title: "FairytaleDJ"
emoji: "🔮"
colorFrom: "indigo"
colorTo: "purple"
sdk: "streamlit"
sdk_version: "1.19.0"
app_file: app.py
pinned: false

# FairytaleDJ 🎵🏰🔮

The app is on [hugging face spaces](https://huggingface.co/spaces/Francesco/FairytaleDJ) 🤗

This app takes a user input and suggestes songs that matches its emotions/vibes.

Made with [DeepLake](https://www.deeplake.ai/) 🚀 and [LangChain](https://python.langchain.com/en/latest/index.html) 🦜⛓️ 

We also used [upstash](https://upstash.com/) to store user inputs/emotions and recommended songs

## How it works

The application follows a sequence of steps to deliver Disney songs matching the user's emotions:
- **User Input**: The application starts by collecting user's emotional state through a text input.
- **Emotion Encoding**: The user-provided emotions are then fed to a Language Model (LLM). The LLM interprets and encodes these emotions.
- **Similarity Search**: These encoded emotions are utilized to perform a similarity search within our [vector database](https://www.deeplake.ai/). This database houses Disney songs, each represented as emotional embeddings.
- **Song Selection**: From the pool of top matching songs, the application randomly selects one. The selection is weighted, giving preference to songs with higher similarity scores.
- **Song Retrieval**: The selected song's embedded player is displayed on the webpage for the user. Additionally, the LLM interpreted emotional state associated with the chosen song is displayed.

## Run it

Clone this repo.

create a `venv`

python -m venv .venv
source .venv/bin/activate
pip install -r requirements.txt

You will need the following `.env` file



streamlit run app.py

Then navitage to ``