# Copyright 2022 DeepMind Technologies Limited. 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Attributes: name: a unique name for this direction. value: used to hold a value one-hot-encoded by this direction. e.g., [BasisDirection("vs_1", True), BasisDirection("vs_1", False)] would be basis directions of a subspace called "vs_1" which one-hot-encodes the values True and False. If provided, considered part of the name for the purpose of disambiguating directions. """ name: Name value: Optional[Value] = None def __str__(self): if self.value is None: return str(self.name) return f"{self.name}:{self.value}" def __lt__(self, other: "BasisDirection") -> bool: try: return (self.name, self.value) < (other.name, other.value) except TypeError: return str(self) < str(other) @dataclasses.dataclass class VectorInBasis: """A vector (or array of vectors) in a given basis. When magnitudes are 1-d, this is a vector. When magnitudes are (n+1)-d, this is an array of vectors, where the -1th dimension is the basis dimension. """ basis_directions: Sequence[BasisDirection] magnitudes: np.ndarray def __post_init__(self): """Sort basis directions.""" if len(self.basis_directions) != self.magnitudes.shape[-1]: raise ValueError( "Last dimension of magnitudes must be the same as number " f"of basis directions. Was {len(self.basis_directions)} " f"and {self.magnitudes.shape[-1]}.") sort_idx = np.argsort(self.basis_directions) self.basis_directions = [self.basis_directions[i] for i in sort_idx] self.magnitudes = np.take(self.magnitudes, sort_idx, -1) def __add__(self, other: "VectorInBasis") -> "VectorInBasis": if self.basis_directions != other.basis_directions: raise TypeError(f"Adding incompatible bases: {self} + {other}") magnitudes = self.magnitudes + other.magnitudes return VectorInBasis(self.basis_directions, magnitudes) def __radd__(self, other: "VectorInBasis") -> "VectorInBasis": if self.basis_directions != other.basis_directions: raise TypeError(f"Adding incompatible bases: {other} + {self}") return self + other def __sub__(self, other: "VectorInBasis") -> "VectorInBasis": if self.basis_directions != other.basis_directions: raise TypeError(f"Subtracting incompatible bases: {self} - {other}") magnitudes = self.magnitudes - other.magnitudes return VectorInBasis(self.basis_directions, magnitudes) def __rsub__(self, other: "VectorInBasis") -> "VectorInBasis": if self.basis_directions != other.basis_directions: raise TypeError(f"Subtracting incompatible bases: {other} - {self}") magnitudes = other.magnitudes - self.magnitudes return VectorInBasis(self.basis_directions, magnitudes) def __mul__(self, scalar: float) -> "VectorInBasis": return VectorInBasis(self.basis_directions, self.magnitudes * scalar) def __rmul__(self, scalar: float) -> "VectorInBasis": return self * scalar def __truediv__(self, scalar: float) -> "VectorInBasis": return VectorInBasis(self.basis_directions, self.magnitudes / scalar) def __neg__(self) -> "VectorInBasis": return (-1) * self def __eq__(self, other: "VectorInBasis") -> bool: return ((self.basis_directions == other.basis_directions) and (self.magnitudes.shape == other.magnitudes.shape) and (np.all(self.magnitudes == other.magnitudes))) @classmethod def sum(cls, vectors: Sequence["VectorInBasis"]) -> "VectorInBasis": return cls(vectors[0].basis_directions, np.sum([x.magnitudes for x in vectors], axis=0)) @classmethod def stack(cls, vectors: Sequence["VectorInBasis"], axis: int = 0) -> "VectorInBasis": for v in vectors[1:]: if v.basis_directions != vectors[0].basis_directions: raise TypeError(f"Stacking incompatible bases: {vectors[0]} + {v}") return cls(vectors[0].basis_directions, np.stack([v.magnitudes for v in vectors], axis=axis)) def project( self, basis: Union["VectorSpaceWithBasis", Sequence[BasisDirection]] ) -> "VectorInBasis": """Projects to the basis.""" if isinstance(basis, VectorSpaceWithBasis): basis = basis.basis components = [] for direction in basis: if direction in self.basis_directions: components.append( self.magnitudes[..., self.basis_directions.index(direction)]) else: components.append(np.zeros_like(self.magnitudes[..., 0])) return VectorInBasis(list(basis), np.stack(components, axis=-1)) @dataclasses.dataclass class VectorSpaceWithBasis: """A vector subspace in a given basis.""" basis: Sequence[BasisDirection] def __post_init__(self): """Keep basis directions sorted.""" self.basis = sorted(self.basis) @property def num_dims(self) -> int: return len(self.basis) def __contains__(self, item: Union[VectorInBasis, BasisDirection]) -> bool: if isinstance(item, BasisDirection): return item in self.basis return set(self.basis) == set(item.basis_directions) def issubspace(self, other: "VectorSpaceWithBasis") -> bool: return set(self.basis).issubset(set(other.basis)) def basis_vectors(self) -> Sequence[VectorInBasis]: basis_vector_magnitudes = list(np.eye(self.num_dims)) return [VectorInBasis(self.basis, m) for m in basis_vector_magnitudes] def vector_from_basis_direction( self, basis_direction: BasisDirection) -> VectorInBasis: i = self.basis.index(basis_direction) return VectorInBasis(self.basis, np.eye(self.num_dims)[i]) def null_vector(self) -> VectorInBasis: return VectorInBasis(self.basis, np.zeros(self.num_dims)) @classmethod def from_names(cls, names: Sequence[Name]) -> "VectorSpaceWithBasis": """Creates a VectorSpace from a list of names for its basis directions.""" return cls([BasisDirection(n) for n in names]) @classmethod def from_values( cls, name: Name, values: Iterable[Value], ) -> "VectorSpaceWithBasis": """Creates a VectorSpace from a list of values for its basis directions.""" return cls([BasisDirection(name, v) for v in values]) def direct_sum(*vs: VectorSpaceWithBasis) -> VectorSpaceWithBasis: """Create a direct sum of the vector spaces. Assumes the basis elements of all input vector spaces are orthogonal to each other. Maintains the order of the bases. Args: *vs: the vector spaces to sum. Returns: the combined vector space. Raises: Value error in case of overlapping bases. """ # Take the union of all the bases: total_basis = sum([v.basis for v in vs], []) if len(total_basis) != len(set(total_basis)): raise ValueError("Overlapping bases!") return VectorSpaceWithBasis(total_basis) def join_vector_spaces(*vs: VectorSpaceWithBasis) -> VectorSpaceWithBasis: """Joins a set of vector spaces allowing them to overlap. Assumes the basis elements of all input vector spaces are orthogonal to each other. Does not maintain the order of the bases but sorts them. Args: *vs: the vector spaces to sum. Returns: the combined vector space. """ # Take the union of all the bases: total_basis = list(set().union(*[set(v.basis) for v in vs])) total_basis = sorted(total_basis) return VectorSpaceWithBasis(total_basis) def ensure_dims( vs: VectorSpaceWithBasis, num_dims: int, name: str = "vector space", ) -> None: """Raises ValueError if vs has the wrong number of dimensions.""" if vs.num_dims != num_dims: raise ValueError(f"{name} must have {num_dims=}, " f"but got {vs.num_dims}: {vs.basis}")