from typing import * import torch from polygraphy import cuda from live2diff.animatediff.models.unet_depth_streaming import UNet3DConditionStreamingOutput from .utilities import Engine try: from diffusers.models.autoencoder_tiny import AutoencoderTinyOutput except ImportError: from dataclasses import dataclass from diffusers.utils import BaseOutput @dataclass class AutoencoderTinyOutput(BaseOutput): """ Output of AutoencoderTiny encoding method. Args: latents (`torch.Tensor`): Encoded outputs of the `Encoder`. """ latents: torch.Tensor try: from diffusers.models.vae import DecoderOutput except ImportError: from dataclasses import dataclass from diffusers.utils import BaseOutput @dataclass class DecoderOutput(BaseOutput): r""" Output of decoding method. Args: sample (`torch.FloatTensor` of shape `(batch_size, num_channels, height, width)`): The decoded output sample from the last layer of the model. """ sample: torch.FloatTensor class AutoencoderKLEngine: def __init__( self, encoder_path: str, decoder_path: str, stream: cuda.Stream, scaling_factor: int, use_cuda_graph: bool = False, ): self.encoder = Engine(encoder_path) self.decoder = Engine(decoder_path) = stream self.vae_scale_factor = scaling_factor self.use_cuda_graph = use_cuda_graph self.encoder.load() self.decoder.load() self.encoder.activate() self.decoder.activate() def encode(self, images: torch.Tensor, **kwargs): self.encoder.allocate_buffers( shape_dict={ "images": images.shape, "latent": ( images.shape[0], 4, images.shape[2] // self.vae_scale_factor, images.shape[3] // self.vae_scale_factor, ), }, device=images.device, ) latents = self.encoder.infer( {"images": images},, use_cuda_graph=self.use_cuda_graph, )["latent"] return AutoencoderTinyOutput(latents=latents) def decode(self, latent: torch.Tensor, **kwargs): self.decoder.allocate_buffers( shape_dict={ "latent": latent.shape, "images": ( latent.shape[0], 3, latent.shape[2] * self.vae_scale_factor, latent.shape[3] * self.vae_scale_factor, ), }, device=latent.device, ) images = self.decoder.infer( {"latent": latent},, use_cuda_graph=self.use_cuda_graph, )["images"] return DecoderOutput(sample=images) def to(self, *args, **kwargs): pass def forward(self, *args, **kwargs): pass class UNet2DConditionModelDepthEngine: def __init__(self, filepath: str, stream: cuda.Stream, use_cuda_graph: bool = False): self.engine = Engine(filepath) = stream self.use_cuda_graph = use_cuda_graph self.init_profiler() self.engine.load() self.engine.activate(profiler=self.profiler) self.has_allocated = False def init_profiler(self): import tensorrt class Profiler(tensorrt.IProfiler): def __init__(self): tensorrt.IProfiler.__init__(self) def report_layer_time(self, layer_name, ms): print(f"{layer_name}: {ms} ms") self.profiler = Profiler() def __call__( self, latent_model_input: torch.Tensor, timestep: torch.Tensor, encoder_hidden_states: torch.Tensor, temporal_attention_mask: torch.Tensor, depth_sample: torch.Tensor, kv_cache: List[torch.Tensor], pe_idx: torch.Tensor, update_idx: torch.Tensor, **kwargs, ) -> Any: if timestep.dtype != torch.float32: timestep = timestep.float() feed_dict = { "sample": latent_model_input, "timestep": timestep, "encoder_hidden_states": encoder_hidden_states, "temporal_attention_mask": temporal_attention_mask, "depth_sample": depth_sample, "pe_idx": pe_idx, "update_idx": update_idx, } for idx, cache in enumerate(kv_cache): feed_dict[f"kv_cache_{idx}"] = cache shape_dict = {k: v.shape for k, v in feed_dict.items()} if not self.has_allocated: self.engine.allocate_buffers( shape_dict=shape_dict, device=latent_model_input.device, ) self.has_allocated = True output = self.engine.infer( feed_dict,, use_cuda_graph=self.use_cuda_graph, ) noise_pred = output["latent"] kv_cache = [output[f"kv_cache_out_{idx}"] for idx in range(len(kv_cache))] return UNet3DConditionStreamingOutput(sample=noise_pred, kv_cache=kv_cache) def to(self, *args, **kwargs): pass def forward(self, *args, **kwargs): pass class MidasEngine: def __init__(self, filepath: str, stream: cuda.Stream, use_cuda_graph: bool = False): self.engine = Engine(filepath) = stream self.use_cuda_graph = use_cuda_graph self.engine.load() self.engine.activate() self.has_allocated = False self.default_batch_size = 1 def __call__( self, images: torch.Tensor, **kwargs, ) -> Any: if not self.has_allocated or images.shape[0] != self.default_batch_size: bz = images.shape[0] self.engine.allocate_buffers( shape_dict={ "images": (bz, 3, 384, 384), "depth_map": (bz, 384, 384), }, device=images.device, ) self.has_allocated = True self.default_batch_size = bz depth_map = self.engine.infer( { "images": images, },, use_cuda_graph=self.use_cuda_graph, )["depth_map"] # (1, 384, 384) return depth_map def norm(self, x): return (x - x.min()) / (x.max() - x.min()) def to(self, *args, **kwargs): pass def forward(self, *args, **kwargs): pass