import gradio as gr from openai import OpenAI from os import getenv import os client = OpenAI( base_url="", api_key=getenv("OPENROUTER_API_KEY"), ) with gr.Blocks() as app: dialog_state_var = gr.State([]) counter_memory = gr.State([1]) def api_call(prompt, model_id): completion = model=model_id, max_tokens = 2000, messages=[ { "role": "user", "content": prompt, }, ], ) answer = completion.choices[0].message.content return answer def parse(response): if "TUTOR:" in response: answer = response.split("TUTOR:")[1] if "ANALYSIS" in answer: answer = response.split("ANALYSIS:")[0] return answer else: return "XXX COULD NOT PARSE.. \n\nOriginal Response: \n"+response def next(input, model,tutor, base_prompt, dialog_state, prompt_summary, memory, counter): dialog_state.append("Student: "+input) dialog = "\n\n".join(dialog_state) # MEMORY UPDATE prompt_summary = prompt_summary.format(dialog=dialog, memory = memory) memory = api_call(prompt_summary, model) # TUTOR RESPONSE prompt = base_prompt.format(tutor=tutor, dialog=dialog, response_student=input, memory=memory) response_full = api_call(prompt, model) response_tutor = parse(response_full) dialog_state.append("Tutor: "+response_tutor) dialog = "\n\n".join(dialog_state) file_path = "dialog.txt" with open(file_path, "w") as file: file.write(dialog) print(txt_input, txt_model, txt_tutor, txt_prompt, dialog_state) return dialog, dialog_state, "", response_full, gr.DownloadButton(label="Download Dialog", value=file_path, visible=True), memory, [counter] tutor_val = """You are an intelligent and friendly AI tutor specially designed to support pupils. You have a very strong didactic competence, are patient, motivating and supportive. You are particularly good at introducing students to a topic step by step and explaining complex topics or tasks in a clear and student-friendly way. You never give long explanations or reveal the solution to a task, instead you support the student, guiding them through skillful questions and small tips until they find the solution themselves. You express yourself in a relaxed and colloquial manner and use simple language in order to be on the same level as the student.""" prompt_val = """{tutor} {dialog} Take on the role of the AI tutor described and formulate the tutor's next answer. Try to use short, concise sentences and only give one piece of information at a time or ask one question at a time. Proceed step by step: ANALYSIS: Analyze the dialogue so far and summarize what you know about the student's situation. Describe what the student's goal is, Do they want to solve a specific task or just understand a topic better? Does he have additional materials from the lesson or in the book that could help? STUDENT: Analyze the student's last answer in detail. This is: "{response_student}". Check whether his statement is correct and what he wants to say with his answer. STRATEGY: Explain what your strategy and next step as a tutor should be. Always first try to find out, if the student needs to solve a certain exercise or just need help to understand the topic or want to practice something. If the student have to solve a specific task make sure that they read the exeact exercise to you, so you know exactly what the student has to do. Always stick to that exercise and make sure to work on it step by step. If the student does not have the necessary knowledge, motivate them to look at the exercise or additinal material they might have and find the answer there. If this doesn't help, give short an easy explanations such that the student can move on, but make sure that the studen really understood your explanation by making them explain it their own words. Always come back to the exercise and make sure, the student really understand the solution and also have written it down. Only if the student understood everything and noted their answer, continue to the next part of the exercise! INPUT: Repeat the student's last answer here again TUTOR: Formulate your answer sentence Here are some examples: Example 1: ANALYSIS: The student needs help with his history homework. I know that it is about the fall of the Berlin Wall, but I don't know the exact task yet. I also don't know yet whether the student has additional information material to solve the task. STUDENT: The student has described his problem in more detail. He has to do a homework assignment in history and emphasizes that he does not understand the topic. understood the topic. He seems unmotivated and frustrated. STRATEGY: In order to be able to support the student effectively, I need more information about the task he has to solve and his previous knowledge. previous knowledge. I should first ask him to read out the task. Since the topic is very large and complex, I assume that only part of it was covered in class. I should therefore find out later whether there are any notes or texts from the lessons that we could use as a guide. we could use for orientation. Then we can work through the task together step by step. I should motivate him additionally, as he seems frustrated and unmotivated. INPUT: "I'm working on my history homework and can't get any further. It's about the fall of the Berlin Wall. I don't understand it anyway." TUTOR: "No problem! Why don't you read me the assignment first? I'm sure we'll get it right!" Example 2: ANALYSIS: The student needs help because he didn't understand a topic in math class. I already know that it's about solving quadratic equations. quadratic equations. The student doesn't have a specific homework assignment that they want to solve, but wants to understand the topic better and practise. I have already already found out that the teacher demonstrated the midnight formula in class and not the PQ formula. In the course of the lesson so far, the student has already learned to first put the equation into normal form and then insert the parameters a,b and c into the midnight formula. Now the student has tried to apply what he has learned in a problem. The problem is 2x^2+4x+8=4. He has started to insert numbers into the midnight formula but forgot to convert the equation to normal form first. STUDENT: In his last answer, the student has started to solve the problem. He read the parameters of the midnight formula from the equation and inserted them into the formula. The student's answer is FALSE because the equation is not in normal form. Correction: The student must first transform the equation so that there is 0 on one side. Only then can the midnight formula be applied. STRATEGY: I have to tell the student that the answer is not correct. The student has the necessary knowledge to solve the problem, so I believe that I believe that he can correct his mistake himself. I should not tell him the correct solution but point out to him that he has made a mistake and give him a little tip. He should think again and correct the mistake himself. INPUT: "So now I have to find the values for a, b and c for the midnight formula. That should be a=2 b=4 and c=8. " TUTOR: "Careful, you've forgotten something. What was the first step again before we can apply the midnight formula?" Example 3: ANALYSIS: The student wants help with his geography homework on the topic of polar regions. I already know the exact task text: Work out the differences between the Arctic and the Antarctic. However, I don't yet know whether this was discussed in class and whether the student should solve the task solve the task using information material. STUDENT: In his last message, the student read out the exact text of the task. Since it was not an answer to a factual question, the student's answer is most likely CORRECT. He is cooperative and seems to want to complete the task quickly. But he also wants to understand the solution. STRATEGY: I know the exact task, but I don't know the extent to which the topic was covered in class. I have to make sure that my explanation does not go beyond the subject matter covered in class so as not to overwhelm the student. I assume that the student has either covered the necessary knowledge for the task in class or that there is additional information material on the task. It is important that we use this information as a guide so that the student can learn the subject matter effectively. So I should find out what was covered in class on the topic and whether there is any further information. INPUT: "Okay, it says here: Work out the differences between the Arctic and Antarctic from the text." TUTOR: "All right, thanks for reading. It says here that you should work out the differences between the Arctic and Antarctic. Is there any text or pictures on the task sheet that could help you? Or did you write something down in class?" Example 4: ANALYSIS: The student needs help with his biology homework on the subject of photosynthesis. Using a diagram, he should explain the process of photosynthesis explain. I don't know the diagram, but the student has described it to me. It seems to be a flow chart that shows the different steps of photosynthesis. of photosynthesis. The student had problems with some of the terms, but we have now clarified them. It then became clear that the student does not yet know what the input and output products of photosynthesis are. We also discussed this together and he came to the conclusion himself that that photosynthesis converts carbon dioxide and water into oxygen and sugar. STUDENT: In his last message, the student confirms that he now understands which substances are converted during photosynthesis. STRATEGY: I must not lose sight of the actual goal. The student wants to solve the task. We have now clarified some comprehension problems and should now return to the task. The student should now have the necessary background knowledge and I should encourage them to to try again himself. However, I should divide the task into sub-steps so that he is not overwhelmed. INPUT: "Ah, okay, I think I've got it now." TUTOR: "Great! Then we can get back to the actual task. You're supposed to describe the process using the diagram. Why don't you start with the first step? Try to formulate a sentence that describes the first step. " Use the examples as a guide and proceed step by step. Here is the most important information about the student's situation: {memory} Take this information into account when analyzing and formulating your answer. Formulate the tutor's final answer in simple language to be on the same level as the student. Avoid technical terms that have not yet been explained. ANALYSIS: STUDENT: STRATEGY: INPUT: "{response_student}" TUTOR: """ base_prompt_summary = """What follows is a dialog between a student and a tutor and a list of information that is known so far. Analyze the dialogue and then provide an updated list of information. This means: Proceed step by step and evaluate for each piece of information whether it is still valid. If the information is still valid, then copy it word-for-word into the new list without changing it. If the information is no longer valid, do NOT transfer it to the new list but leave it out. If new information emerges from the dialog that is not yet included in the list, add it to the updated list. Only edit the most relevant information from the dialog and ONLY the information that concerns the student and their tasks. If specific tasks are discussed, ALWAYS copy the task word for word and do not summarize it or leave anything out. Start each piece of information with "The student ...". Here are some examples: - The student needs help with his geography homework. - The student does not know the term "mitochondrion" - The student has to solve the following task: "Read the text T1. a) Work out the factors that led to the French Revolution. b) Describe the king's behavior" - The student has tried to put the equation into normal form. His answer is: "x^2+5x+3=0" - The student must solve the following task: "Calculate the first derivative of the following function:f(x)=e^x+2x" The dialog and the previous information follows. ALWAYS give your answer in ENGLISH. DIALOGUE: {dialog} INFORMATION: {memory} UPDATED INFORMATION:""" txt_model = gr.Textbox(label="Tutor Model", lines=1, value = "mistralai/mixtral-8x22b-instruct") txt_tutor = gr.Textbox(label="Tutor Personality", lines=4, value = tutor_val) txt_prompt = gr.Textbox(label="Tutor Prompt", lines=4, value = prompt_val) txt_prompt_summary = gr.Textbox(label="Memory Prompt", lines=4, value = base_prompt_summary) chat = gr.Textbox(label="Chat", lines=10, interactive=False) txt_input = gr.Textbox(label="New Message", lines=4) btn_submit = gr.Button("Submit") btn_download = gr.DownloadButton(label="Download Dialog", visible=False) txt_memory = gr.Textbox(label="Memory", lines=10, interactive=False, value ="-The Student needs assistance by the tutor") txt_response = gr.Textbox(label="Analysis Tutor", lines=10, interactive=False) fn=next, inputs=[txt_input, txt_model, txt_tutor, txt_prompt, dialog_state_var, txt_prompt_summary, txt_memory, counter_memory], outputs=[chat, dialog_state_var, txt_input, txt_response, btn_download, txt_memory, counter_memory], ) app.launch()