import pickle import numpy as np import pandas as pd import random from tqdm import tqdm import matplotlib.pyplot as plt from sklearn.model_selection import train_test_split import torch from torch import nn, optim, Tensor from torch_sparse import SparseTensor, matmul from torch_geometric.utils import structured_negative_sampling from import download_url, extract_zip from torch_geometric.nn.conv.gcn_conv import gcn_norm from torch_geometric.nn.conv import MessagePassing from torch_geometric.typing import Adj from sklearn.neighbors import BallTree class LightGCN(MessagePassing): def __init__(self, num_users, num_items, embedding_dim=64, diffusion_steps=3, add_self_loops=False): super().__init__() # Number of users and items in the graph self.num_users = num_users self.num_items = num_items # Embedding dimension for user and item nodes self.embedding_dim = embedding_dim # Number of diffusion steps (K) for multi-scale diffusion self.diffusion_steps = diffusion_steps # Whether to add self-loops to the adjacency matrix self.add_self_loops = add_self_loops # Initialize embeddings for users and items (E^0) self.users_emb = nn.Embedding(num_embeddings=self.num_users, embedding_dim=self.embedding_dim) # e_u^0 self.items_emb = nn.Embedding(num_embeddings=self.num_items, embedding_dim=self.embedding_dim) # e_i^0 # Initialize embedding weights with a normal distribution (mean=0, std=0.1) nn.init.normal_(self.users_emb.weight, std=0.1) nn.init.normal_(self.items_emb.weight, std=0.1) def forward(self, edge_index: SparseTensor): # Compute the symmetrically normalized adjacency matrix (A_hat or \tilde{A}) edge_index_norm = gcn_norm(edge_index, add_self_loops=self.add_self_loops) # Get initial embeddings E^0 for all nodes (users and items) emb_0 =[self.users_emb.weight, self.items_emb.weight]) # E^0 # List to store embeddings at each diffusion step (E^1, E^2, ..., E^K) embs = [emb_0] # Initialize the current embeddings to E^0 emb_k = emb_0 # Perform multi-scale diffusion for K steps for _ in range(self.diffusion_steps): # Propagate embeddings and update emb_k using the normalized adjacency matrix emb_k = self.propagate(edge_index_norm, x=emb_k) # Save embeddings at each diffusion step for later use embs.append(emb_k) # Stack all the embeddings along the second dimension (stack E^0, E^1, ..., E^K) embs = torch.stack(embs, dim=1) # Calculate the final embeddings by taking the mean of all diffusion embeddings (E^K) emb_final = torch.mean(embs, dim=1) # E^K # Split the final embeddings into user embeddings (e_u^K) and item embeddings (e_i^K) users_emb_final, items_emb_final = torch.split(emb_final, [self.num_users, self.num_items]) # Splits into e_u^K and e_i^K # Returns the final embeddings for users (e_u^K), initial embeddings for users (e_u^0), # final embeddings for items (e_i^K), and initial embeddings for items (e_i^0) return users_emb_final, self.users_emb.weight, items_emb_final, self.items_emb.weight def message(self, x_j: Tensor) -> Tensor: # The message function is an identity function, i.e., it returns x_j itself return x_j def message_and_aggregate(self, adj_t: SparseTensor, x: Tensor) -> Tensor: # Perform message passing and aggregation using the normalized adjacency matrix (A_hat or \tilde{A}) return matmul(adj_t, x) model = LightGCN(671, 9125) def get_movie_recommendations(user_id, num_recomms): # Map the user ID to the corresponding index in the model's user embeddings user_index = user_mapping[user_id] # Retrieve the user embedding for the specified user user_embedding = model.users_emb.weight[user_index] # Calculate scores for all items using the user embedding scores = model.items_emb.weight @ user_embedding # Get the indices of the highest scores, including positive items and additional recommendations values, indices = torch.topk(scores, k=len(user_pos_items[user_id]) + num_recomms) # Retrieve the recommended movies that the user has already rated highly rated_movies = [index.cpu().item() for index in indices if index in user_pos_items[user_id]][:num_recomms] rated_movie_ids = [list(movie_mapping.keys())[list(movie_mapping.values()).index(movie)] for movie in rated_movies] # Retrieve the suggested movies for the user that they have not rated suggested_movies = [index.cpu().item() for index in indices if index not in user_pos_items[user_id]][:num_recomms] suggested_movie_ids = [list(movie_mapping.keys())[list(movie_mapping.values()).index(movie)] for movie in suggested_movies] return rated_movie_ids, suggested_movie_ids addr = './' model.load_state_dict(torch.load(addr + 'model.pth')) final_movies_file = open(addr + 'final_movies.pkl', "rb") final_movies = pickle.load(final_movies_file) final_movies_file.close() movie_embeds_file = open(addr + 'movie_embeds.pkl', "rb") movie_embeds = pickle.load(movie_embeds_file) movie_embeds_file.close() btree_file = open(addr + 'btree.pkl', "rb") btree = pickle.load(btree_file) btree_file.close() user_embeds_file = open(addr + 'user_embeds.pkl', "rb") user_embeds = pickle.load(user_embeds_file) user_embeds_file.close() user_mapping_file = open(addr + 'user_mapping.pkl', "rb") user_mapping = pickle.load(user_mapping_file) user_mapping_file.close() movie_mapping_file = open(addr + 'movie_mapping.pkl', "rb") movie_mapping = pickle.load(movie_mapping_file) movie_mapping_file.close() user_pos_items_file = open(addr + 'user_pos_items.pkl', "rb") user_pos_items = pickle.load(user_pos_items_file) user_pos_items_file.close() def create_user_embedding(movie_ratings, movies_df): # Convert the movie_ratings dictionary to a dataframe user_ratings_df = pd.DataFrame.from_dict(movie_ratings, orient='index', columns=['rating']) user_ratings_df['movieId'] = user_ratings_df.index # Merge the user_ratings_df with the movies_df to get the movie embeddings user_movie_embeddings = user_ratings_df.merge(movies_df, on='movieId', how='left') # Multiply the ratings with the movie embeddings user_movie_embeddings = user_movie_embeddings.iloc[:, 2:].values * user_movie_embeddings['rating'].values[:, np.newaxis] # Calculate the user embedding as the sum of the movie embeddings user_embedding = np.sum(user_movie_embeddings, axis=0) np.nan_to_num(user_embedding, 0) print(user_movie_embeddings.shape) return user_embedding def find_closest_user(user_embedding, tree, user_embeddings): # Query the BallTree to find the closest user to the given user_embedding _, closest_user_index = tree.query([user_embedding], k=1) # Get the embedding of the closest user closest_user_embedding = user_embeddings.iloc[closest_user_index[0][0]] return closest_user_embedding def output_list(movie_ratings, movies_df = movie_embeds, tree = btree, user_embeddings = user_embeds, movies = final_movies): user_embed = create_user_embedding(movie_ratings, movie_embeds) # Call the find_closest_user function with the pre-built BallTree closest_user_embed = find_closest_user(user_embed, tree, user_embeds) rated_movie_ids, suggested_movie_ids = get_movie_recommendations(closest_user_embed['userId'], 5) out1 = [movie_id for movie_id in set(rated_movie_ids + suggested_movie_ids) if movie_id not in movie_ratings.keys()] out2 = [movies['title'][idx] for idx in out1] return out2 output_list({1:1,2:2,3:3,4:4,5:5})