import { beforeAll, describe, expect, it, vi } from "vitest"; import { render } from "@testing-library/react"; import { afterEach } from "node:test"; import { ReactNode } from "react"; import { useTerminal } from "#/hooks/use-terminal"; import { Command } from "#/state/command-slice"; interface TestTerminalComponentProps { commands: Command[]; secrets: string[]; } function TestTerminalComponent({ commands, secrets, }: TestTerminalComponentProps) { const ref = useTerminal({ commands, secrets, disabled: false }); return
; } interface WrapperProps { children: ReactNode; } function Wrapper({ children }: WrapperProps) { return
; } describe("useTerminal", () => { const mockTerminal = vi.hoisted(() => ({ loadAddon: vi.fn(), open: vi.fn(), write: vi.fn(), writeln: vi.fn(), onKey: vi.fn(), attachCustomKeyEventHandler: vi.fn(), dispose: vi.fn(), })); beforeAll(() => { // mock ResizeObserver window.ResizeObserver = vi.fn().mockImplementation(() => ({ observe: vi.fn(), unobserve: vi.fn(), disconnect: vi.fn(), })); // mock Terminal vi.mock("@xterm/xterm", async (importOriginal) => ({ ...(await importOriginal()), Terminal: vi.fn().mockImplementation(() => mockTerminal), })); }); afterEach(() => { vi.clearAllMocks(); }); it("should render", () => { render(, { wrapper: Wrapper, }); }); it("should render the commands in the terminal", () => { const commands: Command[] = [ { content: "echo hello", type: "input" }, { content: "hello", type: "output" }, ]; render(, { wrapper: Wrapper, }); expect(mockTerminal.writeln).toHaveBeenNthCalledWith(1, "echo hello"); expect(mockTerminal.writeln).toHaveBeenNthCalledWith(2, "hello"); }); it("should hide secrets in the terminal", () => { const secret = "super_secret_github_token"; const anotherSecret = "super_secret_another_token"; const commands: Command[] = [ { content: `export GITHUB_TOKEN=${secret},${anotherSecret},${secret}`, type: "input", }, { content: secret, type: "output" }, ]; render( , { wrapper: Wrapper, }, ); // BUG: `vi.clearAllMocks()` does not clear the number of calls // therefore, we need to assume the order of the calls based // on the test order expect(mockTerminal.writeln).toHaveBeenNthCalledWith( 3, `export GITHUB_TOKEN=${"*".repeat(10)},${"*".repeat(10)},${"*".repeat(10)}`, ); expect(mockTerminal.writeln).toHaveBeenNthCalledWith(4, "*".repeat(10)); }); });