import os import tempfile import time from openhands.core.logger import openhands_logger as logger from import CmdRunAction from openhands.runtime.utils.bash import BashCommandStatus, BashSession def test_session_initialization(): # Test with custom working directory with tempfile.TemporaryDirectory() as temp_dir: session = BashSession(work_dir=temp_dir) session.initialize() obs = session.execute(CmdRunAction('pwd')), extra={'msg_type': 'OBSERVATION'}) assert temp_dir in obs.content assert '[The command completed with exit code 0.]' in obs.metadata.suffix session.close() # Test with custom username session = BashSession(work_dir=os.getcwd(), username='nobody') session.initialize() assert 'openhands-nobody' in session.close() def test_cwd_property(tmp_path): session = BashSession(work_dir=tmp_path) session.initialize() # Change directory and verify pwd updates random_dir = tmp_path / 'random' random_dir.mkdir() session.execute(CmdRunAction(f'cd {random_dir}')) assert session.cwd == str(random_dir) session.close() def test_basic_command(): session = BashSession(work_dir=os.getcwd()) session.initialize() # Test simple command obs = session.execute(CmdRunAction("echo 'hello world'")), extra={'msg_type': 'OBSERVATION'}) assert 'hello world' in obs.content assert obs.metadata.suffix == '\n[The command completed with exit code 0.]' assert obs.metadata.prefix == '' assert obs.metadata.exit_code == 0 assert session.prev_status == BashCommandStatus.COMPLETED # Test command with error obs = session.execute(CmdRunAction('nonexistent_command')), extra={'msg_type': 'OBSERVATION'}) assert obs.metadata.exit_code == 127 assert 'nonexistent_command: command not found' in obs.content assert obs.metadata.suffix == '\n[The command completed with exit code 127.]' assert obs.metadata.prefix == '' assert session.prev_status == BashCommandStatus.COMPLETED # Test multiple commands in sequence obs = session.execute(CmdRunAction('echo "first" && echo "second" && echo "third"')) assert 'first' in obs.content assert 'second' in obs.content assert 'third' in obs.content assert obs.metadata.suffix == '\n[The command completed with exit code 0.]' assert obs.metadata.prefix == '' assert obs.metadata.exit_code == 0 assert session.prev_status == BashCommandStatus.COMPLETED session.close() def test_long_running_command_follow_by_execute(): session = BashSession(work_dir=os.getcwd(), no_change_timeout_seconds=2) session.initialize() # Test command that produces output slowly obs = session.execute( CmdRunAction('for i in {1..3}; do echo $i; sleep 3; done', blocking=False) ), extra={'msg_type': 'OBSERVATION'}) assert '1' in obs.content # First number should appear before timeout assert obs.metadata.exit_code == -1 # -1 indicates command is still running assert session.prev_status == BashCommandStatus.NO_CHANGE_TIMEOUT assert obs.metadata.suffix == ( '\n[The command has no new output after 2 seconds. ' "You may wait longer to see additional output by sending empty command '', " 'send other commands to interact with the current process, ' 'or send keys to interrupt/kill the command.]' ) assert obs.metadata.prefix == '' # Continue watching output obs = session.execute(CmdRunAction('', is_input=True)), extra={'msg_type': 'OBSERVATION'}) assert '2' in obs.content assert obs.metadata.prefix == '[Below is the output of the previous command.]\n' assert obs.metadata.suffix == ( '\n[The command has no new output after 2 seconds. ' "You may wait longer to see additional output by sending empty command '', " 'send other commands to interact with the current process, ' 'or send keys to interrupt/kill the command.]' ) assert obs.metadata.exit_code == -1 # -1 indicates command is still running assert session.prev_status == BashCommandStatus.NO_CHANGE_TIMEOUT # Test command that produces no output obs = session.execute(CmdRunAction('sleep 15')), extra={'msg_type': 'OBSERVATION'}) assert '3' not in obs.content assert obs.metadata.prefix == '[Below is the output of the previous command.]\n' assert 'The previous command is still running' in obs.metadata.suffix assert obs.metadata.exit_code == -1 # -1 indicates command is still running assert session.prev_status == BashCommandStatus.NO_CHANGE_TIMEOUT time.sleep(3) # Run it again, this time it should produce output obs = session.execute(CmdRunAction('sleep 15')), extra={'msg_type': 'OBSERVATION'}) assert '3' in obs.content assert obs.metadata.prefix == '[Below is the output of the previous command.]\n' assert 'The previous command is still running' in obs.metadata.suffix assert obs.metadata.exit_code == -1 # -1 indicates command is still running assert session.prev_status == BashCommandStatus.NO_CHANGE_TIMEOUT session.close() def test_interactive_command(): session = BashSession(work_dir=os.getcwd(), no_change_timeout_seconds=3) session.initialize() # Test interactive command with blocking=True obs = session.execute( CmdRunAction( 'read -p \'Enter name: \' name && echo "Hello $name"', ) ), extra={'msg_type': 'OBSERVATION'}) assert 'Enter name:' in obs.content assert obs.metadata.exit_code == -1 # -1 indicates command is still running assert session.prev_status == BashCommandStatus.NO_CHANGE_TIMEOUT assert obs.metadata.suffix == ( '\n[The command has no new output after 3 seconds. ' "You may wait longer to see additional output by sending empty command '', " 'send other commands to interact with the current process, ' 'or send keys to interrupt/kill the command.]' ) assert obs.metadata.prefix == '' # Send input obs = session.execute(CmdRunAction('John', is_input=True)), extra={'msg_type': 'OBSERVATION'}) assert 'Hello John' in obs.content assert obs.metadata.exit_code == 0 assert obs.metadata.suffix == '\n[The command completed with exit code 0.]' assert obs.metadata.prefix == '' assert session.prev_status == BashCommandStatus.COMPLETED # Test multiline command input obs = session.execute(CmdRunAction('cat << EOF')), extra={'msg_type': 'OBSERVATION'}) assert obs.metadata.exit_code == -1 assert session.prev_status == BashCommandStatus.NO_CHANGE_TIMEOUT assert obs.metadata.suffix == ( '\n[The command has no new output after 3 seconds. ' "You may wait longer to see additional output by sending empty command '', " 'send other commands to interact with the current process, ' 'or send keys to interrupt/kill the command.]' ) assert obs.metadata.prefix == '' obs = session.execute(CmdRunAction('line 1', is_input=True)), extra={'msg_type': 'OBSERVATION'}) assert obs.metadata.exit_code == -1 assert session.prev_status == BashCommandStatus.NO_CHANGE_TIMEOUT assert obs.metadata.suffix == ( '\n[The command has no new output after 3 seconds. ' "You may wait longer to see additional output by sending empty command '', " 'send other commands to interact with the current process, ' 'or send keys to interrupt/kill the command.]' ) assert obs.metadata.prefix == '[Below is the output of the previous command.]\n' obs = session.execute(CmdRunAction('line 2', is_input=True)), extra={'msg_type': 'OBSERVATION'}) assert obs.metadata.exit_code == -1 assert session.prev_status == BashCommandStatus.NO_CHANGE_TIMEOUT assert obs.metadata.suffix == ( '\n[The command has no new output after 3 seconds. ' "You may wait longer to see additional output by sending empty command '', " 'send other commands to interact with the current process, ' 'or send keys to interrupt/kill the command.]' ) assert obs.metadata.prefix == '[Below is the output of the previous command.]\n' obs = session.execute(CmdRunAction('EOF', is_input=True)), extra={'msg_type': 'OBSERVATION'}) assert 'line 1' in obs.content and 'line 2' in obs.content assert obs.metadata.exit_code == 0 assert obs.metadata.suffix == '\n[The command completed with exit code 0.]' assert obs.metadata.prefix == '' session.close() def test_ctrl_c(): session = BashSession(work_dir=os.getcwd(), no_change_timeout_seconds=2) session.initialize() # Start infinite loop obs = session.execute( CmdRunAction("while true; do echo 'looping'; sleep 3; done"), ), extra={'msg_type': 'OBSERVATION'}) assert 'looping' in obs.content assert obs.metadata.suffix == ( '\n[The command has no new output after 2 seconds. ' "You may wait longer to see additional output by sending empty command '', " 'send other commands to interact with the current process, ' 'or send keys to interrupt/kill the command.]' ) assert obs.metadata.prefix == '' assert obs.metadata.exit_code == -1 # -1 indicates command is still running assert session.prev_status == BashCommandStatus.NO_CHANGE_TIMEOUT # Send Ctrl+C obs = session.execute(CmdRunAction('C-c', is_input=True)), extra={'msg_type': 'OBSERVATION'}) assert obs.metadata.exit_code == 130 # Standard exit code for Ctrl+C assert ( obs.metadata.suffix == '\n[The command completed with exit code 130. CTRL+C was sent.]' ) assert obs.metadata.prefix == '' assert session.prev_status == BashCommandStatus.COMPLETED session.close() def test_empty_command_errors(): session = BashSession(work_dir=os.getcwd()) session.initialize() # Test empty command without previous command obs = session.execute(CmdRunAction('')), extra={'msg_type': 'OBSERVATION'}) assert obs.content == 'ERROR: No previous running command to retrieve logs from.' assert obs.metadata.exit_code == -1 assert obs.metadata.prefix == '' assert obs.metadata.suffix == '' assert session.prev_status is None session.close() def test_command_output_continuation(): session = BashSession(work_dir=os.getcwd(), no_change_timeout_seconds=2) session.initialize() # Start a command that produces output slowly obs = session.execute(CmdRunAction('for i in {1..5}; do echo $i; sleep 3; done')), extra={'msg_type': 'OBSERVATION'}) assert obs.content.strip() == '1' assert obs.metadata.prefix == '' assert '[The command has no new output after 2 seconds.' in obs.metadata.suffix assert session.prev_status == BashCommandStatus.NO_CHANGE_TIMEOUT obs = session.execute(CmdRunAction('', is_input=True)), extra={'msg_type': 'OBSERVATION'}) assert '[Below is the output of the previous command.]' in obs.metadata.prefix assert obs.content.strip() == '2' assert '[The command has no new output after 2 seconds.' in obs.metadata.suffix assert session.prev_status == BashCommandStatus.NO_CHANGE_TIMEOUT obs = session.execute(CmdRunAction('', is_input=True)), extra={'msg_type': 'OBSERVATION'}) assert '[Below is the output of the previous command.]' in obs.metadata.prefix assert obs.content.strip() == '3' assert '[The command has no new output after 2 seconds.' in obs.metadata.suffix assert session.prev_status == BashCommandStatus.NO_CHANGE_TIMEOUT obs = session.execute(CmdRunAction('', is_input=True)), extra={'msg_type': 'OBSERVATION'}) assert '[Below is the output of the previous command.]' in obs.metadata.prefix assert obs.content.strip() == '4' assert '[The command has no new output after 2 seconds.' in obs.metadata.suffix assert session.prev_status == BashCommandStatus.NO_CHANGE_TIMEOUT obs = session.execute(CmdRunAction('', is_input=True)), extra={'msg_type': 'OBSERVATION'}) assert '[Below is the output of the previous command.]' in obs.metadata.prefix assert obs.content.strip() == '5' assert '[The command has no new output after 2 seconds.' in obs.metadata.suffix assert session.prev_status == BashCommandStatus.NO_CHANGE_TIMEOUT obs = session.execute(CmdRunAction('', is_input=True)), extra={'msg_type': 'OBSERVATION'}) assert '[The command completed with exit code 0.]' in obs.metadata.suffix assert session.prev_status == BashCommandStatus.COMPLETED session.close() def test_long_output(): session = BashSession(work_dir=os.getcwd()) session.initialize() # Generate a long output that may exceed buffer size obs = session.execute(CmdRunAction('for i in {1..5000}; do echo "Line $i"; done')), extra={'msg_type': 'OBSERVATION'}) assert 'Line 1' in obs.content assert 'Line 5000' in obs.content assert obs.metadata.exit_code == 0 assert obs.metadata.prefix == '' assert obs.metadata.suffix == '\n[The command completed with exit code 0.]' session.close() def test_long_output_exceed_history_limit(): session = BashSession(work_dir=os.getcwd()) session.initialize() # Generate a long output that may exceed buffer size obs = session.execute(CmdRunAction('for i in {1..50000}; do echo "Line $i"; done')), extra={'msg_type': 'OBSERVATION'}) assert 'Previous command outputs are truncated' in obs.metadata.prefix assert 'Line 40000' in obs.content assert 'Line 50000' in obs.content assert obs.metadata.exit_code == 0 assert obs.metadata.suffix == '\n[The command completed with exit code 0.]' session.close() def test_multiline_command(): session = BashSession(work_dir=os.getcwd()) session.initialize() # Test multiline command with PS2 prompt disabled obs = session.execute( CmdRunAction("""if true; then echo "inside if" fi""") ), extra={'msg_type': 'OBSERVATION'}) assert 'inside if' in obs.content assert obs.metadata.exit_code == 0 assert obs.metadata.prefix == '' assert obs.metadata.suffix == '\n[The command completed with exit code 0.]' session.close() def test_python_interactive_input(): session = BashSession(work_dir=os.getcwd(), no_change_timeout_seconds=2) session.initialize() # Test Python program that asks for input - properly escaped for bash python_script = """name = input('Enter your name: '); age = input('Enter your age: '); print(f'Hello {name}, you are {age} years old')""" # Start Python with the interactive script obs = session.execute(CmdRunAction(f'python3 -c "{python_script}"')), extra={'msg_type': 'OBSERVATION'}) assert 'Enter your name:' in obs.content assert obs.metadata.exit_code == -1 # -1 indicates command is still running assert session.prev_status == BashCommandStatus.NO_CHANGE_TIMEOUT # Send first input (name) obs = session.execute(CmdRunAction('Alice', is_input=True)), extra={'msg_type': 'OBSERVATION'}) assert 'Enter your age:' in obs.content assert obs.metadata.exit_code == -1 assert session.prev_status == BashCommandStatus.NO_CHANGE_TIMEOUT # Send second input (age) obs = session.execute(CmdRunAction('25', is_input=True)), extra={'msg_type': 'OBSERVATION'}) assert 'Hello Alice, you are 25 years old' in obs.content assert obs.metadata.exit_code == 0 assert obs.metadata.suffix == '\n[The command completed with exit code 0.]' assert session.prev_status == BashCommandStatus.COMPLETED session.close()