import { SaveFileSuccessResponse, FileUploadSuccessResponse, Feedback, FeedbackResponse, GitHubAccessTokenResponse, ErrorResponse, GetConfigResponse, GetVSCodeUrlResponse, AuthenticateResponse, Conversation, ResultSet, } from "./open-hands.types"; import { openHands } from "./open-hands-axios"; import { ApiSettings } from "#/services/settings"; class OpenHands { /** * Retrieve the list of models available * @returns List of models available */ static async getModels(): Promise<string[]> { const { data } = await openHands.get<string[]>("/api/options/models"); return data; } /** * Retrieve the list of agents available * @returns List of agents available */ static async getAgents(): Promise<string[]> { const { data } = await openHands.get<string[]>("/api/options/agents"); return data; } /** * Retrieve the list of security analyzers available * @returns List of security analyzers available */ static async getSecurityAnalyzers(): Promise<string[]> { const { data } = await openHands.get<string[]>( "/api/options/security-analyzers", ); return data; } static async getConfig(): Promise<GetConfigResponse> { const { data } = await openHands.get<GetConfigResponse>( "/api/options/config", ); return data; } /** * Retrieve the list of files available in the workspace * @param path Path to list files from * @returns List of files available in the given path. If path is not provided, it lists all the files in the workspace */ static async getFiles( conversationId: string, path?: string, ): Promise<string[]> { const url = `/api/conversations/${conversationId}/list-files`; const { data } = await openHands.get<string[]>(url, { params: { path }, }); return data; } /** * Retrieve the content of a file * @param path Full path of the file to retrieve * @returns Content of the file */ static async getFile(conversationId: string, path: string): Promise<string> { const url = `/api/conversations/${conversationId}/select-file`; const { data } = await openHands.get<{ code: string }>(url, { params: { file: path }, }); return data.code; } /** * Save the content of a file * @param path Full path of the file to save * @param content Content to save in the file * @returns Success message or error message */ static async saveFile( conversationId: string, path: string, content: string, ): Promise<SaveFileSuccessResponse> { const url = `/api/conversations/${conversationId}/save-file`; const { data } = await< SaveFileSuccessResponse | ErrorResponse >(url, { filePath: path, content, }); if ("error" in data) throw new Error(data.error); return data; } /** * Upload a file to the workspace * @param file File to upload * @returns Success message or error message */ static async uploadFiles( conversationId: string, files: File[], ): Promise<FileUploadSuccessResponse> { const url = `/api/conversations/${conversationId}/upload-files`; const formData = new FormData(); files.forEach((file) => formData.append("files", file)); const { data } = await< FileUploadSuccessResponse | ErrorResponse >(url, formData); if ("error" in data) throw new Error(data.error); return data; } /** * Send feedback to the server * @param data Feedback data * @returns The stored feedback data */ static async submitFeedback( conversationId: string, feedback: Feedback, ): Promise<FeedbackResponse> { const url = `/api/conversations/${conversationId}/submit-feedback`; const { data } = await<FeedbackResponse>(url, feedback); return data; } /** * Authenticate with GitHub token * @returns Response with authentication status and user info if successful */ static async authenticate( appMode: GetConfigResponse["APP_MODE"], ): Promise<boolean> { if (appMode === "oss") return true; const response = await<AuthenticateResponse>("/api/authenticate"); return response.status === 200; } /** * Refresh Github Token * @returns Refreshed Github access token */ static async refreshToken( appMode: GetConfigResponse["APP_MODE"], userId: string, ): Promise<string> { if (appMode === "oss") return ""; const response = await<GitHubAccessTokenResponse>( "/api/refresh-token", { userId, }, ); return; } /** * Get the blob of the workspace zip * @returns Blob of the workspace zip */ static async getWorkspaceZip(conversationId: string): Promise<Blob> { const url = `/api/conversations/${conversationId}/zip-directory`; const response = await openHands.get(url, { responseType: "blob", }); return; } /** * @param code Code provided by GitHub * @returns GitHub access token */ static async getGitHubAccessToken( code: string, ): Promise<GitHubAccessTokenResponse> { const { data } = await<GitHubAccessTokenResponse>( "/api/github/callback", { code, }, ); return data; } /** * Get the VSCode URL * @returns VSCode URL */ static async getVSCodeUrl( conversationId: string, ): Promise<GetVSCodeUrlResponse> { const { data } = await openHands.get<GetVSCodeUrlResponse>( `/api/conversations/${conversationId}/vscode-url`, ); return data; } static async getRuntimeId( conversationId: string, ): Promise<{ runtime_id: string }> { const { data } = await openHands.get<{ runtime_id: string }>( `/api/conversations/${conversationId}/config`, ); return data; } static async getUserConversations(): Promise<Conversation[]> { const { data } = await openHands.get<ResultSet<Conversation>>( "/api/conversations?limit=9", ); return data.results; } static async deleteUserConversation(conversationId: string): Promise<void> { await openHands.delete(`/api/conversations/${conversationId}`); } static async updateUserConversation( conversationId: string, conversation: Partial<Omit<Conversation, "conversation_id">>, ): Promise<void> { await openHands.patch(`/api/conversations/${conversationId}`, conversation); } static async createConversation( githubToken?: string, selectedRepository?: string, ): Promise<Conversation> { const body = { github_token: githubToken, selected_repository: selectedRepository, }; const { data } = await<Conversation>( "/api/conversations", body, ); // TODO: remove this once we have a multi-conversation UI localStorage.setItem("latest_conversation_id", data.conversation_id); return data; } static async getConversation( conversationId: string, ): Promise<Conversation | null> { const { data } = await openHands.get<Conversation | null>( `/api/conversations/${conversationId}`, ); return data; } static async searchEvents( conversationId: string, params: { query?: string; startId?: number; limit?: number; eventType?: string; source?: string; startDate?: string; endDate?: string; }, ): Promise<{ events: Record<string, unknown>[]; has_more: boolean }> { const { data } = await openHands.get<{ events: Record<string, unknown>[]; has_more: boolean; }>(`/api/conversations/${conversationId}/events/search`, { params: { query: params.query, start_id: params.startId, limit: params.limit, event_type: params.eventType, source: params.source, start_date: params.startDate, end_date: params.endDate, }, }); return data; } /** * Get the settings from the server or use the default settings if not found */ static async getSettings(): Promise<ApiSettings> { const { data } = await openHands.get<ApiSettings>("/api/settings"); return data; } /** * Save the settings to the server. Only valid settings are saved. * @param settings - the settings to save */ static async saveSettings(settings: Partial<ApiSettings>): Promise<boolean> { const data = await"/api/settings", settings); return data.status === 200; } static async getGitHubUser(): Promise<GitHubUser> { const response = await openHands.get<GitHubUser>("/api/github/user"); const { data } = response; const user: GitHubUser = { id:, login: data.login, avatar_url: data.avatar_url, company:, name:, email:, }; return user; } static async getGitHubUserInstallationIds(): Promise<number[]> { const response = await openHands.get<number[]>("/api/github/installations"); return; } static async searchGitHubRepositories( query: string, per_page = 5, ): Promise<GitHubRepository[]> { const response = await openHands.get<{ items: GitHubRepository[] }>( "/api/github/search/repositories", { params: { query, per_page, }, }, ); return; } } export default OpenHands;