const config = require("../config"); const { cmd, commands } = require("../command"); cmd({ 'pattern': "opentime", 'react': 'π', 'desc': "To open group to a time", 'category': "group", 'use': ".opentime", 'filename': __filename }, async (_0x34b3eb, _0x420019, _0x39b627, { from: _0x1979f2, prefix: _0x7a8f6f, l: _0x25c44a, quoted: _0x379179, body: _0x681d99, isCmd: _0x4f96ba, command: _0x3c87cf, args: _0x3aae58, q: _0x29755d, isGroup: _0x18986c, sender: _0x1eeef2, senderNumber: _0x5e7c65, botNumber2: _0x5dc97f, botNumber: _0x7cbf18, pushname: _0x10e0d4, isMe: _0x40fd80, isOwner: _0x34432b, groupMetadata: _0x53257c, groupName: _0x582d96, participants: _0x5b6051, groupAdmins: _0x507027, isBotAdmins: _0x480a94, isAdmins: _0x186a74, reply: _0x515443 }) => { try { if (!_0x18986c) { return _0x515443(ONLGROUP); } if (!_0x186a74) { return _0x515443(ADMIN); } if (_0x3aae58[0x1] == "second") { var _0x57d309 = _0x3aae58[0x0] * "1000"; } else { if (_0x3aae58[0x1] == "minute") { var _0x57d309 = _0x3aae58[0x0] * "60000"; } else { if (_0x3aae58[0x1] == 'hour') { var _0x57d309 = _0x3aae58[0x0] * "3600000"; } else { if (_0x3aae58[0x1] == 'day') { var _0x57d309 = _0x3aae58[0x0] * "86400000"; } else { return _0x515443("*select:*\nsecond\nminute\nhour\n\n*example*\n10 second"); } } } } _0x515443("Open time " + _0x29755d + " starting from now"); setTimeout(() => { _0x34b3eb.groupSettingUpdate(_0x1979f2, "not_announcement"); _0x515443("> *π Group Chat Automatically Opened By SubZero Bot*"); }, _0x57d309); await _0x34b3eb.sendMessage(_0x1979f2, { 'react': { 'text': 'β ', 'key': _0x420019.key } }); } catch (_0x36d0c6) { _0x515443("*Error !!*"); _0x25c44a(_0x36d0c6); } }); cmd({ 'pattern': "closetime", 'react': 'π', 'desc': "To close group to a time", 'category': "group", 'use': ".closstime", 'filename': __filename }, async (_0x33bbc7, _0x1f2130, _0x578b2f, { from: _0x152d4d, prefix: _0xb42f24, l: _0xbe8dbc, quoted: _0x59c39b, body: _0x40ea43, isCmd: _0x2826d4, command: _0x25218c, args: _0x5b0123, q: _0x490959, isGroup: _0x369c33, sender: _0x536754, senderNumber: _0x226ae6, botNumber2: _0x262160, botNumber: _0x5de73e, pushname: _0x25e051, isMe: _0x5a41d6, isOwner: _0x567b92, groupMetadata: _0x3a3520, groupName: _0xdac3e3, participants: _0x29c2b6, groupAdmins: _0x1d43ad, isBotAdmins: _0x526454, isAdmins: _0x526c9a, reply: _0x5c514e }) => { try { if (!_0x369c33) { return _0x5c514e(ONLGROUP); } if (!_0x526c9a) { return _0x5c514e(ADMIN); } if (_0x5b0123[0x1] == 'second') { var _0x4b2fe4 = _0x5b0123[0x0] * "1000"; } else { if (_0x5b0123[0x1] == "minute") { var _0x4b2fe4 = _0x5b0123[0x0] * "60000"; } else { if (_0x5b0123[0x1] == "hour") { var _0x4b2fe4 = _0x5b0123[0x0] * "3600000"; } else { if (_0x5b0123[0x1] == "day") { var _0x4b2fe4 = _0x5b0123[0x0] * "86400000"; } else { return _0x5c514e("*select:*\nsecond\nminute\nhour\n\n*Example*\n10 second"); } } } } _0x5c514e("Close time " + _0x490959 + " starting from now"); setTimeout(() => { _0x33bbc7.groupSettingUpdate(_0x152d4d, "announcement"); _0x5c514e("> *π Group Chat automatically closed by SubZero*"); }, _0x4b2fe4); await _0x33bbc7.sendMessage(_0x152d4d, { 'react': { 'text': 'β ', 'key': _0x1f2130.key } }); } catch (_0x4094cc) { _0x5c514e("*Error !!*"); _0xbe8dbc(_0x4094cc); } }); cmd({ 'pattern': 'tagadmin', 'alais': ["tagadmins"], 'react': 'π', 'desc': "Tags all the admins in the group.", 'category': 'group', 'filename': __filename }, async (_0x2180ae, _0x41ac32, _0x2e9138, { from: _0x2616a, prefix: _0xa4be17, l: _0x11b560, quoted: _0x2613b8, body: _0x467a99, isCmd: _0x38af41, command: _0x159cc0, args: _0x206a87, q: _0x5a7094, isGroup: _0x3fcba9, sender: _0x2d33ad, senderNumber: _0x2272d0, botNumber2: _0x27bc6f, botNumber: _0x428f22, pushname: _0x1aed08, isMe: _0x336ec0, isOwner: _0x331a4d, groupMetadata: _0x57c62a, groupName: _0x3231a9, participants: _0xe699, groupAdmins: _0x53ccdc, isBotAdmins: _0x4aa8ee, isAdmins: _0x575128, reply: _0x35f506 }) => { try { if (!_0x3fcba9) { return _0x35f506("This command is only for groups."); } if (!_0x575128) { return _0x35f506("Yah Command Srf Admins Ky Lya Hai !."); } if (_0x53ccdc.length === 0x0) { return _0x35f506("There are no admins in this group."); } let _0x14ad67 = "*TAGGING ALL ADMINS IN THE GROUP π³:*\n\n"; for (let _0x166714 of _0x53ccdc) { _0x14ad67 += '@' + _0x166714.split('@')[0x0] + "\n"; } await _0x2180ae.sendMessage(_0x2616a, { 'text': _0x14ad67, 'mentions': _0x53ccdc }, { 'quoted': _0x41ac32 }); } catch (_0x2a7fa0) { console.error("Error tagging admins:", _0x2a7fa0); _0x35f506("you are not an admin."); } }); cmd({ 'pattern': "mute", 'alias': ["lock"], 'react': 'π', 'desc': "mute group.", 'category': "group", 'filename': __filename }, async (_0x188ee4, _0x2926d7, _0x5a0744, { from: _0x1446bd, l: _0x15ae12, quoted: _0x11cce4, body: _0x3901bf, isCmd: _0x37eecc, command: _0x2ed5f9, args: _0x3b6b0a, q: _0x7468c5, isGroup: _0x3aa6ce, sender: _0x1e204d, senderNumber: _0x683c2e, botNumber2: _0x26b4e2, botNumber: _0x2ddb86, pushname: _0x5c4eea, isMe: _0x33a6e7, isOwner: _0x39f686, groupMetadata: _0x5aedcf, groupName: _0x1026a0, participants: _0x5e633e, isItzcp: _0x4d966c, groupAdmins: _0xa75e9a, isBotAdmins: _0x5cd7fb, isAdmins: _0x32b120, reply: _0x4efac7 }) => { try { if (!_0x39f686 || !_0x32b120) { return; } if (!_0x5a0744.isGroup) { return _0x4efac7(mg.onlygroup); } if (!_0x5cd7fb) { return _0x4efac7(mg.needbotadmins); } await _0x188ee4.groupSettingUpdate(, "announcement"); const _0x23264b = await _0x188ee4.sendMessage(, { 'text': "*GROUP CHAT MUTED BY SUBZERO-MD* π" }, { 'quoted': _0x2926d7 }); return await _0x188ee4.sendMessage(, { 'react': { 'text': 'π', 'key': _0x23264b.key } }); } catch (_0x3ea7c2) { console.log(_0x3ea7c2); _0x4efac7("*Muja Admin Kar Pher Use Kar Commands βπ»*"); } }); cmd({ 'pattern': "unmute", 'alias': ["unlock"], 'react': 'π', 'desc': "unmute group.", 'category': "group", 'filename': __filename }, async (_0x298fe1, _0x116d41, _0x2602ac, { from: _0x15600e, l: _0x5ba8bd, quoted: _0x30a624, body: _0x314dcd, isCmd: _0x2536d0, command: _0x3d9eb1, args: _0x19ba22, q: _0x3f0c3c, isGroup: _0x4e57af, sender: _0x597d49, senderNumber: _0xda3f5a, botNumber2: _0x2f023e, botNumber: _0x1dd6f9, pushname: _0x5320d4, isMe: _0x48a143, isOwner: _0x2cda60, groupMetadata: _0x130d26, groupName: _0x4593b5, participants: _0x166fbf, isItzcp: _0x310852, groupAdmins: _0x2154a4, isBotAdmins: _0x16ccf1, isAdmins: _0x118e3c, reply: _0x33fff7 }) => { try { if (!_0x2cda60 || !_0x118e3c) { return; } if (!_0x2602ac.isGroup) { return _0x33fff7(mg.onlygroup); } if (!_0x16ccf1) { return _0x33fff7(mg.needbotadmins); } await _0x298fe1.groupSettingUpdate(, "not_announcement"); const _0x74b371 = await _0x298fe1.sendMessage(, { 'text': "*GROUP CHAT UNMUTED BY SUBZERO-MD* π" }, { 'quoted': _0x116d41 }); return await _0x298fe1.sendMessage(, { 'react': { 'text': 'π', 'key': _0x74b371.key } }); } catch (_0x38466f) { console.log(_0x38466f); _0x33fff7("*Muja Admin Bana Phr Commands Karβπ»*"); } }); cmd({ 'pattern': 'add', 'alias': ["aja"], 'react': 'β', 'desc': "Adds a user to the group.", 'category': 'group', 'filename': __filename, 'use': '<number>' }, async (_0x29bcee, _0x5d8ef6, _0x56566a, { from: _0x2d1d85, quoted: _0x3437b0, body: _0x212da3, isCmd: _0x113379, command: _0x4b5bf0, args: _0xc1281a, q: _0x58d6f4, isGroup: _0x4e0892, sender: _0xf93582, senderNumber: _0x95b29f, botNumber2: _0x558f84, botNumber: _0x3571cd, pushname: _0x19af4b, isMe: _0x3ea7c4, isOwner: _0x5c85af, groupMetadata: _0x48378c, groupName: _0x3827d6, participants: _0x57e605, groupAdmins: _0x4ddcc9, isBotAdmins: _0x33dfec, isAdmins: _0x4424ae, reply: _0x227b1d }) => { try { if (!_0x56566a.isGroup) { return _0x227b1d("This command is only for groups."); } if (!_0x33dfec) { return _0x227b1d("I need admin privileges to add users."); } if (!_0x58d6f4 || isNaN(_0x58d6f4)) { return _0x227b1d("Please provide a valid phone number to add."); } const _0x362df9 = _0x58d6f4 + ""; await _0x29bcee.groupParticipantsUpdate(, [_0x362df9], "add"); _0x227b1d("User " + _0x58d6f4 + " has been added to the group."); } catch (_0x3f7309) { console.error("Error adding user:", _0x3f7309); _0x227b1d("An error occurred while adding the user. Please make sure the number is correct and they are not already in the group."); } }); cmd({ 'pattern': "setgoodbye", 'desc': "Set the goodbye message for the group.", 'category': "group", 'react': 'π', 'filename': __filename }, async (_0x51b23f, _0x21cb6a, _0x275d83, { from: _0x3ffb4d, quoted: _0x3f3f17, body: _0x4550f2, isCmd: _0x28286e, command: _0x97137b, args: _0x273812, q: _0x5ebbc8, isGroup: _0xb2710d, sender: _0x421d81, senderNumber: _0x16e90c, botNumber2: _0x2369c2, botNumber: _0x555438, pushname: _0x4c8d4a, isMe: _0x522db1, isOwner: _0x1db872, groupMetadata: _0x212b3d, groupName: _0x3d71b8, participants: _0x4da364, groupAdmins: _0x1a2b40, isBotAdmins: _0xf475c2, isAdmins: _0x533cde, reply: _0x4beca6 }) => { try { if (!_0xb2710d) { return _0x4beca6("This command can only be used in a group."); } if (!_0xf475c2) { return _0x4beca6("Bot must be an admin to use this command."); } if (!_0x533cde) { return _0x4beca6("You must be an admin to use this command."); } if (!_0x5ebbc8) { return _0x4beca6("Please provide a goodbye message."); } await _0x51b23f.sendMessage(_0x3ffb4d, { 'image': { 'url': config.ALIVE_IMG }, 'caption': _0x5ebbc8 }); await _0x4beca6("Goodbye message has been set."); } catch (_0xbbddb1) { console.log(_0xbbddb1); _0x4beca6('' + _0xbbddb1); } }); cmd({ 'pattern': "setwelcome", 'desc': "Set the welcome message for the group.", 'category': "group", 'react': 'π', 'filename': __filename }, async (_0x38c266, _0x3173c4, _0x390a75, { from: _0x3f6a31, quoted: _0x28a99e, body: _0x4ed0ca, isCmd: _0x4d0fa4, command: _0x400fb2, args: _0x3a8f9f, q: _0xd0a608, isGroup: _0x519fe5, sender: _0x19d08d, senderNumber: _0x4b3863, botNumber2: _0x1aaac2, botNumber: _0x5e81eb, pushname: _0x37028a, isMe: _0x2af145, isOwner: _0x5060d5, groupMetadata: _0x1378de, groupName: _0x463238, participants: _0x31482b, groupAdmins: _0x5cc3cc, isBotAdmins: _0x12d593, isAdmins: _0x35af97, reply: _0x4c430b }) => { try { if (!_0x519fe5) { return _0x4c430b("This command can only be used in a group."); } if (!_0x12d593) { return _0x4c430b("Bot must be an admin to use this command."); } if (!_0x35af97) { return _0x4c430b("You must be an admin to use this command."); } if (!_0xd0a608) { return _0x4c430b("Please provide a welcome message."); } await _0x38c266.sendMessage(_0x3f6a31, { 'image': { 'url': config.ALIVE_IMG }, 'caption': _0xd0a608 }); await _0x4c430b("Welcome message has been set."); } catch (_0x416d4f) { console.log(_0x416d4f); _0x4c430b('' + _0x416d4f); } });