import gradio as gr from transformers import pipeline, AutoModelForCausalLM, AutoTokenizer from wgpu.utils.shadertoy import * from wgpu.gui.offscreen import WgpuCanvas as OffscreenCanvas, run as run_offscreen import wgpu import time import ctypes import datasets from PIL import Image import asyncio import numpy as np # reimplement the Shadertoy class with offscreen canvas! class ShadertoyCustom(Shadertoy): def __init__(self, shader_code, resolution=(800, 450), canvas_class=WgpuCanvas, run_fn=run): self._canvas_class = canvas_class self._fun_fn = run_fn super().__init__(shader_code, resolution) self._uniform_data = UniformArray( ("mouse", "f", 4), ("resolution", "f", 3), ("time", "f", 1), ("time_delta", "f", 1), ("frame", "I", 1), ) self._shader_code = shader_code self._uniform_data["resolution"] = resolution + (1,) self._prepare_render() self._bind_events() def _prepare_render(self): import # noqa self._canvas = self._canvas_class(title="Shadertoy", size=self.resolution, max_fps=60) adapter = wgpu.request_adapter( canvas=self._canvas, power_preference="high-performance" ) self._device = adapter.request_device() self._present_context = self._canvas.get_context() # We use "bgra8unorm" not "bgra8unorm-srgb" here because we want to let the shader fully control the color-space. self._present_context.configure( device=self._device, format=wgpu.TextureFormat.bgra8unorm ) shader_type = self.shader_type if shader_type == "glsl": vertex_shader_code = vertex_code_glsl frag_shader_code = ( builtin_variables_glsl + self.shader_code + fragment_code_glsl ) elif shader_type == "wgsl": vertex_shader_code = vertex_code_wgsl frag_shader_code = ( builtin_variables_wgsl + self.shader_code + fragment_code_wgsl ) vertex_shader_program = self._device.create_shader_module( label="triangle_vert", code=vertex_shader_code ) frag_shader_program = self._device.create_shader_module( label="triangle_frag", code=frag_shader_code ) self._uniform_buffer = self._device.create_buffer( size=self._uniform_data.nbytes, usage=wgpu.BufferUsage.UNIFORM | wgpu.BufferUsage.COPY_DST, ) bind_group_layout = self._device.create_bind_group_layout( entries=binding_layout ) self._bind_group = self._device.create_bind_group( layout=bind_group_layout, entries=[ { "binding": 0, "resource": { "buffer": self._uniform_buffer, "offset": 0, "size": self._uniform_data.nbytes, }, }, ], ) self._render_pipeline = self._device.create_render_pipeline( layout=self._device.create_pipeline_layout( bind_group_layouts=[bind_group_layout] ), vertex={ "module": vertex_shader_program, "entry_point": "main", "buffers": [], }, primitive={ "topology": wgpu.PrimitiveTopology.triangle_list, "front_face": wgpu.FrontFace.ccw, "cull_mode": wgpu.CullMode.none, }, depth_stencil=None, multisample=None, fragment={ "module": frag_shader_program, "entry_point": "main", "targets": [ { "format": wgpu.TextureFormat.bgra8unorm, "blend": { "color": (,, wgpu.BlendOperation.add, ), "alpha": (,, wgpu.BlendOperation.add, ), }, }, ], }, ) def show(self, time: float = 0.0): self._canvas.request_draw(self._draw_frame) self._fun_fn() text = """ # Welcome to the interactive shadercoding demo. ## (WIP), you can try and explore the dataset a bit right now. (frames are rendered on the fly, not part of the dataset(yet)) This gives you access to a filtered version of the [Shadertoys]( dataset, only shaders that const of a single pass (and have at least one fuction with a return statement) are available. In the near future there will be some buttons and sliders to generate variations of the shadercode itself, and hence get some different images. If I find an efficient way, the shaders might run in real time and be interactive. ## TODO: - [x] use embedded Shadertoy for reference/attribution (done, but some errors) - [] working render implementation on CPU only space (use the browser for WebGPU?, maybe via an iFrame too?) freespace uses lavapipe which works on really simple stuff. - [~] generate variations of return statements [ShaderEval task1]( (needs to be reworked using the other parts) - [] generation history stating which function and orig/generated returns. (use State ??). do it as comments in the code? - [x] generate whole functions (seems to work quite well) - [] display errros/issues to the user - [] generate whole shaders (via prompts?) - [] accordion with generation parameters (as pipeline_kwargs?) """ passes_dataset = datasets.load_dataset("Vipitis/Shadertoys") single_passes = passes_dataset.filter(lambda x: not x["has_inputs"] and x["num_passes"] == 1) #could also include shaders with no extra functions. all_single_passes = datasets.concatenate_datasets([single_passes["train"], single_passes["test"]]) num_samples = len(all_single_passes) import tree_sitter from tree_sitter import Language, Parser Language.build_library("./build/", ['tree-sitter-glsl']) GLSL_LANGUAGE = Language('./build/', 'glsl') parser = Parser() parser.set_language(GLSL_LANGUAGE) async def get_image(code, time= 0.0, resolution=(512, 420)): tree = parser.parse(bytes(code, "utf8")) if tree.root_node.has_error: print("ERROR in the tree, aborting.") return None shader = ShadertoyCustom(code, resolution, OffscreenCanvas, run_offscreen) #pass offscreen canvas here. shader._uniform_data["time"] = time #set any time you want shader._canvas.request_draw(shader._draw_frame) # frame = shader._canvas.snapshot().data frame = np.asarray(shader._canvas.draw()) img = Image.fromarray(frame) # remove transparent pixels img = img.convert('RGB') return img def grab_sample(sample_idx): sample_pass = all_single_passes[sample_idx] sample_code = sample_pass["code"] sample_source = sample_pass["source"] sample_title = sample_pass["title"] sample_auhtor = sample_pass["author"] source_iframe = construct_embed(sample_source) print(f"{source_iframe=}") # sample_funcs = _parse_functions(sample_code) # funcs = _parse_functions(sample_code) # func_identifiers = [f"{idx:2d}: {n.child_by_field_name('declarator').text.decode()}" for idx, n in enumerate(funcs)] # print(f"updating drop down to:{func_identifiers}") return sample_pass, sample_code, source_iframe, funcs#, gr.Dropdown.update(choices=func_identifiers) #, sample_title, sample_auhtor def _parse_functions(in_code): """ returns all functions in the code as their actual nodes. """ tree = parser.parse(bytes(in_code, "utf8")) funcs = [n for n in tree.root_node.children if n.type == "function_definition"] return funcs PIPE = None def _make_pipeline(model_cp = "Vipitis/santacoder-finetuned-Shadertoys-fine"): #bad default model for testing tokenizer = AutoTokenizer.from_pretrained(model_cp, trust_remote_code=True) model = AutoModelForCausalLM.from_pretrained(model_cp, trust_remote_code=True) pipe = pipeline("text-generation", model=model, tokenizer=tokenizer, trust_remote_code=True) PIPE = pipe # set the global? print(f"loaded model {model_cp} as a pipline") return pipe def process_retn(retn): return retn.split(";")[0].strip() def get_full_replacement(orig_code, retn_start_idx, retn_end_idx, prediction) -> str: """ Batches the generated return statement into the code and returns the full altered code. """ print(f"{orig_code[retn_start_idx:retn_end_idx]=}") generated = process_retn(prediction) print(f"{generated=}") variation = orig_code[:retn_start_idx] + generated + orig_code[retn_end_idx:] return variation def alter_return(orig_code, func_idx=0, pipeline=PIPE): #default pipeline can't be passed as gloabl? """ Replaces the return statement of a function with a generated one. Args: orig_code (str): The original code. func_idx (int): The index of the function to replace the return statement of. pipeline (Pipeline): The pipeline to use for generation. Returns: str: The altered code. """ if pipeline is None: print("no pipeline found, loading default one") pipeline = _make_pipeline() retrns = [] retrn_start_idx = orig_code.find("return") while retrn_start_idx != -1: retrn_end_idx = orig_code.find(";", retrn_start_idx) retrns.append((retrn_start_idx, retrn_end_idx)) retrn_start_idx = orig_code.find("return", retrn_end_idx) num_returns = len(retrns) if num_returns == 0: print("no return statement found, returning original code") return orig_code func_idx = int(max(0, min(func_idx, num_returns - 1))) #clamp to valid range, cast to int as a bodge. retrn_start_idx, retrn_end_idx = retrns[func_idx] model_context = orig_code[:retrn_start_idx] #TODO: maximal context? model_inp = model_context + "return" new_toks = (retrn_end_idx - retrn_start_idx) * 2 #TODO: approximation, we do have early stopping? maybe also use a number instead? pipe_generation = pipeline(model_inp, max_new_tokens=new_toks, return_full_text=False)[0]["generated_text"] #pipeline kwargs are missing?! altered_code = get_full_replacement(orig_code, retrn_start_idx+7, retrn_end_idx, pipe_generation) return altered_code def _line_chr2char(text, line_idx, chr_idx): """ returns the character index at the given line and character index. """ lines = text.split("\n") char_idx = 0 for i in range(line_idx): char_idx += len(lines[i]) + 1 char_idx += chr_idx return char_idx def alter_body(old_code, func_id, funcs_list, pipeline=PIPE): """ Replaces the body of a function with a generated one. Args: old_code (str): The original code. func_node (Node): The node of the function to replace the body of. pipeline (Pipeline): The pipeline to use for generation. Returns: str: The altered code. """ print(f"{func_id=}") func_id = int(func_id.split(":")[0].strip()) #undo their string casting? func_node = funcs_list[func_id] print(f"using for generation: {func_node=}") if pipeline is None: print("no pipeline found, loading default one") pipeline = _make_pipeline("Vipitis/santacoder-finetuned-Shadertoys-fine") func_start_idx = _line_chr2char(old_code, func_node.start_point[0], func_node.start_point[1]) identifier_str = func_node.child_by_field_name("type").text.decode() + " " + func_node.child_by_field_name("declarator").text.decode() body_node = func_node.child_by_field_name("body") body_start_idx = _line_chr2char(old_code, body_node.start_point[0], body_node.start_point[1]) body_end_idx = _line_chr2char(old_code, body_node.end_point[0], body_node.end_point[1]) print(f"{old_code[body_start_idx:body_end_idx]=}") model_context = identifier_str # just this num_new_tokens = (body_end_idx - body_start_idx) + 10 #TODO: approximation, we do have early stopping? maybe also use a number instead? print(f"generating up to {num_new_tokens} after {model_context!r}") generation = pipeline(model_context, max_new_tokens=num_new_tokens, return_full_text=False)[0]["generated_text"] print(f"{generation=}") id_with_generation = identifier_str + generation print(f"{id_with_generation=}") first_gened_func = _parse_functions(id_with_generation)[0] # truncate generation to a single function? # strip just the body. print(f"{first_gened_func=}") generated_body = first_gened_func.child_by_field_name("body").text.decode() print(f"{generated_body=}") altered_code = old_code[:body_start_idx] + generated_body + old_code[body_end_idx:] return altered_code def add_history(func_id, orig_rtn, gened_rtn, history): # is this a list? or a JSON dict? history[func_id] = (orig_rtn, gened_rtn) return history, history def list_dropdown(in_code): #only used for auto update, not on sample pick? funcs = _parse_functions(in_code) # print(f"updating drop down to:{func_identifiers=}") func_identifiers = [f"{idx:2d}: {n.child_by_field_name('declarator').text.decode()}" for idx, n in enumerate(funcs)] # funcs = [n for n in funcs] #wrapped as set to avoid json issues? print(f"updating drop down to:{func_identifiers}") return funcs, gr.Dropdown.update(choices=func_identifiers) def construct_embed(source_url): shader_id = source_url.split("/")[-1] return f'' with gr.Blocks() as site: text_md = gr.Markdown(text) model_cp = gr.Textbox(value="Vipitis/santacoder-finetuned-Shadertoys-fine", label="Model Checkpoint (Enter to load!)", interactive=True) sample_idx = gr.Slider(minimum=0, maximum=num_samples, value=3211, label="pick sample from dataset", step=1.0) func_dropdown = gr.Dropdown(label="chose a function to modify") #breaks if I add a string in before that? with gr.Row(): gen_return_button = gr.Button("generate a alternate return statement", label="generate return") gen_func_button = gr.Button("generate an alternate function body", label="generate function") # update_funcs_button = gr.Button("update functions", label="update functions") render_button = gr.Button("render frame0 (can carsh the sapce on invalid shadercode)",label="render frame") time_slider = gr.Slider(minimum=0, maximum=10, value=0, label="time (update on release, also used to pick other functions as a bodge)", step=0.02) with gr.Row(): with gr.Column(): source_embed = gr.HTML('', label="How this shader originally renders") rendered_frame = gr.Image(shape=(512, 420), label=f"rendered frame preview", type="pil") #colors are messed up? sample_code = gr.Code(label="Current Code (will update changes you generate)", language=None) sample_pass = gr.State(value={}) pipe = gr.State(value=PIPE) funcs = gr.State(value=[]) # hist_state = gr.State(Value={}) # history_table = gr.JSON() model_cp.submit(fn=_make_pipeline, inputs=[model_cp], outputs=[pipe]) sample_idx.release(fn=grab_sample, inputs=[sample_idx], outputs=[sample_pass, sample_code, source_embed]) # sample_idx.release(fn=list_dropdown, inputs=[sample_code], outputs=[funcs, func_dropdown]) #use multiple event handles to call other functions! seems to not work really well. always messes up, inputs=[sample_code, time_slider, pipe], outputs=[sample_code]), inputs=[sample_code, func_dropdown, funcs, pipe], outputs=[sample_code]) #, inputs=[time_slider, sample_pass, sample_code, hist_state], outputs=[history_table, hist_state]) # sample_idx.release(fn=construct_embed, inputs=[sample_idx], outputs=[source_embed]) #twice to make have different outputs? sample_code.change(fn=list_dropdown, inputs=[sample_code], outputs=[funcs, func_dropdown]) # to update this after generation, so spans aren't messed up time_slider.release(fn=lambda code, time:, time)), inputs=[sample_code, time_slider], outputs=rendered_frame) code:, inputs=[sample_code], outputs=rendered_frame) #, inputs=[model_cp, sample_idx], outputs=output) site.launch()