import streamlit as st import os from prompts import prompts from constants import JSON_SCHEMA_FOR_GPT, UPDATED_MODEL_ONLY_SCHEMA, JSON_SCHEMA_FOR_LOC_ONLY from gpt import runAssistant, checkRunStatus, retrieveThread, createAssistant, saveFileOpenAI, startAssistantThread, \ create_chat_completion_request_open_ai_for_summary, addMessageToThread, create_image_completion_request_gpt from summarizer import create_brand_html, create_langchain_openai_query from theme import flux_generated_image, flux_generated_image_seed import time from PIL import Image import io def process_run(st, thread_id, assistant_id): run_id = runAssistant(thread_id, assistant_id) status = 'running' while status != 'completed': with st.spinner('. . .'): time.sleep(20) status = checkRunStatus(thread_id, run_id) thread_messages = retrieveThread(thread_id) for message in thread_messages: if not message['role'] == 'user': return message["content"] else: pass def page1(): st.title("Upload Product") st.markdown("

Add a Product

", unsafe_allow_html=True) st.markdown("

Upload your product images, more images you upload better the AI learns

", unsafe_allow_html=True) uploaded_files = st.file_uploader("Upload Images", accept_multiple_files=True, key="uploaded_files_key") product_description = st.text_area("Describe the product", value=st.session_state.get("product_description", "")) col1, col2 = st.columns([1, 2]) with col1: if st.button("Save"): st.session_state['uploaded_files'] = uploaded_files st.session_state['product_description'] = product_description st.success("Product information saved!") with col2: if st.button("Add product and move to next page"): if not uploaded_files: st.warning("Please upload at least one image.") elif not product_description: st.warning("Please provide a description for the product.") else: st.session_state['uploaded_files'] = uploaded_files st.session_state['product_description'] = product_description st.session_state['page'] = "Page 2" def page2(): st.title("Tell us about your shoot preference") st.markdown("

What are you shooting today?

", unsafe_allow_html=True) shoot_type ="Select your shoot type:", ["Editorial", "Catalogue"], index=0) st.session_state['shoot_type'] = shoot_type brand_link = st.text_input("Add your brand link:", value=st.session_state.get("brand_link", "")) st.session_state['brand_link'] = brand_link if st.button("Get Brand Summary"): if brand_link: brand_summary_html = create_brand_html(brand_link) brand_summary = create_langchain_openai_query(brand_summary_html) st.session_state['brand_summary'] = brand_summary st.success("Brand summary fetched!") else: st.warning("Please add a brand link.") brand_summary_value = st.session_state.get('brand_summary', "") editable_summary = st.text_area("Brand Summary:", value=brand_summary_value, height=100) st.session_state['brand_summary'] = editable_summary product_info = st.text_area("Tell us something about your product:", value=st.session_state.get("product_info", "")) st.session_state['product_info'] = product_info reference_images = st.file_uploader("Upload Reference Images", accept_multiple_files=True, key="reference_images_key") st.session_state['reference_images'] = reference_images if st.button("Give Me Ideas"): st.session_state['page'] = "Page 3" def page3(): st.title("Scene Suggestions") st.write("Based on your uploaded product and references!") feedback = st.chat_input("Provide feedback:") if not st.session_state.get("assistant_initialized", False): assistant_id = createAssistant("You are a helpful assistant who is an expert in Fashion Shoots.") updated_prompt = prompts["IDEA_GENERATION_PROMPT"].format( brand_details=st.session_state["brand_summary"], product_details=st.session_state["product_info"], type_of_shoot=st.session_state["shoot_type"], json_schema=JSON_SCHEMA_FOR_GPT, product_name=st.session_state["product_description"] ) file_locations = [] for uploaded_file in st.session_state['uploaded_files']: bytes_data = uploaded_file.getvalue() image = image.verify() location = f"temp_image_{}" with open(location, "wb") as f: f.write(bytes_data) file_locations.append(location) image.close() for uploaded_file in st.session_state['reference_images']: bytes_data = uploaded_file.getvalue() image = image.verify() location = f"temp2_image_{}" with open(location, "wb") as f: f.write(bytes_data) file_locations.append(location) image.close() file_ids = [saveFileOpenAI(location) for location in file_locations] thread_id = startAssistantThread(file_ids, updated_prompt, "yes", "yes") st.session_state.assistant_id = assistant_id st.session_state.thread_id = thread_id st.session_state.assistant_initialized = True regenerate_images(thread_id, assistant_id) if feedback: if 'images' in st.session_state and 'descriptions' in st.session_state: for image_path in st.session_state['images']: os.remove(image_path) del st.session_state['images'] del st.session_state['descriptions'] del st.session_state["json_descriptions"] addMessageToThread(st.session_state.thread_id, feedback) regenerate_images(st.session_state.thread_id, st.session_state.assistant_id) selected_image_index = None cols = st.columns(1) for i in range(len(st.session_state["images"])): with cols[i]: st.image(st.session_state.images[i], caption=st.session_state.descriptions[i], use_column_width=True) if"Select {i + 1}", [f"Select Image {i + 1}"], key=f"radio_{i}"): selected_image_index = i if selected_image_index is not None and st.button("Refine"): st.session_state.selected_image_index = selected_image_index st.session_state.selected_image = st.session_state.images[selected_image_index] st.session_state.selected_text = st.session_state.descriptions[selected_image_index] st.session_state['page'] = "Page 4" if st.button("Go Back!"): = "Page 2" def regenerate_images(thread_id, assistant_id): """Helper function to generate images and descriptions.""" response_from_process_list = [] for _ in range(1): # Assuming you generate 1 set of image/description response_from_process = process_run(st, thread_id, assistant_id) response_from_process_list.append(response_from_process) summary_list = [] for final_response in response_from_process_list: prompt_for_idea_summary = prompts["IDEA_SUMMARY_PROMPT"].format( json_schema=str(final_response) ) summary = create_chat_completion_request_open_ai_for_summary(prompt_for_idea_summary, "No") summary_list.append(summary) # Generate images based on the summaries flux_generated_theme_image = [] for summary in summary_list: theme_image = flux_generated_image(summary) flux_generated_theme_image.append(theme_image["file_name"]) # Save the new images and descriptions in session state st.session_state["images"] = flux_generated_theme_image st.session_state["descriptions"] = summary_list st.session_state["json_descriptions"] = response_from_process_list def page4(): import json selected_theme_text_by_user = st.session_state.json_descriptions[st.session_state.selected_image_index] print(selected_theme_text_by_user) schema_for_model_bg = {"type": "object", "properties": { "Model": { "type": "string", "description": "The model name or identifier." }, "Background": { "type": "string", "description": "Description or type of the background." }}, "required": ["Model", "Background"], "additionalProperties": False } session_state_desp = st.session_state["json_descriptions"] prompt_to_get_details = (f"You are provided with a brief of a Fashion Shoot : " f"{session_state_desp}.\n Now provide me a JSON which will" f"have two keys ```Model``` and ```Background```. Provide all detail's" f"present about model and background in the brief provided by you. Just provide a " f"natural langauge description. I will use it as description of model and " f"background needed by the brand Output JSON following the schema") response_from_open_ai = create_chat_completion_request_open_ai_for_summary(prompt_to_get_details, schema_name="model_bg", json_schema=schema_for_model_bg, json_mode="yes") json_response_from_open_ai = json.loads(response_from_open_ai) with (st.sidebar): st.title(st.session_state["product_info"]) st.write("Product Image") st.image(st.session_state['uploaded_files']) st.text("Scene Suggestion:") st.image(st.session_state.selected_image) dimensions = st.text_input("Enter Dimensions e.g 3:4, 1:2", key="Dimensions") seed = st.selectbox( "Seed Preference", ("Fixed", "Random"), ) if seed == "Fixed": seed_number = st.number_input("Enter an integer:", min_value=1, max_value=100000, value=10, step=1) else: seed_number = 0 st.text("Thanks will take care") model_preference = st.selectbox( "Model Preference", ("Create Own/Edit Pre-filled", "Ideas", "Upload Reference"), ) if model_preference == "Create Own/Edit Pre-filled": pre_filled_model_details = st.text_area("Model Idea", value=json_response_from_open_ai["Model"], key="Model Idea") elif model_preference == "Ideas": prompt_to_generate_idea = ("Your task is to create model ideas for shoot of a product of a brand. " "The details about the brand: ```{brand_details}.\n The product: {product_name}," "which is: ```{product_details}```.\n Reference images for the product and " "brands shoot idea is already provided with you. Additionally brand wants to " "have a ```{type_of_shoot}``` of the model. Now based on all provided details, " "think step by step and provide your ideas about what type of model the brand" "should need based on mentioned JSON format. Also provide a combined prompt " "which the brand will use to create a shoot image. While creating the " "combined prompt as mentioned in the JSON schema, do not miss any details you" " mentioned in the JSON.") updated_model_idea_gen_prompt = prompt_to_generate_idea.format( brand_details=st.session_state["brand_summary"], product_details=st.session_state["product_info"], type_of_shoot=st.session_state["shoot_type"], product_name=st.session_state["product_description"] ) response_for_only_model = create_chat_completion_request_open_ai_for_summary(updated_model_idea_gen_prompt , schema_name="model_only", json_schema= UPDATED_MODEL_ONLY_SCHEMA, json_mode="yes") pre_filled_model_details = st.text_area("Model Idea", value=response_for_only_model, key="Model Idea") else: uploaded_files = st.file_uploader("Upload one Model Reference Image here", accept_multiple_files=False, key="uploader") bytes_data = uploaded_files.getvalue() image = image.verify() location = f"temp_image_{}" with open(location, "wb") as f: f.write(bytes_data) image.close() prompt_to_generate_idea = ("Follow this JSON Schema : {json_schema_model_only}." "Your task is to create model ideas for shoot of a product of a brand. " "The details about the brand: ```{brand_details}.\n The product: {product_name}," "which is: ```{product_details}```.\n Reference images for the product and " "brands shoot idea is already provided with you. Additionally brand wants to " "have a ```{type_of_shoot}``` of the model. Now based on all provided details, " "think step by step and provide your ideas about what type of model the brand" "should need based on mentioned JSON format. Also provide a combined prompt " "which the brand will use to create a shoot image. While creating the " "combined prompt as mentioned in the JSON schema, do not miss any details you" " mentioned in the JSON.") updated_model_idea_gen_prompt = prompt_to_generate_idea.format( json_schema_model_only=UPDATED_MODEL_ONLY_SCHEMA, brand_details=st.session_state["brand_summary"], product_details=st.session_state["product_info"], type_of_shoot=st.session_state["shoot_type"], product_name=st.session_state["product_description"] ) json_response = create_image_completion_request_gpt(location, updated_model_idea_gen_prompt) pre_filled_model_details = st.text_area("Model Idea", value=json_response, key="Model Idea") background_preference = st.selectbox( "Background Preference", ("Create Own/Edit Pre-filled", "Ideas", "Upload Reference"), ) if background_preference == "Create Own/Edit Pre-filled": pre_filled_background_details = st.text_area("Background Idea", value=json_response_from_open_ai["Background"], key="Background Idea") elif background_preference == "Ideas": prompt_to_generate_idea = ("Follow this JSON Schema : {json_schema_background_only}." "Your task is to create location/background ideas for shoot of a " "product of a brand. " "The details about the brand: ```{brand_details}.\n The product: {product_name}," "which is: ```{product_details}```.\n Reference images for the product and " "brands shoot idea is already provided with you. Additionally brand wants to " "have a ```{type_of_shoot}``` of the model. Now based on all provided details, " "think step by step and provide your ideas about what type of location the brand" "should need based on mentioned JSON format. Also provide a combined prompt " "which the brand will use to create a shoot image. While creating the " "combined prompt as mentioned in the JSON schema, do not miss any details you" " mentioned in the JSON.") updated_bg_idea_gen_prompt = prompt_to_generate_idea.format( json_schema_background_only=JSON_SCHEMA_FOR_LOC_ONLY, brand_details=st.session_state["brand_summary"], product_details=st.session_state["product_info"], type_of_shoot=st.session_state["shoot_type"], product_name=st.session_state["product_description"] ) response_for_only_bg = create_chat_completion_request_open_ai_for_summary(updated_bg_idea_gen_prompt, schema_name="bg_o", json_schema=JSON_SCHEMA_FOR_LOC_ONLY, json_mode="yes") pre_filled_background_details = st.text_area("Background Idea", value=response_for_only_bg, key="Background Idea") else: uploaded_files = st.file_uploader("Upload one Background Reference Image here", accept_multiple_files=False, key="uploader") bytes_data = uploaded_files.getvalue() image = image.verify() location = f"temp2_image_{}" with open(location, "wb") as f: f.write(bytes_data) image.close() prompt_to_generate_idea = ("Follow this JSON Schema : {json_schema_bg_only}." "Your task is to create Background/Location ideas for shoot of a " "product of a brand. " "The details about the brand: ```{brand_details}.\n The product: {product_name}," "which is: ```{product_details}```.\n Reference images for the product and " "brands shoot idea is already provided with you. Additionally brand wants to " "have a ```{type_of_shoot}``` of the model. Now based on all provided details, " "think step by step and provide your ideas about what type of location the brand" "should need based on mentioned JSON format. Also provide a combined prompt " "which the brand will use to create a shoot image. While creating the " "combined prompt as mentioned in the JSON schema, do not miss any details you" " mentioned in the JSON.") updated_bg_idea_gen_prompt = prompt_to_generate_idea.format( json_schema_bg_only=JSON_SCHEMA_FOR_LOC_ONLY, brand_details=st.session_state["brand_summary"], product_details=st.session_state["product_info"], type_of_shoot=st.session_state["shoot_type"], product_name=st.session_state["product_description"] ) json_response = create_image_completion_request_gpt(location, updated_bg_idea_gen_prompt) pre_filled_background_details = st.text_area("Background Idea", value=json_response, key="Background Idea") start_chat = st.button("Start Chat") if "mood_chat_messages" not in st.session_state: st.session_state["mood_chat_messages"] = [] if seed and dimensions and model_preference and background_preference: if start_chat: final_mood_board_image_prompt = prompts["FINAL_PROMPT_GENERATION"].format( brand_details=st.session_state["brand_summary"], product_details=st.session_state["product_info"], type_of_shoot=st.session_state["shoot_type"], product_name=st.session_state["product_description"], model_details=pre_filled_model_details, location_details=pre_filled_background_details, theme_details=str(selected_theme_text_by_user), chat_history=str(st.session_state["mood_chat_messages"]) ) prompt_for_flux_mood_board = create_chat_completion_request_open_ai_for_summary( final_mood_board_image_prompt, "No", system_message=prompts["SYSTEM_PROMPT_FOR_MOOD_BOARD"]) if seed == "Fixed": generated_flux_image = flux_generated_image_seed(prompt_for_flux_mood_board, seed_number, dimensions) else: generated_flux_image = flux_generated_image(prompt_for_flux_mood_board) st.session_state["mood_chat_messages"].append({ "role": "AI", "message": prompt_for_flux_mood_board, "image": generated_flux_image["file_name"] }) # for message in st.session_state["mood_chat_messages"]: # if message["role"] == "AI": # st.write(f"Caimera AI: {message['message']}") # st.image(message['image']) #else: # st.write(f"**You**: {message['message']}") user_input = st.chat_input("Type your message here...") if user_input: st.session_state["mood_chat_messages"].append({"role": "User", "message": user_input}) prompt_for_flux_mood_board_n = create_chat_completion_request_open_ai_for_summary( user_input, "No", system_message=prompts["SYSTEM_PROMPT_FOR_MOOD_BOARD"]) if seed == "Fixed": generated_flux_image_n = flux_generated_image_seed(prompt_for_flux_mood_board_n, seed_number, dimensions) else: generated_flux_image_n = flux_generated_image(prompt_for_flux_mood_board_n) st.session_state["mood_chat_messages"].append({ "role": "AI", "message": prompt_for_flux_mood_board_n, "image": generated_flux_image_n["file_name"] }) for message in st.session_state["mood_chat_messages"]: if message["role"] == "AI": st.write(f"**AI**: {message['message']}") st.image(message['image']) else: st.write(f"**You**: {message['message']}") print(seed_number) if 'page' not in st.session_state: = "Page 1" # Routing between pages if == "Page 1": page1() elif == "Page 2": page2() elif == "Page 3": page3() elif == "Page 4": page4()