try: import streamlit as st from mi_clase import pipeline st.title("Ask your scientific question!") expected_format = "What is color?\nA)Is a name.\nB)Is something horrible.\nC)I don't know.\nD)You should ask someone else.\nE)Ask in a pyshic book." txt = st.text_area( "follow this format while making your question:", expected_format) try: lista = txt.split("E)") e = lista[1] lista = lista[0].split("D)") d = lista[1] lista = lista[0].split("C)") c = lista[1] lista = lista[0].split("B)") b = lista[1] lista = lista[0].split("A)") a = lista[1] q = lista[0] mi_dict= { "prompt":q, "A":a, "B":b, "C":c, "D":d, "E":e } try: answer = pipeline.give_the_best_answer(mi_dict) st.write(mi_dict) st.write(answer) except Exception as e: st.error("something bad happend to the model") st.error(e) except Exception as e: st.error("Your question doesn't have the required format. Please, correct it.") st.error(e) except Exception as e: st.error("error at the beggining") st.error(e)