import os import sys import time import json import utils import urllib import asyncio import aiofiles import argparse import concurrent from constants import * TIMEOUT = 30 # Local override. def get_type_tags_dict(raw_tags_text, tag_type_dict): type_tags_dict = {} tags_in_dict = set() for tag in raw_tags_text.split(): tag = tag.replace(",", "").strip("_") if tag in tags_in_dict: continue tag_type = tag_type_dict.get(tag) if tag_type is None: raise ValueError(f"No tag type found for tag \"{tag}\"!") tag_list = type_tags_dict.get(tag_type) if tag_list is None: type_tags_dict[tag_type] = [tag] else: tag_list.append(tag) tags_in_dict.add(tag) return type_tags_dict, len(tags_in_dict) async def process_image_object(scrape_args, scrape_state): image_id = str(["id"]) if image_id in scrape_state.existing_image_ids: # print(f"Image {image_id} already exists, skipped.") return scrape_state.existing_image_ids.add(image_id) error = None for i in range(1, MAX_RETRY + 2): # 1 indexed. try: if utils.get_sigint_count() >= 1 or isinstance(scrape_args.max_scrape_count, int) and scrape_state.scraped_image_count >= scrape_args.max_scrape_count: break # print(f"Processing image {image_id}...") if not scrape_args.use_low_quality: image_download_url =["file_url"] else: image_download_url =["sample_url"] image_ext = os.path.splitext(image_download_url)[1].lower() if image_ext not in IMAGE_EXT: print(f"Image {image_id} is not an image, skipped.") return type_tags_dict, tag_count = get_type_tags_dict(["tags"], scrape_args.tag_type_dict) if tag_count < scrape_args.min_tags: # print(f"Image {image_id} doesn't have enough tags({tag_count} < {scrape_args.min_tags}), skipped.") return rating ="rating") match rating: case "s": rating = "general" case "q": rating = "questionable" case "e": rating = "explicit" case _: raise RuntimeError(f"Unknown rating: {rating}") metadata = json.dumps({"image_id": image_id, "score":["score"], "rating": rating, "tags": type_tags_dict}, ensure_ascii=False, separators=(",", ":")) image_path = os.path.join(IMAGE_DIR, image_id + image_ext) metadata_path = os.path.join(IMAGE_DIR, image_id + ".json") download_start_time = time.time() async with scrape_state.session.get(image_download_url) as img_response: img_data = await download_used_time = time.time() - download_start_time async with, "wb") as f: await f.write(img_data) async with, "w", encoding="utf8") as f: await f.write(metadata) if not await utils.submit_validation(scrape_state.thread_pool, image_path, metadata_path, scrape_args.width, scrape_args.height, scrape_args.convert_to_avif): return scrape_state.scraped_image_count += 1 total_download_time = scrape_state.avg_download_time[0] * scrape_state.avg_download_time[1] + download_used_time scrape_state.avg_download_time[1] += 1 scrape_state.avg_download_time[0] = total_download_time / scrape_state.avg_download_time[1] interval = 1000 if scrape_state.scraped_image_count % interval != 0: return print( f"Scraped {scrape_state.scraped_image_count}/{scrape_args.max_scrape_count} images,", f"stats for the last {interval} images: [Average download time: {scrape_state.avg_download_time[0]:.3f}s]", ) scrape_state.avg_download_time = [0.0, 0] return except Exception as e: error = e if i > MAX_RETRY: break # print(f"A {e.__class__.__name__} occurred with image {image_id}: {e}\nPausing for 0.1 second before retrying attempt {i}/{MAX_RETRY}...") await asyncio.sleep(0.1) scrape_state.existing_image_ids.remove(image_id) if error is not None: print(f"All retry attempts failed, image {image_id} skipped. Final error {error.__class__.__name__}: {error}") else: print(f"Task for image {image_id} cancelled.") def parse_args(): parser = argparse.ArgumentParser(description="Scrape images from") parser.add_argument("-s", "--site", default="", help="Domain to scrape from, default to") parser.add_argument("-W", "--width", type=int, help="Scale the width of the image to the specified value, must either provide both width and height or not provide both") parser.add_argument("-H", "--height", type=int, help="Scale the height of the image to the specified value, must either provide both width and height or not provide both") parser.add_argument("-a", "--avif", action="store_true", help="If set, will convert the image into avif, need to have pillow-avif-plugin installed") parser.add_argument("-l", "--low-quality", action="store_true", help="If set, will download the sample instead of the original image") parser.add_argument("-t", "--min-tags", type=int, default=0, help="Filter out images with less than the specified amount of tags, default to 0") parser.add_argument("-m", "--max-scrape-count", type=int, help="Stop after scraping the set amount of images, may not be exact because of the asynchronous nature of this script, default to infinite") parser.add_argument("tags_to_search", nargs=argparse.REMAINDER, help="List of tags to search for, default to all") args = parser.parse_args() if args.width is None or args.height is None: if args.width is not None or args.height is not None: print("You must either provide both width and height or not provide both at the same time!") sys.exit(1) else: if args.width < 1: print("Width must be greater than or equal to 1!") sys.exit(1) if args.height < 1: print("Height must be greater than or equal to 1!") sys.exit(1) if args.avif: try: import pillow_avif except ImportError: print("You need to pip install pillow-avif-plugin to use avif conversion!") sys.exit(1) if args.min_tags < 0: print("Minimum tags must be greater than or equal to 0!") sys.exit(1) if isinstance(args.max_scrape_count, int) and args.max_scrape_count <= 0: print("Maximum scrape count must be greater than 0!") sys.exit(1) return args async def main(): args = parse_args() print("Starting...") page_number = 1 search_tags = "+".join(urllib.parse.quote(tag, safe="") for tag in args.tags_to_search) os.makedirs(IMAGE_DIR, exist_ok=True) existing_image_ids = utils.get_existing_image_id_set(IMAGE_DIR) utils.register_sigint_callback() scrape_state = utils.ScrapeState(concurrent.futures.ThreadPoolExecutor(max_workers=os.cpu_count()), utils.get_session(TIMEOUT), existing_image_ids) tasks = [] while True: try: if utils.get_sigint_count() >= 1 or isinstance(args.max_scrape_count, int) and scrape_state.scraped_image_count >= args.max_scrape_count: break request_url = f"{}/post.json?api_version=2&include_tags=1&limit=1000&tags={search_tags}&page={page_number}" print(f"Going to {request_url}") async with scrape_state.session.get(request_url) as response: response_json = await response.json() image_objects = response_json["posts"] image_count = len(image_objects) if image_count == 0: print("Website returned 0 images.") break print(f"Got {image_count} posts.") tag_type_dict = {tag.replace(",", "").strip("_"): type for tag, type in response_json["tags"].items()} page_number += 1 for image_object in image_objects: if utils.get_sigint_count() >= 1 or isinstance(args.max_scrape_count, int) and scrape_state.scraped_image_count >= args.max_scrape_count: break while len(tasks) >= MAX_TASKS: if utils.get_sigint_count() >= 1 or isinstance(args.max_scrape_count, int) and scrape_state.scraped_image_count >= args.max_scrape_count: break await asyncio.sleep(0.1) for i in range(len(tasks) - 1, -1, -1): task = tasks[i] if task.done(): await task del tasks[i] tasks.append(asyncio.create_task(process_image_object( utils.ScrapeArgs(image_object, args.width, args.height, args.avif, args.low_quality, args.min_tags, args.max_scrape_count, tag_type_dict), scrape_state ))) if utils.get_sigint_count() >= 1 or isinstance(args.max_scrape_count, int) and scrape_state.scraped_image_count >= args.max_scrape_count: break if page_number % 2 == 1: print("Refreshing session...") while tasks and utils.get_sigint_count() < 1: await asyncio.sleep(0.1) for i in range(len(tasks) - 1, -1, -1): task = tasks[i] if task.done(): await task del tasks[i] if utils.get_sigint_count() < 1: await scrape_state.session.close() scrape_state.session = utils.get_session(TIMEOUT) except Exception as e: print(f"An error occurred: {e}\nPausing for 0.1 second before retrying...") await asyncio.sleep(0.1) if utils.get_sigint_count() >= 1: print("Script interrupted by user, gracefully exiting...\nYou can interrupt again to exit semi-forcefully, but it will break image checks!") else: print("No more images to download, waiting already submitted tasks to finish...") while tasks and utils.get_sigint_count() <= 1: await asyncio.sleep(0.1) for i in range(len(tasks) - 1, -1, -1): task = tasks[i] if task.done(): await task del tasks[i] await scrape_state.session.close() if utils.get_sigint_count() >= 1: if utils.get_sigint_count() >= 2: print("Another interrupt received, exiting semi-forcefully...\nYou can interrupt again for truly forceful exit, but it most likely will break a lot of things!") sys.exit(1) if __name__ == "__main__": try: except KeyboardInterrupt: print("\nScript interrupted by user, exiting...") sys.exit(1)