import hashlib import os import pandas as pd from bs4 import BeautifulSoup from loguru import logger class FileName: """Record file original name, state and copied filepath with text format.""" def __init__(self, root: str, filename: str, _type: str): self.root = root self.prefix = filename.replace("/", "_") self.basename = os.path.basename(filename) self.origin = os.path.join(root, filename) self.copypath = "" self._type = _type self.state = True self.reason = "" def __str__(self): return "{},{},{},{}\n".format(self.basename, self.copypath, self.state, self.reason) class FileOperation: """Encapsulate all file reading operations.""" def __init__(self): self.image_suffix = [".jpg", ".jpeg", ".png", ".bmp"] self.md_suffix = ".md" self.text_suffix = [".txt", ".text"] self.excel_suffix = [".xlsx", ".xls", ".csv"] self.pdf_suffix = ".pdf" self.ppt_suffix = ".pptx" self.html_suffix = [".html", ".htm", ".shtml", ".xhtml"] self.word_suffix = [".docx", ".doc"] self.normal_suffix = ( [self.md_suffix] + self.text_suffix + self.excel_suffix + [self.pdf_suffix] + self.word_suffix + [self.ppt_suffix] + self.html_suffix ) def get_type(self, filepath: str): filepath = filepath.lower() if filepath.endswith(self.pdf_suffix): return "pdf" if filepath.endswith(self.md_suffix): return "md" if filepath.endswith(self.ppt_suffix): return "ppt" for suffix in self.image_suffix: if filepath.endswith(suffix): return "image" for suffix in self.text_suffix: if filepath.endswith(suffix): return "text" for suffix in self.word_suffix: if filepath.endswith(suffix): return "word" for suffix in self.excel_suffix: if filepath.endswith(suffix): return "excel" for suffix in self.html_suffix: if filepath.endswith(suffix): return "html" return None def md5(self, filepath: str): hash_object = hashlib.sha256() with open(filepath, "rb") as file: chunk_size = 8192 while chunk := hash_object.update(chunk) return hash_object.hexdigest()[0:8] def summarize(self, files: list): success = 0 skip = 0 failed = 0 for file in files: if file.state: success += 1 elif file.reason == "skip": skip += 1 else:"{} {}".format(file.origin, file.reason)) failed += 1"{} {}".format(file.reason, file.copypath))"累计{}文件,成功{}个,跳过{}个,异常{}个".format(len(files), success, skip, failed)) def scan_dir(self, repo_dir: str): files = [] for root, _, filenames in os.walk(repo_dir): for filename in filenames: _type = self.get_type(filename) if _type is not None: files.append(FileName(root=root, filename=filename, _type=_type)) return files def read_pdf(self, filepath: str): # load pdf and serialize table # TODO fitz 安装有些不兼容,后续按需完善 import fitz text = "" with as pages: for page in pages: text += page.get_text() tables = page.find_tables() for table in tables: tablename = "_".join(filter(lambda x: x is not None and "Col" not in x, table.header.names)) pan = table.to_pandas() json_text = pan.dropna(axis=1).to_json(force_ascii=False) text += tablename text += "\n" text += json_text text += "\n" return text def read_excel(self, filepath: str): table = None if filepath.endswith(".csv"): table = pd.read_csv(filepath) else: table = pd.read_excel(filepath) if table is None: return "" json_text = table.dropna(axis=1).to_json(force_ascii=False) return json_text def read(self, filepath: str): file_type = self.get_type(filepath) text = "" if not os.path.exists(filepath): return text, None try: if file_type == "md" or file_type == "text": with open(filepath) as f: text = elif file_type == "pdf": text += self.read_pdf(filepath) elif file_type == "excel": text += self.read_excel(filepath) elif file_type == "word" or file_type == "ppt": # # # TODO textract 在 pip 高于 24.1 后安装不了,因为其库自身原因,后续按需进行完善 # 可自行安装 pip install textract==1.6.5 import textract # for word and ppt text = textract.process(filepath).decode("utf8") if file_type == "ppt": text = text.replace("\n", " ") elif file_type == "html": with open(filepath) as f: soup = BeautifulSoup(, "html.parser") text += soup.text except Exception as e: logger.error((filepath, str(e))) return "", e text = text.replace("\n\n", "\n") text = text.replace("\n\n", "\n") text = text.replace("\n\n", "\n") text = text.replace(" ", " ") text = text.replace(" ", " ") text = text.replace(" ", " ") return text, None if __name__ == "__main__": def get_pdf_files(directory): pdf_files = [] # 遍历目录 for root, dirs, files in os.walk(directory): for file in files: # 检查文件扩展名是否为.pdf if file.lower().endswith(".pdf"): # 将完整路径添加到列表中 pdf_files.append(os.path.abspath(os.path.join(root, file))) return pdf_files # 将你想要搜索的目录替换为下面的路径 pdf_list = get_pdf_files("/home/khj/huixiangdou-web-online-data/hxd-bad-file") # 打印所有找到的PDF文件的绝对路径 opr = FileOperation() for pdf_path in pdf_list: text, error = print("processing {}".format(pdf_path)) if error is not None: # pdb.set_trace() print("") else: if text is not None: print(len(text)) else: # pdb.set_trace() print("")