#!/bin/bash # Function to handle errors handle_error() { echo "Error: $1" exit 1 } # Verify and create the /data directory if it doesn't exist if [ ! -d "/data" ]; then mkdir -p /data || handle_error "Could not create /data directory" echo "/data directory created for persistent storage" fi # Verify write permissions for /data directory if [ ! -w "/data" ]; then echo "Warning: No write permissions for /data. Some data may not be persistent." fi # Use the AUX_TOKEN environment variable if JUPYTER_TOKEN is not set if [ -z "$JUPYTER_TOKEN" ]; then export JUPYTER_TOKEN=${AUX_TOKEN:-} fi # Verify if the token is empty if [ -z "$JUPYTER_TOKEN" ]; then handle_error "JupyterLab token is empty" fi # Check for GPU availability if command -v nvidia-smi &> /dev/null; then echo "GPU detected. Configuring environment for GPU usage." export NVIDIA_VISIBLE_DEVICES=all export NVIDIA_DRIVER_CAPABILITIES=compute,utility else echo "No GPU detected. CPU will be used." fi # Start JupyterLab in the background jupyter lab --ip= --port=${JUPYTERLAB_PORT} --no-browser --allow-root \ --NotebookApp.token=${JUPYTER_TOKEN} \ --notebook-dir=/data & # Start Nginx in the foreground nginx -g "daemon off;" || handle_error "Failed to start Nginx"