import streamlit as st from transformers import pipeline @st.cache_data def get_results(text): pipe = pipeline( "text-classification", model="harshildarji/privacy-policy-relation-extraction", return_all_scores=True, framework="pt", ) return pipe(text) st.title("Privacy Policy Relation Extraction") example = st.text_area( "Enter text:", value="We store your basic account information, including your name, username, and email address until you ask us to delete them.", height=150, ) if st.button("Analyze"): with st.spinner("Processing..."): results = get_results(example) st.session_state.results = results if "results" in st.session_state: threshold = st.slider( "Confidence threshold:", min_value=0.0, max_value=1.0, value=0.5 ) filtered_results = [ result for result in st.session_state.results[0] if result["score"] >= threshold ] sorted_results = sorted(filtered_results, key=lambda x: x["score"], reverse=True) if sorted_results: for result in sorted_results: cols = st.columns([3, 5, 0.5]) with cols[0]: st.write(f"**{result['label']}**") with cols[1]: st.progress(int(result["score"] * 100)) with cols[2]: st.write(f"**{result['score']:.2f}**") else: st.warning("No relations found with the specified threshold.") st.markdown( """ """, unsafe_allow_html=True, )