import streamlit as st from PIL import Image, ImageFilter, ImageOps import sys import io import fitz #pip install PyMuPDF def add_border(image, border): img_with_border = ImageOps.expand(image, border=border, fill="black") return img_with_border def add_shadow(image, offset, shadow, border): total_width = image.size[0] + abs(offset[0]) + 2 * border total_height = image.size[1] + abs(offset[1]) + 2 * border back ="RGBA", (total_width, total_height), (0, 0, 0, 0)) shadow ="RGBA", (image.size[0], image.size[1]), (0, 0, 0, 255)) shadow_left = border + max(offset[0], 0) shadow_top = border + max(offset[1], 0) back.alpha_composite(shadow, (shadow_left, shadow_top)) back = back.filter(ImageFilter.GaussianBlur(10)) back.convert("RGBA") img_left = border - min(offset[0], 0) img_top = border - min(offset[1], 0) back.paste(image, (img_left, img_top), image.convert("RGBA")) back.convert("RGBA") return back def stack(images, mode): num_images = len(images) widths, heights = zip(*(i.size for i in images)) if mode == "Unroll": separation = 700 total_width = sum(widths) - separation * (num_images - 1) max_height = max(heights) new_im ="RGBA", (total_width, max_height)) x_offset = total_width - images[0].size[0] for im in images: new_im.alpha_composite(im, (x_offset, 0)) x_offset -= im.size[0] - separation elif mode == "Stack": separation = 10 total_width = widths[0] + separation * (num_images - 1) total_height = heights[0] + separation * (num_images - 1) new_im ="RGBA", (total_width, total_height)) x_offset = total_width - images[0].size[0] y_offset = 0 for im in images: new_im.alpha_composite(im, (x_offset, y_offset)) x_offset -= separation y_offset += separation elif mode == "Cover": new_im = images[-1] return new_im st.set_page_config(page_title="pdf2preview", page_icon="📄", layout="centered", initial_sidebar_state="collapsed", menu_items=None) hide_streamlit_style = """ """ st.markdown(hide_streamlit_style, unsafe_allow_html=True) st.title("PDF ➡️ Preview") col1, col2 = st.columns([1, 6]) with col1:"Pick a layout", ("Unroll", "Stack", "Cover"), key="mode") with col2: st.image("example.png") st.file_uploader("Upload your PDF", type="pdf", key="file") if st.session_state.file is not None: with st.spinner("Processing..."): file ="pdf", zoom = 2 mat = fitz.Matrix(zoom, zoom) num_pages = file.pageCount imgs = [] for page_num in range(num_pages): page = file.load_page(page_num) pix = page.get_pixmap(matrix = mat) data = pix.tobytes("format") img = img_with_border = add_border(img, border=1) img_with_shadow = add_shadow(img_with_border, offset=(0,0), shadow=(0,0,0,255), border=20) imgs.append(img_with_shadow) preview = stack(imgs[::-1], st.session_state.mode) st.image(preview) output = io.BytesIO(), format="PNG") output = output.getvalue() download = st.download_button(label="Download image", data=output, file_name="pdf2preview.png", mime="image/png")