thermal conductivity by\na factor of two, as observed.", "category": "cond-mat_supr-con" }, { "text": "Topological Phase Transition in Superconductors with Mirror Symmetry: We provide analytical and numerical evidence that the attractive\ntwo-dimensional Kitaev model on a lattice with mirror symmetry demonstrates\nunusual 'intrinsic' phase at half filling. This phase emerges in the phase\ndiagram at the boundary separating two topological superconductors with\nopposite Chern numbers and exists due to condensation of non-zero momentum\nCooper pairs. Unlike Fulde-Ferrell-Larkin-Ovchinnikov superconductivity, the\nCooper pairs momenta are lying along two lines in the Brillouin zone meaning\nsimultaneous condensation of a continuum of Cooper pairs.", "category": "cond-mat_supr-con" }, { "text": "Pseudogap phase of cuprate superconductors confined by Fermi surface\n topology: The properties of cuprate high-temperature superconductors are largely shaped\nby competing phases whose nature is often a mystery. Chiefly among them is the\npseudogap phase, which sets in at a doping $p^*$ that is material-dependent.\nWhat determines $p^*$ is currently an open question. Here we show that the\npseudogap cannot open on an electron-like Fermi surface, and can only exist\nbelow the doping $p_{FS}$ at which the large Fermi surface goes from hole-like\nto electron-like, so that $p^*$ $\\leq$ $p_{FS}$. We derive this result from\nhigh-magnetic-field transport measurements in\nLa$_{1.6-x}$Nd$_{0.4}$Sr$_x$CuO$_4$ under pressure, which reveal a large and\nunexpected shift of $p^*$ with pressure, driven by a corresponding shift in\n$p_{FS}$. This necessary condition for pseudogap formation, imposed by details\nof the Fermi surface, is a strong constraint for theories of the pseudogap\nphase. Our finding that $p^*$ can be tuned with a modest pressure opens a new\nroute for experimental studies of the pseudogap.", "category": "cond-mat_supr-con" }, { "text": "Enhanced low-energy magnetic excitations evidencing the Cu-induced\n localization in an Fe-based superconductor Fe$_{0.98}$Te$_{0.5}$Se$_{0.5}$: We have performed inelastic neutron scattering measurements on\noptimally-doped Fe$_{0.98}$Te$_{0.5}$Se$_{0.5}$ and 10% Cu-doped\nFe$_{0.88}$Cu$_{0.1}$Te$_{0.5}$Se$_{0.5}$ to investigate the substitution\neffects on the spin excitations in the whole energy range up to 300 meV. It is\nfound that substitution of Cu for Fe enhances the low-energy spin excitations\n($\\le$ 100 meV), especially around the (0.5, 0.5) point, and leaves the\nhigh-energy magnetic excitations intact. In contrast to the expectation that Cu\nwith spin 1/2 will dilute the magnetic moments contributed by Fe with a larger\nspin, we find that the 10% Cu doping enlarges the effective fluctuating moment\nfrom 2.85 to 3.13 $\\mu_{\\rm B}$/Fe, although there is no long- or short-range\nmagnetic order around (0.5, 0.5) and (0.5, 0). The presence of enhanced\nmagnetic excitations in the 10% Cu doped sample which is in the insulating\nstate indicates that the magnetic excitations must have some contributions from\nthe local moments, reflecting the dual nature of the magnetism in iron-based\nsuperconductors. We attribute the substitution effects to the localization of\nthe itinerant electrons induced by Cu dopants. These results also indicate that\nthe Cu doping does not act as electron donor as in a rigid-band shift model,\nbut more as scattering centers that localize the system.", "category": "cond-mat_supr-con" }, { "text": "Calculation of Leggett-Takagi relaxation in vortices of superfluid 3He-B: We calculate the relaxation of Brinkman-Smith mode via Leggett-Takagi\nrelaxation in the presence of an isolated vortex in superfluid 3He-B. The\ncalculation is based on an analytical solution of the order parameter far from\nthe vortex axis. We obtain an expression for the dissipated power per vortex\nlength as a function of the tipping angle of the magnetization and the\norientation of the static magnetic field with respect to the vortex.", "category": "cond-mat_supr-con" }, { "text": "Structure and Magnetization of Two-Dimensional Vortex Arrays in the\n Presence of Periodic Pinning: Ground-state properties of a two-dimensional system of superconducting\nvortices in the presence of a periodic array of strong pinning centers are\nstudied analytically and numerically. The ground states of the vortex system at\ndifferent filling ratios are found using a simple geometric argument under the\nassumption that the penetration depth is much smaller than the spacing of the\npin lattice. The results of this calculation are confirmed by numerical studies\nin which simulated annealing is used to locate the ground states of the vortex\nsystem. The zero-temperature equilibrium magnetization as a function of the\napplied field is obtained by numerically calculating the energy of the ground\nstate for a large number of closely spaced filling ratios. The results show\ninteresting commensurability effects such as plateaus in the B-H diagram at\nsimple fractional filling ratios.", "category": "cond-mat_supr-con" }, { "text": "Transport properties of the new Fe-based superconductor KxFe2Se2 (Tc =\n 33 K): We synthesized the new Fe-based superconductor K0.8Fe2Se2 single crystals.\nThe obtained single crystal exhibited a sharp superconducting transition, and\nthe onset and zero-resistivity temperature was estimated to be 33 and 31.8 K,\nrespectively. A high upper critical field of 192 T was obtained. Anisotropy of\nsuperconductivity of K0.8Fe2Se2 was ~3.6. Both the high upper critical field\nand comparably low anisotropy are advantageous for the application under high\nmagnetic field.", "category": "cond-mat_supr-con" }, { "text": "The crystal structure of FeSe0.44Te0.56: The crystal structure of the superconductor FeSe0.44Te0.56 was redetermined\nby high-resolution X-ray single crystal diffraction at 173 K (anti-PbO-type,\nP4/nmm, a=3.7996(2), c=5.9895(6) A, R1=0.022, wR2=0.041, 173 F^2).\nSignificantly different z-coordinates of tellurium and selenium at the 2c site\nare clearly discernible and were refined to z_Te=0.2868(3) and z_Se=0.2468(7).\nThus the chalcogen heights differ by 0.24 A and the Fe-Se bonds are by 0.154 A\nshorter than the Fe-Te bonds, while three independent (Te,Se)-Fe-(Te,Se) bond\nangles occur. An elevated U33 displacement parameter of the iron atom is\nsuggestive of a slightly puckered Fe layer resulting from different\ncombinations of Se or Te neighbors. Such strong disorder underlines the\nrobustness of superconductivity against structural randomness and has not yet\nbeen considered in theoretical studies of this system.", "category": "cond-mat_supr-con" }, { "text": "Hydrogen-induced high-temperature superconductivity in two-dimensional\n materials: Example of hydrogenated monolayer MgB$_2$: Hydrogen-based compounds under ultra-high pressure, such as the polyhydrides\nH$_3$S and LaH$_{10}$, superconduct through the conventional electron-phonon\ncoupling mechanism to attain the record critical temperatures known to date. We\ndemonstrate here that the intrinsic advantages of hydrogen for phonon-mediated\nsuperconductivity can be exploited in a completely different system, namely\ntwo-dimensional (2D) materials. We find that hydrogen adatoms can strongly\nenhance superconductivity in 2D materials due to flatband states originating\nfrom atomic-like hydrogen orbitals, with a resulting high density of states,\nand due to the emergence of high-frequency hydrogen-related phonon modes that\nboost the electron-phonon coupling. As a concrete example, we investigate the\neffect of hydrogen adatoms on the superconducting properties of monolayer\nMgB$_2$, by solving the fully anisotropic Eliashberg equations, in conjunction\nwith a first-principles description of the electronic and vibrational states,\nand the coupling between them. We show that hydrogenation leads to a high\ncritical temperature of 67 K, which can be boosted to over 100 K by biaxial\ntensile strain.", "category": "cond-mat_supr-con" }, { "text": "Charge-density wave transition in magnetic topological semimetal\n EuAl$_4$: The interplay among topology, charge-density wave (CDW), and magnetism can\ngive rise to a plethora of exotic quantum phenomena. Recently, a group of\nmagnetic topological semimetals with tetragonal lattices and CDW order were\nfound to exhibit anomalous magnetic instability, helical spin ordering, and the\npresence of skyrmions. However, the underlying mechanism responsible for these\nobservations remains unclear. Here, we conducted a comprehensive investigation\ninto the impact of CDW on the topological and magnetic properties of EuAl$_4$\nusing optical spectroscopy and the first-principles calculations. Through\noptical spectroscopy, we observed a partial gap (60~meV) on the Fermi surface\nand an enhanced mid-infrared absorption around 0.4~eV after the CDW transition.\nMagneto-optical spectroscopy and the first-principles calculations proved that,\nby affecting the band structure, the CDW order frustrates the antiferromagnetic\ninteractions but strengthened the ferromagnetic ones, which can destabilize the\nmagnetism. With lower symmetry in the CDW ordered state, carriers from the Weyl\nbands will mediate the anisotropic magnetic interactions promoting the\nformation of chiral spin textures. Conversely, without the CDW order, the\ncounterpart EuGa$_4$ shows robust collinear antiferromagnetic order. Our\nfindings uncover the pivotal role played by CDW order in arousing intricate\nmagnetism in topological materials and provide valuable insights into\ncontrolling topological and magnetic properties through the manipulation of CDW\norders.", "category": "cond-mat_supr-con" }, { "text": "Superconductivity in undoped CaFe2As2 single crystals: Single crystals of undoped CaFe2As2 were grown by a FeAs self-flux method,\nand the crystals were quenched in ice-water rapidly after high temperature\ngrowth. The quenched crystal undergoes a collapsed tetragonal structural phase\ntransition around 80 K revealed by the temperature dependent X-ray diffraction\nmeasurements. Superconductivity below 25 K was observed in the collapsed phase\nby resistivity and magnetization measurements. The isothermal magnetization\ncurve measured at 2 K indicates that this is a typical type-II superconductor.\nFor comparison, we systematically characterized the properties of the furnace\ncooled, quenched, and post-annealed single crystals, and found strong internal\ncrystallographic strain existing in the quenched samples, which is the key for\nthe occurrence of superconductivity in the undoped CaFe2As2 single crystals.", "category": "cond-mat_supr-con" }, { "text": "Unveiling Mechanisms of Electric Field Effects on Superconductors by\n Magnetic Field Response: We demonstrate that superconducting aluminium nano-bridges can be driven into\na state with complete suppression of the critical supercurrent via\nelectrostatic gating. Probing both in- and out-of-plane magnetic field\nresponses in the presence of electrostatic gating can unveil the mechanisms\nthat primarily cause the superconducting electric field effects. Remarkably, we\nfind that a magnetic field, independently of its orientation, has only a weak\ninfluence on the critical electric field that identifies the transition from\nthe superconducting state to a phase with vanishing critical supercurrent. This\nobservation points to the absence of a direct coupling between the electric\nfield and the amplitude of the superconducting order parameter or $2\\pi$-phase\nslips via vortex generation. The magnetic field effect observed in the presence\nof electrostatic gating is described within a microscopic model where a\nspatially uniform inter-band $\\pi$-phase is stabilized by the electric field.\nSuch an intrinsic superconducting phase rearrangement can account for the\nsuppression of the supercurrent, as well as for the weak dependence of the\ncritical magnetic fields on the electric field.", "category": "cond-mat_supr-con" }, { "text": "Theory of superconductivity due to Ngai's mechanism in lightly doped\n SrTiO3: We develop a theory of superconducting pairing in low-density Strontium\ntitanate due to quadratic coupling of electron density to soft transverse\noptical phonons. It leads to static attractive potential between electrons\nwhich decay length scales inversely with soft optical gap. For low electron\ndensities attraction between electrons is local and transition temperature Tc\nwas found. The Tc(n) dependence in agreement with experimental data for low\ndoping was calculated. Next, we show that suppression of Tc by hydrostatic\npressure and strong increase of Tc due to isotop substitution are explained\nwithin our theory.", "category": "cond-mat_supr-con" }, { "text": "Macroscopic character of composite high temperature superconducting\n wires: The \"d-wave\" symmetry of the superconducting order in the cuprate high\ntemperature superconductors is a well established fact, and one which\nidentifies them as \"unconventional.\" However, in macroscopic contexts --\nincluding many potential applications ({\\it i.e.} superconducting \"wires\") --\nthe material is a composite of randomly oriented superconducting grains in a\nmetallic matrix, in which Josephson coupling between grains mediates the onset\nof long-range phase coherence. Here, we analyze the physics at length scales\nlarge compared to the size of such grains, and in particular the macroscopic\ncharacter of the long-range order that emerges. While XY-glass order and\nmacroscopic d-wave superconductivity may be possible, we show that under many\ncircumstances -- especially when the d-wave superconducting grains are embedded\nin a metallic matrix -- the most likely order has global s-wave symmetry.", "category": "cond-mat_supr-con" }, { "text": "Two energy scales and close relationship between the pseudogap and\n superconductivity in underdoped cuprate superconductors: By measuring the low temperature specific heat, the low energy quasi-particle\nexcitation has been derived and analyzed in systematically doped\nLa$_{2-x}$Sr$_{x}$CuO$_{4}$ single crystals. The Volovik's relation predicted\nfor a d-wave superconductor has been well demonstrated in wide doping regime,\nshowing a robust evidence for the d-wave pairing symmetry. Furthermore the\nnodal gap slope $v_\\Delta$ of the superconducting gap is derived and is found\nto follow the same doping dependence of the pseudogap obtained from ARPES and\ntunnelling measurement. This strongly suggests a close relationship between the\npseudogap and superconductivity. Taking the entropy conservation into account,\nwe argue that the ground state of the pseudogap phase should have Fermi arcs\nwith finite density of states at zero K, and the transport data show that it\nbehaves like an insulator due to probably weak localization. A nodal metal\npicture for the pseudogap phase cannot interpret the data. Based on the Fermi\narc picture for the pseudogap phase it is found that the superconducting energy\nscale or $T_c$ in underdoped regime is governed by both the maximum gap and the\nspectral weight from the Fermi arcs. This suggests that there are two energy\nscales: superconducting energy scale and the pseudogap. The superconductivity\nmay be formed by the condensation of Fermi arc quasiparticles through pairing\nby exchanging virtue bosons.", "category": "cond-mat_supr-con" }, { "text": "Synthesis and superconductivity of new BiS2 based superconductor\n PrO0.5F0.5BiS2: We report synthesis and superconductivity at 3.7K in PrO0.5F0.5BiS2. The\nnewly discovered material belongs to the layered sulfide based REO0.5F0.5BiS2\ncompounds having ZrCuSiAs type structure. The bulk polycrystalline compound is\nsynthesized by vacuum encapsulation technique at 7800C in single step. Detailed\nstructural analysis has shown that the as synthesized PrO0.5F0.5BiS2 is\ncrystallized in tetragonal P4/nmm space group with lattice parameters a =\n4.015(5) {\\AA}, c = 13.362(4) {\\AA}. Bulk superconductivity is observed in\nPrO0.5F0.5BiS2 below 4K from magnetic and transport measurements. Electrical\ntransport measurements showed superconducting transition temperature (Tc) onset\nat 3.7K and Tc ({\\rho}=0) at 3.1K. Hump at Tc related to superconducting\ntransition is not observed in heat capacity measurement and rather a\nSchottky-type anomaly is observed at below ~6K. The compound is slightly\nsemiconducting in normal state. Isothermal magnetization (MH) exhibited typical\ntype II behavior with lower critical field (Hc1) of around 8Oe.", "category": "cond-mat_supr-con" }, { "text": "Parity effect in a small superconducting grain: A rigorous result: The parity effect in an ultra-small superconducting grain is examined. By\napplying a generalized version of Lieb's spin-reflection positivity technique,\nwe show rigorously that the parity parameter $\\Delta_P$ is nonvanishing in such\na system. A positive lower bound for $\\Delta_P$ is derived.", "category": "cond-mat_supr-con" }, { "text": "Magnetic characterization of sintered MgB2 samples: effect of the\n substitution or doping with Li, Al and Si: Powdered and sintered MgB2 samples have been characterized through magnetic\nmeasurements performed from T = 5 K up to few degrees above the transition\ntemperature of about 39 K. We found that the sintered samples behave as\nwell-connected bodies, showing no trace of granularity. In order to obtain the\ncritical current density value Jc the Critical State Model has been therefore\nemployed in a straightforward way. With the aim either to decrease the electron\nmean free path or to increase its Jc we have attempted to introduce defects in\nthe MgB2 structure by different procedures: substitution of Lithium on the\nMagnesium site and doping of the precursor Boron powders with Aluminum and\nSilicon. The best result in terms of Jc has been achieved by Silicon doping\nthat, moreover, does not significantly affect the transition temperature.", "category": "cond-mat_supr-con" }, { "text": "What does the Josephson effect tell us about the superconducting state\n of the cuprates?: We review the recent measurements of the current-phase relation in cuprate\nJosephson junctions. Special attention is paid to 45 degree grain boundary\njunctions and to c-axis junctions between YBCO and Nb. It is shown that the\nanomalous properties of such junctions which have been found experimentally\n(large second harmonic of the current phase relation, sign change of the first\nharmonic as a function of temperature) are qualitatively consistent with the\nd-wave symmetry of pairing in the cuprates. It is argued that in order to\ndescribe the data quantitatively, quantum fluctuations of the order parameter\nneed to be taken into account. It is pointed out that the Josephson effect is\nan ideal tool for measuring the reduced phase stiffness in the cuprates.", "category": "cond-mat_supr-con" }, { "text": "High Temperature Superconductivity: the explanation: Soon after the discovery of the first high temperature superconductor by\nGeorg Bednorz and Alex Mueller in 1986 the late Sir Nevill Mott answering his\nown question \"Is there an explanation?\" [Nature v 327 (1987) 185] expressed a\nview that the Bose-Einstein condensation (BEC) of small bipolarons, predicted\nby us in 1981, could be the one. Several authors then contemplated BEC of real\nspace tightly bound pairs, but with a purely electronic mechanism of pairing\nrather than with the electron-phonon interaction (EPI). However, a number of\nother researchers criticized the bipolaron (or any real-space pairing) scenario\nas incompatible with some angle-resolved photoemission spectra (ARPES), with\nexperimentally determined effective masses of carriers and unconventional\nsymmetry of the superconducting order parameter in cuprates. Since then the\ncontroversial issue of whether the electron-phonon interaction (EPI) is crucial\nfor high-temperature superconductivity or weak and inessential has been one of\nthe most challenging problems of contemporary condensed matter physics. Here I\noutline some developments in the bipolaron theory suggesting that the true\norigin of high-temperature superconductivity is found in a proper combination\nof strong electron-electron correlations with a significant finite-range\n(Froehlich) EPI, and that the theory is fully compatible with the key\nexperiments.", "category": "cond-mat_supr-con" }, { "text": "Phenomenological study of spin-triplet ferromagnetic superconductors: Unconventional superconductivity with spin-triplet Cooper pairing is reviewed\non the basis of the quasi-phenomenological Ginzburg-Landau theory. The\nsuperconductivity, in particular, the mixed phase of coexistence of\nferromagnetism and unconventional superconductivity is triggered by the\nspontaneous magnetization. The mixed phase is stable whereas the other\nsuperconducting phases that usually exist in unconventional superconductors are\neither unstable, or, for particular values of the parameters of the theory,\nsome of these phases are metastable at relatively low temperatures in a quite\nnarrow domain of the phase diagram. The phase transitions from the normal phase\nto the phase of coexistence is of first order while the phase transition from\nthe ferromagnetic phase to the coexistence phase can be either of first or\nsecond order depending on the concrete substance. The Cooper pair and crystal\nanisotropy are relevant to a more precise outline of the phase diagram shape\nand reduce the degeneration of the ground states of the system but they do not\ndrastically influence the phase stability domains and the thermodynamic\nproperties of the respective phases.", "category": "cond-mat_supr-con" }, { "text": "On the Experimental Evidence for Possible Superconductivity in LK99: The desire to create an energy efficient world is bound to be incomplete\nwithout the discovery of a room temperature superconductor at ambient pressure.\nA recent report on the room-temperature ambient-pressure superconductor has\ninspired scientists to study the Cu doped Lead apatite named as LK-99. Here, we\nhave synthesized Cu doped LK-99 and Ni-doped LK-99 compounds and studied their\ntemperature dependent transport and magnetization behavior. In spite of the\npresence of impurity phase Cu$_2$S, the temperature dependent resistance shows\nan insulating nature of the sample. The radio frequency penetration depth\nmeasurement unveils the absence of diamagnetic flux expulsion in this sample.\nThe temperature dependent ac susceptibility measurements reveal the\nparamagnetic nature of the Ni doped LK-99.", "category": "cond-mat_supr-con" }, { "text": "ARPES kink is a \"smoking gun\" for the theory of high-Tc superconductors:\n dominance of the electron-phonon interaction with forward scattering peak: The ARPES spectra in high-Tc superconductors show four distinctive features\nin the quasiparticle self-energy. All of them can be explained consistently by\nthe theory in which the electron phonon interaction (EPI) with the forward\nscattering peak dominates over the Coulomb scattering. In particular, this\ntheory explains why there is no shift of the nodal kink at 70 meV in the\nsuperconducting state, contrary to the clear shift of the anti-nodal\nsingularity at 40 meV. The theory predicts a ``knee''-like structure of the\nimaginary part of the self-energy, which is phonon dominated for $\\omega\n\\approx \\omega^{(70)}_{ph}$, and shows linear behavior for $\\omega >\n\\omega^{(70)}_{ph}$ - due to the Coulomb scattering. Recent ARPES spectra give\nthat the EPI coupling constant is much larger than the Coulomb one. The\ndip-hump structure in the spectral function comes out naturally from the\nproposed theory.", "category": "cond-mat_supr-con" }, { "text": "Psuedo-isotropic upper critical field in cobalt-doped SrFe2As2 epitaxial\n films: The temperature and angular dependence of the upper critical field (Hc2) is\nreported for cobalt-doped SrFe2As2 epitaxial films between Tc and 0.5 K in\npulsed magnetic fields up to 50 T. For H parallel c, Hc2 is close to a linear\nfunction of temperature, while in the perpendicular direction there is\nsignificant downward curvature that results in an Hc2 ratio (gamma =\nHc2(perpendicular)/Hc2(parallel) that decreases nearly linearly with\ntemperature, approaching gamma = 1 at low temperature with Hc2(0) = 47 T. We\nmeasure the complete upper-critical field phase diagram including angular\ndependence and model the data using a two band theory allowing us to determine\nthe anisotropy of both bands, their relative diffusivities, and the\nrelationship between BCS coupling constant matrix elements. We find an unusual\nrelationship between the diffusivities of the two bands, with two anisotropic\nand opposite bands. This relationship is supported by the observation of a\nlocal maximum for Hc2(parallel) at low temperature.", "category": "cond-mat_supr-con" }, { "text": "Proximity Eliashberg theory of electrostatic field-effect-doping in\n superconducting films: We calculate the effect of a static electric field on the critical\ntemperature of a s-wave one band superconductor in the framework of proximity\neffect Eliashberg theory. In the weak electrostatic field limit the theory has\nno free parameters while, in general, the only free parameter is the thickness\nof the surface layer where the electric field acts. We conclude that the best\nsituation for increasing the critical temperature is to have a very thin film\nof a superconducting material with a strong increase of electron-phonon (boson)\nconstant upon charging.", "category": "cond-mat_supr-con" }, { "text": "Nernst effect of the new iron-based superconductor\n LaO$_{1-x}$F$_{x}$FeAs: We report the first Nernst effect measurement on the new iron-based\nsuperconductor LaO$_{1-x}$F$_{x}$FeAs $(x=0.1)$. In the normal state, the\nNernst signal is negative and very small. Below $T_{c}$ a large positive peak\ncaused by vortex motion is observed. The flux flowing regime is quite large\ncompared to conventional type-II superconductors. However, a clear deviation of\nthe Nernst signal from normal state background and an anomalous depression of\noff-diagonal thermoelectric current in the normal state between $T_{c}$ and 50\nK are observed. We propose that this anomaly in the normal state Nernst effect\ncould correlate with the SDW fluctuations.", "category": "cond-mat_supr-con" }, { "text": "Transport evidence for the surface state and spin-phonon interaction in\n FeTe$_{0.5}$Se$_{0.5}$: The iron chalcogenides have been proved to be intrinsic topological\nsuperconductors to implement quantum computation because of their unique\nelectronic structures. The topologically nontrivial surface states of\nFeTe$_{0.5}$Se$_{0.5}$ have been predicted by several calculations and then\nconfirmed by high-resolution photoemission and scanning tunneling experiments.\nHowever, so far, the shreds of the electrical transport evidence for\ntopological surface states are still in absence. By carrying out electrical\ntransport experiments, we observe a topological transition with a nonlinear\nHall conductivity and simultaneous linear magnetoresistance near the\nsuperconducting transition temperature. Furthermore, we observe a sign reversal\nof the Hall coefficient accompanied by a concurrently softening of the\n${A}_{1g}$ phonon mode at about 40 K, indicating a nematic transition. The\nsynchronized phonon softening with nematicity manifests an enhanced fluctuation\nstate through spin-phonon interaction. Our results solidly corroborate the\ntopological surface states of FeTe$_{0.5}$Se$_{0.5}$ and provide an\nunderstanding of the mechanism of the superconductivity in iron chalcogenides.", "category": "cond-mat_supr-con" }, { "text": "Screening magnetic fields by a superconducting disk: a simple model: We introduce a simple approach to evaluate the magnetic field distribution\naround superconducting samples, based on the London equations; the elementary\nvariable is the vector potential. This procedure has no adjustable parameters,\nonly the sample geometry and the London length, $\\lambda$, determine the\nsolution. The calculated field reproduces quantitatively the measured induction\nfield above MgB$_2$ disks of different diameters, at 20K and for applied fields\nlower than 0.4T. The model can be applied if the flux line penetration inside\nthe sample can be neglected when calculating the induction field distribution\noutside the superconductor. Finally we show on a cup-shape geometry how one can\ndesign a magnetic shield satisfying a specific constraint.", "category": "cond-mat_supr-con" }, { "text": "AC Loss in Striped (Filamentary) YBCO Coated Conductors Leading to\n Designs for High Frequencies and Field-Sweep Amplitudes: AC losses of YBCO coated conductors are investigated by calculation and\nexperiment for the higher frequency regime. Previous research using YBCO film\ndeposited onto single crystal substrates demonstrated the effectiveness of\nfilamentary subdivision as a technique for AC loss reduction. As a result of\nthese studies the idea of subdividing YBCO coated conductors (both YBCO,\noverlayer, and even underlayer) into such stripes suggested itself. The\nsuggestion was implemented by burning grooves into samples of coated conductor\nusing laser micromachining. Various machining parameters were investigated, and\nthe striping and slicing characteristics are presented. Loss measurements were\nperformed on unstriped as well as striped samples by the pick-up coil technique\nat frequencies of from 50-200 Hz at field sweep amplitudes of up to 150 mT. The\neffect of soft ferromagnetic Fe shielding was also investigated. The results of\nthe experiments form a starting point for a more general study of reduced loss\ncoated conductor design (including hysteretic, coupling, normal eddy current,\nand transport losses) projected into higher ranges of frequency and field sweep\namplitude with transformer and all cryogenic motor/generator applications in\nmind.", "category": "cond-mat_supr-con" }, { "text": "Non-equilibrium phenomena in superconductors probed by femtosecond\n time-domain spectroscopy: Development of ultrafast lasers and non-linear optical techniques over the\nlast two decades provides tools to access real-time dynamics of low energy\nexcitations in superconductors. For example, time-resolved THz spectroscopy and\ntime- and angular-resolved photoemission spectroscopy provide access to the\nreal-time dynamics of the superconducting gap amplitude. Such studies enable\ndetermination of microscopic parameters like quasi-particle recombination\nrates, pair-breaking rates and electron-boson coupling constants. Recently,\nintense THz pulses have been used to probe the non-linear dynamics, including\nobservation of collective modes. Moreover, using low frequency electromagnetic\npulses, there are several reports of amplification of superconductivity in both\nconventional and unconventional superconductors. Starting with a brief\nhistorical overview of the pioneering work, where non-equilibrium phenomena in\nsuperconductors were investigated using quasi-continuous excitation, we review\nsome of the insights that are provided by using real-time approaches. We focus\non conventional BCS superconductors, whose ground state is reasonably well\nunderstood, and address similarities and open questions related to the\ncorresponding studies in high-T$_{c}$ superconductors.", "category": "cond-mat_supr-con" }, { "text": "Carbon substitution effect in MgB$_2$: We investigated carbon substitution effect on boron plane of superconducting\nMgB$_2$. MgB$_2$ and MgB$_{1.8}$C$_{0.2}$ samples are synthesized under high\npressure furnace. MgB$_{1.8}$C$_{0.2}$ are characterized as AlB$_2$-type single\nphase with smaller B-B distance. During the superconducting transition, two\ndistinct onset temperatures are observed in MgB$_{1.8}$C$_{0.2}$.", "category": "cond-mat_supr-con" }, { "text": "Why an ac magnetic field shifts the irreversibility line in type-II\n superconductors: We show that for a thin superconducting strip placed in a transverse dc\nmagnetic field - the typical geometry of experiments with high-Tc\nsuperconductors - the application of a weak ac magnetic field perpendicular to\nthe dc field generates a dc voltage in the strip. This voltage leads to the\ndecay of the critical currents circulating in the strip, and eventually the\nequilibrium state of the superconductor is established. This relaxation is not\ndue to thermally activated flux creep but to the \"walking\" motion of vortices\nin the two-dimensional critical state of the strip with in-plane ac field. Our\ntheory explains the shaking effect that was used for detecting phase\ntransitions of the vortex lattice in superconductors with pinning. Some recent\nexperiments on this subject are discussed.", "category": "cond-mat_supr-con" }, { "text": "Reply to \"Comment on Yerin et al., Phys. Rev. Lett. 121, 077002 (2018),\n and Mironov et al., Phys. Rev. Lett. 109, 237002 (2012)\" by A. F. Volkov, F.\n S. Bergeret, and K. B. Efetov: Here we reply to the comment by A. F. Volkov, F. S. Bergeret, and K. B.\nEfetov.", "category": "cond-mat_supr-con" }, { "text": "Lithium Beryllium Phosphide (LiBeP): A possible MgB2-like Superconductor: The search for materials similar to magnesium diboride, MgB2, based on\nstructure and electronic similarity did not produce close enough\nsuperconductors in terms of Tc. Changing the search to iso-electronic and\niso-atomic number equivalents opened new doors to very many possible MgB2-like\nsuperconductors. Here we present LiBeP which meets these new conditions. We\nestimate its Tc to be 34.5K if two-gapped or 17.2K if single gapped.", "category": "cond-mat_supr-con" }, { "text": "Electronic Phase Separation Transition as the Origin of the\n Superconductivity and the Pseudogap Phase of Cuprates: We propose a new phase of matter, an electronic phase separation transition\nthat starts near the upper pseudogap and segregates the holes into high and low\ndensity domains. The Cahn-Hilliard approach is used to follow quantitatively\nthis second order transition. The resulting grain boundary potential confines\nthe charge in domains and favors the development of intragrain superconducting\namplitudes. The zero resistivity transition arises only when the intergrain\nJosephson coupling $E_J$ is of the order of the thermal energy and phase\nlocking among the superconducting grains takes place. We show that this\napproach explains the pseudogap and superconducting phases in a natural way and\nreproduces some recent scanning tunneling microscopy data", "category": "cond-mat_supr-con" }, { "text": "Electronic band structure and chemical bonding in the novel\n antiperovskite ZnCNi3 as compared with 8-K superconductor MgCNi3: Energy band structure of the discovered ternary perovskite-like compound\nZnCNi3 reported by Park et al (2004) as a non-superconducting paramagnetic\nmetal was investigated using the FLMTO-GGA method. The electronic bands,\ndensity of states, Fermi surface, charge density and electron localization\nfunction distributions for ZnCNi3 are obtained and analyzed in comparison with\nthe isoelectronic and isostructural 8K superconductor MgCNi3. The effect of\nexternal pressure on the electronic states of ZnCNi3 and MgCNi3 is studied.", "category": "cond-mat_supr-con" }, { "text": "Superconductivity in $\u03b2$-pyrochlore superconductor KOs$_{2}$O$_{6}$:\n treatment within strong-coupling Eliashberg theory: We study the influence of the rattling phonons on superconductivity in\n$\\beta$-pyrochlore KOs$_{2}$O$_{6}$ compound based on the strong-coupling\nEliashberg approach. In particular, analyzing the specific heat data we find\nthat the rattling phonon frequency changes discontinuously at the critical\ntemperature of the first order phase transition. Solving the strong-coupling\nEliashberg equations with temperature dependent $\\alpha^{2}F(\\omega)$, we\ninvestigate the consequence of this first order phase transition for the\nanomalous temperature dependence of the superconducting gap. We discuss our\nresults in context of the recent experimental data.", "category": "cond-mat_supr-con" }, { "text": "KFe_2Se_2 is the parent compound of K-doped iron selenide\n superconductors: We elucidate the existing controversies in the newly discovered K-doped iron\nselenide (KxFe2-ySe2-z) superconductors. The stoichiometric KFe2Se2 with\n\\surd2\\times\\surd2 charge ordering was identified as the parent compound of\nKxFe2-ySe2-z superconductor using scanning tunneling microscopy and\nspectroscopy. The superconductivity is induced in KFe2Se2 by either Se\nvacancies or interacting with the anti-ferromagnetic K2Fe4Se5 compound. Totally\nfour phases were found to exist in KxFe2-ySe2-z: parent compound KFe2Se2,\nsuperconducting KFe2Se2 with \\surd2\\times\\surd5 charge ordering,\nsuperconducting KFe2Se2-z with Se vacancies and insulating K2Fe4Se5 with\n\\surd5\\times\\surd5 Fe vacancy order. The phase separation takes place at the\nmesoscopic scale under standard molecular beam epitaxy condition.", "category": "cond-mat_supr-con" }, { "text": "The Gradient Expansion for the Free-Energy of a Clean Superconductor: We describe a novel method for obtaining the gradient expansion for the free\nenergy of a clean BCS superconductor. We present explicit results up to fourth\norder in the gradients of the order parameter.", "category": "cond-mat_supr-con" }, { "text": "Zurek-Kibble domain structures: The Dynamics of Spontaneous Vortex\n formation in Annular Josephson Tunnel Junctions: Phase transitions executed in a finite time show a domain structure with\ndefects, that has been argued by Zurek and Kibble to depend in a characteristic\nway on the quench rate. In this letter we present an experiment to measure the\nZurek-Kibble scaling exponent sigma. Using symmetric and long Josephson Tunnel\nJunctions, for which the predicted index is sigma = 0.25, we find sigma = 0.27\n+/- 0.05. Further, there is agreement with the ZK prediction for the overall\nnormalisation.", "category": "cond-mat_supr-con" }, { "text": "Superconductivity of the New Medium-Entropy Alloy V4Ti2W with a\n Body-Centered Cubic Structure: Medium- and high-entropy alloy (MEA and HEA) superconductors have attracted\nconsiderable interest since their discovery. This paper reports the\nsuperconducting properties of ternary tungsten-containing MEA V4Ti2W for the\nfirst time. V4Ti2W is a type II superconductor with a body-centered cubic (BCC)\nstructure. Experimental results of resistivity, magnetization, and heat\ncapacity indicate that the superconducting transition temperature of the MEA\nV4Ti2W is roughly 5.0 K. The critical magnetic fields at the upper and lower\nends are 9.93(2) T and 40.7(3) mT, respectively. Interestingly, few BCC MEA\nsuperconductors with VEC greater than 4.8 have been found. The addition of\ntungsten leads to a VEC of 4.83 e/a for V4Ti2W, which is rarely higher than the\n4.8 value. Adding tungsten element expands the variety of MEA alloys, which may\nimprove the microstructure and mechanical properties of materials and even\nsuperconducting properties. This material could potentially offer a new\nplatform for the investigation of innovative MEA and HEA superconductors.", "category": "cond-mat_supr-con" }, { "text": "Elliptical vortex and oblique vortex lattice in the FeSe superconductor\n based on the nematicity and mixed superconducting orders: The electronic nematic phase is characterized as an ordered state of matter\nwith rotational symmetry breaking, and has been well studied in the quantum\nHall system and the high-$T_c$ superconductors, regardless of cuprate or\npnictide family. The nematic state in high-$T_c$ systems often relates to the\nstructural transition or electronic instability in the normal phase.\nNevertheless, the electronic states below the superconducting transition\ntemperature is still an open question. With high-resolution scanning tunneling\nmicroscope measurements, direct observation of vortex core in FeSe thin films\nrevealed the nematic superconducting state by Song \\emph{et al}. Here,\nmotivated by the experiment, we construct the extended Ginzburg-Landau free\nenergy to describe the elliptical vortex, where a mixed \\emph{s}-wave and\n\\emph{d}-wave superconducting order is coupled to the nematic order. The\nnematic order induces the mixture of two superconducting orders and enhances\nthe anisotropic interaction between the two superconducting orders, resulting\nin a symmetry breaking from $C_4$ to $C_2$. Consequently, the vortex cores are\nstretched into an elliptical shape. In the equilibrium state, the elliptical\nvortices assemble a lozenge-like vortex lattice, being well consistent with\nexperimental results.", "category": "cond-mat_supr-con" }, { "text": "New Superconductivity Dome in LaFeAsO$_{1-x}$F$_{x}$ Accompanied by\n Structural Transition: High temperature superconductivity is often found in the vicinity of\nantiferromagnetism. This is also true in LaFeAsO$_{1-x}$F$_{x}$ ($x \\leq$ 0.2)\nand many other iron-based superconductors, which leads to proposals that\nsuperconductivity is mediated by fluctuations associated with the nearby\nmagnetism. Here we report the discovery of a new superconductivity dome without\nlow-energy magnetic fluctuations in LaFeAsO$_{1-x}$F$_{x}$ with 0.25$\\leq x\n\\leq$0.75, where the maximal critical temperature $T_c$ at $x_{opt}$ =\n0.5$\\sim$0.55 is even higher than that at $x \\leq$ 0.2. By nuclear magnetic\nresonance and Transmission Electron Microscopy, we show that a C4 rotation\nsymmetry-breaking structural transition takes place for $x>$ 0.5 above $T_c$.\nOur results point to a new paradigm of high temperature superconductivity.", "category": "cond-mat_supr-con" }, { "text": "Two-dimensional magnetism in the pnictide superconductor parent material\n SrFeAsF probed by muon-spin relaxation: We report muon-spin relaxation measurements on SrFeAsF, which is the parent\ncompound of a newly discovered iron-arsenic-fluoride based series of\nsuperconducting materials. We find that this material has very similar magnetic\nproperties to LaFeAsO, such as separated magnetic and structural transitions\n(TN = 120 K, Ts = 175 K), contrasting with SrFe2As2 where they are coincident.\nThe muon oscillation frequencies fall away very sharply at TN, which suggests\nthat the magnetic exchange between the layers is weaker than in comparable\noxypnictide compounds. This is consistent with our specific heat measurements,\nwhich find that the entropy change S = 0.05 J/mol/K largely occurs at the\nstructural transition and there is no anomaly at TN.", "category": "cond-mat_supr-con" }, { "text": "Flux Pinning by Nano Particles Embedded in Polycrystalline Y-123\n Superconductors: Bulk superconductor samples of YBa2Cu3-xZnxO7-{\\delta} with x = 0, 0.01, 0.03\nare synthesized by solid-state reaction route. The structural characterisation\nof all samples has been carried out by x-ray-diffraction (XRD) and transmission\nelectron microscopy (TEM) techniques. The x-ray diffraction patterns indicate\nthat the gross structure/phase of YBa2Cu3-xZnxO7-{\\delta} do not change with\nthe substitution of Zn up to x=0.03. In TEM investigations of Zn-doped Y-based\ncuprates a number of ZnO nano-flower and nano-rod of Y-211 phase are found\ndispersed in regular YBa2Cu3-xZnxO7 matrix. These dispersed nano-flowers of ZnO\nand nano-rods of Y-211 phase may serve as flux-pinning centers. These pinning\ncenters enhance critical current density (Jc) value of these HTSC samples.", "category": "cond-mat_supr-con" }, { "text": "Microwave transmissions through superconducting coplanar waveguide\n resonators with different coupling configurations: We design and fabricate two types of superconducting niobium coplanar\nwaveguide microwave resonators with different coupling capacitors on high\npurity Si substrates. Their microwave transmissions are measured at the\ntemperatures of 20 mK. It is found that these two types of resonators possess\nsignificantly-different loaded quality factors; one is $5.6\\times{10}^{3}$, and\nthe other is $4.0\\times{10}^{4}$. The measured data are fitted well by\nclassical ABCD matrix approach. We found that the transmission peak deviates\nfrom the standard Lorentizian with a frequency broadening.", "category": "cond-mat_supr-con" }, { "text": "Chemically gated electronic structure of a superconducting doped\n topological insulator system: Angle resolved photoemission spectroscopy is used to observe changes in the\nelectronic structure of bulk-doped topological insulator Cu$_x$Bi$_2$Se$_3$ as\nadditional copper atoms are deposited onto the cleaved crystal surface. Carrier\ndensity and surface-normal electrical field strength near the crystal surface\nare estimated to consider the effect of chemical surface gating on atypical\nsuperconducting properties associated with topological insulator order, such as\nthe dynamics of theoretically predicted Majorana Fermion vortices.", "category": "cond-mat_supr-con" }, { "text": "Vortex dynamics in two-dimensional Josephson junction arrays: The dynamic response of unfrustrated two-dimensional Josephson junction\narrays close to, but above the Kosterlitz-Thouless($KT$) transition temperature\nis described in terms of the vortex dielectric function $\\epsilon(\\omega)$. The\nlatter is calculated by considering separately the contribution of\n$\\ll$free$\\gg$ vortices interacting by a screened Coulomb potential, and the\n$\\ll$pair motion$\\gg$ of vortices that are closer to each other than the $KT$\ncorrelation length. This procedure allows to understand various anomalous\nfeatures in $\\epsilon(\\omega)$ and in the flux noise spectra that have been\nobserved experimentally and in dynamic simulations.", "category": "cond-mat_supr-con" }, { "text": "Impurity-induced quasiparticle interference in the parent compounds of\n iron-pnictide superconductors: The impurity-induced quasiparticle interference(QPI) in the parent compounds\nof iron-pnictide superconductors is investigated based on a phenomenological\ntwo-orbital four-band model and T-matrix method. We find the QPI is sensitive\nto the value of the magnetic order which may vary from one compound to another.\nFor small value of the magnetic order, the pattern of oscillation in the local\ndensity of states (LDOS) induced by the QPI exhibits two-dimensional\ncharacteristics, consistent with the standing wave state observed in the 1111\ncompound. For larger value of the magnetic order, the main feature of the\nspatial modulation of the LDOS is the existence of one-dimensional stripe\nstructure which is in agreement with the nematic structure in the parent\ncompound of the 122 system. In both cases the system shows $C_2$ symmetry and\nonly in the larger magnetic order case, there exist in-gap bound states. The\ncorresponding QPI in $q$-space is also presented. The patterns of modulation in\nthe LDOS at nonzero energies are attributed to the interplay between the\nunderlying band structure and Fermi surfaces.", "category": "cond-mat_supr-con" }, { "text": "Neutron Scattering Studies of spin excitations in hole-doped\n Ba0.67K0.33Fe2As2 superconductor: We report inelastic neutron scattering experiments on single crystals of\nsuperconducting Ba0.67K0.33Fe2As2 (Tc = 38 K). In addition to confirming the\nresonance previously found in powder samples, we find that spin excitations in\nthe normal state form longitudinally elongated ellipses along the QAFM\ndirection in momentum space, consistent with density functional theory\npredictions. On cooling below Tc, while the resonance preserves its momentum\nanisotropy as expected, spin excitations at energies below the resonance become\nessentially isotropic in the in-plane momentum space and dramatically increase\ntheir correlation length. These results suggest that the superconducting gap\nstructures in Ba0.67Ka0.33Fe2As2 are more complicated than those suggested from\nangle resolved photoemission experiments.", "category": "cond-mat_supr-con" }, { "text": "Scanning tunnelling spectroscopy of the vortex state in NbSe2 using a\n superconducting tip: The vortex electronic structure in the multiband superconductor NbSe2 is\nstudied by means of Scanning Tunneling Spectroscopy (STS) using a\nsuperconducting tip. The use of a superconducting tip (Pb) as a probe provides\nan enhancement of the different features related to the DOS of NbSe2 in the\ntunneling conductance curves. This use allows the observation of rich patterns\nof electronic states in the conductance images around the vortex cores in a\nwide range of temperature, as well as the simultaneous acquisition of Josephson\ncurrent images in the vortex state.", "category": "cond-mat_supr-con" }, { "text": "Superconductivity without inversion and time-reversal symmetries: The traditional symmetries that protect superconductivity are time-reversal\nand inversion. Here, we examine the minimal symmetries protecting\nsuperconductivity in two dimensions and find that time-reversal symmetry and\ninversion symmetry are not required, and having a combination of either\nsymmetry with a mirror operation on the basal plane is sufficient. We classify\nsuperconducting states stabilized by these two symmetries, when time-reversal\nand inversion symmetries are not present, and provide realistic minimal models\nas examples. Interestingly, several experimentally realized systems, such as\ntransition metal dichalcogenides and the two-dimensional Rashba system belong\nto this category, when subject to an applied magnetic field.", "category": "cond-mat_supr-con" }, { "text": "Effect of metal vacancies on the electronic band structure of hexagonal\n Nb, Zr and Y diborides: Energy band structures of metal-deficient hexagonal diborides M$_{0.75}$B$_2$\n(M = Nb, Zr and Y) were calculated using the full-potential LMTO method. The\nmetal vacancies change the density of states near the Fermi level and this\neffect is quite different for III-V group transition metal diborides.\nContradictory data on superconductivity in diborides may be supposed to be\nconnected with nonstoichiometry of samples. Vacancy formation energies are\nestimated and analyzed.", "category": "cond-mat_supr-con" }, { "text": "Trilayer multi-orbital models of $\\mathrm{La_{4}Ni_{3}O_{10}}$: Recently, the discovery of superconductivity in Ruddlesden-Popper (RP)\n$\\mathrm{La_4Ni_3O_{10}}$ under pressure has further expanded the realm of\nnickelate-based superconductor family. In this paper, we performed a\nfirst-principle study of $\\mathrm{La_4Ni_3O_{10}}$ for both $P2_1/a$ phase at\nambient pressure and $I4/mmm$ phase at high pressure, with $U$=0, 3.5 eV. Our\nresults confirmed the characteristic upward shift of Ni-$d_{z^2}$ bonding band\nunder pressure. Moreover, our analysis of electronic spectrum and orbital\noccupancy unveil the dynamical mechanism of electronic reconstructions under\npressure, embedded in a critical dual effect. Based on our DFT results, we\nfurther proposed a trilayer two-orbital model by performing Wannier downfolding\non Ni-$e_g$ orbitals. Our model reveals four Fermi surface sheets with\n$\\alpha,\\beta,\\beta^\\prime,\\gamma$ pockets, bearing resemblance to that of\nbilayer $\\mathrm{La_3Ni_2O_7}$. According to the model, our calculated spin\nsusceptibility under random phase approximation predicts an analogous magnetic\nsignal at ${\\rm q}=(\\frac{\\pi}{2},\\frac{\\pi}{2})$, which is more associated\nwith nesting within $\\beta,\\beta^\\prime$ pockets. Finally, a high energy\nsixteen-orbital model with direct $dp,pp$ hoppings is proposed, which implies\nthat $\\mathrm{La_4Ni_3O_{10}}$ also lies in charge-transfer picture within\nZaanen-Sawatzky-Allen scheme. Our exposition of electronic reconstructions and\nmulti-orbital models shed light on theoretical electronic correlation study and\nexperimental exploration for lower pressure in RP series.", "category": "cond-mat_supr-con" }, { "text": "Route to Observable Fulde-Ferrell-Larkin-Ovchinnikov Phases in 3D\n Spin-Orbit Coupled Degenerate Fermi Gases: The Fulde-Ferrell-Larkin-Ovchinnikov (FFLO) phase was first predicted in 2D\nsuperconductors about 50 years ago, but so far unambiguous experimental\nevidences are still lacked. The recently experimentally realized\nspin-imbalanced Fermi gases may potentially unveil this elusive state, but\nrequire very stringent experimental conditions. In this Letter, we show that\nFFLO phases may be observed even in a 3D degenerate Fermi gas with spin-orbit\ncoupling and in-plane Zeeman field. The FFLO phase is driven by the interplay\nbetween asymmetry of Fermi surface and superfluid order, instead of the\ninterplay between magnetic and superconducting order in solid materials. The\npredicted FFLO phase exists in a giant parameter region, possesses a stable\nlong-range superfluid order due to the 3D geometry, and can be observed with\nexperimentally already achieved temperature ($T\\sim 0.05E_{F}$), thus opens a\nnew fascinating avenue for exploring FFLO physics.", "category": "cond-mat_supr-con" }, { "text": "Pseudogap-like phase in Ca(Fe$_{1-x}$Co$_x$)$_2$As$_2$ revealed by\n $^{75}$As NQR: We report $^{75}$As NQR measurements on single crystalline\nCa(Fe$_{1-x}$Co$_x$)$_2$As$_2$ ($0\\leq x \\leq 0.09$). The nuclear spin-lattice\nrelaxation rate $T_1^{-1}$ as a function of temperature $T$ and Co dopant\nconcentration $x$ reveals a normal-state pseudogap-like phase below a crossover\ntemperature $T^*$ in the under- and optimally-doped region. The resulting\n$x$-$T$ phase diagram shows that, after suppression of the spin-density-wave\norder, $T^*$ intersects $T_c$ falling to zero rapidly near the optimal doping\nregime. Possible origins of the pseudogap behavior are discussed.", "category": "cond-mat_supr-con" }, { "text": "Enhancement of functional properties of V$_{0.6}$Ti$_{0.4}$ alloy\n superconductor by the addition of yttrium: We show here that the yttrium is immiscible and precipitates with various\nsizes in the body centred cubic V$_{0.6}$Ti$_{0.4}$ alloy superconductor. The\nnumber and size of the precipitates are found to depend on the amount of\nyttrium added. Precipitates with various sizes up to 30~$\\mu$m are found in the\nV$_{0.6}$Ti$_{0.4}$ alloy containing 5 at.\\% yttrium. The large amount of line\ndisorders generated by the addition of yttrium in this alloy are found to be\neffective in pinning the magnetic flux lines. While the superconducting\ntransition temperature increases with the increasing amount of yttrium in the\nV$_{0.6}$Ti$_{0.4}$ alloy, the critical current density is maximum for the\nalloy containing 2 at. \\% yttrium, where it is more than 7.5 times the parent\nalloy in fields higher than 1~T. We found that the effectiveness of each type\nof defect in pinning the flux lines is dependent on the temperature and the\napplied magnetic filed.", "category": "cond-mat_supr-con" }, { "text": "High-$T$$_\\textrm{C}$ Superconductivity in Hydrogen Clathrates Mediated\n by Coulomb Interactions between Hydrogen and Central-Atom Electrons: The uniquely characteristic macrostructures of binary hydrogen-clathrate\ncompounds $M$H$_\\textrm{n}$ formed at high pressure, a cage of hydrogens\nsurrounding a central-atom host, is theoretically predicted in various studies\nto include structurally stable phonon-mediated superconductors. High\nsuperconductive transition temperatures $T$$_\\textrm{C}$ have thus far been\nmeasured for syntheses with $M$ = La, Y, and Th. In compressed\nLaH$_\\textrm{10}$, independent studies report $T$$_\\textrm{C}$ of 250 K and\nover 260 K, a maximum in $T$$_\\textrm{C}$ with pressure $P$, and normal-state\nresistance scaling with temperature (suggesting unconventional pairing).\nAccording to reported band structure calculations of $Fm$$\\bar{3}$$m$-phase\nLaH$_\\textrm{10}$, the La is anionic, with the chemical valence electrons\nappearing evenly split between La and H$_\\textrm{10}$. Thus, compressed\nLaH$_\\textrm{10}$ contains the combination of structure, charge separation, and\noptimal balanced allocation of valence electrons for supporting unconventional\nhigh-$T$$_\\textrm{C}$ superconductivity mediated by Coulomb interactions\nbetween electronic charges associated with La and H$_\\textrm{10}$. A general\nexpression for the optimal superconducting transition temperature for\n$M$H$_\\textrm{n}$ clathrates is derived as $T$$_\\textrm{C0}$ =\n$k$$_\\textrm{B}$$^{-1}$$\\Lambda$[(n + $v$)/2$A$]$^{1/2}$$e$$^{2}$/$\\zeta$,\nwhere $\\Lambda$ is a universal constant, (n + $v$) is the chemical valence sum\nper formula unit, taking unity for H and $v$ for atom $M$, $A$ is the surface\narea of the H-polyhedron cage, and $\\zeta$ is the mean distance between the $M$\nsite and the centroids of the polyhedron faces. Applied to $Fm$$\\bar{3}$$m$\nLaH$_\\textrm{10}$, $T$$_\\textrm{C0}$ values of 249.8(1.3) K and 260.7(2.0) K\nare found for the two experiments. Associated attributes of charge allocation,\nstructure, effective Coulomb potential, . . .", "category": "cond-mat_supr-con" }, { "text": "Optimal interlayer hopping and high temperature Bose-Einstein\n condensation of local pairs in quasi 2D superconductors: Both FeSe and cuprate superconductors are quasi 2D materials with high\ntransition temperatures and local fermion pairs. Motivated by such systems, we\ninvestigate real space pairing of fermions in an anisotropic lattice model with\nintersite attraction, V, and strong local Coulomb repulsion, U, leading to a\ndetermination of the optimal conditions for superconductivity from\nBose-Einstein condensation. Our aim is to gain insight as to why high\ntemperature superconductors tend to be quasi 2D. We make both analytically and\nnumerically exact solutions for two body local pairing applicable to\nintermediate and strong V. We find that the Bose Einstein condensation\ntemperature of such local pairs is maximal when hopping between layers is\nintermediate relative to in-plane hopping, indicating that the quasi 2D nature\nof unconventional superconductors has an important contribution to their high\ntransition temperatures.", "category": "cond-mat_supr-con" }, { "text": "Reversible transitions in high-$T_c$ cuprates based point contacts: The influence of electric felds and currents has been investigated in the\nhigh-$T_c$ superconductors $YBaCuO$ and $BiSrCaCuO$ using a point-contact\ngeometry with $Ag$ as the counterelectrode, which reveal switching transitions\nbetween states of a different resistance. The origin of this effect in point\ncontacts is associated with electromigration of the oxygen, driven by the\nelectric feld as well as by the currentinduced \"electron wind\". The switching\neffect preserves its basic features at elevated temperatures up to room\ntemperature and in high magnetic felds up to 10 T.", "category": "cond-mat_supr-con" }, { "text": "Finite energy spin fluctuation as a pairing glue in systems with\n coexisting electron and hole bands: We study, within the fluctuation exchange approximation, the\nspin-fluctuation-mediated superconductivity in Hubbard-type models possessing\nelectron and hole bands, and compare them with a model on a square lattice with\na large Fermi surface. In the square lattice model, superconductivity is more\nenhanced for better nesting for a fixed band filling. By contrast, in the\nmodels with electron and hole bands, superconductivity is optimized when the\nFermi surface nesting is degraded to some extent, where finite energy spin\nfluctuation around the nesting vector develops. The difference lies in the\nrobustness of the nesting vector, namely, in models with electron and hole\nbands, the wave vector at which the spin susceptibility is maximized is fixed\neven when the nesting is degraded, whereas when the Fermi surface is large, the\nnesting vector varies with the deformation of the Fermi surface. We also\ndiscuss the possibility of realizing in actual materials the bilayer Hubbard\nmodel, which is a simple model with electron and hole bands, and is expected to\nhave a very high T_c.", "category": "cond-mat_supr-con" }, { "text": "Cold atoms near superconductors: Atomic spin coherence beyond the\n Johnson noise limit: We report on the measurement of atomic spin coherence near the surface of a\nsuperconducting niobium wire. As compared to normal conducting metal surfaces,\nthe atomic spin coherence is maintained for time periods beyond the Johnson\nnoise limit. The result provides experimental evidence that magnetic near field\nnoise near the superconductor is strongly suppressed. Such long atomic spin\ncoherence times near superconductors open the way towards the development of\ncoherently coupled cold atom / solid state hybrid quantum systems with\npotential applications in quantum information processing and precision force\nsensing.", "category": "cond-mat_supr-con" }, { "text": "Majorana-assisted nonlocal electron transport through a floating\n topological superconductor: The nonlocal nature of the fermionic mode spanned by a pair of Majorana bound\nstates in a one-dimensional topological superconductor has inspired many\nproposals aiming at demonstrating this property in transport. In particular,\ntransport through the mode from a lead attached to the left bound state to a\nlead attached to the right will result in current cross-correlations. For ideal\nzero modes on a grounded superconductor, the cross-correlations are however\ncompletely suppressed in favor of purely local Andreev reflection. In order to\nobtain a non-vanishing cross-correlation, previous studies have required the\npresence of an additional global charging energy. Adding nonlocal terms in the\nform of a global charging energy to the Hamiltonian when testing the intrinsic\nnonlocality of the Majorana modes seems to be conceptually troublesome. Here,\nwe show that a floating superconductor allows to observe nonlocal current\ncorrelations in the absence of charging energy. We show that the\nnon-interacting and the Coulomb-blockade regime have the same peak conductance\n$e^2/h$ but different shot-noise power; while the shot noise is sub-Poissonian\nin the Coulomb-blockade regime in the large bias limit, Poissonian shot noise\nis generically obtained in the non-interacting case.", "category": "cond-mat_supr-con" }, { "text": "Single crystal growth and optical conductivity of SrPt$_2$As$_2$\n superconductors: SrPt$_2$As$_2$ single crystals with CaBe$_2$Ge$_2$-type structure were\nsynthesized by self-melting technique. X-ray diffraction, transmission electron\nmicroscopy, electrical resistivity, specific heat and optical spectroscopy\nmeasurements were conducted to elucidate the properties of SrPt$_2$As$_2$.\nSrPt$_2$As$_2$ single crystals exhibit a superconducting transition at 5.2K,\nexperiencing a structural phase transition well above room temperature (about\n455K). The superconducting and structural phase transition temperatures are\nboth reduced by 6% Iridium doping. Both pure SrPt$_2$As$_2$ and the doped\nsingle crystals are revealed to be highly metallic with rather high plasma\nfrequencies. In particular, the optical spectroscopy measurement revealed two\ngap-like suppression features. We elaborated that the one at higher energy\nscale could be ascribed to the correlation effect, while the other one at lower\nenergy scale is related to the structural phase transition, leading to the\nremoval of a small portion of the Fermi surfaces.", "category": "cond-mat_supr-con" }, { "text": "S-shaped suppression of the superconducting transition temperature in\n Cu-intercalated NbSe2: 2H-NbSe2 is the prototype and most frequently studied of the well-known\ntransition metal dichalcogenide (TMDC) superconductors. Widely acknowledged to\nbe a conventional superconductor, its transition temperature to the\nsuperconducting state (Tc) is 7.3 K - a Tc that is substantially higher than\nthose seen for the majority of TMDCs, where Tcs between 2 and 4 K are the norm.\nHere we report the intercalation of Cu into 2H-NbSe2 to make CuxNbSe2. As is\ntypically found when chemically altering an optimal superconductor, Tc\ndecreases with increasing x, but the way that Tc is suppressed in this case is\nunusual - an S-shaped character is observed, with an inflection point near x =\n0.03 and, at higher x, a leveling off of the Tc near 3 K - down to the usual\nvalue for a layered TMDC. Electronic characterization reveals corresponding\nS-like behavior for many of the materials parameters that influence Tc. To\nillustrate its character, the superconducting phase diagram for CuxNbSe2 is\ncontrasted to those of FexNbSe2 and NbSe2-xSx.", "category": "cond-mat_supr-con" }, { "text": "Superconductivity and topological behavior in gallenene: Among the large variety of two-dimensional (2D) materials discovered to date,\nelemental monolayers that host superconductivity are very rare. Using ab initio\ncalculations we show that recently synthesized gallium monolayers, coined\ngallenene, are intrinsically superconducting through electron-phonon coupling.\nWe reveal that Ga-100 gallenene, a planar monolayer isostructural with\ngraphene, is the structurally simplest 2D superconductor to date, furthermore\nhosting topological edge states due to its honeycomb structure. Our anisotropic\nEliashberg calculations show distinctly three-gap superconductivity in Ga-100,\nin contrast to the alternative buckled Ga-010 gallenene which presents a single\nanisotropic superconducting gap. Strikingly, the critical temperature ($T_c$)\nof gallenene is in the range of $7-10$ K, exceeding the $T_c$ of bulk gallium\nfrom which it is exfoliated. Finally we explore chemical functionalization of\ngallenene with hydrogen, and report induced multigap superconductivity with an\nenhanced $T_c$ in the resulting gallenane compound.", "category": "cond-mat_supr-con" }, { "text": "Superconductivity at 4K in Pd deficient layered Ta_2Pd_xS_6: Here in this short note, we report on the low dimensional 4d and 5d\ntransition metals-chalcogenide based compounds i.e., Ta2PdxS6, showing\nsemiconducting to superconducting transition around 4K with upper critical\nfield outside Pauli paramagnetic limit. It seems couple of different\nsuperconducting phases do exist in these new set of compounds. Our short note\nin this regards is thought provoking, asking to explore various unearthed\npossible superconducting phases in (Nb/Ta)2Pdx(S/Se/Te)y systems.", "category": "cond-mat_supr-con" }, { "text": "A-15 type superconducting hydride $La_4H_{23}$: Nanograined structure\n with low strain, strong electron-phonon interaction, and moderate level of\n nonadiabaticity: For seven decades by A-15 superconductors we meant metallic $A_3B$ alloys\n(where A is a transition metal, and B is groups IIIB and IVB element)\ndiscovered by Hardy and Hulm (Phys. Rev. 89, 884 (1953)). Nb3Ge exhibited the\nhighest superconducting transition temperature, $T_c = 23 K$, among these\nalloys. One of these alloys, $Nb_3Sn$, is primary material in modern applied\nsuperconductivity. Recently Guo et al (arXiv:2307.13067) extended the family of\nsuperconductors where the metallic ions arranged in the beta tungsten (A-15)\nsublattice by observation of $T_{c,zero} = 81 K$ in $La_4H_{23}$ phase\ncompressed at $P = 118 GPa$. Despite the $La_4H_{23}$ has much lower $T_c$ in\ncomparison with near-room-temperature superconducting $LaH_{10}$ phase\n($T_{c,zero} = 250 K$ at $P = 200 GPa$) discovered by Drozdov et al (Nature\n569, 531 (2019)), the $La_4H_{23}$ holds the record high $T_c$ within A-15\nfamily. Cross et al (Phys. Rev. B 109, L020503 (2024)) confirmed the\nhigh-temperature superconductivity in the compressed $La_4H_{23}$. In this\npaper, we analyzed available experimental data measured in $La_4H_{23}$ and\nfound that this superconductor exhibits nanograined structure, 6 nm < D < 27\nnm, low crystalline strain < 0.005, high electron-phonon coupling constant, 1.5\n< $\\lambda_{e-ph}$ < 2.7, and moderate level of the nonadiabaticity\n$\\Theta_{D}/T_{F}$. We found that derived $\\Theta_{D}/T_{F}$ and $T_c/T_F$\nvalues for the $La_4H_{23}$ phase are similar to the ones in cuprates,\npnictides, and near-room-temperature superconductors $H_3S$ and $LaH_{10}$,\nwhich implies that the $La_4H_{23}$ phase falls to unconventional\nsuperconductors band in the Uemura plot.", "category": "cond-mat_supr-con" }, { "text": "Doping dependence of the coupling of electrons to bosonic modes in the\n single-layer high-temperature Bi2Sr2CuO6 superconductor: A recent highlight in the study of high-Tc superconductors is the observation\nof band renormalization / self-energy effects on the quasiparticles. This is\nseen in the form of kinks in the quasiparticle dispersions as measured by\nphotoemission and interpreted as signatures of collective bosonic modes\ncoupling to the electrons. Here we compare for the first time the self-energies\nin an optimally doped and strongly overdoped, non-superconducting single-layer\nBi-cuprate (Bi2Sr2CuO6). Besides the appearance of a strong overall weakening,\nwe also find that weight of the self-energy in the overdoped system shifts to\nhigher energies. We present evidence that this is related to a change in the\ncoupling to c-axis phonons due to the rapid change of the c-axis screening in\nthis doping range.", "category": "cond-mat_supr-con" }, { "text": "Tuning the static spin-stripe phase and superconductivity in\n La_(2-x)Ba_xCuO_4 (x = 1/8) by hydrostatic pressure: Magnetization and muon spin rotation experiments were performed in\nLa_(2-x)Ba_xCuO_4 (x = 1/8) as a function of hydrostatic pressure up to p = 2.2\nGPa. It was found that the magnetic volume fraction of the static stripe phase\nstrongly decreases linearly with pressure, while the superconducting volume\nfraction increases by the same amount. This demonstrates competition between\nbulk superconductivity and static magnetic order in the stripe phase of\nLa_1.875Ba_0.125CuO_4 and that these phenomena occur in mutually exclusive\nspatial regions. The present results also reveal that the static spin-stripe\nphase still exists at pressures, where the long-range low-temperature\ntetragonal (LTT) structure is completely suppressed. This indicates that the\nlong-range LTT structure is not necessary for stabilizing the static spin order\nin La_1.875Ba_0.125CuO_4.", "category": "cond-mat_supr-con" }, { "text": "Strong charge fluctuations manifested in the high-temperature Hall\n coefficient of high-T_c cuprates: By measuring the Hall coefficient R_H up to 1000 K in La_2CuO_4,\nPr_{1.3}La_{0.7}CuO_4, and La_{2-x}Sr_xCuO_4 (LSCO), we found that the\ntemperature (T) dependence of R_H in LSCO for x = 0 - 0.05 at high temperature\nundoubtedly signifies a gap over which the charge carriers are thermally\nactivated, which in turn indicates that in lightly-doped cuprates strong charge\nfluctuations are present at high temperature and the carrier number is not a\nconstant. At higher doping (x = 0.08 - 0.21), the high-temperature R_H(T)\nbehavior is found to be qualitatively the same, albeit with a weakened\ntemperature dependence, and we attempt to understand its behavior in terms of a\nphenomenological two-carrier model where the thermal activation is considered\nfor one of the two species. Despite the crude nature of the model, our analysis\ngives a reasonable account of R_H both at high temperature and at 0 K for a\nwide range of doping, suggesting that charge fluctuations over a gap remain\nimportant at high temperature in LSCO deep into the superconducting doping\nregime. Moreover, our model gives a perspective to understand the seemingly\ncontradicting high-temperature behavior of R_H and the in-plane resistivity\nnear optimum doping in a consistent manner. Finally, we discuss possible\nimplications of our results on such issues as the scattering-time separation\nand the large pseudogap.", "category": "cond-mat_supr-con" }, { "text": "Number theory, periodic orbits and superconductivity in nano-cubes: We study superconductivity in isolated superconducting nano-cubes and\nnano-squares of size $L$ in the limit of negligible disorder, $\\delta/\\Delta_0\n\\ll 1$ and $k_F L \\gg 1$ for which mean-field theory and semiclassical\ntechniques are applicable, with $k_F$ the Fermi wave vector, $\\delta$ the mean\nlevel spacing and $\\Delta_0$ the bulk gap. By using periodic orbit theory and\nnumber theory we find explicit analytical expressions for the size dependence\nof the superconducting order parameter. Our formalism takes into account\ncontributions from both the spectral density and the interaction matrix\nelements in a basis of one-body eigenstates. The leading size dependence of the\nenergy gap in three dimensions seems to be universal as it agrees with the\nresult for chaotic grains. In the region of parameters corresponding to\nconventional metallic superconductors, and for sizes $L \\gtrsim 10$nm, the\ncontribution to the superconducting gap from the matrix elements is substantial\n($\\sim 20\\%$). Deviations from the bulk limit are still clearly observed even\nfor comparatively large grains $L \\sim 50$nm. These analytical results are in\nexcellent agreement with the numerical solution of the mean-field gap equation.", "category": "cond-mat_supr-con" }, { "text": "Probing itinerant antiferromagnetism with $d$-wave Andreev reflection\n spectroscopy: To study how Andreev reflection (AR) is affected by itinerant\nantiferromagnetism, we perform $d$-wave AR spectroscopy with superconducting\nYBa$_2$Cu$_3$O$_{7-\\delta}$ on TiAu and on variously-oxidized Nb (NbO$_x$)\nsamples. X-ray photoelectron spectroscopy is also used on the latter to measure\ntheir surface oxide composition. Below the N\\'eel temperatures ($T_N$) of both\nTiAu and NbO$_x$, the conductance spectra show a dip-like structure instead of\na zero-bias peak within the superconducting energy gap; for NbO$_x$,\nhigher-oxidized samples show a stronger spectral dip at zero bias. These\nobservations indicate that itinerant antiferromagnetic order suppresses the AR\nprocess. Interestingly, the spectral dip persists above $T_N$ for both TiAu and\nNbO$_x$, implying that spin fluctuations can also suppress AR. Our results\nsuggest that $d$-wave AR spectroscopy may be used to probe the degree of spin\nordering in itinerant antiferromagnets.", "category": "cond-mat_supr-con" }, { "text": "Reentrant AC magnetic susceptibility in Josephson-junction arrays: An\n alternative explanation for the paramagnetic Meissner effect: The paramagnetic Meissner effect (PME) measured in high $T_{C}$ granular\nsuperconductors has been attributed to the presence of $\\pi$-junctions between\nthe grains. Here we present measurements of complex AC magnetic susceptibility\nfrom two-dimensional arrays of conventional (non $\\pi$) Nb/Al/AlOx/Nb Josephson\njunctions. We measured the susceptibility as a function of the temperature $T$,\nthe AC amplitude of the excitation field, $h_{AC}$, and the external magnetic\nfield, $H_{DC}$. The experiments show a strong paramagnetic contribution from\nthe multi-junction loops, which manifests itself as a reentrant screening at\nlow temperature, for values of $h_{AC}$ higher than 50 mOe. A highly simplified\nmodel, based on a single loop containing four junction, accounts for this\nparamagnetic contribution and the range of parameters in which it appears. This\nmodel offers an alternative explanation of PME which does not involve\n$\\pi$-junctions.", "category": "cond-mat_supr-con" }, { "text": "Suppression of superconductivity by Neel-type magnetic fluctuations in\n the iron pnictides: Motivated by recent experimental detection of Neel-type ($(\\pi,\\pi)$)\nmagnetic fluctuations in some iron pnictides, we study the impact of competing\n$(\\pi,\\pi)$ and $(\\pi,0)$ spin fluctuations on the superconductivity of these\nmaterials. We show that, counter-intuitively, even short-range, weak Neel\nfluctuations strongly suppress the $s^{+-}$ state, with the main effect arising\nfrom a repulsive contribution to the $s^{+-}$ pairing interaction, complemented\nby low frequency inelastic scattering. Further increasing the strength of the\nNeel fluctuations leads to a low-$T_{c}$ d-wave state, with a possible\nintermediate $s+id$ phase. The results suggest that the absence of\nsuperconductivity in a series of hole-doped pnictides is due to the combination\nof short-range Neel fluctuations and pair-breaking impurity scattering, and\nalso that $T_{c}$ of optimally doped pnictides could be further increased if\nresidual $(\\pi,\\pi)$ fluctuations were reduced.", "category": "cond-mat_supr-con" }, { "text": "Strong electron-lattice coupling and orbital fluctuations in iron\n pnictide superconductor Ba(Fe1-xCox)2As2: This paper has been withdrawn by the author due to some experimental\nmistakes. In this paper, we reported that C66, C44 and (C11-C12)/2 show\nremarkable softening toward the structural transition temperature TS. The data\nreported in this paper were acquired using the ultrasonic frequency lower than\n25 MHz. Recently, we performed high-frequency measurements for the same system.\nWe found that the anomaly of C44 and (C11-C12)/2 tend to disappear rapidly with\nincreasing the frequency. On the other hand, C66 anomaly is still there at high\nfrequencies. Therefore, we concluded that the observed anomalies in C44 and\n(C11-C12)/2 are not true. They would be ascribed to certain influence by the\nlarge softening of C66. So, we have checked our data through careful\nmeasurements by using ultrasonic frequency higher than 60 MHz, so far. Then, it\nhas been found that C66 shows still nice softening toward TS, but that its\ntemperature dependence is slightly different from the results of this paper. We\nhave accumulated reliable data now. They will be reported in near future.", "category": "cond-mat_supr-con" }, { "text": "Comparison of the fluctuation influence on the resistive properties of\n the mixed state of BiSrCaCuO and of thin films of conventional superconductor: The resistive properties of layered HTSC BiSrCaCuO in the mixed state are\ncompared with those of thin films of conventional superconductors with weak\ndisorders (amorphous Nb_{1-x}0_{x} films) and with strong disorders\n(Nb_{1-x}O_{x} films with small grain structure). The excess conductivity is\nconsidered as a function of superconducting electron density and phase\ncoherence length. It is shown that the transition to the Abrikosov state\ndiffers from the ideal case both in BiSrCaCuO and Nb_{1-x}O_{x} films, i.e. the\nappearance of long-range phase coherence is continuous transition in both\ncases. The quantitative difference between thin films with weak and strong\ndisorders is greater than the one between layered HTSC and conventional\nsuperconductors, showing that the dimensionality of the system, rather than the\ncritical temperature, is the key factor ruling fluctuation effects", "category": "cond-mat_supr-con" }, { "text": "Magnetic field induced polarization effects in intrinsically granular\n superconductors: Based on the previously suggested model of nanoscale dislocations induced\nJosephson junctions and their arrays, we study the magnetic field induced\nelectric polarization effects in intrinsically granular superconductors. In\naddition to a new phenomenon of chemomagnetoelectricity, the model predicts\nalso a few other interesting effects, including charge analogues of Meissner\nparamagnetism (at low fields) and \"fishtail\" anomaly (at high fields). The\nconditions under which these effects can be experimentally measured in\nnon-stoichiometric high-T_c superconductors are discussed.", "category": "cond-mat_supr-con" }, { "text": "Justification of the canonical quantization of the Josephson effect: Quantum devices based on Josephson effect in superconductors are usually\ndescribed by a Hamiltonian obtained by commonly used canonical quantization.\nHowever, this recipe has not been yet rigorously justified. We show that this\napproach is indeed correct in certain range of parameters. We find the\ncondition of the validity of such quantization and the lowest corrections to\nthe Josephson energy.", "category": "cond-mat_supr-con" }, { "text": "Geometrical Probability Distribution Functions for Cable-in-Conduit\n Conductors with Simply and Multiply Connected Cross-Sections: A geometrical method is presented for the calculation of the strand\ndistribution functions for cable-in-conduit superconductors with simple and\nmultiply connected cross-sections. The method is illustrated on different cable\ndesigns with simply and multiply connected structures.", "category": "cond-mat_supr-con" }, { "text": "Clocking the Onset of Bilayer Coherence in a High-$\\mathrm{T_C}$ Cuprate: In cuprates, a precursor state of superconductivity is speculated to exist\nabove the critical temperature $\\mathrm{T_C}$. Here we show via a combination\nof far-infrared ellipsometry and ultrafast broadband optical spectroscopy that\nsignatures of such a state can be obtained via three independent observables in\nan underdoped sample of NdBa$_2$Cu$_3$O$_{6+\\delta}$. The pseudogap\ncorrelations were disentangled from the response of laser-broken pairs by\nclocking their characteristic time-scales. The onset of a superconducting\nprecursor state was found at a temperature $\\mathrm{T_{ONS}}$ $>$\n$\\mathrm{T_C}$, consistent with the temperature scale identified via static\noptical spectroscopy. Furthermore, the temperature evolution of the coherent\nvibration of the Ba ion, strongly renormalized by the onset of\nsuperconductivity, revealed a pronounced anomaly at the same temperature\n$\\mathrm{T_{ONS}}$. The microscopic nature of such a precursor state is\ndiscussed in terms of pre-formed pairs and enhanced bilayer coherence.", "category": "cond-mat_supr-con" }, { "text": "A first principles study on FeAs single layers: FeAs- single layer is tested as a simple model for LaFeAsO and BaFe2As2 based\non first-principles calculations using generalized gradient approximation (GGA)\nand GGA+U. The calculated single- layer geometric and electronic structures are\ninconsistent with that of bulk materials. The bulk collinear antiferromagnetic\nground state is failed to be obtained in the FeAs- single layer. The monotonous\nbehavior of the Fe-As distance in z direction upon electron or hole doping is\nalso in contrast with bulk materials. Our results indicate that, in LaFeAsO and\nBaFe2As2, interactions between FeAs layer and other layers beyond simple charge\ndoping are important, and a single FeAs layer may not represent a good model\nfor Fe based superconducting materials.", "category": "cond-mat_supr-con" }, { "text": "Roles of Antiferromagnetic Fluctuation in High Field Phase Diagram of\n Superconductors with Strong Paramagnetic Depairing: The high field phase diagram and magnetic properties of CeCoIn_5 below\nH_c2(0) are examined from the picture regarding the high field and low\ntemperature (HFLT) phase as a possible Fulde-Ferrell-Larkin-Ovchinnikov (FFLO)\nvortex lattice. Crucial roles of antiferromagnetic (AFM) fluctuations enhanced\nclose to H_c2(0) are stressed. The FFLO vortex lattice with a longitudinal\nmodulation parallel to the field is stabilized compared with those with lateral\nmodulations as a consequence of the presence of AFM fluctuations. Further, an\nunusual field-induced enhancement of the flux distribution is argued to be a\nconsequence of interplay between the paramagnetic depairing and AFM\nfluctuation, both of which are enhanced with increasing field.", "category": "cond-mat_supr-con" }, { "text": "Where are holes in Y_{1-x}Pr_xBa2Cu3O7 ?: Recent experiments by Mertz et al (Phys. Rev. B55, 9160, 1997) demonstrated\nthat the loss of superconductivity upon Pr doping is associated with the change\nof the character of the oxygen holes from $p_{\\sigma}$ to $p_{\\pi}.$ This\nexperiment sheds new light onto the long-standing problem of $T_{c}$\nsuppression by Pr, and helps to rule out a number of theoretical models,\nleaving only those which predict such a transfer of the O holes. To distinguish\nbetween the two models that do predict such an effect, one has to access the\nratio of the planar and axial character of the holes in both models. We do so\nin this paper.", "category": "cond-mat_supr-con" }, { "text": "Orientation-dependent Josephson effect in spin-singlet\n superconductor/altermagnet/spin-triplet superconductor junctions: We study the Josephson effect in the spin-singlet\nsuperconductor/altermagnet/spin-triplet superconductor junctions using the\nGreen's function method. The current-phase difference relationships in the\njunctions strongly depend on the orientation of altermagnet and the types of\nthe Cooper pairs. For the orientation angle equal to odd multiples of $\\pi/4$,\nthe current-phase difference relationships are of the $\\sin{2\\phi}$ type, which\nare irrespective of the pairing wave functions in superconductors. For the\nother orientation angles, the emergence of the lowest order current becomes\npossible and its form, $\\sin\\phi$ or $\\cos\\phi$, depends on the pairing wave\nfunctions in superconductors. The $\\phi_{0}$ phase and the $0$-$\\pi$ transition\ncan be realized in our junctions due to the appearance of the lowest order\ncurrent. The selection rules for the lowest order current are presented. The\nsymmetric relations satisfied by the current-phase difference relationships are\nanalyzed through considering the transformations of the junctions under the\nmirror reflection, the time-reversal and the spin rotation operations. Our\nresults not only provide a method to detect the intrinsic spin-triplet\nsuperconductivity but also possess application values in the design of the\nfield-free quantum devices.", "category": "cond-mat_supr-con" }, { "text": "On the coupling of magnetic moments to superconducting quantum\n interference devices: We investigate the coupling factor $\\phi_\\mu$ that quantifies the magnetic\nflux $\\Phi$ per magnetic moment $\\mu$ of a point-like magnetic dipole that\ncouples to a superconducting quantum interference device (SQUID). Representing\nthe dipole by a current-carrying loop, the reciprocity of mutual inductances of\nSQUID and loop provides a way of calculating $\\phi_\\mu(\\vec{r}, \\vec{e}_\\mu)$\nvs.~position $\\vec{r}$ and orientation $\\vec{e}_\\mu$ of the dipole anywhere in\nspace from the magnetic field $B(\\vec{r})$ produced by a supercurrent\ncirculating in the SQUID loop. We use numerical simulations based on London and\nGinzburg-Landau theory to calculate $\\phi_\\mu$ from the supercurrent density\ndistributions in various SQUID geometries. We treat the far-field regime\n($r\\gtrsim a=$ inner size of the SQUID loop) with the dipole placed on the\nsymmetry axis of circular or square shaped loops. We compare expressions for\n$\\phi_\\mu$ from filamentary loop models with simulation results for loops with\nfinite width $w$ (outer size $A>a$), thickness $d$ and London penetration depth\n$\\lambda_L$ and show that for thin ($d\\ll a$) and narrow ($w < a$) loops the\nintroduction of an effective loop size $a_{\\rm eff}$ in the filamentary\nloop-model expressions results in agreement with simulations. For a dipole\nplaced in the center of the loop, simulations provide an expression\n$\\phi_\\mu(a,A,d,\\lambda_L)$ that covers a wide parameter range. In the\nnear-field regime (dipole centered at small distance $z$ above one SQUID arm)\nonly coupling to a single strip representing the SQUID arm has to be\nconsidered. Here, we compare simulations with an analytical expression derived\nfor a homogeneous current density distribution, which yields excellent\nagreement for $\\lambda_L>w,d$. Moreover, we analyze $\\phi_\\mu$ provided by the\nintroduction of a constriction in the SQUID arm below the magnetic dipole.", "category": "cond-mat_supr-con" }, { "text": "Conventional mechanisms for \"exotic\" superconductivity: We consider the pairing state due to the usual BCS mechanism in substances of\ncubic and hexagonal symmetry where the Fermi surface forms pockets around\nseveral points of high symmetry. We find that the symmetry imposed on the\nmultiple pocket positions could give rise to a multidimensional nontrivial\nsuperconducting order parameter. The time reversal symmetry in the pairing\nstate is broken. We suggest several candidate substances where such ordering\nmay appear, and discuss means by which such a phase may be identified.", "category": "cond-mat_supr-con" }, { "text": "Anisotropic Superconductivity in the Induced Pairing Model: The model of local electron pairs and itinerant fermions coupled via charge\nexchange mechanism, which mutually induces superconductivity in both subsystems\nis studied for anisotropic pairing symmetry. The phase diagram is presented and\nthe phase fluctuations effects are analyzed within the Kosterlitz-Thouless\nscenario.", "category": "cond-mat_supr-con" }, { "text": "Structural Modulation in LaO0.9F0.1BiSe2 Single Crystals Revealed by\n Scanning Tunneling Microscopy/Spectroscopy: We present scanning tunneling microscopy and spectroscopy measurements on a\ncleaved surface of the LaO0.9F0.1BiSe2 single crystals. Tunneling spectra show\na finite local density of states at EF, which is consistent with metallic\nconductivity in bulk. In addition, the existence of the supermodulation running\nalong the diagonal directions of Bi square lattice was revealed. The period of\nthe supermodulation was about 3 to 5 times the length of the lattice constant.\nThis period is close to that observed in LaO0.5F0.5BiSe2.", "category": "cond-mat_supr-con" }, { "text": "Charge creation and nucleation of longitudinal plasma wave in coupled\n Josephson junctions: We study the phase dynamics in coupled Josephson junctions describing by\nsystem of nonlinear differential equations. Results of detailed numerical\nsimulations of charge creation in the superconducting layers and the\nlongitudinal plasma wave (LPW) nucleation are presented. We demonstrate the\ndifferent time stages in the development of the LPW and present results of FFT\nanalysis at different values of bias current. The correspondence between the\nbreakpoint position on the outermost branch of current voltage characteristics\n(CVC) and the growing region in time dependence of the electric charge in the\nsuperconducting layer is established. The effects of noise in the bias current\nand the external microwave radiation on the charge dynamics of the coupled\nJosephson junctions are found. These effects introduce a way to regulate the\nprocess of LPW nucleation in the stack of IJJ.", "category": "cond-mat_supr-con" }, { "text": "Zero-crossing Shapiro steps in focused-ion-beam-tailored high-$T_c$\n superconducting microstructures: Microwave response of S-shaped Bi$_2$Sr$_2$CaCu2O$_{8+x}$ (Bi-2212)\nmicron-scale samples, in which the supercurrent was forced to flow\nperpendicular to the crystal layers, was investigated. A treatment with a\nfocused ion beam allowed us to reduce the plasma frequency down to $f_p$$\\sim$5\nGHz at $T$=0.3 K in naturally stacked Josephson junctions in a crystal. We\nobserved Shapiro steps at frequencies as low as $\\sim$5 GHz. Well-developed\nzero-crossing Shapiro steps were observed at frequencies as low as $\\sim$10\nGHz. They appeared as constant-voltage plateaus with a non-zero voltage\noccurring at zero bias current. We confirmed that zero-crossing Shapiro steps\nin the Bi-2212 stacked junctions can be observed when the irradiated frequency\nis sufficiently larger than $f_p$. The observed high-order fractional steps in\nthe microwave responses indicate that the interlayer-coupled Bi-2212 Josephson\njunctions have nonsinusoidal current-phase relation. Based on the temperature\ndependence of the steps we also showed that the finite slope of the steps is\ndue to the enhancement of the phase diffusion effect.", "category": "cond-mat_supr-con" }, { "text": "The circulation radius and critical current density in type-II\n superconductors: A method is proposed for estimating the length scale of currents circulating\nin superconductors. The estimated circulation radius is used to determine the\ncritical current density on the basis of magnetic measurements. The obtained\nformulas are applicable to samples with negligibly small demagnetizing factors\nand to polycrystalline superconductors. The proposed method has been verified\nusing experimental magnetization loops measured for polycrystalline\nYBa$_2$Cu$_3$O$_{7-d}$ and Bi$_{1.8}$Pb$_{0.3}$Sr$_{1.9}$Ca$_2$Cu$_3$O$_x$\nsuperconductors.", "category": "cond-mat_supr-con" }, { "text": "Giant shot noise from Majorana zero modes in topological trijunctions: The clear-cut experimental identification of Majorana bound states in\ntransport measurements still poses experimental challenges. We here show that\nthe zero-energy Majorana state formed at a junction of three topological\nsuperconductor wires is directly responsible for giant shot noise amplitudes,\nin particular at low voltages and for small contact transparency. The only\nintrinsic noise limitation comes from the current-induced dephasing rate due to\nmultiple Andreev reflection processes.", "category": "cond-mat_supr-con" }, { "text": "Cooper pairs localization in tree-like networks of superconducting\n islands: We study inhomogeneous Cooper pairs distribution and localization effects in\ntree-like networks of superconducting islands coupled via Josephson weak links.\nUsing a generalized Feynman's approach, reminiscent of the Bose-Hubbard model,\nwe demonstrate that the Cooper pairs fraction which localizes on a specific\nnetwork's island is limited by the network topology and, if present, by the\nrepulsive interaction. These findings contribute to clarify the interplay\nbetween confinement effects induced by the network's topology and interaction\nand shed some light on recent experiments dealing with networks of Josephson\njunctions.", "category": "cond-mat_supr-con" }, { "text": "Pinning properties of FeSeTe thin film through multifrequency\n measurements of the surface impedance: We present high frequency measurements of the vortex dynamics of a\nFeSe$_x$Te$_{1-x}$ ($x=0.5$) thin film grown on a CaF$_2$ substrate and with a\ncritical temperature $T_c\\simeq18\\;$K, performed by means of a dual frequency\ndielectric resonator at 16.4 GHz and 26.6 GHz. We extract and discuss various\nimportant vortex parameters related to the pinning properties of the sample,\nsuch as the characteristic frequency $\\nu_c$, the pinning constant $k_p$ and\nthe pinning barrier height $U$ relevant for creep phenomena. We find that the\nvortex system is in the single-vortex regime, and that pinning attains\nrelatively high values in terms of $k_p$, indicating significant pinning at the\nhigh frequencies here studied. The pinning barrier energy $U$ is quite small\nand exhibits a non-monotonous temperature dependence with a maximum near 12 K.\nThis result is discussed in terms of core pinning of small portion of vortices\nof size $\\propto\\xi^3$ jumping out of the pinning wells over very small\ndistances, a process which is favoured in the high frequency, short ranged\nvortex oscillations here explored.", "category": "cond-mat_supr-con" }, { "text": "Nonequilibrium transport via spin-induced sub-gap states in\n superconductor/quantum dot/normal metal cotunnel junctions: We study low-temperature transport through a Coulomb blockaded quantum dot\n(QD) contacted by a normal (N), and a superconducting (S) electrode. Within an\neffective cotunneling model the conduction electron self energy is calculated\nto leading order in the cotunneling amplitudes and subsequently resummed to\nobtain the nonequilibrium T-matrix, from which we obtain the nonlinear\ncotunneling conductance. For even occupied dots the system can be conceived as\nan effective S/N-cotunnel junction with subgap transport mediated by Andreev\nreflections. The net spin of an odd occupied dot, however, leads to the\nformation of sub-gap resonances inside the superconducting gap which gives rise\nto a characteristic peak-dip structure in the differential conductance, as\nobserved in recent experiments.", "category": "cond-mat_supr-con" }, { "text": "Some Global Properties of the Attractive Hubbard Model in the\n Superconducting Phase: T-Matrix Approximation in 2D: We have applied the Fast Fourier transform (FFT), which allows to compute\nefficiently convolution sums, to solve the set of self-consistent T-matrix\nequations to get the Green function of the two dimensional attractive-U Hubbard\nmodelbelow $T_c$, extending previous calculations of the same authors. Using a\nconstant order parameter $\\Delta(T)$, we calculated $T_c$ as a function of\nelectron density and interaction strength $U$. These global results deviate\nfrom the BCS behavior remarkably.", "category": "cond-mat_supr-con" }, { "text": "Unusual Relationship between Magnetism and Superconductivity in\n FeTe$_{0.5}$Se$_{0.5}$: We use neutron scattering, to study magnetic excitations in crystals near the\nideal superconducting composition of FeTe$_{0.5}$Se$_{0.5}$. Two types of\nexcitations are found, a resonance at (0.5, 0.5, 0) and incommensurate\nfluctuations on either side of this position. We show that the two sets of\nmagnetic excitations behave differently with doping, with the resonance being\nfixed in position while the incommensurate excitations move as the doping is\nchanged. These unusual results show that a common behavior of the low energy\nmagnetic excitations is not necessary for pairing in these materials.", "category": "cond-mat_supr-con" }, { "text": "Control of Correlations in Sr4V2O6Fe2As2 by Chemical Stoichiometry: We show using a combination of powder X-ray and neutron diffraction, first\nprinciples calculations, temperature- and field-dependent magnetization, heat\ncapacity and resistivity data that the superconducting behavior of\n`Sr$_4$V$_2$O$_6$Fe$_2$As$_2$' is dependent on synthesis conditions,\nparticularly, heating profiles result in unintentional chemical doping. This\ncompound can be tuned from a state in which the vanadium electrons are\nitinerant with a high electronic density of states, to a state where the\nvanadium-oxide layers are insulating and presumably antiferromagnetic.", "category": "cond-mat_supr-con" }, { "text": "Small Fermi energy, zero point fluctuations and nonadiabaticity in\n MgB$_2$: Small Fermi energy effects are induced in MgB$_2$ by the low hole doping in\nthe $\\sigma$ bands which are characterized by a Fermi energy $E_{\\rm F}^\\sigma\n\\sim 0.5$ eV. We show that, due to the particularly strong deformation\npotential relative to the $E_{2g}$ phonon mode, lattice fluctuations are\nreflected in strong fluctuations in the electronic band structure. Quantum\nfluctuations associated to the zero-point lattice motion are responsible for an\nuncertainty of the Fermi energy of the order of the Fermi energy itself,\nleading to the breakdown of the adiabatic principle underlying the\nBorn-Oppenheimer approximation in MgB$_2$ even if $\\omega_{\\rm ph}/E_{\\rm F}\n\\sim 0.1-0.2$, where $\\omega_{\\rm ph}$ are the characteristic phonon\nfrequencies. This amounts to a new nonadiabatic regime, which could be relevant\nto other unconventional superconductors.", "category": "cond-mat_supr-con" }, { "text": "Superconductivity in WO2.6F0.4 synthesized by reaction of WO3 with\n Teflon: WO3-xFx (x < 0.45) perovskite-like oxyfluorides were prepared by a chemically\nreducing fluorination route using the polymer polytetrafluoroethylene (Teflon).\nThe symmetry of the crystal structures of WO3-xFx changes from monoclinic to\ntetragonal to cubic as the fluorine content increases. Fluorine doping changes\ninsulating WO3 to a metallic conductor, and superconductivity (Tc = 0.4 K) was\ndiscovered in the samples with fluorine contents of 0.41 < x < 0.45. This easy\nfluorination method may be applicable to other systems and presents an\nopportunity for finding new oxyfluoride superconductors.", "category": "cond-mat_supr-con" }, { "text": "Observation of pseudogap-like feature above Tc in LiFeAs and\n (Ba0.6K0.4)Fe2As2 by ultrafast optical measurement: We utilize ultrafast optical measurement to study the quasiparticle\nrelaxation in stoichiometric LiFeAs and nearly optimally doped (BaK)Fe2As2\ncrystals. According to our temperature-dependent studies of LiFeAs, we have\nobserved pseudogap-like feature at onset temperature of ~ 55 K, which is above\nTc = 15 K. In addition, the onset temperature of pseudogap ~90K was also\nobserved in Ba0.6K0.4Fe2As2 (Tc = 36 K). Our findings seem implying that the\npseudogap feature, which is due to antiferromagnetic fluctuations, is universal\nfor the largely studied 11, 111, 122, and 1111 iron-based superconductors.", "category": "cond-mat_supr-con" }, { "text": "Ring Oscillators for Clocking Reversible Superconducting Circuits and\n Fabrication Process Benchmarking: Existing concepts of reversible superconducting circuits as well as\ndemonstrated adiabatic circuits require three-phase bias/clock signals\ngenerated by room temperature sources. A while ago, we suggested that a\nmulti-phase bias/clock could be provided by a local Josephson junction-based\ngenerator. The generator looks like a long annular Josephson junction, only\ncomposed of discreet elements - junctions and inductors, and closed into a ring\nvia a flux pump to inject any required number of vortices into the ring. A\nsteady motion of the vortices forced by a uniformly distributed dc bias current\napplied to the ring is accompanied by a nearly harmonic ac currents flowing via\nthe Josephson junctions (JJs) connected in series with small inductors. These\nac currents serve as multi-phase bias/clock for nSQUID-based circuitry. To\nverify this concept and compare the dissipated energy with kBTln2 threshold, we\ndeveloped a ring composed of 256 unshunted JJs with 20 {\\mu}A target critical\ncurrent, Ic. We investigated the behavior of the ring oscillator at each vortex\ncount from 0 to 256. The measured critical current of the ring with vortices\nwas about 0.1 {\\mu}A per one JJ, which can be explained by unavoidable\nnonuniformity of the ring components and the influence of fluxes frozen near\nthe ring. The corresponding energy dissipation, about 10kBT per passage of one\nvortex through one JJ, should be reduced further for prospective experiments\nwith reversible circuits. However, obtained I-V characteristics could be of\ninterest for scientists working with long Josephson junctions. Superiority of\nthe fabrication process used in this work is demonstrated by the obtained about\n200 times reduction of Ic of the ring with vortices with respect to a single\ncomprising JJ, much larger than in any previously described case.", "category": "cond-mat_supr-con" }, { "text": "Topological superconductivity on the surface of Fe-based superconductors: As one of the simplest systems for realizing Majorana fermions, topological\nsuperconductor plays an important role in both condensed matter physics and\nquantum computations. Based on \\emph{ab~initio} calculations and the analysis\nof an effective 8-band model with the superconducting pairing, we demonstrate\nthat the three dimensional extended $s$-wave Fe-based superconductors such as\nFe$_{1+\\text{y}}$Se$_{0.5}$Te$_{0.5}$ have a metallic topologically nontrivial\nband structure, and exhibit a normal-topological-normal superconductivity phase\ntransition on the ($001$) surface by tuning the bulk carrier doping level. In\nthe topological superconductivity (TSC) phase, a Majorana zero mode is trapped\nat the end of a magnetic vortex line. We further show that, the surface TSC\nphase only exists up to a certain bulk pairing gap, and there is a\nnormal-topological phase transition driven by the temperature, which has not\nbeen discussed before. These results pave an effective way to realize the TSC\nand Majorana fermions in a large class of superconductors.", "category": "cond-mat_supr-con" }, { "text": "Mechanism of Cooper-pairing in layered high temperature superconductors: In this study, the pairing mechanism for layered HTS materials based on\nattraction between electrons from adjacent layers is proposed. Initially, each\nlayer has expanded Fermi sphere owing to ridged geometry. When the two layers\nare close enough for tunneling, it becomes energetically advantageous to form\ncorrelated quantum states (CQS), reducing the Fermi sphere volume. Cooper\npairs, comprising inter-tunneling electrons, occupy the CQS. The image force is\nresponsible for the electron-electron attraction. Pair-binding energy and the\ncorresponding effective mass vary in a wide range. At T>0, some heavy pairs do\nnot condense. Such pairs are responsible for pseudogap. Light pairs get Bose\ncondensed and are responsible for superconductivity. The proposed mechanism\nprovides clarification of superconductivity in cuprates, iron based\nsuperconductors and LSCO/LCO interfaces. It provides explanation of two energy\ngaps and two characteristic temperatures in layered superconducting materials.\nIt also provides clarification on the Fermi surface pockets, anisotropy of\ncharge transport in pseudogap state, and other properties of HTS materials. The\npseudogap, estimated within the model, fits the experimental values for the\ntwo-layer cuprates, such as YBCO, Bi2212, Tl2212, and Hg1212.", "category": "cond-mat_supr-con" }, { "text": "Scenario of Superconducting Transition for quasi-2D HTS: We discuss the scenario of superconducing transition for quasi two dimension\nHTS with spin fluctuation pairing mechanism. At mean field temperature of 2D\nsuperconducting transition the interaction of fluctuation spin waves with holes\nin copper-oxigen planes leads to the pairing of holes and to the fluctuation\ngeneration of superconducting regions, and also to the essential temperature\ndependence of the strength of the interlayer coupling. At decreasing\ntemperature and sufficiently small interlayer coupling the transition of the\nsample to coherent superconducting state occurs.", "category": "cond-mat_supr-con" }, { "text": "Connection between the semiconductor--superconductor transition and the\n spin-polarized superconducting phase in the honeycomb lattice: The band structure of noninteracting fermions in the honeycomb lattice\nexhibits the Dirac cones at the corners of the Brillouin zone. As a\nconsequence, fermions in this lattice manifest a semiconducting behavior below\nsome critical value of the onsite attraction, $U_{c}$. However, above $U_{c}$,\nthe superconducting phase can occur. We discuss an interplay between the\nsemiconductor--superconductor transition and the possibility of realization of\nthe spin-polarized superconductivity (the so-called Sarma phase). We show that\nthe critical interaction can be tuned by the next-nearest-neighbor (NNN)\nhopping in the absence of the magnetic field. Moreover, a critical value of the\nNNN hopping exists, defining a range of parameters for which the semiconducting\nphase can emerge. In the weak coupling limit case, this quantum phase\ntransition occurs for the absolute value of the NNN hopping equal to one third\nof the hopping between the nearest neighbors. Similarly, in the presence of the\nmagnetic field, the Sarma phase can appear, but only in a range of parameters\nfor which initially the semiconducting state is observed. Both of these aspects\nare attributed to the Lifshitz transition, which is induced by the NNN hopping\nas well as the external magnetic field.", "category": "cond-mat_supr-con" }, { "text": "Stability conditions for a large anharmonic bipolaron: A large polaron is a quasiparticle that consists of a nearly free electron\ninteracting with the phonons of a material, whose lattice parameters are much\nsmaller than the polaron scale. The electron-phonon interaction also leads to\nan attractive interaction between electrons, which can allow two polarons to\npair up and form a bipolaron. It has been shown that large bipolarons can form\nin theory due to strong 1-electron-1-phonon coupling, but they have not been\nseen in real materials because the critical value of the required\nelectron-phonon interaction is too large. Here, we investigate the effect of\n1-electron-2-phonon coupling on the large bipolaron problem.\n Starting from a generalization of the Fr\\\"ohlich Hamiltonian that includes\nboth the standard 1-electron-1-phonon interaction as well as an anharmonic\n1-electron-2-phonon interaction, we use the path integral method to find a\nsemi-analytical upper bound for the bipolaron energy that is valid at all\nvalues of the Fr\\\"ohlich coupling strength $\\alpha$. We find the bipolaron\nphase diagram and conditions for the bipolaron stability by comparing the\nbipolaron energy to the energy of two free polarons. The critical value of the\nFr\\\"ohlich coupling strength $\\alpha_{\\text{crit}}$ is calculated as a function\nof the strength of the 1-electron-2-phonon interaction. The results suggest\nthat large bipolaron formation is more likely in materials with significant\n1-electron-2-phonon interaction as well as strong 1-electron-1-phonon\ninteraction, such as strontium titanate.", "category": "cond-mat_supr-con" }, { "text": "Universal suppression of superfluid weight by disorder independent of\n quantum geometry and band dispersion: Motivated by the experimental progress in controlling the properties of the\nenergy bands in superconductors, significant theoretical efforts have been\ndevoted to study the effect of the quantum geometry and the flatness of the\ndispersion on the superfluid weight. In conventional superconductors, where the\nenergy bands are wide and the Fermi energy is large, the contribution due to\nthe quantum geometry is negligible, but in the opposite limit of flat-band\nsuperconductors the superfluid weight originates purely from the quantum\ngeometry of Bloch wave functions. Here, we study how the energy band dispersion\nand the quantum geometry affect the disorder-induced suppression of the\nsuperfluid weight. Surprisingly, we find that the disorder-dependence of the\nsuperfluid weight is universal across a variety of models, and independent of\nthe quantum geometry and the flatness of the dispersion. Our results suggest\nthat a flat-band superconductor is as resilient to disorder as a conventional\nsuperconductor.", "category": "cond-mat_supr-con" }, { "text": "Tunneling conductance in Superconductor/Ferromagnet junctions: a self\n consistent approach: We evaluate the tunneling conductance of clean Ferromomagnet/Superconductor\njunctions via a fully self-consistent numerical solution of the microscopic\nBogoliubov-DeGennes equations. We present results for a relevant range of\nvalues of the Fermi wavevector mismatch (FWM), the spin polarization, and the\ninterfacial scattering strength. For nonzero spin polarization, the conductance\ncurves vary nonmonotonically with FWM. The FWM dependence of the\nself-consistent results is stronger than that previously found in\nnon-self-consistent calculations, since, in the self-consistent case, the\neffective scattering potential near the interface depends on the FWM. The\ndependence on interfacial scattering is monotonic. These results confirm that\nit is impossible to characterize both the the FWM and the interfacial\nscattering by a single effective parameter and that analysis of experimental\ndata via the use of such one-parameter models is unreliable.", "category": "cond-mat_supr-con" }, { "text": "Bias current dependence of superconducting transition temperature in\n superconducting spin valve nanowires: Competition between superconducting and ferromagnetic ordering at interfaces\nbetween ferromagnets (F) and superconductors (S) gives rise to several\nproximity effects such as odd-triplet superconductivity and spin-polarized\nsupercurrents. A prominent example of an S/F proximity effect is the spin\nswitch effect (SSE) observed in S/F/N/F superconducting spin-valve multilayers,\nin which the superconducting transition temperature T$_c$ is controlled by the\nangle $\\phi$ between the magnetic moments of the F layers separated by a\nnonmagnetic metallic spacer N. Here we present an experimental study of SSE in\nNb/Co/Cu/Co/CoO$_x$ nanowires measured as a function of bias current flowing in\nthe plane of the layers. These measurements reveal an unexpected dependence of\nT$_c(\\phi)$ on the bias current: T$_c(\\pi)$--T$_c(0)$ changes sign with\nincreasing current bias. We attribute the origin of this bias dependence of the\nSSE to a spin Hall current flowing perpendicular to the plane of the\nmultilayer, which suppresses T$_c$ of the multilayer. The bias dependence of\nSSE can be important for hybrid F/S devices such as those used in cryogenic\nmemory for superconducting computers as device dimensions are scaled down to\nthe nanometer length scale.", "category": "cond-mat_supr-con" }, { "text": "Doping evolution of itinerant magnetic excitations in Fe-based\n oxypnictides: Employing the four-band tight-binding model we study theoretically the doping\ndependence of the spin response in the normal state of novel Fe-based pnictide\nsuperconductors. We show that the commensurate spin density wave (SDW)\ntransition that arises due to interband scattering between the hole\n$\\alpha$-pockets and the electron $\\beta$-pockets disappears already at the\ndoping concentration $x \\approx 0.04$ reflecting the evolution of the Fermi\nsurfaces. Correspondingly, with further increase of the doping the\nantiferromagnetic fluctuations are suppressed for $x > 0.1$ and the\nIm$\\chi({\\bf Q_{AFM}},\\omega)$ becomes nearly temperature independent. At the\nsame time, we observe that the uniform susceptibility deviates from the\nPauli-like behavior and is increasing with increasing temperature reflecting\nthe activation processes for the $\\alpha$-Fermi surfaces up to temperatures of\nabout T=800K. With increase of the doping the absolute value of the uniform\nsusceptibility lowers and its temperature dependence changes. In particular, it\nis a constant at low temperatures and then decreases with increasing\ntemperature. We discuss our results in a context of recent experimental data.", "category": "cond-mat_supr-con" }, { "text": "Superconductivity with hard-core repulsion: BCS-Bose crossover and\n s-/d-wave competition: We consider fermions on a 2D lattice interacting repulsively on the same site\nand attractively on the nearest neighbor sites. The model is relevant, for\ninstance, to study the competition between antiferromagnetism and\nsuperconductivity in a Kondo lattice. We first solve the two-body problem to\nshow that in the dilute and strong coupling limit the s-wave Bose condensed\nstate is always the ground state. We then consider the many-body problem and\ntreat it at mean-field level by solving exactly the usual gap equation. This\nguarantees that the superconducting wave-function correctly vanishes when the\ntwo fermions (with antiparallel spin) sit on the same site. This fact has\nimportant consequences on the superconducting state that are somewhat unusual.\nIn particular this implies a radial node-line for the gap function. When a next\nneighbor hopping t' is present we find that the s-wave state may develop nodes\non the Fermi surface.", "category": "cond-mat_supr-con" }, { "text": "Large gap, a pseudogap and proximity effect in the Bi2Te3/Fe1+yTe\n interfacial superconductor: We report directional point-contact spectroscopy data on the novel\nBi2Te3/Fe1+yTe interfacial superconductor for a Bi2Te3 thickness of 9 quintuple\nlayers, bonded by van der Waals epitaxy to a Fe1+yTe film at an atomically\nsharp interface. Our data show a very large superconducting twin-gap structure\nwith an energy scale exceeding that of bulk FeSe or FeSe1-xTex by a factor of\n4. While the larger gap is isotropic and attributed to a thin FeTe layer in\nproximity of the interface, the smaller gap has a pronounced anisotropy and is\nassociated with proximity-induced superconductivity in the topological\ninsulator Bi2Te3. Zero resistance is lost above 8 K, but superconducting\nfluctuations are visible up to at least 12 K and the large gap is replaced by a\npseudogap that persists up to 40 K. The spectra show a pronounced zero-bias\nconductance peak in the superconducting state, which may be a signature of an\nunconventional pairing mechanism.", "category": "cond-mat_supr-con" }, { "text": "Anisotropy of the upper critical field in MgB2: the two-gap\n Ginzburg-Landau theory: The upper critical field in MgB2 is investigated in the framework of the\ntwo-gap Ginzburg-Landau theory. A variational solution of linearized\nGinzburg-Landau equations agrees well with the Landau level expansion and\ndemonstrates that spatial distributions of the gap functions are different in\nthe two bands and change with temperature. The temperature variation of the\nratio of two gaps is responsible for the upward temperature dependence of\nin-plane Hc2 as well as for the deviation of its out-of-plane behavior from the\nstandard angular dependence. The hexagonal in-plane modulations of Hc2 can\nchange sign with decreasing temperature.", "category": "cond-mat_supr-con" }, { "text": "Anisotropic angle-dependent Andreev reflection at the\n ferromagnet/superconductor junction on the surface of topological insulators: We theoretically demonstrate that a ferromagnetic/superconductor junction on\nthe surface of three-dimensional topological insulators (3D TIs) has an\nanisotropic angle-dependent Andreev reflection when the in-plane magnetization\nhas a component perpendicular to the junction. In the presence of in-plane\nmagnetization, the Dirac cone's location adjusts in the $k$-space, whereas its\nout-of-plane component induces a gap. This movement leads to the anisotropic\nangle-dependent Andreev reflection and creates transverse conductance flows\nparallel to the interface. Also, an indirect gap induces in the junction, which\nremoves the transport signatures of Majorana bound states. Because of the full\nspin-momentum locking of Dirac fermions on the surface of 3DTIs, a torque that\ncalled \\textit{Andreev Transfer Torque} (ATT) imposes on the junction.\nMoreover, we propose a setup to detect them experimentally.", "category": "cond-mat_supr-con" }, { "text": "Symmetry protected line nodes in non-symmorphic magnetic space groups:\n Applications to UCoGe and UPd$_2$Al$_3$: We present the group-thoretical classification of gap functions in\nsuperconductors coexisting with some magnetic order in non-symmorphic magnetic\nspace groups. Based on the weak-coupling BCS theory, we show that UCoGe-type\nferromagnetic superconductors must have horizontal line nodes on either $k_z=0$\nor $\\pm\\pi/c$ plane. Moreover, it is likely that additional Weyl point nodes\nexist at the axial point. On the other hand, in UPd$_2$Al$_3$-type\nantiferromagnetic superconductors, gap functions with $A_g$ symmetry possess\nhorizontal line nodes in antiferromagnetic Brillouin zone boundary\nperpendicular to $c$-axis. In other words, the conventional fully-gapped\n$s$-wave superconductivity is forbidden in this type of antiferromagnetic\nsuperconductors, irrelevant to the pairing mechanism, as long as the Fermi\nsurface crosses a zone boundary. UCoGe and UPd$_2$Al$_3$ are candidates for\nunconventional superconductors possessing hidden symmetry-protected line nodes,\npeculiar to non-symmorphic magnetic space groups.", "category": "cond-mat_supr-con" }, { "text": "Emergence of an incipient ordering mode in FeSe: The structurally simplest Fe-based superconductor FeSe with a critical\ntemperature $T_{c}\\approx$ 8.5 K displays a breaking of the four-fold\nrotational symmetry at a temperature $T_{s}\\approx 87$ K. We investigated the\nelectronic properties of FeSe using scanning tunneling microscopy/spectroscopy\n(STM/S), magnetization, and electrical transport measurements. The results\nindicated two new energy scales (i) $T^{*} \\approx$ 75 K denoted by an onset of\nelectron-hole asymmetry in STS, enhanced spin fluctuations, and increased\npositive magnetoresistance; (ii) $T^{**} \\approx$ 22 - 30 K, marked by opening\nup of a partial gap of about 8 meV in STS and a recovery of Kohler's rule. Our\nresults reveal onset of an incipient ordering mode at $T^{*}$ and its\nnucleation below $T^{**}$. The ordering mode observed here, both in spin as\nwell as charge channels, suggests a coupling between the spins with charge,\norbital or pocket degrees of freedom.", "category": "cond-mat_supr-con" }, { "text": "Engineering Quantum Interference: A model for describing interference and diffraction of wave functions of\none-dimensional Josephson array interferometers is presented. The derived\nexpression for critical current modulations accounts for an arbitrary number of\nsquare junctions, variable distance between these, and variable size of their\narea. Predictions are tested on real arrays containing up to 20 equally spaced\nand identical junctions and on arrays shaped with peculiar geometries. Very\ngood agreement with the modulations predicted by the model and the experimental\nresults is obtained for all the tested configurations. It is shown that\nspecific designs of the arrays generate significant differences in their static\nand dynamical (non-zero voltage) properties. The results demonstrate that the\nmagnetic field dependence of Josephson supercurrents shows how interference and\ndiffraction of macroscopic quantum wavefunctions can be manipulated and\ncontrolled.", "category": "cond-mat_supr-con" }, { "text": "Phase transitions in a three dimensional $U(1) \\times U(1)$ lattice\n London superconductor: We consider a three-dimensional lattice $U(1) \\times U(1)$ superconductor in\nthe London limit, with two individually conserved condensates. The problem,\ngenerically, has two types of intercomponent interactions of different\ncharacters. First, the condensates are interacting via a minimal coupling to\nthe same fluctuating gauge field. A second type of coupling is the direct\ndissipationless drag represented by a local intercomponent current-current\ncoupling term in the free energy functional. The interplay between these two\ntypes of interactions produces a number of physical effects not present in\npreviously investigated $U(1)\\times U(1)$ models with only one kind of\nintercomponent interaction. In this work, we present a study of the phase\ndiagram of a $U(1) \\times U(1)$ superconductor which includes both of these\ninteractions. We study phase transitions and two types of competing paired\nphases which occur in this general model: (i) a metallic superfluid phase\n(where there is order only in the gauge invariant phase difference of the order\nparameters), (ii) a composite superconducting phase where there is order in the\nphase sum of the order parameters which has many properties of a\nsingle-component superconductor but with a doubled value of electric charge. We\ninvestigate the phase diagram with particular focus on what we call \"preemptive\nphase transitions\". These are phase transitions {\\it unique to multicomponent\ncondensates with competing topological objects}. A sudden proliferation of one\nkind of topological defects may come about due to a fluctuating background of\ntopological defects in other sectors of the theory.", "category": "cond-mat_supr-con" }, { "text": "Quantum Coherence of Electrons Field-Emitted from a Superconductor:\n Correlations and Entanglement: The correlations of the electrons field-emitted from a superconductor are\nfully analyzed, both in space and time. It is proposed that a coincidence\nexperiment would reveal a positive correlation between the electrons emitted in\nopposite directions. The electrons can be entangled and can even violate Bell's\ninequality. The crucial role played by Andreev's process is scrutinized,\nanalytical formulas are derived for the correlations, and the physics behind\nthe phenomenon is clarified.", "category": "cond-mat_supr-con" }, { "text": "Using Josephson junctions to determine the pairing state of\n superconductors without crystal inversion symmetry: Theoretical studies of a planar tunnel junction between two superconductors\nwith antisymmetric spin-orbit coupling are presented. The half-space Green's\nfunction for such a superconductor is determined. This is then used to derive\nexpressions for the dissipative current and the Josephson current of the\njunction. Numerical results are presented in the case of the Rashba spin-orbit\ncoupling, relevant to the much studied compound CePt$_3$Si. Current-voltage\ndiagrams, differential conductance and the critical Josephson current are\npresented for different crystallographic orientations and different weights of\nsinglet and triplet components of the pairing state. The main conclusion is\nthat Josephson junctions with different crystallographic orientations may\nprovide a direct connection between unconventional pairing in superconductors\nof this kind and the absence of inversion symmetry in the crystal.", "category": "cond-mat_supr-con" }, { "text": "Interplay between spin density wave and superconductivity in '122' iron\n pnictides: 57Fe M\u00f6ssbauer study: Iron-based superconductors Ba0.7Rb0.3Fe2As2 and CaFe1.92Co0.08As2 of the\n'122' family have been investigated by means of the 14.41-keV Moessbauer\ntransition in 57Fe versus temperature ranging from the room temperature till\n4.2 K. A comparison is made with the previously investigated parent compounds\nBaFe2As2 and CaFe2As2. It has been found that Moessbauer spectra of these\nsuperconductors are composed of the magnetically split component due to\ndevelopment of spin density wave (SDW) and non-magnetic component surviving\neven at lowest temperatures. The latter component is responsible for\nsuperconductivity. Hence, the superconductivity occurs in the part of the\nsample despite the sample is single phase. This phenomenon is caused by the\nslight variation of the dopant concentration across the sample (crystal).", "category": "cond-mat_supr-con" }, { "text": "Itinerant approach to magnetic neutron scattering of FeSe: effect of\n orbital selectivity: Recent STM experiments and theoretical considerations have highlighted the\nrole of interaction-driven orbital selectivity in FeSe, and its role in\ngenerating the extremely anisotropic superconducting gap structure in this\nmaterial. We study the magnetic excitation spectrum resulting from the coherent\nquasiparticles within the same renormalized random phase approximation approach\nused to explain the STM experiments, and show that it agrees well with the\nlow-energy momentum and energy dependent response measured by inelastic neutron\nscattering experiments. We find a correlation-induced suppression of\n$(\\pi,\\pi)$ scattering due to a small quasiparticle weight of states of\n$d_{xy}$ character. We compare predictions for twinned and untwinned crystals,\nand predict in particular a strongly $(\\pi,0)$-dominated response at low\nenergies in untwinned systems, in contrast to previous itinerant theories.", "category": "cond-mat_supr-con" }, { "text": "The Nernst effect in high-$T_c$ superconductors: The observation of a large Nernst signal $e_N$ in an extended region above\nthe critical temperature $T_c$ in hole-doped cuprates provides evidence that\nvortex excitations survive above $T_c$. The results support the scenario that\nsuperfluidity vanishes because long-range phase coherence is destroyed by\nthermally-created vortices (in zero field), and that the pair condensate\nextends high into the pseudogap state in the underdoped (UD) regime. We present\na series of measurements to high fields $H$ which provide strong evidence for\nthis phase-disordering scenario.", "category": "cond-mat_supr-con" }, { "text": "Absence of structural transition in TM0.5IrTe2 (TM=Mn, Fe, Co, Ni): TM-doped IrTe2(TM=Mn, Fe, Co, Ni) compounds were synthesized by solid state\nreaction. Single crystal x-ray diffraction experiments indicate that part of\nthe doped TM ions (TM=Fe, Co, and Ni) substitute for Ir, and the rest\nintercalate into the octahedral interstitial sites located in between IrTe2\nlayers. Due to the lattice mismatch between MnTe2 and IrTe2, Mn has limited\nsolubility in IrTe2 lattice. The trigonal structure is stable in the whole\ntemperature range 1.80 1. We found that this\ntransformation occurs via an intermediate s+is, state in which the gaps on the\ntwo hole pockets differ in phase by `phi', which gradually involves from `phi'\n= pi (the +- state) to phi =0 (the ++ state). This state breaks time-reversal\nsymmetry and has huge potential for applications. We compute the dispersion of\ncollective excitations and show that two different Leggett-type phase modes\nsoften at the two end points of TRSB state.", "category": "cond-mat_supr-con" }, { "text": "Supergap and subgap enhanced currents in asymmetric {S_1FS_2} Josephson\n junctions: We have theoretically studied the supercurrent profiles in three-dimensional\nnormal metal and ferromagnetic Josephson configurations, where the magnitude of\nthe superconducting gaps in the superconducting leads are unequal, i.e.,\n$\\Delta_1\\neq \\Delta_2$, creating asymmetric $S_1NS_2$ and $S_1FS_2$ systems.\nOur results reveal that by increasing the ratio of the superconducting gaps\n$\\Delta_2/\\Delta_1$, the critical supercurrent in a ballistic $S_1NS_2$ system\ncan be enhanced by more than $100\\%$, and reaches a saturation point, or decays\naway, depending on the junction thickness, magnetization strength, and chemical\npotential. The total critical current in a diffusive $S_1NS_2$ system was found\nto be enhanced by more than $50\\%$ parabolically, and reaches saturation by\nincreasing one of the superconducting gaps. In a uniform ferromagnetic\njunction, the supercurrent undergoes reversal by increasing\n$\\Delta_2/\\Delta_1>1$. Through decomposing the total supercurrent into its\nsupergap and subgap components, our results illustrate their crucial relative\ncontributions to the Josephson current flow. It was found that the competition\nof subgap and supergap currents in a $S_1FS_2$ junction results in the\nemergence of second harmonics in the current-phase relation. In contrast to a\ndiffusive asymmetric Josephson configuration, the behavior of the supercurrent\nin a ballistic system with $\\Delta_2/\\Delta_1=1$ can be properly described by\nthe subgap current component only, in a wide range of parameter sets, including\nFermi level mismatch, magnetization strength, and junction thickness.\nInterestingly, when $\\Delta_2/\\Delta_1>1$, our results have found multiple\nparameter sets where the total supercurrent is driven by the supergap\ncomponent. Therefore, our comprehensive study highlights the importance of\nsubgap and supergap supercurrent components in both the ballistic and diffusive\nregimes.", "category": "cond-mat_supr-con" }, { "text": "Fluctuation, insulation and superconductivity: the pressure-dependent\n phase-diagram of Rb$_2$Mo$_6$Se$_6$: The quasi-one-dimensional (q1D) material Rb$_2$Mo$_6$Se$_6$ has been proposed\nto display a nontrivial combination of low-dimensional fluctuations and a\ndynamical charge density wave (CDW) at ambient pressure. This may lead to a\nprogressive metal to insulator cross over at low temperature. To explore the\nlink between the crystal dimensionality and this insulating instability, we\nhave performed hydrostatic pressure-dependent electrical transport measurements\non single crystals of Rb$_2$Mo$_6$Se$_6$. At low pressure, we observe\nthermally-activated behaviour consistent with a temperature-dependent gap\n$E_g(T)$ opening below a characteristic temperature $T_{Rmin}$. Upon increasing\nthe pressure $T_{Rmin}$ initially rises, indicating a reinforcement of the low\ntemperature insulating state despite a continuous reduction in $E_g(P)$. We\ninterpret this as a signature of suppressed fluctuations as the dimensionality\nof the electronic structure rises. However, $T_{Rmin}$ drops above 8.8 GPa and\nsuperconductivity emerges at 12 GPa. Between 12-24.2 GPa the superconducting\nand insulating instabilities coexist, with superconductivity surviving up to\nthe maximum attained pressure (52.8 GPa). Analysis of the magneto-transport\nreveals two distinct regions: at high pressures the anisotropy gradually falls\nand the superconducting state appears unremarkable. In contrast, coexistence\nwith the gapped insulating phase creates a superconducting dome. The emergence\nof a peak in the critical temperature Tc despite the depleted density of states\nis indicative of enhanced coupling. Our journey from the extreme 1D to 3D\nlimits in this prototypical q1D metal reveals an intriguing relationship\nbetween superconducting and insulating ground states which is simultaneously\ncompetitive and symbiotic.", "category": "cond-mat_supr-con" }, { "text": "Physical Properties of Metallic Antiferromagnetic CaCo{1.86}As2 Single\n Crystals: We report studies of CaCo{1.86}As2 single crystals. The electronic structure\nis probed by angle-resolved photoemission spectroscopy (ARPES) measurements of\nCaCo{1.86}As2 and by full-potential linearized augmented-plane-wave\ncalculations for the supercell Ca8Co15As16 (CaCo{1.88}As2). Our XRD crystal\nstructure refinement is consistent with the previous combined refinement of\nx-ray and neutron powder diffraction data showing a collapsed-tetragonal\nThCr2Si2-type structure with 7(1)% vacancies on the Co sites corresponding to\nthe composition CaCo{1.86}As2 [D. G. Quirinale et al., Phys. Rev. B 88, 174420\n(2013)]. The anisotropic magnetic susceptibility chi(T) data are consistent\nwith the magnetic neutron diffraction data of Quirianale et al. that\ndemonstrate the presence of A-type collinear antiferromagnetic order below the\nNeel temperature TN = 52(1) K with the easy axis being the tetragonal c axis.\nHowever, no clear evidence from the resistivity rho(T) and heat capacity Cp(T)\ndata for a magnetic transition at TN is observed. A metallic ground state is\ndemonstrated from band calculations and the rho(T), Cp(T) and ARPES data, and\nspin-polarized calculations indicate a competition between the A-type AFM and\nFM ground states. The Cp(T) data exhibit a large Sommerfield electronic\ncoefficient reflecting a large density of states at the Fermi energy D(EF),\nconsistent with the band structure calculations which also indicate a large\nD(EF) arising from Co 3d bands. At 1.8 K the M(H) data for H|| c exhibit a\nwell-defined first-order spin-flop transition at an applied field of 3.5 T. The\nsmall ordered moment of 0.3 muB/Co obtained from the M(H) data at low T, the\nlarge exchange enhancement of chi and the lack of a self-consistent\ninterpretation of the chi(T) and M(H,T) data in terms of a local moment\nHeisenberg model together indicate that the magnetism of CaCo{1.86}As2 is\nitinerant.", "category": "cond-mat_supr-con" }, { "text": "Finite energy spin fluctuation as a pairing glue in systems with\n coexisting electron and hole bands: We study, within the fluctuation exchange approximation, the\nspin-fluctuation-mediated superconductivity in Hubbard-type models possessing\nelectron and hole bands, and compare them with a model on a square lattice with\na large Fermi surface. In the square lattice model, superconductivity is more\nenhanced for better nesting for a fixed band filling. By contrast, in the\nmodels with electron and hole bands, superconductivity is optimized when the\nFermi surface nesting is degraded to some extent, where finite energy spin\nfluctuation around the nesting vector develops. The difference lies in the\nrobustness of the nesting vector, namely, in models with electron and hole\nbands, the wave vector at which the spin susceptibility is maximized is fixed\neven when the nesting is degraded, whereas when the Fermi surface is large, the\nnesting vector varies with the deformation of the Fermi surface. We also\ndiscuss the possibility of realizing in actual materials the bilayer Hubbard\nmodel, which is a simple model with electron and hole bands, and is expected to\nhave a very high T_c.", "category": "cond-mat_supr-con" }, { "text": "High-Density Superconductive Logic Circuits Utilizing 0 and $\u03c0$\n Josephson Junctions: Superconductor Electronics (SCE) is a fast and power-efficient technology\nwith great potential for overcoming conventional CMOS electronics' scaling\nlimits. Nevertheless, the primary challenge confronting SCE today pertains to\nits integration level, which lags several orders of magnitude behind CMOS\ncircuits. In this study, we have innovated and simulated a novel logic family\ngrounded in the principles of phase shifts occurring in 0 and $\\pi$ Josephson\njunctions. The fast phase logic (FPL) eliminates the need for large inductor\nloops and shunt resistances by combining the half-flux and phase logic.\nTherefore, the Josephson junction (JJ) area only limits the integration\ndensity. The cells designed with this paradigm are fast, and the clock-to-Q\ndelay is about 4ps while maintaining over 50% parameter margins. This logic is\npower efficient and can increase the integration by at least 100$\\times$ in the\nSCE chips.", "category": "cond-mat_supr-con" }, { "text": "The direct Cu NQR Study of the Stripe Phase in the Lanthanum Cuprates: Using Cu NQR in Eu-doped La_(2-x)Sr_xCuO_4 we find the evidence of the pinned\nstripe phase at 1.3K for 0.08 0.18\ncorrelating with the onset of bulk superconductivity corresponds to the\ndepinning of the stripe phase.", "category": "cond-mat_supr-con" }, { "text": "Non-monotonic behaviour of the superconducting order parameter in\n Nb/PdNi bilayers observed through point contact spectroscopy: Point contact spectroscopy measurements have been performed on Nb/PdNi\nbilayers in which the thickness of the Nb layer, dNb, was kept constant to 40\nnm while the thickness of PdNi, dPdNi, was changed from 2 nm to 9 nm. Features\nrelated to the superconducting gap induced in the ferromagnet have been\nobserved in the dV/dI versus V curves. These structures show a non-monotonic\nbehaviour as a function of dPdNi as a consequence of the damped oscillatory\nbehaviour of the superconducting order parameter in the ferromagnetic layer.", "category": "cond-mat_supr-con" }, { "text": "Approaching ideal rectification in superconducting diodes through\n multiple Andreev reflections: We analyze the rectification properties of voltage-biased Josephson junctions\nexhibiting the superconducting diode effect. Taking into account multiple\nAndreev reflection (MAR) processes in our scattering theory, we consider a\nshort weak link of arbitrary transparency between two superconductors with\nfinite Cooper pair momentum $2q$. In equilibrium, the diode efficiency is\nbounded from above in this model, with maximal efficiency $\\eta_0\\approx 0.4$.\nOut of equilibrium, we find a rich subharmonic structure in the current-voltage\ncurve. For high transparency and low bias voltage $V$, the rectification\nefficiency $\\eta(V)$ approaches the ideal value $\\eta=1$ for $q\\xi\\to 1$ (with\ncoherence length $\\xi$).", "category": "cond-mat_supr-con" }, { "text": "Size driven phase transitions in pinned vortex systems: We model a tridimensional vortex system in a sample with square superficial\npinning in the top surface and obtain the ground state structures as a function\nof the sample thickness. Using a simple Frenkel-Kontorova like model and no\nadjustable parameters, we reproduce the experimental vortex configurations seen\nin the bottom surface and their range of stability. We find three phases with\ntwo transitions between them, including a continuous one from square to\ndistorted hexagonal structure and a discontinuous one from distorted hexagonal\nto hexagonal structure.", "category": "cond-mat_supr-con" }, { "text": "Epitaxial Growth of NdFeAsO Thin Films by Molecular Beam Epitaxy: Epitaxial films of NdFeAsO were grown on GaAs substrates by molecular beam\nepitaxy (MBE). All elements including oxygen were supplied from solid sources\nusing Knudsen cells. The x-ray diffraction pattern of the film prepared with\nthe optimum growth condition showed no indication of impurity phases. Only\n(00l) peaks were observed, indicating that NdFeAsO was grown with the c-axis\nperpendicular to the substrate. The window of optimum growth condition was very\nnarrow, but the NdFeAsO phase was grown with a very good reproducibility.\nDespite the absence of any appreciable secondary phase, the resistivity showed\nan increase with decreasing temperature.", "category": "cond-mat_supr-con" }, { "text": "Absence of the Pauli-Paramagnetic Limit in a Superconducting U$_6$Co: We performed $^{59}$Co nuclear magnetic resonance (NMR) measurements of\nsingle-crystalline U$_6$Co. There is a small decrease in the Knight shift in\nthe superconducting (SC) state, but this change mainly arises from the SC\ndiamagnetic effect. The negligible change of the spin part of the Knight shift,\ntogether with the absence of the Pauli-paramagnetic effect in the SC U$_6$Co,\nis understood as a consequence of the small spin susceptibility. The nuclear\nspin-lattice relaxation rate $1/T_1$ is also measured in the SC state under the\nmagnetic field, and exhibits a tiny Hebel-Slichter peak just below the SC\ntransition temperature and exponential behavior at lower temperatures. These\nbehaviors are in agreement with the full-gap s-wave pairing in U$_6$Co.", "category": "cond-mat_supr-con" }, { "text": "Theory of the Resistive Transition in Overdoped $Tl_2Ba_2CuO_{6+x}$:\n Implications for the angular dependence of the quasiparticle scattering rate\n in High-$T_c$ superconductors: We show that recent measurements of the magnetic field dependence of the\nmagnetization, specific heat and resistivity of overdoped $T_c \\sim 17K$\n$Tl_{2}Ba_{2}CuO_{6+\\delta}$ in the vicinity of the superconducting $H_{c2}$\nimply that the vortex viscosity is anomalously small and that the material\nstudied is inhomogeneous with small, a few hundred $\\AA$, regions in which the\nlocal $T_{c}$ is much higher than the bulk $T_{c}$. The anomalously small\nvortex viscosity can be derived from a microscopic model in which the\nquasiparticle lifetime varies dramatically around the Fermi surface, being\nsmall everywhere except along the zone diagonal (``cold spot''). We propose\nexperimental tests of our results.", "category": "cond-mat_supr-con" }, { "text": "Ultimate on-chip quantum amplifier: We report amplification of electromagnetic waves by a single artificial atom\nin open 1D space. Our three-level artificial atom -- a superconducting quantum\ncircuit -- coupled to a transmission line presents an analog of a natural atom\nin open space. The system is the most fundamental quantum amplifier whose gain\nis limited by a spontaneous emission mechanism. The noise performance is\ndetermined by the quantum noise revealed in the spectrum of spontaneous\nemission, also characterized in our experiments.", "category": "cond-mat_supr-con" }, { "text": "Highly responsive Y-Ba-Cu-O thin film THz detectors with picosecond time\n resolution: High-temperature superconducting YBa2Cu3O7-d (YBCO) thin-film detectors with\nimproved responsivities were developed for fast time-domain measurements in the\nTHz frequency range. YBCO thin films of 30 nm thickness were patterned to\nmicro- and nanobridges and embedded into planar log-spiral THz antennas. The\nYBCO thin-film detectors were characterized with continuous wave radiation at\n0.65 THz. Responsivity values as high as 710 V/W were found for the YBCO\nnanobridges. Pulsed measurements in the THz frequency range were performed at\nthe electron storage ring ANKA from the Karlsruhe Institute of Technology\n(KIT). Due to the high responsivities of the nanobridges no biasing was\nrequired for the detection of the coherent synchrotron radiation pulses\nachieving very good agreement between the measured pulse shapes and\nsimulations.", "category": "cond-mat_supr-con" }, { "text": "Stripe-like Inhomogeneities, Coherence, and the Physics of the High Tc\n Cuprates: The carriers in the high-Tc cuprates are found to be polaron-like \"stripons\"\ncarrying charge and located in stripe-like inhomogeneities, \"quasi-electrons\"\ncarrying charge and spin, and \"svivons\" carrying spin and some lattice\ndistortion. The anomalous spectroscopic and transport properties of the\ncuprates are understood. The stripe-like inhomogeneities result from the Bose\ncondensation of the svivon field, and the speed of their dynamics is determined\nby the width of the double-svivon neutron-resonance peak. The connection of\nthis peak to the peak-dip-hump gap structure observed below Tc emerges\nnaturally. Pairing results from transitions between pair states of stripons and\nquasi-electrons through the exchange of svivons. The pairing symmetry is of the\nd_{x^2-y^2} type; however, sign reversal through the charged stripes results in\nfeatures not characteristic of this symmetry. The phase diagram is determined\nby pairing and coherence lines within the regime of a Mott transition.\nCoherence without pairing results in a Fermi-liquid state, and incoherent\npairing results in the pseudogap state where localized electron and electron\npair states exist within the Hubbard gap. A metal-insulator-transition quantum\ncritical point occurs between these two states at T=0 when the superconducting\nstate is suppressed. An intrinsic heterogeneity is expected of superconducting\nand pseudogap nanoscale regions.", "category": "cond-mat_supr-con" }, { "text": "A second phase transition and superconductivity in the beta-pyrochlore\n oxide KOs2O6: Another phase transition that is probably of first order is found in the\nbeta-pyrochlore oxide superconductor KOs2O6 with a superconducting transition\ntemperature Tc of 9.6 K. It takes place at Tp=7.5 K in the superconducting\nstate in a zero magnetic field. By applying magnetic fields of up to 140 kOe,\nthe Tc gradually decreased to 5.2 K, while Tp changed little, eventually\nbreaking through the Hc2 line at approximately 65 kOe in the H-T diagram. Both\nthe normal-state resistivity and Hc2 change slightly but significantly across\nthe second phase transition. It is suggested that the transition is associated\nwith the rattling of potassium ions located in an oversized cage of osmium and\noxide ions.", "category": "cond-mat_supr-con" }, { "text": "One-electron scattering rate and normal-state linear-$T$ resistivity of\n the cuprates: Here we use a description of the electronic correlations contained in the\nHubbard model on the square-lattice perturbed by very weak three-dimensional\nuniaxial anisotropy in terms of the residual interactions of charge $c$\nfermions and spin-neutral composite two-spinon $s1$ fermions. Excellent\nquantitative agreement with the anisotropic linear-$\\omega$ one-electron\nscattering rate and normal-state linear-$T$ resistivity observed in experiments\non hole-doped cuprates with critical concentrations $x_c\\approx 0.05$ and\n$x_*\\approx 0.27$ is achieved. Our results provide strong evidence that the\nnormal-state linear-$T$ resistivity is a manifestation of low-temperature\nscale-invariant physics.", "category": "cond-mat_supr-con" }, { "text": "Weyl superconductor phases in a Weyl-semimetal/superconductor multilayer: Topologically nontrivial superconducting phases have been engineered in\ntopological materials by the proximity effect in contact with conventional\nsuperconductors. In this paper, by using the method of the Kronig-Penney model,\nwe study the superconducting proximity effect in the bulk electronic states of\nWeyl semimetals by considering a multilayer structure consisting of\nWeyl-semimetal and superconductor layers. Due to the proximity effect, two Weyl\nnodes are decoupled into four nodes of Majorana fermions resulting in\nWeyl-superconductor phases or three-dimensional extension of\ntopological-superconductor phases. We find that mismatch of the Fermi velocity\nand potential barriers at the interface gap out Majorana nodes, thus turn\nWeyl-superconductor phases with four Majorana nodes into Weyl-superconductor\nphases with half of Majorana nodes and topological-superconductor phases with\nodd integer Chern numbers.", "category": "cond-mat_supr-con" }, { "text": "Nodal band-off-diagonal superconductivity in twisted graphene\n superlattices: The superconducting state and mechanism are among the least understood\nphenomena in twisted graphene systems. For instance, recent tunneling\nexperiments indicate a transition between nodal and gapped pairing with\nelectron filling, which is not naturally understood within current theory. We\ndemonstrate that the coexistence of superconductivity and flavor polarization\nleads to pairing channels that are guaranteed by symmetry to be entirely\nband-off-diagonal, with a variety of unusual consequences: most notably, the\npairing invariant under all symmetries can have protected nodal lines or be\nfully gapped, depending on parameters, and the band-off-diagonal chiral d-wave\nstate exhibits transitions between gapped and nodal regions upon varying the\nchemical potential. We demonstrate that nodal band-off-diagonal pairing can be\nthe leading state when only phonons are considered, and is also uniquely\nfavored by fluctuations of a time-reversal-symmetric intervalley-coherent order\nmotivated by recent experiments. Consequently, band-off-diagonal\nsuperconductivity allows for the reconciliation of several key experimental\nobservations in graphene moir\\'e systems.", "category": "cond-mat_supr-con" }, { "text": "Critical Fields and Anisotropy of NdO0.82F0.18FeAs Single Crystals: The newly discovered iron-based superconductors have stimulated enormous\ninterests in the field of superconductivity. Since the new superconductor is a\nlayered system, the anisotropy is a parameter with the first priority to know.\nMeanwhile any relevant message about the critical fields (upper critical field\nand irreversibility line) are essentially important. By using flux method, we\nhave successfully grown the single crystals NdO0.82F0.18FeAs at ambient\npressure. Resistive measurements reveal a surprising discovery that the\nanisotropy \\Gamma = (mc/mab)^{1/2} is below 5, which is much smaller than the\ntheoretically calculated results. The data measured up to 400 K show a\ncontinuing curved feature which prevents a conjectured linear behavior for an\nunconventional metal. The upper critical fields determined based on the\nWerthamer-Helfand-Hohenberg formula are H_{c2}^{H||ab}(T=0 K) = 304 T and\nH_{c2}^{H||c}(T=0 K)=62-70 T, indicating a very encouraging application of the\nnew superconductors.", "category": "cond-mat_supr-con" }, { "text": "Triplet superconductivity and spin density wave in biased AB bilayer\n graphene: We examine spin density wave and triplet superconductivity as possible ground\nstates of the Bernal bilayer graphene. The spin density wave is stable for the\nunbiased and undoped bilayer. Both the doping and the applied bias voltage\ndestroy this phase. We show that, when biased and slightly doped, bilayer can\nhost a triplet superconducting phase. The mechanisms for both ordered phases\nrely on the renormalized Coulomb interaction. Consistency of our theoretical\nconclusions with recent experimental results are discussed.", "category": "cond-mat_supr-con" }, { "text": "Interpretation of Inelastic Neutron Scattering Data Using the Phase\n Diagram of Hole-Doped Cuprates: Inelastic Neutron Scattering (INS) data in LSCO, YBCO and Bi2212 are\ndiscussed. In the literature, the INS spectra remain far from being\ncomprehensively understood. We show that local (Q-integrated) susceptibility\ndata and the energy dependence of the spin susceptibility at antiferromagnetic\nvector, Q = (p,p), can be interpreted by using the phase diagram for hole-doped\ncuprates. We analyze also the origin of the resonant peak which relates to the\norder parameter for long-range phase coherence in hole-doped cuprates. Thus, we\npresent an interpretation of neutron data in LSCO, YBCO and Bi2212 published so\nfar.", "category": "cond-mat_supr-con" }, { "text": "Superconductivity in iron-based F-doped layered quaternary compound\n Nd[O1-xFx]FeAs: The recently discovered quaternary arsenide oxide superconductor\nLa[O1-xFx]FeAs with the superconducting critical transition temperature (Tc) of\n26 K [1], has been quickly expanded to another high-Tc superconducting system\nbeyond copper oxides by the replacement of La with other rare earth elements,\nsuch as Sm, Ce, and Pr etc. [2-4], and the Pr[O1-xFx]FeAs has become to be the\nfirst non-cuprate superconductor that holding a Tc above 50 K. All these\narsenide (including phosphide) superconductors formed in a same tetragonal\nlayered structure with the space group P4/nmm which has an alternant stacked\nFe-As layer and RO (R = rare earth metals) layer. Here we report the discovery\nof another superconductor in this system, the neodymium-arsenide Nd[O1-xFx]FeAs\nwith an resistivity onset Tc of 51.9 K, which is the second non-cuprate\ncompound that superconducts above 50 K.", "category": "cond-mat_supr-con" }, { "text": "Spectroscopy of electron-phonon interaction of superconducting point\n contacts: experimental aspects: The recovering procedure of the electron-phonon interaction (EPI) functions\nfrom the additional nonlinearities of the current-voltage curve ($I-V$ curve)\nof point contacts associated with an excess current is considered. The approach\nproposed takes into account both inelastic scattering, which causes suppression\nof the excess current in the reabsorption of nonequilibrium phonons by\nelectrons undergoing Andreev reflection (Andreev electrons), and elastic\nprocesses associated with the electron-phonon renormalization of the energy\nspectrum in a superconductor. The results obtained are systematically expounded\nfor both the ballistic contacts, wherein the second derivatives of the $I-V$\ncurve in the normal state are proportional to the EPI functions, and\ninhomogeneous contacts (with dirty constrictions and clean banks), whose second\nderivatives in the normal state are either free of phonon singularities or\nweakly pronounced.", "category": "cond-mat_supr-con" }, { "text": "Muon-Spin Rotation Spectra in the Mixed Phase of High-T_c\n Superconductors : Thermal Fluctuations and Disorder Effects: We study muon-spin rotation (muSR) spectra in the mixed phase of highly\nanisotropic layered superconductors, specifically Bi_2+xSr_2-xCaCu_2O_8+delta\n(BSCCO), by modeling the fluid and solid phases of pancake vortices using\nliquid-state and density functional methods. The role of thermal fluctuations\nin causing motional narrowing of muSR lineshapes is quantified in terms of a\nfirst-principles theory of the flux-lattice melting transition. The effects of\nrandom point pinning are investigated using a replica treatment of liquid state\ncorrelations and a replicated density functional theory. Our results indicate\nthat motional narrowing in the pure system, although substantial, cannot\naccount for the remarkably small linewidths obtained experimentally at\nrelatively high fields and low temperatures. We find that satisfactory\nagreement with the muSR data for BSCCO in this regime can be obtained through\nthe ansatz that this ``phase'' is characterized by frozen short-range\npositional correlations reflecting the structure of the liquid just above the\nmelting transition. This proposal is consistent with recent suggestions of a\n``pinned liquid'' or ``glassy'' state of pancake vortices in the presence of\npinning disorder. Our results for the high-temperature liquid phase indicate\nthat measurable linewidths may be obtained in this phase as a consequence of\ndensity inhomogeneities induced by the pinning disorder. The results presented\nhere comprise a unified, first-principles theoretical treatment of muSR spectra\nin highly anisotropic layered superconductors in terms of a controlled set of\napproximations.", "category": "cond-mat_supr-con" }, { "text": "Tunable mechanically-induced hysteresis in suspended Josephson junctions: The coupling of superconducting systems to mechanical resonators is an\nemerging field, with wide reaching implications including high precision\nsensing and metrology. Experimental signatures of this coupling have so far\nbeen small, seldom and often reliant on high frequency AC electronics. To\novercome this limitation, in this work we consider a mechanical resonator\nsuspended between two superconducting contacts to form a suspended Josephson\njunction in which the electronic normal- and super-currents can be coupled to\nmechanical motion via the Lorentz force due to an external magnetic field. We\nshow both analytically and numerically that this electro-mechanical coupling\nproduces unprecedented mechanically-induced hysteresis loops in the junction's\nDC I-V characteristic. Firstly, we unveil how this new hysteresis may be\nexploited to access a huge mechanically-induced Shapiro-like voltage plateau,\nextending over a current range comparable with the junction's critical current.\nWe then investigate a sudden mechanically-induced retrapping that occurs at\nstrong coupling. Our analytical treatment provides a clear explanation for the\neffects above and allows us to derive simple relationships between the features\nin the DC I-V characteristic and the resonance frequency and quality factor of\nthe mechanical resonator. We stress that our setup requires only DC current\nbias and voltage measurements, allowing the activation and detection of\nhigh-frequency mechanical oscillations in state of the art devices and without\nthe need of any AC equipment.", "category": "cond-mat_supr-con" }, { "text": "Strong local moment antiferromagnetic spin fluctuations in V-doped\n LiFeAs: We use neutron scattering to study vanadium (hole)-doped LiFe$_{1-x}$V$_x$As.\nIn the undoped state, LiFeAs exhibits superconductivity at $T_c=18$ K and\ntransverse incommensurate spin excitations similar to electron overdoped iron\npnictides. Upon vanadium-doping to form LiFe$_{0.955}$V$_{0.045}$, the\ntransverse incommensurate spin excitations in LiFeAs transform into\nlongitudinally elongated in a similar fashion as that of potassium (hole) doped\nBa$_{0.7}$K$_{0.3}$Fe$_2$As$_2$, but with dramatically enhanced magnetic\nscattering and elimination of superconductivity. This is different from the\nsuppression of the overall magnetic excitations in hole doped BaFe$_2$As$_2$\nand the enhancement of superconductivity near optimal hole doping. These\nresults are consistent with density function theory plus dynamic mean field\ntheory calculations, suggesting that vanadium-doping in LiFeAs may induce an\nenlarged effective magnetic moment $S_{eff}$ with a spin crossover ground state\narising from the inter-orbital scattering of itinerant electrons.", "category": "cond-mat_supr-con" }, { "text": "Crossover of the high-energy spin fluctuations from collective triplons\n to localized magnetic excitations in doped Sr14-xCaxCu24O41 cuprate ladders: We studied the magnetic excitations in the quasi-one-dimensional (q-1D)\nladder subsystem of Sr_(14-x) Ca_x Cu_24 O_41(SCCO) using Cu L_3-edge resonant\ninelastic X-ray scattering (RIXS). By comparing momentum-resolved RIXS spectra\nwith (x=12.2) and without (x=0) high Ca content, we track the evolution of the\nmagnetic excitations from collective two-triplon (2T) excitations (x=0) to\nweakly-dispersive gapped modes at an energy of 280 meV (x=12.2). Density matrix\nrenormalization group (DMRG) calculations of the RIXS response in the doped\nladders suggest that the flat magnetic dispersion and damped excitation profile\nobserved at x=12.2 originates from enhanced hole localization. This\ninterpretation is supported by polarization-dependent RIXS measurements, where\nwe disentangle the spin-conserving {\\Delta}S=0 scattering from the predominant\n{\\Delta}S=1 spin-flip signal in the RIXS spectra. The results show that the\nlow-energy weight in the {\\Delta}S=0 channel is depleted when Sr is replaced by\nCa, consistent with a reduced carrier mobility. Our results demonstrate that\noff-ladder impurities can affect both the low-energy magnetic excitations and\nsuperconducting correlations in the CuO_4 plaquettes. Finally, our study\ncharacterizes the magnetic and charge fluctuations in the phase from which\nsuperconductivity emerges in SCCO at elevated pressures.", "category": "cond-mat_supr-con" }, { "text": "MgB2 single crystals: high pressure growth and anisotropic properties: Single crystals of MgB2 with a size up to 1.5x0.9x0.2 mm3 have been grown\nwith a high pressure cubic anvil technique. The crystal growth process is very\npeculiar and involves an intermediate nitride, namely MgNB9. Single crystals of\nBN and MgB2 grow simultaneously by a peritectic decomposition of MgNB9.\nMagnetic measurements in fields of 1-5 Oe show sharp transitions to the\nsuperconducting state at 37-38.6 K with width of ~0.5 K. The high quality of\nthe crystals allowed the accurate determination of magnetic, transport and\noptical properties as well as scanning tunnelling spectroscopy (STS) and\ndecoration studies. Investigations of crystals with torque magnetometry show\nthat Hc2//c is very low (24 kOe at 15 K), while Hc2//ab increases up to 140 kOe\nat 15 K. The upper critical field anisotropy gamma = Hc2//ab/ Hc2//c was found\nto be temperature dependent (decreasing from 6 at 15 K to 2.8 at 35 K). The\neffective anisotropy gamma_eff, as calculated from reversible torque data near\nTc, is field dependent (increasing roughly linearly from 2 in zero field to 3.7\nin 10 kOe). The temperature and field dependence of the anisotropy can be\nrelated to the double gap structure of MgB2 with a large two-dimensional gap\nand small three-dimensional gap, the latter being rapidly suppressed in a\nmagnetic field. Torque magnetometry investigations show a pronounced peak\neffect, indicating an order-disorder transition of vortex matter. Decoration\nexperiments and STS visualise a hexagonal vortex lattice. STS spectra evidence\ntwo gaps (3 meV/6 meV) with direction dependent weight. Magneto-optic\ninvestigations with H//c show a clear signature of the smaller of the two gaps,\ndisappearing in fields higher than Hc2//c.", "category": "cond-mat_supr-con" }, { "text": "Multi-Dimensional Coherent Spectroscopy of Light-Driven States and their\n Collective Modes in Multi-Band Superconductors: We present a comprehensive theory of light-controlled multi-band\nsuperconductivity and apply it to predict distinctive signatures of\nlight-driven superconducting (SC) states in terahertz multi-dimensional\ncoherent spectroscopy (THz-MDCS) experiments. We first derive gauge-invariant\nMaxwell-Bloch equations for multi-band BCS superconductors. For this, we go\nbeyond previously considered Anderson pseudo-spin precession models to include\nquantum transport effects. By calculating the THz-MDCS spectra measured\nexperimentally, we then identify unique signatures of finite-momentum\nCooper-pairing states that live longer than the laser pulse. These\nnon-equilibrium SC states are characterized by long-lived canting of Anderson\npseudo-spins. The pseudo-spin oscillators that describe the properties of these\nSC states are parametrically driven by both finite-momentum Cooper pairing and\nby time oscillations of the order parameter relative phase. We show that such\nstrong parametric driving leads to drastic changes in the THz-MDCS spectral\nshape from the predictions of third-order nonlinear susceptibility\ncalculations. These spectral changes strongly depend on the\ninterband-to-intraband interaction ratio and on the collective modes of the\nlight-driven state.", "category": "cond-mat_supr-con" }, { "text": "Electron-phonon superconductivity in $A$Pt$_3$P compounds: from weak to\n strong coupling: We study the newly discovered Pt phosphides $A$Pt$_3$P ($A$=Sr, Ca, La) [ T.\nTakayama et al. Phys. Rev. Lett. 108, 237001 (2012)] using first-principles\ncalculations and Migdal-Eliashberg theory. Given the remarkable agreement with\nthe experiment, we exclude the charge-density wave scenario proposed by\nprevious first-principles calculations, and give conclusive answers concerning\nthe superconducting state in these materials. The pairing increases from La to\nCa and Sr due to changes in the electron-phonon matrix elements and\nlow-frequency phonons. Although we find that all three compounds are well\ndescribed by conventional s-wave superconductivity and spin-orbit coupling of\nPt plays a marginal role, we show that it could be possible to tune the\nstructure from centrosymmetric to noncentrosymmetric opening new perspectives\ntowards the understanding of unconventional superconductivity.", "category": "cond-mat_supr-con" }, { "text": "Giant anisotropic magnetoresistance in Ising superconductor-magnetic\n insulator tunnel junctions: Superconductivity and magnetism are generally incompatible because of the\nopposing requirement on electron spin alignment. When combined, they produce a\nmultitude of fascinating phenomena, including unconventional superconductivity\nand topological superconductivity. The emergence of two-dimensional (2D)layered\nsuperconducting and magnetic materials that can form nanoscale junctions with\natomically sharp interfaces presents an ideal laboratory to explore new\nphenomena from coexisting superconductivity and magnetic ordering. Here we\nreport tunneling spectroscopy under an in-plane magnetic field of\nsuperconductor-ferromagnet-superconductor (S/F/S) tunnel junctions that are\nmade of 2D Ising superconductor NbSe2 and ferromagnetic insulator CrBr3. We\nobserve nearly 100% tunneling anisotropic magnetoresistance (AMR), that is,\ndifference in tunnel resistance upon changing magnetization direction from\nout-of-plane to inplane. The giant tunneling AMR is induced by\nsuperconductivity, particularly, a result of interfacial magnetic exchange\ncoupling and spin-dependent quasiparticle scattering. We also observe an\nintriguing magnetic hysteresis effect in superconducting gap energy and\nquasiparticle scattering rate with a critical temperature that is 2 K below the\nsuperconducting transition temperature. Our study paves the path for exploring\nsuperconducting spintronic and unconventional superconductivity in van der\nWaals heterostructures.", "category": "cond-mat_supr-con" }, { "text": "Properties of a diagonal 2-orbital ladder model of the Fe-pnictide\n superconductors: We study a diagonal 2-orbital ladder model of the Fe based superconductors\nusing the density matrix renormalization group method. At half filling, we find\na close competition between a \"spin-striped\" state and a non-collinear\n\"spin-checkerboard\" state, as well as significant nematic correlations. Upon\nfinite hole or electron doping, the dominant pairing correlations are found to\nhave A$_{1,g}$ ($S-$wave) symmetry.", "category": "cond-mat_supr-con" }, { "text": "Shaping graphene superconductivity with nanometer precision: Graphene holds great potential for superconductivity due to its pure\ntwo-dimensional nature, the ability to tune its carrier density through\nelectrostatic gating, and its unique, relativistic-like electronic properties.\nAt present, we are still far from controlling and understanding graphene\nsuperconductivity, mainly because the selective introduction of superconducting\nproperties to graphene is experimentally very challenging. Here, we have\ndeveloped a method that enables shaping at will graphene superconductivity\nthrough a precise control of graphene-superconductor junctions. The method\ncombines the proximity effect with scanning tunnelling microscope (STM)\nmanipulation capabilities. We first grow Pb nano-islands that locally induce\nsuperconductivity in graphene. Using a STM, Pb nano-islands can be selectively\ndisplaced, over different types of graphene surfaces, with nanometre scale\nprecision, in any direction, over distances of hundreds of nanometres. This\nopens an exciting playground where a large number of predefined\ngraphene-superconductor hybrid structures can be investigated with atomic scale\nprecision. To illustrate the potential, we perform a series of experiments,\nrationalized by the quasi-classical theory of superconductivity, going from the\nfundamental understanding of superconductor-graphene-superconductor\nheterostructures to the construction of superconductor nanocorrals, further\nused as \"portable\" experimental probes of local magnetic moments in graphene.", "category": "cond-mat_supr-con" }, { "text": "Percolative nature of the transition from 60 K to 90 K phase in\n YBa2Cu3O6+d: We have measured the heat capacity of YBa2Cu3O6+d for 0.7X) at low temperatures. This unusual relation is a result of\nthe penetration of odd-frequency pairs into the normal metal and reflects the\nnegative Cooper pair density.", "category": "cond-mat_supr-con" }, { "text": "Phase-sensitive determination of nodal $\\mathbf{d}$-wave order parameter\n in single-band and multiband superconductors: Determining the exact pairing symmetry of the superconducting order parameter\nin candidate unconventional superconductors remains an important challenge.\nRecently a new method, based on phase sensitive quasiparticle interference\nmeasurements, was developed to identify gap sign changes in isotropic multiband\nsystems. Here we extend this approach to the single-band and multiband nodal\n$d$-wave superconducting cases relevant, respectively, for the cuprates and\nlikely for the infinite-layer nickelate superconductors. Combining analytical\nand numerical calculations, we show that the antisymmetrized correction to the\ntunneling density of states due to nonmagnetic impurities in the Born and\nintermediate-scattering limits shows characteristic features for sign-changing\nand sign-preserving scattering wavevectors, as well as for the\nmomentum-integrated quantity. Furthermore, using a realistic approach\naccounting for the Wannier orbitals, we model scanning tunneling microscopy\ndata of $\\text{Bi}_2\\text{Sr}_2\\text{CaCu}_2\\text{O}_{8+\\delta}$, which should\nallow the comparison of our theory with experimental data.", "category": "cond-mat_supr-con" }, { "text": "Inversion symmetry of Josephson current as test of chiral domain wall\n motion in Sr$_{2}$RuO$_{4}$: Clarifying the chiral domains structure of superconducting Sr$_{2}$RuO$_{4}$\nhas been a long-standing issue in identifying its peculiar topological\nsuperconducting state. We evaluated the critical current $I_{c}$ versus the\nmagnetic field $H$ of Nb/Sr$_{2}$RuO$_{4}$ Josephson junctions, changing the\njunction dimension in expectation of that the number of domains in the junction\nis controlled. $I_{c}(H)$ exhibits a recovery from inversion symmetry breaking\nto invariance when the dimension is reduced to several microns. This inversion\ninvariant behavior indicates the disappearance of domain walls; thus, the size\nof a single domain is estimated at approximately several microns.", "category": "cond-mat_supr-con" }, { "text": "Field-Induced Boson Insulating States in a 2D Superconducting Electron\n Gas with Strong Spin-Orbit Scatterings: The phenomenon of field-induced superconductor-to-insulator transitions\nobserved experimentally in electron-doped SrTiO$_{3}$/LaAlO$_{3}$ interfaces,\nanalyzed recently by means of 2D superconducting fluctuations theory (Phys.\nRev. B \\textbf{104}, 054503 (2021)), is revisited with new insights associating\nit with the appearance at low temperatures of field-induced boson insulating\nstates. Within the framework of the time-dependent Ginzburg-Landau functional\napproach, we pinpoint the origin of these states in field-induced extreme\nsoftening of fluctuation modes over a large region in momentum space, upon\ndiminishing temperature, which drives Cooper-pair fluctuations to condense into\nmesoscopic puddles in real space. Dynamical quantum tunneling of Cooper-pair\nfluctuations out of these puddles, introduced within a phenomenological\napproach, which break into mobile single-electron states, contains the\nhigh-field resistance onset predicted by the exclusive boson theory.", "category": "cond-mat_supr-con" }, { "text": "Divergent Vortex Mass in a Superconducting Film in Proximity to a Metal: We consider a moving vortex in a two dimensional superconductor located at a\ndistance $d$ from a metallic overlayer. Starting from the microscopic imaginary\ntime action we integrate out the electronic degrees of freedom to obtain a low\nenergy, long wavelength effective action for the vortex. We focus our attention\non the vortex kinetic energy and derive a general expression for the vortex\nmass. We find that in the limit $d\\to \\infty$ the Coulomb screening of the\ndensity fluctuations, associated with vortex motion, results in a very small\nvortex mass as has been obtained in earlier studies. In the opposite limit of\n$d\\ll \\xi $ where $\\xi$ is the coherence length of the superconductor we find\nthat the vortex mass diverges logarithmically with the size of the system as\nthe proximity to the metal makes the screening processes, that usually make the\nmass small, ineffective. We comment on the relevance of our results to recent\nexperiments which show a dramatic fall in resistance when a metallic gate is\nplaced near a supeconducting film in a magnetic field at low temperature.", "category": "cond-mat_supr-con" }, { "text": "Emergence of Superconductivity from Fully Incoherent Normal State in an\n Iron-Based Superconductor (Ba$_{0.6}$K$_{0.4}$)Fe$_2$As$_2$: In unconventional superconductors, it is generally believed that\nunderstanding the physical properties of the normal state is a pre-requisite\nfor understanding the superconductivity mechanism. In conventional\nsuperconductors like niobium or lead, the normal state is a Fermi liquid with a\nwell-defined Fermi surface and well-defined quasipartcles along the Fermi\nsurface. Superconductivity is realized in this case by the Fermi surface\ninstability in the superconducting state and the formation and condensation of\nthe electron pairs (Cooper pairing). The high temperature cuprate\nsuperconductors, on the other hand, represent another extreme case that\nsuperconductivity can be realized in the underdoped region where there is\nneither well-defined Fermi surface due to the pseudogap formation nor\nquasiparticles near the antinodal regions in the normal state. Here we report a\nnovel scenario that superconductivity is realized in a system with well-defined\nFermi surface but without quasiparticles along the Fermi surface in the normal\nstate. High resolution laser-based angle-resolved photoemission measurements\nhave been performed on an optimally-doped iron-based superconductor\n(Ba$_{0.6}$K$_{0.4}$)Fe$_2$As$_2$. We find that, while sharp superconducting\ncoherence peaks emerge in the superconducting state on the hole-like Fermi\nsurface sheets, no quasiparticle peak is present in the normal state. Its\nelectronic behaviours deviate strongly from a Fermi liquid system. The\nsuperconducting gap of such a system exhibits an unusual temperature dependence\nthat it is nearly a constant in the superconducting state and abruptly closes\nat T$_c$. These observations have provided a new platform to study\nunconventional superconductivity in a non-Fermi liquid system.", "category": "cond-mat_supr-con" }, { "text": "Pre-pairing and the \"Filling\" Gap in the Cuprates From the Tomographic\n Density of States: We use the tomographic density of states (TDoS), which is a measure of the\ndensity of states for a single slice through the band structure of a solid, to\nstudy the temperature evolution of the superconducting gap in the cuprates. The\nTDoS provides unprecedented accuracy in determining both the superconducting\npair-forming strength, $\\Delta$, and the pair-breaking rate, $\\Gamma$. In both\noptimally- and under-doped Bi$_2$Sr$_2$CaCu$_2$O$_{8+\\delta}$, we find the\nnear-nodal $\\Delta$ smoothly evolves through the superconducting transition\ntemperature - clear evidence for the existence of pre-formed pairs.\nAdditionally, we find the long observed `filling' of the superconducting gap in\nthe cuprates is due to the strongly temperature dependent $\\Gamma$.", "category": "cond-mat_supr-con" }, { "text": "Emergent superconductivity in van der Waals Kagome material Pd3P2S8\n under high pressure: Kagome lattice systems have been proposed to host rich physics, which provide\nan excellent platform to explore unusual quantum states. Here, we report on the\ndiscovery of superconductivity in van der Waals material Pd3P2S8 under\npressure. The superconductivity is observed in Pd3P2S8 for those pressures\nwhere the temperature dependence of the resistivity changes from a\nsemiconducting-like behavior to that of a normal metal. The superconducting\ntransition temperature Tc increases with applied pressure and reaches ~ 6.83 K\nat 79.5 GPa. Combining high-pressure XRD, Raman spectroscopy and theoretical\ncalculations, our results demonstrate that the observed superconductivity\ninduced by high pressure in Pd3P2S8 is closely related to the formation of\namorphous phase, which results from the structural instability due to the\nenhanced coupling between interlayer Pd and S atoms upon compression.", "category": "cond-mat_supr-con" }, { "text": "Character of ground state of an aperiodic frustrated Josephson junction\n array: We study the energy spectrum for an aperiodic Josephson junction ladder, as a\nfunction of frustration. Frustration is brought about by application of a\ntransverse magnetic field, and aperiodicity is imposed by the arrangement of\nplaquettes with two incommensurate areas. We study the effect of the\nincommensurate plaquette areas in conjunction with that of the aperiodicity.\nThe structure of the energy spectrum at deep minima is shown to be described by\na model that treats the plaquettes independently. The energy spectrum is a\nquasiperiodic function of frustration; short range correlations in the\narrangement of plaquettes have a small effect on the energy power spectrum.", "category": "cond-mat_supr-con" }, { "text": "Antiferromagnetic Correlation and the Pairing Mechanism of the Cuprates\n and Iron Pnictides : a View From the Functional Renormalization Group Studies: We compare the one-loop functional renormalization group results for the\ncuprates and the iron pnictides. Interestingly a coherent picture suggesting\nthat antiferromagnetic correlation causes pairing for both materials emerges.", "category": "cond-mat_supr-con" }, { "text": "Approximate scaling relation for the anharmonic electron-phonon problem: An approximate scaling relation is found for the transition temperature to a\ncharge-density-wave instability in the anharmonic electron-phonon problem,\nwhich maps a wide range of interaction strengths, anharmonicities, and phonon\nfrequencies onto a common functional form. The relation employs the\nwave-function renormalization parameter and is valid even for systems that are\nnot Fermi liquids.", "category": "cond-mat_supr-con" }, { "text": "Temperature dependence of the spectral weight in p- and n-type cuprates:\n a study of normal state partial gaps and electronic kinetic energy: The optical conductivity of CuO2 (copper-oxygen) planes in p- and n-type\ncuprates thin films at various doping levels is deduced from highly accurate\nreflectivity data. The temperature dependence of the real part sigma1(omega) of\nthis optical conductivity and the corresponding spectral weight allow to track\nthe opening of a partial gap in the normal state of n-type Pr{2-x}Ce(x)CuO4\n(PCCO), but not of p-type Bi2Sr2CaCu2O(8+delta} (BSCCO) cuprates. This is a\nclear difference between these two families of cuprates, which we briefly\ndiscuss. In BSCCO, the change of the electronic kinetic energy Ekin - deduced\nfrom the spectral weight- at the superconducting transition is found to cross\nover from a conventional BCS behavior (increase of Ekin below Tc to an\nunconventional behavior (decrease of Ekin below Tc) as the free carrier density\ndecreases. This behavior appears to be linked to the energy scale over which\nspectral weight is lost and goes into the superfluid condensate, hence may be\nrelated to Mott physics.", "category": "cond-mat_supr-con" }, { "text": "Stabilization of an ambient pressure, collapsed tetragonal phase in\n CaFe2As2 and tuning of the orthorhombic / antiferromagnetic transition\n temperature by over 70 K by control of nano-precipitates: We have found a remarkably large response of the transition temperature of\nCaFe2As2 single crystals grown out of excess FeAs to annealing / quenching\ntemperature. Whereas crystals that are annealed at 400 C exhibit a first order\nphase transition from a high temperature tetragonal to a low temperature\northorhombic and antiferromagnetic state near 170 K, crystals that have been\nquenched from 960 C exhibit a transition from a high temperature tetragonal\nphase to a low temperature, non-magnetic, collapsed tetragonal phase below 100\nK. By use of temperature dependent electrical resistivity, magnetic\nsusceptibility, X-ray diffraction, Mossbauer spectroscopy and nuclear magnetic\nresonance measurements we have been able to demonstrate that the transition\ntemperature can be reduced in a monotonic fashion by varying the annealing /\nquenching temperature from 400 to 850 C with the low temperature state\nremaining antiferromagnetic for transition temperatures larger than 100 K and\nbecoming collapsed tetragonal / non-magnetic for transition temperatures below\n90 K. This suppression of the orthorhombic / antiferromagnetic phase transition\nand its ultimate replacement with the collapsed tetragonal / non-magnetic phase\nis similar to what has been observed for CaFe2As2 under hydrostatic pressure.\nTransmission electron microscopy studies indicate that there is a temperature\ndependent, width of formation of CaFe2As2 with a decreasing amount of excess Fe\nand As being soluble in the single crystal at lower annealing temperatures. For\nsamples quenched from 960 C there is a fine (of order 10 nm), semi-uniform\ndistribution of precipitate that can be associated with an average strain field\nwhereas for samples annealed at 400 C the excess Fe and As form mesoscopic\ngrains that induce little strain throughout the CaFe2As2 lattice.", "category": "cond-mat_supr-con" }, { "text": "Phase fluctuations and the pseudogap in YBa2Cu3Ox: The thermodynamics of the superconducting transition is studied as a function\nof doping using high-resolution expansivity data of YBa2Cu3Ox single crystals\nand Monte-Carlo simulations of the anisotropic 3D-XY model. We directly show\nthat Tc of underdoped YBa2Cu3Ox is strongly suppressed from its mean-field\nvalue (Tc-MF) by phase fluctuations of the superconducting order parameter. For\noverdoped YBa2Cu3Ox fluctuation effects are greatly reduced and Tc ~ Tc-MF . We\nfind that Tc-MF exhibits a similar doping dependence as the pseudogap energy,\nnaturally suggesting that the pseudogap arises from phase-incoherent Cooper\npairing.", "category": "cond-mat_supr-con" }, { "text": "Surface density of states of s+-wave Cooper pairs in a two-band model: We calculate surface density of state (SDOS) of s+-wave Cooper pair in\ntwo-band superconductor model, where gap functions have different signs between\ntwo bands. We find that Andreev bound state appears at surface due to the sign\nchange in the gap function in the interband quasiparticle scattering. However,\nwe do not obtain the zero-energy peak of SDOS in contrast to the d-wave case.\nThe tunneling spectroscopy of s+-wave is much more complex as compared to the\nd-wave case realized in high-Tc cuprates.", "category": "cond-mat_supr-con" }, { "text": "The effect of {11}^B substitution on the superconductivity in MgCNi3: The crystal structure of boron doped superconducting\nMgC_{1-x}{11}^B_{x}Ni_{3}, studied by powder neutron diffraction, is reported.\nThe solubility limit of boron is determined to be approximately x=0.16. The\nunit cell expands from a = 3.81089(2) to 3.81966(2) Angstroms as x increases\nfrom x=0 to x=0.155. Boron ({11}^B) doping decreases Tc with increasing x: from\n7.09K (x=0) to 6.44K (x=0.155).", "category": "cond-mat_supr-con" }, { "text": "First-Order Reorientation of the Flux-Line Lattice in CaAlSi: The flux line lattice in CaAlSi has been studied by small angle neutron\nscattering. A well defined hexagonal flux line lattice is seen just above Hc1\nin an applied field of only 54 Oe. A 30 degree reorientation of this vortex\nlattice has been observed in a very low field of 200 Oe. This reorientation\ntransition appears to be of first-order and could be explained by non-local\neffects. The magnetic field dependence of the form factor is well described by\na single penetration depth of 1496(1) angstroms and a single coherence length\nof 307(1) angstroms at 2 K. At 1.5 K the penetration depth anisotropy is 2.7(1)\nwith the field applied perpendicular to the c axis and agrees with the\ncoherence length anisotropy determined from critical field measurements.", "category": "cond-mat_supr-con" }, { "text": "Superconductivity in cuprates governed by topological constraints: The remarkable universality of the cuprate $T_c$ dome suggests a very\nfundamental unifying principle. Moreover, the superconducting gap is known to\npersist above $T_c$ in the pseudogap phase of all cuprates. So, contrary to\nBCS, the gap cannot be the order parameter of the transition.\n In this work, we show that both the $T_c$-dome and the pseudogap line\n$T^*(p)$ arise from a unique and identifiable principle: the interaction of\nlocalized `pairons' on an antiferromagnetic square lattice. The topological\nconstraints on such preformed pairons give rise to both the $T_c$ dome and the\npairing energy {\\it simultaneously}. It also provides a natural explanation for\nthe critical doping points of the phase diagram.\n The model matches perfectly both the $T^*$ and $T_c$ experimental lines, with\nonly one adjustable parameter.", "category": "cond-mat_supr-con" }, { "text": "Optical phonons along the c axis of YBa_2Cu_3O_{6+x}, for x=0.5 -> 0.95: The c-axis polarized phonon spectra of single crystals of YBCO_{6+x} have\nbeen measured for the doping range x=0.5 -> 0.95, between 10 K and 300 K. The\nlow background electronic conductivity, determined by Kramers-Kronig analysis\nof the reflectance, leads to a rich phonon structure. With decreased doping the\nfive normally-active B_{1u} modes broaden and the high-frequency apical oxygen\nmode splits into two components. We associate the higher of these with the\ntwo-fold coordinated copper-oxygen sticks. The 155 cm^{-1} low-frequency mode,\nwhich involves the apical and chain-oxygens, splits into at least three\ncomponents with decreasing doping. Some phonon anomalies which occur near T_c\nin the highly-doped material occur well above T_c in the oxygen-reduced\nsystems. An unusual broad phonon band develops in the normal state at approx\n400 cm^{-1}, which becomes more intense at low doping and low temperatures,\nborrowing oscillator strength from apical and plane oxygen modes resulting in a\nmajor transformation of the phonon spectrum below approx 150 K.", "category": "cond-mat_supr-con" }, { "text": "Phase transition in a chain of quantum vortices: We consider interacting vortices in a quasi-one-dimensional array of\nJosephson junctions with small capacitance. If the charging energy of a\njunction is of the order of the Josephson energy, the fluctuations of the\nsuperconducting order parameter in the system are considerable, and the\nvortices behave as quantum particles. Their density may be tuned by an external\nmagnetic field, and therefore one can control the commensurability of the\none-dimensional vortex lattice with the lattice of Josephson junctions. We show\nthat the interplay between the quantum nature of a vortex, and the long-range\ninteraction between the vortices leads to the existence of a specific\ncommensurate-incommensurate transition in a one-dimensional vortex lattice. In\nthe commensurate phase an elementary excitation is a soliton, with energy\nseparated from the ground state by a finite gap. This gap vanishes in the\nincommensurate phase. Each soliton carries a fraction of a flux quantum; the\npropagation of solitons leads to a finite resistance of the array. We find the\ndependence of the resistance activation energy on the magnetic field and\nparameters of the Josephson array. This energy consists of the above-mentioned\ngap, and also of a boundary pinning term, which is different in the\ncommensurate and incommensurate phases. The developed theory allows us to\nexplain quantitatively the available experimental data.", "category": "cond-mat_supr-con" }, { "text": "Multiple optical gaps and laser with magnonic pumping in 2D Ising\n superconductors: Ising superconductivity has been recently discovered in 2D transition metal\ndichalcogenides. We report that such superconductors have unusual optical\nproperties controlled by the in-plane Zeeman field. First, we find several\noptical gaps visible as peaks of the conductivity and the Raman susceptibility.\nMoreover, we find that the Ising spin splitting in the spectrum of Bogolubov\nquasiparticles enables strong population inversion generated by the\ntime-dependent Zeeman field. Ultimately this leads to the possibility of the\nsuperconducting laser with magnonic pumping which can be realized in the van\nder Waals structures consisting of the Ising superconductor and the\nferromagnetic insulator layers.", "category": "cond-mat_supr-con" }, { "text": "Eliashberg theory for spin-fluctuations mediated superconductivity --\n Application to bulk and monolayer FeSe: We present a novel method for embedding spin and charge fluctuations in an\nanisotropic, multi-band and full-bandwidth Eliashberg treatment of\nsuperconductivity. Our analytical framework, based on the random phase\napproximation, allows for a selfconsistent calculation of material specific\ncharacteristics in the interacting, and more specifically, the superconducting\nstate. We apply this approach to bulk FeSe as representative for the iron-based\nsuperconductors and successfully solve for the superconducting transition\ntemperature $T_c$, the gap symmetry and the gap magnitude. We obtain $T_c\n\\approx 6$ K, consistent with experiment ($T_c \\approx 8$ K), as well as other\nquantities in good agreement with experimental observations, thus supporting\nspin fluctuations mediated pairing in bulk FeSe. On the contrary, applying our\napproach to monolayer FeSe on SrTiO$_3$ we find that spin fluctuations within\nthe full Eliashberg framework give a $d$-wave gap with $T_c\\le 11$ K and\ntherefore cannot provide an explanation for a critical temperature as high as\nobserved experimentally ($T_c \\approx 70$ K). Our results hence point towards\ninterfacial electron-phonon coupling as the dominant Cooper pairing mediator in\nthis system.", "category": "cond-mat_supr-con" }, { "text": "Microwave properties of YBa$_2$Cu$_3$O$_{7-\u03b4}$ films with BaZrO$_3$\n nanoinclusions: We present measurements of the microwave complex surface impedance at 47.7\nGHz in YBa$_2$Cu$_3$O$_{7-\\delta}$ (YBCO) films deposited by pulsed laser\ndeposition with the explicit goal to introduce BaZrO$_3$ (BZO) nanoinclusions.\nComposite targets obtained by addition of BZO powder in molar percents ranging\nfrom 2.5 to 7 mol.% have been prepared and characterized. Measurements of the\nmicrowave surface impedance indicate a broadened transition in zero field,\nhowever compensated by a very large pinning frequency, indicating that while\nintergrain properties are still to be optimized the effect of nanometric\ninclusions substantially enhances the intragrain vortex pinning.", "category": "cond-mat_supr-con" }, { "text": "Pseudogap and Amplitude Fluctuations in High Temperature Superconductors: Amplitude fluctuations of the pairing field are responsible together with\nphase fluctuations for the pseudogap phenomena in high temperature\nsuperconductors. Here we present the more detailed theory of the amplitude and\nphase fluctuations approach in the framework of a fermionic pairing model. New\nexperimental comparisons are presented for the specific heat of the curprate\nLSCO confirming the generality of this phenomenological approach. The strong\ndecrease of amplitude fluctuations near optimal doping induces the illusion of\na \"quantum critical point\", which in fact does not exist since the pseudogap\nenergy scale is always different from zero even in the overdoped regime.", "category": "cond-mat_supr-con" }, { "text": "Soliton induced critical current oscillations in two-band\n superconducting bridges: Using time-dependent Ginzburg-Landau theory we find oscillations of critical\ncurrent density $j_c$ as a function of the length $L$ of the bridge formed from\ntwo-band superconductor. We explain this effect by appearance of the phase\nsolitons in the bridge at $j1200$. We show that the superfluid density at low\ntemperatures exhibits a strong linear-in-temperature dependence which implies\nthat there are line nodes in the energy gap on the large zone-centered hole\nsheets. The results indicate that KFe$_2$As$_2$ is an unconventional\nsuperconductor with strong electron correlations.", "category": "cond-mat_supr-con" }, { "text": "Superconductivity with angular dependent coupling: stripes, Coulomb\n repulsion and enhanced Tc: We have analysed the effect of intrinsic doping inhomogeneity and the\npresence of stripes in high-T_c superconductors on coupling \\lambda by using a\nsimple analytically solvable model with an angular dependent \\lambda (\\phi)\nrepresented by a square-well form. We have found that the introduction of the\nCoulomb repulsion \\lambda_C, increasing the ''contrast'' | \\lambda | + |\n\\lambda_C |, or the depth of the angular modulation of \\lambda (\\phi), leads to\na remarkable enhancement of T_c. This effect can be optimized by combining\nattractive (\\lambda <0) and repulsive (\\lambda >0) interactions along stripes\nand perpendicular to them.", "category": "cond-mat_supr-con" }, { "text": "The Fulde-Ferrell-Larkin-Ovchinnikov state in pnictides: Fe-based superconductors (FeSC) exhibit all the properties of systems that\nallow the formation of a superconducting phase with oscillating order\nparameter, called the Fulde--Ferrell--Larkin--Ovchinnikov (FFLO) phase. By the\nanalysis of the Cooper pair susceptibility in two-band FeSC, such systems are\nshown to support the existence of a FFLO phase, regardless of the exhibited\norder parameter symmetry. We also show the state with nonzero Cooper pair\nmomentum, in superconducting FeSC with $\\sim \\cos(k_{x}) \\cdot \\cos (k_{y})$\nsymmetry, to be the ground state of the system in a certain parameter range.", "category": "cond-mat_supr-con" }, { "text": "Optical determination of the superconducting energy gap in\n electron-doped Pr_{1.85}Ce_{0.15}CuO_4: The optical properties of single crystal Pr_{1.85}Ce_{0.15}CuO_4 have been\nmeasured over a wide frequency range above and below the critical temperature\n(T_c \\simeq 20 K). In the normal state the coherent part of the conductivity is\ndescribed by the Drude model, from which the scattering rate just above T_c is\ndetermined to be 1/\\tau \\simeq 80 cm^{-1}. The condition that \\hbar/\\tau\n\\approx 2k_B T near T_c appears to be a general result in many of the cuprate\nsuperconductors. Below T_c the formation of a superconducting energy gap is\nclearly visible in the reflectance, from which the gap maximum is estimated to\nbe \\Delta_0 \\simeq 35 cm^{-1} (4.3 meV). The ability to observe the\nsuperconducting energy gap in the optical properties favors the nonmonotonic\nover the monotonic description of the d-wave gap. The penetration depth for\nT\\ll T_c is \\lambda \\simeq 2000 \\AA, which when taken with the estimated value\nfor the dc conductivity just above T_c of \\sigma_{dc} \\simeq 35 \\times 10^3\n\\Omega^{-1}cm^{-1} places this material on the general scaling line for the\ncuprates defined by 1/\\lambda^2 \\propto \\sigma_{dc}(T\\simeq T_c) \\times T_c.\nThis result is consistent with the observation that 1/\\tau \\approx 2\\Delta_0,\nwhich implies that the material is not in the clean limit.", "category": "cond-mat_supr-con" }, { "text": "Evidence of Strong Correlations and Coherence-Incoherence Crossover in\n the Iron Pnictide Superconductor KFe2As2: Using resistivity, heat-capacity, thermal-expansion, and susceptibility\nmeasurements we study the normal-state behavior of KFe2As2. We find that both\nthe Sommerfeld coefficient gamma = 103 mJ mol-1 K-2 and the Pauli\nsusceptibility chi = 4x10-4 are strongly enhanced, which confirm the existence\nof heavy quasiparticles inferred from previous de Haas-van Alphen and ARPES\nexperiments. We discuss this large enhancement using a Gutzwiller slave-boson\nmean-field calculation, which reveals the proximity of KFe2As2 to an\norbital-selective Mott transition. The temperature dependence of the magnetic\nsusceptibility and the thermal expansion provide strong experimental evidence\nfor the existence of a coherence-incoherence crossover, similar to what is\nfound in heavy fermion and ruthenate compounds, due to Hund's coupling between\norbitals.", "category": "cond-mat_supr-con" }, { "text": "Magnetoresistance and Hall effect in e-doped superconducting SrLaCuO\n thin films: We have epitaxially grown c-axis oriented SrxLa1-xCuO2 thin films by rf\nsputtering on KTaO3 substrates with x = 0.12. The as-grown deposits are\ninsulating and a series of superconducting films with various Tc(R=0) up to 26\nK have been obtained by in-situ oxygen reduction. Transport measurements in the\nab plane of these samples have been undertaken. We report original results on\nthe temperature dependence of the Hall effect and on the anisotropic\nmagnetoresistance (T > Tc). We discuss the magnitude of upper critical fields\nand anisotropy, the Hall effect, which presents changes of sign indicative of\nthe existence of two types of carriers, the normal state magnetoresistance,\nnegative in parallel magnetic field, a possible signature of spin scattering.\nThese properties are compared to those of hole-doped cuprates, such as\nBiSr(La)CuO with comparable Tc.", "category": "cond-mat_supr-con" }, { "text": "d-Wave superconductivity on the checkerboard Hubbard model at weak and\n strong coupling: It has been argued that inhomogeneity generally can enhance superconductivity\nin the cuprate high-Tc materials. To check the validity of this claim, we study\nd-wave superconductivity on the checkerboard Hubbard model on a square lattice\nusing the Cellular Dynamical Mean Field theory method with an exact\ndiagonalization solver at zero temperature. The d-wave order parameter is\ncomputed for various inhomogeneity levels over the entire doping range of\ninterest in both strong and weak coupling regimes. At a given doping, the size\nof the d-wave order parameter manifests itself directly in the height of the\ncoherence peaks and hence is an appropriate measure of the strength of\nsuperconductivity. The weak coupling results reveal a suppression of the order\nparameter in the presence of inhomogeneity for small to intermediate hole\ndopings, while it is enhanced for large dopings. In contrast, for strong\ncoupling there is a monotonic decrease in the maximum amplitude of the\nsuperconducting order parameter with inhomogeneity over the entire doping range\nof interest. Furthermore, at moderately high inhomogeneity, the system\nundergoes a first-order transition from the superconducting to the normal state\nin the underdoped regime. In the overdoped regime, the change in the value of\nthe superconducting order parameter correlates with the height of the lowest\nenergy peak in the spectral weight of antiferromagnetic spin fluctuations,\nconfirming the connection between antiferromagnetic fluctuations and d-wave\nsuperconductivity found in earlier studies on the homogeneous case. Our results\nare benchmarked by comparisons with numerically exact results on the\ncheckerboard Hubbard ladder.", "category": "cond-mat_supr-con" }, { "text": "Imaging Flux Vortices in MgB2 using Transmission Electron Microscopy: We report the successful imaging of flux vortices in single crystal MgB2\nusing transmission electron microscopy. The specimen was thinned to electron\ntransparency (350 nm thickness) by focussed ion beam milling. An artefact of\nthe thinning process was the production of longitudinal thickness undulations\nof height 1-2 nm in the sample which acted as pinning sites due to the energy\nrequired for the vortices to cross them. These had a profound effect on the\npatterns of vortex order observed which we examine here.\n Supplementary information can be downloaded from\nhttp://www-hrem.msm.cam.ac.uk/people/loudon/#publications", "category": "cond-mat_supr-con" }, { "text": "Iron-based superconductors: teenage, complex, challenging: The advent of iron-based superconductors in 2008 came as a complete surprise\nto the condensed matter community. Now 15 years later, they are beginning to\nimpart some of their new-found wisdom on a slew of emerging superconductors\nthat boast similar traits.", "category": "cond-mat_supr-con" }, { "text": "Point-contact spectroscopy of superconductors in the nonequilibrium\n state: A phase transition of the region of the superconductor near the point contact\ninto a new nonequi- librium state at the critical density of\nnonequilibriumquasiparticles is observed.", "category": "cond-mat_supr-con" }, { "text": "Oxygen adsorption induced superconductivity in ultrathin FeTe film on\n SrTiO3(001): The phenomenon of oxygen incorporation induced superconductivity in iron\ntelluride (Fe1+yTe, with antiferromagnetic (AFM) orders) is intriguing and\nquite different from the case of FeSe. Until now, the microscopic origin of the\ninduced superconductivity and the role of oxygen are far from clear. Here, by\ncombining in-situ scanning tunneling microscopy/spectroscopy (STM/STS) and\nx-ray photoemission spectroscopy (XPS) on oxygenated FeTe, we found physically\nadsorbed O2 molecules crystallized into c(2/3x2) structure as an oxygen\noverlayer at low temperature, which was vital for superconductivity. The O2\noverlayer were not epitaxial on the FeTe lattice, which implied weak O2-FeTe\ninteraction but strong molecular interactions. Energy shift observed in the STS\nand XPS measurements indicated hole doping effect from the O2 overlayer to the\nFeTe layer, leading to a superconducting gap of 4.5 meV opened across the Fermi\nlevel. Our direct microscopic probe clarified the role of oxygen on FeTe and\nemphasized the importance of charge transfer effect to induce superconductivity\nin iron-chalcogenide thin films.", "category": "cond-mat_supr-con" }, { "text": "Prediction of superconducting properties of materials based on machine\n learning models: The application of superconducting materials is becoming more and more\nwidespread. Traditionally, the discovery of new superconducting materials\nrelies on the experience of experts and a large number of \"trial and error\"\nexperiments, which not only increases the cost of experiments but also prolongs\nthe period of discovering new superconducting materials. In recent years,\nmachine learning has been increasingly applied to materials science. Based on\nthis, this manuscript proposes the use of XGBoost model to identify\nsuperconductors; the first application of deep forest model to predict the\ncritical temperature of superconductors; the first application of deep forest\nto predict the band gap of materials; and application of a new sub-network\nmodel to predict the Fermi energy level of materials. Compared with our known\nsimilar literature, all the above algorithms reach state-of-the-art. Finally,\nthis manuscript uses the above models to search the COD public dataset and\nidentify 50 candidate superconducting materials with possible critical\ntemperature greater than 90 K.", "category": "cond-mat_supr-con" }, { "text": "Field-angle dependence reveals odd-parity superconductivity in\n CeRh$_2$As$_2$: CeRh$_2$As$_2$ is an unconventional superconductor with multiple\nsuperconducting phases and $T_\\mathrm{c} = 0.26$ K. When $H\\parallel c$, it\nshows a field-induced transition at $\\mu_0H^* = 4$ T from a low-field\nsuperconducting state SC1 to a high-field state SC2 with a large critical field\nof $\\mu_0H_\\mathrm{c2} = 14$ T. In contrast, for $H\\perp c$, only the SC1 with\n$\\mu_0H_\\mathrm{c2} = 2$ T is observed. A simple model based on the crystal\nsymmetry was able to reproduce the phase-diagrams and their anisotropy,\nidentifying SC1 and SC2 with even and odd parity superconducting states,\nrespectively. However, additional orders were observed in the normal state\nwhich might have an influence on the change of the superconducting state at\n$H^*$. Here, we present a comprehensive study of the angle dependence of the\nupper critical fields using magnetic ac-susceptibility, specific heat and\ntorque on single crystals of CeRh$_2$As$_2$. The experiments show that the\nstate SC2 is strongly suppressed when rotating the magnetic field away from the\n$c$ axis and it disappears for an angle of 35$^{\\circ}$. This behavior agrees\nperfectly with our extended model of a pseudospin triplet state with $\\vec{d}$\nvector in the plane and hence allows to nail down that SC2 is indeed the\nsuggested odd-parity state.", "category": "cond-mat_supr-con" }, { "text": "Robust topological superconductivity in spin-orbit coupled systems at\n higher-order van Hove filling: Van Hove singularities (VHSs) in proximity to the Fermi level promote\nelectronic interactions and generate diverse competing instabilities. It is\nalso known that a nontrivial Berry phase derived from spin-orbit coupling (SOC)\ncan introduce an intriguing decoration into the interactions and thus alter\ncorrelated phenomena. However, it is unclear how and what type of new physics\ncan emerge in a system featured by the interplay between VHSs and the Berry\nphase. Here, based on a general Rashba model on the square lattice, we\ncomprehensively explore such an interplay and its significant influence on the\ncompeting electronic instabilities by performing a parquet renormalization\ngroup analysis. Despite the existence of a variety of comparable fluctuations\nin the particle-particle and particle-hole channels associated with\nhigher-order VHSs, we find that the chiral $p \\pm ip$ pairings emerge as two\nstable fixed trajectories within the generic interaction parameter space,\nnamely the system becomes a robust topological superconductor. The chiral\npairings stem from the hopping interaction induced by the nontrivial Berry\nphase. The possible experimental realization and implications are discussed.\nOur work sheds new light on the correlated states in quantum materials with\nstrong SOC and offers fresh insights into the exploration of topological\nsuperconductivity.", "category": "cond-mat_supr-con" }, { "text": "Microwave spectroscopy of Majorana vortex modes: The observation of zero-bias conductance peaks in vortex cores of certain\nFe-based superconductors has sparked renewed interest in vortex-bound Majorana\nstates. These materials are believed to be intrinsically topological in their\nbulk phase, thus avoiding potentially problematic interface physics encountered\nin superconductor-semiconductor heterostructures. However, progress toward a\nvortex-based topological qubit is hindered by our inability to measure the\ntopological quantum state of a non-local vortex Majorana state, i.e., the\ncharge of a vortex pair. In this paper, we theoretically propose a\nmicrowave-based charge parity readout of the Majorana vortex pair charge. A\nmicrowave resonator above the vortices can couple to the charge allowing for a\ndispersive readout of the Majorana parity. Our technique may also be used in\nvortices in conventional superconductors and allows one to probe the lifetime\nof vortex-bound quasiparticles, which is currently beyond existing scanning\ntunneling microscopy capabilities.", "category": "cond-mat_supr-con" }, { "text": "Microscopic derivation of Ginzburg-Landau equations for coexistent\n states of superconductivity and magnetism: Ginzburg-Landau (GL) equations for the coexistent states of superconductivity\nand magnetism are derived microscopically from the extended Hubbard model with\non-site repulsive and nearest-neighbor attractive interactions. In the derived\nGL free energy a cubic term that couples the spin-singlet and spin-triplet\ncomponents of superconducting order parameters (SCOP) with magnetization\nexists. This term gives rise to a spin-triplet SCOP near the interface between\na spin-singlet superconductor and a ferromagnet, consistent with previous\ntheoretical studies based on the Bogoliubov de Gennes method and the\nquasiclassical Green's function theory. In coexistent states of singlet\nsuperconductivity and antiferromagnetism it leads to the occurrence of\npi-triplet SCOPs.", "category": "cond-mat_supr-con" }, { "text": "Induced unconventional superconductivity on the surface states of\n Bi$_2$Te$_3$ topological insulator: Topological superconductivity is central to a variety of novel phenomena\ninvolving the interplay between topologically ordered phases and\nbroken-symmetry states. The key ingredient is an unconventional order\nparameter, with an orbital component containing a chiral $p_x$ + i$p_y$ wave\nterm. Here we present phase-sensitive measurements, based on the quantum\ninterference in nanoscale Josephson junctions, realized by using Bi$_2$Te$_3$\ntopological insulator. We demonstrate that the induced superconductivity is\nunconventional and consistent with a sign-changing order parameter, such as a\nchiral $p_x$ + i$p_y$ component. The magnetic field pattern of the junctions\nshows a dip at zero externally applied magnetic field, which is an\nincontrovertible signature of the simultaneous existence of 0 and $\\pi$\ncoupling within the junction, inherent to a non trivial order parameter phase.\nThe nano-textured morphology of the Bi$_2$Te$_3$ flakes, and the dramatic role\nplayed by thermal strain are the surprising key factors for the display of an\nunconventional induced order parameter.", "category": "cond-mat_supr-con" }, { "text": "Noise Performance of Lumped Element Direct Current Superconducting\n Quantum Interference Device Amplifiers in the 4 GHz-8 GHz Range: We report on the noise of a lumped element Direct Current Superconducting\nQuantum Interference Device amplifier. We show that the noise temperature in\nthe 4 GHz-8 GHz range over ranges of 10's of MHz is below 1 kelvin (three\nphotons of added noise), characterize the overall behavior of the noise as a\nfunction of bias parameters, and discuss potential mechanisms which determine\nthe noise performance in this amplifier. We show that this device can provide\nmore than a factor of 10 improvement in practical system noise over existing\nphase-preserving microwave measurement systems in this frequency band.", "category": "cond-mat_supr-con" }, { "text": "Ambient Temperature Growth and Superconducting Properties of Ti-V Alloy\n Thin Films: A study on the optimization of ambient temperature growth and superconducting\nproperties of Ti-V alloy thin films grown on SiO2-coated Si substrate is\nreported here. These films have been synthesized by co-sputtering of Ti and V\ntargets, and films having different Ti concentrations were deposited to get the\noptimized critical temperature (TC) of thin films close to the bulk value. The\nmaximum TC of 5.2 K has been obtained in the Ti40V60 composition, which is\nfurther increased to 6.2 K when a 10 nm thick Ti underlayer is added below the\nTi-V film. GIXRD measurements confirm the formation of Ti-V alloys in the\ndesired crystal structure. The upper critical field (HC2) of the thin films has\nbeen estimated with the help of magnetotransport measurements. The utility of\nTi-V alloy thin films in superconducting radiation detection applications is\nascertained.", "category": "cond-mat_supr-con" }, { "text": "Impact of nonlocal electrodynamics on flux noise and inductance of\n superconducting wires: We present exact numerical calculations of supercurrent density, inductance,\nand impurity-induced flux noise of cylindrical superconducting wires in the\nnonlocal Pippard regime, which occurs when the Pippard coherence length is\nlarger than the London penetration depth. In this regime the supercurrent\ndensity displays a peak away from the surface, and changes sign inside the\nsuperconductor, signalling a breakdown of the usual approximation of local\nLondon electrodynamics with a renormalized penetration depth. Our calculations\nshow that the internal inductance and the bulk flux noise power is enhanced in\nnonlocal superconductors. In contrast, the kinetic inductance is reduced and\nthe surface flux noise remains the same. As a result, impurity spins in the\nbulk may dominate the flux noise in superconducting qubits in the Pippard\nregime, such as the ones using aluminum superconductors with large electron\nmean free path.", "category": "cond-mat_supr-con" }, { "text": "Imaging Local Sources of Intermodulation in Superconducting Microwave\n Devices: This work presents new experimental results on low-temperature (LT)\ncharacterization of local rf properties of passive superconducting (SC)\nmicrowave devices using a novel Laser Scanning Microscope (LSM). In this\ntechnique, a modulated laser beam is focused onto and scanned over the surface\nof a resonant SC device to probe the spatial distribution of rf current. The\nhighly localized photo-induced change of the kinetic inductance of the SC\ndevice produces both a shift of the resonant frequency f_0 and change of the\nquality factor Q. An image of these changes is recorded as the laser spot is\nscanned over the device. We present the first measurements of spatially\nresolved intermodulation response in a High Temperature Superconducting (HTS)\nco-planar waveguide resonator, opening up a new window into the local origins\nof nonlinearity in the HTS materials.", "category": "cond-mat_supr-con" }, { "text": "Room temperature Peierls distortion in small radius nanotubes: By means of {\\it ab initio} simulations, we investigate the phonon band\nstructure and electron-phonon coupling in small 4-\\AA diameter nanotubes. We\nshow that both the C(5,0) and C(3,3) tubes undergo above room temperature a\nPeierls transition mediated by an acoustical long-wavelength and an optical\n$q=2k_F$ phonons respectively. In the armchair geometry, we verify that the\nelectron-phonon coupling parameter $\\lambda$ originates mainly from phonons at\n$q=2k_F$ and is strongly enhanced when the diameter decreases. These results\nquestion the origin of superconductivity in small diameter nanotubes.", "category": "cond-mat_supr-con" }, { "text": "A new kind of vortex pinning in superconductor / ferromagnet\n nanocomposites: This paper reports the observation of hysteresis in the vortex pinning in a\nsuperconductor / ferromagnetic epitaxial nanocomposite consisting of fcc Gd\nparticles incorporated in a Nb matrix. We show that this hysteretic pinning is\nassociated with magnetic reversal losses in the Gd particles and is\nfundamentally different in origin to pinning interactions previously observed\nfor ferromagnetic particles or other microstructural features.", "category": "cond-mat_supr-con" }, { "text": "The effects of Zn Impurity on the Properties of Doped Cuprates in the\n Normal State: We study the interplay of quantum impurity, and collective spinon and holon\ndynamics in Zn doped high-T$_c$ cuprates in the normal state. The\ntwo-dimensional t-t$^{\\prime}$-J models with one and a small amount of Zn\nimpurity are investigated within a numerical method based on the double-time\nGreen function theory. We study the inhomogeneities of holon density and\nantiferromagnetic correlation background in cases with different Zn\nconcentrations, and obtain that doped holes tend to assemble around the Zn\nimpurity with their mobility being reduced. Therefore a bound state of holon is\nformed around the nonmagnetic Zn impurity with the effect helping Zn to\nintroduce local antiferromagnetism around itself. The incommensurate peaks we\nobtained in the spin structure factor indicate that Zn impurities have effects\non mixing the q=($\\pi$, $\\pi$) and q=0 components in spin excitations.", "category": "cond-mat_supr-con" }, { "text": "Odd triplet superconductivity in clean and moderately disordered SFFS\n junctions: We study the Josephson effect and pairing correlations in SFFS junctions that\nconsist of conventional superconductors (S) connected through two metallic\nmonodomain ferromagnets (F) with transparent and spin inactive interfaces. We\nsolve the Eilenberger equations for arbitrary relative orientation of\nmagnetizations of the two F layers in the clean limit and for moderate disorder\nin ferromagnets. Spatial variation of pair amplitudes, singlet $f_s$, and odd\nin frequency triplet $f_{t0}$ and $f_{t1}$, with 0 and $\\pm1$ spin projections,\nas well as the Josephson current-phase relations are calculated for different\nvalues of the ferromagnetic layers thickness and angle $\\alpha$ between\nin-plane magnetizations. In contrast to the dirty limit case, we find that for\n$0<\\alpha<\\pi$ both spin singlet and triplet pair amplitudes in F layers\npower-law decay in the same oscillatory manner with distance from the FS\ninterfaces. This decay gets faster as the impurity-scattering rate in\nferromagnets is increased. The computed triplet amplitude $f_{t1}$ has opposite\nsigns in the two magnet regions, penetrates into the superconductors and\nmonotonically decays over the same distance, which is the superconducting\ncoherence length, as the singlet amplitude $f_s$ saturates to the bulk value.\nWe point out that influence of misorientation of magnetizations on the\nJosephson current can not be attributed directly to the appearance of odd\ntriplet correlations.", "category": "cond-mat_supr-con" }, { "text": "Double-dome superconductivity under pressure in the V-based Kagome\n metals AV3Sb5 (A = Rb and K): We present high-pressure electrical transport measurements on the newly\ndiscovered V-based superconductors $A$V$_3$Sb$_5$ ($A$ = Rb and K), which have\nan ideal Kagome lattice of vanadium. Two superconducting domes under pressure\nare observed in both compounds, as previously observed in their sister compound\nCsV$_3$Sb$_5$. For RbV$_3$Sb$_5$, the $T_c$ increases from 0.93 K at ambient\npressure to the maximum of 4.15 K at 0.38 GPa in the first dome. The second\nsuperconducting dome has the highest $T_c$ of 1.57 K at 28.8 GPa. KV$_3$Sb$_5$\ndisplays a similar double-dome phase diagram, however, its two maximum $T_c$s\nare lower, and the $T_c$ drops faster in the second dome than RbV$_3$Sb$_5$. An\nintegrated temperature-pressure phase diagram of $A$V$_3$Sb$_5$ ($A$ = Cs, Rb\nand K) is constructed, showing that the ionic radius of the intercalated\nalkali-metal atoms has a significant effect. Our work demonstrates that\ndouble-dome superconductivity under pressure is a common feature of these\nV-based Kagome metals.", "category": "cond-mat_supr-con" }, { "text": "Numerical extension of the power law Jc(B) to zero field in thin\n superconducting films: Numerical simulations of the current and field distribution in thin\nsuperconducting films are carried out for a given material law Jc(B) and as a\nfunction of the applied field H, taking the sample's self-field into account.\nThe dependence of the critical current density on the applied field Jc(H) is\ncomputed for comparison with experiment, considering the geometry of transport\nmeasurements.\n We show that extrapolating the high field power law Jc \\propto B^{-\\alpha} to\nthe lowest fields results in a finite critical current at zero applied field\nJc(H=0), despite the singularity of Jc(B). Moreover, particular features of the\nexperiment, such as a low field plateau in Jc(H), are reproduced and found to\nbe determined by the self-field.", "category": "cond-mat_supr-con" }, { "text": "Impact of the transport supercurrent on the Josephson effect: We study the weak link between current-carrying superconductors, both\nconventional and d-wave. The state of the system is controlled by two\nparameters: the order parameter phase difference $\\phi$ and the superfluid\nvelocity $v_{s}$, which parameterizes the parallel to the boundary transport\nsupercurrent which is injected externally. The low-temperature current-phase\nrelations are derived. We consider two models of weak links: a constriction\nbetween two conventional superconductors and a plane boundary between two\ndifferently orientated d-wave superconductors. We show that for some relation\nbetween $\\phi $ and $v_{s}$ quasiparticles create the current along the\nboundary which flows in the direction opposite to the transport supercurrent.", "category": "cond-mat_supr-con" }, { "text": "An attempt at a resonating mean-field theoretical description of thermal\n behavior of two-gap superconductivity: The resonating mean-field theory (Res-MFT) has been applied and shown to\neffectively describe two-gap superconductivity (SC). Particularly at T=0 using\na suitable chemical potential, the two-gap SC in MgB2 has been well described\nby the Res-Hartree-Bogoliubov theory (Res-HBT). The Res-HB ground state\ngenerated with HB wave functions almost exhausts the ground-state correlation\nenergy in all the correlation regimes. In this paper we make an attempt at a\nRes-MF theoretical description of thermal behavior of the two-gap SC. In an\nenergy-gap case we find a new formula leading to a higher Tc than the Tc of the\nusual HB formula.", "category": "cond-mat_supr-con" }, { "text": "Diboride compounds doped with transition metals$\\unicode{x2013}$a route\n to superconductivity through structure stabilization as well as defects: Recent investigations into MoB$_{2}$ have unveiled a direct connection\nbetween a pressure-induced structural transition to a P6/mmm space group\nstructure and the emergence of superconductivity, producing critical\ntemperatures up to 32 K at 100 GPa. This pressure-induced superconducting state\nunderscores the potential of doped MoB$_{2}$ as a possible candidate for\nmetastable superconductivity at ambient pressure. In this work, we demonstrate\nthat doping by Zr, Hf, or Ta stabilizes the P6/mmm structure at ambient\npressure and results in the realization of a superconducting state with\ncritical temperatures ranging from 2.4 up to 8.5 K depending on the specific\ndoping. We estimate the electron-phonon coupling $\\lambda$ and the density of\nstates based on resistivity and specific heat data, finding that $\\lambda$\nranges from 0.4 - 0.6 for these compounds. Finally, to investigate the role of\npossible metastable defect structures on the critical temperature, we analyze\nMoB$_{2}$, MoB$_{2.5}$, and Nb/Zr-doped MoB$_{2}$ using rapid cooling\ntechniques. Notably, splat-quenching produces samples with higher critical\ntemperatures and even retains superconductivity in MoB$_{2}$ at ambient\npressure, achieving a critical temperature of 4.5 K.", "category": "cond-mat_supr-con" }, { "text": "Phase Separation, Competition, and Volume Fraction Control in\n NaFe$_{1-x}$Co$_x$As: We report a detailed nuclear magnetic resonance (NMR) study by combined\n$^{23}$Na and $^{75}$As measurements over a broad range of doping to map the\nphase diagram of NaFe$_{1-x}$Co$_x$As. In the underdoped regime ($x \\le$\n0.017), we find a magnetic phase with robust antiferromagnetic (AFM) order,\nwhich we denote the {\\it s}-AFM phase, cohabiting with a phase of weak and\npossibly proximity-induced AFM order ({\\it w}-AFM) whose volume fraction $V\n\\simeq 8$\\% is approximately constant. Near optimal doping, at $x = 0.0175$, we\nobserve a phase separation between static antiferromagnetism related to the\n{\\it s}-AFM phase and a paramagnetic (PM) phase related to {\\it w}-AFM. The\nvolume fraction of AFM phase increases upon cooling, but both the N{\\'e}el\ntemperature and the volume fraction can be suppressed systematically by\napplying a $c$-axis magnetic field. On cooling below $T_c$, superconductivity\noccupies the PM region and its volume fraction grows at the expense of the AFM\nphase, demonstrating a phase separation of the two types of order based on\nvolume exclusion. At higher dopings, static antiferromagnetism and even\ncritical AFM fluctuations are completely suppressed by superconductivity. Thus\nthe phase diagram we establish contains two distinct types of phase separation\nand reflects a strong competition between AFM and superconducting phases both\nin real space and in momentum space. We suggest that both this strict mutual\nexclusion and the robustness of superconductivity against magnetism are\nconsequences of the extreme two-dimensionality of NaFeAs.", "category": "cond-mat_supr-con" }, { "text": "Topological superconducting phases and Josephson effect in curved\n time-reversal-invariant superconductors: We consider a Rashba spin-orbit coupled nanowire with anisotropic\nspin-singlet superconducting pairing and time-reversal-invariant symmetry. We\nexplore the evolution of the topological superconducting phases of this system\ndue to geometric deformations for the representative case of a wire bent in a\nsemielliptical shape. We find that when the system is in its topological\nsuperconducting phase, strong inhomogeneities in the profile curvature can\nproduce a pair of localized eigenmodes, which can be attributed to a nonuniform\ntopological phase. The curved geometric profile also allows to tune the spin\ncorrelations of the superconducting state via the induced inhomogeneity of the\nspin-orbit coupling (SOC). The geometric control of the superconducting pair\ncorrelations allows to manipulate the critical current in Josephson junctions\nmade up of two time reversal invariant topological superconductors separated by\na spin-orbit coupled normal metal. In particular, we find that the curvature\ninhomogeneity can be exploited for amplifying the current intensity, but also\nto generate a $0-\\pi$ transition, and a second harmonic contribution, which\ngenerates, for some specific geometric configurations, a $\\varphi$-junction\nbehavior.", "category": "cond-mat_supr-con" }, { "text": "Pressure effects on the electronic structure and magnetic properties of\n infinite-layer nickelates: Motivated by the discovery of superconductivity in infinite-layer nickelates\nRNiO$_2$ (R= rare-earth), and the subsequent enhancement of their T$_c$ with\npressure, we investigate the evolution of the electronic structure and magnetic\nproperties of this family of materials via first-principles calculations\nemploying hydrostatic and chemical pressure as tuning knobs. Overall, our\nanalysis shows that pressure tends to increase the R-$5d$ self-doping effect,\nas well as the Ni-$d _{x^{2}-y^{2}}$ bandwidth, the $e_g$ energy splitting, the\ncharge transfer energy, and the superexchange ($J$). Using the energy scale of\n$J$ as a predictor of superconducting tendencies, we anticipate that pressure\ncan indeed be a feasible means to further increase the T$_c$ in this family of\nmaterials.", "category": "cond-mat_supr-con" }, { "text": "Interplay between atomic fluctuations and charge density waves in\n La$_{2-x}$Sr$_{x}$CuO$_{4}$: In the cuprate superconductors, the spatial coherence of the charge density\nwave (CDW) state grows rapidly below a characteristic temperature\n$T_\\mathrm{CDW}$, the nature of which is debated. We have combined a set of\nx-ray scattering techniques to study La$_{1.88}$Sr$_{0.12}$CuO$_{4}$\n($T_\\mathrm{CDW}$~$\\approx$~80\\,K) to shed light on this discussion. We observe\nthe emergence of a crystal structure, which is consistent with the CDW\nmodulation in symmetry, well above $T_\\mathrm{CDW}$. This global structural\nchange also induces strong fluctuations of local atomic disorder in the\nintermediate temperature region. At $T_\\mathrm{CDW}$, the temperature\ndependence of this structure develops a kink, while the atomic disorder is\nminimized. We find that the atomic relaxation dynamics cross over from a\ncooperative to an incoherent response at $T_\\mathrm{CDW}$. These results reveal\na rich interplay between the CDWs and atomic fluctuations of distinct\nspatio-temporal scales. For example, the CDW coherence is enhanced on\nquasi-elastic timescales by incoherent atomic relaxation.", "category": "cond-mat_supr-con" }, { "text": "Compartmentalizing the cuprate strange metal: It has long been recognized that the key to unlocking the mystery of cuprate\nhigh-Tc superconductivity lies in understanding the anomalous normal state from\nwhich pairs form and condense. While many of its defining properties have been\nidentified, they are often considered either at a singular doping level or as\nan isolated phenomenon as a function of doping. As a result, their relation to\neach other and to the pseudogap (PG), strange metal (SM) and\nnon-superconducting (non-SC) regimes that define the cuprate phase diagram has\nyet to be elucidated. Here, we report a high-field in-plane MR study on several\ncuprate families spanning all 3 regimes that reveal a complex yet nonetheless\nsystematic evolution of the form of the MR, with each regime possessing its own\ndistinct scaling behavior. In the PG regime, the MR exhibits pure H/T^2 scaling\nat low fields and H-linearity at the highest field strengths. While the\nH-linearity persists inside the SM regime, the scaling changes abruptly to H/T.\nThe size of the H-linear slope, meanwhile, is found to be correlated with both\nthe T-linear resistivity coefficient and Tc, strengthening the characterization\nof the SM regime as a quantum critical phase. We interpret the omnipresence of\nH-linear MR across both regimes as a signature of highly anisotropic, possibly\ndiscontinuous features on the Fermi surface. Finally, within the non-SC,\nFermi-liquid regime, we observe a recovery of conventional Kohler scaling. This\ncomprehensive study establishes the distinct nature of the magnetotransport\nwithin each regime and identifies power-law scaling of the normal state MR as a\ndefining feature of SC hole-doped cuprates. The incompatibility of such\npower-law scaling with any known variant of Boltzmann transport theory\nmotivates the quest for an altogether new theoretical framework, one in which\nthe MR is entirely decoupled from elastic impurity scattering.", "category": "cond-mat_supr-con" }, { "text": "Violation of Kohler rule in Ta2PdTe6 and absence of same in Nb2PdS5- A\n high field magneto transport study: Here, we present the comparative study of magnetotransport properties of\nrecently discovered Ta2PdTe6 and Nb2PdS5 superconductors. The XRD and\nmagnetotransport measurements are performed on these samples to investigate\nstructure and superconducting properties as well as normal state transport\nproperties of these compounds. Both the compounds are crystallized in\nmonoclinic structure within space group C2m. Here, we observe superconductivity\nin both the compounds Ta2PdTe6 (Tc =4.4 K) and Nb2PdS5 (Tc =6.6 K). We see a\nlinear magnetoresistance in Ta2PdTe6 as well as violation of Kohler rule in\nsame compound. On the other hand, we find the absence of same in Nb2PdS5\ncompound.", "category": "cond-mat_supr-con" }, { "text": "Why the lowest Landau level approximation works in strongly type II\n superconductors: Higher than the lowest Landau level contributions to magnetization and\nspecific heat of superconductors are calculated using Ginzburg - Landau\nequations approach. Corrections to the excitation spectrum around solution of\nthese equations (treated perturbatively) are found. Due to symmetries of the\nproblem leading to numerous cancellations the range of validity of the LLL\napproximation in mean field is much wider then a naive range and extends all\nthe way down to $H = {H_{c2}(T)}/13$. Moreover the contribution of higher\nLandau levels is significantly smaller compared to LLL than expected naively.\nWe show that like the LLL part the lattice excitation spectrum at small\nquasimomenta is softer than that of usual acoustic phonons. This enhanses the\neffect of fluctuations. The mean field calculation extends to third order,\nwhile the fluctuation contribution due to HLL is to one loop. This complements\nthe earlier calculation of the LLL part to two loop order.", "category": "cond-mat_supr-con" }, { "text": "A Model to Describe Transport Properties in\n $Bi_2Sr_2(Ca_zPr_{1-z})Cu_2O_{8+y}$: A pseudo-spin model is proposed, as a means to describe some transport\nproperties (resistivity and Hall mobility) in\n$Bi_2Sr_2(Ca_zPr_{1-z})Cu_2O_{8+y}$. Our model is based in a double-well\npotential where tunneling in a given site and interaction between different\nlattice sites are allowed only through the excited states. Doping of the pure\nsystem by the addition of $Pr$ increases the ratio between the activation\nenergy and the tunneling constant. The model Hamiltonian displays some features\nwhich are present in the hydrogen-bonded ferroelectrics. Its dynamics is\ntreated in the random phase approximation and the characteristic frequency\n(time) is used in a Drude formula in order to obtain some transport properties\nof the system, namely the electric resistivity and the Hall mobility. The\nquantities calculated in this work are compared with the experimental data of\nB. Beschoten, S. Sadewasser, G. G\\\"{u}ntherodt and C. Quitmann [Phys. Rev.\nLett.77, 1837(1996)].", "category": "cond-mat_supr-con" }, { "text": "Laser beam focusing by layered superconductor tuned by DC magnetic field: We develop a theory of the propagation and focusing of the THz Gaussian laser\nbeam through the layered superconductor slab of finite thickness in the\npresence of an external DC magnetic field in a nonlinear regime. We show that,\nin this case, focusing of radiation, which results from the specific\nnonlinearity of the medium, can be flexibly tuned by the external magnetic\nfield providing a new way to control THz waves. We analytically study the main\ncharacteristics of the Gaussian beam, its waist, and the focusing distance as\nthe functions of wave frequency, amplitude, and the external magnetic field.\nThe results of analytic calculations are supported by the numerical simulation\nof the electromagnetic field distribution in the slab.", "category": "cond-mat_supr-con" }, { "text": "Strongly correlated s-wave pairing in the n-type infinite-layer cuprate: Quasiparticle tunneling spectra of the electron-doped (n-type) infinite-layer\ncuprate Sr_{0.9}La_{0.1}CuO_2 reveal characteristics that counter a number of\ncommon phenomena in the hole-doped (p-type) cuprates. The optimally doped\nSr_{0.9}La_{0.1}CuO_2 with T_c = 43 K exhibits a momentum-independent\nsuperconducting gap \\Delta = 13.0 +- 1.0 meV that substantially exceeds the BCS\nvalue, and the spectral characteristics indicate insignificant quasiparticle\ndamping by spin fluctuations and the absence of pseudogap. The response to\nquantum impurities in the Cu-sites also differs fundamentally from that of the\np-type cuprates with d_{x^2-y^2}-wave pairing symmetry.", "category": "cond-mat_supr-con" }, { "text": "Corrections to the Higgs Mode Masses in Superfluid 3He: Superfluid 3He has a rich spectrum of collective modes with both massive and\nmassless excitations. The masses of these modes can be precisely measured using\nacoustic spectroscopy and fit to theoretical models. Prior comparisons of the\nexperimental results with theory did not include strong-coupling effects beyond\nthe weak-coupling-plus BCS model, so-called non-trivial strong-coupling\ncorrections. In this work we utilize recent strong-coupling calculations to\ndetermine the Higgs masses and find consistency between experiments that relate\nthem to a sub-dominant $f$-wave pairing strength.", "category": "cond-mat_supr-con" }, { "text": "Superconductor strip with transport current: Magneto-optical study of\n current distribution and its relaxation: The dynamics of magnetic flux distributions across a YBaCuO strip carrying\ntransport current is measured using magneto-optical imaging at 20 K. The\ncurrent is applied in pulses of 40-5000 ms duration and magnitude close to the\ncritical one, 5.5 A. During the pulse some extra flux usually penetrates the\nstrip, so the local field increases in magnitude. When the strip is initially\npenetrated by flux, the local field either increases or decreases depending\nboth on the spatial coordinate and the current magnitude. Meanwhile, the\ncurrent density always tends to redistribute more uniformly. Despite the\nrelaxation, all distributions remain qualitatively similar to the Bean model\npredictions.", "category": "cond-mat_supr-con" }, { "text": "Quantum liquid crystals in imbalanced Fermi gas: fluctuations and\n fractional vortices in Larkin-Ovchinnikov states: We develop a low-energy model of a unidirectional Larkin-Ovchinnikov (LO)\nstate. Because the underlying rotational and translational symmetries are\nbroken spontaneously, this gapless superfluid is a smectic liquid crystal, that\nexhibits fluctuations that are qualitatively stronger than in a conventional\nsuperfluid, thus requiring a fully nonlinear description of its Goldstone\nmodes. Consequently, at nonzero temperature the LO superfluid is an algebraic\nphase even in 3d. It exhibits half-integer vortex-dislocation defects, whose\nunbinding leads to transitions to a superfluid nematic and other phases. In 2d\nat nonzero temperature, the LO state is always unstable to a charge-4 nematic\nsuperfluid. We expect this superfluid liquid-crystal phenomenology to be\nrealizable in imbalanced resonant Fermi gases trapped isotropically.", "category": "cond-mat_supr-con" }, { "text": "Effects of Magnetic and non-Magnetic Impurities on the Superconducting\n State of YBa$_{2}$Cu$_{3}$O$_{7-\u03b4}$: We report Electronic Raman Scattering measurements on optimally doped Zn and\nNi substituted YBCO in A$_{1g}$ and B$_{1g}$ channels. We show that the\nsuperconducting gap energy is independant of magnetic Ni and non-magnetic Zn\nsubstitutions. On the contrary the collective A$_{1g}$ mode follows the\ncritical temperature $T_c$ with two distinct slopes for Ni and Zn, and tracks\nthe magnetic resonance seen in inelastic neutron scattering. We explain the\nunconventionnal energy dependence of the superconducting gap and discuss the\nbehaviour of the A$_{1g}$ mode within magnetic and non-magnetic impurities.", "category": "cond-mat_supr-con" }, { "text": "Low-Temperature Rapid Synthesis and Superconductivity of Fe-Based\n Oxypnictide Superconductors: we were able to develop a novel method to synthesize Fe-based oxypnictide\nsuperconductors. By using LnAs and FeO as the starting materials and a\nball-milling process prior to solid-state sintering, Tc as high as 50.7 K was\nobtained with the sample of Sm 0.85Nd0.15FeAsO0.85F0.15 prepared by sintering\nat temperatures as low as 1173 K for times as short as 20 min.", "category": "cond-mat_supr-con" }, { "text": "Robust creation of entangled states of two coupled flux qubits via\n dynamic control of the transition frequencies: Coherent control and the creation of entangled states are discussed in a\nsystem of two superconducting flux qubits interacting with each other through\ntheir mutual inductance and identically coupling to a reservoir of harmonic\noscillators. We present different schemes using continuous-wave control fields\nor Stark-chirped rapid adiabatic passages, both of which rely on a dynamic\ncontrol of the qubit transition frequencies via the external bias flux in order\nto maximize the fidelity of the target states. For comparison, also special\narea pulse schemes are discussed. The qubits are operated around the optimum\npoint, and decoherence is modelled via a bath of harmonic oscillators. As our\nmain result, we achieve controlled robust creation of different Bell states\nconsisting of the collective ground and excited state of the two-qubit system.", "category": "cond-mat_supr-con" }, { "text": "Experimental study of intrinsic multiple Andreev reflections effect in\n GdO(F)FeAs superconductor array junctions: We report the first observation of the intrinsic multiple Andreev reflections\neffect (IMARE) in S-n-S-...-S-arrays (S = superconductor, n = normal metal)\nformed by \"break-junction\" technique in GdO(F)FeAs superconductor (Tc = 48 - 53\nK). We show that superconducting gap peculiarities at dI/dV-spectra sharpen\ndramatically in the arrays as compared with that in the single-contact spectra;\nthis enables to improve significantly accuracy of the bulk superconducting\nparameters determination. Using IMARE, we determined the large and the small\ngap values \\Delta_L = 11 +- 1.1 meV and \\Delta_S = 2.6 +- 0.4 meV. The\nBCS-ratio 2\\Delta_L/kTc^{local} = 5.0 - 5.9 > 3.52 (Tc^{local} is the contact\narea critical temperature) evidences for a strong electron-boson coupling. The\nresults obtained agree well with our previous data by Andreev spectroscopy for\nsingle SnS-contacts.", "category": "cond-mat_supr-con" }, { "text": "Non-Fermi liquid behavior due to U(1) gauge field in two dimensions: We study the damping rate of massless Dirac fermions due to the U(1) gauge\nfield in (2+1)-dimensional quantum electrodynamics. In the absence of a Maxwell\nterm for the gauge field, the fermion damping rate\n$\\mathrm{Im}\\Sigma(\\omega,T)$ is found to diverge in both perturbative and\nself-consistent results. In the presence of a Maxwell term, there is still\ndivergence in the perturbative results for $\\mathrm{Im}\\Sigma(\\omega,T)$. Once\nthe Maxwell term is included into the self-consistent equations for fermion\nself-energy and vacuum polarization functions, the fermion damping rate is free\nof divergence and exhibits non-Fermi liquid behavior:\n$\\mathrm{Im}\\Sigma(\\omega,T) \\propto \\mathrm{max}(\\sqrt{\\omega},\\sqrt{T})$.", "category": "cond-mat_supr-con" }, { "text": "Observation of diamagnetic strange-metal phase in sulfur-copper codoped\n lead apatite: By codoping sulfur and copper into lead apatite, the crystal grains are\ndirectionally stacked and the room-temperature resistivity is reduced from\ninsulating to $2\\times10^{-5}~\\Omega\\cdot$m. The resistance-temperature curve\nexhibits a nearly linear relationship suggesting the presence of strange-metal\nphase. A possible Meissner effect is observed in dc magnetic measurements. An\neven-in-field transverse voltage is found indicating the possible contribution\nof individual vortex dynamics. A clear pathway towards superconductivity in\nthis material is subsequently benchmarked.", "category": "cond-mat_supr-con" }, { "text": "Ac$_3$Ni$_2$O$_7$ and La$_2$$Ae$Ni$_2$O$_6$F ($Ae$ = Sr, Ba): Benchmark\n Materials for Bilayer Nickelate Superconductivity: We theoretically propose Ac$_3$Ni$_2$O$_7$, La$_2$BaNi$_2$O$_6$F, and\nLa$_2$SrNi$_2$O$_6$F compounds to be benchmark materials for bilayer nickelate\nsuperconductivity. The stable phase of Ac$_3$Ni$_2$O$_7$ and\nLa$_2$BaNi$_2$O$_6$F are found to be $I4/mmm$ without the lattice distortion\ncaused by octahedra rotation at ambient pressure, where as the lattice\ndistortion in La$_2$SrNi$_2$O$_6$F can be suppressed with relatively small\nexternal pressure of 4 GPa. The magnetism, electronic structure and spin\nsusceptibilities of Ac$_3$Ni$_2$O$_7$ are extremely close to those of\nLa$_3$Ni$_2$O$_7$ at 30 GPa. The ground state of La$_2$BaNi$_2$O$_6$F and\nLa$_2$SrNi$_2$O$_6$F are antiferromagnetically coupled checkerboard bilayer\nwith sizable magnetic moment on Ni. In addition, the inter-layer coupling\n$J_{\\perp}$ between Ni-bilayers in La$_2$BaNi$_2$O$_6$F or La$_2$SrNi$_2$O$_6$F\nis only $\\sim$ 1/10 of that in Ac$_3$Ni$_2$O$_7$ or La$_3$Ni$_2$O$_7$ at 30\nGPa. We argue that these compounds may serve as superconducting candidates at\nambient pressure and can be employed to testify theoretical proposals for\nbilayer nickelate superconductivity.", "category": "cond-mat_supr-con" }, { "text": "Majorana bound states in vortex lattices on iron-based superconductors: Majorana quasi-particles may arise as zero-energy bound states in vortices on\nthe surface of a topological insulator that is proximitized by a conventional\nsuperconductor. Such a system finds its natural realization in the iron-based\nsuperconductor FeTe$_{0.55}$Se$_{0.45}$ that combines bulk $s$-wave pairing\nwith spin helical Dirac surface states, and which thus comprises the\ningredients for Majorana modes in absence of an additional proximitizing\nsuperconductor. In this work, we investigate the emergence of Majorana vortex\nmodes and lattices in such materials depending on parameters like the magnetic\nfield strength and vortex lattice disorder. A simple 2D square lattice model\nhere allows us to capture the basic physics of the underlying materials system.\nTo address the problem of disordered vortex lattice, which occurs in real\nsystems, we adopt the technique of the singular gauge transformation which we\nmodify such that it can be used in a system with periodic boundary conditions.\nThis approach allows us to go to larger vortex lattices than otherwise\naccessible, and is successful in replicating several experimental observations\nof Majorana vortex bound states in the FeTe$_{0.55}$Se$_{0.45}$ platform.\nFinally it can be related to a simple disordered Majorana lattice model that\nshould be useful for further investigations on the role of interactions, and\ntowards topological quantum computation.", "category": "cond-mat_supr-con" }, { "text": "The Distribution of the Energy Gap and Josephson IcRn Product in Bi2212\n by Tunneling Spectroscopy: We present direct measurements of the density of states by tunneling\nspectroscopy on slightly overdoped Bi2212 single crystals at low temperature\nusing break-junction and point-contact techniques. We find that (i) the\nvariation of the gap magnitude, Delta, between 20 and 36 meV is likely to be\nintrinsic to the Bi2212, and (ii) there is a correlation between the maximum\nvalue of the Josephson IcRn product and the gap magnitude: IcRn decreases with\nthe increase of Delta. The maximum IcRn value of 26 mV is observed at Delta =\n20.5 meV. For Delta = 36.5 meV, the maximum measured value of IcRn is 7.3 mV.\nWe conclude that (i) the distribution of the Josephson IcRn product as a\nfunction of gap magnitude can not be explained by the presence of a single\nenergy gap in Bi2212, and (ii) the coherence energy scale in Bi2212 has the\nmaximum Josephson strength.", "category": "cond-mat_supr-con" }, { "text": "Chiral-Flux-Phase-Based Topological Superconductivity in Kagome Systems\n with Mixed Edge Chiralities: Recent studies have attracted intense attention on the quasi-2D kagome\nsuperconductors $ A\\text{V}_3\\text{Sb}_5 $ ($ A = $ K, Rb, and Cs) where the\nunexpected chiral flux phase (CFP) associates with the spontaneous\ntime-reversal symmetry breaking in charge density wave (CDW) states. Here,\ncommencing from the 2-by-2 CDW phases, we bridge the gap between topological\nsuperconductivity (TSC) and time-reversal asymmetric CFP in kagome systems.\nSeveral chiral TSC states featuring distinct Chern numbers emerge for an s-wave\nor a d-wave superconducting pairing symmetry. Importantly, these CFP-based TSC\nphases possess unique gapless edge modes with mixed chiralities (i.e., both\npositive and negative chiralities), but with the net chiralities consistent\nwith the Bogoliubov-de Gennes Chern numbers. We further study the transport\nproperties of a two-terminal junction, using Chern insulator or normal metal\nleads via atomic Green's function method with Landauer-B\\\"uttiker formalism. In\nboth cases, the normal electron tunneling and the crossed Andreev reflection\noscillate as the chemical potential changes, but together contribute to plateau\ntransmissions (1 and 3/2, respectively). These behaviors can be regarded as the\nsignature of a topological superconductor hosting edge states with mixed\nchiralities.", "category": "cond-mat_supr-con" }, { "text": "Superconductivity and multiple pressure-induced phases in BaPt$_2$As$_2$: The newly discovered BaPt$_2$As$_2$ shows a structural distortion at around\n275~K, followed by the emergence of superconductivity at lower temperatures.\nHere we identify the presence of charge density wave (CDW) order at room\ntemperature and ambient pressure using single crystal x-ray diffraction, with\nboth a superlattice and an incommensurate modulation, where there is a change\nof the superlattice structure below $\\simeq$ 275~K. Upon applying pressure,\nBaPt$_2$As$_2$ shows a rich temperature-pressure phase diagram with multiple\npressure-induced transitions at high temperatures, the emergence or\ndisappearance of which are correlated with sudden changes in the\nsuperconducting transition temperature $T_c$. These findings demonstrate that\nBaPt$_2$As$_2$ is a promising new system for studying competing interactions\nand the relationship between high-temperature electronic instabilities and\nsuperconductivity.", "category": "cond-mat_supr-con" }, { "text": "Remote Sensing and Control of Phase Qubits: We demonstrate a remote sensing design of phase qubits by separating the\ncontrol and readout circuits from the qubit loop. This design improves\nmeasurement reliability because the control readout chip can be fabricated\nusing more robust materials and can be reused to test different qubit chips.\nTypical qubit measurements such as Rabi oscillations, spectroscopy, and\nexcited-state energy relaxation are presented.", "category": "cond-mat_supr-con" }, { "text": "Particle-hole symmetry breaking in the pseudogap state of\n Pb0.55Bi1.5Sr1.6La0.4CuO6+d: A quantum-chemical perspective: Two Bi2201 model systems are employed to demonstrate how, beside the Cu-O\n\\sigma-band, a second band of purely O2p\\pi character can be made to cross the\nFermi level owing to its sensitivity to the local crystal field. This result is\nemployed to explain the particle-hole symmetry breaking across the pseudo-gap\nrecently reported by Shen and co-workers, see M. Hashimoto et al., Nature\nPhysics 6, (2010) 414. Support for a two-bands-on-a-checkerboard candidate\nmechanism for High-Tc superconductivity is claimed.", "category": "cond-mat_supr-con" }, { "text": "Dynamic spin-triplet order induced by alternating electric fields in\n superconductor-ferromagnet-superconductor Josephson junctions: Dynamic states offer extended possibilities to control the properties of\nquantum matter. Recent efforts are focused on studying the ordered states which\nappear exclusively under the time-dependent drives. Here we demonstrate a class\nof systems which feature dynamic spin-triplet superconducting order stimulated\nby the alternating electric field. The effect is based on the interplay of\nferromagnetism, interfacial spin-orbital coupling (SOC) and the condensate\nmotion driven by the field, which converts hidden static p-wave order, produced\nby the joint action of the ferromagnetism and the SOC, into dynamical s-wave\nequal-spin triplet correlations. We demonstrate that the critical current of\nJosephson junctions hosting these states is proportional to the electromagnetic\npower, supplied either by the external irradiation or by the ac current source.\nBased on these unusual properties we propose the scheme of a Josephson\ntransistor which can be switched by the ac voltage and demonstrates an\neven-numbered sequence of Shapiro steps. Combining the photo-active Josephson\njunctions with recently discovered Josephson phase batteries we find\nphoto-magnetic SQUID devices which can generate spontaneous magnetic fields\nwhile being exposed to irradiation.", "category": "cond-mat_supr-con" }, { "text": "Bound States of Defects in Superconducting LiFeAs Studied by Scanning\n Tunneling Spectroscopy: Defects in LiFeAs are studied by scanning tunneling microscopy (STM) and\nspectroscopy (STS). Topographic images of the five predominant defects allow\nthe identification of their position within the lattice. The most commonly\nobserved defect is associated with an Fe site and does not break the local\nlattice symmetry, exhibiting a bound state near the edge of the smaller gap in\nthis multi-gap superconductor. Three other common defects, including one also\non an Fe site, are observed to break local lattice symmetry and are\npair-breaking indicated by clear in-gap bound states, in addition to states\nnear the smaller gap edge. STS maps reveal complex, extended real-space bound\nstate patterns, including one with a chiral distribution of the local density\nof states (LDOS). The multiple bound state resonances observed within the gaps\nand at the inner gap edge are consistent with theoretical predictions for\ns$^{\\pm}$ gap symmetry proposed for LiFeAs and other iron pnictides.", "category": "cond-mat_supr-con" }, { "text": "Anomalous Electronic Susceptibility in Bi2sr2cuo6+d: We report magnetic susceptibility performed on overdoped Bi2Sr2CuO6+d powders\nas a function of oxygen doping d and temperature T. The decrease of the spin\nsusceptibility chis with increasing T is confirmed. At sufficient high\ntemperature, chis presents an unusual linear temperature dependence chis=chis0\n-chi1T . Moreover, a linear correlation between chi1 and chis0 for increasing\nhole concentration has been displayed. These non conventional metal features\nwill be discussed in terms of a singular narrow-band structures.", "category": "cond-mat_supr-con" }, { "text": "NMR Investigation of the Quasi One-dimensional Superconductor\n K$_{2}$Cr$_{3}$As$_{3}$: We report $^{75}$As NMR measurements on the new quasi one-dimensional\nsuperconductor K$_{2}$Cr$_{3}$As$_{3}$ ($T_{c} \\sim 6.1$~K) [J.\\ K.\\ Bao et\nal., Phys. Rev. X {\\bf 5}, 011013 (2015)]. We found evidence for strong\nenhancement of Cr spin fluctuations above $T_c$ in the\n[Cr$_{3}$As$_{3}$]$_{\\infty}$ double-walled subnano-tubes based on the nuclear\nspin-lattice relaxation rate $1/T_{1}$. The power law temperature dependence,\n$1/T_{1}T \\sim T^{-\\gamma}$ ($\\gamma \\sim 0.25$), is consistent with the\nTomonaga-Luttinger liquid. Moreover, absence of the Hebel-Slichter coherence\npeak of $1/T_{1}$ just below $T_{c}$ suggests unconventional nature of\nsuperconductivity.", "category": "cond-mat_supr-con" }, { "text": "Effects of strain on the electronic structure, superconductivity, and\n nematicity in FeSe studied by angle-resolved photoemission spectroscopy: One of central issues in iron-based superconductors is the role of structural\nchange to the superconducting transition temperature (T_c). It was found in\nFeSe that the lattice strain leads to a drastic increase in T_c, accompanied by\nsuppression of nematic order. By angle-resolved photoemission spectroscopy on\ntensile- or compressive-strained and strain-free FeSe, we experimentally show\nthat the in-plane strain causes a marked change in the energy overlap\n(DeltaE_{h-e}) between the hole and electron pockets in the normal state. The\nchange in DeltaE_{h-e} modifies the Fermi-surface volume, leading to a change\nin T_c. Furthermore, the strength of nematicity is also found to be\ncharacterized by DeltaE_{h-e}. These results suggest that the key to\nunderstanding the phase diagram is the fermiology and interactions linked to\nthe semimetallic band overlap.", "category": "cond-mat_supr-con" }, { "text": "Vortex-antivortex nucleation in magnetically nanotextured\n superconductors: Magnetic-field-driven and thermal scenarios: Within the Ginzburg-Landau formalism, we predict two novel mechanisms of\nvortex-antivortex nucleation in a magnetically nanostructured superconductor.\nAlthough counterintuitive, nucleation of vortex-antivortex pairs can be\nactivated in a superconducting (SC) film covered by arrays of submicron\nferromagnets (FMs) when exposed to an external homogeneous magnetic field. In\nanother scenario, we predict the thermal induction of vortex-antivortex\nconfigurations in SC/FM samples. This phenomenon leads to a new type of\nLittle-Parks oscillations of the FM magnetization-temperature phase boundary of\nthe superconducting film.", "category": "cond-mat_supr-con" }, { "text": "Enhanced Superconductivity on the Tetragonal Lattice in FeSe under\n Hydrostatic Pressure: Superconductivity under pressure in FeSe ($T_{\\rm c}$$\\sim$7.5 K) has been\ninvestigated using single-crystal specimens through the measurements of DC\nmagnetization and electrical resistivity. A characteristic three-step increase\nin $T_{\\rm c}$ has been found under hydrostatic pressure up to $\\sim$34 K above\n7 GPa. The structural transition from a tetragonal phase to an orthorhombic\nphase ($T_{\\rm s}$$\\sim$87 K) is found to disappear at $P$$\\sim$2.3 GPa, above\nwhich $T_{\\rm c}$ increases rapidly, suggesting that the superconductivity is\nenhanced by the tetragonal environment. Under non-hydrostatic pressure, the\nincrease in $T_{\\rm c}$ is suppressed and the superconductive volume fraction\nis considerably reduced above 2 GPa, probably owing to the breaking of the\ntetragonal lattice symmetry by the uniaxial stress. The intimate correlation\nbetween the enhanced (suppressed) superconductivity and the tetragonality\n(orthorhombicity) in the phase diagram is a common feature of FeSe and other\niron-pnictide superconductors.", "category": "cond-mat_supr-con" }, { "text": "Triplanar Model for the Gap and Penetration Depth in YBCO: YBaCuO_7 is a trilayer material with a unit cell consisting of a CuO_2\nbilayer with a CuO plane of chains in between. Starting with a model of\nisolated planes coupled through a transverse matrix element, we consider the\npossibility of intra as well as interplane pairing within a nearly\nantiferromagnetic Fermi liquid model. Solutions of a set of three coupled BCS\nequations for the gap exhibit orthorhombic symmetry with s- as well as d-wave\ncontributions. The temperature dependence and a-b in plane anisotropy of the\nresulting penetration depth is discussed and compared with experiment.", "category": "cond-mat_supr-con" }, { "text": "Reduction of the electrodynamics of superconductors to those for\n conductors with the incorporation of spatial dispersion: We derive general frequency dependencies of the surface impedance modulus for\nconductors without the dc dissipation, i. e. for superconductors or perfect\nconductors. The frequency-dependent surface impedance was applied for the\nsolutions corresponding to the spatially dispersive eigenvalues of the\npermittivity operator for conductors. We demonstrate that appropriately taken\ninto account effects of the spatial dispersion can give the general frequency\ndependence of the surface impedance for the obtained solutions including that\nfor superconductor. It is shown that an incorporation of the spatial dispersion\nleads to an appearance of the Meissner effect in perfect conductors in the same\nmanner as in superconductors.", "category": "cond-mat_supr-con" }, { "text": "The maximal superconductivity in proximity to charge density wave\n quantum critical point in Cu$_x$TiSe$_2$: Superconductivity emerges in $1T$-TiSe$_2$ when its charge density wave (CDW)\norder is suppressed by Cu intercalation or pressure. Since the CDW state is\nthought to be an excitonic insulator, an interesting question is whether the\nsuperconductivity is also mediated by the excitonic fluctuations. We\ninvestigated this question as to the nature of doping induced superconductivity\nin Cu$_x$TiSe$_2$ by asking if it is consistent with the phonon-mediated\npairing. We employed the {\\it ab initio} density functional theory and density\nfunctional perturbation theory to compute the electron-phonon coupling\nEliashberg function from which to calculate the superconducting (SC) critical\ntemperature $T_c$. The calculated $T_c $ as a function of the doping\nconcentration $x$ exhibits a dome shape with the maximum $T_c$ of $2-6$ K at $x\n\\approx 0.05$ for the Coulomb pseudopotential $0 \\leq \\mu^* \\leq 0.1$. The\nmaximal $T_c$ was found to be pinned to the quantum critical point at which the\nCDW is completely suppressed and the corresponding phonon mode becomes soft.\nUnderlying physics is that the reduced phonon frequency enhances the\nelectron-phonon coupling constant $\\lambda$ which overcompensates the frequency\ndecrease to produce a net increase of $T_c$. The doping induced\nsuperconductivity in Cu$_x$TiSe$_2$ seems to be consistent with the\nphonon-mediated pairing. Comparative discussion was made with the pressure\ninduced superconductivity in TiSe$_2$.", "category": "cond-mat_supr-con" }, { "text": "Pressure-induced magnetic collapse and metallization of\n $\\mathrm{TlF}{\\mathrm{e}}_{1.6}\\mathrm{S}{\\mathrm{e}}_{2}$: The crystal structure, magnetic ordering, and electrical resistivity of\nTlFe1.6Se2 were studied at high pressures. Below ~7 GPa, TlFe1.6Se2 is an\nantiferromagnetically ordered semiconductor with a ThCr2Si2-type structure. The\ninsulator-to-metal transformation observed at a pressure of ~ 7 GPa is\naccompanied by a loss of magnetic ordering and an isostructural phase\ntransition. In the pressure range ~ 7.5 - 11 GPa a remarkable downturn in\nresistivity, which resembles a superconducting transition, is observed below 15\nK. We discuss this feature as the possible onset of superconductivity\noriginating from a phase separation in a small fraction of the sample in the\nvicinity of the magnetic transition.", "category": "cond-mat_supr-con" }, { "text": "Hidden symmetry and knot solitons in a charged two-condensate Bose\n system: We show that a charged two-condensate Ginzburg-Landau model or equivalently a\nGross-Pitaevskii functional for two charged Bose condensates, can be mapped\nonto a version of the nonlinear O(3) $\\sigma$-model. This implies in particular\nthat such a system possesses a hidden O(3) symmetry and allows for the\nformation of stable knotted solitons. The results, in particular, should be\nrelevant to the superconducting MgB_2.", "category": "cond-mat_supr-con" }, { "text": "Effects of the Spin-Orbit Coupling and the Superconductivity in\n simple-cubic alpha-Polonium: We have investigated the mechanism of stabilizing the simple-cubic (SC)\nstructure in polonium (alpha- Po), based on the phonon dispersion calculations\nusing the first-principles all-electron band method. We have demonstrated that\nthe stable SC structure results from the suppression of the Peierls instability\ndue to the strong spin-orbit coupling (SOC) in alpha-Po. Further, we have\nexplored the possible superconductivity in alpha-Po, and predicted that it\nbecomes a superconductor with Tc ~ 4 K. The transverse soft phonon mode at q ~\n2/3 R, which is greatly influenced by the SOC, plays an important role both in\nthe structural stability and the superconductivity in alpha-Po. We have\ndiscussed effects of the SOC and the volume variation on the phonon dispersions\nand superconducting properties of alpha-Po.", "category": "cond-mat_supr-con" }, { "text": "Evidence for quasi-two-dimensional superconductivity in infinite-layer\n nickelates: After being expected as a promising analogue to cuprates for decades,\nsuperconductivity was recently discovered in infinite-layer nickelates,\nproviding new opportunities to explore mechanisms of high-temperature\nsuperconductivity. However, in sharp contrast to the single-band\nquasi-two-dimensional superconductivity in cuprates, nickelates exhibit a\nmulti-band electronic structure and an unexpected isotropic superconductivity\nas reported recently, which challenges the cuprate-like picture in nickelates.\nHere, we show the superconductivity in nickelates is actually anisotropic and\nquasi-two-dimensional in nature, as that in cuprates. By synthesizing\nhigh-quality lanthanide nickelate films with enhanced crystallinity and\nsuperconductivity ($T_{c}^{onset}$ = 18.8 K, $T_{c}^{zero}$ = 16.5 K), strong\nanisotropic magnetotransport behaviors have been observed. The\nquasi-two-dimensional nature is further confirmed by the existence of a\ncusp-like peak of the angle-dependent $T_{c}$, and a\nBerezinskii-Kosterlitz-Thouless transition near $T_{c}$. Our work thus suggests\na quasi-two-dimensional superconductivity in infinite-layer nickelates,\nimplying a single-3$d_{x^2-y^2}$-band cuprate-like picture may remain valid in\nthese compounds.", "category": "cond-mat_supr-con" }, { "text": "Electronic structure studies of BaFe2As2 by angle-resolved photoemission\n spectroscopy: We report high resolution angle-resolved photoemission spectroscopy (ARPES)\nstudies of the electronic structure of BaFe$_2$As$_2$, which is one of the\nparent compounds of the Fe-pnictide superconductors. ARPES measurements have\nbeen performed at 20 K and 300 K, corresponding to the orthorhombic\nantiferromagnetic phase and the tetragonal paramagnetic phase, respectively.\nPhoton energies between 30 and 175 eV and polarizations parallel and\nperpendicular to the scattering plane have been used. Measurements of the Fermi\nsurface yield two hole pockets at the $\\Gamma$-point and an electron pocket at\neach of the X-points. The topology of the pockets has been concluded from the\ndispersion of the spectral weight as a function of binding energy. Changes in\nthe spectral weight at the Fermi level upon variation of the polarization of\nthe incident photons yield important information on the orbital character of\nthe states near the Fermi level. No differences in the electronic structure\nbetween 20 and 300 K could be resolved. The results are compared with density\nfunctional theory band structure calculations for the tetragonal paramagnetic\nphase.", "category": "cond-mat_supr-con" }, { "text": "Correlation of Fe-based Superconductivity and Electron-Phonon Coupling\n in an FeAs/Oxide Heterostructure: Interfacial phonons between iron-based superconductors (FeSCs) and perovskite\nsubstrates have received considerable attention due to the possibility of\nenhancing preexisting superconductivity. Using scanning tunneling spectroscopy,\nwe studied the correlation between superconductivity and e-ph interaction with\ninterfacial-phonons in an iron-based superconductor Sr$_2$VO$_3$FeAs ($T_c\n\\approx$ 33 K) made of alternating FeSC and oxide layers. The quasiparticle\ninterference measurement over regions with systematically different average\nsuperconducting gaps due to the e-ph coupling locally modulated by O vacancies\nin VO$_2$ layer, and supporting self-consistent momentum-dependent Eliashberg\ncalculations provide a unique real-space evidence of the forward-scattering\ninterfacial phonon contribution to the total superconducting pairing.", "category": "cond-mat_supr-con" }, { "text": "Fragmentation of Fast Josephson Vortices and Breakdown of Ordered States\n by Moving Topological Defects: Topological defects such as vortices, dislocations or domain walls define\nmany important effects in superconductivity, superfluidity, magnetism, liquid\ncrystals, and plasticity of solids. Here we address the breakdown of the\ntopologically-protected stability of such defects driven by strong external\nforces. We focus on Josephson vortices that appear at planar weak links of\nsuppressed superconductivity which have attracted much attention for electronic\napplications, new sources of THz radiation, and low-dissipative computing. Our\nnumerical simulations show that a rapidly moving vortex driven by a constant\ncurrent becomes unstable with respect to generation of vortex-antivortex pairs\ncaused by Cherenkov radiation. As a result, vortices and antivortices become\nspatially separated and accumulate continuously on the opposite sides of an\nexpanding dissipative domain. This effect is most pronounced in thin film edge\nJosephson junctions at low temperatures where a single vortex can switch the\nwhole junction into a resistive state at currents well below the Josephson\ncritical current. Our work gives a new insight into instability of a moving\ntopological defect which destroys global long-range order in a way that is\nremarkably similar to the crack propagation in solids.", "category": "cond-mat_supr-con" }, { "text": "Persistent Charge Density Wave Memory in a Cuprate Superconductor: Although charge density wave (CDW) correlations appear to be a ubiquitous\nfeature of the superconducting cuprates, their disparate properties suggest a\ncrucial role for coupling or pinning of the CDW to lattice deformations and\ndisorder. While diffraction intensities can demonstrate the occurrence of CDW\ndomain formation, the lack of scattering phase information has limited our\nunderstanding of this process. Here, we report coherent resonant x-ray speckle\ncorrelation analysis, which directly determines the reproducibility of CDW\ndomain patterns in La1.875Ba0.125CuO4 (LBCO 1/8) with thermal cycling. While\nCDW order is only observed below 54 K, where a structural phase transition\nresults in equivalent Cu-O bonds, we discover remarkably reproducible CDW\ndomain memory upon repeated cycling to temperatures well above that transition.\nThat memory is only lost on cycling across the transition at 240(3) K that\nrestores the four-fold symmetry of the copper-oxide planes. We infer that the\nstructural-domain twinning pattern that develops below 240 K determines the CDW\npinning landscape below 54 K. These results open a new view into the complex\ncoupling between charge and lattice degrees of freedom in superconducting\ncuprates.", "category": "cond-mat_supr-con" }, { "text": "Intrinsic Properties of Stoichiometric LaOFeP: DC and ac magnetization, resistivity, specific heat, and neutron diffraction\ndata reveal that stoichiometric LaOFeP is metallic and non-superconducting\nabove T = 0.35 K, with gamma = 12.5 mJ/mol*K. Neutron diffraction data at room\ntemperature and T = 10 K are well described by the stoichiometric, tetragonal\nZrCuSiAs structure and show no signs of structural distortions or long range\nmagnetic ordering, to an estimated detectability limit of 0.07 uB/Fe. We\npropose a model, based on the shape of the iron-pnictide tetrahedron, that\nexplains the differences between LaOFeP and LaOFeAs, the parent compound of the\nrecently discovered high-Tc oxyarsenides, which, in contrast, shows both\nstructural and spin density wave (SDW) transitions.", "category": "cond-mat_supr-con" }, { "text": "Striking Zn impurity effect on the Fe-based superconductor\n BaFe1.87Co0.13As2: Nonmagnetic impurity effect was studied on the n-type Fe-based superconductor\nBaFe1.87Co0.13As2 (Tc = 25 K) by a successful Zn substitution for Fe up to 7\nat.%. Magnetic susceptibility, electrical resistivity, specific heat, and Hall\ncoefficient measurements indicated that Tc linearly decreases with the Zn\nconcentration and disappears at 7 at.%. The result is quantitatively comparable\nwith what was observed for YBCO, while it disagrees with a recent report for\nthe p-type Ba0.5K0.5Fe2As2. Fragile SC against a nonmagnetic impurity was first\nconfirmed for the n-type 122 Fe-based superconductor.", "category": "cond-mat_supr-con" }, { "text": "Huge magnetostriction in superconducting single-crystalline\n BaFe$_{1.908}$Ni$_{0.092}$As$_{2}$: The performance of iron-based superconductors in high magnetic fields plays\nan important role for their practical application. In this work, we measured\nthe magnetostriction and magnetization of BaFe$_{1.908}$Ni$_{0.092}$As$_{2}$\nsingle crystals using pulsed magnetic fields up to 60 T and static magnetic\nfields up to 33 T, respectively. A huge longitudinal magnetostriction (of the\norder of 10$ ^{-4} $) was observed in the direction of the twin boundaries. The\nmagnetization measurements evidence a high critical-current density due to\nstrong bulk pinning. By using magnetization data with an exponential\nflux-pinning model, we can reproduce the magnetostriction curves qualitatively.\nThis result shows that the magnetostriction of\nBaFe$_{1.908}$Ni$_{0.092}$As$_{2}$ can be well explained by a\nflux-pinning-induced mechanism.", "category": "cond-mat_supr-con" }, { "text": "Manifesto for a higher Tc -- lessons from pnictides and cuprates: We explore energy scales, features in the normal state transport, relevant\ninteractions and constraints for the pairing mechanisms in the high-Tc cuprates\nand Fe-pnictides. Based on this analysis we attempt to identify a number of\nattributes of superconductors with a higher T_c. Expanded version of the\narticle published in Nature Physics, 7, 271 (2011).", "category": "cond-mat_supr-con" }, { "text": "Magnetic and structural properties of the iron silicide superconductor\n LaFeSiH: The magnetic and structural properties of the recently discovered\npnictogen/chalcogen-free superconductor LaFeSiH ($T_c\\simeq10$~K) have been\ninvestigated by $^{57}$Fe synchrotron M{\\\"o}ssbauer source (SMS) spectroscopy,\nx-ray and neutron powder diffraction and $^{29}$Si nuclear magnetic resonance\nspectroscopy (NMR). No sign of long range magnetic order or local moments has\nbeen detected in any of the measurements and LaFeSiH remains tetragonal down to\n2 K. The activated temperature dependence of both the NMR Knight shift and the\nrelaxation rate $1/T_1$ is analogous to that observed in strongly overdoped\nFe-based superconductors. These results, together with the\ntemperature-independent NMR linewidth, show that LaFeSiH is an homogeneous\nmetal, far from any magnetic or nematic instability, and with similar Fermi\nsurface properties as strongly overdoped iron pnictides. This raises the\nprospect of enhancing the $T_c$ of LaFeSiH by reducing its carrier\nconcentration through appropriate chemical substitutions. Additional SMS\nspectroscopy measurements under hydrostatic pressure up to 18.8~GPa found no\nmeasurable hyperfine field.", "category": "cond-mat_supr-con" }, { "text": "Interplay between collective modes in hybrid electron gas-superconductor\n structures: We study hybridization of collective plasmon and\nCarlson-Goldman-Artemenko-Volkov modes in a hybrid system, consisting of a\ntwo-dimensional layers of electron gas in the normal state and superconductor,\ncoupled by long-range Coulomb forces. The interaction between these collective\nmodes is not possible in a regular single-layer two-dimensional system since\nthey exist in non-overlapping domains of dimensionless parameter $\\omega\\tau$,\nwhere $\\omega$ is the external electromagnetic field frequency and $\\tau$ is\nelectron scattering time. Thus, in a single-layer structure, these modes are\nmutually exclusive. However, the coupling may become possible in a hybrid\nsystem consisting of two separated in space materials with different\nproperties, in particular, the electron scattering time. We investigate the\nelectromagnetic power absorption by the hybrid system and reveal the conditions\nnecessary for the hybridization of collective modes.", "category": "cond-mat_supr-con" }, { "text": "Non-thermal origin of nonlinear transport across magnetically induced\n superconductor-metal-insulator transition: We have studied the effect of perpendicular magnetic fields and temperatures\non the nonlinear electronic transport in amorphous Ta superconducting thin\nfilms. The films exhibit a magnetic field induced metallic behavior intervening\nthe superconductor-insulator transition in the zero temperature limit. We show\nthat the nonlinear transport in the superconducting and metallic phase is of\nnon-thermal origin and accompanies an extraordinarily long voltage response\ntime.", "category": "cond-mat_supr-con" }, { "text": "Modification of the effective action approach for the Leggett mode: The modified procedure to get the effective action is discussed. Careful\nobservation of phase of electrons leads to the conclusion that\nHubbard-Stratonovich field should be pair wavefunction, instead of gap. The\nmodified theory is valid for arbitrary strong interband coupling while the\nearlier approach only deals with weak interband coupling. This paper also\ndiscusses experimental observation of the Leggett mode: Raman spectroscopy. The\nspectral peak which corresponds to the Leggett mode is calculated in earlier\nthe earlier and the modified theory, which shows that they are much different.", "category": "cond-mat_supr-con" }, { "text": "Collision Dynamics of Two Bose-Einstein Condensates in the Presence of\n Raman Coupling: A collision of two-component Bose-Einstein condensates in the presence of\nRaman coupling is proposed and studied by numerical simulations. Raman\ntransitions are found to be able to reduce collision-produced irregular\nexcitations by forming a time-averaged attractive optical potential. Raman\ntransitions also support a kind of dark soliton pairs in two-component\nBose-Einstein condensates. Soliton pairs and their remnant single solitons are\nshown to be controllable by adjusting the initial relative phase between the\ntwo colliding condensates or the two-photon detuning of Raman transitions.", "category": "cond-mat_supr-con" }, { "text": "Hall-Lorenz ratio of YBa2Cu3O7 using Ionization energy based Fermi-Dirac\n statistics and charge-spin separation: The temperature dependent properties of heat capacity, heat conductivity and\nHall-Lorenz ratio have been solved numerically after taking the previously\nproposed ionization energy based Fermi-Dirac statistics and the coexistence of\nFermi and charge-spin separated liquid into account. The\nthermo-magneto-electronic properties are entirely for spin and charge carriers,\nhence the phonon contribution has been neglected. A linear dependence between\nthe Hall-Lorenz ratio and temperature ($T$) is also obtained in accordance with\nthe experimental results for overdoped YBa$_2$Cu$_3$O$_{7-\\delta}$, if these\nconditions, $E_I$ $<$ $T_c$ with respect to resistivity and there are no spinon\npairings ($T^*$ = 0) are satisfied. Heat conductivity based on both pure and\nelectron-contaminated charge-spin separated liquid in $ab$-planes above $T_c$\nare found to increase with decreasing $T$ as a consequence of inverse\nproportionality with $T$. The $T$-dependence of heat capacity are also\nhighlighted, which qualitatively complies with the experimental findings.", "category": "cond-mat_supr-con" }, { "text": "Comment on \"Enhanced two-dimensional properties of the four-layered\n cuprate high-Tc superconductor TlBa-2Ca-3Cu-4O-y\": We reanalyze published magnetization data and demonstrate that the conclusion\nof the original authors, claiming enhanced two-dimensional properties of the\ncuprate superconductor Tl-1234, is not supported by the experimental results.\nOur analysis shows that the magnetic field dependence of the mixed-state\nmagnetization for this particular sample is amazingly close to the results of\nnumerical calculations by E. H. Brandt for an ideal vortex lattice without\nfluctuations. This good agreement between experiment and theory allows for the\nevaluation of the absolute values of the upper critical field.", "category": "cond-mat_supr-con" }, { "text": "Effect of biaxial strain on the phase transitions of Ca(Fe1-xCox)2As2: We study the effect of applied strain as a physical control parameter for the\nphase transitions of Ca(Fe1-xCox)2As2 using resistivity, magnetization, x-ray\ndiffraction and 57Fe M\\\"ossbauer spectroscopy. Biaxial strain, namely\ncompression of the basal plane of the tetragonal unit cell, is created through\nfirm bonding of samples to a rigid substrate, via differential thermal\nexpansion. This strain is shown to induce a magneto-structural phase transition\nin originally paramagnetic samples; and superconductivity in previously\nnon-superconducting ones. The magneto-structural transition is gradual as a\nconsequence of using strain instead of pressure or stress as a tuning\nparameter.", "category": "cond-mat_supr-con" }, { "text": "Optical sum increase due to electron undressing: For a system with a fixed number of electrons, the total optical sum is a\nconstant, independent of many-body interactions, of impurity scattering and of\ntemperature. For a single band in a metal, such a sum rule is no longer\nindependent of the interactions or temperature, when the dispersion and/or\nfinite bandwidth is accounted for. We adopt such a model, with electrons\ncoupled to a single Einstein oscillator of frequency $\\omega_{E}$, and study\nthe optical spectral weight. The optical sum depends on both the strength of\nthe coupling and on the characteristic phonon frequency, $\\omega_{E}$. A\nhardening of $\\omega_{E}$, due, for example, to a phase transition, leads to\nelectron undressing and translates into a decrease in the electron kinetic\nenergy and an increase in the total optical sum, as observed in recent\nexperiments in the cuprate superconductors.", "category": "cond-mat_supr-con" }, { "text": "Superconductivity in layered CeO0.5F0.5BiS2: We report appearance of superconductivity in CeO0.5F0.5BiS2. The bulk\npolycrystalline samples CeOBiS2 and CeO0.5F0.5BiS2 are synthesized by\nconventional solid state reaction route via vacuum encapsulation technique.\nDetailed structural analysis showed that the studied CeO0.5F0.5BiS2 compound is\ncrystallized in tetragonal P4/nmm space group with lattice parameters a =\n4.016(3) A, c = 13.604(2) A. DC magnetization measurement (MT-curve) shows the\nferromagnetic signal at the low temperature region. The superconductivity is\nestablished in CeO0.5F0.5BiS2 at Tconset = 2.5K by electrical transport\nmeasurement. Under applied magnetic field both Tc onset and Tc ({\\rho} =0)\ndecrease to lower temperatures and an upper critical field [Hc2(0)] above\n1.2Tesla is estimated. The results suggest coexistence of ferromagnetism and\nsuperconductivity for the CeO0.5F0.5BiS2 sample.", "category": "cond-mat_supr-con" }, { "text": "Negative in-plane and out-of-plane magnetoresistivities in optimally\n doped Bi2Sr2Ca0.8Y0.2Cu2O8+d single crystal: Both the in-plane and out-of-plane magnetoresistivities have been measured in\nthe normal state of an optimally doped Bi2Sr2Ca0.8Y0.2Cu2O8+d single crystal\nwith a magnetic field applied parallel and perpendicular to the CuO2 planes.\n Whatever the magnetic field and the current directions are, a negative\nmagnetoresistivity is obtained over a wide range of temperature above the\ncritical temperature Tc. For the in-plane and out-of-plane measurements, the\nnon-dominant orbital contribution to magnetoresistivity suggests the\nsubstantial role played by the spin degrees of freedom.", "category": "cond-mat_supr-con" }, { "text": "Superconductivity of the New Medium-Entropy Alloy V4Ti2W with a\n Body-Centered Cubic Structure: Medium- and high-entropy alloy (MEA and HEA) superconductors have attracted\nconsiderable interest since their discovery. This paper reports the\nsuperconducting properties of ternary tungsten-containing MEA V4Ti2W for the\nfirst time. V4Ti2W is a type II superconductor with a body-centered cubic (BCC)\nstructure. Experimental results of resistivity, magnetization, and heat\ncapacity indicate that the superconducting transition temperature of the MEA\nV4Ti2W is roughly 5.0 K. The critical magnetic fields at the upper and lower\nends are 9.93(2) T and 40.7(3) mT, respectively. Interestingly, few BCC MEA\nsuperconductors with VEC greater than 4.8 have been found. The addition of\ntungsten leads to a VEC of 4.83 e/a for V4Ti2W, which is rarely higher than the\n4.8 value. Adding tungsten element expands the variety of MEA alloys, which may\nimprove the microstructure and mechanical properties of materials and even\nsuperconducting properties. This material could potentially offer a new\nplatform for the investigation of innovative MEA and HEA superconductors.", "category": "cond-mat_supr-con" }, { "text": "Spectrum of low energy excitations in the vortex state: comparison of\n Doppler shift method to quasiclassical approach: We present a detailed comparison of numerical solutions of the quasiclassical\nEilenberger equations with several approximation schemes for the density of\nstates of s- and d-wave superconductors in the vortex state, which have been\nused recently. In particular, we critically examine the use of the Doppler\nshift method, which has been claimed to give good results for d-wave\nsuperconductors. Studying the single vortex case we show that there are\nimportant contributions coming from core states, which extend far from the\nvortex cores into the nodal directions and are not present in the Doppler shift\nmethod, but significantly affect the density of states at low energies. This\nleads to sizeable corrections to Volovik's law, which we expect to be sensitive\nto impurity scattering. For a vortex lattice we also show comparisons with the\nmethod due to Brandt, Pesch, and Tewordt and an approximate analytical method,\ngeneralizing a method due to Pesch. These are high field approximations\nstrictly valid close to the upper critical field Bc2. At low energies the\napproximate analytical method turns out to give impressively good results over\na broad field range and we recommend the use of this method for studies of the\nvortex state at not too low magnetic fields.", "category": "cond-mat_supr-con" }, { "text": "Phase diagram of nickelate superconductors calculated by dynamical\n vertex approximation: We review the electronic structure of nickelate superconductors with and\nwithout effects of electronic correlations. As a minimal model we identify the\none-band Hubbard model for the Ni 3$d_{x^2-y^2}$ orbital plus a pocket around\nthe $A$-momentum. The latter however merely acts as a decoupled electron\nreservoir. This reservoir makes a careful translation from {nominal} Sr-doping\nto the doping of the one-band Hubbard model mandatory. Our dynamical mean-field\ntheory calculations, in part already supported by experiment, indicate that the\n$\\Gamma$ pocket, Nd 4$f$ orbitals, oxygen 2$p$ and {the} other Ni 3$d$ orbitals\nare not relevant in the superconducting doping regime. The physics is\ncompletely different if topotactic hydrogen is present or the oxygen reduction\nis incomplete. Then, a two-band physics hosted by the Ni 3$d_{x^2-y^2}$ and\n3$d_{3z^2-r^2}$ orbitals emerges. Based on our minimal modeling we calculated\nthe superconducting $T_c$ vs. Sr-doping $x$ phase diagram prior to experiment\nusing the dynamical vertex approximation. For such a notoriously difficult to\ndetermine quantity as $T_c$, the agreement with experiment is astonishingly\ngood. The prediction that $T_c$ is enhanced with pressure or compressive\nstrain, has been confirmed experimentally as well. This supports that the\none-band Hubbard model plus an electron reservoir is the appropriate minimal\nmodel.", "category": "cond-mat_supr-con" }, { "text": "Thermodynamic evidence for nematic superconductivity in\n Cu$_x$Bi$_2$Se$_3$: Unconventional superconductivity is characterized by the spontaneous symmetry\nbreaking of the macroscopic superconducting wavefunction in addition to the\ngauge symmetry breaking, such as rotational-symmetry breaking with respect to\nthe underlying crystal-lattice symmetry. Particularly, superconductivity with\nspontaneous rotational-symmetry breaking in the wavefunction amplitude and thus\nin bulk properties, not yet reported previously, is intriguing and can be\ntermed \"nematic\" superconductivity in analogy to nematic liquid-crystal phases.\nHere, based on specific-heat measurements of the single-crystalline\nCu$_x$Bi$_2$Se$_3$ under accurate magnetic-field-direction control, we report\nthermodynamic evidence for nematic superconductivity, namely, clear\ntwo-fold-symmetric behavior in a trigonal lattice. The results indicate\nrealization of an \"odd-parity nematic\" state, feasible only by macroscopic\nquantum condensates and distinct from nematic states in liquid crystals. The\nresults also confirm topologically non-trivial superconductivity in\nCu$_x$Bi$_2$Se$_3$.", "category": "cond-mat_supr-con" }, { "text": "Magnetic hysteresis of a superconducting microstrip resonator with a\n high edge barrier: We investigate the magnetic hysteresis of a superconducting microstrip\nresonator with a high edge barrier. We measure the magnetic hysteresis while\neither sweeping a magnetic field or tuning the edge barrier by high microwave\ncurrent. We show that the magnetic hysteresis of such a device is qualitatively\ndifferent from that of one without an edge barrier and can be understood based\non the generalized critical-state model. In particular, we propose and\ndemonstrate a simple and intuitive method that relies on a plot of the quality\nfactor versus the resonance frequency for revealing the physical processes\nbehind those hysteretic behaviors. Based on this, we find that the interplay\nbetween the Meisser current and vortex pinning is essential for understanding\nthe magnetic hysteresis of such a device.", "category": "cond-mat_supr-con" }, { "text": "Thermally assisted quantum vortex tunneling in the Hall and dissipative\n regime: Quantum vortex tunneling is studied for the case where the Hall and the\ndissipative dynamics are simultaneously present. For a given temperature, the\nmagnetization relaxation rate is calculated as a function of the external\ncurrent and the quasiparticle scattering time. The relaxation rate is solved\nanalytically at zero temperature and obtained numerically at finite\ntemperatures by the variational method. In the moderately clean samples, we\nhave found that a minimum in the relaxation rate exists at zero temperature,\nwhich tends to disappear with increase in the temperature.", "category": "cond-mat_supr-con" }, { "text": "Transport signatures of fragile-glass dynamics in the melting of the\n two-dimensional vortex lattice: In two-dimensional (2D) systems, the melting from a solid to an isotropic\nliquid can occur via an intermediate phase that retains orientational order.\nHowever, in 2D superconducting vortex lattices, the effect of orientational\ncorrelations on transport, and their interplay with disorder remain open\nquestions. Here we study a 2D weakly pinned vortex system in amorphous MoGe\nfilms over an extensive range of temperatures ($\\bm{T}$) and perpendicular\nmagnetic fields ($\\bm{H}$) using linear and nonlinear transport measurements.\nWe find that, at low fields, the resistivity obeys the Vogel-Fulcher-Tamman\n(VFT) form, $\\bm{\\rho(T)\\propto\\exp[-{W}(H)/(T-T_0(H))]}$, characteristic of\nfragile glasses. As $\\bm{H}$ increases, $\\bm{T_0(H)}$ is suppressed to zero,\nand a standard vortex liquid behavior consistent with a $\\bm{T=0}$\nsuperconducting transition is observed. Our findings, supported also by\nsimulations, suggest that the presence of orientational correlations gives rise\nto a heterogeneous dynamics responsible for the VFT behavior. The effects of\nquenched disorder become dominant at high $\\bm{H}$, where a crossover to a\nstrong-glass behavior is observed. This is a new insight into the dynamics of\nmelting in 2D systems with competing orders.", "category": "cond-mat_supr-con" }, { "text": "Superconducting mechanism for the cuprate Ba$_2$CuO$_{3+\u03b4}$ based\n on a multiorbital Lieb lattice model: For the recently discovered cuprate superconductor\n$\\mathrm{Ba_{2}CuO_{3+\\delta}}$, we propose a lattice structure which resembles\nthe model considered by Lieb to represent the vastly oxygen-deficient material.\nWe first investigate the stability of the Lieb-lattice structure, and then\nconstruct a multiorbital Hubbard model based on first-principles calculation.\nBy applying the fluctuation-exchange approximation to the model and solving the\nlinearized Eliashberg equation, we show that $s$-wave and $d$-wave pairings\nclosely compete with each other, and, more interestingly, that the\nintra-orbital and inter-orbital pairings coexist. We further show that, if the\nenergy of the $d_{3z^2-r^2}$ band is raised to make it \"incipient\" with the\nlower edge of the band close to the Fermi level within a realistic band filling\nregime, $s\\pm$-wave superconductivity is strongly enhanced. We reveal an\nintriguing relation between the Lieb model and the two-orbital model for the\nusual K$_2$NiF$_4$ structure where a close competition between $s-$ and\n$d-$wave pairings is known to occur. The enhanced superconductivity in the\npresent model is further shown to be related to an enhancement found previously\nin the bilayer Hubbard model with an incipient band.", "category": "cond-mat_supr-con" }, { "text": "Helium-Three in Aerogel: Liquid 3He confined in silica aerogel provides us with a unique system to\nstudy the effects of quenched disorder on the properties of a strongly\ncorrelated quantum liquid. The superfluid phases display interplay between\ndisorder and complex symmetry-breaking.", "category": "cond-mat_supr-con" }, { "text": "Pressure effects on the unconventional superconductivity of the\n noncentrosymmetric LaNiC2: The unconventional superconductivity in the noncentrosymmetric LaNiC$_2$, and\nits evolution with pressure, is analyzed basing on the {\\it ab initio}\ncomputations and the full Eliashberg formalism. First principles calculations\nof the electronic structure, phonons and the electron-phonon coupling are\nreported in the pressure range 0-15 GPa. The thermodynamic properties of the\nsuperconducting state were determined numerically solving the Eliashberg\nequations. We found that already at $p=0$ GPa, the superconducting parameters\ndeviate from the BCS-type, and a large value of the Coulomb pseudopotential\n$\\mu^{\\star}=0.22$ is required to get the critical temperature $T_c = 2.8$~K\nconsistent with experiment. If such $\\mu^{\\star}$ is used, the Eliashberg\nformalism reproduces also the experimentally observed values of the\nsuperconducting order parameter, the electronic specific heat jump at the\ncritical temperature, and the change of the London penetration depth with\ntemperature. This shows, that deviation of the above-mentioned parameters from\nthe BCS predictions do not prejudge on the triplet or multiple gap nature of\nthe superconductivity in this compound. Under the external pressure,\ncalculations predict continuous increase of the electron-phonon coupling\nconstant in the whole pressure range 0-15~GPa, consistent with the\nexperimentally observed increase in $T_c$ for the pressure range 0-4~GPa, but\ninconsistent with the drop of $T_c$ above 4~GPa and the disappearance of the\nsuperconductivity above 7~GPa, reported experimentally. The disappearance of\nsuperconductivity may be accounted for by increasing the $\\mu^{\\star}$ to 0.36\nat 7~GPa, which supports the hypothesis of the formation of a new high-pressure\nelectronic phase, which competes with the superconductivity.", "category": "cond-mat_supr-con" }, { "text": "NMR evidence for an intimate relationship between antiferromagnetic spin\n fluctuations and extended s-wave superconductivity in mono-crystalline\n SrFe2(As_{1-x}P_{x})2: We report systematic 31P-NMR study on iron (Fe)-based superconductors\nSrFe2(As_{1-x}P_{x})2 (Sr122AsP), in which a superconducting (SC) transition\ntemperature Tc at x=0.35 increases from Tc=26 K up to 33 K by annealing an\nas-grown mono-crystalline sample. The present NMR study has unraveled that Tc\nreaches a highest value of 33 K at x=0.35 around a quantum critical point at\nwhich antiferromagnetic (AFM) order disappears. When noting that the SC\ntransition disappears at x=0.6 where the AFM spin fluctuations (SFs) are no\nlonger present, we remark that the onset and increase of Tc are apparently\nassociated with the emergence and enhancement of AFM-SFs, respectively. In the\nSC state, the residual density of state (RDOS) at the Fermi energy EF in the SC\nstate becomes much smaller for the annealed sample than for the as-grown one,\nsuggesting that some inhomogeneity and/or imperfection for the latter increases\nRDOS as expected for unconventional SC state with nodal gap. These findings in\nSr122AsP are consistent with the unconventional s(+-)-wave Cooper pairing state\nthat is mediated by AFM-SFs. We also discuss other key-ingredients besides the\nAFM-SFs to increase Tc further.", "category": "cond-mat_supr-con" }, { "text": "Origin of Topological Surface Superconductivity in\n FeSe$_{0.45}$Te$_{0.55}$: The engineering of Majorana zero modes in topological superconductors, a new\nparadigm for the realization of topological quantum computing and\ntopology-based devices, has been hampered by the absence of materials with\nsufficiently large superconducting gaps. Recent experiments, however, have\nprovided enthralling evidence for the existence of topological surface\nsuperconductivity in the iron-based superconductor FeSe$_{0.45}$Te$_{0.55}$\npossessing a full $s_\\pm$-wave gap of a few meV. Here, we propose a mechanism\nfor the emergence of topological superconductivity on the surface of\nFeSe$_{0.45}$Te$_{0.55}$ by demonstrating that the interplay between the\n$s_\\pm$-wave symmetry of the superconducting gap, recently observed surface\nmagnetism, and a Rashba spin-orbit interaction gives rise to several\ntopological superconducting phases. Moreover, the proposed mechanism explains a\nseries of experimentally observed hallmarks of topological superconductivity,\nsuch as the emergence of Majorana zero modes in the center of vortex cores and\nat the end of line defects, as well as of chiral Majorana edge modes along\ncertain types of domain walls. We also propose that the spatial distribution of\nsupercurrents near a domain wall is a characteristic signature measurable via a\nscanning superconducting quantum interference device that can distinguish\nbetween chiral Majorana edge modes and trivial in-gap states.", "category": "cond-mat_supr-con" }, { "text": "Probing the topological band structure of diffusive multiterminal\n Josephson junction devices with conductance measurements: The energy of an Andreev bound state in a clean normal metal in contact with\ntwo superconductors disperses with the difference $\\Delta \\phi$ in the\nsuperconducting phase between the superconductors in much the same way as the\nenergies of electrons in a one-dimensional crystal disperse with the crystal\nmomentum $k$ of the electrons. A normal metal with $n$ superconductors maps on\nto a $n-1$ dimensional crystal, each dimension corresponding to the phase\ndifference $\\phi_i$ between a specific pair of superconductors. The resulting\nband structure as a function of the phase differences $\\{\\Delta \\phi_i\\}$ has\nbeen proposed to have a topological nature, with gapped regions characterized\nby different Chern numbers separated by regions where the gap in the\nquasiparticle spectrum closes. A similar complex evolution of the quasiparticle\nspectrum with $\\{\\Delta \\phi_i\\}$ has also been predicted for diffusive normal\nmetals in contact with multiple superconductors. Here we show that the\nvariation of the density of states at the Fermi energy of such a system can be\ndirectly probed by relatively simple conductance measurements, allowing rapid\ncharacterization of the energy spectrum.", "category": "cond-mat_supr-con" }, { "text": "Controlling superconductivity of CeIrIn$_5$ microstructures by substrate\n selection: Superconductor/metal interfaces are usually fabricated in heterostructures\nthat join these dissimilar materials. A conceptually different approach has\nrecently exploited the strain sensitivity of heavy-fermion superconductors,\nselectively transforming regions of the crystal into the metallic state by\nstrain gradients. The strain is generated by differential thermal contraction\nbetween the sample and the substrate. Here, we present an improved\nfinite-element model that reliably predicts the superconducting transition\ntemperature in CeIrIn$_5$ even in complex structures. Different substrates are\nemployed to tailor the strain field into the desired shapes. Using this\napproach, both highly complex and strained as well as strain-free\nmicrostructures are fabricated to validate the model. This enables full control\nover the microscopic strain fields, and forms the basis for more advanced\nstructuring of superconductors as in Josephson junctions.", "category": "cond-mat_supr-con" }, { "text": "Generic Finite Size Enhancement of Pairing in Mesoscopic Fermi Systems: The finite size dependent enhancement of pairing in mesoscopic Fermi systems\nis studied under the assumption that the BCS approach is valid and that the two\nbody force is size independent. Different systems are investigated such as\nsuperconducting metallic grains and films as well atomic nuclei. It is shown\nthat the finite size enhancement of pairing in these systems is in part due to\nthe presence of a surface which accounts quite well for the data of nuclei and\nexplains a good fraction of the enhancement in Al grains.", "category": "cond-mat_supr-con" }, { "text": "Pair Density Waves from Local Band Geometry: A band-projection formalism is developed for calculating the superfluid\nweight in two-dimensional multi-orbital superconductors with an\norbital-dependent pairing. It is discovered that, in this case, the band\ngeometric superfluid stiffness tensor can be locally non-positive-definite in\nsome regions of the Brillouin zone. When these regions are large enough or\ninclude nodal singularities, the total superfluid weight becomes\nnon-positive-definite due to pairing fluctuations, resulting in the transition\nof a BCS state to a pair-density wave (PDW). This geometric BCS-PDW transition\nis studied in the context of two-orbital superconductors, and proof of the\nexistence of a geometric BCS-PDW transition in a generic topological flat band\nis established.", "category": "cond-mat_supr-con" }, { "text": "Electron-Phonon Superconductivity in LaO$_{0.5}$F$_{0.5}$BiSe$_{2}$: We report density functional calculations of the electronic structure, Fermi\nsurface, phonon spectrum and electron--phonon coupling for newly discovered\nsuperconductor LaO$_{0.5}$F$_{0.5}$BiSe$_{2}$. Significant similarity between\nLaO$_{0.5}$F$_{0.5}$BiS$_{2}$ and LaO$_{0.5}$F$_{0.5}$BiSe$_{2}$ is found, i.e.\nthere is a strong Fermi surface nesting at ($\\pi $,$\\pi $,0), which results in\nunstable phonon branches. Combining the frozen phonon total energy calculations\nand an anharmonic oscillator model, we find that the quantum fluctuation\nprevents the appearance of static long--range order. The calculation shows that\nLaO$_{0.5}$F$_{0.5}$BiSe$_{2}$ is highly anisotropic, and same as\nLaO$_{0.5}$F$_{0.5}$BiS$_{2}$, this compound is also a conventional\nelectron-phonon coupling induced superconductor.", "category": "cond-mat_supr-con" }, { "text": "Critical Velocity in the Presence of Surface Bound States in Superfluid\n $^3$He-B: A microelectromechanical oscillator with a gap of 1.25 $\\mu$m was immersed in\nsuperfluid $^3$He-B and cooled below 250 $\\mu$K at various pressures.\nMechanical resonances of its shear motion were measured at various levels of\ndriving force. The oscillator enters into a nonlinear regime above a certain\nthreshold velocity. The damping increases rapidly in the nonlinear region and\neventually prevents the velocity of the oscillator from increasing beyond the\ncritical velocity which is much lower than the Landau critical velocity. We\npropose that this peculiar nonlinear behavior stems from the escape of\nquasiparticles from the surface bound states into the bulk fluid.", "category": "cond-mat_supr-con" }, { "text": "Reinterpretation of the equilibrium magnetization of a Tl-based single\n crystal. Another phase transition in the mixed state of high-Tc\n superconductors?: We apply a recently developed scaling procedure for the analysis of the\nequilibrium magnetization M that was measured on a Tl-based single crystal and\nwas recently reported in the literature. The results of our analysis are\ndistinctly different from those obtained in the original publication where the\nHao-Clem model served to analyze the magnetization data. We argue that the\nHao-Clem model is not adequate for a quantitative description of the mixed\nstate in high-Tc superconductors especially in high magnetic fields. The scaled\nequilibrium magnetization data reveal a pronounced kink in the M(H) dependence\nthat might be indicative of a phase transition in the mixed state.", "category": "cond-mat_supr-con" }, { "text": "Finite-size effects in hyperuniform vortex matter: Novel hyperuniform materials are emerging as an active field of applied and\nbasic research since they can be designed to have exceptional physical\nproperties. This ubiquitous state of matter presents a hidden order that is\ncharacterized by the density of constituents of the system being uniform at\nlarge scales, as in a perfect crystal, although they can be isotropic and\ndisordered like a liquid. In the quest for synthesizing hyperuniform materials\nin experimental conditions, the impact of finite-size effects remains as an\nopen question to be addressed. We use vortex matter in type-II superconductors\nas a toy model system to study this issue. We previously reported that vortex\nmatter nucleated in samples with point disorder is effectively hyperuniform and\nthus presents the interesting physical properties inherent to hyperuniform\nsystems. In this work we present experimental evidence that on decreasing the\nthickness of the vortex system its hyperuniform order is depleted. By means of\nhydrodynamic arguments we show that the experimentally observed depletion can\nbe associated to two crossovers that we describe within a hydrodynamic\napproximation. The first crossover length is thickness-dependent and separates\na class-II hyperuniform regime at intermediate lengthscales from a regime that\ncan become asymptotically non-hyperuniform for large wavelengths in very thin\nsamples. The second crossover takes place at smaller lengthscales and marks the\nonset of a faster increase of density fluctuations due to the dispersivity of\nthe elastic constants. Our work points to a novel mechanism of emerging\nhyperuniformity controlled by the thickness of the host sample, an issue that\nhas to be taken into account when growing hyperuniform structures for\ntechnological applications.", "category": "cond-mat_supr-con" }, { "text": "Diamagnetism of real-space pairs above Tc in hole doped cuprates: The nonlinear normal state diamagnetism reported by Lu Li et al. [Phys. Rev.\nB 81, 054510 (2010)] is shown to be incompatible with an acclaimed Cooper\npairing and vortex liquid above the resistive critical temperature. Instead it\nis perfectly compatible with the normal state Landau diamagnetism of real-space\ncomposed bosons, which describes the nonlinear magnetization curves in less\nanisotropic cuprates La-Sr-Cu-O (LSCO) and Y-Ba-Cu-O (YBCO) as well as in\nstrongly anisotropic bismuth-based cuprates in the whole range of available\nmagnetic fields.", "category": "cond-mat_supr-con" }, { "text": "Shaping graphene superconductivity with nanometer precision: Graphene holds great potential for superconductivity due to its pure\ntwo-dimensional nature, the ability to tune its carrier density through\nelectrostatic gating, and its unique, relativistic-like electronic properties.\nAt present, we are still far from controlling and understanding graphene\nsuperconductivity, mainly because the selective introduction of superconducting\nproperties to graphene is experimentally very challenging. Here, we have\ndeveloped a method that enables shaping at will graphene superconductivity\nthrough a precise control of graphene-superconductor junctions. The method\ncombines the proximity effect with scanning tunnelling microscope (STM)\nmanipulation capabilities. We first grow Pb nano-islands that locally induce\nsuperconductivity in graphene. Using a STM, Pb nano-islands can be selectively\ndisplaced, over different types of graphene surfaces, with nanometre scale\nprecision, in any direction, over distances of hundreds of nanometres. This\nopens an exciting playground where a large number of predefined\ngraphene-superconductor hybrid structures can be investigated with atomic scale\nprecision. To illustrate the potential, we perform a series of experiments,\nrationalized by the quasi-classical theory of superconductivity, going from the\nfundamental understanding of superconductor-graphene-superconductor\nheterostructures to the construction of superconductor nanocorrals, further\nused as \"portable\" experimental probes of local magnetic moments in graphene.", "category": "cond-mat_supr-con" }, { "text": "Vortex Interaction with Mesoscopic Irregularities in High Temperature\n Superconductors: The conformal mapping method is used to study the problem of flux line\ninteraction with surface cavities having cylindrical profile and characteristic\nsize much less than the penetration length, i.e, within mesoscopic scale. It is\nshown that the metastable states are achieved when the dimensions of the\nsurface irregularities do not exceed the coherence length. Our study shows that\nthe surface barrier may vanished at some weak point at which the surface\nirregularities have mesoscopic scales. On the other hand, the surface barrier\nis completely disappeared when the surface defects size is more greater than\npenetration length. Our results are compared with the available experimental\ndata and theoretical results.", "category": "cond-mat_supr-con" }, { "text": "Magnetic-Field-Induced Localization of Quasiparticles in Underdoped\n La$_{2-x}$Sr$_x$CuO$_4$ Single Crystals: Magnetic-field-induced ordering of electrons around vortices is a striking\nphenomenon recently found in high-$T_c$ cuprates. To identify its consequence\nin the quasiparticle dynamics, the magnetic-field ($H$) dependence of the\nlow-temperature thermal conductivity $\\kappa$ of La$_{2-x}$Sr$_x$CuO$_4$\ncrystals is studied for a wide doping range. It is found that the behavior of\n$\\kappa(H)$ in the sub-Kelvin region changes drastically across optimum doping,\nand the data for underdoped samples are indicative of unusual\nmagnetic-field-induced localization of quasiparticles; this localization\nphenomenon is probably responsible for the unusual \"insulating normal state\"\nunder high magnetic fields.", "category": "cond-mat_supr-con" }, { "text": "The dual nature of magnetism in a uranium heavy fermion system: The duality between localized and itinerant nature of magnetism in\n$5\\textit{f}$ electron systems has been a longstanding puzzle. Here, we report\ninelastic neutron scattering measurements, which reveal both local and\nitinerant aspects of magnetism in a single crystalline system of\nUPt$_{2}$Si$_{2}$. In the antiferromagnetic state, we observe broad continuum\nof diffuse magnetic scattering with a resonance-like gap of $\\approx$ 7 meV,\nand surprising absence of coherent spin-waves, suggestive of itinerant\nmagnetism. While the gap closes above the Neel temperature, strong dynamic spin\ncorrelations persist to high temperature. Nevertheless, the size and\ntemperature dependence of the total magnetic spectral weight can be well\ndescribed by local moment with $J=4$. Furthermore, polarized neutron\nmeasurements reveal that the magnetic fluctuations are mostly transverse, with\nlittle or none of the longitudinal component expected for itinerant moments.\nThese results suggest that a dual description of local and itinerant magnetism\nis required to understand UPt$_{2}$Si$_{2}$, and by extension, other 5$f$\nsystems in general.", "category": "cond-mat_supr-con" }, { "text": "Vortex pattern in a nanoscopic cylinder: A superconducting nanoscopic cylinder, with radius $R = 4.0\\xi$ and height $D\n= 4.0\\xi$ is submitted to an applied field along the cylinder axis. The\nGinzburg-Landau theory is solved in three-dimensions using the simulated\nannealing technique to minimize the free energy functional. We obtain different\nvortex patterns, some of which are giant vortices and up to twelve vortices are\nable to fit inside the cylinder", "category": "cond-mat_supr-con" }, { "text": "Thermal Conductivity as a Probe of Quasi-Particles in the Cuprates: In underdoped YBa_2Cu_3O_x (x=6.63), the low-T thermal conductivity Kappa_xx\nvaries steeply with field B at small B, and saturates to a nearly\nfield-independent value at high fields. The simple expression [1+p(T)|B|]^(-1)\nprovides an excellent fit to Kappa_xx(B) over a wide range of fields. From the\nfit, we extract the zero-field mean-free-path, and the low temperature behavior\nof the QP current. The procedure also allows the QP Hall angle Theta_QP to be\nobtained. We find that Theta_QP falls on the 1/T^2 curve extrapolated from the\nelectrical Hall angle above Tc. Moreover, it shares the same T dependence as\nthe field scale p(T) extracted from Kappa_xx. We discuss implications of these\nresults.", "category": "cond-mat_supr-con" }, { "text": "Comment on ``Critical current density from magnetization hysteresis data\n using the critical-state model'': A recent paper [Physical Review {\\bf B 64} 014508 (2001)] claims to present\nan exact method to extract the critical current density J$_C$ from the M-H\nhysteresis curve. We show that this claim appears unjustified.", "category": "cond-mat_supr-con" }, { "text": "Vortex Phase Diagram of weakly pinned YBa$_2$Cu$_3$O$_{7-\u03b4}$ for H\n $\\parallel$ c: Vortex phase diagram in a weakly pinned crystal of YBCO for H $\\parallel$ c\nis reviewed in the light of a recent elucidation of the process of `inverse\nmelting' in a Bismuth cuprate system and the imaging of an interface between\nthe ordered and the disordered regions across the peak effect in 2H-NbSe$_2$.\nIn the given YBCO crystal, a clear distinction can be made between the second\nmagnetization peak (SMP) and the peak effect (PE) between 65 K and 75 K. The\nfield region between the peak fields of the SMP (H$^m_{smp}$) and the onset\nfields of the PE (H$^{on}_{pe}$)is not only continuously connected to the Bragg\nglass phase at lower fields but it is also sandwiched between the higher\ntemperature vortex liquid phase and the lower temperature vortex glass phase.\nThus, an ordered vortex state between H$^m_{smp}$ and H$^{on}_{pe}$ can get\ntransformed to the (disordered) vortex liquid state on heating as well as to\nthe (disordered) vortex glass state on cooling, a situation analogous to the\nthermal melting and the inverse melting phenomenon seen in a Bismuth cuprate.", "category": "cond-mat_supr-con" }, { "text": "Microwave absorption in s- and d-wave disordered superconductors: We model s- and d-wave ceramic superconductors with a three-dimensional\nlattice of randomly distributed Josephson junctions with finite\nself-inductance. The field and temperature dependences of the microwave\nabsoption are obtained by solving the corresponding Langevin dynamical\nequations. We find that at magnetic field H=0 the microwave absoption of the\ns-wave samples, when plotted against the field, has a minimum at any\ntemperature. In the case of d-wave superconductors one has a peak at H=0 in the\ntemperature region where the paramagnetic Meissner effect is observable. These\nresults agree with experiments. The dependence of the microwave absorption on\nthe screening strength was found to be nontrivial due to the crossover from the\nweak to the strong screening regime.", "category": "cond-mat_supr-con" }, { "text": "A Trapped Field of 17.6 T in Melt-Processed, Bulk Gd-Ba-Cu-O Reinforced\n with Shrink-Fit Steel: The ability of large grain, REBa$_{2}$Cu$_{3}$O$_{7-\\delta}$ [(RE)BCO; RE =\nrare earth] bulk superconductors to trap magnetic field is determined by their\ncritical current. With high trapped fields, however, bulk samples are subject\nto a relatively large Lorentz force, and their performance is limited primarily\nby their tensile strength. Consequently, sample reinforcement is the key to\nperformance improvement in these technologically important materials. In this\nwork, we report a trapped field of 17.6 T, the largest reported to date, in a\nstack of two, silver-doped GdBCO superconducting bulk samples, each of diameter\n25 mm, fabricated by top-seeded melt growth (TSMG) and reinforced with\nshrink-fit stainless steel. This sample preparation technique has the advantage\nof being relatively straightforward and inexpensive to implement and offers the\nprospect of easy access to portable, high magnetic fields without any\nrequirement for a sustaining current source.", "category": "cond-mat_supr-con" }, { "text": "Low-temperature high-frequency dynamic magnetic susceptibility of\n classical spin-ice Dy$_2$Ti$_2$O$_7$: Radio-frequency (14.6 MHz) AC magnetic susceptibility, $\\chi^{\\prime}_{AC}$,\nof \\dytio\\ was measured using a self-oscillating tunnel-diode resonator.\nMeasurements were made with the excitation AC field parallel to the\nsuperimposed DC magnetic field up 5 T in a wide temperature range from 50 mK to\n100 K. At 14.6 MHz a known broad peak of $\\chi^{\\prime}_{AC}(T)$ from kHz -\nrange audio-frequency measurements around 15~K for both [111] and [110]\ndirections shifts to 45~K, continuing the Arrhenius activated behavior with the\nsame activation energy barrier of $E_a \\approx 230$~K. Magnetic field\ndependence of $\\chi^{\\prime}_{AC}$ along [111] reproduces previously reported\nlow-temperature two-in-two-out to three-in-one-out spin configuration\ntransition at about 1~T, and an intermediate phase between 1 and 1.5~T. The\nboundaries of the intermediate phase show reasonable overlap with the\nliterature data and connect at a critical endpoint of the first-order\ntransition line, suggesting that these low-temperature features are frequency\nindependent. An unusual upturn of magnetic susceptibility at $T \\to 0$ was\nobserved in magnetic fields between 1.5~T and 2~T for both magnetic field\ndirections, before fully polarized configuration sets in above 2~T.", "category": "cond-mat_supr-con" }, { "text": "Single particle tunneling spectroscopy and superconducting gaps in\n layered iron based superconductor KCa$_{2}$Fe$_{4}$As$_{4}$F$_{2}$: We perform scanning tunneling microscopy/spectroscopy study on the layered\niron based superconductor KCa$_2$Fe$_4$As$_4$F$_2$ with a critical temperature\nof about 33.5 K. Two types of terminated surfaces are generally observed after\ncleaving the samples in vacuum. On one commonly obtained surface, we observe a\nfull gap feature with energy gap values close to 4.6 meV. This type of spectrum\nshows a clean and uniform full gap in space, which indicates the absence of gap\nnodes in this superconductor. Quasiparticle interference patterns have also\nbeen measured, which show no scattering patterns between the hole and tiny\nelectron pockets, but rather an intra-band scattering pattern is observed\npossibly due to the hole-like $\\alpha$ pocket. The Fermi energy of this band is\nonly about $24\\pm6$ meV as derived from the energy dispersion result.\nMeanwhile, impurity induced bound-state peaks can be observed at about $\\pm2.2$\nmeV on some spectra, and the peak value seems to be independent to magnetic\nfield. On the second type of surface which is rarely obtained, the fully gapped\nfeature can still be observed on the tunneling spectra, although multiple gaps\nare obtained either from a single spectrum or separate ones, and the gap values\ndetermined from coherence peaks locate mainly in the range from 4 to 8 meV. Our\nresults clearly indicate multiple and nodeless superconducting gap nature in\nthis layered superconductor KCa$_2$Fe$_4$As$_4$F$_2$, and the superfluid is\nmainly contributed by the hole-like Fermi surfaces near $\\Gamma$ point. This\nwould inspire further consideration on the effect of the shallow and incipient\nbands near M point, and help to understand the pairing mechanism in this highly\nlayered iron-based superconductor.", "category": "cond-mat_supr-con" }, { "text": "Pair correlations in the two-orbital Hubbard ladder: Implications on\n superconductivity in the bilayer nickelate La$_3$Ni$_2$O$_7$: Motivated by high-temperature superconductivity in pressurized\nLa$_3$Ni$_2$O$_7$, we investigate the pair correlations in the two-orbital\nHubbard ladder, which consists of the nearly half-filled and nearly\nquarter-filled orbitals. By employing the density matrix renormalization group\nmethod, we demonstrate that the pair correlation exhibits a power-law decay\nagainst the distance while the spin correlation decays exponentially. The decay\nexponent of the pair correlation of the nearly half-filled orbital is\ncomparable to the exponent of the quasi-long-range superconducting correlation\nin the doped single-orbital Hubbard ladder, which suggests the importance of\nthe $d_{3z^2-r^2}$ orbital in La$_3$Ni$_2$O$_7$.", "category": "cond-mat_supr-con" }, { "text": "Topological Josephson Heat Engine: The promise of fault-tolerant quantum computing has made topological\nsuperconductors the focus of intense research during the past decade. In this\ncontext, topological Josephson junctions based on nanowires or on topological\ninsulators provide an alternative route for probing topological\nsuperconductivity. As a hallmark of their topological nature, such junctions\nexhibit a ground-state fermion parity that is $4\\pi$-periodic in the\nsuperconducting phase difference $\\phi$. Finding unambiguous experimental\nevidence for this $4\\pi$-periodicity still proves a difficult task, however.\nHere we propose a topological Josephson heat engine implemented by a\nJosephson-Stirling cycle as an alternative thermodynamic approach to test the\nground-state parity. Using a Josephson junction based on a quantum spin Hall\n(QSH) insulator, we show how the thermodynamic cycle can be used to test the\n$4\\pi$-periodicity of the topological ground state and to distinguish between\nparity-conserving and non-parity-conserving engines. Interestingly, we find\nthat parity conservation generally boosts both the efficiency and power of the\ntopological heat engine with respect to its non-topological counterpart. Our\nresults, applicable not only to QSH-based junctions but also to any topological\nJosephson junction, demonstrate the potential of the intriguing and fruitful\nmarriage between topology and coherent thermodynamics.", "category": "cond-mat_supr-con" }, { "text": "Polar Kerr effect from a time-reversal symmetry breaking unidirectional\n charge density wave: We analyze the Hall conductivity $\\sigma_{xy}(\\omega)$ of a charge ordered\nstate with momentum $\\mathbf{Q}=(0,2Q)$ and calculate the intrinsic\ncontribution to the Kerr angle $\\Theta_K$ using the fully reconstructed\ntight-binding band structure for layered cuprates beyond the low energy hot\nspots model and particle hole symmetry. We show that such a unidirectional\ncharge density wave (CDW), which breaks time reversal symmetry as recently put\nforward by Wang and Chubukov [Phys. Rev. B {\\bf 90}, 035149 (2014)], leads to a\nnonzero polar Kerr effect as observed experimentally. In addition, we model a\nfluctuating CDW via a large quasiparticle damping of the order of the CDW gap\nand discuss possible implications for the pseudogap phase. We can qualitatively\nreproduce previous measurements of underdoped cuprates but making quantitative\nconnections to experiments is hampered by the sensitivity of the polar Kerr\neffect with respect to the complex refractive index $n(\\omega)$.", "category": "cond-mat_supr-con" }, { "text": "A possible cooling effect in high temperature superconductors: We show that an adiabatic increase of the supercurrent along a superconductor\nwith lines of nodes of the order parameter on the Fermi surface can result in a\ncooling effect. The maximum cooling occurs if the supercurrent increases up to\nits critical value. The effect can also be observed in a mixed state of a bulk\nsample. An estimate of the energy dissipation shows that substantial cooling\ncan be performed during a reasonable time even in the microkelvin regime.", "category": "cond-mat_supr-con" }, { "text": "Spin-pumping from a ferromagnetic insulator to an unconventional\n superconductor with interfacial Andreev bound-states: Spin-pumping from a ferromagnetic insulator into a high-$T_c$ superconductor\nwith a $d$-wave superconducting order parameter has recently been\nexperimentally observed. Such unconventional superconducting order is known to\nproduce interfacial bound-states for certain crystallographic orientations.\nHere, we present a methodology which can be used to study spin-pumping into\nunconventional superconductors, including the role of interfacial bound-states.\nAs an example, we determine how the crystallographic orientation of the\n$d$-wave order parameter relative the interface changes the spin-pumping\neffect. We find that the spin-pumping effect is slightly enhanced at low\ntemperatures for orientations hosting interfacial bound-states compared to\nother superconducting states. However, the spin-pumping effect does not show a\ncoherence peak close to $T_c$ for such orientations, and instead remains\nsmaller than the normal state value for all $T$. For orientations not hosting\ninterfacial bound-states, we find that the pumped spin current can be increased\nto several times the normal-state spin current at frequencies that are small\ncompared to the superconducting gap. Our results show that the spin-pumping\ndependency on frequency and temperature changes qualitatively depending on the\ncrystallographic orientation of unconventional superconducting order parameters\nrelative the interface.", "category": "cond-mat_supr-con" }, { "text": "Impurity bands in magnetic superconductors with spin density wave: Magnetic superconductors define a broad class of strongly correlated\nmaterials in which superconductivity may coexist with either localized or\nitinerant long-range magnetic order. In this work we consider a multiband model\nof a disordered magnetic superconductor which realizes coexistence of\nunconventional superconductivity and a spin-density-wave. We derive an exact\n$T$-matrix and compute a single particle density of states in this system. In a\npurely superconducting state the interband scattering potential leads to an\nappearance of the localized Yu-Shiba-Rusinov bound states. Our main finding is\nthat in the fairly broad swath of the coexistence region superconductivity\nremains fully gapped despite the presence of the impurity bands. We also\ndiscuss the effects of spatial inhomogeneities on the density of states in\nstrongly contaminated superconductors.", "category": "cond-mat_supr-con" }, { "text": "Quasi-1-Dimensional Superconductivity in Highly Disordered NbN Nanowires: The topic of superconductivity in strongly disordered materials has attracted\na significant attention. In particular vivid debates are related to the subject\nof intrinsic spatial inhomogeneity responsible for non-BCS relation between the\nsuperconducting gap and the pairing potential. Here we report experimental\nstudy of electron transport properties of narrow NbN nanowires with effective\ncross sections of the order of the debated inhomogeneity scales. We find that\nconventional models based on phase slip concept provide reasonable fits for the\nshape of the R(T) transition curve. Temperature dependence of the critical\ncurrent follows the text-book Ginzburg-Landau prediction for\nquasi-one-dimensional superconducting channel Ic~(1-T/Tc)^3/2. Hence, one may\nconclude that the intrinsic electronic inhomogeneity either does not exist in\nour structures, or, if exist, does not affect their resistive state properties.", "category": "cond-mat_supr-con" }, { "text": "Overscreening in Hubbard electron systems: We show that doping-induced charge fluctuations in strongly correlated\nHubbard electron systems near the 1/2-filled, insulating limit cause\noverscreening of the electron-electron Coulomb repulsion. The resulting\nattractive screened interaction potential supports d_{x^2-y^2}-pairing with a\nstrongly peaked, doping dependent pairing strength at lower doping, followed by\ns-wave pairing at larger doping levels.", "category": "cond-mat_supr-con" }, { "text": "Unconventional dynamical covalency driven superconductivity in Nb doped\n SrTiO3: Nb doped SrTiO3, the first discovered two-gap superconductor, is shown to be\nthe most unconventional one of the known multiband superconductors, since the\nsmaller of the two superconducting gaps follows a non BCS temperature\ndependence. Such a behavior stems from two cooperating effects: an extreme\nanisotropy in the frequency dependent interactions, involving one very soft\nmode and an almost vanishing interband interaction. In contrast to all other\nmultiband superconductors, the temperature dependence of the superfluid density\nof Nb doped SrTiO3 is predicted to exhibit an inflection point close to Tc and\nnot close to T=0.", "category": "cond-mat_supr-con" }, { "text": "Optimization of parameters of nanostructure for study inverse proximity\n effects on \"superconductor-ferromagnetic\" interface using Polarized Neutron\n Reflectometry in enhanced standing wave regime: This work is devoted to experimental study of influence of superconductivity\n(S) on ferromagnetism (FM) (inverse proximity effects) with the help of\nPolarized Neutron Reflectivity. Combining meausurements of specular and diffuse\nintensities it is possible to obtain full picture of magnetization change in\nS/FM layered systems like magnetization rotation, domain state formation,\ninducing of magnetization in S layer, etc. To increase weak magnetic signal we\npropose to use enhanced neutron standing wave regime (e.g. waveguides). Choose\nof materials, optimization of thicknesses of layers, estimation of roughnesses\ninfluence is presented in this work.", "category": "cond-mat_supr-con" }, { "text": "Evidence for an angular dependent contribution from columnar defects to\n the equilibrium magnetization of YBa_2Cu_3O_{7-d}: We have measured an angle-dependent contribution to the equilibrium\nmagnetization of a YBa_2Cu_3O_{7-d} single crystal with columnar defects\ncreated by 5.8GeV Pb ions. This contribution manifests itself as a jump in the\nequilibrium torque signal, when the magnetic field crosses that of the defects.\nThe magnitude of the signal, which is observed in a narrow temperature interval\nless than 2K and for fields up to about twice the irradiation field, is used to\nestimate the the energy gained by vortex pinning on the defects. The vanishing\nof the effective pinning energy at a temperature below Tc is attributed to its\nrenormalization by thermal fluctuations.", "category": "cond-mat_supr-con" }, { "text": "Ground state angular momentum, spectral asymmetry, and topology in\n chiral superfluids and superconductors: Recently it was discovered that the ground state orbital angular momentum in\ntwo-dimensional chiral superfluids with pairing symmetry $(p_x+ip_y)^\\nu$\ndepends on the winding number $\\nu$ in a striking manner. The ground state\nvalue for the $\\nu=1$ case is $L_z=\\hbar N/2$ as expected by counting the\nCooper pairs, while a dramatic cancellation takes place for $\\nu>1$. The origin\nof the cancellation is associated with the topological edge states that appear\nin a finite geometry and give rise to a spectral asymmetry. Here we study the\nreduction of orbital angular momentum for different potential profiles and\npairing strengths, showing that the result $L_z=\\hbar N/2$ is robust for\n$\\nu=1$ under all studied circumstances. We study how angular momentum depends\non the gap size $\\Delta/E_F$ and obtain the result $L_z=\\frac{\\hbar\\nu}{2}\nN(1-\\frac{\\mu}{E_F})$ for $\\nu=2,3$. Thus, the gap-dependence of $L_z$ for\n$\\nu<4$ enters at most through the chemical potential while $\\nu\\geq4$ is\nqualitatively different. In addition, we generalize the spectral asymmetry\narguments to \\emph{total} angular momentum in the ground state of triplet\nsuperfluids where due to a spin-orbit coupling $L_z$ is not a good quantum\nnumber. We find that the ground state total angular momentum also behaves very\ndifferently depending on total angular momentum of the Cooper pairs.", "category": "cond-mat_supr-con" }, { "text": "Bifurcation structure and chaos in nanomagnet coupled to Josephson\n junction: Recently an irregular easy axis reorientation demonstrating the Kapitza\npendulum features were observed in numerical simulations of nanomagnet coupled\nto the Josephson junction. To explain its origin we study the magnetization\nbifurcations and chaos which appear in this system due to interplay of\nsuperconductivity and magnetism. The bifurcation structure of the magnetization\nunder the variation of Josephson to magnetic energy ratio as a control\nparameter demonstrates several precessional motions. They are related to\nchaotic behavior, bistability, and multiperiodic orbits in the ferromagnetic\nresonance region. Effect of external periodic drive on the bifurcation\nstructure is investigated. The results demonstrate high-frequency modes of\nperiodic motion and chaotic response near resonance. Far from the ferromagnetic\nresonance we observe a quasiperiodic behavior.", "category": "cond-mat_supr-con" }, { "text": "Change of the vortex core structure in two-band superconductors at\n impurity-scattering-driven $s_\\pm/s_{++}$ crossover: We report a nontrivial transition in the core structure of vortices in\ntwo-band superconductors as a function of interband impurity scattering. We\ndemonstrate that, in addition to singular zeros of the order parameter, the\nvortices there can acquire a circular nodal line around the singular point in\none of the superconducting components. It results in the formation of the\npeculiar \"moat\"-like profile in one of the superconducting gaps. The moat-core\nvortices occur generically in the vicinity of the impurity-induced crossover\nbetween $s_{\\pm}$ and $s_{++}$ states.", "category": "cond-mat_supr-con" }, { "text": "Temperature dependence of iron local magnetic moment in phase-separated\n superconducting chalcogenide: We have studied local magnetic moment and electronic phase separation in\nsuperconducting K$_{x}$Fe$_{2-y}$Se$_2$ by x-ray emission and absorption\nspectroscopy. Detailed temperature dependent measurements at the Fe K-edge have\nrevealed coexisting electronic phases and their correlation with the transport\nproperties. By cooling down, the local magnetic moment of Fe shows a sharp drop\nacross the superconducting transition temperature (T$_c$) and the coexisting\nphases exchange spectral weights with the low spin state gaining intensity at\nthe expense of the higher spin state. After annealing the sample across the\niron-vacancy order temperature, the system does not recover the initial state\nand the spectral weight anomaly at T$_c$ as well as superconductivity\ndisappear. The results clearly underline that the coexistence of the low spin\nand high spin phases and the transitions between them provide unusual magnetic\nfluctuations and have a fundamental role in the superconducting mechanism of\nelectronically inhomogeneous K$_{x}$Fe$_{2-y}$Se$_2$ system.", "category": "cond-mat_supr-con" }, { "text": "Time relaxation of microwave second order response of superconductors in\n the critical state: Relaxation of the microwave second order response of YBa2Cu3O7 and\nBa0.6K0.4BiO3 crystals in the critical state is studied. The samples are\nexposed to static and pulsed microwave magnetic fields. The second harmonic\nsignals decay during the time in which the microwave pulse endures. The decay\ntimes depend on the supercon-ductor investigated and on the way the value of\nthe static field has been reached.", "category": "cond-mat_supr-con" }, { "text": "Paramagnetic Effects in the Vortex Lattice Field Distribution of\n Strongly Type-II Superconductors: We present an analysis of the magnetic field distribution in the Abrikosov\nlattice of high-$\\kappa$ superconductors with singlet pairing in the case where\nthe critical field is mainly determined by the Pauli limit and the superfluid\ncurrents partly come from the paramagnetic interaction of electron spins with\nthe local magnetic field. The derivation is performed in the frame of the\ngeneralized Clem variational method which is valid not too close to the\ncritical field and furthermore with the Abrikosov type theory in the vicinity\nof it. The found vortex lattice form factor increases with increasing field and\nthen falls down at approach of the upper critical field where the\nsuperconducting state is suppressed.", "category": "cond-mat_supr-con" }, { "text": "Quasiparticle dispersion and lineshape in a strongly correlated liquid\n with the fermion condensate: A model of a strongly correlated electron liquid based on the fermion\ncondensation (FC) is applied to the consideration of high temperature\nsuperconductors in its superconducting and normal states. Within our model the\nappearance of FC presents a boundary, separating the region of strongly\ninteracting electron liquid from the region of strongly correlated electron\nliquid. We show that at temperatures $T(dT/dx)_c, where (dT/dx)_c is estimated to\nbe of the order of 10^4 K/m for YBCO ceramics with an average grain's size of\n10 microns, the weak-links-dominated thermopower S (Seebeck coefficient) is\npredicted to become strongly dT/dx-dependent.", "category": "cond-mat_supr-con" }, { "text": "Stability of Mixed-Symmetry Superconducting States with Broken\n Time-Reversal Symmetry against Lattice Distortions: We examine the stability of mixed-symmetry superconducting states with broken\ntime-reversal symmetry in spatial-symmetry-broken systems, including chiral\nstates, on the basis of the free-energy functional derived in the weak-coupling\ntheory. We consider a generic a_1 + i a_2 wave state, with a_1 and a_2 being\ndifferent symmetry indices such as (a_1,a_2) = (d,s), (p_x,p_y), and (d,d').The\ntime-reversal symmetry of the mixed-symmetry state with the a_1- and a_2-wave\ncomponents is broken when the phases of these components differ, and such a\nstate is called the time-reversal-symmetry breaking (TRSB) state. However,\ntheir phases are equated by Cooper-pair scattering between these components if\nit occurs; i.e., when the off-diagonal elements S_{a_1 a_2} = S_{a_2 a_1} of\nthe scattering matrix are nonzero, they destabilize the TRSB state. Hence, it\nhas often been believed that the TRSB state is stable only in systems with a\nspatial symmetry that guarantees S_{a_1 a_2}=0. We note that, contrary to this\nbelief, the TRSB state can remain stable in systems without the spatial\nsymmetry when the relative phase shifts so that S_{a_1 a_2} = 0 is restored,\nwhich results in a distorted TRSB (a_1 + a_2) + i a_2 wave state. Here, note\nthat the restoration of S_{a_1 a_2} = 0 does not imply that the symmetry of the\nquasi-particle energy E_k is recovered. This study shows that such\nstabilization of the TRSB state occurs when the distortion is sufficiently\nsmall and \\Delta_{a_1} \\Delta_{a_2} is sufficiently large, where \\Delta_a is\nthe amplitude of the a-wave component in the TRSB state in the absence of the\ndistortion. We clarify the manner in which the shift in the relative phase\neliminates S_{a_1 a_2} and prove that such a state yields a free-energy\nminimum. We also propose a formula for the upper bound of the degree of lattice\ndistortion, below which the TRSB state can be stable.", "category": "cond-mat_supr-con" }, { "text": "History effects and pinning regimes in solid vortex matter: We propose a phenomenological model that accounts for the history effects\nobserved in ac susceptibility measurements in YBa2Cu3O7 single crystals [Phys.\nRev. Lett. 84, 4200 (2000) and Phys. Rev. Lett. 86, 504 (2001)]. Central to the\nmodel is the assumption that the penetrating ac magnetic field modifies the\nvortex lattice mobility, trapping different robust dynamical states in\ndifferent regions of the sample. We discuss in detail on the response of the\nsuperconductor to an ac magnetic field when the vortex lattice mobility is not\nuniform inside the sample. We begin with an analytical description for a simple\ngeometry (slab) and then we perform numerical calculations for a strip in a\ntransverse magnetic field which include relaxation effects. In calculations,\nthe vortex system is assumed to coexist in different pinning regimes. The\nvortex behavior in the regions where the induced current density j has been\nalways below a given threshold (j_c^>) is described by an elastic Campbell-like\nregime (or a critical state regime with local high critical current density,\nj_c^>). When the VS is shaken by symmetrical (e.g. sinusoidal) ac fields, the\ncritical current density is modified to j_c^< (which is smaller than j_c^>) at\nregions where vortices have been forced to oscillate by a current density\nlarger than j_c^>. Experimentally, an initial state with high critical current\ndensity (j_c^>) can be obtained by zero field cooling, field cooling (with no\napplied ac field) or by shaking the vortex lattice with an asymmetrical (e.g.\nsawtooth) field. We compare our calculations with experimental ac\nsusceptibility results in YBa2Cu3O7 single crystals.", "category": "cond-mat_supr-con" }, { "text": "Spin-dependent quasiparticle reflection and bound states at interfaces\n with itinerant antiferromagnets: We present a formulation of the quasiclassical theory of junctions between\nitinerant antiferromagnets (AF) and s-wave (sSC) and d-wave superconductors\n(dSC). For the simplest two-sublattice antiferromagnet on a bipartite lattice,\nwe derive Andreev-type equations and show that their solutions lead to a novel\nchannel of quasiparticle reflection. In particular, quasiparticles in a normal\nmetal with energies less than or comparable to the antiferromagnetic gap\nexperience spin-dependent retroreflection at antiferromagnet-normal metal\n(AF/N) transparent (100) and (110) interfaces. A relative phase difference of\npi between up spin and down spin quasiparticle reflection amplitudes is shown\nto lead to zero-energy interface bound states on AF/sSC interfaces. For an\nsSC/AF/sSC junction, these bound states are found to be split, due to a finite\nwidth of the AF interlayer, and carry the supercurrent. At AF/dSC interfaces we\nfind no zero-energy bound states for both interface orientations we considered,\nin contrast with the case of (110) impenetrable surface of a dSC.", "category": "cond-mat_supr-con" }, { "text": "Magnetic dipole induced guided vortex motion: We present evidence of magnetically controlled guided vortex motion in a\nhybrid superconductor/ferromagnet nanosystem consisting of an Al film on top of\na square array of permalloy square rings. When the rings are magnetized with an\nin-plane external field H, an array of point-like dipoles with moments\nantiparallel to H, is formed. The resulting magnetic template generates a\nstrongly anisotropic pinning potential landscape for vortices in the\nsuperconducting layer. Transport measurements show that this anisotropy is able\nto confine the flux motion along the high symmetry axes of the square lattice\nof dipoles. This guided vortex motion can be either re-routed by 90 degrees by\nsimply changing the dipole orientation or even strongly suppressed by inducing\na flux-closure magnetic state with very low stray fields in the rings.", "category": "cond-mat_supr-con" }, { "text": "Coherent Modulation of the YBa2Cu3O6+x Atomic Structure by Displacive\n Stimulated Ionic Raman Scattering: We discuss the mechanism of coherent phonon generation by Stimulated Ionic\nRaman Scattering, a process different from conventional excitation with near\nvisible optical pulses. Ionic Raman scattering is driven by anharmonic coupling\nbetween a directly excited infrared-active phonon mode and other Raman modes.\nWe experimentally study the response of YBa2Cu3O6+x to the resonant excitation\nof apical oxygen motions at 20 THz by mid-infrared pulses, which has been shown\nin the past to enhance the interlayer superconducting coupling. We find\ncoherent oscillations of four totally symmetric (Ag) Raman modes and make a\ncritical assessment of the role of these oscillatory motions in the enhancement\nof superconductivity.", "category": "cond-mat_supr-con" }, { "text": "Theory of the in-plane anisotropy of magnetic excitations in\n YBa_{2}Cu_{3}O_{6+y}: A pronounced xy-anisotropy was observed in recent neutron scattering\nexperiments for magnetic excitations in untwinned YBa_{2}Cu_{3}O_{6+y} (YBCO).\nThe small anisotropy of the bare band structure due to the orthorhombic crystal\nsymmetry seems to be enhanced by correlation effects. A natural possibility is\nthat the system is close to a Pomeranchuk instability associated with a d-wave\nFermi surface deformation (dFSD). We investigate this possibility in the\nbilayer t-J model within a self-consistent slave-boson mean-field theory. We\nshow that the dFSD correlations drive a pronounced xy-anisotropy of magnetic\nexcitations at low doping and at relatively high temperatures, providing a\nscenario for the observed xy-anisotropy in optimally doped as well as\nunderdoped YBCO, including the pseudogap phase.", "category": "cond-mat_supr-con" }, { "text": "Universal Fermi velocity in highly compressed hydride superconductors: Fermi velocity, $v_F$, is one of the primary characteristics of any\nconductor, including superconductors. For conductors at ambient pressure\nseveral experimental techniques have been developed to measure $v_F$ and, for\ninstance, Zhou et al (Nature 423 398 (2003)) reported that high-Tc cuprates\nexhibit universal nodal Fermi velocity of $v_F$ = $2.7*10^5$ m/s. However,\nthere were no experimental techniques applied to measure $v_F$ in\nhighly-compressed near-room-temperature superconductors (NRTS), due to\nexperimental challenges. Here to answer a question about the existence of the\nuniversal Fermi velocity in NRTS materials, we analyzed full inventory of the\nground-state upper critical field data, Bc2(0), for these materials and found\nthat this class of superconductors exhibits universal Fermi velocity of $v_F$ =\n(1/1.3)*(2${\\Delta}$(0)/(kBTc))*10^5 m/s (where ${\\Delta}(0)$ is ground state\namplitude of the energy gap). Due to the ratio of 2${\\Delta}$(0)/$({k_B}{T_c})$\nis varying within a narrow arrange of 3.2 < 2${\\Delta}$(0)/$({k_B}{T_c})$ < 5,\nthen $v_F$ in NRTS materials is within the same ballpark with its high-Tc\ncuprates counterpart.", "category": "cond-mat_supr-con" }, { "text": "The Ground-state Inter-plane Superconducting Coherence Length of\n La$_{1.875}$Sr$_{0.125}$CuO$_4$ Measured by a \"Xiometer\": A long excitation coil piercing a superconducting (SC) ring is used to\ngenerate ever increasing persistent current in the ring, until the current\ndestroys the order parameter. Given that the penetration depth $\\lambda$ is\nknown, this experiment measures, hypothetically, the coherence length $\\xi$,\nhence the name \"Xiometer\". We examine various aspects of this theoretically\ndriven hypothesis by testing niobium rings with different dimensions, and by\ncomparing the results to the known values of $\\xi$. We then apply the method to\ntwo La$_{1.875}$Sr$_{0.125}$CuO$_4$ rings at $T \\rightarrow 0$. In one, the\ncurrent flows in the CuO$_2$ planes hence it is set by $\\xi_{ab}$. In the\nother, the current must cross planes and is determined by $\\xi_{c}$. We find\nthat $\\xi_{c}=1.3 \\pm 0.1$~nm, and $\\xi_{ab}<2.3~$nm indicating that at low\ntemperatures the Cooper pairs are three dimensional.", "category": "cond-mat_supr-con" }, { "text": "The influence of the spin-dependent phases of tunneling electrons on the\n conductance of a point ferromagnet/isolator/d-wave superconductor contact: The influence of the spin-dependent phase shifts (SDPS) associated to the\nelectronic reflection and transmission amplitudes acquired by electrons upon\nscattering on the potential barrier on the Andreev reflection probability of\nelectron and hole excitations for a ferromagnet/isolator/d-wave superconductor\n(FIS) contact and the charge conductance of the FIS contact is studied. Various\nsuperconductor orientations are considered. It is found that SDPS can suppress\nthe zero-potential peak and restore finite-potential peaks in the charge\nconductance of the F/I/d-wave superconductor contact for the (110) orientation\nof the d-wave superconductor and, on the contrary, can restore the\nzero-potential peak and suppress finite-potential peaks for the $\\{100\\}$\norientation of the d-wave superconductor.", "category": "cond-mat_supr-con" }, { "text": "Magnetoelectric effects in superconductors due to spin-orbit scattering:\n a non-linear $\u03c3$-model description: We suggest a generalization of nonlinear $\\sigma$-model for diffusive\nsuperconducting systems to account for magnetoelectric effects due to\nspin-orbit scattering. In the leading orders of spin-orbit strength and\ngradient expansion it includes two additional terms responsible for the\nspin-Hall effect and the spin-current swapping. First, assuming a\ndelta-correlated disorder we derive the new terms from the Keldysh path\nintegral representation of the generating functional. Then we argue\nphenomenologically that they exhaust all invariants allowed in the effective\naction to the leading order in the spin-orbit coupling (SOC). Finally, the\nresults are confirmed by a direct derivation of the saddle-point (Usadel)\nequation from the quantum kinetic equations in the presence of randomly\ndistributed impurities with SOC. At this point we correct a recent derivation\nof the Usadel equation that includes magneto-electric effects and does not\nresort to the Born approximation.", "category": "cond-mat_supr-con" }, { "text": "Collective mode in the SU(2) theory of cuprates: Recent advances in momentum-resolved electron energy-loss spectroscopy\n(MEELS) and resonant inelastic X-ray scattering (RIXS) now allow one to access\nthe charge response function with unprecedented versatility and accuracy. This\nallows for the study of excitations which were inaccessible recently, such as\nlow-energy and finite momentum collective modes. The SU(2) theory of the\ncuprates is based on a composite order parameter with SU(2) symmetry\nfluctuating between superconductivity and charge order. The phase where it\nfluctuates is a candidate for the pseudogap phase of the cuprates. This theory\nhas a signature, enabling its strict experimental test, which is the\nfluctuation between these two orders, corresponding to a charge 2 spin 0 mode\nat the charge ordering wave-vector. Here we derive the influence of this SU(2)\ncollective mode on the charge susceptibility in both strong and weak coupling\nlimits, and discuss its relation to MEELS, RIXS and Raman experiments. We find\ntwo peaks in the charge susceptibility at finite energy, whose middle is the\ncharge ordering wave-vector, and discuss their evolution in the phase diagram.", "category": "cond-mat_supr-con" }, { "text": "Exotic Superconducting Phases of Ultracold Atom Mixtures on Triangular\n Lattices: We study the phase diagram of two-dimensional Bose-Fermi mixtures of\nultracold atoms on a triangular optical lattice, in the limit when the velocity\nof bosonic condensate fluctuations is much larger than the Fermi velocity.\n We contrast this work with our previous results for a square lattice system\nin Phys. Rev. Lett. {\\bf 97}, 030601 (2006).\n Using functional renormalization group techniques we show that the phase\ndiagrams for a triangular lattice contain exotic superconducting phases. For\nspin-1/2 fermions on an isotropic lattice we find a competition of $s$-, $p$-,\nextended $d$-, and $f$-wave symmetry, as well as antiferromagnetic order. For\nan anisotropic lattice, we further find an extended p-wave phase. A Bose-Fermi\nmixture with spinless fermions on an isotropic lattice shows a competition\nbetween $p$- and $f$-wave symmetry.\n These phases can be traced back to the geometric shapes of the Fermi surfaces\nin various regimes, as well as the intrinsic frustration of a triangular\nlattice.", "category": "cond-mat_supr-con" }, { "text": "Superconductivity in the non-oxide Perovskite MgCNi3: The oxide perovskites are a large family of materials with many important\nphysical properties. Of particular interest has been the fact that this\nstructure type provides an excellent structural framework for the existence of\nsuperconductivity. The high Tc copper oxides are the most famous examples of\nsuperconducting perovskites, but there are many others [1]. Intermetallic\ncompounds have been the source of many superconducting materials in the past,\nbut they have been eclipsed in recent years by the perovskite oxides. The\nrecent discovery of superconductivity in MgB2 [2] suggests that intermetallic\ncompounds with simple structure types are worth serious reconsideration as\nsources of new superconducting materials. Here we report the observation of\nsuperconductivity at 8 K in the perovskite structure intermetallic compound\nMgCNi3, linking what appear at first sight to be mutually exclusive classes of\nsuperconducting materials. The observation of superconductivity in MgCNi3\nindicates that MgB2 will not be the only one of its kind within the chemical\nparadigm that it suggests for new superconducting materials.", "category": "cond-mat_supr-con" }, { "text": "Theory of Local Density of States of d-Wave Superconducting State Near\n the Surfaces of the t-J Model: Spatial dependencies of the pair potential and the local density of states\nnear the surfaces of $d_{x^{2}-y^{2}}$-wave superconductors are studied\ntheoretically. The calculation is based on the t-J model within a mean-field\ntheory with Gutzwiller approximation. Various types of surface geometries are\nconsidered. Similar to our result in the extended Hubbard model, it is found\nthat the formation of zero-energy states strongly depends on the surface\ngeometry. In addition to this feature, the zero-energy states give peak\nsplitting for the (110) surfaces when the super-exchange interaction $J$ is\nlarge. This is due to the induced s-wave component near the surface. The\npresent result explains the microscopic origin of the spontaneous time-\nreversal symmetry breaking at the surfaces of high-$T_{c}$ superconductors.", "category": "cond-mat_supr-con" }, { "text": "Superconducting and thermal properties of ex-situ Glidcop sheathed\n multifilamentary MgB2 wires: In DC and AC practical applications of MgB2 superconducting wires an\nimportant role is represented by the material sheath which has to provide,\namong other things, a suitable electrical and thermal stabilization. A way to\nobtain a large enough amount of low resistivity material in to the conductor\narchitecture is to use it as external sheath. In this paper we study ex-situ\nmultifilamentary MgB2 wires using oxide-dispersion-strengthened copper\n(GlidCop) as external sheath in order to reach a good compromise between\ncritical current density and thermal properties. We prepared three GlidCop\nsamples differing by the content of dispersed sub-microscopic Al2O3 particles.\nWe characterized the superconducting and thermal properties and we showed that\nthe good thermal conductivity together the good mechanical properties and a\nreasonable critical current density make of GlidCop composite wire a useful\nconductor for applications where high thermal conductivity is request at\ntemperature above 30K, such as Superconducting-FCL.", "category": "cond-mat_supr-con" }, { "text": "Temperature, RF Field, and Frequency Dependence Performance Evaluation\n of Superconducting Niobium Half-Wave Cavity: Recent advancement in superconducting radio frequency cavity processing\ntechniques, with diffusion of impurities within the RF penetration depth,\nresulted in high quality factor with increase in quality factor with increasing\naccelerating gradient. The increase in quality factor is the result of a\ndecrease in the surface resistance as a result of nonmagnetic impurities doping\nand change in electronic density of states. The fundamental understanding of\nthe dependence of surface resistance on frequency and surface preparation is\nstill an active area of research. Here, we present the result of RF\nmeasurements of the TEM modes in a coaxial half wave niobium cavity resonating\nat frequencies between 0.3-1.3 GHz. The temperature dependence of the surface\nresistance was measured between 4.2 K and 1.6 K. The field dependence of the\nsurface resistance was measured at 2.0 K. The baseline measurements were made\nafter standard surface preparation by buffered chemical polishing.", "category": "cond-mat_supr-con" }, { "text": "Electronic structure of CaFe2As2: Contribution of itinerant Fe 3d-states\n to the Fermi Level: We present density functional theory (DFT) calculations and a full set of\nX-ray spectra (resonant inelastic X-ray scattering and X-ray photoelectron\nspectra) measurements of single crystal CaFe2As2. The experimental valence band\nspectra are consistent with our DFT calculations. Both theory and experiment\nshow that the Fe 3d-states dominate the Fermi level and hybridize with Ca\n3d-states. The simple shape of Xray photoelectron (XPS) Fe 2p-core level\nspectrum (without any satellite structure typical for correlated systems)\nsuggests itinerant character of the Fe 3d-electrons. Based on the similarity of\nthe calculated and experimental Fe 3d-states distribution in LaOFeAs and\nCaFe2As2 we conclude that superconductivity in the FeAs-systems can be\ndescribed within a minimal model, taking into account only Fe 3d-bands close to\nthe Fermi level.", "category": "cond-mat_supr-con" }, { "text": "ARPES experiment in fermiology of quasi-2D metals (Review Article): Angle resolved photoemission spectroscopy (ARPES) enables direct observation\nof the Fermi surface and underlying electronic structure of crystals---the\nbasic concepts to describe all the electronic properties of solids and to\nunderstand the key electronic interactions involved. The method is the most\neffective to study quasi-2D metals, to which the subjects of almost all hot\nproblems in modern condensed matter physics have happened to belong. This has\nforced incredibly the development of the ARPES method which we face now. The\naim of this paper is to introduce to the reader the state-of-the-art ARPES,\nreviewing the results of its application to such topical problems as high\ntemperature superconductivity in cuprates and iron based superconductors, and\nelectronic ordering in the transition metal dichalcogenides and manganites.", "category": "cond-mat_supr-con" }, { "text": "Electronic theory for the normal state spin dynamics in Sr$_2$RuO$_4$:\n anisotropy due to spin-orbit coupling: Using a three-band Hubbard Hamiltonian we calculate within the\nrandom-phase-approximation the spin susceptibility, $\\chi({\\bf q},\\omega)$, and\nNMR spin-lattice relaxation rate, 1/T$_1$, in the normal state of the triplet\nsuperconductor Sr$_2$RuO$_4$ and obtain quantitative agreement with\nexperimental data. Most importantly, we find that due to spin-orbit coupling\nthe out-of-plane component of the spin susceptibility $\\chi^{zz}$ becomes at\nlow temperatures two times larger than the in-plane one. As a consequence\nstrong incommensurate antiferromagnetic fluctuations of the\nquasi-one-dimensional $xz$- and $yz$-bands point into the $z$-direction. Our\nresults provide further evidence for the importance of spin fluctuations for\ntriplet superconductivity in Sr$_2$RuO$_4$.", "category": "cond-mat_supr-con" }, { "text": "DFT+U study of magnetic order in doped La$_2$CuO$_4$ crystals: This article presents the results of several magnetic phases of doped\nLa$_{2-x}$Sr$_x$CuO$_4$ using density-functional theory with an added Hubbard\nterm (DFT+U). Doping factors from $x=0$ to 0.25 were examined. We found that a\nbond centered stripe is the magnetic ground state for $x=1/8$ and $x=1/4$. No\nstable stripe order was found for $x=1/6$. Analysis of the electron density\nrevealed that apical oxygen atoms, those located above and below the copper\natoms in the CuO$_2$ planes, hold a non negligible part of the holes at large\ndoping and present a small spin polarization. Finally, the charge\nreorganization caused by the magnetic stripe modulation was studied for bond\ncentered and atom centered stripes.", "category": "cond-mat_supr-con" }, { "text": "Onset of Superfluidity in 4He Films Adsorbed on Disordered Substrates: We have studied 4He films adsorbed in two porous glasses, aerogel and Vycor,\nusing high precision torsional oscillator and DC calorimetry techniques. Our\ninvestigation focused on the onset of superfluidity at low temperatures as the\n4He coverage is increased. Torsional oscillator measurements of the 4He-aerogel\nsystem were used to determine the superfluid density of films with transition\ntemperatures as low as 20 mK. Heat capacity measurements of the 4He-Vycor\nsystem probed the excitation spectrum of both non-superfluid and superfluid\nfilms for temperatures down to 10 mK. Both sets of measurements suggest that\nthe critical coverage for the onset of superfluidity corresponds to a mobility\nedge in the chemical potential, so that the onset transition is the bosonic\nanalog of a superconductor-insulator transition. The superfluid density\nmeasurements, however, are not in agreement with the scaling theory of an onset\ntransition from a gapless, Bose glass phase to a superfluid. The heat capacity\nmeasurements show that the non-superfluid phase is better characterized as an\ninsulator with a gap.", "category": "cond-mat_supr-con" }, { "text": "Controlling the Intrinsic Josephson Junction Number in a\n $\\mathbf{Bi_2Sr_2CaCu_2O_{8+\u03b4}}$ Mesa: In fabricating $\\mathrm{Bi_2Sr_2CaCu_2O_{8+\\delta}}$ intrinsic Josephson\njunctions in 4-terminal mesa structures, we modify the conventional fabrication\nprocess by markedly reducing the etching rates of argon ion milling. As a\nresult, the junction number in a stack can be controlled quite satisfactorily\nas long as we carefully adjust those factors such as the etching time and the\nthickness of the evaporated layers. The error in the junction number is within\n$\\pm 1$. By additional ion etching if necessary, we can controllably decrease\nthe junction number to a rather small value, and even a single intrinsic\nJosephson junction can be produced.", "category": "cond-mat_supr-con" }, { "text": "Superconducting electronic state in optimally doped YBa2Cu3O7-d observed\n with laser-excited angle-resolved photoemission spectroscopy: Low energy electronic structure of optimally doped YBa2Cu3O7-d is\ninvestigated using laser-excited angle-resolved photoemission spectroscopy. The\nsurface state and the CuO chain band that usually overlap the CuO2 plane\nderived bands are not detected, thus enabling a clear observation of the bulk\nsuperconducting state. The observed bilayer splitting of the Fermi surface is\n~0.08 angstrom^{-1} along the (0,0)-(pi,pi) direction, significantly larger\nthan Bi2Sr2CaCu2O8+d. The kink structure of the band dispersion reflecting the\nrenormalization effect at ~60 meV shows up similarly as in other hole-doped\ncuprates. The momentum-dependence of the superconducting gap shows\nd_{x^2-y^2}-wave like amplitude, but exhibits a nonzero minimum of ~12 meV\nalong the (0,0)-(pi,pi) direction. Possible origins of such an unexpected\n\"nodeless\" gap behavior are discussed.", "category": "cond-mat_supr-con" }, { "text": "Optical Conductivity Anisotropy in the Undoped Three-Orbital Hubbard\n Model for the Pnictides: The resistivity anisotropy unveiled in the study of detwinned single crystals\nof the undoped 122 pnictides is here studied using the two-dimensional\nthree-orbital Hubbard model in the mean-field approximation. Calculating the\nDrude weight in the x and y directions at zero temperature for a Q=(\\pi,0)\nmagnetically ordered state, the conductance along the antiferromagnetic\ndirection is shown to be larger than along the ferromagnetic direction. This\neffect is caused by the suppression of the d_{yz} orbital at the Fermi surface,\nbut additional insight based on the momentum dependence of the transitions\ninduced by the current operator is provided. It is shown that the effective\nsuppression of the inter-orbital hopping d_{xy} and d_{yz} along the y\ndirection is the main cause of the anisotropy.", "category": "cond-mat_supr-con" }, { "text": "Probing d-wave pairing correlations in the pseudogap regime of the\n cuprate superconductors via low-energy states near impurities: The issue of probing the pseudogap regime of the cuprate superconductors,\nspecifically with regard to the existence and nature of superconducting pairing\ncorrelations of d-wave symmetry, is explored theoretically. It is shown that if\nthe d-wave correlations believed to describe the superconducting state persist\ninto the pseudogap regime, but with pair-potential phase-fluctuations that\ndestroy their long-range nature, then the low-energy quasiparticle states\nobserved near extended impurities in the truly superconducting state should\nalso persist as resonances in the pseudogap regime. The scattering of\nquasiparticles by these phase-fluctuations broadens what was (in the\nsuperconducting state) a sharp peak in the single-particle spectral function at\nlow energy, as we demonstrate within the context of a simple model. This peak\nand its broadening is, in principle, accessible via scanning tunneling\nspectroscopy near extended impurities in the pseudogap regime. If so, such\nexperiments would provide a probe of the extent to which d-wave superconducting\ncorrelations persist upon entering the pseudogap regime, thus providing a\nstringent diagnostic of the phase-fluctuation scenario.", "category": "cond-mat_supr-con" }, { "text": "Hund's coupling stabilized superconductivity in the presence of\n spin-orbit interactions: The intraorbital repulsive Hubbard interaction cannot lead to attractive\nsuperconducting pairing states, except through the Kohn-Luttinger mechanism.\nThis situation may change when we include additional local interactions such as\nthe interorbital repulsion $U^\\prime$ and Hund's interactions $J$. Adding these\nlocal interactions, we study the nature of the superconducting pairs in systems\nwith tetragonal crystal symmetry including the $d_{xz}$ and $d_{yz}$ orbitals,\nand in octahedral systems including all three of $d_{xz}$, $d_{yz}$, and\n$d_{xy}$ orbitals. In the tetragonal case, spin-orbit interactions can\nstabilize attractive pairing channels containing spin triplet, orbital singlet\ncharacter. Depending on the form of spin-orbit coupling, pairing channels\nbelonging to degenerate, non-trivial irreducible representations may be\nstabilized. In the octahedral case, the pairing interactions of superconducting\nchannels are found to depend critically on the number of bands crossing the\nFermi energy.", "category": "cond-mat_supr-con" }, { "text": "Pairing, Pseudogap and Fermi Arcs in Cuprates: We use Angle Resolved Photoemission Spectroscopy (ARPES) to study the\nrelationship between the pseudogap, pairing and Fermi arcs in cuprates. High\nquality data measured over a wide range of dopings reveals a consistent picture\nof Fermiology and pairing in these materials. The pseudogap is due to an\nordered state that competes with superconductivity rather then preformed pairs.\nPairing does occur below Tpair~150K and significantly above Tc, but well below\nT* and the doping dependence of this temperature scale is distinct from that of\nthe pseudogap. The d-wave gap is present below Tpair, and its interplay with\nstrong scattering creates \"artificial\" Fermi arcs for Tc