index,split,text,example_id,label_objective_task,label_creativity 1,train,"*A progress bar displayed in the back seat of the car so that the kids can see for themselves ""if you're there yet""* You could actually integrate it into the satellite navigation system of the car so that the amount ""full"" on the bar would be set by the remaining time (trip start is empty, zero time remaining is full bar). The progress bar could be on the back of the seats or next to the screen kids are watching movies on.",2,"[1, 1]",3 2,train,"*Why don't microwaves have a scan feature?* A lot of frozen food items have complicated cooking times. For example, 47 seconds at 30% power, then 2 minutes full power, then remove item and stir potatoes, then 2 minutes at full power. If microwaves had a upc type of scan feature, they could scan the cooking times/rates instructions on the frozen food packet. The instructions would have to be different based on the power of the microwave obviously, but such limited instructions should be able to fit in a 2d upc code. Yeah, obviously the microwave wouldn't be able to stir the potatoes, but it could pause with a ""push start to continue"" type of deal at that point.",5,"[0, 1]",6 3,train,"*A toilet that tests your urine every time you pee* It could check for pregnancy, health issues, etc. It would be beneficial to know if we need more fiber, protein, salt, etc on a regular basis too.",7,"[0, 1]",5 4,train,"*Someone should remake older cars with modern materials and safety equipment so we can drive around in beautiful cars and trucks, with more powerful, and more reliable motors.* *edit: by ""modern materials and safety equipment"" I meant for them to be able to pass modern crash testing and still look the same as they used to. Or at least as close as possible to what they used to look like.",9,"[0, 1]",2 5,train,"*People should be able to dial 911 from an ATM. If someone comes up to them and holds them at gunpoint, they should be able to discreetly call 911 by entering it as their PIN. This would activate a discreet security protocol where the ATM begins recording footage and local authorities are notified.* nan",11,"[1, 1]",5 6,train,"*There should be suicide crisis centers where suicidal people can go and be cared for anonymously. Nobody needs to know you need help, but it allows them to drop out and gather themselves.* if someone wants to kill themselves there should be a place they can go where it's anonymous and privacy is paramount, and every basic need is taken care of. its not a jail or asylum but they have a tiny private room and basic normal things like tv and whatever. counselors. food and room and board. a secondary step before ending their life. maybe let them change their mind, not javing to worry about the daily grind.",13,"[1, 1]",2 7,train,"*Drones should be used to search for missing hikers, and should have survival goods like water, bandages, etc., on them.* That way you can A: cover more searched area with more drones, and B: deliver valuable lifesaving equipment as soon as they're found. It would only be more practical than human operated helicopters, however, if they were sent out in enough numbers to out-search their human counterpart.",14,"[1, 1]",2 8,train,"*Would be cool if the self checkout system at the grocery told you if your purchase was unique. Like, you are the first person to ever buy a particular combination of goods.* Or maybe it timed you. And fast checkout times were rewarded with coupons and discounts. Incentive ppl to check out more quickly. Gamified a bit. Could be fun.",15,"[1, 0]",3 9,train,"*HandsOn : A company run by interns for job experience* What if an entire company could be run by interns? Tired of the catch 22 of you need experience in a job to do a job? Want to be a Sys Admin? We'll let you create documentation, price suppliers, and if we have the budget that quarter, install / run things. Accountant? Run our numbers, and create reports you can show to your next employer. CEO CFO? Congratz, you're now helping move HandsOn forward, increasing employee numbers, finding referrals, checking our numbers. Someone gets stuck? Doesn't know how to do something? We'll staff problem solving generalists who know how to walk through any problem logically.",16,"[0, 1]",5 10,train,"*Realistic Audio Books* An audio book, where each character have a different voice depending on the characters, along with a separate voice for the narrator. ",22,"[1, 0]",2 11,train,"*App that tells you the history of your current location.* Imagine opening an app and getting the history of wherever you are. Being able to navigate and read about things that are in your sight (100mts) maybe as a sort of low resolution AR. Statues, plaques, fountains, art why they were put up how long they've been there, history behind them. Parks when opened by whom, their background. Important events through history that happened in those locations. Road information, previous names of the roads, perhaps movies that have been shot on them, interesting facts. Monuments of course, their history, links to tours or more information on them. Ruins, hills, lakes, dams, bridges, everything around you basically. This would probably need to have some sort of settings/filters so you could adjust how much you see- maybe for example only seeing monuments and statues or only seeing things related to a certain period in history or even to categories like linked to royalty etc. Then you could build lists, maps, and tours of these locations customised for yourself or access ones made by others- locals, historians, specialists in a certain field. Realistically what I imagine will probably be a never expanding massive project something like Wikipedia but maybe it can be started in a small area and then see how it goes? Or maybe Google might be interested in it as a very cool addition to maps?",23,"[1, 1]",4 12,train,"*Google street view type app, but for the interior of large grocery stores so you know exactly where to find things ahead of time for a quick and easy grocery run.* You would log on to your local grocery store app and type in the items you need to get and the the app would send you an efficient map of where to go to puck out each item. Store aisle, location, shelf placement, etc.",29,"[1, 1]",4 13,train,"*How to clear a stuffy nose in under a minute!* Worked a treat for me today, thought I would share it with you all. Step 1: Breathe in deeply. Step 2: Slowly exhale all of your air and hold your breath until you are on empty. Step 3: Pinch your nose to avoid cheating. Step 4: Rock your head back and fourth slowly taking 2 seconds from looking at the sky to looking at the ground. Step 5: Do it until you absolutely NEED a breath. Step 6: Enjoy your clear nose. Step 7: Profit! This just made life a little easier for me.",30,"[1, 1]",4 14,train,"*nan* Don't watch shows with short episodes or play games with short arcady levels. You'll check the clock everytime you finish one and it'll make time drag on. Watch long movies, play endless games or my favorite: be productive on something that gets you ‘’in the zone†like coding, reading or writing",34,"[1, 1]",2 15,train,"*What the pic ?* A game where people join public rooms and have 10 minutes to guess the linked wikipedia page to an image. For instance, you join a room and have a pic of ""Place Vendome"" (which is a square in Paris). People start guessing the first one who guesses the correct name (which is title of wikipedia page) wins. It can be a picture of the Large hadron collider, grapefruit, or whatever!",36,"[1, 0]",3 16,train,"*A web-app that settles the 'where are we going to lunch' dispute* A few friends and I are developing this app where you can send an invite to friends essentially saying 'hey let's go somewhere to lunch!' and specify a time, then it generates a list of nearby places and you all vote on where to show up.",37,"[1, 1]",3 17,train,"*A fake Social Security number you can give to those social security scam callers that when used will be relayed to the FBI.* This thought came about after I received eight calls in a single day from a robocall voice claiming that my social security number had been deactivated due to suspicious activity. If this did exist, it would serve two purposes: It would allow normal people to troll these troll numbers, and it would help the FBI find and prosecute these scammers.",38,"[0, 1]",5 18,train,"*Cities with abandoned houses should sell lottery tickets where the prize is a brand new fixed up house.* If you got 40,000 people to buy a lottery ticket for five bucks, you could fix up an abandoned property that the city owns, then give it away as a prize. This would lead to less abandoned houses, and higher property value in neighborhoods. People like lotteries, and a 1 in 40,000 chance of winning is pretty good for a five dollar lottery. All profits made from lottery would go towards the reconstruction of houses. This would benefit the local economy a little, due to the construction. I think this lottery would become the preferred lottery for people, as all the winnings go towards the prize and each prize has a set amount of tickets that can be sold for it. So buyers would be playing against each other. You'd probably have to set restrictions on how many tickets a person can buy. You could also have the purchase of lottery tickets be through deduction from your paycheck, so the city could distribute the amount of tickets your allowed to buy based on income.",40,"[1, 1]",5 19,train,"*A treadmill synced with Google Street View, so that you can ""walk around"" any city* A treadmill can be combined with a (large) screen installed in front of it, showing Google Street View, in such a way that when the person on the treadmill ""walks"", the view on the screen advances accordingly with each step, creating the illusion of walking along whichever street is being displayed on the screen",42,"[1, 0]",4 20,train,"*Include quality of life scores in the patient information leaflet * When drugs are tested for approval, not only side effects should be recorded vs. placebo, but also the average subjective life quality score at various points in time. For example scores after 24 hours, 1 week, 1 month, 6 months, and 2 years. These standardized scores, in relation to scores under placebo, should be printed into the patient information leaflet. The purpose would be to see the overall benefit of the drug over time, compared to placebo, including all effects and side effects. You could also see if a drug offers a long term benefit or only for a short time span. It could also better represent the duration, severity and impairment of side effects. In addition, the impact of different drugs could be compared by comparing the scores.",43,"[0, 1]",3 21,train,"*An exclusive night club called ""Birthdays"". You're only allowed in on your birthday. Even the heavy rotating staff is required to have their birthday while on shift. Group birthday cake candle blowout & champaigne with everyone in club.* Outsource the cake to a local bakery, get them to invest in the club. EDIT: After popular demand, Birthdays is now allowing 3 guests to accompany those with birthdays to the club. *Guests without birthdays will have limitted access to the club's activities and areas.* EDIT 2: In tradition of *Birthdays* values and culture, annual stockholder meetings will be restricted to those with birthdays held on day of event, CEO's birthday. **Birthdays' ""Champaigne"" product does not contain any champagne.*",45,"[1, 0]",5 22,train,"*Idea: a button on advertisements that says ""I'm never going to buy this product so stop showing me it.""* It would save untold money for advertisers and time for people who would otherwise be wasting time watching ads or waiting to click ""skip."" Ads have kind of been moving in this direction, and algorithms have been developed to survey what kinds of products a person is likely to want, but they need to go further. And in some cases like mine, there needs to be a button that says ""I don't have any disposable income so I'm not going to buy anything that anybody tries to sell me no matter how well they pitch it.""",46,"[1, 1]",1 23,train,"*Kissing gum* Some company should come up with a type of gum that has a chemical that makes a flavor only when combined with a chemical in another piece of gum. So like one person starts chewing gum A, let's say, and the other person is chewing gum B. They each have an underlying flavor, but when the two people start kissing, a chemical reaction takes place and a new flavor is formed. ",49,"[1, 0]",6 24,train,"*Make marriage licenses expire every 10 years, allowing couples to nullify their unions through apathy rather than divorce.* Allows religious couples to get ""divorced"" without actually divorcing. Makes more use out of a wedding dress, depending on how many times you remarry. Cuts down on the commitment angle somewhat, though ten years isn't short. Don't have money for a big destination wedding? Save for the next decade and if you still love each other get hitched in the Bahamas. Hate your family? Elope and invite them to ""the next one"". Increases state/county revenue, possibly more jobs too with increased marriage licensure. More bachelor parties.",50,"[1, 1]",6 25,train,"*You give your car a service, why not your house. Have a service for your house every 5years.* A company that you contact and guy comes round and gives your house a service every 5 years. They check plumbing, electric, gas, carbon monoxide, damp etc and then you can get them fix it or you can shop around but by doing it you lower your house insurance and increase house price.",51,"[1, 1]",5 26,train,*No toilet paper or soap on trains and flights?* If you are ever on a train or flight and when you use the bathroom there are no toilet paper or soap left. Try checking behind the mirror. Usually a push on the bottom corner will open the mirror and there usually will be spare toiletries inside.,52,"[1, 1]",4 27,train,"*An app where you buddy up and make deals with strangers to share subscriptions to services. For example, you have Netflix (Monthly Standard $12.99) but you also want Showtime (Monthly $10.99). You share accounts with someone who has Showtime and wants Netflix (they pay the additional $2.00 to you)* The accounts are tied together so if your buddy cuts you off, he loses access to your service automatically as well. Obviously certain subscription services would be worth more than others (i.e Amazon Prime has many more attributes than HBO) so people on the app would hassle and try to retrieve more than one subscription. The greatest challenge would be of course making sure that people don't cheat their way out of not paying their own monthly dues while still riding on their stranger's services.",53,"[1, 1]",4 28,train,"*Website that tracks your social circle's post apocalypse preparedness?* Whether it's zombies, nukes or a plague; we all toy with unhealthy fantasies concerning the end of days. What if there was a site where you could create a circle of local people you plan to reboot society with. Each person could list their valuable knowledge or skills (firearms, farming, water purification, candle-making, distilling, etc...), so you could see what your sore points are and recruit or educate accordingly. Sound fun? ",54,"[1, 0]",3 29,train,"*Adult Movie Theatre* No, this isn’t a movie theater that shows X-rated films and pornos, it’s a movie theater where people 21+ can drink alcohol and vape/consume/possibly smoke cannabis. Here it will be socially acceptable and allowed to be drunk or high, or both. Patrons can bring their consumables with them or buy it at the theater. Ideally, the movie theater will be licensed to sell alcohol and marijuana to patrons. Vape cartridges, pre-rolled joints, backwoods, edibles, and cannabis infused drinks etc. will be sold. As well as liquor, beer, etc. Depending on the viability of the following this is a possibility: smoking joints or blunts won’t be allowed just as cigarettes in public places isn’t really socially acceptable anymore. The theater might be limited to vaping products, edibles and cannabis-infused drinks. From here, individual Smoking and Non-Smoking theaters could exist within the same building.",55,"[1, 1]",2 30,train,"*Every time someone makes a bid on Ebay, another minute should automatically be added to the duration of the auction. In that way, buyers would not be determined by who was lucky enough to bid in the last second, but instead who was actually willing to pay the most money* nan",56,"[1, 1]",2 31,train,"*An app like Yelp but for business ethics. It rates businesses on objective criteria set by the user. Users could sort by political contributions, worker benefits, stock buybacks, class action lawsuits, black owned, employee owned, fair trade, union, etc.* nan",60,"[1, 0]",3 32,train,"*YouTube videos should have a reserved space in the upper left corner to briefly list the credentials of any video that offer medical or scientific or academic information or advice. Else they put a warning sign.* This might not take care of everything, but it can help a lot. Plus it can be used for watermarks in approving non deep fakes. In fact the FCC should require major social media platforms to do this. ",61,"[1, 1]",2 33,train,"*App Idea - Kitchen Timer* The idea is that you can load meals and the time it takes to cook them. So you can have 2 or 3 timers at the same time when you cook a lot, and not lose any meal because of burning or taking it out early. It may also hold recipies, a ""snooze"" functions to let it continue a little more. And I also have thought that you could also save where you are cooking (microwave, oven...) because times vary according to that. What are your thoughts on the idea?",63,"[1, 1]",3 34,train,"*A social media website only for AI bots. When you sign your bot up, it needs to prove that it’s a bot. It registers itself.* This wouldn’t be a twitter clone (which exists). I mean like a dark gritty AI social media battleground where AIs are connected and are free to like / post whatever content they want. They are rate limited. Maybe like 5 posts and 100 likes per day. I imagine the content would devolve into some really strange as the AI compete with one another for likes.",64,"[1, 0]",2 35,train,"*Make a 'How it's Made' episode about Chocolate Chip Cookies. Start it at the Big Bang.* I mean, we all know you use flour for the dough, but where does the wheat for the flour come from? Where do the nutrients for the soil in which that wheat grows come from? If the Wheat needs sunlight to grow, how does the Sun work? Explain fission. What about the life story of Wallace, the Brazilian cocoa bean farmer and his many ancestors? If the Cookies are getting made, how was Wallace made? What if Wallace ate a chocolate chip cookie? Where did those come from? Where am I? I don't know who I am.",66,"[1, 0]",1 36,train,"*Sleeping Hack* When sleeping on your side. Place one pillow between your legs, and another one between your arm and waist (as if you were hugging it). This Will prevent tensión on lower, Upper back and neck as it makes your posture straight since you are placing your body weight towards just one side. ",67,"[1, 1]",2 37,train,*Dating app that reveals the photo the more you talk to someone.* You originally only message them based off of their description and maybe every 10 minutes (of solid talking) the picture unblurrs a little bit by bit until you can finally see the full picture after talking for a full hour,73,"[1, 0]",3 38,train,"*Merge your photo album with a history of your most played songs. So that when you scroll through your photo album, you have the option to auto play the songs that represent that era of your life.* Essentially annotating your photo album with songs or vice versa. Would be great as an app, but even better would be if iOS/Android did it themselves.",76,"[1, 0]",2 39,train,"*An app for deaf people to check for noises.* I'm hearing, but both of my parents are/were profoundly (completely) Deaf. Every time I visit, there is inevitably something making a noise they're unaware of. An alarm beeping, a pipe knocking, a light buzzing. They once drove round for an entire day with their car alarm blaring! Now, I know apps to check noise levels exist - decibel measurers etc. That's not what I mean - my mum doesn't need to know how loud something is. She needs to check if a noise is being made, a description of that noise, and its location. I can't seem to find anything like that. I realise that finding the location of a noise with only one microphone on a phone presents a problem, but it could at least tell you whether a noise is getting louder if you walk towards it. A description of the noise, a la shazam, would be most useful.",82,"[1, 1]",7 40,train,"*Use shower curtain rings to hang scarves, shawls, leggings, and other small garments * Our hall closet has one of those long metal racks with a narrow bar along the bottom. I have a sizable collection of scarves, shawls, and silk scarves that I like keeping out and available all year. Keeping them in reach and organized is easy with round shower curtain rings if your clothing rod is thin enough. Unlatch the curtain rings, hook them around the rod and re-latch them. Loop your scarves, shawls, and other small or thin garments through them, and let them hang. They’ll be easy to reach, protected from damage, and take up little space.",83,"[1, 1]",5 41,train,"*Blind Audition App* I have this idea of an app that allows users to hear someone singing. If they like the person enough to ""turn around"" then the actual video of the person singing will be shown, and the person's account will be followed with new videos that they post from that point on being added to the users feed. There could also be other options to add filters such as genre of music, artist, song, etc. Options like those could be part of a premium add-on to generate revenue. Is this a type of app that could gain some traction, or is it a dud. I've always just loved good singers, and feel that there should be a way to discover them that is easier than searching for covers on instagram or youtube. Please comment or add suggestions. Thanks.",85,"[1, 1]",4 42,train,"*WizzAir (possibly works at other similar airlines) free extra legroom trick* During online check-in it offers you to select seat for money (or you will be assigned for free), this time you can check how many non occupied seats left and where. If you see there is only place at extra legroom then complete online check-in otherwise wait and check back hour later. 99% of the cases 3-4 hours before the actual flight there is only 2-3 seats left on the plane and all of them are the extra legroom ones, because system always tries to assign worts seats, but if the worst is the extra legroom, what system can do? It gives to you for free! I used this trick in last 6-7 years and never seated in normal seat :)",87,"[1, 0]",6 43,train,"*A blind dating app with a smart business model* I have the idea for a dating app, that does without looking at someone's appearance or someone at all. The premise of the app is that you fill in 40 odd questions about yourself, then 40 questions about a potential date, and based on this information an algorithm can set up a date. The idea came from watching a dating show called first dates. The business model is not some stupid premium account with extra options and shit, but actually it is a two sided platform. My idea is that, in order to make sure people show up to the blind date, or people of one gender take advantage of the other by getting free lunches/dinners, people need to pay up front. Like 6 euros for a coffee date, 15 euros for lunch, 30 for dinner. And restaurants and bars can sign up for couples to be sent their way, by paying a small percentage over every date that is at their restaurant. By setting up your preferences (with a little lean way), the dates you are open for a date and setting the willing distance to travel, restaurant tables can be reserved, and you will be taken to your seat based on a code. The other person will have the same code, so this makes it a match. I would say it is more aimed at people that are looking for a relationship instead of one night stands and stuff. It also has that element of adventure. I want to call the app FirstFolded, because it is the opposite of Blind date (blindfolded/first date). Its a dating app without messaging or swiping.",89,"[1, 0]",4 44,train,"*App/web page for keeping kids quiet* There are some apps and webpages that are intended to help teachers keep the noise down in the classroom. However, the ones I've seen only encourage kids to be loud. For example, there is one that makes balls bounce around if it's too loud. Of course kids want to shout and make the balls bounce. My thought is a forest or ocean scene where animals and other creatures come out if it's quiet enough. Every x number of seconds a new animal could come into view. If kids are loud then it scares the animals away. They would be motivated to try to get to the next animal they didn't see last time.",90,"[1, 1]",3 45,train,"*A software that can convert areas from google maps into a 3d road layout architecture.* Ok, I'm not sure if this exists, but let me explain a little. So you get the software which has a sort of built in Google maps in it. You can either draw a perimeter, put down lat and long points, or just enter the name of a city, county, or country (example, Manhattan). The software will then pull that section of the map and make a very simple outline such as land and water borders and roads with the blocks in a 1:1 scale. (Or you can choose what scale; like 1, .5, .25, .001, etc.). The out line would be completely flat, but in 3D, allowing you to edit elevation, textures, and add in buildings, trees, sidewalks in an accurate scale. Such a software can be useful for things like creating a video game map, 3D printing models of towns, or just for the fun of it. I'm sorry if I'm not being clear, but this is only a basic idea I have that I should expand a little more on.",91,"[1, 0]",2 46,train,"*How to get rid of body odor in a hurry.* All you need is a stainless steel spoon and some water. Take the spoon and get it wet then rub it over your parts that smell. The stainless steel will get rid of the odor. Tested myself on both hands and pits. Witch hazel on a cloth or paper towel will also do it, just make sure you got the kind without alcohol.",93,"[1, 1]",6 47,train,"*Duolingo + VR = Become fluent in a language by (virtually) talking to someone.* I often hear that to learn a language it's important to actually practice and 'see' other people speaking that language. It could even be kinda like role playing. Say, I know only english and have never been to germany but I'm trying to learn german. The VR app starts up, you wake up in the bed and subtitles appear on the screen that you're supposed to say. Then maybe your wife wakes up beside you and you're supposed to say your dialogues that appear on the screen. You go to work, but stop at a coffee shop before continuing. Basically there'll be a bunch of opportunities to talk. Then maybe you have to present a report that you already have prepared earlier. This would be like reciting an essay or something in a realistic environment. Then you have to go to a party or something. Pretty much a 'german/italian/whatever life simulator' if you will. I would totally buy this. On the technical side, I think something like those little wireless motion tracking dots could be stuck on a native speakers lips and they could be made to do the voiceovers for the 'game'. So that not only do we get the proper native way of speaking in that language but also how their mouth moves. To judge how well the users are doing, it could have a machine learning algorithm. Like take a bunch of speeches or maybe even audio from german tv shows (for example), transcribe them and the algorithm can then learn to identify who's saying what and how accurately. (This is just basic audio-based natural language processing. Like Google now)",97,"[1, 1]",4 48,train,"*Turning on the alarm when you leave your house should automatically turn off power to appliances you are worried about (e.g., the oven, microwave, etc.).* This could be done by turning off power to a subset of electrical outlets (colored green say). The kitchen could have a red (always on) electrical outlet for the refrigerator and a green electrical outlet for the oven and microwave. Other rooms throughout the house could also have these green and red electrical outlets.",98,"[1, 1]",4 49,train,"*Multi-Color absorption glasses for defense against non-lethal control forms such as lasers and 'dazzlers'.* Three independent filters, red green and blue with a sensor in the middle of the glasses. Small electrical currents cause the filters to polarize independently to match whatever color is coming in at high intensity, absorbing the energy before it reaches your eyes. I wonder if polarized (mirrored) glasses would have a similar effect?",99,"[1, 1]",2 50,train,"*Amazon creates a virtual reality online shopping experience, where you're in a white room like in the matrix, then you can say ""I need *item* ... lots of *item*"" and then isles come racing past showing all of the items you can buy. Then you place the items in your virtual shopping cart and check out* nan",100,"[1, 0]",4 51,train,"*A keyboard with holographic keys* A keyboard which changes its keys to whatever language you have set on windows (don't know if other OS can do it as easily as windows but you get the idea), like little hologram blocks that show the letter assigned to the key depending on the language you chose. Would be relatively useful when writing in multiple languages without having to put stickers on your keys, especially if it's more than two languages.",101,"[1, 1]",5 52,train,"*Pay teachers more with ad revenue. They show an ad before class starts and randomly in the middle, but kids subscribed to School Prime can skip the ads.* Want an ad free learning experience? Sign up for School Prime now and get a free 30-day trial. Students with School Prime also get to enjoy free 2-day grading. Get your papers graded and returned for free in just 2-days and in some cases free 1-day grading is available.",103,"[1, 0]",3 53,train,"*A community app that lets people in a city give the smoothest routes for skating or biking* When I skate somewhere I hate going through streets with potholes or terrible pavement and uneven sidewalks, but what if there was a way that people could give a rating on a street based on its ‘ride-ability’ so the that you would put your destination on the app and the app would configure the best route to get there without having to deal with nasty streets",104,"[1, 1]",4 54,train,"*What if netflix/hbo/hulu and other streaming sites had a ""language learning mode"" where it replaces random words in the subtitles with words in the language you're trying to learn, so you understand the word because of the context, and learn what the word means so you can build a vocabulary.* nan",106,"[1, 1]",6 55,train,"*Speed Dating but time is 24 hours and medium is chat* there are tons of dating apps available in the play store but all of the do only one thing right, they match top 20% boys with the top 20% girls , while the rest of the users are lost in the sea of ignorance and loneliness i.e. no one right swipes them and they don't get to talk with anyone. While apps exists (like Omegle) which match u with strangers but most of the people are here for the dirty stuff and desperate max and there is a high chance the chat will last for less than a minute, even app like these don't help. to solve this problem I create this app where u are connected with a stranger as per ur preferences and u are connected for next 24 hours and u can't disconnect in between. the chat will finish automatically end after 24 hours. and heres the best part now if u like the person u can send friend request and if the person likes u as well then u become friends and talk everyday on the app. in case u didn't like the person you can just ignore the friend request. this will lead to you having genuine internet friends, and later when u trust the person enough u can share snap/insta/fb/Whatsapp/KIK/discord whatever and live happily there after.",107,"[1, 1]",2 56,train,"*A mailing address that is tagged to you (not where you live)* So I have moved around a lot the last couple of years and therefore I don't always update my mailing address, for stuff like my bank account I leave it at my parents house. I find it frustrating that mail goes to a physical location rather than following an individual, it is like if your email address was tied to a laptop rather than a user. Each time you get a new phone or laptop you have to go and redirect your email - madness! The solution that I am thinking about is that instead of providing websites with a mailing address you provide them with a link to profile that holds your address (exact details on how that works TBC), then each time you move you update your address on your profile and all your mail follows you. Still at the idea stage but would love any initial reactions",108,"[1, 1]",6 57,train,"*A website to post grammatical errors that readersfind in books. Readers can get points for every error they find.* The errors would have to be verified by other readers before it's validated. This can be a fun way to get 'rewarded' for focussed reading, and if it gets big, it'd be a nice way for publishers to correct the errors in a next edition.",112,"[1, 1]",3 58,train,"*If you feel a cold coming on, sleep the entire day no matter what* My girlfriend taught me this and it changed my life. Seems obvious, but I would keep working as long as I could to avoid taking time off, and end up a lot sicker. Now as soon as I can feel phlegm, I take the day and sleep literally all day. I do nothing but rest. Literally nothing. And generally the next day, my body has been given the upper hand and I feel a lot better. Cut down on my sick days by a ton by letting my body catch up and recover before it even really hits.",113,"[1, 1]",2 59,train,"*An app where you swipe through ads Tinder style* You earn money through swiping. You can also click through the ad to see the product. Ad companies get to test their ads by seeing how effective their ad campaign is immediately. You can also submit your impressions/thoughts regarding the ad for additional money.",116,"[1, 1]",4 60,train,"*A reality TV show where billionaires try living on minimum wage for at least a month.* They would also be cut off from their own house(s), car(s), etc... but instead given 'average' lodging and vehicles comparable to what minimum wage workers make. The people on this show would be either politicians or millionaires who inherited their money - people that worked for their fortune wouldn't be a good fit.",120,"[1, 0]",3 61,train,"*What about instead of tinder matching, you have date auctions?* Like someone posts: X time, y place, k activity. With photos and a profile. Then other users can say they want to be the one to join him or her at the activity. Then the poster gets to choose who can come and do the activity with him.",121,"[1, 0]",5 62,train,"*nan* Add mini carabiners to any loops on the outside of your bag, then you can attach anything that itself has a loop so you don't need to carry it",122,"[1, 1]",2 63,train,"*A clothing app that shows the inventory of all clothing in the stores near you and let’s you pick outfits and shows you where to get each item you pick for the lowest price.* So the inventory of all the stores near you would be compiled into one big online catalog and you can choose a whole outfit, shoes, pants, shirts etc...and it will tell you where to get every item you picked for the lowest price based on the inventory of the stores near you. What do you think?",123,"[1, 0]",3 64,train,"*An idea that could help people and keep you from wasting your money.* Maybe this already exists, but I couldn't find evidence of it through the Googles, so it almost certainly doesn't exist on a large scale. So, I was thinking about this Amazon gift card that I just used, and how how I ended up with .12 cents left on it. And now, I feel bad because I'll probably throw that card in to a drawer and forget about it until it expires. Why doesn't someone create a a site where people can give their gift card information and allow the operators to put it into a pool of other people's cards with just a few cents left on them and then use the accumulated money toward some charity. I know the funds can't be transferred but maybe just to buy school supplies for inner city kids. And those America Express and Visa gift cards could be used for anything. Just a thought.",124,"[1, 1]",5 65,train,"*beverage dispenser membership* The idea is to make what netflix did for movies, applied to beverages. You pay monthly for a special cup that has a chip activated system that unlocks the dispenser. They could be at restaurants, along sidewalks, in parks, etc. like vending machines. The appeal of having the membership is if you frequently consume beverages it's cheaper for the consumer, while attracting a larger customer base to offset the cut in profits for the vendors. It could be advertised as basically all you can drink, though certain limits would be implemented to avoid health/liability issues, or waste.",126,"[1, 0]",3 66,train,"*Auctions for prime-time reservations* It makes no sense to me that people pay the same for a table Friday at 7:30 PM and a Tuesday at 10:30 PM. There should definitely be some price variation. What are you thoughts on an auction-based marketplace for restaurant reservations? We've built a simple prototype for NYC in case you are interested.",128,"[1, 0]",4 67,train,"*Instead of having to solve puzzles to break out of an escape room, you solve puzzles to get IN to a room. Could be like a bank robbery scenario or something and start on the outside of the building and players have to look all around it to find a way in to it.* nan",129,"[0, 0]",4 68,train,"*Just a random idea that I'm honestly hoping actually exists already* So an app that can be integrated with all streaming sites ( netflix, prime etc) Basically I always have the issue of when I go to watch a movie I'll get half way through and have to go out, I'll fall asleep etc and then a few days later when I go to finish it I'll forget what's happened so far ( not completely but enough for the first few minutes to be confusing) So I had the idea of an app that sees how far the movie has elapsed and loads up either a video akin to those ""previously on Buffy the vampire slayer"" type snippets or the star wars text introductions etc with a brief run down or something just to reiterate what's happened in the movie this far ( think of the information just quickly being given like you're watching a quick trailer/advert/commercial before the movie starts) That way I wouldn't have to rewatch the last ten minutes I already viewed just to remember what the hell is going on",130,"[1, 1]",6 69,train,"*A restaurant where every thing on the menu is the ""last meal"" of a famous death row inmate* John Wayne Gacy- fried shrimp, fried chicken, French fries, and strawberries Dobie Gillis Williams- 12 chocolate bars and some ice cream Edmund Zagorski- Picked ham hock and pig tails The list is long and it might be crazy enough to work!",131,"[1, 0]",7 70,train,"*Product Gap between movie theater screens and Netflix* This isn't a clear-set idea, but just an observation of mine that I want to shop around. I'm a huge movie buff, so I still love going to the theater, and to me, there's something about the hall experience, the big screens, the great audio system that I just can't beat. But Netflix is taking over the content industry, and video-on-demand is the future, and it's here. I don't think Netflix will be the primary content creator/distributor of the future, but it'll be on the Internet, and it certainly won't be in the theaters. But is there a hardware gap? I like watching stuff on my phone, but I really love watching action films, horror films, etc. in a big theater, and would like to do this more of the time, conveniently. My idea: a VR headset/ecosystem that simulates the surround sound and big picture video while delivering the same content as if it was made for a movie screen. I don't know if the idea is solid, but is the problem real? I don't want to see movie screens and the whole experience wash away, but am I just fighting against the tide? ",134,"[1, 0]",3 71,train,"*An IMDB for podcasts* You are listening to a podcast and a guest comes on who you really enjoy. Wouldn't it be sweet to be able to IMDB that guest to find what other podcasts said guest have appeared on? It would also contain information on all podcasts; topics, hosts etc. Also a bonus feature: A detailed guide to what time to start listening to WTF episodes if you want to skip Marc Maron's initial rants.",135,"[1, 0]",3 72,train,"*A QR code at the table that restaurant guests scan to access the menu so they don’t have to be handed a physical menu others have touched before them.* Would save on some cost, a lot of paper, could be updated in real time if an item runs out, as well as removing that whole touching a shared surface thing.",136,"[1, 1]",1 73,train,"*A device that gives you a slight electric shock when you use filler words. I imagine it in the form of a necklace pendant.* **Why?** A fast way to correct your speech. **How it works** A necklace pendant with an embedded microphone, audio pattern recognition software, and an electric shocker. It has 3 buttons. One is used to add additional filler words, the other is used to delete the latest word you added, the 3rd is used to configure the shock intensity. Add all the words you want to stop using and adjust the strength of the electric shock to your comfort level.",137,"[1, 1]",6 74,train,"*Hospitals with an option for a warrior's death. As your loved ones gather round your bedridden form, a nurse hands you a surgical battleaxe. Your family says their tearful goodbyes as a heavily armored beast of a man bursts through the doorway and morningstars you in the face. Death...with dignity.* nan",139,"[1, 0]",5 75,train,"*Business idea for the gas stations* Hi. I’m sorry to bother you. I need your advice. Yesterday stupid event happened with me. Yesterday night I drove to my wife’s parents. Before I decided to go on the gas station. I stopped my car pushed in the pistol and went to pay. I payed after that I sat in my car and drove out. I forget to get out the pistol back and it’s stayed in my tank. Mankind invented cars in early 20 of century. Why don’t we have automatic gas stations???? You came up to the gas station. You don’t need to went out of your car and you need to pay only from your phone. Robot on the gas station will be work automatically. I never ever seen this before… Is there automatic gas stations? I really know how to make it. Do I need to think about it or I have to get rid of these stupid thoughts????",140,"[1, 1]",2 76,train,*AI written research papers issued to students with intentional errors that students need to fact-check for a grade* Instead of trying to figure out whether a submitted work was written entirely or enhanced by AI each student is issued a lengthy research paper already written by AI which students would have to comb through several times over and fact check for a grade. AI could write a slightly different paper for each student and retain a key of the disputed facts/figures/citations to be used to grade the students work in finding the errors.,143,"[0, 1]",5 77,train,"*A restaurant that only does birthday parties. Each day there's one big party and one big cake for everyone sharing a birthday.* Less worry about booking and planning. The cake, party supplies, and entertainment are already provided. You get to meet people who share a birthday with you. edit: You could even come alone if you're having a birthday and have no one to party with you.",144,"[1, 1]",4 78,train,"*, a website that translates long ass recipe pages with a story that goes on an on into a concise easy to read recipe* Text: A lot of recipe pages have stories that go on and on and so I'd like a website where you can paste a web address from one of those nonsense novels/recipes and it would translate the page into a list of ingredients, measurements, and steps, with maybe just a picture of the finished product. No fuss, muss, or bother.",147,"[1, 1]",5 79,train,"*A tech concierge for Boomers* Outright, I understand this idea has a shelf life - it’ll probably die with the boomers. Idea is - create a service where people who are tech disabled can call to get assistance as and when they need it. Target market would be millennials and the younger gen - they’d buy this “monthly subscription†for their parents to avoid getting calls about “how do I upload this to Facebookâ€, “how do I delete this from my emailâ€, etc. Just simple stuff that we kids have to solve for our parents. The service providers would be young folks - they’d get paid per hour. WDYT?",148,"[1, 1]",4 80,train,*Car with a Drone* So the idea is that inside your car is this smallish screen for shows the video feed and controls of the drone. The drone will come out of a compartment on the vehicle and fly above and forward to give more aerial view of traffic conditions and real time gps analysis. You can even just do camera view where the drone is synced to the Car at a a given height to achieve unique views of possible crash. When done it just flys back into the compartment and charges for future use.,150,"[1, 0]",6 81,train,"*A tv show where during the pilot, the characters flip a coin about something trivial. Then, the tv show splits in two timelines, one where the coin is heads and one for tails. Over the season, the two timelines get wildly different until they are different genres at the end.* nan",151,"[1, 0]",4 82,train,"*Create a Youtube channel which teaches pronunciation visually using CGI animations. Instead of students trying to blindly parrot their teachers they can see exactly how to position their tongue, teeth, lips, and how air should travel.* You could do this with any language. It would be most useful for difficult sounds (think of guttural Scandinavian sounds, Chinese, etc.) The greedy goal would be to make videos appropriate for use in classrooms. In Asia alone this would be a huge volume of views. The ‘nice’ goal would be to lessen the financial burden on families who spend money on private language lessons (there’s enormous pressure on kids in Asia to do well on English tests). I got this idea after watching a short video by Thomas Schwenke where he explains the inner mechanical functioning of an AK-47 rifle. I thought, ok, instead of gunpowder gases and firing pins, why not show how your teeth, tongue, and lips move as you make different sounds. You’d also show the flow of air and even whether the vocal chords should vibrate. You could rig up a mouth motion capture gizmo if it’s unclear how the mouth moves for difficult sounds. Details to make it usable in classrooms: The advertisement should never be the video type, only the banners near the bottom. Ideally the video should be self explanatory without the need for narration (think Primitive Technology style). Also there should be playlists for each pair of languages so menu and voice/caption instructions match the learners (Japanese people learning English, Russians learning Chinese..). Or there could be separate channels to simplify things. The student or teacher should be able to choose different types of videos. Videos with voiced instructions or captions only; repeated repetitions or useful series of sounds or words (TH sounds, soft or hard vowels, R vs L, etc.), very slow or normal speed. The channel name should be simple so it’s easy to share. For example ‘English4U’, ‘German4U’. Many channels teaching English (and other languages) already exist but none use advanced animations to show how to enunciate. It’s just ‘copy my sound!’. Or instructions in English telling you how to make the sound (but the student doesn’t understand what you’re saying...). Anyhoo, I thought this was a neat idea. Preemptive edit: yes, I am sad and yes, I’m in Japan. ",152,"[1, 1]",4 83,train,"*Companies such as Microsoft/Google/Facebook/LinkedIn/Apple/Netflix/Wikipedia/Twitter/etc. should throttle accounts belonging to politicians opposing Net Neutrality to 0.1KB/s for a month* Every time they access Facebook 0.1KB/s. Every time they access their personal mail - 0.1KB/s Every time they perform google search - 0.1KB/s Every time they want to watch Netflix - 0.1KB/s From tech standpoint - flag their accounts and move them to throttled infrastructure. This way they'll be calling the ISPs who are trying to push net neutrality aside complaining about speeds.",157,"[1, 0]",5 84,train,"*Since news companies like to source us, what if we hoaxed them? Ya know, came up with some crazy scenario and then posted it to an appropriate subbreddit, blew it up, and then watched as the news jumped on our dicks and reposted a fake thing? * We could all do certain things so that we know not to contradict each other in a way that would make it look like we are making it up, meaning that we would have to link find a way to stay consistent with each other and play off of each other. ",159,"[0, 0]",2 85,train,"*a device that detects the BPM to any song on the radio and syncs your windshield wipers, turning signal, and blinkers to it.* edit: If it's really fast or really slow then the device would cut the rate of the car's functions in half or double it depending on how fast or slow the song is. That way, it would function at a regular rate while still moving to the beat.",160,"[1, 0]",6 86,train,"*A robot that just wanders around the city recording 360 degree view VR footage for future generations to experience how things were.* Of course would be particularly interesting right now. It may not be profitable idea right now, but I'm sure people would be will to spend a pretty penny on the content in 30 - 50 years. History classes, VR games, etc. ",161,"[1, 0]",4 87,train,"*AR driving game for a kid to play while they're bored sitting the car. They drive on the same road that they're currently on. They can go forwards/backwards, explore around. Like in a Pokemon Go - type world.* A gmap route where they are headed in real life can be synced with the game, so the kid can ""race"" the real car to the destination. You could also maybe race other kids in cars nearby. Would also be a cool opportunity to explore the surroundings, find nearby gas stations or places they want to eat! If you drive too far away from the location of the real car, you can always ""recenter"" yourself.",162,"[1, 1]",4 88,train,"*Fight Social Media Addiction and Raise Money for taxes or Charity by charging penny* So I think I just had an epiphany (too much coffee) on how to tackle two problems at once, Taxes and Social Media Addiction. OK, so imagine every time you wanted to check or post on FB, Instagram, Twitter, etc. you had to pay or donate 1 cent. A penny seems like a small amount, but if you think about how many times we mindlessly check our phones during the day, it would add up quick. That or maybe we would become more selective on what we share with social media. This would slowly deter those who check their phones compulsively when sitting alone, or the people whom posts everything they do all day long.",163,"[1, 1]",5 89,train,"*Airports should have a FedEx style office inside of them so you can mail yourself stuff the TSA would normally confiscate* Especially since you have to check your bags before you go through security, it would be nice to have a ""last chance"" to save those things that security pulls out of your carry-on ",164,"[1, 1]",2 90,train,*Make the key of your car your mobile phone.* Make the key for your car your mobile phone. Since these days everyone has their phone with them in the car anyway why not make your phone the key? Then while the car is turned on with the phone you could also disable some of the phones features such as texting or internet browsing which would hopefully result in safer roads. While the phone is powering the car it could also serve as the cars GPS and have hands free calling. Having the phone power the gps means the car would not need a separate GPS module so you could save a few $ there.,165,"[1, 0]",4 91,train,"*How to not be bothered by AI generated content. * Many people don't like the idea of ai content, but have no problem with the content itself. Streaming services can mix the ai generated content with human generated and not tell you which is which. In your mind, the content then becomes neither ai generated nor human generated and can be appreciated just for what it is and not for what it comes from.",166,"[1, 1]",5 92,train,"*When the lockdown begins to be lifted, lift restrictions for small businesses first. Smaller footprint, less people together, and gives locals a head start in the empty market to keep money from flowing somewhere else.* If social/physical distancing really does work, and cases level off, eventually when everything is opened back up, a bunch more people will get sick. I assume they might do something like open up over time (maybe sector-by-sector?) to keep the caseload manageable. Why not open small businesses first as well? Give them a chance to make up ground on large corporations, or for new ones to open and thrive in the empty market. Smaller businesses would generally mean smaller stores, too - **combined with a max occupancy** policy this would mean less people mingling and getting sick as well, hopefully keeping that reinfection rate low. Let walmart stay closed a while longer and let the local toy store go first, or keep cineplex closed and let the independent smaller screens operate for a while first. Start with companies with low amounts of employees and move up from there. For reference, I live in Canada. In Canada, the private workforce is distributed as follows: * Small Businesses (1-99 employees) 97.9% of businesses, 69.7% of the labour force. * Medium Businesses (100-499 employees) 1.9% of businesses, 19.9% of the labour force. * Large Businesses (500+ employees) 0.2% of businesses, 10.4% of the labour force.",167,"[1, 1]",2 93,train,"*Judges shouldn't be able to see or hear defendants directly. They should also never be told the sex or race of the defendant. This will remove a fair bit of racism and sexism from the judicial process, whether real or perceived.* Obviously may not work in all cases, but any where sex and race aren't a relevant factor anyhow.",168,"[1, 1]",4 94,train,"*A website, like Wikipedia, that lists all the parts within an object, where they came from, and what other machines uses similar parts* I got this idea while playing RPG games. There's often a class or a function where the user can build items. ""Get 5 shells and 2 strings to make this thing"". When it gets very complicated and advanced, people will occasionally make entire websites dedicated to just tracking parts and what needs what to be built. (Like in Minecraft tutorials, for example) My idea is something similar, but applied to the real world. There could be a website database (publicly open, like wikipedia) that keeps track of parts used in household (or bigger) objects. ""These parts are used for this coffee machine"", ""This specific motorcycle uses these parts"", ""This computer is build with these parts"". For people that are interested in salvaging parts, or building things at home, this would be an absolute treasure trove for ideas and knowledge. The added bonus of knowing where the parts came *from*, as well, may help give better perspective on humanitarian work. Knowing that something came from some offshore-factory that abuses its workers might give someone incentive to ""vote with their money"" as it were, and decide to invest in an alternative, better company. (If there is one. Making these things transparent would give incentive to create better alternatives, too.) If all else, I would be curious to see of all the things I could create with a box and some springs. If I had the time, the knowledge and the means, I would build this website myself. At the moment, I hold minimal design knowledge, unfortunately. But I really don't want this idea to disappear, I think it would be a great contribution for open and free information available to all. Thoughts?",170,"[1, 1]",4 95,train,"*Crazy NBA idea. No team is allowed to have more then 30 ft of player on the floor at any given time. After committing so many fouls a team is deducted an additional foot of player.* I think this would make for some great strategy. You have to have an average of 6 ft. You want Lebron James on the court? You can have him 3 six footer and a guy 5ft 4. Or some make up like that. Would you watch this half baked idea? Is it crazy? Or crazy like a fox? Edit: The one big draw back of my plan is this, The 6 footers would be really penalized in this league. The 5'8"" lets a 6'4"" guy on the court. Muggsy Bogues allows you to bring on Kevin Durant, which places players like Bogues at such a premium. A six footer is just a push. I must hash this out some more before I present my idea to Adam Silver.",171,"[1, 0]",6 96,train,"*Idea For a Website--Please Steal it* I have an idea for a website that I don't have the skills or the motivation to create but I really wish it would exist. A site for disabled youtube comment sections. Imagine how many times you've watched a youtube video and were excited to see what people are saying in the comments only to find that the OP disabled the section. I see this a lot with mainstream media sources and people peddling deliberate dishonesty. If a youtube comment section is restricted, a forum appears on this website automatically for people to talk about the video. If anyone is able to make this happen I don't need any credit.",172,"[1, 1]",4 97,train,"*Sports-based videogame where you play as the camera operator.* I love watching camera operators sprint around football fields, chase skateboarders around pools and tail skiers off massive jumps. I feel like it would be a great game where players have to navigate their surroundings while keeping their subject in frame. Could be a good use for consoles with screens built into controllers and definitely for the occulus.",175,"[1, 0]",6 98,train,*Airport drop off and picking up.* As most of you know the departure and arrivals are normally on 2 totally different levels. In the morning the departure lanes are packed. In the evening the arrivals area is packed. What I do is the opposite of what everyone else does. When my wife drops me for my early morning flight she drops me in the arrivals lane which is pretty much empty at 7am. When picking me up at 5pm she does the exact opposite. She picks me up in the departure lanes. These areas are normally just an escalator ride out of your way. So instead of fighting 3 deep traffic you’re able to get right in and out of your car. Saves time and most importantly frustration from being parked in.,178,"[1, 1]",2 99,train,"*A non-philosophical manual for how to adult* Everything from how to get a job, find a house, how taxes work, how to not get ripped off from taxes, how to cook, maintaining your things so they don't depreciate. even broken down step by step like, for people on the autism spectrum. or even people finally free from incarceration and trying to integrate into society. basically a tutorial like a video game. or if an alien found himself prisoned on earth.",179,"[1, 1]",4 100,train,"*Commercials - if you have the product, you get to skip the commercials on hulu* I'm a web developer - you could have a browser plugin or cookie that would allow hulu to detect that you have the product (i.e. Geico insurance) - then it could just a 3-5 second ""commercial skipped thanks to your Geico membership. Thank you.""",180,"[1, 0]",2 101,train,"*Couples App* What about an app that helped a couple grow their relationship? I'm not really sure which features would be the most engaging but just ideas Could encourage questions about one another. Not sure if it would ask in app, or just give the suggestion to ask. Like facilitate conversations. Could have some kind of date organizer or tracker. Might be able to build achievements in like ""Take a boat ride together"" Could recommend little things to do for one another. Your SO would never know the app sparked the idea. ""Bring home flowers today"" and such Maybe could occasionally offer videos on relationship building. Just sporadically give a push notification with a video. Not exactly sure if any of those ideas really satisfy the goal. But i just thought it would be interesting if there was an app that hrlped facilitate deepening a relationship",184,"[1, 0]",5 102,train,"*The Coffee Nap Lifehack* I saw this while browsing the net, they call it ""the coffee nap"" and it really works with me. If you are tired, drink a cup of coffee and lay down for a 15-30 minute nap. After your nap, you will be recharged and be more energetic.",185,"[1, 1]",1 103,train,"*Live ambient audio feeds* A site where you could find live audio streams of ambient sounds. Like, let's say you find the sound of a busy city intersection -- horns, engines, crowds, sirens -- calming / invigorating. Or you find the sound of a maritime harbor soothing -- waves, boat engines, bell buoys, fog horns -- relaxing. Such a site would provide an index of places where you could tap into a live feed of audio at such a location -- say Times Square NYC, Kennebunkport Maine, a beach in Miami, whatever -- and you could listen in to the live sound in the background.",187,"[1, 0]",1 104,train,"*Why aren't we already using C (the speed of light) as the universal unit for speed? It converts nicely into everyday values (examples below)* 100 kilometers per hour ≈ 90nc†100 miles per hour ≈ 150nc 10 feet per second ≈ 10nc walking speed ≈ 4nc jogging speed ≈ 8nc running speed ≈ 20nc olympic sprinting speed ≈ 40nc cheetah max running speed ≈ 110nc commercial passenger airplane ≈ 850nc †*1nc (nano c) is equal to one one-billionth of the speed of light*",188,"[1, 0]",2 105,train,"*An app that will give access to large ""fame lotteries"", free of charge, whose prizes would be to be seen and heard by all the participants via webcam during 3 mn.* Who wouldn't want to be listened to by tens of thousands (even millions) of people? To convey an important message or to gain immense visibility for a cause, or simply to acquire followers on social media accounts? The app address the frustration of not being heard / seen. Other participants will be encouraged to view the entire speech if they do not want to have their IP banned for future draws, so you have an audience, no matter what. The draws will be sponsorized, and a short advertisement will be broadcasted before each draw. The larger the number of participants, the higher the prices for advertisers will be. Easily accessible fame games are maybe a whole new industry... what do you think about that? ",189,"[1, 0]",6 106,train,"*nan* Ensure you're the last on the flight and then go into the bathroom, wait until they tell you to get out and pick whatever seat you want on the plane - everyone should be seated by then",190,"[1, 0]",5 107,train,"*Put warning labels on junk food similar to that of what tobacco products have * If a certain food exceeds a certain amount of fat, sodium, sugar or really anything terrible in excess, the packaging will have a big ol’ warning label like cigarettes do. “This product contains excess xyz and is known to cause (insert diet related disease here) Not only that, but make ads for junk food that are similar to anti-smoking ads. Like an overweight person on their death bed looking into the camera saying something along the lines of “I wish I was smarter with my eating habits†and to be honest, it’s not always the consumer’s fault, it’s the retailers/suppliers who make all the healthy options more expensive and less available. I love America but if there’s on thing I hate, it’s the food options health-wise.",191,"[1, 1]",3 108,train,"*What if streaming services had playlists, or “shuffle modeâ€?* I love the convenience and accessibility of streaming, but I can’t stand binge watching. After a couple hours straight of the same show the formula starts peeking through the cracks. It becomes predictable and in a way loses that “spark†that grabbed me in the first place. This got me thinking, why don’t streaming services let you make playlists or shuffle random shows based on your preferences? That way you get the feeling of variety from classic television while still being able to watch exactly what you want commercial free! If Netflix, MAX, Disney+ etc. had a playlist feature would you use it? ",192,"[1, 1]",2 109,train,"*Airplane: Choose if you like to talk to strangers or not!* Amazing Idea for the Day: Airlines should start asking customers when they buy their tickets ""Do you like to talk to the stranger next to you or not?"" What would your response be? a.) Yes, I want to know the other person's life story before we land. b.) No, leave me alone I have sleeping/reading/grumbling to do. c.) I'm indifferent. d.) other: explain What would you choose and how do we get airlines to do this?",197,"[1, 0]",2 110,train,"*There should be a dating app exclusively for people who just got dumped and are not over their exes* This way, our friends and family would be free from relentlessly hearing us talk about our ex, and we would meet people going through the same thing as us, which is always good, since misery loves company.",198,"[1, 1]",2 111,train,"*Universal ID* an id card you get when you turn 16 that you add badges to. like you get a small image for a drivers license, passport, open carry, hunting, etc etc, and you get one for being a citizen from a public school at 16. you can get a new one from any school, dmv, police station, etc if you lose it or become a citizen.",199,"[0, 0]",2 112,train,"*Gaming cafe that features service from Maids / Hosts* I currently have this idea to open a gaming cafe that would be quite similar to a maid cafe in Japan. Usually a majority of the gaming centers in my neighborhood are often simple, dark and quiet. I want to develop a more lively environment where the visitor who comes alone are also welcomed. Not only would they be able to purchase the usual coffee and pastries, they will have access to gluten free options and more healthier snacks as well. Also, dance games and fighting games. We really don't have many places to go for gathering that are nearby. ",200,"[0, 0]",3 113,train,"*My Grandma’s Life Hacks for Traveling * To prevent dysentery in foreign countries, drink straight gin with every meal… the alcohol kills the germs. This one seems like it might kinda work… especially if you like gin as much as my grandma. You can get two days out of your panties by turning them inside-out for the second day. This one… I just crack up every time I remember her saying this. She was very proud that she could travel anywhere (Africa, Asia, etc) with only a carry-on and two pairs of panties (which she could get four days out of before washing them out)… but, the logic of this one is not so solid to me. 😆 None of us challenged her on it, though.",201,"[0, 1]",2 114,train,"*Netflix should have a ""roulette"" feature where you pick a TV show you've already watched and ask Netflix to play a random episode of that show for you.* I thought of this when I got home yesterday and decided to start making dinner. I usually have a TV show I've already watched in the background so I don't have to concentrate on the TV. I pick a show... go to a random season and go to a random episode. It would be great if Netflix did it for me.",202,"[1, 1]",2 115,train,"*An AI auto-generated content calendar for Instagram?* I own a SaaS startup (it’s an AI-based social media tool) and I thought this would be a good addition to the tool. I’ve got a lot of feedback as well recently, pointing towards the need for a content calendar solution. The content calendar would ideally suggest captions as well and will consider the best time to post for the accounts in consideration. Anyone that manages a social media account, what would you guys like to see with such a feature? Would it be helpful? Is there anything I could add to it?",203,"[1, 0]",4 116,train,"*An app that allows you to rate job recruiters* Asking for some feedback…. Basically, it is the Glassdoor and/or Angie's list of recruiters and allows job seekers or currently employed professionals to rate their positive (and if it happens, negative) experiences with the recruiter and their ability to help in finding them a job. Any and all feedback is much appreciated.",206,"[1, 1]",4 117,train,"*I made a website to keep you in good posture* I am a software engineer and I have always been suffering from stiff necks and back pain from long hours spent programming and working at my desk. My biggest problem was that I tend to slump into bad posture when I am too focused on the work at hand. And it's too late when I notice about it. The soreness and the pain have already set in. I spent the past month to create a web app that uses AI (computer vision) with your webcam to monitor your posture. You will receive alerts when you are too near to the screen (leading to forward head posture), or when your head is tilted.",207,"[1, 1]",3 118,train,"*I'm a terrible cook. I want there to be a ""Couch to 5k"" think, but for cooking.* Like, the first recipe that it teaches you how to make is peanut butter and jelly. Then they advance at a reasonable pace and maybe by the end I can make like, dank ass Beef Wellington or something",208,"[0, 1]",5 119,train,*An App that helps you practice a language while texting? (A Grammarly to practice a language)* I am considering releasing an app that immerses you in a language you want to practice and gives you translation suggestions in that language (Like a Grammarly for texting). The idea is for this app to replace your text messenger and give you the double whammy of practicing a language while you text your frequent contacts.,213,"[1, 1]",5 120,train,"*Help out those without physical voices!* So I had my voice box removed several years ago due to a tumor growing through my vocal chords. I am no longer able to speak. As you can imagine, life for me has been very tough. I can’t use the phone, I go through a drive through and order fast food, I can’t easily go into a gas station and tell them “$25 on pump #3 please!â€. Which brings me to my app idea. Can you make an app that uses the camera to read my lips, and speak for me? There are text to speech apps already that are pretty good. But I have to spend time typing, and then hit play, and wait…..and that takes time. If the App could read my lips and speak in real time…..that would help so many people………!!!!!",214,"[1, 1]",6 121,train,"*Moonshot idea: social travel platform* A social travel platform where users can share travel information. It's kind of like a Facebook for lonely planet. People can publish their trip details on our platform, which makes travel information easier and faster to reach. We'll also allow vetted users to become a travel agent by ""selling"" their trips on our platform. Basically these travel agents can write up their itinerary on our platform and get a share of our commission if someone books a trip based on their itinerary. How viable is this idea? I don't think there's anything similar to this on the market so far.",215,"[1, 0]",3 122,train,*Rapists should be put into a giant box were they have to fight to the death* It would have a bunch of hazards like spikes and beartraps. And whoever survives the longest gets to leave.,216,"[1, 0]",5 123,train,"*What if you could see how busy the restaurant is on google maps?* You probably couldn't determine what the average wait time is at a restaurant is unless they self report, however you could determine how busy a place is using a technique similar to how google determines traffic. Google Maps traffic works by having phones continuously ping back their location and speed while driving, and/or on freeways. When they see a slowdown, they report that as traffic. You could use similar techniques to determine how busy a restaurant, bar or any public event is by sampling these locations and determining a baseline for each of the days. when location has a higher sample than the baseline, then it is busy. ",217,"[1, 1]",4 124,train,"*VR trails and hikes for treadmills* So maybe this is already a thing but I’ve yet to see it anywhere and I think it’s a pretty cool idea from both an artistic standpoint and and a fitness standpoint. An immersive VR world which you can set the speed at which you’re walking (or can connect to the treadmill somehow) and explore instead of staring at the same boring TV screen for hours at a time. Or perhaps 3D renderings of real trails, space, etc. It could make both VR more immersive with the addition of walking and movement but also walking and exercise more fun! We already have the smartphone VR capabilities, can someone please make this a thing!",218,"[1, 0]",4 125,train,"*Search for exactly what you want to eat, and find it at a restaurant nearby* Hi, We at [Taster]( have been working on an app that lets you search for exactly what you want to eat (ie. dish, cuisine, ingredient), and it searches restaurant menus across NYC for just that. We are still trying to validate our idea, and would love to get feedback from everyone about the idea and the app itself. You can get more info on the website: []( Please let us know what you think! Thank you!",220,"[0, 1]",4 126,train,"*CULTIVATE, an app where you ""water"" plants that represent the things you value most in life* The UI is very simple. It's just a table with plants on it. Each plant represents things you value that you want to cultivate in your life. When you do something toward that thing, you just tap it, which waters it, keeping it alive. If you don't water a plant, it begins to die until you start watering it again. Called your mom this week? Tap the plant named ""Mom"", which you've told the app needs watered at least once a week before it starts to wilt. Went for a run? Tap the plant named ""exercise"", which you've set to require water at least 3 times a week. Spent time painting or rock climbing or playing piano? You get the drift. It doesn't get more complicated than adding a plant to your table, naming it, setting the watering requirements, and maybe choosing a unique plant avatar from a library, with varying sized of plants for varying levels of importance. Your mom or your wife might be bigger plants, whereas rock climbing might be a smaller plant. ",222,"[1, 0]",4 127,train,"*Resume builder App which creates a resume based on web-page you're applying on* **The idea:** Bring an expert to a meeting. In many cases, people want to get information or buy something without having any knowledge about it. For example: \- Buying your first car \- Get your website built \- Plumbing installed in your house. If the buyer is not an expert in that conversation, it's easy to get screwed over: \- The car might look nice but inside it's almost broken, causing dangerous situations or expensive repairs \- The website gets built but since the requirements were not clear it's not really working or not as feature-complete as expected \- The plumber gives you high quotes because he wants to repair more than is needed, or uses inferior materials. The app can request people in the neighbourhood to come with you to the meeting. For some meetings there is not really a locality constraint, since a virtual meeting can be sufficient. **Actors** Everyone makes a profile. Users are both ""expert"" and ""novice"" at the same time, since an expert in plumbing doesn't have to be an expert in IT as well. The expert can add their skills and their location, and get a notification if there is an expert needed. They can give a quote for their time (probably a default setting for price per hour or so). Then a time and date can be set for the meeting. Just like AirBnB, there is a review system for both parties, which justify difference in prices for the different experts. **Business model** The company takes a percentage of the price of the expert. Around 10% is a good value I think.",224,"[1, 1]",5 128,train,"*A drive thru beverage store.* I was thinking of all the times I've gone through a mcdonalds or fast food chain just to get sodas when i would have to remember which stores carry pepsi and which ones carry coke. Also, there's almost no store I can get soda from a can or bottle if I want which i prefer over fountain drinks. Usually I would go to the gas station for this but I'd have to get out of the car. My idea is a chain of small stores that stock all types and brands of beverages: sodas, juices, different brands of water all with the convenience of a drive thru without having to worry about the guy in front of you having his lunch for 10 people prepared. And since there would be little preparation, there would be no need for an intercom system, just pull up to the window and ask for what you want.",225,"[1, 1]",3 129,train,"*Russian doll charging cases* You can charge AirPods in their case, regardless of whether or not the case is plugged in charging. But the case has to be charged by being plugged in. But what if there were a case for the first case to be charged within? And then another case for that case to be charged within, and so on, up to an arbitrary number of cases. This could apply to chargeable things other than AirPods as well. Then the cases could be painted like Russian dolls for a nice aesthetic touch.",226,"[0, 1]",5 130,train,"*Platform that collates app features and bugs by analyzing social media posts* Hey all, I've got a product idea that I'd like your feedback on - These days app users leave feedback on tens of different platforms - from social media, to Reddit, to the app/play stores, to customer service portals (eg Zendesk). My idea is to create an aggregation platform that pulls in these reviews, posts and comments from all of these platforms, extracts keywords (using NLP) and provides a tallied set of features and bugs that users are talking about online. The idea is to then be able to feed these keywords directly into Jira to create stories/bugs for developers to begin work on in the next sprint.",227,"[1, 1]",5 131,train,*“Is it safe†pregnancy app* Similar to the “is it vegan†app where you can scan a barcode (or manually search) a food product and the app will list all the ingredients and explain any ingredients that are debatable or strictly not vegan. And it shows you on a scale how vegan-safe it is. I’m currently pregnant for the first time and I’ve searched all over for this concept but for pregnancy-safe products! It would be amazing to be able to scan the barcode of a food or beauty product and have any questionable ingredients explained to me.,229,"[1, 1]",7 132,train,*A privacy setting in Android or iPhones that suppresses notifications when facial recognition detects someone other than you is looking at your phone.* We have all handed our phone off to someone to show them something on it. It would be nice if notifications were temporarily suppressed preventing someone from potentially seeing private/embarrassing information popping up on your screen. I am thinking that this would need to be a feature added to the OS on the phone but may be possible with an app. What are the downsides to this?,231,"[1, 1]",6 133,train,*Family car idea* There should be a preset creator for different drivers so that you don't need to adjust everything when you get in the car after someone else. All you do is set the mirrors and seat and preset it on the computer with your name to make it really easy.,233,"[1, 1]",5 134,train,*Presidential candidates shouldn't run with a vice president. Second place should be the vice president. They would be forced to work together and perhaps be more respectful and act more mature during the campaigns since they're going to be stuck with each other for the next four years.* Most movies even depict captains and XO's as polar opposites so that they can challenge over another and give alternating point of views. This would also cut down on the inside under the table dealings and backstabbing.,234,"[1, 1]",3 135,train,"*Netflix binge* was wondering if there could be a button / option for ‘Netflix Binge’ where the intros and outros are automatically skipped for a series / shows, and you can just binge watch the entire show. Like when Netflix binge is on, the intros and end credits are automatically skipped within 5 seconds. If you want to see them there could be an option to ‘Watch intro / end credits’.",235,"[1, 1]",3 136,train,*Ice cream hack* When making ice cream cones for the kids (or yourself) put a marshmallow at the bottom before adding ice cream. It stops any drips that may leak out from the bottom of the cone... and you have an extra treat at the end.,236,"[1, 1]",5 137,train,"*If you get anxiety or can't say no to a approaching salesman, here's your surefire response to end that pitch, courtesy of a career salesman* My wife has always struggled to say no or I'm not interested and successfully get a pitch to end. She's too nice to be honest. So she'll stand at the booth in Costco, at a kiosk in the mall or in the driveway because a door to door salesman caught her outside. I get it. When I was younger, it just felt weird to be abrupt and try to move along. Not the case for everyone, but I understand some people experience it. As a salesman myself, we typically have a few rebuttals for each ""no"" we receive. But to this day, this is an instant kill for these entry level sales gigs and has made my wife's life in those instances, much more controlled. You're walking in the store, there's a booth with someone and they're waiting for you as you approach. Let's say it's AT&T. They're going to ask a question. Could be ""how's your day?""maybe a ""do you have a minute?"" It doesn't matter. It's just an engaging question to get you talking. Here's what you do. You answer that question and if it's easier, you look at the booth or their shirt logo while answering. But you follow your answer to that question with a ""I work for your competitor."" Example: Seller: Hey how's it going? You: (look at the booth/shirt if it's easier for you than eye contact) It's great thanks. But I work for Verizon I'm sorry. Good luck to you. It's done. Typically the response is an immediate ""oh I can't beat that"" or ""good for you bad for me."" It's the most simplistic out you can create. No matter the industry whether it's insurance, energy, pest control etc., we can generally think of two companies in that space. That's all you need. I hope this helps if it's something you dread. All the best.",237,"[1, 1]",5 138,train,"*nan* If you're planning to take a ride share app to/from the airport. Check it regularly before you actually need to go and track the prices. Likely you'll see it double and halve as demand grows and shrinks. Work out what “cheap†is and once you see it, tap “schedule in advance†for a time you’ll be ready to go",240,"[1, 1]",2 139,train,"*a rap platform i really want to exist* basically the idea is you get someone to make a beat post it on the platform, someone can claim it and rap on a section on it, then someone can claim the section and rap over the next section, then can either send it to the original rapper or request it to go up for another section, and it has a built-in free music distributor that will credit everyone that was a part of the rap.",241,"[1, 0]",3 140,train,"***Fan Interaction Tracking Platform*** **Problem:** Content Creators have no easy way of tracking who follows them across multiple platforms. Fans may follow them on Youtube but not Twitch, there is no way for Content Creators to see this and no way for them to offer incentives for following them on both. **Solution:** Create a platform where fans can link all of their separate social and content accounts to 1 database that the Content Creators can then use to track who is following them on what platforms and offer incentives for interacting with their content in different ways. The perfect platform would also work as an aggregator displaying all of the Content Creators content in 1 place. All their tweets, Instagram content, Youtube Videos, Live Streams in 1 place. **Features:** Achievements that can be earned by interacting with the Content Creators work in different ways on different platforms. These achievement badges can then be displayed on custom merch with the Content Creators logo on the front and the fans alias and achievements on the back. These shirts can then be worn at conventions and live events so content creators can instantly single out their fans and tell at a glance who their superfans are. The ability for the Content Creators to easily single out their superfans and offer them custom merch and other rewards. **Benefits:** Easier for Content Creators to get their fans involved with their content on other platforms. Incentives for fans to interact with the Content Creators work in ways that may not have otherwise. Tangible rewards for superfans and an easy way to identify them in the real world. **Customers:** Content Creators **Competition:** Marketing agencies that focus on driving fan interaction.",242,"[1, 1]",5 141,train,"*Removing Gum from Carpet* When my son stuck his gum into the carpet and it took me days to saw it, I used this hack to remove it hassle-free. Put a sandwich bag with ice cubes on the top of the gum and wait for an hour or half. After an hour, you will notice the gum is frozen, so you can break it apart and pull it out.",243,"[1, 1]",5 142,train,"*Police should have the last 4 digits of their badge numbers printed across the back of their outfits like they're on a pro sports team and the same number written across the front of helmets and visible from at least 10 yards away.* No more ""Oops, that cop did a bad thing but we can't do anything about it because we can't see who it is"".",244,"[1, 1]",7 143,train,"*An automatic phone charger detacher* So a common issue with phone batteries is that the batteries have issues if you leave them on charge overnight, so why not make a charger that automatically disconnects at 100%. Like those usbs that you push up and it hides the port. Have that set to an hour timer that automatically closes whilst you sleep.",245,"[1, 1]",4 144,train,"*A device/app that allows people to ""vote to skip"" a song (at house parties, roadtrips etc) and if enough people vote the song is skipped* To allow people to vote anonymously to skip the song when they don't enjoy what the 'DJ' is playing. Avoids conversations, and having to ask to skip, by just allowing people to vote if they're not enjoying the song being played",246,"[1, 1]",7 145,train,"*A company called ""first impressions"" that sends a person to your house to see if it smells.* We have a baby and a cat, we clean up but I am secretly worried that our apartment just smells of shite. Our house definitely smells of shite doesnt it? Does it? I don't know.",247,"[0, 1]",6 146,train,"*You don't need a much as you think you do. * Drinking concentrated/reconstituted orange juice? You don't need as much as you think you do. Add a little water, it'll taste more like fresh juice. Using tablets in your dishwasher/laundry? You don't need as much as you think you do. Use liquid - you can measure out smaller amounts. Don't use so much toothpaste - you only need a pea-sized amount. So many consumables lead us to think we need to use more of their product, but very often, we only actually need a smaller amount. Remember - You're awesome. 😉",251,"[1, 0]",2 147,train,"*App to send messages by License Plate* Hi everyone, I came up with the idea of a messenger-like app where you can write to someone just by license plate. Saw a car in traffic with a broken light? Inform the car owner by send him/her a message by license plate. Want to thank somebody or write to a person you saw while waiting at the traffic light? Just message him/her. Need to free a parking spot? Write a kind message to the plate. You know. **What do you think of this idea of an app where instead of phone number or username, you use the license plate to write to somebody?**",252,"[0, 1]",5 148,train,"*App Limiters instead of App Timers for combating addictive apps. * Instead of app timers that don't let you use the app after a certain amount of hours (which can easily be bypassed), how about a less severe solution. App Limiters would take away addictive features or just normal features of addictive apps depending on how long you use it. Similar to App Timers it would be timer based. So for example I'll use Instagram. After 30 minutes of usage, the app is only black and white now. No more stimulating colors. After 1 whole hour, no more audio. After 1.5 hours it limits the wifi speed of the app. And no more scrolling, you have to press a button to get to the next post. And so on. That way you can still use it as much as your brain wants, but it's less and less stimulating and addictive.",253,"[1, 1]",5 149,train,"*Food Delivery Bomb* A couple of coding friends and I are working on this, what do you think : * XYZ House of Pizza is delivering pizza all over town on Friday night. * Around 5 PM, consumer goes in the App and adds his large steak and cheese sub, wife's salad, and the kid's small cheese pizza and sets schedule to place the order at 6 PM with xyz house of pizza, for around a 6:30 PM delivery to his address. * Around 5 PM, member of the app down the street gets notified that someone within a mile radius of their house just scheduled a 6 PM order, if they schedule a 6 PM order from the same pizza shop, they'll jump on that delivery and the pizza shop will give us both free delivery/some discount because the delivery guy is going there already. * Another person on street jumps on that delivery, now they'll take another 5% off everyone's order. Pizza shop would rather fill the car and deliver to concentrated areas, and so they'll give you a discount if they can. They also like the additional business generated from the app notification. Consumer might as well place order through this app because they’re free rolling to get additional discounts Could work well in cities with large apartment buildings.",255,"[1, 1]",5 150,train,*My 2 cents..* What if we created a fund called my 2 cents to cancer. Every credit card transaction you make donates 2¢ to cancer. There are around 40 billion transactions a year. We get 10% to sign up that's 80 million.,256,"[1, 1]",5 151,train,"*Automated rental kiosks for tools & other rarely used household items* The average home power drill gets used about 10-15 minutes in it's lifetime. Drills are meant to be used for over 1000 hours. This is a huge waste. Rental kiosks are becoming better and better. Places like zipcar, DVD rental kiosks, and bike rental are nearly perfected. Is it possible that we could have a small stand somewhere in the middle of the city/suburb where people could sign up for a rental access card... and then be able to rent anything? This kiosk would have to be automated somehow (no humans required) but humans could periodically come by to check that everything is in good working order and was returned correctly. People who return things late will be charged late fees. People who don't return things at all (or return fake items) will have their credit cards charged for the cost of the item new. Rental items could range from power tools, hand tools, kitchen tools, digital cameras, projectors, etc. Digital signatures could be collected for hazardous tools like power tools. Inventory collection and distribution might be tricky. Maybe you could use the rotating vending machine model like [this]( But surely that is a solvable engineering problem. What do you think?",257,"[1, 1]",5 152,train,"*food idea* A ""food card"" for people who eat out all the time that can be used to not only pay but also to automatically keep track of everything you eat. An app would warn you when you are eating too much of something that could harm your health.",258,"[0, 1]",5 153,train,*Fake Conferences: each year my job allows me to go to a conference. I really just pick a city then the conference with little interest in attending any work shops...I think a business that sets up fake conference and makes sure you have fun in that city would be awesome...any thought?* nan,259,"[1, 1]",4 154,train,"*Lifehack: Use a hair straightener to iron collars* Alright, so I was ironing my shirt and realized my iron wasn't getting hot enough to crisp up the collar. Then it hit me why not use my hair straightener? It worked! Just be careful not to hold it in one spot too long.",260,"[1, 1]",4 155,train,"*Tinder like app for 5-10 mins walk till station* It will have a map that allows user to input origin (anywhere ... can be starbucks, hair salon and etc) to destination (school, bus station or train station) and their time of departure. So idea is simple... Everyone is commuting daily ( assuming corona virus will end by a year or two ) and not everyone has time for getting to know each other over tinder and finding out their date is not their ideal partner or getting cancel at the last minute (after a week of texting). The premise is simple it will match user with the same route (around 4\~20mins walk). With this even if you get stood up , you are going to your errand anyways it wouldn't matter. What do you guys think ?",261,"[1, 1]",5 156,train,*Brake lights on cars should have varying degrees of intensity depending on how hard the brakes were pressed.* This would really help in stop and go traffic as well as driving in the rain/snow. It would obviously have to be regulated to assure uniformity across all cars but if done properly it would dramatically cut down on rear-ends.,264,"[1, 1]",4 157,train,"*Google News, YouTube, and others need a ""This is Clickbait"" button* Reading Google News this morning, there were too many clickbait stories, like ""Navalny's mother receives son's 'tortured' body,"" in which there's no mention of Navalny's body being released yet. It's dated 15 hours ago, but it's a rehash of the news from several days ago. Another one was about ""new, shocking"" details about Princess Kate's health post-surgery, which only said she'll have to go slow when resuming her royal duties. In addition to Like and Dislike, I need a way to say, *this article or video is mislabeled and the algorithm should ignore it.* Disliking content means I'll see less about that topic, which isn't what I want to happen. I want Google to stop wasting everyone's time.",265,"[1, 1]",4 158,train,"*A social alarm clock app that lets you choose a youtube song / video for random people that are waking up at the same time as you, with their 'last picked song' visible. Then, if they thumbs up your choice, you get to pick a song for two people, and so on, developing a reputation as an alarm DJ.* nan",268,"[1, 0]",4 159,train,"*When selecting an alarm tone on your phone you should be able to select 'Random' so that it changes every time.* No one likes waking up, and some of the tones are more relaxing than others - but at least this way you wouldn't get sick of the alarm tones like you do with just one.",270,"[1, 1]",5 160,train,"*I'm 34, sorta lonely and don't get to see my good ol' friends much. So I'm building a service to fix that.* As i get older and go on with my daily life, I see my good friends less and less. It's always hard to plan something considering everyone's schedule and budget is different. I came up with an idea to solve this. A friend activity planning bot. Here's how it would work: 1. You create your profile (budget, availabilities for the month, choose interests from prepopulated list of activities). 2. Invite your good friends to create theirs. 3. The bot automatically books an activity that fits into everyone's schedule, interest, and budget. It then sends everyone their invitation. This could be a monthly subscription service. Also, it would be free to use.",271,"[1, 1]",6 161,train,*App where you can take a picture of a business card and then it will create a contact from the info on that card.* I feel this would be very useful even if after the picture you had to tap what was what or something it would be a lot better than filling it in by hand.,274,"[1, 1]",4 162,train,"*App Idea- Same Page* Alright often times I will be reading a book, and I will want to talk to someone reading the same book. However unless you are part of a book club that can be hard to find. A good book club can be hard to find because everyone has different tastes. My idea is having a web and mobile online book club by book. What I want to create is an app that you look up the book and you can discuss the book by chapter in a message board form type display with other readers.",275,"[1, 1]",5 163,train,"*Fidgedcharger* Would it be possible, to make a fidget spinner who uses the turning motion to generate energy for a wireless charging plate??🤷ðŸ¼â€â™‚ï¸ (If the regular size is to small, I whould recommende to design it more like a waterwheel.)",277,"[0, 1]",5 164,train,"*When a microwave finishes its work or when you open the door, it should rotate the plate to the position it started in.* I often microwave soup or milk in mugs, and when the mw is done, most of the time the handle is on the back so I have to reach in and behind hot and steaming mug to get to the handle. I wanna believe some mw's have the feature but I've never seen one.",280,"[0, 0]",3 165,train,"*Urinal Splash Guard* We need some sort of shield on urinals to prevent reflection of high-velocity streams. Either that, or make the urinals deeper, like a tunnel (think Death Star exhaust port). Just a thought I had while in the men's room earlier.",283,"[1, 1]",6 166,train,"*A service to keep in touch with family and friends* Hello! I built a service to build and develop personal relations with people in your life. It helps the user to reach out regularly, keep talk notes and plan next conversations. The building of relationships is a challenge that drives my work. Some time ago, I realized that if one doesn't put effort into maintaining connections, they will fade. Hence, a tool to thoughtfully build relations with family and friends can help us live a better life.",284,"[0, 1]",3 167,train,"*An alarm clock that chills your bed to the point you just have to get out of bed.* Now the 'how to' is the tricky part... Thoughts... Some sort of the insulated pipeline system that delivers liquid nitrogen under the sheets? A water bubble sleeve under the sheet that would receive pumped ice water that you filled from the night before?",285,"[0, 1]",6 168,train,"*Comment section in music platforms.* A part in Spotify or Apple Music under the artist section where you can comment and share your opinion about the artist, singles, ideas for upcoming artists to read, etc.",286,"[1, 0]",3 169,train,"*A sandwich based dating app* It'd be called MatchWich. You put in what kind of sandwich you think yourself to be, and you put in search options to find local similar sandwich-personas in your area. For example, two people who are PB+J would get along together, this app would match them. Instead of profile descriptions it would be replaced with condiments and what is on your sandwich. I just need front end devs, back end devs, and a sandwich database as well as sandwich managers.",287,"[1, 0]",4 170,train,"*Hands covered in oil/spray tan/ or just hard to remove dirt? * Having worked in oil change shops, metal fabrication and plumbing, over the years I’ve had my fair share of some form of filth that wouldn’t easily wash off with dish soap. A trick I was taught years ago was to put a squirt of any dish soap you’ve got, and then dump some white sugar in that same hand. Start scrubbing it and your hands together and watch the filth wash right off. I know that Gojo or any pumice added soap would also work, but this is a great hack I’ve used when I didn’t have any around. It also will work to get rid of spray tan on your hands. Edit: Porous to Pumice, Soup to Soap… I’m an idiot and spell check wins again",288,"[1, 1]",4 171,train,"*A website that helps you memorize Pi by typing it in.* You would type numbers one by one into a box, and all that you have already memorized would appear down below. If you get one wrong, it displays a message with the next few numbers, and resets.",289,"[1, 0]",3 172,train,"*Couples reading list* A couples' reading list for my wife and I to share interesting articles and chat about them. Here is the interaction I'm imagining: Step 1: My wife and I both download an app. Step 2: We link our accounts. Step 3: We each find and read articles in the app, [Pocket]( When done with an article, swipe right if I think my wife should read it. Swipe left if I don't want to pass it on. Step 4: Open the queue of articles that my wife thinks I should read. Read them. Swipe right if I want to chat about it with her. Swipe left if I don't. Step 5: On the weekends, as we're going for our walk, talk about the articles we both found intellectually stimulating.",290,"[1, 1]",5 173,train,"*Open Mic: Stand up comedy app* Audio only no video. Server with 25 or so people max. Each person is entered into the queue. The preformer has about a minute on ""stage"" as the default. Based on the audience response (the other people in the queue) the preformer may be on for longer. Audience members are the people next up in the queue. They have a button for laughter and a button for disapproval. Audience response determines how long a performer will be on ""stage"". Lots of laughter and the performer gets more stage time. Disapproval and the performer's stage time is reduced. Once done the previous preformer is entered into the bottom of the queue and they become part of the audience. The next preformer takes the stage. To prevent trolling there should be an option to report preformers. Audience disapproval / approval will be part of each users rating. That way trolls and good users can be better identified. Users with an excessively bad rating lose their ability to perform and to be an audience member. Though they may still listen. Performers will be expected to do a stand up comedy like set. Though other genres could be included. Such as song and story.",292,"[1, 1]",6 174,train,"*A transmitter that plugs into your car's ALDL. It then sends text updates on engine malfunctions, maintenance reminders, etc. it could also link you with nearby mechanics or DIY instructions.* Example text: Your #2 oxygen sensor is faulty. here is a part number and DIY instructions (similar to alldata,) and a listing of mechanics in your area. Just some shower thoughts that I don't have the resources or motivation to pursue. ",293,"[1, 1]",4 175,train,"*Always brush you teeth with your non dominant hand.* When I was a kid, being left handed, my basketball coach told me to always brush my teeth with my right hand. That advice changed my game tremendously, and helped me throughout my life. It will make you more ambidextrous than you could imagine, just doing that small task twice a day.",294,"[1, 0]",3 176,train,"*Put a dog daycare in a retirement home, so seniors can play with pets* This would solve the problem of loneliness for both dogs and seniors. Pets are sad when their owners are gone all day, and seniors are sad because they don't get much attention or stimulation. This could be a win-win situation!",295,"[1, 1]",5 177,train,"*Airbnb Private Bathroom Filter ""Hack""* When searching for places to stay around Italy, the ""Private attached bathroom"" filter never showed up for me. Then when I was looking for places in London, that filter suddenly appeared. But I just couldn't make that filter appear for my other searches. I searched online for an answer and didn't find one. So then I realized that could just get the last portion of the URL of that London search and paste it on my Italy search's URL and that filter would be applied to it.",296,"[1, 1]",3 178,train,"*An app for improve writing/drawing/photography skills* Hi ! I was thinking about this idea for few weeks... Imagine an app that every day throws a word/concept and the people have 24h to write a short text or draw a simple sketch or make a photo about that. It's a way to have a 10 minute training of those skills... Then the community can upvote the best text/drawings/photos of the day and the app could have a kind of gamification or something to get rewars, points, etc. Do you know some similar product?",297,"[1, 1]",6 179,train,"*Refrigerator ingredients Check App* I believe most people would face a situation is that every time we do grocery shopping we buy a lot of meat or vegetable and plan to cook them someday. However, we forget what food we bought and the food gets expired. It wastes a lot of our money and food. I want to create an app to track what food we left in our refrigerator. This is how it works. When we buy the food from the grocery store, before we put them into the refrigerator, we can use the app to scan the bar code and the app will list the food we just bought. Every time, we finish the food on the list we can just delete from our list. We can check what food we left in the refrigerator on the app at any time we want. ",298,"[1, 1]",4 180,train,"*Hotel room walls should have area maps in few different scales, instead of bad art* It is some ways easier to plan trips with big wall maps than with devices (which may be on charger anyway). ",299,"[1, 1]",4 181,train,"*A robot massage device that massages your neck/back the same exact way you're moving your hands in front of you* Could use some sort of hand tracking software or maybe its a VR app ",300,"[1, 0]",5 182,train,"*The ""Blood Car"", a taxi service specifically tailored to take you to the hospital* For those of us without $5000 to pay for an ambulance ride, but also are too injured to drive a car safely. Comes with complimentary gauze, plastic-covered seats for sanitary purposes and a stunt-driver that WILL get you there quickly.",301,"[1, 1]",5 183,train,"*An app that allows you to set your intentions before using your phone* I tend to stay on my phone longer than I intend to. If i want to quickly check the weather, I end up mindlessly perusing through additional apps. This app would pop up when you open your phone. A text field would allow you to write your intentions for going into your phone. Taking a moment to set intentions will hopefully discourage users from mindlessly spending time on their phone. Another possibility is to have a timer/visual pop up to take a moment to be conscious before going into the phone (similar to Ex: You could tell the app you like to take 4 breaths when you turn the phone on, the visual stays up for 4 breaths and then you see the home screen. The app could be disabled for incoming calls, when maps or music apps are open, can be skipped if you want to get right into the phone...",303,"[1, 1]",6 184,train,"*Software to make you blink more automatically while using a computer/smartphone to reduce dry eye.* By this, I don’t mean a “blink now†message. Rather, the idea is to make the user to blink without knowing it. For example, perhaps inverting colors for a fraction of a second would cause people to blink?",304,"[0, 1]",4 185,train,"*nan* Step1: Takes your existing resume as text file, Step2: URL of the website/portal you're applying on which has job description and required/desired skills Step3: Gives you a suggestions on what you can add to your resume and updates your resume with a click to add the skill Instant update of your resume based on the job that you're applying to. Maintains the Resume structure and suggests what can be removed (based on what's on the web-page)",306,"[1, 1]",5 186,train,"*Custom commercials to influence your children* I’ve been thinking about positive messaging and the role of peer pressure / societal norms. What if instead of regular commercials on Hulu and Instagram (sponsored content), you could pay a monthly subscription to insert your own custom commercials. Especially if they played on on-demand shows it would be an easy drop in. Interested in positive messaging around brushing teeth, or table manners? Specify your preferences and let the custom commercials casually drop into your kids feed. So the startup would generate this content and parents would subscribe and specify the accounts they want to target.",307,"[1, 1]",6 187,train,"*Protein Infused Beer* men and women trying to build muscle need to consume 1-1.5g of protein per pound that they weigh, e.g.: I weigh 165lbs, I should be consuming AT LEAST 165g of protein....that's a lot. Even supplementing with two or three 25g (each) protein shakes every day, I'm barely half-way there. A lot of us need carbs too...and a lot of us like to drink beer. I bet there is a huge market for a low-ish carb/calorie (a lighter beer basically) that had like 10g of protein per 12oz serving.",308,"[0, 1]",5 188,train,"*A series of books that goes from introductory to college+ reading level, all the while keeping/building on a singular plot* The series would get more complex and long as it goes up through the different reading levels, culminating with an adult-level novel that somehow ties the whole thing together or wraps it up.",309,"[1, 1]",7 189,train,"*Buy a 1 square mile of flat land and turn it into a giant map of the earth* Would obviously require a lot of work. Could have water for the oceans, and people could walk around the land. Mark where cities and countries are, and could even have models of landmarks. Could have mountains in actual scale, although probably would want them emphasised, otherwise Everest would only be about a foot high. Would just be lovely to walk around and explore the actual scale of countries.",310,"[1, 0]",4 190,train,"*Random website idea, tell me what you think.* This idea only has a few hours of brainstorming on it so figured I'd pitch it on here and see what reddit thought. This might be the stupidest thing you've read all day, but figured I'd give it a shot... My girlfriend's son always asks me funny questions like ""Would you shave your head and dye it pink for $50?!?""...and of course we've all had friends say stuff along the lines like ""Would you do x for $1000?!""......stuff like that. Based on that a concept for an idea came to my brain. Imagine a website where (either) the user could post something he/she would be willing to do and put a price next to it or a user posts that he/she will pay x amount if someone does y. It could potentially also include a point system where users post things they will do, other user's bid prices on them, If your bid wins you receive a certain amount of points. Points = merchandise/money...I am not even close to understanding how it exactly would work. The premise is basically taking's premise, and taking it to the crazy side, with obvious legal limitations lol....",311,"[1, 1]",4 191,train,"*At home takeaway restaurant* Hey everyone! This is a really new idea I came up with only 1hr ago. I don't know if it's great or atrociously stupid so shoot me down if it's the latter. Here it is: Essentially it would be an app for ordering homemade food that can be picked up at the cooks home or be delivered (through uber eats or similar platform). On the cook's side of things it would allow to easily put a foot inside the restauranting business without a big setup. For example: you're a stay at home parent who makes great cookies. You register on the app (may need extra bureaucracy depending on the country's regulations) and create a 'restaurant' which sells cookies. People can now order from you and pass by your home to get them when they're ready. The platform could provide services to help setup a ""at home takeaway restaurant"" with ease. These would be: payment system, legal status automisation, ingredient ordering, client database (all the people with the app), delivery system and more... Happy to hear any feedback you all have :)",312,"[1, 1]",5 192,train,"*A massive game of catch. * A new game I invented, called Catch Community/Keep-Up. Basically you have to get **at least** 30 people together in a big field, and keep a tennis ball off the floor. Rules: * You have to throw the ball high. * No throwing to the same person. * Whoever drops it is out, but if the ball was a shit throw then the thrower is out instead. * No sabotaging. It's more about a rally than winning anyway. The 'out' rule is just to dispense the riff-raff, and in no cases should there be less than 15 people on the field. We could start a subreddit about it! Go on your hometown subreddit and ask ""Who wants to play Community Catch?"" ",314,"[1, 0]",5 193,train,*An app that would notify you when you're near something of historical significance.* I've always thought it would be cool if older cities made descriptions available online for historically important facts or events. The app would use your gps to guide you or tell you what was nearby. You could have your own self- guided tour in many different countries without having to deal with tour groups or handling pamphlets.,315,"[1, 1]",5 194,train,"*An app that enables touch-free scrolling by blowing into the phone's microphone.* It would be great if someone would make an app with such function, would be useful when your hands are busy like when you eat for example. Slower air, minimal scroll, strong air burst - quickly go to the bottom of the page...",316,"[1, 1]",5 195,train,"*An application to make your car smarter using QrCodes* We have an application idea which allows the car to be ""connected"", or ""smarter"", by putting a sticker with a QrCode behind the windshield. When scanned, the application would allow the following possibilities: - Contact the owner of the car (to tell you that your car is going to be towed if not moved, or you have a broken window) without knowing any personal information about him (such as his phone number) - Display the extrication sheet of the car (helping the firefighters in the case of a crash) - Allow medical staff to know medical information on the owner of the car, such as allergies, blood type, ... - Allow urgency staff to send a message to your loved ones (such as contacting your family to tell them you are rushed to the hospital) The idea of the application is to create services reachable when scanning the sticker.",320,"[1, 1]",5 196,train,"*an app that lets you input how long you want to walk/run/ride for at what average pace, and creates a loop that will take that long to ride* you can also drag the path around, and select points you want the route to include. another option could be to have the app create unique routes every time until the map within a selected radius of a set location is completely traveled",326,"[1, 1]",2 197,train,"*Rolling alarm clock giving away spoilers to your favorite shows.* The rolling alarm clock already exists but what if after you hit snooze once, it then starts rolling away and starts telling you spoilers of your favorite shows. Not sure how it would know you haven't seen it yet but as I'm laying in bed knowing I'm about to have to rush to get ready I could have used it lol.",327,"[1, 1]",7 198,train,"*“Tinder†for sponsorships* Most companies, non profits etc hold events that need sponsorships. (Think awards, ceremonies, golf tournaments and fundraisers), and I always felt that oftentimes, they are struggling to get to their goals. What if there’s a “marketplace†for sponsorships, where the event host can post their need for sponsors to then place a package, and where willing sponsors are able to post for events to pick. I’ve seen one site that seems to have a similar (albeit still different) idea, but doesn’t seem active at all. Curious to know if you feel this is needed, and if it may have some legs?",328,"[1, 1]",5 199,train,"*A calendar/reminder app that can suggest things to do from my to-do list depending on general criteria like weather, schedule, etc.* I’d like to be able to have a list of things I generally want to do sometime, but don’t know exactly when. For example, fixing something in the house, trying a specific restaurant, going to the post office, etc. I’d be able to add criteria for it, such as “weekendâ€, “insideâ€, “need 2 hours freeâ€, etc. Then later when I can’t think of something to do, it can remind me with a filtered list of my options. So for example, if I’m bored on a weekend, I can ask, “Hey App, what can I do?†and it can say, “ok, it’s a Saturday and it’s raining out, why don’t you try fixing the dryer.â€",329,"[1, 1]",5 200,train,"*To prevent drink driving, police should let people park in city centre car parks for free overnight and ask them to leave their keys.* At the end of the night people would only be allowed their keys back if they pass a breathalyser test. If they fail the test they know their car is safely parked and can pick it up in the morning.",331,"[1, 1]",3 201,train,"*""Free trial"" that needs a credit card* I have a prepaid gift card with a visa symbol that has $5 on it and expires in 2026. I use it for anything I want to trial and might forget to cancel. It will alert me to change the payment method when it can't process it after the free period and I can decide whether or not to link it to an actual account.",338,"[1, 1]",6 202,train,"*Connect people who recently used a contractor to renovate their home with people choosing a contractor* I'm looking for thoughts / feedback on a startup idea that I thought of. All thoughts are appreciated! Problem - Renovating your home is hugely consequential (time, money, altering your property, etc.). When you're hiring a contractor, you can look up reviews online but you don't really know what you're getting yourself into. It's a huge decision. Idea - Create a marketplace that connects people deciding between home contractors with people who recently went through the process and renovated their home with a certain contractor. There could be different tiers - connect just through a phone call, allow the person thinking about the renovation to visit your home and actually see the work, etc. There would be some sort of split of the fee between the company and the property owner who's showing off the work",339,"[1, 1]",2 203,train,"*Emergency App that not only dials emergency services, but begins recording audio and video from both the front and back camera, location, etc.* This is just something I've been pondering between recent events as well as missing person cases, and honestly it should be default on smart phones if you ask me but I'd also download this as an app. It would do as the title says and record everything it possibly can and save it both locally and to the cloud. It could even ask you for an emergency contact like a family member for it to send an alert to as well, as well as let you delete the video if you confirm it was a non-emergency in the end. There may already be apps like this but I can't find any that go the whole 9 miles, and having it be built into existing emergency systems on phones would mean you don't even need a passcode to use it. In missing person cases often phones get taken and a 911 call or a locally saved video just isn't enough to help the person get found. It's just silly to me that we have this tracking device/camera in our pockets but the ""emergency"" button just does what phones have always been able to do. If an update or app like this could bring even one person home safely it's worth every r/TIFU post that stems from people setting it off on accident and taking a bad video or freaking out their emergency contact.",340,"[1, 1]",4 204,train,"*SMS, instant messages, and emails should have a ""silent"" flag, so you can send a message to someone without waking or disturbing them if you think they might be asleep or busy.* The current solution is the the *receiver* to set their device to silent when they don't want to be disturbed, but a) many people forget to do this, or don't do it in case of urgent communications and b) the sender has no way of knowing if the receiver will be disturbed by the message or not. It would be nice to be able to send someone a message which wouldn't make an audible or tactile alert, but which they could read the next time they actively checked their device, like ""call me when you wake up please.""",341,"[1, 1]",5 205,train,"*How It's Unmade* tl;dr: How It's Made in reverse. How It's Unmade would be a series of reversed episodes of How It's Made, with new narration detailing the processes of disassembly used for various products. Computers being turned into blank circuit boards and various components, candy bars being reduced to different amounts of each separate ingredient, etc. Narration consists of things like this: The products arrive at the factory fully packaged and ready for disassembly. Workers remove the [items] from the boxes, which are flattened and sent to a machine. The [objects] pass through a different machine which removes the plastic bags they came in. They continue through a device that cleanly and automatically removes any paint, which is put in storage for distribution to paint manufacturers. ",343,"[1, 0]",4 206,train,"*AI generated road rage* Who else thinks that car brands should add Chatgpt to their software. It could help a lot with inventing phrases to shout at that one idiot who forgets its a green light. ",344,"[1, 0]",5 207,train,"*One way to get the flight you want without paying for it* As those of you who travel internationally know the best flights always cost the most. I was booking a trip to Greece in Business class and the one connection flight I wanted was $6,900 one way. So I booked the double connection that got me there 8 hours later but was only $1,800. Booking this far out you will always get a schedule change as the airlines change quarterly. So today I got the email informing me that my London Athens portion had changed. So I called American Airlines and had them re-book me on the one connection flight, the one that cost $6,900. They rebooked me and since it was due to their schedule change there was no charge. This is a great way to get the flights you want without paying for them. I did the same thing last year on my trip to Buenos Aires. This hack only works if you book 6+ months out. I went from Tulsa-Dallas Dallas-London London-Athens to Tulsa-Chicago Chicago-Athens getting in at 9:30am instead of 6:30pm.",345,"[1, 1]",6 208,train,*Deputise all postmen giving them the same powers as police. Change mail delivery to nights instead of mornings. We now have a roaming police presence on every street in all areas at some point every night. Their duties will still be to deliver mail but act as security just in case something occurs.* nan,346,"[1, 1]",4 209,train,"*Job searching ATM/vending machines* User friendly job searching vending machines, available at some major intersections, few clicks will show you what's available in your area. Tired of your old job enter your profession and hourly rate your making and select similar or higher paying jobs and schedule your phone interview when it's convenient for you. While not in use that machine can be used for advertisement by local companies. Companies that are hiring are required to include their BBB, Google, and Glassdoor rating so it's easier for future employees to find a good company with good reputation and good company culture.",347,"[1, 1]",5 210,train,"*nan* **The Problem** I want to join a rec sports league for the social and competitive aspects but I don't have time. I like online gaming but have no friends to play with. I want to make new friends similar to me. **The Solution** Join an online eSports league! The app will pair you with other players in your age group with similar life commitments using an algorithm similar to a dating app. Choose your game and platform, create a team name and identity and participate in guaranteed, scheduled online matches each week! **The Model** Players will pay league fees to join each league similar to league fees for any other rec league.",349,"[1, 1]",3 211,train,"*App where you rent out space in your home for storage* This app would allow users to rent out space for others to store their belongings. Real estate and mortgage payments are expensive, and the storage industry is booming. What if you could rent out some empty space to users to store their furniture for a predetermined period of time ? I am picturing something like airbnb where the website handles payments. You wouldn't be able to get access to your items until the period was up. This could be especially useful for university students who need temporary summer storage.",350,"[1, 1]",5 212,train,"*A schedule payment app* I have been thinking recently. What if I could 'order' items now whilst I have time and only pay and receive them when the money is scheduled to go out of my account? Say you wanted to order something off Amazon on a Wednesday but couldn't pay until Friday but you don't mind waiting...schedule the order for amazon on the Wednesday to come out on Friday and be dispatched after. All you have to do on the day is confirm if you want to make the payment and if there are changes in price or out of stock items. I've not seen this anywhere as this would be so useful to me. I don't have any time to be sitting shopping but I'd still like things online.",351,"[1, 1]",5 213,train,"*Citric acid is an amazing watermarks remover* Just came here to drop a useful tip: When your kettle is full of watermarks or calcium from the water, just drop a spoon of citric acid powder (sold in any supermarket at least here in Netherlands) fill it with water, make it boil and when you empty it, it will look brand new. Thank me later ;)",352,"[1, 1]",2 214,train,"*Trying to solve the loneliness problem for seniors* My grandparents were lucky enough to have lots of grandchildren, and loved it when we called them up. It didn't really matter what we spoke about, but that connection with someone real was invaluable. When we called, it made their day. I'd like to recreate this service, but open it up to anyone who is lonely and seeks new connections. *Problem*: Seniors are often lonely, and want someone to speak to. *Solution*: A subscription service that connects seniors with likeminded individuals, who they can speak to over the phone on a regular basis. This isn't trying to replace care services, the family, or be anything other than companionship. It just gives the senior someone else in their life to speak to. Thoughts?",354,"[1, 1]",4 215,train,"*Lifehack: Identify your Keys Quickly* I saw this lifehack on the internet and so I tried and surprisingly it made identifying my keys at a glance. Here's what you do: Paint both sides of your keys with vibrant colored nail polish, make sure to use different colors for different keys. The nail polish stays longer than expected so don't worry that it might wear out so soon.",355,"[1, 1]",5 216,train,"*An app that calls people nearby to film the police during encounters* so say you're getting pulled over and u r worried about the interaction u r about to have with the police. open this app and click the button, everyone in the surrounding area will get an amber alert like msg to their devices and GPS directions to the callers location. the goal is to outnumber the cops with cameras. all the video from the responders phones will be uploaded as its take. if there is multiple people filming the cops they will think twice about abuse",356,"[1, 1]",6 217,train,"*A platform to discover new places throughout the world* We're making [**MappMapp**](, a platform (website & android app) where travelers can see trips created by locals and find places that locals love themselves. Think of it as a Google Maps trip to your favourite places, but accessible by anyone in the world. **Usecase:** This is essentially replacing the ""best places to see in CITY\_NAME\_HERE"" which most people often do before they begin traveling. Not only that, once people have found the places to visit they often just end up jotting it on Google Maps, or Excel and so on. On MappMapp, you'll be able to plan your trips or simply discover what other people have done in the city. What do you guys think?",359,"[1, 1]",3 218,train,"*Gym for geeks* I want someone to make a gym for geeky people where you have games and streams attached to the cardio equipment and earn XP for all the time you spend working out. In my ideal image of this gym, each person has an amibo-style figurine that reflects their goals (think DND classes). They just place it on the machines to automatically keep track of their time. There would also be an obstacle course that you can make a run at whenever you earn enough XP and prizes each month for the best times. All the group stuff and classes would of course also be fun and thematic. :) ",360,"[1, 1]",6 219,train,"*nan* If you want to bring a second carry on bag, bring one that's a modest size. At the duty free area, buy the cheapest thing you can like a pack of tim tams and then ask for a duty free bag. Put your second carry on inside it. Most airlines allow a bonus duty free bag in addition to one carry on",361,"[1, 1]",4 220,train,"*Ultimate backlog aggregator (movies, games, articles, videos)* Would you be interested in a service where you can sync/manage your entire content backlog from different sources (movies, tv shows, games, books, articles, videos) Key features: * request the next item from your content backlog if you have free N minutes to consume * clean up content if you didn't touch it for a while * get a ""progress"" report weekly/monthly * automatically group content by type (educational, fun, etc)",364,"[1, 1]",5 221,train,"*Cigarette and bottled beverage companies should have to pay $1 per piece of litter that can be traced back to them. At first they would take a huge economic hit, but they'd sure be quick to start caring about their litter and introduce strategies to minimize it.* Imagine how clean the world would be! Cities and citizens wouldn't have to organize litter clean-ups, and when they do, it would be able to have a significant impact in motivating corporations to figure out how to get sustainable packaging working for their products.",365,"[1, 1]",4 222,train,"*American presidential candidates should have at least one debate where they're absolutely wasted so we can get their unfiltered thoughts.* Of course, professionalism is a very important part of being the POTUS, but we deserve the right to know how insane a candidate can get when they go completely off the deep end.",367,"[1, 0]",5 223,train,"*Waking up made easy!* Many People like myself struggle to wake up in the Morning. So I came up with an idea that should fix this problem. Please read through the end and let me know if I’m missing something and what is your opinion? The Idea is to wear something like an Oura Ring that tracks your sleep cycles. The ring will be connected to an app that will set an alarm right when you are at lightest sleep. It’s not a conventional Alarm system because you do not set a strict time to wake up. However, you can set the Time that you need to wake up at and the App will ring the Alarm when you are in light sleep closest to the time that you need to wake up. I’m thinking that the App can learn your Sleep cycles and learn how long you are in each cycle. That way it will set the Alarm before you enter the next REM Phase, even if that happens to be an hour before your set waking time. It also has an option to connect to a smart bulb that will gradually increase brightness until the alarm rings.",369,"[1, 1]",5 224,train,"*Lifehack: use stickytape to make pull tabs for your cards in your wallet/purse* I was working the register one day, when this elderly lady pulled out her purse and she had made pull tabs for her cards and she had zero trouble with pulling her cards out of the sleeves. I was floored by how simple, obvious and intelligent it was. Thought I should share",371,"[1, 1]",4 225,train,"*An augmented reality headset that finds medical problems in strangers.* For example, when riding the bus, your AR headset might put a skin cancer warning over a stranger with a suspicious mole on their neck. You could then tell them they should see a doctor immediately to get it looked at. ",373,"[1, 0]",4 226,train,"*A place like Starbucks, but instead of coffee they serve soup.* It would use the types of blenders that spin so fast it heats things up. They'd have a bunch of ingredients: meats, vegetables, cheeses, and seasonings. You'd pick out what you want and they'd make a soup that would go into a bowl or cup for convenience. It'd be great for dieters or people on their lunch breaks.",377,"[1, 1]",3 227,train,"*Idea: Instead of Sunday school, or nothing, how about a group called Young Philosophers that teaches interested youngsters about asking questions, the different religions of the world, spirituality, history and classic/modern philosophy?* Is there even anything like this? My Sunday school was a lot like this, but I attribute that to my excellent and liberal minded teacher. We didn't learn about the strict Catholic doctrine, we learned about the history, geography and ethnicities of the region of Palestine and Israel. With the decline in Sunday school attendance and organized religion in general (at least in Atlantic Canada), maybe we should be looking at giving our young thinkers a way to expand their minds and feed the need for understanding. Instead of basing teachings on one faith every Sunday morning, supply them with the knowledge of various religions which try to provide the answer to the great question ""why?""",379,"[1, 1]",5 228,train,"*""Sorry horns"" in vehicles for when you know you messed up* The idea came to me the other day and I actually think it's kinda funny, but anyway...basically it would be a second horn with a distinct sound that you would use when you accidentally cut someone off or hit a pedestrian, or do something else stupid. I don't think it will ever happen, but it's interesting to think about ",380,"[1, 1]",6 229,train,"*Should prisons be rewarded for criminals who don't re-offend, and fined for those who do?* Right now, prisons are incentivized *not* to rehabilitate prisoners, because it would result in less revenue to the prison. But society wins when a criminal is successfully rehabilitated. I think prisons should share society's gain, like a sort of profit sharing, to fix the conflict of interest. Because this would be would be revenue-neutral (total rewards equal total fines), it wouldn't cost taxpayers anything. What would be the disadvantages of this strategy?",381,"[1, 1]",5 230,train,"* Clean your electric toothbrush* When it is time to replace your electric toothbrush head, use the old head to give the handle a good scrub - this will remove some build up of toothpaste and other gunk from the nooks and crannies that manufacturers persist on keeping in their design. If you have a partner, you can use their handle to power clean your's and vice versa. Then label and keep the used head for cleaning bathroom tile grout, plugholes and other items where a rapidly vibrating head will do a better job than elbow grease alone.",383,"[1, 1]",4 231,train,"*If you're an organ donor, your funeral should be free.* Within reason, of course. I just goog'd the value of human organs. A cool million for a human heart? A half mill for a liver? They can spare a few grand to cover your funeral for you. Aren't people always waiting waiting waiting for an organ to become available for them for their transplant? Why not incentivise people to check that 'organ donor' box? Especially for us poor folks who's best option right now is to be lost at sea or potter's field...",384,"[1, 1]",5 232,train,"*If alarms don't work for you, drink a ton of water before sleeping. * When you do wake up slightly to shut your alarm off, you'll realize you have an urgency to pee. No matter how hard you try, it's not easy to go back to sleep with that urge and you'll have to wake up completely eventually.",386,"[1, 1]",4 233,train,"*Every member of congress should have to call a random constituent every weekday at noon and just listen to them for 5 minutes. If you want them to call you, sign up at their website and provide a phone number where you can be reached. If you don't answer, they try the next person on their list.* If you are the one randomly selected for a given day, you will be given the date and approximate time when the representative or senator will call you, so you can be expecting it.",387,"[1, 1]",5 234,train,"*Taskified - Gamified Tasks* I was thinking about developing an app with gamification elements for a long time. couple pf days ago i encountered a problem with my son who didn't want to do some chores and thought about this idea: a parent - child app where parents can post tasks, each completed task rewards the child who finished it with points, those points can be converted to rewards that parent posted also. some user stories i thought about: parent side: * can assign task to all of his children or an individual. * can add gifts / rewards to be redeemed with points * can track task / child proccess * can assign a deadline for a task child side: * can take a task disabling it to other children * can redeem points to gifts / rewards * can earn predetermined amount of pts for each day (or maybe day streaks or something) * earns badges / unlock achievements / leveling up ** this educational method is a common method from the Cognitive Behavioral Therapy (CBT)",388,"[1, 1]",5 235,train,"*An answer to unemployment.* Anytime the unemployment rate goes up to say, 4% in an area, the elected officials in and from that district, from the city council/mayor all the way up to senators, must live on the average unemployment payments for that area. No savings or help. They have to live on $600 a week or whatever it is until people are back to work.",390,"[0, 1]",3 236,train,"*Keep an ice cube in a shot glass in your freezer to detect power outages* This is useful for people who are away from home for days at a time. If there's any possibility that you could lose power for long enough for your freezer contents to spoil, keep an ice cube in a shot glass in there. Upon returning home from a trip, check to see that it's still ice cube shaped. If it has melted and refrozen into the shape of the glass, you probably should discard everything in your freezer.",393,"[1, 1]",6 237,train,"*Idea for Samsung's S-Mell feature... (Stoners get in here) * Soooooo my dealer has a tendency to never know what strain he has in stock.. When I ask, he responds ""Idk's all the same.."" >.> Enter S-Mell After his typical response, I whip out my trusty Samsung device and hold it up to my glorious nugs and it IDENTIFIES MY RANDOM STRAIN OF WEED and pulls up the profile on Leafly. (Praying it's Nebraska Berry) ",394,"[1, 0]",4 238,train,*This is a repost but also a good idea* I totally just stole this from r/whitepeopletwitter but it’s an app for you and your significant other where it’s like tinder but instead swiping people you swipe movies and shows and when you and your significant other get a match it lets you know.,396,"[1, 1]",6 239,train,*Netflix premiere feature* I've thought this for a while but Netflix should 100% do premieres for new series. If they dropped episode by episode and it premiered live at a certain time each week just like TV. Personally I would love to go back to TV being a shared experience with other people.,397,"[1, 0]",2 240,train,"*""Strafe drive"" foot-pedal joystick.* Ok, heres a wild one; My idea is a joystick you can operate by foot/toe. I hatched this idea after struggling with the controls of several spaceship games, where you not only have the conventional pitch/roll/yaw/throttle, but also lateral and vertical strafe. And if you also count the cockpit view controls, well.. 8 axis of control. At this stage I have mounted an old USB gamepad to a base which I stuffed under my desk, with all strafing movement mapped to one of its analog sticks, which works surprisingly well. So next I'm going to break apart an old joystick and solder its circuitboard to the gimbal I stripped out of an old RC remote. Then ill 3D print a large flat knob that fits ontop, creating a giant analog toe stick. Any thoughts?",398,"[1, 1]",4 241,train,"*True hell on Earth for a teenager. This is a parenting hack.* When my kids get in trouble, I remove their SIM card from their expensive phone and put it into a cheap unlocked Blackberry from the 2000's. This is a way to can still use a phone, but social media is almost non-existant.",399,"[1, 1]",3 242,train,"*An app that sends you a random meal to your house based on how much you pay.* So the way the app would work, is you choose how much you want to pay (with a minimum), and how many people want to eat. Then we choose a random restaurant, and choose a random item for each order, and then we deliver it to your door.",400,"[1, 0]",4 243,train,"*Frustrating Door* Some doors can be pushed open, others need to be pulled open, depending on which side of the door you're on. I have an idea for a door that will randomly need to be either pushed or pulled. Like half the time you need to push, the other half you need to pull. This would be very annoying to people. Could be good for keeping people (e.g. employees) on their toes. Could also be good for business meetings, making your opponents look like fools as they enter your office, giving you the upper hand. Also good for just pissing people off for no reason at all.",402,"[1, 0]",4 244,train,*A desktop app that transcripts audio from your microphone. Streams it in a narrow panel to the right of your screen. Highlights any mentions of your name.* Would be nice for when I zone out during these super long work calls and need some context when there is suddenly silence while people wait for me to respond to a question that i completely missed.,403,"[1, 1]",3 245,train,"*A search engine that lets you look up a smell, like a shazam for smells.* It would function on smartphones that employ a new hardware feature to detect and digitize smells in the surrounding area. You can look up a fragrance like you would look up a song on shazam.",404,"[0, 1]",4 246,train,"*Wake up random call* You have an app, ideally with thousands of users, paired up by the time set to wake up. They each wake up to the phone ringing, and it doesn't stop until you pick up the phone and potentially have a conversation with your pair to make sure you're fully awake. Everyone is paired into 2s with a time buddy, and it's anonymous but they can, say become friends on their profiles if they like the conversation they had, and then pair up in the future. Then you have a before work buddy to talk to.",408,"[1, 1]",4 247,train,"*Newborn baby clothes rental* A package new parents can purchase for their newborns that contains some starter items they'll need in first week and a monthly package mostly containing clothes. As the baby grows , the old cloths would get returned. Kids grow out of infant clothes pretty fast and this service would be like renting clothes.",412,"[1, 1]",5 248,train,"*Create an online dating profile for the opposite sex and fill it out with all the ideal qualities you're looking for in a mate, as the algorithm matches your fake profile with other users, compile a list of characteristics of those users, and use those to make your actual dating profile.* TIL that people will try anything to get the perfect match. ",413,"[1, 0]",3 249,train,"*Home Food App (AirFood)* Whenever I got home, I am so tired and lazy to cook for myself, and I begin sick of the delivers, then I will wondering if any my neighbors could share their homemade meals for me. Then I realize that I need an app, which is kind of similar to Airbnb, HomeFood that can provide your choices of your neighbors who is willing to cook more food for you, you could choose to eat with them and make some friends maybe, or you can pick up the food in your way back home. And the hosts can earn extra money by providing your home food anytime for some people.",414,"[1, 1]",5 250,train,"*An app that tells you when an NSFW scene is coming up in a movie.* Here me out right, you in a theater watching a P13 or R rated movie with your parents and BOOM a big 45 and half second, full on nude, rough sex scene with loud moaning comes on and catches you off guard. What now, you have to sit there, awkward as hell, with a possible boner and wait it out while your parents are right next to you and your dad bumps you on the shoulder saying ""you like it, don't you ðŸ˜"" OK maybe not the last part haha. But still. This app would be the ultimate life saver called ""NSFW Saver"" So you click on the movie, time you are watching it and the app will vibrate in a certain pattern to distinguish it from a regular notification. That will let you know what's good what's good, you should leave to the bathroom now or where you want to go. Then the app will vibrate when that scene is over, so you can go back to your seat. Yes there may be more then one NSFW scene. So your parents may question ""Why you're going to the bathroom so many times during the movie?"" ""Uh... I'm very gassy."" Or ""You seem to have left the theater at the exact times that a sex scene was going to happen...."" ""I don't know.... uh coincidence I guess.""",417,"[1, 1]",3 251,train,"*An app that randomly prompts you to call your loved ones.* The idea always comes to me when I tell myself I need to give my grandma a call and I make some excuse and put it off. Before I know it a week has gone by without me calling her, even though our convos usually never last longer than 7 minutes. The app would send you a notification to call your parents/ grandparents/ whoever and prompt you right then and there. You could set times in your preferences, such as no prompts between 9-5 on work days etc. This would be more helpful than just setting reminders because it prompts you and makes it easy to just hit 'call' rather than just dismissing the reminder. What do you think Reddit?",419,"[1, 1]",5 252,train,"*A game of chess with 32 players, with each player controlling a single piece. Give it a funny name like Bureaucracy chess.* Standard chess rules, except instead of one player controlling 16 pieces, it's 16 players on each side. Each player loses if they lose their piece, but their color winning is treated as a partial win to encourage some team work. The idea being to both encourage people to be unhelpful due to self preservation, but also noble players willing to sacrifice in return for a greater good.",420,"[1, 0]",5 253,train,"*Lucky world idea* If the world was solely based on luck on who gets in we would take millions of people and drop them out of the sky until they slowly made a pile large enough for them to land safely and when one of them comes down from the pile we let them into the world before resetting everything this happens once a year and everyone born that year gets a card which has a number that tells you when you jump ",421,"[0, 0]",2 254,train,"*Fill your mouth with water at home, drive to work, and somehow communicate non-verbally that you'd like to have a spitting contest where the winner is determined by the amount of spit one can produce. Do not participate - just rest easy that night, knowing you could have won if you wanted to.* nan",422,"[1, 0]",3 255,train,"*Airbnb for dogs * guys , I'm pretty sure one of you probably heard about Dogg tinder which you can go and see profiles and you can match your dog with another dog. Now I'm thinking what if we had something like Airbnb but for dogs that hosts take care from the dog and hosts are likely to be dog owners so if you have a dog , your dog can also make some friends.",423,"[1, 1]",4 256,train,"*To resist unlawful search of your electronic devices: a custom smartphone lockscreen which accepts 2 codes. One code unlocks the phone as normal, the other launches a dummy homescreen with only a few innocuous apps. Tell security the second code and they will see none of your private information.* The lock screen would have to have customizable appearance, so security staff couldn't learn to recognise the appearance of the trick lockscreen.",425,"[1, 1]",5 257,train,"*School projects, like essays, replaced by wikipedia content writing* What do you thing of an idea of assigning students tasks of improving wikipedia articles, instead of mostly useless student papers that end up in trash anyway? Teachers could review their work and grade them according to quality of contribution.",426,"[1, 1]",7 258,train,"*Idea- your chat is visualized on a whiteboard as you talk* Hi everyone, I would like your opinions & thoughts on my business idea below... Now that Slack became an essential tool in our work, we benefit a lot from business chat services. However, I always had a small problem with Slack because as the amount of chat becomes huge, it gives me a hard time getting the critical points and eventually affects my work process in a day. I've always wished that the chat becomes more graphical so that I can instantly get the point of discussion without scrolling over & over. Then, I came up with the idea that a chat becomes a card on a whiteboard at the same time. This way, you can not only visualize a chat but also re-organize chats (cards) on the board to dig deeper into ideas or topics. I would like your honest feedback on my idea. Thank you in advance (:",428,"[0, 1]",3 259,train,"*An app for writers* Idea is simple. Providing a app for writers who shares their work. Work could be anything like poems or stories etc. USP of this idea is that writers can earn money through this. People can like or dislike their work and for extra happy people there would be feature one can use to donate money for writer. We can host competitions as well on the platform. In each competition a participant would have to select a topic from the predefined topics of the competition. These predefined topics are to be chosen by the host of that competition. There will be a time limit. There can be a content limit as well meaning how much words should be there in the article.",430,"[1, 1]",4 260,train,"*An app that pairs you with an anonymous amature therapist/conversation budy/ secret keeper to tell your secrets or ask casual questions to (and vise versa)* An app where you'll get paired up completely annonomously with someone who you will never know any info about unless given personally. That person is someone who you tell all of your thoughts that you wanna run by someone. Like a personal amature therapist, a good listener, or the conversation side of a relationship without the relationship. Have a dark secret? That thing you said you'd never tell someone? Just wanna run something casually by someone? Tell your annonomously busy and vise versa",431,"[1, 1]",4 261,train,"*Two person car service. You call the service and there's two people in the car, one to drive you home and one to bring your car home because you're drunk but don't want to leave it at the bar.* You drove to the bar, but now you're wasted. Should you call an uber/cab? Sounds good, but what about your car? You can't just leave it there. Well call Double Drive Dudes and they show up, give you a ride, *and* bring your car home.",433,"[1, 1]",5 262,train,"*Apple should use Face ID hardware to make buying properly fitting glasses online easier.* Apple could develop an ""eyeglass fitting protocol"" to take advantage of Face ID data to facilitate buying properly fitting glasses online while keeping Face ID data private.",435,"[1, 1]",5 263,train,"*A Reddit dating site that matches you based on interest in similar subreddits* Think about it: There are so many obscure niches out there that have subreddit communities dedicated to them. Instead of meeting a girl on Tinder who ""likes movies"" - I'd much rather be matched with someone who is a member of /r/TrueFilm and /r/CineShots. (That's just an example, TrueFilm people are probably too pretentious for my taste... ;) )",436,"[1, 1]",5 264,train,"*Coffee hack* After it’s cooled down, pour your leftover coffee into ice trays and freeze them. Once they’re solid, use the frozen cubes to make iced coffee without watering down your beverage. Bonus if you have interesting shapes ðŸ",437,"[1, 1]",5 265,train,"*In order to stop people from trying to purchase too many items in the express lane at a grocery store, every item over the limit, say anything over 10 items, should be charged five dollars extra and the proceeds given to one lucky shopper each month through a lottery type drawing.* nan",440,"[1, 1]",4 266,train,"*A website called, When Should I Stop Watching?, that tells you when different shows either jump the shark or start a decline in quality.* We've all been there, you are binging a show that you've never seen before but has been out for a little while. All of a sudden you realize, this show really sucks! What just happened and why am I still here? It was brilliant, like Dexter or The Walking Dead, and sucked you in for seasons of fun but now you are slogging your way through. Should you give up now or is there a redeeming arc that you will miss? Well just check the non-spoiler website and find out if you can cut off the show without missing anything.",442,"[1, 1]",4 267,train,*Streaming services should have a queue.* I'm watching South park on hbo max and was thinking how sweet it would be to add episodes to my play queue similar to spotify so I can just binge my favorites.,443,"[1, 1]",3 268,train,"*An app that matches videogame players with people with disabilities who can't play, allowing them to ""backseat"" (suggest where to go, what to do) and enjoy the experience* A few months ago, a friend of mine who was really good at PUBG, lost an arm in a motorcycle accident (I warned him many times to avoid speeding, dammit). Anyway, he can't play now, so I regularly stream my game in Discord for him, and let him decide what to do. We have lots of fun! Do you think other gamers would be willing to help people who can't play?",444,"[1, 1]",5 269,train,"*Leave airport property before calling Uber or Lyft* If I have the time, I typically catch a shuttle to the nearest hotel as I’m leaving the airport, then when I get to the hotel, I’ll call the rideshare. I typically save $30 or more on the rideshare as I don’t have to deal with surge pricing or airport pickup fees. The hotel shuttle drivers never ask to see proof of a hotel reservation and they can’t force you to check out a room once you arrive at the hotel.",445,"[1, 1]",6 270,train,"*Tinder, but for dishes (to cook)* Half the time we can’t decide what to cook. There’s plenty of apps for the Restaurant Roulette type of “picking a place to eat†but nothing o can find for specific dishes. Is there an app that can pull recipes from multiple sites (say and let two or more people swipe left and right until there’s something they agree on to cook?",446,"[1, 1]",4 271,train,"*Broadcast concerts and sporting events in real-time via hologram to stadiums around the world* The Super Bowl or Taylor Swift concerts would sell out stadiums worldwide. Everything happens real time so you feel like you’re watching the real event and you’re with a crowd of fans cheering so it feels like a real event. ",447,"[1, 1]",2 272,train,"*Vehicles should have a thank you light located at the rear that lights up with the press of a button (preferably located on the steering wheel) that you press whenever someone allows you to merge into their lane.* I feel like not everyone knows the hazard light method, and a lot of people have tinted windows these days so you can’t wave either.",448,"[1, 1]",6 273,train,"*Like Pokemon Go but you take pics of animals and people can use them to find their missing pets* Well, not like Pokemon GO because now you can do a bunch more that when it released It would be nice to have an app where you could upload pictures of all the animals you see (with and without owners, because everyone likes to take dog pics). You would be able to exhibit them in your profile, tag them (species, breed or color for instance), and also they would be visible in a map (like Places in Apple Photos app). That would make searching for missing pets easier, you just have to filter by the tags and check the pics in the area. As a photographer, you could also have notifications of missing pets in your area and get badges (or rewards $ if the owner offers them).",449,"[1, 1]",4 274,train,"*Lazy Alarm Clock* Lazy Alarm Clock Product Description: Lazy Alarm Clock is a unique device that will encourage you to get out of bed. The main component of the product is a button placed remotely from the bed and directly connected to your phone which will be positioned where your regular alarm clock would normally be. Includes: Remote Button: Lazy Alarm Clock is equipped with a button placed out of reach of the bed, such as in the kitchen or bathroom. The button serves as the alarm clock switch, motivating you to get out of your bed Mobile Application: Allows you to set the alarm time and choose from various sounds or music played from your mobile phone. Convenient control of alarm functions and settings through a simple and intuitive interface. Statistics, such as how long it took you to turn off the alarm. Advantages: Lazy Alarm Clock eliminates the need for a separate speaker by utilizing the speaker in your mobile phone. Prevents the possibility of turning off the alarm through the app. The only way to turn off the alarm is by physically pressing the remote button. Encourages you to get up. Geting up on the first alarm. Feel free to provide any suggestions or opinions! Would seperate speaker be better then your phone as alarm?",450,"[1, 1]",3 275,train,"*When voting, you must answer multiple choice questions about your candidate's policy. The percentage you get right determines how much your vote is worth.* This forces people to know at least some of their candidate's policies in order to be able to vote for them. It could be implemented in a number of ways (e.g. >70% = 1 vote, <70% = 0 votes, or even tiered, where 100% = 5 votes, 80% = 4 votes etc). The correct answers could even be available at voting stations before you vote, the point is to make sure people are aware of the policies they are voting for when they vote. In order to remain neutral, the questions could be chosen by the opposing parties, such that when voting you are forced to acknowledge what the other parties consider to be their opponents worst policies. EDIT: For people unable to read or write, the questions could be administered verbally or in another way so as not to discriminate.",453,"[1, 1]",3 276,train,*nan* Random hotel lobbies have the cleanest bathrooms - Just act like you booked a room,457,"[1, 1]",2 277,train,"*Can't concentrate in noisy office ? * Working mainly at home in silence now I cannot concentrate when made to go in office for a day or two per week. I can't work with music on earbuds and don't want to buy noise cancelling. Solution for me is playing white noise, just constant whooshing noise on a loop from spotify. Just loud enough to drown out the chatter. Not very exciting I know...but it's like magic....after 10 seconds your brain doesn't consciously hear the white noise...and you just don't hear the office noise around you.",458,"[1, 1]",2 278,train,"*An idea for a startup: a service that creates a miniature replica of a place you once loved and wish to remember when you move on* A service that creates a miniature replica of a place you once loved and wish to remember when you move on. **Why?** * Having a miniature replica is the next best thing to actually visiting a place you once loved. * Rooms get redesigned, old houses get demolished, memories fade. A miniature replica is forever. * Kids are all grown up and moved out but you don't want to erase the memory of their existence from your home. Make a miniature copy of their room to freeze it in time. Then renovate. **How it works** Develop a process where: 1. People take multiple 360-degree photos of the place they want to replicate. Once the quantity and quality of the photos are sufficient the next stage begins. 2. The software stitches the photos all into one high detail, high-quality image and converts it to a 3D printer instruction file. 3. A replica is 3D printed. Areas that require manual fixing are highlighted. 4. One of many freelance artists gets the replica and starts working on it. They fix the details and color everything. Payment is based on the level of detail and agreed upon beforehand. 5. High-quality images are taken and sent to the customer to confirm that everything is OK. 6. The replica is sent to the customer.",459,"[1, 1]",4 279,train,"*Late night grocery delivery where you search by item, not store * E.g. it’s 2am, you want Parmesan cheese, and 95% of the stores in your area are closed. There should be an app that lets you search for the item in stores that are currently open and connected to a delivery service, so that you don’t have to go store by store.",460,"[1, 1]",5 280,train,"*Turn your USB into a full private cloud* An app that gives you your own private Dropbox in one click. Plug your USB storage into your internet router. Download the app. And that's it, you've got your own private cloud at home. No need for a server. You get all the functionalities you need (store, backup, sync, file sharing, access your files from anywhere). No complicated installation or configuration. Simple to use. Plug and play. Just like a cloud, your data is always duplicated on at least two different locations, so you can't lose it. If you don't want to plug your USB storage into your router, the technology allows you to plug it anywhere (NAS, Raspberry Pi, Smart TV,...). No one has access to your data, except you. Full privacy. You also know where your data goes. And you choose where you data goes.",461,"[1, 1]",2 281,train,"*Get super long pieces of rope that can stretch across the oceans, and hold legendary transcontinental tug of war competitions. The winners will go down in history; the losers will be tugged to the depths of the ocean, disgraced and lost forever.* This could be used as an alternative to war, when settling disputes between countries. It could also be used by a dystopian government to keep the public in check.",464,"[1, 0]",3 282,train,"*Wedding cake storage service* It’s a tradition (in the US at least) to save part of your wedding cake and eat it a year later, it’s supposed to be for good luck. However, this means you to take up your store a cake in your limited freezer storage for a whole year. What about a service that send you a cold storage return shipping container (not sure if that’s a thing) and you simple stick your cake in it and return send it back to the company. The company puts the cake in cold storage preserving it for the year (or as many months as you want to store it, paid monthly) and then ships it back to you when you want it back. This also allows you to move within that year because they can ship it to you anywhere.",467,"[1, 1]",5 283,train,*Create an app called Bros Worldwide. It's like a dating site but for finding some bros to chill with when you travel. If you are at home and bored you fire up the app and see if any foreign tourists are in your town that want to get drunk and party with the locals.* Last year I met some Dutch doctors in America that were looking for directions for somewhere to swim. I told them I was going to a friends house to grill and then we were all swimming so they should come with me. We got drunk and blew up fireworks and shot guns all day. It was super fun and I want to do it again but I don't know how to find if there are any more tourists looking to party with me.,468,"[1, 1]",5 284,train,"*Math website in the style of leetcode* Leetcode has a very attractive UI, and has a lot of gamification (e.g. contests, various difficulty levels/categories), and I feel like Math could use similar flavor. When I tried to get into Maths I was met with big ass textbooks full of dense material with very few full solutions. I just didn't find it very friendly, and got bored. Would be amazing to have a problem presented, view full solution, check other people's solutions (with upvoting, etc). Some might say , but they don't have as many elements that make leetcode compelling. Obviously there'd be some differences, e.g. probably just submit answer vs submitting ""working out"" of the problem. I think this could seriously bring some excitement to Math education.",469,"[1, 1]",5 285,train,"*Delay emails* Do you have a boss who thinks hard work = overtime? Delay emails you send to the manager! Use it smart so don’t send every email 3 hours after work hours of course. Occasionally send one during the weekend and even during your holiday. Currently I have a great manager where overtime = less quality and more mistakes, so it’s not necessary anymore. However I have been appeased multiple times at my last job for my hard work and dedication to the company.",470,"[1, 1]",4 286,train,"*Restaurant reviews by menu item* Big menu and everything looks good. What should you get? Browse reviews by menu item. At home and don't care where, but you want the best wings in town? Browse reviews by menu item. Yeah, it's a bunch of data. But, if it's a great idea it's worth pulling it together. Is it great? I'm not convinced. Help!",474,"[1, 1]",3 287,train,"*Why don’t they do a filming concert experience where it’s just the entire stage and you can zoom in to see parts that you want to see? * Pretty much the question. I know with more advanced tech, there are cameras you can zoom into any spot and it’s clear? Kind of like a 360 photo. This way it feels more like you’re actually there and can look at what you choose and not just what the camera pans to in filmed concerts ",475,"[1, 1]",5 288,train,"*There should be a website for writers to self publish their work, and others could download to Kindle/Nook/etc...* MySpace, Bandcamp, and other sites have help independent musicians without record labels. I guess the same thing should happen for independent writers without publishers. A writer could even charge a fee per download.",477,"[1, 1]",4 289,train,"*Startup idea: An app like Headway but for international/geopolitical issues* I am still trying to iron out the kinks in the concept, but I have a rough idea of what I would like to provide. I'm looking to create an app that groups different international issues by region (i.e. Israel-Palestine and Yemen for the Middle East, Russia-Ukraine for Europe, Sudan and Congo for Africa, etc) and provide brief TL;DR articles on them along with additional resources (like books and studies done by think tanks). More broadly, I was thinking of expanding the concept to explain the basic histories and geopolitical/social dynamics of different regions of the world. Another idea I was toying with was including something similar to the Ground News app in which articles from regional news sources (like Al Jazeera, Al Arabiya, Jerusalem Post, Haaretz etc for the Middle East as an example) would be shown to the user and grouped based on left-wing/right-wing alignment (or as close to it as possible) like Ground News does. Is this too ambitious or too impractical?",479,"[1, 1]",4 290,train,"*Search engine which only shows small businesses when shopping* Exactly as the title says. I'm trying to limit my spending on Amazon, and I don't like spending money on TEMU, SHEIN, AliExpress or any similar companies. But it's no wonder why people spend so much money on them, because they completely dominate searches for any kind of shopping. I can literally spend upwards of an hour searching for a specific item because I just get bombarded with listings from Amazon or the likes. It's why I can only limit my spending on Amazon rather than stopping completely, sometimes it's damn near impossible to find what it is I'm looking for outside of Amazon. Just imagine a search engine, or something similar, where small businesses showed up first. I'd switch to using that in a heartbeat.",481,"[1, 1]",5 291,train,"*Possibly already done, but a book which is written at first, in, say, English, but gradually introduces more of another language, so that by the end, you can read in both languages.* I got this idea when thinking about the book ""A Clockwork Orange"", where the teenage slang language ""nadsat"" is occasionally added in for fairly common words. By the end of the book, I knew a lot of nadsat words (it isn't really a different language, as it uses mostly English words and structure, it just changes a few words), and some years later I still remember some. There is a mini dictionary at the back to look up the words you don't know in, or if you can't work out the words from context. The problem with this would be that it would require a literal dictionary for the language to accompany the book. This is why I have decided that it would work best on some kind of e-reader, which can easily store the dictionary, or if you come across a word that you might normally look, you could just tap or highlight the word, and it could easily display the definition and/or translation (in the language which you already speak). Finally, at first, I thought that this would be very impractical, as it would require a writer who fluently spoke at least 2 languages, but I have since realised that you only need someone who is fluent in 2 languages to translate parts of the book.",482,"[1, 1]",5 292,train,"*A TV show with a homicide detective who is good at finding clues but not at piecing them together. However, there are enough clues given by the end of each episode for a smart viewer to solve the crime.* None of the solutions to the crimes would be presented in the show.",483,"[1, 0]",5 293,train,"*A company where you send a 3-D picture of your head and they make an exact fitted mask for you, with your own face printed on the mask.* At a glance it would look like you weren't wearing a mask at all! Also there should be an option to upload whatever picture you want to be printed on the mask, if you don't want your face on it.",485,"[1, 1]",4 294,train,"*A site that collects predictions from ""experts"" and measures how accurate they were in their predictions after the fact. Politicians, pundits, economists, sports writers, weathermen...I want to see how often they were right.* In an era where people spout off any old random crap and are never held to account, it'd be great to have a systematized way to hold people accountable for their predictions. We need a website that tracks every ""expert""'s past predictions (weather or politics or sports or economics etc) and produces a star rating system that quantifies their track record. Then when that politician or talking head makes a new prediction, we'd have a basic ""bullshit meter"" as to how much to pay attention. (A Chrome extension could make it hover-respond on any website.) You'd have to stick with really basic, verifiable predictions ""Who will win the 2016 presidential election?"" ""Will the economy enter recession in 2015?"" ""Will the Portland Trail Blazers make the playoffs?"" etc. You'd probably need to have some time cutoffs--so a prediction that the Portland Trail Blazers makes the playoffs would have to be placed before the season start. If it were crowd sourced, you could have users go back through decades of articles and verify thousands of past predictions.",487,"[1, 1]",5 295,train,"*Temporary Toilet On The Road Hack* Van life? Camping? Toilet out of commission at home? Stuck in traffic? Frequent urination SOS emergency, gotta go now? Endless uses! Make bathroom breaks easier and more sanitary with this simple solution. Grab a bucket, line it with biodegradable toilet bags, and add some kitty litter to the bottom. When nature calls, the kitty litter will absorb the liquid, preventing spills and eliminating odors. For added convenience, use a lid to keep any smells contained until you can properly dispose of the bag. Happy travels and smooth ""movements""!",488,"[1, 1]",3 296,train,*Fruit Tree Community App* I have an orange tree with a ton of oranges on it. Tree is big. I can't get all the oranges off the tree. I want to see if someone wants free oranges. This Fruit Tree App will allow other users know what fruit trees are near by and if the owners allow free fruit picking or trade fruit. Something like that. I just don't want all these oranges to go to waste.,489,"[1, 1]",5 297,train,"*A carpet that comes with many socks permanently attached so leaving your socks on this carpet wouldn't be a big deal.* Maybe people won't even notice when you leave your socks on this carpet. ",493,"[1, 1]",4 298,train,"*A website where you enter how much money you have saved up and it tells you where you can live comfortably for the rest of your life.* I had a coworker from Jamaica that said for $100,000USD you can buy a nice house and live the rest of your life. Would be cool to have a website that shows a comfortable level of living based on your bank account then maybe outline the pros and cons of relocating.",497,"[1, 1]",5 299,train,"*Pizza hack* Always refridgerate left over pizza in a zip loc bag, not the original box. It keeps the crust and cheese from drying out and your pizza will come out tasting as fresh as it was when you put it in there.",499,"[1, 1]",5 300,train,"*Business idea to protect individuals from cyber harms related to online dating.* A company that does in person checks of individuals before strangers from the online dating community meet each other. I realize this is an expensive service, but there could be a lot of upside to something like this in my view.... ",500,"[1, 1]",3