import pickle import streamlit as st import requests import pandas as pd # set page setting st.set_page_config(page_title='TopMovies') # set history var if 'history' not in st.session_state: st.session_state.history = [] # import preprocessed data data = pd.read_csv("./data/tags.csv") # import similarity (to be cached) def importSim(filename): sim = pickle.load(open(filename, 'rb')) return sim similarity = importSim('similarity.pkl') # recommender function def recommend_image(movie, sim): poster = [] plot = [] # index from dataframe index = data[data['title'] == movie].index[0] dist = dict(enumerate(sim[index])) dist = dict(sorted(dist.items(), reverse=True, key = lambda item: item[1])) #index from 1 because the forst is the movie itself cnt = 0 for key in dist: cnt = cnt+1 if cnt < 11: title = data.iloc[key].title posterRes, plotRes = get_poster_plot(title) poster.append(posterRes) plot.append(plotRes) else: break return poster[1:], plot[1:] # get poster def get_poster_plot(title): r = requests.get("" + title).json() posterElement = r["Poster"] plotElement = r["Plot"] return posterElement, plotElement # update last viewed list def update_las_viewed(): if len(st.session_state.history) > 3: st.session_state.history.pop() # sidebar st.sidebar.write(""" This is a content based recommender system. Pick a movie from the list or search for it and then wait for the reccomendations. You will get six movies, posters and plots. """) # title st.write("# Movie Recommendation System") st.write("Pick a movie from the list and enjoy some new stuffs!") # select box title = st.selectbox("", data["title"]) if title not in st.session_state.history: st.session_state.history.insert(0, title) update_las_viewed() # show data on selected colSelected = st.columns(1) with colSelected: st.image(get_poster_plot(title)[0]) # recommend with st.spinner("Getting the best movies..."): recs, plots = recommend_image(title, similarity) # recommendation cols st.write("## Wath to watch next....") col1, col2, col3 = st.columns(3) with col1: st.image(recs[0]) st.write(plots[0]) with col2: st.image(recs[1]) st.write(plots[1]) with col3: st.image(recs[2]) st.write(plots[2]) col4, col5, col6 = st.columns(3) with col4: st.image(recs[3]) st.write(plots[3]) with col5: st.image(recs[4]) st.write(plots[4]) with col6: st.image(recs[5]) st.write(plots[5]) col7, col8, col9 = st.columns(3) with col7: st.image(recs[6]) st.write(plots[6]) with col8: st.image(recs[7]) st.write(plots[7]) with col9: st.image(recs[8]) st.write(plots[8]) # last viewed st.write("## Last viewed:") r1, r2, r3 = st.columns(3) with r1: try: st.image(get_poster_plot(st.session_state.history[0])[0]) except IndexError: pass with r2: try: st.image(get_poster_plot(st.session_state.history[1])[0]) except IndexError: pass with r3: try: st.image(get_poster_plot(st.session_state.history[2])[0]) except IndexError: pass