import os import subprocess import tempfile from openhands.resolver.github_issue import GithubIssue from openhands.resolver.send_pull_request import make_commit def test_commit_message_with_quotes(): # Create a temporary directory and initialize git repo with tempfile.TemporaryDirectory() as temp_dir:['git', 'init', temp_dir], check=True) # Create a test file and add it to git test_file = os.path.join(temp_dir, 'test.txt') with open(test_file, 'w') as f: f.write('test content')['git', '-C', temp_dir, 'add', 'test.txt'], check=True) # Create a test issue with problematic title issue = GithubIssue( owner='test-owner', repo='test-repo', number=123, title="Issue with 'quotes' and \"double quotes\" and ", body='Test body', labels=[], assignees=[], state='open', created_at='2024-01-01T00:00:00Z', updated_at='2024-01-01T00:00:00Z', closed_at=None, head_branch=None, thread_ids=None, ) # Make the commit make_commit(temp_dir, issue, 'issue') # Get the commit message result = ['git', '-C', temp_dir, 'log', '-1', '--pretty=%B'], capture_output=True, text=True, check=True, ) commit_msg = result.stdout.strip() # The commit message should contain the quotes without excessive escaping expected = "Fix issue #123: Issue with 'quotes' and \"double quotes\" and " assert commit_msg == expected, f'Expected: {expected}\nGot: {commit_msg}' def test_pr_title_with_quotes(monkeypatch): # Mock to avoid actual API calls class MockResponse: def __init__(self, status_code=201): self.status_code = status_code self.text = '' def json(self): return {'html_url': ''} def raise_for_status(self): pass def mock_post(*args, **kwargs): # Verify that the PR title is not over-escaped data = kwargs.get('json', {}) title = data.get('title', '') expected = "Fix issue #123: Issue with 'quotes' and \"double quotes\" and " assert ( title == expected ), f'PR title was incorrectly escaped.\nExpected: {expected}\nGot: {title}' return MockResponse() class MockGetResponse: def __init__(self, status_code=200): self.status_code = status_code self.text = '' def json(self): return {'default_branch': 'main'} def raise_for_status(self): pass monkeypatch.setattr('', mock_post) monkeypatch.setattr('requests.get', lambda *args, **kwargs: MockGetResponse()) monkeypatch.setattr( 'openhands.resolver.send_pull_request.branch_exists', lambda *args, **kwargs: False, ) # Mock to avoid actual git commands original_run = def mock_run(*args, **kwargs): print(f"Running command: {args[0] if args else kwargs.get('args', [])}") if isinstance(args[0], list) and args[0][0] == 'git': if 'push' in args[0]: return subprocess.CompletedProcess( args[0], returncode=0, stdout='', stderr='' ) return original_run(*args, **kwargs) return original_run(*args, **kwargs) monkeypatch.setattr('', mock_run) # Create a temporary directory and initialize git repo with tempfile.TemporaryDirectory() as temp_dir: print('Initializing git repo...')['git', 'init', temp_dir], check=True) # Add these lines to configure git ['git', '-C', temp_dir, 'config', '', 'Test User'], check=True ) ['git', '-C', temp_dir, 'config', '', ''], check=True, ) # Create a test file and add it to git test_file = os.path.join(temp_dir, 'test.txt') with open(test_file, 'w') as f: f.write('test content') print('Adding and committing test file...')['git', '-C', temp_dir, 'add', 'test.txt'], check=True) ['git', '-C', temp_dir, 'commit', '-m', 'Initial commit'], check=True ) # Create a test issue with problematic title print('Creating test issue...') issue = GithubIssue( owner='test-owner', repo='test-repo', number=123, title="Issue with 'quotes' and \"double quotes\" and ", body='Test body', labels=[], assignees=[], state='open', created_at='2024-01-01T00:00:00Z', updated_at='2024-01-01T00:00:00Z', closed_at=None, head_branch=None, thread_ids=None, ) # Try to send a PR - this will fail if the title is incorrectly escaped print('Sending PR...') from openhands.resolver.send_pull_request import send_pull_request send_pull_request( github_issue=issue, github_token='dummy-token', github_username='test-user', patch_dir=temp_dir, pr_type='ready', )