import streamlit as st
import plotly.graph_objects as go
from transformers import pipeline
import re
import time
import requests
from PIL import Image
import itertools
import numpy as np
import matplotlib.pyplot as plt
from matplotlib.colors import rgb2hex
import matplotlib
from matplotlib.colors import ListedColormap, rgb2hex
import ipywidgets as widgets
from IPython.display import display, HTML
import re
import pandas as pd
from pprint import pprint
from tenacity import retry
from tqdm import tqdm
import tiktoken
import scipy.stats
import torch
from transformers import GPT2LMHeadModel
import tiktoken
import seaborn as sns
from transformers import AutoTokenizer, AutoModelForSeq2SeqLM
# from colorama import Fore, Style
import openai # for OpenAI API calls
import streamlit as st
def colorize_tokens(token_data, sentence):
colored_sentence = ""
start = 0
for token in token_data:
entity_group = token["entity_group"]
word = token["word"]
tag = f"[{entity_group}]"
tag_color = tag_colors.get(entity_group, "white") # Default to white if color not found
colored_chunk = f'{word} {tag}'
colored_sentence += sentence[start:token["start"]] + colored_chunk
start = token["end"]
# Add the remaining part of the sentence
colored_sentence += sentence[start:]
return colored_sentence
# Define colors for the tags
tag_colors = {
"ADJP": "#0000FF", # Blue
"ADVP": "#008000", # Green
"CONJP": "#FF0000", # Red
"INTJ": "#00FFFF", # Cyan
"LST": "#FF00FF", # Magenta
"NP": "#FFFF00", # Yellow
"PP": "#800080", # Purple
"PRT": "#00008B", # Dark Blue
"SBAR": "#006400", # Dark Green
"VP": "#008B8B", # Dark Cyan
def generate_tagged_sentence(sentence, entity_tags):
# Create a list to hold the tagged tokens
tagged_tokens = []
# Process the entity tags to annotate the sentence
for tag in entity_tags:
start = tag['start']
end = tag['end']
if end{token}'
# original_pointer += len(token)
# token_pointer += 1
# else:
# html += original_text[original_pointer]
# original_pointer += 1
# #display(HTML(html))
# st.markdown(html, unsafe_allow_html=True)
def render_heatmap(original_text, importance_scores_df):
# Extract the importance scores
importance_values = importance_scores_df['importance_value'].values
# Check for division by zero during normalization
min_val = np.min(importance_values)
max_val = np.max(importance_values)
if max_val - min_val != 0:
normalized_importance_values = (importance_values - min_val) / (max_val - min_val)
normalized_importance_values = np.zeros_like(importance_values) # Fallback: all-zero array
# Generate a colormap for the heatmap (use "Blues")
cmap ='Blues')
# Function to determine text color based on background color
def get_text_color(bg_color):
brightness = 0.299 * bg_color[0] + 0.587 * bg_color[1] + 0.114 * bg_color[2]
if brightness < 0.5:
return 'white'
return 'black'
# Initialize pointers for the original text and token importance
original_pointer = 0
token_pointer = 0
# Create an HTML representation
html = ""
while original_pointer < len(original_text):
token = importance_scores_df.loc[token_pointer, 'token']
if original_pointer == original_text.find(token, original_pointer):
importance = normalized_importance_values[token_pointer]
rgba = cmap(importance)
bg_color = rgba[:3]
text_color = get_text_color(bg_color)
html += f'{token}'
original_pointer += len(token)
token_pointer += 1
html += original_text[original_pointer]
original_pointer += 1
st.markdown(html, unsafe_allow_html=True)
# Create selectbox
prompt_list=["Which individuals possessed the ships that were part of the Boston Tea Party?",
"Freddie Frith", "Robert used PDF for his math homework."
options = [f"Prompt #{i+1}: {prompt_list[i]}" for i in range(3)] + ["Another Prompt..."]
selection = st.selectbox("Choose a prompt from the dropdown below . Click on :blue['Another Prompt...'] , if you want to enter your own custom prompt.", options=options)
# if selection == "Another Prompt...":
# otherOption = st.text_input("Enter your custom prompt...")
# if otherOption:
# st.caption(f""":white_check_mark: Your input prompt is : {otherOption}""")
# st.caption(':green[Kindly hold on for a few minutes while the AI text is being generated]')
# check=otherOption
# st.caption(f"""{check}""")
# else:
# result = re.split(r'#\d+:', selection, 1)
# if result:
# st.caption(f""":white_check_mark: Your input prompt is : {result[1]}""")
# st.caption(':green[Kindly hold on for a few minutes while the AI text is being generated]')
# check=result[1]
if selection == "Another Prompt...":
check = st.text_input("Enter your custom prompt...")
check = " " + check
if check:
st.caption(f""":white_check_mark: Your input prompt is : {check}""")
st.caption(':green[Kindly hold on for a few minutes while the AI text is being generated]')
# check=otherOption
# st.caption(f"""{check}""")
check = re.split(r'#\d+:', selection, 1)[1]
if check:
st.caption(f""":white_check_mark: Your input prompt is : {check}""")
st.caption(':green[Kindly hold on for a few minutes while the AI text is being generated]')
# check=result[1]
# @st.cache_data
def load_chunk_model(check):
while 'error' in iden:
output = query_chunk({"inputs": f"""{check}""",})
iden = output # Update 'check' with the new result
except Exception as e:
print(f"An exception occurred: {e}")
return output
# st.write(entity_tags)
# colored_output, _ = colorize_tokens(load_chunk_model(check),check)
# st.caption('The below :blue[NER] tags are found for orginal prompt:')
# st.markdown(colored_output, unsafe_allow_html=True)
# @st.cache_resource
def load_text_gen_model(check):
while 'error' in iden:
output = query({
"inputs": f"""{check}""",
"parameters": {
"min_new_tokens": 30,
"max_new_tokens": 100,
#"remove_invalid_values" : True
#"temperature" :0.6
# "top_k":1
# "num_beams":2,
# "no_repeat_ngram_size":2,
# "early_stopping":True
iden = output # Update 'check' with the new result
except Exception as e:
print(f"An exception occurred: {e}")
return output[0]['generated_text']
# @st.cache_data
# def load_text_gen_model(check):
# return get_answers(prompt + check)
def decoded_tokens(string, tokenizer):
return [tokenizer.decode([x]) for x in tokenizer.encode(string)]
# def analyze_heatmap(df):
# sns.set_palette(sns.color_palette("viridis"))
# # Create a copy of the DataFrame to prevent modification of the original
# df_copy = df.copy()
# # Ensure DataFrame has the required columns
# if 'token' not in df_copy.columns or 'importance_value' not in df_copy.columns:
# raise ValueError("The DataFrame must contain 'token' and 'importance_value' columns.")
# # Add 'Position' column to the DataFrame copy
# df_copy['Position'] = range(len(df_copy))
# # Plot a bar chart for importance score per token
# plt.figure(figsize=(len(df_copy) * 0.3, 4))
# sns.barplot(x='token', y='importance_value', data=df_copy)
# plt.xticks(rotation=45, ha='right')
# plt.title('Importance Score per Token')
# return plt
# ###########################
# def analyze_heatmap(df_input):
# df = df_input.copy()
# df["Position"] = range(len(df))
# # Get the viridis colormap
# viridis ="viridis")
# # Create a Matplotlib figure and axis
# fig, ax = plt.subplots(figsize=(10, 6))
# # Normalize the importance values
# min_val = df["importance_value"].min()
# max_val = df["importance_value"].max()
# normalized_values = (df["importance_value"] - min_val) / (max_val - min_val)
# # Create the bars, colored based on normalized importance_value
# for i, (token, norm_value) in enumerate(zip(df["token"], normalized_values)):
# color = viridis(norm_value)
# x=[i], # Use index for x-axis
# height=[df["importance_value"].iloc[i]],
# width=1.0, # Set the width to make bars touch each other
# color=[color],
# )
# # Additional styling
# ax.set_title("Importance Score per Token", size=25)
# ax.set_xlabel("Token")
# ax.set_ylabel("Importance Value")
# ax.set_xticks(range(len(df["token"])))
# ax.set_xticklabels(df["token"], rotation=45)
# return fig
def analyze_heatmap(df_input):
df = df_input.copy()
df["Position"] = range(len(df))
# Get the Blues colormap
blues ="Blues")
# Create a Matplotlib figure and axis
fig, ax = plt.subplots(figsize=(10, 6))
# Normalize the importance values
min_val = df["importance_value"].min()
max_val = df["importance_value"].max()
normalized_values = (df["importance_value"] - min_val) / (max_val - min_val)
# Create the bars, colored based on normalized importance_value
for i, (token, norm_value) in enumerate(zip(df["token"], normalized_values)):
color = blues(norm_value)
x=[i], # Use index for x-axis
width=1.0, # Set the width to make bars touch each other
# Additional styling
# ax.set_title("Importance Score per Token", size=25)
# ax.set_xlabel("Token")
# ax.set_ylabel("Importance Value")
ax.set_xticklabels(df["token"], rotation=45)
return fig
# def analyze_heatmap(df_input):
# df = df_input.copy()
# df["Position"] = range(len(df))
# # Get the viridis colormap
# viridis = matplotlib.colormaps["viridis"]
# # Initialize the figure
# fig = go.Figure()
# # Create the histogram bars with viridis coloring
# # Normalize the importance values
# min_val = df["importance_value"].min()
# max_val = df["importance_value"].max()
# normalized_values = (df["importance_value"] - min_val) / (max_val - min_val)
# # Initialize the figure
# fig = go.Figure()
# # Create the bars, colored based on normalized importance_value
# for i, (token, norm_value) in enumerate(zip(df["token"], normalized_values)):
# color = f"rgb({int(viridis(norm_value)[0] * 255)}, {int(viridis(norm_value)[1] * 255)}, {int(viridis(norm_value)[2] * 255)})"
# fig.add_trace(
# go.Bar(
# x=[i], # Use index for x-axis
# y=[df["importance_value"].iloc[i]],
# width=1.0, # Set the width to make bars touch each other
# marker=dict(color=color),
# )
# )
# # Additional styling
# fig.update_layout(
# title=f"Importance Score per Token",
# title_font={'size': 25},
# xaxis_title="Token",
# yaxis_title="Importance Value",
# showlegend=False,
# bargap=0, # Remove gap between bars
# xaxis=dict( # Set tick labels to tokens
# tickmode="array",
# tickvals=list(range(len(df["token"]))),
# ticktext=list(df["token"]),
# ),
# )
# # Rotate x-axis labels by 45 degrees
# fig.update_xaxes(tickangle=45)
# return fig
# @st.cache_data
def integrated_gradients(input_ids, baseline, model, n_steps= 10): #100
# Convert input_ids and baseline to LongTensors
input_ids = input_ids.long()
baseline = baseline.long()
# Initialize tensor to store accumulated gradients
accumulated_grads = None
# Create interpolated inputs
alphas = torch.linspace(0, 1, n_steps)
delta = input_ids - baseline
interpolates = [(baseline + (alpha * delta).long()).long() for alpha in alphas] # Explicitly cast to LongTensor
# Initialize tqdm progress bar
pbar = tqdm(total=n_steps, desc="Calculating Integrated Gradients")
for interpolate in interpolates:
# Update tqdm progress bar
# Convert interpolated samples to embeddings
interpolate_embedding = model.transformer.wte(interpolate).clone().detach().requires_grad_(True)
# Forward pass
output = model(inputs_embeds=interpolate_embedding, output_attentions=False)[0]
# Aggregate the logits across all positions (using sum in this example)
aggregated_logit = output.sum()
# Backward pass to calculate gradients
# Accumulate gradients
if accumulated_grads is None:
accumulated_grads = interpolate_embedding.grad.clone()
accumulated_grads += interpolate_embedding.grad
# Clear gradients
# Close tqdm progress bar
# Compute average gradients
avg_grads = accumulated_grads / n_steps
# Compute attributions
with torch.no_grad():
input_embedding = model.transformer.wte(input_ids)
baseline_embedding = model.transformer.wte(baseline)
attributions = (input_embedding - baseline_embedding) * avg_grads
return attributions
# @st.cache_data
def process_integrated_gradients(input_text, _gpt2tokenizer, model):
inputs = torch.tensor([_gpt2tokenizer.encode(input_text)])
gpt2tokens = decoded_tokens(input_text, _gpt2tokenizer)
with torch.no_grad():
outputs = model(inputs, output_attentions=True, output_hidden_states=True)
attentions = outputs[-1]
# Initialize a baseline as zero tensor
baseline = torch.zeros_like(inputs).long()
# Compute Integrated Gradients targeting the aggregated sequence output
attributions = integrated_gradients(inputs, baseline, model)
# Convert tensors to numpy array for easier manipulation
attributions_np = attributions.detach().numpy().sum(axis=2)
# Sum across the embedding dimensions to get a single attribution score per token
attributions_sum = attributions.sum(axis=2).squeeze(0).detach().numpy()
l2_norm_attributions = np.linalg.norm(attributions_sum, 2)
normalized_attributions_sum = attributions_sum / l2_norm_attributions
clamped_attributions_sum = np.where(normalized_attributions_sum < 0, 0, normalized_attributions_sum)
attribution_df = pd.DataFrame({
'token': gpt2tokens,
'importance_value': clamped_attributions_sum
return attribution_df
model_type = 'gpt2'
model_version = 'gpt2'
model = GPT2LMHeadModel.from_pretrained(model_version, output_attentions=True)
_gpt2tokenizer = tiktoken.get_encoding("gpt2")
para_tokenizer = AutoTokenizer.from_pretrained("humarin/chatgpt_paraphraser_on_T5_base")
para_model = AutoModelForSeq2SeqLM.from_pretrained("humarin/chatgpt_paraphraser_on_T5_base")
def paraphrase(
max_length=64 #128
input_ids = para_tokenizer(
f'paraphrase: {question}',
return_tensors="pt", padding="longest",
outputs = para_model.generate(
input_ids, temperature=temperature, repetition_penalty=repetition_penalty,
num_return_sequences=num_return_sequences, no_repeat_ngram_size=no_repeat_ngram_size,
num_beams=num_beams, num_beam_groups=num_beam_groups,
max_length=max_length, diversity_penalty=diversity_penalty
res = para_tokenizer.batch_decode(outputs, skip_special_tokens=True)
return res
class SentenceAnalyzer:
def __init__(self, check, original, _gpt2tokenizer, model):
self.check = check
self.original = original
self._gpt2tokenizer = _gpt2tokenizer
self.model = model
self.entity_tags = load_chunk_model(check)
self.tagged_sentence = generate_tagged_sentence(check, self.entity_tags)
self.sentence_with_pause = replace_pp_with_pause(check, self.entity_tags)
self.split_sentences = get_split_sentences(check, self.entity_tags)
self.colored_output = colorize_tokens(self.entity_tags, check)
def analyze(self):
# st.caption(f"The below :blue[shallow parsing] tags are found for {self.original} prompt:")
# st.markdown(self.colored_output, unsafe_allow_html=True)
attribution_df1 = process_integrated_gradients(self.check, self._gpt2tokenizer, self.model)
render_heatmap(self.check, attribution_df1)
# st.write("Original")
# st.write("After [PAUSE]")
# st.write("Sentence with [PAUSE] Replacement:", self.sentence_with_pause)
dataframes_list = []
for i, split_sentence in enumerate(self.split_sentences):
# st.write(f"Sentence {i + 1} : {split_sentence}")
attribution_df1 = process_integrated_gradients(split_sentence, self._gpt2tokenizer, self.model)
if i < len(self.split_sentences) - 1:
# Add a row with [PAUSE] and value 0 at the end
pause_row = pd.DataFrame({'token': '[PAUSE]', 'importance_value': 0},index=[len(attribution_df1)])
# pause_row = pd.DataFrame({'', '': 0},index=[len(attribution_df1)])
attribution_df1 = pd.concat([attribution_df1,pause_row], ignore_index=True)
# After the loop, you can concatenate the dataframes in the list if needed
if dataframes_list:
combined_dataframe = pd.concat(dataframes_list, axis=0)
combined_dataframe = combined_dataframe[combined_dataframe['token'] != " "].reset_index(drop=True)
combined_dataframe1 = combined_dataframe[combined_dataframe['token'] != "[PAUSE]"]
combined_dataframe1.reset_index(drop=True, inplace=True)
st.write(f"Sentence with [PAUSE] Replacement:")
# st.dataframe(combined_dataframe1)
# render_heatmap(self.sentence_with_pause,combined_dataframe)
# st.write(paraphrase_list)
col1, col2 = st.columns(2)
with col1:
analyzer = SentenceAnalyzer(check, "Original Prompt", _gpt2tokenizer, model)
with col2:
st.caption(':blue[AI generated text by GPT4]')
""", unsafe_allow_html=True)
""", unsafe_allow_html=True)
col3, col4 = st.columns(2)
with col3:
analyzer = SentenceAnalyzer(" "+paraphrase_list[0], "Paraphrase 1", _gpt2tokenizer, model)
with col4:
st.caption(':blue[AI generated text by GPT4]')
""", unsafe_allow_html=True)
col5, col6 = st.columns(2)
with col5:
analyzer = SentenceAnalyzer(" "+paraphrase_list[1], "Paraphrase 2", _gpt2tokenizer, model)
with col6:
st.caption(':blue[AI generated text by GPT4]')
""", unsafe_allow_html=True)
col7, col8 = st.columns(2)
with col7:
analyzer = SentenceAnalyzer(" "+paraphrase_list[2], "Paraphrase 3", _gpt2tokenizer, model)
with col8:
st.caption(':blue[AI generated text by GPT4]')
""", unsafe_allow_html=True)
col9, col10 = st.columns(2)
with col9:
analyzer = SentenceAnalyzer(" "+paraphrase_list[3], "Paraphrase 4", _gpt2tokenizer, model)
with col10:
st.caption(':blue[AI generated text by GPT4]')
""", unsafe_allow_html=True)
col11, col12 = st.columns(2)
with col11:
analyzer = SentenceAnalyzer(" "+paraphrase_list[4], "Paraphrase 5", _gpt2tokenizer, model)
with col12:
st.caption(':blue[AI generated text by GPT4]')