""" This code file produces alignments between the structure and the sequence for a given protein. """ import math import glob import numpy as np from Bio import Align import gzip from pathlib import Path from Bio.Align import substitution_matrices from Bio.PDB.Polypeptide import * aligner = Align.PairwiseAligner() import requests from Bio.PDB import PDBParser, PPBuilder from io import StringIO def convert_non_standard_amino_acids(sequence): """ Convert non-standard or ambiguous amino acid codes to their closest relatives. """ # Define a dictionary to map non-standard codes to standard amino acids conversion_dict = { 'B': 'D', # Aspartic Acid (D) is often used for B (Asx) 'Z': 'E', # Glutamic Acid (E) is often used for Z (Glx) 'X': 'A', # Alanine (A) is a common placeholder for unknown/ambiguous 'U': 'C', # Cysteine (C) is often used for Selenocysteine (U) 'J': 'L', # Leucine (L) is often used for J (Leu/Ile) 'O': 'K', # Lysine (K) is often used for O (Pyrrolysine) # '*' or 'Stop' represents a stop codon; you may replace with '' to remove '*': '', } # Replace non-standard codes with their closest relatives converted_sequence = ''.join([conversion_dict.get(aa, aa) for aa in sequence]) return converted_sequence def distance(x1, y1, z1, x2, y2, z2): d = math.sqrt(math.pow(x2 - x1, 2) + math.pow(y2 - y1, 2) + math.pow(z2 - z1, 2) * 1.0) return d def find_distance(coordMut, coordAnnot): if coordMut != np.NaN: try: dist = distance(float(coordMut[0]), float(coordMut[1]), float(coordMut[2]), float(coordAnnot[0]), float(coordAnnot[1]), float(coordAnnot[2])) return "%.2f" % dist except: ValueError dist = 'nan' return dist else: return np.NaN def threeToOne(variant): if variant == "ALA": variant = "A" elif variant == "ARG": variant = "R" elif variant == "VAL": variant = "V" elif variant == "GLU": variant = "E" elif variant == "PRO": variant = "P" elif variant == "LEU": variant = "L" elif variant == "GLY": variant = "G" elif variant == "ASN": variant = "N" elif variant == "SER": variant = "S" elif variant == "GLN": variant = "Q" elif variant == "THR": variant = "T" elif variant == "MET": variant = "M" elif variant == "LYS": variant = "K" elif variant == "ASP": variant = "D" elif variant == "ILE": variant = "I" elif variant == "PHE": variant = "F" elif variant == "TRP": variant = "W" elif variant == "TYR": variant = "Y" elif variant == "HIS": variant = "H" elif variant == "CYS": variant = "C" elif variant == 'UNK': variant = 'X' elif variant == 'ASX': variant = 'O' return (variant) def get_coords(annot, alignments, coords, resnums_for_sasa, mode): if mode == 1: for alignment in alignments[0]: alignment = (str(alignment).strip().split('\n')) startGap = 0 if alignment[0].startswith('.'): for k in alignment[0]: if k == '.' or k == '-': startGap += 1 else: break countGap = startGap countResidue = 0 for j in alignment[0][startGap:]: if j == '.' or j == '-': countGap += 1 else: countResidue += 1 if countResidue == float(annot): break countGap_pdb = 0 countResidue_pdb = 0 for m in alignment[2][0:countResidue + countGap - 1]: if m == '.' or m == '-': countGap_pdb += 1 posAtom = countResidue + countGap - countGap_pdb realpdbStart = 0 for j in alignment[2]: if j == '.' or j == '-': realpdbStart += 1 else: break if (alignment[2][countResidue + countGap - 1] != '-') and (float(annot) >= float(realpdbStart) + 1): try: coordinates = alignments[1] residue_numbers = alignments[2] coordWeWant = coordinates[posAtom - 1] residue_number_we_want = residue_numbers[posAtom - 1] except: IndexError coordWeWant = 'nan' else: coordWeWant = 'nan' return coordWeWant, posAtom, residue_number_we_want if mode == 2: if annot != 'nan': if int(annot) <= 1400: alignment = (str(alignments).strip().split('\n')) startGap = 0 if alignment[0].startswith('.'): for k in alignment[0]: if k == '.' or k == '-': startGap += 1 else: break countGap = startGap countResidue = 0 for j in alignment[0][startGap:]: if j == '.' or j == '-': countGap += 1 else: countResidue += 1 if countResidue == float(annot): break countGap_pdb = 0 countResidue_pdb = 0 for m in alignment[2][0:countResidue + countGap - 1]: if m == '.' or m == '-': countGap_pdb += 1 posAtom = countResidue + countGap - countGap_pdb realpdbStart = 0 for j in alignment[2]: if j == '.' or j == '-': realpdbStart += 1 else: break if len(alignment[2]) > (countResidue + countGap - 1): if (alignment[2][countResidue + countGap - 1] != '-') and (float(annot) >= float(realpdbStart) + 1): try: coordinates = coords residue_numbers = resnums_for_sasa coordWeWant = coordinates[posAtom - 1] residue_number_we_want = residue_numbers[posAtom - 1] except: IndexError coordWeWant = 'nan' residue_number_we_want = 'nan' else: coordWeWant = 'nan' residue_number_we_want = 'nan' return coordWeWant, posAtom, residue_number_we_want else: coordWeWant = 'nan' residue_number_we_want = 'nan' return coordWeWant, posAtom, residue_number_we_want else: return np.NaN, np.NaN, np.NaN else: return np.NaN, np.NaN, np.NaN def get_alignments_3D(identifier, model_num, pdb_path, pdbSequence, source, chain, pdbID, mode, path_3D_alignment,file_format = 'gzip'): st.write('HERE') pdbSequence = convert_non_standard_amino_acids(pdbSequence) if mode == 1: if source == 'PDB': # Step 1: Fetch the PDB file pdb_url = f"https://files.rcsb.org/download/{pdbID}.pdb" response = requests.get(pdb_url) response.raise_for_status() # Check for a successful response # Step 2: Parse the PDB file from memory atoms = [i for i in response.text.split('\n') if i.startswith('ATOM')] atoms = [i.split() for i in atoms] atoms = [i for i in atoms if (i[2] == 'CA' and i[4] == chain)] atoms = [[x[i][-3:] if i == 3 else x[i] for i in range(len(x))] for x in atoms] atomSequence = ''.join([threeToOne(i[3]) for i in atoms]) coords = [[i[6] ,i[7] ,i[8]] for i in atoms] resnums_for_sasa = [i[5] for i in atoms] elif source == 'SWISSMODEL': atomSequence = '' coords = [] resnums_for_sasa = [] with open(pdb_path, encoding="utf8") as f: for line in f.readlines(): if line[0:4].strip() == 'ATOM' and line[13:15].strip() == 'CA' and line[21].upper() == chain.upper(): atomSequence += threeToOne(line[17:20].strip()) coords.append([line[31:38].strip(), line[39:46].strip(), line[47:54].strip()]) resnums_for_sasa.append(line[22:26].strip()) elif line[0:4].strip() == 'ATOM' and line[13:15].strip() == 'CA' and line[21] == ' ': atomSequence += threeToOne(line[17:20].strip()) coords.append([line[31:38].strip(), line[39:46].strip(), line[47:54].strip()]) resnums_for_sasa.append(line[22:26].strip()) elif source == 'MODBASE': atomSequence = '' coords = [] resnums_for_sasa = [] with open(pdb_path, encoding="utf8") as f: for line in f.readlines(): if line[0:7].strip() == 'ATOM' and line[13:15].strip() == 'CA': atomSequence += threeToOne(line[17:20].strip()) coords.append([line[31:38].strip(), line[39:46].strip(), line[47:54].strip()]) resnums_for_sasa.append(line[22:26].strip()) aligner.mode = 'local' aligner.substitution_matrix = substitution_matrices.load("BLOSUM62") aligner.open_gap_score = -11 aligner.extend_gap_score = -1 atomSequence = convert_non_standard_amino_acids(atomSequence) alignments = aligner.align(pdbSequence, atomSequence) alignments = (list(alignments)) return alignments, coords, resnums_for_sasa elif mode==2: atomSequence = '' coords = [] resnums_for_sasa = [] if file_format == 'txt': with open(name, encoding="utf8") as f: for line in f.readlines(): if line[0:4].strip() == 'ATOM' and line[13:15].strip() == 'CA': atomSequence += threeToOne(line[17:20].strip()) coords.append([line[31:38].strip(), line[39:46].strip(), line[47:54].strip()]) resnums_for_sasa.append(line[22:26].strip()) elif line[0:4].strip() == 'ATOM' and line[13:15].strip() == 'CA' and line[21] == ' ': atomSequence += threeToOne(line[17:20].strip()) coords.append([line[31:38].strip(), line[39:46].strip(), line[47:54].strip()]) resnums_for_sasa.append(line[22:26].strip()) elif file_format == 'gzip': with gzip.open(pdb_path, mode='rb') as f: for line in f: line = line.decode() if line[0:4].strip() == 'ATOM' and line[13:15].strip() == 'CA': atomSequence += threeToOne(line[17:20].strip()) coords.append([line[31:38].strip(), line[39:46].strip(), line[47:54].strip()]) resnums_for_sasa.append(line[22:26].strip()) elif line[0:4].strip() == 'ATOM' and line[13:15].strip() == 'CA' and line[21] == ' ': atomSequence += threeToOne(line[17:20].strip()) coords.append([line[31:38].strip(), line[39:46].strip(), line[47:54].strip()]) resnums_for_sasa.append(line[22:26].strip()) #f = open(Path(path_3D_alignment / f'{identifier}_{str(model_num)}_3Dalignment.txt'),"w") aligner.mode = 'local' aligner.substitution_matrix = substitution_matrices.load("BLOSUM62") aligner.open_gap_score = -11 aligner.extend_gap_score = -1 atomSequence = convert_non_standard_amino_acids(atomSequence) alignments = aligner.align(pdbSequence, atomSequence) alignments = (list(alignments)) return alignments, coords, resnums_for_sasa