import asyncio import os from pathlib import Path import deep_translator import pysrt import tqdm.asyncio import subtitle_utils from utils import format_time # all entence endings for japanese and normal people languages sentence_endings = ['.', '!', '?', ')', 'よ', 'ね', 'の', 'さ', 'ぞ', 'な', 'か', '!', '。', '」', '…'] # a good separator is a char or string that doenst change the translation quality but is near ever preserved in result at same or near position separator = " ◌ " separator_unjoin = separator.replace(' ', '') chunk_max_chars = 4999 def translate_srt_file(srt_file_path: Path, translated_subtitle_path: Path, target_lang): # Load the original SRT file subs =, encoding='utf-8') # Extract the subtitle content and store it in a list. Also rejoin all lines splited sub_content = [' '.join(sub.text.strip().splitlines()) for sub in subs] # Make chunks of at maximum $chunk_max_chars to stay under Google Translate public API limits chunks = join_sentences(sub_content, chunk_max_chars) or [] # Empty list to store enumerated translated chunks translated_chunks = [None] * len(chunks) tasks = [] # Limit to 7 concomitant running tasks semaphore = asyncio.Semaphore(7) # Async chunks translate function async def translate_async(): async def run_translate(index, chunk, lang): while True: try: async with semaphore: result = await asyncio.wait_for(translate_chunk(index, chunk, lang), 120) translated_chunks[index] = result break except Exception: # Restart task await asyncio.sleep(3) for index, chunk in enumerate(chunks): task = asyncio.create_task( run_translate(index, chunk, target_lang)) tasks.append(task) for tsk in tqdm.asyncio.tqdm_asyncio.as_completed(tasks, total=len(tasks), desc="Translating", unit="chunks", unit_scale=False, leave=True, bar_format="{desc} {percentage:3.0f}% | {n_fmt}/{total_fmt} | ETA: {remaining} | ⏱: {elapsed}"): await tsk # Cria um loop de eventos e executa as tasks loop = asyncio.get_event_loop() loop.run_until_complete(translate_async()) print('Processing translation...', end='') # Unjoin lines within each chunk that end with a sentence ending unjoined_texts = [unjoin_sentences( chunk, translated_chunks[i], separator_unjoin) or "" for i, chunk in enumerate(chunks)] unjoined_texts = [text for sublist in unjoined_texts for text in sublist] # Split lines as necessary targeting same number of lines as original string for i, segment in enumerate(unjoined_texts): unjoined_texts[i] = "\n".join(subtitle_utils.split_string_to_max_lines( text=segment, max_width=0, max_lines=len(subs[i].text.splitlines()))) # Combine the original and translated subtitle content for i, sub in enumerate(subs): sub.text = unjoined_texts[i] # Save the translated SRT file os.makedirs(translated_subtitle_path.parent, exist_ok=True), encoding='utf-8') print('\r ', end='\r') return subs # Async chunk translate function async def translate_chunk(index, chunk, target_lang): while True: try: # Translate the subtitle content of the chunk using Google Translate translator = source='auto', target=target_lang) translated_chunk: str = await asyncio.wait_for(asyncio.get_event_loop().run_in_executor(None, translator.translate, chunk), 30) await asyncio.sleep(0) # if nothing is retuned, return the original chunk if translated_chunk is None or len(translated_chunk.replace(separator.strip(), '').split()) == 0: return chunk return translated_chunk except Exception as e: # If an error occurred, retry del translator print( f"\r[chunk {index}]: Exception: {e.__doc__} Retrying in 30 seconds...", flush=True) await asyncio.sleep(30) def join_sentences(lines, max_chars): """ Joins the given list of strings in a way that each part ends with a sentence ending. Adds a separator to all lines in the chunk. """ joined_lines = [] current_chunk = "" for line in lines: if not line or line is None: line = 'ㅤ' # invisible char (not a simple space) if len(current_chunk) + len(line) + len(separator) <= max_chars: current_chunk += line + separator if any(line.endswith(ending) for ending in sentence_endings): joined_lines.append(current_chunk) current_chunk = "" else: if current_chunk: joined_lines.append(current_chunk) current_chunk = "" if len(current_chunk) + len(line) + len(separator) <= max_chars: current_chunk += line + separator else: # if a single line exceed max_chars, use maximum posible number of words. Discart the remaining end_index = line.rfind( ' ', 0, max_chars - (1 + len(separator))) if end_index == - (1 + len(separator)): end_index = max_chars - (1 + len(separator)) joined_lines.append( (line[:end_index] + '…' + separator)[:max_chars]) # append a chunk wich doenst have a formal end with sentence endings if current_chunk: joined_lines.append(current_chunk) return joined_lines def unjoin_sentences(original_sentence: str, modified_sentence: str, separator: str): """ Splits the original and modified sentences into lines based on the separator. Tries to match the number of lines between the original and modified sentences. """ if original_sentence is None: return ' ' # split by separator, remove double spaces and empty or only space strings from list original_lines = original_sentence.split(separator) original_lines = [s.strip().replace(' ', ' ').lstrip(" ,.:;)") if s.strip().replace(' ', ' ').lstrip(" ,.:;)") else s for s in original_lines if s.strip()] original_lines = [s for s in original_lines if s] original_lines = [s for s in original_lines if s.strip()] if modified_sentence is None: return original_lines or ' ' # fix strange formatation returned by google translate, case occuring modified_sentence.replace(f"{separator_unjoin} ", f"{separator_unjoin}").replace(f" {separator_unjoin}", f"{separator_unjoin}").replace( f"{separator_unjoin}.", f".{separator_unjoin}").replace(f"{separator_unjoin},", f",{separator_unjoin}") # split by separator, remove double spaces and empty or only space strings from list modified_lines = modified_sentence.split(separator_unjoin) modified_lines = [s.strip().replace(' ', ' ').lstrip(" ,.:;)") if s.strip().replace(' ', ' ').lstrip(" ,.:;)") else s for s in modified_lines if s.strip()] modified_lines = [s for s in modified_lines if s] modified_lines = [s for s in modified_lines if s.strip()] # if original lines is "silence" sign, doenst translate if original_lines == "..." or original_lines == "…": return original_lines # all ok, return lines if len(original_lines) == len(modified_lines): return modified_lines # zero words? return original sentence, removing separator original_word_count = sum(len(line.strip().split()) for line in original_lines) modified_word_count = len(' '.join(modified_lines).strip().split()) if original_word_count == 0 or modified_word_count == 0: return original_sentence.replace(separator, ' ').replace(' ', ' ') # calculate proportion of words between original and translated modified_words_proportion = modified_word_count / original_word_count # list all modified words modified_words = ' '.join(modified_lines).replace(separator, "").replace( separator_unjoin, "").replace(" ", " ").strip().split(' ') new_modified_lines = [] current_index = 0 # reconstruct lines based on proportion of original and translated words for i in range(len(original_lines)): # Calculate the number of words for the current modified sentence num_words = int( round(len(original_lines[i].strip().split()) * modified_words_proportion)) # Extract words from modified list generated_line = ' '.join( modified_words[current_index:current_index+num_words]) # Update the current index current_index += num_words # append remaining if is the last loop if i == len(original_lines) - 1: ' '.join([generated_line, ' '.join( modified_words[current_index:])]) # Add modified sentence to the new list new_modified_lines.append(generated_line.replace(" ", " ").strip()) # case it continues being shorter while len(new_modified_lines) < len(original_lines): new_modified_lines.append(new_modified_lines[-1]) return new_modified_lines or original_lines or ' '