index,split,text,example_id,label_objective_task,label_creativity 1,val,"*Companies should try to be the ones to give the North Korean defector his first beer, cheeseburger, penthouse suite, etc., for advertising purposes. And record the Reaction.* Anytime someone makes headlines surviving from or emerging from an incredibly impoverished or stymied existence (oppressed nation, captivity, Amazonian tribe) advertisers should try to give him the first food, beverage, service, product he has never experienced. and record his or her reaction (with their permission). ",8,"[1, 0]",4 2,val,"*A ""shoe wash"" that works like a car wash but cleans your shoes while you are wearing them.* You would stand on a conveyer belt while wearing your shoes, which then takes you through the shoe wash to clean your shoes. ",17,"[0, 1]",2 3,val,"*Mandatory etiquette school for prisoners* Before they let you loose, you would have to learn manners and proper English. In your exit interview (a blind interview with a voice changer so they can't tell what color you are), they would quiz you on social etiquette and check your accent. Dropping the F-bomb during the interview would be an instant fail. This would help ex-cons get jobs, reduce recidivism, and increase the overall level of politeness and manners in society.",20,"[1, 1]",2 4,val,"*Have AI train on pictures hiding someone's face to predict how they will look* You show the AI pictures of people but remove the part showing the head. Then have the AI look at details in the picture and then show it the face to compare. It learns what X's face looks like when X has Y body type, clothes, etc. It might seem like its impossible to know, but people already have a better ability to guess what someone's name is most likely to be out of 4 options than pure chance. There are common characteristics that link body type and face. Someone taller is more likely to have a longer face for example. ( Someone who has a lot of muscle mass might have a more square head because of testosterone levels and vice versa. Then, with enough data, the AI might be able to guess with significant accuracy how someone's face might look based on their body type, body language, posture and so on. It won't be perfect but might give you something similar to a police sketch in terms of accuracy and could be used in cases of CP or other recorded crimes where the identity is hidden.",21,"[1, 1]",2 5,val,"*We wanted our kids to memorize our cell phone numbers so that they could reach us in case of emergency. We made the passcode on the iPad our cell phone numbers. They had them memorized in days.* Two iPads, two kids. They use both, so they memorized both phone numbers.",32,"[1, 1]",6 6,val,"*There should be a universal driving hand signals for “I’m Sorry†and “Medical emergencyâ€.* When police see a driver speeding or driving a bit crazy, that driver should be able to communicate with the officer that he’s taking someone to the hospital. When you cut someone off accidentally, you should be able to defuse the situation by demonstrating his/her apologies the the offended driver.",33,"[1, 1]",3 7,val,"*hell pill idea* we should make a pill and market it as a pill that will briefly show you where you're gonna go when you die. but it's actually a really horrible mixture of like benad ryl and lsd and stuff and so when you take it you think you're going to hell and when you're off it we tell people the only way to avoid this is to be a better person. would save a lot of money on criminal justice. thoughts? ",70,"[0, 0]",3 8,val,*I got tired of family members using a cup then abandoning it* so now we each have our own colored rubber band we put around whichever cup we’re using that day… and I end up washing fewer dishes.,72,"[1, 1]",2 9,val,"*Git app for writers* I'm whinking about a web service, that allows writers to collaborate in a coders way. Of course writers definetly do not need all git functionality. Service could contain branching, commenting, ""code"" review, pull requests and merging. This potentialy can realy ease writitng for groups, like students and researchers. They just do not know about git Also with this service people can create books in co-op mode. One master branch and dozens of branches - vote to add your favorite fragment to master",74,"[1, 1]",3 10,val,"*App were you can go to read about a major case, review any evidence, and vote on whether you think the person is guilty or not.* Basically what the title says. Pull up the app to see the most popular trials/court cases. Review the details, look at the evidence of there's any available and give either a guilty or innocent vote. Users can comment and debate under a particular trial to say why they voted one way or another. This would not only be a fun thing to do to pass time but with millions of users I'm pretty sure some good detective work could be done to maybe help a case.",75,"[1, 0]",5 11,val,"*A metric that quantifies the collective ability of a group to maintain a secret over time. It measures the duration and extent of secrecy, akin to one person concealing a fact for an equivalent span of time, considering the cumulative efforts of a larger community.* Herb4372’s Universal Secrecy Horizon or “HUSH factor†HUSH Factor is a metric that quantifies the collective ability of a group to maintain a secret over time. It measures the duration and extent of secrecy, akin to one person concealing a fact for an equivalent span of time, considering the cumulative efforts of a larger community. Example, if you told a secret to 9 people 10 years ago and no one has revealed that secret. It’s has a HUSH Factor of 100. The Apollo moon landings required 400,000 people and the first landing was 54 years ago. So they have a HUSH Factor of 21,600,000. Further to quantify the probability… Y = Years Secret has remained concealed P = 1,000,000 (Universal lilihood for an single individual to reveal a secret “Not in A MILLION years would I tell anyone†H = Hush Probability H=(1-(1/P))Y Revisiting the Apollo Example H = (1-(1/1,000,000))54",80,"[1, 0]",5 12,val,"*A wiki like memorial website about any person that ever passed away. With testimonies from the living about such person, info about their lives, photos, genealogy, and so on. So that celebrities are not the only ones whose lives are forever recorded on the internet.* Not sure if I made myself clear. I'm thinking about a single website where every page is about a dead person, and the living can talk about what they did, who they knew, fun facts, and that kind of things. Potential issues and how to fix them: - There would be a clear separation between testimonies and known facts. The latter requiring proof and mod aproval. - The remaining family may forbid or request deletion of a loved one's page. They may not forbid other pages from mentioning him/her (without links to a page, since it would not exist). - Close family MUST be warned if a page is created about someone. - While still alive, you can make a request to the mods that the website forbids a page about yourself after your death. You can also authorize it, does preventing your family from forbiding it after you die. Not sure about this one, I feel that there would be a lot of legal issues and controversies: - The descendants can reverse your decision or previous descendants decision on forbiding the page an X amount of years after the death (if you made the request) or the request (if the family made it). Sorry about the english, here.",86,"[1, 1]",3 13,val,"*Get addicted to whatever you want with nicotine patches* What if you wanted to get addicted to habits like jogging or stretching etc. and you did so my slapping on a half (or a fouth) of a nicotine patch during the activity. You could do it maybe a few times a week and then the dopamine-reward system would be stimulated whenever you conducted that activity. After a while maybe you wouldn't need the patch to get the effect. Thoughts?",111,"[1, 0]",3 14,val,"*Publish your browsing data as a book, so ISPs would be infringing your copyright by selling your browsing data.* If you published a restrictively expensive book containing your personal browsing data, you could technically claim copyright over it. File lawsuits against your ISP for infringing your copyright.",114,"[1, 0]",7 15,val,"*On-demand Home and store Bakery* Cake ordering apps are not that unusual but most of them do not have a good interface. Further, there is rarely an option to order customized cakes. Bakers, known for their creative custom cakes or home bakers who need to get a digital platform for their business might find this a great mobile app idea. Such ideas for mobile applications can also work as gift ideas to surprise their loved ones. You can allow your customers to add their favorite recipe with customized ingredients, and allow them to share photos directly from the mobile application through social media integration and increase social networks.",117,"[1, 0]",2 16,val,"*A fiverr-like service where you can pay someone to be a part of your group project if someone/everyone else is doing jack shit.* I've always hated group assignments that sometimes even out the scores even though some people pull more weight than others. Pick a subject of your choice, a well rated seller in that field and you're good to go.",132,"[1, 1]",3 17,val,"*In the era of social media and smartphones, amusement parks should really stop charging for automated ride photos. Just slap a logo on every pic and send it the person the second they step off the ride. They'll post your photos online and you get free advertising for very little cost.* nan",141,"[0, 0]",2 18,val,"*A marketplace to match excess food supplies with willing buyers.* From what I gather, right now due to the Covid crisis, there is a lot of food currently going to waste because of a lack of demand due to restaurants being shut down. Food suppliers basically have to throw away all of this excess supply and they can't donate all of it as the cost of picking it from the field/hauling it to food banks is too much. What if we create a marketplace where buyers can buy bulk quantities for discount rates...maybe even meet at pickup spots to decrease total costs? It would be a win for both sides as the suppliers can get some money from the goods that was about to go to waste and the buyers get a good deal. What do you think?",146,"[0, 1]",2 19,val,"*Idea: site for putting together friends and booking a vacation* I've observed that many people my age (20s/30s) miss out on going on vacation many times simply because it's too much of a hastle to contact friends, find out who has the same dates available, if you have compatible budgets and if you can agree on where to go. My site would remove this friction by: importing your friends list from social networks and email. asking you to input your filters (available dates, budget, interests) for a vacation showing you a list of your friends ordered by compatability: Those with similar dates, budget and interests are at the top allowing you to ask them to group up once a group is created, showing the group a list of destinations compatible with your filters and allowing you to vote on where to go once the destination has been decided, allows you to book the various parts of the trip directly from the site. This whole process could theoretically be completed in an afternoon whereas it typically would takes weeks if not more with a high dropout rate. What do you think, does this have value for you?",158,"[1, 1]",4 20,val,"*nan* If you have to cancel a hotel reservation but it's not free anymore, ask to rebook it later. Then cancel",176,"[1, 1]",4 21,val,"*Dusting for prints..* I just thought of an interesting study. Buy various products from a broad range of uses etc and dust all the surfaces of the product and packaging for fingerprints. I am sure many fingerprints get imported/exported and can tell a story about the items themselves. ",177,"[0, 0]",4 22,val,"*Bringing Investors & Ideas Together.* I've been thinking of building a platform to bring Investors large and small together with Artists/Promoters/entrepreneurs or anyone with a smart profitable idea. The platform will allow investors to easily sift through the ""ideas"" of those needing funding, and if one catches their attention they can come to an agreement all on the platform. For Investors: I'd make it easier by aggregating live data to show (If Artist) social media following, Engagement Rate... Etc. To help make a more informed decision and offer more on the app. For User Needing Funding: It would allow them to find ways to better promote their content or idea. The idea is still a bit rough but I thought I'd tell you why I came up with it in hopes that it might shed some light on its use. I've been trying to dip my feet into promoting and hosting artists in my local city, but I've had trouble making connections with the venues, and funding the shows. I want to make it easier for people to make solid ideas come true so I thought of this. I'd love honest feedback, thanks. ",194,"[1, 1]",2 23,val,"*Form submission notifications to the messenger of your choice* I've just launched my first side project - a form backend that allows to get notified of form submissions to the messenger of your choice: WhatsApp, Telegram, Viber, Facebook Messenger, Slack, etc. 📨 Nowadays, people receive a lot of emails to their inbox and sometimes it is very easy to miss email from a potential customer. However most of the existing form backend services offer only email notifications or Zapier. That is why I’ve built this project - to help people get their leads as soon as possible and in the easiest way, through their favourite chat applications and anywhere - on the desktop, mobile phone or tablet. 💫 Check my website []( and try it for free.",196,"[1, 1]",2 24,val,"*Subway surf X Duolingo?* Considering the rapidly decreasing attention spans of… well, most people; allow me to propose an idea. Many teens, young adults, and kids, are entranced by subway surfers, but it provides little to no educational value, why isn’t there a version of subway surfers where you can learn a language? A question shows up at the tip of the screen (ex: form this sentence in English) and then the player must swipe into the correct lane in order to form the sentence. There’s prizes and stuff just like of subway surf except you earn the prizes and characters by answering questions correctly. This can go for learning just about anything. Math, English, science, most basic subjects. Of course, it would be optional. And probably called like subway surfers: education. Or sum. Idk. Maybe stupid but like it was big brain in my mind.",205,"[1, 1]",4 25,val,"*Content Consolidation App* There are tons of excellent blogs and articles about any topic on the internet now. I often have this problem of not finding all the useful resources on the internet in the perfect order to learn them. So, my idea is to create a website where people can submit their articles. That article will go through the algorithm which analyzes the content based on factors like content length, keywords used, etc. It then ranks them and gives them a score. The algorithm will place them in a hierarchy on the homepage in each category. People can vote for the articles in each category. It will also affect the overall score for that article. Once we have enough top content curated by algorithm and users, they will then be placed in the numbered list for people to follow through step-by-step. This process repeats, and we always have the fresh content for each category for users to read step-by-step and learn them in depth.",211,"[1, 1]",2 26,val,"*Anti flash mob (the non violent kind)* These flash mobs, the ones when people get together and do something artistic and awkward in public, are based entirely on the fact that there is an unsuspecting audience waiting there to react. So next time some drama geeks decide to do a flash mob in some major public area, someone should organize their own anti flash mob where they go and populate the same area pretending to be regular people standing around and upon the flash mob ""event"" starting, everyone in the anti flash mob could walk around ignoring the flash mob to absurd levels. Possibly the anti flash mob crowd could have a street performer with no talent show up off to the side and then you could have the anti flash mob congregate around that talentless boring street performer and script the anti flash mob to react wildly, showing that theyre really enjoying it, and even drowning out the sound of the flash mob performance. Thus drawing attention away from the flash mob. Basically a nice troll buzz kill to these ""zany"" flash mobs. Would love to see some youtube videos of someone able to pull this off. I think to have this work, you would have to have a not-too-big group of people already dedicated to doing anti flash mobbing so they can wait for a real flash mob to form. You wouldnt really want to advertise online what you were doing. You would just have to organize via email or private chat. That being said, you could probably create a public site to get members, but the organization of which flash mob to troll would have to remain private among the memebers only.",219,"[1, 0]",5 27,val,"*There should be the option to send a ""Whenever"" text, so the message doesn't disturb the recipient and they receive the message ""Whenever"" they next check their phone.* It's like scheduling a message to go out (which is an android feature already), except for example if you don't already know when the recipient usually wakes up or is not busy, they will receive it the next time they are awake or aren't busy, AKA, the next time they check their phone of their own accord.",230,"[1, 1]",7 28,val,"*Dig a full scale Grand Canyon in Kansas and use the dug up earth to fill in the old Grand Canyon. Pretend like it's always been in Kansas, and exile everyone who says otherwise to Sealand...Sealand: Come for the international waters, stay because you dared to remember where the Grand Canyon was.* nan",248,"[0, 0]",5 29,val,"*SMS greeting cards - Schedule SMS for important events* I was thinking about how I usually forget about someone's bday or anniversary or such more important occasions. If there isn't for Facebook I wouldn't remember it all, unless I create a reminder on my phone. How about a website or an app where people could order SMS greetings such as and subscribe to it annually. For example: \- if my friend Anna has a birthday I would write personalised SMS which will be sent every year on her birthday. \- if I'm a parent I might want to order some cool text from Santa Clause or some fictional character like Spiderman I can get it here and my kid will get that text message from fictional character",273,"[1, 1]",3 30,val,"*So someone should do a huge favor to everyone...* Somebody should just go around making tldr summaries for terms and service agreements and what not. I mean, I know they're all basically the same, ""This product's ours, blah blah blah, we now own your soul, blah blah blah, not responsible for the cancer you may get while using, ect..."" But, like if there are specific, maybe funny, or maybe even 'odd' clauses in some of these statements, somebody should point them out!",276,"[0, 1]",4 31,val,"*OpenSpaceMap - Discover and Learn about Open Space in the USA* Hikers, fishermen, and outdoorsmen regularly struggle with the issue of finding safe, reliable places to explore or fish that are free of pollutants, are not private property, and are available for public access - especially in urban and suburban areas. What my product, due out in August for Contributors and Early September for users, d oes, is create a public platform for residents of local areas to contribute data about open space near them. Then, users who do not live in the area - or do but are just lo oking to fish or hike in a new place - can use the user-end of the service (a web service and mobile app) to discover wilderness near them. Here's an example of how it work s for users and what kinds of data are provided to the user: [NOTE: This is an alpha screenshot and is far from the finished product. Note th at all data shown there is just for testing purposes and isn't actual data.]. As for contributors, they get an equally intuitive webapp allowing them to quickly outline the boundaries of an area and then fill out a short form where information about an area is provided.",278,"[1, 1]",5 32,val,"*Reminders for people with ADHD* An app where you can make a to-do-list, but instead of small notifications, it gives a pop-up on your phone with the list. You can choose the time you want to get the pop-up, and it includes checkboxes to tick off. The pop-up takes up the whole screen and only disappear when a box is actually ticked off. People with ADHD need a real ""in your face"" reminder to actually SEE & remember something so I think it will come in very handy for them... A desktop app would also be nice tbh.",279,"[1, 1]",6 33,val,"*On-Demand Physical therapist/Athletic Trainers* Over the weekend, I was part of a local soccer tournament. One of my team members is a physical therapist and he brought his message table, tape, ice, and etc to help us get taped up, stretched and etc. He helped us from getting injured through proper stretching and taping (ankles). A thought occurred in my head; there are a lot of youth sports tournaments and practices. I was thinking about how a team can ""hire"" a physical therapist or athletic trainers to come before games to prepare the players. Or even have the tournament directors hire these PTs or athletic trainers so that anyone who is participating in the tournament can be treated. What do you think?",302,"[1, 1]",5 34,val,"*real life gaming/level up system* wouldn't it be great if there was a site/app that records what you do and let you gain experience? for example if you want to become a nurse, the app gives you all th e required ""items"" to let you change your ""class"" to nurse and all the required items are the right kind of education and experience? that would be so awesome and a really good motivation tool because it lists all the things you need to do and so on...",313,"[1, 0]",4 35,val,"*An ""Activity Cafe"" where people pay a small cover charge to have friendly hosts introduce them to other patrons. They an eat, play board games, do questionnaires, or just sit and talk.* Where do adults meet friends outside of work and school? Where is there to go by yourself on a friday night besides the bar? Not everyone likes the bar scene, and not everyone has the interests or money to pay for classes and clubs. So come on down to The Friendzone! Just a $5 cover charge, $3 for seniors, to be greeted by friendly hosts who will show you the comfy chairs, two player arcade games, patio with bean bag toss, and best of all help introduce you to other patrons who also want to meet new people! I know reddit won't sugarcoat it for me, so what you ya'll think? Edit: It's 18 & up. I also want a separate room where patrons can do book clubs, or put on skits, or whatever they want to do. We could also have ice breaker games going on every 2 hours or something when there are no community led events or get together going on in there. Edit2: cell phones go into lock pouches. You can have the pouch opened any time but you have to go outside, you can come back in for free though if you just do what you need to do on your phone then come back.",318,"[1, 1]",5 36,val,"*Create a ""Reverse-Make-A-Wish Foundation"" where terminally ill people carry out the wishes of the general public, as their final contribution to society, since they are going to die soon anyway.* Some tasks would include: - volunteering for potentially dangerous and deadly medical testing where live subjects are required. - assassinating social, political, and business leaders who use their power to destroy people's lives. - testing of experimental technology - etc.",323,"[1, 1]",6 37,val,*Ear buds/headphones that automatically mix to mono.* Earbuds that automatically mixes to mono when it detects you have only one earbud on and only plays sound out of that ear. I don't know what engineering might have to go into it but i thought it would be pretty cool.,330,"[1, 0]",3 38,val,"*google flights but for deliver service* Now that there is various different food delivery services is there a way to find out which one is the cheapest to order from? Basically it tells me that ordering sushi from doordash is cheaper than ubereats because they have demand this will drive the other food delivery services to give cheaper delivery for certain restaurants in certain locations? idk thoughts?",342,"[1, 1]",4 39,val,"*Vote every minute of every day with my wallet.* I would like a simple app I can use to scan bar codes of any item I buy at any store. When I scan the bar code the app should then display which billionaire or millionaire or corporation is making money off this product. Maybe links to site or even just the ability to click on the name of the companies or person and it then simply does a google search. That way I know who and where my money is going to support. I think this app would help a lot of people stop supporting some pretty horrible human beings while also helping you support companies causes and people who deserve it. I fully expect to be down voted into oblivion for this idea.",363,"[1, 1]",3 40,val,"*The Airbnb of EV Charger Sharing* My idea is to have an app where households and businesses would have a charger installed, and we would allow them to register it on our network so that any person can pay a fee to use it. The charger ""hosts"" would be able to determine the time of day people can charge, and users would effectively be paying for the parking spot and the charging. How feasible is this?",368,"[1, 1]",4 41,val,"*Remember what you read* Hi everyone, I'm looking for feedback on my idea. Quite a lot of people are reading books for self-improvement. But how much do you actually remember from books we read? Very little. At least I do and from the research I did others only remember about 10% of the key ideas from books they read. I noticed this myself when a friend ask me if I knew what Consistent Hashing is and how it works. I knew I read about it, but I just couldn't remember what it was and how it worked. That's why I started building flashcards for the books I read and I repeated them on a daily basis. I saw great improvement and I can still remember ideas from books I read over a year ago. Building these flashcards is very time consuming and I was thinking about creating an app where others could copy existing flashcards with information about the most important ideas in the book to their account and allow them to repeat them on a daily basis. **Benefits** * Users don't have to create own flashcards and this saves them time * Questions and answers from flashcards could also be viewed as a book summary. So the app would be some kind of Knowledge Database about books where users could look up information quickly * Own app would allow users to discover new books/content to read. * App could create a positive habit of studying every day. **Problems** * Still to much work. People don't want to repeat flashcards on a daily basis * People don't actually care about keeping the knowledge long term they just want to feel good about consuming knowledge. Blinkist makes consuming knowledge very easy, but you don't really build long-term knowledge using it. * Users want/have to create flashcards on their own, because it's part of the learning process Another idea that goes into a similar direction would be to create a platform teachers (school, YouTube, Udemy, ...) where they could share practice questions as flashcards with their students. ",370,"[1, 1]",2 42,val,"*Upon electing a new United States president, he or she must go into space to experience the Overview Effect* The [Overview Effect]( “It is the experience of seeing firsthand the reality of the Earth in space, which is immediately understood to be a tiny, fragile ball of life, ""hanging in the void"", shielded and nourished by a paper-thin atmosphere. From space, national boundaries vanish, the conflicts that divide people become less important, and the need to create a planetary society with the united will to protect this ""pale blue dot"" becomes both obvious and imperative.â€",372,"[1, 0]",6 43,val,"*Social Weather App* I live in Hawaii where the weather forecasts are constantly wrong. I always ask friends on the other side of the island, what's the weather doing? This is really good information to know before laying on the beach, taking out a boat, or going on a hike. Sometimes the weather forecast and report just doesn't cut it. Sure there are weather cams, surf cams, and more, but they do not cover every nook and cranny of the island. How about a social weather app, where users can upload real-time photos on a walk, beach, hike, or wherever. The photos will be time-stamped with a GPS location. The app will also feature a normal weather report and forecast. Potential Problems: users upload unrelated images to weather. Perhaps this could be solved by allowing users to vote on the pictures uploaded and a system that can screen for unrelated or inappropriate pictures. Also, I did a quick search to see if this already exists and couldn't find much, I'm sure it might already so feel free to let me know!",374,"[1, 1]",5 44,val,"*Get work/job experience without having a job* A friend and I are working on a software/website where companies can list small tasks/projects that people can do for them. When done, the companies give a certified ""job experience"" to the best project execution that can be used on your CV/resume. Problem: It's so hard getting a job these days. At least here where I live. Companies require a solid education and/or plenty of work experience. It's hard getting the work experience while you're a student or just in general. And finding your first job in the field you want to work in without any experience is not an easy task. How can we solve this? Solution: Give students/people a platform where they can sign up for small tasks/projects from bigger companies that give them an experience they can use on their CV/resume.",401,"[1, 1]",5 45,val,"*A canoe rear view Mirror* just a 10$ thing, stick it (via some nice design) to the end of the canoe, so you can see behind you. It might seem pointless as you can turn around whenever you please, but It could also be used to see your 'if you have one' partner's stroke, and so you could stroke along with them. Let me know your thoughts! thanks",415,"[1, 1]",3 46,val,"*I'd pay to see that!* Did you ever hear the expression ""I'd pay to see that!""? Well, I want to build a site that makes that a reality. The idea is simple. Someone says ""I'd like to see my friend Mike Smith dress up like a chicken"". Then site visitors who also want to see Mike Smith dress like a chicken can throw in cash to make it happen. If it doesn't happen, everyone gets their money back. If it does, Mike Smith gets the money. The above is a dumb example, but you get the point. I feel like the internet can get VERY creative with this. It could B-List Celebs, Athletes, Actors, or everyday people. Other than porn and opponents fighting each other, what type of events would you pay to see?",416,"[1, 1]",4 47,val,"*Wireless earbuds should cache an entire song so theres no cutting out* Bluetooth earbuds should cache an entire song so theres no stuttering. Bluetooth SIG should integrate this into their standard/audio stack so it works seamlessly across all devices, operating systems, apps and earbuds that support it. Also, Airpods cases (+generic airpods) should have volume/track remote so you can easily adjust the volume while leaving your phone in your pocket.",427,"[1, 1]",5 48,val,"*Scheduled silencing* I struggle with going to going places, and having to silence my phone, and then when I'm alone at home, my phone is on silent, so I miss all my calls. Companies should create a setting that lets you schedule when you phone, or smart device, is on silent. Not sure if this already exists and I missed it however.",484,"[1, 1]",5 49,val,"*Add Dry Towel To Wet Load In Dryer * Like the title says…. Adding a dry towel into your wet laundry in dryer will cut your drying time by about 1/3 - saving time AND money! Alternately, add a wet washcloth or towel and run dryer for 10 minutes or so to de-wrinkle your forgotten clothes left in dryer overnight!",491,"[1, 1]",4 50,val,"*An ""open house"" video game where you try to hide flaws in a house so that potential buyers can't see them.* The game would require you to notice such flaws and then find ways to prevent potential buyers from seeing them. For example, you could try to stand in front of of a flaw, move furniture around to hide it, etc. The task would become more difficult with more potential buyers in the house at the same time. But then maybe you could direct family members to help you hide flaws in real-time while potential buyers are moving around the house.",492,"[1, 1]",4