""" Moderator # Input feature: body, part(head, hand) # output: fused feature, weight """ import numpy as np import torch.nn as nn import torch import torch.nn.functional as F # MLP + temperature softmax # w = SoftMax(w^\prime * temperature) class TempSoftmaxFusion(nn.Module): def __init__(self, channels=[2048 * 2, 1024, 1], detach_inputs=False, detach_feature=False): super(TempSoftmaxFusion, self).__init__() self.detach_inputs = detach_inputs self.detach_feature = detach_feature # weight layers = [] for l in range(0, len(channels) - 1): layers.append(nn.Linear(channels[l], channels[l + 1])) if l < len(channels) - 2: layers.append(nn.ReLU()) self.layers = nn.Sequential(*layers) # temperature self.register_parameter("temperature", nn.Parameter(torch.ones(1))) def forward(self, x, y, work=True): """ x: feature from body y: feature from part(head/hand) work: whether to fuse features """ if work: # 1. cat input feature, predict the weights f_in = torch.cat([x, y], dim=1) if self.detach_inputs: f_in = f_in.detach() f_temp = self.layers(f_in) f_weight = F.softmax(f_temp * self.temperature, dim=1) # 2. feature fusion if self.detach_feature: x = x.detach() y = y.detach() f_out = f_weight[:, [0]] * x + f_weight[:, [1]] * y x_out = f_out y_out = f_out else: x_out = x y_out = y f_weight = None return x_out, y_out, f_weight # MLP + Gumbel-Softmax trick # w = w^{\prime} - w^{\prime}\text{.detach()} + w^{\prime}\text{.gt(0.5)} class GumbelSoftmaxFusion(nn.Module): def __init__(self, channels=[2048 * 2, 1024, 1], detach_inputs=False, detach_feature=False): super(GumbelSoftmaxFusion, self).__init__() self.detach_inputs = detach_inputs self.detach_feature = detach_feature # weight layers = [] for l in range(0, len(channels) - 1): layers.append(nn.Linear(channels[l], channels[l + 1])) if l < len(channels) - 2: layers.append(nn.ReLU()) layers.append(nn.Softmax()) self.layers = nn.Sequential(*layers) def forward(self, x, y, work=True): """ x: feature from body y: feature from part(head/hand) work: whether to fuse features """ if work: # 1. cat input feature, predict the weights f_in = torch.cat([x, y], dim=-1) if self.detach_inputs: f_in = f_in.detach() f_weight = self.layers(f_in) # weight to be hard f_weight = f_weight - f_weight.detach() + f_weight.gt(0.5) # 2. feature fusion if self.detach_feature: x = x.detach() y = y.detach() f_out = f_weight[:, [0]] * x + f_weight[:, [1]] * y x_out = f_out y_out = f_out else: x_out = x y_out = y f_weight = None return x_out, y_out, f_weight