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すぐ隣の島だから大した距離じゃない。 |
船でのんびり30分くらいってとこだ。 |
島へ向かう船が停泊している埠頭へ行くと、手を振っている人影が見えた。 |
The islands are right next to each other, so the distance of the trip wasn't that great. |
By boat, it was a leisurely 30 minutes to the island. |
When we reached the pier where the boat to the island was anchored, we saw a figure waving at us. |
== Jessica == |
「譲治兄さんー! お久しぶりだぜー!!」 |
"George nii-saaan! It's been so frickin' long!!" |
== George == |
「やぁ、朱志香ちゃん、1年ぶりだね! 背、また伸びたんじゃないかい?」 |
"Ah, Jessica-chan, it's been a year since I saw you! You've gotten taller again, haven't you?" |
== Jessica == |
「きゃっはは、よしてくれよー、毎年言われんのは恥ずかしいぜ!」 |
"Kyah-haha, don't gimme that, it's embarrassing when you say it every year!" |
== Battler == |
「……お、おいおい兄貴、ウソだろ。こいつが本当に朱志香なのかよ!」 |
"......H-Hey, Aniki, you've gotta be kidding me. Is that really Jessica?!" |
== Jessica == |
「ってことは譲治兄さん…。このデカブツ、 |
…戦人なのかよ?!」 |
"Wait a sec, George... Is this big guy... |
Battler?!" |
== Narrator == |
お互い、まじまじと相手を観察し合う。 |
…俺の記憶の中にこんな姉ちゃんの姿はないが、このひでぇ言葉遣いははっきり残っていた。 |
We both stared at each other. |
...She definitely didn't look like that in my memories, but I do remember her #fefefecrazy way of talking<white>. |
== Battler == |
「いよぉ朱志香ぁ! 何だよお前! ウソだろ、なぁに女みたいな格好してんだよッ! 何だよこれ、乳かよ、お前にも胸なんか出来たのかよ! いっひっひ、揉ませろ揉ませろ〜ぃ!」 |
"Yo, Jessica! What's this now?! You're kidding me, you look like a woman now! What're these, boobs? Even you managed to get a chest! Ihihi, let me rub 'em, let me-!" |
== Jessica == |
「ふざけやがれ、私ゃ花も恥らう18だぜ! 髪だって伸びりゃあ出るとこだって出るぜぃ! てめぇに揉ませる乳なんざあるもんかぃ! 戦人こそ何だよ、バカみてーに図体だけデカくなりやがって!! ちったぁ腕力付いたのかぁ?!」 |
"Don't screw around with me, I'm a blushing flower of 18! Of course my hair grew longer and I got these! What, you think I got boobs just to get fondled by you, loser?! And speaking of you, sure, you got all ridiculously huge, but did ya get a bit stronger too?!" |
== Battler == |
「ざけんじゃねぇ、あれからどれだけ鍛錬積んだか思い知らせてやんぜ!!」 |
"Don't screw with me, I'll show you how much training I've done since back then!!" |
== Jessica == |
「うぜーぜ!! 返り討ちだー!」 |
"You're pissing me off!! I'll beat you at your own game!" |
== Narrator == |
この上等なヤツは、右代宮朱志香。 |
……俺と同じく不幸な星の下に生まれ、妙なネーミングを付けられた不憫な仲間だ。 |
何しろ、朱志香で“ジェシカ”と読む。 |
This headstrong girl's name is 朱志香. |
......She was born under the same unlucky star as me, sharing the same kind of weird name. |
Anyway, 朱志香 is pronounced `Jessica'. |
彼女は俺の親父の兄の娘に当たる。 |
その兄が右代宮家の長男坊になるので、一応、朱志香は右代宮家直系の跡取り娘ってことにもなるわけだな。 |
She's Dad's older brother's daughter. |
That older brother happens to be the oldest son of the Ushiromiya family, so for now, it means Jessica is the direct family heir. |
朱志香とは歳が同じということもあって、あと異性同士のいがみ合いみたいなのもあって、昔っから親類で集まる度に喧嘩し合いながらじゃれ合う仲だった。 |
Since Jessica and I are the same age and sometimes had little boy-girl squabbles with each other, we've always been used to fighting and joking around together whenever the relatives gather. |
朱志香の方が成長が早かったこともあり、体格や腕力はいつも負けていたっけな。 |
だから、こうやって取っ組み合いの力比べになったら、大抵は朱志香のペースだったもんだ。 |
だから、こうして俺の方が大柄になったことがはっきりわかっていても、未だ腕力では朱志香に勝てないような錯覚がしちまう。 |
Jessica grew more quickly, so she always had me beat in terms of size and physical strength. |
When we scuffled in a contest of strength, it usually went Jessica's way. |
So even though I realized I'd grown bigger, part of my mind was still convinced that I couldn't beat Jessica. |
== Jessica == |
「…………ぅお…お…! 何だよ、何、マジになってんだよ…! 痛ててて…。」 |
".........Woh...ah...! What the...what're you getting all serious for...?! Owowow..." |
== Battler == |
「おいおいおい、全然力入れてねぇぜぇ? 朱志香お前、貧弱になっただろ。」 |
"Hey, this is nothing! Jessica, you've gotten weak." |
== Jessica == |
「う、うるせーぜ。こちとら女やってんだ。いつまでも腕力で男に勝てるわけねーだろ!」 |
"Sh-Shut up. I'm a girl, so of course I couldn't beat a guy with physical strength forever, right?!" |
== Battler == |
「ま〜そりゃあそうだよなぁ! 俺が腕に付けた分の肉をお前は胸に付けたんだもんなぁ〜。俺の腕とお前の乳ならちょうどいい力比べになりそうじゃねぇのか〜?!」 |
"Weeelll, you've got a point there! The meat I put on my arms all went to your chest. It looks like it'd be a pretty even test of strength between my arms and your boobs, don't you think?!" |
== Jessica == |
「だからお前ぇに揉ませる乳はねー!! それよりお前こそどうなんだよ、身長同様、可愛いゾウさんもちったぁ大きくなったのかぁ〜?!」 |
"I told you, my boobs aren't for you to feel up!! Besides, how 'bout you? Did your cute lil' elephant-san get a bit bigger to go with the rest of you?!" |
== Battler == |
「バカやめろイヤン、痴女ぉお嫁に行けなくなるぅうぅ、股間触んないでぇ〜!!」 |
"Stop it, idiot! Nooo, you perv! I'll be ruined for marriage... Don't touch my cro-tch!!" |
== Jessica == |