import os import re from typing import List from tenacity import retry, stop_after_attempt, wait_random_exponential from ..message import SYSTEM_NAME as SYSTEM from ..message import Message from .base import IntelligenceBackend try: import anthropic except ImportError: is_anthropic_available = False # logging.warning("anthropic package is not installed") else: anthropic_api_key = os.environ.get("ANTHROPIC_API_KEY") if anthropic_api_key is None: # logging.warning("Anthropic API key is not set. Please set the environment variable ANTHROPIC_API_KEY") is_anthropic_available = False else: is_anthropic_available = True DEFAULT_MAX_TOKENS = 256 DEFAULT_MODEL = "claude-v1" class Claude(IntelligenceBackend): """Interface to the Claude offered by Anthropic.""" stateful = False type_name = "claude" def __init__( self, max_tokens: int = DEFAULT_MAX_TOKENS, model: str = DEFAULT_MODEL, **kwargs ): assert ( is_anthropic_available ), "anthropic package is not installed or the API key is not set" super().__init__(max_tokens=max_tokens, model=model, **kwargs) self.max_tokens = max_tokens self.model = model self.client = anthropic.Client(os.environ["ANTHROPIC_API_KEY"]) @retry(stop=stop_after_attempt(6), wait=wait_random_exponential(min=1, max=60)) def _get_response(self, prompt: str): response = self.client.completion( prompt=prompt, stop_sequences=[anthropic.HUMAN_PROMPT], model=self.model, max_tokens_to_sample=self.max_tokens, ) response = response["completion"].strip() return response def query( self, agent_name: str, role_desc: str, history_messages: List[Message], global_prompt: str = None, request_msg: Message = None, *args, **kwargs, ) -> str: """ Format the input and call the Claude API. args: agent_name: the name of the agent role_desc: the description of the role of the agent env_desc: the description of the environment history_messages: the history of the conversation, or the observation for the agent request_msg: the request from the system to guide the agent's next response """ all_messages = ( [(SYSTEM, global_prompt), (SYSTEM, role_desc)] if global_prompt else [(SYSTEM, role_desc)] ) for message in history_messages: all_messages.append((message.agent_name, message.content)) if request_msg: all_messages.append((SYSTEM, request_msg.content)) prompt = "" prev_is_human = False # Whether the previous message is from human (in anthropic, the human is the user) for i, message in enumerate(all_messages): if i == 0: assert ( message[0] == SYSTEM ) # The first message should be from the system if message[0] == agent_name: if prev_is_human: prompt = f"{prompt}{anthropic.AI_PROMPT} {message[1]}" else: prompt = f"{prompt}\n\n{message[1]}" prev_is_human = False else: if prev_is_human: prompt = f"{prompt}\n\n[{message[0]}]: {message[1]}" else: prompt = f"{prompt}{anthropic.HUMAN_PROMPT}\n[{message[0]}]: {message[1]}" prev_is_human = True assert prev_is_human # The last message should be from the human # Add the AI prompt for Claude to generate the response prompt = f"{prompt}{anthropic.AI_PROMPT}" response = self._get_response(prompt, *args, **kwargs) # Remove the agent name if the response starts with it response = re.sub(rf"^\s*\[{agent_name}]:?", "", response).strip() return response