/*╺╺╺╺╺╺╺╺╺╺╺╺╺╺╺╺╺╺╺╺╺╺╺╺╺╺╺ ⭐PROJECT NAME: SUBZERO WHATSAPP MD BOT ⭐DEVELOPER MR FRANK ⭐ MY TEAM XERO CODERS ⭐ OUR WEBSITE https://github.com/ZwSyntax/SUBZERO-MD © TRY DECRYPTING IF YOU CAN⚠ ╺╺╺╺╺╺╺╺╺╺╺╺╺╺╺╺╺╺╺╺╺╺╺╺╺╺╺╺╺╺╺╺*/ const config = require("../config"); const { cmd, commands } = require('../command'); const { getBuffer, getGroupAdmins, getRandom, h2k, isUrl, Json, runtime, sleep, fetchJson } = require("../lib/functions"); const _0x235552 = { pattern: "joinrequests", "desc": "Get list of participants who requested to join the group", "react": '📋', "category": "group", filename: __filename }; cmd(_0x235552, async (_0x4e9b1b, _0x37e247, _0x378499, { from: _0x4fd72d, q: _0x29e76c, reply: _0x14e74a, isGroup: _0x250e23 }) => { if (!_0x250e23) { return _0x14e74a("This command can only be used in a group chat."); } try { console.log("Attempting to fetch pending requests for group: " + _0x4fd72d); const _0x2285e0 = await _0x4e9b1b.groupRequestParticipantsList(_0x4fd72d); console.log(_0x2285e0); if (_0x2285e0.length > 0) { let _0x291f66 = "Pending Requests to Join the Group:\n"; let _0x619041 = []; _0x2285e0.forEach(_0x55480f => { const _0x34b0d4 = _0x55480f.jid; _0x291f66 += "😻 @" + _0x34b0d4.split('@')[0] + "\n"; _0x619041.push(_0x34b0d4); }); const _0x14f928 = { "text": _0x291f66, mentions: _0x619041 }; await _0x4e9b1b.sendMessage(_0x4fd72d, _0x14f928); } else { _0x14e74a("No pending requests to join the group."); } } catch (_0xfb5304) { console.error("Error fetching participant requests: " + _0xfb5304.message); _0x14e74a("⚠️ An error occurred while fetching the pending requests. Please try again later."); } }); const _0x485005 = { "pattern": "allreq", "desc": "Approve or reject all join requests", "react": '✅', "category": "group", filename: __filename }; cmd(_0x485005, async (_0x4c4a0a, _0x22a536, _0x1112a6, { from: _0xc86dd7, reply: _0x2b6550, isGroup: _0x3026e0 }) => { if (!_0x3026e0) { return _0x2b6550("This command can only be used in a group chat."); } const _0x31018a = _0x1112a6.body.includes('approve') ? 'approve' : "reject"; try { const _0x4e8760 = await _0x4c4a0a.groupRequestParticipantsList(_0xc86dd7); if (_0x4e8760.length === 0) { return _0x2b6550("There are no pending requests to manage."); } let _0x22a341 = "Pending Requests to Join the Group:\n"; let _0x38af9a = []; let _0x76aee7 = []; _0x4e8760.forEach(_0x482cd2 => { const _0x2b59a7 = _0x482cd2.jid; _0x22a341 += "😻 @" + _0x2b59a7.split('@')[0] + "\n"; _0x38af9a.push(_0x2b59a7); _0x76aee7.push(_0x2b59a7); }); const _0xecf38b = { text: _0x22a341, "mentions": _0x38af9a }; await _0x4c4a0a.sendMessage(_0xc86dd7, _0xecf38b); const _0x336c3a = await _0x4c4a0a.groupRequestParticipantsUpdate(_0xc86dd7, _0x76aee7, _0x31018a); console.log(_0x336c3a); _0x2b6550("Successfully " + _0x31018a + "ed all join requests."); } catch (_0x250e3f) { console.error("Error updating participant requests: " + _0x250e3f.message); _0x2b6550("⚠️ An error occurred while processing the request. Please try again later."); } }); const _0x3bcce0 = { "pattern": "disappear", "react": "🌪️", alias: ['dm'], "desc": "Turn on/off disappearing messages.", category: "main", filename: __filename }; cmd(_0x3bcce0, async (_0x1264ab, _0x1c8255, _0x2be3d6, { from: _0x4fdc3a, isGroup: _0x5d0163, isAdmins: _0x4b73d7, args: _0x2c9e9b }) => { if (!_0x5d0163) { const _0x3a84ad = { "text": "This command can only be used in groups." }; await _0x1264ab.sendMessage(_0x4fdc3a, _0x3a84ad); return; } if (!_0x4b73d7) { const _0xb275e7 = { "text": "Only admins can turn on/off disappearing messages." }; await _0x1264ab.sendMessage(_0x4fdc3a, _0xb275e7); return; } const _0x51ea06 = _0x2c9e9b[0]; if (_0x51ea06 === 'on') { const _0x193f23 = _0x2c9e9b[1]; let _0x1df4d9; switch (_0x193f23) { case "24h": _0x1df4d9 = 86400; break; case '7d': _0x1df4d9 = 604800; break; case "90d": _0x1df4d9 = 7776000; break; default: const _0x890609 = { "text": "Invalid duration! Use `24h`, `7d`, or `90d`." }; await _0x1264ab.sendMessage(_0x4fdc3a, _0x890609); return; } const _0x4ad088 = { disappearingMessagesInChat: _0x1df4d9 }; await _0x1264ab.sendMessage(_0x4fdc3a, _0x4ad088); const _0x2b37a1 = { "text": "Disappearing messages are now ON for " + _0x193f23 + '.' }; await _0x1264ab.sendMessage(_0x4fdc3a, _0x2b37a1); } else { if (_0x51ea06 === 'off') { const _0x3643ac = { "disappearingMessagesInChat": false }; await _0x1264ab.sendMessage(_0x4fdc3a, _0x3643ac); const _0x47fcaf = { "text": "Disappearing messages are now OFF." }; await _0x1264ab.sendMessage(_0x4fdc3a, _0x47fcaf); } else { const _0x176df5 = { text: "Please use `!disappear on <duration>` or `!disappear off`." }; await _0x1264ab.sendMessage(_0x4fdc3a, _0x176df5); } } }); const _0x592aaf = { pattern: "senddm", react: "🌪️", "alias": ["senddisappear"], "desc": "Send a disappearing message.", "category": "main", "filename": __filename }; cmd(_0x592aaf, async (_0x5551fe, _0x1300f9, _0x1fbb8a, { from: _0x188bab, isGroup: _0x4c94c4, isAdmins: _0x2679c0, args: _0x51178a }) => { if (!_0x4c94c4) { const _0x423961 = { "text": "This command can only be used in groups." }; await _0x5551fe.sendMessage(_0x188bab, _0x423961); return; } if (!_0x51178a.length) { const _0x5a20ad = { "text": "Please provide a message to send." }; await _0x5551fe.sendMessage(_0x188bab, _0x5a20ad); return; } const _0x3a3ac9 = _0x51178a.join(" "); const _0x18e63b = { 'text': _0x3a3ac9 }; const _0x3fd007 = { "ephemeralExpiration": 604800 }; await _0x5551fe.sendMessage(_0x188bab, _0x18e63b, _0x3fd007); }); const _0x4f6b5b = { "pattern": "mute", "react": '🔇', "alias": ["close", "f_mute"], "desc": "Change to group settings to only admins can send messages & Mr Frank.", category: "group", use: ".mute", filename: __filename }; cmd(_0x4f6b5b, async (_0x4b40bf, _0x46e420, _0x21f531, { from: _0x16d660, l: _0x2c920b, quoted: _0x98d19d, body: _0x2d0cee, isCmd: _0x43605e, command: _0x23d9d0, args: _0x4e09a2, q: _0x435a11, isGroup: _0xd1e600, sender: _0x397d4b, senderNumber: _0x163246, botNumber2: _0x3ee3fe, botNumber: _0x364a68, pushname: _0x43018a, isMe: _0x4ecf33, isOwner: _0x3052d4, groupMetadata: _0x595d9b, groupName: _0x4f1c2f, participants: _0x2d1550, groupAdmins: _0x2b167e, isBotAdmins: _0x568576, isCreator: _0x1fe81d, isDev: _0x59b3c0, isAdmins: _0x5e0e98, reply: _0x697f9a }) => { try { const _0x19fc8e = (await fetchJson("https://raw.githubusercontent.com/SILENTLOVER40/SILENT-SOBX-MD-DATA/refs/heads/main/DATABASE/mreply.json")).replyMsg; if (!_0xd1e600) { return _0x697f9a(_0x19fc8e.only_gp); } if (!_0x5e0e98) { const _0x4bf57a = { quoted: _0x46e420 }; if (!_0x59b3c0) { _0x697f9a(_0x19fc8e.you_adm); return _0x4bf57a; } } if (!_0x568576) { return _0x697f9a(_0x19fc8e.give_adm); } await _0x4b40bf.groupSettingUpdate(_0x16d660, "announcement"); const _0x474444 = { text: "*Yooh Guys Iam Tired 😓, Its Time to rest, Group Chat closed by Admin " + _0x43018a + "* 🔇" }; const _0x1b6661 = { "quoted": _0x46e420 }; await _0x4b40bf.sendMessage(_0x16d660, _0x474444, _0x1b6661); } catch (_0x1ddb14) { const _0x28d2e4 = { "text": '❌', "key": _0x46e420.key }; const _0x2dae93 = { "react": _0x28d2e4 }; await _0x4b40bf.sendMessage(_0x16d660, _0x2dae93); console.log(_0x1ddb14); _0x697f9a("❌ *Error Accurated !!*\n\n" + _0x1ddb14); } }); const _0x87e572 = { "pattern": "unmute", "react": '🔇', "alias": ["open", 'f_unmute'], "desc": "I have rested Enough, Changed group settings to all members can send messages.", category: 'group', "use": ".unmute", "filename": __filename }; cmd(_0x87e572, async (_0x1d32ad, _0x5b4c22, _0x4681d1, { from: _0x485de2, l: _0x19d1e2, quoted: _0x9471da, body: _0x4a9b98, isCmd: _0x28bc63, command: _0x1f206b, args: _0x220e84, q: _0x356510, isGroup: _0x14a7d0, sender: _0x4531e7, senderNumber: _0x44ee23, botNumber2: _0x88df11, botNumber: _0x3e85e2, pushname: _0x2d059b, isMe: _0x3eff46, isOwner: _0xf07b83, groupMetadata: _0x3ac276, groupName: _0x217df6, participants: _0x13a134, groupAdmins: _0x5d0412, isBotAdmins: _0x292886, isCreator: _0x26d4c4, isDev: _0x3a8707, isAdmins: _0x3c91ba, reply: _0x4f95d7 }) => { try { const _0xbc7a1e = (await fetchJson('https://raw.githubusercontent.com/SILENTLOVER40/SILENT-SOBX-MD-DATA/refs/heads/main/DATABASE/mreply.json')).replyMsg; if (!_0x14a7d0) { return _0x4f95d7(_0xbc7a1e.only_gp); } if (!_0x3c91ba) { const _0x377117 = { quoted: _0x5b4c22 }; if (!_0x3a8707) { _0x4f95d7(_0xbc7a1e.you_adm); return _0x377117; } } if (!_0x292886) { return _0x4f95d7(_0xbc7a1e.give_adm); } await _0x1d32ad.groupSettingUpdate(_0x485de2, 'not_announcement'); const _0x59c538 = { text: "*At Last, Group Chat Opened by Admin " + _0x2d059b + "* 🔇" }; const _0x2aec2a = { "quoted": _0x5b4c22 }; await _0x1d32ad.sendMessage(_0x485de2, _0x59c538, _0x2aec2a); } catch (_0x13a688) { const _0x498e89 = { "text": '❌', "key": _0x5b4c22.key }; const _0x47bf17 = { "react": _0x498e89 }; await _0x1d32ad.sendMessage(_0x485de2, _0x47bf17); console.log(_0x13a688); _0x4f95d7("❌ *Error Accurated !!*\n\n" + _0x13a688); } }); const _0x2bff43 = { "pattern": "lockgs", react: '🔇', "alias": ["lockgsettings"], desc: "Change to group settings to only admins can edit group info", "category": "group", "use": ".lockgs", "filename": __filename }; cmd(_0x2bff43, async (_0x17dcab, _0x51ddfc, _0x92991c, { from: _0x245665, l: _0x258a07, quoted: _0x389910, body: _0x8ea8d6, isCmd: _0x2de789, command: _0x38b535, args: _0x156d65, q: _0x3bb5b3, isGroup: _0x2413cb, sender: _0x2850e4, senderNumber: _0x2acc63, botNumber2: _0x53942b, botNumber: _0x86ccd5, pushname: _0x3e5138, isMe: _0x4d25d4, isOwner: _0x253c0b, groupMetadata: _0x57aee8, groupName: _0x66cfd1, participants: _0x5c5045, groupAdmins: _0x1480f2, isBotAdmins: _0x4d1191, isCreator: _0x466fd4, isDev: _0x3212b6, isAdmins: _0x53eaa0, reply: _0x5d57b5 }) => { try { const _0x4c4c7e = (await fetchJson("https://raw.githubusercontent.com/SILENTLOVER40/SILENT-SOBX-MD-DATA/refs/heads/main/DATABASE/mreply.json")).replyMsg; if (!_0x2413cb) { return _0x5d57b5(_0x4c4c7e.only_gp); } if (!_0x53eaa0) { const _0x18d36c = { 'quoted': _0x51ddfc }; if (!_0x3212b6) { _0x5d57b5(_0x4c4c7e.you_adm); return _0x18d36c; } } if (!_0x4d1191) { return _0x5d57b5(_0x4c4c7e.give_adm); } await _0x17dcab.groupSettingUpdate(_0x245665, "locked"); const _0x4f9b24 = { 'text': "*Group settings Locked* 🔒" }; const _0x1141e4 = { "quoted": _0x51ddfc }; await _0x17dcab.sendMessage(_0x245665, _0x4f9b24, _0x1141e4); } catch (_0x28a762) { const _0x30fcfa = { "text": '❌', "key": _0x51ddfc.key }; const _0x307022 = { "react": _0x30fcfa }; await _0x17dcab.sendMessage(_0x245665, _0x307022); console.log(_0x28a762); _0x5d57b5("❌ *Error Accurated !!*\n\n" + _0x28a762); } }); const _0x285abb = { pattern: 'unlockgs', "react": '🔓', alias: ["unlockgsettings"], desc: "Change to group settings to all members can edit group info", category: "group", use: '.unlockgs', "filename": __filename }; cmd(_0x285abb, async (_0x2ae389, _0x60d2b1, _0x22a560, { from: _0x2d4e9b, l: _0xff3c0a, quoted: _0x59f4ba, body: _0x160f10, isCmd: _0x57c99a, command: _0x1a3516, args: _0x32dfd2, q: _0x41735f, isGroup: _0x433848, sender: _0x508c17, senderNumber: _0x4c9383, botNumber2: _0x4707a5, botNumber: _0x569d59, pushname: _0x529fc3, isMe: _0x3ef3e6, isOwner: _0x22e265, groupMetadata: _0x11fe79, groupName: _0xa86994, participants: _0x3d5f52, groupAdmins: _0x2fa38e, isBotAdmins: _0x31dbf2, isCreator: _0x5ce901, isDev: _0x5f0b90, isAdmins: _0x1fb04c, reply: _0x515e28 }) => { try { const _0x24157e = (await fetchJson('https://raw.githubusercontent.com/SILENTLOVER40/SILENT-SOBX-MD-DATA/refs/heads/main/DATABASE/mreply.json')).replyMsg; if (!_0x433848) { return _0x515e28(_0x24157e.only_gp); } if (!_0x1fb04c) { const _0x32aee9 = { quoted: _0x60d2b1 }; if (!_0x5f0b90) { _0x515e28(_0x24157e.you_adm); return _0x32aee9; } } if (!_0x31dbf2) { return _0x515e28(_0x24157e.give_adm); } await _0x2ae389.groupSettingUpdate(_0x2d4e9b, 'unlocked'); const _0x29d71f = { text: "*Group settings Unlocked* 🔓" }; const _0x21b52c = { "quoted": _0x60d2b1 }; await _0x2ae389.sendMessage(_0x2d4e9b, _0x29d71f, _0x21b52c); } catch (_0x5f5b2d) { const _0x9c6a36 = { "text": '❌', "key": _0x60d2b1.key }; const _0x2e4f79 = { react: _0x9c6a36 }; await _0x2ae389.sendMessage(_0x2d4e9b, _0x2e4f79); console.log(_0x5f5b2d); _0x515e28("❌ *Error Accurated !!*\n\n" + _0x5f5b2d); } }); const _0x2ad4fd = { "pattern": "leave", "react": '🔓', alias: ["left", 'kickme', "f_leave", "f_left", "f-left"], "desc": "To leave from the group", category: "group", "use": ".leave", "filename": __filename }; cmd(_0x2ad4fd, async (_0x1f4ada, _0x3284fb, _0x5665b9, { from: _0x2cb4c6, l: _0x37734c, quoted: _0x6cf87c, body: _0x22a173, isCmd: _0x1204f0, command: _0x4149ba, args: _0x1408f9, q: _0x54b0dc, isGroup: _0xb42f79, sender: _0x2a81b1, senderNumber: _0x269892, botNumber2: _0x281709, botNumber: _0x52d284, pushname: _0x51965a, isMe: _0x57e464, isOwner: _0x4437cc, groupMetadata: _0x3bbad6, groupName: _0x894872, participants: _0x1ccfdc, groupAdmins: _0x487522, isBotAdmins: _0x4a2eec, isCreator: _0x46a35b, isDev: _0xb7c31e, isAdmins: _0x4dbc40, reply: _0xbecec9 }) => { try { const _0x4810ca = (await fetchJson("https://raw.githubusercontent.com/SILENTLOVER40/SILENT-SOBX-MD-DATA/refs/heads/main/DATABASE/mreply.json")).replyMsg; if (!_0xb42f79) { return _0xbecec9(_0x4810ca.only_gp); } if (!_0x4dbc40) { if (!_0xb7c31e) { return _0xbecec9(_0x4810ca.you_adm); } } const _0x2b7926 = { text: "*Good Bye All* 👋🏻" }; const _0x3fb4ba = { "quoted": _0x3284fb }; await _0x1f4ada.sendMessage(_0x2cb4c6, _0x2b7926, _0x3fb4ba); await _0x1f4ada.groupLeave(_0x2cb4c6); } catch (_0x490203) { const _0x2fc642 = { "text": '❌', "key": _0x3284fb.key }; const _0x16ad8f = { "react": _0x2fc642 }; await _0x1f4ada.sendMessage(_0x2cb4c6, _0x16ad8f); console.log(_0x490203); _0xbecec9("❌ *Error Accurated !!*\n\n" + _0x490203); } }); const _0x293215 = { "pattern": 'updategname', "react": '🔓', "alias": ["upgname", "gname"], "desc": "To Change the group name", category: "group", "use": '.updategname', "filename": __filename }; cmd(_0x293215, async (_0x37d3b2, _0x3d6787, _0x4898d9, { from: _0x1a39d2, l: _0x36f1d7, quoted: _0x41ca5b, body: _0x66f306, isCmd: _0x4e1117, command: _0x13ca93, args: _0x253685, q: _0x1002e0, isGroup: _0x3a6e46, sender: _0x35b6df, senderNumber: _0x329715, botNumber2: _0x121d91, botNumber: _0x42f260, pushname: _0xe1b5e1, isMe: _0x128e34, isOwner: _0x13a679, groupMetadata: _0x43c179, groupName: _0x42e09e, participants: _0x3d81a1, groupAdmins: _0xeefb48, isBotAdmins: _0x23506c, isCreator: _0x28cc79, isDev: _0x3bed69, isAdmins: _0x32bdda, reply: _0x5bcaae }) => { try { const _0x3a21c3 = (await fetchJson("https://raw.githubusercontent.com/SILENTLOVER40/SILENT-SOBX-MD-DATA/refs/heads/main/DATABASE/mreply.json")).replyMsg; if (!_0x3a6e46) { return _0x5bcaae(_0x3a21c3.only_gp); } if (!_0x32bdda) { const _0x41ada9 = { 'quoted': _0x3d6787 }; if (!_0x3bed69) { _0x5bcaae(_0x3a21c3.you_adm); return _0x41ada9; } } if (!_0x23506c) { return _0x5bcaae(_0x3a21c3.give_adm); } if (!_0x1002e0) { return _0x5bcaae("*Please write the new Group Subject* 🖊️"); } await _0x37d3b2.groupUpdateSubject(_0x1a39d2, _0x1002e0); const _0x3ef4e7 = { 'text': "✔️ *Group name Updated*" }; const _0x456852 = { "quoted": _0x3d6787 }; await _0x37d3b2.sendMessage(_0x1a39d2, _0x3ef4e7, _0x456852); } catch (_0x5b57e0) { const _0x303093 = { text: '❌', "key": _0x3d6787.key }; const _0x2e3c53 = { "react": _0x303093 }; await _0x37d3b2.sendMessage(_0x1a39d2, _0x2e3c53); console.log(_0x5b57e0); _0x5bcaae("❌ *Error Accurated !!*\n\n" + _0x5b57e0); } }); const _0x19cdd8 = { pattern: "updategdesc", "react": '🔓', alias: ["upgdesc", "gdesc"], desc: "To Change the group description", "category": "group", "use": '.updategdesc', "filename": __filename }; cmd(_0x19cdd8, async (_0x13b839, _0x440c71, _0x29ed74, { from: _0x461966, l: _0x43e672, quoted: _0x55ca79, body: _0x3a4dd1, isCmd: _0x21655a, command: _0x29dc1f, args: _0x2666a3, q: _0x1fdf7b, isGroup: _0x14d322, sender: _0x3f1e42, senderNumber: _0x252c0c, botNumber2: _0x1c5adc, botNumber: _0x26ecb6, pushname: _0x423e72, isMe: _0x4eaf13, isOwner: _0x263d2e, groupMetadata: _0x52e59b, groupName: _0x3d1127, participants: _0x239b78, groupAdmins: _0x52b9d8, isBotAdmins: _0x3f6c04, isCreator: _0x1f123c, isDev: _0x16c706, isAdmins: _0x1ac543, reply: _0x44929b }) => { try { const _0x4a8ed0 = (await fetchJson('https://raw.githubusercontent.com/SILENTLOVER40/SILENT-SOBX-MD-DATA/refs/heads/main/DATABASE/mreply.json')).replyMsg; if (!_0x14d322) { return _0x44929b(_0x4a8ed0.only_gp); } if (!_0x1ac543) { const _0x58a1dd = { quoted: _0x440c71 }; if (!_0x16c706) { _0x44929b(_0x4a8ed0.you_adm); return _0x58a1dd; } } if (!_0x3f6c04) { return _0x44929b(_0x4a8ed0.give_adm); } if (!_0x1fdf7b) { return _0x44929b("*Please write the new Group Description* 🖊️"); } await _0x13b839.groupUpdateDescription(_0x461966, _0x1fdf7b); const _0x40b8a4 = { 'text': "✔️ *Group Description Updated*" }; const _0x44d43c = { "quoted": _0x440c71 }; await _0x13b839.sendMessage(_0x461966, _0x40b8a4, _0x44d43c); } catch (_0x227466) { const _0x4e9f48 = { "text": '❌', "key": _0x440c71.key }; const _0x16626d = { react: _0x4e9f48 }; await _0x13b839.sendMessage(_0x461966, _0x16626d); console.log(_0x227466); _0x44929b("❌ *Error Accurated !!*\n\n" + _0x227466); } }); const _0x53f490 = { "pattern": "join", "react": '📬', "alias": ["joinme", "f_join"], "desc": "To Join a Group from Invite link", "category": "group", "use": ".join < Group Link >", "filename": __filename }; cmd(_0x53f490, async (_0x5c6e0d, _0x274b96, _0xe24f8, { from: _0x4293ac, l: _0x1c760f, quoted: _0x2f823f, body: _0x3ba315, isCmd: _0x2eac63, command: _0x13619a, args: _0x28d7a6, q: _0x508e68, isGroup: _0x168f6a, sender: _0x1e37d6, senderNumber: _0x46bea2, botNumber2: _0x392b42, botNumber: _0x3e8916, pushname: _0x23c22f, isMe: _0x83607f, isOwner: _0xa3e4e3, groupMetadata: _0x22f7bf, groupName: _0x4f268f, participants: _0x56a851, groupAdmins: _0x548911, isBotAdmins: _0x21d912, isCreator: _0x5bf5ca, isDev: _0x108bee, isAdmins: _0x317502, reply: _0x3377b1 }) => { try { const _0x3bf70c = (await fetchJson("https://raw.githubusercontent.com/SILENTLOVER40/SILENT-SOBX-MD-DATA/refs/heads/main/DATABASE/mreply.json")).replyMsg; if (!_0x5bf5ca && !_0x108bee && !_0xa3e4e3 && !_0x83607f) { return _0x3377b1(_0x3bf70c.own_cmd); } if (!_0x508e68) { return _0x3377b1("*Please write the Group Link*️ 🖇️"); } let _0x2cbcb1 = _0x28d7a6[0].split('https://chat.whatsapp.com/')[1]; await _0x5c6e0d.groupAcceptInvite(_0x2cbcb1); const _0xb649ec = { 'text': "✔️ *Successfully Joined*" }; const _0x320207 = { "quoted": _0x274b96 }; await _0x5c6e0d.sendMessage(_0x4293ac, _0xb649ec, _0x320207); } catch (_0x344145) { const _0x2d8910 = { "text": '❌', key: _0x274b96.key }; const _0x1b03e2 = { "react": _0x2d8910 }; await _0x5c6e0d.sendMessage(_0x4293ac, _0x1b03e2); console.log(_0x344145); _0x3377b1("❌ *Error Accurated !!*\n\n" + _0x344145); } }); const _0x4df201 = { "pattern": "invite", "react": '🖇️', "alias": ["grouplink", 'glink'], "desc": "To Get the Group Invite link", "category": "group", "use": '.invite', "filename": __filename }; cmd(_0x4df201, async (_0x57383d, _0x4f985a, _0x403b00, { from: _0x14ace6, l: _0x364d6d, quoted: _0x45d470, body: _0x1a6283, isCmd: _0x1a51a8, command: _0x383543, args: _0x2e3f07, q: _0x3ca2ae, isGroup: _0xbf8854, sender: _0x39f81a, senderNumber: _0x1bc585, botNumber2: _0x596376, botNumber: _0x192325, pushname: _0x31cdec, isMe: _0x57d6de, isOwner: _0x36fc8a, groupMetadata: _0x48fae3, groupName: _0x4c7a59, participants: _0x542fb0, groupAdmins: _0x4daafb, isBotAdmins: _0x1c9e0f, isCreator: _0x4f22a8, isDev: _0x27e9cd, isAdmins: _0xcc24b9, reply: _0x30cf68 }) => { try { const _0x2d04f9 = (await fetchJson("https://raw.githubusercontent.com/SILENTLOVER40/SILENT-SOBX-MD-DATA/refs/heads/main/DATABASE/mreply.json")).replyMsg; if (!_0xbf8854) { return _0x30cf68(_0x2d04f9.only_gp); } if (!_0xcc24b9) { const _0x2763a3 = { quoted: _0x4f985a }; if (!_0x27e9cd) { _0x30cf68(_0x2d04f9.you_adm); return _0x2763a3; } } if (!_0x1c9e0f) { return _0x30cf68(_0x2d04f9.give_adm); } const _0x37d2e7 = await _0x57383d.groupInviteCode(_0x14ace6); const _0x2ecaa6 = { text: "🖇️ *Group Link*\n\nhttps://chat.whatsapp.com/" + _0x37d2e7 }; const _0x409f05 = { "quoted": _0x4f985a }; await _0x57383d.sendMessage(_0x14ace6, _0x2ecaa6, _0x409f05); } catch (_0x561c19) { const _0x346879 = { "text": '❌', "key": _0x4f985a.key }; const _0x7557d5 = { "react": _0x346879 }; await _0x57383d.sendMessage(_0x14ace6, _0x7557d5); console.log(_0x561c19); _0x30cf68("❌ *Error Accurated !!*\n\n" + _0x561c19); } }); const _0x34bd2a = { "pattern": "revoke", "react": '🖇️', "alias": ["revokegrouplink", "resetglink", 'revokelink', "f_revoke"], "desc": "To Reset the group link", category: "group", "use": ".revoke", "filename": __filename }; cmd(_0x34bd2a, async (_0x41ae16, _0x3e573c, _0x38b41a, { from: _0xee597d, l: _0x378514, quoted: _0x55191b, body: _0x3fc193, isCmd: _0x1dd591, command: _0x221d8e, args: _0x38fae6, q: _0x36db72, isGroup: _0xd97564, sender: _0x5ae10e, senderNumber: _0x33e2fd, botNumber2: _0x5e13ab, botNumber: _0x5223f6, pushname: _0x256155, isMe: _0x3fbbba, isOwner: _0x3e8d35, groupMetadata: _0x16506d, groupName: _0x13822d, participants: _0xd56593, groupAdmins: _0x149535, isBotAdmins: _0x57ebae, isCreator: _0x377d4d, isDev: _0x45e2dc, isAdmins: _0x5ba3b6, reply: _0xd38f68 }) => { try { const _0x2f4bdc = (await fetchJson("https://raw.githubusercontent.com/SILENTLOVER40/SILENT-SOBX-MD-DATA/refs/heads/main/DATABASE/mreply.json")).replyMsg; if (!_0xd97564) { return _0xd38f68(_0x2f4bdc.only_gp); } if (!_0x5ba3b6) { const _0x193f80 = { quoted: _0x3e573c }; if (!_0x45e2dc) { _0xd38f68(_0x2f4bdc.you_adm); return _0x193f80; } } if (!_0x57ebae) { return _0xd38f68(_0x2f4bdc.give_adm); } await _0x41ae16.groupRevokeInvite(_0xee597d); const _0x3bdddc = { text: "*Group link Reseted* ⛔" }; const _0xddbc59 = { "quoted": _0x3e573c }; await _0x41ae16.sendMessage(_0xee597d, _0x3bdddc, _0xddbc59); } catch (_0x1920cf) { const _0x2fd8b5 = { "text": '❌', key: _0x3e573c.key }; const _0x323b31 = { "react": _0x2fd8b5 }; await _0x41ae16.sendMessage(_0xee597d, _0x323b31); console.log(_0x1920cf); _0xd38f68("❌ *Error Accurated !!*\n\n" + _0x1920cf); } }); const _0x57538f = { "pattern": "kick", "react": '🥏', "alias": ["remove"], "desc": "To Remove a participant from Group", category: "group", "use": ".kick", "filename": __filename }; cmd(_0x57538f, async (_0x41e259, _0x1b6220, _0x5accc4, { from: _0x1405da, l: _0x3c5793, quoted: _0xddbe82, body: _0x38545a, isCmd: _0x586340, command: _0x515391, mentionByTag: _0x5a7b0c, args: _0x1ba8bf, q: _0x289e78, isGroup: _0x4f8fb5, sender: _0x3cd0e8, senderNumber: _0x153fdb, botNumber2: _0xd8495a, botNumber: _0x1debc0, pushname: _0x3c454b, isMe: _0x24f1df, isOwner: _0x163b25, groupMetadata: _0xb24815, groupName: _0x1f20bd, participants: _0x300731, groupAdmins: _0x373ac7, isBotAdmins: _0x16fb62, isCreator: _0x5ed285, isDev: _0x2a7c41, isAdmins: _0x3b32e1, reply: _0x4add12 }) => { try { const _0xf4014e = (await fetchJson("https://raw.githubusercontent.com/SILENTLOVER40/SILENT-SOBX-MD-DATA/refs/heads/main/DATABASE/mreply.json")).replyMsg; if (!_0x4f8fb5) { return _0x4add12(_0xf4014e.only_gp); } if (!_0x3b32e1) { const _0x30adce = { 'quoted': _0x1b6220 }; if (!_0x2a7c41) { _0x4add12(_0xf4014e.you_adm); return _0x30adce; } } if (!_0x16fb62) { return _0x4add12(_0xf4014e.give_adm); } let _0x3e8f17 = _0x1b6220.mentionedJid ? _0x1b6220.mentionedJid[0] : _0x1b6220.msg.contextInfo.participant || false; if (!_0x3e8f17) { return _0x4add12("*Couldn't find any user in context* ❌"); } await _0x41e259.groupParticipantsUpdate(_0x1405da, [_0x3e8f17], "remove"); const _0x44b452 = { 'text': "*Successfully removed* ✔️" }; const _0x30c271 = { "quoted": _0x1b6220 }; await _0x41e259.sendMessage(_0x1405da, _0x44b452, _0x30c271); } catch (_0x2c8e2b) { const _0x54186c = { "text": '❌', key: _0x1b6220.key }; const _0x3d2cb9 = { react: _0x54186c }; await _0x41e259.sendMessage(_0x1405da, _0x3d2cb9); console.log(_0x2c8e2b); _0x4add12("❌ *Error Accurated !!*\n\n" + _0x2c8e2b); } }); const _0xd699f4 = { pattern: "promote", "react": '🥏', "alias": ['addadmin'], "desc": "To Add a participatant as a Admin", "category": 'group', use: '.promote', "filename": __filename }; cmd(_0xd699f4, async (_0xd441ad, _0x386107, _0xa0d74e, { from: _0x1762c0, l: _0x6b3fab, quoted: _0x1a22c1, body: _0x260161, isCmd: _0x1f39c3, command: _0x36db16, mentionByTag: _0x3f79bc, args: _0x4d646e, q: _0x1fbf8d, isGroup: _0x299bf3, sender: _0x11f7a0, senderNumber: _0x3246da, botNumber2: _0x36be92, botNumber: _0x135200, pushname: _0x44fecd, isMe: _0x3ede2b, isOwner: _0x1185ac, groupMetadata: _0x3ca1f0, groupName: _0x20a13e, participants: _0x280437, groupAdmins: _0x2cce76, isBotAdmins: _0x21032b, isCreator: _0x5b91ad, isDev: _0x28e3e2, isAdmins: _0xd5dab5, reply: _0x48bf1f }) => { try { const _0x2c5d13 = (await fetchJson("https://raw.githubusercontent.com/SILENTLOVER40/SILENT-SOBX-MD-DATA/refs/heads/main/DATABASE/mreply.json")).replyMsg; if (!_0x299bf3) { return _0x48bf1f(_0x2c5d13.only_gp); } if (!_0xd5dab5) { const _0x18103d = { quoted: _0x386107 }; if (!_0x28e3e2) { _0x48bf1f(_0x2c5d13.you_adm); return _0x18103d; } } if (!_0x21032b) { return _0x48bf1f(_0x2c5d13.give_adm); } let _0x5c5b44 = _0x386107.mentionedJid ? _0x386107.mentionedJid[0] : _0x386107.msg.contextInfo.participant || false; if (!_0x5c5b44) { return _0x48bf1f("*Couldn't find any user in context* ❌"); } const _0x110b3d = await getGroupAdmins(_0x280437); if (_0x110b3d.includes(_0x5c5b44)) { return _0x48bf1f("❗ *User Already an Admin* ✔️"); } await _0xd441ad.groupParticipantsUpdate(_0x1762c0, [_0x5c5b44], 'promote'); const _0x5c487e = { 'text': "*User promoted as an Admin* ✔️" }; const _0x5a2555 = { quoted: _0x386107 }; await _0xd441ad.sendMessage(_0x1762c0, _0x5c487e, _0x5a2555); } catch (_0x467402) { const _0x914163 = { "text": '❌', "key": _0x386107.key }; const _0x572963 = { "react": _0x914163 }; await _0xd441ad.sendMessage(_0x1762c0, _0x572963); console.log(_0x467402); _0x48bf1f("❌ *Error Accurated !!*\n\n" + _0x467402); } }); const _0x10f253 = { "pattern": 'demote', react: '🥏', alias: ["removeadmin"], "desc": "To Demote Admin to Member", "category": "group", "use": ".demote", "filename": __filename }; cmd(_0x10f253, async (_0x9b2f7d, _0x39351b, _0xcc8395, { from: _0xe68cad, l: _0x7244ea, quoted: _0x52f979, body: _0x4f94b4, isCmd: _0x1a108c, command: _0x41f029, mentionByTag: _0x2b232a, args: _0x256b13, q: _0x43014d, isGroup: _0x5b6a75, sender: _0x1def0f, senderNumber: _0x201f82, botNumber2: _0x120e3c, botNumber: _0x47554d, pushname: _0x2b6cae, isMe: _0x24a7ee, isOwner: _0x10049e, groupMetadata: _0xec1693, groupName: _0x57285d, participants: _0x275dec, groupAdmins: _0x174790, isBotAdmins: _0x4f333b, isCreator: _0x3643ff, isDev: _0x3eb57c, isAdmins: _0x455273, reply: _0x3566a2 }) => { try { const _0x5577a8 = (await fetchJson("https://raw.githubusercontent.com/SILENTLOVER40/SILENT-SOBX-MD-DATA/refs/heads/main/DATABASE/mreply.json")).replyMsg; if (!_0x5b6a75) { return _0x3566a2(_0x5577a8.only_gp); } if (!_0x455273) { const _0x34a16d = { 'quoted': _0x39351b }; if (!_0x3eb57c) { _0x3566a2(_0x5577a8.you_adm); return _0x34a16d; } } if (!_0x4f333b) { return _0x3566a2(_0x5577a8.give_adm); } let _0x29e551 = _0x39351b.mentionedJid ? _0x39351b.mentionedJid[0] : _0x39351b.msg.contextInfo.participant || false; if (!_0x29e551) { return _0x3566a2("*Couldn't find any user in context* ❌"); } const _0x4f0d9c = await getGroupAdmins(_0x275dec); if (!_0x4f0d9c.includes(_0x29e551)) { return _0x3566a2("❗ *User Already not an Admin*"); } await _0x9b2f7d.groupParticipantsUpdate(_0xe68cad, [_0x29e551], "demote"); const _0x5d8348 = { text: "*User No longer an Admin* ✔️" }; const _0x293c8d = { "quoted": _0x39351b }; await _0x9b2f7d.sendMessage(_0xe68cad, _0x5d8348, _0x293c8d); } catch (_0x94836e) { const _0x1f05fd = { "text": '❌', "key": _0x39351b.key }; const _0x1346fb = { "react": _0x1f05fd }; await _0x9b2f7d.sendMessage(_0xe68cad, _0x1346fb); console.log(_0x94836e); _0x3566a2("❌ *Error Accurated !!*\n\n" + _0x94836e); } }); const _0x53a4af = { "pattern": "tagall", "react": '🔊', "alias": ["f_tagall"], "desc": "To Tag all Members", "category": "group", "use": ".tagall", "filename": __filename }; cmd(_0x53a4af, async (_0x18845e, _0x4632c9, _0x55ef21, { from: _0x2921e4, l: _0xdf8a7f, quoted: _0x10158f, body: _0x11e711, isCmd: _0x11a69a, command: _0x4fc745, mentionByTag: _0x4bc0e1, args: _0x507a0, q: _0x82f972, isGroup: _0x27faa2, sender: _0x12fa8, senderNumber: _0x1797a0, botNumber2: _0x53e37a, botNumber: _0x370958, pushname: _0x366640, isMe: _0x34a29c, isOwner: _0x12be5a, groupMetadata: _0x39d18f, groupName: _0x3b5423, participants: _0x56c772, groupAdmins: _0x5b3f7e, isBotAdmins: _0x3b20c3, isCreator: _0x2833a2, isDev: _0x3d6d09, isAdmins: _0x18b86b, reply: _0xbd5407 }) => { try { const _0x5aa172 = (await fetchJson("https://raw.githubusercontent.com/SILENTLOVER40/SILENT-SOBX-MD-DATA/refs/heads/main/DATABASE/mreply.json")).replyMsg; if (!_0x27faa2) { return _0xbd5407(_0x5aa172.only_gp); } if (!_0x18b86b) { const _0x1c6dca = { quoted: _0x4632c9 }; if (!_0x3d6d09) { _0xbd5407(_0x5aa172.you_adm); return _0x1c6dca; } } if (!_0x3b20c3) { return _0xbd5407(_0x5aa172.give_adm); } let _0x3993c3 = "💱 *HI ALL ! GIVE YOUR ATTENTION PLEASE* \n \n"; for (let _0x445e7a of _0x56c772) { _0x3993c3 += "> ᴅᴇᴀʀ ☣️ @" + _0x445e7a.id.split('@')[0] + "\n"; } const _0xb97cc3 = { quoted: _0x4632c9 }; _0x18845e.sendMessage(_0x2921e4, { 'text': _0x3993c3, 'mentions': _0x56c772.map(_0x47d9c6 => _0x47d9c6.id) }, _0xb97cc3); } catch (_0x1f1f2c) { const _0xbc6e6b = { "text": '❌', "key": _0x4632c9.key }; const _0x305f38 = { react: _0xbc6e6b }; await _0x18845e.sendMessage(_0x2921e4, _0x305f38); console.log(_0x1f1f2c); _0xbd5407("❌ *Error Accurated !!*\n\n" + _0x1f1f2c); } }); const _0x3220aa = { pattern: "hidetag", "react": '🔊', "alias": ["tag", 'f_tag'], "desc": "To Tag all Members for Message", category: "group", "use": ".tag Hi", "filename": __filename }; cmd(_0x3220aa, async (_0x42cc1d, _0x4f5e7e, _0x49808f, { from: _0x53e02e, l: _0xf27966, quoted: _0x499ac3, body: _0x35aa48, isCmd: _0x580a45, command: _0x2dcbc5, mentionByTag: _0x586803, args: _0x1b98ce, q: _0x153bef, isGroup: _0x2b35af, sender: _0x47dc62, senderNumber: _0x22cfc7, botNumber2: _0x3555de, botNumber: _0x386f73, pushname: _0x450314, isMe: _0x397067, isOwner: _0x46be22, groupMetadata: _0x2126df, groupName: _0x4ad3fc, participants: _0x3b7b63, groupAdmins: _0x54e5a2, isBotAdmins: _0x2e297e, isCreator: _0x46bc7f, isDev: _0x2d511d, isAdmins: _0x67d41d, reply: _0x247340 }) => { try { const _0x1e63ea = (await fetchJson("https://raw.githubusercontent.com/SILENTLOVER40/SILENT-SOBX-MD-DATA/refs/heads/main/DATABASE/mreply.json")).replyMsg; if (!_0x2b35af) { return _0x247340(_0x1e63ea.only_gp); } if (!_0x67d41d) { const _0x60891f = { quoted: _0x4f5e7e }; if (!_0x2d511d) { _0x247340(_0x1e63ea.you_adm); return _0x60891f; } } if (!_0x2e297e) { return _0x247340(_0x1e63ea.give_adm); } if (!_0x153bef) { return _0x247340("*Please add a Message* ℹ️"); } let _0x369546 = '' + _0x153bef; const _0x10b59c = { "quoted": _0x4f5e7e }; _0x42cc1d.sendMessage(_0x53e02e, { 'text': _0x369546, 'mentions': _0x3b7b63.map(_0x50fa51 => _0x50fa51.id) }, _0x10b59c); } catch (_0x461191) { const _0x5b4083 = { text: '❌', "key": _0x4f5e7e.key }; const _0x3604e5 = { "react": _0x5b4083 }; await _0x42cc1d.sendMessage(_0x53e02e, _0x3604e5); console.log(_0x461191); _0x247340("❌ *Error Accurated !!*\n\n" + _0x461191); } }); const _0x446ca7 = { "pattern": "taggp", react: '🔊', alias: ["tggp", 'f_taggp'], desc: "To Tag all Members for Message", "category": "group", use: ".tag Hi", "filename": __filename }; cmd(_0x446ca7, async (_0xb2d1ca, _0x26e406, _0x1fe36e, { from: _0x48c3b8, l: _0x33ce03, quoted: _0x13d52e, body: _0x298a5b, isCmd: _0x2b91c0, command: _0xe35736, mentionByTag: _0x7ad100, args: _0x18c434, q: _0x1be236, isGroup: _0x31bc0b, sender: _0x28ca24, senderNumber: _0x1a9dd6, botNumber2: _0x583e95, botNumber: _0x2aa89e, pushname: _0x237aa6, isMe: _0x26c405, isOwner: _0x114432, groupMetadata: _0xf9c904, groupName: _0x17e4d5, participants: _0x5ae5ac, groupAdmins: _0x718ee3, isBotAdmins: _0x1ddf62, isCreator: _0x8ed2b, isDev: _0x9e4c10, isAdmins: _0x32ac67, reply: _0x4b3c82 }) => { try { if (!_0x1fe36e.quoted) { return _0x4b3c82("*Please mention a message* ℹ️"); } if (!_0x1be236) { return _0x4b3c82("*Please add a Group Jid* ℹ️"); } let _0x2298f1 = '' + _0x1fe36e.quoted.msg; const _0x1a15a4 = { quoted: _0x26e406 }; _0xb2d1ca.sendMessage(_0x1be236, { 'text': _0x2298f1, 'mentions': _0x5ae5ac.map(_0x8aac9 => _0x8aac9.id) }, _0x1a15a4); } catch (_0x438f31) { const _0x3e865b = { "text": '❌', "key": _0x26e406.key }; const _0x1204ec = { "react": _0x3e865b }; await _0xb2d1ca.sendMessage(_0x48c3b8, _0x1204ec); console.log(_0x438f31); _0x4b3c82("❌ *Error Accurated !!*\n\n" + _0x438f31); } }); const _0x4c04aa = { pattern: "ginfo", react: '🥏', "alias": ["groupinfo"], "desc": "Get group informations.", category: 'group', use: ".ginfo", "filename": __filename }; cmd(_0x4c04aa, async (_0x549d77, _0x7db638, _0x55a368, { from: _0x522091, l: _0x243155, quoted: _0x58bcdd, body: _0x4ec107, isCmd: _0x5c3cc1, command: _0xd8b3ee, args: _0xe69fe4, q: _0x46e09c, isGroup: _0xc2faac, sender: _0x1ae174, senderNumber: _0x533479, botNumber2: _0x551c23, botNumber: _0x1b700f, pushname: _0x1646bb, isMe: _0x5ca086, isOwner: _0x2c6b0f, groupMetadata: _0x4f2b9b, groupName: _0x577a56, participants: _0x35bedf, groupAdmins: _0x109785, isBotAdmins: _0x3a70db, isCreator: _0xa323c2, isDev: _0x460ec0, isAdmins: _0x489710, reply: _0x4445db }) => { try { const _0x15dacf = (await fetchJson("https://raw.githubusercontent.com/SILENTLOVER40/SILENT-SOBX-MD-DATA/refs/heads/main/DATABASE/mreply.json")).replyMsg; if (!_0xc2faac) { return _0x4445db(_0x15dacf.only_gp); } if (!_0x489710) { const _0x5dc6e = { 'quoted': _0x7db638 }; if (!_0x460ec0) { _0x4445db(_0x15dacf.you_adm); return _0x5dc6e; } } if (!_0x3a70db) { return _0x4445db(_0x15dacf.give_adm); } const _0x5b8728 = await _0x549d77.groupMetadata(_0x522091); let _0x3d7bad = await _0x549d77.profilePictureUrl(_0x522091, 'image'); const _0x348767 = "\n*" + _0x5b8728.subject + "*\n\n🐉 *Group Jid* - " + _0x5b8728.id + "\n\n📬 *Participant Count* - " + _0x5b8728.size + "\n\n👤 *Group Creator* - " + _0x5b8728.owner + "\n\n📃 *Group Description* - " + _0x5b8728.desc + "\n\n"; const _0x30d9db = { url: _0x3d7bad }; const _0x4986c1 = { "quoted": _0x7db638 }; await _0x549d77.sendMessage(_0x522091, { 'image': _0x30d9db, 'caption': _0x348767 + config.FOOTER }, _0x4986c1); } catch (_0x1e118d) { const _0x4d6757 = { "text": '❌', "key": _0x7db638.key }; const _0x2a549a = { "react": _0x4d6757 }; await _0x549d77.sendMessage(_0x522091, _0x2a549a); console.log(_0x1e118d); _0x4445db("❌ *Error Accurated !!*\n\n" + _0x1e118d); } });