import cv2 import numpy as np from PIL import Image, ImageEnhance, ImageFilter from skimage.metrics import structural_similarity as ssim # Constants DEFAULT_WIDTH = 150 CONTRAST_FACTOR = 2.0 ASCII_CHARS = "@B%8&WM#*oahkbdpqwmZO0QLCJUYXzcvunxrjft/|)(1}{][?-_+~i!lI;:,\"^`'. " ASCII_CHARS = list(ASCII_CHARS) def resize_image(image, new_width=DEFAULT_WIDTH, resampling_filter=Image.LANCZOS): """Resize the image while maintaining the aspect ratio.""" width, height = image.size aspect_ratio = height / width new_height = int(new_width * aspect_ratio) resized_image = image.resize((new_width, new_height), resampling_filter) # Apply a sharpening filter after resizing sharpened_image = resized_image.filter(ImageFilter.SHARPEN) return sharpened_image def convert_to_grayscale(image): """Convert the image to grayscale using weighted sum of RGB channels.""" # Get the image data pixels = image.load() width, height = image.size # Check if the image is already in grayscale mode if image.mode == 'L': return image # Create a new grayscale image grayscale_image ="L", (width, height)) grayscale_pixels = grayscale_image.load() # Define the weights for each channel weights = (0.299, 0.587, 0.114) # Process each pixel for x in range(width): for y in range(height): r, g, b = pixels[x, y][:3] # Get RGB values # Calculate the grayscale value using the weighted sum gray = int(weights[0] * r + weights[1] * g + weights[2] * b) grayscale_pixels[x, y] = gray return grayscale_image def adjust_contrast(image, factor=CONTRAST_FACTOR): """Adjust the contrast of the image.""" enhancer = ImageEnhance.Contrast(image) return enhancer.enhance(factor) def apply_edge_detection(image): """Apply edge detection to the image using Canny algorithm with preprocessing and automatic threshold detection.""" # Convert image to numpy array image_np = np.array(image) # Print an error message if the image is not in grayscale if len(image_np.shape) == 3: raise ValueError("Edge detection requires a grayscale image.") # Apply Gaussian blur to reduce noise blurred_image = cv2.GaussianBlur(image_np, (5, 5), 1.4) # Compute the median of the pixel intensities median_intensity = np.median(blurred_image) # Set the lower and upper thresholds for Canny edge detection lower_threshold = int(max(0, (1.0 - 0.2) * median_intensity)) upper_threshold = int(min(255, (1.0 + 0.2) * median_intensity)) # Apply Canny edge detection with the computed thresholds edges = cv2.Canny(blurred_image, threshold1=lower_threshold, threshold2=upper_threshold) # Convert the result back to PIL Image and return edge_image = Image.fromarray(edges) return edge_image def map_pixels_to_ascii(image): """Map the pixel values of the image to ASCII characters.""" pixels = image.getdata() ascii_str = "" num_chars = len(ASCII_CHARS) for pixel in pixels: index = pixel * (num_chars - 1) // 255 ascii_str += ASCII_CHARS[index] return ascii_str def format_ascii_art(ascii_str, width): """Format the ASCII string into a structured ASCII art.""" ascii_art = "" for i in range(0, len(ascii_str), width): ascii_art += ascii_str[i:i+width] + "\n" return ascii_art def process_image(image): """Process the input image to prepare it for ASCII art generation.""" if not isinstance(image, Image.Image): image = Image.fromarray(image) grayscale_image = convert_to_grayscale(image) adjusted_image = adjust_contrast(grayscale_image) adjusted_image = resize_image(adjusted_image) return adjusted_image def generate_ascii_art(image): """Generate ASCII art from the given image.""" # Ensure the input is a PIL Image object adjusted_image = process_image(image) ascii_str = map_pixels_to_ascii(adjusted_image) ascii_art = format_ascii_art(ascii_str, adjusted_image.width) return ascii_art def ascii_to_image(ascii_art, width): """Convert ASCII art back to a grayscale image.""" ascii_chars = ASCII_CHARS num_chars = len(ascii_chars) # Split the ASCII art into lines ascii_lines = ascii_art.split('\n') height = len(ascii_lines) # Create a blank image image = np.zeros((height, width), dtype=np.uint8) for y, line in enumerate(ascii_lines): for x, char in enumerate(line): if char in ascii_chars: index = ascii_chars.index(char) pixel_value = index * 255 // (num_chars - 1) image[y, x] = pixel_value # Convert the numpy array to a PIL Image image = Image.fromarray(image) image = adjust_contrast(image) return image def calculate_similarity(original_image, ascii_art): # Convert ASCII art back to image ascii_image = ascii_to_image(ascii_art, DEFAULT_WIDTH) # Ensure ascii_image is a PIL Image object if not isinstance(ascii_image, Image.Image): ascii_image = Image.fromarray(ascii_image) # convert original image to grayscale original_image = convert_to_grayscale(original_image) # Resize the original image to the desired width original_resize = original_image.resize((ascii_image.width, ascii_image.height), Image.LANCZOS) original_resize = original_resize.filter(ImageFilter.SHARPEN) # Apply edge detection original_image_edge = apply_edge_detection(original_resize) # convert the original image to binary threshold = 0 original_image_edge = original_image_edge.point(lambda p: p > threshold and 255) ascii_image_edge = apply_edge_detection(ascii_image) ascii_image_edge = ascii_image_edge.point(lambda p: p > threshold and 255) # Convert images to numpy arrays original_array = np.array(original_image_edge) ascii_array = np.array(ascii_image_edge) # Check if the dimensions match if original_array.shape != ascii_array.shape: raise ValueError(f"Dimension mismatch: Original Image {original_array.shape}, ASCII Image {ascii_array.shape}") # Calculate SSIM ssim_value = ssim(original_array, ascii_array) # Calculate MSE mse = np.mean((original_array - ascii_array) ** 2) return ssim_value, mse