import inspect import io import os import shutil import tempfile import threading import uuid import warnings from datetime import datetime from typing import Callable, Dict import markdown import matplotlib.pyplot as plt import numpy as np import orjson import pandas as pd from flask import Flask, Response, render_template, request, send_file from selector.methods.distance import DISE, MaxMin, MaxSum, OptiSim from selector.methods.partition import GridPartition, Medoid from selector.methods.similarity import NSimilarity from selector.measures.diversity import compute_diversity from sklearn.metrics import pairwise_distances from werkzeug.utils import secure_filename # Constants UPLOAD_FOLDER = "uploads" ALLOWED_EXTENSIONS = {"txt", "npz", "xlsx", "xls"} app = Flask(__name__) app.config["MAX_CONTENT_LENGTH"] = 32 * 1024 * 1024 # 32MB max file size app.config["UPLOAD_FOLDER"] = UPLOAD_FOLDER file_lock = threading.Lock() # Ensure upload directory exists os.makedirs(app.config["UPLOAD_FOLDER"], exist_ok=True) ALLOWED_EXTENSIONS = {"txt", "npz", "xlsx", "xls"} # Map algorithm names to their functions SELECTION_ALGORITHM_MAP = { # Distance-based methods "MaxMin": MaxMin, "MaxSum": MaxSum, "OptiSim": OptiSim, "DISE": DISE, # Partition-based methods "GridPartition": GridPartition, # Similarity-based methods "NSimilarity": NSimilarity, } def allowed_file(filename): """Check if file extension is allowed.""" return "." in filename and filename.rsplit(".", 1)[1].lower() in ALLOWED_EXTENSIONS def get_unique_upload_dir(): """Create a unique directory for each upload session.""" unique_dir = os.path.join(app.config["UPLOAD_FOLDER"], str(uuid.uuid4())) os.makedirs(unique_dir, exist_ok=True) os.chmod(unique_dir, 0o777) # Full permissions for Docker container return unique_dir def clean_upload_dir(upload_dir): """Clean up upload directory after processing.""" try: if os.path.exists(upload_dir): shutil.rmtree(upload_dir) except Exception as e: print(f"Error cleaning upload directory: {e}") def load_data(filepath): """Load data from various file formats.""" try: ext = filepath.rsplit(".", 1)[1].lower() if ext == "npz": with np.load(filepath) as data: return data["arr_0"] if "arr_0" in data else next(iter(data.values())) elif ext == "txt": return np.loadtxt(filepath) elif ext in ["xlsx", "xls"]: df = pd.read_excel(filepath) return df.to_numpy() except Exception as e: raise ValueError(f"Error loading file {filepath}: {str(e)}") def create_json_response(data, status=200): """Create a JSON response using orjson for better numpy array handling""" return Response( orjson.dumps(data, option=orjson.OPT_SERIALIZE_NUMPY, default=str), status=status, mimetype="application/json", ) def read_markdown_file(filename): """Read and convert markdown file to HTML.""" filepath = os.path.join(os.path.dirname(__file__), "md_files", filename) try: with open(filepath, "r", encoding="utf-8") as f: content = # Pre-process math blocks to protect them # content = content.replace('\\\\', '\\\\\\\\') # Escape backslashes in math # Convert markdown to HTML with math and table support md = markdown.Markdown(extensions=["tables", "fenced_code", "codehilite", "attr_list"]) # First pass: convert markdown to HTML html = md.convert(content) # Post-process math blocks # Handle display math ($$...$$) html = html.replace("

$$", '

$$') html = html.replace("$$

", "$$
") # Handle inline math ($...$) # We don't need special handling for inline math as MathJax will handle it return html except Exception as e: print(f"Error reading markdown file {filename}: {e}") return f"

Error loading content: {str(e)}

" def get_default_parameters(func): """Get default parameters for a function from its signature.""" sig = inspect.signature(func) defaults = {} for name, param in sig.parameters.items(): if name == "self" or name == "fun_dist": # Skip self and dist_metric continue if param.default is not param.empty: defaults[name] = param.default return defaults @app.route("/get_default_params/") def get_default_params(algorithm): """API endpoint to get default parameters for an algorithm.""" if algorithm not in SELECTION_ALGORITHM_MAP: return create_json_response({"error": f"Unknown algorithm: {algorithm}"}, 400) try: # Get the algorithm class algorithm_class = SELECTION_ALGORITHM_MAP[algorithm] # Get default parameters from __init__ params = get_default_parameters(algorithm_class.__init__) return create_json_response(params) except Exception as e: return create_json_response({"error": f"Error getting parameters: {str(e)}"}, 500) @app.route("/get_default_selection_params/") def get_default_selection_params(algorithm): """API endpoint to get default parameters for a selection algorithm.""" if algorithm not in SELECTION_ALGORITHM_MAP: return create_json_response({"error": f"Algorithm unsupported: {algorithm}"}, 400) try: return create_json_response(get_default_selection_params(algorithm)) except Exception as e: return create_json_response({"error": f"Error getting parameters: {str(e)}"}, 500) @app.route("/") def home(): return render_template("index.html") @app.route("/md/") def get_markdown(filename): """Serve markdown files as HTML.""" if not filename.endswith(".md"): filename = filename + ".md" html = read_markdown_file(filename) return create_json_response({"html": html}) def process_selection(arr, algorithm, parameters, dist_metric): """ Process feature matrix using the specified selection algorithm. Parameters ---------- arr : np.ndarray Input feature matrix algorithm : str Name of the selection algorithm to use parameters : dict Parameters for the algorithm dist_metric : str, optional Distance function to use. Returns ------- dict Dictionary containing results and any warnings """ result = {"success": False, "error": None, "warnings": [], "indices": None} try: # Get the algorithm class algorithm_class = SELECTION_ALGORITHM_MAP.get(algorithm) if algorithm_class is None: raise ValueError(f"Unknown algorithm: {algorithm}") # Get size parameter size = parameters.pop('size', None) if size is None: raise ValueError("Subset size must be specified") try: size = int(size) if size < 1: raise ValueError except (TypeError, ValueError): raise ValueError("Subset size must be a positive integer") # Validate size against array dimensions if size > arr.shape[0]: raise ValueError(f"Subset size ({size}) cannot be larger than the number of samples ({arr.shape[0]})") # Handle distance-based methods differently is_distance_based = algorithm in ["MaxMin", "MaxSum", "OptiSim", "DISE"] # Convert array to float for computations arr_float = arr.astype(float) # Compute or prepare the input matrix if is_distance_based: # For distance-based methods, compute distance matrix try: if dist_metric and dist_metric != "": # Use specified distance metric arr_dist = pairwise_distances(arr_float, metric=dist_metric) else: # Default to euclidean distance arr_dist = pairwise_distances(arr_float, metric='euclidean') except Exception as e: raise ValueError(f"Error computing distance matrix: {str(e)}") else: # For non-distance-based methods, use the original float array arr_dist = arr_float # Handle special case for GridPartition if algorithm == "GridPartition": # Ensure nbins_axis is provided and is an integer nbins_axis = parameters.get('nbins_axis') if nbins_axis is None: raise ValueError("nbins_axis must be specified for GridPartition") try: parameters['nbins_axis'] = int(nbins_axis) if parameters['nbins_axis'] < 1: raise ValueError except (TypeError, ValueError): raise ValueError("nbins_axis must be a positive integer") # Initialize and run the algorithm try: collector = algorithm_class(**parameters) indices =, size=size) # Ensure indices are valid if indices is None: raise ValueError("Algorithm returned None instead of indices") if len(indices) != size: warnings.warn(f"Algorithm returned {len(indices)} indices but expected {size}") # Convert indices to list and validate indices_list = indices.tolist() if isinstance(indices, np.ndarray) else list(indices) if not all(isinstance(i, (int, np.integer)) and 0 <= i < arr.shape[0] for i in indices_list): raise ValueError("Algorithm returned invalid indices") result["success"] = True result["indices"] = indices_list except Exception as e: import traceback print(f"Traceback: {traceback.format_exc()}") raise ValueError(f"Error executing algorithm: {str(e)}") except Warning as w: result["warnings"].append(str(w)) except Exception as e: result["error"] = str(e) return result @app.route("/upload_selection", methods=["POST"]) def upload_selection_file(): """Handle file upload and process selection.""" try: print("Debug - Starting upload_selection_file") if "file" not in request.files: return create_json_response({"error": "No file provided"}, 400) file = request.files["file"] if file.filename == "": return create_json_response({"error": "No file selected"}, 400) if not allowed_file(file.filename): return create_json_response({"error": "File type not allowed"}, 400) # Get parameters algorithm = request.form.get("algorithm") if not algorithm: return create_json_response({"error": "No algorithm specified"}, 400) # Get size parameter size = request.form.get("size") if not size: return create_json_response({"error": "Subset size must be specified"}, 400) # Get distance function dist_metric = request.form.get("func_dist", "") # Parse parameters try: parameters = orjson.loads(request.form.get("parameters", "{}")) except Exception as e: parameters = {} # Add size to parameters parameters["size"] = size # Create a unique directory for this upload upload_dir = get_unique_upload_dir() try: # Save file with unique name file_path = os.path.join( upload_dir, secure_filename(str(uuid.uuid4()) + "_" + file.filename) ) with file_lock: # os.chmod(file_path, 0o666) # Read/write for all # Load data array = load_data(file_path) # Process the selection with separate dist_metric parameter result = process_selection(array, algorithm, parameters, dist_metric) return create_json_response(result) except Exception as e: return create_json_response({"error": str(e)}, 500) finally: # Clean up the unique upload directory clean_upload_dir(upload_dir) except Exception as e: return create_json_response({"error": f"Error processing request: {str(e)}"}, 400) @app.route("/download", methods=["POST"]) def download(): """Download selected indices in specified format.""" try: data = request.get_json() if not data or "indices" not in data: return create_json_response({"error": "No indices provided"}, 400) indices = data["indices"] format = data.get("format", "txt") timestamp = data.get("timestamp","%Y%m%d-%H%M%S")) # Create a BytesIO buffer for the file buffer = io.BytesIO() # Define format-specific settings format_settings = { "txt": { "extension": "txt", "mimetype": "text/plain", "processor": lambda b, d: b.write("\n".join(map(str, d)).encode()), }, "npz": { "extension": "npz", "mimetype": "application/octet-stream", "processor": lambda b, d: np.savez_compressed(b, indices=np.array(d)), }, "xlsx": { "extension": "xlsx", "mimetype": "application/vnd.openxmlformats-officedocument.spreadsheetml.sheet", "processor": lambda b, d: pd.DataFrame({"selected_indices": d}).to_excel( b, index=False ), }, } if format not in format_settings: return create_json_response({"error": f"Unsupported format: {format}"}, 400) settings = format_settings[format] # Process the file settings["processor"](buffer, indices) # Create filename with correct extension filename = f'selected_indices_{timestamp}.{settings["extension"]}' # Seek to beginning of file return send_file( buffer, mimetype=settings["mimetype"], as_attachment=True, download_name=filename ) except Exception as e: print(f"Error in download: {str(e)}") return create_json_response({"error": str(e)}, 500) @app.route("/calculate_diversity", methods=["POST"]) def calculate_diversity(): """Calculate diversity score for the given feature subset.""" try: # Get files from request feature_subset_file = request.files.get('feature_subset') features_file = request.files.get('features') if not feature_subset_file: return create_json_response({"error": "Feature subset file is required"}, 400) # Get other parameters div_type = request.form.get('div_type', 'shannon_entropy') div_parameters = orjson.loads(request.form.get('div_parameters', '{}')) # Read feature subset try: # Save the uploaded file feature_subset_path = os.path.join(app.config['UPLOAD_FOLDER'], secure_filename(feature_subset_file.filename)) # Read the feature subset file feature_subset = load_data(feature_subset_path) if feature_subset is None: raise ValueError(f"Failed to read feature subset file: {feature_subset_file.filename}") # Convert to float array feature_subset = feature_subset.astype(float) # Clean up the temporary file os.remove(feature_subset_path) except Exception as e: return create_json_response({"error": f"Error reading feature subset file: {str(e)}"}, 400) # Read features if provided features = None if features_file: try: # Save the uploaded file features_path = os.path.join(app.config['UPLOAD_FOLDER'], secure_filename(features_file.filename)) # Read the features file features = load_data(features_path) if features is None: raise ValueError(f"Failed to read features file: {features_file.filename}") # Convert to float array features = features.astype(float) # Clean up the temporary file os.remove(features_path) except Exception as e: return create_json_response({"error": f"Error reading features file: {str(e)}"}, 400) # Extract parameters normalize = div_parameters.get('normalize', False) truncation = div_parameters.get('truncation', False) cs = div_parameters.get('cs', None) # Calculate diversity try: diversity_score = compute_diversity( feature_subset=feature_subset, div_type=div_type, normalize=normalize, truncation=truncation, features=features, cs=cs ) return create_json_response({ "success": True, "diversity_score": float(diversity_score) }) except Exception as e: import traceback print(f"Error calculating diversity: {str(e)}") print(f"Traceback: {traceback.format_exc()}") return create_json_response({"error": f"Error calculating diversity: {str(e)}"}, 400) except Exception as e: return create_json_response({"error": str(e)}, 500) @app.route('/health') def health_check(): """Health check endpoint for Docker""" return create_json_response({"status": "healthy"}) if __name__ == "__main__":, host="", port=8009)