def display_analysis_results(result): """ Process and display analysis results from agents' output. """ try: # Display the result text st.markdown("#### Detailed Insights") st.text(result) # Parse the result into segments if formatted if isinstance(result, str) and "\n" in result: lines = result.split("\n") insights = [line for line in lines if line.strip()] # Show insights as bullet points st.markdown("#### Key Insights (Parsed)") for insight in insights: st.write(f"- {insight}") # Generate a visualization if result contains numerical data st.markdown("#### Example Visualization (If Applicable)") if "data:" in result.lower(): # Example parsing numerical data from result (adapt to your agent's output) data_lines = [line for line in result.split("\n") if "data:" in line.lower()] data_points = [ {"Category": f"Point {i+1}", "Value": float(line.split(":")[-1].strip())} for i, line in enumerate(data_lines) if line.split(":")[-1].strip().replace('.', '', 1).isdigit() ] if data_points: df = pd.DataFrame(data_points) fig =, x="Category", y="Value", title="Extracted Data Visualization") st.plotly_chart(fig) except Exception as e: st.error(f"Error processing results: {e}") if st.button("Run Analysis"): with st.spinner('Executing...'): try: start_time = time.time() result = crew.kickoff(inputs={"topic": business, "stakeholder": stakeholder}) execution_time = time.time() - start_time # Display Results st.markdown("### Insights and Analysis") display_analysis_results(result) # Execution Time st.success(f"Analysis completed in {execution_time:.2f} seconds!") # Generate PDF Report report_path = generate_pdf_report(result) with open(report_path, "rb") as file: st.download_button( label="Download Report as PDF", data=file, file_name="Business_Insights_Report.pdf", mime="application/pdf" ) except Exception as e: st.error(f"An error occurred during execution: {e}")