#!/bin/bash PROCESS_FILEPATH=$1 if [ -z "$PROCESS_FILEPATH" ]; then echo "Error: PROCESS_FILEPATH is empty. Usage: ./eval_infer.sh [instance_id] [dataset_name] [split]" exit 1 fi if [ ! -f $PROCESS_FILEPATH ]; then echo "Error: $PROCESS_FILEPATH is not a file" exit 1 fi # If instance_id is empty, it means we want to eval on the whole $PROCESS_FILEPATH # otherwise, we want to eval on the instance_id INSTANCE_ID=$2 DATASET_NAME=${3:-"princeton-nlp/SWE-bench_Lite"} SPLIT=${4:-"test"} echo "INSTANCE_ID: $INSTANCE_ID" echo "DATASET_NAME: $DATASET_NAME" echo "SPLIT: $SPLIT" PROCESS_FILEPATH=$(realpath $PROCESS_FILEPATH) FILE_DIR=$(dirname $PROCESS_FILEPATH) FILE_NAME=$(basename $PROCESS_FILEPATH) echo "Evaluating $FILE_NAME @ $FILE_DIR" # ================================================ # detect whether PROCESS_FILEPATH is in OH format or in SWE-bench format echo "==============================================================" echo "Detecting whether PROCESS_FILEPATH is in OH format or in SWE-bench format" echo "==============================================================" # SWE-bench format is a JSONL where every line has three fields: model_name_or_path, instance_id, and model_patch function is_swebench_format() { # Read the first line of the file read -r first_line < "$PROCESS_FILEPATH" # Use jq to check if the first line has the required fields echo "$first_line" | jq -e '. | has("model_name_or_path") and has("instance_id") and has("model_patch")' > /dev/null if [ $? -ne 0 ]; then return 1 # Return 1 if the first line does not have the required fields fi return 0 # Return 0 if the first line has the required fields } # Call the function with the file path is_swebench_format "$PROCESS_FILEPATH" IS_SWEBENCH_FORMAT=$? # Use the result in an if-else statement if [ $IS_SWEBENCH_FORMAT -eq 0 ]; then echo "The file IS in SWE-bench format." SWEBENCH_FORMAT_JSONL=$PROCESS_FILEPATH else echo "The file IS NOT in SWE-bench format." # ==== Convert OH format to SWE-bench format ==== echo "Merged output file with fine-grained report will be saved to $FILE_DIR" poetry run python3 evaluation/benchmarks/swe_bench/scripts/eval/convert_oh_output_to_swe_json.py $PROCESS_FILEPATH # replace .jsonl with .swebench.jsonl in filename SWEBENCH_FORMAT_JSONL=${PROCESS_FILEPATH/.jsonl/.swebench.jsonl} echo "SWEBENCH_FORMAT_JSONL: $SWEBENCH_FORMAT_JSONL" # assert that the file exists if [ ! -f $SWEBENCH_FORMAT_JSONL ]; then echo "Error: $SWEBENCH_FORMAT_JSONL does not exist. There is probably an error in the conversion process." exit 1 fi SWEBENCH_FORMAT_JSONL=$(realpath $SWEBENCH_FORMAT_JSONL) fi # ================================================ echo "==============================================================" echo "Running SWE-bench evaluation" echo "==============================================================" RUN_ID=$(date +"%Y%m%d_%H%M%S") N_PROCESS=16 if [ -z "$INSTANCE_ID" ]; then echo "Running SWE-bench evaluation on the whole input file..." # Default to SWE-Bench-lite # change `--dataset_name` and `--split` to alter dataset poetry run python -m swebench.harness.run_evaluation \ --dataset_name "$DATASET_NAME" \ --split "$SPLIT" \ --predictions_path $SWEBENCH_FORMAT_JSONL \ --timeout 1800 \ --cache_level instance \ --max_workers $N_PROCESS \ --run_id $RUN_ID # get the "model_name_or_path" from the first line of the SWEBENCH_FORMAT_JSONL MODEL_NAME_OR_PATH=$(jq -r '.model_name_or_path' $SWEBENCH_FORMAT_JSONL | head -n 1) echo "MODEL_NAME_OR_PATH: $MODEL_NAME_OR_PATH" RESULT_OUTPUT_DIR=$(dirname $SWEBENCH_FORMAT_JSONL) echo "RESULT_OUTPUT_DIR: $RESULT_OUTPUT_DIR" # move the eval results to the target directory mkdir -p $RESULT_OUTPUT_DIR # rm eval_outputs directory if it exists if [ -d $RESULT_OUTPUT_DIR/eval_outputs ]; then rm -rf $RESULT_OUTPUT_DIR/eval_outputs fi mv logs/run_evaluation/$RUN_ID/$MODEL_NAME_OR_PATH $RESULT_OUTPUT_DIR mv $RESULT_OUTPUT_DIR/$MODEL_NAME_OR_PATH $RESULT_OUTPUT_DIR/eval_outputs echo "RUN_ID: $RUN_ID" > $RESULT_OUTPUT_DIR/run_id.txt # move report file REPORT_PATH=$MODEL_NAME_OR_PATH.$RUN_ID.json if [ -f $REPORT_PATH ]; then # check if $RESULT_OUTPUT_DIR/report.json exists if [ -f $RESULT_OUTPUT_DIR/report.json ]; then echo "Report file $RESULT_OUTPUT_DIR/report.json already exists. Overwriting..." if [ -f $RESULT_OUTPUT_DIR/report.json.bak ]; then rm $RESULT_OUTPUT_DIR/report.json.bak fi mv $RESULT_OUTPUT_DIR/report.json $RESULT_OUTPUT_DIR/report.json.bak fi mv $REPORT_PATH $RESULT_OUTPUT_DIR/report.json fi poetry run python evaluation/benchmarks/swe_bench/scripts/eval/update_output_with_eval.py $PROCESS_FILEPATH else echo "Running SWE-bench evaluation on the instance_id: $INSTANCE_ID" poetry run python -m swebench.harness.run_evaluation \ --dataset_name "$DATASET_NAME" \ --split "$SPLIT" \ --predictions_path $SWEBENCH_FORMAT_JSONL \ --timeout 1800 \ --instance_ids $INSTANCE_ID \ --cache_level instance \ --max_workers $N_PROCESS \ --run_id $RUN_ID fi