import streamlit as st import os from import BlobServiceClient from azure.core.credentials import AzureKeyCredential from import DocumentTranslationClient # Azure Blob Storage connection strings # Container names FIRST_CONTAINER_NAME = "source" SECOND_CONTAINER_NAME = "target" # Initialize Azure Blob Service Clients blob_service_client = BlobServiceClient.from_connection_string(os.environ["AZURE_STORAGE_CONNECTION_STRING"]) # Function to upload file to Azure Storage def upload_to_azure(blob_service_client, container_name, file, file_name): container_client = blob_service_client.get_container_client(container_name) container_client.upload_blob(name=file_name, data=file, overwrite=True) # Function to download file from Azure Storage def download_from_azure(blob_service_client, container_name, file_name): container_client = blob_service_client.get_container_client(container_name) blob_client = container_client.get_blob_client(blob=file_name) file_content = blob_client.download_blob().readall() return file_content # Function to delete file from Azure Storage def delete_from_azure(blob_service_client, container_name, file_name): container_client = blob_service_client.get_container_client(container_name) blob_client = container_client.get_blob_client(blob=file_name) blob_client.delete_blob() key = os.environ["AZURE_AI_TRANSLATOR_KEY"] endpoint = os.environ["AZURE_AI_ENDPOINT_URL"] sourceUri = "" targetUri = "" # Initialize a new instance of the DocumentTranslationClient client = DocumentTranslationClient(endpoint, AzureKeyCredential(key)) def translate(lang_id, lang_name): poller = client.begin_translation(sourceUri, targetUri, lang_id) result = poller.result() st.write( 'Total documents: {}'.format( poller.details.documents_total_count ) ) for document in result: if document.status == 'Succeeded': st.success('Translated to language: {}\n'.format(lang_name)) else: st.error( 'Error Code: {}, Message: {}\n'.format( document.error.code, document.error.message ) ) # Streamlit UI st.title("Azure Translation Tools") # Step 1: Upload File uploaded_file = st.file_uploader("Upload a file to start the process") langs = ( 'id - Indonesian', 'en - English', 'es - Spanish', 'zh - Chinese', 'ar - Arabic', 'fr - French', 'ru - Russian', 'hi - Hindi', 'pt - Portuguese', 'de - German', 'ms - Malay', 'ta - Tamil', 'ko - Korean', 'th - Thai', ) lang = st.selectbox('Target language selection:', langs, key='lang') lang_id = lang.split()[0] lang_name = lang.split()[-1] if uploaded_file: submit = st.button("Get Result", key='submit') if uploaded_file and submit: file_name = file_content = upload_to_azure(blob_service_client, FIRST_CONTAINER_NAME, file_content, file_name)"Performing translations on the file...") translate(lang_id, lang_name) # Upload file to second storage for simulation downloaded_file_content = download_from_azure(blob_service_client, SECOND_CONTAINER_NAME, file_name) # Step 5: Delete both files delete_from_azure(blob_service_client, FIRST_CONTAINER_NAME, file_name) delete_from_azure(blob_service_client, SECOND_CONTAINER_NAME, file_name) # Allow user to download the file st.download_button( label="Download the Processed File", data=downloaded_file_content, file_name=f"{lang_name}-translated-{file_name}", mime="application/octet-stream" )