import random import tempfile import streamlit as st from pytube import Playlist, YouTube from pydub import AudioSegment import pygame class thaTube: def __init__(self, tubelist='PLUwVJKJgdARRdQ3Y3NFB9HMTjXTa5INcz'): self.playlist_url = playlist_url self.current_audio_file = None self.current_audio = None self.is_playing = False self.video_url = None self.tubelist = tubelist pygame.init() pygame.mixer.init() # Call the method to set up the Streamlit UI self.streamlit_ui() def select_random_video(self): """Select a random video from the playlist.""" playlist = Playlist(self.playlist_url) videos = list(playlist.video_urls) self.video_url = random.choice(videos) return self.video_url def extract_audio(self): """Extract audio from the selected video and save it as an MP3 file.""" if not self.video_url: raise ValueError("No video selected. Please select a video first.") video = YouTube(self.video_url) audio_stream = video.streams.filter(only_audio=True).first() with tempfile.NamedTemporaryFile(delete=False, suffix='.mp4') as temp_audio_file: temp_audio_file.close() audio = AudioSegment.from_file( with tempfile.NamedTemporaryFile(delete=False, suffix='.mp3') as mp3_file: audio.export(, format="mp3") self.current_audio_file = return self.current_audio_file def play_audio(self): """Play the extracted audio.""" if not self.current_audio_file: raise ValueError("No audio file to play. Please extract audio first.") self.current_audio = pygame.mixer.Sound(self.current_audio_file) self.is_playing = True def stop_audio(self): """Stop the currently playing audio.""" if self.is_playing: pygame.mixer.stop() self.is_playing = False def set_volume(self, volume): """Set the volume for playback (volume is a float between 0.0 and 1.0).""" if self.current_audio: self.current_audio.set_volume(volume) def next_video(self): """Select a new random video and start playing its audio.""" self.stop_audio() self.select_random_video() self.extract_audio() self.play_audio() def streamlit_ui(self): """Create a Streamlit interface for controlling playback.""" st.title('YouTube Audio Player') if st.button('Play Random Video'): self.select_random_video() self.extract_audio() self.play_audio() st.write(f"Playing audio from: {self.video_url}") if st.button('Stop Audio'): self.stop_audio() st.write("Audio stopped.") volume = st.slider('Volume', 0.0, 1.0, 0.5) self.set_volume(volume) st.write(f"Volume set to {volume}") if st.button('Next Video'): self.next_video() st.write(f"Playing next video: {self.video_url}")