    "sentences": [
        "list": 1,
        "sentences": [
          "The birch canoe slid on the smooth planks.",
          "Glue the sheet to the dark blue background.",
          "It's easy to tell the depth of a well.",
          "These days a chicken leg is a rare dish.",
          "Rice is often served in round bowls.",
          "The juice of lemons makes fine punch.",
          "The box was thrown beside the parked truck.",
          "The hogs were fed chopped corn and garbage.",
          "Four hours of steady work faced us.",
          "Large size in stockings is hard to sell."
        "list": 2,
        "sentences": [
          "The boy was there when the sun rose.",
          "A rod is used to catch pink salmon.",
          "The source of the huge river is the clear spring.",
          "Kick the ball straight and follow through.",
          "Help the woman get back to her feet.",
          "A pot of tea helps to pass the evening.",
          "Smoky fires lack flame and heat.",
          "The soft cushion broke the man's fall.",
          "The salt breeze came across from the sea.",
          "The girl at the booth sold fifty bonds."
        "list": 3,
        "sentences": [
          "The small pup gnawed a hole in the sock.",
          "The fish twisted and turned on the bent hook.",
          "Press the pants and sew a button on the vest.",
          "The swan dive was far short of perfect.",
          "The beauty of the view stunned the young boy.",
          "Two blue fish swam in the tank.",
          "Her purse was full of useless trash.",
          "The colt reared and threw the tall rider.",
          "It snowed, rained, and hailed the same morning.",
          "Read verse out loud for pleasure."
        "list": 4,
        "sentences": [
          "Hoist the load to your left shoulder.",
          "Take the winding path to reach the lake.",
          "Note closely the size of the gas tank.",
          "Wipe the grease off your dirty face.",
          "Mend the coat before you go out.",
          "The wrist was badly strained and hung limp.",
          "The stray cat gave birth to kittens.",
          "The young girl gave no clear response.",
          "The meal was cooked before the bell rang.",
          "What joy there is in living."
        "list": 5,
        "sentences": [
          "A king ruled the state in the early days.",
          "The ship was torn apart on the sharp reef.",
          "Sickness kept him home the third week.",
          "The wide road shimmered in the hot sun.",
          "The lazy cow lay in the cool grass.",
          "Lift the square stone over the fence.",
          "The rope will bind the seven books at once.",
          "Hop over the fence and plunge in.",
          "The friendly gang left the drug store.",
          "Mesh wire keeps chicks inside."
        "list": 6,
        "sentences": [
          "The frosty air passed through the coat.",
          "The crooked maze failed to fool the mouse.",
          "Adding fast leads to wrong sums.",
          "The show was a flop from the very start.",
          "A saw is a tool used for making boards.",
          "The wagon moved on well-oiled wheels.",
          "March the soldiers past the next hill.",
          "A cup of sugar makes sweet fudge.",
          "Place a rosebush near the porch steps.",
          "Both lost their lives in the raging storm."
        "list": 7,
        "sentences": [
          "We talked of the side show in the circus.",
          "Use a pencil to write the first draft.",
          "He ran half a mile and then walked.",
          "The sky that morning was clear and bright blue.",
          "The tame animal lived in the zoo.",
          "The dam broke with a loud crash.",
          "The map helped us find our way.",
          "He carved a toy from a tiny block of wood.",
          "The first part of the plan needs changing.",
          "The new girl was the pride of the class."
        "list": 8,
        "sentences": [
          "The spear was thrown with great force.",
          "They took the axe and the saw.",
          "The ancient coin was quite dull.",
          "The rush for gold made them rich.",
          "The noontime sun made the air hot.",
          "The pine trees were cut down.",
          "The girl worked hard and with care.",
          "The church was built of stone.",
          "The two men played a game of cards.",
          "The ship sailed across the blue sea."
        "list": 9,
        "sentences": [
          "The lease ran out in sixteen weeks.",
          "A font of type is stored in the case.",
          "We need grain to keep our mules healthy.",
          "The ink stain dried on the finished page.",
          "The walled town was seized without a fight.",
          "The lease will be up in three weeks.",
          "The purple tie was ten years old.",
          "Men think and plan and sometimes act.",
          "A six-shooter is a gun that fires six shots.",
          "A shoe of fine quality costs more."
        "list": 10,
        "sentences": [
          "The house was torn down to make room.",
          "A map shows where the party will meet.",
          "The ink stain dried on the finished page.",
          "The bread was buttered on both sides.",
          "The corner store was robbed last night.",
          "The store walls were lined with colored tiles.",
          "The store was out of chocolate soda.",
          "The bow of the ship made a deep ripple.",
          "The coat and vest were slightly worn.",
          "The bill was paid every third week."
        "list": 11,
        "sentences": [
          "Oak is strong and also gives shade.",
          "Cats and dogs each hate the other.",
          "The pipe began to rust while new.",
          "Open the crate but don't break the glass.",
          "Add the sum to the product of these three.",
          "Thieves who rob friends deserve jail.",
          "The ripe taste of cheese improves with age.",
          "Act on these orders with great speed.",
          "The hog crawled under the high fence.",
          "Move the vat over the hot fire."
        "list": 12,
        "sentences": [
          "The bark of the pine tree was shiny and dark.",
          "Leaves turn brown and yellow in the fall.",
          "The pennant waved when the wind blew.",
          "Split the log with a quick, sharp blow.",
          "Burn peat after the logs give out.",
          "He ordered peach pie with ice cream.",
          "We saw the march begin on time.",
          "Tack the strip of carpet to the worn stairs.",
          "It is easy to tell the depth of a well.",
          "Four hours of steady work faced us."
        "list": 13,
        "sentences": [
          "They told us to dip our bread in the gravy.",
          "Please pack it in the old, green trunk.",
          "The strange noise drove us from the room.",
          "We talked of the side show in the circus.",
          "Use a pencil to write the first draft.",
          "Three years later, the shell is thin.",
          "The clock struck to mark the third period.",
          "A small creek cut across the field.",
          "Cars and busses stalled in snow drifts.",
          "The set of china hit the floor with a crash."
        "list": 14,
        "sentences": [
          "This is a grand season for hikes on the road.",
          "The dune rose from the edge of the water.",
          "Those words were the cue for the actor to leave.",
          "A yacht slid around the point into the bay.",
          "The two met while playing on the sand.",
          "The ink stain dried on the finished page.",
          "The walled town was seized without a fight.",
          "The lease will be up in three weeks.",
          "The purple tie was ten years old.",
          "Men think and plan and sometimes act."
        "list": 15,
        "sentences": [
          "She has been ill, and will go home soon.",
          "The weasel will be trapped on a ledge.",
          "The beak of the bird is very sharp.",
          "The boy was there when the sun rose.",
          "A rod is used to catch pink salmon.",
          "The source of the huge river is the clear spring.",
          "Kick the ball straight and follow through.",
          "Help the woman get back to her feet.",
          "A pot of tea helps to pass the evening.",
          "Smoky fires lack flame and heat."
        "list": 16,
        "sentences": [
          "The soft cushion broke the man's fall.",
          "The salt breeze came across from the sea.",
          "The girl at the booth sold fifty bonds.",
          "The small pup gnawed a hole in the sock.",
          "The fish twisted and turned on the bent hook.",
          "Press the pants and sew a button on the vest.",
          "The swan dive was far short of perfect.",
          "The beauty of the view stunned the young boy.",
          "Two blue fish swam in the tank.",
          "Her purse was full of useless trash."
        "list": 17,
        "sentences": [
          "The colt reared and threw the tall rider.",
          "It snowed, rained, and hailed the same morning.",
          "Read verse out loud for pleasure.",
          "Hoist the load to your left shoulder.",
          "Take the winding path to reach the lake.",
          "Note closely the size of the gas tank.",
          "Wipe the grease off your dirty face.",
          "Mend the coat before you go out.",
          "The wrist was badly strained and hung limp.",
          "The stray cat gave birth to kittens."
        "list": 18,
        "sentences": [
          "The young girl gave no clear response.",
          "The meal was cooked before the bell rang.",
          "What joy there is in living.",
          "A king ruled the state in the early days.",
          "The ship was torn apart on the sharp reef.",
          "Sickness kept him home the third week.",
          "The wide road shimmered in the hot sun.",
          "The lazy cow lay in the cool grass.",
          "Lift the square stone over the fence.",
          "The rope will bind the seven books at once."
        "list": 19,
        "sentences": [
          "Hop over the fence and plunge in.",
          "The friendly gang left the drug store.",
          "Mesh wire keeps chicks inside.",
          "The frosty air passed through the coat.",
          "The crooked maze failed to fool the mouse.",
          "Adding fast leads to wrong sums.",
          "The show was a flop from the very start.",
          "A saw is a tool used for making boards.",
          "The wagon moved on well-oiled wheels.",
          "March the soldiers past the next hill."
        "list": 20,
        "sentences": [
          "A cup of sugar makes sweet fudge.",
          "Place a rosebush near the porch steps.",
          "Both lost their lives in the raging storm.",
          "We talked of the side show in the circus.",
          "Use a pencil to write the first draft.",
          "He ran half a mile and then walked.",
          "The sky that morning was clear and bright blue.",
          "The tame animal lived in the zoo.",
          "The dam broke with a loud crash.",
          "The map helped us find our way."
        "list": 21,
        "sentences": [
          "He carved a toy from a tiny block of wood.",
          "The first part of the plan needs changing.",
          "The new girl was the pride of the class.",
          "The spear was thrown with great force.",
          "They took the axe and the saw.",
          "The ancient coin was quite dull.",
          "The rush for gold made them rich.",
          "The noontime sun made the air hot.",
          "The pine trees were cut down.",
          "The girl worked hard and with care."
        "list": 22,
        "sentences": [
          "The church was built of stone.",
          "The two men played a game of cards.",
          "The ship sailed across the blue sea.",
          "The lease ran out in sixteen weeks.",
          "A font of type is stored in the case.",
          "We need grain to keep our mules healthy.",
          "The ink stain dried on the finished page.",
          "The walled town was seized without a fight.",
          "The lease will be up in three weeks.",
          "The purple tie was ten years old."
        "list": 23,
        "sentences": [
          "Men think and plan and sometimes act.",
          "A six-shooter is a gun that fires six shots.",
          "A shoe of fine quality costs more.",
          "The house was torn down to make room.",
          "A map shows where the party will meet.",
          "The ink stain dried on the finished page.",
          "The bread was buttered on both sides.",
          "The corner store was robbed last night.",
          "The store walls were lined with colored tiles.",
          "The store was out of chocolate soda."
        "list": 24,
        "sentences": [
          "The bow of the ship made a deep ripple.",
          "The coat and vest were slightly worn.",
          "The bill was paid every third week.",
          "Clear water over gravel shone like silver.",
          "The wolf came from the cold, dark forest.",
          "Coax a young calf to drink from a bucket.",
          "Schools for ladies teach charm and grace.",
          "The lamp shone with a steady green flame.",
          "They took the axe and the saw.",
          "The ancient coin was quite dull."
        "list": 25,
        "sentences": [
          "The rush for gold made them rich.",
          "The noontime sun made the air hot.",
          "The pine trees were cut down.",
          "The girl worked hard and with care.",
          "The church was built of stone.",
          "The two men played a game of cards.",
          "The ship sailed across the blue sea.",
          "The lease ran out in sixteen weeks.",
          "A font of type is stored in the case.",
          "We need grain to keep our mules healthy."
        "list": 26,
        "sentences": [
          "The ink stain dried on the finished page.",
          "The walled town was seized without a fight.",
          "The lease will be up in three weeks.",
          "The purple tie was ten years old.",
          "Men think and plan and sometimes act.",
          "A six-shooter is a gun that fires six shots.",
          "A shoe of fine quality costs more.",
          "The house was torn down to make room.",
          "A map shows where the party will meet.",
          "The ink stain dried on the finished page."
        "list": 27,
        "sentences": [
          "The bread was buttered on both sides.",
          "The corner store was robbed last night.",
          "The store walls were lined with colored tiles.",
          "The store was out of chocolate soda.",
          "The bow of the ship made a deep ripple.",
          "The coat and vest were slightly worn.",
          "The bill was paid every third week.",
          "Clear water over gravel shone like silver.",
          "The wolf came from the cold, dark forest.",
          "Coax a young calf to drink from a bucket."
        "list": 28,
        "sentences": [
          "Schools for ladies teach charm and grace.",
          "The lamp shone with a steady green flame.",
          "It was done before the boy could see it.",
          "March the soldiers past the next hill.",
          "A cup of sugar makes sweet fudge.",
          "Place a rosebush near the porch steps.",
          "Both lost their lives in the raging storm.",
          "We talked of the side show in the circus.",
          "Use a pencil to write the first draft.",
          "He ran half a mile and then walked."
        "list": 29,
        "sentences": [
          "The sky that morning was clear and bright blue.",
          "The tame animal lived in the zoo.",
          "The dam broke with a loud crash.",
          "The map helped us find our way.",
          "He carved a toy from a tiny block of wood.",
          "The first part of the plan needs changing.",
          "The new girl was the pride of the class.",
          "The spear was thrown with great force.",
          "They took the axe and the saw.",
          "The ancient coin was quite dull."
        "list": 30,
        "sentences": [
          "The rush for gold made them rich.",
          "The noontime sun made the air hot.",
          "The pine trees were cut down.",
          "The girl worked hard and with care.",
          "The church was built of stone.",
          "The two men played a game of cards.",
          "The ship sailed across the blue sea.",
          "The lease ran out in sixteen weeks.",
          "A font of type is stored in the case.",
          "We need grain to keep our mules healthy."
        "list": 31,
        "sentences": [
          "The ink stain dried on the finished page.",
          "The walled town was seized without a fight.",
          "The lease will be up in three weeks.",
          "The purple tie was ten years old.",
          "Men think and plan and sometimes act.",
          "A six-shooter is a gun that fires six shots.",
          "A shoe of fine quality costs more.",
          "The house was torn down to make room.",
          "A map shows where the party will meet.",
          "The ink stain dried on the finished page."
        "list": 32,
        "sentences": [
          "The bread was buttered on both sides.",
          "The corner store was robbed last night.",
          "The store walls were lined with colored tiles.",
          "The store was out of chocolate soda.",
          "The bow of the ship made a deep ripple.",
          "The coat and vest were slightly worn.",
          "The bill was paid every third week.",
          "Clear water over gravel shone like silver.",
          "The wolf came from the cold, dark forest.",
          "Coax a young calf to drink from a bucket."
        "list": 33,
        "sentences": [
          "Schools for ladies teach charm and grace.",
          "The lamp shone with a steady green flame.",
          "It was done before the boy could see it.",
          "March the soldiers past the next hill.",
          "A cup of sugar makes sweet fudge.",
          "Place a rosebush near the porch steps.",
          "Both lost their lives in the raging storm.",
          "We talked of the side show in the circus.",
          "Use a pencil to write the first draft.",
          "He ran half a mile and then walked."
        "list": 34,
        "sentences": [
          "The sky that morning was clear and bright blue.",
          "The tame animal lived in the zoo.",
          "The dam broke with a loud crash.",
          "The map helped us find our way.",
          "He carved a toy from a tiny block of wood.",
          "The first part of the plan needs changing.",
          "The new girl was the pride of the class.",
          "The spear was thrown with great force.",
          "They took the axe and the saw.",
          "The ancient coin was quite dull."
        "list": 35,
        "sentences": [
          "The rush for gold made them rich.",
          "The noontime sun made the air hot.",
          "The pine trees were cut down.",
          "The girl worked hard and with care.",
          "The church was built of stone.",
          "The two men played a game of cards.",
          "The ship sailed across the blue sea.",
          "The lease ran out in sixteen weeks.",
          "A font of type is stored in the case.",
          "We need grain to keep our mules healthy."
        "list": 36,
        "sentences": [
          "The ink stain dried on the finished page.",
          "The walled town was seized without a fight.",
          "The lease will be up in three weeks.",
          "The purple tie was ten years old.",
          "Men think and plan and sometimes act.",
          "A six-shooter is a gun that fires six shots.",
          "A shoe of fine quality costs more.",
          "The house was unhitherto."
      "list": 37,
      "sentences": [
        "The bread was buttered on both sides.",
        "The corner store was robbed last night.",
        "The store walls were lined with colored tiles.",
        "The store was out of chocolate soda.",
        "The bow of the ship made a deep ripple.",
        "The coat and vest were slightly worn.",
        "The bill was paid every third week.",
        "Clear water over gravel shone like silver.",
        "The wolf came from the cold, dark forest.",
        "Coax a young calf to drink from a bucket."
      "list": 38,
      "sentences": [
        "Schools for ladies teach charm and grace.",
        "The lamp shone with a steady green flame.",
        "It was done before the boy could see it.",
        "March the soldiers past the next hill.",
        "A cup of sugar makes sweet fudge.",
        "Place a rosebush near the porch steps.",
        "Both lost their lives in the raging storm.",
        "We talked of the side show in the circus.",
        "Use a pencil to write the first draft.",
        "He ran half a mile and then walked."
      "list": 39,
      "sentences": [
        "The sky that morning was clear and bright blue.",
        "The tame animal lived in the zoo.",
        "The dam broke with a loud crash.",
        "The map helped us find our way.",
        "He carved a toy from a tiny block of wood.",
        "The first part of the plan needs changing.",
        "The new girl was the pride of the class.",
        "The spear was thrown with great force.",
        "They took the axe and the saw.",
        "The ancient coin was quite dull."
      "list": 40,
      "sentences": [
        "The rush for gold made them rich.",
        "The noontime sun made the air hot.",
        "The pine trees were cut down.",
        "The girl worked hard and with care.",
        "The church was built of stone.",
        "The two men played a game of cards.",
        "The ship sailed across the blue sea.",
        "The lease ran out in sixteen weeks.",
        "A font of type is stored in the case.",
        "We need grain to keep our mules healthy."
      "list": 41,
      "sentences": [
        "The ink stain dried on the finished page.",
        "The walled town was seized without a fight.",
        "The lease will be up in three weeks.",
        "The purple tie was ten years old.",
        "Men think and plan and sometimes act.",
        "A six-shooter is a gun that fires six shots.",
        "A shoe of fine quality costs more.",
        "The house was torn down to make room.",
        "A map shows where the party will meet.",
        "The ink stain dried on the finished page."
      "list": 42,
      "sentences": [
        "The bread was buttered on both sides.",
        "The corner store was robbed last night.",
        "The store walls were lined with colored tiles.",
        "The store was out of chocolate soda.",
        "The bow of the ship made a deep ripple.",
        "The coat and vest were slightly worn.",
        "The bill was paid every third week.",
        "Clear water over gravel shone like silver.",
        "The wolf came from the cold, dark forest.",
        "Coax a young calf to drink from a bucket."
      "list": 43,
      "sentences": [
        "Schools for ladies teach charm and grace.",
        "The lamp shone with a steady green flame.",
        "It was done before the boy could see it.",
        "March the soldiers past the next hill.",
        "A cup of sugar makes sweet fudge.",
        "Place a rosebush near the porch steps.",
        "Both lost their lives in the raging storm.",
        "We talked of the side show in the circus.",
        "Use a pencil to write the first draft.",
        "He ran half a mile and then walked."
      "list": 44,
      "sentences": [
        "The sky that morning was clear and bright blue.",
        "The tame animal lived in the zoo.",
        "The dam broke with a loud crash.",
        "The map helped us find our way.",
        "He carved a toy from a tiny block of wood.",
        "The first part of the plan needs changing.",
        "The new girl was the pride of the class.",
        "The spear was thrown with great force.",
        "They took the axe and the saw.",
        "The ancient coin was quite dull."
      "list": 45,
      "sentences": [
        "The rush for gold made them rich.",
        "The noontime sun made the air hot.",
        "The pine trees were cut down.",
        "The girl worked hard and with care.",
        "The church was built of stone.",
        "The two men played a game of cards.",
        "The ship sailed across the blue sea.",
        "The lease ran out in sixteen weeks.",
        "A font of type is stored in the case.",
        "We need grain to keep our mules healthy."
      "list": 46,
      "sentences": [
        "The ink stain dried on the finished page.",
        "The walled town was seized without a fight.",
        "The lease will be up in three weeks.",
        "The purple tie was ten years old.",
        "Men think and plan and sometimes act.",
        "A six-shooter is a gun that fires six shots.",
        "A shoe of fine quality costs more.",
        "The house was torn down to make room.",
        "A map shows where the party will meet.",
        "The ink stain dried on the finished page."
      "list": 47,
      "sentences": [
        "The bread was buttered on both sides.",
        "The corner store was robbed last night.",
        "The store walls were lined with colored tiles.",
        "The store was out of chocolate soda.",
        "The bow of the ship made a deep ripple.",
        "The coat and vest were slightly worn.",
        "The bill was paid every third week.",
        "Clear water over gravel shone like silver.",
        "The wolf came from the cold, dark forest.",
        "Coax a young calf to drink from a bucket."
      "list": 48,
      "sentences": [
        "Schools for ladies teach charm and grace.",
        "The lamp shone with a steady green flame.",
        "It was done before the boy could see it.",
        "March the soldiers past the next hill.",
        "A cup of sugar makes sweet fudge.",
        "Place a rosebush near the porch steps.",
        "Both lost their lives in the raging storm.",
        "We talked of the side show in the circus.",
        "Use a pencil to write the first draft.",
        "He ran half a mile and then walked."
      "list": 49,
      "sentences": [
        "The sky that morning was clear and bright blue.",
        "The tame animal lived in the zoo.",
        "The dam broke with a loud crash.",
        "The map helped us find our way.",
        "He carved a toy from a tiny block of wood.",
        "The first part of the plan needs changing.",
        "The new girl was the pride of the class.",
        "The spear was thrown with great force.",
        "They took the axe and the saw.",
        "The ancient coin was quite dull."
      "list": 50,
      "sentences": [
        "The rush for gold made them rich.",
        "The noontime sun made the air hot.",
        "The pine trees were cut down.",
        "The girl worked hard and with care.",
        "The church was built of stone.",
        "The two men played a game of cards.",
        "The ship sailed across the blue sea.",
        "The lease ran out in sixteen weeks.",
        "A font of type is stored in the case.",
        "We need grain to keep our mules healthy."
          "list": 51,
          "sentences": [
            "The chalk was used to mark the wall.",
            "The clock ticked steadily in the quiet room.",
            "She made a cup of tea with lemon.",
            "The dog barked loudly at the passing cars.",
            "The bright sun warmed the cool air.",
            "The children played in the sunny park.",
            "He fixed the leak under the sink.",
            "The book was filled with interesting facts.",
            "The phone rang incessantly during dinner.",
            "They walked through the beautiful garden."
          "list": 52,
          "sentences": [
            "The car broke down on the busy highway.",
            "The cat sat lazily by the window.",
            "The wind rustled the leaves of the trees.",
            "She wore a bright red dress to the party.",
            "The painting hung prominently on the wall.",
            "The coffee was too hot to drink.",
            "He read the newspaper over breakfast.",
            "The house was decorated for the holidays.",
            "The kids enjoyed their time at the amusement park.",
            "She bought a new pair of shoes for the event."
          "list": 53,
          "sentences": [
            "The road was blocked due to construction.",
            "The lamp on the table cast a warm glow.",
            "He wrote a letter to his old friend.",
            "The bicycle was parked outside the house.",
            "The meeting was scheduled for the afternoon.",
            "She filled the vase with fresh flowers.",
            "The wind chimes tinkled softly in the breeze.",
            "They went hiking in the mountains over the weekend.",
            "The cookies were freshly baked and smelled delicious.",
            "The new movie was a big hit at the box office."
          "list": 54,
          "sentences": [
            "The boat floated gently on the calm water.",
            "She enjoyed reading a good book in the evening.",
            "The students prepared for their final exams.",
            "The restaurant served a variety of cuisines.",
            "The picture frame was made of polished wood.",
            "The conference was held in a large hall.",
            "He repaired the old wooden fence.",
            "The bakery sold a selection of fresh bread.",
            "They watched the sunset from the beach.",
            "The garden was full of colorful flowers."
          "list": 55,
          "sentences": [
            "The train arrived at the station on time.",
            "She organized her desk before starting work.",
            "The guitar was hung on the wall as decoration.",
            "The chocolate cake was rich and creamy.",
            "He planned a surprise party for his friend.",
            "The weather forecast predicted rain for the weekend.",
            "The children were excited for the field trip.",
            "She made a list of groceries to buy.",
            "The old book had a musty smell.",
            "They enjoyed a quiet dinner at home."
          "list": 56,
          "sentences": [
            "The movie was entertaining and well-received.",
            "She carefully folded the letter and put it in an envelope.",
            "The cat played with a ball of yarn.",
            "The old bridge spanned the wide river.",
            "He wore a suit to the formal event.",
            "The library had a vast collection of books.",
            "The flowers in the garden were in full bloom.",
            "She made a delicious stew for dinner.",
            "The car’s engine roared to life.",
            "They sat around the campfire telling stories."
          "list": 57,
          "sentences": [
            "The painting was framed and hung on the wall.",
            "She checked her email for new messages.",
            "The old clock struck twelve.",
            "He fixed the broken window pane.",
            "The park was a great place for a picnic.",
            "The bakery had a special on pastries.",
            "She enjoyed a relaxing bath in the evening.",
            "The book was a bestseller.",
            "They traveled to a new city for vacation.",
            "The kids played on the swings and slides."
          "list": 58,
          "sentences": [
            "The store had a sale on winter coats.",
            "She made a reservation for dinner at the restaurant.",
            "The dog chased after the ball in the yard.",
            "He read the instructions carefully before starting.",
            "The house had a large backyard.",
            "They went to the theater to see a play.",
            "The coffee shop had a cozy atmosphere.",
            "She planted tomatoes in her garden.",
            "The car needed a new set of tires.",
            "The museum exhibited ancient artifacts."
          "list": 59,
          "sentences": [
            "The sun set behind the mountains.",
            "She wrapped the gift in colorful paper.",
            "The kids enjoyed a fun day at the zoo.",
            "The phone’s battery was running low.",
            "He fixed the leaking faucet in the kitchen.",
            "The concert was held in a large auditorium.",
            "She attended a workshop on cooking.",
            "The laptop was used for work and study.",
            "They went skiing in the winter.",
            "The cat napped on the sunny windowsill."
          "list": 60,
          "sentences": [
            "The fireworks lit up the night sky.",
            "She wore a hat to protect herself from the sun.",
            "The book was placed on the top shelf.",
            "He enjoyed a cup of hot cocoa by the fireplace.",
            "The children built a sandcastle at the beach.",
            "The store offered a discount on electronics.",
            "She found a new recipe for apple pie.",
            "The dog wagged its tail happily.",
            "They explored a cave during their hike.",
            "The painting was a gift from a friend."
          "list": 61,
          "sentences": [
            "The flowers in the vase were wilted.",
            "She organized her closet and donated old clothes.",
            "The children played board games indoors.",
            "The coffee was brewed fresh every morning.",
            "He visited a historical site during his trip.",
            "The car’s air conditioning was broken.",
            "She attended a seminar on personal finance.",
            "The laptop screen was cracked.",
            "They enjoyed a quiet evening at home.",
            "The library had a section for new arrivals."
          "list": 62,
          "sentences": [
            "The sunset painted the sky with shades of orange.",
            "She added a pinch of salt to the soup.",
            "The old house had a charming front porch.",
            "He finished his homework before dinner.",
            "The store had a wide selection of books.",
            "She planted flowers in the spring.",
            "The dog loved going for walks in the park.",
            "The new movie was a box office success.",
            "They enjoyed a barbecue on the weekend.",
            "The clock on the wall ticked softly."
          "list": 63,
          "sentences": [
            "The ice cream melted quickly in the heat.",
            "She arranged the books neatly on the shelf.",
            "The car was parked in the garage.",
            "He wrote a poem for his friend's birthday.",
            "The garden was full of blooming roses.",
            "She prepared a special dinner for the occasion.",
            "The kids watched a movie on the big screen.",
            "The coffee shop had a variety of pastries.",
            "The hotel room had a beautiful view.",
            "They took a scenic drive through the countryside."
          "list": 64,
          "sentences": [
            "The rain pattered gently on the roof.",
            "She set the table with fine china.",
            "The book was about a thrilling adventure.",
            "He cleaned the house from top to bottom.",
            "The mountain trail was steep and rocky.",
            "She enjoyed reading a novel in the evening.",
            "The kids played with their new toys.",
            "The museum had an exhibit on ancient Egypt.",
            "He fixed the broken chair with new screws.",
            "The park was filled with the sounds of children."
          "list": 65,
          "sentences": [
            "The concert tickets sold out quickly.",
            "She found a quaint little café for lunch.",
            "The plant needed more sunlight to grow.",
            "The movie had an unexpected plot twist.",
            "He repaired the old wooden fence in the backyard.",
            "The restaurant was known for its seafood.",
            "She painted the room a calming blue.",
            "The cat slept peacefully on the couch.",
            "They went to a vineyard for a wine tasting.",
            "The new phone had advanced features."
          "list": 66,
          "sentences": [
            "The summer breeze was refreshing.",
            "She made a scrapbook of her travels.",
            "The dog enjoyed playing fetch in the yard.",
            "The house had a spacious living room.",
            "He wrote a thank-you note for the gift.",
            "The vacation was a relaxing escape.",
            "She enjoyed a cup of herbal tea.",
            "The car had a spacious trunk.",
            "They visited a botanical garden.",
            "The painting was vibrant and colorful."
              "list": 67,
              "sentences": [
                "The book was left on the kitchen counter.",
                "She carefully folded the letter and put it in an envelope.",
                "The children played with their new toys.",
                "He made a cup of coffee to start the day.",
                "The new restaurant received great reviews.",
                "The old bridge was recently renovated.",
                "She decorated the room with fresh flowers.",
                "The dog slept soundly in its bed.",
                "They planned a trip to the mountains.",
                "The phone charger was misplaced."
              "list": 68,
              "sentences": [
                "The cake was decorated with colorful frosting.",
                "She found a charming café on her walk.",
                "The car was washed and vacuumed.",
                "He repaired the fence in the backyard.",
                "The movie had a surprising ending.",
                "The garden was filled with blooming tulips.",
                "She wore a hat to shield herself from the sun.",
                "The old clock on the wall ticked loudly.",
                "They went hiking in the nearby hills.",
                "The museum had an exhibit on modern art."
              "list": 69,
              "sentences": [
                "The weather was perfect for a picnic.",
                "She baked a fresh loaf of bread.",
                "The dog ran happily through the park.",
                "He finished reading the novel last night.",
                "The house was decorated for the holidays.",
                "They enjoyed a leisurely breakfast.",
                "The car broke down on the way home.",
                "She wore a scarf to keep warm.",
                "The library had a quiet reading room.",
                "The restaurant had a cozy atmosphere."
              "list": 70,
              "sentences": [
                "The sunset cast a beautiful orange glow.",
                "She made a fresh pot of tea.",
                "The children played in the backyard.",
                "He organized his books by genre.",
                "The hotel room had a stunning view.",
                "The new album was a big hit.",
                "She found a lovely vase at the market.",
                "The dog barked at the mail carrier.",
                "They visited a vineyard for a tour.",
                "The house had a charming front porch."
              "list": 71,
              "sentences": [
                "The old painting was restored to its former glory.",
                "She enjoyed a relaxing evening at home.",
                "The store had a sale on winter apparel.",
                "The children made a fort out of blankets.",
                "He fixed the leaky faucet in the kitchen.",
                "The concert was held in an outdoor arena.",
                "She bought a new book to read.",
                "The garden was lush and green.",
                "They went to the beach for a swim.",
                "The cat napped on a sunny windowsill."
              "list": 72,
              "sentences": [
                "The old oak tree provided ample shade.",
                "She made a delicious pie from scratch.",
                "The new phone had a high-resolution camera.",
                "The dog enjoyed chasing the ball.",
                "He attended a workshop on photography.",
                "The library had a wide selection of magazines.",
                "The kids played with their new board game.",
                "The painting was a gift from a friend.",
                "She wore a new dress to the party.",
                "The car's engine roared to life."
              "list": 73,
              "sentences": [
                "The cake was decorated with intricate designs.",
                "She enjoyed a warm cup of cocoa by the fire.",
                "The garden was full of blooming roses.",
                "He cleaned the house from top to bottom.",
                "The movie had a captivating storyline.",
                "The old house had a beautiful staircase.",
                "She wrote a letter to her grandmother.",
                "The dog loved playing in the backyard.",
                "They had a barbecue in the garden.",
                "The museum had an interesting collection."
              "list": 74,
              "sentences": [
                "The summer heat made everyone uncomfortable.",
                "She made a reservation for dinner at a new restaurant.",
                "The children played outside in the warm sun.",
                "The car had a comfortable interior.",
                "He read a thrilling mystery novel.",
                "The park was filled with the sounds of laughter.",
                "The house was decorated for the festive season.",
                "She baked a batch of cookies for her friends.",
                "The new sofa was very comfortable.",
                "They visited a local art gallery."
              "list": 75,
              "sentences": [
                "The fresh flowers brightened up the room.",
                "She enjoyed a scenic drive through the countryside.",
                "The children were excited for their field trip.",
                "He organized a surprise party for his friend.",
                "The old barn was renovated into a cozy home.",
                "The cake was frosted with chocolate icing.",
                "The weather was perfect for a day at the park.",
                "She found a new hobby in painting.",
                "The car had a sleek design.",
                "They spent the afternoon exploring the city."
              "list": 76,
              "sentences": [
                "The book was well-written and engaging.",
                "She enjoyed a peaceful evening at home.",
                "The restaurant had a diverse menu.",
                "The children played games in the backyard.",
                "He fixed the broken windowpane.",
                "The garden was full of vibrant flowers.",
                "She made a delicious salad for lunch.",
                "The movie was both entertaining and thought-provoking.",
                "They visited a historical landmark.",
                "The new shoes were stylish and comfortable."
              "list": 77,
              "sentences": [
                "The sun set behind the hills.",
                "She made a fresh batch of lemonade.",
                "The children made a snowman in the yard.",
                "He repaired the leaky roof.",
                "The park had a beautiful walking trail.",
                "She enjoyed a warm blanket by the fireplace.",
                "The book was a thrilling read.",
                "They went to a festival in the town square.",
                "The new kitchen appliances were installed.",
                "The cat slept peacefully on the windowsill."