import datetime import os import subprocess import time import docker from openhands import __version__ as oh_version from openhands.core.exceptions import AgentRuntimeBuildError from openhands.core.logger import RollingLogger from openhands.core.logger import openhands_logger as logger from openhands.runtime.builder.base import RuntimeBuilder from openhands.utils.term_color import TermColor, colorize class DockerRuntimeBuilder(RuntimeBuilder): def __init__(self, docker_client: docker.DockerClient): self.docker_client = docker_client version_info = self.docker_client.version() server_version = version_info.get('Version', '').replace('-', '.') if tuple(map(int, server_version.split('.')[:2])) < (18, 9): raise AgentRuntimeBuildError( 'Docker server version must be >= 18.09 to use BuildKit' ) self.rolling_logger = RollingLogger(max_lines=10) @staticmethod def check_buildx(): """Check if Docker Buildx is available""" try: result = ['docker', 'buildx', 'version'], capture_output=True, text=True ) return result.returncode == 0 except FileNotFoundError: return False def build( self, path: str, tags: list[str], platform: str | None = None, extra_build_args: list[str] | None = None, use_local_cache: bool = False, ) -> str: """Builds a Docker image using BuildKit and handles the build logs appropriately. Args: path (str): The path to the Docker build context. tags (list[str]): A list of image tags to apply to the built image. platform (str, optional): The target platform for the build. Defaults to None. use_local_cache (bool, optional): Whether to use and update the local build cache. Defaults to True. extra_build_args (list[str], optional): Additional arguments to pass to the Docker build command. Defaults to None. Returns: str: The name of the built Docker image. Raises: AgentRuntimeBuildError: If the Docker server version is incompatible or if the build process fails. Note: This method uses Docker BuildKit for improved build performance and caching capabilities. If `use_local_cache` is True, it will attempt to use and update the build cache in a local directory. The `extra_build_args` parameter allows for passing additional Docker build arguments as needed. """ self.docker_client = docker.from_env() version_info = self.docker_client.version() server_version = version_info.get('Version', '').replace('-', '.') if tuple(map(int, server_version.split('.'))) < (18, 9): raise AgentRuntimeBuildError( 'Docker server version must be >= 18.09 to use BuildKit' ) if not DockerRuntimeBuilder.check_buildx(): # when running openhands in a container, there might not be a "docker" # binary available, in which case we need to download docker binary. # since the official openhands app image is built from debian, we use # debian way to install docker binary 'No docker binary available inside openhands-app container, trying to download online...' ) commands = [ 'apt-get update', 'apt-get install -y ca-certificates curl gnupg', 'install -m 0755 -d /etc/apt/keyrings', 'curl -fsSL -o /etc/apt/keyrings/docker.asc', 'chmod a+r /etc/apt/keyrings/docker.asc', 'echo \ "deb [arch=$(dpkg --print-architecture) signed-by=/etc/apt/keyrings/docker.asc] \ $(. /etc/os-release && echo "$VERSION_CODENAME") stable" | \ tee /etc/apt/sources.list.d/docker.list > /dev/null', 'apt-get update', 'apt-get install -y docker-ce docker-ce-cli docker-buildx-plugin docker-compose-plugin', ] for cmd in commands: try: cmd, shell=True, check=True, stdout=subprocess.DEVNULL ) except subprocess.CalledProcessError as e: logger.error(f'Image build failed:\n{e}') logger.error(f'Command output:\n{e.output}') raise'Downloaded and installed docker binary') target_image_hash_name = tags[0] target_image_repo, target_image_source_tag = target_image_hash_name.split(':') target_image_tag = tags[1].split(':')[1] if len(tags) > 1 else None buildx_cmd = [ 'docker', 'buildx', 'build', '--progress=plain', f'--build-arg=OPENHANDS_RUNTIME_VERSION={oh_version}', f'--build-arg=OPENHANDS_RUNTIME_BUILD_TIME={}', f'--tag={target_image_hash_name}', '--load', ] # Include the platform argument only if platform is specified if platform: buildx_cmd.append(f'--platform={platform}') cache_dir = '/tmp/.buildx-cache' if use_local_cache and self._is_cache_usable(cache_dir): buildx_cmd.extend( [ f'--cache-from=type=local,src={cache_dir}', f'--cache-to=type=local,dest={cache_dir},mode=max', ] ) if extra_build_args: buildx_cmd.extend(extra_build_args) buildx_cmd.append(path) # must be last! self.rolling_logger.start( '================ DOCKER BUILD STARTED ================' ) try: process = subprocess.Popen( buildx_cmd, stdout=subprocess.PIPE, stderr=subprocess.STDOUT, universal_newlines=True, bufsize=1, ) if process.stdout: for line in iter(process.stdout.readline, ''): line = line.strip() if line: self._output_logs(line) return_code = process.wait() if return_code != 0: raise subprocess.CalledProcessError( return_code, process.args, if process.stdout else None, if process.stderr else None, ) except subprocess.CalledProcessError as e: logger.error(f'Image build failed:\n{e}') logger.error(f'Command output:\n{e.output}') raise except subprocess.TimeoutExpired: logger.error('Image build timed out') raise except FileNotFoundError as e: logger.error(f'Python executable not found: {e}') raise except PermissionError as e: logger.error( f'Permission denied when trying to execute the build command:\n{e}' ) raise except Exception as e: logger.error(f'An unexpected error occurred during the build process: {e}') raise'Image [{target_image_hash_name}] build finished.') if target_image_tag: image = self.docker_client.images.get(target_image_hash_name) image.tag(target_image_repo, target_image_tag) f'Re-tagged image [{target_image_hash_name}] with more generic tag [{target_image_tag}]' ) # Check if the image is built successfully image = self.docker_client.images.get(target_image_hash_name) if image is None: raise AgentRuntimeBuildError( f'Build failed: Image {target_image_hash_name} not found' ) tags_str = ( f'{target_image_source_tag}, {target_image_tag}' if target_image_tag else target_image_source_tag ) f'Image {target_image_repo} with tags [{tags_str}] built successfully' ) return target_image_hash_name def image_exists(self, image_name: str, pull_from_repo: bool = True) -> bool: """Check if the image exists in the registry (try to pull it first) or in the local store. Args: image_name (str): The Docker image to check (:) pull_from_repo (bool): Whether to pull from the remote repo if the image not present locally Returns: bool: Whether the Docker image exists in the registry or in the local store """ if not image_name: logger.error(f'Invalid image name: `{image_name}`') return False try: logger.debug(f'Checking, if image exists locally:\n{image_name}') self.docker_client.images.get(image_name) logger.debug('Image found locally.') return True except docker.errors.ImageNotFound: if not pull_from_repo: logger.debug( f'Image {image_name} {colorize("not found", TermColor.WARNING)} locally' ) return False try: logger.debug( 'Image not found locally. Trying to pull it, please wait...' ) layers: dict[str, dict[str, str]] = {} previous_layer_count = 0 if ':' in image_name: image_repo, image_tag = image_name.split(':', 1) else: image_repo = image_name image_tag = None for line in self.docker_client.api.pull( image_repo, tag=image_tag, stream=True, decode=True ): self._output_build_progress(line, layers, previous_layer_count) previous_layer_count = len(layers) logger.debug('Image pulled') return True except docker.errors.ImageNotFound: logger.debug('Could not find image locally or in registry.') return False except Exception as e: msg = f'Image {colorize("could not be pulled", TermColor.ERROR)}: ' ex_msg = str(e) if 'Not Found' in ex_msg: msg += 'image not found in registry.' else: msg += f'{ex_msg}' logger.debug(msg) return False def _output_logs(self, new_line: str) -> None: if not self.rolling_logger.is_enabled(): logger.debug(new_line) else: self.rolling_logger.add_line(new_line) def _output_build_progress( self, current_line: dict, layers: dict, previous_layer_count: int ) -> None: if 'id' in current_line and 'progressDetail' in current_line: layer_id = current_line['id'] if layer_id not in layers: layers[layer_id] = {'status': '', 'progress': '', 'last_logged': 0} if 'status' in current_line: layers[layer_id]['status'] = current_line['status'] if 'progress' in current_line: layers[layer_id]['progress'] = current_line['progress'] if 'progressDetail' in current_line: progress_detail = current_line['progressDetail'] if 'total' in progress_detail and 'current' in progress_detail: total = progress_detail['total'] current = progress_detail['current'] percentage = min( (current / total) * 100, 100 ) # Ensure it doesn't exceed 100% else: percentage = ( 100 if layers[layer_id]['status'] == 'Download complete' else 0 ) if self.rolling_logger.is_enabled(): self.rolling_logger.move_back(previous_layer_count) for lid, layer_data in sorted(layers.items()): self.rolling_logger.replace_current_line() status = layer_data['status'] progress = layer_data['progress'] if status == 'Download complete': self.rolling_logger.write_immediately( f'Layer {lid}: Download complete' ) elif status == 'Already exists': self.rolling_logger.write_immediately( f'Layer {lid}: Already exists' ) else: self.rolling_logger.write_immediately( f'Layer {lid}: {progress} {status}' ) elif percentage != 0 and ( percentage - layers[layer_id]['last_logged'] >= 10 or percentage == 100 ): logger.debug( f'Layer {layer_id}: {layers[layer_id]["progress"]} {layers[layer_id]["status"]}' ) layers[layer_id]['last_logged'] = percentage elif 'status' in current_line: logger.debug(current_line['status']) def _prune_old_cache_files(self, cache_dir: str, max_age_days: int = 7) -> None: """Prune cache files older than the specified number of days. Args: cache_dir (str): The path to the cache directory. max_age_days (int): The maximum age of cache files in days. """ try: current_time = time.time() max_age_seconds = max_age_days * 24 * 60 * 60 for root, _, files in os.walk(cache_dir): for file in files: file_path = os.path.join(root, file) try: file_age = current_time - os.path.getmtime(file_path) if file_age > max_age_seconds: os.remove(file_path) logger.debug(f'Removed old cache file: {file_path}') except Exception as e: logger.warning(f'Error processing cache file {file_path}: {e}') except Exception as e: logger.warning(f'Error during build cache pruning: {e}') def _is_cache_usable(self, cache_dir: str) -> bool: """Check if the cache directory is usable (exists and is writable). Args: cache_dir (str): The path to the cache directory. Returns: bool: True if the cache directory is usable, False otherwise. """ if not os.path.exists(cache_dir): try: os.makedirs(cache_dir, exist_ok=True) logger.debug(f'Created cache directory: {cache_dir}') except OSError as e: logger.debug(f'Failed to create cache directory {cache_dir}: {e}') return False if not os.access(cache_dir, os.W_OK): logger.warning( f'Cache directory {cache_dir} is not writable. Caches will not be used for Docker builds.' ) return False self._prune_old_cache_files(cache_dir) logger.debug(f'Cache directory {cache_dir} is usable') return True