import os import re import sys import time import utils import random import urllib import asyncio import aiohttp import aiofiles import argparse import concurrent import html as libhtml from constants import * from bs4 import BeautifulSoup async def process_link(scrape_args, scrape_state): image_id ="id=(\d+)", image_id_int = int(image_id) scrape_state.last_reached_image_id = image_id_int image_id_already_exists = image_id in scrape_state.existing_image_ids if image_id_already_exists and image_id_int % 100 < 99: # print(f"Image {image_id} already exists, skipped.") return scrape_state.existing_image_ids.add(image_id) error = None for i in range(1, MAX_RETRY + 2): # 1 indexed. try: if utils.get_sigint_count() >= 1 or isinstance(scrape_args.max_scrape_count, int) and scrape_state.scraped_image_count >= scrape_args.max_scrape_count: break # print(f"Processing image {image_id}...") query_start_time = time.time() async with scrape_state.session.get( as response: html = await response.text() query_used_time = time.time() - query_start_time soup = BeautifulSoup(html, "html.parser") score_span = soup.find("span", id="psc" + image_id) if score_span: scrape_state.last_reached_image_score = int(score_span.contents[0]) if image_id_already_exists: # print(f"Image {image_id} already exists, skipped.") return video_container = soup.find("video", id="gelcomVideoPlayer") if video_container: print(f"Image {image_id} is a video, skipped.") return image_container = soup.find("section", class_=["image-container", "note-container"]) if not image_container: raise RuntimeError(f"No image container found for {image_id}.") if not scrape_args.use_low_quality: image_download_url = soup.find("a", string="Original image")["href"] else: image_download_url = image_container.find("img", id="image")["src"] image_ext = os.path.splitext(image_download_url)[1].lower() if image_ext not in IMAGE_EXT: print(f"Image {image_id} is not an image, skipped.") return tags = image_container["data-tags"].strip().split() tag_count = len(tags) if tag_count < scrape_args.min_tags: # print(f"Image {image_id} doesn't have enough tags({tag_count} < {scrape_args.min_tags}), skipped.") return rating = image_container["data-rating"] if rating == "explicit": tags.append("nsfw") elif rating == "questionable": tags.append("qfw") else: tags.append("sfw") random.shuffle(tags) image_path = os.path.join(IMAGE_DIR, image_id + image_ext) tags_path = os.path.join(IMAGE_DIR, image_id + ".txt") tags_text = ", ".join(libhtml.unescape(tag).replace("_", " ") for tag in tags) download_start_time = time.time() async with scrape_state.session.get(image_download_url) as img_response: img_data = await download_used_time = time.time() - download_start_time async with, "wb") as f: await f.write(img_data) async with, "w", encoding="utf8") as f: await f.write(tags_text) if not await utils.submit_validation(scrape_state.thread_pool, image_path, tags_path, scrape_args.width, scrape_args.height, scrape_args.convert_to_avif): scrape_state.existing_image_ids.remove(image_id) else: scrape_state.scraped_image_count += 1 total_query_time = scrape_state.avg_query_time[0] * scrape_state.avg_query_time[1] + query_used_time total_download_time = scrape_state.avg_download_time[0] * scrape_state.avg_download_time[1] + download_used_time scrape_state.avg_query_time[1] += 1 scrape_state.avg_download_time[1] += 1 scrape_state.avg_query_time[0] = total_query_time / scrape_state.avg_query_time[1] scrape_state.avg_download_time[0] = total_download_time / scrape_state.avg_download_time[1] interval = 1000 if scrape_state.scraped_image_count % interval == 0: print( f"Scraped {scrape_state.scraped_image_count}/{scrape_args.max_scrape_count} images, " f"stats for the last {interval} images: [Average query time: {scrape_state.avg_query_time[0]:.3f}s | Average download time: {scrape_state.avg_download_time[0]:.3f}s]" ) scrape_state.avg_query_time = [0.0, 0] scrape_state.avg_download_time = [0.0, 0] return except Exception as e: error = e if i > MAX_RETRY: break # print(f"A {e.__class__.__name__} occurred with image {image_id}: {e}\nPausing for 0.1 second before retrying attempt {i}/{MAX_RETRY}...") await asyncio.sleep(0.1) if not image_id_already_exists: scrape_state.existing_image_ids.remove(image_id) print(f"All retry attempts failed, image {image_id} skipped. Final error {error.__class__.__name__}: {error}") def parse_args(): parser = argparse.ArgumentParser(description="Scrape images from Gelbooru.") parser.add_argument("-s", "--site", default="", help="Domain to scrape from, default to") parser.add_argument("-W", "--width", type=int, help="Scale the width of the image to the specified value, must either provide both width and height or not provide both") parser.add_argument("-H", "--height", type=int, help="Scale the height of the image to the specified value, must either provide both width and height or not provide both") parser.add_argument("-a", "--avif", action="store_true", help="If set, will convert the image into avif, need to have pillow-avif-plugin installed") parser.add_argument("-l", "--low-quality", action="store_true", help="If set, will download the sample instead of the original image") parser.add_argument("-t", "--min-tags", type=int, default=0, help="Filter out images with less than the specified amount of tags, default to 0") parser.add_argument("-m", "--max-scrape-count", type=int, help="Stop after scraping the set amount of images, may not be exact because of the asynchronous nature of this script, default to infinite") parser.add_argument("-c", "--continuous-scraping", action="store_true", help="If set, will scraping continuously even when reaching the 20000 images Gelbooru search depth cap by adjusting search tags") parser.add_argument("tags_to_search", nargs=argparse.REMAINDER, help="List of tags to search for, default to all") args = parser.parse_args() if args.width is None or args.height is None: if args.width is not None or args.height is not None: print("You must either provide both width and height or not provide both at the same time!") sys.exit(1) else: if args.width < 1: print("Width must be greater than or equal to 1!") sys.exit(1) if args.height < 1: print("Height must be greater than or equal to 1!") sys.exit(1) if args.avif: try: import pillow_avif except ImportError: print("You need to pip install pillow-avif-plugin to use avif conversion!") sys.exit(1) if args.min_tags < 0: print("Minimum tags must be greater than or equal to 0!") sys.exit(1) if isinstance(args.max_scrape_count, int) and args.max_scrape_count <= 0: print("Maximum scrape count must be greater than 0!") sys.exit(1) if not args.tags_to_search: args.tags_to_search = ["all"] return args async def main(): args = parse_args() print("Starting...") page_number = 0 search_tags = utils.SearchTags(args.tags_to_search) os.makedirs(IMAGE_DIR, exist_ok=True) existing_image_ids = utils.get_existing_image_id_set(IMAGE_DIR) utils.register_sigint_callback() session_args = [TIMEOUT, {"fringeBenefits": "yup"}] scrape_state = utils.ScrapeState(concurrent.futures.ThreadPoolExecutor(max_workers=os.cpu_count()), utils.get_session(*session_args), existing_image_ids) session_refresh_counter = 0 tasks = [] while True: try: if utils.get_sigint_count() >= 1 or isinstance(args.max_scrape_count, int) and scrape_state.scraped_image_count >= args.max_scrape_count: break request_url = f"{}/index.php?page=post&s=list&tags={search_tags.to_search_string()}&pid={page_number}" print(f"Going to {request_url}") async with scrape_state.session.get(request_url) as response: html = await response.text() soup = BeautifulSoup(html, "html.parser") thumbnails_div = soup.find("div", class_="thumbnail-container") if not thumbnails_div: raise RuntimeError("Thumbnails division not found.") notice_error = thumbnails_div.find("div", class_="notice error") if notice_error and args.continuous_scraping: print("Reached restricted depth, adjusting search tags to continue scraping...") search_tags.update_bound(scrape_state) page_number = 0 continue image_urls = [a["href"] for a in thumbnails_div.find_all("a")] image_url_count = len(image_urls) if image_url_count == 0: print("Website returned 0 image urls.") break print(f"Got {image_url_count} posts.") page_number += image_url_count for image_url in image_urls: if utils.get_sigint_count() >= 1 or isinstance(args.max_scrape_count, int) and scrape_state.scraped_image_count >= args.max_scrape_count: break while len(tasks) >= MAX_TASKS: if utils.get_sigint_count() >= 1 or isinstance(args.max_scrape_count, int) and scrape_state.scraped_image_count >= args.max_scrape_count: break await asyncio.sleep(0.1) for i in range(len(tasks) - 1, -1, -1): task = tasks[i] if task.done(): await task del tasks[i] tasks.append(asyncio.create_task(process_link(utils.ScrapeArgs(image_url, args.width, args.height, args.avif, args.low_quality, args.min_tags, args.max_scrape_count), scrape_state))) if utils.get_sigint_count() >= 1 or isinstance(args.max_scrape_count, int) and scrape_state.scraped_image_count >= args.max_scrape_count: break session_refresh_counter += 1 if session_refresh_counter % 50 == 0: print("Refreshing session...") while tasks and utils.get_sigint_count() < 1: await asyncio.sleep(0.1) for i in range(len(tasks) - 1, -1, -1): task = tasks[i] if task.done(): await task del tasks[i] if utils.get_sigint_count() < 1: await scrape_state.session.close() scrape_state.session = utils.get_session(*session_args) except Exception as e: print(f"An error occurred: {e}\nPausing for 0.1 second before retrying...") await asyncio.sleep(0.1) if utils.get_sigint_count() >= 1: print("Script interrupted by user, gracefully exiting...\nYou can interrupt again to exit semi-forcefully, but it will break image checks!") else: print("No more images to download, waiting already submitted tasks to finish...") while tasks and utils.get_sigint_count() <= 1: await asyncio.sleep(0.1) for i in range(len(tasks) - 1, -1, -1): task = tasks[i] if task.done(): await task del tasks[i] await scrape_state.session.close() if utils.get_sigint_count() >= 1: if utils.get_sigint_count() >= 2: print("Another interrupt received, exiting semi-forcefully...\nYou can interrupt again for truly forceful exit, but it most likely will break a lot of things!") sys.exit(1) if __name__ == "__main__": try: except KeyboardInterrupt: print("\nScript interrupted by user, exiting...") sys.exit(1)