import os import cv2 import onnx import torch import argparse import numpy as np import torch.nn as nn from models.TMC import ETMC from models import image from onnx2pytorch import ConvertModel onnx_model = onnx.load('checkpoints\\efficientnet.onnx') pytorch_model = ConvertModel(onnx_model) #Set random seed for reproducibility. torch.manual_seed(42) # Define the audio_args dictionary audio_args = { 'nb_samp': 64600, 'first_conv': 1024, 'in_channels': 1, 'filts': [20, [20, 20], [20, 128], [128, 128]], 'blocks': [2, 4], 'nb_fc_node': 1024, 'gru_node': 1024, 'nb_gru_layer': 3, 'nb_classes': 2 } def get_args(parser): parser.add_argument("--batch_size", type=int, default=8) parser.add_argument("--data_dir", type=str, default="datasets/train/fakeavceleb*") parser.add_argument("--LOAD_SIZE", type=int, default=256) parser.add_argument("--FINE_SIZE", type=int, default=224) parser.add_argument("--dropout", type=float, default=0.2) parser.add_argument("--gradient_accumulation_steps", type=int, default=1) parser.add_argument("--hidden", nargs="*", type=int, default=[]) parser.add_argument("--hidden_sz", type=int, default=768) parser.add_argument("--img_embed_pool_type", type=str, default="avg", choices=["max", "avg"]) parser.add_argument("--img_hidden_sz", type=int, default=1024) parser.add_argument("--include_bn", type=int, default=True) parser.add_argument("--lr", type=float, default=1e-4) parser.add_argument("--lr_factor", type=float, default=0.3) parser.add_argument("--lr_patience", type=int, default=10) parser.add_argument("--max_epochs", type=int, default=500) parser.add_argument("--n_workers", type=int, default=12) parser.add_argument("--name", type=str, default="MMDF") parser.add_argument("--num_image_embeds", type=int, default=1) parser.add_argument("--patience", type=int, default=20) parser.add_argument("--savedir", type=str, default="./savepath/") parser.add_argument("--seed", type=int, default=1) parser.add_argument("--n_classes", type=int, default=2) parser.add_argument("--annealing_epoch", type=int, default=10) parser.add_argument("--device", type=str, default='cpu') parser.add_argument("--pretrained_image_encoder", type=bool, default = False) parser.add_argument("--freeze_image_encoder", type=bool, default = False) parser.add_argument("--pretrained_audio_encoder", type = bool, default=False) parser.add_argument("--freeze_audio_encoder", type = bool, default = False) parser.add_argument("--augment_dataset", type = bool, default = True) for key, value in audio_args.items(): parser.add_argument(f"--{key}", type=type(value), default=value) def model_summary(args): '''Prints the model summary.''' model = ETMC(args) for name, layer in model.named_modules(): print(name, layer) def load_multimodal_model(args): '''Load multimodal model''' model = ETMC(args) ckpt = torch.load('checkpoints\\model.pth', map_location = torch.device('cpu')) model.load_state_dict(ckpt, strict = True) model.eval() return model def load_img_modality_model(args): '''Loads image modality model.''' rgb_encoder = pytorch_model ckpt = torch.load('checkpoints\\model.pth', map_location = torch.device('cpu')) rgb_encoder.load_state_dict(ckpt['rgb_encoder'], strict = True) rgb_encoder.eval() return rgb_encoder def load_spec_modality_model(args): spec_encoder = image.RawNet(args) ckpt = torch.load('checkpoints/model.pth', map_location = torch.device('cpu')) spec_encoder.load_state_dict(ckpt['spec_encoder'], strict = True) spec_encoder.eval() return spec_encoder #Load models. parser = argparse.ArgumentParser(description="Inference models") get_args(parser) args, remaining_args = parser.parse_known_args() assert remaining_args == [], remaining_args spec_model = load_spec_modality_model(args) img_model = load_img_modality_model(args) def preprocess_img(face): face = face / 255 face = cv2.resize(face, (256, 256)) # face = face.transpose(2, 0, 1) #(W, H, C) -> (C, W, H) face_pt = torch.unsqueeze(torch.Tensor(face), dim = 0) return face_pt def preprocess_audio(audio_file): audio_pt = torch.unsqueeze(torch.Tensor(audio_file), dim = 0) return audio_pt def deepfakes_spec_predict(input_audio): x, _ = input_audio audio = preprocess_audio(x) spec_grads = spec_model.forward(audio) spec_grads_inv = np.exp(spec_grads.cpu().detach().numpy().squeeze()) # multimodal_grads = multimodal.spec_depth[0].forward(spec_grads) # out = nn.Softmax()(multimodal_grads) # max = torch.argmax(out, dim = -1) #Index of the max value in the tensor. # max_value = out[max] #Actual value of the tensor. max_value = np.argmax(spec_grads_inv) if max_value > 0.5: preds = round(100 - (max_value*100), 3) text2 = f"The audio is REAL." else: preds = round(max_value*100, 3) text2 = f"The audio is FAKE." return text2 def deepfakes_image_predict(input_image): face = preprocess_img(input_image) print(f"Face shape is: {face.shape}") img_grads = img_model.forward(face) img_grads = img_grads.cpu().detach().numpy() img_grads_np = np.squeeze(img_grads) if img_grads_np[0] > 0.5: preds = round(img_grads_np[0] * 100, 3) text2 = f"The image is REAL. \nConfidence score is: {preds}" else: preds = round(img_grads_np[1] * 100, 3) text2 = f"The image is FAKE. \nConfidence score is: {preds}" return text2 def preprocess_video(input_video, n_frames = 3): v_cap = cv2.VideoCapture(input_video) v_len = int(v_cap.get(cv2.CAP_PROP_FRAME_COUNT)) # Pick 'n_frames' evenly spaced frames to sample if n_frames is None: sample = np.arange(0, v_len) else: sample = np.linspace(0, v_len - 1, n_frames).astype(int) #Loop through frames. frames = [] for j in range(v_len): success = v_cap.grab() if j in sample: # Load frame success, frame = v_cap.retrieve() if not success: continue frame = cv2.cvtColor(frame, cv2.COLOR_BGR2RGB) frame = preprocess_img(frame) frames.append(frame) v_cap.release() return frames def deepfakes_video_predict(input_video): '''Perform inference on a video.''' video_frames = preprocess_video(input_video) real_faces_list = [] fake_faces_list = [] for face in video_frames: # face = preprocess_img(face) img_grads = img_model.forward(face) img_grads = img_grads.cpu().detach().numpy() img_grads_np = np.squeeze(img_grads) real_faces_list.append(img_grads_np[0]) fake_faces_list.append(img_grads_np[1]) real_faces_mean = np.mean(real_faces_list) fake_faces_mean = np.mean(fake_faces_list) if real_faces_mean > 0.5: preds = round(real_faces_mean * 100, 3) text2 = f"The video is REAL. \nConfidence score is: {preds}%" else: preds = round(fake_faces_mean * 100, 3) text2 = f"The video is FAKE. \nConfidence score is: {preds}%" return text2