import asyncio import importlib.util import os import pandas as pd from evaluation.integration_tests.tests.base import BaseIntegrationTest, TestResult from evaluation.utils.shared import ( EvalMetadata, EvalOutput, make_metadata, prepare_dataset, reset_logger_for_multiprocessing, run_evaluation, update_llm_config_for_completions_logging, ) from evaluation.utils.shared import ( codeact_user_response as fake_user_response, ) from openhands.controller.state.state import State from openhands.core.config import ( AgentConfig, AppConfig, SandboxConfig, get_llm_config_arg, parse_arguments, ) from openhands.core.logger import openhands_logger as logger from openhands.core.main import create_runtime, run_controller from import MessageAction from import event_to_dict from openhands.runtime.base import Runtime from openhands.utils.async_utils import call_async_from_sync FAKE_RESPONSES = { 'CodeActAgent': fake_user_response, 'DelegatorAgent': fake_user_response, } def get_config( metadata: EvalMetadata, instance_id: str, ) -> AppConfig: config = AppConfig( default_agent=metadata.agent_class, run_as_openhands=False, runtime=os.environ.get('RUNTIME', 'docker'), max_iterations=metadata.max_iterations, sandbox=SandboxConfig( # use default base_container_image enable_auto_lint=True, use_host_network=False, timeout=300, # Add platform to the sandbox config to solve issue 4401 platform='linux/amd64', api_key=os.environ.get('ALLHANDS_API_KEY', None), remote_runtime_api_url=os.environ.get('SANDBOX_REMOTE_RUNTIME_API_URL'), keep_runtime_alive=False, remote_runtime_init_timeout=3600, ), # do not mount workspace workspace_base=None, workspace_mount_path=None, # debug debug=True, ) config.set_llm_config( update_llm_config_for_completions_logging( metadata.llm_config, metadata.eval_output_dir, instance_id ) ) agent_config = AgentConfig( codeact_enable_jupyter=True, codeact_enable_browsing=True, codeact_enable_llm_editor=False, ) config.set_agent_config(agent_config) return config def process_instance( instance: pd.Series, metadata: EvalMetadata, reset_logger: bool = True, ) -> EvalOutput: config = get_config(metadata, instance.instance_id) # Setup the logger properly, so you can run multi-processing to parallelize the evaluation if reset_logger: log_dir = os.path.join(metadata.eval_output_dir, 'infer_logs') reset_logger_for_multiprocessing(logger, str(instance.instance_id), log_dir) else: f'\nStarting evaluation for instance {str(instance.instance_id)}.\n' ) # ============================================= # import test instance # ============================================= instance_id = instance.instance_id spec = importlib.util.spec_from_file_location(instance_id, instance.file_path) test_module = importlib.util.module_from_spec(spec) spec.loader.exec_module(test_module) assert hasattr( test_module, 'Test' ), f'Test module {instance_id} does not have a Test class' test_class: type[BaseIntegrationTest] = test_module.Test assert issubclass( test_class, BaseIntegrationTest ), f'Test class {instance_id} does not inherit from BaseIntegrationTest' instruction = test_class.INSTRUCTION # ============================================= # create sandbox and run the agent # ============================================= runtime: Runtime = create_runtime(config) call_async_from_sync(runtime.connect) try: test_class.initialize_runtime(runtime) # Here's how you can run the agent (similar to the `main` function) and get the final task state state: State | None = run_controller( config=config, initial_user_action=MessageAction(content=instruction), runtime=runtime, fake_user_response_fn=FAKE_RESPONSES[metadata.agent_class], ) ) if state is None: raise ValueError('State should not be None.') # # ============================================= # # result evaluation # # ============================================= histories = state.history # some basic check'Total events in history: {len(histories)}') assert len(histories) > 0, 'History should not be empty' test_result: TestResult = test_class.verify_result(runtime, histories) metrics = state.metrics.get() if state.metrics else None finally: runtime.close() # Save the output output = EvalOutput( instance_id=str(instance.instance_id), instance=instance.to_dict(), instruction=instruction, metadata=metadata, history=[event_to_dict(event) for event in histories], metrics=metrics, error=state.last_error if state and state.last_error else None, test_result=test_result.model_dump(), ) return output def load_integration_tests() -> pd.DataFrame: """Load tests from python files under ./tests""" cur_dir = os.path.dirname(os.path.abspath(__file__)) test_dir = os.path.join(cur_dir, 'tests') test_files = [ os.path.join(test_dir, f) for f in os.listdir(test_dir) if f.startswith('t') and f.endswith('.py') ] df = pd.DataFrame(test_files, columns=['file_path']) df['instance_id'] = df['file_path'].apply( lambda x: os.path.basename(x).rstrip('.py') ) return df if __name__ == '__main__': args = parse_arguments() integration_tests = load_integration_tests() llm_config = None if args.llm_config: llm_config = get_llm_config_arg(args.llm_config) if llm_config is None: raise ValueError(f'Could not find LLM config: --llm_config {args.llm_config}') metadata = make_metadata( llm_config, 'integration_tests', args.agent_cls, args.max_iterations, args.eval_note, args.eval_output_dir, ) output_file = os.path.join(metadata.eval_output_dir, 'output.jsonl') # Parse dataset IDs if provided eval_ids = None if args.eval_ids: eval_ids = str(args.eval_ids).split(',')'\nUsing specific dataset IDs: {eval_ids}\n') instances = prepare_dataset( integration_tests, output_file, args.eval_n_limit, eval_ids=eval_ids, ) run_evaluation( instances, metadata, output_file, args.eval_num_workers, process_instance, ) df = pd.read_json(output_file, lines=True, orient='records') # record success and reason df['success'] = df['test_result'].apply(lambda x: x['success']) df['reason'] = df['test_result'].apply(lambda x: x['reason'])'-' * 100) f'Success rate: {df["success"].mean():.2%} ({df["success"].sum()}/{len(df)})' ) '\nEvaluation Results:' + '\n' + df[['instance_id', 'success', 'reason']].to_string(index=False) )'-' * 100) # record cost for each instance, with 3 decimal places # we sum up all the "costs" from the metrics array df['cost'] = df['metrics'].apply( lambda m: round(sum(c['cost'] for c in m['costs']), 3) if m and 'costs' in m else 0.0 ) # capture the top-level error if present, per instance df['error_message'] = df.get('error', None)'Total cost: USD {df["cost"].sum():.2f}') report_file = os.path.join(metadata.eval_output_dir, '') with open(report_file, 'w') as f: f.write( f'Success rate: {df["success"].mean():.2%}' f' ({df["success"].sum()}/{len(df)})\n' ) f.write(f'\nTotal cost: USD {df["cost"].sum():.2f}\n') f.write( df[ ['instance_id', 'success', 'reason', 'cost', 'error_message'] ].to_markdown(index=False) )