from __future__ import annotations as _annotations import os import asyncio import json import sqlite3 import datetime import fastapi import logfire import time from import AsyncIterator from concurrent.futures.thread import ThreadPoolExecutor from contextlib import asynccontextmanager from dataclasses import dataclass from datetime import datetime, timezone, date from functools import partial from pathlib import Path from typing import Annotated, Any, Callable, Literal, TypeVar from pydantic import BaseModel, Field, ValidationError, model_validator from typing import List, Optional, Dict from fastapi import Depends, Request from fastapi.responses import FileResponse, Response, StreamingResponse from typing_extensions import LiteralString, ParamSpec, TypedDict from pydantic_ai import Agent from pydantic_ai.exceptions import UnexpectedModelBehavior from pydantic_ai.messages import ( ModelMessage, ModelMessagesTypeAdapter, ModelRequest, ModelResponse, TextPart, UserPromptPart, ) from pydantic_ai.models.openai import OpenAIModel model = OpenAIModel( 'gemma-2-2b-it', base_url='http://localhost:1234/v1', api_key='your-local-api-key', ) # 'if-token-present' means nothing will be sent (and the example will work) if you don't have logfire configured logfire.configure(send_to_logfire='if-token-present') class ClinicalNoteResult(BaseModel): entities: list message: str # # Create a system prompt to guide the model system_prompt="Anda adalah dokter medis yang membantu mengekstrak informasi dari catatan klinis. Hasil extract adalah menjadi format JSON" #INI SAJA. SALAH SATU agent = Agent('gemini-1.5-flash', system_prompt=system_prompt) # OK-Gemini #agent = Agent(model) # OK-Lokal THIS_DIR = Path(__file__).parent @asynccontextmanager async def lifespan(_app: fastapi.FastAPI): async with Database.connect() as db: yield {'db': db} app = fastapi.FastAPI(lifespan=lifespan) logfire.instrument_fastapi(app) @app.get('/') async def index() -> FileResponse: return FileResponse((THIS_DIR / 'chat_app.html'), media_type='text/html') @app.get('/chat_app.ts') async def main_ts() -> FileResponse: """Get the raw typescript code, it's compiled in the browser, forgive me.""" return FileResponse((THIS_DIR / 'chat_app.ts'), media_type='text/plain') async def get_db(request: Request) -> Database: return request.state.db @app.get('/chat/') async def get_chat(database: Database = Depends(get_db)) -> Response: msgs = await database.get_messages() return Response( b'\n'.join(json.dumps(to_chat_message(m)).encode('utf-8') for m in msgs), media_type='text/plain', ) class ChatMessage(TypedDict): """Format of messages sent to the browser.""" role: Literal['user', 'model'] timestamp: str content: str def to_chat_message(m: ModelMessage) -> ChatMessage: first_part =[0] if isinstance(m, ModelRequest): first_part =[1] if isinstance(first_part, UserPromptPart): return { 'role': 'user', 'timestamp': first_part.timestamp.isoformat(), 'content': first_part.content, } elif isinstance(m, ModelResponse): if isinstance(first_part, TextPart): return { 'role': 'model', 'timestamp': m.timestamp.isoformat(), 'content': first_part.content, } raise UnexpectedModelBehavior(f'Unexpected message type for chat app: {m}') def to_ds_message(m: ModelMessage) -> ChatMessage: if isinstance(m, ModelRequest): first_part =[1] if isinstance(first_part, UserPromptPart): return { 'role': 'user', 'timestamp': first_part.timestamp.isoformat(), 'content': first_part.content, } elif isinstance(m, ModelResponse): first_part =[0] if isinstance(first_part, TextPart): return { 'role': 'model', 'timestamp': m.timestamp.isoformat(), 'content': first_part.content, } raise UnexpectedModelBehavior(f'Unexpected ds-message type for chat app: {m}')'/chat/') async def post_chat( prompt: Annotated[str, fastapi.Form()], database: Database = Depends(get_db) ) -> StreamingResponse: async def stream_messages(): """Streams new line delimited JSON `Message`s to the client.""" # stream the user prompt so that can be displayed straight away yield ( json.dumps( { 'role': 'user', 'timestamp':, 'content': prompt, } ).encode('utf-8') + b'\n' ) ## get the chat history so far to pass as context to the agent #messages = await database.get_messages() ## run the agent with the user prompt and the chat history async with agent.run_stream(prompt) as result: async for text in # text here is a `str` and the frontend wants # JSON encoded ModelResponse, so we create one m = ModelResponse.from_text(content=text, timestamp=result.timestamp()) yield json.dumps(to_chat_message(m)).encode('utf-8') + b'\n' # add new messages (e.g. the user prompt and the agent response in this case) to the database print("---",result.new_messages_json(),"---") #print("***",prompt,"***") await database.add_messages(result.new_messages_json()) if prompt[0] == "@" : #print("@@@", prompt, "@@@") nn = len(prompt) prompt = prompt[1:nn] print(">>>", prompt, "<<<") return StreamingResponse(stream_messages(), media_type='text/plain') elif prompt[0] != "@" : #print("biasa") return StreamingResponse(stream_messages(), media_type='text/plain') print("** selesai **") return StreamingResponse(stream_messages(), media_type='text/plain') P = ParamSpec('P') R = TypeVar('R') @dataclass class Database: """Rudimentary database to store chat messages in SQLite. The SQLite standard library package is synchronous, so we use a thread pool executor to run queries asynchronously. """ con: sqlite3.Connection _loop: asyncio.AbstractEventLoop _executor: ThreadPoolExecutor @classmethod @asynccontextmanager async def connect( cls, file: Path = THIS_DIR / '.chat_messages.sqlite' ) -> AsyncIterator[Database]: with logfire.span('connect to DB'): loop = asyncio.get_event_loop() executor = ThreadPoolExecutor(max_workers=1) con = await loop.run_in_executor(executor, cls._connect, file) slf = cls(con, loop, executor) try: yield slf finally: await slf._asyncify(con.close) @staticmethod def _connect(file: Path) -> sqlite3.Connection: con = sqlite3.connect(str(file)) con = logfire.instrument_sqlite3(con) cur = con.cursor() cur.execute( 'CREATE TABLE IF NOT EXISTS messages (id INT PRIMARY KEY, message_list TEXT);' ) con.commit() return con async def add_messages(self, messages: bytes): await self._asyncify( self._execute, 'INSERT INTO messages (message_list) VALUES (?);', messages, commit=True, ) await self._asyncify(self.con.commit) async def get_messages(self) -> list[ModelMessage]: c = await self._asyncify( self._execute, 'SELECT message_list FROM messages order by id asc' ) rows = await self._asyncify(c.fetchall) messages: list[ModelMessage] = [] for row in rows: messages.extend(ModelMessagesTypeAdapter.validate_json(row[0])) return messages def _execute( self, sql: LiteralString, *args: Any, commit: bool = False ) -> sqlite3.Cursor: cur = self.con.cursor() cur.execute(sql, args) if commit: self.con.commit() return cur async def _asyncify( self, func: Callable[P, R], *args: P.args, **kwargs: P.kwargs ) -> R: return await self._loop.run_in_executor( # type: ignore self._executor, partial(func, **kwargs), *args, # type: ignore ) if __name__ == '__main__': import uvicorn 'app:app', reload=True, host="", port=7860, reload_dirs=[str(THIS_DIR)] )