include 'surface_registry.gin' OVERALL_SEED = 0 LOG_DIR = '.' Terrain.asset_folder = "" # Will read from $INFINIGEN_ASSET_FOLDER environment var when set to None, and on the fly when set to "" Terrain.asset_version = 'May27' util.math.FixedSeed.seed = %OVERALL_SEED execute_tasks.frame_range = [1, 1] # Between start/end frames should this job consider? Increase end frame to tackle video execute_tasks.camera_id = [0, 0] # Which camera rig save_obj_and_instances.output_folder="saved_mesh.obj" util.logging.create_text_file.log_dir = %LOG_DIR target_face_size.global_multiplier = 2 scatter_res_distance.dist = 4 random_color_mapping.hue_stddev = 0.05 # Note: 1.0 is the whole color spectrum render.render_image_func = @full/render_image configure_render_cycles.time_limit = 0 configure_render_cycles.min_samples = 0 configure_render_cycles.num_samples = 8192 configure_render_cycles.adaptive_threshold = 0.01 configure_render_cycles.denoise = False configure_render_cycles.exposure = 1 configure_blender.motion_blur_shutter = 0.15 render_image.use_dof = False render_image.dof_aperture_fstop = 3 compositor_postprocessing.distort = False compositor_postprocessing.color_correct = False flat/configure_render_cycles.min_samples = 1 flat/configure_render_cycles.num_samples = 16 flat/render_image.flat_shading = True full/render_image.passes_to_save = [ ['diffuse_direct', 'DiffDir'], ['diffuse_color', 'DiffCol'], ['diffuse_indirect', 'DiffInd'], ['glossy_direct', 'GlossDir'], ['glossy_color', 'GlossCol'], ['glossy_indirect', 'GlossInd'], ['transmission_direct', 'TransDir'], ['transmission_color', 'TransCol'], ['transmission_indirect', 'TransInd'], ['volume_direct', 'VolumeDir'], ['emit', 'Emit'], ['environment', 'Env'], ['ambient_occlusion', 'AO'] ] flat/render_image.passes_to_save = [ ['z', 'Depth'], ['normal', 'Normal'], ['vector', 'Vector'], ['object_index', 'IndexOB'] ] execute_tasks.generate_resolution = (1280, 720) execute_tasks.fps = 24 get_sensor_coords.H = 720 get_sensor_coords.W = 1280 min_terrain_distance = 2 keep_cam_pose_proposal.min_terrain_distance = %min_terrain_distance SphericalMesher.r_min = %min_terrain_distance build_terrain_bvh_and_attrs.avoid_border = False # disabled due to crashes 5/15 animate_cameras.follow_poi_chance=0.0 camera.camera_pose_proposal.altitude = ("weighted_choice", (0.975, ("clip_gaussian", 2, 0.3, 0.5, 3)), # person height usually (0.025, ("clip_gaussian", 15, 7, 5, 30)) # drone height sometimes ) camera.camera_pose_proposal.pitch = ("clip_gaussian", 90, 30, 20, 160) # WARNING: Large camera rig translations or rotations require special handling. # if your cameras are not all approximately forward facing within a few centimeters, you must either: # - configure the pipeline to generate assets / terrain for each camera separately, rather than sharing it between the whole rig # - or, treat your camera rig as multiple camera rigs each with one camera, and implement code to positon them correctly camera.spawn_camera_rigs.n_camera_rigs = 1 camera.spawn_camera_rigs.camera_rig_config = [ {'loc': (0, 0, 0), 'rot_euler': (0, 0, 0)}, {'loc': (0.075, 0, 0), 'rot_euler': (0, 0, 0)} ]