from __future__ import annotations import constants import vtk import vtk.util.numpy_support as numpy_support from custom_types import * from utils import files_utils, rotation_utils from models import gm_utils from ui import ui_utils, inference_processing, gaussian_status import options def filter_by_inclusion(gaussian: gaussian_status.GaussianStatus) -> bool: return gaussian.included def filter_by_selection(gaussian: gaussian_status.GaussianStatus) -> bool: return gaussian.is_selected class GmmMeshStage: def turn_off_selected(self): if self.selected is not None: # self.arrows.turn_off() self.toggle_selection(self.selected) self.selected = None def turn_gmm_off(self): self.turn_off_selected() for gaussian in self.gmm: gaussian.turn_off() def turn_gmm_on(self): for gaussian in self.gmm: gaussian.turn_on() def event_manger(self, object_id: str): if object_id in self.addresses_dict: return self.toggle_selection(object_id) elif self.arrows.check_event(object_id): transform = self.arrows.get_transform(object_id) self.update_gmm(*transform) return True return False def toggle_selection(self, object_id: str): self.gmm[self.addresses_dict[object_id]].toggle_selection() if self.selected is None: self.selected = object_id elif self.selected == object_id and self.gmm[self.addresses_dict[object_id]].is_not_selected: self.selected = None else: self.gmm[self.addresses_dict[self.selected]].toggle_selection() self.selected = object_id # if self.selected is not None: # self.arrows.update_arrows_transform(self.gmm[self.addresses_dict[self.selected]]) # else: # self.arrows.turn_off() return True def toggle_inclusion_by_id(self, g_id: int, select: Optional[bool] = None) -> Tuple[bool, List[gaussian_status.GaussianStatus]]: toggled = [] self.gmm[g_id].toggle_inclusion(select) toggled.append(self.gmm[g_id]) if self.symmetric_mode: if self.gmm[g_id].twin is not None and self.gmm[g_id].twin.included != self.gmm[g_id].included: self.gmm[g_id].twin.toggle_inclusion(select) toggled.append(self.gmm[g_id].twin) return True, toggled def toggle_inclusion(self, object_id: str) -> Tuple[bool, List[gaussian_status.GaussianStatus]]: if object_id in self.addresses_dict: return self.toggle_inclusion_by_id(self.addresses_dict[object_id]) return False, [] def toggle_all(self): for gaussian in self.gmm: gaussian.toggle_inclusion() def __len__(self): return len(self.gmm) def set_opacity(self, opacity: float): self.view_style.opacity = opacity for gaussian in self.gmm: gaussian.set_color() def update_gmm(self, button: ui_utils.Buttons, key: str) -> bool: if self.selected is not None: g_id = self.addresses_dict[self.selected] self.gmm[g_id].apply_affine(button, key) if self.symmetric_mode: if self.gmm[g_id].twin is not None: self.gmm[g_id].twin.make_symmetric(False) # self.arrows.update_arrows_transform(self.gmm[self.addresses_dict[self.selected]]) return True return False def get_gmm(self) -> Tuple[TS, T]: raw_gmm = [g.get_raw_data() for g in self.gmm if g.included] phi = torch.tensor([g[0] for g in raw_gmm], dtype=torch.float32).view(1, 1, -1) # phi = torch.from_numpy(self.raw_gmm[0]).view(1, 1, -1).float() mu = torch.stack([torch.from_numpy(g[1]).float() for g in raw_gmm], dim=0).view(1, 1, -1, 3) p = torch.stack([torch.from_numpy(g[3]).float() for g in raw_gmm], dim=0).view(1, 1, -1, 3, 3) eigen = torch.stack([torch.from_numpy(g[2]).float() for g in raw_gmm], dim=0).view(1, 1, -1, 3) gmm = mu, p, phi, eigen included = torch.tensor([g.gaussian_id for g in self.gmm if g.included], dtype=torch.int64) return gmm, included def reset(self): for g in self.gmm: g.reset() # self.turn_off_selected() def remove_all(self): self.remove_gaussians(list(self.addresses_dict.keys())) self.addresses_dict = {} self.gmm = [] # def switch_arrows(self, arrow_type: ui_utils.Buttons): # if self.arrows.switch_arrows(arrow_type) and self.selected is not None: # self.arrows.update_arrows_transform(self.gmm[self.addresses_dict[self.selected]]) def toggle_symmetric(self, force_include: bool): self.symmetric_mode = not self.symmetric_mode and False # visited = set() if self.symmetric_mode: for i in range(len(self)): self.gmm[i].make_symmetric(force_include) def remove_gaussians(self, addresses: List[str]): for address in addresses: gaussian_id: int = self.addresses_dict[address] gaussian = self.gmm[gaussian_id] # if gaussian.is_selected: # self.toggle_selection(address) self.gmm[gaussian_id] = None gaussian.delete(self.render) del self.addresses_dict[address] self.gmm = [gaussian for gaussian in self.gmm if gaussian is not None] self.addresses_dict = {self.gmm[i].get_address(): i for i in range(len(self.gmm))} def add_gaussians(self, gaussians: List[gaussian_status.GaussianStatus]) -> List[str]: new_addresses = [] for i, gaussian in enumerate(gaussians): gaussian_copy = gaussian.copy(self.render, self.view_style, is_selected=False) self.gmm.append(gaussian_copy) new_addresses.append(gaussian_copy.get_address()) self.addresses_dict = {self.gmm[i].get_address(): i for i in range(len(self.gmm))} return new_addresses def make_twins(self, address_a: str, address_b: str): if address_a in self.addresses_dict and address_b in self.addresses_dict: gaussian_a, gaussian_b = self.gmm[self.addresses_dict[address_a]], self.gmm[self.addresses_dict[address_b]] gaussian_a.twin = gaussian_b gaussian_b.twin = gaussian_a def split_mesh_by_gmm(self, mesh) -> Dict[int, T]: faces_split = {} mu, p, phi, _ = self.get_gmm()[0] eigen = torch.stack([torch.from_numpy(g.get_view_eigen()).float() for g in self.gmm if g.included], dim=0).view(1, 1, -1, 3) gmm = mu, p, phi, eigen faces_split_ = gm_utils.split_mesh_by_gmm(mesh, gmm) counter = 0 for i in range(len(self.gmm)): if self.gmm[i].disabled: faces_split[i] = None else: faces_split[i] = faces_split_[counter] counter += 1 return faces_split @staticmethod def get_part_face(mesh: V_Mesh, faces_inds: T) -> Tuple[T_Mesh, T]: mesh = mesh[0], torch.from_numpy(mesh[1]).long() mask = faces = mesh[1][mask] vs_inds = faces.flatten().unique() vs = mesh[0][vs_inds] mapper = torch.zeros(mesh[0].shape[0], dtype=torch.int64) mapper[vs_inds] = torch.arange(vs.shape[0]) return (vs, mapper[faces]), faces_inds[mask] def save(self, root: str, filter_faces: Callable[[gaussian_status.GaussianStatus], bool] = filter_by_inclusion): if self.faces is not None: if self.gmm_id == -1: name = "mix" else: name = str(self.gmm_id) path = f"{root}/{files_utils.get_time_name(name)}" faces = list(filter(lambda x: x[1] is not None, self.faces.items())) mesh = self.vs, np.concatenate(list(map(lambda x: x[1], faces))) faces_inds = map(lambda x: torch.ones(x[1].shape[0], dtype=torch.int64) if filter_faces(self.gmm[x[0]]) else torch.zeros(x[1].shape[0], dtype=torch.int64), faces) faces_inds = # if name != 'mix': # mesh, faces_inds = self.get_part_face(mesh, faces_inds) files_utils.export_mesh(mesh, path) files_utils.export_list(faces_inds.tolist(), f"{path}_faces") def aggregate_symmetric(self) -> Dict[str, int]: if not self.symmetric_mode: return self.votes out = {} for item in self.votes: actor_id = self.addresses_dict[item] twin = self.gmm[actor_id].twin out[item] = self.votes[item] if twin is not None and twin.get_address() not in self.votes: out[twin.get_address()] = self.votes[item] return out def aggregate_votes(self) -> List[int]: # to_do = self.add_selection if select else self.clear_selection actors_id = [] # votes = self.aggregate_symmetric() for item in self.votes: actor_id = self.addresses_dict[item] actors_id.append(actor_id) self.votes = {} return actors_id def vote(self, *actors: Optional[vtk.vtkActor]): for actor in actors: if actor is not None: address = actor.GetAddressAsString('') if address in self.addresses_dict: if address not in self.votes: self.votes[address] = 0 self.votes[address] += 1 @staticmethod def faces_to_vtk_faces(faces: Union[T, ARRAY]): if type(faces) is T: faces = faces.detach().cpu().numpy() cells_npy = np.column_stack( [np.full(faces.shape[0], 3, dtype=np.int64), faces.astype(np.int64)]).ravel() faces_vtk = vtk.vtkCellArray() faces_vtk.SetCells(faces.shape[0], numpy_support.numpy_to_vtkIdTypeArray(cells_npy)) return faces_vtk def get_mesh_part(self, vs: vtk.vtkPoints, faces: Optional[Union[T, ARRAY]]) -> Optional[vtk.vtkPolyData]: if faces is not None: # actor_mesh = vtk.vtkActor() mesh = vtk.vtkPolyData() # mapper = vtk.vtkPolyDataMapper() mesh.SetPoints(vs) mesh.SetPolys(self.faces_to_vtk_faces(faces)) # mapper.SetInputData(mesh) # actor_mesh.SetMapper(mapper) # actor_mesh.GetProperty().SetOpacity(0.3) # actor_mesh.PickableOff() # if self.to_init: # self.render.AddActor(actor_mesh) return mesh return None def add_gmm(self) -> List[gaussian_status.GaussianStatus]: gmms = [] if len(self.raw_gmm) > 0: phi = self.raw_gmm[0] phi = np.exp(phi) phi = phi / phi.sum() for i, gaussian in enumerate(zip(*self.raw_gmm)): gaussian = gaussian_status.GaussianStatus(gaussian, (self.gmm_id, i), False, self.view_style, self.render, phi[i]) gmms.append(gaussian) return gmms def add_mesh(self, base_mesh: T_Mesh, split_mesh: bool = True, for_slider: bool = True): if base_mesh is not None: vs_vtk = vtk.vtkPoints() self.vs = base_mesh[0] if for_slider: vs_ui = self.init_mesh_pos(base_mesh[0]) else: vs_ui = self.vs vs_vtk.SetData(numpy_support.numpy_to_vtk(vs_ui.numpy())) if split_mesh: self.faces = self.split_mesh_by_gmm(base_mesh) for i in range(len(self.gmm)): part_mesh = self.get_mesh_part(vs_vtk, self.faces[i]) self.gmm[i].replace_part(part_mesh) else: part_mesh = self.get_mesh_part(vs_vtk, base_mesh[1]) self.gmm[0].replace_part(part_mesh) def set_brush(self, is_draw: bool): self.render.set_brush(is_draw) def replace_mesh(self, mesh: Optional[V_Mesh]): mesh = torch.from_numpy(mesh[0]).float(), torch.from_numpy(mesh[1]).long() self.add_mesh(mesh, for_slider=False) # if mesh is None: # return # else: # reduction = 1 - 50000. / mesh[1].shape[0] # source_ = MeshStage.mesh_to_polydata(mesh) # source_ = MeshStage.smooth_mesh(source_, ui_utils.SmoothingMethod.Taubin) # self.decimate_mesh(source_, reduction, out=self.mapper.GetInput()) # self.is_changed = True # if not self.to_init: # self.to_init = True # self.render.AddActor( def init_mesh_pos(self, vs: T): vs = vs.clone() r_a = rotation_utils.get_rotation_matrix(150, 1, degree=True) r_b = rotation_utils.get_rotation_matrix(-15, 0, degree=True) r = torch.from_numpy(np.einsum('km,mn->kn', r_b, r_a)).float() vs = torch.einsum('ad,nd->na', r, vs) vs[:, 0] += self.gmm_id * 2 return vs @staticmethod def mesh_to_polydata(mesh: Union[T_Mesh, V_Mesh], source: Optional[vtk.vtkPolyData] = None) -> vtk.vtkPolyData: if source is None: source = vtk.vtkPolyData() vs, faces = mesh if type(vs) is T: vs, faces = vs.detach().cpu().numpy(), faces.detach().cpu().numpy() new_vs_vtk = numpy_support.numpy_to_vtk(vs) cells_npy = np.column_stack( [np.full(faces.shape[0], 3, dtype=np.int64), faces.astype(np.int64)]).ravel() vs_vtk, faces_vtk = vtk.vtkPoints(), vtk.vtkCellArray() vs_vtk.SetData(new_vs_vtk) faces_vtk.SetCells(faces.shape[0], numpy_support.numpy_to_vtkIdTypeArray(cells_npy)) source.SetPoints(vs_vtk) source.SetPolys(faces_vtk) return source @property def included(self): for g in self.gmm: if g.included: return True return False def move_mesh_to_end(self, cycle: int): self.offset += cycle vs = None for i in range(len(self)): mapper = self.gmm[i].mapper if mapper is not None and mapper.GetInput() is not None: vs_vtk = mapper.GetInput().GetPoints() if vs is None: vs = numpy_support.vtk_to_numpy(vs_vtk.GetData()) vs[:, 0] += cycle * 2 vs_vtk.SetData(numpy_support.numpy_to_vtk(vs)) def pick(self, actor_address: str) -> bool: return actor_address in self.addresses_dict def __init__(self, opt: options.Options, shape_path: List[str], render: ui_utils.CanvasRender, render_number: int, view_style: ui_utils.ViewStyle, to_init=True): self.view_style = view_style self.votes = {} self.shape_id = shape_path[1] self.gmm_id = render_number self.render = render self.symmetric_mode = sum(opt.symmetric) > 0 and False self.selected = None self.offset = render_number # self.arrows = arrows.ArrowManger(render) if self.shape_id != '-1': self.base_mesh = files_utils.load_mesh( ''.join(shape_path)) self.raw_gmm = files_utils.load_gmm(f'{shape_path[0]}/{shape_path[1]}.txt', as_np=True)[:-1] else: self.base_mesh = None self.raw_gmm = [] self.to_init = to_init self.is_changed = False self.gmm: List[gaussian_status.GaussianStatus] = self.add_gmm() self.vs = self.faces = None self.add_mesh(self.base_mesh) self.addresses_dict: Dict[str, int] = {self.gmm[i].get_address(): i for i in range(len(self.gmm))} if self.symmetric_mode: for i in range(len(self) // 2): self.make_twins(self.gmm[i].get_address(), self.gmm[i + len(self) // 2].get_address()) self.toggle_all() # if self.raw_gmm: # gmms = self.get_gmm()[0] # files_utils.export_gmm(gmms, 0, f"./{render_number}") class GmmStatuses: def __len__(self): return len(self.gmms) def switch_arrows(self, arrow_type: ui_utils.Buttons): self.main_gmm.switch_arrows(arrow_type) def turn_gmm_off(self): self.main_gmm.turn_gmm_off() def turn_gmm_on(self): self.main_gmm.turn_gmm_on() def update_gmm(self, button: ui_utils.Buttons, key: str) -> bool: return self.main_gmm.update_gmm(button, key) def toggle_symmetric(self, force_include: bool = False): for gmm in self.gmms: gmm.toggle_symmetric(force_include) def event_manger(self, object_id: str): for gmm in self.gmms: if gmm.event_manger(object_id): return True return False def toggle_inclusion(self, object_id: str): for gmm in self.gmms: if gmm.toggle_inclusion(object_id)[0]: return True return False @property def main_gmm(self) -> GmmMeshStage: return self.gmms[0] def reset(self): for gmm in self.gmms: gmm.reset() def set_brush(self, is_draw: bool): for gmm in self.gmms: gmm.set_brush(is_draw) def move_mesh_to_end(self, ptr: int): self.gmms[ptr].move_mesh_to_end(len(self)) def pick(self, actor_address: str) -> Optional[GmmMeshStage]: for gmm in self.gmms: if gmm.pick(actor_address): return gmm return None def __init__(self, opt: options.Options, shape_paths: List[List[str]], render, view_styles: List[ui_utils.ViewStyle]): self.gmms = [GmmMeshStage(opt, shape_path, render, i, view_style) for i, (shape_path, view_style) in enumerate(zip(shape_paths, view_styles))] def to_local(func): def inner(self: MeshGmmStatuses.TransitionController, mouse_pos: Optional[Tuple[int, int]], *args, **kwargs): if mouse_pos is not None: size = self.render.GetRenderWindow().GetScreenSize() aspect = self.render.GetAspect() mouse_pos = float(mouse_pos[0]) / size[0] - .5, float(mouse_pos[1]) / size[1] - .5 mouse_pos = torch.tensor([mouse_pos[0] / aspect[1], mouse_pos[1] / aspect[0]]) return func(self, mouse_pos, *args, **kwargs) return inner class MeshGmmStatuses(GmmStatuses): def aggregate_votes(self, select: bool): if self.cur_canvas < len(self.gmms): stage = self.gmms[self.cur_canvas] changed = stage.aggregate_votes() changed = list(filter(lambda x: not stage.gmm[x].disabled and stage.gmm[x].is_selected != select, changed)) for item in changed: stage.gmm[item].toggle_selection() return len(changed) > 0 def vote(self, *actors: Optional[vtk.vtkActor]): self.gmms[self.cur_canvas].vote(*actors) def init_draw(self, side: int): self.cur_canvas = side def sort_gmms(self, gmms, included): order = torch.arange(gmms[0].shape[2]).tolist() order = sorted(order, key=lambda x: included[x][0] * 100 + included[x][1]) gmms = [[item[:, :, order[i]] for item in gmms] for i in range(gmms[0].shape[2])] gmms = [torch.stack([gmms[j][i] for j in range(len(gmms))], dim=2) for i in range(len(gmms[0]))] return gmms def save_light(self, root, gmms): gmms = self.sort_gmms(*gmms) save_dict = {'ids': { gmm.shape_id: [gaussian.gaussian_id[1] for gaussian in gmm.gmm if gaussian.included] for gmm in self.gmms if gmm.included}, 'gmm': gmms} path = f"{root}/{files_utils.get_time_name('light')}" files_utils.save_pickle(save_dict, path) def save(self, root: str, gmms): # for gmm in self.gmms: # if gmm.included: # if len(gmms[0]) > 0: self.save_light(root, gmms) def set_brush(self, is_draw: bool): super(MeshGmmStatuses, self).set_brush(is_draw) self.main_gmm.render.set_brush(is_draw) def update_mesh(self, res=128): if self.model_process is not None: self.model_process.get_mesh(res) return True return False # self.all_info[side] = gaussian_inds def request_gmm(self) -> Tuple[TS, T]: gmm, included = self.main_gmm.get_gmm() return gmm, included def replace_mesh(self): if self.model_process is not None: self.model_process.replace_mesh() def exit(self): if self.model_process is not None: self.model_process.exit() @property def main_stage(self) -> GmmMeshStage: return self.gmms[0] @property def stages(self): return self.gmms class TransitionController: @property def moving_axis(self) -> int: return {ui_utils.EditDirection.X_Axis: 0, ui_utils.EditDirection.Y_Axis: 2, ui_utils.EditDirection.Z_Axis: 1}[self.edit_direction] def get_delta_translation(self, mouse_pos: T) -> ARRAY: delta_3d = np.zeros(3) axis = self.moving_axis vec = mouse_pos - self.origin_mouse delta = torch.einsum('d,d', vec, self.dir_2d[:, axis]) delta_3d[axis] = delta return delta_3d def get_delta_rotation(self, mouse_pos: T) -> ARRAY: projections = [] for pos in (self.origin_mouse, mouse_pos): vec = pos - self.transition_origin_2d projection = torch.einsum('d,da->a', vec, self.dir_2d) projection[self.moving_axis] = 0 projection = nnf.normalize(projection, p=2, dim=0) projections.append(projection) sign = (projections[0][(self.moving_axis + 2) % 3] * projections[1][(self.moving_axis + 1) % 3] - projections[0][(self.moving_axis + 1) % 3] * projections[1][(self.moving_axis + 2) % 3] ).sign() angle = (torch.acos(torch.einsum('d,d', *projections)) * sign).item() return ui_utils.get_rotation_matrix(angle, self.moving_axis) def get_delta_scaling(self, mouse_pos: T) -> ARRAY: raise NotImplementedError def toggle_edit_direction(self, direction: ui_utils.EditDirection): self.edit_direction = direction @to_local def get_transition(self, mouse_pos: Optional[T]) -> ui_utils.Transition: transition = ui_utils.Transition(self.transition_origin.numpy(), self.transition_type) if mouse_pos is not None: if self.transition_type is ui_utils.EditType.Translating: transition.translation = self.get_delta_translation(mouse_pos) elif self.transition_type is ui_utils.EditType.Rotating: transition.rotation = self.get_delta_rotation(mouse_pos) elif self.transition_type is ui_utils.EditType.Scaling: transition.rotation = self.get_delta_scaling(mouse_pos) return transition @to_local def init_transition(self, mouse_pos: Tuple[int, int], transition_origin: T, transition_type: ui_utils.EditType): transform_mat_vtk = dir_2d = torch.zeros(3, 4) for i in range(3): for j in range(4): dir_2d[i, j] = transform_mat_vtk.GetElement(i, j) self.transition_origin = transition_origin transition_origin = torch.tensor(transition_origin.tolist() + [1]) transition_origin_2d = torch.einsum('ab,b->a', dir_2d, transition_origin) self.transition_origin_2d = transition_origin_2d[:2] / transition_origin_2d[-1].abs() # print(f"<{self.transition_origin[0]}, {self.transition_origin[1]}>") # print(mouse_pos) self.origin_mouse, self.dir_2d = mouse_pos, nnf.normalize(dir_2d[:2, :3], p=2, dim=1) self.transition_type = transition_type @property def camera(self): return self.render.GetActiveCamera() def __init__(self, render: ui_utils.CanvasRender): self.render = render self.transition_origin = torch.zeros(3) self.transition_origin_2d = torch.zeros(2) self.origin_mouse, self.dir_2d = torch.zeros(2), torch.zeros(2, 3) self.edit_direction = ui_utils.EditDirection.X_Axis self.transition_type = ui_utils.EditType.Translating @property def selected_gaussians(self) -> Iterable[gaussian_status.GaussianStatus]: return filter(lambda x: x.is_selected, self.main_stage.gmm) def temporary_transition(self, mouse_pos: Optional[Tuple[int, int]] = None, end=False) -> bool: transition = self.transition_controller.get_transition(mouse_pos) is_change = False for gaussian in self.selected_gaussians: if end: is_change = gaussian.end_transition(transition) or is_change else: is_change = gaussian.temporary_transition(transition) or is_change return is_change def end_transition(self, mouse_pos: Optional[Tuple[int, int]]) -> bool: return self.temporary_transition(mouse_pos, True) def init_transition(self, mouse_pos, transition_type: ui_utils.EditType): center = list(map(lambda x: x.mu_baked, self.selected_gaussians)) if len(center) == 0: return # center = torch.from_numpy(np.stack(center, axis=0).mean(0)) center = torch.zeros(3) self.transition_controller.init_transition(mouse_pos, center, transition_type) def toggle_edit_direction(self, direction: ui_utils.EditDirection): self.transition_controller.toggle_edit_direction(direction) def clear_selection(self) -> bool: is_changed = False for gaussian in self.selected_gaussians: gaussian.toggle_selection() is_changed = True return is_changed def __init__(self, opt: options.Options, shape_paths: List[List[str]], render, view_styles: List[ui_utils.ViewStyle], with_model: bool): super(MeshGmmStatuses, self).__init__(opt, shape_paths, render, view_styles) if with_model: self.model_process = inference_processing.InferenceProcess(opt, self.main_stage.replace_mesh, self.request_gmm, shape_paths) else: self.model_process = None self.counter = 0 self.cur_canvas = 0 self.transition_controller = MeshGmmStatuses.TransitionController(self.main_stage.render) class MeshGmmUnited(MeshGmmStatuses): def save(self, root: str): super(MeshGmmUnited, self).save(root), filter_by_selection) def aggregate_votes(self, select: bool): if self.cur_canvas < len(self.gmms): stage = self.gmms[self.cur_canvas] changed = stage.aggregate_votes() changed = list(filter(lambda x: not stage.gmm[x].disabled and stage.gmm[x].included != select, changed)) for item in changed: is_toggled, toggled = stage.toggle_inclusion_by_id(item, select) if is_toggled: if toggled[0].included: new_addresses = self.main_gmm.add_gaussians(toggled) for gaussian, new_address in zip(toggled, new_addresses): self.stage_mapper[gaussian.get_address()] = new_address self.make_twins(toggled, new_addresses) else: addresses = [gaussian.get_address() for gaussian in toggled] addresses = list(filter(lambda x: x in self.stage_mapper, addresses)) self.main_gmm.remove_gaussians([self.stage_mapper[address] for address in addresses]) for address in addresses: del self.stage_mapper[address] return len(changed) > 0 else: return self.update_selection(select) def update_selection(self, select: bool): changed = self.main_stage.aggregate_votes() changed = filter(lambda x: self.main_stage.gmm[x].is_selected != select, changed) for item in changed: self.main_stage.gmm[item].toggle_selection() return False def vote(self, *actors: Optional[vtk.vtkActor]): if self.cur_canvas < len(self.gmms): self.gmms[self.cur_canvas].vote(*actors) else:*actors) def reset(self): super(MeshGmmUnited, self).reset() self.main_gmm.remove_all() for gmm in self.gmms: gmm.toggle_all() self.stage_mapper = {} def event_manger(self, object_id: str): return self.toggle_inclusion(object_id) or self.main_gmm.event_manger(object_id) def make_twins(self, toggled: List[gaussian_status.GaussianStatus], new_addresses : List[str]): if len(new_addresses) == 2: self.main_gmm.make_twins(*new_addresses) else: if toggled[0].twin is not None and toggled[0].twin.get_address() in self.stage_mapper: self.main_gmm.make_twins(new_addresses[0], self.stage_mapper[toggled[0].twin.get_address()]) def toggle_symmetric(self, force_include: bool = False): super(MeshGmmUnited, self).toggle_symmetric(force_include) self.main_gmm.toggle_symmetric(force_include) @property def main_gmm(self) -> GmmMeshStage: return self.main_gmm_ @property def main_stage(self) -> GmmMeshStage: return self.main_gmm_ def __init__(self, opt: options.Options, gmm_paths: List[int], renders_right, view_styles: List[ui_utils.ViewStyle], main_render: ui_utils.CanvasRender, with_model: bool): self.main_gmm_ = GmmMeshStage(opt, -1, main_render, len(gmm_paths), view_styles[-1], to_init=False) super(MeshGmmUnited, self).__init__(opt, gmm_paths, renders_right, view_styles[:-1], with_model) self.main_render = main_render self.reset() self.stage_mapper: Dict[str, str] = {} def main(): opt = options.Options(tag="chairs_sym_hard").load() model = train_utils.model_lc(opt)[0] model = colors = torch.rand(opt.num_gaussians, 3) shape_nums = 1103, 1637, 2954, 3631, 4814 for shape_num in shape_nums: mesh = files_utils.load_mesh(f"{opt.cp_folder}/occ/samples_{shape_num}") gmm = files_utils.load_gmm(f"{opt.cp_folder}/gmms/samples_{shape_num}") vs, faces = mesh phi, mu, eigen, p, _ = [item.unsqueeze(0).unsqueeze(0) for item in gmm] gmm = mu, p, phi, eigen attention = model.get_attention(vs.unsqueeze(0), torch.tensor([shape_num], dtype=torch.int64))[-4:] # _, supports = gm_utils.hierarchical_gm_log_likelihood_loss([gmm], vs.unsqueeze(0), get_supports=True) # supports = supports[0][0] supports =, dim=0) supports = supports.mean(-1).mean(0) label = supports.argmax(1) colors_ = colors[label] files_utils.export_mesh((vs, faces), f"{constants.OUT_ROOT}/{opt.tag}_{shape_num}b", colors=colors_) return 0 if __name__ == '__main__': from utils import train_utils exit(main())