import os import librosa import commons import sys import re import numpy as np import torch import xml.etree.ElementTree as ET import config import logging from torch import no_grad, LongTensor, inference_mode, FloatTensor from io import BytesIO from graiax import silkcoder from utils.nlp import cut, sentence_split from import write from mel_processing import spectrogram_torch from text import text_to_sequence, _clean_text from models import SynthesizerTrn from utils import utils # torch.set_num_threads(1) # 设置torch线程为1 device = torch.device("cuda" if torch.cuda.is_available() else "cpu") class vits: def __init__(self, model, config, model_=None, model_type=None): self.model_type = model_type self.hps_ms = utils.get_hparams_from_file(config) self.n_speakers = if 'n_speakers' in else 0 self.n_symbols = len(self.hps_ms.symbols) if 'symbols' in self.hps_ms.keys() else 0 self.speakers = self.hps_ms.speakers if 'speakers' in self.hps_ms.keys() else ['0'] self.use_f0 = if 'use_f0' in else False self.emotion_embedding = if 'emotion_embedding' in else False self.net_g_ms = SynthesizerTrn( self.n_symbols, // 2 + 1, self.hps_ms.train.segment_size //, n_speakers=self.n_speakers, emotion_embedding=self.emotion_embedding, **self.hps_ms.model) _ = self.net_g_ms.eval() # load model self.load_model(model, model_) def load_model(self, model, model_=None): utils.load_checkpoint(model, self.net_g_ms) if self.model_type == "hubert": self.hubert = model_ elif self.model_type == "w2v2": self.emotion_reference = model_ def get_cleaned_text(self, text, hps, cleaned=False): if cleaned: text_norm = text_to_sequence(text, hps.symbols, []) else: text_norm = text_to_sequence(text, hps.symbols, if text_norm = commons.intersperse(text_norm, 0) text_norm = LongTensor(text_norm) return text_norm def get_label_value(self, label, default, warning_name='value', text=""): value ='\[{label}=(.+?)\]', text) if value: try: text = re.sub(rf'\[{label}=(.+?)\]', '', text, 1) value = float( except: print(f'Invalid {warning_name}!') sys.exit(1) else: value = default if text == "": return value else: return value, text def get_label(self, text, label): if f'[{label}]' in text: return True, text.replace(f'[{label}]', '') else: return False, text def get_cleaner(self): return getattr(, 'text_cleaners', [None])[0] def return_speakers(self, escape=False): return self.speakers def infer(self, params): emotion = params.get("emotion", None) with no_grad(): x_tst = params.get("stn_tst").unsqueeze(0) x_tst_lengths = LongTensor([params.get("stn_tst").size(0)]) audio = self.net_g_ms.infer(,, sid=params.get("sid").to(device), noise_scale=params.get("noise_scale"), noise_scale_w=params.get("noise_scale_w"), length_scale=params.get("length_scale"), if emotion != None else None)[0][ 0, 0].data.float().cpu().numpy() torch.cuda.empty_cache() return audio def get_infer_param(self, length, noise, noisew, text=None, speaker_id=None, audio_path=None, emotion=None): emo = None if self.model_type != "hubert": length_scale, text = self.get_label_value('LENGTH', length, 'length scale', text) noise_scale, text = self.get_label_value('NOISE', noise, 'noise scale', text) noise_scale_w, text = self.get_label_value('NOISEW', noisew, 'deviation of noise', text) cleaned, text = self.get_label(text, 'CLEANED') stn_tst = self.get_cleaned_text(text, self.hps_ms, cleaned=cleaned) sid = LongTensor([speaker_id]) if self.model_type == "w2v2": # if emotion_reference.endswith('.npy'): # emotion = np.load(emotion_reference) # emotion = FloatTensor(emotion).unsqueeze(0) # else: # audio16000, sampling_rate = librosa.load( # emotion_reference, sr=16000, mono=True) # emotion = self.w2v2(audio16000, sampling_rate)[ # 'hidden_states'] # emotion_reference = re.sub( # r'\..*$', '', emotion_reference) #, emotion.squeeze(0)) # emotion = FloatTensor(emotion) emo = torch.FloatTensor(self.emotion_reference[emotion]).unsqueeze(0) elif self.model_type == "hubert": if self.use_f0: audio, sampling_rate = librosa.load( audio_path,, mono=True) audio16000 = librosa.resample( audio, orig_sr=sampling_rate, target_sr=16000) else: audio16000, sampling_rate = librosa.load( audio_path, sr=16000, mono=True) length_scale = self.get_label_value('LENGTH', length, 'length scale') noise_scale = self.get_label_value('NOISE', noise, 'noise scale') noise_scale_w = self.get_label_value('NOISEW', noisew, 'deviation of noise') with inference_mode(): units = self.hubert.units(FloatTensor(audio16000).unsqueeze(0).unsqueeze(0)).squeeze(0).numpy() if self.use_f0: f0_scale = self.get_label_value('F0', 1, 'f0 scale') f0 = librosa.pyin(audio, sr=sampling_rate, fmin=librosa.note_to_hz('C0'), fmax=librosa.note_to_hz('C7'), frame_length=1780)[0] target_length = len(units[:, 0]) f0 = np.nan_to_num(np.interp(np.arange(0, len(f0) * target_length, len(f0)) / target_length, np.arange(0, len(f0)), f0)) * f0_scale units[:, 0] = f0 / 10 stn_tst = FloatTensor(units) sid = LongTensor([speaker_id]) params = {"length_scale": length_scale, "noise_scale": noise_scale, "noise_scale_w": noise_scale_w, "stn_tst": stn_tst, "sid": sid, "emotion": emo} return params def get_audio(self, voice, auto_break=False): text = voice.get("text", None) speaker_id = voice.get("id", 0) length = voice.get("length", 1) noise = voice.get("noise", 0.667) noisew = voice.get("noisew", 0.8) max = voice.get("max", 50) lang = voice.get("lang", "auto") speaker_lang = voice.get("speaker_lang", None) audio_path = voice.get("audio_path", None) emotion = voice.get("emotion", 0) # 去除所有多余的空白字符 if text is not None: text = re.sub(r'\s+', ' ', text).strip() # 停顿0.75s,避免语音分段合成再拼接后的连接突兀 brk = np.zeros(int(0.75 * 22050), dtype=np.int16) tasks = [] if self.model_type == "vits": sentence_list = sentence_split(text, max, lang, speaker_lang) for sentence in sentence_list: tasks.append( self.get_infer_param(text=sentence, speaker_id=speaker_id, length=length, noise=noise, noisew=noisew)) audios = [] for task in tasks: audios.append(self.infer(task)) if auto_break: audios.append(brk) audio = np.concatenate(audios, axis=0) elif self.model_type == "hubert": params = self.get_infer_param(speaker_id=speaker_id, length=length, noise=noise, noisew=noisew, audio_path=audio_path) audio = self.infer(params) elif self.model_type == "w2v2": sentence_list = sentence_split(text, max, lang, speaker_lang) for sentence in sentence_list: tasks.append( self.get_infer_param(text=sentence, speaker_id=speaker_id, length=length, noise=noise, noisew=noisew, emotion=emotion)) audios = [] for task in tasks: audios.append(self.infer(task)) if auto_break: audios.append(brk) audio = np.concatenate(audios, axis=0) return audio def voice_conversion(self, voice): audio_path = voice.get("audio_path") original_id = voice.get("original_id") target_id = voice.get("target_id") audio = utils.load_audio_to_torch( audio_path, y = audio.unsqueeze(0) spec = spectrogram_torch(y,,,,, center=False) spec_lengths = LongTensor([spec.size(-1)]) sid_src = LongTensor([original_id]) with no_grad(): sid_tgt = LongTensor([target_id]) audio = self.net_g_ms.voice_conversion(,,,[0][0, 0].data.cpu().float().numpy() torch.cuda.empty_cache() return audio class TTS: def __init__(self, voice_obj, voice_speakers): self._voice_obj = voice_obj self._voice_speakers = voice_speakers self._strength_dict = {"x-weak": 0.25, "weak": 0.5, "Medium": 0.75, "Strong": 1, "x-strong": 1.25} self._speakers_count = sum([len(self._voice_speakers[i]) for i in self._voice_speakers]) self._vits_speakers_count = len(self._voice_speakers["VITS"]) self._hubert_speakers_count = len(self._voice_speakers["HUBERT-VITS"]) self._w2v2_speakers_count = len(self._voice_speakers["W2V2-VITS"]) self.dem = None if getattr(config, "DIMENSIONAL_EMOTION_MODEL", None) != None: try: import audonnx root = os.path.dirname(config.DIMENSIONAL_EMOTION_MODEL) model_file = config.DIMENSIONAL_EMOTION_MODEL self.dem = audonnx.load(root=root, model_file=model_file) except Exception as e: self.logger.warning(f"Load DIMENSIONAL_EMOTION_MODEL failed {e}") # Initialization information self.logger = logging.getLogger("vits-simple-api")"torch:{torch.__version__} cuda_available:{torch.cuda.is_available()}")'device:{device} device.type:{device.type}') if self._vits_speakers_count != 0:"[VITS] {self._vits_speakers_count} speakers") if self._hubert_speakers_count != 0:"[hubert] {self._hubert_speakers_count} speakers") if self._w2v2_speakers_count != 0:"[w2v2] {self._w2v2_speakers_count} speakers")"{self._speakers_count} speakers in total") if self._speakers_count == 0: self.logger.warning(f"No model was loaded") @property def voice_speakers(self): return self._voice_speakers @property def speakers_count(self): return self._speakers_count @property def vits_speakers_count(self): return self._vits_speakers_count @property def hubert_speakers_count(self): return self._hubert_speakers_count @property def w2v2_speakers_count(self): return self._w2v2_speakers_count def encode(self, sampling_rate, audio, format): with BytesIO() as f: write(f, sampling_rate, audio) if format.upper() == 'OGG': with BytesIO() as o: utils.wav2ogg(f, o) return BytesIO(o.getvalue()) elif format.upper() == 'SILK': return BytesIO(silkcoder.encode(f)) elif format.upper() == 'MP3': with BytesIO() as o: utils.wav2mp3(f, o) return BytesIO(o.getvalue()) elif format.upper() == 'WAV': return BytesIO(f.getvalue()) def convert_time_string(self, time_string): time_value = float(re.findall(r'\d+\.?\d*', time_string)[0]) time_unit = re.findall(r'[a-zA-Z]+', time_string)[0].lower() if time_unit.upper() == 'MS': return time_value / 1000 elif time_unit.upper() == 'S': return time_value elif time_unit.upper() == 'MIN': return time_value * 60 elif time_unit.upper() == 'H': return time_value * 3600 elif time_unit.upper() == 'D': return time_value * 24 * 3600 # 不会有人真写D吧? else: raise ValueError("Unsupported time unit: {}".format(time_unit)) def parse_ssml(self, ssml): root = ET.fromstring(ssml) format = root.attrib.get("format", "wav") voice_tasks = [] brk_count = 0 strength_dict = {"x-weak": 0.25, "weak": 0.5, "Medium": 0.75, "Strong": 1, "x-strong": 1.25} for element in root.iter(): if element.tag == "voice": id = int(element.attrib.get("id", root.attrib.get("id", config.ID))) lang = element.attrib.get("lang", root.attrib.get("lang", config.LANG)) length = float(element.attrib.get("length", root.attrib.get("length", config.LENGTH))) noise = float(element.attrib.get("noise", root.attrib.get("noise", config.NOISE))) noisew = float(element.attrib.get("noisew", root.attrib.get("noisew", config.NOISEW))) max = int(element.attrib.get("max", root.attrib.get("max", "0"))) # 不填写默认就是vits model = element.attrib.get("model", root.attrib.get("model", "vits")) # w2v2-vits/emotion-vits才有emotion emotion = int(element.attrib.get("emotion", root.attrib.get("emotion", 0))) voice_element = ET.tostring(element, encoding='unicode') pattern_voice = r'<voice.*?>(.*?)</voice>' pattern_break = r'<break\s*?(.*?)\s*?/>' matches_voice = re.findall(pattern_voice, voice_element)[0] matches_break = re.split(pattern_break, matches_voice) for match in matches_break: strength ='\s*strength\s*=\s*[\'\"](.*?)[\'\"]', match) time ='\s*time\s*=\s*[\'\"](.*?)[\'\"]', match) # break标签 strength属性 if strength: brk = strength_dict[] voice_tasks.append({"break": brk}) brk_count += 1 # break标签 time属性 elif time: brk = self.convert_time_string( voice_tasks.append({"break": brk}) brk_count += 1 # break标签 为空说明只写了break,默认停顿0.75s elif match == "": voice_tasks.append({"break": 0.75}) brk_count += 1 # voice标签中除了break剩下的就是文本 else: voice_tasks.append({"id": id, "text": match, "lang": lang, "length": length, "noise": noise, "noisew": noisew, "max": max, "model": model, "emotion": emotion }) # 分段末尾停顿0.75s voice_tasks.append({"break": 0.75}) elif element.tag == "break": # brk_count大于0说明voice标签中有break if brk_count > 0: brk_count -= 1 continue brk = strength_dict.get(element.attrib.get("strength"), self.convert_time_string(element.attrib.get("time", "750ms"))) voice_tasks.append({"break": brk}) for i in voice_tasks: self.logger.debug(i) return voice_tasks, format def create_ssml_infer_task(self, ssml): voice_tasks, format = self.parse_ssml(ssml) audios = [] for voice in voice_tasks: if voice.get("break"): audios.append(np.zeros(int(voice.get("break") * 22050), dtype=np.int16)) else: model = voice.get("model").upper() if model != "VITS" and model != "W2V2-VITS" and model != "EMOTION-VITS": raise ValueError(f"Unsupported model: {voice.get('model')}") voice_obj = self._voice_obj[model][voice.get("id")][1] voice["id"] = self._voice_obj[model][voice.get("id")][0] audios.append(voice_obj.get_audio(voice)) audio = np.concatenate(audios, axis=0) return self.encode(, audio, format), format def vits_infer(self, voice): format = voice.get("format", "wav") voice_obj = self._voice_obj["VITS"][voice.get("id")][1] voice["id"] = self._voice_obj["VITS"][voice.get("id")][0] audio = voice_obj.get_audio(voice, auto_break=True) return self.encode(, audio, format) def hubert_vits_infer(self, voice): format = voice.get("format", "wav") voice_obj = self._voice_obj["HUBERT-VITS"][voice.get("id")][1] voice["id"] = self._voice_obj["HUBERT-VITS"][voice.get("id")][0] audio = voice_obj.get_audio(voice) return self.encode(, audio, format) def w2v2_vits_infer(self, voice): format = voice.get("format", "wav") voice_obj = self._voice_obj["W2V2-VITS"][voice.get("id")][1] voice["id"] = self._voice_obj["W2V2-VITS"][voice.get("id")][0] audio = voice_obj.get_audio(voice, auto_break=True) return self.encode(, audio, format) def vits_voice_conversion(self, voice): original_id = voice.get("original_id") target_id = voice.get("target_id") format = voice.get("format") original_id_obj = int(self._voice_obj["VITS"][original_id][2]) target_id_obj = int(self._voice_obj["VITS"][target_id][2]) if original_id_obj != target_id_obj: raise ValueError(f"speakers are in diffrent VITS Model") voice["original_id"] = int(self._voice_obj["VITS"][original_id][0]) voice["target_id"] = int(self._voice_obj["VITS"][target_id][0]) voice_obj = self._voice_obj["VITS"][original_id][1] audio = voice_obj.voice_conversion(voice) return self.encode(, audio, format) def get_dimensional_emotion_npy(self, audio): if self.dem is None: raise ValueError(f"Please configure DIMENSIONAL_EMOTION_MODEL path in") audio16000, sampling_rate = librosa.load(audio, sr=16000, mono=True) emotion = self.dem(audio16000, sampling_rate)['hidden_states'] emotion_npy = BytesIO(), emotion.squeeze(0)) return emotion_npy