import time import streamlit as st import torch import string from transformers import BertTokenizer, BertForMaskedLM st.set_page_config(page_title='Compare pretrained BERT models qualitatively', page_icon=None, layout='centered', initial_sidebar_state='auto') @st.cache() def load_bert_model(model_name): try: bert_tokenizer = BertTokenizer.from_pretrained(model_name,do_lower_case =False) bert_model = BertForMaskedLM.from_pretrained(model_name).eval() return bert_tokenizer,bert_model except Exception as e: pass def decode(tokenizer, pred_idx, top_clean): ignore_tokens = string.punctuation tokens = [] for w in pred_idx: token = ''.join(tokenizer.decode(w).split()) if token not in ignore_tokens and len(token) > 1 and not token.startswith('.') and not token.startswith('['): #tokens.append(token.replace('##', '')) tokens.append(token) return '\n'.join(tokens[:top_clean]) def encode(tokenizer, text_sentence, add_special_tokens=True): text_sentence = text_sentence.replace('<mask>', tokenizer.mask_token) tokenized_text = tokenizer.tokenize(text_sentence) input_ids = torch.tensor([tokenizer.encode(text_sentence, add_special_tokens=add_special_tokens)]) if (tokenizer.mask_token in text_sentence.split()): mask_idx = torch.where(input_ids == tokenizer.mask_token_id)[1].tolist()[0] else: mask_idx = 0 return input_ids, mask_idx,tokenized_text def get_all_predictions(text_sentence, model_name,top_clean=5): bert_tokenizer = st.session_state['bert_tokenizer'] bert_model = st.session_state['bert_model'] top_k = st.session_state['top_k'] # ========================= BERT ================================= input_ids, mask_idx,tokenized_text = encode(bert_tokenizer, text_sentence) with torch.no_grad(): predict = bert_model(input_ids)[0] bert = decode(bert_tokenizer, predict[0, mask_idx, :].topk(top_k*10).indices.tolist(), top_clean) cls = decode(bert_tokenizer, predict[0, 0, :].topk(top_k*10).indices.tolist(), top_clean) if ("[MASK]" in text_sentence or "<mask>" in text_sentence): return {'Input sentence':text_sentence,'Tokenized text': tokenized_text, 'results_count':top_k,'Model':model_name,'Masked position': bert,'[CLS]':cls} else: return {'Input sentence':text_sentence,'Tokenized text': tokenized_text,'results_count':top_k,'Model':model_name,'[CLS]':cls} def get_bert_prediction(input_text,top_k,model_name): try: #input_text += ' <mask>' res = get_all_predictions(input_text,model_name, top_clean=int(top_k)) return res except Exception as error: pass def run_test(sent,top_k,model_name,display_area): if (st.session_state['bert_tokenizer'] is None): display_area.text("Loading model:" + st.session_state['model_name']) st.session_state['bert_tokenizer'], st.session_state['bert_model'] = load_bert_model(st.session_state['model_name']) display_area.text("Model " + str(st.session_state['model_name']) + " load complete") try: display_area.text("Computing fill-mask prediction...") res = get_bert_prediction(sent,st.session_state['top_k'],st.session_state['model_name']) display_area.text("Fill-mask prediction complete") return res except Exception as e: st.error("Some error occurred during prediction" + str(e)) st.stop() return {} def on_text_change(text,display_area): return run_test(text,st.session_state['top_k'],st.session_state['model_name'],display_area) def on_results_count_change(): st.session_state['top_k'] = int(st.session_state.my_slider)"Results count changed " + str(st.session_state['top_k'])) def on_model_change1(): st.session_state['model_name'] = st.session_state.my_model1"Pre-selected model chosen: " + st.session_state['model_name']) st.session_state['bert_tokenizer'], st.session_state['bert_model'] = load_bert_model(st.session_state['model_name']) def on_model_change2(model_name): st.session_state['model_name'] = model_name"Custom model chosen: " + st.session_state['model_name']) st.session_state['bert_tokenizer'], st.session_state['bert_model'] = load_bert_model(st.session_state['model_name']) def init_selectbox(): return st.selectbox( 'Choose any of the sentences in pull-down below', ("[MASK] who lives in New York and works for XCorp suffers from Parkinson's", "Lou Gehrig who lives in [MASK] and works for XCorp suffers from Parkinson's","Lou Gehrig who lives in New York and works for [MASK] suffers from Parkinson's","Lou Gehrig who lives in New York and works for XCorp suffers from [MASK]","[MASK] who lives in New York and works for XCorp suffers from Lou Gehrig's", "Parkinson who lives in [MASK] and works for XCorp suffers from Lou Gehrig's","Parkinson who lives in New York and works for [MASK] suffers from Lou Gehrig's","Parkinson who lives in New York and works for XCorp suffers from [MASK]","Lou Gehrig","Parkinson","Lou Gehrigh's is a [MASK]","Parkinson is a [MASK]","New York is a [MASK]","New York","XCorp","XCorp is a [MASK]","acute lymphoblastic leukemia","acute lymphoblastic leukemia is a [MASK]","eGFR is a [MASK]","EGFR is a [MASK]","Trileptal is a [MASK]","no bond or se curity of any kind will be required of any [MASK] of this will","habeas corpus is a [MASK]","modus operandi is a [MASK]","the volunteers were instructed to buy specific systems using our usual [MASK] —anonymously and with cash"),key='my_choice') def init_session_states(): if 'top_k' not in st.session_state: st.session_state['top_k'] = 20 if 'bert_tokenizer' not in st.session_state: st.session_state['bert_tokenizer'] = None if 'bert_model' not in st.session_state: st.session_state['bert_model'] = None if 'model_name' not in st.session_state: st.session_state['model_name'] = "ajitrajasekharan/biomedical" def main(): init_session_states() st.markdown("<h3 style='text-align: center;'>Compare pretrained BERT models qualitatively</h3>", unsafe_allow_html=True) st.markdown(""" <small style="font-size:20px; color: #2f2f2f"><br/>Why compare pretrained models <b>before fine-tuning</b>?</small><br/><small style="font-size:16px; color: #7f7f7f">Pretrained BERT models can be used as is, <a href=""><b>with no fine tuning to perform tasks like NER.</b><br/></a>This can be done ideally by using both fill-mask and CLS predictions, or just using fill-mask predictions if CLS predictions are poor</small> """, unsafe_allow_html=True) st.write("This app can be used to examine both fill-mask predictions as well as the neighborhood of CLS vector") st.write(" - To examine fill-mask predictions, enter the token [MASK] or <mask> in a sentence") st.write(" - To examine just the [CLS] vector, enter a word/phrase or sentence. Example: eGFR or EGFR or non small cell lung cancer") st.write("Pretrained BERT models from three domains (biomedical,PHI [person,location,org, etc.], and legal) are listed on the left. Their performance on domain specific sentences reveal both their strength and weakness.") st.sidebar.slider("Select count of predictions to display", 1 , 50, 20,key='my_slider',on_change=on_results_count_change) #some times it is possible to have less words try: st.sidebar.selectbox(label='Select Model to Apply', options=['ajitrajasekharan/biomedical', 'bert-base-cased','bert-large-cased','microsoft/BiomedNLP-PubMedBERT-base-uncased-abstract-fulltext','allenai/scibert_scivocab_cased','dmis-lab/biobert-v1.1','nlpaueb/legal-bert-base-uncased'], index=0, key = "my_model1",on_change=on_model_change1) #if (st.session_state['bert_tokenizer'] is None): # st.session_state['bert_tokenizer'], st.session_state['bert_model'] = load_bert_model(st.session_state['model_name']) with st.form('my_form'): selected_sentence = init_selectbox() text_input = st.text_input("Type any sentence below", "",key='my_text') custom_model_selection = st.text_input("Model not listed on left? Type the model name (**fill-mask BERT models only**)", "",key="my_model2") submit_button = st.form_submit_button('Submit') input_status_area = st.empty() display_area = st.empty() display_area.text("Current selections: results count = " + str(st.session_state['top_k']) + " ; " + " Model name = " + st.session_state['model_name']) if submit_button: start = time.time() if (len(text_input) == 0): text_input = selected_sentence if (len(custom_model_selection) != 0): on_model_change2(custom_model_selection) input_status_area.text("Input sentence: " + text_input) results = on_text_change(text_input,display_area) display_area.empty() with display_area.container(): st.text(f"prediction took {time.time() - start:.2f}s") st.json(results) except Exception as e: st.error("Some error occurred during loading" + str(e)) st.stop() if __name__ == "__main__": main()