# ported from: https://github.com/neonbjb/tortoise-tts import functools import math import random import torch import torch.nn as nn import torch.nn.functional as F from transformers import GPT2Config from TTS.tts.layers.xtts.gpt_inference import GPT2InferenceModel from TTS.tts.layers.xtts.latent_encoder import ConditioningEncoder from TTS.tts.layers.xtts.perceiver_encoder import PerceiverResampler def null_position_embeddings(range, dim): return torch.zeros((range.shape[0], range.shape[1], dim), device=range.device) class LearnedPositionEmbeddings(nn.Module): def __init__(self, seq_len, model_dim, init=0.02, relative=False): super().__init__() # nn.Embedding self.emb = torch.nn.Embedding(seq_len, model_dim) # Initializing this way is standard for GPT-2 self.emb.weight.data.normal_(mean=0.0, std=init) self.relative = relative self.seq_len = seq_len def forward(self, x): sl = x.shape[1] if self.relative: start = random.randint(sl, self.seq_len) - sl return self.emb(torch.arange(start, start + sl, device=x.device)) else: return self.emb(torch.arange(0, sl, device=x.device)) def get_fixed_embedding(self, ind, dev): return self.emb(torch.tensor([ind], device=dev)).unsqueeze(0) def build_hf_gpt_transformer( layers, model_dim, heads, max_mel_seq_len, max_text_seq_len, max_prompt_len, checkpointing, ): """ GPT-2 implemented by the HuggingFace library. """ from transformers import GPT2Config, GPT2Model gpt_config = GPT2Config( vocab_size=256, # Unused. n_positions=max_mel_seq_len + max_text_seq_len + max_prompt_len, n_ctx=max_mel_seq_len + max_text_seq_len + max_prompt_len, n_embd=model_dim, n_layer=layers, n_head=heads, gradient_checkpointing=checkpointing, use_cache=not checkpointing, ) gpt = GPT2Model(gpt_config) # Override the built in positional embeddings del gpt.wpe gpt.wpe = functools.partial(null_position_embeddings, dim=model_dim) # Built-in token embeddings are unused. del gpt.wte mel_pos_emb = ( LearnedPositionEmbeddings(max_mel_seq_len, model_dim) if max_mel_seq_len != -1 else functools.partial(null_position_embeddings, dim=model_dim) ) text_pos_emb = ( LearnedPositionEmbeddings(max_text_seq_len, model_dim) if max_mel_seq_len != -1 else functools.partial(null_position_embeddings, dim=model_dim) ) # gpt = torch.compile(gpt, mode="reduce-overhead", fullgraph=True) return gpt, mel_pos_emb, text_pos_emb, None, None class GPT(nn.Module): def __init__( self, start_text_token=261, stop_text_token=0, layers=8, model_dim=512, heads=8, max_text_tokens=120, max_mel_tokens=250, max_prompt_tokens=70, max_conditioning_inputs=1, code_stride_len=1024, number_text_tokens=256, num_audio_tokens=8194, start_audio_token=8192, stop_audio_token=8193, train_solo_embeddings=False, checkpointing=False, average_conditioning_embeddings=False, label_smoothing=0.0, use_perceiver_resampler=False, perceiver_cond_length_compression=256, ): """ Args: """ super().__init__() self.label_smoothing = label_smoothing self.number_text_tokens = number_text_tokens self.start_text_token = start_text_token self.stop_text_token = stop_text_token self.num_audio_tokens = num_audio_tokens self.start_audio_token = start_audio_token self.stop_audio_token = stop_audio_token self.start_prompt_token = start_audio_token self.stop_prompt_token = stop_audio_token self.layers = layers self.heads = heads self.model_dim = model_dim self.max_conditioning_inputs = max_conditioning_inputs self.max_gen_mel_tokens = max_mel_tokens - self.max_conditioning_inputs - 2 self.max_mel_tokens = -1 if max_mel_tokens == -1 else max_mel_tokens + 2 + self.max_conditioning_inputs self.max_text_tokens = -1 if max_text_tokens == -1 else max_text_tokens + 2 self.max_prompt_tokens = max_prompt_tokens self.code_stride_len = code_stride_len self.conditioning_encoder = ConditioningEncoder(80, model_dim, num_attn_heads=heads) self.conditioning_dropout = nn.Dropout1d(0.1) self.average_conditioning_embeddings = average_conditioning_embeddings self.use_perceiver_resampler = use_perceiver_resampler self.perceiver_cond_length_compression = perceiver_cond_length_compression self.text_embedding = nn.Embedding(self.number_text_tokens, model_dim) self.mel_embedding = nn.Embedding(self.num_audio_tokens, model_dim) ( self.gpt, self.mel_pos_embedding, self.text_pos_embedding, self.mel_layer_pos_embedding, self.text_layer_pos_embedding, ) = build_hf_gpt_transformer( layers, model_dim, heads, self.max_mel_tokens, self.max_text_tokens, self.max_prompt_tokens, checkpointing, ) if train_solo_embeddings: self.mel_solo_embedding = nn.Parameter(torch.randn(1, 1, model_dim) * 0.02, requires_grad=True) self.text_solo_embedding = nn.Parameter(torch.randn(1, 1, model_dim) * 0.02, requires_grad=True) else: self.mel_solo_embedding = 0 self.text_solo_embedding = 0 self.final_norm = nn.LayerNorm(model_dim) self.text_head = nn.Linear(model_dim, self.number_text_tokens) self.mel_head = nn.Linear(model_dim, self.num_audio_tokens) if self.use_perceiver_resampler: # XTTS v2 self.conditioning_perceiver = PerceiverResampler( dim=model_dim, depth=2, dim_context=model_dim, num_latents=32, dim_head=64, heads=8, ff_mult=4, use_flash_attn=False, ) else: # XTTS v1 self.prompt_embedding = nn.Embedding(self.num_audio_tokens, model_dim) self.prompt_pos_embedding = LearnedPositionEmbeddings(24 * 9, model_dim) def resize_text_embeddings(self, new_num_tokens: int): old_embeddings_requires_grad = self.text_embedding.weight.requires_grad old_num_tokens, old_embedding_dim = self.text_embedding.weight.size() if old_num_tokens == new_num_tokens: return new_embeddings = nn.Embedding( new_num_tokens, old_embedding_dim, device=self.text_embedding.weight.device, dtype=self.text_embedding.weight.dtype, ) # numbers of tokens to copy n = min(old_num_tokens, new_num_tokens) new_embeddings.weight.data[:n, :] = self.text_embedding.weight.data[:n, :] self.text_embedding.weight.data = new_embeddings.weight.data self.text_embedding.num_embeddings = new_embeddings.weight.data.shape[0] if self.text_embedding.padding_idx is not None and (new_num_tokens - 1) < self.text_embedding.padding_idx: self.text_embedding.padding_idx = None self.text_embedding.requires_grad_(old_embeddings_requires_grad) def resize_text_head(self, new_num_tokens: int): old_lm_head_requires_grad = self.text_head.weight.requires_grad old_num_tokens, old_lm_head_dim = self.text_head.weight.size() new_lm_head_shape = (old_lm_head_dim, new_num_tokens) has_new_lm_head_bias = self.text_head.bias is not None new_lm_head = nn.Linear( *new_lm_head_shape, bias=has_new_lm_head_bias, device=self.text_head.weight.device, dtype=self.text_head.weight.dtype, ) num_tokens_to_copy = min(old_num_tokens, new_num_tokens) new_lm_head.weight.data[:num_tokens_to_copy, :] = self.text_head.weight.data[:num_tokens_to_copy, :] # Copy bias weights to new lm head if has_new_lm_head_bias: new_lm_head.bias.data[:num_tokens_to_copy] = self.text_head.bias.data[:num_tokens_to_copy] self.text_head = new_lm_head self.text_head.requires_grad_(old_lm_head_requires_grad) pass def get_grad_norm_parameter_groups(self): return { "conditioning_encoder": list(self.conditioning_encoder.parameters()), "conditioning_perceiver": list(self.conditioning_perceiver.parameters()) if self.use_perceiver_resampler else None, "gpt": list(self.gpt.parameters()), "heads": list(self.text_head.parameters()) + list(self.mel_head.parameters()), } def init_gpt_for_inference(self, kv_cache=True, use_deepspeed=False): seq_length = self.max_prompt_tokens + self.max_mel_tokens + self.max_text_tokens + 1 gpt_config = GPT2Config( vocab_size=self.max_mel_tokens, n_positions=seq_length, n_ctx=seq_length, n_embd=self.model_dim, n_layer=self.layers, n_head=self.heads, gradient_checkpointing=False, use_cache=True, ) self.gpt_inference = GPT2InferenceModel( gpt_config, self.gpt, self.mel_pos_embedding, self.mel_embedding, self.final_norm, self.mel_head, kv_cache=kv_cache, ) self.gpt.wte = self.mel_embedding if use_deepspeed: import deepspeed self.ds_engine = deepspeed.init_inference( model=self.gpt_inference.half(), # Transformers models mp_size=1, # Number of GPU dtype=torch.float32, # desired data type of output replace_method="auto", # Lets DS autmatically identify the layer to replace replace_with_kernel_inject=True, # replace the model with the kernel injector ) self.gpt_inference = self.ds_engine.module.eval() def set_inputs_and_targets(self, input, start_token, stop_token): inp = F.pad(input, (1, 0), value=start_token) tar = F.pad(input, (0, 1), value=stop_token) return inp, tar def set_mel_padding(self, mel_input_tokens, code_lengths): """ Given mel tokens that are derived from a padded audio clip and the actual lengths of each batch element in that audio clip, reformats the tokens with stop_audio_token in place of the zero padding. This is required preformatting to create a working TTS model. """ # Set padding areas within MEL (currently it is coded with the MEL code for ). for b in range(len(code_lengths)): actual_end = code_lengths[b] if actual_end < mel_input_tokens.shape[-1]: mel_input_tokens[b, actual_end:] = self.stop_audio_token return mel_input_tokens def get_logits( self, first_inputs, first_head, second_inputs=None, second_head=None, prompt=None, get_attns=False, return_latent=False, attn_mask_cond=None, attn_mask_text=None, attn_mask_mel=None, ): if prompt is not None: offset = prompt.shape[1] if second_inputs is not None: emb = torch.cat([prompt, first_inputs, second_inputs], dim=1) else: emb = torch.cat([prompt, first_inputs], dim=1) # with torch.backends.cuda.sdp_kernel(enable_flash=True, enable_math=False, enable_mem_efficient=False): attn_mask = None if attn_mask_text is not None: attn_mask = torch.cat([attn_mask_text, attn_mask_mel], dim=1) if prompt is not None: attn_mask_cond = torch.ones(prompt.shape[0], offset, dtype=torch.bool, device=emb.device) attn_mask = torch.cat([attn_mask_cond, attn_mask], dim=1) gpt_out = self.gpt( inputs_embeds=emb, return_dict=True, output_attentions=get_attns, attention_mask=attn_mask, ) if get_attns: return gpt_out.attentions enc = gpt_out.last_hidden_state[:, offset:] enc = self.final_norm(enc) if return_latent: return enc[:, : first_inputs.shape[1]], enc[:, -second_inputs.shape[1] :] first_logits = enc[:, : first_inputs.shape[1]] first_logits = first_head(first_logits) first_logits = first_logits.permute(0, 2, 1) if second_inputs is not None: second_logits = enc[:, -second_inputs.shape[1] :] second_logits = second_head(second_logits) second_logits = second_logits.permute(0, 2, 1) return first_logits, second_logits else: return first_logits def get_conditioning(self, speech_conditioning_input): speech_conditioning_input = ( speech_conditioning_input.unsqueeze(1) if len(speech_conditioning_input.shape) == 3 else speech_conditioning_input ) conds = [] for j in range(speech_conditioning_input.shape[1]): conds.append(self.conditioning_encoder(speech_conditioning_input[:, j])) conds = torch.stack(conds, dim=1) conds = conds.mean(dim=1) return conds def get_prompts(self, prompt_codes): """ Create a prompt from the mel codes. This is used to condition the model on the mel codes. Pad the prompt with start and stop mel tokens. """ prompt = prompt_codes if self.training: lengths = [] # Compute the real prompt length based on the first encounter with the token 83 used for padding for i in range(prompt_codes.shape[0]): length = 0 for j in range(prompt_codes.shape[1]): if prompt_codes[i, j] == 83: break else: length += 1 lengths.append(length) # prompt_len = random.randint(1, 9) # in secs prompt_len = 3 prompt_len = prompt_len * 24 # in frames if prompt_codes.shape[-1] >= prompt_len: for i in range(prompt_codes.shape[0]): if lengths[i] < prompt_len: start = 0 else: start = random.randint(0, lengths[i] - prompt_len) prompt = prompt_codes[:, start : start + prompt_len] # add start and stop tokens prompt = F.pad(prompt, (1, 0), value=self.start_prompt_token) prompt = F.pad(prompt, (0, 1), value=self.stop_prompt_token) return prompt def get_style_emb(self, cond_input, return_latent=False): """ cond_input: (b, 80, s) or (b, 1, 80, s) conds: (b, 1024, s) """ conds = None if not return_latent: if cond_input.ndim == 4: cond_input = cond_input.squeeze(1) conds = self.conditioning_encoder(cond_input) # (b, d, s) if self.use_perceiver_resampler: conds = self.conditioning_perceiver(conds.permute(0, 2, 1)).transpose(1, 2) # (b, d, 32) else: # already computed conds = cond_input.unsqueeze(1) return conds def forward( self, text_inputs, text_lengths, audio_codes, wav_lengths, cond_mels=None, cond_idxs=None, cond_lens=None, cond_latents=None, return_attentions=False, return_latent=False, ): """ Forward pass that uses both text and voice in either text conditioning mode or voice conditioning mode (actuated by `text_first`). text_inputs: long tensor, (b,t) text_lengths: long tensor, (b,) mel_inputs: long tensor, (b,m) wav_lengths: long tensor, (b,) cond_mels: MEL float tensor, (b, 1, 80,s) cond_idxs: cond start and end indexs, (b, 2) If return_attentions is specified, only logits are returned. If return_latent is specified, loss & logits are not computed or returned. Only the predicted latents are returned. """ # ❗ FIXIT if self.max_conditioning_inputs == 0: assert cond_mels is None, " ❗ cond_mels is not None, but max_conditioning_inputs == 0" max_text_len = text_lengths.max() code_lengths = torch.ceil(wav_lengths / self.code_stride_len).long() + 3 if cond_lens is not None: if self.use_perceiver_resampler: cond_lens = cond_lens // self.perceiver_cond_length_compression else: cond_lens = cond_lens // self.code_stride_len if cond_idxs is not None: # recompute cond idxs for mel lengths for idx in range(cond_idxs.size(0)): if self.use_perceiver_resampler: cond_idxs[idx] = cond_idxs[idx] // self.perceiver_cond_length_compression else: cond_idxs[idx] = cond_idxs[idx] // self.code_stride_len # ensure that the cond_mel does not have padding # if cond_lens is not None and cond_idxs is None: # min_cond_len = torch.min(cond_lens) # cond_mels = cond_mels[:, :, :, :min_cond_len] # If len(codes) + 3 is larger than maxiumum allowed length, we truncate the codes. max_mel_len = code_lengths.max() if max_mel_len > audio_codes.shape[-1]: audio_codes = F.pad(audio_codes, (0, max_mel_len - audio_codes.shape[-1])) # 💖 Lovely assertions assert ( max_mel_len <= audio_codes.shape[-1] ), f" ❗ max_mel_len ({max_mel_len}) > audio_codes.shape[-1] ({audio_codes.shape[-1]})" assert ( max_text_len <= text_inputs.shape[-1] ), f" ❗ max_text_len ({max_text_len}) > text_inputs.shape[-1] ({text_inputs.shape[-1]})" # Append stop token to text inputs text_inputs = F.pad(text_inputs[:, :max_text_len], (0, 1), value=self.stop_text_token) # Append silence token to mel codes audio_codes = F.pad(audio_codes[:, :max_mel_len], (0, 1), value=self.stop_audio_token) # Pad mel codes with stop_audio_token audio_codes = self.set_mel_padding( audio_codes, code_lengths - 3 ) # -3 to get the real code lengths without consider start and stop tokens that was not added yet # Build input and target tensors # Prepend start token to inputs and append stop token to targets text_inputs, text_targets = self.set_inputs_and_targets( text_inputs, self.start_text_token, self.stop_text_token ) audio_codes, mel_targets = self.set_inputs_and_targets( audio_codes, self.start_audio_token, self.stop_audio_token ) # Set attn_mask attn_mask_cond = None attn_mask_text = None attn_mask_mel = None if not return_latent: attn_mask_cond = torch.ones( cond_mels.shape[0], cond_mels.shape[-1], dtype=torch.bool, device=text_inputs.device, ) attn_mask_text = torch.ones( text_inputs.shape[0], text_inputs.shape[1], dtype=torch.bool, device=text_inputs.device, ) attn_mask_mel = torch.ones( audio_codes.shape[0], audio_codes.shape[1], dtype=torch.bool, device=audio_codes.device, ) if cond_idxs is not None: # use masking approach for idx, r in enumerate(cond_idxs): l = r[1] - r[0] attn_mask_cond[idx, l:] = 0.0 elif cond_lens is not None: for idx, l in enumerate(cond_lens): attn_mask_cond[idx, l:] = 0.0 for idx, l in enumerate(text_lengths): attn_mask_text[idx, l + 1 :] = 0.0 for idx, l in enumerate(code_lengths): attn_mask_mel[idx, l + 1 :] = 0.0 # Compute text embeddings + positional embeddings text_emb = self.text_embedding(text_inputs) + self.text_pos_embedding(text_inputs) # Compute mel embeddings + positional embeddings mel_emb = self.mel_embedding(audio_codes) + self.mel_pos_embedding(audio_codes) # Compute speech conditioning input if cond_latents is None: cond_latents = self.get_style_emb(cond_mels).transpose(1, 2) # Get logits sub = -5 # don't ask me why 😄 if self.training: sub = -1 text_logits, mel_logits = self.get_logits( text_emb, self.text_head, mel_emb, self.mel_head, prompt=cond_latents, get_attns=return_attentions, return_latent=return_latent, attn_mask_cond=attn_mask_cond, attn_mask_text=attn_mask_text, attn_mask_mel=attn_mask_mel, ) if return_latent: return mel_logits[:, :sub] # sub to prevent bla. if return_attentions: return mel_logits # Set paddings to -1 to ignore them in loss for idx, l in enumerate(text_lengths): text_targets[idx, l + 1 :] = -1 for idx, l in enumerate(code_lengths): mel_targets[idx, l + 1 :] = -1 # check if stoptoken is in every row of mel_targets assert (mel_targets == self.stop_audio_token).sum() >= mel_targets.shape[ 0 ], f" ❗ mel_targets does not contain stop token ({self.stop_audio_token}) in every row." # ignore the loss for the segment used for conditioning # coin flip for the segment to be ignored if cond_idxs is not None: cond_start = cond_idxs[idx, 0] cond_end = cond_idxs[idx, 1] mel_targets[idx, cond_start:cond_end] = -1 # Compute losses loss_text = F.cross_entropy( text_logits, text_targets.long(), ignore_index=-1, label_smoothing=self.label_smoothing ) loss_mel = F.cross_entropy( mel_logits, mel_targets.long(), ignore_index=-1, label_smoothing=self.label_smoothing ) return loss_text.mean(), loss_mel.mean(), mel_logits def inference(self, cond_latents, text_inputs, **hf_generate_kwargs): self.compute_embeddings(cond_latents, text_inputs) return self.generate(cond_latents, text_inputs, **hf_generate_kwargs) def compute_embeddings( self, cond_latents, text_inputs, ): text_inputs = F.pad(text_inputs, (0, 1), value=self.stop_text_token) text_inputs = F.pad(text_inputs, (1, 0), value=self.start_text_token) emb = self.text_embedding(text_inputs) + self.text_pos_embedding(text_inputs) emb = torch.cat([cond_latents, emb], dim=1) self.gpt_inference.store_prefix_emb(emb) gpt_inputs = torch.full( ( emb.shape[0], emb.shape[1] + 1, # +1 for the start_audio_token ), fill_value=1, dtype=torch.long, device=text_inputs.device, ) gpt_inputs[:, -1] = self.start_audio_token return gpt_inputs def generate( self, cond_latents, text_inputs, **hf_generate_kwargs, ): gpt_inputs = self.compute_embeddings(cond_latents, text_inputs) gen = self.gpt_inference.generate( gpt_inputs, bos_token_id=self.start_audio_token, pad_token_id=self.stop_audio_token, eos_token_id=self.stop_audio_token, max_length=self.max_gen_mel_tokens + gpt_inputs.shape[-1], **hf_generate_kwargs, ) if "return_dict_in_generate" in hf_generate_kwargs: return gen.sequences[:, gpt_inputs.shape[1] :], gen return gen[:, gpt_inputs.shape[1] :] def get_generator(self, fake_inputs, **hf_generate_kwargs): return self.gpt_inference.generate_stream( fake_inputs, bos_token_id=self.start_audio_token, pad_token_id=self.stop_audio_token, eos_token_id=self.stop_audio_token, max_length=self.max_gen_mel_tokens + fake_inputs.shape[-1], do_stream=True, **hf_generate_kwargs, )